



1.时尚用英语怎么说时尚的英语:fashion读音:英 ['fæʃn] 美 ['fæʃn]n. 时尚;风格;样子vt. 形成;塑造词汇搭配:3、design fashions 设计新式样4、follow the fashion 赶时髦相关例句1、She was the queen of fashion during the 60s.她是60年代的时尚女王。

2、Research shows that men are beginning to follow fashion.研究显示,男性也开始像女性那样追求时尚。

3、But our viewers like fashion.但是我们的观众喜欢时尚。

4、And we will get you out of here in an orderly fashion.我将带你们离开这儿,到一个有序的时尚学科去。

5、During that period, the style for men was to wear their hair plastered down on their heads. 在那个时期,男人们的时尚是留平滑头发。

2.时尚的英语单词怎么写共有三个字可用: trend/trendy; fashion/fashionable;及 vogue/in vogue:trendy =时髦的(a)trendy people/clothes;(b)Her mother tries to be trendytrend= 趋势(a)She follows all the latest trends in 服装的流行式样/风尚(a)Are you interested in fashion?;(b)Fashions in music and art are always changing. 风尚fashionable = 时髦的/流行out of fashion =不流行vogue = 时尚 The prevailing fashion; popular :(a) Short hair is the vogue. 时尚(b) leather is the latest vogue;(c) The French style of dress is in vogue just now. 时行的/流行的3.时尚的英文怎么写4."时尚"英文简写怎么写in 是英文in fashion的简称,就是流行,处于时尚潮流尖端的意思。



absolutely!-绝对正确adorable!-可爱极了amazing!-太神了anytime!-随时吩咐almost!-差不多了awful!-好可怕啊after u-您先about when?-大约何时all set?-一切妥当allow me!-让我来baloney!-胡扯!荒谬behave!-放尊重点bingo!-中了boring!-真无聊brovo!-太棒了bullshit!-胡说crazy!-疯了deal!-一言为定disgusting!-好恶心呀drat!-讨厌Encore!-再来一次!Exactly!-完全正确!Fantastic!-妙极了!Farewell!-再见!Fifty-fifty!-对半分!Foul!-犯规了!Fresh!-好有型啊!Gesundheit!-保重!(特别用于对打喷嚏的人说) Gone!-跑了!Gorgeous!-美极了Hopefully!-希望如此!Horrible!-好可怕!Hot!-好辣!Hurrah!-万岁!Hush!-(肃静)嘘!Incredible!-不可思议!Indeed?-真的?Liar!-你撒谎!Lousy!-差劲!Marverllous!-棒极了!Outrageous!-不得了!Please!-拜托了!Probably!-很可能!Present!-到(有)!(用于点名时)Relax!-放轻松点Rats!-差劲!Speaking!-(打电话时)我就是!Still?-仍是这样?Someday!-改天吧!So so!-马马虎虎Satisfied?-满意吗?Stingy!-小气鬼!Superb!-棒极了!Surprise!-给你一个惊喜!Terrible!-好可怕呀Thirsty?-渴吗!Toast!-干杯!Unbelievable!-难以置信!Unisex?-男女通用的?Willingly!-很乐意!。

什么是时尚 What Is Fashion-高中英语作文

什么是时尚 What Is Fashion-高中英语作文

什么是时尚 What Is Fashion-高中英语作文Highschoolstudentswanttohavetheirownstyle,becausetheywantto haveindividuality,theywanttoshowtotheworldthattheyarecoolan dtheonly.Iseemanygirlsmakeupanddressthematureclothesinthesc hoolandtheboyswearthestrangeearstuds.Teenagersdothesebecaus etheythinkitisthefashionandcanpresentthemselves.Inmyopinion ,fashionhasnothingtodowiththeoutlook.Eventhoughsomegirlsmak ethemlooklikethemodels,whattheywearisnotsuitablewiththeirag e.Asahighschoolstudent,itisimportanttodresscomfortably,what theywearshouldshowtheirvitality,thisisthefashion.Fashionisc omfortableandshowspeople’scharacter,makingpeopleconfident.Differentstagehasthediffer entbeauty,thustohasthedifferentfashion.高中生想要拥有自己的风格,因为他们想要有个性,向世界展示他们的酷和唯一。










1. Capsule Wardrobe(精选时尚)这个名词指的是一个由少量经典单品组成的服装系列,它们可以用来创造出无数的新装搭配。

Capsule Wardrobe强调的是服装的精选和多功能性,适合那些希望尽可能少购买不必要服饰的人。

在一个Capsule Wardrobe中,通常会包括一些基本的经典单品,如白衬衫、黑色牛仔裤、中性色连衣裙等。


2. Athleisure(运动休闲)Athleisure是由"athletic"(运动)和"leisure"(休闲)两个词组合而成的,形容的是一种时尚趋势:将运动服饰融入日常休闲装扮中。




3. Slow Fashion(慢时尚)"Slow Fashion"这个名词是对快时尚(fast fashion)的一种回应,它强调可持续性和环保。

Slow Fashion的设计和制造过程更加注重质量、耐用和独特性,与"快时尚"相比注重物品的使用寿命。

Slow Fashion倡导消费者关注服装的来源和生产过程,鼓励选择高质量和有意义的服装。

此外,Slow Fashion也关注传统文化和手工艺,并支持本土设计师和品牌,为时尚行业带来更多多样性和创新。

4. Upcycling(循环再用)Upcycling是回收再利用的一种形式,通过对旧物品进行改造,使之变得具有更高价值和独特性。

时尚英语辞典 Fashion English Dictionary

时尚英语辞典 Fashion English Dictionary

❖可爱 ❖96—97年流行的小巧双肩背、透
明材料的小提包、“水果大餐” 般明亮色彩系列的服饰、露腹式 夏装和超短裙等,都很cute,所 以人称当时流行cute look—“可爱 风貌”
Double Breast
❖ 双排钮
❖ 双排钮是男式上装的款式之一
❖ 双排钮与单排钮本来是男人西装仅有的 几项选择之一
❖ 时装设计师
❖ 对于时装设计师或服装设计师,有过如下定 义:以服装画或实际材料来表现有关服装创 意或构想的人
❖ 设计师的本质是富于创造性。他最重要的工 作是构思。有的设计师又会画又会做,如巴 黎的拉格费尔德;有的设计师会做不会画, 如夏奈尔;有的设计师会画不会做,如纽约 的比尔·布拉斯;有的设计师不会画不会做, 如派瑞·埃立斯;有的设计师会画会做但既 不画又不做,如丽兹·克莱本。但他们都善 于构思和创新
❖ 一个人的着装与他(她)的生活方式
高度相关。得体的着装其实就是与其 生活方式相适应的着装
❖ 世界经济全球化,人们的生活方式也
越来越国际化,所以才h 有了国际化的
时装,即international fashion
Lingerie Look
❖ 内衣外穿风貌
❖ 以内衣特征设计为外衣的 穿着风貌。主要表现为:
❖ For example: The tablecloth was made of beautiful white lace.
❖ 蕾丝,镂空花边
❖ 网眼组织,最早由钩针手工编织,欧美人在女装 特别是晚礼服和婚纱上用得很多。18世纪,欧 洲宫廷和贵族男性在袖口、领襟和袜沿也曾大 量使用


拍摄技巧 (Photograng) • 构图 (Composition) • 色彩搭配 (Color matching) • 动态捕捉 (Action capture)
杂志内容 (Magazine content)
应用场景 (Application scenario)
• 职场交流 (Career communication) • 社交活动 (Social activity) • 时尚购物 (Fashion shopping) • 跨国合作 (International collaboration)
• 棉 (Cotton) • 丝绸 (Silk) • 麻 (Linen) • 羊毛 (Wool)
03 服装尺寸 (Size)
• 小号 (Small) • 中号 (Medium) • 大号 (Large) • 加大号 (Extra large)
首饰 (Jewelry)
• 手链 (Bracelet) • 项链 (Necklace) • 耳环 (Earring) • 戒指 (Ring)
01 服装款式 (Fashion styles)
• 连衣裙 (Dress) • 西装 (Suit) • 牛仔裤 (Jeans) • T恤 (T-shirt)
02 服装面料 (Fabric)
语音特点 (Phonetic feature)
• 发音 (Pronunciation) • 语调 (Intonation) • 重音 (Accent) • 音标 (Pronunciation symbol)



时尚的英语怎么拼写随着生活水平的逐渐提高,现在我们很多人都喜欢追求时尚,那么让你知道时尚的英语怎么写吗?下面是店铺为你整理的时尚的英语拼写方法,希望大家喜欢!时尚的英语拼写方法1.fashion2.style3.vogue4.fad5.modefashion的用法,时装; 时装领域,时尚界; 方式,方法;vt.制作,塑造; 使适应;1. Many of the clothes come from the world's top fashion houses.这些服装中有很多出自世界顶级时装设计公司。

2. We are becoming one of the market leaders in the fashion industry.我们正在成为时装业的领军者之一。

3. Queen Mary started the fashion for blue and white china in England.玛丽女王开启了青花瓷在英格兰的流行风尚。

4. All new fashion starts out as a reaction against existing convention.所有新时尚都是从打破现有常规开始的。

5. Gucci will be holding fashion shows to present their autumn collection.古奇将举办时装发布会推出他们的秋装系列。

6. There are 20 full-colour pages of fashion for men.书中有20张有关男性时尚的彩色插页。

7. She could not maintain her balance and moved in a wobbly fashion.她无法保持平衡,走路颤颤巍巍。

8. She was educated — after a fashion — at home.她算得上是受过教育——家庭教育。

时尚 英语ppt

时尚 英语ppt
• Fashion is the art full of vigour(活力)and never out of date.Fashion is an elusive(可 望不可即的)insiration full of ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้assion and fantasy(幻想).
• Fashion is a kind of beauty and a symbol, must give present and future generations a deep impression and guiding significance of the symbol
• Girls liked to read fashion magazines, but they contacted the fashion (Beauty and facial) spending too much beyond their affordability, only very few people can do those things associated with fashion.
Fashion together with you
fashion=vogue(流行) fashion=luxury and waste(奢华和浪费) fashion=dress and facial(服饰与美容)
fashion is only for making oneself conspicuous (标新立异)
• Fashion brings people a pleasant mood and elegant(优雅), pure(纯粹), taste and extraordinary feeling, giving people different temperament and charm(气质和神韵) to reflect the extraordinary quality of life,and show off our personality. We also realize that the human pursuit of fashion, to promote better human life, on spiritual and material aspects.





moder n stylish简约时尚的英语例句低轮廓设计,简约时尚,超薄型设计,操作方便。

Low-profile design, simple and stylish, ultra-slim design,easy to operate.低轮廓设计,简约时尚,超薄型设计,操作方便。

Low profile desig n, simple fashi on, ultra-thin desig n, convenient operati on.三角型的前大灯组配以简约时尚的进气格栅,勾勒出一种内敛的逼人霸气。

The triangular headlights simple fashion group with the in take grille, outl ined an aggressive press ing the in troverted .运用国际最新的流行色调,外观设计简约时尚、线条简洁流畅,充分展现了现代生活的优雅与浪漫。

It adopts the latest fashi on able color style in the world, with simple and stylistdesign and clear and smooth figure, fully show ing the elega nee and roma nee ofmoder n life.简约时尚的情感装饰风格首选,用丰富的色彩诠释另一种立体的生活印象。

Choose simple and fashi on able affective deeorati on style, and anno tate ano therk ind of stereoscopic life impressi on with abundant color.走简约时尚的设计之路,灵感自由释放,给人们创造一个心灵渴望的空间。



1. Fashionable - 时髦的,时尚的
例句:She is always dressed in fashionable clothes. 她总是穿很时尚的衣服。

2. Stylish - 有型的,时尚的
例句:The model is wearing a stylish dress. 这个模特穿着一件很时尚的连衣裙。

3. Trendy - 流行的,时髦的
例句:This trendy handbag is very popular this season. 这个时髦的手提包这个季节非常流行。

4. In fashion - 流行的
例句:Small accessories are in fashion this year. 这一年小配件都是流行元素。

5. Faddish - 流行的,时髦的
例句:Faddish clothes come and go very quickly. 时尚的衣服变化很快。

6. À la mode - 按照时尚的,流行的
例句: The àla mode style keeps changing every season. 流行风格每个季节都在变。








That sort of life style has come to stay whether you approve of not.《时尚》是美国很流行的杂志。

Fashion is a very popular magazine in America.当即,炼金术士的披风和蒸馏罐马上成为荣登时尚杂志封面的时尚标志,其价格也毫不犹豫地立刻扶摇直上。

The price of alchemist capes and retorts skyrocketed.柔软的皮质,时尚大方的设计,冬季里简单的时尚新品。

Soft leather as well as fashion design creates this simple fashion product.时尚分析指的是对于时尚界流行趋势的研究.Fashion analysis refers to a study of trends in the fashionindustry.审美时尚以社会时尚为背景,以社会文化思潮为情感动力。

It is set on the background of social fashion and motivated by social culture.产品-纺织,时尚,服装,鞋袜/时尚/家纺产品We produce cushion tapestry kits of many designs.这个新的时尚宠儿是不是和那个时尚的瘾君子相像呢?Is this new chic homeless look similar to the high fashion heroin addict look?如果对时尚理解不透,就容易由新潮的着装沦为可笑的装束,最终被人讥讽为时尚的牺牲者。






一、服装类词汇1. Fashion(时尚)- 表示流行的风格或潮流趋势。

e.g. Fashion designers always keep up with the latest trends.(时装设计师总是跟上最新的潮流趋势。

)2. Style(风格)- 表示个人或物品的特定特征或外观。

e.g. She has a unique style that sets her apart from others.(她有一种独特的风格,使她与众不同。

)3. Trend(潮流)- 表示一段时间内流行的风格或模式。

e.g. This season, bright colors are the trend.(这个季节,亮色是潮流。

)4. Designer(设计师)- 表示专门设计时尚服装的人。

e.g. She dreams of becoming a fashion designer one day.(她梦想有朝一日成为时装设计师。

)5. Couture(高级定制)- 表示使用高级工艺和材料制作的定制服装。

e.g. The couture dresses showcased on the runway were breathtaking.(舞台上展示的高级定制服装令人叹为观止。

)二、配饰类词汇1. Accessory(配饰)- 表示与服装搭配的装饰品。

e.g. A statement necklace can be a great accessory to complete your outfit.(吊坠项链可以是完美搭配你服装的好配饰。

)2. Handbag(手提包)- 表示女性常用的大型包袋。

e.g. She always carries a designer handbag wherever she goes.(她无论去哪儿都带着一个设计师手提包。



流行时尚英语怎么拼写推荐文章要怎么去自学英语热度:情况如下的英语怎么写热度:怎么才能学好高中英语热度:英语课堂笔记怎么做热度:怎么才能学好英语的学习方法热度:既包含了流行,又包含了时尚的英语,你第一个想起的是?下面是店铺给大家整理的流行时尚英语怎么拼写,供大家参阅!流行时尚英语怎么拼写英 [ˈfæʃnəbl] 美 [ˈfæʃənəbəl]fashionable流行的双语例句1. Queen Mary started the fashion for blue and white china in England.玛丽女王开启了青花瓷在英格兰的流行风尚。

2. She has some cockeyed delusions about becoming a pop star.她还幻想着自己能成为流行歌星。

3. The fusty old establishment refused to recognise the demand for popular music.这一古板的老旧机构拒绝承认人们对流行音乐的需求。

4. People's lifestyles are usually fixed by generational habits and fashions.人们的生活方式通常取决于那一代的生活习惯和流行时尚。

5. Howard wanted to be a popular singer, but stage fright crippled him.霍华德想成为流行歌手,但因怯场而心生畏惧。

6. The bicycle reigned supreme as Britain's most popular mode of transport.当时自行车是英国最流行的交通工具。

7. Pop music doesn't have to be trash, it can be art.流行音乐不必非得是垃圾,也可以是艺术。

2023年最新的时尚英语怎么说 翻译

2023年最新的时尚英语怎么说 翻译



Only Marilyn has proved as enduring a fashion icon.书中有20张有关男性时尚的彩色插页。

There are 20 full-colour pages of fashion for men.不管你赞成与否,那种生活方式已成为时尚。

That sort of life style has come to stay whether you approve of not. 《时尚》是美国很流行的杂志。

The price of alchemist capes and retorts skyrocketed.柔软的皮质,时尚大方的设计,冬季里简单的时尚新品。

Soft leather as well as fashion design creates this simple fashion product.时尚分析指的是对于时尚界流行趋势的研究.Fashion analysis refers to a study of trends in the fashion industry.审美时尚以社会时尚为背景,以社会文化思潮为情感动力。

It is set on the background of social fashion and motivated by social culture.产品-纺织,时尚,服装,鞋袜/时尚/家纺产品We produce cushion tapestry kits of many designs.这个新的时尚宠儿是不是和那个时尚的瘾君子相像呢Is this new chic homeless look similar to the high fashion heroin addict look如果对时尚理解不透,就容易由新潮的着装沦为可笑的装束,最终被人讥讽为时尚的牺牲者。





1. Dress up:打扮得漂漂亮亮的意思,通常用于特别场合或重要场合。

2. Dress down:穿得比较休闲或舒适的意思,通常用于非正式场合或日常生活中。

3. Dress to impress:穿着得体、引人注目的意思,通常用于正式或重要场合。

4. Dress code:指定的穿着规定,通常用于工作场合或特殊活动中。

5. Fashion statement:时尚宣言,指人们通过自己的穿着表达自己的时尚态度和个性。

6. Trendy:时尚的、流行的,通常用于描述服装、饰品等。

7. Casual:休闲的、随意的,通常用于描述穿着。

8. Formal:正式的、庄重的,通常用于描述穿着。

9. Accessory:配件,例如帽子、手套、项链等。

10. Designer label:设计师品牌,指高档时装品牌。






一、服装与饰品1. Fashion(时尚)- The popular style or practice, especially in clothing, footwear, accessories, makeup, or body piercing.2. Style(风格)- A distinctive appearance, design, or fashion, typically one that is fashionable or currently popular.3. Trend(时尚潮流)- A general direction in which something is developing or changing.4. Designer(设计师)- A person who plans the form, look, or workings of something before its being made or built, typically by drawing it in detail.5. Collection(系列)- A set of new designs, typically for a specific season or occasion, produced by a fashion designer or brand.6. Haute couture(高级定制)- The creation of exclusive custom-fitted clothing.7. Accessory(配饰)- A thing that can be added to something else to enhance or complete it, such as jewelry, handbags, or scarves.8. Runway(时装秀T台)- A narrow platform along which models walk to display clothes before an audience.9. Vintage(复古风)- Denoting something from the past of high quality, especially something representing the best of its kind.10. Statement piece(突出的单品)- A bold, eye-catching item of clothing or accessory that draws attention and makes a statement.二、时尚事件与活动1. Fashion show(时装秀)- A show or spectacle arranged as a presentation of glamorous clothing.2. Red carpet(红毯)- A long, narrow red carpet laid on the ground for someone on an important or ceremonial occasion to walk on.3. Fashion Week(时装周)- A fashion industry event lasting approximately one week, which allows fashion designers, brands, or fashion houses to display their latest collections in runway shows and buyers and the media to take a look at the latest trends.4. Fashion blogger(时尚博主)- An individual who uses a blog to showcase their personal fashion style, give fashion advice, and share insights about the fashion industry.5. Street style(街拍风格)- Fashion that is considered to have emerged not from studios, but from the grassroots streetwear. It is commonly associated with youth culture, and is often seen on the streets of major cities.6. Fashion magazine(时尚杂志)- A magazine that focuses on the latest trends and developments in the fashion industry, including fashion shows, designers, and style tips.7. Fashion icon(时尚偶像)- A person who is highly influential in the fashion industry and widely recognized for their sense of style and fashion choices.三、时尚词汇与用语1. Chic(时髦的)- Elegantly and stylishly fashionable.2. Trendy(潮流的)- Very fashionable or up to date in style or influence.3. Couture(时装高级定制)- The design and manufacture of fashionable clothes to a client's specific requirements and measurements.4. Refined(精致的)- Elegant and cultured in appearance, manners, or taste.5. Avant-garde(前卫)- New and unusual or experimental ideas, especially in the arts or the people introducing them.6. Edgy(前卫犀利的)- Having a bold or provocative quality, often associated with contemporary or unconventional fashion.7. Minimalist(极简主义)- Characterized by simplicity and a lack of adornment or unnecessary details.8. Bohemian(波西米亚风格)- A person who has informal and unconventional social habits, especially an artist or writer.9. Glamorous(富有魅力的)- Full of glamour; charmingly or fascinatingly attractive, especially in a mysterious or magical way.10. Streetwear(街头时尚)- Casual clothing that reflects the lifestyles of young people, often associated with urban fashion and street culture.时尚英语词汇丰富多样,可以帮助我们更好地描述时尚趋势、讨论喜爱的设计师或品牌,并与他人交流时尚观点。



时尚的英文是什么小写字母对于你来说什么是时尚?时尚用小写的英文字母拼写出来是?下面是店铺给大家整理的时尚的英文是什么用小写字母,供大家参阅!时尚的英文是什么用小写字母fashion英 [ˈfæʃn]美 [ˈfæʃən]时尚的英语例句1. She has had many credits and name-checks in American Vogue.美国版《时尚》多次对她进行赞扬或是提到她的名字。

2. Having children was the quickest way to lose your street cred.生孩子是使自己不再年轻时尚的最快方法。

3. It's fashionable but wearable, and it's easy to look after.它既时尚又耐穿,而且容易打理。

4. All new fashion starts out as a reaction against existing convention.所有新时尚都是从打破现有常规开始的。

5. Its shops are among the most stylish on the Continent.其店铺跻身欧陆最时尚的店铺之列。

6. Laura landed a plum job with a smart art gallery.劳拉在一家时尚画廊找到了份美差。

7. T-shirts now seem almost de rigueur in the West End.T恤衫现在几乎成了伦敦西区时尚人士的必备之物。

8. People's lifestyles are usually fixed by generational habits and fashions.人们的生活方式通常取决于那一代的生活习惯和流行时尚。

9. There are 20 full-colour pages of fashion for men.书中有20张有关男性时尚的彩色插页。



2. Fashionista –时尚达人,追求时尚的人
3. Shoe addict –鞋迷,对鞋子有着无尽的热爱
4. Hat-trick –一连三个成就,通常指穿着三件相称的衣物
5. Threadbare –破旧的,指衣服穿烂了
6. Fashion victim –时尚牺牲品,被时尚所迷惑,不愿意穿自己喜欢的衣服
7. Arm candy –指搭配服装的饰品,例如手表、手链、耳环等
8. Dressed to the nines –穿着一身华丽的服装
9. Style icon –时尚偶像,具有时尚感和影响力的人
10. Trendsetter –时尚引领者,带动时尚潮流的人

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1. Trendsetter(引领潮流者)Trendsetter是时尚界常用的术语,指的是那些能够引领潮流、影响他人的人物。


例如,伊丽莎白·哈莉(Elizabeth Hurley)是一位备受推崇的时尚界Trendsetter。

2. Fashionista(时尚达人)Fashionista是指对时尚有着极高敏感度,并且经常关注和追求最新的时尚趋势的人。



3. Haute couture(高级定制)Haute couture是指高级时装的设计与制作。


Haute couture 通常都会在时装周等重要时尚活动上展示,代表着时尚和奢华的极致。

4. Pret-a-porter(即时服装)Pret-a-porter,也被称为成衣,是指量产的时装。

与Haute couture不同,Pret-a-porter的设计和制作更注重商业性,并在专卖店和网络上销售。


5. Runway(时装秀)Runway是指时装秀的舞台,也被称为T台。



6. Capsule collection(胶囊系列)Capsule collection是指一系列联合推出的特别款式,通常是限量发售,并在特定场合或特定时间上市。

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TOP 01 What's up?有什么新鲜事吗?TOP 02 Hey, give me five.嗨,好啊!TOP 03 Pissed off很生气TOP 04 Get out of my face!离远一点,别烦我!TOP 05 Chill out!别烦躁!冷静点!TOP 06 Bomb搞砸了TOP 07 Freak out大发脾气TOP 08 Flip out吓呆了;发疯TOP 09 Knock it off!停止!TOP 10 Drive me nuts把我逼疯了TOP 11 Cut class逃课TOP 12 Give me a break!别开玩笑了!TOP 13 Get out of here!别骗了!别开玩笑了!TOP 14 Kiss up to拍马屁;巴结TOP 15 Ace a test考得很好TOP 16 Go with someone与固定的人约会TOP 17 Have a crush on someone爱上某人TOP 18 Be crazy about为之疯狂;爱上TOP 19 Head over heels从头到脚;完全地TOP 20 Flit around满场飞;花蝴蝶TOP 21 Flirt with送秋波;眉来眼去TOP 22 Flirt爱招摇的人;爱出风头的人TOP 23 Gag me!真令我恶心!TOP 24 Totally 真的很……TOP 25 You can say that again.你说对了。

TOP 26 In a row连续的TOP 27 I'll say.我也有同感。

TOP 28 Fall apart崩溃;解散TOP 29 Fed up受不了了TOP 30 Dump him/her甩掉他/她TOP 31 Break up男女朋友吹了TOP 32 Are you kidding?你在开玩笑吗?TOP 33 Hot很抢手;很酷;很性感TOP 34 Beats me.我不知道。

TOP 35 What the heck is this?这到底是什么?TOP 36 Stuff东西TOP 37 Have a heart有点良心;发发善心TOP 38 Just go for it.放手去做。

TOP 39 Gross真恶心TOP 40 Dude老哥;老兄TOP 41 Get real!认清现实,别做梦了!TOP 42 Chick女孩TOP 43 Man!哇塞!TOP 44 No way!免谈!TOP 45 Have you lost it?你疯了?TOP 46 Rip-off敲竹杠TOP 47 BUCk元TOP 48 Broke没钱;没现金TOP 49 Window商店的橱窗TOP 50 Drop-dead gorgeous棒极了TOP 51 Holy cow!我的天啊!TOP 52 Talk about...那真是……TOP 53 Hold it down小声点∙∙TOP 54 In fashion正流行TOP 55 Burned up很生气TOP 56 Bug惹烦;惹恼TOP 57 Push someone's buttons惹火对方TOP 58 Have a screw loose头脑有问题;短路TOP 59 It's on me.我请客。

TOP 60 Set foot in somewhere涉足于某场所TOP 61 Yummy很好吃;味道不错TOP 62 Hello!有没有搞错!TOP 63 Dough钱TOP 64 John马桶TOP 65 Go to the bathroom上厕所TOP 66 Hit大热门;最抢眼;最抢手TOP 67 Green新手;没经验TOP 68 Dirt闲话语言TOP 69 Dirty joke黄色笑话TOP 70 Bullshit鬼话连篇!TOP 71 Cop警察TOP 72 Freeze!别动!TOP 73 Come down on someone责备;责骂;批评TOP 74 Rag on someone责怪;责骂TOP 75 Chicken out临阵退缩TOP 76 Grounded被禁止;被罚不准TOP 77 Bummer真倒霉TOP 78 Let someone down令人失望TOP 79 Up to no good惹事生非TOP 80 Dweeb笨蛋;令人讨厌的人TOP 81 Get lost迷路;走失了;走开TOP 82 Zit青春痘TOP 83 Hang out瞎混TOP 84 Hang out with...跟某人一起瞎混TOP 85 Get on my nerves惹我厌烦;令我神经紧张TOP 86 Clean up one's act好好表现;改善行为TOP 87 Two thumbs up!非常好!TOP 88 Hold your tongue!不要再说!TOP 89 Take a nose dive直线下降TOP 90 No-show失约;不来TOP 91 Put up with something忍受TOP 92 Bean brain蠢材;没脑筋TOP 93 Big-mouth口没遮拦;大嘴巴TOP 94 Red-hot红得发紫;抢手TOP 95 Hardcore!很难的课程;帅啊!TOP 96 Out of the blue毫无来由;不知从哪里冒出来TOP 97 Scream热闹;有意思TOP 98 Corny陈腔滥调TOP 99 Uh, oh!唉呀!糟糕!TOP 100 Brother!唉呀!帮个忙!拜托!六条时尚英语词汇in & outIn 在英语里往往表示时尚,比如what's in at the moment? 意思就是“现在正流行什么?”你可能也会听到人们谈到the in-thing,它指那些“现在流行、时尚的东西”,并不局限于时装,还包含音乐,语言表达等。


baggyBaggy 表示衣服穿着很宽松,有的时候流行的是宽松类型的衣服,并不代表衣服不合身,比方说很多人喜欢穿的bell-bottom(喇叭裤)。

在裁衣店做衣服的时候,你也可以对老板说,Make it baggy style , please.(请做成宽松的式样)。

high street fashionHigh street fashion 可不是指价格昂贵的顶级名牌时装,它的意思是指Clothes bought from one of the many chain fashion shops that you typically see in all towns across the nation(平价时装)。

High street一般指商业街,不过不是所有商业街上的时装店卖的都是high street fashion时装。

dress up & dress downDress up的意思是“精心打扮,盛装”,而dress down意思就是“穿得很普通,没有特意打扮自己”。

另外,dress to kill,dress to the nines 和doll up都可以用来形容“穿得非常漂亮”。

例如:There's no need to dress up-come as you are.(用不着打扮,就穿平时的衣服来吧)。

all the rage如果什么东西现在非常时尚,就可以用这个词来形容。

比如有人说喜欢你的拎包,你可以回答说That style is all the rage at the moment. 这个包的款式现在非常流行。

skinny jeansskinny jeans是一个流行款式,是很紧身的牛仔裤,要瘦的人穿着才好看。

常用手机英文和英文缩写:Front cover手机盖Display screen 屏幕Battery status 电力状态Antenna 天线Receiver 受话听筒Dial button 拨号键Disconnect button 结束键Keyboard 键盘Star key 米字键Pound key 井字键ASPAP = as soon as possible 尽快BTW = by the way 顺便提一句CU = see you 再见FYI = for your information 供参考IC = I see 我知道了LOL = laughing out loud 大笑RU? = are you? 是你吗?THX = thanks 谢谢1楼thanks ——thx——gonna——wannacan not ——cannotbeacuse——becoz(coz)you——ulove——luvto——2for——4and so on——etcFYI= for your informationyour=urlmao= laugh my ass off笑死我了wut=whatu/ya=yougimme=give mettul=talk to you /u laterluv=love4eva=foreverb=beoic=oh i seey=whyhappy=hapijst=justn=andur=yourwf=withg9=good nightliv=livebak=backsum=somebro=brothersis=sisterkul=coolgud=goodsory=sorrycnt=cannotdnt=do notrite=rightal=allwat=whatliab=liabraryles=lesbian。
