

Keep right and in order when using the staircase.2.轻声慢步,文明礼貌。
Speak gently, walk slowly and keep good manners.3.不冲撞疯打,不滑行拥堵Be quiet and in order.4.课间活动,讲究文明Cultivate civility when doing activities.5.上下楼梯,注意安全。
Keep safe when using the staircase.6.不讲粗话不骂人,不乱丢来不乱扔。
Speak politely and keep clean.7.防滑防摔防坠防挤Watch out when walking and running.8.防磕磕碰碰,防意外伤害。
Keep away the collision and the unintentional injury.9.千教万教,教人求知,千学万学,学做真人。
The reason for education is to seek knowledge.The reason for study is to be a true man.10.你不能改变容颜但可以展现笑容You can’t change the appearance but you can show the smile. 11你不能左右天气但可以改变心情You can’t control the weather but you can change your mood.12.你不能预知明天但可以把握今天You can’t foresee tomorrow but you can hold today.13.兴趣是最好的老师。
Interest is the best teacher.兴趣源于天赋。
Interest originates from genius.兴趣在于激发培养Interest lies in stimulating and developing.14.创新热情在这里激发,创新意识在这里实现。

国际范儿小学生文明礼貌用语中英文对照1.Hello ! 你好!2.How are you ? 你好吗?3.Good morning . 早上好!4.Good morning, teacher ! 老师好!5.Good afternoon. 下午好!6.Goodbye. 再见。
7.See you later. 一会儿见。
8.See you tomorrow. 明天见。
9.Welcome to our school. 欢迎来到我们学校。
10.Glad to meet you . 见到你很高兴。
11.Welcome here next time. 欢迎下次再来。
12.You first, please. 您先请。
13.Please walk slowly. 请慢走。
14.Excuse me . 打扰一下。
)15.I ‘m not intentional. Please forgive me . 我不是故意的,请原谅。
16.Sorry. 对不起。
17.Not at all. 没关系。
18.Can I help you ? 我能帮助你吗?19.Thank you . 谢谢。
20.Thanks ,I can manage it . 谢谢,但我自己能行。
21.No thanks. 不用,谢谢。
22.T ake it easy. 别着急。
23.Could you do me a favor? 可以帮帮我吗?24.No problem. 没问题。
25.Don’t worry. I will help you. 别担心,我会帮你的。
26.It’s my pleasure to help yo u . 我很愿意帮助你。
27.Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。
28.It’s my pleasure. 这是我应该做的。
29.Please tell me. 麻烦你告诉我一下。

Morality is the herd instinct in theindividual.道德是个人心目中的群居本能.Virtue is fairer far than beauty.美德远远胜于美貌.Virtue is a jewel of great price.美德乃是无价宝.We are able to learn a lot from others if we get along well with them.如果我们能够与人友好相处,我们就能够从他们身上学到很多东西.Getting on well with other is a kind of good character.与人友好相处是一种美好的品质.1、Good morning . 早上好 !2、Good afternoon. 下午好!3、Goodbye. 再见。
4、See you later. 一会儿见。
5、See you tomorrow. 明天见。
6、Welcome to our school. 欢迎来到我们学校。
7、Glad to meet you . 见到你很高兴。
8、Welcome here next time. 欢迎下次再来。
9、You first ,please. 您先请。
10、Please walk slowly. 请慢走。
11、Excuse me . 打扰一下。
)12、I ‘m not intentional. Please forgive me . 我不是故意的,请原谅。
13、Sorry. 对不起。
14、Not at all. 没关系。
15、Can I help you ? 我能帮助你吗?16、Thank you . 谢谢。
17、Thanks ,I can manage it . 谢谢,但我自己能行。
18、No thanks. 不用,谢谢。
19、Take it easy. 别着急。

英语校园日常礼貌用语1.Welcome!欢迎!2.Welcome to our school! 欢迎来到我们学校!3. Hello. 你好。
Hi .你好。
4. Good morning. 早上好。
5. Good afternoon.下午好。
6. Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。
7. Thank you. 谢谢你。
Thank you very much. 非常感谢。
8. You are welcome. 不用谢。
9. Goodbye. 再见。
See you. 再见。
10. Sorry. 对不起。
11. It’s OK. 没关系。
That’s OK. 没关系。
12. Excuse me. 打扰了。
13. After you . 你先走。
14. This way, please. 请走这边。
15. Walk on the right side.请靠右走。
16. Don’t push on the stairway.不要在楼道拥挤。
17. Come in, please. 请进。
18. Sit down, please.请坐。
19. Silence,please.请安静。
20. No problem.没问题。
21. Hurry up!赶快!22. Let me help you. 让我来帮助你。
23. Come on! 加油!24. Watch out! 当心! Look out! 当心!25. Follow me,please. 请跟我来。
26. Take it easy.别着急。

学生文明礼貌用语(中英文对照)话题:文明礼貌用语教育学习文明礼貌用语1.Hello ! 你好!2.How are you ? 客(叔叔好。
)3.Good morning . 早上好!4.Good 人好!morning, teacher ! 老师好!5.Good afternoon. 下午好!6.Goodbye. 再见。
7.See you later. 一会儿见。
8.See youtomorrow. 明天见。
9.Welcome to our school. 欢迎来到我们学校。
10.Glad to meet you . 见到你很高兴。
11.Welcome herenext time. 欢迎下次再来。
12.You first ,please. 您先请。
13.Please walk slowly. 请慢走。
14.Excuse me . 打扰一下。
)15.I ‘m not intentional. Please forgiveme . 我不是故意的,请原谅。
16.Sorry. 对不起。
17.Not atall. 没关系。
18.Can I help you ? 我能帮助你吗?19.Thankyou . 谢谢。
20.Thanks ,I can manage it . 谢谢,但我自己能行。
21.No thanks. 不用,谢谢。
22.Take it easy. 别着急。
23.Could you do me a favour? 可以帮帮我吗?24.Noproblem. 没问题。
25.Don’t worry. I will help you. 别担心,我会帮你的。
26.It’s my pleasure to help you . 我很愿意帮助你。
27.Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。
28.It’s my pleasure. 这是我应该做的。
29.Please tell me. 麻烦你告诉我一下。

文明礼仪标语中英文Civility and etiquette are essential components of a harmonious society. 文明礼仪是和谐社会的重要组成部分。
Respect and courtesy towards others not only reflect one's upbringing but also contributeto a peaceful coexistence among diverse individuals. 尊重和礼貌不仅体现一个人的教养,还有助于不同个体之间和平相处。
In today's fast-paced and often chaotic world, the practice of good manners and civility seems to be increasingly forgotten. 在当今快节奏且混乱的世界中,遵循良好的礼仪和文明的实践似乎日益被遗忘。
It is imperative that we rediscover the importance of civility and incorporate it into our daily interactions with others. 我们迫切需要重新认识文明礼仪的重要性,并将其融入到我们日常与他人的互动中。
One of the key aspects of practicing civility is showing respect towards others regardless of their background or beliefs. 尊重他人是实践文明礼仪的关键方面之一,无论其背景或信仰如何。
By treating each individual with kindness and consideration, we can create a more inclusive and accepting community. 通过善待每个个体并加以考虑,我们可以创造一个更具包容性和接纳性的社区。
【优质】常见的英语文明礼仪用语-word范文 (4页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==常见的英语文明礼仪用语跟外国人打交道时,我们的礼仪不能忽视,下面是小编搜集整理的常见的英语文明礼仪用语,欢迎阅读。
常见的英语文明礼仪用语一1、Hello ! 你好!2、How are you ? 客人好!(叔叔好。
)3、Good morning . 早上好 !4、Good morning, teacher ! 老师好 !5、Good afternoon. 下午好!6、Goodbye. 再见。
7、See you later. 一会儿见。
8、See you tomorrow. 明天见。
9、Welcome to our school. 欢迎来到我们学校。
10、Glad to meet you . 见到你很高兴。
11、Welcome here next time. 欢迎下次再来。
12、You first ,please. 您先请。
13、Please walk slowly. 请慢走。
14、Excuse me . 打扰一下。
)15、I ‘m not intentional. Please forgive me . 我不是故意的,请原谅。
16、Sorry. 对不起。
17、Not at all. 没关系。
18、Can I help you ? 我能帮助你吗?19、Thank you . 谢谢。
20、Thanks ,I can manage it . 谢谢,但我自己能行。
21、No thanks. 不用,谢谢。
22、Take it easy. 别着急。
23、Could you do me a favour? 可以帮帮我吗?24、No problem. 没问题。
25、Don’t worry. I will help you. 别担心,我会帮你的。

下面是店铺的小编为你们整理的内容,希望你们能够喜欢校园文化标语(中英文)1. 让我们的校园更文明,让我们的心灵更高尚。
Let’s make our campus environment even more civilized and our sour even more exalted.2. 英语常说才流利,汉语常说才练达。
English becomes more fluent with much practice; Chinese becomes more brilliant with much use.3. 静心才能虚心,虚心方可进步。
Stillness in one’s heart can make one modest and modesty can make one progressive.4. 学习的兴趣源于学习的过程。
Enthusiasm for learning is stimulated in the course of learning.5. 乐于学习,善于沟通,敢于承担,勇于创新。
Be keen on learning, good at communicating, courageous in undertaking, and brave in innovating.6. 忌满地挖坑,要钻井出水。
Never give up easily; dig the tunnel through.7. 只有永远的努力,没有永远的成功。
There is no constant success without constant effort.8. 不怕困难,就怕畏难。
Fear not difficulties, but be fuelled by them.9. 把失败当作起点,把成功也当作起点。
Regard both defeat and success as starting blocks.10. 一个人成功的过程就是一个人不断修炼的过程。

文明用语Welcome to our school! 欢迎您来我们学校!Smile,please!请保持微笑!We are happy! 我们真幸福!I’m super! 我真棒!Be quiet, please!请安静!Keep to the right!靠右边走!No littering!不乱扔垃圾!No Spitting!请勿随地吐痰!You first, please! 您先请!Don’t jump . 上下楼,不能跳跃!Please walk slowly. 请慢走!Be polite, please!文明礼貌!Keep in line! 请排队!Shut the door after you!随手关门!Turn off the light before!随手关灯!Please take care of safety!请注意安全!1 No spitting. 请勿随地吐痰3Keep silence. 保持安静4Save energy. 节约能源5Don’t litter. 请勿乱扔杂物6Keep in line. 请排队7Keep off the grass 请勿践踏草坪8Keep to the right 靠右边走9Shut the door after you 随手关门10Turn off the light before 随手关灯11Save food. 节约粮食12Welcome to our school. 欢迎来到我们学校。
13You first, please. 您先请。
15. This way,please. 请这边走。
16.Keep environment tidy,please. 请保持环境卫生。
17 Safety comes to the first. 安全第一。
18. Be quiet, please. 请安静。
21Look before you leap. 三思而行。

日常礼貌用语:1 .Welcome!欢迎!2. Welcome to our school! 欢迎来到我们学校!3. Hello.你好.4. Good morning/ afternoon/ evening .早晨好/下午好/晚上好!.5.Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。
6.Nice to meet you, too. 见到你也很高兴。
7.How are you? 你好吗?8.Fine , thank you. And you? 很好,谢谢。
你好吗?9.I’m fine, too. Thank you. 我也很好。
10.Thank you. / Thank you very much. 谢谢你。
11.You are welcome. 不用谢。
12.Goodbye/ Byebye / Bye/ See you. 再见。
13.See you tomorrow. .明天见。
14.Sorry. 对不起。
15.It’s OK./ That’s OK. 没关系。
16.Excuse me. 打扰了。
17.After you . 你先走.(礼貌用语)日常对话用语:18.In English, Please.请使用英语。
19.What’s your name ? 你叫什么名字?20.My name is Helen. 我叫海伦。
21.How old are you? 你几岁了?22.I’m 10. 我10岁了。
23.What’s this? 这是什么?24.It’s a book. 是一本书。
25.Can I use your pen? 我能用一下你钢笔吗?26.No problem. 没问题。
27.Sure. Here you are. 当然可以。
28.What day is it today? 今天是星期几?29.Today is Monday. 今天是星期一。
30.It’s Tuesday /Wednesday /Thursday /Friday /Saturday /Sunday .星期二、三、四、五、六、日。

英文:Thank you!
发音:[θæŋk juː]
英文:You're welcome!
发音:[jʊˈɜːr ˈwɛlkəm]
英文:I'm sorry.
发音:[aɪm ˈsɒri]
英文:Excuse me.
发音:[ɪkˈskjuːs miː]
英文:Come in, please.
发音:[kʌm ɪn, pliːz]
英文:Excuse me, could you please...
发音:[ɪkˈskjuːs miː, kʊd juː pliːz...]
英文:Excuse me for interrupting.
发音:[ɪkˈskjuːs miː fɔːr ɪnˈtɜːrʌptɪŋ]
英文:Take your time.
发音:[teɪk jʊˈɜːr taɪm]

幼儿园英语文明礼仪用语1、Hello ! 你好!2、How are you ? 客人好!(叔叔好。
/ 阿姨好。
)3、Good morning . 早上好!4、Good morning, teacher ! 老师好!5、Good afternoon. 下午好!6、Goodbye. 再见。
7、See you later. 一会儿见。
8、See you tomorrow. 明天见。
9、Welcome to our school. 欢迎来到我们学校。
10、Glad to meet you . 见到你很高兴。
11、Welcome here next time. 欢迎下次再来。
12、You first ,please. 您先请。
13、Please walk slowly. 请慢走。
14、Excuse me . 打扰一下。
)15、I ‘m not intentional. Please forgive me . 我不是故意的,请原谅。
16、Sorry. 对不起。
17、Not at all. 没关系。
18、Can I help you ? 我能协助你吗?19、Thank you . 谢谢。
Thanks ,I can manage it . No thanks. 不用,谢谢Take it easy. 别着急。
It 's my pleasure to help you . 我很愿意协助你。
Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的协助。
It 's my pleasure. 这是我应该做的。
Please tell me. 麻烦你告诉我一下。
May I ask a question? 我能问你一个问题吗 ?Of course. 当然能够。
Let me think over,please. 请让我想一想。
Add some trouble to you . 给你添麻烦了。

校园标语精选(中英文对照)装饰教室或校园时,说不定可以借鉴一下—1、Offering is life 奉献就是人生2、Discard the old ways of life in favor of the newBe promising and diligent in one’s work革故鼎新奋发图强3、English is the bridge to the world英语是走向世界的桥梁4、Time is life 时间就是生命5、Knowledgeable about the past and present Conversant with the Chinese and west博古通今学贯中西6、Learning English well having bright future学好英语前程灿烂7、Teach students in allowance with their opportunitiesTake advantage of their specialties因材施教发展特长8、Master English you can roam the world精通英语走遍天下9、Develop create and improve together with the time与时俱进开拓创新10、The motherland in heart and the world in eyes胸怀祖国放眼世界11、Solidify your base and richen your knowledgeto improve your ability 厚基础宽知识强能力12、Learn different languages to master the worldCulture 学中外语言通五洲文化4、善学者尽其理,善行者究其难。
Find out how to learn to learn well, Find out how to go to go farther.6、知之者不如行之者。

日常礼貌用语:1 .Welcome!欢迎!2. Welcome to our school! 欢迎来到我们学校!3. Hello.你好.4. Good morning/ afternoon/ evening .早晨好/下午好/晚上好!.5.Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。
6.Nice to meet you, too. 见到你也很高兴。
7.How are you? 你好吗?8.Fine , thank you. And you? 很好,谢谢。
你好吗?9.I’m fine, too. Thank you. 我也很好。
10.Thank you. / Thank you very much. 谢谢你。
11.You are welcome. 不用谢。
12.Goodbye/ Byebye / Bye/ See you. 再见。
13.See you tomorrow. .明天见。
14.Sorry. 对不起。
15.It’s OK./ That’s OK. 没关系。
16.Excuse me. 打扰了。
17.After you . 你先走.(礼貌用语)日常对话用语:18.In English, Please.请使用英语。
19.What’s your name ? 你叫什么名字?20.My name is Xiao Zhang. 我叫小张。
21.How old are you? 你几岁了?22.I’m 20. 我20岁了。
23.What’s this? 这是什么?24.It’s a book. 是一本书。
25.Can I use your pen? 我能用一下你钢笔吗?26.No problem. 没问题。
27.Sure. Here you are. 当然可以。
28.What day is it today? 今天是星期几?29.Today is Monday. 今天是星期一。

文明礼貌标语加自我介绍(中英文版)英文文档:Civilized politeness slogans plus self-introductionIn our society, civilized politeness is of utmost importance.It fosters a harmonious environment and promotes positive relationships.To emphasize this, let us create some civilized politeness slogans:1."Respect others, and they will respect you."2."Kindness is contagious, spread it around."3."Everyone is important, show them that you care."4."Good manners go a long way."5."Be polite, it"s the universal language."ow, allow me to introduce myself.My name is [Your Name], and I am a firm believer in the power of civilized politeness.I am passionate about creating a friendly and respectful atmosphere wherever I go.I enjoy learning about different cultures and their customs, as it helps me understand and appreciate the diversity of the world we live in.中文文档:文明礼貌标语加自我介绍在我们的社会中,文明礼貌至关重要。
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Keep right and in order when using the staircase.
Speak gently, walk slowly and keep good manners.
Be quiet and in order.
Cultivate civility when doing activities.
Keep safe when using the staircase.
Speak politely and keep clean.
Watch out when walking and running.
Keep away the collision and the unintentional injury.
The reason for education is to seek knowledge.
The reason for study is to be a true man.
You can’t change the appearance but you can show the smile. 11你不能左右天气但可以改变心情
You can’t control the weather but you can change your mood.
You can’t foresee tomorrow but you can hold today.
Interest is the best teacher.
Interest originates from genius.
Interest lies in stimulating and developing.
Innovation enthusiasm is aroused here .
Innovation consciousness is achieved here.
或者:Here is a place for you to arouse innovation enthusiasm and achieve innovation consciousness.
Social progress depends on science.
Scientific development depends on knowledge.
Rich knowledge depends on endeavor.。