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dear sarah, i am terribl sorr to tell ou that i am unable to attend our birthda part next thursda evening. that is oing to the fat that m ounger brother suddenl fell ill and as taken to a hospital this morning. i have to go there immediatel and take are of him. as told b the dotor in harge, it ill take around five das for him to reover and i have asked m boss for a leave.i reall regret that i annot go to elebrate our birthda personall and ould miss the perfet hane of enjoing mself ith all our old friends. i have hosen a small gift for ou and ill send it to ou tomorro to sho m best ishes. besides, please give m regards to our friends hen ou meet them at the part.ordiall,li ming范文2 diretions: suppose ou annot see our ounger brother off at the airport as expeted for some reason. rite a letter in about 100 ords to make an apolog to him. do not sign our on name at the end of our letter, using “li ming” instead. 【经典范文】 dear harlie,kindl exuse me for m not being able to see ou off at the airport this saturda as i have promised. ho i ish i ould have the hane to share ith ou m personal feelings and suggestions before ou are XX! i hereb send ou a gift to ish ou good luk. please forgive me.ordiall,li ming范文3

diretions: ou ere unable to attend mr. smit h’s examination on international business english riting beause ou got sik that morning. rite a letter to express the reasons for not being able to attend it and apologize. rite the letter ith no less than 100 ords. do not sign our on name at end of the

le tter. use “ang hua” instead. do not rite the address. 【经典范文】 dear mr. smith, i am indeed ver sorr that i missed the examination on international business english riting ou gave last frida. i feel aful about it and ant ou to kno hat happened that da. i suddenl fell sik earl that morning and m parents had to send me to the hospital. please find enlosed a op of the medial bill. one again, i apologize for an inonveniene aused. sinerel ours,ang hua 范文4 diretions: one of our pen friends, john, ill be visiting our it. hoever, for some reasons, ou an not meet him at the airport on time. rite a letter asking to ait for ou at the airport and tell him ho to reognize ou. our letter should be no less than 100 ords. ou don’t need to rite the address. don’t sign our on name at the end of the letter, use alie instead.dear john,i am eagerl looking forard to our visit to our it. after all these ears of riting to eah other, i an not ait to see ou. hoever, i regret to inform ou that i ill not be able to meet ou at the airport on time.the reason is that our flight ill arrive earl in the morning, and the earliest i
