
中国茶道专业名词英语Chinese Tea Ceremony Professional Terminology in EnglishIntroduction:China's tea culture is renowned worldwide, with a long history and profound traditions. The Chinese Tea Ceremony, also known as Cha Dao, is an art form that encompasses the deep appreciation of tea and the accompanying rituals. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to Chinese Tea Ceremony professional terminology translated into English. By understanding these terms, you can delve into the rich heritage of Chinese tea and enhance your tea-tasting experience.1. Types of Chinese Teas:1.1. Green Tea - 绿茶(lǜ chá)Green tea is the most commonly consumed tea in China. It undergoes minimal oxidation during processing, resulting in its distinct taste and appearance.1.2. Black Tea - 红茶 (hóng chá)Black tea, also known as red tea in China, is fully fermented before being dried. It has a rich flavor and deep red color.1.3. Oolong Tea - 乌龙茶(wū lóng chá)Oolong tea falls between green and black tea in terms of oxidation. It is known for its floral and fruity taste profiles.1.4. White Tea - 白茶 (bái chá)White tea is the least processed tea variety, with minimal oxidation. It offers a delicate and subtle flavor.1.5. Yellow Tea - 黄茶 (huáng chá)Yellow tea is a specialty in China, undergoing a unique processing method that includes slight oxidation and fermentation.1.6. Pu'er Tea - 普洱茶(pǔ'ěr chá)Pu'er tea is a post-fermented tea that is famous for its distinct earthy taste. It originates from the Yunnan province of China.2. Tea Preparation:2.1. Tea Leaves - 茶叶 (chá yè)Refers to the processed leaves of the tea plant Camellia sinensis used for making tea.2.2. Tea Set - 茶具 (chá jù)A collection of utensils, including teapots, tea cups, and tea trays, used for brewing and serving tea.2.3. Infusion - 冲泡(chōng pào)The process of steeping tea leaves in water to extract the flavors and aromas.2.4. Brewing - 泡制 (pào zhì)The method of preparing tea by adding water to the tea leaves and allowing them to steep for a specific period.2.5. Gongfu Tea - 工夫茶(gōng fū chá)A precise and elaborate tea brewing technique that requires skill and precision.3. Tea Tasting and Appreciation:3.1. Aroma - 香气(xiāng qì)The pleasant fragrance that emanates from the brewed tea leaves.3.2. Flavor - 口感(kǒu gǎn)The taste characteristics and sensations experienced when drinking tea, including sweetness, bitterness, and astringency.3.3. Aftertaste - 回甘(huí gān)The lingering taste and sensations that remain in the mouth after swallowing tea.3.4. Tea Evaluation - 茶评 (chá píng)The process of assessing tea quality based on factors such as appearance, aroma, flavor, and overall experience.3.5. Tea Ceremony - 茶艺表演(chá yì biǎo yǎn)A formal presentation and demonstration of the Chinese Tea Ceremony, showcasing the artistry and rituals involved in tea preparation.Conclusion:Understanding the professional terminology related to Chinese Tea Ceremony in English enhances the appreciation and enjoyment of this ancient tradition. By familiarizing yourself with the types of Chinese teas, the tea preparation process, and the terms used in tea tasting and appreciation, you can embark on a journey of exploring the intricacies of Chinese tea culture. So, grab your tea set, steep a cup of your favorite tea, and immerse yourself in the soul-soothing world of Chinese tea. Cheers!。
茶道的专业用语 英语版

茶道的专业用语英语版凉(药)茶herbal tea, medicinal tea粗茶叶 coarse leaves头春茶early spring tea, first season tea头道茶first infusion of tea茶末tea dust茶丸tea ball粉末茶tea powder煎茶fried tea芽茶but-tea新茶fresh tea石专茶brick tea毛茶crudely tea散茶loose tea碎茶broken tea香片perfumed tea茶片,tea siftings花茶scented(jasmine) tea茶叶梗tea stale, tea stem沏新茶making fresh tea上茶offering tea, tea serving淡茶weak tea浓茶strong tea抿茶sipping tea茶园tea garden茶馆tea house茶儿tea table茶篮tea basket滤茶球tea ball减肥茶diet(slimming)tea保健茶tonic tea凉茶精herb ingredients美容茶cosmetic tea人参茶ginseng tea姜茶ginger tea速溶茶instant tea茶叶蛋salty eggs cooked in tea 擂茶mashed tea盖碗茶tea served in a set of cups 茶叶表演tea-serving performance早茶morning tea 茶锈tea stain茶底tea dregs茶脚waste tea茶渣tea grounds茶香tea aroma茶具tea set茶杯tea cup茶盘tea tray茶碟tea saucer茶壶tea pot茶缸tea container紫砂茶壶ceramic tea pot茶叶罐tea caddy茶杯垫coaster茶壶套tea cosy滤茶器tea strainer茶匙teaspoon黑茶、压制茶术语干茶形状术语泥纵条fishery茶条圆直较大,状如泥爆。
茶艺专业英语教学课件Unit 6 Yellow Tea

Unit 6 Part 2 Vocabulary study
Complete the following sentences based on the given Chinese.
(1) Huoshan yellow bud tea is produced in the hinterland (腹地) of Dabie Mountain in Huoshan, Anhui province, and considered as number one tea throughout the local history.
Unit 6 Part 2 Vocabulary study
Fill in the blanks with the words learned above. Change their forms if necessary.
(1) Scientists analyzed the polyphenols in green tea to see how they affect the body once digested.
(5) Although there is a long history in these regions of producing green tea, it’s speculated that yellow tea only began to be recognized in the early Qing Dynasty.
(9) The unique(独特的) quality of tea comes from essential oils that leach flavour and caffeine into a cup of hot water.

考试类型一选择(30分,1分、题)二填图/空(20分,2分/题)三、英译汉(10分,2分/题)四、汉译英(10分,2分/题)五、情景模拟(30分复习资料Loose leaf tea (散茶)Compacted tea (紧压茶)Bing, Cake, 饼茶)Tuocha, Bowl(沱茶) Brick (砖茶)Square (方茶)Mushroom (蘑菇茶、紧茶)Melon, or Gold melon(金瓜茶)茶学专业英语, Specialized English for tea science 普洱茶, Pu-erh tea茶树, tea plant Camellia sinensis 大叶种茶树, Camellia sinensis var. assamica普洱生茶, unfermented pu-erh tea (sheng pu-erh)熟茶, fermented pu-erh tea(shu pu-erh ) 加工工艺, processing method Oxidation, 氧化绿茶, green tea 后发酵茶,post-fermented tea cultivation,栽培贡茶, Tribute tea Tibetan, 西藏consumption, 消费晒青,sun-dried green tea fermentation, 发酵drying,干燥compressing, 压制tea varieties , 茶叶种类Chinese famous tea, 中国名茶producing country, 生产国consumption country,消费国tea utensil (tea ware ), 茶具brew, 冲泡tea art and ceremony, 茶艺茶道tea culture, 茶文化Chinese Ethnic Minorities, 中国少数民族tea cultivation and breeding, 茶树栽培与育种aromatic [͵ærəu'mætik] adj. 芳香的beverage ['bevəridӡ] n. 饮料(如茶、酒、牛奶、汽水、低度汽水等)steep [sti:p] vt. 泡, 浸(in), 浸湿[透]; 沾染; 使专心一意, 使埋头; 笼罩steep the tea in boiling water 用开水泡茶Infuse vt. & vi 浸渍,泡制;泡(茶);bud [bʌd] n. 芽; 萌芽; 芽接; 花蕾twig [twiɡ] n. 小枝, 细枝Camellia sinensis n. 茶树(拉丁名)infuse [in'fju:z] vt..向...注入, 灌输,泡(茶); 泡制(药); 浸渍使充满; 鼓舞; 激发internode [‘intə͵nəud] n. 【植】节间Polyphenole [͵pɔli‘fi:nɔl]n. 多酚microbe (microorganism), 微生物鲜叶,fresh leaf fixing (de-enzyme), 杀青rolling,揉捻drying,干燥withering, 萎凋rotating,摇青herb [hə:b] n. 草, 草本植物; 香草, 药草infusion [in'fju:ӡən] n. 注入; 灌输;泡制; 浸渍; 浸液tisane [ti'zæn] n. 煎药, 汤药cool [ku:l] adj. 凉爽的,冷的bitter ['bitə] adj. 苦味的, 苦涩的astringent [əs'trindӡənt] adj. 收敛的, 止血的flavor ['fleɪvə(r)] n. 味,味道complicate ['kɔmplikeit] vt. 使复杂化,使错综sugar ['∫uɡə] n. 糖; 似糖物sodium ['səudjəm,-diəm] n.【化】钠,食盐calorie ['kæləri] n. 【物】卡(路里)(热量单位) Zen Buddhismde rigueur [dərɪ'ɡз:(r)]adj. 按礼节要求的exquisite ['ekskwizit]adj. 精致的, 高雅的, 优美的workmanship ['wə:kmən∫ip] n. 手艺, 工艺dragon-phoenix ball tea 龙凤团茶Grain Rain 谷雨Steaming蒸baking烘screening ['skri:niŋ]n. 筛除法, 筛分[选], 过筛squeezing n. 压榨grind [ɡraind]vt. 磨[碾]碎grinding ['ɡraindiŋ]n. 研磨; 磨光[碎]; 制粉roasting ['rəustiŋ]n. 煅烧, 焙烧regularly ['reɡjʊləlɪ]adv. 定期地contestant [kən'testənt]n. 竞争者;竞赛参加者scrape [skreɪp] vt., vi. 刮,削;擦;砍coating ['kəutiŋ]n. 涂,镀,敷,覆盖sieve [siv]n. (细眼)筛, 滤网, 漏杓paste [peist]n. 浆糊; 面团;糊状物; 软膏froth [frɔθ,frɔ:θ]n. 泡沫declare [di'klεə]vt. 宣布, 宣告, 声称subside səb'said]vi. 下沉, 沉落; 沉淀underneath [͵ʌndə'ni:θ]prep. 在[向]...的下面[底下]cauldron ['kɔ:ldrən]n. 大锅spout [spaut]vt. 喷出, 喷射intellectual [͵inti'lektjuəl]n. 知识分子; 有知识者monk [mʌŋk]n. 僧侣, 修道士,【史】隐士whipping 搅打; 振荡connoisseur [͵kɔni'sə:]n. (美术品的)鉴定家,行家,权威Taoists n. 道家, 道教徒prose prəuz]n. 散文precious ['pre∫əs]adj. 宝贵的, 贵重的ceremony ['seriməni]n. 典礼, 仪式Instant tea 速溶茶茶叶种植园tea plantationsnTea bag 袋泡茶Tea turned from a medicine into a beverage during Qin, Han dynasties and Three Kingdoms (221 BC - 280 AD)“Tea Classic” is widely recognized as the world's first scientific work on tea.Tea became the national drink of China in Tang DynastiesTea culture (tea art) was birthedIn the book “Classic of tea “, Lu Yu firstly used the word “Cha”(茶)instead of “tu”(荼)The processing of tea in Song dynasty was the greatest achievement of ancient Chinese cake tea production.China is the largest tea production country, the tea production is 1160 thousands tons, it was responsible for 31% of total world tea. China exported 297 thousand tons of tea valued at US$682 million in 2008, accounting for a fifth of the total international tea trade and the export volume is number three after Ken ya (383.4 thousand tons) and Sri Lanka (298.8 thousand tons). Chinese tea has exported to more than 120 countries, and 80 million people work in the mainland tea industry.Thanks for coming .Hope to see you again.结帐吗?好,三位是150元整,收您200整,找您50元。

高级茶艺师、茶艺技师常用英语Dialogue one会话(一)1. Good evening,sir. How many? 先生,晚上好~几位,2. Two两位。
3. Follow me,Please请跟我来4. Could I have a table next to window?我要个靠窗的位子。
5. Yes,could you mind taking seat here?请您这边坐好吗,6. Very good,thank you. 很好,谢谢~7. Y ou’re welcome.不客气。
New Words生词1. follow .vt.接着,跟着2. table .n.桌子,餐桌3. next .adj.下次的,同……邻接的,隔壁的4. window .n.窗,窗口5. welcome .adj.受欢迎的Dialogue one会话(二)1. Good afternoon,sir.May I help you?先生,下午好~能为您效劳吗,2. We need a room for four ,please. 我们要一个四人的包厢3. Do you have a reservation,sir? 请问先生您有预定吗,4. I’m afraid,we don’t.没有。
5. Sorry sir,we don’t have vacant rooms at the moment. 很抱歉先生,现在没有空包厢了。
6. How about the seats here.by the window?这个靠窗的座位这样,7. Ok.Very well!行~New Words生词1.need .n.需要,必要2. reservation .n.保留,预定3. afraid .adj.害怕,恐怕4. vacant .adj.空的,空着的Dialogue one会话(三)1. How much?多少钱,2. The total is two hundred yuan. 一共200元。
茶艺专业英语教学课件Unit 3 Black Tea

(6) Tea may be drinked(喝) early in the day to heighten calm alertness.
(7) Green tea being the most ubiquitous choice of healthy drinks across the globe, it is known for its charecteristic(特性) that protects against sun damage and skin cancer.
Black Tea
I . Focus on the topic II. Vocabulary study I III. Reading one IV. Task-driven practice V. Reass the following questions with your partner.
(11) Through the centuries, a variety of techniques for processing(加工) tea, and a number of different forms of tea, were developed.
(12) Tea caddies and containers also became necessary to keep the tea and conserve its flavour(味道).

Tea-drinking in China can be traced back to the Zhou Dynasty.
Categories of Tea
• • • • • • • Green tea Black tea Yellow tea White tea Olong tea Scented tea Compressed tea
Benefits of drinking green tea:
• It helps with anti-aging, and it also prevents computer radiation and bad health.
Famous green tea:
• • • • • 西湖龙井:Dragon Well 洞庭碧螺春:Spring Spiral 庐山云雾:Cloud & Fog 黄山毛峰:Fur Peak 信阳毛尖:Fur Tip
Green tea
• Green tea is also called unfermented tea. It is the variety that keeps the original color of the tea leaves without fermentation during processing.
Process for different kinds of teas :
• Green tea: Picking →Withering →Firing →Baking • Black tea: Picking → Withering → Rolling → Oxidation → Drying 采摘 、萎凋(杀青)、揉捻、发酵(氧化)、干燥 • Oolong tea: Picking → Tossing → Drying → Oxidation → Firing → Rolling → Firing → Baking 采摘、晒青、干燥、发酵、炒青、捻揉、炒青、烘干

茶学专业英语Tea Studies EnglishTea is a beverage that has been enjoyed for centuries around the world. From the ancient traditions of China and Japan to the modern-day global market, tea has been a integral part of many cultures. As a complex and multifaceted subject, tea studies encompasses a wide range of disciplines, from botany and chemistry to cultural history and international trade. In this essay, we will explore the various aspects of tea studies and the importance of learning English in this field.One of the fundamental aspects of tea studies is the botanical and scientific understanding of the tea plant, Camellia sinensis. This evergreen shrub, native to the mountainous regions of Asia, is the source of all true teas, including black, green, oolong, and white varieties. The study of the tea plant's taxonomy, cultivation, and processing methods is crucial for those interested in the production and quality of tea. English is the primary language used in the scientific and academic literature on tea botany, providing access to cutting-edge research and advancements in the field.In addition to the botanical aspects, tea studies also encompass the rich cultural history and traditions surrounding tea consumption. From the ancient tea ceremonies of China and Japan to the development of unique tea-drinking customs in countries like the United Kingdom and India, understanding the cultural significance of tea is essential for those interested in the societal and historical aspects of this beverage. Many of the seminal texts and scholarly works on the cultural history of tea are written in English, making it imperative for students and researchers in this field to have a strong command of the language.The global tea trade and industry is another important aspect of tea studies. As one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world, tea is a major player in the international market, with complex supply chains, trade agreements, and regulatory frameworks governing its production and distribution. Understanding the economics, logistics, and marketing of tea requires a deep understanding of English, as it is the lingua franca of international business and commerce. Proficiency in English allows tea professionals to engage with stakeholders, negotiate contracts, and stay up-to-date with industry trends and innovations.Beyond the academic and professional domains, English also plays a crucial role in the dissemination of information and knowledge about tea to the global public. Many of the popular books, blogs, andonline resources dedicated to tea appreciation, tasting, and brewing are written in English, reaching a wide audience of tea enthusiasts around the world. Mastering English enables tea lovers to access a wealth of information, engage with the global tea community, and share their own knowledge and experiences with others.In conclusion, the study of tea is a multifaceted and interdisciplinary field that encompasses various aspects, from botany and chemistry to cultural history and international trade. Proficiency in English is essential for those who wish to delve into the world of tea studies, as it provides access to a vast array of academic literature, industry resources, and global communication. By embracing the importance of English in tea studies, students and professionals can expand their knowledge, connect with the global tea community, and contribute to the ongoing evolution of this captivating beverage.。

茶学专业英语词汇茶叶品种 Tea varietiesTea 茶 Green tea 绿茶Black tea 红茶 White tea 白茶Scented tea花茶 Pu'er tea普洱茶Yellow tea 黄茶 Dark tea黑茶Sincha 新茶Teabag 袋泡茶 Herbal tea [ˈɜ:rbl]花草茶Jasmine tea 茉莉花茶Block Pu’er tea 普洱(砖)Aged Pu'er tea 陈年普洱 Oolong tea;Oulung tea 乌龙茶Bohea tea [boʊ'hi:] 武夷茶Kungfu Tea;Gongfu Tea 功夫茶Keemun Tea; Qimen tea 祁门茶中国名茶 Chinese famous teaWhite tipped oolong白毫乌龙 Wuyi rock tea武夷岩茶Green blade煎茶 Yellow mountain fuzz tip黄山毛峰Green spiral[ˈspaɪrəl] 碧螺春 Gunpowder 珠茶Age cake puer青沱 Pile cake puer青饼Jun mountain silver needle君山银针 White tip silver needle银针白毫White penoy [ˈpiəni]白牡丹 Long brow jade dew [du:]玉露Rode tea大红袍 Cassia tea肉桂Narcissus [nɑrˈsɪsəs]水仙Finger citron['sɪtrən佛手Roast oolong熟火乌龙 Osmanthus oolong [ɒz'mæn θəs]桂花乌龙Ginseng oolong人参乌龙茶 Jasmine tea茉莉花茶Rose bulb玫瑰绣球 Smoke black烟熏红茶Light oolong清茶 Anji white安吉白茶Liu’an leaf六安瓜片 Fenghuang unique bush凤凰单从Tea power茶粉 Fine powder tea抹茶茶叶加工 Tea processingTea bush:茶树 Tea harvesting:采青Tea leaves:茶青 Withering:萎凋Sun withering 日光萎凋 Indoor withering 室内萎凋Setting 静置 Tossing 搅拌(浪青)Fermentation 发酵 Oxidation 氧化Roll-breaking 解块 Sifting 过筛Grading 分级 Blending 拼配Solar withering 晒青 Stirring 摇青Instant tea 速溶茶 Extract 提取Fixation 杀青 Steaming 蒸青Stir fixation 炒青 Baking 烘青Sunning晒青 Rolling 揉捻Light rolling 轻揉 Heavy rolling 重揉Cloth rolling 布揉 Drying 干燥Pan firing 炒干 Baking 烘干Sunning 晒干 Piling 渥堆Refining 精制 Screening 筛分Cutting 剪切 De-stemming 把梗Shaping 整形 Winnowing 风选Blending 拼配 pressing 紧压Re-drying 覆火 Aging 陈放Added process 加工 Roasting 焙火Scenting 熏花 Spicing 调味Tea beverage 茶饮料 Packing 包装Vacuum packing 真空包装 Nitrogen packs 充氮包装Shredded-tea bag 碎形小茶袋 Leave-tea bag 原片小袋茶茶叶审评 Tea tasting and termsTea tasting and terms 茶叶审评 Taster 评茶师Kettle 茶壶 Infuse 冲泡Teabags 袋泡茶 Infusion 茶汤Body 浓 Thickness 浓厚Brisk 鲜爽Ripe 熟Round smooth 圆滑适口 Brisk taste 味甘Delicate fragrance 香郁茶叶贸易 Tea tradingTrue to its kind 原产地 Organoliptic 感官的Auctioneers 拍卖师 Marketability 销路Broker 经纪人 Intermediaries 中介Bid 出价 Retailers 零售商Wholesalers 批发商 Agents 代理商Retail packs 零售包装 Canister 茶叶罐饮茶方式 Drink teaUtensil 用具 Kettle 水壶Teaspoon 茶匙 Tea house 茶馆Teapot 茶壶 Tea set; tea service 茶具Tea strainer 茶漏 Tea pad茶垫Tea plate茶船 Tea pitcher 茶盅Lid saucer 盖置 Tea serving tray 奉茶盘Tea cup 茶杯 Cup saucer 杯托Tea towel tray 茶巾盘 Tea holder 茶荷Tea towel 茶巾 Tea brush 茶拂Timer 定时器 Water heater 煮水器Heating base 煮水器底座 Tea cart 茶车Seat cushion 座垫 Cup cover 杯套Packing wrap保壶巾 Tea ware bag茶具袋Covered bowl 盖碗 Tea spoon 茶匙Tea ware 茶器 Thermos 热水瓶Tea canister 茶罐 Tea um 茶瓮Tea table 茶桌 Side table 侧柜Tea bowl 茶碗 Spout bowl 有流茶碗Tea tray; teaboard 茶盘 Tea canister;caddy 茶罐Tea oil 茶油 Tea seed oil 茶籽油Purple granulated;purple sand;terra-cotta 紫砂Purple clay teapot;purple sand teapot 紫砂壶Tea ceremony 茶艺 Tea-tasting 品茶Sado;tea-making 茶道泡茶程序 Making tea procedurePrepare tea ware 备具Prepare water备水 Warm pot温壶Prepare tea备茶 Recognize tea识茶Appreciate tea赏茶 Warm pitcher 温盅Put in tea 置茶 Smell fragrance 闻香First infusion第一道茶 Set timer计时Warm cups 烫杯 Pour tea倒茶Prepare cups 备杯 Divide tea 分类Serve tea by cups 端杯奉茶 Second infusion冲第二道茶Serve tea by pitcher 持盅奉茶 Supply snacks or water 供应茶点或品泉Take out brewed leaves去渣 Appreciate leaves 赏叶底Rinse pot 涮壶 Return to seat 归位Rinse pitcher 清盅 Collect cups 收杯Conclude 结束茶艺英语English for Tea Art第一篇茶具介绍Chapter 1 Introduction of Tea Utensil第一节烧水器皿Ⅰ.Water Heating Devices一、基本句型Sentence patterns1、这是炭炉。
Tea Culture Specialized English茶文化专业英语

• • • • • • •
Degree of Fermentation: 根据发酵程度分类 unfermented green tea slightly-fermented white tea/yellow tea semi-fermented oolong tea fully-fermented black tea post-fermented dark tea
Tea Culture Specialized English
• • • • •
Tea Specialized English Tea Processing & Tea Arts(Culture) 茶专业英语 包含/分为: 茶加工 & 茶艺(茶文化) 两个部分
Six Varieties of Tea 六大茶类
• • • • • • • • refining n. 精制 (added) processing n. 加工 packaging n. 包装 processed – unprocessed – reprocessed 经过加工的—未经加工的—再经加工的 finished product 成品,制成品 primary process 初加工 go through 经历
• • • • Βιβλιοθήκη • • •refer to screening cutting stem de-stemming shaping winnowing tea product

茶艺英语茶学专业英语词汇茶叶品种 Tea varietiesTea 茶 Green tea 绿茶Black tea 红茶 White tea 白茶Scented tea花茶 Pu'er tea普洱茶Yellow tea 黄茶 Dark tea黑茶Sincha 新茶Teabag 袋泡茶 Herbal tea [ˈɜ:rbl]花草茶Jasmine tea 茉莉花茶Block Pu’er tea普洱(砖)Aged Pu'er tea 陈年普洱 Oolong tea;Oulung tea 乌龙茶Bohea tea [boʊ'hi:] 武夷茶Kungfu Tea;Gongfu Tea 功夫茶Keemun Tea; Qimen tea 祁门茶中国名茶 Chinese famous teaWhite tipped oolong白毫乌龙 Wuyi rock tea武夷岩茶Green blade煎茶 Yellow mountain fuzz tip黄山毛峰Green spiral[ˈspaɪrəl] 碧螺春 Gunpowder 珠茶Age cake puer青沱 Pile cake puer青饼Jun mountain silver needle君山银针 White tip silver needle银针白毫White penoy [ˈpiəni]白牡丹 Long brow jade dew [du:]玉露Rode tea大红袍 Cassia tea肉桂Narcissus [nɑrˈsɪsəs]水仙 Finger citron['sɪtrən 佛手Roast oolong熟火乌龙 Osmanthus oolong [ɒz'mænθəs]桂花乌龙Ginseng oolong人参乌龙茶 Jasmine tea茉莉花茶Rose bulb玫瑰绣球 Smoke black烟熏红茶Light oolong清茶 Anji white安吉白茶Liu’an leaf六安瓜片 Fenghuang unique bush凤凰Sado;tea-making 茶道泡茶程序 Making tea procedurePrepare tea ware 备具Prepare water备水 Warm pot温壶Prepare tea备茶 Recognize tea识茶Appreciate tea赏茶 Warm pitcher 温盅Put in tea 置茶 Smell fragrance 闻香First infusion第一道茶 Set timer计时Warm cups 烫杯 Pour tea倒茶Prepare cups 备杯 Divide tea 分类Serve tea by cups 端杯奉茶 Second infusion冲第二道茶Serve tea by pitcher 持盅奉茶 Supply snacks or water 供应茶点或品泉Take out brewed leaves去渣 Appreciate leaves 赏叶底Rinse pot 涮壶 Return to seat 归位Rinse pitcher 清盅 Collect cups 收杯Conclude 结束茶艺英语English for Tea Art第一篇茶具介绍Chapter 1 Introduction of Tea Utensil第一节烧水器皿Ⅰ.Water Heating Devices一、基本句型Sentence patterns1、这是炭炉。
茶艺专业英语教学课件Unit 5 White Tea

B a. tasting or smelling richly of or as of fruit b. remove the moisture from c. a partially opened flower d. move by turning over or rotating e. expose to the rays of the sun or affected by exposure to the sun f. very light coloured g. number of molecules of a substance in a given volume
(3) The brew has a light, delicate(精致的), slightly sweet flavour that sharpens the senses without overwhelming the tongue.
(4) White tea is the least processed tea and has the highest antioxidant(抗氧化) levels.
Fill in the blanks with the words learned above. Change their forms if necessary.
(1) The base process for manufacturing white tea is as follows: fresh tea leaf → withering →drying.
(5) The immature leaves from the tea bush are plucked fresh, withered by drying the tea leaves by air, solar or mechanical drying then you're left with white tea.

考试类型一选择(30分,1分、题)二填图/空(20分,2分/题)三、英译汉(10分,2分/题)四、汉译英(10分,2分/题)五、情景模拟(30分复习资料Loose leaf tea (散茶)Compacted tea (紧压茶)Bing, Cake, 饼茶)Tuocha, Bowl(沱茶) Brick (砖茶)Square (方茶)Mushroom (蘑菇茶、紧茶)Melon, or Gold melon(金瓜茶)茶学专业英语, Specialized English for tea science 普洱茶, Pu-erh tea茶树, tea plant Camellia sinensis 大叶种茶树, Camellia sinensis var. assamica普洱生茶, unfermented pu-erh tea (sheng pu-erh)熟茶, fermented pu-erh tea(shu pu-erh ) 加工工艺, processing method Oxidation, 氧化绿茶, green tea 后发酵茶,post-fermented tea cultivation,栽培贡茶, Tribute tea Tibetan, 西藏consumption, 消费晒青,sun-dried green tea fermentation, 发酵drying,干燥compressing, 压制tea varieties , 茶叶种类Chinese famous tea, 中国名茶producing country, 生产国consumption country,消费国tea utensil (tea ware ), 茶具brew, 冲泡tea art and ceremony, 茶艺茶道tea culture, 茶文化Chinese Ethnic Minorities, 中国少数民族tea cultivation and breeding, 茶树栽培与育种aromatic [͵ærəu'mætik] adj. 芳香的beverage ['bevəridӡ] n. 饮料(如茶、酒、牛奶、汽水、低度汽水等)steep [sti:p] vt. 泡, 浸(in), 浸湿[透]; 沾染; 使专心一意, 使埋头; 笼罩steep the tea in boiling water 用开水泡茶Infuse vt. & vi 浸渍,泡制;泡(茶);bud [bʌd] n. 芽; 萌芽; 芽接; 花蕾twig [twiɡ] n. 小枝, 细枝Camellia sinensis n. 茶树(拉丁名)infuse [in'fju:z] vt..向...注入, 灌输,泡(茶); 泡制(药); 浸渍使充满; 鼓舞; 激发internode [‘intə͵nəud] n. 【植】节间Polyphenole [͵pɔli‘fi:nɔl]n. 多酚microbe (microorganism), 微生物鲜叶,fresh leaf fixing (de-enzyme), 杀青rolling,揉捻drying,干燥withering, 萎凋rotating,摇青herb [hə:b] n. 草, 草本植物; 香草, 药草infusion [in'fju:ӡən] n. 注入; 灌输;泡制; 浸渍; 浸液tisane [ti'zæn] n. 煎药, 汤药cool [ku:l] adj. 凉爽的,冷的bitter ['bitə] adj. 苦味的, 苦涩的astringent [əs'trindӡənt] adj. 收敛的, 止血的flavor ['fleɪvə(r)] n. 味,味道complicate ['kɔmplikeit] vt. 使复杂化,使错综sugar ['∫uɡə] n. 糖; 似糖物sodium ['səudjəm,-diəm] n.【化】钠,食盐calorie ['kæləri] n. 【物】卡(路里)(热量单位) Zen Buddhismde rigueur [dərɪ'ɡз:(r)]adj. 按礼节要求的exquisite ['ekskwizit]adj. 精致的, 高雅的, 优美的workmanship ['wə:kmən∫ip] n. 手艺, 工艺dragon-phoenix ball tea 龙凤团茶Grain Rain 谷雨Steaming蒸baking烘screening ['skri:niŋ]n. 筛除法, 筛分[选], 过筛squeezing n. 压榨grind [ɡraind]vt. 磨[碾]碎grinding ['ɡraindiŋ]n. 研磨; 磨光[碎]; 制粉roasting ['rəustiŋ]n. 煅烧, 焙烧regularly ['reɡjʊləlɪ]adv. 定期地contestant [kən'testənt]n. 竞争者;竞赛参加者scrape [skreɪp] vt., vi. 刮,削;擦;砍coating ['kəutiŋ]n. 涂,镀,敷,覆盖sieve [siv]n. (细眼)筛, 滤网, 漏杓paste [peist]n. 浆糊; 面团;糊状物; 软膏froth [frɔθ,frɔ:θ]n. 泡沫declare [di'klεə]vt. 宣布, 宣告, 声称subside səb'said]vi. 下沉, 沉落; 沉淀underneath [͵ʌndə'ni:θ]prep. 在[向]...的下面[底下]cauldron ['kɔ:ldrən]n. 大锅spout [spaut]vt. 喷出, 喷射intellectual [͵inti'lektjuəl]n. 知识分子; 有知识者monk [mʌŋk]n. 僧侣, 修道士,【史】隐士whipping 搅打; 振荡connoisseur [͵kɔni'sə:]n. (美术品的)鉴定家,行家,权威Taoists n. 道家, 道教徒prose prəuz]n. 散文precious ['pre∫əs]adj. 宝贵的, 贵重的ceremony ['seriməni]n. 典礼, 仪式Instant tea 速溶茶茶叶种植园tea plantationsnTea bag 袋泡茶Tea turned from a medicine into a beverage during Qin, Han dynasties and Three Kingdoms (221 BC - 280 AD)“Tea Classic” is widely recognized as the world's first scientific work on tea.Tea became the national drink of China in Tang DynastiesTea culture (tea art) was birthedIn the book “Classic of tea “, Lu Yu firstly used the word “Cha”(茶)instead of “tu”(荼)The processing of tea in Song dynasty was the greatest achievement of ancient Chinese cake tea production.China is the largest tea production country, the tea production is 1160 thousands tons, it was responsible for 31% of total world tea. China exported 297 thousand tons of tea valued at US$682 million in 2008, accounting for a fifth of the total international tea trade and the export volume is number three after Ken ya (383.4 thousand tons) and Sri Lanka (298.8 thousand tons). Chinese tea has exported to more than 120 countries, and 80 million people work in the mainland tea industry.Thanks for coming .Hope to see you again.结帐吗?好,三位是150元整,收您200整,找您50元。
茶艺英语6-Yellow Tea

Fun Facts
Yellow tea, called huángchá (黄茶) in Chinese and hwangcha (황차) in Korean, is a rare and expensive variety of tea. It is produced similarly to green tea, but with an added step of being steamed under a damp cloth after oxidation, giving the leaves a slightly yellow colouring. This process also imparts a mellower and less grassy taste than green teas.
Part 2 Vocabulary study
Match the words with the definitions in the right column.
(1) damp
a. closed with a lid, cover etc. so that nothing can get in or out
1. Have you ever drunk yellow tea? 2. Do you know the difference between green tea and yellow tea? 3. What are the characteristics of yellow tea? 4. How to classify yellow tea according to the tenderness and size of the leaves?
茶艺专业英语教学课件Unit 1 Basic Knowledge of Chinese Tea

(1) Tea is a basic necessity for most Chinese people. (2) The key to tea’s effects of curing seems to lie in chemicals found in tea which prevent a process that leads to the growth of cancers. (3) The process, in which the tea develops its characteristic astringency, is known as fermentation . (4) What can be more relaxing and refreshing than returning home after a tiring day and having a cup of green tea? (5) Tea is a good substitute for cigarette to refresh yourself. (6) After that, the tea is fried again and re-wrapped to cool and oxidize slightly. (7) Tea is a beverage of the remotest time in China. (8) This enzyme would make tea oxidize quickly. (9) In order to relieve stress and tension, I suggest drinking a cup of strong tea . (10) Many skincare products designed for oily skin incorporate green tea extract .

茶业专业英语一、相关茶文化介绍1、The most popular beverage in china,tea figures prominently in daily life in China.2、For several thousand years, the tradition has been to serve tea when a guest arrives, and tea was once afavorite wedding gift .Today a social occasion almost always calls for a tea party. Tea house in city parks are where friends like to stop and chat----over a cup of tea, of course.3、Tea drinking in China dates back 4,000 years. The book on Tea by the Tang dynasty scholar LU YU ,the firsttreatise on the subject , deals with the origin, variety, preparation, and crewing of tea. It also discusses the proper tea set and tea’s healing powers.二、加工工艺专业词汇ferment 发酵unfermented 未发酵的semifermented 半发酵的fermentation 发酵fermentation process 发酵工序drying process 烘干工序chemical reaction 化学反应enzymatice reaction 酶促反应rolling process 揉捻工序finished product 成品(茶)dried product 干茶oxidation 氧化作用sift 筛分oxidize 使氧化condensation 冷凝、凝聚三、化学成分专业词汇oxidase 氧化酶enzyme 酶wither 萎凋polyphenol 多酚caffeine 咖啡碱evaporation 蒸发,蒸发作用amino-acid 氨基酸catchin 儿茶素theaflavin 茶黄素thearubigin 茶红素odour 气味aroma 香味chemical composition 化学成分physical composition 物理成分四、茶树专业英语tea bush 茶丛pluck 采集prune 修剪bud 芽stalk梗leaf 叶stem 茎、干clonal garden无性系茶园superior tea 特级茶one and a bud 一芽一叶two and a bud 一芽二叶Sri Landka 斯里兰卡Assam 阿萨姆production cost 生产成本fan 风扇tray 托盘以下摘自蔡荣章《茶道入门三篇——制茶、识茶、泡茶》五、制茶术语茶树tea bush采青tea harvesting茶青tea leaves萎凋withering日光萎凋sun withering 室内萎凋indoor withering 静置setting搅拌(浪青)tossing发酵fermentation氧化oxidation杀青fixation蒸青steaming炒青stir fixation烘青baking晒青sunning揉捻rolling轻揉light rolling重揉heavy rolling布揉cloth rolling干燥drying炒干pan firing烘干baking晒干sunning渥堆piling精制refining筛分screening剪切cutting拔梗de-stemming整形shaping风选winnowing拼配blending紧压compressing覆火re-drying陈放aging加工added process焙火roasting熏花scenting调味spicing饮料茶tea beverage包装packaging真空包装vacuum packaging充氮包装nitrogen packs碎形小袋茶shredded-tea bag原片小袋茶leave-tea bag六、按照发酵程度类我们将茶分为四大类茶,即“不发酵茶”(non-fermented)——绿茶(green tea)“后发酵茶”(post-fermented)——普洱茶(puer tea)“部分发酵茶”(partially fermented)——乌龙茶(oolong tea)“全发酵茶”(complete fermentation)——红茶(black tea)七、按照形制分类绿茶绿茶——蒸青绿茶(steamed green tea)粉末绿茶(powdered green tea)银针绿茶(silver needle green tea)原型绿茶(lightly rubbed green tea)松卷绿茶(curled green tea)剑片绿茶(sword shaped green tea)条型绿茶(twisted green tea)圆珠绿茶(pearled green tea)八、其他茶类普洱茶——陈放普洱(age-fermented puer)渥堆普洱(pile-fermented puer)乌龙茶——白茶乌龙(white oolong)条型乌龙(twisted oolong)球型乌龙(pelleted oolong)熟火乌龙(roasted oolong)白毫乌龙(white tipped oolong)红茶——工夫红茶(unshredded black tea)碎型红茶(shredded black tea)熏花茶(scented tea)——茉莉绿茶(jasmine scented green tea)调味茶(spiced tea)九、茶具名称茶壶tea pot壶垫tea pad茶船tea plate茶盅tea pitcher盖置lid saucer奉茶盘tea serving tray茶杯tea cup杯托cup saucer茶巾盘tea towel tray茶荷tea holder茶巾tea towel茶拂tea brush计时器timer煮水器water heater水壶water kettle煮水器底座heating base茶车tea cart坐垫seat cushion杯套cup cover包壶巾packing wrap茶具袋tea ware bag茶盘tea ware tray同心杯strainer cup个人品茗组personal tea set水盂tea basin冲泡盅brewing vessel盖碗covered bowl渣匙tea spoon茶器tea ware热水瓶thermos茶罐tea canister茶瓮tea urn茶桌tea table茶筅tea whisk茶碗tea bowl有流茶碗spout bowl十、泡茶程序备具prepare tea ware从静态到动态from still to ready position 备水prepare water 温壶warm pot备茶prepare tea识茶recognize tea赏茶appreciate tea温盅warm pitcher置茶put in tea闻香smell fragrance冲第一道茶first infusion计时set timer烫杯warm cups倒茶pour tea备杯prepare cups分茶divide tea端杯奉茶serve tea by cups冲第二道茶second infusion持盅奉茶serve tea by pitcher茶食供应或品泉supply snacks or water 去渣take out brewed leaves赏叶底appreciate leaves涮壶rinse pot归位return to seat清盅rinse pitcher收杯collect cups结束conclude十一、常见茶名白毫乌龙white tipped oolong东方美人oriental beauty膨风茶boast tea着延茶bitten tea三色茶motley tea玉露jade dew煎茶green blade黄山毛峰yellow mountain fuzz tip龙井dragon well碧螺春green spiral珠茶gunpowder青沱age bowl puer青饼age cake puer熟饼pile cake puer君山银针jun mountain silver needle白毫银针white tip silver needle白牡丹white peony寿眉long brow武夷岩茶wuyi rock大红袍robe tea肉桂茶cassia tea水仙茶narcissus佛手茶finger citron铁观音茶iron mercy goddess桂花乌龙茶osmanthus oolong人参乌龙茶ginseng oolong茉莉花茶jasmine tea玫瑰绣球rose bulb工夫红茶gongfu black烟熏红茶smoke black熟火乌龙roast oolong清茶(包种茶)light oolong安吉白茶anji white leaf六安瓜片liuan leaf凤凰单丛fenghuang unique bush 茶粉tea powder 抹茶fine powder tea。

各类茶叶品种中英文单词翻译对照茶:tea绿茶:green tea红茶:black tea白茶:white tea花茶:scented tea普洱茶:Pu \'er tea;Pu Erh tea;Puu Eel tea黄茶:yellow tea黑茶:dark tea新茶:sincha雨前茶:Yü-chien tea袋泡茶:teabag大麦茶:Mugi-cha花草茶:Herbal tea茉莉花茶:Jasmine tea菊花茶:Chrysanthemum tea普洱(砖):Block Puerh tea陈年普洱:Aged Pu \'er Tea乌龙茶:Oolong Tea;Oulung Tea武夷茶:Bohea Tea熙春茶:Hyson Tea功夫茶:Congou Tea ;Gongou Tea屯溪茶:Twankay Tea祁门茶:Keemun Tea龙井茶:Loungjing tea ;Longjing tea ;Lung Ching tea;Dragon Well Tea 注:“Dragon Well”是对“龙井”这一名词的非正规翻译,不建议使用。
铁观音:Tieh-Kuan-Yin ;TieGuanYin Tea云雾茶:Cloud mist白毫:Pekoe 注:该单词又指印度,斯里兰卡的高级红茶。
牛舌:Cowslip高末儿:Gunpowder绿茶油:Camellia Oleifera茶匙:teaspoon茶馆:teahouse茶壶:teapot茶具:tea set;tea service茶漏:tea strainer茶点:tea biscuit 注:tea cake是指西人茶后餐点,不是指中国的配茶小点。
茶盘:tea tray;teaboard茶罐:tea canister;caddy紫砂:purple granulated;purple sand;terra-cotta紫砂壶:purple clay teapot;purple sand teapot茶油:tea oil茶籽油:teaseed oil茶道:sado;tea-making 注:“茶道”一词来自日语,所以英语采用了日语的音译“sado”,还有人将茶道译作“tea way”,显然很不正规。
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考试类型一选择(30分,1分、题)二填图/空(20分,2分/题)三、英译汉(10分,2分/题)四、汉译英(10分,2分/题)五、情景模拟(30分复习资料Loose leaf tea (散茶)Compacted tea (紧压茶)Bing, Cake, 饼茶)Tuocha, Bowl(沱茶) Brick (砖茶)Square (方茶)Mushroom (蘑菇茶、紧茶)Melon, or Gold melon(金瓜茶)茶学专业英语, Specialized English for tea science 普洱茶, Pu-erh tea茶树, tea plant Camellia sinensis 大叶种茶树, Camellia sinensis var. assamica普洱生茶, unfermented pu-erh tea (sheng pu-erh)熟茶, fermented pu-erh tea(shu pu-erh ) 加工工艺, processing method Oxidation, 氧化绿茶, green tea 后发酵茶,post-fermented tea cultivation,栽培贡茶, Tribute tea Tibetan, 西藏consumption, 消费晒青,sun-dried green tea fermentation, 发酵drying,干燥compressing, 压制tea varieties , 茶叶种类Chinese famous tea, 中国名茶producing country, 生产国consumption country,消费国tea utensil (tea ware ), 茶具brew, 冲泡tea art and ceremony, 茶艺茶道tea culture, 茶文化Chinese Ethnic Minorities, 中国少数民族tea cultivation and breeding, 茶树栽培与育种aromatic [͵ærəu'mætik] adj. 芳香的beverage ['bevəridӡ] n. 饮料(如茶、酒、牛奶、汽水、低度汽水等)steep [sti:p] vt. 泡, 浸(in), 浸湿[透]; 沾染; 使专心一意, 使埋头; 笼罩steep the tea in boiling water 用开水泡茶Infuse vt. & vi 浸渍,泡制;泡(茶);bud [bʌd] n. 芽; 萌芽; 芽接; 花蕾twig [twiɡ] n. 小枝, 细枝Camellia sinensis n. 茶树(拉丁名)infuse [in'fju:z] vt..向...注入, 灌输,泡(茶); 泡制(药); 浸渍使充满; 鼓舞; 激发internode [‘intə͵nəud] n. 【植】节间Polyphenole [͵pɔli‘fi:nɔl]n. 多酚microbe (microorganism), 微生物鲜叶,fresh leaf fixing (de-enzyme), 杀青rolling,揉捻drying,干燥withering, 萎凋rotating,摇青herb [hə:b] n. 草, 草本植物; 香草, 药草infusion [in'fju:ӡən] n. 注入; 灌输;泡制; 浸渍; 浸液tisane [ti'zæn] n. 煎药, 汤药cool [ku:l] adj. 凉爽的,冷的bitter ['bitə] adj. 苦味的, 苦涩的astringent [əs'trindӡənt] adj. 收敛的, 止血的flavor ['fleɪvə(r)] n. 味,味道complicate ['kɔmplikeit] vt. 使复杂化,使错综sugar ['∫uɡə] n. 糖; 似糖物sodium ['səudjəm,-diəm] n.【化】钠,食盐calorie ['kæləri] n. 【物】卡(路里)(热量单位) Zen Buddhismde rigueur [dərɪ'ɡз:(r)]adj. 按礼节要求的exquisite ['ekskwizit]adj. 精致的, 高雅的, 优美的workmanship ['wə:kmən∫ip] n. 手艺, 工艺dragon-phoenix ball tea 龙凤团茶Grain Rain 谷雨Steaming蒸baking烘screening ['skri:niŋ]n. 筛除法, 筛分[选], 过筛squeezing n. 压榨grind [ɡraind]vt. 磨[碾]碎grinding ['ɡraindiŋ]n. 研磨; 磨光[碎]; 制粉roasting ['rəustiŋ]n. 煅烧, 焙烧regularly ['reɡjʊləlɪ]adv. 定期地contestant [kən'testənt]n. 竞争者;竞赛参加者scrape [skreɪp] vt., vi. 刮,削;擦;砍coating ['kəutiŋ]n. 涂,镀,敷,覆盖sieve [siv]n. (细眼)筛, 滤网, 漏杓paste [peist]n. 浆糊; 面团;糊状物; 软膏froth [frɔθ,frɔ:θ]n. 泡沫declare [di'klεə]vt. 宣布, 宣告, 声称subside səb'said]vi. 下沉, 沉落; 沉淀underneath [͵ʌndə'ni:θ]prep. 在[向]...的下面[底下]cauldron ['kɔ:ldrən]n. 大锅spout [spaut]vt. 喷出, 喷射intellectual [͵inti'lektjuəl]n. 知识分子; 有知识者monk [mʌŋk]n. 僧侣, 修道士,【史】隐士whipping 搅打; 振荡connoisseur [͵kɔni'sə:]n. (美术品的)鉴定家,行家,权威Taoists n. 道家, 道教徒prose prəuz]n. 散文precious ['pre∫əs]adj. 宝贵的, 贵重的ceremony ['seriməni]n. 典礼, 仪式Instant tea 速溶茶茶叶种植园tea plantationsnTea bag 袋泡茶Tea turned from a medicine into a beverage during Qin, Han dynasties and Three Kingdoms (221 BC - 280 AD)“Tea Classic” is widely recognized as the world's first scientific work on tea.Tea became the national drink of China in Tang DynastiesTea culture (tea art) was birthedIn the book “Classic of tea “, Lu Yu firstly used the word “Cha”(茶)instead of “tu”(荼)The processing of tea in Song dynasty was the greatest achievement of ancient Chinese cake tea production.China is the largest tea production country, the tea production is 1160 thousands tons, it was responsible for 31% of total world tea. China exported 297 thousand tons of tea valued at US$682 million in 2008, accounting for a fifth of the total international tea trade and the export volume is number three after Ken ya (383.4 thousand tons) and Sri Lanka (298.8 thousand tons). Chinese tea has exported to more than 120 countries, and 80 million people work in the mainland tea industry.Thanks for coming .Hope to see you again.结帐吗?好,三位是150元整,收您200整,找您50元。
Well, 150 yuan in total.200 yuan ,thank you .Here is your change ,50 yuan .谢谢光临,欢迎下次再来!China replaced India as the largest tea producing country.By 1965 Sri Lanka became the world's largest tea exporter for the first time. 1. Tea is an aromatic beverage made by steeping the dried leaves, buds, and twigs of the evergreen plant (tea plant) in hot or boiling water. (茶是一种用热水浸泡常绿植物(茶树)的干叶、芽、茎制成的芳香饮料2. Tea is the national drink in China, Japan and other Oriental countries.(茶是中国、日本和一些东方国家的国饮)4. Tea can be found in nearly 80 percent of all U.S. households.(超过80%的美国家庭中都有茶叶)5. Excuse me, would you please tell me which kind of tea you prefer?(打扰了,请问您们需要那种茶?)6. There are six basic types of tea which has distinct flavors and qualities determined by the degree of oxidation of the polyphone.7.China is the birthplace of tea.8. Tea has been used as a drink for medicinal value, about 5,000 years ago.3.Southwest China is the place of origin of tea tree.“Tea Clas sic” is widely recognized as the world's first scientific work on tea.3. 打扰了,我给壶里加点水。