
2024四级原题一、听力部分(35分)1. 短对话(8分)第1题:对话大概是一男一女在讨论周末的计划。
2. 长对话(12分)第一个长对话是关于校园生活的。
3. 短文理解(10分)短文讲的是一个关于环保的故事,一个小镇通过一系列的措施改善了环境。
4. 听写(5分)是一篇关于科技发展的短文,其中有几个空需要填写,像一些专业术语或者关键的动词等。
二、阅读部分(35分)1. 词汇理解(10分)给出一篇文章,有10个空,下面给出15个备选单词。
2. 长篇阅读(10分)会有两篇较长的文章,后面有10个句子需要和文章中的段落进行匹配。
3. 仔细阅读(15分)有两篇短文,每篇短文后面有几个问题。

每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
1. What does the man suggest the woman do?A. Stay in bedB. Go for a walkC. Get exercise2. What do we learn about the speakers?A. They like the movieB. They have known each other for yearsC. They are going for a walk3. What is the woman going to do next?A. Make a planB. Talk with her friendC. Help the man4. What does the man mean?A. He wants the woman to sit downB. He prefers the woman to stand upC. He doesn't want to distract the woman5. Why is the man going to Cuba?A. For a jobB. For a holidayC. For further study第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

12月23日四级考试真题(最新整顿版)Part ⅠWriting (30 minutes)Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled. The Importance of Reading classics. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.1、许多人喜欢在除夕夜观看春节晚会2、但有人提出取消春节晚会3、我旳见解Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions:In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer sheet1.For questions 1-4, markY (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.For questions 5-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.Six Secrets of High-Energy PeopleThere’s an energy crisis in America, and it has nothing to do with fossil fuels. Millions of us get up each morning already weary over the day holds. “I just can’t get started.” People say. But it’s not physical energy that most of us lack. Sure, we could all use extra sleep and a better diet. But in truth, people are healthier today than at any time in history. I can almost guarantee that if you long for more energy, the problem is not with your body.What you’re seeking is not physical energy. It’s emotional energy. Yet, sad to say life sometimes seems designed to exhaust our supply. We work too hard. We have family obligations. We encounter emergencies and personal crises. No wonder so many of us suffer from emotional fatigue, a kind of utter exhaustion of the spirit.And yet we all know people who are filled with joy, despite the unpleasant circumstances of their lives. Even as a child I observed people who were poor or disabled or ill, but who nonetheless faced life with optimism and vigor. Consider Laura Hillenbrand, who despite an extremely weak body wrote the best-seller Seabiscuit. Hillenbrand barely had enough physical energy to drag herself out of be to write. But she was fueled by having a story she wanted to share. It was emotional energy that helped her succeed.Unlike physical energy, which is finite and diminishes with age, emotional energy is unlimited and has nothing to do with genes or upbringing. So how do you get it? You can’t simply tell yourself to be positive. You must take action. Here are six practical strategies that work.1. Do something new.Very little that’s new occurs in our lives. The impact of this sameness on our emotional energy is gradual, but huge: It’s like a tire with a slow leak. You don’t it at first, but eventually you’ll get a flat. It’s up to you to plug the leak--even though there are always a dozen reasons to stay stuck in your dull routines of life. That’s where Maura, 36, a waitress, found herself a year ago.Fortunately, Maura had a lifeline--a group of women friends who meet regularly to discuss their lives. Their lively discussions spurred Maura to make small but nevertheless life alteringchanges. She joined a gym in the next town. She changed her look with a short haircut and new black T-shirts. Eventually, Maura gathered the courage to quit her job and start her own business.Here’s a challenge: If it’s something you wouldn’t ordinarily do, do it. Try a dish you’ve never eaten. Listen to music you’d ordinarily tune out. You’ll discover these small things add to your emotional energy.2. Reclaim life’s meaning.So many of my patients tell me that their lives used to have meaning, but that somewhere along the line things went state.The first step in solving this meaning shortage is to figure out what you really care about, and then do something about it. A case in point is Ivy, 57, a pioneer in investment banking. "I mistakenly believed that all the money I made would mean something." she says. "But I feel lost, like a 22-year-old wondering what to do with her life." Ivy’s solution? She started a program that shows Wall Streeters how to donate time and money to poor children. In the process, Ivy filled her life with meaning.3. Put yourself in the fun zone.Most of us grown-ups are seriously fun-deprived. High-energy people have the same day-to-day work as the rest of us, but they manage to find something enjoyable in every situation. A real estate broker I know keeps herself amused on the job by mentally redecorating the houses she shows to clients. "I love imagining what even the most run-down house could look like withy a little tender loving care," she says. "It’s a challenge--and the least desirable properties are usually the most fun."We all define fun differently, of course, but I can guarantee this: If you put just a bit of it into your day, you energy will increase quickly.4. Bid farewell to guilt and regret.Everyone’s past is filled with regrets that still cau se pain. But from an emotional energy point of view, they are dead weights that keep us from us from moving forward. While they can’t merely be willed away, I do recommend you remind yourself that whatever happened is in the past, and nothing can change that. Holding on to the memory only allows the damage to continue into the present.5. Make up your mind.Say you’ve been thinking about cutting your hair short. Will it look stylish –or too extreme?You endlessly think it over. Having the decision hanging over your head is a huge energy drain.Every time you can’t decide, you burden yourself with alternatives. Quit thinking that you have to make the right decision; instead, make a choice and don’t look back.6. Give to get.Emotional energy has a kind of magical quality; the more you give, the more you get back.. This is the difference between emotional and physical energy. With the latter. You have to get it to be able to give it. With the former, however, you get it by giving it.Start by asking everyone y ou meet, “How are you?” as if you really want to know, then listen to the reply. Be the one who hears. Most of us also need to smile more often. If you don’t smile at the person you love first thing in the morning, you’re sucking energy out of yourrelationship. Finally, help another person—and make the help real, concrete. Give a massage (按摩) to someone you love, or cook her dinner, Then, expand the circle to work. Try asking yourself what you’d do if your goal were to be helpful rather than efficient.Aft er all, if it’s true that what goes around comes around, why not make sure that what’s circulating around you is the good stuff?注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。

大学英语四级真题Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Online Shopping. You should write at least 120 wordsfollowing the outline given below:1.现在网上购物已成为一种时尚2.网上购物有很多好处,但也有不少问题3.我的建议Online Shopping注意:此部分试题在答题卡1上。
Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes)Directions:In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choosethe best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Forquestions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given inthe passage.British Cuisine: the Best of Old and NewBritish cuisine (烹饪) has come of age in r ecent years as chefs (厨师) combine the best of old and new.Why does British food have a reputation for being so bad? Because it is bad! Those are not the most encouraging words to hear just before eating lunch at one of Hong Kong's smartest British restaurants, Alfie's by KEE, but head chef Neil Tomes has more to say."The past 15 years or so have been a noticeable period of improvement for food in England," the English chef says, citing the trend in British cuisine for better ingredients, preparation and cooking methods, and more appealing presentation. Chefs such as Delia Smith, Nigel Slater, Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay made the public realise that cooking - and eating - didn't have to be a boring thing. And now, most of the British public is familiar even with the extremes of Heston BlumenthaPs molecular gastronomy, a form of cooking that employs scientific methods to create the perfect dish."It's no longer the case that the common man in England is embarrassed to show he knows about food," Tomes says.There was plenty of room for improvement. The problems with the nation's cuisine can be traced back to the Second W orld W ar. Before the W ar, much of Britain's food was imported and when German U-boats began attacking ships bringing food to the country, Britain went on rations (配给)."As rationing came to an end in the 1950s, technology picked up and was used to mass-produce food," T omes says. "And by then people were just happy to have a decent quantity of food in their kitchens."They weren't looking for cured meats, organic produce or beautiful presentation; they were looking for whatever they could get their hands on, and this prioritisation of quantity over quality prevailed for decades, meaning a generation was brought up with food that couldn't compete with neighbouring France, Italy, Belgium or Spain.Before star chefs such as Oliver began making cooking fashionable, it was hard to find a restaurant in London that was open after 9pm. But in recent years the capital's culinary (烹饪的) scene has developed to the point that it is now confident of its ability to please the tastes of any international visitor.With the opening of Alfie's in April, and others such as The Pawn, two years ago, modern British food has made its way to Hong Kong. "With British food, I think that Hong Kong restaurants are keeping up," says David T amlyn, the W elsh executive chef at The Pawn in W an Chai. "Hong Kong diners are extremely responsive to new ideas or presentations, which is good news for new dishes."Chefs agree that diners in Hong Kong are embracing the modern British trend. Some restaurants are modifying the recipes (菜谱) of British dishes to breathe new life1into the classics, while others are using better quality ingredients but remaining true to British traditions and tastes.T amlyn is in the second camp. "W e select our food very particularly. W e use US beef, New Zealand lamb and for our custards (牛奶蛋糊)we use Bird's Custard Powder," Tamlyn says. "Some restaurants go for custard made fresh with eggs, sugar and cream, but British custard is different, and we stay true to that."Matthew Hill, senior manager at the two-year-old SoHo restaurant Y orkshire Pudding, also uses better ingredients as a means of improving dishes. "There are a lot of existing perceptions about British food and so we can't alter these too much. W e're a traditional British restaurant so there are some staples (主菜) that will remain essentially unchanged."These traditional dishes include fish and chips, steak and kidney pie and large pieces of roasted meats. At Alfie's, the newest of the British restaurants in town and perhaps the most gentlemen's club-like in design, Neil T omes explains his passion for provenance (原产地)."Britain has started to become really proud of the food it's producing. It has excellent organic farms, beautifully crafted cheeses, high-quality meats."However, the British don't have a history of exporting their foodstuffs, which makes it difficult for restaurants in Hong Kong to source authentic ingredients."W e can get a lot of our ingredients once a week from the UK," T amlyn explains. "But there is also pressure to buy local and save on food miles, which means we take our vegetables from the local markets, and there are a lot that work well with British staples."The Phoenix, in Mid-Levels, offers the widest interpretation of "British cuisine", while still trying to maintain its soul. The gastro-pub has existed in various locations in Hong Kong since 2002. Singaporean head chef T ommy T eh Kum Chai offers daily specials on a blackboard, rather than sticking to a menu. This enables him to reinterpret British cuisine depending on what is available in the local markets."We use a lot of ingredients that people wouldn't perhaps associate as British, but are presented in a British way. Bell peppers stuffed with couscous, alongside ratatouille, is a very popular dish."Although the ingredients may not strike diners as being traditional, they can be found in dishes across Britain.Even the traditional chefs are aware of the need to adapt to local tastes and customs, while maintaining the Britishness of their cuisine.At Y orkshire Pudding, Hill says that his staff asks diners whether they would like to share their meals. Small dishes, shared meals and "mixing it up" is not something commonly done in Britain, but Y orkshire Pudding will bring full dishes to the table and offer individual plates for each diner. "That way, people still get the presentation of the dishes as they were designed, but can carve them up however they like," Hill says.This practice is also popular at The Pawn, although largely for rotisseries (烤肉馆),T amlyn says. "Some tables will arrive on a Sunday, order a whole chicken and a shoulder of lamb or a baby pig, and just stay for hours enjoying everything we bring out for them."Some British traditions are too sacred (神圣的)to mess with, however, T omes says. "I'd never change a full English breakfast."注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。

2024年06月大学英语四级考试真题和答案(第1套)Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: Suppose your university is seeking students’ opinions on whether university libraries should be open to the public. You are now to write an essay to express your view. You will have 30 minutes for the task. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.PartⅡ Listening Comprehension (25 minutes)Section ADirections:In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.1. A) Due to a fire alarm in their apartments.B) Because of the smoke and heat damage.C) Due to the water used to extinguish the flames.D) Because of the collapse of the three-story building.2. A) Investigating the cause of the incident.B) Helping search for the suspect of the crime.C) Rescuing the businessmen trapped in the building.D) Checking town records for the property developer.Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.3. A) It plays a less important role in one’s health than nutrient intake.B) It impacts people’s health to a lesser degree than sun exposure.C) It is associated with people’s mental health conditions.D) It is linked with older adults’ symptoms of depression.4. A) It was indefinite.B) It was systematic.C) It was straightforward.D) It was insignificant.Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.5. A) It has helped solve several murder cases.B) It has become a star police dog in Beijing.C) It has surpassed its mother in performance.D) It has done better than naturally born dogs.6. A) To speed up investigation into criminal cases.B) To test the feasibility of cloning technology.C) To cut down training expenses.D) To reduce their training time.7. A) Cloning is too complicated a process.B) The technology is yet to be accepted.C) Cloning is ethically controversial.D) The technology is too expensive.Section BDirections:In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.8. A) He read it somewhere online.B) He heard about it from a coworker.C) He read an article reviewing it.D) He watched a TV series based on it.9. A) His publications.B) His first book.C) His address.D) His name.10. A) Collect a lot more data.B) Relax a bit less often.C) Clarify many new concepts.D) Read more reference books.11. A) Find out the show’s most interesting episodes.B) Watch the series together with the woman.C) Get an e-copy of the book to read.D) Check to see when the show starts.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12. A) To check the prices of his farm produce.B) To ask the way to the Newcastle City Hall.C) To inquire about the vegetarian food festival.D) To seek the man’s help with her work on the farm.13. A) Bakers.B) Vendors.C) Vegetarians.D) Organisers.14. A) The issuing of certificates to vendors.B) The completion of the baking task.C) The festival they are organising.D) The deadline for application.15. A) The closing date of submission.B) The website of his company.C) The details of the ceremony.D) The organiser’s address.Section CDirections: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16. A) Most scenic sites have been closed.B) Access to official campsites is limited.C) Health experts advise going outdoors.D) People have more time during the summer.17. A) It is strongly opposed by nearby residents.B) It leads to much waste of public money.C) It has caused environmental concerns.D) It has created conflicts among campers.18. A) Look for open land in Scotland.B) Leave no trace of their camping.C) Avoid getting close to wilderness.D) Ask for permission from authorities.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.19. A) They outcompete mythical creatures.B) They usually mind their own business.C) They truly exist in the Amazon region.D) They resemble alarmingly large snakes.20. A) Scar tissue from dolphins’ fighting.B) Skin infection from water pollution.C) Unhealed wounds from snake bites.D) Swimming along in seasonal floods.21. A) It has been shrinking at an astonishing pace.B) It has been placed under international protection.C) It has been appealing to both freshwater and sea dolphins.D) It has been abandoned as a battleground for male dolphins.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.22. A) About 58% of young adults call parental support the new normal.B) Most adult children enjoy increasing sources of financial support.C) A full 70% of the young adults cannot afford to buy a car by themselves.D) Most early adults cannot sustain their lifestyles without parental support.23. A) It renders them dependent.B) It causes them to lose dignity.C) It makes them mentally immature.D) It hinders them from getting ahead.24. A) It challenges one’s willpower.B) It results from education.C) It calls for due assistance.D) It defines adulthood.25. A) Current lifestyles.B) Poor budgeting.C) College loans.D) Emergency expenses.Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.It’s well known that physical exercise is beneficial not just to physical health but also to mental health. Yet whereas most countries have____26____, evidence-backed guidelines on the type and intensity of exercise____27____for various physical health benefits, such guidelines do not yet exist for exercise and mood.This is____28____due to a lack of necessary evidence. However, a new systematic review brings us usefully up-to-date on the current findings in this area.Before____29____into some of the key take-aways, animportant____30____made in the review is between aerobic exercise and anaerobic. The former____31____such things as walking, jogging and cycling and means exercising in such a way that your body is able to use oxygen to burn fat for energy. In contrast, anaerobic exercise—such as lifting heavy weights—is of such____32____intensity that your body does not have time to use oxygen to create energy and so instead it breaks down glucose (葡萄糖) in your blood or muscles.Beginning first with the influence of exercise intensity on the moodbenefits of aerobic exercise, the researchers, led by John Chan at Shenzhen University, found____33____results from 19 relevant studies. Some favoured higher intensity, others low, while seven studies found that intensity made no____34____to mood benefits.In relation to the intensity of anaerobic exercise, however, the results were far clearer—the optimum (最佳选择) for improving moodis____35____intensity, perhaps because low intensity is too dull while high intensity is too unpleasant.A) constitutesB) contradictoryC) decisionD) detailedE) differenceF) dippingG) distinctionH) fallingI) involvesJ) moderateK) notifiedL) partlyM) requiredN) traditionallyO) vigorousSection BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.Why Do Americans Work So Much?A) How will we all keep busy when we only have to work 15 hours a week? That was the question that worried the British economist John Maynard Keynes when he wrote his short essay “Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren” in 1930. Over the next century, he predicted, the economy would become so productive that people would barely need to work at all. For a while, it looked like Keynes was right. In 1930 the average working week was 47 hours in the United States. But by 1970, the number of hours Americans worked on average had fallen to slightly less than 39.B) But then something changed. Instead of continuing to decline, the duration of the working week remained stable. It has stayed at just below 40 hours for nearly five decades. So what happened? Why are people working just as much today as in 1970?C) There would be no mystery in this if Keynes had been wrong about the power of technology to increase the economy’s productivity, which he thought would lead to a standard of living “between four and eight times as high as it is today.” But Keynes got that right: Technology has made the economy massively more productive. According to Benjamin M. Friedman, an economist at Harvard, the U.S. economy is right on track to reach Keynes’s eight-fold (八倍) multiple by 2029. That is a century after the last data Keynes would have had access to.D) In a new paper, Friedman tries to figure out why that increased productivity has not translated into increased leisure time. Perhaps people just never feel materially satisfied, always wanting more money to buy the next new thing. This is a theory that appeals to many economists. “This argument is, at best, far from sufficient,” he writes. If that were the case, why did the duration of the working week decline in the first place?E) Another theory Friedman considers is that, in an era of ever fewer settings that provide effective opportunities for personal connections and relationships, people may place more value on the socializing that happens at work. There is support for this theory. Many people today consider colleagues as friends. But Friedman argues that the evidence for this theory is far from conclusive. Many workers report that they would like to spend more time with family, rather than at work. Furthermore, this theory cannot explain the change in trend in the U.S. working week in the 1970s.F) A third possibility proves more convincing for Friedman. That is: American inequality means that the gains of increasing productivity are not widely shared by everyone. In other words, most Americans are too poor to work less. Unlike the other two explanations Friedman considers, this one fits chronologically (按年代). Inequality declined in America during the period following World War II, along with the duration of the working week. But since the early 1970s it has risen dramatically.G) Keynes’s prediction of a shorter working week rests on the idea that the standard of living would continue rising for everyone. But Friedman says that this is not what has happened. Although Keynes’s eight-fold figure holds up for the economy as a whole, it is not at all the case for the median (中位数的) American worker. For them, output by 2029 is likely to be around 3.5 times what it was when Keynes was writing. This is a bit below his fourto eight-fold predicted range.H) This can be seen in the median worker’s income over this time period, complete with a shift in 1973 that fits in precisely with when the working week stopped shrinking. According to Friedman, between 1947 and 1973 the average hourly wage for normal workers (those who were not in management roles) in private industries other than agriculture nearly doubled in terms of what their money could buy. But by 2013 the average hourly wagefor ordinary workers had fallen 5 percent from the 1973 level in terms of actual purchasing power. Thus, though American incomes may have gone up since 1973, the amount that American workers can actually buy with their money has gone down. For most Americans, then, the magic of increasing productivity stopped working around 1973. Thus, they had to keep working just as much in order to maintain their standard of living.I) What Keynes predicted was a very optimistic version of what economists call technological unemployment. This is the idea that less labor will be necessary because machines can do so much. In Keynes’s vision, the resulting unemployment would be distributed more or less evenly across society in the form of increased leisure. But Friedman says that, for Americans, reality is much darker. Americans now have a labor market in which millions of people—those with fewer skills and less education —are seeking whatever poorly paid work they can get. This is confirmed by a recent poll that found that, for half of hourly workers, their top concern is not that they work too much but that they work too little. This is most likely not because they like their jobs so much. Rather, we can assume it is because they need the money.J) This explanation leaves an important question. If the very rich—the workers who have reaped above-average gains from the increased productivity since Keynes’s time—can afford to work less, why do they continue to work so much? (Indeed, research has shown that the highest earners in America tend to work the most.) Friedman believes that for many top earners, work is a labor of love. They are doing work they care about and are interested in, and doing more of it is not necessarily a burden. For them, it may even be a pleasure. These top earners derive meaning from their jobs and work is an important part of how they think of themselves. And, of course, they are compensated for it at a level that makes it worth their while.K) Friedman concludes that the prosperity (繁荣) Keynes predicted is here. After all, the economy as a whole has grown even more brilliantly than he expected. But for most Americans, that prosperity is nowhere to be seen. And, as a result, neither are those shorter working weeks.36. Some people view socializing at the workplace as a chance to develop personal relationships.37. As ordinary American workers’ average hourly pay had decreased despite increasing productivity, they had to work just as many hours as before to keep their living standards.38. American workers’ average weekly working time has not changed for nearly half a century.39. Friedman believes inequality in the U.S. largely explains why increasing productivity has not resulted in reduced working hours. 40. Many economists assume people’s thirst for material things has prevented them from enjoying more leisure time.41. An economist’s prediction about a shorter average working week seemed to be correct for a time in the 20th century.42. In the U.S. labor market, the primary concern of people with less schooling and fewer skills is to secure any employment even if it is low-paid.43. Keynes was right in predicting that technology would make the economy much more productive.44. Many of the highest earners have a keen interest in and love for what they are doing.45. According to Keynes, there would be a shorter working week with everyone’s standard of living continuing to rise.Section CDirections:There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.Lao Zi once said, “Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.”People-pleasing, or seeking self-worth through others’ approval, is unproductive and an exhausting way to go through life. Why do we allow what others think of us to have so much power over how we feel about ourselves? If it’s true that you can’t please all people all of the time, wouldn’t it make sense to stop trying?Unfortunately, sense often isn’t driving our behavior. For social beings who desire love and belonging, wanting to be liked, and caring about the effect we have on others, is healthy and allows us to make connections. However, where we get into trouble is when our self-worth is dependent upon whether we win someone’s approval or not.This need to be liked can be traced back to when we were children and were completely dependent on others to take care of us: Small children are not just learning how to walk and communicate, they are also trying to learn how the world works. We learn about who we are and what is expected of us based on interactions with others, so, to a four-year-old, if Mommy or Daddy doesn’t like him or her, there is the danger that they will abandon them. We need to understand that when we desperately want someone to approve of us, it’s being driven by that little kid part of us that is still terrified of abandonment.As you become more capable of providing yourself with the approval you seek, your need for external validation will start to vanish, leaving youstronger, more confident, and yes, happier in your life. Imagine how much time we lose each moment we restrain our authenticselves in an effort to be liked.If we base our worth on the opinions of others, we cheat ourselves of the power to shape our experiences and embrace life not only for others but also for ourselves, because ultimately, there is no difference. So embrace the cliché(老话) and love yourself as it’s highly doubtfulthat you’ll regret it.46. What can we conclude from Lao Zi’s quotation?A) We should see through other people’s attempt to make a prisoner of us.B) We can never really please other people even if we try as hard as we can.C) We can never be truly free if taking to heart others’ opinion of us.D) We should care about other people’s view as much as they care about our own.47. What will happen if we base our self-worth on other people’s approval?A) Our desire to be loved will be fulfilled.B) Our life will be unfruitful and exhausting.C) Our identity as social beings will be affected.D) Our sense of self will be sharpened and enhanced.48. What may account for our need to be liked or approved of?A) Our desperate longing for interactions with others.B) Our understanding of the workings of the world.C) Our knowledge about the pain of abandonment.D) Our early childhood fear of being deserted.49. What can we do when we become better able to provide ourselves with the desiredapproval?A) Enjoy a happier life.B) Exercise self-restraint.C) Receive more external validation.D) Strengthen our power of imagination.50. What does the author advise us to do in the last paragraph?A) Embrace life for ourselves and for others.B) Base our worth on others’ opinions.C) See our experiences as assets.D) Love ourselves as we are.Passage TwoQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.Some people have said aging is more a slide into forgetfulness than a journey towards wisdom. However, a growing body of research suggeststhat late-in-life learning is possible. In reality, education does an aging brain good.Throughout life, people’s brains constantly renovate themselves. In the late 1960s, British brain scientist Geoffrey Raisman spied growth in damaged brain regions of rats through an electron microscope; their brains were forging new connections. This meant brains may change every time a person learns something new.Of course, that doesn’t mean the brain isn’t affected by the effects of time. Just as height usually declines over the years, so does brain volume: Humans lose about 4 percent every decade starting in their 40s. But that reduction doesn’t necessarily make people think slower; as long as we are alive and functioning, we can alter our brains with new information and experiences.In fact, scientists now suspect accumulating novel experiences, facts, and skills can keep people’s minds more flexible. New pathways can strengthen our ever-changing mental structure, even as the brain shrinks.Conventional fixes like word puzzles and brain-training apps can contribute to mental durability. Even something as simple as taking a different route to the grocery store or going somewhere new on vacation can keep the brain healthy.A desire for new life challenges can further boost brainpower. Research about aging adults who take on new enterprises shows improved function and memory as well as a reduced risk of mental disease. Openness —a characteristic defined by curiosity and a desire for knowledge—may also help folks pass brain tests. Some folks are born with thistake-in-theworld attitude, but those who aren’t as genetically gifted aren’t necessarily out of luck. While genes can encourage an interest in doing new things, a 2012 study in the journal Psychology and Aging found completing reasoning tasks like puzzles and number games can enhance that desire for novel experiences, which can, in turn, refresh the brain. That’s why brain scientist Richard Kennedy says “It’s not that old dogs can’t learn new tricks. It’s that maybe old dogs don’t realize why they should. ”51. What do some people think of aging adults?A) Their wisdom grows as time goes by.B) Their memory gradually deteriorates.C) They can benefit from late-in-life learning.D) They are likely to have mental health issues.52. What can we conclude from Geoffrey Raisman’s finding?A) Brain damage seriously hinders one’s learning.B) Brain power weakens slower than we imagine.C) Brains can refresh and improve with learning.D) Brains forge connections under new conditions.53. What is one thing that helps maintain the health of our brain even as it shrinks?A) Doing daily routines by conventional means.B) Avoiding worrying about our mental durability.C) Imitating old dogs’ way of learning new tricks.D) Approaching everyday tasks in novel ways.54. What does the author say can contribute to the improvement of brain function?A) Being curious and desiring knowledge.B) Being eager to pass brain tests at an old age.C) Rising to life’s challenges and avoiding risks.D) Boosting immunity to serious mental diseases.55. What is the finding of the 2012 study in the journal Psychology and Aging?A) Wishing to solve puzzles enhances one’s reasoning power.B) Playing number games unexpectedly stimulates one’s memory.C) Desiring new experiences can help to renovate the brain.D) Learning new tricks should not be confined to old dogs only.Part Ⅳ Translation (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chineseinto English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.四合院(siheyuan)是中国一种传统的住宅建筑,其特点是房屋建造在一个院子的四周,将院子合围在中间。

试卷二第一部分:听力理解(共25小题)…试卷三第一部分:听力理解(共25小题)…第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题)……第四部分:辨析词义(共10小题)…第五部分:写作(共两个任务)…答案及解析试卷一答案及解析听力理解1.B2.C3.A4.B5. C …阅读理解1.A2.D3.B4.C5. A …完型填空1.C2.A3.B4.D5. C …辨析词义1.B2.A3.C4.D5. B …写作任务一:城市交通问题的短文 (此处省略正文)任务二:根据一幅图画写一篇短文 (此处省略正文)试卷二答案及解析…试卷三答案及解析…注意:本文只是提供了试卷的框架和部分内容,实际的试卷内容和答案需要参考真实的2023年6月大学生英语四级考试。

Part I - 听力(Listening)第一节(共5小题)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。
从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。
1. W: Have you checked the weather forecast for tomorrow's picnic?M: Yes. It says the weather will be sunny with a high of 28 degrees Celsius.Q: What will the weather be like for tomorrow's picnic?[解析] 根据对话内容,女士问男士是否查看了明天野餐的天气预报。
所以正确答案是 A) Sunny.2. M: Excuse me, where can I find the textbooks for the biology course?W: You can find them in the university bookstore on the ground floor.Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?[解析] 根据对话内容,男士询问女士生物课程的教材放在哪里,女士回答说放在一楼的大学书店,故正确答案是 B) In a university bookstore.3. W: The new mall is opening tomorrow. Would you like to go shopping there with me?M: I'd love to, but I have a meeting in the afternoon. How about this weekend?Q: What does the man mean?[解析] 女士邀请男士一起去新开的购物中心逛街,男士表示很想去但是有一个下午的会议,问女士这周末如何。

2024四级试题及答案### 2024年大学英语四级考试试题及答案#### 一、听力部分听力理解(共25分)1. 短对话(共8分)- 问题1:What does the man suggest doing?- 答案:A. Visiting the museum.- 问题2:Why is the woman upset?- 答案:B. She missed the bus.2. 长对话(共10分)- 问题1:What is the main topic of the conversation?- 答案:C. Planning a trip to the countryside.- 问题2:What does the man think of the woman's idea?- 答案:D. He is not very enthusiastic about it.3. 短文理解(共7分)- 问题1:What is the speaker mainly talking about?- 答案:A. The importance of environmental protection.- 问题2:What is the speaker's suggestion for the audience? - 答案:B. To reduce the use of plastic bags.#### 二、阅读部分阅读理解(共20分)1. 快速阅读(共10分)- 问题1:What is the main idea of the passage?- 答案:A. The benefits of regular exercise.- 问题2:What does the author suggest to improve health? - 答案:B. Combining exercise with a healthy diet.2. 仔细阅读(共10分)- 问题1:According to the passage, what is the key to success?- 答案:C. Persistence and hard work.- 问题2:What does the author believe about failure?- 答案:D. It is a stepping stone to success.#### 三、写作部分作文(共15分)题目:The Impact of Technology on Education范文:In recent years, the integration of technology in education has been a topic of much debate. It is undeniable that technology has revolutionized the way we learn and teach. For instance, the use of online platforms and digital resources has made education more accessible and interactive. Students can now access a wealth of information at their fingertips, and teachers can employ various tools to enhance the learning experience.However, there are also concerns about the over-reliance ontechnology. Some argue that it may lead to a decrease in critical thinking skills as students may become too dependent on search engines and online summaries. Additionally, the digital divide can exacerbate educational inequalities, as not all students have equal access to technology.In conclusion, while technology has undoubtedly brought about positive changes in education, it is crucial to strike a balance. Educators should use technology as a tool to complement traditional teaching methods, ensuring that students develop a well-rounded set of skills.#### 四、翻译部分汉译英(共20分)原文:随着经济的快速发展,人们的生活水平有了显著提高。

大学英语四级考试2024年6月真题(第一套)Part I Writing(30minutes) Directions:Suppose your university is seeking students'opinions on whether university libraries should be open to the public.You are now to write an essay to express your view.You will have30minutesfor the task.You should write at least120words but no more than180words.PartⅡListening Comprehension(25minutes) Section ADirections:In this section,you will hear three news reports.At the end ofeach news report,you will hear two or three questions.Both the news report and the questions will bespoken only once.Afier you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet1with a single line through the centre.Questions1and2are based on the news report you have just heard.1.A)Due to a fire alarm in their apartments.B)Because of the smoke and heat damage2.A)Investigating the cause of the incident.B)Helping search for the suspect of the crime.C)Due to the water used to extinguish the flames.D)Becauseof the collapse of the three-story building.C)Rescuing the businessmen trapped in the building.D)Checking town records for the property developer.Questions3and4are based on the news report you have just heard.3.A)It plays a less important role in one's health than nutrient intake.B)It impacts people's health to a lesser degree than sun exposure.C)It is associated with people's mental health conditionsD)It is linked with older adults'symptoms ofdepression4.A)It was indefinite C)It was straightforward.B)It was systematic.D)It was insignificant. Questions5to7are based on the news report you have just heard.5.A)It has helped solve several murder cases.B)It has become a star police dog in Beijing6.A)To speed up investigation into criminal cases.B)To test the feasibility of cloning technology.7.A)Cloning is too complicated a processB)The technology is yet to be accepted C)It has surpassed its mother in performance.D)It has done better than naturally born dogs.C)To cut down training expensesD)To reduce their training time.C)Cloning is ethically controversial.D)The technology is too expensive.Section BDirections:In this section,you will hear two long conversations.At the end ofeach conversation,you will hear four questions.Both the conversation and the questions will bespoken only once.After you hear a question,you1·2024年6月四级真题(第一套)·must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the centre.Questions8to11are based on the conversation you have just heard.8.A)He read it somewhere online.B)He heard about it from a coworker.9.A)His publications.B)His first book.10.A)Collect a lot more data.B)Relax a bit less often.11.A)Find out the show's most interesting episodesB)Watch the series together with the woman.C)He read an article reviewing it.D)He watched a TV series based on it.C)His addressD)His name.C)Clarify many new conceptsD)Read more reference books.C)Get an e-Copy of the book to read.D)Check to see when the show starts.Questions12to15are based on the conversation you have just heard.12.A)To check the prices of his farm produce.B)To ask the way to the Newcastle City Hall.13.A)Bakers.B)Vendors14.A)The issuing of certificates to vendors.B)The completion of the baking task.15.A)The closing date of submission.C)To inquire about the vegetarian food festival.D)To seekthe man's help with her work on the farm.C)Vegetarians.D)OrganisersC)The festival they are organising.D)The deadline for application.C)The details of the ceremonyB)The website of his company.D)The organiser'saddressSection CDirections:In this section,you will hearthre passages.At the end ofeach passage,you will hear three or four questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.Afteryou hear a question,you must choose the bestanswer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the centreQuestions16to18are based on the passage you havejust heard.16.A)Most scenic sites have been closed.B)Access to official campsites is limited17.A)It is strongly opposed by nearby residentsB)It leads to much waste of public money18.A)Look for open land in ScotlandB)Leave no trace of their camping C)Health experts advise going outdoors.D)People have more time during the summer.C)It has caused environmental concernsD)It has created conflicts among campers.C)Avoid getting close to wilderness.D)Ask for permission from authorities.Questions19to21are based on the passage you have just heard.19.A)They outcompete mythical creatures.B)They usually mind their own business.·2024年6月四级真题(第一套)·C)They truly exist in the AmazonregionD)They resemble alarmingly large snakes 220.A)Scar tissue from dolphins'fighting.B)Skin infection from water pollution.21.A)It has been shrinking at an astonishing pace.C)Unhealed wounds from snake bites.D)Swimming along in seasonal floods.B)It has been placed under international protection.C)It has been appealing to both freshwater and sea dolphinsD)It has been abandoned as a battleground for male dolphins.Questions22to25are based on the passageyou have just heard.22.A)About58%of young adults call parental support the new normal.B)Most adult children enjoy increasing sources of financial supportC)A full70%of the young adults cannot afford to buy a car by themselves.D)Most early adults cannot sustain their lifestyles without parental support23.A)It renders them dependent.C)It makes them mentally immature.B)It causes them to lose dignity.D)It hinders them from getting ahead.24.A)It challenges one's willpower C)It calls for due assistance.B)It results from education.D)It defines adulthood.25.A)Current lifestyles C)College loansB)Poor budgeting.D)Emergency expensesPartⅢReading Comprehension(40minutes) Section ADirections:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one wordfor each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter:Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet2with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.It's well known that physical exercise is beneficial not just to physical health but also to mental health.Yet whereas most countries have26evidence-backed guidelines on the type and intensity of exercise27for various physical health benefits,such guidelines do not yet exist for exercise and mood. This is28due to a lack of necessary evidence.However,a new systematic review brings us usefully up-to-date on the current findings in this area.Before29into some of the key take-aways,an important30made in the review is between aerobic exercise and anaerobic.The former31such things as walking,jogging and cycling and means exercising in such a way that your body is able to use oxygen to burn fat for energy.In contrast,anaerobic exercise—such as lifting heavy weights—is of such32intensity that your body does not have time to use oxygen to create energy and so instead it breaksdown glucose(葡萄糖)in your blood or muscles.Beginning first with the influence of exercise intensity on the mood benefits of aerobic exercise,the researchers,led by John Chan at Shenzhen University,found33resultsfrom19relevant studies.Some3·2024年6月四级真题(第一套)·favoured higher intensity,others low,while seven studies found that intensity made no34_to mood benefits.In relation to the intensity of anaerobic exercise,however,the results were far clearer—the optimum (最佳选择)for improving mood is35intensity,perhaps because low intensity is too dull while high intensity is too unpleasantA)constitutesB)contradictoryC)decisionD)detailedE)differenceF)dippingG)distinctionH)falling I)involves J)moderate K)notified L)partlyM)required N)traditionally O)vigorousSection BDirections:In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by markingthe corresponding letter on Answer Sheet2.Why DoAmericans Work So Much?A)How will we all keep busy when we only have to work15hours a week?That was the question that worriedthe British economist John Maynard Keynes when he wrote his short essay“Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren”in1930.Over the next century,he predicted,the economy would become so productive that people would barely need to work at all.For a while,it looked like Keynes was right.In1930the average working week was47hours in the United States.But by1970,the number of hours Americans worked on average had fallen to slightly less than39.B)But then something changed.Instead of continuing to decline,the duration of the working week remainedstable.It has stayed at just below40hours for nearly five decades.So what happened?Why are people working just as much today as in1970?C)There would be no mystery in this if Keynes had been wrong about the power of technology to increase theeconomy's productivity,which he thought would lead to a standard of living“between four and eight times as high as it is today.”But Keynes got that right:Technology has made the economy massively more productive.According to Benjamin M.Friedman,an economistat Harvard,the U.S.economy is right ontrack to reach Keynes's eight-fold(八倍)multiple by2029.That is a century after the last data Keynes wouldhave had access to.D)In a new paper,Friedman tries to figure out why that increased productivity has not translated into increasedleisure time.Perhaps people just never feel materially satisfied,always wanting more money to buy the next ·2024年6月四级真题(第一套)·4new thing.This is a theory that appeals to many economists.“This argument is,at best,far from sufficient,”he writes.If that were the case,why did the duration of the working week decline in the first place?E)Another theory Friedman considers is that,in an era of ever fewer settings that provide effectiveopportunitiesfor personal connections and relationships,people may place more value on the socializing that happens at work.There is support for this theory.Many people today consider colleagues as friends.But Friedman argues that the evidence for this theory is far from conclusive.Many workers report that they would like to spend more time with family,rather than at work.Furthermore,this theory cannot explain the change in trend in the U.S.working week in the1970s.F)A third possibility proves more convincing for Friedman.That is:American inequality means that the gainsof increasing productivity are not widely shared by everyone.In other words,most Americans are too poor to work less.Unlike the other two explanations Friedman considers,this one fits chronologically(按年代).Inequality declined in America during the period following World War II,along with the duration of the working week.But since the early1970s it has risen dramatically.G)Keynes's prediction of a shorter working week rests on the idea that the standard of living would continuerising for everyone.But Friedman says that this is not what has happened.Although Keynes's eight-fold figure holds up for the economy as a whole,it is not at all the case for the median(中位数的)American worker.For them,output by2029is likely to be around3.5times what it was when Keynes was writing.This is a bit below his four-to eight-fold predicted rangeH)This can be seen in the median worker's income over this time period,complete with a shift in1973that fitsin precisely with when the working week stopped shrinking.According to Friedman,between1947and1973 the average hourly wage for normal workers(those who were not in management roles)in private industries other than agriculture nearly doubled in terms of what their money could buy.But by2013the average hourly wage for ordinary workers had fallen5percent from the1973level in terms of actual purchasing power.Thus,though American incomes may have gone up since1973,the amount that American workers can actually buy with their money has gone down.For most Americans,then,the magic of increasing productivity stopped working around1973.Thus,they had to keep working just as much in order to maintain their standard of livingI)What Keynes predicted was a very optimistic version of what economists call technological unemployment.This is the idea that less labor will be necessary because machines can do somuch.In Keynes's vision,the resulting unemployment would be distributed more or less evenly across society in the form of increased leisure.But Friedman says that,for Americans,reality is much darker.Americans now have a labor market in which millions of people—those with fewer skills and less education—are seeking whatever poorly paid work they can get.This is confirmed by a recent poll that found that,for half of hourly workers,their top concern is not that they work too much but that they work too little.This is most likely not because they like their jobs so much.Rather,we can assume it is because they need the money.J)This explanation leaves an important question.If the very rich—the workers who have reaped above-average gains from the increased productivity since Keynes's time—can afford to work less,why do they continue to work so much?(Indeed,research has shown that the highest earners in America tend to work the most.)5·2024年6月四级真题(第一套)·Friedman believes that for many top earners,work is a labor of love.They are doing work they care about and are interested in,and doing more of it is not necessarily a burden.For them,it may even be a pleasure.These top earners derive meaning from their jobs and work is an important part of how they think of themselves.And,of course,they are compensated for it at a level that makes it worth their while.K)Friedman concludes that the prosperity(繁荣)Keynes predicted is here.After all,the economy as a whole has grown even more brilliantly than he expected.But for most Americans,that prosperity is nowhere to be seen.And,as a result,neither are those shorter working weeks.36.Some people view socializing at the workplace as a chance to develop personal relationships.37.As ordinary American workers'average hourly pay had decreased despite increasing productivity,they had towork just as manyhours as before to keep their living standards.38.American workers'average weekly workingtime has not changed for nearly half a century.39.Friedman believes inequality in the rgely explains why increasing productivity has not resulted inreduced working hours.40.Many economists assume people's thirst for material things has prevented them from enjoying more leisuretime.41.An economist'sprediction about a shorter average working week seemed to be correct for a time in the20thcentury.42.In the bor market,the primary concern of people with less schooling and fewer skills is to secure anyemployment even if it is low-paid.43.Keynes was right in predicting that technology would make the economy much more productive.44.Many of the highest earners have a keen interest in and love for what they are doing45.According to Keynes,there would be a shorter working week with everyone's standard of living continuingtorise.Section CDirections:There are2passages in this section.Eachpassage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet2with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions46to50are based on the following passage.Lao Zi once said,“Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.”People-pleasing,or seeking self-worth through others'approval,is unproductive and an exhausting way to go through life.Why do we allow what others think of us to have so much power over how we feel about ourselves?If it's true that you can't please all people all of the time,wouldn't it make sense to stop trying?Unfortunately,sense often isn't driving our behavior.For social beings who desire love and belonging, wanting to be liked,and caring about the effect we have on others,is healthy and allows us to make connections.·2024年6月四级真题(第一套)·6。

大学英语四级考试真题及答案(绝对完整)Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minute to write a shortessay on the topic of students selecting their lectures. You should writeat least 120 words following the outline given bellow:1. 越来越多的博物馆免费对外开放的目的是什么?2. 也会带来一些问题3. 你的看法?Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go overthe passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. Forquestions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the informationgiven in the passage.How Do You See Diversity?As a manager, Tiffany is responsible for interviewing applicants for someof the positions with her company .During one interview, she noticed thatthe candidate never made direct eye contact. She was puzzled and somewhatdisappointed because she liked the individual otherwise. He had a perfect resume and gave good responses to her questions, but thefact that he never looked her in the eye said “untrustworthy,” so shedecided to offer the job to her second choice.“It wasn’t until I attended a diversity workshop that I realized theperson we passed over was the perfect person,” Tiffany confesses. Whatshe hadn’t known at the time of the interview was that the candidate’s“different”behavior was simply a cultural misunderstanding . He was an Asian-Americanraised in a household where respect for those in authority was shown byaverting(避开) your eyes.“I was just thrown off by the lack of ye contact; not realizing it wascultural,” Tiffany says. “I missed out ,but will not miss thatopportunity again.”Many of us have had similar encounters with behaviors we perceive asdifferent. As the world becomes smaller and our workplaces more diverse,it is becoming essential to expand our under-standing of others and toreexamine some of our false assumptions .Hire AdvantageAt a time when hiring qualified people is becoming moredifficult ,employers who can eliminate invalid biases(偏爱) from theprocess have a distinct advantage .My company, Mindsets LLC ,helpsorganizations and individuals see their own blind spots . A real estaterecruiter we worked with illustrates the positive difference suchtraining can make .“During my Mindsets coaching session ,I was taught how to recruit a diversified workforce. I recruited people from different cultures and skill sets .The agents were able to utilize their full potential and experiences to build up the company .When the real estate market began to change, it was because we had a diverse agent pool that we were able to stay in the real estate market much longer than others in the same profession.”Blinded by GenderDale is an account executive who attended one of my workshops onsu pervising a diverse workforce . “Through one of the sessions ,I discovered my personal bias ,” he recalls . “I learned I had not been looking at a person as a whole person , and being open to differences .” In his case , the blindness was not about culture but rather gender.“I had a management position open in my department ;and the two finalists were a man and a woman . Had I not attended this workshop , I would have automatically assumed the man was the best candidate because the position required quite a bit of extensive travel . My reasoning would have been that even though both candidates were great and could have been successful in the position , I assumed the woman would have wanted to be home with her children and not travel .”Dale’s assumptions are another example of the well-intentioned but incorrect thinking that limits an organization’s ability to tap into the full potential of a diverse workforce.“I learned from the class that instead of imposing my gender biases into the situation , I needed to present the full range of duties, responsibilities and expectations to all candidates and allow them to make an informed decision .” Dale credits the workshop , “because it helped me make decisions based on fairness .”Year of the Know-It-AllDoug is another supervisor who attended one of my workshops .He recalls a major lesson learned from his own employee.“One of my most embarrassing moments was when I had a Chinese-American employee put in a request to take time off to celebrate Chinese New Year . In my ignorance , I assumed he had his dates wrong , as the first of January had just passed . When I advised him of this , I gave him a long talking-to about turning in requests early with the proper dates .“He pati ently waited , then when I was done , he said he would like Chinese New Year did not begin January first , and that Chinese New Year ,which is tied to the lunar cycle ,is one of the most celebrated holidays on theChinese calendar . Needless to say , I felt very embarrassed in assuminghe had his dates mixed up . But I learned a great deal about assumptions ,and that the timing of holidays varies considerably from culture toculture .“Attending the diversity workshop helped me realize how much I couldlearn by simply asking questions and creating dialogues with my employees ,rather than making assumptions and trying to be a know-it-all ,” Dougadmits . “The biggest thing I took away from the workshop is learninghow to be more ‘inclusive’ to differences.A better Bottom LineAn open mind about diversity not only improves organizationsinternally , it is profitable as well . These comments from a customerservice representative show how an inclusive attitude can improvesales .”Most of my customers speak English as a second language . Oneof the best things my company has done is to contract with a languageservice that offers translations over the phone . It wasn’t until my bossreceived Mindsets’ training that she was able to understand how importantinclusiveness was to customer service . As result , our customer base hasincreased .”Once we start to see people as individuals . and discard thestereotypes , we can move positively toward inclusiveness for everyone .Diversity is about coming together and taking advantage of our differencesand similarities . It is about building better communities andorganizations that enhance us as individuals and reinforce our sharedhumanity .When we begin to question our assumptions and challenge what we think wehave learned from our past , from the media, peers , family , friends ,etc , we begin to realize that some of our conclusions are flawed(有缺陷的) or contrary to our fundamental values . We need to train our-selvesto think differently , shift our mindsets and realize that diversity opensdoors for all of us ,creating opportunities in organizations andcommunities that benefit everyone.1. What bothered Tiffany during an interview with her candidate?A) He just wouldn’t look her in the eye.B) He was slow in answering her questions.C) His answers to some of her questions were irrelevant.D) His answers to some of her questions were irrelevant.2. Tiffany’s misjudgment about the candidate stemmed from _____.A) Racial stereotypes. C) Racial stereotypes.B) Invalid personal bias . D) Emphasis on physical appearance3. What is becoming essential in the course of economic globalizationaccording to the author?A) Hiring qualified technical and management personnel.B) Increasing understanding of people of other cultures.C) Constantly updating knowledge and equipment.D) Expanding domestic and international markets.4. What kind of organization is Mindsets LLC?A) A real estate agency. C) A cultural exchange organization.B) A personnel training company. D) A hi-tech company5. After one of the workshops ,account executive Dale realized that _____.A) He had hired the wrong person.B) He could have done more for his company.C) He had not managed his workforce well.D) He must get rid of his gender bias.6. What did Dale think of Mindsets LLC’s workshop?A) It was well-intentioned but poorly conducted.B) It tapped into the executives’ full potential.C) It helped him make fair decisions.D) It met participants’ di verse needs.7. How did Doug, a supervisor, respond to a Chinese-American employee’srequest for leave?A) He told him to get the dates right. C)He flatly turned it downB) He demanded an explanation. D)He readily approved it.8. Doug felt _____ when he realized that his assumption was wrong.9. After attending Mindsets’ workshops, the participants came to knowthe importance of _____ to their business.10. When we view people as individuals and get rid of stereotypes , wecan achieve diversity and benefit from the _____ between us.Part III Listening Comprehension (35 Minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questionswill be asked about what was said .Both the conversation and the questionswill be spoken only once .After each question there will be a pause .During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A),B),C) and D),and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letteron Answer sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.11. A) She expected more people at her party.B) She enjoys entertaining small children .C) She threw a surprise party for her friendD) She has always enjoyed great popularity.12. A) They are not used to living in a cold place.B) They feel lucky to live in Florida.C) They are going to have a holiday.D) They have not booked their air tickets yet.13. A) He was pleased to get the medal. C) He used to be a firefighter.(B) He was very courageous. D) He was accused of causing a fire.14。

12月23日四级考试真题(最新整顿版)Part ⅠWriting (30 minutes)Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled. The Importance of Reading classics. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.1、许多人喜欢在除夕夜观看春节晚会2、但有人提出取消春节晚会3、我旳见解Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions:In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer sheet1.For questions 1-4, markY (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.For questions 5-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.Six Secrets of High-Energy PeopleThere’s an energy crisis in America, and it has nothing to do with fossil fuels. Millions of us get up each morning already weary over the day holds. “I just can’t get started.” People say. But it’s not physical energy that most of us lack. Sure, we could all use extra sleep and a better diet. But in truth, people are healthier today than at any time in history. I can almost guarantee that if you long for more energy, the problem is not with your body.What you’re seeking is not physical energy. It’s emotional energy. Yet, sad to say life sometimes seems designed to exhaust our supply. We work too hard. We have family obligations. We encounter emergencies and personal crises. No wonder so many of us suffer from emotional fatigue, a kind of utter exhaustion of the spirit.And yet we all know people who are filled with joy, despite the unpleasant circumstances of their lives. Even as a child I observed people who were poor or disabled or ill, but who nonetheless faced life with optimism and vigor. Consider Laura Hillenbrand, who despite an extremely weak body wrote the best-seller Seabiscuit. Hillenbrand barely had enough physical energy to drag herself out of be to write. But she was fueled by having a story she wanted to share. It was emotional energy that helped her succeed.Unlike physical energy, which is finite and diminishes with age, emotional energy is unlimited and has nothing to do with genes or upbringing. So how do you get it? You can’t simply tell yourself to be positive. You must take action. Here are six practical strategies that work.1. Do something new.Very little that’s new occurs in our lives. The impact of this sameness on our emotional energy is gradual, but huge: It’s like a tire with a slow leak. You don’t it at first, but eventually you’ll get a flat. It’s up to you to plug the leak--even though there are always a dozen reasons to stay stuck in your dull routines of life. That’s where Maura, 36, a waitress, found herself a year ago.Fortunately, Maura had a lifeline--a group of women friends who meet regularly to discuss their lives. Their lively discussions spurred Maura to make small but nevertheless life alteringchanges. She joined a gym in the next town. She changed her look with a short haircut and new black T-shirts. Eventually, Maura gathered the courage to quit her job and start her own business.Here’s a challenge: If it’s something you wouldn’t ordinarily do, do it. Try a dish you’ve never eaten. Listen to music you’d ordinarily tune out. You’ll discover these small things add to your emotional energy.2. Reclaim life’s meaning.So many of my patients tell me that their lives used to have meaning, but that somewhere along the line things went state.The first step in solving this meaning shortage is to figure out what you really care about, and then do something about it. A case in point is Ivy, 57, a pioneer in investment banking. "I mistakenly believed that all the money I made would mean something." she says. "But I feel lost, like a 22-year-old wondering what to do with her life." Ivy’s solution? She started a program that shows Wall Streeters how to donate time and money to poor children. In the process, Ivy filled her life with meaning.3. Put yourself in the fun zone.Most of us grown-ups are seriously fun-deprived. High-energy people have the same day-to-day work as the rest of us, but they manage to find something enjoyable in every situation. A real estate broker I know keeps herself amused on the job by mentally redecorating the houses she shows to clients. "I love imagining what even the most run-down house could look like withy a little tender loving care," she says. "It’s a challenge--and the least desirable properties are usually the most fun."We all define fun differently, of course, but I can guarantee this: If you put just a bit of it into your day, you energy will increase quickly.4. Bid farewell to guilt and regret.Everyone’s past is filled with regrets that still cau se pain. But from an emotional energy point of view, they are dead weights that keep us from us from moving forward. While they can’t merely be willed away, I do recommend you remind yourself that whatever happened is in the past, and nothing can change that. Holding on to the memory only allows the damage to continue into the present.5. Make up your mind.Say you’ve been thinking about cutting your hair short. Will it look stylish –or too extreme?You endlessly think it over. Having the decision hanging over your head is a huge energy drain.Every time you can’t decide, you burden yourself with alternatives. Quit thinking that you have to make the right decision; instead, make a choice and don’t look back.6. Give to get.Emotional energy has a kind of magical quality; the more you give, the more you get back.. This is the difference between emotional and physical energy. With the latter. You have to get it to be able to give it. With the former, however, you get it by giving it.Start by asking everyone y ou meet, “How are you?” as if you really want to know, then listen to the reply. Be the one who hears. Most of us also need to smile more often. If you don’t smile at the person you love first thing in the morning, you’re sucking energy out of yourrelationship. Finally, help another person—and make the help real, concrete. Give a massage (按摩) to someone you love, or cook her dinner, Then, expand the circle to work. Try asking yourself what you’d do if your goal were to be helpful rather than efficient.Aft er all, if it’s true that what goes around comes around, why not make sure that what’s circulating around you is the good stuff?注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。

英语四级试卷及参考答案一、听力理解(共25分)Section A: 短对话(共8分)1. A) The man is too busy to attend the concert.B) The concert has been cancelled.C) The woman is not interested in the concert.D) The tickets for the concert are too expensive.2. A) The woman is looking for a job.B) The man is not qualified for the job.C) The man is asking for a raise.D) The woman is offering the man a job....Section B: 长对话(共7分)11. What is the main topic of the conversation?A) A new shopping mall.B) A new movie.C) A new restaurant.D) A new book.12. Why does the man suggest going to the cinema?A) Because it's a new experience.B) Because it's cheaper than a restaurant.C) Because it's a better place for a date.D) Because the woman has never been there....Section C: 短文理解(共10分)16. What is the speaker mainly talking about?A) The importance of environmental protection.B) The impact of technology on society.C) The benefits of traveling.D) The challenges of modern life.17. According to the speaker, what can be done to address the issue?A) Encouraging recycling.B) Reducing the use of plastic.C) Promoting public transportation.D) All of the above....二、阅读理解(共20分)Section A: 快速阅读(共10分)26. The author's purpose in writing the passage is to _______.27. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the new policy?28. What does the author suggest we should do to improve our health?...Section B: 阅读理解(共10分)31. What is the main idea of the passage?32. The author uses the example of _______ to illustrate_______.33. What is the author's attitude towards the issue discussed in the passage?...三、词汇与语法结构(共15分)36. The company is _______ to expand its business overseas.A) keenB) reluctantC) indifferentD) anxious37. If it were not for the support of the community, our project _______.A) would have failedB) would failC) had failedD) fails...四、完形填空(共20分)41. The word "significant" in the context of the passage means _______.42. The author suggests that _______ is a key factor in achieving success.43. According to the passage, the attitude of the employeestowards their work is _______....五、翻译(共20分)Translate the following sentences into English:44. 随着科技的发展,我们的生活变得越来越便利。

2024年英语四级真题及参考答案听力原文:第一套【Section A】News Report 1A police officer in the U. S. stopped a large SUV car that was going very slowly and drifting across lanes on a highway. He expected to find a driver who was either very drunk or having a medical emergency. Instead, the officer discovered a five year old boy sat on the edge of the driver's seat. His feet could barely reach the brake, and his head was only just high enough to see out of the windows. The child had taken the keys to the family car while his teenage sister was napping. He then drove three kilometers across town before getting on the highway. The boy later told confused officers that he was planning to travel to California and buy a Lamborghini sports car. Although he only had 3 dollar in his wallet, at least he was driving in the right direction.Q1: Why did the police officer stop the SUV car?Q2:What did the boy tell the police officers he was planning to do?News Report 2Mobile phones have changed the way we live, how we read, work, communicate, and shop. But we already know this. What we have not yet understood is the way the tiny machines in front of us are changing our skeletons. Possibly altering not just the way we behave but even the very shape of our bodies. New scientific research at the University of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia suggests that young people are developing extra pieces of bone at the backs of their heads. These pieces of bone are caused by the way people bend their heads when they use the phone. This shifts weight onto the muscles at the back of the head and causes the bone to grow in a way that is not normal. This process can be compared to the way the skin hardens in response to constant rubbing or pressure. The result is a piece of bone like a horn that sticks out from the head by the neck.Q3:What does the report say we have not yet understood about mobile phones? Q4:What happens to the skin when rubbed or pressed constantly?News Report 3A village is going to throw a birthday party for an orange cat named Wilbur, who has become famous for making a regular appearance at local shops. Wilbur has his own internet pages as he approaches his 10th birthday on July 7.Wilbur is both bold and friendly.He spends most of his time in shops and businesses around the village.He'll just take himself into any shop, anywhere.There was one time when the doctor's receptionist came back and he was sitting on her chair.Among his favorite haunts are a local hairdresser, two pubs, and the Nottingham Primary School.Leslie Harper, who runs one of the pubs, said the cat has been a big hit with their customers.“He's been a regular visitor for most of this year”, she told the Press Association.“He's a very relaxed cat, happy for customers and villagers young and old to come in and say hello. She also said he is a cat of expensive tastes, who likes his high priced cat food. ”Sarah Godfrey, who is organizing Wilbur's party, told the local newspaper, “Wilbur is part of our lives, as he is for everyone who lives in the village. “Q5:What does the report say the village is going to do for the cat Wilbur?Q6:What do we learn from the report about the cat?Q7: What does the pub owner, Leslie Harper, say about the cat?【Section B】Conversation 1M: So, where do you want to go for lunch?W:I don't know. Do you have anything in mind?M: What about the sandwich place on Camden Street?W:Um, no, sorry. I don't feel like sandwiches today. It's a great place, but I think we go there too often.M: That's true. Remember, that's where we saw Bridget Clark, the famous movie star.W:Of course. How could I ever forget? There were crowds of people around her, asking for a photo with her.M: What about hamburgers, then? There's that American style diner on the way to the mall.W:I like that place. Their chips are great, but their service takes a long time, and I need to get back by 2.:30 for a conference call. How about trying something new? We could try Mario's, the new Italian restaurant on the corner. It looks alright. Have you been there?M: No, I haven't, but I've noticed that it has great reviews on the internet. It's supposed to be one of the best Italians in town. I think Jeremy has been there and said it was amazing. I'm up for that.W: Cool. Have you asked Jeremy if he would like to come with us?M: I already have. He says he can't. He has brought his own lunch today, so he will stay in. I think his wife made him soup.W: Poor Jeremy. His wife is a terrible cook. He should throw that soup in the bin and join us.Q8: What are the speakers talking about in this conversation?Q9: Where did the speakers see Bridget Clarke, the famous movie star?Q10: Why does the woman say she needs to get back by 2:30?Q11:Why does the woman say Jeremy should throw his soup in the bin? Conversation 2W: Hi there, how are you today? Do you have a reservation with us already? M:Good afternoon. Yes, we reserved our rooms yesterday morning on your website for three nights. The name's Patterson.W:Okay, let me have a look. Yes, we have it here. You brought the whole family with you, I see.M:Yes, the two kids, my wife and I, and her parents too.W:Great. So, we have a family room for you and your wife and the kids. And another double room for your parents in law. They are right next to each other on the ground floor, since you mentioned in your message that they have trouble with stairs.M:That's wonderful. My father in law has had terrible problems getting up and down stairs since his knee operation last April.W:I'm sorry to hear that, and if you need any help to find transportation for the whole family, we can definitely recommend someone for you.M:We were thinking of renting a car, but we will explore all the options available for sure. So yes, that would be very helpful in comparing prices. We're also wondering what tours and day trips are available.W:We have bunches of brochures here. I would recommend getting out on a boat trip. The kids will love it, and there are so many islands nearby to explore. There's also a great night market further into town that has all kinds of food and cool little shops selling souvenirs and local jewelry and clothing made by hand.M:That all sounds marvelous.W:Now, all I need is to photocopy your passports, and then I can get you all checked in and show you to your rooms.Q12: Who is the man talking to in the conversation?Q13: What do we learn about the man's father in law from the conversation?Q14: Why does the man say they will explore all the options available?Q15: What does the woman suggest the man and his family do close to the end of the conversation?【Section C】Passage 1Artificial intelligence agents play ever more influential roles in our lives. They do everything from suggesting new friends to recommending purchases.They're even beginning to drive our cars. Another role that they are expected to take over is negotiating on our behalf in commercial transactions or legal disputes.So, it's important to know whether using an artificial intelligence agent might affect how we negotiate. Research indicates that it does. In a new study, participants were told to imagine that they were negotiating for something important to them, like a house. Next, they were told either that they would negotiate for themselves, or they would program an artificial intelligence agent to negotiate for them.Participants then completed a survey indicating how tough, deceptive, and pleasant or otherwise they wanted to be, or wanted their agent to be, in the negotiations. For example, participants could choose to be tough by making an opening demand far greater than what they'd be willing to accept. They could also choose to express sympathy with their opponent, to appear pleasant. But they could also indicate that they, or their agent, Would strategically express anger toward the opponent to gain advantage, or they could opt to convey dissatisfaction with the encounter so that the other party would think they were losing interest. These are both examples of deceptive strategies. Participants were more willing to employ deceptive strategies when assigned an agent to negotiate on their behalf.Q16: What does the passage say about artificial intelligence agents?Q17: What does the new study want to find out about using an artificial intelligence agent?Q18: What did participants tend to do when assigned an AI agent to negotiate on their behalf?Passage 2New research has studied the effects of a seven week healthy cooking course. Academics measured the program's effect on cooking confidence and self perceived mental health. Researchers also measured participants overall satisfaction around cooking and diet related behaviors. What were the findings?Course participants saw significant improvements in general health. They also reported improved mental health and subjective vitality immediately after the program. These benefits remained six months after the completion of the course. What caused these improvements? Researchers have previously found a link between eating more fruits and vegetables and improved longer term mental health.This would imply that the participants in the current study may have felt better due to improved diet. However, the study showed participants mental health improved even if their reported diet did not change after completing the program. Also, the mental health benefits were equal among participants who were overweight or obese and those in a healthy weight range.This suggests a link between cooking confidence and satisfaction around cooking and mental health benefits. Who benefits most from learning to cook? Gender plays a part. At the start of the program, 77 percent of female participants were confident about cooking, but just 23 percent of males were confident.At the end of the program, cooking confidence and skills were equal ac ross both counterparts. This change in confidence could lead to a gender balance in home cooking. This, in turn, could reduce consumption of unhealthy, high calorie processed meals.Q19: What do we learn about the benefits the participants gained from the healthy cooking course?Q20: What do the new research findings suggest about mental health benefits?Q21:What plays a role in determining who benefits most from learning to cook?Passage 3What is personal space? We often think of it as an invisible bubble of space surrounding us that others can't enter, without causing discomfort.Research shows, however, that we actually have bubbles of different sizes.Each of these bubbles applies to a different set of people. The smallest zone, called intimate space, extends outward from our bodies 18 inches in every direction.Only family, pets and one's closest friends may enter it. A mere acquaintance entering our intimate space makes us uncomfortable.Next is the bubble called personal space, extending fr om 1.5 feet to 4 feet away. Friends and acquaintances can comfortably occupy this zone, especially during informal conversations, but strangers are forbidden. Extending from 4 to 12 feet away from us is social space. Here, people feel comfortable conducting routine social interactions with new acquaintances or total strangers.Those are the average sizes of Americans personal bubbles, anyway. It is important to keep in mind that personal space varies depending on culture and context.Furthermore, there are significant individual differences. As we all know, cultural or individual differences in personal bubble diameters are all too often the cause of discomfort.How did these personal bubbles arise? According to research, we begin to develop our individual sense of personal space around age 3 or 4.The sizes of our bubbles are fixed by our teens. These bubbles are constructed and monitored by the brain region involved in fear.Q22:What does research show about our personal space?Q23:What happens if a mere acquaintance enters our intimate space?Q24:Where do people feel comfortable interacting with new acquaintances or strangers?Q25:When are the sizes of our bubbles fixed?第二套【Section A】News Report 1Have you noticed how similar you are to your friends? It may be because your brains operate in harmony with each other. We know that friends are more likely to be the same age, gender, and ethnic background as each other. Now it seems their brains are alike too. Researchers at the University of California scanned 42 classmates while they watched videos intended to provoke varying responses. Some people might find a romantic scene touching, for instance, while others would feel it was embarrassing. The activity of friends brains was more similar than that of people who didn't know each other, particularly in regions involved in attention, emotion, and language. This similarity was strong enough that it could be used to predict whether two people were already friends or not. Therelationship probably goes two ways. We are drawn to people who think like us. We then influence their thoughts over time, which may push their brain activity into more closely resembling our own.Q1: What may be the reason that friends are similar to each other, according to the recent research?Q2: What does the news report say about the relationship between friends?News Report 2Two men who have been best friends for 60 years have just realized they are actually brothers. It's reported that Alan Robinson and Walter McDonald met in the 6th grade at a school in Hawaii. They have been best friends ever since. Alan was given away for adoption soon after he was born, and Walter never knew his father.So recently, They made separate attempts on DNA matching we bsites to discover more about their ancestry. Walter was astonished to find thathe matched with website user Robbie737. He knew immediately that this was his best friend, Alan, whose friends call him Robbie, and flew 737 airplanes when he was a pilot.The pair were born to the same mother 15 months apart.Q3: What did both Alan Robinson and Walter McDonald attempt to do on DNA matching websites?Q4: What did the news report say about Alan Robinson and Walter McDonald?News Report 3Amid all the election drama, air pollution problems and disease outbreaks, five tourists good work is being spread online.Yesterday, 2 male and 3 female tourists were spotted walking the kilometer long beach, picking up trash. One of the male tourists from Austra lia commented that although there was a lot of trash, nobody was doing anything. The beach was not as nice or beautiful as it should be. He felt so sad to see such a gorgeous place littered with so much trash. Thus, he and his friends decided to grab a few trash bags and clean it all up. A man passing by decided to video their good deed and put it on the internet. It was unclear where the rest of the group was from, but they were most likely traveling together.One local woman commented on being embarrassed that tourists were cleaning up their beach. Another mentioned that it was actually the natives who brought food and drinks, then left trash all along the island.Q5: Why did one of the male tourists feel sad?Q6: Who put the good deed video on the internet?Q7: Why did one local woman say she was embarrassed?【Section B】Conversation 1W: Hello Benjamin, Dan and I will be going for a run along the canal Saturday morning. Would you like to join us?M:I'd love to, but I hurt my ankle last weekend playing football with work colleagues.W: Oh dear, is it serious?M: No, not at all. I landed badly during a fall and twisted it a little, but it's no big deal. It's just a little swollen and I should be fine for next Saturday if you still want to go for a jog then.W: I won't be here next Saturday. I'm going to the zoo.M:The zoo?W: Yeah. My little nephew turns six, and he loves the zoo. So the whole family is going.M: Oh, okay then. I haven't been to a zoo since I was a kid.W: They are nowhere near as popular as they used to be when we were children. I personally feel sorry for the poor animals stuck in cages. But there's no denying they are fun and educational for children.M: Do you know if Dan will be around next Saturday?W: Yeah, I think he will. Just send him a text message. He's always keen on physical activities.M: That's true. Dan is extremely fit and healthy. He goes to the gym most days, plus tennis two or three times a week.W: So, what have you been doing to stay busy while you've had that swollen ankle?M: I've been catching up on some reading. I was given three books over Christmas, and I'm only now getting around to reading them.Q8: Why can't the man go for a run Saturday morning?Q9:Why is the woman's whole family going to the zoo next Saturday?Q10:What do we learn about Dan from the man's description?Q11: What has the man been doing since last weekend?Conversation 2W: Our guest on today's book talk is John Black, the author of the new bestseller, Retire Early.M:Thanks for having me on the show, Lisa.W: John, your book is getting a lot of attention, partly because you write that most people can retire by 40. Is that realistic?M:Definitely. When researching this book, I interviewed hundreds of people who retired by 40.W: Okay, but how much money does a person need to retire? I've read articles recommending one million dollars as a good figure for retirement. M:While most financial planners do give numbers, I don't think that's useful, as people are living in different areas with different costs of living, and have different needs and wants, which is why I suggest that people aim for financial independence.W: What do you mean by financial independence?M:Having investment income that's greater than monthly expenses.W: That sounds risky to me. What if an accident happens? Or you get ill and need medical treatment? Shouldn't people have extra cash for emergencies?M:Too many people spend their lives working on jobs they hate because they're afraid. So I counsel people to take risks. Retirement doesn't have to be permanent, and if people need to, they can go back to work.W: But it's not always easy to get back into the workforce after an extended absence.M:True, but if you keep current with your skills, you will be attracted to employers.W: Maybe, but how can anyone save enough to retire by 40 when most people can't retire at 60?M:Simple, by cutting housing, food, and transport expenses and investing half your monthly income.W: That sounds impossible.M:I admit it's difficult, but it has worked for thousands.Q12: What do we learn about the man's book published recently?Q13: What do the articles the woman read recommend?Q14:What does the man say about retirement?Q15:How does the man say his proposal about retirement can be carried out?【Section C】Passage 1New research from America studies the role that the presence of individuals from different social or racial groups has in influencing consumers food choices. This research found college students were more likely to choose healthy food in the presence of an observer of a differentrace, as opposed to an observer from their own race. The same was true when they were with someone from a different university compared to someone from their own. Researchers say this was because participants anticipated more negative judgment from an outsider group. In contrast, they felt less judged by members of their own group. In one experiment, participants were offered the choice between candy and fruit as a snack. When in the presence of an unknown student from their own university, only 12 percent of students selected the healthier option. However, this number was 31 percent when in the presence of an unknown student from another university. Other experiments showed similar results based on racial group. What's the reason for this pattern? The study found that people feel judged to a larger extent by members of other groups. Because of this, they strategically use healthy food choices to make a positive impression. There have been many attempts to help consumers make healthier choices, but consumers often struggle to maintain a healthy diet. This research finds that one way to promote a healthy diet could be to advertise the social benefits of healthy choices.Q16: What was the finding of the new research from America about consumers food choices?Q17: When did 31 percent of students in the experiment select the healthier option?Q18:How could a healthy diet be promoted according to the findings of the new research?Passage 2For college students under pressure, a dog may be the best stress fighter around, according to the finding of a recent study. It's a really powerful finding, said Patricia Pendry, who led the study. Universities are doing a lot of great work trying to help students succeed academically, especially those who may be at risk due to a history of mental health issues or academic and learning issues.This study shows that traditional stress management approaches are n't as effective for this population compared with programs that focus on providing opportunities to interact with therapy dogs. The researchers measured executive functioning in the students involved in the study. Executive function is a term for the skills one needs to plan, organize, motivate, concentrate, and memorize.These are skills students need to succeed in college. The research has found that students who were most at risk had the most improvements in executive functioning after interacting with therapy dogs. These results remained when researchers followed up six weeks later. Many universities provide academic stress management programs and workshops.These are traditionally very similar to college classes. They often talk about ways to get more sleep, set goals, or manage stress or anxiety. Hendry acknowledges that these are really important topics and these workshops help typical students succeed. But they're less helpful for struggling students.Hendry believes those students may experience the programs as another lecture and feel even more stressed.Q19: What does the recent study led by Patricia Pendry aim to examine? Q20: What did the new study measure in the participants?Q21: What does Patricia Pendry think traditional stress man agement programs may do?Passage 3Taking risks in business does not mean going into business blindly and then expecting great results. On the contrary, taking risks in entrepreneurship involves careful planning and hard work. Nobody can really be sure if risks will be met with success, no matter how calculated they may be. But this should not stop you from taking risks, as risks are necessary if you want your business to succeed.Some risks may not work out, but an optimistic risk taker will always lo ok at failure as an opportunity to learn. The willingness to experiment with new ideas is key to business growth. As the old saying goes, nothing ventured nothing gained.Failure will teach you how to think and plan strategically. But just remember that not all risks are good ones, and when you fail, learn from it and move forward. Since most people tend to avoid risk, businesses that are brave enough to take risks already have a competitive advantage. They are the ones setting the standard with new ideas, fresh offers and bold inventions.Risk takers are best at adapting in difficult times. Simply put, when most individuals stay away from risk, it means less competition for risk takers. We don't know if you'll achieve what these risk takers have achieved, butfor as long as you want to stay safe, and for as long as you are content with where your business is right now, you will never find out.Q22: What do entrepreneurs have to do when taking risks according to the passage?Q23: What does the passage say is key to business growth?Q24: What are we advised to do when we fail?Q25: What does it mean to risk taking businesses when most people tend to avoid risk?参考答案翻译部分1.中国政府十分重视人民的饮食健康中国政府十分重视人民的健康饮食(diet )。

英语四级考试题和答案一、听力理解(共30分)1. A) The man is not interested in the woman's suggestion.B) The woman is not sure whether she can go to the party.C) The woman is not familiar with the man's friends.D) The man is trying to persuade the woman to go to the party.2. A) The woman is looking for a job.B) The woman is asking for directions.C) The woman is looking for a house to rent.D) The woman is asking about the cost of living.二、阅读理解(共20分)Passage 136. What is the main idea of the passage?A) The importance of teamwork in business.B) The benefits of working in a team.C) The challenges of working in a team.D) The disadvantages of working alone.37. According to the passage, which of the following is a benefit of working in a team?A) It allows for more creativity.B) It reduces the workload for each individual.C) It provides a sense of security.D) It leads to better decision-making.Passage 238. What does the author suggest about the use of social media?A) It should be limited to avoid addiction.B) It can be beneficial if used wisely.C) It is a waste of time for most people.D) It is a necessary tool for modern communication.39. What is the author's opinion on the impact of social media on relationships?A) It has a negative effect on personal relationships.B) It can strengthen relationships if used properly.C) It has no significant impact on relationships.D) It is essential for maintaining long-distance relationships.三、词汇与语法(共20分)40. The company has recently ________ a new policy to improve employee satisfaction.A) implementedB) demonstratedC) speculatedD) deteriorated41. Despite the heavy rain, the construction work was________ on schedule.A) delayedB) postponedC) acceleratedD) maintained四、写作(共30分)42. Directions: Write an essay of about 120 words on thetopic "The Role of Technology in Education". You should write clearly and coherently, and support your view with appropriate examples.参考答案:一、听力理解1. D) The man is trying to persuade the woman to go to the party.2. B) The woman is asking for directions.二、阅读理解36. A) The importance of teamwork in business.37. B) It reduces the workload for each individual.38. B) It can be beneficial if used wisely.39. B) It can strengthen relationships if used properly.三、词汇与语法40. A) implemented41. D) maintained四、写作范文:The Role of Technology in EducationIn recent years, technology has played an increasingly significant role in the field of education. It has transformed the way students learn and teachers teach. For instance, the use of interactive whiteboards in classrooms allows for a more engaging and dynamic learning experience.Additionally, online learning platforms provide students with access to a wealth of resources and the flexibility to learn at their own pace.Moreover, technology has made education more inclusive by breaking down geographical barriers. Students from remote areas can now participate in virtual classrooms, connecting with peers and educators worldwide. This has not only expanded their horizons but also fostered a global perspective on learning.In conclusion, technology has revolutionized education by enhancing the learning experience, providing greater access to resources, and fostering global connections. As we continue to embrace technological advancements, the potential for further transformation in education is limitless.。

2024英语四级试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分,每题2分)1. What does the man mean?A) He doesn't like the idea.B) He thinks the idea is worth trying.C) He has no opinion about it.D) He's not sure about the idea.答案:B2. What is the woman going to do?A) She is going to the library.B) She is going to the supermarket.C) She is going to the cinema.D) She is going to the park.答案:A3. What is the relationship between the two speakers?A) They are colleagues.B) They are siblings.C) They are husband and wife.D) They are classmates.答案:A4. Where is the conversation most likely taking place?A) At a restaurant.B) At a bus stop.C) At a train station.D) At an airport.答案:B5. What does the woman suggest the man do?A) To take a taxi.B) To take a bus.C) To walk.D) To wait for the next bus.答案:C二、阅读理解(共20分,每题2分)Passage 1The passage discusses the importance of environmental protection and the steps that can be taken to reduce pollution.6. What is the main idea of the passage?A) Environmental protection is not important.B) Environmental protection is important.C) Pollution cannot be reduced.D) Pollution is a natural phenomenon.答案:B7. According to the passage, which of the following is a wayto reduce pollution?A) Using more plastic bags.B) Recycling.C) Burning more fossil fuels.D) Using more pesticides.答案:BPassage 2The passage talks about the benefits of regular exercise and the types of exercises that are beneficial for health.8. What is the main benefit of regular exercise mentioned in the passage?A) It helps in losing weight.B) It improves mental health.C) It increases immunity.D) All of the above.答案:D9. Which type of exercise is recommended for improving cardiovascular health?A) Yoga.B) Weight lifting.C) Swimming.D) Running.答案:CPassage 3The passage describes the process of how a new law is passedin the country.10. What is the first step in passing a new law?A) The president signs it.B) The bill is introduced in the parliament.C) The public votes on it.D) The bill is discussed in the media.答案:B11. What is the final step in the process?A) The president vetoes the bill.B) The president signs the bill.C) The parliament debates the bill.D) The bill is sent back to the parliament.答案:B三、完形填空(共20分,每题2分)In the following passage, there are 10 blanks. For each blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best fits the sentence.Passage 4The world is full of wonders, and humans have always been curious about the unknown. Throughout history, many explorers have braved the seas, climbed the highest mountains, and ventured into the deepest caves in search of _______.12. A) adventureB) knowledgeC) treasureD) fame答案:B13. A) dangerB) darknessC) natureD) mystery答案:D14. A) secretsB) storiesC) discoveriesD) legends答案:A15. A) excitementB) fearC) curiosityD) ambition答案:C16. A) challengesB) obstaclesC) opportunitiesD) risks答案:B17. A) rewardsB) prizesC) findingsD) outcomes答案:C18. A) courageB) strengthC) determinationD) skill答案:A19. A) respectB) admirationC) envyD) indifference答案:B20. A) achievementsB) conquestsC) journeysD) explorations答案:A四、翻译(共20分,每题5分)21. 随着科技的发展,人们的生活越来越方便。

⼤学英语四级考试真题及答案(完整版)⼤学英语四级考试真题及答案(绝对完整)Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minute to write a shortessay on the topic of students selecting their lectures. You should writeat least 120 words following the outline given bellow:1. 越来越多的博物馆免费对外开放的⽬的是什么?2. 也会带来⼀些问题3. 你的看法?Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go overthe passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. Forquestions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the informationgiven in the passage.How Do You See Diversity?As a manager, Tiffany is responsible for interviewing applicants for someof the positions with her company .During one interview, she noticed thatthe candidate never made direct eye contact. She was puzzled and somewhatdisappointed because she liked the individual otherwise. He had a perfect resume and gave good responses to her questions, but thefact that he never looked her in the eye said “untrustworthy,” so shedecided to offer the job to her second choice.“It wasn’t until I attended a diversity workshop that I realized theperson we passed over was the perfect person,” Tiffany confesses. Whatshe hadn’t known at the time of the interview was that the candidate’s“different”behavior was simply a cultural misunderstanding . He was an Asian-Americanraised in a household where respect for those in authority was shown byaverting(避开) your eyes.“I was just thrown off by the lack of ye contact; not realizing it wascultural,” Tiffany says. “I missed out ,but will not miss thatopportunity again.”Many of us have had similar encounters with behaviors we perceive asdifferent. As the world becomes smaller and our workplaces more diverse,it is becoming essential to expand our under-standing of others and toreexamine some of our false assumptions .Hire AdvantageAt a time when hiring qualified people is becoming moredifficult ,employers who can eliminate invalid biases(偏爱) from theprocess have a distinct advantage .My company, Mindsets LLC ,helpsorganizations and individuals see their own blind spots . A real estaterecruiter we worked with illustrates the positive difference suchtraining can make .“During my Mindsets coaching session ,I was taught how to recruit a diversified workforce. I recruited people from different cultures and skill sets .The agents were able to utilize their full potential and experiences to build up the company .When the real estate market began to change, it was because we had a diverse agent pool that we were able to stay in the real estate market much longer than others in the same profession.”Blinded by GenderDale is an account executive who attended one of my workshops onsu pervising a diverse workforce . “Through one of the sessions ,I discovered my personal bias ,” he recalls . “I learned I had not been looking at a person as a whole person , and being open to differences .” In his case , the blindness was not about culture but rather gender.“I had a management position open in my department ;and the two finalists were a man and a woman . Had I not attended this workshop , I would have automatically assumed the man was the best candidate because the position required quite a bit of extensive travel . My reasoning would have been that even though both candidates were great and could have been successful in the position , I assumed the woman would have wanted to be home with her children and not travel .”Dale’s assumptions are another example of the well-intentioned but incorrect thinking that limits an organization’s ability to tap into the full potential of a diverse workforce.“I learned from the class that instead of imposing my gender biases into the situation , I needed to present the full range of duties, responsibilities and expectations to all candidates and allow them to make an informed decision .” Dale credits the workshop , “because it helped me make decisions based on fairness .”Year of the Know-It-AllDoug is another supervisor who attended one of my workshops .He recalls a major lesson learned from his own employee.“One of my most embarrassing moments was when I had a Chinese-American employee put in a request to take time off to celebrate Chinese New Year . In my ignorance , I assumed he had his dates wrong , as the first of January had just passed . When I advised him of this , I gave him a long talking-to about turning in requests early with the proper dates .“He pati ently waited , then when I was done , he said he would like Chinese New Year did not begin January first , and that Chinese New Year ,which is tied to the lunar cycle ,is one of the most celebrated holidays on theChinese calendar . Needless to say , I felt very embarrassed in assuminghe had his dates mixed up . But I learned a great deal about assumptions ,and that the timing of holidays varies considerably from culture toculture .“Attending the diversity workshop helped me realize how much I couldlearn by simply asking questions and creating dialogues with my employees ,rather than making assumptions and trying to be a know-it-all ,” Dougadmits . “The biggest thing I took away from the workshop is learninghow to be more ‘inclusive’ to differences.A better Bottom LineAn open mind about diversity not only improves organizationsinternally , it is profitable as well . These comments from a customer service representative show how an inclusive attitude can improvesales .”Most of my customers speak English as a second language . Oneof the best things my company has done is to contract with a language service that offers translations over the phone . It wasn’t until my boss received Mindsets’ training that she was able to understand how important inclusiveness was to customer service . As result , our customer base has increased .”Once we start to see people as individuals . and discard thestereotypes , we can move positively toward inclusiveness for everyone . Diversity is about coming together and taking advantage of our differences and similarities . It is about building better communities and organizations that enhance us as individuals and reinforce our shared humanity .When we begin to question our assumptions and challenge what we think we have learned from our past , from the media, peers , family , friends ,etc , we begin to realize that some of our conclusions are flawed(有缺陷的) or contrary to our fundamental values . We need to train our-selvesto think differently , shift our mindsets and realize that diversity opensdoors for all of us ,creating opportunities in organizations and communities that benefit everyone.1. What bothered Tiffany during an interview with her candidate?A) He just wouldn’t look her in the eye.B) He was slow in answering her questions.C) His answers to some of her questions were irrelevant.D) His answers to some of her questions were irrelevant.2. Tiffany’s misjudgment about the candidate stemmed from _____.A) Racial stereotypes. C) Racial stereotypes.B) Invalid personal bias . D) Emphasis on physical appearance3. What is becoming essential in the course of economic globalization according to the author?A) Hiring qualified technical and management personnel.B) Increasing understanding of people of other cultures.C) Constantly updating knowledge and equipment.D) Expanding domestic and international markets.4. What kind of organization is Mindsets LLC?A) A real estate agency. C) A cultural exchange organization.B) A personnel training company. D) A hi-tech company5. After one of the workshops ,account executive Dale realized that _____.A) He had hired the wrong person.B) He could have done more for his company.C) He had not managed his workforce well.D) He must get rid of his gender bias.6. What did Dale think of Mindsets LLC’s workshop?A) It was well-intentioned but poorly conducted.B) It tapped into the executives’ full potential.C) It helped him make fair decisions.D) It met participants’ di verse needs.7. How did Doug, a supervisor, respond to a Chinese-American employee’s request for leave?A) He told him to get the dates right. C)He flatly turned it downB) He demanded an explanation. D)He readily approved it.8. Doug felt _____ when he realized that his assumption was wrong.9. After attending Mindsets’ workshops, the participants came to knowthe importance of _____ to their business.10. When we view people as individuals and get rid of stereotypes , we can achieve diversity and benefit from the _____ between us.Part III Listening Comprehension (35 Minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said .Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once .After each question there will be a pause . During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A),B),C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.11. A) She expected more people at her party.B) She enjoys entertaining small children .C) She threw a surprise party for her friendD) She has always enjoyed great popularity.12. A) They are not used to living in a cold place.B) They feel lucky to live in Florida.C) They are going to have a holiday.D) They have not booked their air tickets yet.13. A) He was pleased to get the medal. C) He used to be a firefighter.(B) He was very courageous. D) He was accused of causing a fire.14。

大学英语四级真题及答案(多套题及翻译)CET4 Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the following topic. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.题目一:Suppose a foreign friend of yours is coming to visit your campus, what is the most interesting place you would like to take him/her to see and why?假设你的一位外国朋友来参观你的校园,你最感兴趣的地方想带他/她去看?为什么?题目二:Suppose a foreign friend of yours is coming to visit your hometown, what is the most interesting place you would like to take him/her to see and why?假设你的一位外国朋友来参观你的家乡,你最感兴趣的地方想带他/她去看?为什么?题目三:Suppose a foreign friend of yours is coming to visit China, what is the most interesting place you would like to take him/her to see and why?假设你的一位外国朋友来参观中国,你最感兴趣的地方想带他/她去看?为什么?Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。
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2022年6月大学英语四级真题1(总分:13.97,做题时间:130分钟)写作1.rections: Suppose you are writing a proposal to your school library for improving its services. You are to write about its current problems and possible solutions to these problems. You will have 30 mimutes to write the proposal. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.__________(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(Dear Sir or Madam, I hope you are doing great! I am Li Ming, one of the sophomore students in our university. Following my recent experience of using our school library, I have decided to send you some feedback. In the first place, the librarians there are not very friendly and helpful as they often fail to tell us where to find the book we want, and moreover get impatient easily. What´ s more, the books available in the library are too old to catch upwith the latest development of related disciplines. Finally, the reading rooms are not bright enough as some of the lights have gone dark. All these have brought great inconvenience to us students, which leaves me with no choice but to write you this letter.From my perspective, it would be wise for you to offer all the librarians a training course to familiarize them with the layout of the library and the classifications of the books. If possible, sincerely hope that you consider the possibility of renewing some of the books and maintaining the facilities properly. Thank you for your time and consideration. Look forward to your favorable reply.Warm regards,Li Ming)解析:翻译2.从前有个人养了一群羊。
____(分数:1.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:([译文]There was once a man who raised a flock of sheep. One morning, when he was ready to graze the sheep/let the sheep out to pasture, he discovered/noticed that one of his sheep was missing. He looked closer and found that there was a hole in the fold. Obviously, during thenight, a wolf entered through that hole and brought the sheep away/carried away the sheep in its mouth.His neighbor advised him to fix/repa ir the sheepfold, but he wouldn´t listen/ignored.The next/following day, he discovered that a wolf brought the sheep away/carried away asheep in its mouth again. The man remembered what his neighbor said and covered/blocked the hole up right away/immediately. From then on, no more sheep was carried away by a wolf.The story tells us: Remedy a problem promptly when it has developed would avoid/prevent us from suffering greater losses.)解析:三、短篇新闻(总题数:3,分数:150.00)3.音频(分数:1.00)A.It studied the effects of exercise on sleep.B.Its participants came from various walks of life.C.Its findings confirmed those of previous studies.D.It ran for as long as some thirty years.√解析:[听力原文]What do we learn about the new study from the news report?A.Eating more vegetables instead of meats.B.Drinking water instead of beverages with added sugar.√C.Consuming more energy drinks and sports drinks.D.Forming the habit of exercising regularly.解析:[听力原文]What is the scientists´ recommendation?4.音频(分数:1.00)A.He asked them about his lost paintings.B.He knew the owner of two missing paintings.C.He left his paintings at a highway rest stop.D.He found two 17th-century oil paintings.√解析:[听力原文]What did German police say about a 64-year-old man?A.They are originals.√C.They were stolen by an Italian boy.D.They came from the same artist.解析:[听力原文]What is the art expert´s conclusion about the two framed paintings?5.音频(分数:0.99)A.Look after her grandfather.B.Leave the remote cold region.C.Save her sick grandmother.√D.Flee from the threat of bears.解析:[听力原文]What did the four-year-old girl attempt to do?A.She has to face a criminal charge.√B.She was found lying motionless in the snow.She searched for her daughter in freezing cold.D.She works in childcare services.解析:[听力原文] What do we learn from the news report about the girl´s mother?A.She was found in a forest after three days.B.She lay totally unconscious for three days.C.She suffered from the effects of severe cold.√D.She was finally rescued by her relatives.解析:[听力原文]What happened to the little girl according the news report?四、长对话(总题数:2,分数:114.00)6.音频(分数:1.00)A.She shows a real passion for taking photos.B.She has just returned from her hometown.C.She comes from the city of Cape Town.D.She has a truly amazing appearance.解析:[听力原文]What does the woman say about her new friend Susan?A.It is as famous as Cape Town.B.It has a flat surface at the top.√C.It is green and free from pollution.D.It was named by European settlers.解析:[听力原文]What does the woman say about Table Mountain?A.She has British ancestors.√B.She is of mixed blood.C.She grew up in India.D.She speaks several languages.解析:It is an extremely violent sport.B.It is becoming a national sport.C.It is originated in New Zealand.D.It is more popular than football.√解析:[听力原文]What does the woman say about rugby in South Africa?7.音频(分数:1.00)A.Prepare a study guide.√B.Consult his advisors.C.Go over his notes regularly.D.Take stress-relief sessions.解析:[听力原文]What does the woman advise the man do?A.His worksheets are terribly messy.He finds the workload too heavy.C.His study folder is badly disorganized.√D.He has difficulty taking notes quickly.解析:[听力原文]What is the biggest problem the man has with his studies?A.A visual leaner.B.An emotional learner.√C.An organized leaner.D.A logical learner.解析:[听力原文]What kind of learner does the woman say she is?A.Arrange them using color and pictures.√B.Restructure them in a logical way.C.Commit them to memory after class.Organize them into a well-connected story.解析:[听力原文]What does the woman think the man can do with his notes?五、听力篇章(总题数:3,分数:426.00)8.音频(分数:0.99)A.It is mainly based on a society´s religion.B.It is interpreted differently in different times.C.It is a code of conduct based on laws and ethics.D.It is a moral principle to guide people´s behavior.√解析:[听力原文] What do we learn from the passage about the golden rule?A.It may lead to misunderstanding despite good intentions.B.It assumes that human beings are all good-natured.C.It may sometimes produce undesirable outcomes.√D.It fails to consider the complexity of human relationships.解析:[听力原文] What is a notable criticism of the golden rule?A.The golden rule is often in conflict with certain laws and ethical principles.B.The golden rule must sometimes give way to more important principles.√C.Failure to follow the golden rule may lead to violation of laws and ethics.D.Observing the golden rule is the first step to becoming a responsible citizen.解析:[听力原文]What does the example of someone breaking the law serve to show?9.音频(分数:0.99)A.Many of them find it rather difficult to manage.B.They have not seen as much diversity as desired.√C.Many of them have an increasingly diversified staff.D.They have not quite grasped the concept of diversity.解析:[听力原文] What do we learn from the current statistics about diversity in large corporations?A.Initiatives to achieve diversity in large corporations.B.Advantages and disadvantages of a diversified team.C.People´s attitudes towards diversity at the workplace.√D.Innovative ideas and solutions resulting from diversity.解析:[听力原文]What is the newly published study focused on?A.People prefer to work with team members similar to themselves.√B.Employers attach great importance to their corporations´ diversity.C.Employers differ from employees in their perspectives on diversity.D.Doubts about the practicability of diversity are gradually disappearing. 解析:[听力原文]What do the findings of the new study show?10.音频(分数:1.00)A.Choosing the best time for signing a business contract.B.Changing one´s form of communication from time to time.C.Laying equal stress on written and spoken communication.D.Using different forms of communication appropriately.√解析:[听力原文] What is a major key to success in the international business according to the passage?A.They are regarded as seriously binding.√B.They are seldom honored by business partners.C.They are taken as memos of understanding.D.They are to be confirmed in written form.解析:[听力原文]What does the passage say about spoken word agreements in some Middle East countries?A.It has reached the highest level of evolution.B.It places a high value on written contracts.√C.It regards written contracts as unalterable.D.It has seen a decline in verbal agreements.解析:[听力原文] What do we learn about the Western working culture?A.Its details cannot be renegotiated.B.It has to be carried out to the letter.C.It strengthens business partnerships.D.Its terms may not be strictly binding.√解析:[听力原文]How does a Japanese firm tend to view a written contract?六、选词填空(总题数:1,分数:35.00)11.You might think of your teeth as tools, like built-in knives and forks. But if they are mere tools, why do teeth feel pain and wouldn´t it be better if they could just __26__ under any conditions? In spite of our __27__discomfort, it turns out th ere´s a good reason our teeth are so sensitive. Tooth pain is a __28__ mechanism that ensures when a tooth is being damaged. We´ ll notice and do something about it.If you eat something too hot or too cold, or if the tooth is wom down enough where the tissue __29__ is exposed, all of those things cause pain, and then the pain causes the person not to use that tooth to try to protect it a little bit more. So it´s really a protective mechanism more than anything else. If teeth didn´t feel pain, we might __30__ to use them in situations that damage them. And for humans, damaging __31__ teeth is a problem because, unlike crocodiles, we can´t __32__ them.Teeth have three layers, only one of which—the innermost layer of the tooth hurt, as thatlayer of the tooth __33__ both blood vessels and nerves. Pain is the only feeling to which the nerves in that layer respond. Whereas people with tooth sensitivity may complain, for example, of tooth pain __34__ by heat or cold, the nerves in the inner layer don´t sense temperature. Rather, they feel pain, which may be __35__ with, say, drinking something very cold.[](分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:C,G,F,O,E,A,L,D,N,B)解析:[]七、信息匹配(总题数:1,分数:71.00)12.How to determine if a company is a good fit for you[A].On paper, the job seemed perfect for me: The position was completely in line with my degree, the duties and responsibilities were compatible with my interests and the office maintained a well-stocked kitchen that would satisfy my every snack desire.[B].Sounds like my dream job, right? There was only one small problem: I simply didn´t get along with the company culture. They favored a more rigid, closed-door, corporate atmosphere, when I would have preferred something more collaborative and open. They were complete clock watchers, when I would have liked a more flexible schedule. To put it plainly, we just weren´t on the same page.[C].When it comes to looking for a new job, you already know that a big part of theinterview process involves the company evaluating whet her or not you´ re a good fit fortheir open role.But, it´s important to keep in mind that the employer isn´t the only one who needs to identify a good match—you should be looking for that same exact thing. Company culture can have a big impact on how you feel about your work, so you want to make sure you sign anoffer letter with an organization you´ re truly excited about.[D].However, figuring out what a company is like before you actually work there can be a bit of a challenge. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to determine whether or not a company is a good fit for you -before you ever sign your name on that dotted line.[E].First of all, know what you want. It´s hard to make any decisions when you don´t really know what you´ re looking for. S o before you can determine whether you and a specific company would be compatible together, it´s important to have a solid handle on what exactly you wantfrom your employer. Many of us have an easier time identifying the things that we absolutely don´t want. If those are the only things you can think of, don´t worry! That´s still a good place to start.[F].Start by writing down the things you didn´t like about previous employers, as well as the parts you really valued. There´s no wrong answer here—so from big things to small details, write it all down on your list. This will help you immediately identify what you´ re looking for in an organization, as well as the things you´ re trying to stay far, far away from.[G].Do your research. Now comes the part when you put on your detective hat and do a little digging. The Internet will be your best friend when you´ re trying to familiarize yourself with a company´s culture before ever walking through their office doors. And where exactly should you look for these culture clues? Start with the most obvious place first: the company´ swebsite. Read through their copy and blog. Do they use formal, direct language? Oris it casual, conversational, and maybe even a little humorous? This can be a big indicator of what sort of atmosphere a workplace is trying to cultivate.[H].Next, turn your attention toward their social media outlets. Are they sharing photos of their team´s Thursday afternoon chili cook-off or Halloween costume contest on Instagram? Or are their social media accounts strictly reserved for company related announcements and product launches?[I].A site like Glassdoor is another spot to check in order to find some insider information about what you can expect about a company. However, remember to take the reviews you read witha grain of salt -many of them are written by scorned employees.[J].Finally, you can never fail with personal connections. Send a quick message to a current or previous company employee on Twitter or LinkedIn and ask if he or she would be willing to have a quick conversation with you about the organization in general. If you get a yes to your request for a chat? You´ ll be armed with some pretty powerful and helpful information heading into your interview![K].Ask questions. You know that part at the end of a job interview when the hiring manager asks if you have any questions, and you just stare across the table blankly with your mouth hanging open? That´s the perfect opportunity to speak up and get your burning companyculture questions a nswered! So yes, you can definitely ask your interviewer about what it´s like to work for that particular organization. Simple questions like, "What three words would you useto describe the culture here?"or "What´s your favorite part about working for this company?" can reveal a lot about what it´s really like behind closed doors. Still not sure what to ask? Try this article for help.[L].Prioritize your values. What does my dream company culture look like? Well, I could come and go as I please, as long as I was getting the work done. My boss would genuinely listen to and value all of my ideas and suggestions. My co-workers would all be friendly with one another, without ever falling into the office gossip trap. The kitchen would have endlessoptions of pizza and cookies. Oh, and they´d give me two months of paid vacation with an very generous salary.[M].What are my chances of finding all of those things with one employer? Slim to none—believe me, I´ ve looked. This is why it´s so important to know which aspects of a company´s cultureyou value most. Is it an open communication style or a flexible schedule? Focus on the top spots on your priority list, and ensure a potential employer at least checks those boxes.Unfortunately, this is reality, you can´t have e verything you want but a few are certainly achievable.[N].When you´ re hunting for a new job, you already know that the employer is trying to decide whether or not you´ re a good fit for the position. But you should also look at theprocess through a similar lens. You may not be the one conducting the actual interview, but you´ re still trying to determine whether or not company is a good fit for you.[O].Keep these tips in mind to figure out whether you and a potential employer are a perfect match or just a recipe (方案) for disaster. After all, it´s a good thing to know before actually accepting an offer.(分数:1.00)(1).Clues about the culture of a company can be found on its website._____(分数:0.10)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(G)解析:(2).It can be difficult to know the real situation in a company until you become part ofit._____(分数:0.10)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(D)解析:(3).It is impossible for a job applicant to have every expectation met._____(分数:0.10)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(M)解析:(4).Simply by reading its description, the author found the job offered ideal._____(分数:0.10)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(A)解析:(5).Job applicants are advised to make a written list of their likes and dislikes in their previous employment._____(分数:0.10)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(F)解析:(6).At the end of an interview, a job applicant should seize the opportunity to get answers to their urgent questions._____(分数:0.10)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(K)解析:(7).To begin with, job applicants should be clear what they expect from their future employer._____(分数:0.10)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(E)解析:(8).Job applicants should read with a critical eye what is written about a company on the website._____(分数:0.10)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(I)解析:(9).Job satisfaction has a lot to do with company culture._____(分数:0.10)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(C)解析:(10).A chat with an insider of a company can give job applicants very useful information when they prepare for an interview._____(分数:0.10)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(J)解析:八、仔细阅读理解(总题数:2,分数:284.00)13.In the age of the internet, there´s no such thing as a private debate. But is that badfor science? Some scientists have had concems. When debates in any sector move beyond the halls of universities and government agencies, there is potential for information to be used incorrect leading to public confusion: yet, open debate can also promote communication between scientific community and the public. Recent open debates on scientific research, health, and policy have aroused greater public attention and encouraged more diverse voices. If this trend spurs scientists to agree more quickly about the best solutions to our problems -and at the same time helps the public observe the process of scientific discourse more clearly -then this is good for everyone, including scientists.A recent debate published in The New York Times discussed the question of how quickly medicine should be developed and produced. Issues such as safety of the product and perception of the public were examined and considered. But some experts worried that such public speculation might lead people to believe that disagreement about the details meant a lack of adequate scientific consensus over the safety and efficiency of modem-day vaccine.The anxiety seems misplaced. Gone are the days of going to a conference and debating about scientific issues, and that´s good because those gatherings were not diverse enough and excluded many important voices. These days, the public can access debates about science regardless of where they take place.For many scientists, public debate is a new frontier and it may feel like a place with few restrains or rules, but rather than avoiding such conversations, let the debates be transparent and vigorous, wherever they take place. If the public is to understand that science is an honorably self-correcting process, the idea that science is a fixed set offacts in a textbook needs to be dismissed. With the validity of science coming under attack, there´s a need for scientific debates to be perceived as open and true to life. Let everyone see the noisy, messy deliberations that advance science and lead to decisions that benefit us all.(分数:1.00)(1).What does the author think open debate can do?(分数:0.20)A.Help the public to better understand science.√B.Clear up confusion in the scientific community.C.Settle disputes between universities and govermment agencies.D.Prevent information from being used incorrectly by the public.解析:(2).Why did a recent debate published in The New York Times arouse concerns among experts?(分数:0.20)A.It might hinder the progress in medical research.B.It might breed public distrust in modern medicine.√C.It might add to the difficulty of getting research funds.D.It might prevent medical scientists reaching consensus.解析:(3).Why does the author say some experts´ anxiety seems misplaced?(分数:0.20)A.Debating scientific issues at a conference is now old-fashioned. B.Diverse topics can be debated by both scientists and the public. C.Debates about science are accessible to the public anyway.√D.Scientists can voice their opinions whatever way they like.解析:(4).What does the author suggest scientists do about public debate?(分数:0.20)A.Have more discussions about it.B.Embrace it with open arms.√C.Formulate new rules for it.D.Restrain it to a rational degree.解析:(5).What does the author say about science in the last paragraph?(分数:0.20)A.It is transmitted through textbooks.B.It is what proves valid and true to life.C.It is a dynamic and self-improving process.√D.It is a collection of facts and established rules.解析:14.Online classes began to be popularized just a few decades ago. They are advertised as a way for adults to finish their education and students to leam the material at their own pace -it is far more compatible for people with busy schedules.But after being enrolled in an online course last fall semester, I came to realize online classes were merely a means to fulfill course requirements.First of all, students lack the desire to learn and they simply complete their assignmentsto receive credit for a passing grade rather than genuinely engage with the course material.As online courses tend to have more than 100 students, most of the assignments are short and simple. They are not designed for students to interact with the material in depth but designed to be graded easily to accommodate such a large number of students.Perhaps the biggest disadvantage of taking an online class is the absence of face-to-face interaction between the teacher and their students. Live sessions are infrequent and are often scheduled during the middle of the day when students have to attend other classes or work. Theoffice hours of the professor may also be during inconvenient times for many students as well. Most interaction with the professor has to be through email which is often impersonal. It is nearly impossible for students to build a relationship with their professor.There is also little interaction amongst students. It can be harder for students to create study groups and form relationships with their peers.Online classes also require either a computer or laptop and a reliable internet connection. Not all students have access to these types of resources, whether it is for financial or other reasons, and some students can be put at a disadvantage.Offering online classes certainly helps students who would otherwise not be able to attend classroom sessions. However, they fail to provide a genuine education with an emphasis on convenience rather than critical thinking. We need restructured online classes in which students can have a leaming experience that will actually provide quality education.(分数:1.00)(1).What does the author say about students enrolled in online classes?(分数:0.20)A.They can access course materials easily.B.They are unmotivated to learn.√C.They can learn at their own pace.D.They rarely fulfil the course requirements.解析:(2).What does the author think of online course assignments?(分数:0.20)A.They are made convenient to mark.√B.They are meant to facilitate interaction.C.They are based on easily accessible material.D.They are given to accommodate students´ needs.解析:(3).What does the author say is one disadvantage of online classes?(分数:0.20)A.They are frequently scheduled at irregular times.B.They make professors´ offices much less accessible.C.They tend to increase professors´ burden of responding to students´ emails.D.They provide little chance for students to build relationships with each other.√解析:(4).What problem may arise if classes go online?(分数:0.20)A.More students may find it easy to be absent from them.B.Teachers will worry about poor internet connections.C.Some students may have difficulty attending them.√D.Schools with limited resources will be at a disadvantage.解析:(5).What does the author think constitutes a key part of genuine education?(分数:0.20)A.Acquisition of useful knowledge.B.Training of real-life skills on campus.C.Development of students´ personalities.D.Cultivation of analytical thinking ability.√解析:。