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目录....................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。设计总说明. (3)


1 前言 (6)

1.1 焦化废水的主要来源 (6)

1.2 焦化废水的特点 (6)

1.3 焦化废水的危害 (7)

1.4 设计任务 (7)

1.4.1 设计规模 (7)

1.4.2 处理程度 (7)

2 流程确定 (9)

2.1 概述 (9)

2.2 焦化废水处理方法比较 (9)

2.3 结论 (9)

2.4主要工艺原理 (9)

2.4.1 A2/O2工艺原理 (9)

2.4.2 厌氧段(A1段) (10)

2.4.3 生物反硝化脱氮过程(A2段) (10)

2.4.4 好氧生物硝化过程(O1段) (11)

2.4.5接触氧化(O2) (11)

2.4.6 工艺特点 (12)

2.5 工艺流程及说明 (12)

2.5.1 工艺流程图 (12)

2.5.2 污泥工艺 (12)

2.6 工艺流程特点 (12)

3 构筑物设计及计算 (14)

3.1 格栅 (14)

3.1.1 设计概述 (14)

3.1.2 设计计算 (14)

3.2 气浮池 (15)

3.2.1 设计概述 (15)

3.2.2 设计计算 (15)

3.3 调节池 (17)

3.3.1 设计概述 (17)

3.3.2 设计计算 (17)

3.4 A2/O处理部分 (17)

3.5 生物接触氧化 (21)

3.6 二沉池 (22)

3.7 污泥浓缩池 (24)

3.8 平面布置及高程计算 (25)

3.8.1 平面布置 (25)

3.8.2 高程布置 (26)

3.8.3 高程计算 (26)

4 结论 (28)

致谢....................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。参考文献 (29)


焦化废水是煤制焦碳、煤气净化及焦化产品回收过程中产生的废水,受原煤性质及焦化产品回收等诸多因素的影响,焦化废水的成分非常复杂,突出的特点是:氨氮浓度高、生物难降解有机物含量高、实际生产过程中的水质和水量变化大。传统的焦化废水治理采用活性污泥处理技术,该工艺对COD 和氨氮的去除效果不理想,难以使出水达标排放,给环境和人体带来危害。






A2/O废水处理工艺是焦化厂在工艺改造时大多采用的二级处理工艺,是化学好氧量(COD)降解与硝化反硝化反应在焦化废水处理过程中的应用。在A2/O法中增加厌氧段可减轻后续反硝化一硝化过程中NO2-N的积累,同时酸化(厌氧) 作用将部分难降解有机物转化为易降解有机物,提高了可生化性,为缺氧段提供了较好的碳源。它解决了传统的活性污泥法不能脱除氨氮问题,使氨氨达标排放,同时降低了COD出水指标。




Coking effluent is a kind of intractable waste water which are from the process of making coke,purifying coal gas and recovering the coke products. Components are complex in Coking effluent, in which contains high concentration of ammonia-nitrogen and a number of toxic and difficult decompounded organic compounds. Great changes usually happened to the quality of water and the flow of water. Conventional Coking effluent treatment processes adopted activated sludge method, though which the removal of COD and ammonia-nitrogen were dissatisfied and the effluent concentration c ouldn’t attain the standards of draining wastewater. These brought severe harm to our environment and the health of human.

At present coking effluent generally be carried out by conventional methods pretreatment and then secondary treatment of phenol removal. However, after this treatment, the cyanide, COD and ammonia, and other indicators are still very difficult target. In this situation, domestic and foreign scholars carried out a great deal of research work to find a lot more effective coking wastewater treatment technology in recent years. These methods broadly divided into four categories, they are biological, chemical, physical and chemical laws and recycling.

Biological treatment method is the use of microbial decomposition of organic matter in waste water ways, often as a coke plant wastewater treatment system in secondary treatment. At present, the activated sludge is the most extensive application of a coking aerobic wastewater treatment technology. This method is to let biological floc and activated sludge and the organic matter in waste water full access; dissolved organic matter was absorbed by the cells and adsorption, and ultimately of the final product (mainly CO2). Non-soluble organic compounds to be converted to dissolved organic matter, then metabolism and utilization.

Overall, biological methods of waste water treatment capacity to handle a wide range of relatively low operating cost advantages, improve the new technology to meet the coking wastewater treatment works application requirements, making the technology widely used at home and abroad.

Will be high concentration of phenol from coking wastewater to purify the removal of solid tar and light precipitation, rushed to put out coke oven coke, and phenol-house water cycle. Thereby reducing emissions reduced operating expenses. But at this time of the transfer of pollutants should also be considered.

To achieve the current set of governance purposes, the main method "SBR process", "nitrification and denitrification process" and "A / O" and "activated sludge system"

A2/O wastewater treatment process is used to reconstruct the coking effluent treatment devise, by many coal&coking works. In A2/O, the crease of anaerobic can reduce the follow-up of a nitrification denitrification in the course of the accumulation of NO2-N,while part of
