The world's weirdest festivals(世界上奇怪的节日英语介绍)























Consider yourself warned. Sunday is April Fools’Day, a day when you are encouraged to pull prankson loved ones, co-workers, casual acquaintances, and even that one guy at the bus stop. It’s an odd tradition, but how did it get started? What’s the history of April Fools’ Day, anyway?Nobody is completely sure about the origin of this, the silliest of holidays. However the urban legend experts at say that most experts give credit to Pope Gregory XIII, who, in the 1500s, gave the world the Gregorian calendar.In 1562, the Gregorian calendar moved the first day of the year from April 1 to January 1. Word did eventually get around, but some people were a bit slowto hear the news. These folks continued celebrating the new year on April 1, unaware that they were now three months behind the times. These “April fools” were tricked by those in the know. The tradition eventually made its way to the USA.And it’s still going strong. Over the past week, Web searches on “april fools day jokes” and “april fools day pranks” have more than doubled, and related lookups for “easy april fools day pranks” and “april fools day jokes for work” also spiked. Bottom line: Keep your guard up, especially if somebody offers you a word search puzzle. Lookups for “impossible april fools day word searches” are up 200%.But really, there is no way to be certain you’ll escape trickery. Because on April 1, even corporations are out to trick you. In 1998, Burger King tricked its customers by releasing “the left-handed Whopper.” In 1957, the BBC reported Swiss farmers were harvesting spaghetti from trees. And in 1996, Taco Bell took out ads in major newspapers announcing that the company had purchased the Liberty Bell and renamed it the Taco Liberty Bell. Shudder.。



世界各地十大搞怪的节日苏格兰Shetland海岛“UpHelly-Aa圣火节”Shetland海岛一年一度的“UpHelly-Aa圣火节”日是向维京时代viking age的一次致敬pay one’s respect to….Helly-Aa意为最后的圣洁holy and pure之日,每年的一月的最后一个周二the last Tuesday in January,在UpHelly-Aa圣火节上当地人会穿上古代维京人vikings的服饰,并且在节日结束时会点燃一个巨大的维京战舰以示纪念。

Light a huge Viking ship“维京人”指的是住在北欧斯堪的纳维亚半岛及附近岛屿上的丹麦人、瑞典人和挪威人,他们体格魁梧,满面虬髯,胆识过人,常年漂流在海上,贪财、勇猛、喜欢冒险,血液中奔腾着强烈的征服欲望。


They became the "Viking"白俄罗斯The Republic of Belarus(读音bele’rus) Bobr“LvanaKupala之夜”这是一个当地宗教的节日,This is a local religious festival在每年的7月7日,Gregorian里面的夏至,Bobr市年轻的女性就会头戴笠头,并且用跨过stride火坑与裸泳的方式来礼拜古老的信仰。

With a fire pit and swimming naked across the way to worship the ancient faith印度新德里New Delhi “Holi颜色之节日” Festival of colors在新德里的Holi节日当天,印度女孩都手持彩色的粉末Indian girl holding colored powder向对方泼洒,以代表一种祝福与希望。


Represents a blessing and hope西班牙Bunyol布尼奥尔小镇“番茄节” Tomatina - Tomato Fight西班牙番茄节被称为是世界上最大的番茄大战。



• 在泰国有个关于猴子的神话,称是猴子盟国给 予泰国Lopburi 省如今的自由。因此每年 Lopburi 省都要邀请当地的600只猴子,为它们 提供丰盛的水果和蔬菜大餐,以示知恩图报。 据悉,一年一度的“猴子的盛宴”每次都要消 耗掉3000公斤的水果和蔬菜
• 德国 都柏林“农夫运动会”始于1996年, 当时是作为一个另类的亚特兰大奥运会而 举办的,比赛项目包括掷马蹄铁、掷车轮 盖、咬猪脚、跳泥浆及吐种子等
每年7月4日,是美国新墨西哥州城罗斯威尔的“UFO节”。据 说,1947年7月有一只不明飞碟在当地48公里外坠落,60多年后 的今天,这个传说仍是传说,真相无人知晓。不过,无论是否相 信这个传说,当地居民都可以打扮成外星人狂欢一番。
在美国俄亥俄州特温斯堡,每 年8月的第一个星期头三天是 当地一个重大节日——双胞胎 节的举办日期。在这几天里, 来自全世界各地的双胞胎欢聚 一堂,通过各种表演来展示自 己的才艺。这项节日至今已经 举办到第31届,得到当地组 织的大力支持,也提高了城市 的知名度。
经过家长同意后 把不到一岁的婴儿放到上 面。 借助这种跳跃让婴儿远离 疾病和邪恶。
西班牙番茄节被称为是世界上最大的番茄大战。“番茄大 战”始于1945年。每年的8月下旬,上千市民都会涌入街 头,相互抛掷番茄,在1个小时内数以吨计的番茄被消耗。 参战”和“观战”的人数达4万多人。
该节日成为世界最大的番茄大战。每年都 有超过三万名的游客因“番茄节”慕名而 来。街上的行人也可以加入混战 。 由于游客通过这样的活动可以尽情放松压 抑的心情 ,并重新找到童年的感觉,因此 这个奇特的节日在西班牙正变得越来越盛 行。
• 泰国水灯节.水灯节(Loy Krathong,Loy表示 漂浮,Krathong是香蕉叶)每年农历12月15日 在素可泰历史公园(泰国故都遗址)举行,和 许多亚洲国家的传统灯节一样,人们在用香蕉 叶制成的小船上点灯,祈福来年好运。

































祝大家愚人节快乐!April Fool's Day is traditionally a day to play practical jokes on others, send people on fool's errands, and fool the unsuspecting. No one knows how this holiday began but it was thought to have originated in France.传统上来讲,愚人节这一天,人们可以相互搞恶作剧,骗人跑腿,欺骗不知情的人。


The closest point in time that can be identified as the beginning of this tradition was in 1582, in France. New Year's was celebrated on March 25 and celebrations lasted until April 1st. When New Year's Day as changed from March 25 to January 1st in the mid-1560's by King Charles IX, there were some people who still celebrated it on April 1st and those people were called April Fools.庆祝愚人节最早是在1582年,在法国。

那时,当时法国新年是1 / 4在3月25日,一直持续到4月1日。



高中英语真题:世界各地奇风异俗庆新年From great balls of fire, to possums, grape-eating and animal whispering, we reveal the world's weirdest New Year customs.从火球到接吻,从扔家具到吃葡萄,从西伯利亚到时代广场,让我们看看世界各地都有怎样的奇风异俗庆祝新年。

Great balls of fire, ScotlandIn , , there is a custom of parading through the streets on New Year's Eve while swinging blazing balls of fire around.The tradition is part of 's Hogmanay celebrations, although its ro ots trace back to the Vikings.Graveyard camp, ChileLocals inTalca, central , like to see in the new year in the company of their dead relatives. Thought to have begun when a famil y broke in one year to be near their dead father, the town mayor now opens the graveyard after late-night mass and thousands sit surrounded by candles while clas sical music plays.Animal whispering, RomaniaFarmers try to hear their animals talk in a ritual which, if succes sful, signifies not just a Doctor Dolittle gift for communicating wit h our furry(毛皮的) relatives but good luck for the coming year.Mass kissing,is known for holding not only a big firework display over the of but for something far more unusual, a mass kiss-in in the piazza.Throwing furniture, South AfricaLook out below! It'sthe idea of starting the new year afresh that leads residents of Johannesburg, those in in particular, to throw old furniture out of their windows. Italians follow a similar tradition and, not wanting to be lumbered(伐木,乱堆) with anything unwanted, conduct an early spring clean by way of their windows.Underwater tree planting, SiberiaThis is the Siberian custom of cutting a hole inthe ice covering and diving to the lake's bottom while carrying a New Year's tree. Note: only professional divers participate.Bear dances, RomaniaPeople wanting to celebrate new year in put on bear costumes and furs and dance at different houses to keep evil at bay.,In the town of Brasstown, , a possum in a transparent box is lowered over a noisy crowd, in the world's only known "possum-drop". It reflects Brasstown's claim to be "the possum capital of the world".Grape eating, SpainRevellers seeing in the new year in have their mouths full when they try to stuff twelvegrapes in - one for each chime of the clock during the countdo wn.Having a ball, New YorkIn cities around the world, from Sydney to , the first seconds of t he new year are marked by fireworks. But dropping a ball on Ne w Year's Eve is a wholly American tradition to count down the last fleeting moments.The first ball dropped at midnight on New Year's Eve remains th e most famous: the one on top of One Times Square in City.At this New Year's Eve party, 'you shut up'Here comes 2014! Three! … Two! … Mum.While hundreds of thousands of revelers cheer, shout and yell i n the new year in Times Square, hundreds of New Yorkers will gather not far away to pass the waning hours of 2013 without a word.世界各地奇风异俗庆新年From great balls of fire, to possums, grape-eating and animal whispering, we reveal the world's weirdest New Year customs.从火球到接吻,从扔家具到吃葡萄,从西伯利亚到时代广场,让我们看看世界各地都有怎样的奇风异俗庆祝新年。



万圣节的由来英语加翻译_万圣节的来历中英文对照每年11月初,我们将迎来欢快的万圣节,假如让你为万圣节的由来做一篇介绍,你知道万圣节由来的英语怎么写吗?今日我整理了万圣节的由来英语版加翻译_万圣节的由来中英文参照供大家参考,一起来看看吧!↓↓↓点击获得“万圣节”相关内容↓↓↓★万圣节活动主持词★★万圣节各地风俗活动★★ 万圣节的传闻故事★★万圣节禁忌留意事项★万圣节的由来英语版加翻译万圣节又叫诸圣节,在每年的11月1日,是西方的传统节日;而万圣节前夜的10月31日是这个节日最喧闹的时刻。

在中文里,时时把万圣节前夜(Halloween)讹译为万圣节(All Saints Day)。


I think with the increasing of international communication, most people must be familiar with it. It has become one of the most popular festivals inEurope. It falls on the last day of October. People will celebrate it fromthe midnight of October, 31 to November first.随着国际沟通的亲密,大多数人都是很熟识的。




At first, it is celebrated to praise autumn. So it falls on the late autumn. It also has another legend. Since a long time ago, Halloween has been connected with the ghosts.一起先庆祝它主要是为了赞美秋天。



Five Worldwide Whacky Celebrations大千世界,无奇不有,除了我们耳熟能详的传统中外节日——国庆节、中秋节、情人节、圣诞节——之外,许多国家都有那么几个让人觉得不可思议甚至古怪的节日,庆祝的方式也是千奇百怪。


Celebrations and traditions hold a special place in a country. It is a time of national solidarity when the families come together and forget the day-to-day grind and celebrate a holiday, for a particular purpose. It is for the people to express themselves.Besides the national festivals and celebrations, many places enjoy some whacky celebrations. Here are just five whacky festivals.Henley-on-Todd Regatta托德河脚行船赛If you want something quieter, trip over to Alice Springs in the dry heart of Australia. There you will find the Todd Regatta in a riverbed that normally has no water. The boats are bottomless and without paddles, or motors. They are usually constructed from beer cans, which have been eagerly emptied by the boat builders. The teams run up the riverbed with their feet sticking out of the bottom of their boats. In 1993 the race was cancelled because of the threat of a once in a blue moon rain strom.World Black Pudding Throwing Championship扔黑布丁比赛In Great Manchester UK they throw black puddings. Black pudding is traditionally made of cooked pig blood, fat and rusk, encased in a length of intestine. The contest dates back to the 1850s. Competitors from across the world have gathered at a pub in Greater Manchester for the World Black Pudding Throwing Championship. The aim is to knock Yorkshire Puddings off a 20-foot shelf by throwing black puddings at them.Sauna Bathing Championships桑拿浴大赛If you prefer it hot, Finland is the place for you to compete in the Sauna Bathing Championships. Every 30 seconds the heat is turned up, but the contestants must keep their naked bums firmly on the wooden seat, while remaining seated in an upright position. The last person left in the sauna is the winner.The La Tomatina Festival西班牙西红柿节Every August thousands of Spaniards take part in the La Tomatina Festival in Bunol. Truckloads of tomatoes are pulled in each year and dumped in the city center. The people throw tomatoes at each other for the whole day, bur the only rules id that the tomatoes must be flattered in the hand first, before being throw. Even elderly grandmother have been know n to take part .The Naked Festival日本裸体节Japan host the Naked Festival. All male contestants are dressed in oversiaze diapers and parade through the winter streets. Bystanders throw cold water over the contestants, who drink copious amounts of sake in an effort to stop from freezing.。



Symbols of Halloween
Modern day Halloween celebrations use many symbols to help make the holiday more interesting. Do you know what they are? 现代人用许多东西来庆祝万圣节,让这个节 日变得更有趣。你知道有哪些东西吗?
black cat
Activities and games of Halloween
• They watch scary movies
They wear costumes.
They play trick-o’-treat
10月31日是西洋万圣节前夕,美国的街 上四处可见精彩的现场表演、戏台上演 的幻觉魔术、逼真的游尸和鬼魂,及各 种恐怖电影的放映。
They play pinata.
万 圣 节 歌 曲
Trick or treat! Trick or treat! 不给糖就捣蛋、不给糖就捣蛋
Give me something nice and sweet. 给我好吃的东西 Give me candy and an apple, too. 给我糖果和苹果 And I won’t play a trick on you! 这样我就不会捉弄你
万圣节是世界上最古老的节日之一,在 10 月31日这天,有许多国家,如:美国 ,加拿大,英格兰,爱尔兰,苏格兰,墨西哥 ,拉丁美洲,西班牙等,都会庆祝万圣节 的来临。

The world27s weirdest festivals(世界上奇怪的节日英语介绍)教学文案

The world27s weirdest festivals(世界上奇怪的节日英语介绍)教学文案

Time:February 4 Place:Konomiya, Japan (日本国府宫 )
Participants will usually dress in a Japanese loincloth(腰 带), and throw mud and water at one another to symbolise purification. Naked Festivals are held in a number of locations across Japan, usually in summer or winter. Though traditionally a spiritual event, many now join in just for fun.
Ivrea(意大利的一个小镇) Orange Festival
Every year in the town of Ivrea, residents re-enact an ancient battle in medieval costume, armed only with oranges. Nine teams of orange-throwers battle against one another, while participants are fed with free beans to keep energy levels up.
La Tomatina番茄大战
Time:August 29 Place:Spain The industrial town of Brunol welcomes 20,000 visitors to throw tomatoes at one another in an oversized food fight. There are differing theories as to how it began, one suggesting that it stems from anti-Franco protests in 1945.



世界的特殊节日英语作文英文回答:The World's Special Holidays.Throughout the year, various cultures around the world celebrate a wide array of special holidays that hold profound significance and offer unique insights intodifferent societal values, traditions, and beliefs. These holidays, steeped in history, heritage, and cultural diversity, serve as important touchstones for individuals and communities, providing opportunities for reflection, celebration, and communal bonding.One of the most widely celebrated holidays is the Lunar New Year, a significant festival observed in many Asian countries. This festival, also known as the Spring Festival, symbolizes the transition into a new year according to the lunisolar calendar. During the Lunar New Year, families gather for feasts, exchange red envelopes containing money,and participate in traditional rituals to welcome good fortune and prosperity. It is a time for renewal, rejuvenation, and the forging of new beginnings.Another widely recognized holiday is Christmas, observed by Christians around the world on December 25th. This holiday commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ and is characterized by gift-giving, festive meals, and the exchange of Christmas cards. Many Christian denominations hold religious services on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, while secular traditions include decorating Christmas trees, singing carols, and sharing stories about the holiday's origins.Diwali, the Festival of Lights, is a significantholiday celebrated in India, Nepal, and other parts of the world. This five-day festival symbolizes the triumph ofgood over evil and light over darkness. During Diwali, homes and temples are adorned with lights, traditional sweets are exchanged, and fireworks illuminate the night sky. It is a time for spiritual cleansing, reflection, and the celebration of life.Eid al-Fitr, a major holiday in the Islamic tradition, marks the end of the fasting month of Ramadan. This holiday is characterized by prayers, festive meals, gift-giving, and gatherings with family and friends. It is a time for joy, gratitude, and the renewal of spiritual bonds.Thanksgiving, a federal holiday celebrated in the United States, is a time for giving thanks for the blessings of the past year. This holiday typically involves family gatherings, traditional meals featuring turkey and pumpkin pie, and expressions of gratitude. Thanksgiving serves as a reminder of the importance of community, abundance, and the spirit of giving.These are just a few examples of the many special holidays celebrated around the world. Each holiday holdsits own unique significance and reflects the rich tapestry of human culture and tradition. By understanding and respecting the diversity of special holidays, we can foster greater appreciation for the shared experiences that connect us as a global community.中文回答:世界的特殊节日。






By Wendy Stenberg李殊选言佳注Celebrations and traditions hold a special place in a country. It is a time of national solidarity when the families come together and forget the day-to-day grind and celebrate a holiday, for a particular purpose. It is a way for the people to express themselves.Besides the national festivals and celebrations, many places enjoy some whacky celebrations. Here are just five whacky festivals:Henley-on-Todd Regatta托德河脚行船赛If you want something quieter, trip over to Alice Springs in the dry heart of Australia. There you will find the Todd Regatta in a riverbed that normally has no water. The boats arebottomless and without paddles, or motors. They are usually constructed from beer cans, which have been eagerly emptied by the boat builders. The teams run up the riverbed with their feet sticking out of the bottom of their boats. In 1993 the race was cancelled because of the threat of a once in a blue moon rain storm.World Black Pudding Throwing Championship扔黑布丁比赛In Greater Manchester UK they throw black puddings. Black pudding is traditionally made of cooked pig blood, fat and rusk, encased in a length of intestine. The contest dates back to the 1850s. Competitors from across the world have gathered at a pub in Greater Manchester for the World Black Pudding Throwing Championship. The aim is to knock Yorkshire puddings off a 20-foot shelf by throwing black puddings at them. Sauna Bathing Championships桑拿浴大赛If you prefer it hot, Finland is the place for you to compete in the Sauna Bathing Championships. Every 30 seconds the heat is turned up, but the contestants must keep their naked bums firmly on the wooden seat, while remaining seated in an upright position. The last person left in the sauna is the winner.The La Tomatina Festival西班牙西红柿节Every August thousands of Spaniards take part in the La Tomatina Festival in Bunol. Truckloads of tomatoes are pulled in each year and dumped in the city centre. The people throw tomatoes at each other for the whole day, but the only rule is that the tomato must be flattened in the hand first, before being thrown. Even elderly grandmothers have been known to take part.The Naked Festival日本裸体节Japan hosts the Naked Festival. All male contestants are dressed in oversize diapers and parade through the winter streets. Bystanders throw cold water over the contestants, who drink copious amounts of sake in an effort to stop from freezing.While some say festivals express something about the people who celebrate them, I wonder! It is important however, as a universal community we respect without censure , how and what others choose to celebrate. Each festival meets a particular need in the individuals of that country and becomes an integral part of a way of life. Maybe you can come up with some whackycelebration of your own.Vocabulary1.whacky: 〈口〉古怪的,滑稽可笑的。



在2000多年前的爱尔兰地区及法国北部, 住着一群凯尔特人,而万圣节就是起源于 古凯尔特人的一個叫做Samhain的节庆。
Halloween’s origins date back to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced sow-in).
过去,变装打扮是为了让鬼魂 们搞不清楚,免得惹祸上身。 现在,虽然人们不再相信鬼魂 们会在阳间跑来跑去,但是小 孩子还是会装扮自己到处玩不 給糖就捣蛋的游戏﹔而大人則 是觉得装扮自己有趣又好玩。
,所谓的灵魂饼干就是将烤好的饼干祭祀过世的人 。后来,基督教会鼓励贫穷的人在收获的季节里挨 家挨户地乞求食物,若是得到食物,這些穷人就会 帮这家庭中过世的人祈祷以谢谢他们。
凯尔特人相信在新年的前一晚,阴间 和阳间的大门不再门禁森严,此时阴 间的鬼魂会趁机跑出來,为阳间的人 们帶來厄运。所以,在十月三十一日 晚上,凯尔特人会庆祝Samhain这个 节日,以驱魔避邪。
To commemorate the event, people built huge sacred bonfires where animals and crops were sacrificed to the Gods for protection, and to help scare ghosts away. The Celts also wore costumes to disguise themselves, in an attempt to confuse the spirits roaming the Earth.
Thus, on the night of October 31st, they celebrated Samhain, when it was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to Earth to cause mischief and trouble.



写许多奇怪节日的作文开头英文回答,There are countless strange festivals celebrated around the world that showcase the diversity of cultures and traditions. These festivals often have unique customs and rituals that make them stand out. Let's explore some of these peculiar celebrations.One such festival is the La Tomatina festival, held annually in the town of Buñol, Spain. It is a massive tomato fight where participants throw tomatoes at each other for fun. The streets are filled with people coveredin tomato pulp, creating a vibrant and messy spectacle. This unusual festival attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world who come to join in the tomato madness.Another peculiar festival is the Boryeong Mud Festival, which takes place in Boryeong, South Korea. This event involves participants getting muddy from head to toe by playing in giant mud pools and engaging in various mud-related activities. From mud wrestling to mud sliding, thisfestival is all about embracing the therapeutic and playful nature of mud. People flock to this festival to indulge in the messiness and enjoy the unique experience it offers.Moving on to China, we have the Ghost Festival, also known as the Hungry Ghost Festival. This traditional Chinese festival is believed to be the time when thespirits of the deceased roam the earth. People perform rituals and ceremonies to honor their ancestors and appease the wandering spirits. One of the most intriguing customs during this festival is the burning of paper offerings, such as money and clothes, to provide for the deceased in the afterlife.中文回答,世界上有许多奇怪的节日,展示了各种文化和传统的多样性。



Part A:Read.Every year in July, people in Ubon Ratchathani Thailand celebrate the Candle Festival. Tourists from all over the country come to Ubon to look at huge wax candles that are paraded through the streets. There is music, dancers, a huge market and even a competition for artists to design the best candle.In other countries, they have different festivals. Some are really strange. One of the weirdest festivals in the world is Day of the Dead.People decorate their homes and gravesites with food, candles, candy skulls and flowers to welcome the dead back to earth. People dress up as skeletons and parade through the streets.Day of the Dead sounds like a scary event, but it’s a happy time to celebrate and remember the lives of dead family members.Name: Class:Pan de los muertos (bread of the dead) is baked in the shape of skulls and crossbones, and a toy is hidden inside each loaf. The person who bites into the toy is said to have good luck.Day of the Dead is celebrated on November 1st in Mexico, Ecuador, Guatemala and other parts of Central and South America. Families gather to pray to dead relatives and ask them to return for just one night.Part B: Answer True or False.1. Day of the Dead is celebrated in July.2. Families ask dead people to come back for one night.3. Pan de los Muertos is a type of bread.4. It is unlucky to bite the toy in Pan de los Muertos.5. Day of the Dead is a happy festival.6. Day of the Dead is celebrated in Africa.Part C: Answer the questions. (Write full sentences please.)1.Why do people celebrate Day of the Dead?2. What do people in South America put in Pan de los Muertos?3. How often do South Americans celebrate Day of the Dead?Part D: Answer the questions. Use google or to find the answers.1.What does “Pan de los Muertos” mean?2. Can you name five other countries in South America?3. What else is a skull and crossbones symbol used for?Part E: Write a few sentences about a festival in your country(What’s it called? When is it? What do you do? Etc.)_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________。

Weird customs from across the world 世界各地的奇特风俗

Weird customs from across the world 世界各地的奇特风俗

Weird customs from across the world 世界各地的奇特风俗作者:来源:《疯狂英语·爱英语》2020年第07期看似疯狂而奇怪的仪式对特定文化的追随者来说却似乎是完美的。


In a world with so many countries, religions, tribes and customs, it is impossible for everyone to like everything. While we have come a long way since civilization began, some communities are stuck with age-old traditions.Famadihana(法马迪哈纳)——Dance with the deadA funeral tradition followed by the Malagasy tribe in Madagascar, people dance with dead bodies as part of the Famadihana custom. After bringing bodies of ancestors from their burial place,they re-wrap them in fresh cloth and dance around the tomb to live music. The ritual is followed once in seven years, but has been in the decline of late.Egypt——Don't ask for salt when at a host's placeEgyptians get offended easily if you ask for salt. So, if you are invited over for dinner and want to add more salt to your dish, dare not touch the saltshaker because Egyptians feel it is equivalent to insulting the host.Venezuela(委内瑞拉)——Don't show up on timeVenezuelans are just like Indians! Reaching on time is considered rude in Venezuela and it is recommended to reach at least 15 minutes later than the scheduled time. Guests who reach on time are looked down upon as being too eager and greedy. Well, Venezuelans should take some cue from Indians!India——Throw the baby for good luckThis custom is mostly followed in Karnataka(卡納塔卡) where newborn babies are thrown off the 50-feet high above Sri Santeswar temple. The babies are obviously caught by the family in a cloth. Couples who are blessed with a baby after take a vow at the temple follow this 500-year-old tradition,which is believed to bring good luck to the babies.Turkey—— Watch camel wrestlingYou would have heard of bull fighting, but camel fighting? Not so much. People in Turkey look forward to the event where two male camels fight it out with each other. This event is organised during mating season and the camels have a natural instinct to fight off the other male.Scotland——Just blacken the brideHaving some fun before the wedding is great, but this prewedding custom in Scotland doesn't seem to have a lot of fun for the bride. The custom involves throwing eggs, spoilt milk and,basically, all things disgusting at her. The 'blackened bride' is then taken around the town. The custom is a metaphor(隱喻) for the tough life that the bride might have to go through after the wedding. The tradition prepares her for the new chapter as after going through this, all marital(婚姻的) problems will look tiny!Reading check1. Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the underlined word“ritual”?A. Manner.B.Tradition.C. Culture.D. Belief.2. In which country or area will you be considered rude if you ask for salt?A. Egypt.B. Venezuela.C.Turkey.D.Scotland.3. Which tradition may seem dangerous according to the text?A. Dancing with the dead in Famadihana .B. Showing up on time in Venezuela.C. Throwing the baby for good luck in India.D. Watching camel wrestling in Turkey.4. Which tradition is connected with marriage?A. Showing up on time in Venezuela.B. Throwing the baby for good India.C. Watching camel wrestling in Turkey.D. Blackening the bride in Scotland.Language studyDifficult sentenceWhile we have come a long way since civilization began, some communities are stuck with age-old traditions.【翻譯】______________________________________________________________________【点石成金】本句中,while引导的是一个让步状语从句,意为“尽管”,常放在主句之前。

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Time: November 25 Place:Lopburi, Thailand(泰国 华富里)
Monkey Buffet(自助餐) Festival
Over 600 monkeys are invited to feast on over two tonnes of grilled sausage, fresh fruit, icea cream and other treats. The locals see it as a thank you to the monkeys which inhabit the village and bring thousands of tourists their each year.
Boryபைடு நூலகம்ong Mud Festival
Time:July 14-24 Place:Boryeong, South Korea (韩国 保宁市)
First staged in 1998, the Boryeong Mud Festival now attracts more than a million visitors to the South Korean city. Said to be rich in minerals, the mud for the festival is trucked in to Daecheon Beach for tourists and locals to enjoy.
World Gurning Championships
Time:September 15 Place:Egremont, Cumbria
Come and pull the ugliest face you can muster - those without teeth have an unfair advantage. The event is the highlight of the annual Egremont Crab Fair. As if facial contortions were not enough, there's also a Pipe Smoking Contest and Cumberland Wrestling.
Time:February 4 Place:Konomiya, Japan (日本国府宫 )
Naked Festival裸体节
Participants will usually dress in a Japanese loincloth(腰 带), and throw mud and water at one another to symbolise purification. Naked Festivals are held in a number of locations across Japan, usually in summer or winter. Though traditionally a spiritual event, many now join in just for fun.
Ivrea(意大利的一个小镇) Orange Festival
Every year in the town of Ivrea, residents re-enact an ancient battle in medieval costume, armed only with oranges. Nine teams of orange-throwers battle against one another, while participants are fed with free beans to keep energy levels up.
Cheese Rolling
Time : June 4 Place : England This popular festival involves hundreds of contestants chasing a roll of cheese down the steep, muddy Coopers Hill in Gloucestershire.
La Tomatina番茄大战
Time:August 29 Place:Spain The industrial town of Brunol welcomes 20,000 visitors to throw tomatoes at one another in an oversized food fight. There are differing theories as to how it began, one suggesting that it stems from anti-Franco protests in 1945.
The world‘s weirdest festivals
The Baby Jumping Festival
Place : Spain
First staged in 1620, this strange event celebrating Corpus Christi sees grown men dressed as the Devil leaping over a row of babies lying in the street.