
1. “Hey kids, let's rock and roll!” (嘿,孩子们,让我们嗨起来吧!比如在课堂开始时,外教可能会兴奋地说这句话来调动大家的积极性。
2. “Who wants to give it a try?” (谁想来试试呀?就像在做游戏时,外教可能会这样问大家。
3. “Come on, don't be shy!” (来吧,别害羞呀!好比看到学生不敢发言,外教会这样鼓励。
4. “You're amazing!” (你们太棒啦!当学生表现出色时,外教可能会满脸笑容地说出这句话。
5. “Oh, that's a great idea!” (哦,那真是个好主意!就像学生提出一个独特的想法,外教会这样感叹。
6. “Let's do this together, shall we?” (让我们一起做这个,好吗?比如在进行小组活动时,外教可能会这样引导。
7. “Are you following me?” (你们跟上我了吗?仿佛担心学生没听懂,外教会这样询问。
8. “Well done, everyone!” (干得好,大家!在完成一项任务后,外教可能会开心地说。
9. “Now, it's your turn!” (现在,轮到你们啦!类似在示范完后,外教把机会交给学生。
10. “Isn't this fun?” (这不是很有趣吗?就像在一个欢乐的课堂氛围中,外教笑着这样问大家。

英语课堂用语400句CONTENTS一、Getting the pupils ready for class组织教学二、Revision复习三、Presentation介绍四、Drill操练五、Practice练习六、Consolidation巩固一、Getting the pupils ready for class1.It's time for class.上课时间到了。
2.Let's begin our lesson.我们开始上课。
3.Stand up,please!请起立!4.Good morning,boys and girls!大家早上好!5.I will teach you English this term.这学期将由我教你们英语。
6.I am a teacher trainee.我是一位实习老师。
7.Good morning,teacher!老师早上好!8.Good afternoon,class!同学们下午好!9.Good afternoon,teacher!老师,下午好!10.Sit down,please.请坐。
11.Have you got anything to report to the class,monitor?班长,你有什么向班级汇报的吗?12.Who is absent today?今天谁缺席了?13.Zhang Ming is absent.张明缺席了。
14.Is everyone here?都出席了吗15.Everyone is here except Li Ning.除了李宁,全都到了。
16.Why is he absent?他为什么缺席?17.He is ill. He has asked for sick leave.他病了,他已请了病假。
18.Are you a new pupil?你是新同学吗?19.Allow me to introduce myself,please.请允许我自我介绍一下。

英语教师课堂口语常用语一、Beginning A Class ( 开始上课)1. Let's start class. =It's time for class. 上课2. Hello, boys and girls / children.同学们好!3. Good morning /afternoon, boys and girls / teacher/同学们/老师们,早晨好/下午好!4.Stand up / Sit down, please.起立/请坐。
5. Who is on duty today? 今天谁值日?6. Is everyone / everybody here /present?大家都出席了吗?7. Is anyone anybody absent? 有人缺席吗?8. Who's absent? 谁没来?9. Let's begin our class. 咱们上课吧.10. We'll start / begin a new lesson today.今天我们讲学习新课.11. What day is it today? 今天星期几?12. What's the weather like today?今天的天气怎么样?二、In Class ( 课堂上)13.Let's begin a new lesson.我们开始学新课。
14. We'll learn something new .我们讲学新知识。
15. Let's learn some new words/ sentences. 咱们学些新单词/句子。
16. Let's review what we learned yesterday.咱们复习一下昨天学过的内容。
17. Ready? Are you ready? 准备好了吗?18. Start. 开始。

英语教师课堂常用口语一、问候语1. Hi!Everybody!嗨,大家好!2. Hello!你们好!3. Good morning/afternoon/Evening!早上/下午好/晚上好!4. Good morning/goodafternoon, class/everyone/boys and girls/Children! 同学们,上午/下午好!5. How are you?你们好吗?Fine, thank you 。
6. Nice to meet/seeyou. 很高兴见到你们。
Glad to meet you 。
见到你很高兴!Nice to see/meet you again。
It’snice to see you again。
很高兴再次见到你们!7. HappyChildren’sDay。
儿童节快乐!8. Merry ChristmasDay。
圣诞节快乐!9. Happy Mid-AutumnDay. 中秋快乐!10. Happy birthday toyou! 祝你生日快乐!11. Happy New Year!新年快乐!12. HappyTeachers’ Day!教师节快乐!13.What’syour name?My name isBobo。
Now, let me introducemyself。
14. Are you Andy ? Yes, I am。
15.Whereis Andy?I amhere。
16. Give me a big hug。
17. You look so prettytoday! 你今天看上去真漂亮!18.What’s the weather liketoday? 今天天气怎么样啊?It’s sunny/rainy/cloudy/windy/snowytoday。

幼儿英语教师常用课堂用语200句课程开始及休息It's time for class. 上课的时间到了。
Let's begin our class. 开始上课。
Let's start. 开始。
Shall we begin? Yes, let's begin. 我们开始吧?好,我们开始。
Please look at me. 请看我。
Let's have a break. 我们休息一下。
Let's have a rest. 我们休息一下。
Break time. 休息时间。
Time is up. 时间到。
结束课程That's all for today! 今天就到这儿。
We stop here. 我们到此结束。
Let's call it a day. 今天就到这儿。
Class is over. 下课。
Goodbye everyone! 大家再见。
See you next time. 下次见。
See you later. 回头见Goodbye. / Bye-bye. 再见。
Give me a hug. 拥抱一下。
Let's sing the "goodbye" song together. 我们一起来唱“再见歌”。
点名Is everyone here? 每个人都在吗?When teacher calls your name, please stand up and say"Here".老师叫到你的名字,请起立说“到”。
Do you remember your name? 还记得你们的名字吗?Is ______ here? ______在吗?Here! 到!Who is not here? 谁没有到呢?______ is not here. _______没到。
Why do you late? 为什么迟到?What's the matter? 发生了什么事情?Come in, please. 请进。

小学英语教师常用课堂用语200句问候good morning. 早上好!good afternoon. 下午好!good morning, class. 同学们早上好!hello, everyone! 大家好!课程开始及休息it's time for class. 上课的时间到了。
let's begin our class. 开始上课。
let's start. 开始。
shall we begin? yes, let's begin. 我们开始吧?好,我们开始。
please look at me. 请看我。
let's have a break. 我们休息一下。
let's have a rest. 我们休息一下。
break time. 休息时间。
time is up. 时间到。
结束课程that's all for today! 今天就到这儿。
we stop here. 我们到此结束。
let's call it a day. 今天就到这儿。
class is over. 下课。
goodbye everyone! 大家再见。
see you next time. 下次见。
see you later. 回头见goodbye. / bye-bye. 再见。
give me a hug. 拥抱一下。
let's sing the "goodbye" song together. 我们一起来唱“再见歌”。
点名is everyone here? 每个人都在吗?when teacher calls your name, please stand up and say “here.”老师叫到你的名字,请站起来说“到”。
do you remember your name? 还记得你们的名字吗?is ______ here? ______在吗?here! 到!who is not here? 谁没有到呢?______ is not here. _______没到。

英语教师的上课时常用的口语英语教师的上课时常用的口语1.上课〔Beginningaclass 〕〔1〕Let’sstartnow./Let’sbeginourclass/lesson.〔2〕Standup ,please.〔3〕Sitdown ,Pease.2.问候〔Greeting 〕〔4〕Hello,boysandgirls /children .〔5〕Goodmorning ,class/everyone /everybody /children /boysandgirls .〔6〕Howareyoutoday ?3.考勤〔Checkingattendance 〕〔8〕Who’sondutytoday?/Who’shelpingthis morning /today?〔9〕Iseveryone /everybodyhere /present?〔10〕Isanyoneaway ?/Isanybodyaway ?〔11〕Isanyoneabsent ?/Isanybodyabsent ?12〕Who’sabsent?/Who’saway?〔13〕Whereishe /she?〔14〕Trytobeontime ./Don’tbelatenexttime.〔15〕Gobacktoyourseat ,please.〔16〕Whatdayisittoday ?〔17〕What’sthedatetoday?〔18〕What’stheweatherliketoday?〔19〕What’sitlikeoutside?5.价Good,thankyou.Good/Verygood./Godjob./Goodwork./Goodexample.Agoodanswer./Nicework.Excellent./Great!/Welldone./Verygood./IlikethewayyouThat’sInteresting!Don’tworryabou tIt./Noproblem.OK!That’snotquite right,anyotheranswers?/That’sclose/That’salmostright.4.布置作〔Settinghomework〕Fortoday’s homework⋯Practiseaft erclass./PractiseathomeSayitoutloud,beforeyouwriteItdown.Copy/Print/Writeeachwordtwice.Remember 〔Memorize〕thesewords/sentences.Learnthesew ords/thesesentences/thistextbyheart.Doyourhomew ork./Dothenextlesson./Dothenewwork.下〔Dismissingtheclass〕Handinyourworkbooks ,please.Timeisup.Thebellisringing.There’sthebell.Theregoesthebell.Let’sstophere.That’sallfor today.Classisover.Goodbye./Bye./Seeyounexttime.LiHong,haveyoucollectedalltheexercise-books?李红,作业本都收齐了吗?Hereareyourexercise-books.Pleasehandthemout.这是练习本,请发下去。

英语课堂教学中教师常用口语1. Beginning class 开始上课Stand up, please. 起立!Sit down, please. 请坐下!Let?s start now. / Let?s begin our class / lesson. 让我们开始上课。
Let?s start a new lesson / Lesson 1. 我们开始上新课/ 第一课。
Let?s get ready for class. 准备上课。
Have you got everything ready for class? 你(们)做好上课的准备了吗?2. Greetings 问候Hello, boys and girls / children. 同学们好!Good morning / afternoon, class / everyone / boys and girls. 早上好/ 下午好,同学们。
How are you today? 你(们)今天好吗?3. Checking attendance 考勤Is everyone / everybody here / present? 所有人都到齐了吗?Is anyone / anybody away / absent? 有人缺席吗?Who?s absent / away? 谁缺席了?Why is he / she absent today? 他/ 她为什么缺席?Try to be on time. / Don?t be late next time. 下次别迟到。
4. Asking the student on duty 向值日生提问Who?s on duty today? Who?s helping this morning / today? 今天(早上)谁值日?Could you clean the blackboard, please? 请你擦一下黑板,好吗?What?s the date today? 今天是几号?What day is it today? 今天星期几?5. Reviewing the lesson 复习功课Let?s review our lessons. 让我们开始复习。

英语老师上课常用口语一、问候与开场1.Good morning/afternoon, everyone! - 早上/下午好,大家!2.How are you today? - 你们今天好吗?3.Let’s begin/start, shall we? - 我们开始吧?二、教学内容介绍1.Today, we are going to talk about… - 今天我们要讲一讲关于…2.In today’s lesson, we will focus on… - 在今天的课程中,我们将重点讨论…三、提问与解答1.Can someone give me an example of…? - 能否有人给出一个…的例子?2.What do you think about…? - 你们对…有什么看法?3.Does anyone have any questions? - 有人有问题吗?4.Could you please repeat that? - 你能请重复一遍吗?5.I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Can you explain it again? - 抱歉,我不明白。
能再解释一遍吗?6.That’s a good point. - 这是一个很好的观点。
四、语言技巧讲解1.Let me show you a useful strategy… - 让我来向你们展示一个有用的策略…2.Here’s a tip for improving your speaking skills… - 这是一个提高口语能力的小技巧…3.Pay attention to… - 注意…五、文本解读与讨论1.What do you think the author is trying to convey in this passage? - 你们认为作者在这段文字中想要传达什么?2.Can you find any examples of… in the text? - 在文本中能找到…的例子吗?3.Let’s discuss the main idea of this paragraph. - 我们来讨论一下这个段落的主要观点。

1 Let ’ s get ready for class. 准备上课。
2 I ’ m sorryI ’ m late. /Excuse me for coming late.对不起,我迟到了。
3 Please come earlier next time. 下次请早点到。
4 Class begins. 上课。
5 Who’s on duty today?今天谁值日?6 Is everyone here? 都到齐了吗?7Who’ s absent today?今天谁没来?8What day is today? 今天是星期几?9What ’ s the date today?今天是几号?10Li Hong, have you collected all the exercise-books? 李红,作业本都收齐了吗?11Here are your exercise-books. Please hand them out这.是练习本,请发下去。
12Monitor, would you please fetch some chalk for me? 班长能帮我去拿些粉笔来吗?13Open your books, please. 请翻开书。
14Please turn to Page 12. 请翻开书本十二页15 Please take out your notebooks/exercise books请.拿出笔记本 /练习本。
16 No more talking, please.请安静。
17 Attention, please. 请注意。
18 Let ’ s have a dictation让.我们来听写。
19 We’ re goingto have a new lesson today.今天我们要上新课。
20 First let’ s have a revision首先我.们复习一下。
21Who can answer this question? 谁能答复这个问题?22Do you have any questions?你们有问题吗?24Let me see. 让我看看 /想想。

英语教师常用课堂口语一部分1.上课(Beginning a class)(1)Class begins!上课。
(2)Stand up,please.起立!Sit down,Please.请坐!2.问候(Greeting)(3)Good XXX.(4)How are you today?3.考勤(Checking attendance)(5)Who is on duty today?今天谁值日?(6)XXX?每个人都到了吗?(7)Go back to your seat,please.回到座位上。
(8)What day is it today?今天星期几?(9)What is the date today?今天几号呀?(10)What is the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?4.宣布(Announcing)(11)Let’XXX我们学…课(12)First,Let’XXX.首先,让我们复一下。
(13)What did we learn XXX?上节课我们学了什么?5.提起注意(Directing attention)(14)Ready?/Are you ready?准备好了吗?(15)Understand ? / Clear?/Do you understand?懂了吗?(16)Be quiet,please./Quiet,please.平静!(17)Listen /Look carefully,please请仔谛听/细致看!6.课堂活动(Classroom activities)(18)Read XXX.人人一同!(19)Let’s do it one by one.一小我一小我的做。
(20)Now you,please./It’s your turn ,(Students name).轮到你了,….(21) Next,please.下一个。
Don’t speak out.别说出来。

下面是一些英语课堂教学中教师常用的口语:1. Getting students' attention- Good morning/afternoon, class. Let's begin, shall we?- All eyes on me, please.- May I have your attention, please?- Listen up, everyone.- I need your full attention.2. Explaining instructions- This is what we're going to do today.- I will explain how to do this task.- First, I will give you the instructions.- Let me break it down for you.- Are you all clear about what to do?3. Checking understanding- Do you understand what I just said?- Shall I repeat that?- Are you following me so far?- Does everyone get it?- Any questions before we move on?4. Encouraging participation- I'd like to hear from each of you.- Don't be shy, feel free to share your ideas. - Who would like to volunteer?- Speak up, don't hesitate.- Everyone's opinion matters in this class.5. Giving feedback- Good job!- Well done!- You're on the right track.- I like how you explained your answer.- Keep up the good work.6. Asking for opinions- What do you think about this topic?- How do you feel about this issue?- Can you share your thoughts on...?- Do you agree or disagree? Why?- What is your perspective on this matter?7. Explaining difficult concepts- Let me clarify this for you.- Allow me to elaborate.- What I mean by that is...- To put it simply,...- Here's an example to help you understand better.8. Encouraging collaboration- Work together in pairs/groups.- Discuss with your partner/team.- Share your findings with the class.- Let's have a class discussion.- Help each other out.9. Time management- We have 10 minutes left.- Let's move on to the next activity.- Wrap it up, please.- Can we finish this task within the given time?- Make sure you manage your time wisely.10. Wrapping up the lesson- We've covered a lot today.- To summarize...- In conclusion...- Any final questions before we end?- Remember to review what we've learned.以上就是英语课堂教学中教师常用的口语表达。

教师英语课堂用语常用口语Hey there, all you English - learning enthusiasts! I'm a teacher, and today I'm gonna spill the beans on some super - useful English classroom expressions that we teachers often use.When starting a class, I usually say, "Good day, class! How are we all today?" It's like a warm - up for the whole learning session. You know, it's just like when you meet your friends and you ask how they're doing. It sets a friendly tone. And then I might add, "Are we ready to dive into the wonderful world of English?" This gets the students excited, or at least it should. I mean, who doesn't want to explore something wonderful?During the lesson, if a student is a bit distracted, I'll say, "Eyes on me, [student's name]." It's a simple but effective way to bring their attention back. It's like a little tug on their mental leash. If a student answers a question really well, I'll exclaim, "Fantastic job, [student's name]! You're on fire today!" This praise is like fuel for their motivation. It makes them feel good about themselves and encourages them to keep participating.When explaining grammar, I might say, "Think of verbs as theaction heroes of a sentence. They're the ones that do all the exciting stuff." This analogy helps students understand the role of verbs better. And if a student doesn't quite get it, I'll say, "Let me break it down for you. Verbs are like the engines of a car. Without them, the car - or in this case, the sentence - just won't go anywhere."When it comes to group work, I'll say, "Okay, now team up. Find a partner or two and let's get cracking on this activity." It's like starting a little adventure within the classroom. And if there's some confusion in the groups, I'll walk over and say, "What seems to be the hiccup here? Let's sort it out."If I want the whole class to repeat something after me, I'll say, "Repeat after me, everyone. 'I love learning English.'" It's a basic but important part of language learning. And when we're doing listening exercises, I'll tell them, "Listen up carefully, guys. This is like a treasure hunt for sounds and words."For pronunciation practice, I might say, "Open your mouths wide, like you're about to take a big bite of a delicious apple. Now say 'apple'." I use these kinds of vivid descriptions to help them getthe pronunciation right.If a student is having trouble answering a question, I'll encourage them by saying, "Don't worry, take your time. It's not a race. Just think it through." It's important to let them know that it's okay to struggle a bit.When it's time for a quiz or a test, I'll say, "All right, it's showtime! Let's see what you've learned." It gives a sense of excitement and a bit of pressure, but in a good way.When students make mistakes, I don't scold them. Instead, I'll say, "Good try, but there's a little oopsie here. Let's correct it together." This positive approach makes them less afraid of making mistakes in the future.In a role - play activity, I'll say, "Now, pretend you're in a real - life situation. You're in a restaurant, so act like it. What would you say?" It makes the learning more fun and practical.At the end of the class, I'll say, "Well, that's a wrap for today, class. Great job, everyone. Keep up the good work!" It's like a little pat on the back for all their efforts.My view is that these common English classroom expressionsare not just words. They're tools to create an engaging, positive, and effective learning environment. They can make the difference between a boring class and an exciting journey of learning English. So, for all the teachers out there, use these expressions to bring your English classes to life, and for students, know that these are the little nudges that are helping you on your language - learning path.。

课堂英语教师口语用语200句课堂英语教师口语用语200句(一)(课堂英语教师口语用语200句课堂英语教师口语用语200句(一)Beginning a class ( 开始上课)1. Let’s start class. =It’s time for class. 上课2. Hello, boys and girls / children.同学们好3. Good morning /afternoon, boys and girls / teacher/同学们/老师们,早晨好/下午好4.Stand up / Sit down, please.起立/请坐5. Who is on duty today? 今天谁值日?6. Is everyone / everybody here /present? 大家都出席了吗?7. Is anyone anybody absent? 有人缺席吗?8. Who’s absent? 谁没来?9. Let’s begin our class. 咱们上课吧.10. We’ll start / begin a new lesson today.今天我们讲学习新课.11. What day is it today? 今天星期几?12. What’s the weather like today? 今天的天气怎么样?In Class ( 课堂上)13.Let’s begin a new lesson.。
们开始学新课.14. We’ll learn something new .我们讲学新知识.15. Let’s learn some new words/ sentences. 咱们学些新单词/句子16. Let’s review what we learned yesterday.咱们复习一下昨天学过的内容.17. Ready? Are you ready? 准备好了吗?18. Start. 开始19. All together.大家一起来.20. Read all together now.大家一起读.21. Sit down ,please.请坐端正.22. S top talking. don’t talk.不许说话.23. Be quiet, please.请安静.24. Look at my mouth, please.请看我的口型。

幼儿英语教师常用课堂用语200句问候Good morning. 早上好!Good afternoon. 下午好!Good morning, class. 同学们早上好!Hello, everyone! 大家好!课程开始及休息It''s time for class. 上课的时间到了。
Let''s begin our class. 开始上课。
Let''s start. 开始。
Shall we begin? Yes, let''s begin. 我们开始吧?好,我们开始。
Please look at me. 请看我。
Let''s have a break. 我们休息一下。
Let''s have a rest. 我们休息一下。
Break time. 休息时间。
Time is up. 时间到。
结束课程That''s all for today! 今天就到这儿。
We stop here. 我们到此结束。
Let''s call it a day. 今天就到这儿。
Class is over. 下课。
Goodbye everyone! 大家再见。
See you next time. 下次见。
See you later. 回头见Goodbye. / Bye-bye. 再见。
Give me a hug. 拥抱一下。
游戏及活动用语-1 Let''s play a game. 我们玩游戏吧。
Let''s begin./start. 我们开始。
Are you ready? 准备好了吗?One, two, three, go! 一、二、三,开始!Who is the first one? 谁是第一名?I''m the first one. 我是第一名。

1. Greetings and Introduction (问候和自我介绍)- Good morning/afternoon, everyone!- How are you all today?- Let's begin/start the class, shall we?- My name is [Teacher's Name] and I'll be your English teacher this semester.2. Starting the Lesson (开始上课)- Let's get started, shall we?- Today, we are going to learn about...- Our topic for today is...3. Giving Instructions (给出指令)- Please take out your textbooks/exercise books.- Open your books to page...- Turn to the next/previous page.- Take a look at Exercise/Activity...4. Explanation and Introduction (解释与介绍)- Today, we are going to focus on...- The word/phrase we are going to learn today is...- Let me explain this concept to you.- Do you all understand so far?5. Checking Understanding (检查理解)- Does anyone have any questions so far?- Is everything clear up to this point?- Can you give me an example to make sure you understand?6. Encouragement and Praise (鼓励和表扬)- Good job!- Well done!- Excellent!- Very impressive!7. Correction and Feedback (纠正与反馈)- That's not quite right. Let me show you the correct way.- Pay attention to the pronunciation/spelling.- Keep practicing, and you'll get better.- Don't be afraid to make mistakes.8. Pair and Group Work (小组和配对工作)- Let's work in pairs/groups.- Discuss this topic with your partner/group.- Share your ideas with the class.- Each person in the group needs to contribute.9. Recap and Review (回顾和复习)- Let's review what we've learned today.- Can someone summarize the main points of today's lesson?- What have you learned from today's class?10. Closing the Lesson (结束课堂)- That's all for today.- I hope you all enjoyed the lesson.- See you next time.- Don't forget to do your homework.以上是英语课堂教师常用的口语表达。

英语教师实用课堂口语实用课堂教学用语一1.上课Class begin./ It’s time for class.Let’s have / start the lesson.Let’s begin our lesson.2.起立Stand up.3.同学们好Good morning./ afternoon, everyone/ everybody/ boys and girls.4.请坐Sit down, please.Please be seated.5.今天谁值日 Who is on duty today6.大家都来了吗 Is anyone absent7.出席多少人 How many students are present8.班级共有多少人 How many students are there in your class9.谁没来Who is not hereWho isn’t at school todayWho doesn’t come to school today10.你知道他为什么没来吗What’s the matter with him Do you know11.今天几月几日What’s the date today12.今天星期几 What day is it today13.今天天气怎么样What’s the weather like today / How is the weather14.今天很冷是吧It’s very cold, isn’t it/ It’s a cold day, isn’t it15.李雷,去看看是谁 Go and see, Li Lei.16.请进Come in, please.17.请回,下次早点来Go to your seat, please. But don’t be late next time.Go and sit down. Come earlier next time.18.坐好了,请脱帽Sit straight, please. Take off your cap, please.19.讲讲你星期天都做了些什么事好吗What did you do last Sunday Can you tell usWould you please tell us what you did last Sunday20.那么,你能给我们讲一个故事吗 Well, could you tell us a story实用课堂教学用语二21.谁愿意到这儿来给大家讲一个故事Who’d like to tell us a story here22.到谁的了 Whose turn is it23.小张,到你的了,到这来给大家讲个故事Xiao Zhang, it’s your turn. Come here and tell us a story.24.大家注意听,然后就他讲的故事进行问答.Listen to him carefully, then ask and answer about the story.25.就你所喜欢的话题进行对话.Make a dialogue in pairs about any topics you like.26.好了,该学第八课了.Well, it’s time to learn Lesson 8.Well, let’s learn the 8th lesson.27.今天这节课,我们学习新课,第八课.Today in this class we’ll learn a new lesson, Lesson 8.28.学习新课前,我们复习一下第七课的生词和短语.Before the new lesson Let’s revise the new words and phrases in Lesson 7.29.拿出练习本来,我们来听写.Take out your exercise books. Let’s have a dictation.30.我叫两个学生到黑板上来写.I ask two students to write on the blackboard.31.谁愿来写 Any volunteersWho would like to do it hereWho would like to come here and write on the blackboard32.准备好了吗开始Are you readyLet’s Begin.33.就听写到这,把你们写的交上来.So much for the dictation. Please hand them in.34.现在看图,两人一组进行问答.Now look at the pictures, then ask and answer in pairs.35.谈论这幅图,可多可少.Talk about the picture. You can say more or less.Say something about the picture more or less.36.表演第七课的对话.Act out the dialogue in Lesson 7.37.看教学挂图,回答我的问题.Look at the wall charts and answer my/ the questions.38.在图上你能看到什么 What can you see in the picture39.还有吗还有什么吗Anything else / more Any other things实用课堂教学用语三1.看图一,猜一猜发生了什么事Look at Picture 1, and guess what has happened2.谁能回答这个问题Who would like to answer this questionWho can answer it3.会的举手Hands up if you can.Put up/ Raise your hands if you know the answer.4.好,你来答.OK, you please.5.下一个,你请来答,做 Next / The next one, you please.6.小李,你能回答这个问题吗 Can you answer this one, Xiao Li7.小林,你呢你能回答吗 What /How about you, Xiao Lin8.你来回答这个题好吗 Would you like to / please answer this one9.试一试,错了没关系.Just have a try. It doesn’t matter if you make any mistake.10.是否正确 Is he / that / it Right or wrong Yes or no11.正确/错误Right./ Yes./ Wrong. / No.12.正确吗 Is it / that / he Right13.是的,正确.Yes, it / he is right.14.不,不正确.No, it / he is wrong.15.谁来再做一次 Who would like/ wants to do it again16.谁能用另一种方式来做 Who can do/ say it in a different other way17.谁有不同观点/看法 Who has a different idea/ opinion18.你是什么观点 /你的看法如何What’s your opinion19.没听清,请你再说一遍. I beg your pardonI didn’t hear clearly. Please say it again/ repeat it.20.请大声点. A little Louder, please.21.稍慢点读.Read a bit slower.22.肃静,你们最好不要在课堂上说话.Be quiet./ Keep silent. You’d better not talk in class.23.管好自己的事/别管闲事.Mind your own business.24.不要朝窗外看.Don’t look out of the window.实用课堂教学用语四25.下面学习生词.Now word study.26.注意发音.Pay attention to your pronunciation.27.注意听我说,并观察我的动作,然后猜词意.Listen to me carefully and watch my actions, then guess the meaning of the word.28.你们听明白/懂了吗 Are you clearDo you catch my idea29.这个词是什么意思What’s the meaning of the word30.汉语意思是什么 The Chinese meaning.Give the Chinese for it.31.好了,我们学习第二部分对话.Well, let’s come to Part II, the dialogue.Well, let’s come t o the dialogue in Part II.32.下面听录音,听前快速看一下黑板上的问题.Now listen to the tape. Before listening, read through the questions on the blackboar 33.听音时合上书.Close/ Shut your books while listening.Books closed. / shut while listening to the tape.Listen to the tape with your books closed/ shut.Listen to the tape without your books.34.回答黑板上的问题.Answer the questions on the blackboard.35.我们来核对答案.Let’s check the answers.36.一题,哪个正确 No. 1, which one is right37.下一个,哪个正确 Next, which is the right answer38.最后一题最难,正确答案是C,选对的举手.The last one is the most difficult/ hardest. The right answer is C. Put up your hands i right.39.再听一遍,并跟着读.Listen to the tape again and read after it.Now, once again/ more /over, read after it this time.40.注意语调.Pay attention to your intonation.41.好啦,就听到这.OK, stop here.42.打开书,两人一组读对话.Open your books and read the dialogue in pairs.43.口答练习册上的习题一. Do Exercise One in the workbook orally.Now, workbook, Exercise 1, do it orally.Answer the questions of Exercise 1 in your workbooks orally.实用课堂教学用语五1.谁能帮他指出来Who can point it out/ Who can correct the mistakes for him2.注意,不要再犯同样的错误.Be careful./ Take care. Don’t make the same mistake again3.好了,接着来.Well, let’s go on with it4.接下去做习题.Let’s go on to do the exercises.5.看动作猜猜他们在干什么 Look at them/ their actions and guess what they are doing.6.下面进行书面作业 Now written work.7.用下列词语写一篇150字的短文,十分钟完成.Write a 150-word passage with / using the following expressions in ten minutes.8.写一段对话尽可能使用列词语.Make a dialogue using the following expressions as much possible.9.写完了吗 Have you finished it/ the writing Finish up10.我找两名同学,把你们写的对话读出来.I ask 2 students to read out their dialogues.11.下面学习课文.Now we study / learn the text.12.你知道某人或某事吗 /你听说过…吗你能谈一谈他的情况Do you know sb./ sth Have you heard of sb./ sth13.今天,我们学习一篇关于…的文章.Today we’ll learn a passage/ an article about sb./sth.14.首先,我给大家介绍课文大意.First I tell you the main/ general idea about it.15.快速读课文,并找到这个问题的答案.OK. Now read the text quickly and find out the answer to this question.100.谁找到答案了 Who find/ know the answer101.再细读一遍课文,然后回答练习册24页上的问题.Read it in detail/ more carefully for the second time, then answer the answer question of your workbooks.102.找出疑难点.Find out the difficulties and what you don’t understand.103.谁能帮他解答这个问题Who can help him with the questionWho can help him out104.你最好用英语说.You’d better say it in English.105.如果你用英语说有困难,可以用汉语.You may say it in Chinese if you have difficulty in speaking English / can’t speak it 106.好,我告诉你们这两个句子的区别.OK. I tell you the differences between the two sentences.107.这两个词有什么不同What’s the difference between the two words108.请举例说明. Give us An example, please.109.这个词可以这样用.We can use it in this way / like this.英语实用课堂教学用语六110.例如For example/ instance.111.现在你能区分A和B吗 Can you tell A from B now112.分组讨论OK. Now let’s discuss the groups.113.我提一个问题供大家讨论.I give you a question for discussion.114.你认为这篇文章怎么样What do you think of the articleHow do you like the articleHow do you find the article115.你从课文中学到了什么 What have you learned from the text116.别着急,慢慢来; Don’t worry. Take it easy117.别紧张,慢点说; Don’t be nervous. No hurry/ take your time.118.看图复述课文.Look at the pictures and retell the text.119.看黑板上的关键词,复述课文.Look at the key words on the blackboard and retell the text.120.谁愿试一试 Who wants a try/goWho want to try/ have a goWho would like to have a tryVolunteer, any volunteers121.还能说吗 /还有吗 Any more about it122.谁能补充 Who can say more about itWho has anything to add123.我们来唱首歌,轻松一下.Let’s sing a song to relax our minds.124.我们来做一个游戏,轻松轻松.Let’s play a game to relax for a moment.125.回过头来做练习,请看幻灯片.Come back to the exercises. Please watch the slide show.126.看投影练习.Look at the projection exercises.127.第一题,填写所缺单词.No. 1/ Exercise One. Fill in the missing words.128.第二题,用适当词填空.No. 2/ Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with proper words.129.用所给词的适当形式填空.Fill in the blanks with the right form of the word given.130.完成单词并朗读.Complete the words and read them out.131.同义句转换,使两句意思相同.Make the two sentences have the same meaning.132.改错,每题只有一处.Correct the mistakes in the following sentences. Only one in each sentence.133.给每空选择正确答案.Choose the correct / best answer for each blank.实用课堂教学用语七119.按要求改写下列句子; Rewrite the sentences according to the requiring.120.就划线部分提问;Turn the following into questions according to the underlined part.121.把下列句子变成否定句;Make the following into negative.122.把下列句子变成问句,并写在作业本上;Turn the following into questions and write them in your exercise book.123.用动词的正确形式填空;Fill in the blanks with the right verb forms.124.找出划给部分读音与其它不同的词;Find the word with a different sound. in each groupFind the word which has a different sound from the others.125.重新安排句子顺序;Re-arrange the sentences/ Put the sentences in the right order. 126.用适当的连词连接两个句子;Join each pair of the sentences / the two sentences with proper conjunction.127.选出与划线部分的意思最接近的选项;Choose the closest in meaning to the underlined part.128.找出划线部分的最佳汉语释译;Find the best Chinese meaning of the underlined part.129.根据汉语完成句子;Complete the sentences according to the Chinese meaning130.词和词组释译;Match the words or phrases.131.连词成句;Form sentences with the words given.132.根据答语写出问句;Write questions according to the answers.133.写出下列缩写形式;Write down the short forms of the following.134.写出动词的过去式和过去分词形式;Give the past and past participle forms of the verbs.135.给划线词选正确音标;Choose the right sound of the underlined word.136.给词标重音;Mark the word stress.137.仿照例句做下列各题;Do the following after model.138.把下列句子变成复数形式;Put the following into plural form.139.用过去进行时完成句子;Complete the sentences with the past continuous tense.140.根据短文编写对话;Make a dialogue according to the passage.141.用自己的话缩写短文;Shorten the text in your own words.142.看图,用所给的词写一个200字以内的故事;Look at the pictures and the words given, write a story no more than 200 words.143.完成对话;Complete the dialogue.144.写出下列词的复数形式;Give the plural forms of the words.实用课堂教学用语八145.下面自己读课文,有问题可以问;Now read the text yourselves. If you have any questions, you can ask me.146.你们最好默读课文; You’d better read the text silent ly.147.默读有利于更好地理解; Reading silently can help you understand better.148.我们进行测试;Let’s have a test.149.帮我发卷;Help me hand out the paper.150.把卷子往下传; Hand on the paper.151.十分钟答完; You must finish it in ten minutes.152.好了,时间到了,请交卷;OK/Well, time is up. Hand in your papers, please.153.布置家庭作业; Now homework.154.完成练习册上的练习; Finish off the workbook exercises.155.完成课堂上未做的题; Finish the exercise undone in class.156.复习要点八;Revise Checkpoint 8.157.写第九课生词与短语; Write out the words and phrases in Lesson 9.158.读第二部分对话,编一段相似的对话;Read the dialogue in Part 2 and make a similar one.159.给朋友写封短信; Write a short letter to your friend.160.复习这单元的词汇和语言结构,灵活运用;Revise the new vocabulary and structures in this unit, then make good full use of the 161.记住103页总结的内容; Learn the contents of the summary on Page 103.162.把答案写在一张纸上;Write down the answers to the questions on a piece of paper.163.练习when和if引导的从句; Practise “when” and “if” clauses.164.用下列句型造句;Make sentences with the following sentence patterns.165.默写生词; Write the new words from memory.166.抄写课文最后一部分; Copy the last part of the text.167.背诵课文第一自然段; Recite the first paragraph of the text.168.预习形容词,副词的比较级和最高级;Prepare the comparative and superlative degree of adj. and adv.169.读80页上的短文,在词典中查找生词,并简要复述这个故事;Read the short passage on Page 80 and look up the new words in your dictionaries. Rete briefly.实用课堂教学用语九119.回头/一会见; See you soon/ later120.暑假到了;The summer holiday/ vacation comes.121.祝你们假期愉快Wish you a good holidayHave a good/ nice/ wonderful time in / during the holiday122.祝你们好运Wish you good luckGood luck to you123.祝你们旅途愉快Good trip to you Have a good trip124.别忘了完成假期作业;Remember to finish your vacation work.125.你必须写日记,早晨大声朗读;You must keep a diary and read aloud in the morning.126.记住,安全第一;Remember safety first.127.咱们常联系;Keep in touch with me.128.如果你们遇到不理解的题,可以写信问;If you come across puzzling questions, you can write them in your letters.129.欢迎假期到我家来玩;Welcome you to my home during the holiday.130.好,下学期见;OK. See you next term .131.欢迎你们返校;Welcome you back to school.132.很高兴又见到你们;Glad/ Nice to meet you again.133.时间过得真快呀How time flies/ How fast time goes by134.一个月很快过去了;A month passed quickly.135.你们假期进得好吗 Did you have a good time in the holiday136.假期你们都到哪去了 Where have you beenWhere did you go for the holiday137.都看到什么了 What have you seen there138.你的暑假是怎样度过的 How did you spend your holiday139.讲一讲你的假期生活好吗Will/ Would you say something about your holiday140.给我们讲一讲你遇见的最有趣的事;Tell us the most interesting things you have seen/ met.141.你参加了哪些有益/ 意义的活动What rewarding/ instructive activities did you attend / take part in142.假期有哪些收获 What have you learnt in the holidayWhat reward have you gained/ got in the vacation143.新学期开始了,你们应该有一个新起色;New term begins, you should have a new start.144.你们应该收回心来学习;You should get your minds back to study.145.一寸光阴一寸金;Time is money.146.你们一定要好好学习,天天向上;You must study hard and make progress every day.147.你们应该互相学习,互相帮助;You should learn from each other and help each other.148.你应该下决心迎头赶上;You should decide/ make up your mind to catch up with others.实用课堂教学用语十119.肯付出就会有进步; Great efforts will be rewarded by great progress. 120.没有耕耘,就没有收获;No pains, no gains.121.如果你愿意,我会尽力帮助你;I’ll try/ do my best to help you if you like. 122.把你的想法说出来;Speak out your mind.123.我愿做你真正的朋友;I’d like to be a true friend of yours.124.我真心希望做你们的知心朋友;I hope from my heart that I would be your true friend.125.你有信心吗 Do you have confidence Are you full of confidence126.我相信你的话,更信任你们;I believe you, and I believe in you.127.我相信一个月后,你会取得很大进步;I’m sure you’ll make a great progress in a month.128.我会为有你们这样的学生而感到骄傲;I’ll be proud of you such good students.129.保持冷静,不要激动;Keep cold. Don’t get excited.130.不要交头接耳;Don’t whisper to each other.131.不要随地扔废纸;Don’t drop / throw the waste paper everywhere.132.把纸扔进废纸箱里;Put it into the waste paper box.133.要保持教室清洁;Keep the classroom clean and tidy.134.班长,一会儿抬点水;Monitor, carry some water later.135.放学后,洒水扫地;Sprinkle water and sweep the floor after school.136.每节下课后擦黑板;Clean the classroom after each class.137.随手带门;Please the close/ shut the door after you.138.走时关掉灯;Turn off the lights as you go out.139.李雷,把格尺递给我,帮我把教学挂图挂上;Li lei, pass me the ruler and help me with the wall charts.140.顺便问一下,你的表几点了 By the way, what time is it by your watch141.你的表走的准吗我的表一天慢一分钟;Does your watch keep good timeMy watch loses a minute a day.142.噢,我有一个好消息告诉你们;Oh I have a piece of good news to tell you.143.这是一本好书,很值得一读;Here is a very good book. It is be a great help to you.144.它会对你们很有帮助; It will be a great help to you.It is very helpful to you.145.李华,课后把作业本送到我办公室来;Li Hua, take the exercise books to my office after class. 242.你那样做是什么意思What do you mean by that 243.请解释一下; Please explain it to me.244.你不应该那样做; You shouldn’t have done that.245.做事要三思而后行; Think it over before you act.。

课堂用语135句1. 上课(Beginning a class)(1) Let's start now. / Let's begin our class / lesson.(2) Stand up, please.(3) Sit down, please.2. 问候(Greeting)(4) Hello, boys and girls / children.(5) Good morning, class / everyone / everybody / children / boys and girls.(6) Good afternoon, class / everyone / everybody / children / boys and girls.(7) How are you today?3. 考勤(Checking attendance)(8) Who's on duty today? / Who's helping this morning / today?(9) Is everyone / everybody here / present?(10) Is anyone away? / Is anybody away?(11) Is anyone absent? / Is anybody absent?(12) Who's absent? / Who's away?(13) Where is he/ she?(14) Try to be on time. / Don't be late next time.(15) Go back to your seat, please.(16) What day is it today?(17) What's the date today?(18) What's the weather like today?(19) What's it like outside?4. 宣布(Announcing)(20) Let's start working. / Let's begin / start a new lesson. / Let's begin / start our lesson.(21) First, let's review / do some review.(22) What did we learn in the last lesson?(23) Who can tell / remember what we did in the last lesson / yesterday?(24) Now we're going to do something new / different. / Now let's learn something new.(25) We have some now words / sentences.5. 提起注意(Directing attention)(26) Ready? / Are you ready?(27) Did you get there? / Do you understand?(28) Is that clear?(29) Any volunteers?(30) Do you know what to do?(31) Be quiet, please. / Quiet, please.(32) Listen, please.(33) Listen carefully, please.(34) Listen to the tape recorder / the recording.(35) Look carefully, please.(36) Look over here.(37) Watch carefully.(38) Are your watching?(39) Please look at the blackboard / picture / map. . .(40) Pay attention to your spelling / pronunciation…6.课堂活动(Classroom activities)(41) Start! / Start now.(42) Everybody together. / All together.(43) Practise in a group. / Practise in groups / in groups, please.(44) Get into groups of three / four . . .(45) Everybody find a partner / friend.(46) In pairs, please.(47) One at a time. / Let's do it one by one.(48) Now you, please. / Your turn {Student's name).(49) Next, please. Now you do the same, please.(50) Let's act. / Let's act out / do the dialogue.(51) Who wants to be A?(52) Practise the dialogue, please.(53) Now Tom will be A, and the other half will beB.(54) Please take (play) the part of ...(55) Whose turn is it?(56) It's your turn.(57) Wait your turn, please.(58) Stand in line. / Line up.(59) One by one. / One at a time, please.(60) In twos. / In pairs.(61) Don't speak out.(62) Turn around.7. 请求(Request)(63) Could you please try it again?(*) Could you please try the next one?(65) Will you please help me?8. 鼓励(Encouraging)(66) Can you try?(67) Try, please.(68) Try your best. / Do your best.(69) Think it over and try again.(70) Don't be afraid / shy.9. 指令(Issuing a command)(71) Say / Read after me, please.(72) Follow me, please.(73) Do what I do.(74) Repeat, please. / Repeat after me.(75) Once more, please. / One more time, please.(76) Come here, please.(77) Please come to the front. / Come up and write on the blackboard / chalkboard.(78) Come and write it on the blackboard.(79) Please go back to your seat.(80) In English, please.(81) Put your hand up, please. Raise your hand, please.(82) Put your hands down, please. / Hands down, please.(83) Say it / Write it in Chinese / English.(84) Please take out your books.(85) Please open your books at page . . . / Find page . . . / Turn to page ...(86) Please answer the question / questions. / Please answer my question (s).(87) Please read this letter / word / sentence out loud. / Please read out this letter / word / sentence.(88) Please stop now. / Stop now, please. / Stop here, please.(89) Clean up your desk / the classroom, please.(90) It's clean-up time. / Tidy up your desk / the classroom.(91) Put your things away. / Clean off your desk. / Pick up the scraps.(92) Clean the blackboard.(93) Plug in the tape-recorder, please.(94) Put the tape-recorder away.(95) Put the tape in its box / cassette.(96) Listen and repeat.(97) Look and listen.(98) Repeat after me.(99) Follow the words.(100) Fast. / Quickly! / Be quick, please.(101) Hurry! / Hurry up, please.(102) Slow down, please.(103) Slowly.(104) Bring me some chalk, please.10. 禁止和警告(Prohibition and warning)(105) Stop talking. / Stop talking now, please.(106) Don't talk. / Everybody quiet, please.(107) Don't be silly.(108) Settle down.11. 评价(109) Good, thank you.(110) Good! / Very good. / Good job. / Good work. / Good example.(111) A good answer. / Nice work.(112) Excellent. / Great! / Well done. / Very good. / I like the way you . . .(113) That's interesting!(114) Don't worry about it. / No problem.(115) OK! / That's OK.(116) I don't think so.(117) That's not quite right, any other answers? / That's close. / That's almost right.(118) Not quite, can anyone help him / her? / Try again.(119) A good try.12. 布置作业(Setting homework)(120) For today's homework . . .(121) Practise after class. / Practise at home.(122) Say it out loud, before you write it down.(123) Copy / Print / Write each word twice.(124) Remember (Memorize) these words / sentences.(125) Learn these words / these sentences / this text by heart.(126) Do your homework. / Do the next lesson. / Do the new work,13. 下课(Dismissing the class)(127) Hand in your workbooks, please.(128) Time is up.(129) The bell is ringing.(130) There's the bell.(131) There goes the bell.(132) Let's stop here.(133) That's all for today.(134) Class is over.(135) Goodbye. / Bye. / See you next time.英语教师口语用语时间:2012-10-23来源:蓬莱市小门家中学阅读数:69 次【收藏本页】课堂英语教师口语用语150句Beginning a class ( 开始上课)1. Let’s start class. =It’s time for class. 上课2. Hello, boys and girls / children.同学们好3. Good morning /afternoon, boys and girls / teacher/同学们/老师们,早晨好/下午好4.Stand up / Sit down, please.起立/请坐5. Who is on duty today? 今天谁值日?6. Is everyone / everybody here /present? 大家都出席了吗?7. Is anyone anybody absent? 有人缺席吗?8. Who’s absent? 谁没来?9. Let’s begin our class. 咱们上课吧.10. We’ll start / begin a new lesson today.今天我们讲学习新课.11. What day is it today? 今天星期几?12. What’s the weather like today? 今天的天气怎么样?In Class ( 课堂上)13.Let’s begin a new lesson.。
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课堂英语教师口语用语200句Classroom English for teachers(二百句)(一)课堂用语。
Beginning a class ( 开始上课)1. Let’s start class. =It’s time for class. 上课2. Hello, boys and girls / children.同学们好3. Good morning /afternoon, boys and girls / teacher/同学们/老师们,早晨好/下午好4.Stand up / Sit down, please.起立/请坐5. Who is on duty today? 今天谁值日?6. Is everyone / everybody here /present? 大家都出席了吗?7. Is anyone anybody absent? 有人缺席吗?8. Who’s absent? 谁没来?9. Let’s begin our class. 咱们上课吧.10. We’ll start / begin a new lesson today.今天我们讲学习新课.11. What day is it today? 今天星期几?12. What’s the weather like today? 今天的天气怎么样?In Class ( 课堂上)13.Let’s begin a new lesson.。
们开始学新课.14. We’ll learn something new .我们讲学新知识.15. Let’s learn some new words/ sentences. 咱们学些新单词/句子16. Let’s review what we learned yesterday.咱们复习一下昨天学过的内容.17. Ready? Are you ready? 准备好了吗?18. Start. 开始19. All together.大家一起来.20. Read all together now.大家一起读.21. Sit down ,please.请坐端正.22. Stop talking. don’t talk.不许说话.23. Be quiet, please.请安静.24. Look at my mouth, please.请看我的口型。
25. Quickly, /be quick, please. 请迅速点。
26. Hurry. Hurry up, please. = Please a little faster.请快点。
27. Do you understand? = Do you follow me 听懂了吗?28. Can you follow me? 你能听懂我的话吗?29. Is that clear?听清楚了吗?30. Listen, please.请听。
31. Please listen to me. 请注意听我说。
32. Please listen to the tape recorder/ to the recording. 请听录音。
33. Listen carefully, please.请仔细听。
34. Look carefully.仔细看。
35. Please look at the blackboard/picture/ slide.请看黑板/幻灯片。
36. Please answer my questions.请回答我的问题。
37. Can you spell the word....? 你能拼读这个单词吗?38. Spell the word...., please.请拼读这个单词。
39. Pay attention to your spelling/pronunciation.注意你的拼写/发音。
40. Say after me, please.请跟我说。
41. Read after me, please.请跟我读。
42. Try to keep up with me, please.请跟我学。
43. Please say it again.请再说一遍。
44. Please repeat/ Once more, please/ again please.请再作一次。
45. Who’s going to ... ?谁准备.........?46. Who wants to...? 谁想要.............?47. Please come to the front.请到前面来。
48. In pairs, please.请两人一组练习。
49. Practice in groups, please/ In groups , please.请按小组练习50. Any volunteers?有谁自愿做这件事吗?51. Let’s do it. One by one ,please.请一个接一个地做。
52. Now you, please. =Would you, please? = It’s your turn now! = you want to try? 请你来53. Next, please.请下一个。
54. Now ( you) do the same.现在你做同一个。
55. Put up your hands, please. / raise your hands, please.请举手。
56. Put down your hands, please. / Hands down, please.请放下手。
57. Put it/ them into Chinese/English.把它们译成汉语。
58. In English, please.请用英语。
59. What’s this in English/ Chinese? 这个用英语/汉语怎么说?60. Please take out your books.请拿出你们的书。
61. Please open your books to page.请打开书,翻到46页。
62. Turn to page4.翻到第4页。
63. Close your books ,please.请把书和上。
64. Who can pronounce this correctly? 谁能发这个音?65. Please say this letter/ word/ sentence to the class.请读出这个字母/单词/句子。
66. How do you read this sound / letter/ word? 你怎么读这个字母/单词的音?67. Pardon? I can’t hear you clearly. Louder, please.请原谅.我没能听清你的话请大点声。
68. Please to back to your seat. 请回到你的座位上去。
69. Who can help him/her? 谁能帮助他?70. Will you please help me? 请你帮助我好吗?71. Can you try? / Try, please/do you want to try it? =Think it over and try anotherAnswer. = Think it over and then give me your answer.你能试一下吗?请再试一下72. Don’t be afraid.别害怕。
73. Don’t be shy.别害羞。
74. Think it over and try again.仔细想一下,再试。
75. Try your best. / Do your best.尽力/尽你最大努力。
76. Let’s have a dictation.咱们听写吧。
77. Is this right or wrong? / Is this correct? 这个是对还是错?这个正确吗?78. Is it easy/ difficult? 它容易/难吗?79. Stop here. / Now stop.到此为止。
80. Go on, please.请继续。
81. Let’s sing an English song.咱们产一首英文歌。
83. Who wants to be A? 谁想演A?84. Now tom will be A and I will be B.现在汤姆演A,我演B。
85. It’s your turn.轮到你了。
86. Whose turn is it? 该轮到谁了?87. Wait your turn, please.请等等,就轮到你了。
88.Stand in line.站成一排。
89. Please get your things ready. 请把你的东西准备好。
90. Please put away your things.请把你的东西收拾好。
91. Practice the dialogue, please.请练习这个对话。
92. Ask each other questions.互相问问题。
93. Think it over.仔细想。
COMMENTING(评论)100. Excellent. / Great. / Well done.优秀/太好了/做得好。
101. You’ve done well.你做得很好。
102. I’m sure you’ll be even better next lesson/ next time.我相信下节课/下次你会做得更好。
we’ll do Exercises 1 and 2.我们将做练习一和练习二。
104... For today’s homework. say Hello to each other.今天的作业。
105.Do it orally before write it out.在写之前作口头练习。
106. Write down the word twice.把这个单词抄写两遍。
107. Do your best. (I ’ll do everything I can.)尽最大努力写好。
108.Try your best.尽最大努力。
=I will do everything I can.109.Remember/Memorize these words.用心学好这些单词。
110... Next time we’ll have a dictation/ spelling test. 我们下次将举行听写/拼写测验。