线性稳压器件(Linear Regulators):工作原理及补偿

最为简单的线性稳压器拥有一个固定的输出电压范围,其由和图 1 所示R1/R2 网络相类似的内部连接确定。
图1 基本的线性稳压器三端可调稳压器的输出电压如图2 所示图2 三端可调稳压器并由下列关系式设定:1.25 V 为电压参考值。
分子和分母均除以R1 可以得出:这就是本系列第一篇文章(第 1 部分最基本的构建块运算放大器)中所建立起来的非反相运算放大器(op amp) 传输函数。
我们通常是在最大负载电流下规定线性调整率(line regulation),而负载调整率的规定则可能是在一个或多个线性电压条件下完成的。
当输入未得到调节时,可能会存在一定叠加于DC 之上的电源线频率AC,即输入纹波,应从输出中将其去除。
为了防止该增益级出现振荡,通常会需要一个最小输出滤波器电容(请参见图 1 中的C2)。
一个输入滤波器电容(请参见图 1 中的C1)将有助于稳压器服务于瞬态负载,尤其是在稳压器远离电源时更需要这样一个输入滤波器电容。


line regulation test原理

line regulation test原理
线性稳压器(Linear Regulator)是一种电源管理器件,用于提供稳定的输出电压。
线性稳压器的线性调节测试(Line Regulation Test)是为了验证其在输入电压变化时输出电压的稳定性。
1. 设定初始条件:将负载电流设定为所需值,输入电压设定为额定值。
2. 改变输入电压:通过增加或减小输入电压的方式,改变线性稳压器的输入。
3. 测量输出电压:在改变输入电压后,测量输出电压的变化。
4. 记录结果:记录不同输入电压下的输出电压值,并计算输出电压与输入电压之间的差异。



1. 输入电压采样:线性稳压器首先对输入电压进行采样,以获取实际电压值。
2. 误差放大:采样后的电压与参考电压进行比较,产生一个误差信号。
3. 反馈控制:放大后的误差信号通过一个反馈回路传送给稳压器的控制端。
以下是几种常见的线性稳压器及其比较:1. 简单线性稳压器(Series Linear Regulator,简称SLR):简单线性稳压器是最基本的线性稳压器类型,由一个功率晶体管和一个反馈电路组成。
2. 低压差线性稳压器(Low Dropout Regulator,简称LDO):低压差线性稳压器是一种特殊的线性稳压器,它能够在输入电压与输出电压之间保持很小的压差。
3. 开关稳压器(Switching Regulator):开关稳压器是一种比较先进的稳压器类型,它通过开关元件(如晶体管)来控制电路中的能量流动。

低压差稳压器工作原理低压差稳压器工作原理随着便携式设备(电池供电)在过去十年间的快速增长,象原来的业界标准LM340 和LM317 这样的稳压器件已经无法满足新的需要。
这些稳压器使用NPN 达林顿管,在本文中称其为NPN 稳压器(NPN regulators)。
(原文:Linear Regulators: Theory of Operation and Compensation )NPN 稳压器(NPN regulators)在NPN稳压器(图1:NPN稳压器部结构框图)的部使用一个PNP管来驱动NPN 达林顿管(NPN Darlington pass transistor),输入输出之间存在至少1.5V~2.5V的压差(dropout voltage)。
这个压差为:Vdrop =2Vbe +Vsat(NPN 稳压器)(1)LDO 稳压器(LDO regulators)在LDO(Low Dropout)稳压器(图2:LDO稳压器部结构框图)中,导通管是一个PNP 管。
LDO的最大优势就是PNP管只会带来很小的导通压降,满载(Full-load)的跌落电压的典型值小于500mV,轻载(Light loads)时的压降仅有10~20mV。
LDO的压差为:Vdrop =Vsat (LDO 稳压器)(2)准LDO 稳压器(Quasi-LDO regulators)准LDO(Quasi-LDO)稳压器(图3:准LDO 稳压器部结构框图)已经广泛应用于某些场合,例如:5V到3.3V 转换器。
准LDO介于NPN 稳压器和LDO 稳压器之间而得名,导通管是由单个PNP 管来驱动单个NPN 管。
因此,它的跌落压降介于NPN稳压器和LDO之间:Vdrop =Vbe +Vsat (3)稳压器的工作原理(Regulator Operation)所有的稳压器,都利用了相同的技术实现输出电压的稳定(图4:稳压器工作原理图)。

1. 输入电压经过变压器或电源转换电路得到一个合适的直流电压。
2. 输入电压经过滤波电路得到一个平滑的直流电压。
3. 平滑的直流电压进入稳压电路。
4. 当输入电压发生变化时,稳压电路通过负反馈将这种变化传递给稳压元件,稳压元件的特性使得其阻抗发生变化,以抵消输入电压变化带来的影响,从而保持输出电压稳定。
5. 输出电压经过滤波电路后,供给负载电路使用。

1. 输入滤波与整流输入滤波电路用于去除输入电压中的杂散噪声和电涌,保证稳压器的稳定工作。
2. 调节管调节管是线性稳压器的核心元件,它通过调节输入和输出之间的电压差来稳定输出电压。
3. 参考电压源参考电压源是提供调节管参考电压的一种电路,通常采用电压比较器、反馈电路等元件组成。
4. 调节回路调节回路是稳压器的反馈回路,用于感知输出电压的变化并调节输入电压,使得输出电压保持稳定。
1. 优点•稳定输出:稳压器能够将输入电压或电流转化为稳定的输出,确保其他电子元件正常工作。
2. 缺点•低效率:线性稳压器由于通过电阻调节电压,会有一定功耗,效率较低。
1. 线性稳压器•优点:稳定输出、低噪声、易于控制。

1. 参考电压源:稳压器的参考电压源提供一个稳定的参考电压,通常为固定的电压值。
2. 错误放大器:错误放大器主要起到误差检测和调节的作用。
3. 功率输出级:功率输出级是稳压器中的功率放大器。

下面是线性稳压器的工作原理:1. 输入电压:线性稳压器的输入电压通常来自交流电源或其他电源,它可以是固定的或可调节的。
2. 变压器:输入电压首先通过变压器降压,以适应稳压器的需求。
3. 整流器:变压器输出的交流电压通过整流器转换为直流电压。
4. 滤波器:直流电压通过滤波器去除电压中的脉动。
5. 三极管:滤波后的直流电压输入三极管,三极管通过调整电流来稳定输出电压。
6. 负载:输出电压连接到负载上,以提供所需的电源电压。
7. 反馈回路:线性稳压器中的反馈回路用于检测输出电压,并将信息反馈给三极管,以调整输入电压以保持输出电压的稳定性。
下面是与开关稳压器的比较:1. 效率:线性稳压器的效率较低,因为它通过将多余的电压转化为热量来稳定输出电压。
2. 稳定性:线性稳压器的输出电压非常稳定,具有较低的噪声和纹波。
3. 成本:线性稳压器的成本相对较低,因为它的设计相对简单。
4. 可靠性:线性稳压器具有较高的可靠性,因为它没有复杂的开关电路。
5. 外部组件:线性稳压器不需要额外的外部元件,因为它的设计已经包含了所需的电路。

1. 效率:线性稳压器的效率相对较低,通常在50%到70%之间。
2. 稳定性:线性稳压器的输出电压稳定性较好,可以在较大负载变化时保持较稳定的输出电压。
3. 噪声:线性稳压器的输出电压通常具有较低的噪声水平,可以满足对噪声要求较高的应用。
4. 成本:线性稳压器相对于其他稳压器件来说成本较低,因为其结构简单,不需要复杂的控制电路。

二、线性稳压器1. 线性稳压器的工作原理线性稳压器是Regulator的一种常见类型。
2. 线性稳压器的特点线性稳压器具有简单、稳定可靠、成本低等特点。
三、开关稳压器1. 开关稳压器的工作原理开关稳压器是另一种常见的Regulator类型。
2. 开关稳压器的特点开关稳压器具有高效率、调节速度快的特点。
四、Regulator的应用领域1. 电源系统Regulator在电源系统中起到稳定电压和电流的作用,保证各种电子设备正常工作。
2. 通信设备通信设备对电压和电流的要求比较严格,Regulator在其中起到重要作用。



先假设负载电阻RL不变,电网电压升高引起Ui升高,于是 输出电压U0升高。 引起输出电压U0的升高会引发一系列变化: U0↑→Ub2↑→Ube2↑→Ic2↑→Uc2↓→Ub1↓→U0↓可见电 网电压U0升高引起的U0的升高受到了抑制。
同样可以说明电网电压下降引起U0下降是如何受到抑制的。 引起输出电压U0的下降会引发一系列变化: U0↓→Ub2↓→Ube2↓→Ic2↓→Uc2↑→Ub1↑→U0↑,可见 电网电压U0下降引起的U0的下降受到了抑制。
的目的。例如,将电位器RD作为调整元 件,让它和负载RL相串联,通过电位器 的不断调节就可以达到稳压的目的,如
U0 Ui UD
1.2 集成稳压电路工作原理 用电位器实现稳压的原理如下:如果由于某种原因,负载 RL两端的电压U0下降而偏低,则可以将电位器电阻RP1调小, 从而电位器两端压降UD减小,根据式(1),U0便会增加; 反之,当U0过大时,应将电位器电阻RD调大,因此电位器 两端压降UD随之变大,U0就会小下来。
1.1 交流供电式稳压电源的组成和工作原理 线性集成稳压电路主要用于组成交流供电式稳压电源。 由线性集成稳压电路组成的交流供电式稳压电源如图所示, 它由变压器、整流电路、滤波电路和集成稳压电路组成。
直到目前为止,稳压电源中被集成化的只是稳压电路部分。 滤波部分是一个大容量的电容器,变压器包含大容量电感和 铁心,都还无法集成化,整流电路部分也都没有制作在集成 稳压电路之中。

Linear Regulators:Theory of Operation and CompensationIntroductionThe explosive proliferation of battery powered equipment in the past decade has created unique requirements for a voltage regulator that cannot be met by the industry stan-dards like the LM340or the LM317.These regulators use an NPN Darlington pass transistor (Figure 1),and will be re-ferred to in this document as NPN regulators .The demand for higher performance is being met by the newer low-dropout (LDO)regulators and quasi-LDO regulators.The NPN RegulatorThe NPN Darlington pass transistor with PNP driver used in an NPN regulator requires that at least 1.5V to 2.5V be maintained from input-to-output for the device to stay in regulation.This minimum voltage ’headroom’(called the dropout voltage)is:V DROP =2V BE +V SAT (NPN REG)The LDO RegulatorIn the low-dropout (LDO)regulator,the pass transistor is a single PNP transistor (Figure 2).The big advantage of the LDO is that the PNP pass transistor can maintain output regulation with very little voltage drop across it:V DROP =V SAT (LDO REGULATOR)Full-load dropout voltages <500mV are typical.At light loads,dropout voltages can fall as low as 10to 20mV.The Quasi-LDO RegulatorAnother regulator configuration that is becoming very popu-lar in certain applications (like 5-3.3V conversion)is the quasi-LDO regulator (Figure 3).The quasi-LDO is so named because it is ’half way’between the NPN Darlington and the true LDO.The pass transistor is made up of a single NPN transistor being driven by a PNP .As a result,the dropout voltage is less than the NPN Darlington regulator,but more than an LDO:V DROP =V BE +V SATRegulator OperationAll three of these regulator types regulate the output voltage to a fixed (constant)value using the same technique (Figure 4).The output voltage is sampled (measured)through a resis-tive divider which is fed into the inverting input of the error amplifier.The non-inverting input is tied to a reference volt-age,which is derived from an internal bandgap reference.The error amplifier will always try to force the voltages at it’s input to be equal.To do this,it sources current as required to provide sufficient load current to maintain the output voltage at the regulated value which is given by:V OUT =V REF (1+R1/R2)National Semiconductor Application Note 1148Chester Simpson May 2000Linear Regulators:Theory of Operation and CompensationAN-1148©2002National Semiconductor Corporation Regulator Operation(Continued)Performance ComparisonThe primary differences in performance between the NPN,LDO,and quasi-LDO are in the parameters of dropout voltage (previously defined)and ground pin current .For this analysis,we will define ground pin current (I GND )as shown in Figure 4,neglecting the small IC bias currents which also flow to ground.It can be seen that the value of I GND is the load current I L divided by the gain of the pass transistor.The high gain of the Darlington in an NPN regulator means it requires very little drive to source I L ,so it’s ground pin current is very low (typically a few mA).The quasi-LDO also has very good performance,with products like National’s LM1085being able to source more than 3A with less than 10mA of ground pin current.The ground pin current of an LDO is typically much higher.At full load current,PNP beta values of 15-20are not unusual,which means the LDO ground pin current can be as high as 7%of the load current.A big advantage of NPN regulators is that they are uncondi-tionally stable (most require no external capacitors).An LDO does require at least one external capacitor on the output to reduce the loop bandwidth and provide some positive phase shift.Quasi-LDOs typically require some output capacitance,but much less than an LDO and with less restrictive limits on its performance characteristics.Feedback and Loop StabilityAll voltage regulators use a feedback loop to hold the output voltage constant.The feedback signal experiences changes in both gain and phase as it goes through the loop,and the amount of phase shift which has occurred at the unity gain (0dB)frequency determines stability.BODE PLOTSUnderstanding stability requires the use of Bode Plots ,which show the loop gain (in dB )plotted as a function of frequency (Figure 5).Loop gain and associated terms are defined in the next sections.Loop gain can be measured on a network analyzer,which injects a low-level sine wave into the feedback path and then measures the gain response while the frequency of the signal is swept from DC up to the frequency where the gain drops well below 0dB.Bode plots are convenient tools because they contain all the information necessary to determine if a closed-loop system is stable.However,decoding the information contained in a Bode plot requires understanding the key elements:loop gain,phase margin,poles and zeros .LOOP GAINEvery closed-loop system has a characteristic called loop gain .In this analysis of voltage regulators,loop gain will be defined as the magnitude of the voltage gain that the feed-back signal experiences as it travels through the loop.The block diagram of the LDO in Figure 2will be redrawn to illustrate this concept (Figure 6).A transformer is used to inject an AC signal into the feedback path between points ’A’and ’B’.Using this transformer,a small-signal sine wave is used to ’modulate’the feedback signal.The AC voltages at ’A’and ’B’are measured and used to calculate loop gain.The loop gain is defined as the ratio of the two voltages:Loop Gain =V A /V Bit is important to note that the signal starting at the V B point has a phase shift introduced into it as it travels through the loop (eventually arriving at the V A point).The amount of phase shift is critical in determining stability.FEEDBACKFeedback is used in all voltage regulators to hold the output voltage constant.The output voltage is sampled through a resistive divider (Figure 6),and that signal is fed back to one 2Feedback and Loop Stability (Continued)input of the error amplifier.Since the other input of the error amplifier is tied to a reference voltage,the error amplifier will supply current as required to the pass transistor to keep the regulated output at the correct DC voltage.It is important to note that for a stable loop,negative feed-back must be used.Negative feedback(sometimes called degenerative feedback)is opposite in polarity to the source signal(see Figure7).Because it is opposite in polarity with the source,negative feedback will always cause a response by the loop which opposes any change at the output.This means that if the output voltage tries to rise(or fall),the loop will respond to force it back to the nominal value.Positive Feedback occurs when the feedback signal has the same polarity as the source signal.In this case,the loop responds in the same direction as any change which occurs at the output.This is clearly unstable,since it does not cancel out changes in output voltage,but amplifies them. It should be obvious that no one would intentionally design positive feedback into the loop of a linear regulator,but negative feedback becomes positive feedback if it expe-riences a phase shift of180˚.PHASE SHIFTPhase shift is defined as the total amount of phase change (referred to the starting point)that is introduced into the feedback signal as it goes around the loop.Phase shift (expressed in degrees)is most often measured using a network analyzer.Ideal negative feedback is180˚out of phase wit the source(Figure8),so its’starting point’is at−180˚.This’180˚’offsetcan also be seen in Figure7,as the negative feedbackwaveforms are exactly one half cycle shifted with respect toeach other.It can be seen that starting at−180˚,an additional phaseshift of180˚(positive or negative)brings the signal back tozero,which is in phase with the source signal and wouldcause the loop to be unstable.PHASE MARGINPhase margin is defined as the difference(in degrees)between the total phase shift of the feedback signal and−180˚at the frequency where the loop gain is equal to0dB(unity gain).A stable loop typically needs at least20˚ofphase margin.Phase shift and phase margin can be calculated using thepoles and zeros present in the Bode plot.POLESA pole(Figure9)is defined as a point where the slope of thegain curve changes by−20dB/decade(with reference to theslope of the curve prior to the pole).Note that the effect is 3Feedback and Loop Stability(Continued)additive:each additional pole will increase the negative slope by the factor ’n’x (−20dB/decade),where ’n’is the number of additional poles.The phase shift introduced by a single pole is frequency dependent,varying from 0to −90˚(with a phase shift added by a pole (frequency).The most important point is that nearly all of the phase shift added by a pole (or zero)occurs within the frequency range one decade above and one decade below the pole (or zero)frequency.NOTE:a single pole can add only −90˚of total phase shift,so at least two poles are needed to reach −180˚(which is where instability can occur).ZEROSA zero (Figure 10)is defined as a point where the gain changes by +20dB/decade (with respect to the slope prior to the zero).As before,the change in slope is additive with additional zeros.The phase shift introduced by a zero varies from 0to +90˚,with a +45˚shift occurring at the frequency of the zero.The most important thing to observe about a zero is that it is an ’anti-pole’,which is to say its effects on gain and phase are exactly the opposite of a pole.This is why zeros are intentionally added to the feedback loops of LDO regulators:they can cancel out of the effect of one of the poles that would cause instability if left uncom-pensated.BODE PLOT ANALYSISA Bode plot which contains three poles and one zero (Figure 11)will be analyzed for gain and phase margin.The DC gain is assumed to be 80dB,with the first pole occurring at 100Hz.At that frequency,the slope of the gain curve changes to −20dB/decade.The zero at 1kHz changes the slope back to 0dB/decade until the second pole at 10kHz,where the gain curve slope returns to −20dB/decade.The third and final pole at 100kHz changes the gain slope to the final value of −40dB/decade.It can also be seen that the unity-gain (0dB)crossover frequency is 1MHz.The 0dB frequency is sometimes referred to as the loop bandwidth .The plot of the phase shift shows how the various poles and zeros contribute their effect on the feedback signal.To pro-duce this plot,the phase shift at each frequency point was calculated based upon summing the contributions of every pole and zero at that frequency.The phase shift at any frequency ’f’which is caused by a pole frequency located at frequency ’f p ’can be calculated from:Pole Phase Shift =−arctan (f/f p )The phase shift resulting from a zero located at frequency ’f z ’can be found using:Zero Phase Shift =arctan (f/f z )Is this loop stable?To answer that question,we need only the phase shift at 0dB (which is 1MHz in this case).Finding this does not require complex calculations:As stated in the previous sections,a pole or zero contributes nearly its full phase shift in the frequency range one decade above and below the center frequency of the pole (or zero). 4Feedback and Loop Stability (Continued)Therefore,the first two poles and the first zero contributetheir full phase shifts of−180˚to+90˚,respectively,resulting in a net phase shift of−90˚.The final pole is exactly one decade below the0dB ing the formula for Pole Phase Shift,this pole will contribute−84˚of phase shift@1MHz.Added to the−90˚from the two previous poles and the zero,the total phase shift is−174˚(which means the phase margin is6˚).This loop would either oscillate or ring severely.NPN Regulator CompensationThe pass transistor of the NPN regulator(see Figure1)is connected in a circuit configuration known as common col-lector.An important characteristic of all common collector circuits is low output impedance,which means the pole from the power stage that it places in the loop gain occurs at a very high frequency.The NPN regulator uses a technique called dominant pole compensation because it has no inherent low-frequency poles.In this case,a capacitor is built into the IC which places a pole in the loop gain at a low frequency(Figure12). This dominant pole(shown as P1)for a typical NPN regu-lator is set at about100Hz.The100Hz pole causes the gain to decrease at a rate of−20dB/decade until the second pole (P2)which is located at3MHz.At that point,the slope of thegain plot changes to−20dB/decade.The frequency of P2is primarily due to the NPN power transistor and associated drive circuitry,so it is sometimes referred to as the power pole.Since P2occurs at a fre-quency where the loop gain is−10dB,its contribution to phase shift at the0dB frequency(1MHz)will be small.To determine stability,it only requires that the phase margin at the0dB frequency be calculated:The first pole(P1)will contribute−90˚of phase shift,but the second pole(P2)will add only−18˚of negative phase shift@ 1MHz(0dB).This means the total phase shift@0dB is −108˚,which yields a phase margin of72˚(which is very stable).It should also be noted that simple observation would clearly show this loop is stable,since reaching−180˚of phase shift (the point of instability)would require the full contribution of−90˚(each)from both poles,and P2is too high in frequencyto contribute significant phase shift at the0dB frequency(1MHz).LDO Regulator CompensationThe PNP transistor in an LDO regulator(Figure2)is con-nected in a configuration called common emitter,which hasa higher output impedance than the common collector con-figuration in the NPN regulator.This adds an additionallow-frequency pole whose frequency is dependent bothon load resistance and output capacitance.The fre-quency of this pole(which will be designated P L for loadpole)is found from:f(P L)=1/(2πx R LOAD x C OUT)The presence of the frequency-variable load pole P L meansthat the simple dominant pole compensation method used inthe NPN regulator will not work in an LDO unless additionalcompensation is added.To illustrate why this is true,the loopgain of a5V/50mA LDO regulator will be illustrated usingthese assumptions:At maximum load current,the load pole(P L)occurs at afrequency given by:P L=1/(2πx R LOAD x C OUT)=1/(2πx100x10−5)=160Hz.The internal compensation will be assumed to add a fixedpole(P1)at1kHz.A500kHz power pole(which will be designated P PWR)ispresent due to the PNP power transistor and driver.The DC gain is assumed to be80dB.R L=100Ω(which is the value at maximum load current)C OUT=10µF.using the conditions stated above,a Bode plot(Figure13)isdrawn.It is immediately obvious that this loop is not stable:the two poles P L and P1will each contribute−90˚of phaseshift to reach−180˚at the0dB frequency(which is about40kHz in this example).To reduce the negative phase shift(and prevent oscillations),a zero must be added to the loop.A zero can contribute asmuch as+90˚of positive phase shift,which will cancel outthe effects of one of the two low frequency poles. 5LDO Regulator Compensation(Continued)Nearly all monolithic LDO regulators require that this zero beadded to the loop,and they derive it from a characteristicthat is inherent in the output capacitor:equivalent seriesresistance(usually referred to ESR).LDO Compensation Using ESREquivalent series resistance(ESR)is a characteristic that ispresent in every capacitor.It can be modeled electrically asa resistance that is placed in series with the capacitor(Fig-ure14).The ESR of the output capacitor puts a zero in the loop gainwhich can be used to reduce excess negative phase shift.The frequency where the zero occurs is directly related tothe value of the ESR and amount of output capacitance:F ZERO=1/(2πx C OUT x ESR)Using the example in the previous section(Bode plot shownin Figure13),we will assume that the value of C OUT=10µFand the output capacitor ESR=1Ω,which means a zero willoccur at16kHz.Figure15shows how this added zero will change the un-stable plot into a stable one:The bandwidth of the loop is increased so that the0dBcrossover frequency moves form30kHz to100kHz.The zero adds a total of+81˚positive phase shift at100kHz(the0dB frequency).This will reduce the negative phaseshift caused by the poles P L and P1.Since the pole P PWR is located at500kHz,it adds only−11˚of phase shift at100kHz.Summing all poles and zeros,the total phase shift at0dB isnow−110˚.This corresponds to a phase margin of+70˚,which is extremely stable.This illustrates how an output capacitor with the correctvalue of ESR can generate a zero that stabilizes an LDO.ESR and StabilityVirtually all LDO regulators require that the ESR of theoutput capacitor be within a set range to assure regulatorstability.The LDO manufacturer provides a set of curves which definethe boundaries of the stable region,plotted as a function ofload current(Figure16).To explain why these boundaries exist,the effects of low andhigh ESR on phase margin will be illustrated using theexample previously developed.HIGH ESRUsing the examples developed in the previous sections,wewill change the conditions and assume the ESR of the10µFoutput capacitor is increased to20Ω.This will decrease thefrequency of the zero to800Hz(Figure17).Reducing thefrequency of the zero causes the loop bandwidth to increase,moving the0dB crossover frequency from100kHz to2MHz.This increase bandwidth means that the pole P PWR occurs ata gain value of+20dB(compared to−10dB in Figure14).Analyzing the plot(Figure17)for phase margin,it can beassumed that the zero cancels out either P1or P L.Thismeans the loop has a two-pole response with the low fre-quency pole contributing−90˚of phase shift and the highfrequency pole P PWR contributing about−76˚of phase shift. 6ESR and Stability(Continued)Although this appears to leave a phase margin of14˚(which might be stable),bench test data shows that ESR values> 10Ωusually cause instability because of phase shifts con-tributed by other high-frequency poles which are not shown in this simplified model.LOW ESRAn output capacitor with a very low ESR value can cause oscillations for a different reason.Continuing the example developed in the previous section, we will now reduce the ESR of the10µF output capacitor to 50mΩ,increasing the frequency of the zero to320kHz (Figure18).When the plot is analyzed for phase margin,no calculations are required to see that it is unstable.The−90˚phase shift from each of the two poles P1and P L will produce a total phase shift of−180˚at the0dB fre-quency.For this system to be stable,a zero is needed that would provide positive phase shift before the0dB point.However, since the zero is at320kHz,it’s too far out to do any good (and is cancelled out by P PWR).Output Capacitor SelectionSince the output capacitor is the user’s tool for compensat-ing a monolithic LDO regulator,it must be selected verycarefully.Most cases of oscillations in LDO applications arecaused by the ESR of the output capacitor being too high ortoo low.When selecting an output capacitor for an LDO,a solidtantalum capacitor is usually the best choice(except forparts specifically designed for ceramic capacitors like theLP2985).Tests performed on an AVX 4.7µF Tantalumshowed an ESR of1.3Ω@25˚C,a value that is almostperfectly centered in the stable region(Figure16).Also very important,the ESR of the AVX capacitor variedless than2:1over the temperature range of−40˚C to+125˚C.Aluminium electrolytic capacitors are notorious forexhibiting an exponential increase in ESR at cold tempera-tures,and are not suitable for use as an LDO output capaci-tor.It must be noted that large(≥1µF)ceramic capacitorstypically have very low ESR values(<20mΩ),and willcause most LDO regulators to oscillate if connected directlyto the output(except the LP2985).A ceramic capacitor canbe used if some external resistance is added in series with itto increase the effective rge value ceramics alsohave a poor tempco(typically Z5U)which means the capaci-tance will drop in half as the temperature is increased ordecreased to the operating limits.Quasi-LDO CompensationWhen evaluating the quasi-LDO regulator(Figure3)for sta-bility and compensation,it has some of the electrical char-acteristics of both the LDO and NPN regulator.Since thequasi-LDO uses an NPN pass device,it is in thecommon-collector configuration which means it’s output de-vice node(emitter)looks like a relatively low impedance.However,because of the base of the NPN is being drivenfrom a high-impedance PNP current source,the regulatoroutput impedance of a quasi-LDO is not as low as the NPNregulator with an NPN Darlington pass device(but is muchlower than a true LDO which drives the regulator output offthe collector of a PNP).This means that the troublesome power pole of a quasi-LDOis at a lower frequency than the NPN regulator,so somecompensation(output capacitance)is required to make aquasi-LDO stable.Of course,the pole is at a much higherfrequency than the LDO,so the quasi-LDO requires lesscapacitance and the ESR is not as critical.For example,the LM1085quasi-LDO rated for3A of loadcurrent requires only10µF of Tantalum output capacitanceto assure complete stability over all line and load conditions.No ESR graphs are given,since the value of ESR is notcritical as it is in an LDO.Low-ESR Specific LDO’sNational Semiconductor does have LDO regulators like theLP2985and LP2989which are specifically designed to workwith extremely low ESR capacitors like surface-mount ce- 7Low-ESR Specific LDO’s(Continued)ramics.This type of capacitor can have ESR values as low as 5-10m Ω,which will cause most typical LDO regulators to oscillate (as demonstrated in Figure 18.To make the LP2985stable with such low ESR values,an internal zero is built in which takes the place of the ESR zero previously provided by the Tantalum output capacitor.The effect of this is to shift the stable ESR range downward.A typical LDO with no added internal zero might be stable ESR range from about 100m Ωto 5Ω(well suited for Tantalums but not ceramics).The stable range for the LP2985extends down to 3m Ω,and has an upper limit of about 500m Ωso it can be used with ceramics.The reason the upper limit is moved down can be under-stood by referring to Figure 15.As previously stated,the zero is now built into the LDO,so the ESR zero resulting from the output capacitor must stay at a high enough frequency that it does not cause the bandwidth to get too wide where high frequency poles would add enough phase shift to produce oscillations.The FET AdvantageAn LDO regulator can be built using a P-FET as the pass transistor (see Figure 19).To see why using a P-FET LDO would be advantageous,it should be noted that all of the base current required by the power transistor in a PNP LDO (Figure 2)flows out of the ground pin and back to the negative input voltage return.Therefore,this base drive current is drawn from the input supply but does not drive the load,so it generates wasted power that must be dissipated within the LDO regulator:PWR (Base Drive)=V IN X I BASE The amount of base current required to drive the PNP is equal to the load current divided by the beta (gain)of the PNP ,and beta may be as low as 15-20(at rated load current)in some PNP LDO regulators.The wasted power generated by this base drive current is very undesirable (especially in battery-powered applications).Using a P-FET solves this problem,since the Gate drive is very small.Another advantage of the P-FET LDO is that the dropout voltage can be made very small by adjusting the ON-resistance of the FET.For monolithic regulators,FET power transistors typically will give a lower ON-resistance per unit area than bipolar ONP devices.This allows making higher current regulators in smaller packages.LIFE SUPPORT POLICYNATIONAL’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION.As used herein:1.Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which,(a)are intended for surgical implant into the body,or (b)support or sustain life,and whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling,can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user.2.A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system,or to affect its safety or effectiveness.National Semiconductor Corporation AmericasEmail:support@National Semiconductor EuropeFax:+49(0)180-5308586Email:europe.support@Deutsch Tel:+49(0)6995086208English Tel:+44(0)8702402171Français Tel:+33(0)141918790National Semiconductor Asia Pacific Customer Response Group Tel:65-2544466Fax:65-2504466Email:ap.support@National Semiconductor Japan Ltd.Tel:81-3-5639-7560Fax:81-3-5639-7507National does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described,no circuit patent licenses are implied and National reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications.。
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ǖ ցOQO!V DROP =2V BE +V SAT (NPN REG)MEP!MEP!V DROP =V BE +V SATV OUT =V REF (1+R1/R2)101239011.NPN3. LDO101239022.PNP LDO10123903ӷ 1148Chester Simpson 2000 5ǖ ցAN-1148©2002National Semiconductor Corporation AN101239www āā Ԣ Lj LM340 LM317 Ք ă և NPN DŽ 1DžLj Ԩ NPN ă DŽLDO Dž LDO DŽquasi-LDO Dž ăāā NPN և PNP NPN Lj Lj ԍ 1.5V 2.5V DŽdropout voltage Džă " "DŽ Dž ǖāā DŽ 5V 3.3V Dž LDO DŽ 3Džă LDO NPN LDO Lj PNP NPN ă Lj NPN LDO ǖāā , DŽ , 4Džăāā DŽ DžLj Lj IC և ă ă Lj ԍ ǖāā LDO DŽ Dž Lj PNP DŽ 2DžăLDO PNP LjLDO ǖāāāāāāVdrop ǙVsat DŽLDO Džāā 500mV Lj 10mV 20mV ă!) *!Բհ101239044.101239055. հ6.10123906A N -1148www 2āāNPN LjLDO LDO ՚ DŽ Dž ă ă Ս Lj IGND DŽ 4DžLjժ IC ă LjIGND IL ăāā NPN Lj Lj IL ă IGND Lj ӯ mA ă LDO Lj ӷ LM1085 10mA , 3A ăLjLDO Բ ă LjPNP ˸ ӯ 15ċ20ă LDO ӯ 7%ăāāNPN DŽ Džă LDO և , ց ă ӯ LDO Lj LDO Ljժ ăāā ԍ ă ՎLj DŽ0dB Dž ăāā հ Lj DŽ dB Dž DŽ 5Džă ă, հLj 0dB ăāāհ Ս Lj Ԉ ԿՂ ă Lj Ԉ հ ǖ Lj Ă ăāā Կ ă Lj ă Lj 2 LDO DŽ 6DžăāāՎ "A"Ă"B" ă Վ Lj հ " " ă A ĂB Lj ă Բ ǖLoop Gain ǙVa /Vbāā Lj Vb Lj Lj Va ă ăāā Lj ă DŽ 6DžLjժ Lj Lj ԍ ă!) *101239077. 101239088.AN-11483āā Lj Ղ ă Lj Lj DŽ 7Džăāā Lj Վă Lj Վ DŽ Վ DžLj Վ Lj ăāā ă Lj Վ ă փ Ljփ ՎLj Վ ăāā Ljփ ă 180Ń Lj Վ ăāā Վ DŽ Džă Lj Lj ă 180ŃDŽ 8DžLj lj180Ńă 7 180Ń Lj հ ӷ ăāā Lj lj180Ń Lj 180Ń DŽ DžLj Lj Lj փ ăāā DŽ DžLj 0dBDŽ Dž Lj lj180Ń ă ӯ 20Ń ăāā հ Ă ăāā ԥ ) * lj31eC0 Ԡ Վ DŽ :Džă ;!!) *1012390910123911101239109. /10. /11. հA N -1148www 4āā "n"ġDŽlj20dB/ Ԡ Dž Lj "n" ăāā Lj 0 lj90ŃDŽ Džă DŽ Dž Ԡ ăāā ǖ lj90Ń Lj lj180ŃDŽ փ Džăāā ԥ ( ) +20dB/ Ԡ Վ DŽ 10Džă Lj Վ ăāā 0 LJ90ŃLj LJ45Ń ă " "Lj ăāā1kHz Վ 0dB/ Ԡ Lj 10kHz Վ lj20dB/ Ԡ ăāā 100kHz Վ lj40dB/ Ԡ ăāā 11 DŽ0dB Dž 1MHz ă0dB ԥ ăāā Ă փ ք ă Lj ք Ă ă DŽf Dž Lj ǖāāāā Ǚljarctan(f/fp)DŽf Dž Lj ǖāāāā Ǚarctan(f/fz)āā Ǜ Lj փՂ Lj 0d B DŽ 1MHz Džăāā , ( ) Ԡ ăāā LDO : , փ ց փ ăհāā Ԉ հ DŽ 11Dž ăāā 80dB Lj 100Hz ă Վ lj20dB/ Ԡ ă!) *NPN ցLDO ց1012391212.NPN հ1012391313. ց LDO հAN-1148www 5āā Lj lj180Ń LJ90ŃLj Վ lj90Ńăāā Ԡ 0dB ă Lj lj84Ń DŽ 1MHz Džă lj90Ń Lj և lj174ŃDŽ 6ŃDžă Lj փ ԍ Lj ăāāNPN DŽ 1Dž ă Lj ăāā NPN Lj ց ă և Lj DŽ 12DžăāāNPN P1 Lj ӯ 100Hz ă100Hz lj20dB/ Ԡ , 3MHz DŽP2Džă P2 Lj lj20dB/ Ԡ ăP2 NPN Lj ă LjP2 lj10dB Lj DŽ0dB Dž DŽ1MHz Dž ăāā Lj 0dB ăāā DŽP1Dž lj90Ń Lj DŽP2Dž lj18Ń DŽ1MHz Džă 0dB lj108ŃLj 72ŃLj ăāā , ,lj180Ń DŽփ Dž ! ևlj90Ń , P2 Lj 0dB DŽ1MHz Dž ăāāLDO PNP ă ă ă ԥ Lj P L ă ǖf(PL)Ǚ1/(2̆ġR load ġCout)āā LjLDO փ ց ă ? 5V/50mA LDO :Lj DŽP L Dž :PL Ǚ1/(2̆ġR load ġCout)Ǚ1/(2̆ġ100ġ10-5)Ǚ160Hzāā և ց 1kHz (P1)ă PNP Lj 500kHz DŽP PWR Džăāā 80dB, R L Ǚ100ˮLj Cout Ǚ10uF ăāā հ DŽ 13Džăāā փ ă P L P1 ՚ lj90Ń ă 0dB DŽ 40kHz DžLj lj180Ń DŽ DžLj Ղ ă LJ90Ń LjLDO ց DŽ DžESRց LDOESRESR1012391414. ESR1012391515. ESR LDO1012391616.LDO ESRAN-11486āā Lj LDOă ӯDŽ ESRDž ăāā LDO ESRLj ԍ ăLDOESRDŽ 16DžLj ăāā LjESR ăāā Lj 10uFESR 20ˮă 800HzDŽ 17Džă LjDŽ0dBDž 100kHz 2MHzăP PWR DŽ Բ15Džă 17հ LjP1 PL Ljă lj90Ńlj76Ń P PWR ăāā DŽESRDžԨ ă DŽ 14Džăāā ESR Ljă DŽFzeroDžESR ǖFzeroǙ1/(2̆ġCoutġESR)āā DŽ 13DžLj CoutǙ10uFLj ESRǙ1ˮă 16kHză 15 հ փăāā Lj DŽ0dBDž30kHz 100kHză 100kHzLJ81Ń ă P L P1 ăP pwr 500kHz Lj 100kHz lj11Ńă Ă Lj0dBlj110Ńă LJ70Ń LjăESRLDO ăESR ( )ESRLDO ց·ESR LDO1012391717. ESR հ1012391818. ESR փAN-1148www 7āā 14Ń ( ), Lj ESR ǚ10ˮ Lj DŽ Dž փ ăāā Lj ց LDO Lj Ղ ă Ԩ LDO ESR ăāā LDO Lj DŽ LDO Lj ǖLP2985Džă AVX 4.7uF , 25ņ ESR 1.3ˮLj DŽ 16Džăāā LjAVX ESR lj40ņ LJ125ņ Վ 2:1ă ESR Lj փ LDO ăāāՂ DŽĽ1uF Dž ESR DŽǘ20m ˮDžLj DŽ LP2985 Dž LDO ă ESR ă DŽ Z5U DžLj Ԡ Վ Lj փ ăāā LDO DŽ 3Dž ց Lj LDO NPN ă LDO NPN Lj DŽ Dž ăāā Lj NPN PNP Lj LDO փ NPN NPN ( Բ PNP LDO )ăāā LDO ԲNPN Lj LDO ( )ց ă , ԲLDO Lj LDO Lj ESR փ ăāā Lj LDO LM1085 3A Lj 10uF ă LDO Ղ ESR Lj LDO ESR ăāā ESR Lj փ ă Lj 10uF ESR 50m ˮLj Վ 320kHz DŽ 18Džăāāփ փ ă P1 P L 0dB lj180Ń ă Lj 0dB ց ă Lj 320kHz Lj Lj ց ăāā ӷ LDO LjLP2985 LP2989Lj ESR ă ESRESR LDO( )FET DŽ Dž1012391919.P LDOA N -1148ǖ ցNational Semiconductor Americas Customer Support CenterEmail:new.feedback@ Tel:1-800-272-9959National SemiconductorEurope Customer Support CenterFax:+49(0)180-5308586Email:europe.support@Deutsch Tel:+49(0)6995086208English Tel:+44(0)8702402171Français Tel:+33(0)141918790National Semiconductor Asia Pacific Customer Support CenterEmail:ap.support@National SemiconductorJapan Customer Support Center Fax:81-3-5639-7507Email:jpn.feedback@ Tel:81-3-5639-7560www Lj ӷ փ փ ă ӷ ԍ Lj փ ăLj ǖ ăӷ Ljփ ӷ Ԣ և ă ǖ1. Ԣ/ ǖDŽa DžԢ ǗDŽb Dž Lj Lj ă2. և Ԣ LjԢ/ Lj Ԣ/ Ҿ և ăӷ Ԉ Ė DŽCSP-9-111C2Džė Ė DŽCSP-9-111S2Džė LjփԈ CSP-9-111S2 " "ă RoHS ă5ċ10m ˮă ESR LDO DŽ 18 Džăāā LP2985 ESR , ESR ă ESR ă և LDO ESR ӯ 100m ˮ-5ˮLj փ ăLP2985 ESR 3M ˮ, 500M ˮLj ăāā ESR Lj 15ă Lj LDO ԥ IC ևă և ESR Ղ Lj փ ă Lj ăāāLDO P-FET DŽP Dž DŽ 19Džăāā P-FET LDO Lj , PNP LDO DŽ 2Dž ժ ă Lj ժ ă LDO ǖāāāāPWR DŽBase Drive DžǙ!Vin ġIbaseāā PNP ˸ DŽPNP Džă PNP LDO ˸ ӯ 15ċ20DŽ Džă փ DŽ DžăP DŽP-FET Dž Lj ăāāP-FET LDO DŽFET Dž ă Lj Բ ă ă。