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tracheal fistula,reduce postoperative complication. Methods: We investigated the effect of nursing through positive preoperative nursing,local anesthesia,op-
tion of complications. Results: All 32 cases of neoplastic esophagotracheal fistula patients were successfully placed airway stents. after these operation,we
airway stenting.
Key words Electronic bronchoscope; The airway membrana tectoria cochleae stent; Neoplastic esophagotracheal fistula; Nursing
食管气管瘘在临床上是一种危重症,是食管癌晚期、胸部 肿瘤等疾病放疗后的严重并发症,以饮水及进食后呛咳,胸骨 后疼痛,咳带有食物性的分泌物,反复发生吸入性肺炎,低氧 血症,恶病质 为 主 要 临 床 表 现[1]。 一 旦 出 现 食 管 气 管 瘘,严 重影响了患者的生活质量,给患者带来了极大的痛苦,少数患 者因饥饿、吸入性肺炎而短期死亡。肿瘤性食管气管瘘的患 者一般要行外科手术,对于耐受不了外科手术的患者,行电子 支气管镜下覆膜气道支架置入术,有效地控制肿瘤向管腔内 生长,改善了患者进食呛咳、吞咽困难的症状,提高患者的生 活质量,延长患者的生存时间。 1 临床资料 1. 1 一般资料 选择我科 2009 年 7 月 ~ 2011 年 6 月 32 例 肿瘤性食管气管瘘的患者,男 13 例,女 19 例。年龄 42 ~ 81 岁,平均年龄( 61. 0 ± 6. 5) 岁。其中食管癌合并肺转移 14 例, 食管癌放疗后 6 例,支气管肺癌合并食管纵隔浸润 4 例,纵隔 淋巴瘤放疗后 8 例。经多项检查( 电子支气管镜、食管钡餐、 电子胃镜、多排 CT 及美兰实验检查确诊为食管气管瘘) 均为 经过内科保守治疗效果不好或不适宜行外科手术的患者,其
found excellent nursing could markedly reduce cough and lung infections,significantly improve the quality of life,improve the postoperative respiratory diffi-
护理实践与研究 2012 年第 9 卷第 19 期( 上半月版)
电子支气管镜下覆膜气道支架置入术 治疗肿瘤性食管气管瘘的护理
摘 要 目的: 探讨在电子支气管镜下进行覆膜气道支架置入术对治疗肿瘤性食管气管瘘患者的手术前、手术中及手术后的方法,以提高肿瘤
性食管气管瘘的患者的生活质量及延长生存时间,减少术后的并发症。方法: 通过积极的术前护理,局部麻醉,术中配合,及术中心电、血压、指
erative cooperation,monitoring with the intraoperative electrocardiogram,blood pressure,oxygen saturation,positive post - operative nursing,and the preven-
culties,eliminate the occurrence of massive hemoptysis and stent migration. Conclusion: Through positive preoperative preparation and psychological nursing,
关键词 电子支气管镜; 覆膜气道支架; 食管气管瘘; 护理
doi: 10. 3969 / j. issn. 1672 - 9676. 2012. 19. 036
Nursing of electronic bronchoscope covered airway stent placement for the treatment of malignant esophageal fistula.
脉氧监测,注重术后护理和并发症的预防。结果: 32 例肿瘤性食管气管瘘患者均放置成功,覆膜气道支架置入术后,呛咳及肺部感染情况明显好
转,生活质量明显提高,术后呼吸困难改善,未发生大咯血及支架移位等严重并发症。结论: 积极的术前准备和心理护理,术中的严密监护和积
YANG Liu( The Central Hospital of Wuhan city,Wuhan 430000)
Abstract Objective: To investigate the metheds of preoperative,intraoperative,and postoperative care in the treatment of neoplastic esophagotracheal fistula
surgery by the airway membrana tectoria cochleae stents,in order to improve the quality of life and prolong survival time of patients with neoplastic esophago-
intensive intraoperative care and actively operative cooperation,and the prevention of complications,we found that these factors are the key to the success of