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*calyx: branches of renal pelvis
1) General structure:
---capsule: DCT ---cortex: dark stained
/medullary ray /cortical labyrinth ---medulla: slight stained /renal pyramid /renal columns /renal papillae:
/matrix: -type IV collagen -glycoprotein: sulphate chondritin, heparin and dermatan
---renal capsule: two layers capsule –formed by beginning part of renal tubule which is enlarged and invaginated
/parietal layer: simple squamous epi.
/visceral layer: podocytes
/renel capsular cavity: the space between two layers
cells with many processes ( primary and secondary processes-foot processes) Foot processes: interdigitated with each other and embraced the capillaries, slit pore:
=glomerulus + renal
capsule(beginning part
of renal tubule)
/nephron=renal corpuscle + renal tubule
---interstitium: CT, BV, N
2) Nephron: structural and functional unit, 1,000,000 ---renal corpuscle: cortical and juxtamedullary
Chapter 17
Urinary System
1. Components
---kidney : produce urine
---bladder -cavity organs, conduct, store and
remove the urine
2. Kidney
---bean-shaped, 10-12cm in length, 5-6cm in width, 3-4cm in thickness
---hilum: BV, LV, N and ureters enter or out
*renal pelvis: funnelshaped expension of upper end of ureter
*capillary network:
/endothelial cell: pore, 70-90 nm, no diaphragm
/basal Baidu Nhomakorabeaamina: 330nm
*intraglomerular mesangium:
/mesangial cell: -small, irregular, with processes -small dark N -EM: RER, Golgi, lysosome, phagocytic vesicles, cytoskeleton-MF, MT,IF and secretory granules -functions: i. produce ground substance ii. phagocytosis iii. contract iv. secrete renin and enzymes
According to function, renal parenchyma is mainly consists of uriniferous tubules
/uriniferous tubules= renal tubule+ collecting tubules
remove waste products of metabolism
regulate the homeostasis
secrete some bioactive factors- renin, erythropoietin
*cavity organs: mucosa: /epi-transitional epi /lamina propria muscularis: SM adventitia: CT
① renal corpuscle: spherical, 200um in D, two poles: vascular pole and urinary pole ---glomerulus: afferent arterioles→capillary network →efferent arterioles
-minor calyx -major calyx -pelvis
*renal lobe: one renal pyramid and its bounding cortical tissue
*renal lobule: renal tissue including one medullary ray and cortical tissue surround it
nephron /renal glomerulus: /renal capsule ---renal tubule: /proximal tubule:
-convoluted portion -straight portion /thin segment /distal tubule: -straight portion -convoluted portion