


间排列,腔不规则。 (2)附睾管—上皮由高柱状细胞和基细胞组成,
2. Functions
精子达生理性成熟: (1)分泌多种物质:
前向运动蛋白 糖蛋白 制动素
顶体稳定因子 肉毒碱、甘油磷酸胆碱、唾液酸等。 (2) 吸收浓缩: (3) 保护:血-附睾屏障-位于主细胞近腔面的
精子 变
细胞 态
23, y
1n 23, x
精母C成熟分裂 (, DNA复制;, 染色单体分离)
精子C变态 形成精子
primitive germ cells. are small round cells. are situated on the basal lamina(基膜). include type A and type B spermatogonia.
尾部 (Middle piece)
(鞭毛) 主段——最长,轴丝+致密纤维+ 纤维鞘。( Principal piece)
末段——轴丝。(End piece)
1、环境因素的变化,特别是长期接触 低剂量的具有雌激素活性的物质。
2、精子的生物学特点:由于精子变态 过程中丢失大量胞质,胞质中的 DNA修复酶丢失,使DNA的损伤得 不到修复。
2. 支持细胞(sustentacular cell or sertoli cell 塞托利细胞) (1)形态结构
(2) Function:
A. 支持、营养; B. 吞噬; C.分泌: 1.睾丸液, 2.雄激素结合蛋白(ABP), 3. 抑制素 (inhibin), 4.抗中肾旁管激素



组织学与胚胎学单词集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-英文单词:组织学与胚胎学(白皮)Histology 组织学 [hstldi]Embryology 胚胎学 [embrildi]tissue 组织 [tu:]Extracellular?matrix 细胞外基质 [ekstrseljul metrks] Light?microscope 光学显微镜 [lait maikrskup] Electron?microscope 电子显微镜 [ilektrn maikrskup] Paraffin?sectioning 石蜡切片 [prfn sekn] Hematoxylincosinstaining 苏木精-伊红染剂[hi:mtksilin i:usin steini]Histochemistry 组织化学Immunohistochemistry 免疫组织化学[mjnhst'kemistri] Cell?culture 细胞培养 [sel klt] Tissue?engineering 组织工程Epithelium 上皮[ep'θi:l?m]Endothelium 内皮[end'θi:l?m]Mesothelium 间皮[mez'θi:l?m]Exocrine?gland 外分泌腺 [eksukrain ɡl?nd]Endocrine?gland 内分泌腺 [endukrain ɡl?nd]Acinus 腺泡['sns]Serous cell 浆液细胞 [sirs sel]Mucous?cell 粘液细胞[mju:ks sel]Serous?demilune 浆液半月 [sirs demilu:n]Micro?villus 微绒毛 [makr'vls]Cilium 纤毛 ['slm]Desmosome 桥粒 ['desmsm]Junctional?complex 连接复合体Basement?membrane 基膜 [beismnt membren]Basal?lamina 基板 [beisl lmin]Reticular?lamina 网板 [ritikjul lmin]loose connective tissue 疏松结缔组织 [knektv tisju:] Connective tissue proper 固有结缔组织 [knektv tisju: prp] Mesenchyme 间充质 ['meznkam]Fibroblast 成纤维细胞 ['fabrblst]Fibrocyte 纤维细胞 ['fabrosat]Plasma cell 巨噬细胞 [plzm sel] Macrophage 浆细胞 [mkrfed]mast cell 肥大细胞 [mɑ:st sel]fat cell 脂肪细胞 [fat sel] mesenchymal cell 间充质细胞 [mes'ekml][sel] Collagenous fiber 胶原纤维 [k'lɑ:dens]['fab]Elastic fiber 弹性纤维 [ilstik faib]Reticular fiber 网状纤维 [r'tkjl]['fab]Groung substance 基质 [ɡraund sbstns]Adipose tissue 脂肪组织 [dps][tu:]Reticular tissue 网状组织? [r'tkjl][tu:]plasma 血浆 [plzm] Serum 血清 [srm]wright staining 瑞氏染色 [rait][sten]erythrocyte ,red blood cell 红细胞[rθrsat]Hemoglobin 血红蛋白 [hi:m'glbn]erythrocyte membrane skeleton 红细胞膜骨架[rθrsat] ['membren][skeltn]Hemolysis 溶血 [h'mlss]reticulocyte 网织红细胞 [r'tkjlsat]leukocyte,white blood cell 白细胞 ['lu:ksat]neutrophilic granulocyte ,neutrophil 中性粒细胞[nju:tr'flk] ['grnjlsat], ['nju:trfl]azurophilic granule 嗜天青颗粒[r'flk][grnju:l]specific granule 特殊颗粒 [spsfk][grnju:l]basophilic granulocyte 嗜碱性颗粒[bs'flk]['grnjlsat]eosinophilic granulocyte,eosinophil 嗜酸性颗粒[i:sn'flk] ['grnjlsat],[i:'snfl]monocyte 单核细胞 ['mnsat] lymphocyte 淋巴细胞 [lmfsat]blood platelet 血小板 [bl?d] [pletlt] bone marrow 骨髓 [b?n] [mro] hemopoietic stem cell 造血干细胞[hi:mp'i:tk] [stem] [sel]multipotential stem cell 多能干细胞[mltp'tenl] [stem] [sel]Cartilage tissue 软骨组织 [kɑ:tld tisju:]Chondrocyte 软骨细胞 [kdrst]Cartilage lacuna 软骨陷窝 [kɑ:tld lkju:n]Isogenous group 同源细胞群 [aisdins ɡru:pCartilage capsule 软骨囊 [kɑ:tld kpsju:l]Hyaline cartilage 透明软骨 [haili:n kɑ:tldFibrous cartilage 纤维软骨 [fabrs]Elastic cartilage 弹性软骨 [lstk] Chondroblast 成软骨细胞['kndrblɑ:st]Osseous tissue 骨组织 [si:s tisju:] Bone matrix 骨基质 [bun metrks] Osteoid 类骨质 ['std]Bone lamella 骨板 [bun lmel] Osteoprogenitor cell 骨祖细胞Osteoblast 成骨细胞 ['stblst] Matrix vesicle 基质小炮 [vskl] Osteocyte 骨细胞 ['stsat]Bone lacuna 骨陷窝[bun lkju:n]Bone canaliculus 骨小管[bun knlikjuls]Osteoclast 破骨细胞Perforating canal 穿通管Circumferential lamella 环骨板 [skmfrenl lmel] Haversian system 哈弗斯系统 [hv:n sistm] Osteon 骨单位 ['stn]Skeletal muscle 骨骼肌 [skelitl msl] Cardiac muscle 心肌? [kɑ:di?k]Smooth muscle 平滑肌Myofibril 肌原纤维? [ma'fabrl]Sarcomere 肌节 ['sɑ:km]Sarcoplasm 肌浆 ['sɑ:kplzm] Sarcoplasmic reticulum 肌浆网 ['sɑ:kplzm][r'tkjlm] Intercalated disk 闰盘Transverse tubule 横小管 [trnzv:s]['tju:bju:l] Longitudinal tubule 纵小管? [lgtju:dnl]['tju:bju:l] Terminal cisternae 终池 [si'st:ni:]Triad 三联体 [trad]Thick filament 粗肌丝 [θik flmnt]Thin filament 细肌丝 [θin flmnt] nervous tissue 神经组织 [n:vs tisju:] neuron 神经元 [nrn, njr-] Neuroglial cell 神经胶质细胞 [n'jrɡl?l ‘ sel] Nissl body 尼氏体 [bdi]Neurotransmitter 神经胶质 [njrtrnzmt(r)] Neurofibril 神经原纤维 [njr'fabrl]Dendrite 树突 [dendrat]Axon 轴突 [ksn]Axolemma 轴膜 ['kslem]Axoplasm 轴浆 [k'splzm] Pseudounipolar neuron 假单极神经元[sju:dna'pl][nrn, njr-]Synapse 突触 ['sanps]Presynaptic element 突触前成分 [prisinptik elimnt] Synaptic cleft 突触间隙 [snptk kleft] Postsynaptic element 突触后成分 [pustsinptik elimnt] Postsynaptic membrane 突触后膜 [pustsinptik membren] presynaptic membrane 突触前膜 [prisinptik membren] Synaptic knob 突触小体 [snptk nb]Astrocyte 星形胶质细胞 ['strsat] Oligodendrocyte 少突胶质细胞 ['lg'dendrsat] Ependymal cell 室管膜细胞 [e'pendml ‘sel] Schwann cell 施万细胞 [wn ‘sel]Myelin sheath 髓鞘 [maili(:)n i:θ] Myelinated nerve fiber 有髓神经纤维 [mailineitid n:v fab] Ranvier node 郎飞结 [‘rvi ‘n?d]Internode 中间体 ['ntnd]Tactile corpuscle 触觉小体 [tktl k:psl] Lamellar corpuscle 环层小体 [l'mel][k:psl] Neuromuscular junction 神经肌连接[njr'mskjl 'dkn]epineurium 神经外膜 [ep'njrm] perineurium 神经束膜 [per'nju:rm] endoneurium 神经内膜 [end'nju:rm] motor end plate 运动终板 [mut end pleit] tunica intima 内膜 [tju:nik intim] Tunica media 中膜 [tju:nik mi:dj] Tunica adventitia 外膜 [tju:nik dventij] Endocardium 心内膜 [end'kɑ:d?m]Myocardium 心肌膜 [ma'kɑ:d?m]Epicardium 心外膜 [ep'kɑ:d?m] arteriole 微动脉 [ɑ:tril]Venule 微静脉 ['venju:l] Capillary 毛细血管 [kplri]elastic membrane 弹性膜 [ilstik membren]Pericyte 周细胞 [peri:'sa?t]continuous capillary 连续毛细血管[kntinjus kpleri:]Fenestrated capillary 有孔毛细血管 [finestreitid kpleri:] Sinusoid capillary 血窦 ['sansd kpleri:] Purkinje fiber 浦肯野纤维[pu ken ye~(就是音译) 'fab]Microcirculation 微循环 [makrs:kj'len]skin 皮肤 [skn]epidermis 表皮 [,ep'dms]keratinocyte 角质形成细胞 [k'rtinsait]stratum basale 基底层 [strɑ:t?m] [besel]stratum spinosum 棘层 [strɑ:t?m][spa'nsm]stratum granulosum 颗粒层 [strɑ:t?m]stratum lucidum 透明层 [strɑ:t?m] ['lu:si:d?m]stratum corneum 角质层 [strɑ:t?m]['k:nim]melanocyte 黑素细胞 ['melnsat] langerhans cell 朗格汉斯细胞 [sel]dermis 真皮['dms]hair 毛[he]sebaceous gland 皮脂腺[s'bes][glnd]sweat gland 汗腺 [swet][gl?nd]recirculation of lymphocyte 淋巴细胞再循环[ri:'s:kj'len] [lmfsat]mononuclear phagocytic system 单核吞噬细胞系统[mnn'ju:klr][fg'stk][sstm]dendritic cell 树突状细胞 [den'drtk][sel] Diffuse lymphoid tissue 弥散淋巴组织[dfju:s]['lmfd][tu:]Lymphoid nodule 淋巴小结 [ndju:l]Germinal center 生发中心 [d:minl]['sent] Thymic lobule 胸腺小叶 ['θamk] ['lbju:l] Thymocyte 胸腺细胞 ['θamsat]Thymic corpuscle 胸腺小体 [θaimik k:psl] Blood-thymus barrier 血胸屏障 [θams][bri(r)]Supercial cortex 浅层皮质 [su:pfl][k:teks] Paracortex zone 副皮质区 [pr'k:teks] Cortical sinus 皮质淋巴窦 ['k:tkl]Medullary cord 髓索 ['medlr]Medullary sinus 髓窦 ['medlr]White pulp 白髓 [p?lp]Red pulp 红髓 [p?lp]Periarterial lymphatic sheath 动脉周围淋巴鞘[p'rtrl][lm'ftk][i:θ]Marginal zone 边缘区Splenic cord 脾索 ['splen?k][k:d]Splenic sinus 脾血窦 ['splenk][sans] endocrine system 内分泌系统[endukrain sistm]hormone 激素 ['h:mn]paracrine 旁分泌 [prk'ran]thyroid follicle 甲状旁腺滤泡 [θard flkl]parafollicular cell 滤泡旁细胞 [pr'flkjl]zona glomerulosa 球状带['zon][ɡlmrj'loz]zona fasciculate 束状带 ['zon][f'skjlet] zona reticularis 网状带 ['zon]chromaffin cell 嗜铬细胞 [kromfn sl]pars distalis 远侧部 [pɑ:z] [ds'tls] acidophil 嗜酸性细胞 ['sdofl]basophil 嗜碱性细胞 [bs'fl] chromophobe cell 嫌色细胞 [kromfob sl] herring body 赫令体 [hr]gonadotroph 促性腺激素细胞 [ɡndt'rf]pituicyte 垂体细胞 [p'tju:sat] somatotroph 生长激素细胞 ['somttrof] hypophyseal portal system 垂体门脉系统 [ha'pfsi:l]['p:tl] Digestive system 消化系统 [dadestv sistm] Mucosa 粘膜 [mju:'ks]Submucosa 粘膜下层 [sbmju:'ks] Muscularis 肌层 ['mskjlrs]Adventitia 外膜 [dvn't]Plica 皱襞 ['plak]Serosa 浆膜 [s'rs]Gastric area 胃小凹 [gstrk ri]Fundic gland 胃底腺 [fndik ɡl?nd]Parietal cell 壁细胞 [praitl sel]Oxyntic cell 泌酸细胞 ['ksntk sel]Chief cell 主细胞 [t?i:f sel]Intracellular secretory canaliculus 细胞内分泌小管[ntrseljl sikri:tri knlikjuls]Intestinal villus 肠绒毛 [ntestnl vils] Absorptive cell 吸收细胞 [bs:ptiv sel]Paneth cell 潘氏细胞Duodenal gland 十二指肠腺 [dju(:)udi:nl ɡl?nd]Central lacteal 中央乳糜管 [sentrl lktil] digestive gland 消化腺 [dadestv ɡl?nd]intercalated duct 闰管 [nt:k'letd dkt] centroacinar cells 泡心细胞pancreas islet 胰岛 [pkri:s ailit] hepatic lobule 肝小叶 [hptk lbju:l] central vein 中央静脉 [sentrl vein]Hepatocyte 肝细胞 ['heptsat] hepatic plate 肝板 [hptk pleit] Kupffer cell 肝巨噬细胞perisinusoidal space 窦周隙bile canaliculi 胆小管 [bal kn'likjulai] portal area 门管区 [p:tl ri] respiratory system 呼吸系统 [resprt:ri]['sstm] trachea 气管 [tr'ki:]brush cell 刷细胞 [br][sel]ciliated cell 纤毛细胞 ['sletd][sel] bronchus 支气管 [brks]lung 肺 [l]respiratory bronchiole [resprt:ri] alveolar duct 肺泡管 [lvi:l(r)][dkt] alveolar sac 肺泡囊 [lvi:l(r)][sk] pulmonary alveolus 肺泡 [plmnri][lvi:ls] alveolar septum 肺泡隔 [lvi:l(r)][septm] pulmonary macrophage 肺巨噬细胞 [plmnri][mkrfed] blood-air barrier 气-血屏障 [bl?d] [e(r)] [bri(r)]Nephron 肾单位? ['nefr?n]Medullary ray 髓放线 [medlri rei] Uriniferous tubule 泌尿小管['jr'nfrs]['tju:bju:l]Renal corpuscle 肾小体 [ri:nl k:psl] Glomerulus 血管球[gl'merjls]Renal capsule 肾小囊? [ri:nl kpsju:l] Renal tubule 肾小管? [ri:nl tju:bju:l] Podocyte 足细胞? [pd'sat]Proximal tubule 近端小管 [prksiml tju:bju:l] Distal tubule 远端小管? [distl tju:bju:l]Brush border 刷状缘? [distl tju:bju:l]Macula densa 致密斑? ['mkjl]Filtration barrier 滤过屏障 [filtrein bri]Renin 肾素Juxtaglomerular complex 球旁复合体[dkstɡlmerul kmpleks]seminiferous tubule 生精小管 [sem'nfrs]['tju:bju:l] Spermatozoa 精子细胞? [sp:mtz]spermatogonium 精原细胞? [sp:mt'gnm]Spermatocyte 精母细胞? [sp'mtsat] spermatogenesis 精子发生? [sp:mt'denss] spermatogenic cell 生精细胞 [sp:mtdenik sel] Acrosome 顶体 ['krsm] Sperminogenesis 精子形成 [sp:m'denss] Epididymis 附睾Sustentacular cell 支持细胞 [sstentkjul sel] Prostate 前列腺[prstet]Blood-testis barrier 血-睾屏障 [tests]Testicular interstitial cell 睾丸间质细胞Androgen binding protein 雄激素结合蛋白[ndrdn band pruti:n]Female reproductive system 女性生殖系统['fi:mel][ri:prdktv]['sstm]Vary 卵巢 ['ver]Follicle 卵泡 [flkl]Primordial follicle 原始卵泡 [pram:di:l flkl] Primary follicle 初级卵泡 [praimri flkl] Follicular theca 卵泡膜 [flikjul θi:k] Secondary follicle 次级卵泡 [sekndri flkl] Mature follicle 成熟卵泡 [mtju flkl] Oogonia 卵原细胞Secondary oocyte 次级卵母细胞 [sekndri usait] Ovulation 排卵 [vj'len]Ovum 卵细胞 [vm]Zona pellucida 透明带 [znplu:sd, pelju:-] Corona radiata 放射冠 [k'rn]Corpus luteum 黄体 ['k:ps][lu:ti:m] Granulosa lutein cell 颗粒黄体细胞[grnj'ls]['lu:tn][sel] Theca lutein cell 膜黄体细胞 [θi:k lu:tiin sel]Uterus 子宫 ['ju:trs]Uterine gland 子宫腺 [ju:train ɡl?nd]Mammary gland 乳腺 [mmri ɡl?nd]Germ cell 生殖细胞 [d:m sel]Gamete 配子 [gmi:t]Capacitation 获能 [kps'ten] Fertilization 受精 [f:tla'zen] Acrosome reaction 顶体反应 ['krsm rikn]Zone reaction 透明带反应 [zn rikn]Male pronucleus 雄原核 [meil prnju:klis] Female pronucleus 雌原核 [fi:meil prnju:klis] Fertilized ovum/zygote 受精卵/合子[f:tlazd vm/zagt]Cleavage 卵裂 [kli:vd]Blastomere 卵裂球 [blɑ:st'm]Morula 桑椹胚 ['m:rl]Blastocyst 胚泡 ['blstsst]blastocoele 胚泡腔 [blɑ:st'kl]Trophoblast 滋养层 ['trfblst]Inner cell mass 内细胞群 [in sel ms]Implantation/imbed 植入/着床 [mplɑ:n'ten]/[imbed]Syncytiotrophoblast 合体滋养层 [snsti:t'rfblst]Cytotrophoblast 细胞滋养层 [sat'trfblst]Decidua 蜕膜 [d'sdj]Decidual cell 蜕膜细胞 [dsd'jl]Decidua basalis 基蜕膜 [d'sdj 'besls ]Decidua capularis 包蜕膜 [d'sdj ]Decidua parietalis 壁蜕膜 [d'sdj ]Embryonic disc 胚盘 [embri:nk disk]Epiblast 上胚层 ['epblst]Hypoblast 下胚层 ['hapblst]body stalk 体蒂['bd] [stk]primitive streak/node/pit 原条 ['prmtv][stri:k]/[nd]/[pt] intraembryonic mesoderm 胚内中胚层 [ntr,embr'nk] ['mesd:m]mesoderm 中胚层 ['mesd:m]ectoderm 外胚层 ['ektd:m] endoderm 内胚层 ['endd:m]notochord 脊索 ['ntk:d]neural plate/groove/fold/tube 神经板/沟/褶/管[njrl][plet][fld][tju:b]neural crest 神经嵴 [njrl] [krest] mesenchyme 间充质 ['meznkam]paraxial mesoderm 轴旁中胚层[p'rksl]['mesd:m]intermediate mesoderm 间质中胚层 [ntmi:dit] ['mesd:m] lateral mesoderm 侧中胚层 [ltrl]['mesd:m] parietal mesoderm 体壁中胚层 [p'ratl]['mesd:m] visceral mesoderm 脏壁中胚层 [vsrl]['mesd:m] afterbirth 衣胞 [ɑ:ftb:θ]fetal membrane 胎膜 ['fi:tl][membren] chorion 绒毛膜 ['k:rn]amnion 羊膜 ['mnn]amniotic fluid 羊水 [mn'tk][flu:d]yolk sac 卵黄囊 [jk][sk]umbilical cord 脐带 [m'blkl][k:d]placenta 胎盘 [plsent]placental septum 胎盘隔 [plsentl][septm] placental membrane /placental barrier 胎盘膜/胎盘屏障[plsentl][membren]/[plsentl][bri(r)]twins 双胎[tw?nz]multiplets 多胎['mltplts]conjoined twins 联体双胎 [kn'dnd] [twnz] Frontonasal process 额鼻 [f'rntnsl][prses] Heart process 心突 [prses]Branchial arch/groove 鳃弓/沟 [b'rɑ:nk?l] [gru:v]Pharyngeal pouch 咽囊 [frndil] [pat] Branchial membrane/apparatus 鳃膜/器[b'rɑ:nkl][membren]/ [prets]Maxillary/mandibular process 上/下颌突 [mk'slr]/[mn'dbjl] Stomodeum 口凹/原始口腔 [stm'di:m]Nasal placode/pit 鼻扳/窝 [nezl] ['plkd]/[pt] Median palatine process 正中腭突 [pltan]Lateral palatine process 外侧腭突 [ltrl][pltan]Dental lamina 牙扳 [dentl] ['lmn]Tooth bud 牙蕾[tu:θ b?d]Enamel organ 造釉器 [inml :ɡn] Ameloblast 成釉质细胞 [m'lblst]Dental papilla 牙乳头 [dentl][p'pl]Limb bud 上/下肢牙 [lim‘b?d]Cleft lip 唇裂 [kleft lip]Cleft palate 腭裂 [plt]Oblique facial 面斜裂 [bli:k]primitive digestive duct 原始消化管 [prmtv dadestv dkt] foregut 前肠 ['f:gt]midgut 中肠 ['mdgt]hindgut 后肠 ['handgt]midgut loop 中肠袢 [midgt lu:p] caecal bud 盲肠突/盲肠芽 ['si:k bd]umbilical coelom 脐腔 [mbilaikl si:lm]cloaca 泄殖腔 [kl'ek] urorectal septum 尿直肠隔 [septm]urogenital sinus 尿生殖窦 [jurudenitl sans] urogenital membrance 尿生殖膜 [jurudenitlmembren] anal menbrance 肛膜? [enlmembren]hepatic diverticulum 肝憩室 [hptk daiv:tikjulm] ventral pancreatic bud 腹胰芽 [ventrl pkritik bd] dorsal pancreatic bud 背胰芽 [d:sl pkritik bd] thyroglossal cyst 甲状舌管囊肿[θa'roɡl?sl]Meckel's diverticulum 梅克尔憩室 [dav:'tkjlm] umbilical fistula 脐瘘;脐粪瘘 [mbilaikl fistjul] congenital umbilical hernia 先天性脐疝[kndentl mbilaikl h:nj]laryngotracheal groove 喉气管沟 [lriɡutrkilɡru:v]laryngotracheal diverticulum 喉气管憩室[lriɡutrkil daiv:tikjulm]lung bud 肺芽 [l bd] tracheoesophageal fistula 气管食管瘘[treikiui:sfdi:l fistjul]hyaline membrane disease 透明膜病[haili:n membren dizi:z]nephrotome 生肾节 ['nefrtm] urogenital ridge 尿生殖嵴 [jurudenitl rid] mesonephric ridge 中肾嵴 [mi:s'nefrk rid] genital ridge 生殖腺嵴 [denitl rid] pronephros 前肾 [pr'nefrs] mesonephros 中肾 [mes'nefrs] metanephros 后肾 [met'nefrs] mesonephric duct/Wolffian duct 中肾管 [mi:s'nefrk]ureteric bud 输尿管芽 [b?d]metanephrogenic tissue 生后肾组织 [metnfrd'enk] primordial germ cell 原始生殖细胞[pram:di:l d:m sel]paramesonephric duct 中肾旁管Blood island 血岛 [bld ailnd] Primitive cardiovascular system 原始心血管系统[prmtv kɑ:divskjl(r) 'sstm]Vitelline artery 卵黄动脉 [vitelin ɑ:t?ri]Umbilical artery 脐动脉 [mbilaikl ɑ:t?ri]Aortic artery 弓动脉 [e':tk ɑ:t?ri]Anterior cardinal vein 前主静脉 [ntri: kɑ:dinl vein] Posterior cardinal vein 后主静脉 [pstri: kɑ:dinl vein] Common cardinal vein 总主静脉 [kmn kɑ:dinl vein] Vitelline vein 卵黄静脉 [vi?telin vein]Umbilical vein 脐静脉 [mbilaikl vein] Pericardial coelom 围心腔 [perikɑ:dil si:lm] Cardiogenic plate 生心扳 [kɑ:diudenik pleit]Cardiogenic tube 心管Myoepicardial mantle 心肌外套层 [ma'kɑ:d?l][mntl] Cardiac jelly 心胶质 [kɑ:di:k deli:]Bulbus cordis 心球 ['blbs 'k:ds]Sinus venosus 静脉窦 [vi:nss]Truncus arteriosus 动脉干 [trks] Bulboventricular loop 球室袢 [blbvent'rkjl lu:p] Atrioventricular canal 房室管[eitriuventrikjul knl]Endocardial cushion 心内膜垫 [end'kɑ:dl kunz]Foramen ovale 卵圆孔 [vli:, -veli:, -vɑ:-] Truncal ridge 动脉干嵴 ['trkl rd]Bulbar ridge 球嵴 [blb rid]Aorico-pulmonary septum 主动脉肺动脉隔[e:tk'plmnr septm]Atrial septal defect 房间隔缺损 [eitril septl difekt] Ventricular septal defect 室间隔缺[ventrikjul septl difekt] Tetralogy of Fallot 法络四联症 [te'trld] [fl]。



ankyrin band 3 protein glycophorin
band 4.1 protein actin tropomyosin tropomodulin βchain of spectirn αchain of spectirn
Erythrocyte membrane skeleton
maintain biconcave disk and deformability
Blood cell
Neutrophil 50%~70%
Eosinophil 0.5%~3% Basophil 0%~l% Lymophocyte 20%~30% Monocyte %~8%
Pt 100 × 109~ 300 × 109 /L
hemolytic transfusion reaction
0.5%-1% ribosomes, synthesis of Hb
White blood cell
Granulocyte: specific granules, azurophilic granules neutrophil, eosinophil and basophil Agranulocyte: azurophilic granules monocyte and lymophocyte
nutrients and oxygen wastes and carbon dioxide hormones and other regulatory substances maintenance of homeostasis


(3)terminal bronchioles (终末细支气管):三
• Asthma (哮喘)
(1)呼吸性细支气管(respiratory bronchiole): • 管壁结构不完整。 their walls are interrupted by sac-like alveoli.
间质:为C.T.,含 N ,血管、淋巴管等。
肺小叶 (pulmonary lobule) :
(1) lobar bronchi small bronchi (叶支气管 至 小支气管) • 变化规律: 三少一多

(2) bronchioles (细支气管): 三少或无,一环。
other functions(嗅觉、发音、防御等).
• 呼吸部 (respiratory portion ) :
respiratory bronchioles(呼吸性细支气管) alveolar ducts(肺泡管) alveolar sac(肺泡囊) alveoli(肺泡). exchange of gases take place in the respiratory portion
基膜 毛细血管内皮细胞 红细胞
细胞以胞吐方 式将颗粒内物 质释放出来, 铺展于肺泡内 面形成一层薄 膜,称为表面 活性物质 (surfactant)。
肺 泡 隔 ( alveolar septum ) – 是相邻肺泡之间的薄层 结缔组织,属于肺间质 。

组织与胚胎学英文课件:Connective Tissue

组织与胚胎学英文课件:Connective Tissue

1.3 Classification of Connective Tissue
Connective tissue proper • Loose connective tissue (L.C.T) • Dense Connective Tissue (D.C.T.) • Adipose tissue • Reticular tissue
---function: synthesize and store fat
⑥undifferentiated mesenchymal cell
---structure:similar to fibrocyte ---function: multi-differentiating potential
Mechanism of mast cells in allergic reactions
allergic reactions
毛细血管 通透性
支气管平 血管扩张 滑肌痉挛
Edema 水肿
shock 休克
⑤fat cell ---structure: large, round or polygonal flattened ovoid nucleus located on one side of cell thin layer of cytoplasm a large lipid droplet
⑦leukocytes: (blood cell)
---Granulocyte: neutrophil eosinophil basophil
---Agranulocyte: lymphocyte (B, T) monocyte
Identify the following cells

组织学与胚胎学之上皮组织 ppt课件

组织学与胚胎学之上皮组织  ppt课件
Epithelial Tissue
上皮组织(epithelial tissue) • 构成:大量形态较规则、排列紧密的细胞 • 特点:无血管、有极性(游离面、基底面和
侧面)、有基膜 • 分类:
被覆上皮-分布于体表,体内管、腔、囊 的内表面
腺上皮-构成腺体 • 功能:保护、吸收、分泌、排泄
被覆上皮 腺上皮和腺 特殊结构
单层扁平 单层立方
又称单层鳞状上皮(simple squamous
单层柱状 • 内皮:心血管、淋巴管内表面
假复纤柱 • 间皮:心包膜、胸膜、腹膜
复层扁平 • 其它:肺泡、肾小囊
复层柱状 • 特点:表面光滑,利于液体流动,减 变移上皮 少器官间磨擦
被覆上皮 腺上皮和腺 特殊结构
单层扁平 变移上皮(transitional epithelium) 单层立方 • 特点:细胞为多层,细胞形状和层数 单层柱状 因器官功能状态不同而异:
假复纤柱 排空时的膀胱
复层扁平 充盈时的膀胱
复层柱状 • 分布:肾盏、肾盂、输尿管、膀胱
经导管排至体表或器官腔内,如汗腺、 唾液腺
• 内分泌腺(endocrine gland):无导管,
分泌物释入 血液,如甲状腺
被覆上皮 腺上皮和腺 特殊结构
• 导管可有分支,分泌部呈管状、泡状 外分泌腺 或管泡状,据此进行外分泌腺的形态
浆液性细胞 分类
变移上皮 口腔、食管和肛管-未角化

组织与胚胎学双语课件 骨与软骨

组织与胚胎学双语课件 骨与软骨

b. Osteon (Haversian system) 骨单位
Cylindrical units; 4-20 layers of Osteon
lamellae (Haversian~) Central canal中央管 (b.v. / n.f. / tissue fluid in it), canaliculi open to the canals; A cement line(粘合线) wraps around the unit; consist of mineralized matrix with few collagenous fibers
A. Osteoprogenitor cell(骨祖细胞)
In periosteum & endosteum
Small, spindle shape, slightly basophilic
Stem cell, differentiate into osteoblast
1. Hyaline cartilage
embryonic skeleton, articular surfaces, rib cartilage, larynx, trachea etc.
Structure: A. Ground substance (基质)
HE: basophilic
Inorganic part (bone mineral,骨盐):
mainly hydroxyapatite crystal(羟基磷灰石 结晶) with the composition Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 be responsible to hardness

组胚学英文版课件Nervous Tissue

组胚学英文版课件Nervous Tissue

C. Neuroglia in PNS
1. Schwann cells
• Forming myelin sheath around axons in PNS; • Secreting neurotrophic factors (NGF, BDNF).
2. Capsular cells (satellite cells)
B. Myelinated nerve fibers in CNS
• Similar to Myelinated nerve fibers in PNS; • No neurolemma, no incisures of
• Myelin sheath is formed by processes of
neurons, repair, secrete NTF, etc;
• Component of blood-brain barrier
• endothelial cells with tight junctions;
• continuous basal lamina;
• vascular feet of astrocyte processes.
D. Function: integrating and coordinating body activities.
Ⅱ. Neurons
• Various shape
and size,
• Cell body
and processes.
A. Cell body: metabolic, tropic and integral center 1. Nucleus


Embryology. 北京大学医学出版社,2011 • 4.李继承.组织学与胚胎学复习纲要和练习,浙江大
• 苏丹染料、油红O-染脂类
(periodic acid Schiff reaction,PAS 反应)
• 检测多糖,形成紫红色沉淀,PAS(+)
电 子 显 微 镜 (EM)
Basophilic granulocyte
但组织片更小、更薄(30-50 nm)
• 碱性染料:苏木素、甲苯胺蓝、碱性品红 • 酸性染料:伊红、橙黄G、亮绿
• 最常用方法: HE staining (HE染色) • Hematoxylin (苏木素)--与酸性物质亲和力强, 染成紫
(酸性物质--细胞核,胞浆中的核糖体, 嗜碱性)
• Eosin (伊红)—与碱性物质亲和力强,染成淡红色
The human body is the most elegant artwork
Histology and Embryology (组织学与胚胎学)
Chapter 1: Introduction
I. What is histology (什么是组织学?) II. Why do we study it (为什么要学?) III. How do we study it ? (怎么学?)
with the help of a microscope
Histology is a science that studies the microstructure and the relationship between the structure and function of the human body.

组织学与胚胎学 双语教学Chapter 17 Urinary System

组织学与胚胎学   双语教学Chapter 17 Urinary System
II. Kidney:
Hale Waihona Puke 1. General structure:
(1). Each kidney has a concave border, 肾门 乳头管 the hilus , where papillary ducts blood vessels and ureter enter and leave the kidney. The renal pelvis ,肾盂 the expanded upper end of the ureter, branches and rebranches into 肾大盏 major calyces and minor calyces.
About 15% of the nephrons, which locate near the medulla, especially in the renal column, are called juxtamedullary nephrons. The juxtamedullary nephrons have very long medullary loops that extend into deep medulla. Play an important role in the formation of hypertonic circumstances in kidney.
Kidney contains nephrons (肾单位) and collecting ducts(集合管). Nephron -- consists of the renal corpuscle and renal tubule;
Renal tubule: divided into 3 segments: proximal tubule (proximal convoluted tubule /PCT and proximal straight tubule /PST), thin segment, and distal tubule (distal straight tubule /DST and distal convoluted tubule /DCT).



IV. Immunocytochemistry免疫组织化学
Based on antigen binds to specific
Tissue section with Antigen + labelled
labelled Ag-Ab complex
Fluorescein labelling
❖ Can find the diseases only after the normal is known----the basis of pathology
❖ It is also a foundation of clinic sciences—for a good doctor needed in future
➢Combination of the theory with
➢Combination of the structure
with function
➢Concern the dynamic change
Questions for review
❖ What is the H &E staining? ❖ Describe basophilic, acidophilic, neutrophilic? ❖ What does PAS positive means?
Resolution: 5nm
III. Histochemistry & Cytochemistry
Reveal the chemical composition in situ (e.g. proteins, a.a., nucleic acid, lipids, enzymes etc.) with chemical, biochemical methods.



英文单词:组织学与胚胎学白皮Histology 组织学 h st l d iEmbryology 胚胎学 embri l d itissue 组织 t u:Extracellular matrix 细胞外基质 ekstr seljul me tr ks Light microscope 光学显微镜 lait maikr sk up Electron microscope 电子显微镜 i lektr n maikr sk up Paraffin sectioning 石蜡切片 p r f n sek nHematoxylin cosin staining 苏木精-伊红染剂hi:m t ksilin i: usin steiniHistochemistry 组织化学Immunohistochemistry 免疫组织化学 mj n h st 'kemistri Cell culture 细胞培养 sel k lt Tissue engineering 组织工程Epithelium 上皮ep 'θi:l mEndothelium 内皮end 'θi:l mMesothelium 间皮mez 'θi:l mExocrine gland 外分泌腺 eks ukrain ɡl ndEndocrine gland 内分泌腺 end ukrain ɡl ndAcinus 腺泡 ' s n sSerous cell 浆液细胞 si r s selMucous cell 粘液细胞 mju:k s selSerous demilune 浆液半月 si r s demilu:nMicro villus 微绒毛 ma kr 'v l sCilium 纤毛 's l mDesmosome 桥粒 'desm s mJunctional complex 连接复合体Basement membrane 基膜 beism nt mem bre nBasal lamina 基板 beis l l minReticular lamina 网板 ri tikjul l minloose connective tissue 疏松结缔组织 k nekt v tisju: Connective tissue proper 固有结缔组织 k nekt v tisju: pr p Mesenchyme 间充质 'mez nka mFibroblast 成纤维细胞 'fa br bl stFibrocyte 纤维细胞 'fa bro sa tPlasma cell 巨噬细胞 pl zm selMacrophage 浆细胞 m kr fe dmast cell 肥大细胞 mɑ:st selfat cell 脂肪细胞 fat selmesenchymal cell 间充质细胞 mes'e k m lsel Collagenous fiber 胶原纤维 k 'lɑ:d en s'fa bElastic fiber 弹性纤维 i l stik faib Reticular fiber 网状纤维 r 't kj l 'fa bGroung substance 基质ɡraund s bst nsAdipose tissue 脂肪组织 d p s t u:Reticular tissue 网状组织 r 't kj l t u:plasma 血浆 pl zm Serum 血清 s r mwright staining 瑞氏染色 raitste nerythrocyte ;red blood cell 红细胞r θr sa tHemoglobin 血红蛋白 hi:m 'gl b nerythrocyte membrane skeleton 红细胞膜骨架r θr sa t 'membre n skel tnHemolysis 溶血 h 'm l s sreticulocyte 网织红细胞 r 't kj l sa tleukocyte;white blood cell 白细胞 'lu:k sa tneutrophilic granulocyte ;neutrophil 中性粒细胞nju:tr 'f l k 'gr nj l sa t; 'nju:tr f lazurophilic granule 嗜天青颗粒r 'f l k gr nju:lspecific granule 特殊颗粒 sp s f k gr nju:lbasophilic granulocyte 嗜碱性颗粒b s 'f l k'gr nj l sa teosinophilic granulocyte;eosinophil 嗜酸性颗粒i: s n 'f l k 'gr nj l sa t; i: 's n f lmonocyte 单核细胞 'm n sa t lymphocyte 淋巴细胞 l mf sa tblood platelet 血小板 bl d ple tl t bone marrow 骨髓 b n m ro hemopoietic stem cell 造血干细胞hi:m p 'i:t k stem selmultipotential stem cell 多能干细胞m lt p 'ten l stem selCartilage tissue 软骨组织 kɑ:tl d tisju:Chondrocyte 软骨细胞 k dr s tCartilage lacuna 软骨陷窝 kɑ:tl d l kju:nIsogenous group 同源细胞群 ai s d in s ɡru:pCartilage capsule 软骨囊 kɑ:tl d k psju:lHyaline cartilage 透明软骨 hai li:n kɑ:tl dFibrous cartilage 纤维软骨 fa br sElastic cartilage 弹性软骨 l st kChondroblast 成软骨细胞 'k ndr blɑ:stOsseous tissue 骨组织 si: s tisju:Bone matrix 骨基质 b un me tr ksOsteoid 类骨质 ' st dBone lamella 骨板 b un l melOsteoprogenitor cell 骨祖细胞Osteoblast 成骨细胞 ' st bl stMatrix vesicle 基质小炮 v s k lOsteocyte 骨细胞 ' st sa tBone lacuna 骨陷窝 b un l kju:nBone canaliculus 骨小管 b un k n likjul s Osteoclast 破骨细胞Perforating canal 穿通管Circumferential lamella 环骨板 s k mf ren l l mel Haversian system 哈弗斯系统 h v : n sist m Osteon 骨单位 ' st nSkeletal muscle 骨骼肌 skelitl m slCardiac muscle 心肌 kɑ:di kSmooth muscle 平滑肌Myofibril 肌原纤维 ma 'fa br lSarcomere 肌节 'sɑ:k mSarcoplasm 肌浆 'sɑ:k pl z m Sarcoplasmic reticulum 肌浆网 'sɑ:k pl z mr 't kj l m Intercalated disk 闰盘Transverse tubule 横小管 tr nzv :s'tju:bju:l Longitudinal tubule 纵小管 l g tju:d nl'tju:bju:l Terminal cisternae 终池 si'st :ni:Triad 三联体 tra dThick filament 粗肌丝θik f l m ntThin filament 细肌丝θin f l m nt nervous tissue 神经组织 n :v s tisju: neuron 神经元 n r n; nj r- Neuroglial cell 神经胶质细胞 n'j r ɡl l ‘ sel Nissl body 尼氏体 b di Neurotransmitter 神经胶质 nj r tr nzm t r Neurofibril 神经原纤维 nj r 'fa br l Dendrite 树突 dendra tAxon 轴突 ks nAxolemma 轴膜 ' ks lemAxoplasm 轴浆 k's pl z m Pseudounipolar neuron 假单极神经元sju:d na 'p l n r n; nj r-Synapse 突触 'sa n psPresynaptic element 突触前成分 prisi n ptik elim nt Synaptic cleft 突触间隙 s n pt k kleft Postsynaptic element 突触后成分 p ustsi n ptik elim nt Postsynaptic membrane 突触后膜 p ustsi n ptik mem bre n presynaptic membrane 突触前膜 prisi n ptik mem bre n Synaptic knob 突触小体 s n pt k n bAstrocyte 星形胶质细胞 ' str sa tOligodendrocyte 少突胶质细胞 ' l g 'dendr sa t Ependymal cell 室管膜细胞 e'pend m l ‘sel Schwann cell 施万细胞 w n ‘selMyelin sheath 髓鞘 mai li:n i:θMyelinated nerve fiber 有髓神经纤维 mai lineitid n :v fa b Ranvier node 郎飞结‘r vi ‘n d Internode 中间体 ' nt n dTactile corpuscle 触觉小体 t kt l k :p s l Lamellar corpuscle 环层小体 l 'mel k :p sl Neuromuscular junction 神经肌连接nj r 'm skj l 'd k nepineurium 神经外膜 ep 'nj r m perineurium 神经束膜 per 'nju:r m endoneurium 神经内膜 end 'nju:r mmotor end plate 运动终板 m ut end pleittunica intima 内膜 tju:nik intim Tunica media 中膜 tju:nik mi:dj Tunica adventitia 外膜 tju:nik dven ti j Endocardium 心内膜 end 'kɑ:d m Myocardium 心肌膜 ma 'kɑ:d m Epicardium 心外膜 ep 'kɑ:d marteriole 微动脉ɑ: t ri lVenule 微静脉 'venju:lCapillary 毛细血管 k p l rielastic membrane 弹性膜 i l stik mem bre n Pericyte 周细胞 peri:'sa tcontinuous capillary 连续毛细血管k n tinju s k p leri:Fenestrated capillary 有孔毛细血管 fi nestreitid k p leri: Sinusoid capillary 血窦 'sa n s d k p leri: Purkinje fiber 浦肯野纤维pu ken ye~就是音译 'fa bMicrocirculation 微循环 ma kr s :kj 'le n skin 皮肤 sk nepidermis 表皮 ;ep 'd m skeratinocyte 角质形成细胞 k 'r tin saitstratum basale 基底层 strɑ:t m be se l stratum spinosum 棘层 strɑ:t m spa 'n s m stratum granulosum 颗粒层 strɑ:t mstratum lucidum 透明层 strɑ:t m 'lu:si:d m stratum corneum 角质层 strɑ:t m'k :ni m melanocyte 黑素细胞 'mel n sa tlangerhans cell 朗格汉斯细胞 seldermis 真皮 'd m shair 毛 hesebaceous gland 皮脂腺 s 'be sgl ndsweat gland 汗腺 swetgl ndrecirculation of lymphocyte 淋巴细胞再循环 ri:'s :kj 'le n l mf sa tmononuclear phagocytic system 单核吞噬细胞系统m n n'ju:kl rf g 's t k s st mdendritic cell 树突状细胞 den'dr t kselDiffuse lymphoid tissue 弥散淋巴组织d fju:s'l mf d t u:Lymphoid nodule 淋巴小结 n dju:lGerminal center 生发中心 d :minl'sentThymic lobule 胸腺小叶 'θa m k 'l bju:lThymocyte 胸腺细胞'θa m sa tThymic corpuscle 胸腺小体θaimik k :p s lBlood-thymus barrier 血胸屏障θa m s b ri rSupercial cortex 浅层皮质 su:p f l k :teksParacortex zone 副皮质区 p r 'k :teksCortical sinus 皮质淋巴窦 'k :t klMedullary cord 髓索 'med l rMedullary sinus 髓窦 'med l rWhite pulp 白髓 p lpRed pulp 红髓 p lpPeriarterial lymphatic sheath 动脉周围淋巴鞘p 'r t r ll m'f t k i:θMarginal zone 边缘区Splenic cord 脾索 'splen kk :dSplenic sinus 脾血窦 'splen k sa n sendocrine system 内分泌系统 end ukrain sist mhormone 激素 'h :m nparacrine 旁分泌 p r k'ra nthyroid follicle 甲状旁腺滤泡θa r d f l k l parafollicular cell 滤泡旁细胞 p r 'f l kj lzona glomerulosa 球状带'zo n ɡl mrj 'lo zzona fasciculate 束状带 'zo n f 's kj le tzona reticularis 网状带 'zo nchromaffin cell 嗜铬细胞 krom f n s lpars distalis 远侧部 pɑ:z d s't l sacidophil 嗜酸性细胞 ' s do f lbasophil 嗜碱性细胞 b s 'f lchromophobe cell 嫌色细胞 krom fob s lherring body 赫令体 h rgonadotroph 促性腺激素细胞ɡ n d t'r f pituicyte 垂体细胞 p 'tju: sa t somatotroph 生长激素细胞 'so m t tro f hypophyseal portal system 垂体门脉系统 ha 'p f si:l'p :tl Digestive system 消化系统 da d est v sist m Mucosa 粘膜 mju:'k s Submucosa 粘膜下层 s bmju:'k s Muscularis 肌层 'm skj l r s Adventitia 外膜 dv n'tPlica 皱襞 'pla kSerosa 浆膜 s 'r sGastric area 胃小凹 g str k ri Fundic gland 胃底腺 f ndik ɡl nd Parietal cell 壁细胞 p rai t l sel Oxyntic cell 泌酸细胞 ' ks nt k selChief cell 主细胞 t i:f sel Intracellular secretory canaliculus 细胞内分泌小管ntr selj l si kri:t ri k n likjul sIntestinal villus 肠绒毛 n test n l vil s Absorptive cell 吸收细胞 b s :ptiv sel Paneth cell 潘氏细胞Duodenal gland 十二指肠腺 dju: u di:nl ɡl ndCentral lacteal 中央乳糜管 sentr l l kti l digestive gland 消化腺 da d est v ɡl nd intercalated duct 闰管 nt :k 'le t d d kt centroacinar cells 泡心细胞pancreas islet 胰岛 p kri: s ailit hepatic lobule 肝小叶 h p t k l bju:l central vein 中央静脉 sentr l vein Hepatocyte 肝细胞 'hep t sa thepatic plate 肝板 h p t k pleit Kupffer cell 肝巨噬细胞perisinusoidal space 窦周隙bile canaliculi 胆小管 ba l k n 'likjulai portal area 门管区 p :t l ri respiratory system 呼吸系统 resp r t :ri's st m trachea 气管 tr 'ki:brush cell 刷细胞 br selciliated cell 纤毛细胞 's l e t dsel bronchus 支气管 br k slung 肺 lrespiratory bronchiole resp r t :ri alveolar duct 肺泡管 l vi: l rd kt alveolar sac 肺泡囊 l vi: l rs kpulmonary alveolus 肺泡 p lm n ri l vi: l s alveolar septum 肺泡隔 l vi: l r sept m pulmonary macrophage 肺巨噬细胞 p lm n ri m kr fe d blood-air barrier 气-血屏障 bl d e r b ri r Nephron 肾单位 'nefr nMedullary ray 髓放线 me d l ri rei Uriniferous tubule 泌尿小管'j r 'n f r s 'tju:bju:lRenal corpuscle 肾小体 ri:n l k :p s l Glomerulus 血管球 gl 'me rj l sRenal capsule 肾小囊 ri:n l k psju:lRenal tubule 肾小管 ri:n l tju:bju:l Podocyte 足细胞 p d 'sa tProximal tubule 近端小管 pr ksim l tju:bju:l Distal tubule 远端小管 dist l tju:bju:lBrush border 刷状缘 dist l tju:bju:lMacula densa 致密斑 'm kj lFiltration barrier 滤过屏障 fil trei n b riRenin 肾素Juxtaglomerular complex 球旁复合体d kst ɡl merul k mpleksseminiferous tubule 生精小管 sem 'n f r s 'tju:bju:lSpermatozoa 精子细胞 sp :m t zspermatogonium 精原细胞 sp :m t 'g n m Spermatocyte 精母细胞 sp 'm t sa t spermatogenesis 精子发生 sp :m t 'd en s s spermatogenic cell 生精细胞 sp :m t d enik sel Acrosome 顶体 ' kr s m Sperminogenesis 精子形成 sp :m 'd en s s Epididymis 附睾Sustentacular cell 支持细胞 s sten t kjul sel Prostate 前列腺 pr ste tBlood-testis barrier 血-睾屏障 test sTesticular interstitial cell 睾丸间质细胞Androgen binding protein 雄激素结合蛋白ndr d n ba nd pr uti:nFemale reproductive system 女性生殖系统'fi:me l ri:pr d kt v's st mVary 卵巢 've rFollicle 卵泡 f l klPrimordial follicle 原始卵泡 pra m :di: l f l k l Primary follicle 初级卵泡 praim ri f l k l Follicular theca 卵泡膜 f likjul θi:k Secondary follicle 次级卵泡 sek nd ri f l k lMature follicle 成熟卵泡 m tju f l k l Oogonia 卵原细胞Secondary oocyte 次级卵母细胞 sek nd ri u sait Ovulation 排卵 vj 'le nOvum 卵细胞 v mZona pellucida 透明带 z n p lu:s d ; pel ju:-Corona radiata 放射冠 k 'r nCorpus luteum 黄体 'k :p s lu:ti: m Granulosa lutein cell 颗粒黄体细胞gr nj 'l s 'lu:t nsel Theca lutein cell 膜黄体细胞θi:k lu:tiin sel Uterus 子宫 'ju:t r sUterine gland 子宫腺 ju:t rain ɡl nd Mammary gland 乳腺 m m ri ɡl ndGerm cell 生殖细胞 d :m selGamete 配子 g mi:tCapacitation 获能 k p s 'te n Fertilization 受精 f :t la 'ze n Acrosome reaction 顶体反应 ' kr s m ri k n Zone reaction 透明带反应 z n ri k nMale pronucleus 雄原核 meil pr nju:kli s Female pronucleus 雌原核 fi:meil pr nju:kli s Fertilized ovum/zygote 受精卵/合子f :t la zd v m/ zag tCleavage 卵裂 kli:v dBlastomere 卵裂球 blɑ:st 'mMorula 桑椹胚 'm :r lBlastocyst 胚泡 'bl st s stblastocoele 胚泡腔 blɑ:st 'k lTrophoblast 滋养层 'tr f bl stInner cell mass 内细胞群 in sel m sImplantation/imbed 植入/着床 mplɑ:n'te n/im bed Syncytiotrophoblast 合体滋养层 s ns ti: t'r f bl stCytotrophoblast 细胞滋养层 sa t 'tr f bl stDecidua 蜕膜 d 's djDecidual cell 蜕膜细胞 d s d'j lDecidua basalis 基蜕膜 d 's dj 'be s l sDecidua capularis 包蜕膜 d 's djDecidua parietalis 壁蜕膜 d 's djEmbryonic disc 胚盘 embri: n k diskEpiblast 上胚层 'ep bl stHypoblast 下胚层 'ha p bl stbody stalk 体蒂 'b d st kprimitive streak/node/pit 原条 'pr m t vstri:k/n d/p t intraembryonic mesoderm 胚内中胚层 ntr ;embr ' n k 'mes d :mmesoderm 中胚层 'mes d :mectoderm 外胚层 'ekt d :m endoderm 内胚层 'end d :mnotochord 脊索 'n t k :dneural plate/groove/fold/tube 神经板/沟/褶/管nj r lple tf ldtju:bneural crest 神经嵴 nj r l krest mesenchyme 间充质 'mez nka mparaxial mesoderm 轴旁中胚层 p 'r ks l'mes d :m intermediate mesoderm 间质中胚层 nt mi:di t 'mes d :m lateral mesoderm 侧中胚层 l t r l'mes d :m parietal mesoderm 体壁中胚层 p 'ra tl'mes d :m visceral mesoderm 脏壁中胚层 v s r l'mes d :m afterbirth 衣胞ɑ:ft b :θfetal membrane 胎膜 'fi:tl membre n chorion 绒毛膜 'k :r namnion 羊膜 ' mn namniotic fluid 羊水 mn ' t k flu: dyolk sac 卵黄囊 j ks kumbilical cord 脐带 m'b l k lk :d placenta 胎盘 pl sentplacental septum 胎盘隔 pl sentl sept mplacental membrane /placental barrier 胎盘膜/胎盘屏障pl sentl membre n/pl sentl b ri rtwins 双胎 tw nzmultiplets 多胎 'm lt pl tsconjoined twins 联体双胎 k n'd nd tw nz Frontonasal process 额鼻 f'r nt n sl pr ses Heart process 心突 pr sesBranchial arch/groove 鳃弓/沟 b'rɑ:nk l gru:v Pharyngeal pouch 咽囊 f r nd i l pa t Branchial membrane/apparatus 鳃膜/器b'rɑ:nk l membre n/ p re t sMaxillary/mandibular process 上/下颌突 m k's l r /m n'd bj l Stomodeum 口凹/原始口腔 st m 'di: mNasal placode/pit 鼻扳/窝 ne zl 'pl k d/p t Median palatine process 正中腭突 p l ta nLateral palatine process 外侧腭突 l t r l p l ta n Dental lamina 牙扳 dentl 'l m nTooth bud 牙蕾tu:θ b dEnamel organ 造釉器 i n m l :ɡ n Ameloblast 成釉质细胞 m 'l bl stDental papilla 牙乳头 dentlp 'p lLimb bud 上/下肢牙 lim‘b dCleft lip 唇裂 kleft lipCleft palate 腭裂 p l tOblique facial 面斜裂 bli:kprimitive digestive duct 原始消化管 pr m t v da d est v d kt foregut 前肠 'f :g tmidgut 中肠 'm dg thindgut 后肠 'ha ndg tmidgut loop 中肠袢 mid g t lu:p caecal bud 盲肠突/盲肠芽 'si:k b d umbilical coelom 脐腔 mbi laik l si:l m cloaca 泄殖腔 kl 'e kurorectal septum 尿直肠隔 sept murogenital sinus 尿生殖窦 ju r u d enitl sa n s urogenital membrance 尿生殖膜 ju r u d enitl membre n anal menbrance 肛膜 e nl membre nhepatic diverticulum 肝憩室 h p t k daiv : tikjul m ventral pancreatic bud 腹胰芽 ventr l p kri tik b d dorsal pancreatic bud 背胰芽 d :s l p kri tik b d thyroglossal cyst 甲状舌管囊肿θa 'ro ɡl slMeckel's diverticulum 梅克尔憩室 da v :'t kj l m umbilical fistula 脐瘘;脐粪瘘 mbi laik l fistjul congenital umbilical hernia 先天性脐疝k n d en tl mbi laik l h :njlaryngotracheal groove 喉气管沟 l ri ɡ u tr ki l ɡru:v laryngotracheal diverticulum 喉气管憩室l ri ɡ u tr ki l daiv : tikjul mlung bud 肺芽 l b d tracheoesophageal fistula 气管食管瘘treiki ui: s f d i: l fistjulhyaline membrane disease 透明膜病hai li:n mem bre n di zi:znephrotome 生肾节 'nefr t m urogenital ridge 尿生殖嵴 ju r u d enitl rid mesonephric ridge 中肾嵴 mi:s 'nefr k rid genital ridge 生殖腺嵴 d enitl rid pronephros 前肾 pr 'nefr s mesonephros 中肾 mes 'nefr s metanephros 后肾 met 'nefr s mesonephric duct/Wolffian duct 中肾管 mi:s 'nefr k ureteric bud 输尿管芽 b d metanephrogenic tissue 生后肾组织 met n fr d' en k primordial germ cell 原始生殖细胞pra m :di: l d :m selparamesonephric duct 中肾旁管Blood island 血岛 bl d ail ndPrimitive cardiovascular system 原始心血管系统pr m t v kɑ:di v skj l r 's st mVitelline artery 卵黄动脉 vi telin ɑ:t ri Umbilical artery 脐动脉 mbi laik l ɑ:t ri Aortic artery 弓动脉 e ' :t k ɑ:t ri Anterior cardinal vein 前主静脉 n t ri: kɑ:dinl vein Posterior cardinal vein 后主静脉 p st ri: kɑ:dinl vein Common cardinal vein 总主静脉 k m n kɑ:dinl vein Vitelline vein 卵黄静脉 vi telin vein Umbilical vein 脐静脉 mbi laik l vein Pericardial coelom 围心腔 peri kɑ:di l si:l m Cardiogenic plate 生心扳 kɑ:di u d enik pleit Cardiogenic tube 心管Myoepicardial mantle 心肌外套层 ma 'kɑ:d l m ntl Cardiac jelly 心胶质 kɑ:di: k d eli: Bulbus cordis 心球 'b lb s 'k :d sSinus venosus 静脉窦 vi: n s sTruncus arteriosus 动脉干 tr k s Bulboventricular loop 球室袢 b lb vent'r kj l lu:p Atrioventricular canal 房室管eitri uven trikjul k n lEndocardial cushion 心内膜垫 end 'kɑ:d l ku nz Foramen ovale 卵圆孔 v li:; - ve li:; - vɑ:-Truncal ridge 动脉干嵴 'tr kl r dBulbar ridge 球嵴 b lb ridAorico-pulmonary septum 主动脉肺动脉隔e :t k 'p lm n r sept mAtrial septal defect 房间隔缺损 eitri l septl di fekt Ventricular septal defect 室间隔缺ven trikjul septl di fekt Tetralogy of Fallot 法络四联症 te'tr l d f l。

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nephron /renal glomerulus: /renal capsule ---renal tubule: /proximal tubule:
-convoluted portion -straight portion /thin segment /distal tubule: -straight portion -convoluted portion
remove waste products of metabolism
regulate the homeostasis
secrete some bioactive factors- renin, erythropoietin
*cavity organs: mucosa: /epi-transitional epi /lamina propria muscularis: SM adventitia: CT
=glomerulus + renal
capsule(beginning part
of renal tubule)
/nephron=renal corpuscle + renal tubule
---interstitium: CT, BV, N
2) Nephron: structural and functional unit, 1,000,000 ---renal corpuscle: cortical and juxtamedullary
-minor calyx -major calyx -pelvis
*renal lobe: one renal pyramid and its bounding cortical tissue
*renal lobule: renal tissue including one medullary ray and cortical tissue surround it
*capillary network:
/endothelial cell: pore, 70-90 nm, no diaphragm
/basal lamina: 330nm
*intraglomerular mesangium:
/mesangial cell: -small, irregular, with processes -small dark N -EM: RER, Golgi, lysosome, phagocytic vesicles, cytoskeleton-MF, MT,IF and secretory granules -functions: i. produce ground substance ii. phagocytosis iii. contract iv. secrete renin and enzymestem
1. Components
---kidney : produce urine
---bladder -cavity organs, conduct, store and
remove the urine
/parietal layer: simple squamous epi.
/visceral layer: podocytes
/renel capsular cavity: the space between two layers
cells with many processes ( primary and secondary processes-foot processes) Foot processes: interdigitated with each other and embraced the capillaries, slit pore:
/matrix: -type IV collagen -glycoprotein: sulphate chondritin, heparin and dermatan
---renal capsule: two layers capsule –formed by beginning part of renal tubule which is enlarged and invaginated
According to function, renal parenchyma is mainly consists of uriniferous tubules
/uriniferous tubules= renal tubule+ collecting tubules
① renal corpuscle: spherical, 200um in D, two poles: vascular pole and urinary pole ---glomerulus: afferent arterioles→capillary network →efferent arterioles
*calyx: branches of renal pelvis
1) General structure:
---capsule: DCT ---cortex: dark stained
/medullary ray /cortical labyrinth ---medulla: slight stained /renal pyramid /renal columns /renal papillae:
2. Kidney
---bean-shaped, 10-12cm in length, 5-6cm in width, 3-4cm in thickness
---hilum: BV, LV, N and ureters enter or out
*renal pelvis: funnelshaped expension of upper end of ureter