



压缩机主要由一对阴阳转子及壳体组成,其工作原理与往复式压缩机一样,属于容积式,只是其工作方式 是回转式而不是往复式。如果把阴转子齿槽与壳体构成的腔比作活塞式压缩机的气缸,那么阳转子的螺旋形齿 在阴转子齿槽中的滑动就相当于活塞的往复运动。
主机的工作过程可分为三个阶段,为了看起来更为清楚,将压缩机倒剖开来,如图 3 所示。压缩主机工作 过程:1-吸气阶段,2-压缩阶段,3-排气阶段。转子端面上的黑点表示啮合齿槽的相对位置。
机的供电线路上,必须安装空气开关,熔断丝等安全装置。为了确保电器设备的可靠性,务必请按照有关的安全条例,接上合适的接地线,并在所 有电器设备周围留出维修空间,必要时需要安装避雷装置。 3. 压缩机不能在高于铭牌规定的排气压力下工作,否则电动机会过载,其结果导致电动机和压缩机的停车。 4. 只能使用安全溶液来清洗压缩机和辅助设备。 5. 在排气管上,尽可能在靠近压缩机的地方安装一个手动关闭阀(隔离型)。 6. 安全阀安装在油分离器上部,一旦系统中气体压力超过额定压力将通过此阀得以释放,与此同时务必检查超压原因。 7. 在压缩机上做任何机械修理工作之前,必须做好下述几项准备工作: z 机组停车; z 切断电源手动切断开关,使压缩机处于断电状态。与此同时在这开关上挂上不准合闸的牌子,这样压缩机就不可能开动了; z 确保机组确实已经放空,隔离阀已经关好,这样可以防止管网中压缩空气倒灌到机组中去。 8. 假如压缩机的润滑油进入了工厂的压缩空气管网,对在压缩空气中不允许带油的用户来说,这会产生不良后果。倘若能正确选择并安装除油器,这 就能减少气体的带液情况,甚至能使气体中带液接近到零。管道、过滤器的外壳如果只用塑料材料而未加金属保护套,这是很危险的。合成油和矿 物油中的添加剂,会影响它的安全。从安全的观点看,在所有的压力系统里都应该采用金属外壳。请参照本建议检查一下你们工厂的压缩空气管网。 9. 在压缩机开车以前,必须通读和弄懂这本操作使用说明书。

三星 ML-3470 Series 说明书

三星 ML-3470 Series 说明书

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SSR UP5 22E, UP5 30, SSR M37PE 50Hz
CN 零件目录
C.C.N : 22301378 配位数 : 22301378
REV. : B 修订版. : B
DATE : DECEMBER 2003 日期 : 2003年12月
50Hz UP5 22E SERIAL No.: 50 赫兹 UP5 22E 序号.:
50Hz UP5 30 50 赫兹 UP5 30
SERIAL No.: 序号:
50Hz M37PE 37 SERIAL No.: 50 赫兹 M37PE 37 序号:
2235000Æ 2235000Æ
2245000Æ 2245000Æ
2275000Æ 2275000Æ
SSR UP5 22E, UP5 30, SSR M37PE
This manual, which contains an illustrated parts breakdown, has been prepared as an aid in identifying and ordering parts for the machine. All of the parts, listed in the parts breakdown, are manufactured with the same precision as the original equipment.
怎样订购 为了消除订购过程中可能发生的错误, 请务必注意以下几点: 1. 压气机资料板上显示的主件型号。 2. 压气机资料板上显示的主机序号。 3. 本手册的零件号码。 4. 精确表明所需的零件号码、说明和 数量。 5. 主机资料板上显示的主机资料号 码。



一般信息1概述如何使用本手册本手册包含零件分解图,可用作识别和订购 1.找到需要的分解图。


分解图上所列零件的制 2.在该图上找到需要的零件及其索引编号。






用一系列图示明确指出每个零件及其与图中 3.本手册的编号。


图中每个零件 4.电机型号、出厂编号及零件号。


按总成分的零件编号、名称和所 5.本手册所列的正确详尽的零件号、零件名称需数量按顺序列出。



2钣金组件23090605Rev.A2010-7-28序号Ccn数量描述序号Ccn数量描述12215984212铰链134********排气口支架22318056512门锁14468573971隔板总成339917489AR自攻螺丝M6X1615468574051隔板总成4468532971底架16468581481隔板总成5468567951排气口接头17468581551隔板总成6468570581后右侧门板组件184********隔板总成37KW 7468570901右侧门板组件468581301隔板总成30KW 8468571242前后左门板组件19468715212立柱总成9468571731左顶部门板组件20468715391立柱总成10468571811右顶部门板组件21468715471立柱总成11468571991左侧门板组件22468715542中间立柱总成12468572071电控箱门板组件23468715622前后横梁总成钣金组件323090605Rev.A2010-7-28序号Ccn数量描述24468715702左右横梁总成25468715882中间横梁总成26468716871冷却器风罩27855833671橡胶护套223456641橡胶护套289358014012门铰链销2996742689AR螺栓M6X16309674372924内六角螺栓4电机组件23090613Rev.A2010-7-28序号Ccn数量描述序号Ccn数量描述1223810245减震垫468566881主机带轮37KW8BAR 2224113003发运支架468566961主机带轮37KW10BAR 346853180130KW电机400V50Hz IP55468567041主机带轮37KW12BAR 46853198137KW电机400V50Hz IP557468560841皮带轮罩壳V30-37 4468564311底板30kW8468567461电机轴套30KW 468533051底板37kW468567531电机轴套37KW 5468566391电机带轮30kW9468567791电机压板468533701电机带轮37kW10468568781调整螺栓6468566471主机带轮30KW7BAR237047602调整螺栓468566541主机带轮30KW8BAR11967042185螺栓M8X16468566621主机带轮30KW10BAR129670440813螺栓M8X20468566701主机带轮30KW12BAR139********螺栓M12X70468533881主机带轮37KW7BAR电机组件523090613Rev.A2010-7-28序号Ccn数量描述14967210974弹垫M16159********内六角M10X2516967279205螺栓M12X3017967385131螺栓M16X45189********螺栓M16X6019221890391V型皮带6主机组件23690621Rev.A2010-7-28序号Ccn数量描述序号Ccn数量描述1190356411温度传感器134********主机CF90 2231884931法兰主机排气口14468574131直角接头3353006151阻尼显示器155********转接头4391555771快插接头16950223561O型圈5391556501弯头17959460591内外丝接头6394041321O型圈189********螺栓M16X40 7394041571O型圈199********螺栓M16X35 8468533131主机支架209672109712弹垫M16 9468560921直角接头21967279204螺栓M12X30 10468561001直接头22967383804螺栓M16X30 11468567871压板23967385131螺栓M16X45 12468562821小孔接头24468530571进气阀油分系统7序号Ccn数量描述序号Ccn数量描述1221866881螺塞134********油分桶2221866961弹簧14468530991油滤3221867201温控阀芯15468531072油分4223549892内接头16468531151直角接头5226799141壳体17468531491三通接头6228168621直角接头184********桶体支架7228569911导管19468560921直角接头8391057131球阀20468561261直角接头9391553461快插接头21468561341直角接头10394469681最小压力阀22468561421直角接头11394475371压板23468561751直接头12394769161油窥镜24468562171组合块8油分系统序号Ccn数量描述序号Ccn数量描述25468564071三通38967019174螺栓M10X30 26468717861管总成39967050583螺栓M6X12 27468717941管总成40967186554锁紧垫圈28468718021管总成41967375493螺栓M10X12 29468718281管总成42967375562螺栓M10X25 30468718361管总成31468718441管总成32468718511管总成33547492211直接头34950180321O型圈35391554781快插接头36959282301闷头37231760681加油口闷头冷却系统923690639Rev.A2010-7-28序号Ccn数量描述序号Ccn数量描述139117312AR密封条11959446661转接头2391563931快插接头12923981224螺栓M6X20 3392328891碟形螺母M613967455594垫片M6 4468532631冷却器30kW40度14468577101软管468532551冷却器37kW40度15468577021软管5468562331风扇组件30kW468562251风扇组件37kW6468560921直角接头7468561751直接头8468569511预过滤9468569691预过滤网罩10468718101管总成10进气系统23690647Rev.A2010-7-28序号Ccn数量描述1468530811空滤2967426894螺栓M6X163468569281空滤进气箱4921847872夹箍5468568031进气软管6967042342螺母M67967048122螺母M108967375562螺栓M10X259468568601空滤连接板10468564721空滤支架控制管路1123690654Rev.A2010-7-28序号Ccn数量描述1391563931快插接头2394618682快插接头3391553461快插接头4391554782快插接头5391555771快插接头639124813AR尼龙管7391553461快插接头12电气系统23690670Rev.A2010-7-28序号Ccn数量描述1546908981急停按钮2547169315导线密封管3967044084螺栓M8X204468529841控制器电气系统1323690670Rev.A2010-7-28序号Ccn数量描述序号Ccn数量描述1190019402走线槽14468529841控制器2190019653接线端子15468529921电控箱总成31900199920接线端子16468542381电流互感器200A 4190020132熔断器座17468542461电流互感器20A 5190020212熔芯2A50V20468558541接触器40A(37KW) 6220567411走线槽导轨468558391接触器32A(30KW) 7190087623熔芯2A500V21468558622接触器50A(37KW) 8190087543熔断器座468558542接触器40A(30KW) 9223596322压力传感器22468559121电控箱10323421231接线拄23468559381电控板总成11190019814止动片24469859531电控板12394618682快插接头25468583611接触器12A 133********电缆线26468584781机械连锁14电气系统23690670Rev.A2010-7-28序号Ccn数量描述27468584861辅助触点28468658461变压器29546908961急停开关30967044084螺栓M8X2031967355434螺母M8推荐备件15 Ccn数量描述Ccn描述46872883开机包23692593进气阀维护包468530991油滤23692403最小压力阀维护包926922841超冷5L23692528温控阀维护包23692635电磁阀维护包皮带468728912000小时维护包50Hz468530991油滤22189039皮带468531072油分30KW7/8/10/12BAR 468568451空滤芯37KW7/8/10/12BAR 926922841超冷5L468569511预滤16推荐备件Ccn描述Ccn描述92692284超冷5L46857702软管38459582超冷20L46867710软管92837095超冷1L35300615真空指示器19002021熔芯2A50V 46856845空滤芯19008762熔芯2A500V46853099油滤46858361接触器12A46853107油分46855854接触器40A46856951预滤46855862接触器50A46855839接触器32A 23692593进气阀维护包46854246电流互感器20A23692403最小压力阀维护包46854238电流互感器200A 23692528温控阀维护包23692635电磁阀维护包23692668电磁阀线圈维护包23692692O型圈维护包2369276737kW风扇维护包2369417730kW风扇维护包。

施耐德电气 MN4000 料位开关 振棒式 操作手册说明书

施耐德电气 MN4000 料位开关 振棒式 操作手册说明书

page 内容目录页码安全须知 / 技术支持2-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------简介3-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------技术参数4-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------认证8-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------可选项9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------安装10-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------电气安装13-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------信号输出16-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------灵敏度设置16----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 维护17-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------危险区域应用须知18-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------组装 MN 404020-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------废弃23-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------技术如有更新,恕不另行通知。



®Model 77 Series IVDigital MultimeterUsers ManualPN 2695884September 2006© 2006 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in USAAll product names are trademarks of their respective companies.Lifetime Limited WarrantyEach Fluke 20, 70, 80, 170 and 180 Series DMM will be free from defects in material and workmanship for its lifetime. As used herein, “life-time” is defined as seven years after Fluke discontinues manufacturing the product, but the warranty period shall be at least ten years fromthe date of purchase. This warranty does not cover fuses, disposable batteries, damage from neglect, misuse, contamination, alteration, accident or abnormal conditions of operation or handling, including failures caused by use outside of the product’s specifications, or normalwear and tear of mechanical components. This warranty covers the original purchaser only and is not transferable.For ten years from the date of purchase, this warranty also covers the LCD. Thereafter, for the lifetime of the DMM, Fluke will replace the LCD for a fee based on then current component acquisition costs.To establish original ownership and prove date of purchase, please complete and return the registration card accompanying the product, orregister your product on . Fluke will, at its option, repair at no charge, replace or refund the purchase price of a defective product purchased through a Fluke authorized sales outlet and at the applicable international price. Fluke reserves the right to charge for importation costs of repair/replacement parts if the product purchased in one country is sent for repair elsewhere.If the product is defective, contact your nearest Fluke authorized service center to obtain return authorization information, then send the product to that service center, with a description of the difficulty, postage and insurance prepaid (FOB Destination). Fluke assumes no risk for damage in transit. Fluke will pay return transportation for product repaired or replaced in-warranty. Before making any non-warranty re-pair, Fluke will estimate cost and obtain authorization, then invoice you for repair and return transportation.THIS WARRANTY IS YOUR ONLY REMEDY. NO OTHER WARRANTIES, SUCH AS FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AREEXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. FLUKE SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAM-AGES OR LOSSES, INCLUDING LOSS OF DATA, ARISING FROM ANY CAUSE OR THEORY. AUTHORIZED RESELLERS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO EXTEND ANY DIFFERENT WARRANTY ON FLUKE’S BEHALF. Since some states do not allow the exclusion or limita-tion of an implied warranty or of incidental or consequential damages, this limitation of liability may not apply to you. If any provision of this warranty is held invalid or unenforceable by a court or other decision-maker of competent jurisdiction, such holding will not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision.Fluke Corporation Fluke Europe B.V.P.O. Box 9090 P.O. Box 1186Everett, WA 98206-9090 5602 BD EindhovenNetherlandsU.S.A. TheVisit the Fluke website at: Register your Meter at: 2/02Table of ContentsPage TitleContacting Fluke (1)Warning and Caution Statements (1)Unsafe Voltage (1)Test Lead Alert (1)Battery Saver (Sleep Mode) (2)Terminals (2)Rotary Switch Positions (2)Display (3)MIN MAX AVG Recording Mode (4)AutoHOLD Modes (4)YELLOW Button (4)Display Backlight (4)Manual Ranging and Autoranging (5)Power-Up Options (5)Making Basic Measurements (6)Measuring AC and DC Voltage (6)Measuring Resistance (6)Measuring Capacitance (6)Testing for Continuity (7)Testing Diodes (7)Measuring AC or DC Current (8)Measuring Frequency (8)Using the Bar Graph (9)Cleaning (9)Testing the Fuses (9)Replacing the Battery and Fuses (10)Specifications (11)iXW Warning. Read before using the MeterTo avoid possible electrical shock or personal injury, follow these guidelines:⇒Use the Meter only as specified in this manual or the protection provided by the Meter might be impaired.⇒Do not use the Meter or test leads if they appear damaged, or if the Meter is not operating properly. If in doubt, have the Meter serviced.⇒Always use the proper terminals, switch position, and range for measurements.⇒Verify the Meter's operation by measuring a known voltage.⇒Do not apply more than the rated voltage, as marked on the Meter, between the terminals or between any terminal and earth ground.⇒Use caution with voltages above 30 V ac rms, 42 V ac peak, or 60 V dc. These voltages pose a shock hazard.⇒Disconnect circuit power and discharge all high-voltage capacitors before testing resistance, continuity, diodes, or capacitance.⇒Do not use the Meter around explosive gas or vapor.⇒When using the test leads, keep your fingers behind the finger guards.⇒Remove test leads from the Meter before opening the Meter case or battery door.SymbolsB AC (Alternating Current) I FuseF DC (Direct Current) P Conforms to European Union directivesFB DC/AC $Canadian Standards AssociationJ Earth ground T Double insulatedW Important Information; see manual X Hazardous Voltageb Battery (Low battery when shown ondisplay) ! Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.Meter in accordance with IEC 61010-1. 54CJs Inspected and licensed by TÜV(Technischer Überwachungs Verein)Product Services;N10140Conforms to relevant Australian standards#VDE (Verband Deutscher Electroniker)iiModel 77 Series IVDigital MultimeterThe Fluke Model 77 Series IV is a battery-powered, average responding-rms indicating multimeter (hereafter "the Meter"), with a 6000-count, 3 3/4-digit display, and a bar graph.This meter meets CAT III and CAT IV IEC 61010 standards. The IEC 61010 safety standard defines four measurement categories (CAT I to IV) based on the magnitude of danger from transient impulses. CAT III meters are designed to protect against transients in fixed-equipment installations at the distribution level; CAT IV meters are designed to protect against transients from the primary supply level (overhead or underground utility service).The Meter measures or tests the following:♦AC / DC voltage & current ♦Diodes♦Resistance ♦Continuity♦Voltage frequency ♦Capacitance Contacting FlukeTo contact Fluke, call:1-888-993-5853 in USA1-800-363-5853 in Canada+31 402-675-200 in Europe+81-3-3434-0181 in Japan+65-738-5655 in Singapore+1-425-446-5500 from anywhere in the worldVisit Fluke's web site at: Register your Meter at: Warning and Caution StatementsA X W Warning identifies hazardous conditions and actions that could cause bodily harm or death.A Caution identifies conditions and actions that could damage the Meter, the equipment under test, or cause permanent loss of data. Unsafe VoltageTo alert you to the presence of a potentially hazardous voltage, when the Meter detects a voltage ≥30 V or a voltage overload (OL), the Y symbol is displayed.Test Lead AlertTo remind you to check that the test leads are in the correct terminals, LEAd is momentarily displayed when you move the rotary switch to or from the mA or A position.W WarningAttempting to make a measurement with a test lead inan incorrect terminal might blow a fuse, damage theMeter, and cause serious personal injury.1Model 77 Series IV Users Manual2Battery Saver (Sleep Mode)The Meter enters the "Sleep" mode and blanks out the display if there is no function change or button press for 20 minutes. To disable the Sleep mode, hold down the yellow button while turning the Meter on. The Sleep mode is always disabled in the MIN MAX AVG mode and the AutoHOLD mode.TerminalsRotary Switch PositionsSwitch PositionMeasurement FunctionK Hz AC voltage from 0.001 to 1000 V. Frequency from 2 Hz to 99.99 kHz. L DC voltage from 1 mV to 1000 V. m L DC mV from 0.1 mV to 600 mV. e E Ohms from 0.1 Ω to 50 M Ω. Farads from 1 nF to 9999 μF.R G Beeper turns on at <25 Ω and turns off at >250 Ω. Diode test. Displays OL above 2.4 V. F B mA AC mA from 0.01 mA to 400 mA. DC mA from 0.01 mA to 400 mA. F B AAC A from 0.001 A to 10 A. DC A from 0.001 A to 10 A >10.00 display flashes. >20 A, OL is displayed.Display3DisplayNo. SymbolMeaning8 DC, ACDirect current, alternating current. 9 bLow battery. Replace battery. 10 610000mV All possible ranges. 11 Bar graph Analog display.12Auto RangeManual RangeThe Meter selects the range with the best resolution.The user selects the range. 13±Bar graph polarity. 14 0L The input out of range.15 LEAdW Test lead alert. Displayed when the rotary switch is moved to or from the mA or A position. Error MessagesbAtt Replace the battery immediately.diSC In the capacitance function, too much electrical charge is present on the capacitor being tested. EEPr Err Invalid EEPROM data. Have Meter serviced. CAL ErrInvalid calibration data. Calibrate Meter.Model 77 Series IV Users Manual4MIN MAX AVG Recording ModeThe MIN MAX AVG recording mode captures the minimum and maximum input values, and calculates a running average of all readings. When a new high or low is detected, the Meter beeps.NoteFor dc functions, accuracy is the specified accuracy of the measurement function ±12 counts for changes longer than 275 ms in duration.For ac functions, accuracy is the specified accuracy of the measurement function ±40 counts for changes longer than 1.2 s in duration.To use MIN MAX AVG recording:⇒ Make sure that the Meter is in the desired measurementfunction and range. (Autoranging is disabled in the MIN MAX AVG mode.)⇒ Press MIN MAX to activate MIN MAX AVG mode.m and MAX light, and the highest reading detected since entering MIN MAX AVG is displayed.⇒ Press MIN MAX to step through the low (MIN ), average(AVG ), and present readings.⇒ To pause MIN MAX AVG recording without erasing storedvalues, press HOLD . h is displayed.To resume MIN MAX AVG recording, press HOLD again. h turns off.⇒ To exit and erase stored readings, press MIN MAX for 1second or turn the rotary switch.AutoHOLD ModesXW WarningTo avoid electric shock, do not use the AutoHOLD mode to determine if a circuit is live. Unstable or noisy readings will not be captured.In the AutoHOLD mode, the Meter holds the reading on the display until it detects a new stable reading. Then the Meter beeps, and displays the new reading.⇒ Press HOLD to activate AutoHOLD. h lights.⇒ Press HOLD again or turn the rotary switch to resume normaloperation.YELLOW ButtonPress the yellow button to select alternate measurement functions on a rotary switch setting, e.g., to select DC mA, DC A, Hz, capacitance, or diode test.Display BacklightPress S to toggle the backlight on and off. The backlightautomatically turns off after 2 minutes.Manual Ranging and Autoranging5Manual Ranging and AutorangingThe Meter has both Manual range and Autorange modes.⇒ In the Autorange mode, the Meter selects the range with thebest resolution.⇒ In the Manual Range mode, you override Autorange and selectthe range yourself.When you turn the Meter on, it defaults to Autorange and Auto Range is displayed.1. To enter the Manual Range mode, press RANGE .Manual Range is displayed.2. In the Manual Range mode, press RANGE to increment therange. After the highest range, the Meter wraps to the lowest range.NoteYou cannot manually change the range in the MIN MAX AVG mode.If you press RANGE while in MIN MAX AVG, the Meter beeps, indicating an invalid operation, and the range does not change.3. To exit Manual Range, press RANGE for 1 second or turn therotary switch.The Meter returns to Autorange and Auto Range is displayed.Power-Up OptionsTo select a Power-Up Option, hold down the button indicated while turning the Meter on.Power-Up Options are cancelled when the Meter is turned OFF.ButtonPower-Up OptionsH Turns on all display segments when in VAC switch position.M Disables beeper. bEEP is diplayed when enabled. REnables "Smoothing" mode. '___ is displayed when enabled.Dampens display fluctuations of rapidly changing inputs by digital filtering.B(YELLOW)Disables automatic power-down ("Sleep mode"). PoFF is displayed when enabledSleep mode is also disabled while the Meter is in a MIN MAX AVG Recording mode, or the AutoHOLD mode.SDisables automatic 2-minute backlight timeout. LoFF is displayed when enabled.Model 77 Series IV Users Manual6Making Basic MeasurementsThe figures on the following pages show how to make basic measurements.When connecting the test leads to the circuit or device, connect the common (COM ) test lead before connecting the live lead; when removing the test leads, remove the live lead before removing the common test lead.XW WarningTo avoid electric shock or injury, or damage to the Meter, disconnect circuit power and discharge all high-voltage capacitors before testing resistance, continuity, diodes, or capacitance. Measuring AC and DC VoltageVolts ACVolts DCAIK03F.EPSMeasuring ResistanceAIK04F.EPSMeasuring CapacitanceAIK05F.EPSMaking Basic MeasurementsTesting for ContinuityAIK06F.EPS Testing DiodesOpenAIK07F.EPSUsers ManualMeasuring AC or DC CurrentXW WarningTo avoid personal injury or damage to the Meter: •Never attempt to make an in-circuit current measure-ment when the open-circuit potential to earth ground is >1000 V.•Check the Meter's fuses before testing. (See “Testing the Fuses”.)•Use the proper terminals, switch position, and range for your measurement.•Never place the probes in parallel with a circuit or component when the leads are plugged into thecurrent terminals.Turn power OFF, break circuit, insert Meter in series, turn power on.Measuring FrequencyX W WarningTo avoid electrical shock, disregard the bar graph forfrequencies >1 kHz. If the frequency of the measuredsignal is >1 kHz, the bar graph is unspecified.The Meter measures the frequency of a signal. The trigger level is 0 V ac for all ranges.AC Voltage FrequencyEOM09F.EPS ⇒To exit frequency, press yellow button or turn the rotary switch.⇒In frequency, the bar graph shows the ac voltage accurately up to 1 kHz.⇒Select progressively lower ranges using manual ranging for a stable reading.Using the Bar GraphUsing the Bar GraphThe bar graph is like the needle on an analog Meter. There is an overload indicator (►) to the right, and a polarity indicator (±) to the left.Because the bar graph is much faster than the digital display, the bar graph is useful for making peak and null adjustments, and for observing rapidly changing inputs.The bar graph is disabled when measuring capacitance. In frequency, the bar graph accurately indicates the voltage or current up to 1 kHz.The number of lit segments indicates the measured value and is relative to the full-scale value of the selected range.For example, in the 60 V range (see below), the major divisions on the scale represent 0, 15, 30, 45, and 60 V. An input of −30 V lights the negative sign and the segments up to the middle of thescale.AIK11F.EPS CleaningWipe the case with a damp cloth and mild detergent. Do not use abrasives or solvents. Dirt or moisture in the terminals can affect readings.Testing the FusesXW WarningTo avoid electrical shock or injury, remove the testleads and any input signals before replacing the fuse. Test fuses as shown below.AIK12F.EPSUsers ManualReplacing the Battery and FusesXW WarningTo avoid shock, injury, or damage to the Meter:•Use ONLY fuses with the amperage, interrupt, voltage, and speed ratings specified. Disconnect test leads before opening case.SpecificationsSpecificationsAccuracy is specified for 1 year after calibration, at operating temperatures of 18 °C to 28 °C, with relative humidity at 0 % to 90 %. Accuracy specifications take the form of the following calculations:± ( [ % of Reading ] + [ Counts ] )Maximum voltage between anyterminal and earth ground: 1000Surge Protection: 8 kV peak per IEC 61010W Fuse for mA inputs: W Fuse for A input: 440 mA, 1000 V FAST Fuse 11 A, 1000 V FAST FuseDisplay: Digital: 6000 counts, updates 4/secBar Graph: 33 segments; updates 32/secFrequency: 10,000 countsCapacitance: 1,000 countsAltitude: Operating: 2000 m; Storage: 12,000 mTemperature: Operating: −10 °C to +50 °C;Storage: −40 °C to +60 °CTemperature coefficient: 0.1 X (specified accuracy) / °C(<18 °C or >28 °C)Electromagnetic Compatibility(EN 61326-1:1997): In an RF field of 3 V/M, accuracy = specified accuracy.Relative Humidity:Maximum, noncondensing90 % to 35 °C75 % to 40 °C;45 % to 50 °CBattery Life: Alkaline: 400 hrs typicalSize (H x W x L): 4.3 cm x 9 cm x 18.5 cmWeight: 420 gSafety Compliances: ANSI/ISA S82.02.01, CSA C22.2-1010.1, IEC 61010 to 1000 V Measurement Category III, 600 V Measurement Category IVCertifications: CSA, TÜV (EN61010), UL, P, ; (N10140),VDEUsers ManualFunction Range Resolution Accuracy ± ( [ % of Reading ] + [ Counts ] )AC Volts (Average responding) 6.000 V60.00 V600.0 V1000 V0.001 V0.01 V0.1 V1 V2.0 % + 2(45 Hz to 1 kHz)DC mV 600.0 mV 0.1 mV 0.3 % + 1DC Volts 6.000 V60.00 V600.0 V1000 V 0.001 V0.01 V0.1 V1 V0.3 % + 1Continuity 600Ω 1ΩMeter beeps at <25 Ω, beeper turns off at >250 Ω;detects opens or shorts of 250 μs or longer.Ohms 600.0 Ω6.000 kΩ60.00 kΩ600.0 kΩ6.000 MΩ50.00 MΩ0.1 Ω0.001 kΩ0.01 kΩ0.1 kΩ0.001 MΩ0.01 MΩ0.5 % + 20.5 % + 10.5 % + 10.5 % + 10.5 % + 12.0 % + 1Diode test 2.400 V 0.001 V 1 % + 2Capacitance 1000 nF10.00 μF100.0 μF9999 μF[1]1 nF0.01 μF0.1 μF1 μF1.2 % + 21.2 % + 21.2 % + 210 % typicalAC Amps (Average responding)[2] 60.00 mA400.0 mA[3]6.000 A10.00 A[4]0.01 mA0.1 mA0.001 A0.01 A2.5 % + 2(45 Hz to 1 kHz)[1] In the 9999 μF range for measurements to 1000 μF, the measurement accuracy is 1.2 % + 2.[2] Amps input burden voltage (typical): 400 mA input 2 mV/mA, 10 A input 37 mV/A.[3] 400.0 mA accuracy specified up to 600 mA overload.[4] >10 A unspecified.Specifications Function Range Resolution Accuracy ± ( [ % of Reading ] + [ Counts ] )DC Amps[3]60.00 mA400.0 mA[4]6.000 A10.00 A[5]0.01 mA0.1 mA0.001 A0.01 A1.5 % + 2Hz [1][ 2](ac voltage input ) 99.99 Hz999.9 Hz9.999 kHz99.99 kHz0.01 Hz0.1 Hz0.001 kHz0.01 kHz0.1 % + 1MIN MAX AVG For dc functions, accuracy is the specified accuracy of the measurement function ±12 counts for changes longer than 275 ms in duration.For ac functions, accuracy is the specified accuracy of the measurement function ±40 counts for changes longer than1.2 s in duration.[1] Frequency is specified from 2 Hz to 99.99 kHz.[2] Below 2 Hz, the display shows zero Hz.[3] Amps input burden voltage (typical): 400 mA input 2 mV/mA, 10 A input 37 mV/A.[4] 400.0 mA accuracy specified up to 600 mA overload.[5] >10 A unspecified.Users ManualFunction Overload Protection[1]Input Impedance(Nominal)Common Mode Rejection Ratio(1 k Ω Unbalanced) Normal Mode RejectionVolts AC 1000 V >10 M Ω <100 pF >60 dB @ dc, 50 Hz or 60 HzVolts DC1000 V>10 M Ω <100 pF >120 dB @ dc, 50 Hz or 60 Hz >60 dB @ 50 Hz or 60 Hz mV 1000 V [2]>10 M Ω <100 pF>120 dB @ dc, 50 Hz or 60 Hz >60 dB @ 50 Hz or 60 HzOpen Circuit TestVoltageFull Scale Voltage To:6.0 M Ω 50 M ΩShort Circuit Current Ohms/Capacitance 1000 V [2] <8.0 V dc <660 mV dc<4.6 V dc<1.1 mA Continuity/Diode test1000 V [2]<8.0 V dc2.4 V dc<1.1 mA[1] 10 7V-Hz maximum.[2] For circuits <0.3 A short circuit. 660 V for high energy circuits.Function Overload Protection OverloadmA Fused, 440 mA, 1000 V FAST Fuse 600 mA overload for 2 minutes maximum, 10minutes rest.AFused, 11 A, 1000 V FAST Fuse20 A overload for 30 seconds maximum, 10 minutes rest.。

恒星IV(Cyclone IV)产品文档指南说明书

恒星IV(Cyclone IV)产品文档指南说明书

Cyclone® IV Featured Documentation - Quick Links GuideOnline Version Send Feedback 7678452023.07.27Contents ContentsCyclone® IV Featured Documentation - Quick Links (3)IV Featured Documentation - Quick Links Guide Send FeedbackCyclone®2Cyclone ® IV Featured Documentation - Quick LinksThis page provides links to some of the key Cyclone ® IV documentation, organized by focused subject areas.Featured Documents Design guidelinesDevice overview Datasheet Errata sheetCyclone IV Device Handbook Cyclone IV FPGAs Family Overview Product Table Package and Thermal specifications Device pin-outs Pin connection guidelinesSee All Cyclone IV Resources and DocumentationDevice Handbook Sections1.Volume 1 - Cyclone IV Device Handbook•Section I. Device Core—Chapter 1. Cyclone IV FPGA Device Family Overview —Chapter 2. Logic Elements and Logic Array Blocks in Cyclone IV Devices —Chapter 3. Memory Blocks in Cyclone IV Devices —Chapter 4. Embedded Multipliers in Cyclone IV Devices —Chapter 5. Clock Networks and PLLs in Cyclone IV Devices •Section II. I/O Interfaces —Chapter 6. I/O Features in Cyclone IV Devices —Chapter 7. External Memory Interfaces in Cyclone IV Devices •Section III. System Integration—Chapter 8. Configuration and Remote System Upgrades in Cyclone IV Devices —Chapter 9. SEU Mitigation in Cyclone IV Devices —Chapter 10. JTAG Boundary-Scan Testing for Cyclone IV Devices —Chapter 11. Power Requirements for Cyclone IV Devices 2.Volume 2 - Cyclone IV Device Handbook •Section I. Transceivers—Chapter 1. Cyclone IV Transceivers Architecture —Chapter 2. Cyclone IV Reset Control and Power Down —Chapter 3. Cyclone IV Dynamic Reconfiguration3.Volume 3 - Cyclone IV Device Handbook767845 | 2023.07.27Send FeedbackIntel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, and other Intel marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Intel warrants performance of its FPGA and semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Intel's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Intel assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Intel. Intel customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services.*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.ISO 9001:2015Registered•Section I. Device Datasheet—Chapter 1. Cyclone IV Device Datasheet —Cyclone IV I/O timing spreadsheetPower and Thermal Management•PowerPlay Early Power Estimator User Guide •Cyclone IV and Cyclone V PowerPlay Early Power Estimator •Device-Specific Power Delivery Network (PDN) Tool 2.0 User Guide •Power Delivery Network (PDN) Tool 2.0 for Stratix V , Arria V , Arria II GZ, Cyclone V , and Cyclone IV DevicesExternal Memory Interfaces•External Memory Interfaces in Cyclone IV DevicesDesign Guidelines•AN 592: Cyclone IV Design Guidelines •Cyclone IV Device Family Pin Connection GuidelinesDevelopment Kits•Cyclone IV GX Transceiver Starter Board Reference Manual •Cyclone IV GX FPGA Development Board Reference Manual •Cyclone IV GX FPGA Development Kit User Guide •Cyclone IV GX Transceiver Starter Kit User Guide •USB-Blaster Download Cable User Guide •Cyclone IV BoardsSoftware Documentation•Intel Quartus Prime Standard Edition User Guides - Combined PDFIP Documentation•ALTLVDS IP Core User Guide •ALTPLL IP Core User Guide •Clock Control Block (ALTCLKCTRL) IP Core User Guide •PCI Express* Compiler User Guide •Phase-Locked Loop Reconfiguration (ALTPLL_RECONFIG) IP Core User Guide •RAM Megafunction User Guide •Remote Update Intel FPGA IP User Guide •SCFIFO and DCFIFO IP Cores User Guide •All Cyclone IV Related IP DocumentationCyclone ® IV Featured Documentation - Quick Links767845 | 2023.07.27Cyclone ®IV Featured Documentation - Quick Links GuideSend Feedback4Application Notes•A Flexible Solution for Industrial Ethernet •AN 425: Using the Command-Line Jam STAPL Solution for Device Programming •AN 717: Nios II Gen2 Hardware Development Tutorial •Designing Basestation Channel Cards with FPGAs •Driving Innovative Industrial Solutions •Enabling Low-Power EO/IR System Development with FPGAs and Image- and Sensor-Processing IP •Lowering the Total Cost of Ownership for Industrial Applications •All Cyclone IV Related Application NotesCyclone ® IV Featured Documentation - Quick Links767845 | 2023.07.27Send Feedback Cyclone ® IV Featured Documentation - Quick Links Guide5。

三星激光打印机ML-1700 系列 ML-1510 ML-1710 ML-1750维修手册

三星激光打印机ML-1700 系列 ML-1510 ML-1710 ML-1750维修手册

交流电 专用集成电路 组件 基本输入输出系统 互补金属氧化物半导体 连接器 连接器 中央处理器 分贝 安培分贝 毫瓦分贝 直流电 诊断控制设备 点每英寸 动态随机存取存储器 数字电压计 功能增强的端口 电子可擦可编程只读存贮器 电磁接口 电子摄影 增强并行端口 固件 图形设备接口 接地 主机打印 硬盘驱动器 高压 高压电源 接口 输入和输出 集成电路 智能驱动电子系统或嵌入式驱动电 子系统
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肉眼看来似乎远远超出了 5% 但是实际上 字母数字字符依靠大部分空白构成字符
城市 伦敦 洛杉矶 纽约 东京
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戴市场上可以买到的腕带装置 出于人身安全的原因 测试时在对设备通电之前务必除去腕带装置 2 拆除配有 ESD 的电气组件以后 将组件置于导电表面上 如铝或铜箔 或导电泡沫塑料 以防止
电荷在组件附近积聚 3 焊接或熔开 ESD 时 只能使用接地电烙铁 4 只能使用 抗静电 焊料去除装置 一些焊料去除装置未归入 抗静电 一类中 可能产生电荷
维修手册 1-2运本机相关的注意事项
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1 不可把本机安装在高低不平或倾斜的地板上 请在安装后确认本机是否平稳 如果不平稳 本机会翻到引起事故
2 小心不可把手指或毛发插入旋转装置中 当本机正在运行时 小心不可把手指或毛发插入旋转装置 电动机 风扇 进纸部分等等 中 否 则 您会受伤
收件人 Cathy Scott 寄件人 Lane Wolters 事由 典型打印页 日期 07/14/09



C.C.N :22260244REV.:BDATE :OCTOBER 2003SSR UP5 22E, UP5 30, SSR M37PE50Hz223500050Hz UP5 22E –>50Hz UP5 30–>2245000227500050Hz M37PE 37–>SERIAL No :SERIAL No :SERIAL No :CONTENTSSSR UP5 22E, UP5 30, SSR M37PEPage Description ’T ’ N o Page Description ’T ’ N oPage Description ’T ’ N o 1Enclosure T57803Motor Assembly T57815Air Intake System T57836Airend Assembly T57827Cooling System T57848Cooling SystemT57859Separation System T578810Control Piping –Electro –PneumaticT578711Electrical System –Electro –Pneumatic T578917Control Piping –Intellisys T578618Control Piping –Intellisys w/modulationT586819Electrical System –Intellisys T579026PORO Option –w/ IntellisysT579127Outdoor Module Option T579328Documentation 29Recommended Parts 65Glossary of Non –Illustrated Items 67CCN IndexABBREVIATIONS & SYMBOLS –>####Up to Serial No.####–>From Serial No.####Contact Ingersoll –Randfor Serial No.*Not illustrated †Option NR Not required AR As required SM Sitemaster/Sitepack HA High ambient machine WC Watercooled machine AC Aircooled machine ERS Energy recovery system T.E.F.C.Totally enclosed fancooled motor (IP55)O.D.P.Open drip proof (motor)BR Portuguese (Brazil)CA French (Canada)CN Chinese DE German DK Danish ES Spanish FI Finnish FR FrenchGB English (Europe)GR Greek IT ItalianMX Spanish (Mexico)NL DutchNO NorwegianPT Portuguese (Europe)SE SwedishUSEnglish (USA)GeneralThis manual, which contains an illustrated parts breakdown, has been prepared as an aid inidentifying and ordering parts for the machine. All of the parts, listed in the parts breakdown, are manufactured with the same precision as the original equipment.Ingersoll –Rand Company service facilities and parts are available worldwide. There are Ingersoll –Rand Company Branch Offices and authorised distributors located in the principle cities of the United States. In Canada, our customers are serviced by the Canadian Ingersoll –RandCompany, Limited. There are also Ingersoll –Rand Company subsidiaries and authoriseddistributors located in the principle cities throughout the world.DescriptionThe illustrated parts breakdown identifies the various assemblies,sub –assemblies and detailed parts which make up this machine.A series of illustrations show each part clearly and in it ’s correct location relative to the other parts in the illustration. Each part in an illustration is referenced with a number. The number, description and quantity needed per assembly are listed in numerical order on the following pages.How to use this parts manual 1. Locate the desired illustration.2. Locate the part on theillustration by visual identification and note the reference number.3. Find the reference number on the tabulated page, along with the Part Number and Description.How to order partsIn order that all avoidable errors be eliminated when ordering parts,please specify the following:1. The model number of the unit as shown on the Compressor Data Plate.2. The serial number of the unit as shown on the Compressor Data Plate.3. The part number of this manual.4. The part number, description and quantity needed exactly as listed.5. The motor data code shown on the motor data plate.1ENCLOSURESSR UP5 22E, UP5 30, SSR M37PEItem ccn Qty.Description Item ccn Qty.Description 1222667871Corner2222424081Panel assembly rear 3221934451Channel4222424161Panel assembly rear 5222328391Plate, cover 6221934031Corner37kW – 50hp 221984931Corner22/30kW – 40hp 7222277061Angle 8222277141Filter , pad 996742689AR Screw 1022053433AR Plug 11221937834Hinge12222510601Panel assembly top 132********Panel assembly top 14221934371Channel152********Panel assembly left 16222667951Guard, sheave assembly 1792368687AR Screw 182********Base, formed 19222667791Corner20222510451Panel assembly front 21399174894Screw 22967175254Screw 23220585804Plate, cover 24331600304Washer2ENCLOSURESSR UP5 22E, UP5 30, SSR M37PEItem ccn Qty.DescriptionItem ccn Qty.Description 25221919361Cabinet, starter, non INTELLISYS 221935281Cabinet, starterController , INTELLISYS 26221935021Cabinet door, non INTELLISYS 221935101Cabinet doorController , INTELLISYS 27221992691Seal, non INTELLISYS 221992771SealController , INTELLISYS 28934920724Seal29934946644Latch *892950911Key30221983374Gasket, hinge 31221936841Channel 32222276311Bracket 33222274171Bracket 34222352952Cord* Not illustrated3MOTOR ASSEMBLY 50HzSSR UP5 22E, UP5 30, SSR M37PEItem ccn Qty.Description Item ccn Qty.Description 1221890541Belt, drive22kW 7.5, 8.5,10bar 221890621Belt, drive 22kW 14bar 221890211Belt, drive30kW 7.5, 8.5bar 221890131Belt, drive30kW 10, 14bar 221890391Belt, drive37kW 7.5, 8.5, 10bar 221890471Belt, drive 37kW 14bar 2221083691Pulley22kW 7.5, 8.5,10bar 221083511Pulley22kW 10bar 221800531Pulley30kW 7.5, 8.5bar 221800461Pulley30kW 10bar 221800381Pulley30kW 14bar 221800611Pulley37kW 7.5, 8.5, 10bar 221887831Pulley37kW 14bar 3220772671Bush 22kW 221870741Bush 30kW 221870661Bush 37kW4967031861Screw 22kW 967385131Screw 30, 37kW 5927511301Plate, retaining 6221799071Pulley22kW 7.5bar 221799151Pulley22kW 8.5bar 221799231Pulley22kW 10bar 221799311Pulley22kW 14bar 221799491Pulley30kW 7.5bar 221799561Pulley30kW 8.5bar 221799641Pulley30kW 10bar 221799721Pulley30kW 14bar 221799801Pulley37kW 7.5bar 221799981Pulley37kW 8.5bar 221800041Pulley37kW 10bar 221800121Pulley37kW 14bar4MOTOR ASSEMBLY 50HzSSR UP5 22E, UP5 30, SSR M37PEItem ccn Qty.DescriptionItem ccn Qty.Description 7222206771Motor 22kW220V IP55 50Hz Star Delta 222206851Motor 22kW380V IP55 50Hz Star Delta 221946331Motor 22kW400V IP55 50Hz Star Delta 222206931Motor 22kW550V IP55 50Hz Star Delta 222207011Motor 30kW220V IP55 50Hz Star Delta 222207191Motor 30kW380V IP55 50Hz Star Delta 221784041Motor 30kW400V IP55 50Hz Star Delta 222207271Motor 30kW550V IP55 50Hz Star Delta 222207351Motor 37kW220V IP55 50Hz Star Delta 222207431Motor 37kW380V IP55 50Hz Star Delta 221783961Motor 37kW400V IP55 50Hz Star Delta 222207501Motor 37kW550V IP55 50Hz Star Delta8967399334Washer 22kW 967210974Washer 30 / 37kW 9547404511Rod 10967375564Screw 11954338192Pin 12392242091Spacer 132********Support 14967026674Screw 22kW 967425314Screw 30 / 37kW5AIR INTAKE SYSTEMSSR UP5 22E, UP5 30, SSR M37PEItem ccn Qty.Description Item ccn Qty.Description 1222349671Filter assembly *1a 222030951Element, air filter 2391105561Clamp 3222330681Hose / elbow 4967044084Screw 5921176961Clamp 6221536471Coupling 7222821491Hose8220972081Indicator , air restriction 9398404181Valve, unloader*9a 392161551Kit, unloader valve 10394965911Gasket 11967414676Washer, Spring 12967026596Screw 139********Plug 14959460591Nipple 15921847872Clamp* Not illustrated6AIREND ASSEMBLYSSR UP5 22E, UP5 30, SSR M37PEItem ccn Qty.Description Item ccn Qty.Description 1544037791Airend 2222655401Adaptor 3222655321Tube assembly 4959381631Elbow 5221927281Spring, gas 6967282331Screw 7967014041Washer 8547490981Plate 9967284311Nut 109673851310Screw 119672109710Washer, Spring 12881425831Plate, adaptor132********Gasket 14221897241Bracket 159********Adaptor 16221905571Tube assembly 175********Check valve, orifice 189********T ee19221911001Tube assembly 20959376862Elbow 21221911181Tube assembly 22546397521‘O ’ Ring 23967397011Adaptor7COOLING SYSTEMSSR UP5 22E, UP5 30, SSR M37PEItem ccn Qty.Description Item ccn Qty.Description 1222482311Chute assembly 2222313691Cone 50Hz3222319221Shroud assembly 50Hz 4222313511Blower 22 / 30kW 222426551Blower 37kW5222511691Baffle assembly 6222511281Shroud assembly 7221958611Cover assembly 8222513361Shroud assembly 9222700111Baffle assembly 10222481241Baffle assembly 1192368687ARScrew12222221521Motor 220V 222221601Motor 380V 221792791Motor 400V 222221781Motor 550V132********Support, motor 13a 967121534Screw 14967044164Nut 159********Screw 16222331261Cable 1792789379AR Seal 18222249762Gland, cable8COOLING SYSTEMItem ccn Qty.Description Item ccn Qty.Description 1221769781Cooler37kW – 50hp 221769861Cooler22/30kW – 40hp 2395730011Hose assembly 3222458491Hose assembly 4222461362Hose assembly 5959381632Elbow 6959282301Plug 7959528672Connector 8959623121Connector 9967044162Nut10391554782Elbow 1139124813AR Tube (Nylon)12967028242Screw133********Separator , water 14959896381Adaptor152********Valve, electric drain 16959497492Elbow 17923686874Screw 189********Nut 199********Screw 20222272351Bracket9SEPARATION SYSTEMItem ccn Qty.Description Item ccn Qty.Description1547492472Cartridge, separator 2223549892Nipple(‘O ’ Ring included)3221822651Plug 4959282551Plug 5221866701Valve, drain6221809211T ank, separator(ASME U / LLOYDS)221614001T ank, separator(CE –10/UM/CRN/SQL/UDT)7221872151‘O ’ Ring 8221872231‘O ’ Ring 9221613921Plate, cover 10967210978Washer 11221889818Screw12394469681Valve, minimum pressure 133********Plate, retaining 14967050583Screw 155********Filter , coolant 16547492211Nipple 17221867121Cage 182********Spring19221867201Thermal valve cartridge 20221866881Plug 21394769161Sight –glass 22391519151‘O ’ Ring23220579541Valve, safety – set 15 bar – 50Hz10CONTROL PIPING – ELECTRO –PNEUMATICItem ccn Qty.Description Item ccn Qty.Description 139124813AR Tube (Nylon)2855833671Grommet 354472162AR Conduit 4394041652‘O ’ Ring5394161281Switch, temperature 6959283201Plug7546546521Valve, solenoid (Blowdown)8391564431Connector9547743021Valve, solenoid (Load)10547554261Bracket 11959446253Bushing 12391555772Elbow 133********Connector 14547671731Switch, pressure 15967375642Nut16967431824Screw 173********T ee 182********Adaptor 199********Nut 20967388282Screw 21544724851Elbow 22959523881Coupling 23391140791Locknut 24967427542Screw 25545426671Adaptor 26391554782Elbow 27547749971Bushing 28391556502Elbow 2939124821ARTube (Nylon)11ELECTRICAL SYSTEM – ELECTRO –PNEUMATICItem ccn Qty.Description Item ccn Qty.Description 1812958831Decal 2547720581Gauge 3323421801Indicator (Red)4323421561Indicator (Green)5323421641Indicator (White)6220539041Button, emergency stop 7323421491Switch, Off/On 8323421721Pushbutton, reset9323421311Hourmeter *9a 392370861Gasket *9b 391272952Screw 10928770184Gland, cable 11222249761Connector , bulkhead* Not illustrated12 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM – ELECTRO–PNEUMATIC50HzC37/C37/C16 E/M22kW – 380–415VItem ccn Qty.Description Item ccn Qty.Description1220740583Block, terminal 22207698837Block, terminal 3220718233Block, terminal 4220740411Block, terminal ground 5392529111Block, terminal ground 6220718641Bus, grounding 7220740171Contact, auxilliary 8221329631Contact, auxilliary 9392554921Contact, auxilliary 10220744131ContactorC1611392510612ContactorC3712220718312Fuse500V 1.6A 132********Fuse500V 2A 14393332571Interlock 152********Module, pneumatic timing 16222367721Panel, rear17–1Rail18–1Rail19–1Rail20392555592Relay, control 21222940371Relay Delay (Restart) 22392519881Relay, overload 23392512361Starter, fan 24392529372Stop25392512851Contact, auxilliary 26222186481Timer Off Delay 27220718071Transformer28–1Tray, wire13ELECTRICAL SYSTEM – ELECTRO–PNEUMATIC50HzC60/C60/C30 E/M37kW – 380–415VItem ccn Qty.Description Item ccn Qty.Description1220740583Block, terminal 22207698837Block, terminal 3220718233Block, terminal 4220740411Block, terminal ground 5392529111Block, terminal ground 6220718641Bus, grounding 7220740171Contact, auxilliary 8221329632Contact, auxilliary 9392554921Contact, auxilliary 10392520101ContactorC3011392510042ContactorC6012220718312Fuse500V 1.6A 132********Fuse500V 2A 14393332571Interlock 152********Module, pneumatic timing 16222367721Panel, rear17–1Rail18–1Rail19–1Rail20392555592Relay, control 21222940371Relay Delay (Restart) 22392510871Relay, overload 23392512361Starter, fan 24392529372Stop25392512851Contact, auxilliary 26222186481Timer Off Delay 27220718071Transformer28–1Tray, wire14 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM – ELECTRO–PNEUMATIC50HzC85/C85/C43 E/M22kW – 220V30kW –220VItem ccn Qty.Description Item ccn Qty.Description1220740583Block, terminal 22207698837Block, terminal 3220718233Block, terminal 4220740411Block, terminal ground 5392529111Block, terminal ground 6220718641Bus, grounding 7220740171Contact, auxilliary 8221329632Contact, auxilliary 9392554921Contact, auxilliary 10392509981ContactorC4311392510202ContactorC8512220718312Fuse500V 1.6A 132********Fuse500V 2A 14393332571Interlock 152********Module, pneumatic timing 16222367721Panel, rear17–1Rail18–1Rail19–1Rail20392555592Relay, control 21222940371Relay Delay (Restart) 22392510871Relay, overload 23392512441Starter, fan 24392529372Stop25392512851Contact, auxilliary 26222186481Timer Off Delay 27220718071Transformer28–1Tray, wire15ELECTRICAL SYSTEM – ELECTRO–PNEUMATIC50HzC43/C43/C23 E/M30kW – 380–415VItem ccn Qty.Description Item ccn Qty.Description1220740583Block, terminal 22207698837Block, terminal 3220718233Block, terminal 4220740411Block, terminal ground 5392529111Block, terminal ground 6220718641Bus, grounding 7220740171Contact, auxilliary 8221329631Contact, auxilliary 9392554921Contact, auxilliary 10392509982ContactorC4311392520361ContactorC2312220718312Fuse600V 1.6A 132********Fuse500V 2A 14393332571Interlock 152********Module, pneumatic timing 16222367721Panel, rear17–1Rail18–1Rail19–1Rail20392555592Relay, control 21222940371Relay Delay (Restart) 22392510791Relay, overload 23392512361Starter, fan 24392529372Stop25392512851Contact, auxilliary 26222186481Timer Off Delay 27220718071Transformer28–1Tray, wire16 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM – ELECTRO–PNEUMATIC50HzC37/C37/C23 E/M22kW – 550V30kW – 550V37kW –550VItem ccn Qty.Description Item ccn Qty.Description1220718491Block, terminal ground 2220718563Block, terminal 32207698837Block, terminal 4223175232Block, terminal 5220718231Block, terminal 6392529111Block, terminal ground 7220718641Bus, grounding 8220740171Contact, auxilliary 9221329631Contact, auxilliary 10392554921Contact, auxilliary 11392510612ContactorC3712392520361ContactorC23132********Fuse600V 1.6A 14220718151Fuse500V 2A 153********Interlock 16222186631Module, pneumatic timing 17222367721Panel, rear18–1Rail19–1Rail20–1Rail21392555592Relay, control 22222940371Relay Delay (Restart) 23392519881Relay, overload 24392512281Starter, fan 25392529372Stop26392512851Contact, auxilliary 27222186481Timer Off Delay 28223115421Transformer29–1Tray, wire17CONTROL PIPING – INTELLISYSItem ccn Qty.Description Item ccn Qty.Description 139124813AR Tube (Nylon)2398538091Transducer 3394041321‘O ’ Ring 4394041651‘O ’ Ring 5544610661Coupling 6394041571‘O ’ Ring7546546521Valve, solenoid (Blowdown)8395606281Thermistor *8a 379523551Kit, thermistor 9547743021Valve, solenoid (Load)10547554261Bracket 11959446253Bushing 12391555773Elbow 133********Connector14547743021Valve, solenoid (Line / Sump)159********Nut 16967431828Screw 17221638691Adaptor 183********Connector 199********Nut 20221078331Bracket 21391553461T ee 22391554782Elbow 23547749971Bushing 24967427542Screw 25391556502Elbow 2639124821ARTube (Nylon)* Not illustrated18CONTROL PIPING – INTELLISYS w/ MODULATIONItem ccn Qty.Description Item ccn Qty.Description 1323421491Switch(non –Intellisys only)*2221637372CableValve, solenoid 3222800931Bracket 4959303011Bushing 5391563931Connector 6391555773Elbow *7222490151Manual 8959460592Nipple9543700691Plate, legend (non –Intellisys only)10391553531Plug 11967431828Screw12923686872Screw 133********T ee 14391563851T ee1539124813AR Tube (Nylon)16391272611Valve, shuttle17391994761Regulator(115–150psig / 7–10barg)391994841Regulator(200psig / 14barg)182********Valve, solenoid modulation option 19547743021Valve, solenoid modulation option* Not illustrated19ELECTRICAL SYSTEM – INTELLISYSItem ccn Qty.DescriptionItem ccn Qty.Description1221287631Controller , INTELLISYS 2394958741Seal 39673756410Nut4221133441Button, emergency stop 5928770188Gland, cable 6222249761Connector , bulkhead7812962611Decal, facia – Intellisys 50Hz812958911Decal, facia – Intellisys 60HZ8221311481Decal, translations 60Hz 9391553532Plug20 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM – INTELLISYS50HzD110/D110/D110 INTELLISYS37kW –220VItem ccn Qty.Description Item ccn Qty.Description12207698830Block, terminal 2220718235Block, terminal 3220740411Block, terminal ground 4392529111Block, terminal ground 5222756063Block, terminal 6220718641Bus, grounding 7222648403Contact, auxilliary 8222648733ContactorD110 w/Aux. contact 9222671086Cover 10220718312Fuse500V 1.6A 11220718153Fuse500V 2A 12222648321Interlock 133925143418Lug*14391916301Plug5 Position*153********Plug4 Position *16391860931Plug6 Position*173********Plug11 Position*183********Plug16 Position 19222367721Panel, rear20–1Rail21–1Rail 22392034431Suppressor 23222670741Relay, overload 24392512441Starter, fan 25392529372Stop 26392512851Contact, auxilliary 27221240771Transformer28–1Tray, wire* Not illustrated21ELECTRICAL SYSTEM – INTELLISYS50HzC37/C37/C23 INTELLISYS 22kW – 380–415VItem ccn Qty.Description Item ccn Qty.Description1220740583Block, terminal 22207698830Block, terminal 3220718235Block, terminal 4220740411Block, terminal ground 5392529111Block, terminal ground 6220718641Bus, grounding 7221329631Contact, auxilliary 8392510612ContactorC379392520361ContactorC2310220718312Fuse500V 1.6A 11220718153Fuse500V 2A 12393332571Interlock 132********Panel, rear*14391861011Plug4 Position*153********Plug5 Position *16391860931Plug6 Position*173********Plug11 Position*183********Plug16 Position19–1Rail20–1Rail21–1Rail 22392034431Suppressor 23392519881Relay, overload 24392512361Starter, fan 25392529372Stop 26392512851Contact, auxilliary 27221240771Transformer28–1Tray, wire* Not illustrated22 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM – INTELLISYS50HzC85/C85/C43 INTELLISYS 22kW – 220V30kW –220VItem ccn Qty.Description Item ccn Qty.Description1220740583Block, terminal 22207698830Block, terminal 3220718235Block, terminal 4220740411Block, terminal ground 5392529111Block, terminal ground 6220718641Bus, grounding 7221329632Contact, auxilliary 8392509981ContactorC439392510202ContactorC8510220718312Fuse500V 1.6A 11220718153Fuse500V 2A 12393332571Interlock 132********Panel, rear*14391861011Plug4 Position*153********Plug5 Position *16391860931Plug6 Position*173********Plug11 Position*183********Plug16 Position19–1Rail20–1Rail21–1Rail 22392034431Suppressor 23392510871Relay, overload 24392512441Starter, fan 25392529372Stop 26392512851Contact, auxilliary 27221240771Transformer28–1Tray, wire* Not illustrated23ELECTRICAL SYSTEM – INTELLISYS50HzC43/C43/C23 INTELLISYS 30kW – 380–415VItem ccn Qty.Description Item ccn Qty.Description1220740583Block, terminal 22207698830Block, terminal 3220718235Block, terminal 4220740411Block, terminal ground 5392529111Block, terminal ground 6220718641Bus, grounding 7221329631Contact, auxilliary 8392509982ContactorC439392520361ContactorC2310220718312Fuse500V 1.6A 11220718153Fuse500V 2A 12393332571Interlock 132********Panel, rear*14391861011Plug4 Position*153********Plug5 Position *16391860931Plug6 Position*173********Plug11 Position*183********Plug16 Position19–1Rail20–1Rail21–1Rail 22392034431Suppressor 23392510791Relay, overload 24392512361Starter, fan 25392529372Stop 26392512851Contact, auxilliary 27221240771Transformer28–1Tray, wire* Not illustrated24 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM – INTELLISYS50HzC60/C60/C30 INTELLISYS 37kW – 380–415VItem ccn Qty.Description Item ccn Qty.Description1220740583Block, terminal 22207698830Block, terminal 3220718235Block, terminal 4220740411Block, terminal ground 5392529111Block, terminal ground 6220718641Bus, grounding 7221329632Contact, auxilliary 8392520101ContactorC309392510042ContactorC6010220718312Fuse500V 1.6A 11220718153Fuse500V 2A 12393332571Interlock 132********Panel, rear*14391861011Plug4 Position*153********Plug5 Position *16391860931Plug6 Position*173********Plug11 Position*183********Plug16 Position19–1Rail20–1Rail21–1Rail 22392034431Suppressor 23392510871Relay, overload 24392512361Starter, fan 25392529372Stop 26392512851Contact, auxilliary 27221240771Transformer28–1Tray, wire* Not illustrated25ELECTRICAL SYSTEM – INTELLISYS50HzC37/C37/C23 INTELLISYS 22kW – 550V30kW – 550V37kW –550VItem ccn Qty.Description Item ccn Qty.Description1220718491Block, terminal ground 2220718563Block, terminal 32207698830Block, terminal 4223175232Block, terminal 5220718233Block, terminal 6392529111Block, terminal ground 7220718641Bus, grounding 8221329631Contact, auxilliary 9392510612ContactorC3710392520361ContactorC2311223175152Fuse500V 1.6A 12220718153Fuse500V 2A 133********Interlock 14222367721Panel, rear*153********Plug4 Position *16391916301Plug5 Position*173********Plug6 Position*183********Plug11 Position*19391916551Plug16 Position20–1Rail21–1Rail22–1Rail 23392034431Suppressor 24392519881Relay, overload 25392512281Starter, fan 26392529372Stop 27392512851Contact, auxilliary 28223175801Transformer29–1Tray, wire* Not illustrated26PORO OPTION w/ INTELLISYSItem ccn Qty.Description Item ccn Qty.Description 1391940971Option, Module 2352754941Connector , bulkhead 3959342791Nipple4391089492Locknut 5391467331Plug 6391001361Horn27OUTDOOR MODULE OPTIONItem ccn Qty.Description Item ccn Qty.Description1222843501Cover 2222843351Louvre 392368687ARScrew4222843431Box 5222843271Louvre 639117312ARGasket28DOCUMENTATIONItem ccn Qty.Description*1222554261Manual, Operation andMaintenance50Hz*2222602441Manual, Parts catalogue50Hz29RECOMMENDED PARTSccn Qty.Description ccn Description30RECOMMENDED PARTSccn Qty.Description ccn Qty.Description31RECOMMENDED PARTSccn Description ccn DescriptionAP –Asia Pacific Market32PIÈCES RECOMMANDEESccn QuantitéDescription ccn Description33PIÈCES RECOMMANDEESccn QuantitéDescription ccn QuantitéDescription34PIÈCES RECOMMANDEESccn Description ccn DescriptionAP –Marché Asie/Pacifique35AANBEVOLEN ONDERDELENccn Aant.Beschrijving ccn Beschrijving36AANBEVOLEN ONDERDELENccn Aant.Beschrijving ccn Aant.Beschrijving37AANBEVOLEN ONDERDELENccn Beschrijving ccn BeschrijvingAP –Azië Pacific markt38EMPFOHLENE ERSATZTEILEccn Menge Beschreibung ccn Beschreibung39EMPFOHLENE ERSATZTEILEccn Menge Beschreibung ccn Menge Beschreibung40EMPFOHLENE ERSATZTEILEccn Beschreibung ccn BeschreibungAP –Asiatisch–pazifischer Markt41RECOMENDAÇÃO DE PEÇASccn Qtd.Descrição ccn Descrição42RECOMENDAÇÃO DE PEÇASccn Qtd.Descrição ccn Qtd.Descrição43RECOMENDAÇÃO DE PEÇASccn Descrição ccn DescriçãoAP –Mercado da Ásia do Pacifico44PARTI RACCOMANDATEccn Qtà.Descrizione ccn Descrizione45PARTI RACCOMANDATEccn Qtà.Descrizione ccn Qtà.Descrizione46PARTI RACCOMANDATEccn Descrizione ccn DescrizioneAP –Mercato Asia Pacifico47PIEZAS RECOMENDADASccn Cantidad Descripción ccn Descripción。



LM Glasfiber Española, S.A. Alberto Alocer, 46B, 6th E-28016 Madrid
Tel.: +34 914583 780 Fax: +34 91458M Glasfiber Deutschland GmbH Industriestr. 5 D-39291 Schopsdorf
修订号: 24236/A
BM-00025/A3 日期:
签字: EM
1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4
Tel.: +1 701 780 9910 Fax: +1 701 780 9920 E-mail: @
LM Glasfiber Holland B.V. Stevinstraat 6 P.O. Box 1126 NL-1700 BC Heerhugowaard
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LM Glasfiber (India) Ltd. Plot No 61 & 62 Kasaba Ind. Area Hosakote 562114
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Operation Manual and Parts DirectoryGlastender, Inc. · 5400 North Michigan Road · Saginaw, MI · 48604-9780800.748.0423 · 989.752.4275 · Fax 800.838.0888 / 989.752.4444 · © 2010 Glastender, Inc.Rev. 04-26-11MF24-SMF48-B2MF24, MF36, MF48M ug F rosters and P late C hillersGlastender, Inc. • 5400 North Michigan Road • Saginaw, MI • 48604-9780800.748.0423 • 989.752.4275 • Fax 800.838.0888 / 989.752.4444 • iiP riCes:All prices are LIST. Applicable taxes will be added.Q uotations:Unless otherwise stated, quotations are effective for 30 days only.a CCePtanCe:All orders are subject to acceptance by Glastender, Inc.’s headquarters in Saginaw, Michigan. Possession of the Product Directory and Price List is not an offer to sell.s hiPMents:F.O.B. factory in Saginaw, Michigan. Freight terms are Third Party or Collect if shipped directly to you. Prepay and Add to Invoice freight terms are available upon request. The approximate shipping weights of all products are listed with the prices. Partial shipments will be made unless otherwise specified by the customer. Surface freight classifica-tions are:Glasswashers, Line Chillers - Class 92.5Cocktail Stations, Underbar Equipment - Class 85Bar Die/Underbar Equipment – Class 125Refrigeration Equipment, 48” long or smaller - Class 100Refrigeration Equipment, greater than 48” long - Class 110All small items are evaluated to see the most cost effective means for shipment. Many small items ship via UPS or FedEx; however, when dimensional weight is excessive DB Schenker, UPS Supply Chain, or even common LTL carriers are the most cost effective choice. Spare parts orders received before 1:00 PM EST can usually be shipped the same day.The order department is happy to assist with routing or shipping ques-tions.P ayMent t erMs:Cash should be included with all orders unless credit terms have been arranged. To establish credit, banking and trade references are required.A convenient credit application is available upon request. Payment via credit card is not our normal means of receiving payment. Visa and MasterCard will be accepted, but must be charged at the time of ship-ment. In addition, a payment via credit card for orders totaling more than $500 will incur a 3% convenience fee on the total transaction amount.d elivery:The majority of equipment is manufactured to order and typically ships within three to six weeks after complete order information is received by the factory. In-stock equipment typically ships within two to three days of the factory receiving complete order information.r eturns:Items specified as “Manufactured to Order” are NOT returnable.A Return Material Authorization (RMA) number must be issued by the factory in advance for any items that are returnable. The RMA number MUST be noted on the outside of the returned package. Returns must be received within 90 days of the RMA issue date. Shipping charges must be prepaid. A minimum 20% restocking charge will be applied to all authorized returns if received in new, unused condition in the original packaging.The above conditions apply to spare part returns, except spare part returns must be received within 30 days of original shipment for elec-tronic or electrical parts or within 90 days for all other parts.l oss or d aMage:For customer routed shipments, Glastender, Inc. is not responsible for any loss, damage, or delay of merchandise during shipment. Such transit claims must be filed with the carrier. Merchandise must be examined on arrival. If shortages occur, Glastender, Inc. must be notified in writing within five (5) days of delivery to honor any shortage claim. Glastender will assume responsibility for freight claims on Prepay and Add ship-ments but the customer must inspect freight and note any damage upon receipt. Failure to do so may result in losses at the customer’s expense.C ustoM o rders:Custom orders must be paid in advance and are not subject to cancel-lation.l aMinates:Some products include common, readily available plastic laminates of the customer’s selection. There may be an additional charge if uncom-mon varieties are ordered.05/18/10Glastender, Inc. • 5400 North Michigan Road • Saginaw, MI • 48604-9780800.748.0423 • 989.752.4275 • Fax 800.838.0888 / 989.752.4444 • 1Glastender, Inc. • 5400 North Michigan Road • Saginaw, MI • 48604-9780800.748.0423 • 989.752.4275 • Fax 800.838.0888 / 989.752.4444 • 2APPLICABLE TO ALL PRODUCTS SOLD WITHIN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADAGlastender, Inc. • 5400 North Michigan Road • Saginaw, MI • 48604-9780800.748.0423 • 989.752.4275 • Fax 800.838.0888 / 989.752.4444 • 3i ntroduCtionThis manual describes the operational features of Mug Froster/Plate Chiller models MF24, MF36, and MF48. Please review this information before attempting installation and operation.Long term, trouble-free service will follow if good housekeeping and maintenance procedures are followed. Thank you for selecting Glastender, Inc. products.u tility r eQuireMents and C onneCtions• Electrical: 115 V olt AC, 1 Phase, 60 Hz, 6.7 Full Load Amps. A separate 15 Amp circuit is recommended. A 6-footgrounded cord is included.• Plumbing: None required. Automatic condensate evaporator is included.u nCrating and s tart -u P i nstruCtionsAll Mug Frosters and Plate Chiller models are shipped in one carton. These steps should be followed:1. If legs or casters are included, bolt them to the base with the bolts provided.2. Unwrap power cord from base.3. Position Mug Froster/Plate Chiller and level and/or seal as required (see page 2).4. Install shelves.5. Plug into 115 volt AC outlet.6. Load with mugs, glasses, plates, etc.7.Your Glastender Mug Froster/Plate Chiller is now ready for use.s ealing M ug F roster and P late C hiller B ase to F loorTo comply with NSF & health codes. The Mug Froster base must be sealed to the floor using NSF listed sealant.Place a bead of sealant along outer edges of the base and remove excess with disposable towel.Glastender, Inc. • 5400 North Michigan Road • Saginaw, MI • 48604-9780800.748.0423 • 989.752.4275 • Fax 800.838.0888 / 989.752.4444 • 4o PerationThe Mug Froster/Plate Chiller is designed to chill mugs, glasses, plates, etc. that will appear “frosted” when removed. The operating temperature range of 0°F (-18°C) to 35°F (2°C).The Mug Froster/Plate Chiller should be filled with dry, room-temperature mugs, glasses, plates, etc. to allow maximum chilling. During business hours, the Mug Froster/Plate Chiller can be loaded with additional dry, room-temperature mugs, glasses, plates, etc. Allow 30 minutes for chilling.The Mug Froster/Plate Chiller includes an automatic defrost system. Defrosting will occur every six hours for approxi-mately 20 minutes. During the defrost cycle, the fan inside the Mug Froster/Plate Chiller will turn off and a small amount of mist may appear if the top is opened.There is also a manual defrost system controlled by a switch located on the front left bottom of the Mug Froster/Plate Chiller. This is used when there is ice or snow accumulation inside. An end-of-the-day or weekly schedule can be estab-lished for the activation of this manual defrost cycle.When the manual defrost switch is pushed, a light will turn on and the Mug Froster/Plate Chiller will go into a six-hour defrost. After six hours, the Mug Froster/Plate Chiller will resume normal operation.If the manual defrost switch is accidentally pushed, the defrost cycle can be terminated by unplugging the power cord for three seconds.C leaning i nstruCtionsCleaning is essential to sustaining the integrity of your equipment and preventing corrosion.ESTIMATED CLEANING TIME: 5 to 10 minutes per unit daily, 30 minutes quarterlyFREQUENCY: Daily cleaning of exterior & door gaskets. Quarterly cleaning of interior, including shelves.PROCEDURE:1. A non-chlorine based cleaner or mild detergent and warm water applied with a soft cloth or sponge to all contact sur-faces.2. Immediately rinse off cleaning agent(s), using clean warm water, clean soft cloth or sponge.3. Dry with a soft clean cloth, removing standing water as soon as possible.NOTES:1. Never use hydrochloric acid, wire brushes, steel wool, scrapers, or chlorine based cleaners on stainless steel surfaces,since they will break down the passivity layer and allow corrosion to occur.2. On stainless steel surfaces, you may use a soft bristle brush or Scotch-Brite ® pad for more stubborn stains. Alwaysscrub with the direction of the grain. Follow with a thorough cleaning as described above.3. Deposits from food preparation must be properly removed. Even hard water deposits will rust stainless steel, if notremoved.4. Repeated cleaning may dry up black-vinyl-clad steel (exterior) surfaces of the cooler. Armor All ® or similar productcan bring back the shine. Apply the product to a cloth and then rub into the surface, rather than spraying it directly onto the black-vinyl-clad surface.5. The cooler door gaskets are most often overlooked when cleaning. Failure to clean them regularly will lead to prema-ture failure, since alcohol and moisture build-up breaks down the gasket material.6. Mug frosters have a manual defrost timer switch on the front near the bottom, which will activate a 6-hour defrost cycle.Depressing the switch before you close for the evening will remove excess frost build-up on the interior liner. This pro-cedure should be done as often as is necessary. It should also be done the night before the quarterly interior cleaning.e leCtriCal and r eFrigeration s PeCiFiCationsd esignM odel r eFrigerant P ressure(L-to-R length) e leCtriCal t yPe C harge h igh l oW 24”, 36”, 48” 115V, 1Ph., 60 Hz., 6.7 Amp R404A 8.5oz. 350 175800.748.0423 • 989.752.4275 • Fax 800.838.0888 / 989.752.4444 • 5Glastender, Inc. • 5400 North Michigan Road • Saginaw, MI • 48604-9780800.748.0423 • 989.752.4275 • Fax 800.838.0888 / 989.752.4444 • 6Glastender, Inc. • 5400 North Michigan Road • Saginaw, MI • 48604-9780800.748.0423 • 989.752.4275 • Fax 800.838.0888 / 989.752.4444 • 7P art n o .o ld P art n o .d esCriPtionP riCe3. 07000127Overload protector for R404 Aspera compressor 15.00 4. 07000175 GT-035026 1/3 HP Tecumseh compressor, R404A (after 1/00) 375.000700023719. 07000235 GT-038203 Wicking material, consists to 11 4” pieces, MF24 14.0007000724Glastender, Inc. • 5400 North Michigan Road • Saginaw, MI • 48604-9780800.748.0423 • 989.752.4275 • Fax 800.838.0888 / 989.752.4444 • 8Glastender, Inc. • 5400 North Michigan Road • Saginaw, MI • 48604-9780800.748.0423 • 989.752.4275 • Fax 800.838.0888 / 989.752.4444 • 9P art n o .o ld P art n o .d esCriPtionP riCe12. 07000227 GT-037419 Control module, complete400.00Glastender, Inc. • 5400 North Michigan Road • Saginaw, MI • 48604-9780800.748.0423 • 989.752.4275 • Fax 800.838.0888 / 989.752.4444 • 10P art n o .o ld P art n o .d esCriPtionP riCe07000159 9. 07000162 GT-033108 Shelf, 12” x 19-5/8” [MF36 = 3 (bottom, middle, top),40.0007000224 Complete shelf kit for MF36 (includes: 1- 07000159, MF24 = 1MF36 = 1MF48 = 2MF24 = 0MF36 = 0MF48 = 119-5/8″19-5/8″19-5/8″19-5/8″0700015907000158Glastender, Inc. • 5400 North Michigan Road • Saginaw, MI • 48604-9780800.748.0423 • 989.752.4275 • Fax 800.838.0888 / 989.752.4444 • 11P artn o .o ldP art n o .d esCriPtionP riCeGlastender, Inc. • 5400 North Michigan Road • Saginaw, MI • 48604-9780800.748.0423 • 989.752.4275 • Fax 800.838.0888 / 989.752.4444 • 1207000193 GT-036112 Back, stainless steel, MF24 80.00 07000194 GT-036113 Back, black vinyl-clad, MF36 50.00 07000195 GT-036114 Back, stainless steel, MF36 100.00 2. 07000196 GT-036115 Back, black vinyl-clad, MF48 55.00 07000197 GT-036116 Back, stainless steel, MF4896.00 3. 07000198 GT-036117 Side, left, black vinyl-clad, all models 40.00Model MF48Front viewRear viewFront viewGlastender, Inc. • 5400 North Michigan Road • Saginaw, MI • 48604-9780800.748.0423 • 989.752.4275 • Fax 800.838.0888 / 989.752.4444 • 13Installation Notes____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Original System InstallerCompany: _____________________________________________Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________City, State, Zip: _____________________________________________Phone Number: _____________________________________________Fax Number: _____________________________________________Contact:_____________________________________________P artno .desCriPtionPriCeExpect moremore flexibilitymore featuresGlastender has the most complete line of bar equipment andthe ability to manufacture custom units, giving you virtuallyunlimited design flexibility. Each piece of equipment isengineered with features that enhance your efficiency, easeyour maintenance, and prolong the life of your investment.The flexibility you want. The features you need. GLASSWASHERS • COCKTAIL STAT。

成都新为诚 微型真空泵V30系列产品说明书

成都新为诚 微型真空泵V30系列产品说明书







DENSO Climate Pro 12 冷却系统零件目录说明书

DENSO Climate Pro 12 冷却系统零件目录说明书

SPARE PARTS CATALOGCLIMATE PRO 12Table of ContentsNo.UNIT PARTNUMBERSERIAL NUMBER RANGE REFRIGERANT SECTION1GX484000-45000915XXXXH12 to Present(From September 2015 to Present)R410APage 3 ~ 13SP0083-01SERIAL NUMBER LOCATION AND IDENTIFICATION© 2015 DENSO PRODUCTS AND SERVICES AMERICAS, INC.All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced or copied, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher. DENSO PRODUCTS AND SERVICES AMERICAS, INC. reserves the right to make changes without prior notice. MovinCool®, Office Pro® andSpotCool® are registered trademarks of DENSO Corporation.No.1SP0083-01 CLIMATE PRO 12Unit Part No:GX484000-4500Unit Serial Number Range:0915XXXXH12 to Present(From September 2015 to Present)3Unit Serial Number Range: 0915XXXXH12 to PresentSP0083-014Unit Serial Number Range: 0915XXXXH12 to PresentILL.NO.DESCRIPTION PART NO.QTY.UNIT SERIAL NO. RANGE*REMARKS**5SP0083-01*: Please refer to page number 2 for the position of the nameplate showing the serial number on the unit."Unit Serial Number Range*" column indicates the first four digits of the unit serial number.**: Please refer to the Reference Table on page number 15 for more information on the remarks.1Caster w/Brake LA484702-033022Caster w/No Brake LA484702-034023Bolt w/Washer 91510-081418M8×1.25, L=144Washer, Plate 90201-064001For Ground Screw 5Ground Screw 90051-061201M6×1, L=126Clamp LA484506-00901For LCDI Power Cord, w/Screws7Clamp 465574-017028Nut949056-15013M4×0.79Frame Sub-Assy LA484310-36001For Drain Tank 10Spring, Tension Coil 484917-06802For Drain Tank 11Drain Tank Switch LA484502-03801(DS)12Wire Assy 481950-22701For Drain Tank Switch 13Screw w/Washer 91310-031612M3×0.5, L=1614Drain Pan Assy, Indoor LA484430-0120115ScrewGX949006-585050M4×0.7, L=1016Drain Pan Assy, Outdoor GX484430-08601w/Heater17Screw, Tapping 482801-29206D=4, L=12 for Plastic Bush 18Jumper Plug LA484930-81601For Optional Condensate Pump 19Wire Assy 481950-22601For Optional Condensate Pump 20Plate LA484311-28801Cover for Condensate Pump Wire 21Switch Assy GX484560-24601Operation Panel & PCB w/ILL.No.21-121-1Wire Assy GX481950-23001(RB)↔(CB), Main Wire Harness 22ScrewGX949006-58504M4×0.7, L=1023Wire Assy, Ground 481950-22801L=110024Screw, Ground 91051-041002M4×0.7, L=1025Screw w/Washer 91370-061211M6×1, L=1226Stay Sub-Assy GX484340-37401Divider Panel for Outdoor Heat Exchanger 27Panel Assy, Right GX484470-51401w/ILL.No.27-1~27-527-1Right Handle LA484450-0051127-2Holder 484927-09902Magnet Type 27-3Catch LA481922-00302Door Hook 27-4Screw 949006-44404M3×0.5, L=827-5Screw, Tapping 949001-35306D=4, L=1028Bolt w/Washer91370-061414For Panel Assy Right, M6×1, L=14Unit Serial Number Range: 0915XXXXH12 to PresentSP0083-016Unit Serial Number Range: 0915XXXXH12 to PresentILL.NO.DESCRIPTION PART NO.QTY.UNIT SERIAL NO. RANGE*REMARKS**7SP0083-01*: Please refer to page number 2 for the position of the nameplate showing the serial number on the unit."Unit Serial Number Range*" column indicates the first four digits of the unit serial number.**: Please refer to the Reference Table on page number 15 for more information on the remarks.29Panel Sub-Assy, Right GX484470-51601w/ILL.29-1~29-429-1Filter, Outdoor GX484401-2090129-2Wire Frame GX484310-6670129-3Hinge GX484912-0180229-4Screw 949006-33004For Hinge, M3×0.5, L=630Bolt480919-037016M4×0.7, L=1031Panel Assy, Top GX484490-0710132Panel Assy, Left GX484490-07201w/ILL.No.32-1~32-332-1Left Handle LA484450-0061132-2CatchLA481922-0030132-3Screw, Tapping949001-35306D=4, L=1033Panel Assy, Drain Tank Door LA484410-50311w/ILL.No.33-1~33-433-1Door Hook LA484927-1010233-2Screw, Tapping LA949001-17304For Door Hook, D=4, L=1633-3Hinge GX484912-0180233-4Screw 949006-33004For Hinge, M3×0.5, L=634Nut 91160-032414M3×0.535Drain Tank484731-0220136Panel Assy, Upper Front GX484490-07501w/ILL.No.36-1~36-236-1Louver, Air Outlet LA480431-0091136-2PinLA484913-0070337Panel Assy, Lower Front LAY84410-00211w/ILL.No.37-1~37-737-1Filter, Indoor LA484401-1160137-2Wire Frame LAY84310-0020137-3Door Hook LA484927-1010137-4Screw, Tapping LA949001-17302For Door Hook, D=4, L=1637-5Hinge GX484912-0180237-6Screw 949006-33004For Hinge, M3×0.5, L=637-7ClipLAY84917-00512For Wire Frame 38Panel Assy, Rear GX484490-07301w/ILL.No.38-138-1GrommetGX484926-07002D=19.1, For Signal Device/External Thermostat Wire39Wire Assy, LCDI Power Cord LA481950-1440140Service Panel GX484490-0740141Washer, Toothed 949016-02309For Service Panel42Stripe Kit AssyLA484003-11101Sticker for Left & Right HandlesUnit Serial Number Range: 0915XXXXH12 to PresentSP0083-018Unit Serial Number Range: 0915XXXXH12 to PresentILL.NO.DESCRIPTION PART NO.QTY.UNIT SERIAL NO. RANGE*REMARKS**9SP0083-01*: Please refer to page number 2 for the position of the nameplate showing the serial number on the unit."Unit Serial Number Range*" column indicates the first four digits of the unit serial number.**: Please refer to the Reference Table on page number 15 for more information on the remarks.1Compressor Assy GX484650-34101w/Pipe for Discharge & Suction w/ILL.No.1-1~1-41-1Wire Assy 481950-22001For Compressor1-2Overload Relay GX484501-042011-3Cushion GX484904-038031-4CollarGX484915-041032Washer, Steel Plate 949011-533033Nut90190-086513M8×1.254Indoor Heat Exchanger Assy GX484600-29701w/ILL.No.4-1~4-24-1Pipe AssyGX484800-593014-2Expansion Valve Assy GX484800-59401w/ILL.No.4-2-14-2-1Expansion Valve 484602-011014-2-2Controller Assy484500-475015Outdoor Heat Exchanger Assy GX484600-29801w/ILL.No.5-15-1Pipe Assy GX484800-59701w/ILL.No.5-1-1, 5-1-35-1-1 4 Way Valve GX484782-029015-1-2Controller Assy GX484500-45101For 4 Way Valve 5-1-3High Pressure Switch GX484660-06601(HPRS)6Thermistor Assy GX482780-19601ODS 7Thermistor Assy 482780-15401CTS38Thermistor Assy 482780-09601CTS1, CTS29Thermistor Assy 482780-15501RTS10Pipe Assy, Charging 484800-04401 5 Pieces Per Package11Pipe AssyGX484800-59801Unit Serial Number Range: 0915XXXXH12 to PresentSP0083-0110Unit Serial Number Range: 0915XXXXH12 to PresentILL.NO.DESCRIPTION PART NO.QTY.UNIT SERIAL NO. RANGE*REMARKS**11SP0083-01*: Please refer to page number 2 for the position of the nameplate showing the serial number on the unit."Unit Serial Number Range*" column indicates the first four digits of the unit serial number.**: Please refer to the Reference Table on page number 15 for more information on the remarks.1Stay Sub-Assy, Indoor Fan Motor GX484340-37201Mounting Plate 2Motor, Indoor Fan GX484211-227013Fan, Indoor LA484221-03601w/Set Screw 4NutGX949056-143013M6×15Stay Sub-Assy, Outdoor Fan Casing GX484340-37301Mounting Plate 6Motor, Outdoor Fan GX484211-228017Fan, OutdoorGX484221-08001w/Set Screw 8Casing Sub-Assy, Outdoor Fan GX480420-013019ScrewGX949006-585016M4×0.7, L=1010Ring, Outdoor Inlet GX484381-0920111Stay, Control Panel Right LA484331-6670112Stay, Control Panel Left LA484331-6660113Switch Assy GX484560-24601Operation Panel & PCB w/ILL.No.13-113-1Wire AssyGX481950-23001(RB)↔(CB), Main Wire HarnessUnit Serial Number Range: 0915XXXXH12 to PresentSP0083-0112Unit Serial Number Range: 0915XXXXH12 to PresentILL.NO.DESCRIPTION PART NO.QTY.UNIT SERIAL NO. RANGE*REMARKS**13SP0083-01*: Please refer to page number 2 for the position of the nameplate showing the serial number on the unit."Unit Serial Number Range*" column indicates the first four digits of the unit serial number.**: Please refer to the Reference Table on page number 15 for more information on the remarks.1Service Box GX484520-144012Relay Board GX484500-47201(RB), w/ILL.No.2-12-1Fuse, Relay Board GX481936-025011A, 250V, D=5.2, L=203Support482125-317094Capacitor, Fan Motor GX484507-17802(CF1, CF2), 370VAC, 7.5μF 5Holder, Fan Motor Capacitor LA484927-088026Screw949006-32508M4×0.7, L=107Capacitor, Compressor Motor GX484507-17701(CC), 370VAC, 60μF 8Holder, Compressor Motor Capacitor LA484927-102019Terminal Block GX484503-13601(TB1), For Power 10Screw 949006-32802M4×0.7, L=1811Washer, Plate 90200-04331212Screw 91051-041004For Ground, M4×0.7, L=1013Washer, Plate 90201-043004For Ground 14Grommet LA484926-04908D=19.715Clip 482852-06805For Wires16Grommet 482833-06601For Fixing Outdoor Drain Pan 17Transformer GX480819-01701Primary: 115VAC, 40VA Secondary: 20VAC18Terminal Block 484503-13701(TB2), For Input/Output Signal 19Terminal Block 484503-13801(TB3), For External Thermostat w/Jumper Plugs 20Fuse GX481936-02401 1.5A, 250V, D=5.2, L=2021Fuse Holder GX484927-1370122Screw, w/Washer 91310-031615M3×0.5, L=1623Wire Assy 481950-22101(RB, CF1, CF2, CC)↔(TB1)24Wire Assy 481950-22201(RTS, CTS1~CTS3, ODS)↔(RB)25Wire Assy 481950-22311(TB1)↔(RB, Fuse Holder)26Wire Assy 481950-22401(TB2, TB3)↔(RB)27Wire Assy 481950-22501(DS, HPRS)↔(RB)28Wire AssyGX481950-23001(RB)↔(CB)[ Memo ]14Reference Table:DS Drain Switch RTS Room Thermistor(Indoor Air Inlet Thermistor)RB Relay Board CF1Capacitor for Indoor Fan Motor CB Control Board CF2Capacitor for Outdoor Fan Motor HPRS High Pressure Switch CC Capacitor for Compressor MotorTB1Terminal BlockODS Outdoor Thermistor(Outdoor Air Inlet Thermistor)CTS1Evaporator Pipe ThermistorTB2Terminal Block(Indoor Pipe Thermistor)CTS2Compressor Pipe Thermistor TB3Terminal BlockCTS3Condenser Pipe Thermistor(Outdoor Pipe Thermistor)Second Issue: November 2015。

英格索兰操作手册Nirvana37-45 CC(中文版)

英格索兰操作手册Nirvana37-45 CC(中文版)
(包括 O 形圈) 1 过滤器, 驱动装置
润滑剂 92837085 92692284 92692292 39433735 39433743
1升 5升 25 升 5 加仑 55 加仑
超级冷却剂 超级冷却剂 超级冷却剂 超级冷却剂 超级冷却剂
42486597 54736749
1 组件-主机轴封 1 主机(替换)
您可以用由经过全面培训的英格索兰技术人员制造的新的或翻修的主机来替换您的主机。您也将得到 主机的保修担保和 AirCare。
5.0 空压机/电机/进气系统
T5702 修改 00 版 01 年 7 月
1 进风口支撑/外壳
1 进风-入口 1 泡沫塑料 1 泡沫塑料 2 泡沫塑料 1 泡沫塑料 1 冷却器 2 支撑板 1 进风罩底板 1 支撑 1 电机
(4kw 220-550v 50Hz) 1 电机
(5hp 200v 60Hz)
7 54701461 54701453
5HP 200V TEFC 60Hz 1 风机, 电机
5HP 230/460/575V 60Hz 1 风机, 电机
5HP 380V TEFC 60Hz
1 高粉尘过滤器升级组件
1 超级冷却剂检查组件 (欧洲/非洲)
1 超级冷却剂试验组件 (美洲)
1 超级冷却剂试验组件 (亚洲)
1 补修漆 喷罐, 浅褐色
阀 54687827 54686787 54654652 54630512 54699459 54658307 39303219 39902374


1.1 分类与型号.............................................................................................................................................................................1 1.2 命名规则.................................................................................................................................................................................1 1.3 主要部件.................................................................................................................................................................................1 1.4 技术参数.................................................................................................................................................................................2
附录二 有毒有害物质标识表 ............................................................................................................................................. 15

法国OEM7便携式水分检测仪 (中文说明书)

法国OEM7便携式水分检测仪 (中文说明书)

便携式电解水分检测仪OEM7 –COR用于腐蚀性样气测量仪器操作手册分析部分电解水分分析仪OEM 7 COR 仪器操作手册分析部分总目录I、概述1)、仪器介绍 2)、基本原理II、仪器应用III、仪器描述IV、仪器开机V、技术参数VI、调节水分检测仪“OEM7”VII、仪器维护I、概述1)、仪器介绍便携式电解水分分析仪OEM 7 Cor是一种精密的水分分析仪器,专门用于精密连续地检测和测量气态样品中的水分含量,仪器特别适合于低浓度的水分分析。










-Monel 400 型系统可以使用于氯气(Cl2)等腐蚀性气体。














-氟里昂12 & 22。


SANTOS Santosafe N°37 厨房搅拌机 用户和维护手册说明书

SANTOS Santosafe N°37 厨房搅拌机 用户和维护手册说明书

SANTOS: User and maintenance manualUSER AND MAINTENANCE MANUALIMPORTANT: documents included in this manual to be kept:• "CE" COMPLIANCE DECLARATION • WARRANTY CERTIFICATETranslation of the original versionRead the instructions for use before unpacking the appliance.Coffee grinders - Fruit juicers - Mixers - Blenders - Drinks dispensers - Planetary mixers Cheese graters - Ice crushers - Mincers - Vegetable slicers – Dough mixerMoulins à café – Presse-fruits - Mixers – Blenders – Distributeurs de boissons –Batteurs mélangeurs - Pétrin – Râpes à fromage – Broyeurs à glaçons – Hache-viande – Coupe-légumesMODELES DEPOSES FRANCE ET INTERNATIONALINTERNATIONALLY PATENTED MODELSSANTOS SAS :140-150 AVENUE ROGER SALENGRO69120 VAULX-EN-VELIN (LYON) - FRANCEPHONE 33 (0) 472 37 35 29 - FAX 33 (0) 478 26 58 21 - E-Mail:****************www.santos.frKITCHEN BLENDER SANTOSAFE N°37CONTENTS“CE/EU” COMPLIANCE DECLARATION (3)SAFETY RULES (4)INSTALLATION AND HANDLING (4)DO NOT: (4)ELECTRICAL CONNECTION: (5)1st TIME USE (6)RECYCLING THE PRODUCT AT THE END OF ITS SERVICE LIFE (6)DESCRIPTION OF APPLIANCE (7)USING THE APPLIANCE (7)USING FOR THE 1st TIME: (7)Locking the jar clamping rod: (7)Operation: (8)Stopping the appliance: (8)Rotation speed: (8)Mixing solid foods: (8)Ice: (8)Making a mayonnaise: (8)RECOMMENDATIONS WHEN MAKING HOT PREPARATIONS: (9)CLEANING (9)MAINTENANCE (10)Changing the coupling system: (10)Spare parts: (11)Prolonged periods of non-use: (11)FAULT FINDING (12)The machine will not start: (12)The appliance stops following an overload: (12)The motor runs but the blades do not rotate: (12)APPLIANCE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (13)Electrical wiring diagram: (15)220-240V 50/60Hz wiring diagram (15)Figures (16)WARRANTY CERTIFICATE (17)APPLIANCE IDENTIFICATION PLATE (17)“E C/EU” COMPLIANCE DECLARATIONTHE MANUFACTURER:SANTOS SAS - 140-150, Av. Roger SALENGRO 69120 VAULX-EN-VELIN (LYON) FRANCEdeclares that the appliance intended for the professional market described below: Description: MIXERType number: 37complies with:•the statutory provisions defined in appendix 1 of the European "machines" directive n°2006/42/EC and the national legislation transposing it•the statutory provisions of the following European directives and regulations: o N° 2014/35/EU (low voltage directive)o N° 2014/30/EU (EMC directive)o N° 2011/65/EU (RoHS directive)o N° 2012/19/EU (WEEE directive)o N° 1935/2004/EC (regulation) relating to materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodstuffso N° 10/2011/EU (regulation) plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with foodHarmonised European standards used to give presumption of conformity with the essential requirements of the above-mentioned directives:•NF EN 12852+A1: 2010, Food processing machinery –Food preparation equipment and blenders - Safety and hygiene requirements.This European standard is a type-C standard as defined in EN ISO 12100. When the provisions ofthis type-C standard differ from those stated in the type-A or B standards, the provisions of the type-C standard override the provisions of the other standards. This standard provides the means tocomply with the requirements of the "machines" directive n°2006/42/CE, (see appendix ZA) •NF EN ISO 12100: 2010: Safety of machinery - General principles for design•NF EN 60204-1: 2018: Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines-General requirements•NF EN 1672-2: 2020, Food processing machinery – Basic concepts – Hygiene requirements•NF EN 60335-1: 2013 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances•EN 60335-2-64:2004 Part 2-64: Particular requirements for commercial electric kitchen machines.Drawn up in VAULX-EN-VELIN on: 01/02/2022Signatory’s position: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERSignatory’s name: Aurélien FOUQUETSignature:SAFETY RULESAt the time of use, maintenance or scrapping of the appliance, always ensure that the following elementary precautions are adhered to.Read the explanatory instructions in fullKeep this user manualINSTALLATION AND HANDLINGIt is prohibited to hold the appliance by the rod (1) or locking lever (2) The appliance can be installed by one person alone.For ease of use, you are advised to place the appliance on a table or work surface to easily add the ingredients or to monitor the progress(recommended height: 90 cm, to be adapted as required for the user).DO NOT:1. Plunge the base in water or any other liquid for reasons of protection against risks of electrocution.2. Use this applicable to blend, grind or emulsify anything other than foodstuffs3. Pass the pits through the appliance. Remove the pits from fruits before passing them in the appliance (e.g. mangos, apricots, peaches).4. The appliance is not designed for processing frozen foods.5. Do not insert solid ingredients into the mixer before switching it on.6. Do not operate the appliance with the jar empty.7. Do not remove the jar until the blades have stopped completely. 8. Never leave water permanently in the jar.9. Neither a water spray or a pressure spray should be used for cleaning 10. Never attempt to change the blades with the jar on the base.11. Be careful not to get burnt when preparing hot products. The surfaces of the jar and lid may be very hot12. Insert or store kitchen utensils in the jar.13. Operate the appliance if the jar or a blade is chipped, cracked or broken. Never use a jar if there is any play with respect to the blade.14. It is forbidden to operate the appliance on a surface with a slope in excess of 10° relative to the horizontal plane. All 5 feet of the appliance must always be resting on this surface.15. Use of spare parts other than certified original SANTOS parts is prohibited.!!Note: You will find it easier to understand the next few paragraphs if you refer to the diagrams at the end of this manual.16. use the unit with a damaged power cord. it must be replaced by anauthorized dealer or by SANTOS company, or by similarly qualified personsin order to avoid a hazard.17. The appliance must be unplugged before any intervention on it: cleaning,general care, maintenance.18. Connect several appliances to the same power socket.19. Use the appliance outdoors.20. Never place the appliance close to or on a source of heat.21. This appliance is a professional machine designed exclusively forprofessional use. It is not designed for household use.22. This appliance is not designed for use by people (including children) whosephysical, sensorial or mental capacities are impaired or by people with noexperience or knowledge, unless they have been supervised or given trainingin the use of the appliance beforehand by a person responsible for theirsafety.Supervise children to ensure they do not play with the appliance.23. This appliance is intended for use in communal areas, e.g. in the kitchens ofrestaurants, canteens, hospitals and artisan trades such as bakeries,butcher's shops, etc., but not for continuous mass production of food.ELECTRICAL CONNECTION:•The appliance's power supply is available in two single-phase voltages:-100-120 V 50/60 Hz:-220-240 V 50/60 Hz:Note: This appliance can operate at both 50Hz and 60Hz without any adjustments.Line protection: the appliance must be connected to a standard 2 pole + earth socket. The set-up must be fitted with a differential circuit breaker and a 16A fuse. Earthing of the appliance is compulsory.TAKE CARE:•Before connecting the appliance, check that the mains electrical voltage is the same as the voltage for your appliance. Its value is shown:!➢either on the identification plate under the appliance.➢or on the identification plate on the last page of this manual.•If the power cord is damaged, it must be replaced by an authorized dealer or by SANTOS company, or by similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard.TAKE CARE: Check that the on / off switch (3) is in position “OFF” beforeplugging the power cord in to the mains power socket.1st TIME USE!Be careful not to get cut when handling the blades or cleaning insidethe jar.Thoroughly clean all parts in contact with the food.Wash the following with a standard dish washing product: jars (6), lids (7), caps (8).You are not advised to wash the lid seal (9) and the blade seal (16) in a dishwasher. RECYCLING THE PRODUCT AT THE END OF ITS SERVICE LIFEThis appliance is marked with the symbol of the selective waste sortingsystem relating to waste electrical and electronic equipment. This meansthat this product is covered by a selective sorting system in compliance withthe 2012/19/EU Directive (WEEE) - part relating to appliances forprofessional use - so as to be either recycled or dismantled with a view toreducing any impact on the environment.For further information, you can contact SANTOS or your local dealer.For the disposal or recycling of the appliance components, please refer to a specialist company or contact SANTOS.Electronic products not covered by a selective sorting system are potentially dangerous for the environment.The packaging material should be disposed of or recycled in accordance with regulations in force.DESCRIPTION OF APPLIANCEMixer N° 37 is an electrical appliance designed to blend, grind and mix different foodstuffs in the form of liquids, doughs/batters or solids. The most common applications relate to the following preparations:• COOKING : soups – cream soups - sauces - creams - mousses - purées - pâtés - soufflés...• DESSERTS : creams – stewed fruit - batters - milk-shakes - flans - mousses... • DRINKS : fruit, vegetable cocktails - punches - syrups - sangria.USING THE APPLIANCEDo not operate the appliance with the jar empty.USING FOR THE 1st TIME:Locking the jar clamping rod:For your safety, the appliance can only operate when the jar (6) is closed by its lid (7) and correctly positioned on the base (4).Push the handle (2) down to lock or then down again to unlock the jar clamping rod (1).When in the unlocked position (rod in top position), place the jar closed by its lid on the base (4).Push the handle (2) down to lock the jar (6) (rod in lower position). Turn the rotary switch (3) to start up the motor and set the desired speed.!17642315Handle in Locked positionHandle in Unlocked position2Operation:The mixer must always operate with a minimum of liquid in the jar in order to drive solid foods towards the blades.Maximum speed with rotary switch: 15,000 rpmSpeed with PULSE button: 18,000 rpmStopping the appliance:There are two ways to stop the appliance:1. Turn the rotary switch (3) to "OFF" to stop the motor completely, then operate thehandle (2) to release the jar. Wait until the blades have stopped completely beforeremoving the jar from the base.2. During operation at a set speed, push the handle (2) down to unlock the clamping rod(1). This operation will stop the appliance without altering the speed adjustment.Wait until the blades have stopped completely before removing the jar from the base.Rotation speed:The rotation speed of the blades must be adapted to the results desired and the type of foodstuffs to be processed.Mixing solid foods:Dice up dry ingredients and insert them through the opening in the lid (7) when the appliance is in operation.Increase the size of the cubes according to the quantity of food already mixed or "puréed" in the jar.Ice:Do not use the blades to crush blocks of ice.Small ice cubes like those produced by the majority of automatic ice makers can be crushed at low speed.Making a mayonnaise:Put all the ingredients in the jar except for the oil. During operation, remove the cap (8) from the lid and add the oil a little at a time pouring it in evenly.RECOMMENDATIONS WHEN MAKING HOT PREPARATIONS:In order to optimise the operation and safety of the appliance, you are advised to: •Fill the jar according to its functional capacity and not its total capacity•Do not use the pulse button at the start.•Gradually increase the mixing speed.•Replace the blade and lid seal every 6 months when making hot preparations.The seal may loosen when in contact with very hot food and lead to a leakageproblem over time.CLEANINGBe careful not to get cut when handling the blades or cleaning inside the jar.IMPORTANT:•Stop the appliance and unplug the power cord from theappliance.•The appliance should neither be cleaned in a water spray nor !with a pressure spray•The motor unit (4) must not be immersed in water.•Do not use an abrasive sponge to clean the plastic jar (6).•Do not hermetically close the jar when the appliance is stored away(remove the cap (8) from the lid).You are advised to clean the appliance as soonas you have finished using it.It will be easier to clean if you do not allow theremaining scraps of food to dry.For thorough cleaning, take apart the parts of the jar(unscrew the jar (6) from the handle base (5)) andwash them with hot soapy water, rinse and dry.The base can be cleaned using a soft, wet sponge.6Unscrewing75 9MAINTENANCEPrior to carrying out any intervention on the appliance, it must be disconnected from the mains without fail.Changing the coupling system:When changing the couplings, make sure you adhere to the position of each component:• flexible coupling (11) on the motor unit • rigid coupling (12) on the blade holder.IMPORTANT: Motor end:Turn the screw (13) counter clockwise to remove the flexible coupling (11). Blade end:Turn the screw (14) counter clockwise to remove the rigid coupling (12).REMARKS: for N°37 versions prior to 2012, screw (13) must be turned clockwise to remove the flexible coupling (11).!Loosening direction of fixing screw, motor end: counter clockwise Loosening direction of fixing screw, jar end: counterclockwise14 12 11 13Spare parts:IMPORTANT: use of spare parts other than certified original SANTOS parts !is prohibitedThis machine requires no specific maintenance. The bearings are lubricated for life.If any intervention is necessary to replace parts subject to wear, such as the couplings, blades, jar seals, electrical or other components, please refer to the parts lists (see the exploded view at the end of this manual).For all spare part orders (see references in the exploded view at the end of the manual), state:➢the type➢the appliance serial number and➢the electrical specificationsgiven under the appliance.Prolonged periods of non-use:There are no problems with this appliance in the event of prolonged periods of non-use. You are simply advised to clean it before use and check that the components of the appliance are in good condition (e.g. power cord, seals and other spare parts).FAULT FINDINGIdentifying the cause of appliance stoppage with precision.If the problem persists, switch off the power supply to the appliance (unplug the cord from the mains socket) and call in the maintenance service or contact a SANTOS approved dealer.The machine will not start:•Check : the mains supply, the condition of the power cord•To run the motor of the mixer the jar (6) with its lid (7) closed must be placed on the base(4) and locked using the clamping rod (1).•Check that there is no food that is too hard or big jamming the blades (10).The appliance stops following an overload:•If the motor stalls during operation, reduce the load, allow the appliance to cool down for several tens of minutes.•Check that there is no food that is too hard or big jamming the blades (10).The motor runs but the blades do not rotate:•Check the condition of the coupling system. If required, change the 2 parts at the same time.(see "maintenance” section)APPLIANCE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSModel n° 37Power supply voltage (V) 220-240Frequency (Hz) 50/60Motor (1)Input power (W) 1550Max. current (A) 8Speed (rpm) 0 to 18000Operating cycle (3) Intermittent Cycle:10min ON/10min OFF2L jar capacity (L) 1.54L jar capacity (L) 3Dimensions: Height (mm) 566Width (mm) 220Depth (mm) 303Weight: Net weight (kg) 12Packaged weight (kg) 14Noise: (2) L pAaccuracy K pA = 2.5dB(dBA) 66(1) These ratings are given for your guidance. The exact electrical specifications of your appliancecan be found on the rating plate.(2) Noise level measured in acoustic pressure of appliance loaded as per the standard ISO11201:1995 and ISO 4871:1996.Appliance placed on a work surface at 75cm from the floor. Microphone turned towards the appliance at 1.6 m from the floor and 1 m from the appliance.(3) Operating cycleThe professional appliance is designed for intermittent use according to an intermittent cycle of10 minutes on, 10 minutes off.This cycle corresponds to the operating time to perform the function and the stopping time for the preparation and serving of the products processed, in compliance with the instructions of the standard: EN 60335-2-64+A1:2004 Part 2-64: Particular requirements for commercial electric kitchen machines.ITEM Description1 Clamping rod2 Locking handle3 Switch, speed adjustment4 Motor unit5 Jar handle6 Jar7 Lid8 Cap of lid9 Lid seal10 Blade assembly11 Flexible motor coupling12 Rigid jar coupling13 Motor coupling screw14 Blade coupling screw15 PULSE button16 Blade sealElectrical wiring diagram:220-240V 50/60Hz wiring diagramFGBDNEIJAUNE YELLOW GELB GEEL AMARILLO GIALLO BLANC WHITE WEISS WIT BLANCO BLANCO NOIR BLACK SCHWARZ ZWART NEGRO NERO BLEU BLUE BLAU BLAUW AZUL BLU ROUGE RED ROT ROOD ROJO ROSSO MARRON BROWN BRAUN BRUN MARRON MARRONE ORANGE ORANGE ORANGE ORANJE NARANA ARANCIONE VIOLET VIOLET VIOLETT VIOLET VIOLETA VIOLA GRISGREYGRAUGRIJSGRISGRIGIOVERT/JAUNEGREEN/YELLOWGRÜN/GELBGROEN / GEELVERDE/AMARILLOVERDE/GIALLOMOTEURVert Rouge BlancGris MarronBlancUNITE ELECTRONIQUE DECONTROLEPotentiomètre Réglage de vitesseFILTRE ANTI -PARASITES220-240 V ~MarronNoirBlancGrisViolet OrangeViolet OrangeGris Blanc PulseMarronNoir Interrupteur manetteNoir Marron NoirBlanc OrangeGris GrisVert/jauneVert/jauneBlanc12 JauneRougeFigures5213978 4 61015106579 87Loosening direction of fixing screw, motor end: counterclockwiseLoosening direction of fixing screw, jar end: counterclockwise1412 1113WARRANTY CERTIFICATEWARRANTYSince the 01.01.95, all our appliances comply with CE and possess the CE label. Our guarantee is of 24 months from the manufacturing date mentioned on the descriptive plate, except concerning the asynchronous motors (consisting of a rotor and a stator) which are warranted for 5 years from their manufacturing date. Warranty is strictly limited to the free replacement of any part of origin recognized by us as defective due to a defect or building default and identified as belonging to the concerned appliance. Warranty does not apply to damages resulting from installation or use non-complying with our appliance data sheet (user’s manual) or in case of an evident lack of maintenance or disrespect of elementary security electric rules. It does not apply in case of regular wear and tear.Any replacement of parts under warranty will be realized after return of the defective part in our workshops, postage paid, supported by a copy of a conformity statement on which appears the serial number of the appliance. Every appliance is equipped with a descriptive plate conforming to the EC recommendations and of which a duplicate exists in the conformity statement (serial number, manufacturing date, electrical characteristics …). In case of serious damage judged repairable only in our workshops, and after prior consent from our departments, any appliance under guarantee is sent by the Distributor, carriage paid. In case of repairs or reconditioning of appliances not under guarantee, the round trip transport is payable by the distributor. The parts and workforce are invoiced at the current rate. A preliminary estimate can be supplied.Coffee grinder not using SANTOS original burrs are not taken under guarantee. The warranty conditions, repairs, reconditioning, of the espresso coffee grinder are the object of a specific note. Our guarantee does not extend to the payment of penalties, the repair of direct or indirect damages and notably to any loss of income resulting from the nonconformity or the defectiveness of products, SANTOS's global responsibility being limited to the sale price of the delivered product and to the possible repair of the defective products.In case of revelation of an imperfection during the warranty period, the Distributor has to, unless a different written agreement of SANTOS, indicate to his customer to stop any use of the defective product. Such a use would release SANTOS of any responsibility.APPLIANCE IDENTIFICATION PLATESPECIMENFor all documents not supplied withappliance.Printed, Faxed, Downloaded。



维修手册产品型号:L37V6-A8版本:REV 1.0媒体编号旧底图总号更改标记数量更改单号签名日期底图总号拟制叶万里L37V6-A8 售后培训资料W92PZ-003---Q审核黄俊杰日期签名阶段标记第1张共22张标准化崔志龙A 青岛海尔电子有限公司开发部欧洲中心二所批准胡希嘉格式(3)描图:幅面:A4目录外观图片---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2产品规格---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5内部模块介绍--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12常见故障维修--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17工厂调试--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20媒体编号旧底图总号底图总号W92PZ-003---Q 日期签名更改标记数量更改单号签名日期第 2 张格式(3a)描图幅面:A4(一)外观图片1、整机外观图:2、端子外观图:A、前面板媒体编号旧底图总号底图总号W92PZ-003---Q 日期签名更改标记数量更改单号签名日期第 3 张B:后端子C:侧端子媒体编号旧底图总号底图总号W92PZ-003---Q 日期签名更改标记 数量 更改单号 签 名 日期 第 4 张格式(3a ) 描图 幅面:A4(二、产品规格)1. 电源: 交流 220V , 50 Hz2. 频道: 126 个节目储存 3.声音输出: 7W *2 4. 中频:图象中频: 38.9MHz彩色中频: 34.47MHz (PAL) /35.32MHz (NTSC)伴音中频: 33.4 MHz (B/G) / 32.9MHz (I)/32.4MHz (D/K) 5. 功率消耗: <220W (待机<3W) 6. 天线输入阻抗VHF/UHF 75 Ω , 平衡型(PAL)/ 非平衡型(NTSC) 7. 扬声器阻抗: 8Ω 8.屏显方式: 窗口形式9. 外部设备输入/输出:DVD 插座 音频输入: 0.4Vrms, 大于 10 K Ω视频输入/输出: 1Vp-p, 大于 75Ω RGB 输入: 0.7Vp-p ,60HZ媒体编号旧底图总号底图总号W92PZ-003---Q日期 签名更改标记 数量更改单号签 名日期第 5 张格式(3a ) 描图 幅面:A4软件规格1. 多种图像模式:标准、明亮、柔和、用户2. 多种声音模式:标准、用户、剧院、新闻、音乐3. 多种养眼调色板模式:用户、正常、6500K 、7300K 、8500K 、9300K 、自由调色4. 多种场景模式:关、电影、生动、自然、运动5. 多种画面比例:满屏、4:3 、宽屏6. 图像具有亮度、对比度、清晰度、色调、色度、养眼调色板等模拟量的调节7. 声音具有环绕声、平衡调节8. 图像静止,静音功能9. 自动搜台、手动搜台、微调10. 126个频道,频道浏览,频道跳跃功能 11. 半透明图形OSD 菜单12. 开机LOGO ,无信号屏保功能,无信号(15分钟)自动待机功能 13. 定时开关机,频道预约功能14. 睡眠功能(10、20、30、60、90、120、150、180分钟多个时间段) 15. 万能锁功能:修改密码、调谐锁、信号源锁、信号源预置、频道预置、童锁、最大音量、清除锁定 16. 数字降噪功能17. 数字音质, 3A 优化功能 18. DSM 睿驰引擎演示功能 19.运动补偿、斜线补偿、色彩补偿20. 单键飞梭、时间跳跃功能 21.节目回看功能 22.频道名称编辑功能(6个字符)23.AV×2、AV OUT×1、S-Video×1、YPbPr/YCbCr×1、VGA×1, HDMI×124.VGA 支持的格式有:640×480@60Hz ,640×480@72Hz ,640×480@75Hz ,640×480@80Hz ,640×480@85Hz ,800×600@60Hz ,800×600@72Hz ,800×600@75Hz ,800×600@80Hz ,800×600@85Hz ,1024×768@60Hz ,1024×768@72Hz ,1024×768@75Hz ,1024×768@80Hz ,1024×768@85Hz ,1280×1024@60Hz ,1280×1024@72Hz ,1280×1024@75Hz ,1280×1024@80Hz ,1280×1024@85Hz ,1600×1200@60Hz25. HDTV 支持的格式有:480p@60Hz, 480i@60Hz,576p@50Hz,576i@50Hz,720p@50Hz,720p@60Hz, 1080i@50Hz,1080i@60Hz ,1080p@60Hz 26.VGA 自动校正功能媒体编号旧底图总号底图总号W92PZ-003---Q日期 签名更改标记 数量更改单号签 名日期第 6 张格式(3a ) 描图 幅面:A4一、外观示意图二、外观尺寸简图媒体编号旧底图总号更改标记数量更改单号签名日期底图总号拟制叶万里L37V6-A8 维修手册W92JS-003---Q审核黄俊杰日期签名阶段标记第7张共23张标准化崔志龙批准胡希嘉格式(3)描图:幅面:条目备注序号 产品型号(Model ) L37V6-A8项目(Options )英文参数要求 1 图像(Picture ) 屏/显像管 TFT/CRT LC370WX4-SLA1 2 最大可视图像尺寸 Display area 37.02 inches 3 显像屏比例 Aspect ratio 16:9 4 固有分辨力 Resolution 1366*768 5 有用平均亮度 Brightness 500cd/m2 6 对比度 Contrast(Darkroom) 1000:1 7 响应速度 Response time(ms) 10ms 8 模拟图象制式 Analog Color system PAL\SECAM 9数字图像制式digital Color systemNTSC10 伴音制式 Audio system DK 、BG 、I 11 可视角 Angel of view 178 12 频道数 NO.of preset channels 256 13 图像模式 Picture mode Yes 14 显示色彩Color display16.7 M15 屏显语言 OSD languages 简体中文/English 16 120Hz 运动高清 MEMCYes 17 彩色增强 ColorMangement Yes 18 声音(Audio ) 低音 Bass Yes 19 高音 Treble Yes 20 数字重低音 Digital Bass Yes 21 超重低音 Super woofer No 22 高低音提升 Treble/bass boost No 23 AV 立体声 AV stereo Yes 24环绕立体声Surrounding sound Yes 25 美国立体声BTSCNo 26 自动音量控制 Automatic Volume Control(AVC) Yes 27 自动音量限制 Auto-volume leveling Yes 28 均衡器 Equalizer No 29静音 Mute Yes 30 MTSMTSNo 3 多种声音模式 Multi-audio modes Yes 32 多种伴音模式 Multi-sound mode Yes33端子(Jack )侧AV 输入 Front AV input Yes 1 34 后AV 输入 Rear AV input Yes 2 35 AV 输出AV output Yes 1 36 DVD 分量输入 DVD terminal Yes 2 37 S 端子 S-video jack Yes 1 38 YCbCr YCbCr Yes 2 39Y PB PRY PB PRYes2 媒体编号旧底图总号底图总号W92JS-003---Q日期 签名更改标记 数量更改单号签 名日期第 9 张条目备注序号 产品型号(Model )项目(Options )英文参数要求 40 D-SUB 接口 D-SUB jack Yes 41 DVI 接口 DVI socket No 42 SCART 接口 SCART jack No 43 RS-232 接口 RS-232 jack No 44 USB 接口 USB jack No 45 HDMI HDMI Yes 1 46 耳机端子 PhoneYes 1 47 软件(Software ) 半透明菜单 Semitransparent menu Yes 48 SCAN 频道扫描 SCAN No 49 16:9 模式 16:9 mode Yes 50 画中画 PIP No 51 V-CHIP V-CHIP No 52CCDCCDNo 53 色温选择 Color temperature Yes 54 PC 自动调整 PC Automatic Adjust Yes 55 Scaler Mode Scaler ModeNo 56 软换台 Non-flashing channel changing No 57 日历 Calendar No 58 自动定时开机 Auto-timer on Yes 59 图文TELETEXTNo 60 电器参数(Electricity parameter )内置扬声器个数 NO. of built-in speakers 2 61 外置音箱 NO. of outer speakersNo 62 内部伴音输出功率 Audio output power(Built-in)(W) 2×5W 63 外部伴音输出功率Audio output power(outer)(W) No 64整机功率 Total power input (W ) 220W 65 电压范围 Voltage range (V ) 150-240V 66 电源频率 Power frequency (Hz ) 50/60Hz 67 睡眠关机时间 Time of sleep timer(MINS) 120s 68 结构参数(Design parameter)净重kgNet weight kg25 69净重(带底座)kg kg Net weight(Including Base) kg 30 70 毛重kgGross weight kg31 71 毛重(带底座)kgGross weight(Including Base) kg3772净尺寸mmNet dimension(mm)1096x115x61773净尺寸(带底座)mmNet dimension (Including Base) mm 1096x278x65574包装尺寸 mmPackaged dimension mm 1130x385x855媒体编号旧底图总号底图总号W92JS-***---Q日期 签名更改标记 数量更改单号签 名日期第 10 张格式(3a ) 描图 幅面:条目备注序号 产品型号(Model )项目(Options )英文参数要求 73 包装尺寸(含底座包装)mm Packaged dimension(Including Base) mm 1190x330x810 74 底座型号 Base 75 壁挂型号 Great Solid ZPB-BG05 76 20 尺柜 Quantity for 20FT 60 77 40 尺柜 Quantity for 40FT 124 7840 高柜 Quantity for 40HC 186 79认证(Approval ) 认证ApprovalCCC80 适用市场 Suitable market 国内 81其他(Other )其他(Other)晶辰JSK4228-050电源基本参数:(海尔专用号:0094000776) 输入特性:Input voltage range 输入电压 100Vac-264Vac Normal voltage range 标准输入 100Vac-240Vac Frequency range 频率范围 50Hz/60Hz Max input AC current 满载输入电流 100Vac/3A Max Inrush current (cold start) 浪涌电流(冷机) 50A/100Vac ;80A/220Vac Efficiency (full load) 效率 80%Min/220Vac Harmonic current 谐波电流 GB17625.0-1998/IEC61000-3-2 CALS Leakage Current 泄漏电流 ≤0.75mA/220Vac Standby Power Loss 待机功耗 ≤1.0W/220Vac Input Fuse 输入保险额定值 T5AL/250Vac 输出特性:Output Voltage 输出电压Regulation 调整率 Min current 最小电流 Rated current额定电流5VSB ±5% 0A 1A 12V ±5% 0.1A 5A 24V ±5% 0.5A 7A 18V -5%,+20% 0.1A 2.5A ON/OFF 信号:Ps-on Signal Comments OutputsHigh ≥2.5V Enable Low ≤2.0V Unable Open Unable媒体编号旧底图总号底图总号W92JS-003---Q日期 签名更改标记 数量更改单号签 名日期第 11 张格式(3a ) 描图 幅面:三、内部模块介绍1、电源:各接口定义:(18V输出不用)插座位号功能序号定义CON5 输出5V 1 GND2 5VSBCON2 输出24V 1 24V2 24V3 24V4 24V5 24V6 GND7 GND8 GND9 GND10 GNDCON3 输出12V 1 0N/OFF2 12V3 12V4 12V5 GND6 GND7 GND交流插座220V交流输入1 零线2 空3 火线220V交流输入125V输出24V输出18V输出12V输出1 3机芯板:(组件号:0090708749)各接口定义说明:(各插座最左边为1角,最上边为1角)插座位号功能序号 定义 CN5 背光控制1空 2 空 3 ON/OFF 4 亮度 CN25LVDS 输出1 空2 GND3 TXA3-4 TXA3+5 GND6 TXA2-7 TXA+8 GND 9TXA1- 10 TXA1+ 11 GND 12 TXAC- 13 TXAC+ 14 GND 15 TXA0- 16 TXA0+ 17 GND 18 GND 19 12V 2012V背光控制输入LVDS 输出5V 输入12V 输入扬声器输出侧A V 输入本控输入遥控输入 升级接口插座位号功能序号定义CN1 待机5V输入1 GND2 STB+5VCN17 12V输入1 ON/OFF2 12V3 12V4 12V5 GND6 GND7 GNDCN19 扬声器输出1 R-2 R+3 L+4 L-CN4 升级通信口1 STB+5V2 GND3 DRXD4 DTXDCN6 本控输入口1 KEY12 KEY2(NC)3 GNDCN7 遥控接口1 GND2 LED_B(NC)3 LED_R4 IR5 STB+5VCN13 侧A V输入1 VIDEO2 GND3 AUDIO_L4 GND5 AUDIO_R本控、遥控二合一板板:接口定义说明:(插座最左边为1角)插座位号功能序号定义CNK1 本控、遥控信号输入1 空2 KEY3 GND4 IR5 STB5V6 LED-R7 LED-B8 GND9 空侧A V板:本控、遥控合一插座接口定义说明:(插座最左边为1角)插座位号功能序号 定义 CON103侧A V 信号输入1 AUDIO_L 2GND 3 AUDIO_R 4GND 5VIDEO液晶屏:厂家:LPL 厂家型号:LC37WX4-SLA1 海尔专用号:0094000588屏的具体规格及接口定义请见PLM 所附图纸侧A V 信号输入整机接线照片:四、常见故障维修1、常见故障分析:现象1:显示器屏不能点亮。

MDO4000C 系列 混合域示波器 用户手册说明书

MDO4000C 系列 混合域示波器 用户手册说明书
合规性信息 ..................................................................................................................................................... xiii EMC 合规性 ............................................................................................................................................... xiii 安全合规性 ............................................................................................................................................... xiv 环境合规性 ............................................................................................................................................... xvi
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ML37-IVPARTS MANUAL零件手册CCN:ATC15004DATE:2004.10ISSUR:02欢迎您使用上海埃尔特压缩空气系统工程有限公司生产的各种型号的螺杆压缩机AIR-TEC有权对产品进行修改和改进,不负有对已出厂产品进行修改和改进的义务型号:机组编号:ATC15004目录INDEX第一章SECTION 1 引言INTRODUCTION概述GENERAL说明DESCRIPTION备件推荐表的说明DESCRIPTION FOR RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS 如何使用本零件手册HOW TO USE THIS PARTS MANUAL如何定购零件HOW TO ORDER PARTS第二章SECTION 2零件图目录及零件PARTS LIST第三章SECTION 3备件推荐表RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTSATC15004概述GENERAL这本零件手册供用户向本公司订购零件和了解本公司固定式产品时作参考。



This manual is prepared as an aid in identifying and ordering parts in the SIRC compressor.To purchase spare parts refer to section of “how to order parts” and contact to our Spare parts department.With the development of our products, the content of this manual is subject to change without notice.说明DESCRIPTION本手册的零件图图解了我公司固定式压缩机的各种系统部件,组件和零件。



The illustrated parts breakdown illustrates the various assemblies, sub-assemblies and detailed parts which make up this particular SIRC compressor. A series of illustrations show each parts clearly and it’s correct location adjacent to the other parts in the illustration. Each parts on a illustration is reference with a number, a eight-digital part number, description and quantity needed per assembly.备件推荐表的说明DESCRIPTION FOR RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS正确选择备件以及备好备件是用以缩短机组停机时间的一种保证措施。




A selection of spare parts has been prepared as insurance against prolonged shutdown period. These parts are shown itemized in section 3 of this publication. The contents of the list give the part name, part number, quantity to keep on hand so as to provide maximum protection for a compressor with a minimum number of parts. The recommended quality to keep on hand is broken down into three classes:Class I --- Recommended where interruption in service are not important. Class II--- Recommended where some continuous in continuity of service are not objectionable.Class III--- Recommended where any interruption in service is highly objectionable or where unit is in a remote location.ATC15004如何使用本零件手册HOW TO USE THIS PARTS MANUAL1.参考目录,找出所需章节。



1. Refer to the index and find the Section.2. Turn to the Section and refer to the table of Connects to locate thedesired illustrations.3. Locate the part on the illustration by visual identification and thereference number.定购零件HOW TO ORDER PARTS在定购零件时,请详细写明下列内容以免有误:1.压缩机铭牌上的机组型号2.压缩机铭牌上的机组编号3.零件号,零件名称和所需的正确数量。

In order to eliminate all avoidable errors when ordering parts, please specify the following:1. The model number of the unit as shown on the Compressor Dataplate.2. The serial number of the unit as shown on the Compressor data plate.3. The part number, description and quantity needed exactly.注意CAUTION机组维修时所更换的零件若不经本公司同意,使用非本零件手册内的零件,可能会给机组带来危险而导致事故,威胁生命,引起人身伤亡或导致设备损坏。


THE USE OF REPAIR PARTS OTHER THAN THOSE INCLUDE WITHIN THE SHANGHAI INGERSOLL-RAND COMPRESSOR LIMITED APPROVED PARTS LIST MAY CREATE HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS CAN LEAD ACCIDENTS THAT MAY BE LIFE-THREATENING, CAUSE SUBSTANTIAL BODILY INJURY, OR RESULT IN DAMAGE TO THE EQUIPMENT.THEREFORE, SIRC CAN BEAR NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR EQUIPMENT IN WHICH NON-APPROVED REPAIR PARTS ARE INSTALLED.ATC15004ATC15004第二章 零件图目录及零件SECTION 2 PARTS LIST图编号 名称DESCRIPTION Fig. No.1 电机和齿轮组件MOTOR AND GEAR 2 主机管路及支架 AIREND PIPING AND SUPPORT3 进气蝶阀和联动机构 INLET CONTROL V ALVE AND LINKAGE4 空气滤清器总成AIR INLET CLEANER5 温控旁通阀及接管AMOT V ALVE 6 油分离器总成 SEPARATOR COMPLETE 7 风冷冷却器和风扇/风扇电机 COOLERS AND FAN/FAN MOTOR8 水分离器 MOISTURE SEPARATOR 9 压力开关 PRESSURE SWITCH 10 电控箱 START BOXATC15004序号零件号数量说明DESCRIPTION序号零件号数量说明DESCRIPTION No. CPN QTY.No.CPN QTY.1销PINGEAR11992624041 352558271压板CLAMP,2 394376371垫片GASKET, GEAR CASE 99262412 1 棱形销PINGEAR3 352585731垫片GASKET, GEARCASE MOTOR 12391091291压板CLAMP,4 992648061垫片GASKET, SEAL HOUSING 139********螺栓SCREW螺栓SCREW125 397917441齿轮箱GEARCASE14992708606 892440401密封盒HOUSING, SEAL MOTOR SHAFT 159********螺栓SCREW螺栓SCREW99272254 17 953811091键KEY16(37KW)17S11116401螺栓SCREW8 428644391主电机(37KW)MOTORGEAR1轴密封SEAL,892440249 959229284螺母NUT18齿轮组(见下图)SET, GEAR10 391949152销PIN19 1电机套SLEEVE,SHAFT189245286201BEARING挡圈SPACER,2135262716齿轮组GEAR SET主动齿轮GRIVE 从动齿轮GRIVEN4284814342848150ATC15004ATC15004ATC15004序号零件号数量说明DESCRIPTION 序号零件号数量说明DESCRIPTION No.CPN QTY . No.CPN QTY .1 428513112减振垫MOUNT 19 42856930 1 管总成TUBE 2428553461主机ASSEMBLY , AIREND 20 42856948 1 管总成TUBE 3 992509791软管总成HOUS 21 42856922 1 管总成TUBE 4 959291628螺栓SCREW 22 99251548 1 可调三通TEE, BRANCH 5992610182可调直角接头ELBOW 23ATC050021主机支架SUPPORT 6992713972直角接头ELBOW 24 85540755 1 排气弯管ELBOW, DISCHARGE 7 921767182螺栓SCREW 25 ATC050121 软管总成HOSE, DISCHARGE 8 428867211三通TEE, BRANCH 26 ATC050132 直角接头ELBOW 9 428561121螺帽CAP 27 39177159 4 螺栓SCREW 10393262282垫片GASKET 28 ATC050102 排气方法兰FLANGE 11 428561461可调三通接头TEE, BRANCH 29992709102螺栓SCREW 12 992751741O 型圈O-RING 30 42856138 1 可调直角接头ELBOW 13394161281温度开关SWITCH 14394776741止逆阀V ALVE, CHECK 15 428583991可调三通TEE, BRANCH 16428561531四通接头MANIFOLD 17 428569141管总成TUBE 18 428569061管总成TUBE图3 进气蝶阀及联动机构INLET CONTROLV ALVE AND LINKAGE图3 进气蝶阀及联动机构INLET CONTROLV ALVE AND LINKAGE 序号零件号数量说明DESCRIPTIONNo. CPN QTY.1 992673531软管总成HOSE2 992609291软管总成HOSEV ALVE3 992462091蝶阀BUTTERFLY4 992603171软管总成HOSE5 992509872软管总成HOSECYLINDER6 ATC050291液压缸HYDRAULICV ALVE7 ATC050441控制电磁阀CONTROL图4 空滤器AIR INLET CLEANER图4 空滤器AIR INLET CLEANER 序号零件号数量说明DESCRIPTION序号零件号数量说明DESCRIPTIONNo. CPN QTY.No.CPN QTY.1 AT0206071空滤器总成AIR INLET CLEANERELEMENT2 AT0206101空滤器芯CLEANER3 ATC050081进气软管HOUS4 AT0206082夹箍CLIPINDICATOR5 AT0206111真空指示器V ACUUM6 428480511吸尘软管HOUS7 428670932喉箍CLIP图5 温控旁通阀及管路TEMPERATURE BY-PASS CONTROL V ALVE AND PIPING图5 温控旁通阀及管路TEMPERATURE BY-PASS CONTROL V ALVE AND PIPING 序号零件号数量说明DESCRIPTION序号零件号数量说明DESCRIPTIONNo. CPN QTY.No.CPN QTY.1 428561951直接头CONNECTOR2 428579791温控旁通阀V ALVE, OIL TEMP. BY-PASS399023821温控元件ELEMENT, TERMAL V ALVE3 428561871可调直接头ELBOW4 ATC050431软管总成HOUS图6 油分离器总成SEPARATOR TANK图6 油分离器总成SEPARATOR TANK 序号零件号数量说明DESCRIPTION序号零件号数量说明DESCRIPTIONNo. CPN QTY. No.CPN QTY.1 394171181可调直接头ADAPTER16428563281软管HOSE2 428437711油过滤器ASSEMBLY, OIL FILTER 17992564711软管HOSE3 394799441可调直接头UNION 189********软管HOSE4 855400111最小压力阀V ALVE, MINIMUN PRESS 19ATC050111直角接头CONNECTOR断油阀V ALVE, OIL STOPATC05028 15 428587121直角接头ELBOW20SCA VENGE节流孔接头ORIFICE,3930327616 992705891直接头ADAPTER21ATC050271放气电磁阀V ALVE,7 428561871直接头UINON22BLOWDOWN螺塞PLUG8 959615381直接头ADAPTER231428873491直通接头CONN.428561959 992708781螺堵PLUG24回油管总成TUBE,SCANV ANGE42867010 110 391715171直角接头ELBOW25球阀V ALVE,BALL99260853 111 428560391直角接头ELBOW26油分筒体TANK,SEPARATORATC05022 112 ATC050401直角接头ELBOW27安全阀V ALVE, PRESS RELIEF39588116 113 992705891直角接头ELBOW2842867085 1管总成TUBETANK2914 546015131油分离芯ELEMENT,SEPT.15 428437971油过滤芯ELEMENT, FILTER OIL 30 42886382 1 直角接头ELBOW异径接头REDUCER/EXPANDER13139324629图7 风冷冷却器和风扇、风扇电机AIR COOLED COOLER AND FAN/FAN MOTOR图7 风冷冷却器和风扇、风扇电机AIR COOLED COOLER AND FAN/FAN MOTOR 序号零件号数量说明DESCRIPTION序号零件号数量说明DESCRIPTIONNo. CPN QTY.No.CPN QTY.1 399057162排风网罩GUARD,FANFAN2 428484081风扇孔板ORIFICE,3 934733121风扇电机FANMOTOR4 544276461风扇FAN5 428482001冷却箱面板PANEL OF COOLER BOX6 ATC050041油冷却器OIL-COOLERATC050071后冷却器AFTER-COOLER7 428884791可调直角接头ELBOW8 428863742可调直角接头ELBOW9 428562941软管HOSE10 428863741可调直角接头ELBOW11 428563021软管HOSE12 428884791可调直角接头ELBOW13 ATC050141管总成TUBE14 428481922冷却器左右支架SUPPORT, COOLER15 428669472冷却器上下顶板SUPPORT, COOLER16 428863741可调直角接头ELBOW图8 水分离器MOISTURE SEPARATOR图8 水分离器MOISTURE SEPARATOR 序号零件号数量说明DESCRIPTION序号零件号数量说明DESCRIPTIONNo. CPN QTY.No.CPN QTY.1 428884791直角接头ELBOW2 ATC050461水分离器托架BRACKET3 992713971直角接头ELBOWSEPARATOR4 428482421水分离器MOISTURE5 428666321管总成TUBE图9 压力开关PRESSURE SWITCH图9 压力开关PRESSURE SWITCH 序号零件号数量说明DESCRIPTION序号零件号数量说明DESCRIPTIONNo. CPN QTY.No.CPN QTY.SWITCH1 992609601压力开关PRESSURE图10 电控箱总成START BOX图10 电控箱总成START BOX序号零件号数量说明 DESCRIPTION 序号零件号数量说明DESCRIPTION No.CPN QTY .No.CPN QTY .ATC150031电控箱总成START, BOX 139********交流接触器AC CONTACTOR * 1 本机开关盒 14ATC050331断路器CIRCUIT BREAKER * 1 驾驶室控制盒15ATC050341断路器CIRCUIT BREAKER 992607131压力表PRESSURE GAUGE 16 ATC050351 时间继电器TIME CONTACTORATC050311手动阀LINE/SUMP 17 ATC05038 2 接线端子 M CONTACT END SELECTOR V ALVE 18 ATC150201 热继电器THERMORELAY19 ATC05037 1 接线端子T CONTACT END1 ATC05036接线端子CONTACT END 20 ATC050532 指示灯(白色)LAMP (W) 2ATC050551日光灯21 ATC05051 2 指示灯(绿色)LAMP (G) 3 428893451时间继电器TIME CONTACTOR 22ATC050506指示灯(红色)LAMP (R) 4 992401783交流接触器AC CONTACTOR 23ATC050522指示灯(黄色)LAMP (Y)5 992761151控制变压器TRANSFORMER 24ATC050561旋钮开关SELECT SWITCH6 992401781记时器HOUR METER 25 ATC05057 2 启动按钮 START, PUSH BUTTON 7 ATC050321接触器AC CONTACTOR 26 ATC050581 停机按钮STOP, PUSH BUTTON 8ATC050541灯开关SWITCH 27 ATC05059 1驾驶室停止按钮 STOP, PUSH BUTTON9 992761231时间继电器TIME CONTACTOR 28ATC050602航空插头CONNECTOR 10992761312时间继电器TIME CONTACTOR 11 992762221熔断器FUSE 12992762302熔断器FUSE第三章备件推荐表SECTION 3 RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS 1.定期更换备件Parts Change on Regular basis系统System零件名称Description零件号CPN单台数Qty. per Unit推荐数Recommend Qty.更换周期Time of Change 冷却剂Coolant80060239 30Kg30Kg2500h。
