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"Everyone said, why didn't Jack kiss you after, which of course, he would never do there. But you had to march out in such order that I was about eight behind him . . . And I so badly wanted to see him before the lunch, just to see him alone. . . . And I caught up to him in the Capitol and, oh, I was just so proud of him.
• His old brother –Joseph Patrick Kennedy Jr.
• would be the first Kennedy to run for office • had been killed in the war
• His younger brother –Robert Francis Kennedy • Shot by Sirhan • his youngest brother ---Edward Moore Kennedy
• banking, bootlegging, shipbuilding, and the film industry, and as a skilled player of the stock market .
• the head of the Securities and Exchange Commission, • the U.S. ambassador to Great Britain, and for six months
"It was really the boat that relaxed him the most. . . . It was for what getting out on a horse was for me, in the air, no phone . . . He loved the sun and the water and no phone." Jacqueline Kennedy
• But he managed to secure such achievements as the Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty and the Alliance for Progress.
His Family Members
• His Father---Joseph Patrick Kennedy Sr.
His family members
• His Wife---Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis • His old son--John Fitzgerald Kennedy Junior • His younger son—Patrick Bevier Kennedy • His elder daughter—Arabella Kennedy • His younger daughter---Caroline Bouvier Kennedy
dreamy dresses and fabulous fashion: Real Wedding - JFK and Jackie
杰奎琳成了美国妇女的光荣。她是一 个集美貌、才华和胆识于一身的旷世 奇女,她在时装潮流方面走在前面, 在追求个人幸福方面也走在前面,她 始终比别人快一步。
John F. Kennedy and Children
in 1938
• His Mother----Rose
onetime mayor of Boston
Family curse
Family Curse
• 1944年他的哥哥、曾被父亲寄予厚望的家 族长子约瑟夫,在二战中死于飞机失事。 1968年,他的弟弟罗伯特·肯尼迪在竞选民 主党总统候选人过程中被暗杀。1999年, 约翰·肯尼迪唯一幸存的儿子小肯尼迪飞机 失事,连同妻子和妻妹一起坠机而亡。此 外,车祸、吸毒、强奸指控等都不断困扰 家族的其他幸存成员。从1941年开始到 1999年,已有近10位“肯尼迪”死于非命。
First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy
Jacqueline Kennedy riding in Middleburg, Virginia, September 25, 1962
He liked to see me ride—he always said Daddy told him "Keep her riding and she'll always be in a good mood." - Jacqueline Kennedy
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Echo Nanhua University
J. F.K
His Biography
2 His Political Career
3 His Family Members
His Love Affairs
His Biography
• (5/29/1917-----11/22/1963) • The 2nd of 9 children • The Roman Catholic • Harvard University • Barely escaped death in battle • Back injury • Addison's disease • Injections of amphetamines
Inauguration Day
And there's a picture where I have my hand on his chin and you know, he's just looking at me and there really were tears in his eyes. . . . suddenly a flash came because I didn't think there was anyone there. In the papers it said, wife chucks him under chin. I mean, that was so much more emotional than any kiss because his eyes really did fill with tears. " Jacqueline Kennedy
practically while driving a car. " Jacqueline Kennedy
"I think he was always looking for something in books – he was looking for something about history, or something for a quote . . . " - Jacqueline Kennedy
President Kennedy sailing off the coast of Rhode Island on the Coast Guard vessel, Manitou, August 26, 1962
President Kennedy had a lifelong fascination with the sea and was an avid sailor. Mrs. Kennedy recalled how he could escape the cares of his office—and the telephone—while at sea.
A Shared Love of Words
"He read in the strangest way . . . He'd read walking, he'd read at the table, at meals, he'd read after dinner, he'd read in the bathtub . . . He really read all the times you don't think you have time to read. . . . He was always reading—
JFK at Rice University
John F. Kennedy, a member of the US Navy, in the Solomon Islands, 1943
His Political Career
• He faced a number of foreign crises, especially in Cuba and Berlin,
Family Curse
• 有关的人也遭厄运
• 更让人不可思议的是,与肯尼迪家庭有关联的其他 家族的人也跟着遭受厄运。至今,许多希腊人都相 信,在肯尼迪总统的遗孀杰奎琳·肯尼迪和希腊船王 亚里士多德·奥纳西斯成婚后,便把专属于肯尼迪家 族的诅咒引入了希腊望族。他们指出,这位年轻的 美国寡妇初次遇上奥纳西斯时,一切看来风平浪静。 但与杰奎琳成婚后,奥纳西斯名下有4艘轮船发生了 严重的事故。7年后,原本身体不错的奥纳西斯和他 的儿子亚历山大相继去世,家族的生意也元气大伤。
President Kennedy's remarks at a news conference held at the Palais de Chaillot in Paris, first page, June 2, 1961. At the top of the page, the President scribbled the words to introduce himself: "I am the man who accompanied Jacqueline Kennedy to Paris . . ."
Family Curse
• 家族成员恐惧诅咒
• 肯尼迪家族的诅咒,深为家族成员所恐惧。在肯 尼迪家族中,罗伯特·肯尼迪最先萌生了所谓“家 族的诅咒”的念头。1963年,在哥哥约翰·肯尼迪 总统遭暗杀以后,罗伯特·肯尼迪开始阅读古希腊 悲剧以从中寻求安慰。他的传记作者托马斯这样 写道:“罗伯特发现了傲慢的性格与命运的关系。 他开始怀疑肯尼迪家族是否在行为上有过激的方 面,性格上是否过于无所畏惧。他在希腊历史学 家希罗多德的一段话下面作了标记。希罗多德是 这样说的:‘所有的傲慢自大终将收获饱含泪水 的苦果。神将因为人的过分傲慢让人付出沉重的 代价……’”
Baidu Nhomakorabea
His Biography
• never lost an election • congressman and senator • His Military Service • Presidential candidate • 35th president of the U.S.(1961—1963) • Assassinated • Things named after him
Both President and Mrs. Kennedy shared a love of language, and believed in the power of words. As a young man, JFK collected quotes that he kept in notebooks—a habit passed down from his mother, and he was the first President to invite a poet, Robert Frost, to recite his work at an inaugural ceremony. Poems that Jacqueline Kennedy memorized as a child with her grandfather stayed with her throughout her life. She once wrote: "All the changes in the world, for good or evil, were first brought about by words."
临危不乱是杰奎琳的 最大特点。
JFK, himself , saw his approval of manned spaceflight to the Moon
只身嫁给了希腊船王昂纳西斯。 历史上第一夫人改嫁她是第一人
"I am the man who accompanied Jacqueline Kennedy to Paris"