



高中物理人教(新课标)必修1同步练习:2.6伽利略对自由落体运动的研究B卷(精编)姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________一、单选题 (共9题;共18分)1. (2分)针对伽利略对自由落体运动的研究内容及过程,有以下叙述:①伽利略后来借助数学知识发现,如果速度与位移成正比,将会推导出复杂的结论;②伽利略通过逻辑得出亚里士多德的结论是错误的;③伽利略做了大胆的猜想:落体运动应该是一种简单的运动,落体的速度与时间或位移成正比;④伽利略通过铜球沿阻力很小的斜面滚下这一严谨求实的实验测定,得出只要倾角一定,铜球的加速度不变,他进一步设想当倾角为90°时,运动变为自由落体,其性质不变,且所有物体下落的加速度都一样,到此人类终于认识到自由落体运动是匀变速直线运动了.根据伽利略研究的真实过程,请你做出科学合理的排序,你认为正确的是()A . ①②③④B . ②③①④C . ①③②④D . ②①③④2. (2分) (2018高一上·金东期中) 如油画所示是伽利略研究自由落体运动时的情景,他设计并做了小球在斜面上运动的实验,关于这个实验的下列说法中不符合史实的是()A . 伽利略以实验来检验速度与时间成正比的猜想是否真实B . 伽利略让小球沿阻力很小的斜面滚下是为了“冲淡”重力的影响C . 伽利略通过实验发现小球沿斜面滚下的运动是匀加速直线运动D . 伽利略用实验而不是外推的方法得到斜面倾角增大到90°小球仍然会保持匀加速运动3. (2分)伽利略在研究自由落体运动时,首先大胆地提出了“重物与轻物应该下落得同样快,落体运动也一定是一种最简单的变速运动”的观点,在研究力和运动的关系时,大胆地做出了“当球沿水平面滚动时,它的速度应该不增也不减”的判断…这一认识的飞跃过程在科学探究中称为“科学猜想”,它孕育了科学的重大发现.科学的猜想,能让人们在科学探究中把握住探究的方向,正确地设计实验,明确所需测量的物理量.科学猜想的提出,一般经历的过程是()A . 认真观察现象,凭借感觉,大胆地猜想B . 认真观察现象,经逻辑分析、推理判断,大胆地猜想C . 认真观察现象,凭借生活经验,大胆地猜想D . 认真观察现象,凭实验验证,大胆地猜想4. (2分)关于物理学思想方法,下列说法中正确的是()A . 著名的伽利略斜面实验,主要应用了控制变量方法B . 在定义“速度”、“加速度”等物理量时,主要应用了比值的方法C . 在研究加速度a和外力F、质量m的关系时,主要应用了等效替代的方法D . 在研究气体的温度不变时,压强与体积的关系时,主要应用了理想实验方法5. (2分) (2020高一上·重庆期中) 如图所示是伽利略研究自由落体运动时的情景,他设计并做了小球在斜面上运动的实验。



必修1—集合【基础知识】①();();()Cu A B CuA CuB Cu A B CuA CuB A B A B A A B B ==⊆⇔==②A 集合中有n 个元素时,其子集个数:2n 真子集个数: 21n-非空真子集个数:22n -【题型训练】【题型1】集合定义及基本运算类 1.如图,阴影部分表示的集合是( D )(A )B ∩ [C U (A ∪C)] (B )(A ∪B)∪ (B ∪C) (C )(A ∪C) ∩( C U B) (D )[C U (A ∩C)]∪B2.已知全集U R =,则正确表示集合{1,0,1}M =-和{}2|0N x x x =+=关系的韦恩(Venn )图是B3.若集合{}A=|1x x x R ≤∈,,{}2B=|y y x x R =∈,,则A B ⋂=( C ) A. {}|11x x -≤≤B. {}|0x x ≥C. {}|01x x ≤≤D. ∅变式:1. 如果{}|3,x S y y x R ==∈,{}2|1,T y y x x R ==-∈,则S T = S .2.已知{}{}|10,2,1,0,1A x x B =+>=--,则()R C A B ⋂= ( C ) (A ){}2,1--(B ){}2-(C ){}1,0,1-(D ){}0,13.已知集合{}1,0,1A =-,{}|11B x x =-≤<,则A B = ( B )A .{}0B .{}1,0-C .{}0,1D .{}1,0,1- 4.已知集合{|31}M x x =-<<,{3,2,1,0,1}N =---,则M N = ( C ) (A ){2,1,0,1}-- (B ){3,2,1,0}--- (C ){2,1,0}-- (D ){3,2,1}--- 5.已知集合{1,2,3,4}A =,2{|,}B x x n n A ==∈,则A B = ( A )(A ){0}(B ){-1,,0} (C ){0,1}(D ){-1,,0,1}4.已知集合{}2,0xA y y x -==<,集合{}12B x y x ==,则A B ⋂=( B )A .[)1,+∞B .()1,+∞C .()0,+∞D .[)0,+∞5.设集合{|101},{|5}A x Z x B x Z x =∈--=∈≤≤≤,则A B 中元素的个数是( C )A 、11B 、10C 、16D 、15 6.若集合{}1213A x x =-≤+≤,20,x B x x -⎧⎫=≤⎨⎬⎩⎭则A B ⋂= ( B ) A.{}10x x -≤< B..{}01x x <≤ C. {}02x x ≤≤ D. {}01x x ≤≤7.设集合1|,24K M x x K Z ⎧⎫==+∈⎨⎬⎩⎭,1|,42K N x x K Z ⎧⎫==+∈⎨⎬⎩⎭,则( B ) A.M=N B.M N ⊂ C. M N ⊃ D.M N φ= 【题型2】点集问题1.已知集合{(,)|2},{(,)|4}M x y x y N x y x y =+==-=,那么集合M N 为( D ) A 、3,1x y ==- B 、(3,1)- C 、{3,1}- D 、{(3,1)}-2.设集合13{(,)|log }A x y y x ==,{(,)|3}xB x y y ==,则A B ⋂的子集的个数是(C )A .4B .3C .2D .1【题型3】子集问题1.已知全集 u={1、2、3、4、5},A={1、5},B C U A,则集合B 的个数是( D )(A )5(B) 6(C) 7(D)83.若集合}4,3,1{},3,2,1{==B A ,则B A 的子集个数为( C )A .2B .3C .4D .162.集合{},,,,S a b c d e =,包括{},a b 的S 的子集共有( D ) A.2个 B.3个 C.4个 D.8个变式:1.满足{}1234M a a a a ⊆,,,,且{}{}12312M a a a a a = ,,,的集合M 的个数是( B ) A .1B .2C .3D .42.已知集合M={2,0,11},若A M ≠⊂,且A 的元素中至少含有一个偶数,则满足条件的集合A 的个数为 5 .【题型4】集合运算1.设全集{,,,,}I a b c d e =,集合{,,},{,,}M a b c N b d e ==,那么I I M N 痧是( A ) A 、∅ B 、{}d C 、{,}a c D 、{,}b e变式:1.已知{}21|log ,1,|,2U y y x x P y y x x ⎧⎫==>==>⎨⎬⎩⎭,则U C P =A A .1[,)2+∞B .10,2⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭ C .()0,+∞ D .1(,0][,)2-∞+∞2.已知集合{1,2,3,4}U =,集合={1,2}A ,={2,3}B ,则()U A B = ð D (A ){1,3,4} (B ){3,4} (C ){3} (D ){4}2.若集合121log 2A x x ⎧⎫⎪⎪=≥⎨⎬⎪⎪⎩⎭,则A =R ð( A )A.2(,0],2⎛⎫-∞+∞ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭ B.2,2⎛⎫+∞ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭C.2(,0][,)2-∞+∞D.2[,)2+∞ 3.设全集是实数集R ,{|22}M x x =-≤≤,N x x =<{|}1,则R M N ð等于( A ) A 、{|}xx <-2 B 、{|}x x -<<21 C 、{|}xx <1 D 、{|}x x -≤<21 4.设集合U 为全集,集合,M N U ≠⊂,若M N N = ,则( C )A.U U C M C N ⊇B.U M C N ⊆C.U U C M C N ⊆D.U M C N ⊇5.设集合{|12},{|}M x x N x x a =-<=≤≤,若M N ≠∅ ,则a 的取值范围是1a ≥-.6.已知集合2{|||1},{|40}A x x a B x x x =-≤=-≥,若A B φ= ,则实数a 的取值范围是( C )A .(0,4)B .(0,3)C .(1,3)D .(2,3)变式:1.{}{}A x||x-a|<1,x R ,|15,.A B B x x x R =∈=<<∈⋂=∅若,则实数a 的取值范围是( C ) A {}a |0a 6≤≤ B {}|2,a a ≤≥或a 4 C {}|0,6a a ≤≥或a D {}|24a a ≤≤设常数a R ∈,集合{|(1)()0},{|1}A x x x a B x x a =--≥=≥-,若A B R ⋃=,则a 的取值范围为( A ) (A) (,2)-∞(B) (,2]-∞ (C) (2,)+∞(D) [2,)+∞7.已知集合P={x ︱x 2≤1},M={a }.若P ∪M=P,则a 的取值范围是C A .(-∞, -1] B .[1, +∞) C .[-1,1] D .(-∞,-1] ∪[1,+∞)变式:设集合{}|||2A x x a =-<,21|12x B x x -⎧⎫=<⎨⎬+⎩⎭,若A B A = ,求实数a 取值范围.([0,1]) 8.设A 、B 、C 是三个集合,若A B B C = ,则有( D ) A. A B = B. C B ⊆ C. B A ⊆ D. A C ⊆变式:设I 为全集,123,,S S S 是I 的三个非空子集且123S S S I = ,则下面论断正确的是( C ) A.123()I C S S S φ⋂⋃= B.123()I I S C S C S ⊆ C.123I I I C S C S C S φ= D.123()I I S C S C S ⊆ 【题型4】集合与函数综合运用1. 知集合A={-1,a²+1,a²-3},B={-4,a-1,a+1},且A∩B={-2},求a 的值。

高中物理人教(新课标)必修1同步练习:第四章 专题 传送带模型

高中物理人教(新课标)必修1同步练习:第四章 专题 传送带模型

高中物理人教(新课标)必修1同步练习:第四章专题传送带模型物理考试注意事项:1、填写答题卡的内容用2B铅笔填写2、提前xx 分钟收取答题卡第Ⅰ卷客观题第Ⅰ卷的注释(共6题;共12分)1.(2分)如图所示,水平传送带AB长3.2m,以v=4m/s的速度沿顺时针方向匀速运动。


若小物块与传送带间的动摩擦因数为0.25,g取10m/s2,则小物块运动至传送带右端B点所用的时间是()A.0.8s B.1.0s C.1.2s D.1.6s2.(2分)如图所示,以速度v逆时针匀速转动的足够长的传送带与水平面的夹角为θ.现将一个质量为m的小木块轻轻地放在传送带的上端,小木块与传送带间的动摩擦因数为μ,则图中能够正确地描述小木块的速度随时间变化关系的图线可能是()A.B.C.D.3.(2分)如图所示,足够长的水平传送带以v0=4m/s的速度匀速运行。

t=0时,在最左端轻放一质量为m的小滑块,t=4s时,传送带以1 m/s2的加速度减速停下。





高中英语单项选择专项练习1.I don’t _____ the Mriter, but I_____ him.A. know of; knowB. know; know ofC. know; knowD. learn; know of2. The man who is known _____us is known ________a great scientist.A. to; toB. as; asC. to; asD. to; for3. ----_______________?----He is about your height, sort of heavy, with blue eyes.A. What does he likeB. How does he lookC. What does he look likeD. How is he4. ____ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin.A. ExposedB. Having exposedC. Being exposedD. After being exposed5. It is no use _____much but _______less.A. to talk; to doB. talking; to doC. to talk; doingD. talking; doing6. In some parts of London, missing a bus means ______for another hour.A. waiting B to wait C. wait D. to be waiting7. The boys were playing football on the ground. Sandy didn’t want to ____ them.A. take part inB. joinC. join inD. attend8. What surprised us was not what he said but_______ he said it.A. the wayB. in the way thatC. in the wayD. the way which9. ------How much shall I pay for the phone call?------You_______. This is free of charge.A. shouldn’t B needn’t C. can’t D. mustn’t10. -----Do you know where my blue coat is?-----Don’t bother to look for it. I’m sure it will _____ someday.A. turn outB. turn onC. turn upD. turn over11. There are five pairs________, but I’m at a loss which to buy.A. to be chosenB. to choose fromC. to chooseD. for choosing12. We stayed camping until the last food ________.A. was run outB. was run shortC. ran outD. run short13. -----I was wondering if we could go skiing on the weekend.----_______good!A. SoundB. SoundedC. SoundingD. Sounds14. -----Why can’t you and Bill go to the movies tonight?-----We are _______ a history test tomorrow.A. supposed to havingB. supposedly to haveC. supposed to haveD. supposedly to having15. In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they______.A. have survivedB. are to survivedC. would survivedD. will survive16. With summer ______near, it is hotter and hotter.A. cameB. comesC. comingD. come17._____that _____; you might break it.A. Leave; offB. Leave; outC. Leave; aloneD. Leave; over18. The government must take ______ to prevent unemployment from getting worse.A. actionB. actC. measureD. actions19. ----- Do you think the Star will beat the Bulls?------Yes, they have better players, so I ____ them to win.A. hopeB. preferC. expectD. want20. On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine, she ______pale.A. gotB. changedC. wentD. appeared21. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old people, but it remains _____whether they will enjoy it.A. to seeB. to be seenC. seeingD. seen22. We didn’t plan our art exhibition like that, but it _____ very well.A. worked outB. tried outC. went onD. carried on23. They really had a great time, designing everything, drawing the blueprints,______the angles and so on.A. looking outB. taking outC. finding outD. figuring out24. Take more exercises will stop you _____weight.A. to put upB. putting upC. to put onD. putting on25. ----What’s that terrible noise?----The neighbors ______for dinner.A. have preparedB. are preparingC. prepareD. will prepare26. Please be so kind as to give me ______on ____to improve my spoken English.A. some advice; howB. any advice; whyC. many advices; howD. any advice; how27. “If you go on stealing, you will ____your bright future, young man!”said the judge.A. destroyB. damageC. ruinD. break28. Years of efforts______ when they saw the pictures of the moon sent back to theearth by Chang’e-1.A. paid offB. took offC. showed offD. went off29. --He failed the exam again! What should I do, Miss Wang?--In my opinion, your son is __ than stupid.A. quite lazierB. much lazierC. more lazyD. lazier rather30. Beijing was attacked by such a terrible sandstorm ______few citizens had ever experienced before.A. asB. and it wasC. thatD. which31. Cars do cause us some health problems --in fact, far more serious ____ than mobile phones do.A. oneB. onesC. itD. those32. --Hi, Sam! You are late!--I would have come earlier, but I _____ when would the party began.A. knowB. hadn't knownC. didn't knowD. haven't known33. ____ and no way to reduce her pain and suffering from the terrible disease, the patient sought her doctor's help to end her life.A. Having given up hope of cureB. With no hope for cureC. It being no hope for cureD. In the hope of cure34. In ____ Chinese culture, marriage decisions were often made by parents for their children.A. remoteB. historicC. traditionalD. initial35. While he was investigating ways to improve the telescope, Newton made ____ discovery which completely changed ____ man's understanding of colour.A. a; /B. a; the B. /; the D. the; a36. This year has ____ a big increase in road accidents, causing masses of deaths.A. looked atB. watchedC. observedD. seen37. Kathy ____ a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls while he was in Spain.A. picked upB. took upC. made upD. turned up38. In Switzerland, six miles west of Geneva, ____ a collection of laboratory buildings.A. lieB. are lyingC. liesD. lays39. --If our parents would listen more to us, they would understand us better.--____ . They just expect us to listen.A. I believe notB. No problemC. Good ideaD. I can't agree more40. The research is so designed that once ____ nothing can be done to change it.A. beginsB. having begunC. beginningD. begun41.——How long are you staying?——I don’t know. ___________.A. That’s OKB. Never mindC. It dependsD. It doesn’t matter42. ——What a pity! I haven’t got a ticket for the football match tonight.——Don’t worry. It’ll be broadcast__________.A. liveB. livelyC. aliveD. living43. The girl _________ more than 1, 000 English novels when she entered the senior high school.A. has readB. readC. had readD. has been reading44. --- What do you think of Tim?-- He appears a kind person. I don’t like him, ________.A. even soB. even thoughC. thoughD. yet45. Mike has been making great efforts in practice in order to _______ his dream towin championship in the coming Olympics.A. come aboutB. come trueC. makeD. live46. Jenny seldom goes to the cinema on Sundays, __________?A. doesn’t sheB. is sheC. does sheD. has she47. His drunk driving _________ this accident, ________ the death of twenty people.A. resulted in; causingB. resulted from; causedC. resulted from; causingD. resulted in; caused48. He __________to get to the top of the hill after________ several times.A .managed; to try B. tried; to tryC. managed; tryingD. tried; trying49. ——Do remember to give Mary the money you borrowed.——Yes, I will give it to her ____________I see her.A. whileB. immediatelyC. suddenlyD. a moment50. The possibility that he knew about the stolen files cannot be _________.A. ruled outB. made outC. given outD. put out51. He devoted every spare moment to __________English, ________ his wife wasdevoted to music.A. study; whenB. study; thoughC. studying; ifD. studying; while52.——He __________caught in the rain yesterday and is now in hospital.——I’m sorry to hear that.A .had B. is C. got D. had been53. The Canadian tourist hurried to the station, only ______ that the train had pulledout of the station.A. tellingB. to tellC. to be toldD. having been told54. He _______all the qualities of a successful player. You name it, he’s got it.A. combinesB. connectsC. conveysD. unites55. He often speaks of the trouble he _______to look after his sick mother.A. hadB. foundC. madeD. took56. Isn’t it amazing how the human body heals ______after an injury?A. himselfB. himC. itselfD. it57. I’m not surprised that he became a writer. Even as a child he had a _______ imagination.A. clearB. cautiousC. funnyD. vivid58. Nowadays in India, women with independent incomes are refusing to ______thetraditional idea of marriage.A. submit toB. contribute toC. devote toD. subscribeto59. Albert Einstein once said, “People owe my success ______ my talents. Actuallymy success lies ______ my diligence.”A. to; onB. to; inC. with; inD. for; on60. _______! We first got a flat tire, and now my cell phone is dead.A. For whatB. What’s up C .Guess what D. What’s on61. You should take some time to study your performance ______ carefully. It coulddecide whether you get a raise or promotion next year.A. revisionB. reviewC. remarkD. request62. Skipping breakfast can also cause you to overeat. To make matters worse, ______your body is in a slow state , it will not be able to burn the extra calories very efficiently .A. unlessB. thoughC. sinceD. before63. The environmentalists said wild geese's ________on the vast lake was a good signof the better environment.A. identificationB. absenceC. attendanceD. appearance64. It was after he got______ he had wanted ________ he realized it was not so important.A. what; whatB. what; thatC. that; whatD. that; which65. Those who were late for school this morning, _______ down your names on the blackboard!A. writeB. wroteC. are writingD. will write66. I always have so many things to when I come back to the company aftera trip abroad.A. add toB. contribute toC. attend toD. appeal to67. One side of the door of my bedroom should be painted white, and .A. the other pinkB. another pinkC. the other is pinkD. another is pink68. —It is said that Williams will come to help us.—_______we depend him, we have to do most of the work ourselves.A. No matter what degreeB. WhateverC. However muchD. However69. Many people fear that GM food will ___________ some new diseases.A. devote toB. open the door toC. get close toD. get down to70. In fact John is not a _________ person. He is _________.A. serious; carefreeB. talkative; noisyC. kind; friendlyD. careful; warm-hearted71. You can _____ on her because she always keeps her ______A. live, wordB. look down, wordsC. depend, wordsD. rely, word72. It is human beings who should be responsible _______ the harm done ____nature.A. to, toB. for, toC. for, atD. at, to73. “Not having returned home yet, ____________”, his father said to the police..A. his mother got worriedB. his mother must be worriedC. I think he is missingD. he must have got into some trouble.74. If city noises _______ from increasing, people ______ shout to be heard even atthe dinner table 20 years from now.A. are not kept; will have toB. are not kept; have toC. do not keep; will have toD. do not keep; have to75. When ________what you said about the environment and the economy needing towork together more, I was very much __________.A. heard; impressedB. hearing; impressedC. hearing; impressingD. heard;impressing76. What you did _____his anger.A. added up toB. added upC. added toD. added77. He has already achieved success_____ his wildest dreams.A. atB. beyondC.withinD. upon78. The headmaster arranged ______Tom to go to Britain.A. asB. forC. toD. with79. The ____lights in the classroom are not bright enough.A. electricallyB. electricianC. electricalD. electric80. The last one ______pays the meal.A. arrivedB. arrivesC. to arriveD. arriving81. I like Mr. White best, although he is my _____teacher.A. beforeB. aheadC. formerD. pass82. Don’t speak all at once! _________, please.A. Each at one timeB. One by one timeC. One for each timeD. One at a time83. ---Do you need any help, Lucy?—Yes. The job is ____I could do my self.A. less thanB. more thanC. no more thanD. not more than84. _______fire, all exits must be kept clear.A. In place ofB. Instead ofC. In case ofD. In spite of85. He had ______little money that he could buy noting.A. suchB. such aC. soD. so a86. Scientists are convinced ______the positive effect of laughter _____physical andmentalheath.A. of, atB. by, inC. of, onD. on, at87. This problem is difficult to________.A. dealB. dealtC. deal withD. dealing with88. I have ______all my papers but I still can’t find my notes.A. looked throughB. looked forC. looked afterD. looked out89. ----You are always full of _______. Can you tell me the secret?----Taking plenty of exercise everyday.A. powerB. strengthC. forceD. energy90. This picture ______ me of my childhood.A. callsB. remembersC. thinksD. reminds91. He told me the news in the ____of a letter.A. wayB. meanC. methodD. form92. Some students often listen to music ______classes to refresh themselves.A. betweenB. amongC. overD. during93. His father died ____cancer last year and he missed him very much.A. ofB. from C .with D. or94. He was wearing dark glasses _____his eyes ______the sun.A. protect; fromB. protecting; againstC. to protect; fromD. protected; against95. Don’t be ______by products promising to make you lose weight quickly.A. taken offB. taken outC. taken awayD. taken in96. They reached home at last, ____and hungry.A. was tiredB. tiredC. tiringD. tiredly97. Washington, a state in the United States, was named _________one of the greatestAmerican presidents.A. in honor ofB. instead ofC. in favor ofD. by means of98. Over-heating development might have had bad ___on the national economy.A. causeB. influenceC. resultD. factor99. I happened _______it in some book.A. to readB. to have readC. that I have read D that I had read 100. _______other good students, the teacher thinks, Hank is ____student.A. Compared with; a most satisfiedB. Compared to; the most satisfiedC. Compared to; the more satisfyingD. Compared with; a more satisfyingKeys:1—5 BCCCD 6—10 ABABC 11—15 BCDCB 16—20 CCACC 21—25 BACDB 26—30 ACACA 31—35 BCBCA 36—40 DACDD 41—45 CACCD 46—50 CCCBA 51—55 DCCAD 56—60 CDABC 61—65 BCDBA 66—70 CACBA 71—75 CBDAB 76—80 CBBDC 81—85 CDBCC 86—90 CCADD 91—95 DAACD 96—100 BABBD。




















人教版高中英语新教材选择性必修一同步练习人教版高中英语新教材选择性必修一Unit 1同步练习Unit 1 People of achievement一、单词拼写1.It occurred to me that I could ask my cousin to help me ______(获得) a visa.2.She _______(承认) having been cheated in the market.3.It is difficult to______(评估) the damage to this village.4.He sits down and______(分析) why she feels so upset.5.He paused,______(显然地) lost in thought staring at the book.6.She______(坚持) that I go to the library with her.7.Although his wife is young,she has made wonderful ______(科学的) discoveries. 8.Reading is of ______(必要的) importance in language learning.二、选词填空die from,be committed to,care about,insist on,millions of,by chance9.He ______ nobody but himself in the trip to Qingdao.10.A group of thieves robbed the bank of ______dollars.11.Many people_______ cholera in Europe in the last century.12.One may make a mistake _______but one can’t make mistakes all his life.13.I think it is unwise that the company ______ the high price.14.She ______ the care of the patients.三、单句语法填空15.The discovery of new evidence led to the thief ______(catch).16.He was ______(apparent)much surprised at the news.17.Our leader insisted that we_______(carry) it out.18.Some of the people_______(invite) to the party couldn’t come.19.He learned the _______(distinct) between gold and lead.20.This material is very rare and is also hard _______(obtain).21.The old man is more ______ our teacher;he’s also our friend.22.______(science) research shows that women tend to survive their husbands by 5-10 years.四、单句写作23.此外,焦虑和担心会导致疾病。



人教新课标高中语文必修一第6课《鸿门宴》同步试卷一、单选题(共6题;共12分)1. 下列各句中画线词的解释,错误的一项是()A.焉用亡郑以陪邻陪:增加B.燕王诚振怖大王之威诚:的确,实在C.籍吏民,封府库籍:登记D.沛公起如厕如:如同2. 下列各组句子中,全部含有通假字的一项是()A.距关,毋内诸侯朝济而夕设版焉B.愿伯具言臣之不敢倍德也张良出,要项伯C.旦日不可不蚤自来谢项王秋毫不敢有所近D.料大王士卒足以当项王乎卒起不意,尽失其度3. 下列加点词语的古今义全不相同的一项是()①沛公奉卮酒为寿,约为婚姻②今者有小人之言③备他盗之出入与非常也④日夜望将军至⑤未有封侯之赏,而听细说⑥如今人方为刀俎,我为鱼肉A.①②⑤B.①④⑥C.②③⑤D.③⑤⑥4. 下列各句中,句式和“大王来何操”相同的一组是()A.吾属今为之虏矣B.然不自意能先入关破秦C.此亡秦之续耳D.私见张良,具告以事5. 下列各组句子中,画线词的意义不同的一项是()A.旦日不可不蚤自来谢项王乃令张良留谢B.不如因善遇之秦之遇将军,可谓深矣C.沛公则置车骑项王则受璧,置之坐上D.沛公已去,间至军中道芷阳间行6. 下列表述不正确的一项是()A.《史记》是我国第一部编年体史书,作者司马迁。











高中物理人教(新课标)必修1同步练习:第四章 专题 板块模型

高中物理人教(新课标)必修1同步练习:第四章 专题 板块模型

高中物理人教(新课标)必修1同步练习:第四章专题板块模型姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________一、单选题 (共6题;共12分)1. (2分) (2017高二下·黄山期末) 如图所示,质量为M的框架放在水平地面上,一轻弹簧上端固定一个质量为m的小球,小球上下振动时,框架始终没有跳起.当框架对地面压力为零瞬间,小球的加速度大小为()A . gB . gC . 0D . g【考点】2. (2分)(2019·昆明模拟) 在光滑水平面上有一质点处于静止状态,现施加一水平力F,力F随时间t按如图所示的余弦函数变化,则下列说法正确的是()A . 在0〜4s内,力F做功为零B . 第2s末,质点的加速度最大C . 第4s末,质点的速度最大D . 在2s〜4s内,质点做加速运动【考点】3. (2分)(2016·武昌模拟) 如图所示,质量为M=4kg的木板A长L=1m,静止放在光滑的水平地面上,其右端静置一质量为m=1kg的小滑块B(可视为质点),它与木板A之间的动摩擦因数μ=0.4.现用水平恒力F=28N 向右拉木板,使小滑块B能从木板A上滑下来.木板A和小滑块B的加速度大小分别为aA、aB ,速度大小分别为vA,vB ,重力加速度g取10m/s2 ,则从开始运动到小滑块B滑下木板的过程中,下列图像正确的是()A .B .C .D .【考点】4. (2分) (2018高二上·黑龙江期末) 如图所示,图中实线是一簇未标明方向的由点电荷产生的电场线,虚线是某带电粒子通过该电场区域时的运动轨迹,a、b是轨迹上的两点,若带电粒子在运动过程中只受到电场力作用,根据此图可以作出的判断,错误的是()A . 带电粒子所带电荷的正、负B . 带电粒子在a、b两点的受力方向C . 带电粒子在a、b两点的加速度何处较大D . 带电粒子在a、b两点的速度何处较大【考点】5. (2分) (2018高三上·武邑模拟) 一个质量可忽略不计的长轻质木板置于光滑水平地面上,木板上放质量分别为mA=1 kg和mB=2 kg的A、B两物块,A、B与木板之间的动摩擦因数都为μ=0.2,水平恒力F作用在A 物块上,如图所示(重力加速度g取10 m/s2).则下列说法错误的是()A . 若F=1 N,则A,B都相对板静止不动B . 若F=1.5 N,则A物块所受摩擦力大小为1.5 NC . 若F=4 N,则B物块所受摩擦力大小为2 ND . 若F=6 N,则B物块的加速度为1 m/s2【考点】6. (2分)水平地面上一个质量的物体,在水平向右拉力作用下,向右匀速运动,那么,在刚刚撤去F时,物体的加速度是()A . 等于零B . ,水平向左C . ,水平向右D . ,水平向左【考点】二、多选题 (共6题;共18分)7. (3分) (2017高一下·营口开学考) 如图所示,某人正通过定滑轮将质量为m的货物提升到高处.滑轮的质量和摩擦均不计,货物获得的加速度a与绳子对货物竖直向上的拉力T之间的函数关系如图所示.以下判断正确的是()A . 图线与纵轴的交点M的值aM=﹣gB . 图线与横轴的交点N的值TN=mgC . 图线的斜率等于物体的质量mD . 图线的斜率等于物体质量的倒数【考点】8. (3分) (2017高一上·肇庆期末) 质量为m的人站在升降机中,如果升降机运动时加速度的绝对值为a,升降机底板对人的支持力N=ma+mg,则可能的情况是()A . 升降机以加速度a向下加速运动B . 升降机以加速度a向上加速运动C . 在向上运动中,以加速度a制动D . 在向下运动中,以加速度a制动【考点】9. (3分)(2019·南京模拟) 质量均为m的两个木块A、B用一轻弹簧拴接,静置于水平地面上,如图甲所示.现用一竖直向上的恒力F拉木块A,使木块A向上做直线运动,如图乙所示.从木块A开始运动到木块B刚要离开地面的过程中,设弹簧始终处于弹性限度内,重力加速度为g,下列说法中正确的有()A . 要使B能离开地面,F的大小应大于mgB . A的加速度一定先减小后增大C . A的动能一定先增大后减小D . A、B和弹簧组成的系统机械能一定增大【考点】10. (3分) (2017高一下·合肥期末) 一质点在0~15s内竖直向上运动,其加速度﹣时间变化的图象如图所示,若取竖直向下为正,g取10m/s2 ,则下列说法正确的是()A . 质点的机械能不断增加B . 在0~5s内质点的动能减小C . 在10~15s内质点的机械能一直增加D . 在t=15s时质点的机械能大于t=5s时质点的机械能【考点】11. (3分) (2018高三上·河北期末) 如图甲所示,倾角为θ的光滑斜面固定在水平面上,劲度系数为k 的轻弹簧,下端固定在斜面底端,上端与质量为m的物块A连接,A的右侧紧靠一质量为m的物块B,但B与A不粘连。



人教(新课标)高中物理必修1同步练习:2.6伽利略对自由落体运动的研究一、单选题1.关于伽利略对自由落体运动的研究,下列说法错误的是()A. 通过逻辑推理的方法揭示了“重的物体下落快”说法的错误B. 猜想t∝x和v∝t两种可能,并通过实验测出v∝x不正确C. 通过逻辑推理得出检验v∝t就是检验x∝t2D. 利用斜面实验检验了x∝t2并通过推理论证t∝x不正确2.伽利略对自由落体的研究,开创了研究自然规律的科学方法,这就是()A. 对自然现象进行总结归纳的方法B. 用科学实验进行探究的方法C. 把科学实验和逻辑推理(包括数学演算)相结合的方法D. 对自然现象进行总结归纳,并用实验进行验证的方法3.伽利略对自由落体运动的研究,是科学实验和逻辑推理的完美结合.伽利略先用斜面进行实验研究,获得匀变速直线运动的规律,然后将此规律合理外推至倾角为90°自由落体的情形.对伽利略研究过程的理解,下列说法正确的是( )A. 图中所示的情形均为真实的实验过程B. 图中所示的情形均为理想的实验过程C. 利用斜面“放大”重力的作用,使实验现象更明显D. 利用斜面“冲淡”重力的作用,便于测量实验数据4.如图1、图2所示,传说伽利略在研究自由落体过程中做了两个实验:第一个是比萨斜塔实验,将一大一小两个铁球从斜塔上同时放手让其下落;第二个是在斜面上研究物体的加速运动。

关于这两个实验,下列说法正确的是()A. 比萨斜塔实验证明了物体自由下落过程,其加速度是恒定的B. 比萨斜塔实验过程中,完全消除了摩擦力对物体运动的影响C. 伽利略测量球从静止开始沿斜面滚下的位移x与时间t,验证x∝t,直接证明自由落体运动的加速度是恒定的D. 伽利略开创了科学的研究方法,即将猜想假说、数学推导、科学实验、逻辑推理结合5.在学习物理知识的同时,还应当十分注意学习物理学研究问题的思想和方法,从一定意义上说,后一点甚至更重要.伟大的物理学家伽利略的研究方法对于后来的科学研究具有重大的启蒙作用,至今仍然具有重要意义.请你判断伽利略探究物体下落规律的过程是( )A. 猜想—问题—数学推理—实验验证—合理外推—得出结论B. 问题—猜想—数学推理—实验验证—合理外推—得出结论C. 问题—猜想—实验验证—数学推理—合理外推—得出结论D. 猜想—问题—实验验证—数学推理—合理外推—得出结论6.伽利略为了研究自由落体的规律,将落体实验转化为著名的“斜面实验”,对于这个研究过程,下列说法正确的是()A. 斜面实验是一个理想实验B. 斜面实验放大了重力的作用,便于测量小球运动的路程C. 通过对斜面实验的观察与计算,直接得到落体运动的规律D. 不直接做落体实验是因为当时时间测量不够精确7.历史上,伽利略在斜面实验中分别在倾角不同、阻力很小的斜面上由静止释放小球,他通过实验观察和逻辑推理,得出的正确结论有( )A. 倾角一定时,小球在斜面上的位移与时间的二次方成正比B. 倾角一定时,小球在斜面上的速度与时间的二次方成正比C. 斜面长度一定时,小球从顶端滚到底端时的速度与倾角无关D. 斜面长度一定时,小球从顶端滚到底端时的时间与倾角无关8.伽利略为了研究自由落体的规律,将落体实验转化为著名的“斜面实验”,从而创造了一种科学研究的方法.利用斜面实验主要是考虑到,实验时便于测量小球运动的()A. 速度B. 时间C. 路程D. 加速度9.关于伽利略的两个斜面实验,下面说法中正确的是A. 伽利略在图中使用了光滑斜面进行实验B. 伽利略在图中使用了光滑斜面进行实验C. 伽利略从图中得出:自由落体运动是匀加速直线运动D. 伽利略从图中得出:力是维持物体运动的原因二、多选题10.关于伽利略对自由落体运动的研究,下列说法中正确的是()A. 伽利略认为,在同一地点,重的物体和轻的物体应该下落得同样快B. 伽利略猜想运动速度与下落时间成正比,并直接用实验进行了验证C. 伽利略通过数学推演并用小球在斜面上验证了位移与时间的平方成正比D. 伽利略思想方法的核心是把实验和逻辑推理(包括数学推演)和谐地结合起来11.在物理学发展的过程中,许多物理学家的科学研究推动了人类文明的进程。



高中物理人教(新课标)必修1同步练习:4.7用牛顿定律解决问题(二)物理考试注意事项:1、填写答题卡的内容用2B铅笔填写2、提前xx 分钟收取答题卡第Ⅰ卷客观题第Ⅰ卷的注释(共8题;共16分)1.(2分)放在水平地面上的一物体,受到方向不变的水平推力F的作用,力F与时间t的关系和物体速度v与时间t的关系如图所示,则下列说法正确的是()A.物体与地面间的摩擦因数为0.2B.物体与地面间的摩擦因数为0.4C.9s内,力F做的功是18JD.3~6s和6~9s两段时间内摩擦力的平均功率相等2.(2分)一物块位于粗糙水平面上,用大小为F、方向如图所示的力作用在物体上,使它以加速度a向右加速运动。








斜面体始终保持静止,则下列判断正确的是()A.物体甲所受的摩擦力可能为零B.物体甲一定受到四个力作用C.物体乙所受的摩擦力可能为零D.水平面对斜面体有摩擦力作用2.(2分)如图所示,倾角为θ 的斜面体C置于水平地面上,一条细线一端与斜面上的物体B相连,另一端绕过质量不计的定滑轮与物体A相连,定滑轮用另一条细线悬挂在天花板上的O 点,细线与竖直方向成α角,A、B、C始终处于静止状态,下列说法正确的是()A.若仅增大A的质量,B对C的摩擦力一定减小B.若仅增大A的质量,地面对C的摩擦力一定增大C.若仅增大B的质量,悬挂定滑轮的细线的拉力可能等于A的重力D.若仅将C向左缓慢移动一点,α角将增大3.(2分)如图所示,某商场的台阶式自动扶梯,台阶面水平,扶手是成一定倾角的斜面。



关于这些摩擦力,下列说法正确的是()A.F1、F2、F3、F4均沿扶手向上B.、F1、F2均沿扶手向上,F3、F4均沿扶手向下C.F1、F3均为零,F2沿扶手向上,F4均沿扶手向下D.F1、F3均为零,F2、F4均沿扶手向上4.(2分)手拿起玻璃瓶,使瓶在空中处于静止状态,关于瓶的受力,下列说法中正确的是()A.滑动摩擦力,方向竖直向上B.静摩擦力,方向竖直向下C.摩擦力和重力是一对平衡力D.摩擦力和重力是作用力和反作用力5.(2分)如图所示,物块质量为m,一直随转筒一起以角速度ω绕竖直轴做匀速圆周运动,以下描述正确的是()A.物块所需向心力由圆筒对物块的摩擦力提供B.若角速度ω增大,物块所受摩擦力增大C.若角速度ω增大,物块所受弹力增大D.若角速度ω减小,物块所受摩擦力减小6.(2分)如图,A、B两物体叠放在水平地面上,A物体质量m=20kg,B物体质量M=30 kg。



高一英语人教课标必修1和2单选练习M1Unit 1 Friendship1. ---- A good book is a good friend. You can get the help you need from it.----- You said it. ___________.A. I agreeB. All rightC. I disagreeD. That‟s a good idea2. He is not an easy man __________________.A. to get onB. to get alongC. to be got along withD. to get on with3. After __________ the league, he often helps others.A. joining inB. joiningC. joinedD. joined in4. She ___________ the vase on the table and went out.A. set outB. set upC. set downD. set on5. He ____________________ Mary for three years.A. has fallen in love withB. has been in love withC. has married toD. has been married with6. He asked me _________________.A. when would I come backB. why I hadn‟t attended the meetingC. how much did I pay for the mobile phoneD. whom was I going to the cinema with7. This will be the second time that he ____________ China.A. will visitB. is to visitC. has visitedD. visits8. I wonder whether he _______ the work by the end of this week.A. will have finishedB. finishesC. has finishedD. finished9. Iraq has ___________ too many wars since 1990s, making his people ______ a lot.A. got through; payB. looked through; faceC. gone through; sufferD. passed through; destroy10. Peasants are living a comfortable life because of ________ good harvestsA. a series ofB. a pair ofC. a set ofD. a piece of11.----I don‟t know ______ you are getting along with your classmates.---- I have told you many times __________ I‟m getting on well with them.A. how; thatB. that; howC. how; howD. that; that12. The reporter decided to make a _______ interview with the sportsman who won the first gold. medal.A. face-to-faceB. face to faceC. face-in-faceD. face in face13. After the match, Tom became so angry at the result that he kicked footballs in the gym hall ______.A. go crazyB. like crazyC. go crazilyD. like crazily14. The water of the lake was so __________ that it looked like glass.A. silentB. calmC. stillD. quiet15. The professor raised his voice _______ everyone could hear clearly.A. so thatB. in order thatC. to make sureD. all the above16. There was _______ time _________ I hated to go to school.A. a; thatB. a; whenC. the; thatD. the; when17. ---- Have you finished your experiment report, Jane?----- Oh, my God. I‟ve _______ forgotten all about that.A. stronglyB. extremelyC. entirelyD. freely18. I must ________ my dog this evening; it hasn‟t been out for three days.A. buyB. sellC. walkD. run19. I learned from the textbook that light ______ faster than sound.A. traveledB. had traveledC. is travelingD. travels20. He asked me _________ I would go to Shanghai by train the next day.A. that ifB. ifC. that whetherD. howADBCB BCACA AABBD BCCDBUnit 2 English around the world1 Mr. Huang will ________ in the movement.A. play a leading partB. take partsC. play leading partD. take a part2. We discussed where to go for a whole morning, but we decided to stay at home_____.A. at the endB. by the endC. in the endD. on end3. _____ of the students who took part in the military training is 450.A. A numberB. A lotC. LotsD. The number4. Sometimes ________ English is quite different from _______ English in many ways.A. speaking, writingB. spoken, writtenC. speaking, writtenD. spoken, writing5. Can you tell me if you have found the key ________ your car.A. forB. toC. aboutD. by6. When we visited Zhangzhuang again ten years later, we found it changed so much that we could hardly ________ it.A. rememberB. think aboutC. believeD. recognize7.The policeman warned the drive ________ so carelessly.A. never to driveB. to never driveC. to not driveD. doesn‟t drive8. The office ordered his soldiers ________.A. to stand stillB. to not stand stillC. not stand stillD. stand still9. They lived a hard life and were often made _______ for over ten hours a day.A. workB. to workC. to workingD. worked10. Do you have any difficulty ________ ?A. on listeningB. to listeningC. for listeningD. in listening11.Xiao Hong worked harder last year. _______ , she still didn‟t get high grades.A. As a resultB. After allC. By the wayD. However12. Please tell me the way you thought of _______ the garden.A. take care ofB. to take care ofC. taking care ofD. to take care13. It‟s _______ hot here. We can‟t stay here for a long time.A. muchB. very muchC. much tooD. too much14. How did all these _________?A. came outB. come upC. come acrossD. come about15.I came here with your mother ________ to see you.A. speciallyB. specialC. especiallyD. especial16. On hearing the sound, the birds flew away in every _____.A. directionB. wayC. placeD. side17. The book _____ forty maps, _____ three of Great Britain.A. contains; includesB. is containing; includingC. includes; containsD. contains; including18. Now women play _____ in TV programmes, so they are playing a more and more important _____ in the TV programme industry.A. a part; partB. parts; partsC. parts; partD. a part; parts19. I like her _____ she can be annoying(令人烦恼的).A. even ifB. evenC. as ifD. as though20. Trees on the hills can stop the rains from ______ away the soil.A. to washB. washedC. washingD. washes1—5:ACDBB 6—10: DAABD 11—15:DBCDA 16-20: ADCACUnit 3 Travel journal1.—Merry Christmas to you!—________.A.The same to you B.You do too C.The same as you D.You have it too2.Every possible means ___ to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear.A.is used B.are used C.has been used D.have been used3.Rather than ______ on a crowded bus, he always prefers a bicycle.A.ride; ride B.riding; ride C.ride; to ride D.to ride; riding4.His mother had thought it would be good for his character to ____ from home and earn some money on his own.A.run away B.take away C.keep away D.get away5.Sally worked late in the evening to finish her report _ _ her boss could read it first thing next morning.A.so that B.because C.before D.or else6.—Did you walk to school this morning?—No, we went by bus _____.A.instead of feet B.instead walking C.instead of on foot D.instead on foot7.— Is this raincoat yours?— No, mine_____ there behind the door.A.is hanging B.has hung C.hangs D.hung8.A friend of ______ went to the railway station to see ______.A.Rebecca; her off B.Rebecca; off herC.Rebecca‟s; her off D.Rebecca‟s off her9.—What do you imagine ______her so sad?—Losing her new storybook.A.to make B.make C.making D.has made10.He ______ some French while he was away on a business trip in Paris.A.made out B.picked up C.gave up D.took in11.Is this the reason at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?A.he explained B.what he explainedC.how he explained D.why he explained12.They will leave for Japan _ __two o‟clock this afternoon and we‟ll fly to America __a few weeks.A.after; in B.in; after C.on; in D.after; after13.—Where is Helen?—She ____ America for a week.A.has gone off to B.has left for C.has been off to D.has set off to14.Jumping out of _______ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite _______ exciting experience.A.不填; the B.不填; an C.an; an D.the; the15.—How long ____ you ____ in Singapore?—For just the weekend.I‟ll be back next Monday morning.A.have; stayed B.are; staying C.did; stay D.do; stay16. —It‟s getting dark. I‟m afraid I must be off now.— ____.A. That‟s all rightB. You are niceC. What a pityD. See you17. Margie shows a very positive attitude ____ her work.A. toB. withC. ofD. about18. Before you leave Beijing for New York, you should be familiar ____ English.A. withB. toC. onD. about19. — Is there anything you want to know?— I just wonder ____ that makes Jim so excited.A. what it isB. what he doesC. how it isD. why it does20. Betty and Arthur ____ on separate holidays in a few days‟ time.A. goB. goingC. are goingD. went1—5 ACCDA 6—10 CACDB 11—15 AACCB 16-20 DAAACUnit 4 Earthquakes1. —Peter was killed in the earthquake!—_____ I talked with him last week.A. What a pity!B. I beg your pardon.C. Sorry to hear that.D. Is that so?2. We‟ll not attend the meeting _____ we are invited.A. ifB. andC. unlessD. once3. —They didn‟t attend the conference.—They _____ a long trip abroad.A. preparedB. were preparing forC. were preparingD. are preparing for4. Wash your hands with soap _____ the experiment.A. in the end ofB. at the end ofC. to the end ofD. by the end of5. His strength had almost _____ when they found him in the desert.A. given outB. given inC. given upD. given off6. Many people came to the meeting, _____ of whom left early.A. numberB. the numbersC. the numberD. a number7. I‟ll spend my holiday in Shanghai, _____ lies on the coast.A. whoB. whichC. whereD. that8. On _____ the bad news, she cried with her face _____ in his hands.A. hear; buryB. hear; buriedC. heard; buryingD. hearing; buried9. Not far from the club, there was a garden, _____ owner was seated in it playing cards with his children every afternoon.A. itsB. whoseC. whichD. of which10. It‟s quite _____ to score a goal in FIFA World Cup.A. a prizeB. a priceC. an honourD. a value11. I met the teacher in the street yesterday _____ taught me English three years ago.A. whichB. whenC. whereD. who12. The people there were greatly _____ to see every-thing changed over a night.A. pleasedB. shockedC. interestedD. moved13. Tell us about the people and the places _____ are different from ours.A. thatB. whoC. whichD. whom14. _____ is no wonder the building is _____.A. It; in ruinsB. That; in ruinsC. This; in ruin D It; in ruin15. —Do you mind if I open the window?—_____, but I‟ve caught a bad cold today.A. No, not at allB. Yes, of course notC. Yes, pleaseD. I‟m sorry16. Step By Step is the only one of the books ________ with the tape in the bookshop.A. that goesB. that goC. which goesD. which go17. I‟ve read all the books ________ you gave me.A. whoB. whoseC. whomD. that18. “After World War II, many of the cities across western European countries ________,” our guide said.A. lied in ruinB. lay in ruinsC. lay in ruinD. lying in ruins19. I had not listened to my mother‟s advice on taking an umbrella. Later that afternoon, I was nearly ________ the rain.A. taken byB. trapped inC. caught inD. beaten by20. It‟s really unbelievable! Can you ________ her swimming across the English Channel?A. believeB. imagineC. mindD. think1-5CCBBA 6-10DBDBC 11-15DBAAA 16-20ADBCBUnit 5 Nelson Mandel -- a modern hero1. —Your tie goes very well with your shirt.—_______A.Oh, I got it on sale.B.I bought it at half price.C.Does it really look OK? D.No, not so nice.2.role she played in the film! No wonder she has won an Oscar.A.How interesting B.How an interestingC.What interesting D.What an interesting3.Generally speaking, according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.A.when taking B.when taken C.when to take D.when to be taken 4.When their first child was born, they _____ for three years.A.had married B.had been married C.got married D.had got married 5.—How are you getting along with your studies?—Not very well, ______.A.of course B.I’m sure C.I’m afraid D.on the other hand 6.When ______ the teacher coming in, the students stopped ______.A.to see; to talk B.seen; talking C.seeing; to talk D.seeing; talking 7.Mr Zhang is ill, so I’ll ______ till he is well again.A.take place B.take his placeC.take the place for him D.instead of8.We are living in an age many things are done on computer.A.which B.that C.whose D.when9.—I hear they aren’t pleased with the house you’ve chosen for them.—Well, could they live in such comfort?A.where else B.what else C.how D.why10.There will be a (n) ___TV programme of the football match between China and Brazil tonight.A.live B.living C.lively D.alive11.The skirt ______ she spent 50 yuan is very beautiful on her.A.in which B.on which C.for which D.with which12.—How did the prisoner escape?—By climbing a fence and ____ someone’s car.A.steal B.stole C.stealing D.to steal13.The reason _____ he gave for being late was _____ he overslept this morning.A.why; that B.why; because C.which; that D.which; because 14.I _____ you my best thanks for what you’ve done to me.A.owe B.own C.share D.pay15.—Why do you often listen to the radio?—To get some information .A.by air B.on the air C.in the air D.from the air16. I‟ve worked with kids before, so I know what ______in my job.A. expectedB. to expectC. to be expectingD. expect17. The old worker has been fired and now a young man ______.A. took placeB. has taken the placeC. takes place of himD. has taken his place18. He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he ____a goal.A. had scoredB. scoredC. would scoreD. would have scored19. I _______ my son not to walk beside the river, but he wouldn‟t listen.A. suggestedB. hopedC. warnedD. persuaded20. _____ in her best skirt, the girl tried to make herself ____ at the party.A. Dressed; noticedB. Dressing; noticingC. Dressing; noticedD. Dressed; noticing1-5 CDBBC 6-10 DBDAA 11-15 BCAAB 16-20 BDDCAUnit 1 Cultural relics1. The employee you had been thinking highly_______ dishonest.A. of provingB. of provedC. of to proveD. of being proved.2. The police________ him to see if he had a gun.A. searched forB. searchedC. in search ofD. looked for3. There were two large buildings,_______ stands nearly a hundred feet high.A. the largerB. the large of themC. the larger of whomD. the large of which4. ______ is known to all that the Amber Room belongs to the Russians.A. AsB. whichC. ItD. What5. --We don‟t know who stole the book. What‟s you opinion?--Jack is considered _______ it.A. having doneB. to have doneC. doingD. to do6. He was so nervous during the test. No ______ he didn‟t pass the exam.A. wayB. surpriseC. wonderD. matter7. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains______ whether they will enjoy it.A. to seeB. to be seenC. seeingD. seen8. I don‟t like to go to the concert. I have n o interest in it; _______, I have lots of work to do.A. howeverB. besideC. thereforeD. besides9. It is the youngest brother rather than his two elder brothers _______been fined for breaking the traffic rules.A. whom haveB. who haveC. that have B. that has10. Mike ________ his car, for he came to work by bus this morningA. can have foundB. could have foundC. can‟t have foundD. mustn‟t have found11. -Whose advice do you think I should take?-______.A. You speakB. That‟s itC. It‟s up to youD. You got it12. The English test was very difficult. Many students failed in it, ______ Bob, who is good at English.A. includedB. includingC. includeD. to include13. The bad news that they had received from doctors meant the ______ of all their hopes.A. ruinB. resultC. lossD. failure14. Most people think _______ necessary to learn a foreign language nowadays.A. itB. thisC. thatD. which15. Let me try to _______ my ideas to you in another way.A. recreateB. restoreC. representD. rebuild16. When you read the book, you‟d better make a mark ______ you have a ques tion.A. in whichB. thatC. at witchD. where17. We should do all we can ______ the children who lost the chance to go to school.A. helpB. to helpC. helpingD. to be helping18. It usually takes the runners a few minutes to ______ their breath after a long race.A. holdB. loseC. keepD. get19. He has waited for her here for five hours and reached the _______ of his patience.A. limitB. topC. pointD. speed20. The matter is _______ consideration and the result will come out tomorrow.A. inB. onC. atD. under1-5 BBDCB 6-10 CBDDC 11-15 CBAAC 16-20 DBDADUnit 2 The Olympic Games1. ---- How long have they _____?---- They _______ more than twenty years ago.A. been married; got marriedB. married; marriedC. got married; were marriedD. got married; got married2. Our headmaster will __________us in the discussion this afternoon.A. take part inB. join inC. joinD. attend3. __________the Olympic Games is a great honor and a great responsibility for a country.A. HostingB. HostC. To hostD. Hosted4. These plants are watered___________A. each other dayB. every other dayC. each of two daysD. every of two days5. It is known to all that Beijing will __________the 2008 Olympic Games.A. hostB. host forC. be hostedD. host with6. Will someone__________ the broken lire __________a new one?A. replace, toB. place, toC. replace, withD. place, with7. Several companies are__________ each other__________ a contract.A. competing against forB. competed withC. compete with againstD. competing with to8. How many_________ will you .__________this sports meet?A. incident, joinB. events, join inC. accidents, attendD. games, enter9. If you __________you should keep it.A. do a promiseB. bring a promiseC. show a promiseD. make a promise10. My grandpa was in the Ked Army, and he__________ the Long March.A. joinedB. took part inC. attendedD. join11. They got a__________ result and were wild with joy.A. magicB. magicianC. magneticD. magical12. — Do you think he is coming tomorrow?---___________.A. I don't believeB. I don't believe itC. I believe not soD. I believe not13. Her mother__________ having read the letter.A. thoughtB. consideredC. admittedD. advised14. He showed me all the letters__________ the matter.A. relatingB. related withC. relating toD. relate to15. She is a talented musician ________ being a photographer.A. alsoB. andC. as wellD. as well as16. They__________ in the newspaper that they had a used car for sale.A. toldB. advisedC. admittedD. advertised17. My sister__________ the man she was engaged 10.A. married toB. married withC. married inD. married18. — I won't go in for mountaineering because it is too dangerous.—__________ you've told me you would.A. SinceB. BecauseC. ButD. For19. __________to say a thing in that way.A. It is considers wrongB. It is considered wrongC. It is considered it is wrongD. It is considering wrong20.Never in my life ______ the lesson he gave me.A. I will forgetB. will I forgetC. had I forgetD. did I forget1 - 5 ACABA 6 - 10 CABDB 11-15 DDCCD 16-20 DDCBBUnit 3 Computers1. __________the explanation of the book, we tan finally understand the meaning of the passage.A. With the help ofB. Under the help ofC. After the help ofD. By the help of2. Trees of this kind are so __________ that they can been seen everywhere.A. usualB. ordinaryC. normalD. common3. Although they are twins, they don't have much_________.A. the same asB. in commonC. in commonsD. much like4. —__________are you going to__________ it?—Keep it, of course.A. What , deal withB. How, deal withC. How, do withD. What, use5. Although he had to spend lots of money for going to the ball, he accepted the invitation. __________the ball was important to him.A. After allB. In allC. First of allD. Above all6. While he was__________ about in the street, Mary came up to him.A. wanderingB. wonderingC. wonderedD. wandered7. The old books take up too much room. You should think of ways to_________ them.A. do withB. deal withC. agree withD. get along with8. We've missed the last bus. I'm afraid we have no__________ but to take a taxi.A. wayB. choiceC. possibilityD. selection9. Problems__________ because they were lack of communication..A. raisedB. addedC. showedD. arose10. As time__________ my memory seems to get worse.A. goes alongB. goes awayC. goes byD. goes through11. You may not agree, but__________ I think she is a very good girl.A. personallyB. trulyC. generallyD. commonly12. We walk in the moonlight, talking about we were interested in.A. used to; all whatB. were used to; all thatC. used to; whatD. were used to; what13. They spent as many hours as they could _____ their lessons.A. to studyB. studyingC. studyD. studied14. ---- who, _____ is the most popular teacher in our school?---- I think it‟s Mr. Zhang.A. first of allB. in your opinionC. more or lessD. in all15. Our desks _____ wood and this kind of paper for copying _____ wood too.A make of…makes from B. are made from…is made ofC. make from…makes ofD. are made of … is made from16. — What's happening in the new area?— New houses__________ recently over there.A. are builtB. builtC. have builtD. have been built17.The experiment was _______ easier than we had expected.A. moreB. much moreC. muchD. more much18. Tomy was ____________ when he got married.A. in the 30‟sB. in his 30sC. at 30sD. at the 30‟s19. Do you still remember the lovely boy _________ Charlie? Which of the following is wrong?A. namedB. calledC. namesD. with the name20. Tomorrow we‟ll go to Yingna Mountain to _________ the sunrise.A. seeB. watchC. noticeD. look at1 -5 ADBBA 6-10 ABBDC 11-15 ACABD 16-20 DCBCBUnit 4 Wildlife Protection1. This book _____ ten units, ______ three mainly revision.A. contains; includingB. includes; containingC. contains; containing D .includes; including2. Cattle‟s two ____ help them to digest food and their fur to keep them warm.A. stomachesB. heartC. stomachsD. hearts3. She decided to apply _____ the boss _____ the new position .A to;toB for;forC to;forD for;to4. I‟ll finish the job ____ I come across great difficulty.A. howeverB. even thoughC. no matterD. as though5. John, get up! I‟m afraid you won‟t have time to ______ before going out.A. get to changeB. get changingC. get changeD. get changed6. The accident ______ her careless .A resulted fromB resulted inC as a result ofD as a result7. -----Are you coming to Jeff‟s party?----- I‟m not ___. I might g o to concert instead.A. for sureB. sureC. possibleD. definite8. ----I ____ to a party, but I‟ve got nothing to wear.---- Why don‟t you have a dress made for the party?A. was askedB. will askC. have askedD. have been asked9. I want to buy that kind of cloth because I _____ the cloth _____ well.A have told; washedB have been told; washesC was told; washedD have been told; is washed10. This is one of the happiest days ____ spent in my life.A that have ever beenB that has never beenC which was everD we have11. He is wearing sunglasses to ____ his eyes from the strong sunlight .A. protectB. holdC. stopD. prevent12. With ____ news coming, the trapped villagers grew more and more worried.A. no longerB. no moreC. not any longerD. not any more13. The movie once ____ a whole generation of people. They proved to be of much _____ in the education of people.A. affected;effectB. effected;affectC. effected;effectD. affected;affect14. Great attention must be paid ____ welfare, especially in the poor area.A. developB. to developC. to developingD. developing15.My brother wants to work in the factory which ____ still ______.A. is buildingB. has been builtC. is being builtD. is to be built16.______ he will return to his native land.A. It is long before thatB. It is before long thatC. It won‟t be long beforeD. It will be long before that17.You are silly not _____ your door.A. to lockB. to have lockedC. lockingD. having locked18. Many kinds of animals and plants die ____ every year.A downB awayC outD from19._______ be sent to work there?A. Who do you suggestB. Who do you suggest that shouldC. Do you suggest who shouldD. Do you suggest whom should20. Texts require _____________ again and again.A. readingB. to readC. being readD. to be reading1-5 ACCBD 6-10 ABDBD 11-15 ABACC 16-19 BBCAAUnit 5 Music1. -----How did you get to know all about the accident?-----_____.A. By myselfB. By the chanceC. By mistakeD. By accident2.With a lot of problems _____, the manager felt like a cat on hot bricks.A. solvedB. solvingC. to solveD. being solved3. Does the amount of rain _____ the growth of the crops?A. effectB. have few effects onC. affectD. produce4. I don‟t know the result _____, but _____, I don‟t think our team won an advantage over theirs in yesterday competition.A. for sure, honestly speakingB. of sure, to be honest with youC. for certain, honestly spokenD. certainly, to be honest to you5. He is always serious and doesn‟t like _____.A. play jokesB. being played jokes onC. being played jokesD. to play joke on others6. I do every single bit of housework _____ my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then.A. sinceB. whileC. whenD. as7. Is this the school ________ you studied ten years ago?A. in whichB. thatC. in thatD. the one that8. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase, ________ was reasonable.A. which priceB. the price of whichC. its priceD. the price of whose9. The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months,________ the sailing time was 226 daysA. of whichB. during whichC. from whichD. for which10. You …d better take something to read when you go to see the doctor ________ you have to wait.A. even ifB. in caseC. as ifD. in order that11. People may have different opinions about Karen, but I admire her.________, she is a great musician.A. After allB. As a resultC. In other wordsD. As usual12. Driving is very simple if you ________ the rules.A. are stick toB. insist inC. stick toD. will stick to13. Henry knows little of physics _____ of chemistry.A. as well asB. and still lessC. and still moreD. no less than14. English is as a matter of fact very easy because a sentence can be _____ into clauses.A. broken outB. broken upC. broken awayD. broken from15. You‟d better solve this difficult problem _____ it is too late.A. beforeB. afterC. whenD. unless16. The man _____ this house belongs is a friend of Wang Lin‟s.A. whomB. to whomC. for whomD. with whom17. She had three daughters altogether, two _____ are nurses.A. of theseB. of whomC. of whoseD. of them18. -----Are they about to have dinner?----Yes, it _____ in the dining room. 1-5 DCCAB 6-10 BABAB 11-15 ACBBA 16-20 BBADAA. is being servedB. is servedC. is servingD. serves19. She won‟t mind your being late. , it‟s hardly your fault.A. ThusB. OtherwiseC. HoweverD. Besides。



高中物理人教(新课标)必修1同步练习:1.4实验:用打点计时器测速度一、单选题(共4题;共8分)1. 你左手拿一块表,右手拿一支笔,当你的合作伙伴沿直线运动拉动一条纸带,使纸带在你的笔下向前移动时,每隔1s用笔在纸带上点下一个点,这就做成了一台“打点计时器”.如果在纸带上打下了10个点,在打下的这些点的过程中,纸带的运动时间是()A.1sB.9sC.10sD.11s2. 如图所示,你左手拿一停表,右手拿一画笔,在同伴沿直线牵动纸带的同时,用画笔在纸带上点下一个个点,这样,就做成了一台“打点计时器”.为了提高该计时器的准确性,应尽量()A.让同伴匀速拉动纸带B.使打点节奏保持均匀不变C.使打点时间间隔接近于0.02sD.使打点节奏随同伴拉动纸带速度的增大而加快3. 如图所示,根据打点计时器打出的纸带判断哪条纸带表示物体做匀速运动(______) A.B.C.D.4. 一位同学在用打点计时器做实验时,纸带上打出的不是圆点,而是如图所示的一些短线,这可能是因为()A.打点计时器错接在直流电源上B.电源电压不稳定C.电源的频率不稳定D.振针压得过紧二、多选题(共4题;共12分)关于打点计时器的原理和使用方法,下列说法中正确的是()A.打点计时器应接交流电源,交流电频率通常为50HzB.如果纸带上相邻两个计数点之间有四个点,则相邻两个计数点间的时间间隔是0.08sC.如果打点计时器在纸带上打下的点先密集后稀疏,则说明纸带的速度是由小变大D.电磁打点计时器接在220V电源上,电火花打点计时器接在6V电源上关于电磁打点计时器的使用,下列说法正确的是()A.电磁打点计时器使用的是10V以下的直流电源B.在测量物体速度时,先让物体运动,后接通电源C.使用的电源频率越高,打点的时间间隔就越小D.纸带上打的点越密,说明物体运动的越慢一辆小汽车在行驶过程中漏油了,假如每隔1s漏下一滴,车在平直公路上行驶,以下为同学根据漏下的油滴分析汽车的运动情况(已知汽车的运动方向不变)。



人教新课标物理高一必修1第三章3.2弹力同步练习一、单选题1.(2分)如图甲所示,在水平地面上固定一竖直轻弹簧,弹簧上端与一个质量为0.1 kg的木块A相连,质量也为0.1 kg的木块B叠放在A上,A、B都静止。


下列说法正确的是()A.木块下移0.1m过程中,弹簧的弹性势能增加2.5 JB.弹簧的劲度系数为500 N/mC.木块下移0.1 m时,若撤去F,则此后B能达到的最大速度为4 m/sD.木块下移0.1 m时,若撤去F,则A、B分离时的速度为5 m/s2.(2分)如图所示,竖直悬挂一轻质弹簧,不挂钩码时弹簧下端指针所指刻度为8cm,挂上10N的钩码,指针所指刻度为10cm,此弹簧的劲度系数是()A.150 N/m B.100N/m C.200N/ m D.500 N/m3.(2分)如图所示,木块A静止在斜面体B上。

设木块受到斜面体的支持力大小为N,摩擦力大小为f.当斜面体水平向左做加速度逐渐增大的加速运动时,若木块A相对于斜面体B始终保持静止,则()A.N增大, f增大B.N不变,f增大C.N减小,f先增大后减小D.N增大,f先减小后增大4.(2分)如图,A、B两物体叠放在水平地面上,A物体质量m=20kg,B物体质量M=30 kg。

处于水平位置的轻弹簧一端固定于墙壁,另一端与A物体相连,弹簧处于自然状态,其劲度系数为250 N/m,A与B之间、B与地面之间的动摩擦因数均为=0.5。

现有一水平推力F作用于物体B 上,使B缓慢地向墙壁移动,当B移动0.2m时,水平推力的大小为(g取10 m/s2)()A.200 N B.250 N C.300 N D.350 N5.(2分)如图,L形木板置于粗糙水平面上,光滑物块压缩弹簧后用细线系住.烧断细线,物块弹出的过程木板保持静止,此过程()A.弹簧对物块的弹力不变B.弹簧对物块的弹力逐渐增大C.地面对木板的摩擦力不变D.地面对木板的摩擦力逐渐减小6.(2分)如图所示,A、B两物体的质量分别是m1和m2,用劲度系数为k的轻弹簧相连,处于竖直静止状态.现对A施加竖直向上的力F将A提起,稳定时B对地面无压力.当撤去F,A由静止向下运动至速度最大时,重力做功为()A.B.C.D.7.(2分)在光滑水平面上有一物块始终受水平恒力F的作用而运动,在其正前方固定一个足够长的轻质弹簧,如图所示,当物块与弹簧接触后向右运动的过程中,下列说法正确的是()A.物块接触弹簧后立即做减速运动B.当物块的速度为零时,它所受的合力为零C.物块接触弹簧后先加速后减速D.当弹簧处于压缩量最大时,物块的加速度等于零8.(2分)如图所示,将两个相同的木块a、b置于固定在水平面上的粗糙斜面上,a、b中间用一轻弹簧连接,b的右端用平行于斜面的细绳与固定在斜面上的挡板相连。

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人教新课标必修一单选专项同步训练Revised final draft November 26, 2020高中英语单项选择专项练习1.I don’t _____ the Mriter, but I_____ him.A. know of; knowB. know; know ofC. know; knowD. learn; know of2. The man who is known _____us is known ________a great scientist.A. to; toB. as; asC. to; asD. to; for3. ----_______________----He is about your height, sort of heavy, with blue eyes.A. What does he likeB. How does he lookC. What does he look likeD. How is he4. ____ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin.A. ExposedB. Having exposedC. Being exposedD. After being exposed5. It is no use _____much but _______less.A. to talk; to doB. talking; to doC. to talk; doingD. talking; doing6. In some parts of London, missing a bus means ______for another hour.A. waiting B to wait C. wait D. to be waiting7. The boys were playing football on the ground. Sandy didn’t want to ____ them.A. take part inB. joinC. join inD. attend8. What surprised us was not what he said but_______ he said it.A. the wayB. in the way thatC. in the wayD. the way which9. ------How much shall I pay for the phone call------You_______. This is free of charge.A. shouldn’t B needn’t C. can’t D. mustn’t10. -----Do you know where my blue coat is-----Don’t bother to look for it. I’m sure it will _____ someday.A. turn outB. turn onC. turn upD. turn over11. There are five pairs________, but I’m at a loss which to buy.A. to be chosenB. to choose fromC. to chooseD. for choosing12. We stayed camping until the last food ________.A. was run outB. was run shortC. ran outD. run short13. -----I was wondering if we could go skiing on the weekend.----_______good!A. SoundB. SoundedC. SoundingD. Sounds14. -----Why can’t you and Bill go to the movies tonight-----We are _______ a history test tomorrow.A. supposed to havingB. supposedly to haveC. supposed to haveD. supposedly to having15. In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered ifthey______.A. have survivedB. are to survivedC. would survivedD. will survive16. With summer ______near, it is hotter and hotter.A. cameB. comesC. comingD. come_____; you might break it.A. Leave; offB. Leave; outC. Leave; aloneD. Leave; over18. The government must take ______ to prevent unemployment from getting worse.A. actionB. actC. measureD. actions19. ----- Do you think the Star will beat the Bulls------Yes, they have better players, so I ____ them to win.A. hopeB. preferC. expectD. want20. On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine, she______pale.A. gotB. changedC. wentD. appeared21. Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old people, but itremains _____ whether they will enjoy it.A. to seeB. to be seenC. seeingD. seen22. We didn’t plan our art exhibition like that, but it _____ very well.A. worked outB. tried outC. went onD. carried on23. They really had a great time, designing everything, drawing theblueprints, ______the angles and so on.A. looking outB. taking outC. finding outD. figuring out24. Take more exercises will stop you _____weight.A. to put upB. putting upC. to put onD. putting on25. ----What’s that terrible noise----The neighbors ______for dinner.A. have preparedB. are preparingC. prepareD. will prepare26. Please be so kind as to give me ______on ____to improve my spoken English.A. some advice; howB. any advice; whyC. many advices; howD. any advice; how27. “If you go on stealing, you will ____your bright future, young man!” said the judge.A. destroyB. damageC. ruinD. break28. Years of efforts______ when they saw the pictures of the moonsent back to the earth by Chang’e-1.A. paid offB. took offC. showed offD. went off29. --He failed the exam again! What should I do, Miss Wang--In my opinion, your son is __ than stupid.A. quite lazierB. much lazierC. more lazyD. lazier rather30. Beijing was attacked by such a terrible sandstorm ______few citizens had ever experienced before.A. asB. and it wasC. thatD. which31. Cars do cause us some health problems --in fact, far more serious ____ than mobile phones do.A. oneB. onesC. itD. those32. --Hi, Sam! You are late!--I would have come earlier, but I _____ when would the party began.A. knowB. hadn't knownC. didn't knowD. haven't known33. ____ and no way to reduce her pain and suffering from theterrible disease, the patient sought her doctor's help to end her life.A. Having given up hope of cureB. With no hope for cureC. It being no hope for cureD. In the hope of cure34. In ____ Chinese culture, marriage decisions were often made by parents for their children.A. remoteB. historicC. traditionalD. initial35. While he was investigating ways to improve the telescope, Newton made ____ discovery which completely changed ____ man's understanding of colour.A. a; /B. a; the B. /; the D. the; a36. This year has ____ a big increase in road accidents, causing masses of deaths.A. looked atB. watchedC. observedD. seen37. Kathy ____ a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls while he was in Spain.A. picked upB. took upC. made upD. turned up38. In Switzerland, six miles west of Geneva, ____ a collection oflaboratory buildings.A. lieB. are lyingC. liesD. lays39. --If our parents would listen more to us, they would understandus better.--____ . They just expect us to listen.A. I believe notB. No problemC. Good ideaD. I can't agreemore40. The research is so designed that once ____ nothing can be done tochange it.A. beginsB. having begunC. beginningD. begun41.——How long are you staying——I don’t know. ___________.A. That’s OKB. Never mindC. It dependsD. It doesn’t matter42. ——What a pity! I haven’t got a ticket for the football match tonight.——Don’t worry. It’ll be broadcast__________.A. liveB. livelyC. aliveD. living43. The girl _________ more than 1, 000 English novels when sheentered the senior high school.A. has readB. readC. had readD. has been reading44. --- What do you think of Tim-- He appears a kind person. I don’t like him, ________.A. even soB. even thoughC. thoughD. yet45. Mike has been making great efforts in practice in order to_______ his dream to win championship in the coming Olympics.A. come aboutB. come trueC. makeD. live46. Jenny seldom goes to the cinema on Sundays, __________A. doesn’t sheB. is sheC. does sheD. has she47. His drunk driving _________ this accident, ________ the death of twenty people.A. resulted in; causingB. resulted from; causedC. resulted from; causingD. resulted in; caused48. He __________to get to the top of the hill after________ several times.A .managed; to try B. tried; totryC. managed; tryingD. tried;trying49. ——Do remember to give Mary the money you borrowed.——Yes, I will give it to her ____________I see her.A. whileB. immediatelyC. suddenlyD. a moment50. The possibility that he knew about the stolen files cannot be_________.A. ruled outB. made outC. given outD. put out51. He devoted every spare moment to __________English, ________ hiswife was devoted to music.A. study; whenB. study; thoughC. studying; ifD. studying; while52.——He __________caught in the rain yesterday and is now in hospital.——I’m sorry to hear that.A .had B. is C. gotD. had been53. The Canadian tourist hurried to the station, only ______ that thetrain had pulled out of the station.A. tellingB. to tellC. to be toldD. having been told54. He _______all the qualities of a successful player. You name it, he’s got it.A. combinesB. connectsC. conveysD. unites55. He often speaks of the trouble he _______to look after his sick mother.A. hadB. foundC. madeD. took56. Isn’t it amazing how the human body heals ______after an injuryA. himselfB. himC. itselfD. it57. I’m not surprised that he became a writer. Even as a child he had a _______ imagination.A. clearB. cautiousC. funnyD. vivid58. Nowadays in India, women with independent incomes are refusing to______the traditional idea of marriage.A. submit toB. contribute toC. devote toD.subscribe to59. Albert Einstein once said, “People owe my success ______ mytalents. Actually my success lies ______ my diligence.”A. to; onB. to; inC. with; inD.for; on60. _______! We first got a flat tire, and now my cell phone is dead.A. For whatB. What’s up C .Guess what D. What’s on61. You should take some time to study your performance ______carefully. It could decide whether you get a raise or promotion next year.A. revisionB. reviewC. remarkD.request62. Skipping breakfast can also cause you to overeat. To make mattersworse, ______ your body is in a slow state , it will not be able to burn the extra calories very efficiently .A. unlessB. thoughC. sinceD.before63. The environmentalists said wild geese's ________on the vast lakewas a good sign of the better environment.A. identificationB. absenceC. attendanceD. appearance64. It was after he got______ he had wanted ________ he realized it was not so important.A. what; whatB. what; thatC. that; whatD. that; which65. Those who were late for school this morning, _______ down your names on the blackboard!A. writeB. wroteC. are writingD. will write66. I always have so many things to when I come back to thecompany after a trip abroad.A. add toB. contribute toC. attend toD. appeal to67. One side of the door of my bedroom should be painted white,and .A. the other pinkB. another pinkC. the other is pinkD. another is pink68. —It is said that Williams will come to help us.—_______we depend him, we have to do most of the work ourselves.A. No matter what degreeB. WhateverC. However muchD. However69. Many people fear that GM food will ___________ some new diseases.A. devote toB. open the door toC. get close toD. get down to70. In fact John is not a _________ person. He is _________.A. serious; carefreeB. talkative; noisyC. kind; friendlyD. careful; warm-hearted71. You can _____ on her because she always keeps her ______A. live, wordB. look down, wordsC. depend, wordsD. rely, word72. It is human beings who should be responsible _______ the harmdone ____nature.A. to, toB. for, toC. for,at D. at, to73. “Not having returned home yet, ____________”, his father saidto the police..A. his mother got worriedB. his mother must be worriedC. I think he is missingD. he must have got into some trouble.74. If city noises _______ from increasing, people ______ shout to beheard even at the dinner table 20 years from now.A. are not kept; will have toB. are not kept; have toC. do not keep; will have toD. do not keep; have to75. When ________what you said about the environment and the economyneeding to work together more, I was very much __________.A. heard; impressedB. hearing; impressedC. hearing; impressingD.heard; impressing76. What you did _____his anger.A. added up toB. added upC. added toD. added77. He has already achieved success_____ his wildest dreams.A. atB. beyond D. upon78. The headmaster arranged ______Tom to go to Britain.A. asB. forC. toD. with79. The ____lights in the classroom are not bright enough.A. electricallyB. electricianC. electricalD.electric80. The last one ______pays the meal.A. arrivedB. arrivesC. to arriveD. arriving81. I like Mr. White best, although he is my _____teacher.A. beforeB. aheadC. formerD. pass82. Don’t speak all at once! _________, please.A. Each at one timeB. One by one timeC. One for each timeD. One at a time83. ---Do you need any help, Lucy—Yes. The job is ____I could do my self.A. less thanB. more thanC. no more thanD. not more than84. _______fire, all exits must be kept clear.A. In place ofB. Instead ofC. In case ofD. In spite of85. He had ______little money that he could buy noting.A. suchB. such aC. soD. so a86. Scientists are convinced ______the positive effect of laughter_____physical and mentalheath.A. of, atB. by, inC. of, onD. on, at87. This problem is difficult to________.A. dealB. dealtC. deal withD. dealing with88. I have ______all my papers but I still can’t find my notes.A. looked throughB. looked forC. looked afterD. looked out89. ----You are always full of _______. Can you tell me the secret----Taking plenty of exercise everyday.A. powerB. strengthC. forceD. energy90. This picture ______ me of my childhood.A. callsB. remembersC. thinksD. reminds91. He told me the news in the ____of a letter.A. wayB. meanC. methodD. form92. Some students often listen to music ______classes to refresh themselves.A. betweenB. amongC. overD. during93. His father died ____cancer last year and he missed him very much.A. ofB. from C .with D. or94. He was wearing dark glasses _____his eyes ______the sun.A. protect; fromB. protecting; againstC. to protect; fromD. protected; against95. Don’t be ______by products promising to make you lose weight quickly.A. taken offB. taken outC. taken awayD. taken in96. They reached home at last, ____and hungry.A. was tiredB. tiredC. tiringD. tiredly97. Washington, a state in the United States, was named _________oneof the greatest American presidents.A. in honor ofB. instead ofC. in favor ofD. by meansof98. Over-heating development might have had bad ___on the nationaleconomy.A. causeB. influenceC. resultD. factor99. I happened _______it in some book.A. to readB. to have readC. that I have read D that Ihad read100. _______other good students, the teacher thinks, Hank is ____student.A. Compared with; a most satisfiedB. Compared to; the mostsatisfiedC. Compared to; the more satisfyingD. Compared with; a moresatisfyingKeys:1—5 BCCCD 6—10 ABABC 11—15 BCDCB 16—20 CCACC 21—25 BACDB 26—30 ACACA 31—35 BCBCA 36—40 DACDD 41—45 CACCD 46—50 CCCBA 51—55 DCCAD 56—60 CDABC 61—65 BCDBA 66—70 CACBA 71—75 CBDAB 76—80 CBBDC 81—85 CDBCC 86—90 CCADD 91—95 DAACD 96—100 BABBD。
