



高级副词一、非常(very ['verɪ])exceedingly [ɪk'siːdɪŋlɪ]【例句】The child has skipped to the third grade as he did exceedingly well in his studies。


extremely [ɪk'striːmlɪ]【例句】He had been extremely tactful in dealing with the financial question。


considerably [kən'sɪd(ə)rəblɪ]【例句】The need for sleep varies considerably from person to person。


二、尤其(especially [ɪ'speʃ(ə)lɪ])specially ['speʃəlɪ]【例句】It will be hard to work today---specially when it’s so warm and sunny outside。


notably ['nəʊtəblɪ]【例句】Some subjects are very popular among students, notably computer science。


particularly [pə'tɪkjʊləlɪ]【例句】Traffic is bad, particularly in the city center。


三、立即(immediately [ɪ'miːdɪətlɪ])directly [dɪ'rektlɪ]【例句】Tell them I’ll be there directly。







1. Adoringly(崇拜地)- She looked at him adoringly, impressed by his talent.2. Angrily(生气地)- He shouted angrily at the referee after the game.3. Briskly(轻快地)- The dog walked briskly through the park, excited to be outside.4. Carefully(小心地)- She handled the fragile vase carefully, fearing it might break.5. Deliberately(故意地)- He deliberately ignored her, wanting to geta reaction.6. Eagerly(渴望地)- The children eagerly lined up for ice cream on a hot summer day.7. Frantically(疯狂地)- She searched frantically for her lost keys, turning the house upside down.8. Gently(温柔地)- The mother held her baby gently, rocking him to sleep.9. Happily(开心地)- They danced happily at the wedding, celebrating the couple's joy.10. Incessantly(不停地)- The rain fell incessantly throughout the night, keeping them awake.11. Joyfully(快乐地)- The children laughed joyfully as they played in the park.12. Luxuriously(奢侈地)- They enjoyed a luxuriously appointed hotel suite on their vacation.13. Mysteriously(神秘地)- The magician disappeared mysteriously behind the curtain, leaving the audience in awe.14. Nervously(紧张地)- He tapped his fingers nervously on the table, waiting for the interview to start.15. Optimistically(乐观地)- Despite the challenges, she approached the situation optimistically.16. Patiently(耐心地)- The teacher patiently explained the concept to the confused student.17. Quickly(快速地)- He ran quickly to catch the bus before it left.18. Reluctantly(勉强地)- She reluctantly accepted the invitation, knowing she had other commitments.19. Seriously(认真地)- He studied seriously for the exam, determined to achieve a high score.20. Tightly(紧紧地)- She hugged her friend tightly, not wanting to let go.21. Unbelievably(难以置信地)- The news of their engagement was unbelievably exciting.22. Vividly(生动地)- The author described the scene vividly, making readers feel like they were there.23. Wistfully(留恋地)- He looked wistfully at the old photo, reminiscing about the past.24. Yearningly(渴望地)- The athlete yearned yearningly for victory, training hard every day.25. Zealously(热情地)- She worked zealously on her project, determined to make it the best.26. Abruptly(突然地)- The phone rang abruptly, startling everyone in the room.27. Carelessly(粗心地)- She carelessly knocked over the glass, causing it to shatter.28. Honestly(诚实地)- He spoke honestly about his mistakes, wanting to make amends.29. Painfully(痛苦地)- The injured player walked painfully off the field, clutching his leg.30. Quietly(安静地)- They sat quietly in the library, studying for their exams.这些副词可以帮助你丰富句子的表达,使其更具感染力和准确性。



高考英语作文常用的90个高级副词在英语写作中,我们会经常使用到I believe…, I suggest…, I support…等这些表达,它们用法简单,使用频率高,平淡无奇。


比如对下面的常用短语的改变:I (strongly) suggest that…I (firmly) believe that…I (sincerely) hope that…I (fully) support that …As is (vividly) shown in the picture…下面总结出了英文作文中常用的90个“高大上”的高级写作副词,便于大家集中学习。


If you don’t know the meaning of the words, you’d better look them up in the dictionary and bear them in mind.写作运用:选择最佳副词填入每组练习的空白处。

第一组: considerably increasingly thoroughly extremely occasionallyslightly severely repeatedly definitely actually1. Marketing techniques are becoming sophisticated. 营销策略变得越来越复杂。

2.Parents don’t punish their children so these days. 现在的父母不再如此严厉惩罚孩子。

3.The room has been cleaned. 这个房间已经被彻底打扫干净了。

4.Conditions have improved over the past few years. 在过去几年中,情况大有好转。





以下是一些常见的英语副词类型及其用法示例:1. 方式副词(Manner Adverbs):- 描述动作的方式。

- 示例:She walked gracefully across the stage.2. 地点副词(Place Adverbs):- 描述动作发生的地点。

- 示例:The cat slept underneath the table.3. 时间副词(Time Adverbs):- 描述动作发生的时间。

- 示例:He will arrive soon.4. 频率副词(Frequency Adverbs):- 描述动作发生的频率。

- 示例:She visits her grandparents regularly.5. 程度副词(Degree Adverbs):- 描述动作的程度。

- 示例:He is extremely talented.6. 疑问副词(Interrogative Adverbs):- 用于提问。

- 示例:When did you arrive?7. 连接副词(Conjunctive Adverbs):- 用于连接句子或从句。

- 示例:However, he decided to stay home.8. 否定副词(Negative Adverbs):- 用来表示否定。

- 示例:She never lies.在写作时,合理使用副词可以使句子更加生动和具体。

例如,如果你写到一个人跑步,使用副词 "quickly" 可以描述他跑得快,而"slowly" 则可以描述他跑得慢。






英语作文万用高级副词Adverbs are like the seasoning in a dish, adding flavor, depth, and nuance to our writing. When used effectively, they elevate our prose, making it more engaging and sophisticated. In this essay, we will explore a plethora of advanced adverbs that can enhance the quality of your writing.Firstly, let's delve into the realm of adverbs that denote manner. These adverbs provide insight into how an action is performed, offering readers a clearer picture of the scene. For instance, instead of saying "she walked slowly," we can say "she sauntered leisurely," painting a more vivid image in the reader's mind.Moreover, adverbs of frequency lend a sense of rhythm to our sentences, indicating how often an action occurs. Rather than stating "he often goes to the gym," we can say "he frequently visits the gym," which conveys a similar meaning with added sophistication.Furthermore, adverbs of degree allow us to express the intensity or extent of an action or quality. Instead of simply stating "she is very talented," we can say "she is exceptionally talented," highlighting the remarkable nature of her talent.In addition to enhancing individual sentences, adverbs also play a crucial role in connecting ideas within paragraphs. Transition adverbs, such as "moreover," "however," and "nevertheless," facilitate the smooth flow of information, guiding readers seamlessly from one point to the next.Additionally, adverbs can be used to modify entire sentences, indicating the speaker's attitude or viewpoint. Modal adverbs like "undoubtedly," "presumably," and "arguably" add a layer of certainty or speculation to our statements, inviting readers to consider alternative perspectives.Furthermore, adverbs can be employed to concisely summarize information or provide clarification. Summative adverbs like "consequently," "thus," and "therefore" signal logical conclusions, helping readers to follow the train of thought effortlessly.Moreover, adverbs can imbue our writing with a sense of time and place, anchoring it within a specific context. Temporal adverbs like "now," "then," and "soon" establish a timeline, while locative adverbs such as "here," "there," and "everywhere" spatially orient the reader.Finally, adverbs can be used judiciously to add emphasis or rhetorical flair to our writing. Amplifying adverbs like "indeed," "truly," and "undoubtedly" underscore the importance or validity of a statement, commanding the reader's attention.In conclusion, adverbs are indispensable tools in the writer's arsenal, allowing us to imbue our prose with precision, elegance, and sophistication. By incorporating a diverse range of advanced adverbs into our writing, we can captivate readers and convey our ideas with clarity and finesse. So let us wield these linguistic gems with skill and creativity, transforming our writing from mundane to magnificent.。





1. Very(非常):Very是英语中常用的副词,表示程度非常高,可以用来修饰形容词或副词。

例如:“She is very tired.”(她非常疲倦。

)2. Slowly(慢慢地):Slowly是表示慢的方式,在句子中修饰动词。

例如:“The car drove slowly.”(汽车慢慢地开着。

)3. Suddenly(突然地):Suddenly表示突然发生的情况,在句子中修饰动词。

例如:“He suddenly realized his mistake.”(他突然意识到了他的错误。

)4. Quietly(安静地):Quietly表示安静的方式,在句子中修饰动词。

例如:“She whispered quietly.”(她轻声地耳语。

)5. Clearly(清晰地):Clearly表示明确的方式,在句子中修饰动词或形容词。

例如:“He spoke clearly.”(他说话清晰明了。

)6. Really(真正地):Really表示真正的方式或程度,在句子中修饰形容词或副词。

例如:“I'm really tired.”(我真的很累。

)8. Carefully(小心地):Carefully表示小心的方式,在句子中修饰动词。

例如:“She handled the fragile vase carefully.”(她小心地处理着易碎的花瓶。

)9. Happily(快乐地):Happily表示快乐的方式,在句子中修饰动词。

例如:“They danced happily all night.”(他们快乐地跳了一整晚。

)10. Hardly(几乎不):Hardly表示几乎不的程度,在句子中修饰动词。

例如:“He hardly ever goes out.”(他几乎从不出门。



英语作文中常用的高级副词In the realm of English essay writing, the utilizationof advanced vocabulary and grammar structures is paramountto achieving a higher level of expression. Among these elements, adverbs play a crucial role in adding depth and nuance to your writing. They can enhance the clarity, precision, and impact of your ideas, making your essaysmore engaging and persuasive.Here are some commonly used advanced adverbs that can elevate your English essays:1. **Significantly**: This adverb is used to indicate a notable or substantial difference or change. For example: "The number of participants in the survey increased significantly this year."2. **Apparently**: This adverb is used to introduce an obvious fact or statement. For instance: "Apparently, the new policy has caused some controversy among the staff."3. **Undoubtedly**: This adverb is used to express certainty or strong belief about something. For example: "Undoubtedly, technology has revolutionized the way we live and work."4. **Eventually**: This adverb is used to refer to a result or outcome thatoccurs after a series of events or a long period of time. For instance: "After years of hard work and dedication, he eventually achieved his lifelong dream." 5. **Furthermore**: This adverb is used to introduce additional information or arguments that support or develop a previous point. For example: "The project is cost-effective, and furthermore,it aligns with our long-term goals." 6. **However**: This adverb is used to introduce a contrast or opposition towhat has been previously stated. For instance: "Althoughthe initial plan seemed feasible, however, there were several logistical challenges that needed to be addressed."7. **Fortunately**: This adverb is used to express luck ora positive outcome in a situation. For example: "Fortunately, the team was able to recover from the setback and go on to win the championship." 8. **Increasingly**: This adverb is used to describe a trend or pattern that is becoming more frequent or intense. For instance: "Increasingly, businesses are realizing the importance of sustainability and eco-friendly practices."By incorporating these advanced adverbs into your essays, you can enhance the clarity and impact of your ideas. However, it's important to use them sparingly andonly when they add value to your writing. Overusing advanced vocabulary can sometimes make your writing sound unnatural or forced.Remember, the goal of using advanced vocabulary and grammar structures is to improve the quality of your writing, not to simply show off your knowledge of the language. So, always strive to use them in a way that is natural and appropriate to the context of your essay.**英语作文中高级副词的应用**在英语作文写作中,使用高级的词汇和语法结构是提升表达水平的关键。



高中英语高频度副词1.otherwise adv 否则2.meanwhile adv 期间,同时3.accidentally adv ①偶然地;意外地②附带地4.merely adv 仅仅,只5.exactly adv ①确切地,精确地②恰好地,正好地③ (用于答语)完全正确。

(的确这样)6.fortunately adv 幸运地7.surprisingly adv 令人惊讶的8.hardly adv 几乎不9.instead adv 代替,相反10.p roperly adv 适当地;正确地;恰当地11.s pecially adv 专门12.r eliable adj 可靠的,可信赖的13.s imply adv 简单地;仅仅,只不过14.n amely adv 即,也就是15.b esides adv 除…..以外还有16.i ncreasingly adv 越来越多地17.n aturally adv 自然地18.f requently adv 经常地,频繁地19.e specially adv 特别地,尤其地=particularly20.o bviously adv 显而易见 =apparently21.n ecessarily adv 必要地,必须地,必然地22.g enerally adv 一般地,通常地23.e ventually adv 最终,最后24.a doptble adv 可采用地,可收养地25.n eatly adv 整洁地26.e ntirely adv 完全地27.h ighly adv 高度地,非常地28.s trongly adv 强烈地,坚固地29.e xtremely adv 极端地,非常30.r easonably adv 合乎情理地31.e agerly adv 热切地;渴望地32.b adly adv 很,非常33.s lightly adv 稍微,轻微地34.e qually adv 平等地35.l ately adv 最近。



英文写作中常用的90个高级副词I believe..., I suggest..., I support...I strongly suggest that...I firmly believe that...I sincerely hope that...I fully support that...As is vividly shown in the picture...第一组considerably increasingly thoroughlyextremelyoccasionallyslightlyseverelyrepeatedlydefinitelyactually1.营销策略(Marketing techniques)变得越来越复杂。






7.劳动成本(labor costs)实际上是降低了。


9.这家酒店的健身中心(fitness center)真是值得一去。


第二组unexpectedly gradually entirelysurprisinglyrarelyfrequentlyeffectivelyeventuallysharplyabsolutely1.考试简单得惊人。










第三组accordingly merely totallynecessarysimilarlyefficientlyincrediblysurelynaturallyroughly1.我们这样才能更加有效地学习?2.我已经把情况告诉你了,你得采取相应的行动。



英语小作文常用副词大全Sure, here's a comprehensive list of commonly used adverbs in English writing:1. Actually: Actually, I quite like the idea.2. Additionally: Additionally, we can consider other options.3. Alternatively: Alternatively, we could try adifferent approach.4. Basically: Basically, it's a simple concept to grasp.5. Certainly: Certainly, I will attend the meeting.6. Clearly: Clearly, there are some issues we need to address.7. Consequently: Consequently, we had to revise our8. Definitely: Definitely, we should proceed with caution.9. Evidently: Evidently, there has been a misunderstanding.10. Eventually: Eventually, we reached a consensus.11. Exactly: Exactly, that's what I was thinking.12. Fortunately: Fortunately, the problem was resolved quickly.13. Generally: Generally, people tend to agree on this point.14. Hopefully: Hopefully, things will improve in the future.15. However: However, there are some exceptions to the16. Indeed: Indeed, it is a remarkable achievement.17. Interestingly: Interestingly, the results varied significantly.18. Likewise: Likewise, we can apply the same principle here.19. Moreover: Moreover, there are other factors to consider.20. Naturally: Naturally, there will be some resistance to change.21. Obviously: Obviously, this situation requires immediate attention.22. Particularly: Particularly, I enjoyed the last section of the book.23. Possibly: Possibly, we could explore alternative solutions.24. Precisely: Precisely, that's the point I was trying to make.25. Presumably: Presumably, they will arrive shortly.26. Primarily: Primarily, the focus should be on customer satisfaction.27. Probably: Probably, it's best to wait for further instructions.28. Promptly: Promptly, he responded to my email.29. Quite: Quite frankly, I'm not sure about that.30. Really: Really, I can't thank you enough for your help.31. Recently: Recently, there have been some changes tothe policy.32. Similarly: Similarly, we need to consider all options.33. Simply: Simply put, we need more time to completethe project.34. Sincerely: Sincerely, I apologize for any inconvenience caused.35. Subsequently: Subsequently, we witnessed a declinein sales.36. Suddenly: Suddenly, there was a loud noise from outside.37. Surely: Surely, there must be a better solution.38. Therefore: Therefore, we must take immediate action.39. Ultimately: Ultimately, the decision lies with theboard of directors.40. Usually: Usually, meetings are held on Monday mornings.These adverbs can add depth and clarity to your writing, helping to convey your thoughts and ideas more effectively.。



英语作文副词高级词汇英文回答:Adverbs of Manner。

Adroitly: With skill or dexterity。

Assiduously: With diligence and perseverance。

Deliberately: With careful consideration and purpose。

Emphatically: With force and conviction。

Enthusiastically: With zeal and passion。

Equivocally: In an unclear or ambiguous manner。

Exquisitely: With exceptional beauty or refinement。

Frugalmente: With economy or moderation。

Gracefully: With elegance and ease。

Harmoniously: With agreement or concord。

Impeccably: Without fault or error。

Indifferently: With lack of interest or concern。

Ingenuously: With originality and insight。

Intentionally: With premeditation or purpose。

Meticulously: With great care and attention to detail。

Objectively: Without bias or prejudice。

Pertinently: To the point or relevant。

Precisely: With exactness or accuracy。

Prudently: With caution or foresight。




以下是一些常见的英语高级副词,它们在各种语境中都能发挥重要作用:Absolutely - 表示完全地、无条件地,如:"I absolutely agree with you."(我完全同意你的看法。

)Certainly - 表示肯定地、无疑地,如:"Certainly, I can help you with that."(当然,我可以帮你做那件事。

)Definitely - 表示明确地、肯定地,如:"Definitely, this is the best option."(这绝对是最好的选择。

)Entirely - 表示完全地、整个地,如:"I am entirely responsible for this mistake."(这个错误完全是我造成的。

)Extremely - 表示非常地、极端地,如:"She is extremely talented in music."(她在音乐方面非常有天赋。

)Frankly - 表示坦率地、真诚地,如:"Frankly speaking, I don't like this plan."(坦率地说,我不喜欢这个计划。

)Fully - 表示完全地、充分地,如:"I am fully prepared for the exam."(我已经为考试做好了充分的准备。

)Highly - 表示高度地、非常地,如:"This book is highly recommended by critics."(这本书得到了评论家的高度推荐。

)Intensely - 表示强烈地、热烈地,如:"She intensely disliked theidea of traveling alone."(她非常不喜欢独自旅行的想法。



QuiteGenerallyReallyFrequentlyMainlyExtremelyDemonstrate Vividly (生动地)Completely (完整地彻底地)Immediately (马上地)Naturally (自然地)Obviously (明显地)Eventually /finally (最终地)ApparentlyTimely (及时地)EffectivelyUsuallyEqually equally importantSmoothly finish the work smoothly =顺利完成工作Gravely (严肃地;严峻地;沉重地;严重地)effect gravelyHonestlyWarmlyContinuouslyContinuallyEntirelyAloneSlightlyRelativelyVitallyClearlyExtraordinarilyRoughly speakingGreatlyMerelyExtensivelyNearlyBrieflyRecentlyVirtuallyUndoubtedlyEventuallyTake something into account seriously Naturally EquallyWidely acceptedBarelyIntently focus intently onFreelyAbsolutely impossibleCritically (危急地) ill 病危Universally 普遍地MainlyActuallySimplyCommonlyProbablyRise Sharply (急剧地)Fairly(公平地,相当地)HighlyEssentiallyBadly needAccidentallyIncreasinglyCompletelyGraduallyIncreasinglyReallyPerfectlyProperlyCurrentlyExactlyEasilyCrucially importantPray SincerelyConsiderablyInevitablyPerfectly (完全地,完美地) correct.Cheer heartilyAbsolutely(绝对地完全地彻底地)completelyfully(充分地,完全地,彻底地)recognized =充分认可perfectly(完美地,完全地)totally(完全地)firmlynecessarilyultimatelymiraculously (奇迹般地)thoroughly (彻底地,完全地)vitally importantconstantly (不断地,时常地)warmly (亲切地,热心地)received=热情款待occasionallybe eagerly anticipated 备受期待honestlypartly 部分地一定程度上。



英语作文高级常用副词English Answer:Advanced adverbs, also known as sentence adverbs, are a powerful tool in English writing. They can modify not only verbs but also adjectives, other adverbs, phrases, and even entire clauses. By carefully selecting and using advanced adverbs, writers can add depth, nuance, and precision to their prose.One of the primary functions of advanced adverbs is to express the speaker's attitude or stance towards the content of the sentence. For instance, adverbs such as "fortunately," "regrettably," and "surprisingly" convey the speaker's opinion or emotion about the situation described in the sentence.Advanced adverbs can also be used to indicate the degree or extent of the action or state described in the sentence. Adverbs such as "very," "extremely," and"completely" intensify the meaning of the verb, adjective, or adverb they modify. Conversely, adverbs such as "somewhat," "fairly," and "slightly" have the opposite effect, diminishing the intensity of the modified word.Another important use of advanced adverbs is to modify the temporal or spatial context of the sentence. Adverbs such as "today," "yesterday," and "soon" indicate the time frame in which the action occurs. Similarly, adverbs such as "here," "there," and "elsewhere" specify the spatial location of the action.In addition to their grammatical functions, advanced adverbs can also serve as stylistic devices. They can be used to create rhythm, emphasize certain words or phrases, and enhance the overall flow of the text. By incorporating advanced adverbs into their writing, authors can make their prose more engaging, persuasive, and memorable.Here are a few specific examples of how advanced adverbs can be used effectively in writing:"Fortunately, the storm had passed by the time we arrived at our destination." (Expresses the speaker's relief)。



高考英语高频副词(大全)一、方式副词1)积极方面1.beautifully 美丽地2.boldly 大胆地3.bravely 勇敢地4.calmly 冷静地5.carefully 小心地6.cautiously 谨慎地7.cheerfully 愉快地8.eagerly 急切地9.easily 容易地10.elegantly 优雅地11.equally 同样地12.faithfully 准确地13.frankly 坦白地说14.generously 慷慨地15.gently 轻轻地16.gladly 欣然17.honestly 真诚地18.joyously 愉快地19.justly 公正地20.kindly 好心地21.neatly 整齐地22.obediently 顺从地23.openly 公开地24.patiently 耐心地25.perfectly 完美地26.politely 有礼貌地27.powerfully 有力地28.promptly 迅速29.quickly 迅速地30.quietly 安静地31.rapidly 迅速地32.well 好2)消极方面2.anxiously 焦急地3.awkwardly 尴尬地4.badly 严重地5.blindly 盲目地6.carelessly 粗心大意7.cruelly 残忍地8.foolishly 愚蠢地9.frantically 疯狂地10.greedily 贪婪地11.hastily 草率地12.hungrily 饥肠辘辘地13.inadequately 不充分地14.irritably 烦躁地zily 懒洋洋地16.loudly 高声地17.madly 疯狂地18.nervously 紧张不安19.noisily 吵闹地20.painfully 痛苦地21.poorly 糟糕地22.recklessly 鲁莽地24.rudely 粗鲁地25.sadly 可悲的是26.selfishly 自私地27.shyly 害羞28.stupidly 愚蠢地29.suspiciously 可疑地30.tensely 紧张地31.violently 暴力地二、时间副词1.already 已经2.always 总是3.annually 每年4.before 之前5.constantly 不断地6.continually 不断地7.continuously 连续不断8.daily 每天9.earlier 早些时候10.early 早期11.eventually 最终12.ever 曾经13.finally 最后14.first 首先15.formerly 以前16.frequently 频繁地17.hardly ever 几乎没有18.hourly 每小时19.immediately 立即地20.infrequently 不经常21.intermittently 间歇性地22.just 刚刚st 最后tely 最近ter 之后26.monthly 每月地27.never 从来没有28.next 接下来29.nightly 每晚30.normally 一般31.not until 直到......才32.now 现在33.now and then 时不时地34.occasionally 偶尔35.often 经常36.periodically 定期37.previously 之前38.quarterly 每季度地39.rarely 很少40.rarely 很少41.recently 最近42.regularly 经常43.seldom 很少44.since 自从45.sometimes 有时46.soon 很快47.still 仍然48.then 然后49.today 今天50.tomorrow 明天51.tonight 今晚ually 通常53.weekly 每周54.yearly 每年55.yesterday 昨天56.yet 已经三、程度副词1.absolutely 绝对地2.almost 几乎3.awfully 非常糟糕地4.badly 严重地5.barely 仅仅pletely 完全地7.decidedly 果断地8.deeply 深深地9.enormously 极大地10.enough 足够11.entirely 非常12.extremely 极其13.fairly 相当14.far 超过多地15.fully 完全17.hardly 几乎不18.highly 高度地19.incredibly 难以置信20.indeed 的确21.intensely 强烈地22.just 只是23.lots 很多24.most 最多25.nearly 几乎26.perfectly 完美27.positively 积极地28.practically 事实上29.pretty 漂亮地30.purely 纯粹31.quite 相当32.rather 相当33.really 真地34.scarcely 几乎没有35.simply 简单地36.so 如此地37.somewhat 有些39.terribly 可怕地40.thoroughly 彻底41.totally 完全地42.utterly 完全地43.very 非常44.virtually 实际上45.well 很好地四、地点副词1.about 周围2.above 以上3.abroad 国外4.along 沿着5.anywhere 任何地方6.away 离开7.back 后边8.backward 后面9.behind 在后面10.below 以下11.down 下12.downstairs 楼下13.east (etc) 东方(等)14.elsewhere 别处15.far 远16.here 这里17.in 在18.indoors 在室内19.inside 在里面20.near 在附近21.nearby 附近22.next door 隔壁23.off 离开24.on 上25.out 出去26.outside 外部27.over 上边28.overseas 海外29.right 正确地30.somewhere 某处31.there 那里32.towards 朝向33.under 在下面34.underground 地下35.up 向上36.upstairs 楼上五、其它类副词1.actually 实际上2.additionally 此外3.anyway 反正4.apparently 显然5.as a consequence 结果6.as a result 因此7.basically 基本上8.besides 除了9.briefly 简要地10.certainly 当然11.clearly 清楚地12.conceivably 可以想象13.confidentially 保密14.consequently 最后15.curiously 奇怪的是16.evidently 显然17.fortunately 幸运的是18.furthermore 此外19.hopefully 希望20.ideally 理想情况下21.in addition 此外22.in contrast to 相比之下23.in fact 实际上24.in the same way 以同样的方式25.incidentally 顺便26.indeed 的确27.interestingly 有趣的是28.ironically 讽刺地29.moreover 而且30.naturally 自然31.nevertheless 尽管如此32.nonetheless 尽管如此33.on the other hand 另一方面34.otherwise 否则35.predictably 可预见地36.presumably 想必37.regrettably 遗憾的是38.seriously 严重地39.similarly 同样地40.strangely 奇怪的是41.surprisingly 出奇42.thankfully 谢天谢地43.theoretically 理论上44.therefore 所以45.truthfully 实话实说46.ultimately 最终47.unlike 不像48.wisely 明智地49.apparently 显然50.astonishingly 惊人地51.bravely 勇敢地52.carelessly 粗心大意53.clearly 清楚地54.definitely 确实地55.doubtfully 怀疑地56.doubtlessly 毫无疑问地57.fairly 公平地58.foolishly 愚蠢地59.fortunately 幸运的是60.frankly 坦白说61.generously 慷慨地62.honestly 诚实地63.hopefully 有希望地64.interestingly 有趣的是65.kindly 亲切地66.luckily 幸运的是67.obviously 明显地68.presumably 想必69.probably 大概70.rightly 正确地71.sadly 可悲的是72.seriously 严重地73.spitefully 怀着恶意74.stupidly 愚蠢地75.surprisingly 出奇76.unbelievably 难以置信77.undoubtedly 无疑地78.unfairly 不公平79.wisely 明智地80.wrongly 错误地81.accidentally 偶然地82.busily 忙碌地83.daringly 大胆地84.deliberately 故意地85.exactly 确切地86.fast 快速地87.fiercely 猛烈地88.hard 困难地89.hurriedly 匆匆90.inquisitively 好奇地91.loosely 松散地92.mysteriously 神秘地93.rarely 很少94.really 真地95.regularly 经常地96.reluctantly 勉强地97.repeatedly 反复地98.rightfully 理所当然地99.seriously 严重地100.sharply 锐利地101.sleepily 昏昏欲睡地102.slowly 慢慢地103.solemnly 郑重地104.speedily 迅速地105.suddenly 突然地106.swiftly 迅速地107.tightly 紧紧地108.unexpectedly 出乎意料地。



用于句首的高级副词1.Gently......, she picked up the first baby, ran back outside and laid it on the sidewalk轻轻地2.Quickly.......,she followed the sound to a stream.匆匆地3.Attentively...........,we listened to the teacher in class.专心地4.Immediately/Instantly.....................,the forest was immersed in total darkness.立刻5.Carefully.........,Tim did his homework.认真地6.Quite......,Alice answered.“How should l know?"..... rudely相当粗鲁地7.Soon...., she heard the soft sound of feet coming from a distance.Hastilyshe dried her eyes.匆忙地8.Hesitantly..........,she unlocked her bicycle, somehow suddenly feeling very tired.慢慢地9.Wordlessly,...........he looked at his mother,still holding the food.一言不发地10.Hopefully........., we'll arrive before dark.有望11.T hankfully.........no one was hurt in the fire.幸好12.Surprisingly............, he agreed straight away.真想不到13.Ironically.........., the book she felt was her worst sold more copies than any of her others.具有讽刺意味的是14.Unluckily.........for him, the fraud officers were watching this flight too.对他而言不幸的是15.Obviously,..........we don't want to spend too much money很明显16.Naturally........., l get upset when things go wrong.当然17.Eventually.........., the army caught up with him.最终18.Undoubtedly..........., political and economic factors have played their part.毫无疑问19.And...amazingly.........,the boys recovered soon.令人惊讶的是。








)1. currently 当前,目前;Currently, this matter is being discussed.这个问题现正在讨论之中。

Currently, over 500 students are enrolled on the course.目前有500多名学生注册学习这门课程。

2. recently 最近,近来Recently, lots of trees have been planted around the square.广场周围新种了不少树。

Recently, I've started to do a lot of walking and cycling.最近我开始经常散步和骑自行车。

3. evidently 明显地,显而易见Quite evidently, it has nothing to do with social background.很显然这与社会背景没有任何关系。

Evidently, sustainable development means making reasonable use of natural resources.显而易见,可持续发展意味着合理使用自然资源。

4. apparently 看来;显然Apparently, the company is losing a lot of money.看来,公司目前亏损很大。

Claire said n o more. Apparently, he was a man of few words.克莱尔没再说话。

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