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Mouse : 35 days Human: 64 days
SSC Transplantation
In rodents the efferent ducts are outside of the testis and are easily injected using a microinjector. However, in non-rodent species, the efferent ducts are not readily available for injection. In addition, the rete testis in non-rodent species lies inside the testis and consist of many interconnected tubules. Thus, the most efficient means of cell injection in this instance is to use ultrasound guided injection of the rete testis
Every human being begins as a zygote, which houses all the necessary instructions for building the human body containing about 100 trillion (1014) cells, an amazing feat.
Conventional Knockout
Conditonal Knockout
RNA-guided human genome engineering via Cas9. Science. 2013 Feb 15;339(6121):823-6.
优点:简单,快速, 能同时做多个基因突变, 并且能够修复缺损基因 缺点: potential off-target;
Gene targeting by Cas9
Cell. 2015 Sep 23. [Epub ahead of print]
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Aug 18;112(33):10431-6.
Genes Dev. 2008 Mar 1;22(5):682-91. mouse PLoS Genet. 2008 Mar 28;4(3):e1000042.
N Engl J Med. 2015 May 28;372(22):2097-107.
EMBO Mol Med. 2015 Jul 1;7(9):1198-210.
Rat spermatogenesis in mouse testis. Clouthier DE, Avwk.baidu.comrbock MR, Maika SD, Hammer RE, Brinster RL. Nature. 1996 May 30;381(6581):418-21.
Nature. 2011 Mar 24;471(7339):504-7.
Nat Genet. 2013 Jul;45(7):818-21. Human
Hum Mol Genet. 2015 Mar 1;24(5):1493-503. Drosophila
Sci Rep. 2015 Jul 8;5:11762. yeast
反应停事件: 反应停(沙利度胺, Thalidomide),于20世纪50 至60年代初期在全世界广泛使用,它能够有效地阻止女性怀 孕早期的呕吐,但也妨碍了孕妇对胎儿的血液供应,导致大 量“海豹畸形婴儿”出生。 进入临床前已经考察过怀孕大鼠影响,不引起致畸。 沙利度 胺对灵长类动物有很强的致畸性,大鼠和人不一样,体内缺 少一种把“反应停”转化成有害异构体的酶,不会引起畸胎。
Part 1: 精子发生
1. 常用技术: 2. 精子发生过程和近年来进展 3. 精子发生调控
FIG. 2. The three phases of germ cell development. Stem cells give rise to spermatogonia that undergo several mitotic divisions over the next 10 days. More than half of the spermatogonia undergoes apoptosis during the latter part of the mitotic phase. During much of the meiotic phase, the spermatocytes are in the G2 phase of the cell cycle. After the two meiotic divisions at the end of this phase, germ cells enter the postmeiotic phase. Transcription occurs throughout germ cell development until the midpoint of the postmeiotic phase. During the latter half of this phase, proteins are synthesized from transcripts that have been stored since the early part of the postmeiotic phase.
相同点: 减数分裂, 染色体2n-n 不同点:
相同点: 减数分裂, 染色体2n-n
不同点: 1. 数目 2. 形态 3. 时相 4. 运动 5. 染色体 6. 细胞命运 7. …. …
精子异质性: 人 23对染色体, 423 = 70x1012 种不同配体