一、天车crow n block1天车crown block 、crown pulley2天车台crown's net 、crown platform3天车滑轮crown sheaves 、crown pulley4天车滑轮组cluster sheaves5天车梁crown block beam6防碰天车crown block protector 、crownblock saver7天车安全台crownblock plateform二、游动滑车-大钩traveling block-hook1游动滑车traveling block、traveling sheave 2大钩hook3大钩载荷hook load4大钩额定载荷hook load rati ng5大钩提升速度hook speed6大钩悬重hook weight7小钩子hook let8钩上hook up 、hook on9大钩悬挂高度hook height10卸钩hook off三、转盘与水龙头table and swivel1转盘r otary table 、turntable 、rotary2转速rotary speed 、rotational velocity 、revolution rate3转盘台rotating turret4转盘扭矩表rotary torque indicator5转速比ratio of revolution6转速表revolution counter 、tachometer 7转动方向r otati on directi on8转矩常数t orque constant9转盘大方瓦master bushing10转盘排挡rotary speeds11转盘卡瓦rotary slips12转盘大梁rotary support frame13转盘变速器rotary transmission14转盘链条护罩r otary drive guard15转盘转速指示器rotary speed indicator16转盘底座rotary base17转盘传动链条r otary chain18方补心rotary drive bushing19转矩rotary mome nt20转动rotary moti on21水龙头swivel22水龙头吊环swivel bail23水龙头外壳swivel body 24水龙头吊环防碰器swivel bumper25鹅颈管swivel goose neck26冲管wash pipe27水龙头接头swivel joint (sub)28水龙头中心管swivel stem29冲管旋转接头wash pipe swivel四、钻机Drawworks1乍占机drilling rig 、drawworks、drilling machine 2司钻操作台driller's console 、driller control cabinet3杀V把brake lever 、brake crank、brake handle、brake bar 4杀U 带brake strap5刹车凡尔brake valve6杀U车鼓brake rim 、brake drum7刹车片brake block8刹车液brake fluid9刹车油brake axle10刹车功率brake power11刹车气缸brake cylinder12刹车踏板brake pedal13刹车总成brake assembly14刹带钢圈brake band15刹带平衡器brake equalizer16水刹车hydraulic brake17猫头cat head18猫头绳cat (head) line19猫头绳小钩cat hook20猫头绳滑车cat line sheave21猫头轴cat shaft22绞车drawworks23绞车功率drawworks horsepower24绞车上的进尺传感器drawworks sen sor五、传动箱(变速箱)Transmission gear box1 传动箱gear box、gear case2 换档gear change3 换低档gear dow n4 齿轮传动gear drive5齿轮润滑油gear grease6齿轮增速器gear increaser7齿轮输入轴gear in put shaft8齿轮传动马达gear motor9齿轮油gear oil10齿轮输出轴gear output shaft11齿轮泵gear pump12齿条gear rack13传动比gear ratio14齿轮减速器gear reduction unit 15齿轮轴gear shaft16换档gear shifti ng17齿轮牙齿gear teeth18增速gear up19大齿轮gear wheel力口速器accelerator 柴油机Engines 柴油机diesel engine 柴油diesel engine fuel 、diesel oil 柴油塞diesel-oil plug 柴油耗量diesel consumption 柴油指数diesel index 柴油机爆震diesel knock 柴油添加剂diesel fuel additives 、diesel-dope柴油发电机组diesel electric set 弓丨擎engine 柴油机底座engine bed 柴油机本体engine body 柴油机泵组engine and pump assembly 柴油机功率engine capacity 柴油机气缸engine cylinder 柴油机驱动engine drive 柴油机防冻液engine-antifreeze 柴油机故障engine failure 发动机燃料engine fuel 柴油机房engine house、engine shed 柴油机活塞engine piston 柴油机引擎engine primer 柴油机皮带轮engine pulley 粗柴油engine solar oil 柴油机减速器engine speed reducer 柴油机支架engine support 柴油机并车engine compound 调速器speed regulator 、governor 调温器thermosistor 调压阀pressure-regulating valve 调节滑阀regulating slide valve 调节螺母adjusting nut 调节螺栓adjusting bolt 调节螺丝adjusting screw、regulating screw调节液regulating solution 调节系统adjusting factor 调平系统l eveling system 调平液缸I eveling cylinder 调速杆governor lever 调节范围adjusting range 调温冷却器trim cooler 风扇blowing fan 、fan 风扇皮带fan belt固定螺丝hold-down screw、retaining screw 固定管板式换热器fixed tube-sheet exchanger 气门valve气室c hamber 47 气缸垫head gasket48 气缸盖cyli nder head49 气缸套cyli nder liner50 气缸体cyli nder block51 汽化器carburetor52 咼压泵high-pressure pump53 高级汽油high-quality gasoli ne54 高速柴油机high-speed engine55 高速机械油high-speed machine oil56 空气滤子air filter57 柴油滤子diesel oil filter58 机油滤子l ubricating oil filter59 油杯lubricating cup、oil bowl、oil cup60黄油枪lubricating gun61黄油嘴lubricating nipple62 加油孔lubrication hole63 加油器lubricator64 油泵oil pump65 油尺dipstick66 油封oil blanket 、oil seal67 油壶oilcan 、oiler 、oilpot68油环oil ring 、scraper ring 、oil rim69 油底壳oil pan70 油马达oil motor71 排气阀air bleeding valve、exhaust valve72 排气管blast pipe 、exhaust pipe73 排气孔air vent hole74 排气冲程exhaust stroke75 排气旋塞blow cock七、泥浆泵Mud pump1泥浆泵mud(slush) pump2 泥浆泵液力端mud end of the pump3 泥浆泵mud hog (口语)4 泥浆软管mud hose5 泵房mud house、pump room6 泥浆管线mud line7泥浆泵软管mud pump hose8泥浆泵配浆装置mud pump mixer9泥浆泵压力波动mud pump pulse10泥浆泵振动压力mud pump shock pressure11泥浆泵拖车mud pump trailer12泥浆泵凡尔mud pump valve13泥浆泵安全凡尔mud relief valve14泥浆泵上水管mud suction hose15泥浆泵拉杆mud pump rod16泥浆泵动力端mud pump power end17泥浆泵排出端discharge end of pump20 六、1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454618泥浆泵吸入端suction end of pump19 泥浆泵排水软管mud discharge hose 21 泥浆滤液mud filtrate20 泥浆泵拉杆盘根packing ring 22 泥浆流mud flow泥浆泵拉杆盘根盒packi ng box 23 泥浆枪mud gun2122 凡尔座valve seat 24 泥浆mud laden fluid (口语)23 凡尔体valve body 25 泥浆净化槽mud launder24 缸套pump cylinder 、pump liner 26 泥浆管线mud line25 活塞pist on 27 结泥饼mud lining密圭寸圈rubber seal 、sealing ring 28 泥浆录井图mud log2627 缸盖cylinder cover(head 、lid) 29 泥浆录井mud logging28 空气包air chamber 30 泥浆漏失mud loss29 空气包气囊air balloon 31 井漏探测器mud-loss instrument30 泵体pump body 32 造浆岩层mud making formation31 泵箱pump box 33 泥浆搅拌器mud mixer32 泵外壳pump case 34 泥圭寸mud off33 泵的单流凡尔pump check valve 35 泥浆池mud pit34 泵排量pump discharge、pump displacement 36 泥浆站mud pla nt35 泵效率pump efficiency 37 泥浆压力计mud pressure indicator36 泵基础pump foundation 38 泥浆设计mud program37 泵头pump head 39 泥浆回收mud reclamation38 泵吸入高度pump lift 、pump suction head 40 泥浆记录mud record39 泵负载pump load 41 泥饼圈mud ring40 泵排出管线pump main 42 泥浆试样mud sample41 泵抽空pump off 43 泥浆比重计mud scale42 泵过滤器pump strainer 44 泥浆筛mud scree n43 泵冲程pump stroke 45 泥浆分离器mud separator44 上水凡尔suction valve 46 泥浆沉淀池mud setting sump45 凡尔座取出器valve seat puller 47 振动筛mud shaker八、钻井液Drilli ng fluid 48 捞砂筒mud socket49 泥浆稳定性mud stability1 泥浆mud、drilling fluid2 泥浆挡板mud baffle 50 泥浆流mud stream3 泥浆比重称mud balanee 51 泥浆罐mud tank4 泥浆储存箱mud bin 52 泥浆增稠剂mud thickeners5 泥浆结构mud body 53 泥浆减稠剂mud thinner6 泥饼桥mud bridges 54 泥浆比重mud weight7 泥饼mud cake 55 泥浆比重天平mud weight balanee8 泥饼校正mud cake correct ion 56 泥浆比重指示计mud weight indicator57 泥浆粘度mud viscosity9 泥饼效应mud cake effect10 泥饼电阻率mud cake resistivity 58 水基泥浆water-base mud59 水基混油泥浆water-base oil emulsion mud11 每分钟泥浆流量加仑数mud circulation gallons per minute12 泥浆柱mud column 60 油包水乳化液water-in-oil emulsion13 泥浆处理剂mud conditioner 61 失水量water loss14 泥浆电导率mud conductivity 62 淡水泥浆water mud63 初切力gel initial15 泥浆性能控制mud control16 泥浆杯mud cup 64 静切力gel of mud17 泥浆密度mud density 65 PH值PH-value18 除砂器mud desa nder 66 PH值记录仪PH-recorder67 PH值测定计PH-meter19 泥浆槽mud ditch、mud flume20 泥浆防漏纤维屑mud fiber 68 含盐量salt content69含盐的salt bearing70含水的water bearing71含砂量sand content72盐水泥浆salt mud73盐水salt water 、salty water74盐水基泥浆salt water base mud75含盐泥浆salty mud76盐析salt in g-out九、循环与固控系统circulat ing and solids con trol system1泥浆泵mud pump2组装闸门manifold valve3高压管线high pressure line4立管闸门stand pipe valve5立管sta nd pipe6立管鹅颈管sta nd pipe goose neck7水龙头鹅颈管goose neck of swivel8水龙头swivel9方钻杆keilly10钻杆drill pipe11钻铤drill collar12钻头drill bit13环空ann ular14井口well head15架空槽flow line16泥浆-气体分离器gas buster 、poor boy17振动筛shale shaker18除砂器desander19除泥器desilter20除气器degasser21清洁器mud cleaner22离心机centrifuge23搅拌器agitator24砂泵sand pump25旋流漏斗嘴子pea nut十、消防Fire protect ion1火警 f ire alarm2火灾报警系统f ire alarm system3耐火砖fire brick4耐火土fire clay5防火fire con trol6消防设备fire control unit7灭火器fire annihilator 、fire apparatus8防火堤fire bank 9消防艇fire boat10瓦斯检查员fireboss11防火地带fire break12 消防队fire brigade13 消防桶fire bucket14 纵火犯firebug15 防火墙fire bulkhead16 耐火水泥f ire ceme nt17 火灾保险公司 f ire in sura nee compa ny18 消防器材f ire control equipment19 沼气fire damp20 引爆炸药f ired charge21消防局fire departme nt22 火灾探测器fire detector23 油罐区的防火堤fire dike24 防火门fire door25 消防演习f ire drill26消防车fire engine27 消防衣fire-e ntry suit28安全门fire escape29 太平门fire exit30 灭火器fire ext in guisher31 灭火剂fire ext in gguish ing age nt32 消防泵fire extinguishing pump33 火灾事故f ire failure34 消防员fire fighter 、fire man35 消防水枪f ire-fighting lance36 消防队fire-fighti ng crew37 消防梯fire-fighting rack38 灭火泡沫f ire foam39 泡沫灭火器fire foam producing machine40 防火闸fire gate41 易燃物fire goods42 消防帽盔f ire hat43 火灾危险性fire bazaar44 消防水龙带fire hose45 消防软管架fire hose rack46 消防站fire house47 消防栓fire hydra nt48 火灾保险fire in sura nee49 引火物fire lighter50 消防面具f ire mask51 防火监控器fire monitor52 消防桶fire pail53 防火隔墙 f ire partition54 火灾巡警 f ire patrolman55 耐火性能 f ire performanee56 用火许可证fire permit57 消火塞fire plug58 着火点fire point59 火力firepower60 防火的fire preve nti ng 14 水泥窜槽cement channeling61 防火fire prevention 、fire protection 15 水泥熟料cement clinker62 防火法规 f ire preve nti on code 16 水泥浆液柱cement column63 耐火的fireproof 17 水泥混凝土cement concrete64 耐火涂料 f ire-proof dope 18 水泥浆稠度cement consistency65 耐火席子 f ire-proof mat 19 水泥侵ceme nt con tam in ati on防爆电机 f ire-proof motor 20 水泥侯凝时间cement curing time6667 防火油箱 f ire-proof petrol tank 21 泥浆水泥侵cement cut防火设备 f ire protecti on equipme nt 22 水泥浆脱水cement dehydration6869 防火衣fire-protect ion suit 23 水泥顶替cement displacement70 灭火泵fire pump 24 井底倒浆筒cement dump71 放火者firer 25 注水泥的cemented72 消防费fire rate 26 圭寸固的套管cemented casing73 火灾报告 f ire report 27 注完水泥cemented up74 耐火性fire resista nee 28 固井设备cement equipment75 耐火等级 f ire resista nee rat ing 29 粘结齐U ceme nter76 抗火的fire-resista nt 30 固井评价测井cement evaluation77 防火帆布 f ire-resista nt tarpauli n 31 固井不合格cement failure78 耐火建筑 f ire-resistive con struct ion 32 水泥系数cement factor79 耐火材料 f ire-resistive material 33 水泥滤液cement filtrate阻燃剂fire retarda nt 34 可钻回压凡尔cement float collar8081 防火涂料 f ire retarda nt coat ing 35 可钻弓1鞋cement float shoe防火安全 f ire safety 36 水泥浆液流cement flow8283 防火安全系统 f ire safety system 37 水泥与地层交界面cement-formation interface84 消防砂fire sand 38 水泥速凝剂cement hardener85 消防站fire statio n 39 水泥头cement head、cementing head救火衣fire suit 40 水泥水化物cement-hydrate8687 耐火试验fire testing 41 粘结剂ceme nting age nt88 消防车fire truck 42 固井承包商ceme nting con tractor89 消防供水管线fire water line 43 注水泥配方cementing formulation90 消防用水储备罐fire water storage tank 44 固井作业cementing jobs 、cementing operation91 消防钩pike pole 45 固井方法cementing method92 消防斧fire ax(e) 46 注水泥设备cementing outfit93 手斧腰带ax belt 47 注水泥用塞cementing plug1 A I i A r || £■48 圭寸固段ceme nti ng point十、固井Well cementing1 水泥cement 49 固井施工cementing practice50 固井泵ceme nting pump2 水泥促凝剂cement accelerator3 水泥添加剂cement additive 51 撬装注水泥泵组cementing pump skid52 胶结反应cementing reaction4 胶结指数cementation factor 、segmentation exponent5 水泥伞ceme nt basket 53 胶结强度cementing strength6 水泥搅拌器cement blender 54 水泥罐ceme nting tank7 水泥混合车cement blender truck 55 全井圭寸固cementing througth8 水泥胶结ceme nt bond 56 固井工具cementing tool9 水泥胶结测井cement bond log 57 水泥拖车cementing trailer10 水泥牌号ceme nt brand 58 固井设备cementing unit11 悬空水泥塞cement cap 59 注水泥浆cement injection12 水泥头ceme nt cas ing head 60 水泥环cement mantle13 套管鞋ceme nt cas ing shoe 61 水泥标号cement mark水泥浆ceme nt milk水泥厂ceme nt mill水泥搅拌器cement mixer 凝固强度检测计cement needle 水泥圭寸隔器cement packer 水泥浆ceme nt paste水泥池ceme nt pit水泥灰浆cement plaster 水泥塞ceme nt plug 水泥承留器cement retainer 缓凝剂ceme ntretarder水泥垢ceme nt scale水泥凝固cement setting 水泥壳cementsheath水泥库ceme nt silo水泥浆ceme nt slurry水泥浆用量cement slurry volume 水泥隔层cement spacer 挤水泥作业cement squeeze work注水泥插入管ceme nt st in ger 水泥环厚度cement thickness83水泥顶界cement top84水泥顶界定位器ceme nttop locator85水泥弓I鞋cement type guide shoe86回压凡尔cement valve87水灰比ceme nt-water ratio十二、套管Casing1套管cas ing2套管附件casing accessories3下套管的井cased borehold4下套管完井cased hole completion5全部下套管的井cased through6下套管case in7套管异径接头casing adapter8套管锚cas ing an chor9套管环空casing annulus10下套管工具casing appliances11下套管地层casing-bearing formation12套管打捞筒casing bowl13套管桥塞V14套管弯曲casing buckling15扶正器cas ing cen tralizer16回压凡尔casing check valve17套管卡子casing clamps18套管挤坏casing collapse19套管接箍casing collar20套管接箍测定器casing collar location21测套管接箍casing collar log 22套管连接casing connection23套管腐蚀监测casing corrosion monitoring 24套管联接器casing coupling25套管割刀casing cutter26套管割刀震击器casing cutter jar27套管割刀加力器casing cutter sinker28套管损伤casing damage29套管变形casing deformation30套管深度casing depth31套管打捞矛casing dog32套管整形器casing drift swage33砸套管护帽casing drive head34砸击套管鞋casing drive shoe35套管吊卡casing elevator36套管损伤casing failure37套管配件casing fitting38回压凡尔casing float(collar)39套管鞋casi ng float shoe40套管丝扣规casing gauge41套管钢级casing grade42弓丨鞋cas ing guide shoe43套管悬挂器casing han ger44套管附件casing hardware45套管头cas in ghead46套管头内卡瓦座easinghead bowl47套管头压力casingheadv pressure48套管头四通casinghead spool49套管头挤水泥casinghead squeeze50套管与井壁环空casing-hole annulus51套管大钩casing hook52套管缺陷cas ing imperfect ion53套管探伤casing inspection54检查套管固井casing inspection log55下套管casing installation(casing running)56套管千斤顶casing jack57下套管作业casing job58一节套管casing joint59套管割刀casing knife60联顶节cas ing landing61套管漏casi ng leak62裸眼完井casingless completion63胀管器casi ng ma ndrel64套管铳鞋casing mill65套管磨铳工具casing milling tool66套管短节casing nipple67套管封隔器casing packer626364656667686970717273747576777879808168套管修补casing patch69套管补孔器casing patch tool70 套管射孔器casing perforator 9 换钻头bit cha nge71 套管鞋深度casing point 10 井壁与钻头的间隙bit cleara nee72 套管紧扣杆casing pole 11 钻头牙轮bit cone73 套压cas ing pressure 12 钻头常数bit constant74 套管试压casing pressure test 13 钻头用量bit consumption75 套管程序casing programme 14 钻头外型bit con tour76 套管护箍casing protector 15 钻头成本bit cost77 刮管器cas ing scraper 16 钻头轮迹bit course78 套管母扣护丝casing screw head 17 金刚石取心钻头冠部bit crown79 套管公扣护丝casing screw protector 18 钻头切斜角bit cutting angle80 套管密圭寸件casing seal 19 钻头偏斜bit deflection套管铳刀casing section mill 20 (金刚石)钻头制造压模bit die81套管下入深度casing setting depth 21 钻头修整器bit dresser8283 割套管cas ing severi ng 22 修整钻头bit dressing84 套管侧钻casing side tracking 23 钻头驱动轴bit drive shaft85 套管尺寸casing size 24 钻头刃bit edge套管卡瓦casing slip 25 钻头与井底接触端面bit face8687 套管捞矛casing spear 26 钻头因素bit factor套管卡盘式吊卡cas ing spider 27 送钻bit feed8889 套管裂纹casing split 28 钻头进尺数bit footage90 套管割刀casing spliter 29 钻头体bit frame91 入井第一节套管cas ing starter 30 卡钻bit freezi ng92 套管粘卡casing sticking 31 钻头规bit gauge93 套管柱cas ing stri ng 32 钻头磨损等级bit grading94 套管柱设计casing string design 33 钻头导向器bit guide95 套管异径接头casing sub 34 钻头水马力bit HHP96 套管悬挂器scasing suspender 35 钻头打捞钩bit holder97 胀官器cas ing swage 36 费钻头收集者bit hustler98 套管旋转头casing swivel 37 钻头水力计算器bit hydraulic calculator99 捞套管公锥casing tap 38 钻头水马力bit hydraulic horsepower100 套管测试器casing tester 39 钻头水力参数bit hydraulics101 套管螺纹casing threads 40 钻头倾斜bit inclination套管井壁环空casing-to-hole annulus 41 钻头偏斜力bit inclination force102103 套管容器casing volume 42 跳钻bit jump ing104 管壁casing wall 43 钻头巴掌bit leg105 套管磨损casing wear 44 钻头寿命bit life套管造斜器casing whipstock 45 钻压bit load106107 拔套管cas ing withdrawal 46 (金刚石)钻头基体bit matrix108 套管重量casing wt(casing weight) 47 钻头喷嘴bit nozzle十三钻头Bits 48 钻头异轴量bit offset1 钻头bit(rock bit) 49 钻头进尺速度bit penetration2 钻头配合接头bit adapter 50 钻头工作情况(指标)bit performa nee3 钻头泥包bit balling 51 钻头压力bit pressure4 憋钻bit bouncing 52 钻头压力降bit pressure drop5 钻头损坏bit breakage 53 钻头设计方案bit program6 钻头装卸器bit breaker 54 钻头牙轮齿bit bit7 磨合钻头bit break-in procedure 55 钻头保护器bit protector8 干钻烧钻头bit burnt out 56 钻头拧卸器bit puller57钻头整形锤bit rams58钻头反作用力bit reaction force59钻头记录bit records60打捞钻头的公锥bit recovering tap61钻头规bit ring62钻头行程bit run63钻头的丝扣部分bit shank64钻头测向力bit side force65钻头尺寸bit size66钻头牙轮的偏转量bit skew67钻进速度bit speed68钻头短接bit sub69钻头齿bit teeth70钻压bit thrust71钻头倾斜bit tilt72钻头牙齿磨钝程度bit-tooth dull ness73钻头轨迹bit track(trajectory)74钻头轨迹特性bit trajectory behavior75为换钻头起下钻bit trips76钻头选型bit type selection十四取心Cori ng1取心core2岩心分析core analysis3岩心分析数据core-analysis data4岩心车由core axis5岩心袋core bag6岩心筒core barrel7岩心抓取器core barrel catcher8取心筒上盖core barrel head9取心筒垫圈core barrel ring10橡胶套岩心筒core barrel with rubber container 11岩心爪core basket12打捞金刚石取心钻头的公锥core-bit tap 13取心钻进core boring14岩心盒core box15岩心切断器core breaker16割断岩心core breaking17投球液压割心core breaking by hydraulic pressure 18机械加压割心core breaking by mechanical loading 19岩心爪core catcher20岩心爪外套core-catcher case21岩心室core chamber22牙轮取心钻头core cone bit23内岩心筒core container24岩心横剖面core cross section 25岩心切片机core cutter26岩心分析数据core data27岩心描述图core-description graph28取心进尺core footage29岩心直径core diameter30取心井段core intervals31岩心蒸馏仪core distillation apparatus32取心钻具core drill33取心钻进core drilling34取心钻头core drilling b it35取心钻机core drillingrig36岩心烘箱core-drying oven37岩心造型cored-up mould38取过岩心的井cored well39岩心系数core factor40井底岩心打捞器core fisher41岩心自然伽马core coregamma42岩心打捞器core grabber43岩心图core graph44岩心磨削core grin di ng45岩心爪core gripper46岩心爪外套core-gripper case47卡瓦式岩心爪core-gripper with slip48卡箍式岩心爪core-gripper with slipcollar 49卡簧式岩心式core-gripper with slipspring 50岩心被卡core grouting51井壁取心器core coregun52取心井core hole53岩心储存室core house54岩心方向鉴定器core interpreting device55岩心分析实验室corelab(laboratory)56岩心库core library57岩心记录core log58岩心含油饱和度core oil saturation59岩心定向core orientation60岩心入口面core inlet face61岩心出口面core outlet face62岩心渗透率core permeability63落井岩心打捞器core picker64岩心栓(实验室用)core plug65岩心推取杆core plunger66岩心空隙度core porosity67岩心推取塞core pusher68取心收获率core recovery69岩心库core repository70取心进尺core run71岩心样(岩样) core sample72岩心取样器core sample73井壁取心器core sample taker74岩心截面core section75岩心库存室core shack (core shanty )76金刚石取心钻具岩心筒core shell77(压力式)取心筒鞋core shoe78岩心尺寸core size79岩心切割器core slicer80岩心爪子core snatcher81岩心切割器core splitter82岩心卡簧core spring83岩心库storage84取心探井core test85岩心实验泵core testing pump86岩心盒core tray87岩心薄片core wafer88岩心冲蚀率core wash89(冲击式)井壁取心器core corgun90取心钻头core bit91金刚石取心钻头coreing crown92取心深度coring depth93取心设备coring equipment94取心进尺coring footage95取心地层coring formation96取岩心枪coring gun97取心作业coring operation98取心工具coring tool99取心涡轮钻具coring type turbodrill100取心钻压coring weight十五电力与电器Electric Power and Electric Equipme nts1电electricity2电的electric(al)3蓄电池electric accumulator4电动压风机electric air compressor5电标定装置electrical calibration device6电容器electrical conden ser7(电测)取心electrical coring8电脱盐法electrical desalting process9电脱水electrical dewateri ng10双电荷层electrical double layer11电气除尘器electrical dust precipitation chamber12电效率electrical efficie ncy13电器工程师electrical engineer14电机工程(学)electrical engineering 15电器设备electrical equipment16电流畅通点electrical free-point17电加热electrical heat ing18电点火器electrical igniter19电感应electrical in ductio n20电微分electrical differe ntiation21电积分electrical in tegration22电干扰electrical in terfere nee23电绝缘electrical in sulation24电线electrical lead25电动管道割刀electrical line cutter26电测井electrical log(loggi ng)27电损耗electrical loss28电引火electrically-fired29电力的electrically powered30电敏雷管electrically responsive blasting 31方型检波器electrically square32电动压力表electrically manometer 33电网络模型electrical network model34电噪声electrical noise35电器插口electrical outlet36输出电信号electrical output signal37电动打孔器electrical penetrator38电剖面法electrical profiling39电法勘探electrical prospecting40电工用铁皮electrical sheet41电测深electrical sou nding42电器性能electrical s pecification43电测井electrical survey(surve ying)44瞬间不稳电流electrical transient45电模拟计算机electric analogue computer 46电模拟electric an alogy47电弓I力e lectric attract ion48频带展宽electric ba nd spread49电弧electric arc50电弧切割electric arc cutting51电弧钻井electric arc drilling52电动离心泵electric centrifugal pump53电动倒链electric chain hoist54电荷electric charge55电路electriccircuit56电信electric com muni catio n57电导(导电)electric conductanee58电导率electric con ductivity59电导体electric con ductor60电接头electric connection61电控制electric control62电控电缆electric control cable63电控盘electric control pan el64电耦合(电磁联轴节)electric coupling65电流electric curre nt66电场偏转electric deflectioncap 67电脱水electric dehydratio n68电脱水器electric dehydrator69延发电雷管electric delay fuse70 电延迟线electric delay line 118 微型电控盘electric mini-panel71 电荷密度electric density 119 电模型electric model72 电雷管electric det on ator 120 电测温度计electric moisture meter73 电偶极子electric dipole 121 电矩electric mome nt74 放电electric discharge 122 电动机electric motor75 电位移密度electric vdisplacement density 123 电动驱动的electric-motor-driven76 配电electric distribution 124 电力网electric network77 接线盒electric distributi on un it 125 绝缘油electric oil78 电偶极子electric doublet 126 电振荡electric79 电动钻具(电钻)electric drill 127 电渗(现象)electric osmose司钻电控盘electric drill's panel 128 电唱机electric pho nograph8081 电驱动electric drive 129 拾音器(传感器)electric pickup82 电除尘器electric dust collector 130 电测仪electric pilot83 电池electric eleme nt 131 电位(电势)electric potential84 电能electric energy 132 电位差electric potential diffferenee85 电当量electric equivalent 133 电位梯度electric potential gradient电眼(光电管)electric eye 134 供电导线electric power con ductor8687 电风扇electric fan 135 发电厂electric power plant88 电场electric field 136 电源electric power supply89 电场强度electric-field intensity 137 供电系统electric power system90 电场向量electric-field vector 138 电集尘electric precipitation91 白炽灯electric filame nt lamp 139 电压electric pressure92 电炉electric furnace 140 点发火器electric primer93 点火电路electric firing circuit 141 电器保护electric protection94 电焊剂electric flux 142 电(力)泵electric pump95 电场梯度electric-force gradient 143 电量electric quantity96 (电动)燃烧消耗测定仪electric fuel gauge 144电子束(电磁波)electric ray97 保险丝electric fuse 145 电动记录仪electric recorder98 发电机electric gen erator 146 电动遥控面板electric remote control panel99 发电机组electric (generator)set 147 电器修理electric repair100 电栅极electric grid 148 电阻electric resista nee电加热(破岩)钻井electric heating drill 149 电阻热量计electric resista nee calorimeter 101102 电热饭electric hot plate 150 电阻加热器electric resista nee heater103 电器技术员(电工)electric electrician 151 电阻温度计electric resista nee thermometer104 电位起伏图(电象)electric image 152 电阻焊electric resista nee weld ing105 电感应加热法electric induction heating process 153 电谐振electric resonance介电常数electric inductivity 154 电动转盘electric rotary106107 变压器油electric insulating oil 155 电锯electric saw108 电量(度)表electricity meter 156 电动螺丝刀electric screwdriver109 漏电electric leakage 157 电动分离器electric separator110 电缆(导线)electric line 158 电屏蔽electric shield电缆坐圭寸圭寸隔器electric line set packer 159 电击(触电)electric shock111电测(资料)解释electric-log in terpretati on 160 电信号electric signal112113 电测电阻率electric log resistivity 161 电动旋臂起重机electric slewing crane114 电磁化现象(电磁激励)electric magnetization 162 电滑环electric slip ring115 输电干线electric mains 163 电烙铁electric soldering iron电子作图electric mapping 164 电火花electric spark116117 电表electric meter 165 电火花(破岩)钻井electric spark drill电火花震源electric sparks 214 电化学电池electrochemical cell接触点焊electric spot welding 215 电化学常数electrochemical constant点启动器electric starter 216 电化学腐蚀electro-chemical corrosion电应变仪electric strain gauge 217 电化学脱水electro-chemical dehydration 耐电强度electric strength 218 电化学脱盐electro-chemical desalting电潜泵electric submersible pump 219 电化当量electrochemical equivale nt电源(供电)electric supply 220 电化学射孑L器electrochemical perforator 电动水龙头electric swivel 221 电(化学)镀法electrochemical plating 电遥测计electric telemeter 222 电化学处理electrochemical process电压electric tension 223 电化还原electrochemical reduction电光转换器electric to optic converter 224 电化学自然电位electrochemical SP气,电转换器electric to pneumatic transducer 225 电化学管理electrochemical treatment电动扭矩仪electric torque 226 电化学electrochemistry电动扭矩表electric torque meter 227 电镀铜法electrocoppering电换能器electric transducer 228 电腐蚀electrocorrosi on输电塔electric tran smissi on pole tower 229 电焊条electrode电变换(送)器electric transmitter 230 电极(距离)调整器electrode adjuster 整流器(电子管)electric valve 231 电焊钳子electrode holder电力振动器electric vibrator 232 电极压力electrode voltage电视electric visio n 233 焊丝盘electrode-wire reel电波electric wave 234 放电加工electrodischarge machining电焊electric weldi ng 235 电分解作用electrodispersion电焊条electric weldi ng rod 236 电动钻具electrodrill井下电热器electric well heater 237 电动的electrody namic电测井electric well loggi ng 238 电动检波器electrodynamic detector电动绞车electric winch 239 电动力学electrodynamics电葫芦electric wi ndlass 240 电动传感器electrodynamic transducer电线electric wireli ne 241 电动式地震检波器electrodynamic type seismometer 电阻应变仪electric wire strain gauge 242 电动振动器electrodynamic vibrator电动扳手electric wrench 243 电动-液压控制electrohydraulic control感应起电electrificatio n by in flue nee 244 电动液压调节器electrohydraulic regulator带电探测仪electrification detector 245 电动液压凡尔electrohydraulic valve电镀electro 246 电温度计electrohygrometer电腐蚀口工法electroabrasion 247 电感应electro-i nduct ion电声效率electrocoustic efficiency 248 电动转筒记录仪electrokymograph电声指数electrocoustic index 249 电测井electrolog电声学electrocoustics 250 电解质溶液electrolyte solution电声换能器electrocoustic transducer 251 电解作用electrolytic action电吸附electro-adsorpti on 252 电解放电器electrolytic arrester电解分析electro-analysis 253 电解电容器electrolytic capacitor电分析器electroanalyzer 254 电解电池electrolytic cell电平衡electrobala nee 255 电解淬火electrolytic hardening电解(镀)浴electrobath 256 电解测井electrolytic logging电子束electro-beam 257 电解氧化electrolytic oxidation电量热计electrocalorimeter 258 电解光电池electrolytic photocell电灸(电烙器)electrocautery 259 电解抛光electrolytic polishing电化学的electrochemical 260 电解槽electrolytic tank电解电容器electrochemical capacitor 261 电磁铁electromafnet166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209电磁制动器(刹车)electromag netic brake电磁常数electromagnetic constant 电磁耦合器electromag netic coupli ng电磁流量计electromagnetic current meter 电磁阻尼器electromagnetic damper 电磁探伤electromag netic degect detect ion 电磁检波器electromagneticdetector 电磁打捞工具electromagnetic fishing tool 电磁干扰electromagnetic interferenee 电磁监测electromagnetic monitoring 电磁拾音器electromagnetic pickup 电磁整流器electromagnetic rectifier 电磁地震仪electromagnetic seismograph 电磁电振检波器electromagnetic seismometer 电磁传感器electromagnetic sensor 电磁测量electromagnetic measurement (遥感)电磁测斜仪electromagnetic teleclinometer 电磁学electromag netism机电杀U车electrochamical brake 电动机electromotor 电子electro n 电子加速器electron accelerator 电子束发生器electro-beam generator 电子束磁力仪electro beam magnetometer 电子束焊接electron welding 电子束焊机electron welding machine 电子摄象机electron camera 电子电荷electron charge 电子云electr on cloud电子耦合器electro-coupler 电子器件electrondevice 电子枪electr on gun电子空穴electron hole 电子自动净化器electronair cleaner 电子自动开关electron automatic switch 电脑electro nic brain 套管内壁腐蚀电子检查仪electronic casing caliper 电子电路electronic circuit 电子元件electronic component 电子计算机electronic computer 电子导体electr onic con ductor 电子相关器electronic correlator 电子计数器electronic counter电子数据处理机electronic data processing machine 电子仪器electronic device电子数字计算机electronic vdigital computer 电子显示electronic display电子测距仪electronic distance measuring instrument电子除法器electronic divider 电子反馈回路electronic feedback loop 电子流量计electronic flow-meter 电子频率计electronic frequency meter 电子工作者electronician 电子仪器(表)electronic instrument 电子邮递(件)electronic mail 电子储存器electronic memory 电子扩音器electro nic microph one 电子毫秒计electronic millisecond meter 电子乘法器electronic multiplier 电子导航electronic navigation 电子噪音electronic noise电频电炉electronic oven电子笔electro nic pen 电子绘图仪electronicplotter 电子压力表electronic pressure gauge电子打印机electronic printer 电子打空机electronic punch 电子整流器electronicrectifier电子稳压器electronic regulator 电子继电器electronic relay 电子秤electr onic scales333电子扫描器electronic scanner334电子测量传感器electronic survey sensor335电子开关electronic switch336电子技术electronic techmology337电子温度控制器electronic temperature controller338电子计时器electronic timer339电子累积器electronic totalizer340电子换能器electronic transducer341电子翻译器electronic translator342电子图象electronic image343电子惯性electronicinertia344电子显微照片electronic micrograph345电子显微镜electronic microscope346电子物理学electronic physics347电子望远镜electronic telescope348电子真空管electronic tube349电子伏特electronic volt350电光学electrooptics351电镀electroplate352电阻高温计electropyrometer353电震electroshock354静电空气净化器electrostatic air cleaner355静电高温计electrostatic altimeter356静电场electrostatic field357静电力electrostatic force262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331。
spacer fluid 封隔液mud logging unit 综合录井仪cooperation 合作,协作sample sack 砂样袋engage 从事;啮合deadline anchor 死绳固定器,死绳锚drilling cost 钻井成本evaluate 评价,估价,求…的值in advance 预先overpressure 过压,超压力swab 抽汲eliminate 排除,消除pipe bouncing 钻具蹩跳drill string failure 断钻具twist-off 脱扣horizontal well 水平井vertical well 垂直井stainless steel 不锈钢anticline 背斜porosity 孔隙度potential 潜在的,可能的; 潜能,潜力densimeter 密度计communication 传达,信息,交流,通讯hook velocity 大钩速度verify 检验,查证,核实confirm 确定,批准,印证incredible 难以置信的round trip 起下钻resume normal drilling 恢复正常钻进goal 目的,目标understanding 理解,认识,谅解kill operation 压井作业wireline [electric] log 电测井GR 自然伽玛scrap iron 铁屑cotton yarn 棉纱paint 油漆cavern 大山洞,大岩洞,溶洞,穴fossil 化石;陈腐的,守旧的gas-bearing 含气的water-bearing 含水的DST(drill-stem test) 中途测试, 钻杆测试water loss 失水flow pressure 流动压力daily output 日产量target zone 目的层finishing drilling 完钻thermometer 温度计re v er s e circulation 反循环build up 建造,安装;压力增加,压力恢复Well Control & Drill Procedures井控措施及防喷演习程序LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS缩写表BHP - Bottom-Hole Pressure 井底压力BOP - Blow out Preventer 防喷器。
固井专业词汇附录:常用石油单位换算长度1千米〔km〕=0.621英里〔mile〕1米〔m〕=3.281英尺〔ft〕=1.094码〔yd〕1厘米〔cm〕=0.394英寸〔in〕1埃=10-10米〔m〕1英里〔mile〕=1.609千米〔km〕1英寻〔fm〕=1.829〔m〕 1英尺〔ft〕=0.3048米〔m〕1英寸〔in〕=2.54厘米〔cm〕1海里〔n mile〕=1.852千米〔km〕1链=66英尺〔ft〕=20.1168米 1码〔yd〕=0.9144米〔m〕1密耳〔mil〕=0.0254毫米〔mm〕1英尺〔ft〕=12英寸〔in〕1码〔yd〕=3英尺〔ft〕 1杆〔rad〕=16.5英尺〔ft〕1英里〔mile〕=5280英尺〔ft〕1海里〔n mile〕=1.1516英里〔mile〕面积1平方公里〔km2〕=100公顷〔ha〕=247.1英亩〔acre〕=0.386平方英里〔mile2〕1平方米〔m2〕=10.764平方英尺〔ft2〕 1公亩〔are〕=100平方米〔m2〕1公顷〔ha〕=10000平方米〔m2〕=2.471英亩〔acre〕1平方英里〔mile2〕=2.590平方公里〔km2〕 1英亩〔acre〕=0.4047公顷〔ha〕=4.047×10-3平方公里〔km2〕=4047平方米〔m2〕1平方英尺〔ft2〕=0.093平方米(m2) 1平方英寸〔in2〕=6.452平方厘米〔cm2〕1平方码〔yd2〕=0.8361平方米〔m2〕体积1立方米〔m3〕=1000升〔liter〕=35.315立方英尺〔ft3〕=6.29桶〔bbl〕1立方英尺〔ft3〕=0.0283立方米〔m3〕=28.317升〔liter〕 1千立方英尺〔mcf〕=28.317立方米〔m3〕1百万立方英尺〔MMcf〕=2.8317万立方米〔m3〕10亿立方英尺〔bcf〕=2831.7万立方米〔m3〕 1万亿立方英尺〔tcf〕=283.17亿立方米〔m3〕1立方英寸〔in3〕=16.3871立方厘米〔cm3〕1英亩·英尺=1234立方米〔m3〕 1桶〔bbl〕=0.159立方米〔m3〕=42美加仑〔gal〕1美加仑〔gal〕=3.785升〔1〕1美夸脱〔qt〕=0.946升〔1〕 1美品脱〔pt〕=0.473升〔1〕 1美吉耳〔gi〕=0.118升〔1〕 1英加仑〔gal〕=4.546升〔1〕质量1吨〔t〕=1000千克〔kg〕=2205磅〔lb〕=1.102短吨〔sh.ton〕=0.984长吨〔long ton〕1千克〔kg〕=2.205磅〔lb〕 1短吨〔sh.ton〕=0.907吨〔t〕=2000磅〔lb〕1长吨〔long ton〕=1.016吨〔t〕 1磅〔lb〕=0.454千克〔kg〕[常衡] 1盎司〔oz〕=28.350克(g)密度1千克/米3〔kg/m3〕=0.001克/厘米3〔g/cm3〕=0.0624磅/英尺3〔lb/ft3〕1磅/英尺3〔lb/ft3〕=16.02千克/米3〔kg/m3〕 1磅/英寸3〔lb/in3〕=27679.9千克/米3〔kg/m3〕1磅/美加仑〔lb/gal〕=119.826千克/米3〔kg/m3〕1磅/英加仑〔lb/gal〕=99.776千克/米3〔kg/m3〕 1磅/〔石油〕桶〔lb/bbl〕=2.853千克/米3〔kg/m3〕1波美密度〔B〕=140/15.5℃时的比重-130 API度=141.5/15.5℃时的比重-131.5运动粘度1英尺2/秒〔ft2/s〕=9.29030×10-2米2/秒〔m2/s〕1斯〔St〕=10-4米2/秒〔m2/s〕=1厘米2/秒〔cm2/s〕1厘斯〔cSt〕=10-6米2/秒〔m2/s〕=1毫米2/秒〔mm2/s〕动力粘度1泊〔P〕=0.1帕·秒〔Pa·s〕1厘泊〔cP〕=10-3帕·秒〔Pa·s〕1千克力秒/米2〔kgf·s、m2〕=9.80665帕·秒〔Pa·s〕 1磅力秒/英尺2〔lbf·s/ft2〕=47.8803帕·秒〔Pa·s〕力1牛顿〔N〕=0.225磅力〔lbf〕=0.102千克力〔kgf〕1千克力〔kgf〕=9.81牛〔N〕1磅力〔lbf〕=4.45牛顿〔N〕 1达因〔dyn〕=10-5牛顿〔N〕压力1巴〔bar〕=105帕〔Pa〕1千帕〔kPa〕=0.145磅力/英寸2〔psi〕=0.0102千克力/厘米2〔kgf/cm2〕=0.0098大气压〔atm〕 1磅力/英寸2〔psi〕=6.895千帕〔kPa〕=0.0703千克力/厘米2〔kg/cm2〕=0.0689巴〔bar〕=0.068大气压〔atm〕 1物理大气压〔atm〕=101.325千帕〔kPa〕=14.696磅/英寸2〔psi〕=1.0333巴〔bar〕1工程大气压=98.0665千帕〔kPa〕 1毫米水柱〔mmH2O〕=9.80665帕〔Pa〕1毫米汞柱〔mmHg〕=133.322帕〔Pa〕1托〔Torr〕=133.322帕〔Pa〕 1达因/厘米2〔dyn/cm2〕=0.1帕〔Pa〕温度K=5/9〔°F+459.67〕K=℃+273.15 n°F=[(n-32)×5/9]℃ n℃=(5/9·n+32) °F 1°F=5/9℃〔温度差〕传热系数1千卡/〔米2·时·℃〕〔1kcal/(m2·h·℃)〕=1.16279瓦/〔米2·开尔文〕〔w/(m2·K)〕1英热单位/〔英尺2·时·°F〕〔Btu/(ft2·h·°F)〕 =5.67826瓦/〔米2·开尔文〕〔〔w/m2·K〕〕1米2·时·℃/千卡〔m2·h·℃/kcal〕 =0.86000米2·开尔文/瓦〔m2·K/W〕 1千卡/米2·时〔kcal/m2·h〕=1.16279瓦/米2〔w/m2〕热导率1千卡〔米·时·℃〕〔kcal/(m·h·℃)〕=1.16279瓦/〔米·开尔文〕〔W/(m·K)〕1英热单位/〔英尺·时·°F〕〔But/(ft·h·°F)〕=1.7303瓦/〔米·开尔文〕〔W/(m·K)〕比容热1千卡/〔千克·℃〕〔kcal/(kg·℃)〕=1英热单位/〔磅·°F〕〔Btu/(lb·°F)〕=4186.8焦耳/〔千克·开尔文〕〔J/〔kg·K〕〕热功1焦耳=0.10204千克·米=2.778×10-7千瓦·小时=3.777×10-7公制马力小时=3.723×10-7英制马力小时=2.389×10-4千卡=9.48×10-4英热单位 1卡〔cal〕=4.1868焦耳〔J〕1英热单位〔Btu〕=1055.06焦耳〔J〕1千克力米〔kgf·m〕=9.80665焦耳〔J〕1英尺磅力〔ft·lbf〕=1.35582焦耳〔J〕 1米制马力小时〔hp·h〕=2.64779×106焦耳〔J〕1英马力小时〔UKHp·h〕=2.68452×106焦耳 1千瓦小时〔kW·h〕=3.6×106焦耳〔J〕1大卡=4186.75焦耳〔J〕功率1千克力·米/秒〔kgf·m/s〕=9.80665瓦〔w〕1米制马力〔hp〕=735.499瓦〔W〕1卡/秒〔cal/s〕=4.1868瓦〔W〕 1英热单位/时〔Btu/h〕=0.293071瓦〔W〕速度1英尺/秒〔ft/s〕=0.3048米/秒〔m/s〕1英里/时〔mile/h〕=0.44704米/秒〔m/s〕渗透率1达西=1000毫达西1平方厘米〔cm2〕=9.81×107达西地温梯度1°F/100英尺=1.8℃/100米〔℃/m〕1℃/公里=2.9°F/英里〔°F/mile〕=0.055°F/100英尺〔°F/ft〕油气产量1桶〔bbl〕=0.14吨〔t〕〔原油,全球平均〕1吨〔t〕=7.3桶〔bbl〕(原油,全球平均)1桶/日〔bpd〕=50吨/年〔t/a〕〔原油,全球平均〕 1千立方英尺/日〔Mcfd〕=28.32立方米/日〔m3/d〕=1.0336万立米/年〔m3/a〕1百万立方英尺/日〔MMcfd〕=2.832万立方米/日〔m3/d〕=1033.55万立方米/年〔m3/a〕10亿立方英尺/日〔bcfd〕=0.2832亿立方米/日〔m3/d〕=103.36亿立方米/年〔m3/a〕1万亿立方英尺/日〔tcfd〕=283.2亿立方米/日〔m3/d〕=10.336万亿立方米/年〔m3/a〕气油比1立方英尺/桶〔cuft/bbl〕=0.2067立方米/吨〔m3/t〕热值1桶原油=5.8×106英热单位〔Btu〕1立方米湿气=3.909×104英热单位〔Btu〕1立方米干气=3.577×104英热单位〔Btu〕 1吨煤=2.406×107英热单位〔Btu〕1千瓦小时水电=1.0235×104英热〔Btu〕热当量1桶原油=5800立方英尺天然气〔按平均热值计算〕1千克原油=1.4286千克标准煤1立方米天然气=1.3300千克标准煤。
固井与完井术语15 固井与完井 well cementing and completion15.1 油井水泥 oil-well cement:适用于油气井或水井固井的水泥或水泥与其他材料的任何混合物。
15.1.1 硅酸盐水泥(波特兰水泥) portland cement:以硅酸钙为主要成分的水泥总称。
是指不加外掺料,只在熟料中加适量石膏共同磨细而成的一种强度较高的水泥。 API水泥 API cement:美国石油协会(API)把用于油井的水泥称API水泥。
且制定了标准。 API水泥分级 API cement classification:美国石油协会把油井水泥分为A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,J九个等级。 基本水泥 basic cement:指API油井水泥系列中的G,H级水泥。
加入外加剂后使用更大的范围。 抗硫酸盐水泥 sulfate resistant cement:具有较高抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能的水泥,即C3A矿物受到限制的水泥。
按GB10238规定:C3A<8%者为中抗硫酸盐型(MSR);C3A<3%,C4AF+2C3A<24%者为高抗硫酸盐型水泥(HSR)。 净水泥 neat cement:没有外加剂或外掺料的水泥。 水硬性水泥 hydraulic cement:在水环境中不被稀释而加速硬化或凝固的水泥。
15.1.2 火山灰水泥 pozzolanic cement:由火山灰、烧粘土、粉煤灰等硅质物质与石灰或奎酸盐水泥混合,具有抗高温、高强度、抗腐蚀的水泥。
15.1.3 高铝水泥 high alumina cement:铝矾土与石灰石混合,经烧结,磨细而制成耐火度在1650度以上的一种铝酸盐水泥。
15.1.4 改性水泥 modified cement:通过外加剂改变化学或物理性能的水泥。 早强水泥 high early strength cement(high initial strength cement):提高水泥石早期强度的水泥。
固井常用单词和句子一、固井常用单词float shoe 浮鞋float collar 浮箍centralizer 扶正器casing nipple 短套管landing joint 联顶节wellhead 套管头casing thread sealant套管螺纹密封脂casing thread lock套管螺纹胶hydraulic stage cementing collar液压分级箍mechanical stage cementing collar 机械分级箍first stage shut-off plug一级塞closing plug 二级塞free-fall device 打开塞shut-off baffle 承托环cementing plug 碰压塞liner hanger 尾管悬挂器ball seat 球座landing collar 球座短节wiper plug 中空胶塞tie-back receptacle 回接筒tie-back stinger 回接插头stab-in adapter 插管stab-in receiver注水泥器底座(插座)external casing packer 封隔器fluid loss agent 降失水剂accelerator 早强剂dispersant 分散剂retarder 缓凝剂antifoam 消泡剂squeezing 挤水泥plugging堵漏pressure test试压liner tie-back cementing回接固井drillable liner可钻式尾管悬挂器drillable packer可钻式封隔器drillable permanent packer可钻式永久封隔器drill ahead继续钻进Senior cementing operator主操作手Assistant operator 副操作手Mechanical engineer 机械师Helper 助手Laboratory Engineer 化验工程师Supervisor 监督Drilling supervisor 钻井监督Shift 倒班Stand-by 待命Safety helmet 安全帽Eye protection 护眼镜Gloves 手套Overalls 工服Safety footwear 工鞋Masks 面罩Professional tool 专业工具Handsaw 手锯Tape measure 卷尺combination pliers 手钳screw driver 螺丝刀wrench (spanner) 扳手file 锉刀club hammer 榔头scissors 剪刀calliper 卡尺jack 千斤顶nut 螺母casing tong 套管钳casing head 套管头casing slip 套管卡瓦cement 水泥cement basket 水泥伞cement blender skid 批混撬cement plug 水泥塞top plug 上胶塞bottom plug 下胶塞cement slurry 水泥浆guide shoe 引鞋cement-water ratio 水灰比casing centralizer 扶正器casing grade 套管钢级cementing truck 水泥车silo 立罐banana 活动罐cross over 变扣pressure gauge 压力表flow indicator 流量计liner 尾管union 由壬spare parts for cementing 固井配件water tank 水罐Bulk cement truck 下灰车Spacer fluid 前置液pad fluid 后置液top of cement 水泥返高casing 套管Slurry design 水泥浆设计Surface casing 表层套管Intermediate casing 技套Lead 领浆Tail 尾浆landing collar shear seat 尾管球座drill pipe wiper plug尾管钻杆胶塞Cementing interval 封固井段Safty meeting 安全会Pump 泵入cubic meter 立方米displace 顶替displacement volume 替量bump the plug 碰压pressure test 压力测试back flow 回流lost circulation 漏失top-up 回填,回灌squeeze cement 挤水泥wait on cement 侯凝light density cement 低密度screw off 卸扣make up 上扣leak 渗漏drift 通径规wiper trip 滑眼起下钻String structure 管串结构Slurry properties 水泥浆性能air compressor 压风机double stage job 双级固井套管头1. casing head2. braden head变扣接头1. X-over2. X/O3. XO4. change over5. changeover6. conversion kit7. cross over8. cross over sub9. crossover10. crossover sub阿尔及利亚国家石油公司1. Enterprise National Sonatrach2. Enterprise Nationale Sonatrach3. Sonatrach Inc阿富汗国家石油公司1. ANPC2. Afghan National Petroleum Co. 固井1. well cementation2. well cementing3. running cementing4. cement5. cementation6. cementing7. cemt8. cmt9. primary cementing固井泵1. cementing pump2. cementing unit固井不合格1. cement failure2.defective casing/liner cementation 固井操作cementing job固井测井cement bond log固井车cementing truck固井承包商cementing contractor 固井队工人Cementer固井工人Dentist固井胶塞cementing plug固井留下的窜槽primary cement channel固井设计cementing documentation 固井声波测井1. CBL2. cement bond log3. cement bond logging4. cement bonding log固井水泥与地层的界面cement formation interface固井作业结束cement in place 工作服coveralls头盔Helmet安全帽1. protective cap2. safety helmet3. crash helmet4. hard boiled hat5. hard hat6. hardhat helmet7. headgear8. helmet9. iron hat10. safety cap11. safety hard hat12. safety hat13. safetycap14. tin hat三维地震3D seismics注隔离液seal liquid injection 注入管汇injection manifold注水泵1. water flood pump2. water injection pump3. waterflood pump注水泥1. cement2. cementation3. cementing4. grout5. grouting6. well cementation注水泥插入管cement stinger 注水泥插头1. cement stinger2. stinger注水泥的套管cemented casing注水泥定位器cement retainer 注水泥封闭grout sealing注水泥封堵secondary cementin 注水泥浮箍1. cement float collar2. cementing float collar注水泥浮鞋1. cement float shoe2. cementing float shoe注水泥回压阀cement valve注水泥塞使井报废1. P&A2. plugged and abandoned注水泥塞用承托环bottom ring 注水泥伞cementing basket 注水泥上塞follower plug注水泥套管头cementing casing head注水泥填缝1. grout2. grouting注水泥头cement head注水泥用下塞base plug水/粉砂悬浮体water/silt suspension水/泥比water/clay ratio水泵排量pump capacity水玻璃sodium silicate水灰比1. cement/water ratio2. water/cement ratio3. ratio of water to cement水泥标号cement grade水泥槽cement pit水泥充填cement placement水泥充填井壁裂隙和空隙1. wall up2. walling up 水泥初凝initial set水泥初凝时间jelling time水泥串槽cement channeling水泥促凝剂cement accelerator水泥袋cement sack水泥的终凝final set水泥的终凝时间final setting time 水泥返高1. cement top2. cemented to3. fill up4. fill upfillup5. thickening up to水泥防气窜剂gas channeling inhibitor for cement slurry水泥候凝期1. W.O.C.2. WOC3. waiting on cement水泥环1. cement mantle2. cement sheath水泥缓凝剂1. cement retardant2. cement retarder3. cement setting retarder4. extender水泥灰浆cement plaster水泥混合器cement blender水泥浆稠度cement consistency 水泥浆附加量excess slurry volume 水泥浆外加剂cement additive水泥量调节阀bulk cement control valve水泥强度1. cement strength2. cementing strength3. strength of cement水泥侵1. cement contamination2. cement cut水泥瞬凝flash set水泥硬化剂cement hardener 水泥造浆量slurry yield前置液1. ahead fluid2. fluid3. pad4. pad fluid5.preflush6. prepad7. prepad fluid隔离液spacer fluid液压大钳1. hydraulic tongs2. breakout gun短节1. nipple2. pup joint3. cartridge4. cross over5. crossover6. short piece7. substitute弯头1. bend2. angle bend3. bending4. corner5. elb6. elbow7. elbow bend8. elbow joint9. elbow piece10. knee11. pipe bend12. tube turn悬挂器Hanger 悬挂器法兰hanger flange悬挂器主体hanger body悬挂式封隔器1. hold down packer2. hook wall packer3. hookwall type packer4. wall hook packer5. wall packer悬挂座hangoff receptacle阻流阀1. blockvelve2. choke valve3. storm choke阻流隔板restricted baffle阻流圈choke coil水罐1. water tank2. water vessel3. jug水罐车1. tanker2. water tanker3. water truck钙侵calcium contamination reverse颠倒,倒退(有倒车的意思)rail栏杆silo筒仓(立罐)calibrate校准oversight,error,误差percentage of error,误差百分比retarder缓凝剂retard 阻止,延迟accelerator 速凝剂bump 冲击,撞击fabrication 装配,成品buffer 缓冲,缓冲液warehouse 仓库ware 陶器,器皿palletization 装运货盘化reconditioning 重整,检修proposal方案,建议,投标,标书tender 投标,温柔chicksan 弯头chicksan joint 活动弯头sectional area 截面积lbs/ft磅/英尺(一般指管材的线重)join,joint,sub 接头crossover 变换接头displace 驱替discharge排泄,排出(量),卸料base 基地thick threads 粗扣well killing 压井jetting pump,injection pump喷射泵centrifugal pump,rotary pump离心泵bleed off 放压bleed 放,泄relief valve 放压阀surge tank 气罐flexible hose/line/piping软管线rigid line/piping 硬管线call out 随时出动的packer 封填器storm valve 井下安全阀Cement Retainer 注水泥固定器Sling 钩悬带, 吊索Settling 沉淀物Settle 定居,平静下来,沉淀Spacer 隔离液Drill 操练(军事),演习Stretcher 担架Tag 标签Dual Plug 双胶塞Dual 双的force majeure 不可抗力take time 从容进行pepper 胡椒粉alphabet 字母表how come? 怎么回事?Sign 牌子Damp 湿度,阻滞subject to 以…为条件revision 检测,修正clarification 阐明,澄清mutual 相互的,共同的execute 执行,操作preamble 前言,序whereas 而,却,鉴于entity 实体,存在物,本质severance 断绝,隔离,区别banner 旗,标签,标语,首要的dispute 争论,阻止,反抗liability 债务,义务,责任mandatory强制的,命令的,义务性的Blend 混合物,混合coordinator同等的人或物,协调人,调度员take time 从容进行batch 一批,一群,一组vestige 遗迹,痕迹,残余trail,trace 痕踪,痕迹,naught 零colleague,yokemate同事in respect of 关于herd 一群confidential 机密的confidentiality 机密性annexure 附录Condition 条件,条款Consumable 可消费的,耗材comply with 照做specifications 详述restriction 限制joint venture 合资Arithmetical 算术的Award 授予backup备份,后援,候补的sign,autograph 签字,签名approval 赞成,批准,承认miscellaneous各色各样的,混杂的commence 开始,着手cease 停止,终了as per 按照shutdown, breakdown停工commodity 日用品rear 后面的lump-sum 一次总付的invoicing 货品计价invoice 发票,货单start, run 运转,发动porcelain 瓷器,瓷制的blindly 轻率地,盲目地dedicated献身的,致力的,专门的二、固井常用句子1.Circulate 15 minutes. 循环15分钟2.Circulate mud for 2 hours. 循环泥浆2小时3.Move string during circulation. 在循环时注意活动钻具4.Circulate hole clean. 循环清洗井眼5.Circulate bottoms up. 循环泥浆几周6.Fill up every 5 stands. 每5柱灌泥浆一次7.Reverse out excess cement. 反循环替出多余的泥浆8.Change/replace old mud by new mud. 用新的泥浆替换出旧的泥浆9.Stop circulating. 停止循环泥浆10.B reak out the stand. 卸立柱11.T his is the drilling program. 这是钻井设计书12.H ow much weight on bit is required? 要加多少钻压?13.K eep the flow rate at 3000 LPM. 保持排量3000升/分14.T he pump pressure is too high. 泵压太高了15.C irculate for one hour. 循环一个小时16.T he pump pressure has increased. 泵压升高了17.W hat is the hook load? 悬重多少?18.S top the pumps. 停泵19.M ake a wiper trip. 通井20.B leed off pressure. (释)放压(力)21.D rill out cement. 钻穿水泥22.D rill out 20” casing shoe. 钻穿20”套管鞋23.Reverse out the drill pipe. 反循环清洗钻杆24.Make a short trip. 进行短途起下钻25.Slug the pipe. 灌重泥浆26.Shut it off. 关掉27.Pull it to the cat ramp. 把它拉到坡道上去28.Run in hole to bottom for wiper trip. 下钻通井29.This is the casing program. 这是套管程序30.Prepare for running casing. 准备下套管31.Make everything ready for running 7”casing. 做好下7”套管的准备32.Make cementing job. 固井33.Displace cementing with mud pump. 用泥浆泵替水泥浆34.Set cement plug from 2940 to 2790m.在2940到2790米井段打水泥塞35.Pick up cementing head. 接水泥头36.Cement samples are hard. 水泥样已凝固37.Pump in 3 cubic meters of spacer. 注3方隔离液38.Pump down the plug. 泵压(胶)塞39.Wait on cement. 候凝40.The guide shoe will be connected. 接引鞋41.Connect the float collar. 接浮箍42.Clean and dry 20” casing threads with rags.清洁并擦干20”套管丝扣44.Where is the rabbit for drifting the casing? 套管通径规在哪里?45.There’s a combination of lost returns and the kick.又喷又漏, 情况复杂46.Reverse the gas out of the hole. 反循环排气47.The well is now stable. 现在井眼已经稳定48.Get a Work Permit before you can start the hot work.办理作业许可证才能进行动火作业49.Welding is not allowed. 不准动焊50.Put on your (safety) helmet. 戴上安全帽51.Have an overall check. 进行全面检查52.Get me a spanner, please. 请递给我一把扳手53.We need a 36” pipe wrench. 我们需要一把36”的管钳54.Strike it with a sledge hammer. 用大锤打55.We want a triangle file. 需要一把三角锉刀56.Tighten up the screw. 紧一下螺丝57.Put some engine oil. 抹点黄油58.Have it greased. 给它上黄油59.Check all the equipment. 检查所有设备60.There’s something wrong with it. 有点毛病61.Check the pump liners and pistons. 检查(泥浆)泵缸套和活塞62.The piston has been washed. 活塞刺坏了63.The supercharge pump doesn’t take in water. 灌注泵不上水64.Regulate the relief valve. 调整安全阀65.This part number is wrong. 这个配件号不对66.No smoking here. 此处严禁吸烟67.Everything is OK. 一切准备就绪68.Give me a hand, please. 请帮一下忙69.Do you understand? 明白吗?70.No way! 不行71.Help! Help! 救命72.Someone is injured. Medic! 有人受伤了, 医生73.Call for the medic. 叫医生74.Get a stretcher please. 拿担架来75.No more than 4 persons. 不能超过4人76.Drinking liquor is not allowed. 不许喝酒77.Don’t overrun your equipment. 不要超负荷运转78.Be careful at work. 工作时要小心79.No joking here. 别开玩笑80.What is the next step? 下一步怎么办?81.Get everything ready as soon as possible! 尽快做好一切准备82.他同意这个固井设计吗?Does he agree to this cementing design?83.我看出他不会同意我的施工方案。
现场钻录井词汇(一)取心作业Coring Operation (取心作业) Recovery (收获率)(Diamond) (Bit )Coring Barrel (取芯筒)Inner Barrel(内筒)Fixed-cutter Core Bit(镶齿取芯筒)Core Catcher(岩心爪)Water Courses(水眼)Sidewall Cores (井壁取心)Sidewall Core Gun(井壁取芯器)Explosive(爆炸装置)含油级别Gas Shows (气显示)Oil Shows (油显示)Oil Saturated(饱含油)Oil Immersed(富含油)Oil Soaked(油侵)Oil Stain (油斑)Oil Trace(油迹)Fluorescence(荧光—Fluorescence,直照-Cut Fluorescence,滴照)Ultraviolet(紫外线)----Distribution(分布),Color(颜色),Intensity(强度),Fluorescence(荧光)油气水解释Oil Layer(油层)Oil-water Layer(油水同层)Water With Oil Layer(含油水层0Dry Layer(干层)Gas Layer(气层)Gas-water Layer(气水同层)Water Layer(水层)油、气、水Hydrocarbon (烃)Paraffins(烷烃)Methane (C1)Ethane (C2)Propane (C3)Normal Butane (nC4)Iso-butane (iC4)Normal Hexane (nC5)Iso-hexane (iC5)Peak (峰值)Acetylence(乙炔)Non-hydrocarbon Gasea (非烃)Inert(惰性)--Helium(He),Argon(氩),Radon(氡)Acidic—Nitrogen(N2),Carbon Dioxide(CO2),HydrogenSulfide(H2S),Hydrogen(H2), Chlorides(氯化物)Hydrocarbon Liquids(流体):Oil—Paraffinic(石蜡),Aromatic(芳香烃)Characterisics—Fluorescence(Color,Quantity,Intensity强度&级别) ,Stain(染色),Odor,Cut,Cut fluorescence(滴照)Sulphide(硫化物),Dioxide(二氧化碳),Chlorides(氯化物)Carbon Black (碳黑)Asphalt/Pitch/Bitumen(沥青)Wet Gas (湿气)Dry Gas (干气)Gas Cap (气顶)Free Gas/Liberated Gas (游离气)Associated Natural Gas (伴生气)Gasoline (汽油)Kerosene (柴油)Lubricants (润滑油)Carbon Black (碳黑)Biogenic Gas (生物气体)Gas Injection (注气)Lean Gas (贫气)Background Gas (背景气)Tripping Gas (起、下钻气)Short Trip Gas(短起下气)Survey Gas(测斜气)Pump-off Gas(停泵气体)Gas Aftereffects (后效气)Secondary Gas Aftereffects(二次后效气)Pipe Gas,Connection Gas,Kelly-cut Gas(接单根气)Calibrated Gas (试验气)Post-Drilling Gas (钻后气)Ditch Blackground(钻井液池背景气)Gas Shows (气显示)Oil Shows (油显示)Gas seep(气苗)Seepage(油苗)Gas Injection (注气)Contaminated(被污染的) Gas(污染气,由于加入了荧光添加剂或泥浆受到了其它物品的污染而使气体基值幅度上升,此时,应及时标注该项)Contaminants(混油、杂质)记录&报表&完井报告Starting Reaming Depth (开始划眼深度)Spud In (开钻)Finish Drilling (完钻)Drilling to Completion (完钻----设计井深)Total Depth (完钻井深)Driller Adjust Depth (可钻校正井深)Completion (完井)Completion Operation (完井作业)Spud Date (开钻日期)Logging Start Date /Depth(录井开始时间/深度)Logging End Date /Depth(录井结束时间/深度)Seismic Data(地震数据)Stratigraphic Column(地层柱状剖面图)Lithostratigraphic Classification(岩性地层划分)现场钻录井词汇(二)泥浆性能Mud Properties (泥浆性能)Specific Gravity (相对密度)Density(密度)Shear force (切力)Gel Strength (Gels) (静切力&胶凝强度)Sand cut, sand content (含砂)Mud cake, cake ,Wall Cake (泥饼)pH=potential of Hydrogen, (氢离子浓度倒数的对数Ph=log10(1/<H+>), 如:Ph meter, ph valueFunnel Viscosity(VIS)(漏斗粘度)Plastic Viscosity(PV) (塑性粘度)Water Loss(WL) (失水)Yield Point (屈服值)Filtrate (滤液)岩层、矿物、滤液等性质Streak(条痕)Luster(光泽)Resistivity(电阻率)Conductor(电导)Viscosity (粘度)Saturation(饱和度,S)Relative Saturation(相对饱和度)Permeability(渗透率,K)Porosity(孔隙度,Ф)Concentration(浓度)Solubility(溶解度)Hardness/Induration(硬度)Critical Pressure(临界压力)Electrical Stability(电性)Dilute(稀释)井别Scientific Well (参数井)Wild cat Well (预探井) Exploration Well (探井)Evaluation Well (评价井)Production Well (生产井)完井作业Measurement After Drilling(钻后测量,MAD)Bottom Hole Pressure Test (井底压力测试)DST (中途测试)Formation Leak-off Test (地层破裂压力测试) Pressure Testing (试压)Monitor Pressure(监控压力)Plug Back (填井)Sidetracking (侧钻)Percussion Operation (射孔)Cementing Plug (打水泥塞)Open Hole Completion (裸眼完井)Waiting On Cement (侯凝)Cement Job(固井施工)Acidizing (酸化)Gas Injection (注气)Contaminants(混油、杂质)固井Cement Job (固井施工)Cementing Plug (打水泥塞) Cement Drilling (钻水泥塞)Squeeze Cementing (挤水泥)Cement Slurry (水泥浆)Top of Cement (水泥返高面)Bump Plug (碰压)Spacer (隔离液)Loss Circulation Zone (漏失层)Thief Zone (高渗透层)工程&施工过程名称Blow Out Preventor (BOP) Drill (防喷演习) Cement Drilling(钻水泥塞)Annulus(环空)Preventative Measurement(预防措施)Fracture Gradient(压裂梯度)现场钻录井词汇(三)工程、泵、管线设备泥浆罐Desander(除砂器)Desilter(除泥器)Degaser(除气器)Active Pits(循环罐)Build Mud(配泥浆)Sheat Tanks(剪切罐)Mud Mixing Hopper(泥浆搅拌漏斗)Fixed Mud Gun(固定泥浆枪)Movable Mud Gun(摇转式泥浆枪)Suction Tank or Mud Tank(泥浆池)Settling Pit(沉砂池)Mud Return Ditch(泥浆槽)Shale Shaker(震动筛)Mesh(筛布)泵Flow Rate (排量)Centrifugal Water Pump (离心泵) Slush Pump(泥浆泵)管线Choke Manifold(节流管汇)Cross Tee(四通)Mud Tank Connections(泥浆池连通管)Water Supply Line(供水管线)Suction Line(上水管线)Mud Line Manifold(泥浆管线)各种完井液Completion Fluid (完井液)Cement Slurry(水泥浆)fracturing fluid, breakdown fluid, frac fluid,(压裂液)preflush, ahead fluid, pad fluid, (前置液)displacement fluid, (顶替液)insulating liquid, seal liquid, spacer fluid, (隔离液)Filtrate (滤液)Contaminants(混油、杂质)各种管具、工具钻具接头(Joints)Internal Flush Tool Joint(内平式接头)Streamline Tool Joint, Full Hole Tool Joint(贯眼式接头)Regular Tool Joint(正规式接头)Internal Upset(内加厚)External Upset(外加厚)Saver Sub(保护接头)钻杆Spiral-wate Drill Pipe(螺旋加重钻杆)High Weight Drill Pipe (加重钻杆,HWDP)Kelly (方钻杆)钻头Jet Nozzles (钻头喷嘴)Cutter Bit(牙轮钻头)Turbo-drilling(涡轮)New Bit(新钻头,NB)Core Bit(取芯钻头,CB)Rerun Bit(再次使用钻头,RRB)Rerun Core Bit(再次使用取芯钻头RRCB)钻铤Non-magnetic Drill Collars(无磁钻铤)Pendulum Effect(钟摆效应)----纠斜套管Casing(套管)Shallow Surface Casing(表套)Wellhead,Casing Head(套管头)Float Collar(浮箍)Float Nose = Guide Shoe = Set Shoe (引鞋)Loss Circulation Zone(漏失层)Thief Zone (高渗透层)大地方位Coordinates(坐标系)Latitude(纬度)Longitude(经度)Township(镇区)Region(地区)Drift (偏移)Direction/Orientation(方位)Deviation(井斜)Azimuth,Bearing(方位角)Inclination(倾角)Strike(走向)Dip Direction(倾向)Dip Angle(倾角)Hole Deviation (井斜)Deflecting Angle(造斜角)Kick-off Point(造斜点)Seismic Data(地震)测井及测斜Seismic Data(地震)Deviation Survey(测斜)Syphon Survey(虹吸测斜)Drop Survey (投测)Take a Totco Survey,Wire Line Survey(吊测)Strike(走向)Dip Direction(倾向)Dip Angle(倾角)Hole Deviation (井斜)Correct Drift (纠斜) Deflecting Angle(造斜角) Kick-off Point(造斜点)Drift (偏移)Direction(方位)Deviation(井斜)Azimuth,Bearing(方位角)Inclination(倾角)Displacement(位移)Caliper(测径仪)Deflecting Tool (造斜工具) DST (中途测试)Caliper Log (井径测井)BHCS (井眼补偿声波测井)CNL (补偿中子测井)Density Log (密度测井)DIL (双感应测井)Formation Density Log (地层密度测井)GR Log (自然伽玛测井)Induction Log (感应测井)Laterolog (侧向测井)Lithologic Log (岩性测井)LDL (岩性密度测井)Long Normal Resistivity Log (长电位电阻率测井) Short Normal Resistivity Log (短电位电阻率测井) NL (中子测井)Radioactivity Log (放射性测井)Sonic Log (声波测井)SP Log (自然电位测井)Temperature Log (温度测井)Wire Line Log (电缆测井)Acoustic Velocity Log (声速测井)Deflecting (造斜,如:Deflecting Angle造斜角,Deflecting Tool 造斜工具)其他Female Threaded(母扣)Male Threaded(公扣)Pipe Tally (钻具记录)Bottom Hole Assembly(井底钻具组合,BHA)Under Reamer(U/R) (扩大器)Reaming (扩眼器)Stabilizer(扶正器)Jar (振击器)Conductor Pipe (导管)Liner (尾管)Stovepipe (大直径导管)Tubing(导管/尾管)Bridge Plug(桥塞)Slug(断塞)Deflecting Tool (造斜工具)Kick-off Point(造斜点)Back Pressure Valve(回压凡尔)Float(单向阀)Ramp (坡道)Cone (牙轮)Leg of Bit (巴掌)Roller (滚珠)Hose(软管)现场钻录井词汇(五)报表记录名称Pipe Tally (钻具记录)Worksheet(工作报表)Geologic Literature(地质文献)仪器室内:New Bit(新钻头,NB)Core Bit(取芯钻头,CB)Rerun Bit(再次使用钻头,RRB)Rerun Core Bit(再次使用取芯钻头RRCB)Gas Extractor/Gas Trap (电脱)Change The Chromatogragh Ratio(改变图谱比例)Quantity Fluorescence Test(QFT) (定量荧光分析)Flame Ionization Detector(FID) (火焰离子鉴定器) Transerormer(变压器)Air Compressor(空气压缩机)Nominal Voltage(额定电压)Trivolt (三相电)Bivolt (二相电)Silicagel (硅胶)Safety Barrier(安全栅)Shaft Encoder(转轴编码器)Log Suite(录井组图)Peak (峰值)Lag Time----Down Time(下行时间),Lag Time(上行时间), Time to Travel Through The Surface Equipment(地面管汇滞后)Stratigraphic Column(地层柱状剖面图)Lithostratigraphic Classification(岩性地层划分)Microscope(显微镜)Sample Tray(取样盘)Single-edged(单面刀片)Abbreviation(缩略、写)Linear(线性)Logarithmic(对数)Pseudo-logarithmetic(虚拟对数)Histogram Fashion(矩形图)Vector Plot(矢量图)Square-plot(方格图)Drafted(草描)Remarks Column(备注栏)Calcimetry(灰质含量)Seismic Data(地震)室外:Flow Line (架空槽)Guard (of Rotary Drive) (转盘链条罩)Rotary Table (转盘)Rotary Hook (大钩)Draw Works (绞车)Substructure (under Drawworks) (绞车底座)Buffering Tank(缓冲罐)Damping(阻尼)构造皱曲要素:皱曲要素Elements (constituents) of Fold翼和翼角:limb顶和槽:apex, top枢纽:Pivot, hinge轴面:Axial surface pinacoid, axial plane其他:Dome(穹窿)地质术语沉积相组及各相组的相:陆相组(terrestrial facies, continental facies):残积相(sedimentary facies),坡积相(talus facies, outwash facies),山麓-洪积相(piedmont-alluvial facies),河流相(fluvial facies),湖泊相(lacustrine facies, lagoonal facies),沼泽相(paludal facies),风成相(Aeolian facies),冰川相(glacial facies)。
Bc.稠度单位consistometer 稠化仪p ressure loss in annulars环空压力损失surge tank缓冲罐vertical Depth 垂深well head井口logging测井spacer and washes冲洗隔离液displacement rate替浆速度BWOC A水泥重量百分比BWOW混合水重量百分比SG比重BHSP井底静止压力cooling system冷却系统MD pressure recorder马丁压力记录仪displacement tank计量柜bulk silo灰罐mixing water tank水柜butterfly Vavle蝶阀densometer密度计safety valve安全阀swage循环头bulk volume散装体积rabbit通径规air compressor空压机inner string cementing内管注水泥casing programe套管程序hammer榔头bulk weight散装密度radio room电报房tighten上紧loosen卸松TD井深directional well定向井vertical well直井supervisor监督surface casing表层套管technical casing技术套管make up上扣break out卸扣bump碰压diesel engine柴油机diesel柴油engine Oil机油cementing pump固井泵union由壬low-troq valve旋塞top plug顶塞hose软管floating shoe浮鞋inner string内管柱casing套管pump pressure泵压consistency稠度valve凡尔swivel joint活络弯头spring centrilzier弹性扶正器stop collar止动环thread丝扣liner尾管screw driver镙丝刀contact Time接触时间critical Rate B.临界流速radio man电报员captain船长assistant driller副司钻solid content固体含量gel strength切力Over lap重叠段Mud conditioning调整泥浆Reynolds Number雷诺数batch mixer批混罐field Mixing现场混浆mud Cap比重计slurry stability浆体稳定性high viscosity mud高粘泥浆absolute volume绝对体积bore气门piston活塞cross head十字头bearing轴承mixing tub混浆池cutting bottle切割罐slip卡瓦4-Stroke四冲程idle speed怠速fuel filter燃油过滤器power end动力端fluid end液力端gear box变速箱thread lock丝扣胶pressure gauge压力表plunger柱塞valve seat凡尔座packing盘根recirculation pump再循环泵ADC自动混浆系统cap堵头loop回形管manifold管汇tee piece三通bridge plug桥塞retainer承留器mechanical setting tools机械座封工具setting tools液压座封工具wireline kits电缆座封接头packer封隔器RTTS packer可回收封隔器storm valve风暴阀plunger档销quick latch快卡Swedge循环头Casing plug套管胶塞Bottom plug底塞Dart钻杆胶塞Dart container钻杆胶塞桶SSR plug水下释放塞rigid centrilzier刚性扶正器float collar浮箍multistage cementing多级固井viscometer粘度计shift档位shackle卸扣sling吊具throttle油门bulk air system吹灰系统choke and kill manifold阻流压井管汇viscometer粘度计corrosion腐蚀cement basket水泥篮reamer shoe磨鞋transmission变矩器stage collar分级箍floatation collar飘浮接箍liner尾管liner hanger尾管挂cylinder气缸heat exchanger热交换器elevator吊卡formation地层sandston砂岩gas Cap气顶reservoir储层trap圈闭permeability渗透率resistivity电阻率pressure test试压break circulation通水drop plug投塞crane operator吊车司机check valve单流阀TVD垂深ECD循环当量动压shoe track管鞋production casing生产套管cement水泥fluidloss agent降失水剂dispersant分散剂retarder缓凝剂accelerator早强剂microsphere漂珠strength Enhancer增强剂defoamer消泡剂associated agent胶联剂preflush冲洗液dpacer隔离液bentointe搬土drill water钻井水sea water海水cement slurry水泥浆lab testing试验laboratory试验室fluid loss失水free water自由水compressive strength抗压强度thickening time稠化时间pumping time可泵时间initial Thickness初始稠度BHST静止温度BHCT循环温度temperature Gradient温度梯度pressure压力yield造浆率mixing water水灰比initial Setting初凝final Setting终凝relief valve泄压阀CSG cementing head套管水泥头DP cementing head钻杆水泥头quick-latch sub快速接头bottom hole assembly底部钻具组合mud logging unit泥浆录井仪displacement efficiency顶替效率well preparation井眼准备mud conditioning调整泥浆reaming划眼mud removal替尽泥浆slurry stability浆体稳定性pick up sub提升短节adjustable wrench活动扳手chain tongs链钳bar撬杠inclination井斜角azimuth方位角excess on caliper水泥浆附加量blender干混罐rig office平台办公室sidetrack plug侧钻水泥塞P&A弃井水泥塞plug back回填水泥塞ERD well大位移井horizontal well水平井gel胶凝flash set闪凝casing thread compound丝扣油filtrate失水仪expander膨胀剂latex胶乳dilica硅粉dtabilizer稳定剂rheology流变性shear rate剪切速率curing time养护时间extender减轻剂turbulant flow紊流recreation room娱乐室effective laminar flow有效层流sedimentation沉淀geologist地质师mud logger录井工wireline logging engineer电测工程师hydration水化作用sulfate resistance抗硫sedimentary Rocks沉积岩cement sheath水泥环porosity孔隙度dicalcium silicate硅酸二钙zonal isolation层间封隔petroleum geology石油地质wellbore skin factor表皮系数guide bushing retainers导向架ESD循环当量静压CIP顶替到位wiper gland刮油环landing point着陆点kick off point造斜点shallow gas浅层气ROP进尺total gas气全量sensor传感器CIF到岸价FOB离岸价bid标书contract合同derrick井架dicalcium silicate硅酸二钙worm and ring gears涡轮涡杆crank shaft曲轴connection rod连杆pipe wrench管钳hydration水化作用sulfate resistance抗硫pressure loss in annulars环空压力损失effective laminar flow有效层流mess room餐厅hook load大钩负荷SBT扇区水泥胶结测井pipe movement活动钻具reverse circulation反循环normal circulation正循环annular velocity环空返速swivel equalizer平衡阀squeeze cement挤水泥pressurize curing chamber增压养护釜atmosphere curing chamber常压养护釜thixotropic cement触变水泥gas migration气窜UCA超声波强度仪tricalcium silicate硅酸三钙tricalcium aluminate铝酸三钙dog house司钻房circulating pressure循环压力turbulant flow紊流laminar flow层流power law model幂律模型oil base mud油基泥浆barite重晶石yield point泥浆屈服点wiper trip通井lost circulation井漏。
这里有你要的几乎钻井专业的所有专业词汇,包含你要的钻井四通:drill spool 1.accumulator储能器2.active tank循环池3.adjusting bolt(刹把)调节螺栓4.admission pipe进气管5.agitator搅拌器6.air chamber空气包7.air line气管线8.air-operated hoist气动绞车9.alternating current drive交流电驱动10.annular BOP环形BOP11.ato-muffler消音器12.ball valve球阀13.bell nipple老虎钳14.bench vise钻头15.bit钻头16.Bit gauge钻头装卸器17.bit gauge钻头规18. blind ram preventer盲板防喷器19. blind shear ram preventer剪切闸板防喷器20.blow-out preventer(BOP)防喷器21.bolt22.BOP control panel防喷器控制盘23.BOP deck防喷器平台24.bottom plug底塞25.box母扣26.brake level(brake handle) 刹把27.brake line(brake staple) 刹带28.bridge plug桥塞29.buttress梯形扣30.butterfly valve蝶阀31.by-pass旁通32.by-pass plug旁通塞33.callipers卡钳34.casing bowl套管打捞筒35.casing coupling套管接箍36.casing cutter套管割刀37.casing elevator套管吊卡38.casing hanger套管悬挂器39.casing head套管头40.casing monkey board套管平台41..casing scraper刮管器42.casing shoe43.casing slip套管卡瓦44.casing spear套管打捞矛45.casing spool套管四通46.casing tong套管大钳47.cat line锚头绳48.cat line grip锚头绳爪49.cat shaft锚头轴50.cat-head锚头51.cellar deck井口甲板52.cement水泥53.cement basket水泥伞54.cement plug水泥塞55.cement retainer水泥阻流环56.cementing bond log 固井质量检查57.cementing head水泥头58.cementing line固井管线59.cementing pump固井泵60.chain链61.chain pipe tong链钳62.chain tong链钳63.chamber64.chamber gate阀箱,闸室65.charge pump灌注泵66.check valve止回阀,回压凡尔67.choke节流器,阻流器68.choke line阻流管线69.choke position indicator 节流阀位置指示器70.choke valve节流阀71.choke -line manifold阻流管汇72.clutch离合器73.conductor导管74.cone牙轮75.cone fisher牙轮打捞器76.cone lock牙轮卡死77.cooling-water pump冷却水泵78.core barrel shoe取心筒鞋79.core basket取心爪80.core bit取心钻头81.core catcher岩心爪82.∞re catcher case岩心爪外套83.core drying oven岩心烘箱84.crossover joint(x/o)85.crown block天车86.crown block beam天车梁87.dead line死绳88.dead line diaphragm死绳固定器膜片89.dead line anchor死绳固定器90.degasser除气器91.derrick井架92.desander(desilter)除砂(泥)器93.direct current drive直流电驱动94.discharge line排出管线95.discharge valve排出阀96.double ram type preventer 双闸板防喷器97.down hole tool人井工具98.draw works绞车99.drawworks motor绞车电机100.drift mandrel通径规101.drill collar钻链102.drill collar slip钻链卡瓦103.drill pipe钻杆104.drill pipe slip钻杆卡瓦105.drill pipe wiper106.ddll string钻柱107.driller'sb console司钻控制台108.drilier's monitor司钻监视器109.drilling line(workline) 钻井大绳110.driiling stem valve钻杆防喷器111.drive shaft驱动轴112.driven shaft从动轴113.driving chain传动链条114.drum滚筒115.drum capacity滚筒容量116.drum clutch滚筒离合器117.drum hight air clutch 滚筒高速(低速)118.drumlow air clutch空气离合器119.DV collar分级箍120.eddy current brake涡磁刹车121.elevator吊卡122. elevator link吊卡耳环123.elevator-spider吊卡-卡瓦124.emergency jaw clutch 应急牙嵌离合器125.equalizing yoke(刹带的)平衡杠126.external cutter127.external cutter外部割刀128.eye plate吊耳,吊环129.eye splice绳套,接环130.fill up iine灌泥浆管线131.fiitration test apparatus 失水测定仪132.finger board指梁133.fishing hook打捞钩134.fishing head打捞头135.fishing jars打捞振击器136.fishing neck打捞颈137.fishing nipple打捞公锥138.fishing operation打捞操作(作业)139.fishingmcitet打捞母锥140.fishing spear打捞矛141.fishing string打捞管柱142.fishing tap(taper)打捞公锥143.fishing tool打捞工具144.flange法兰145.flat(round,square)file 扁(圆,方)锉146.flat bit tongs扁嘴钳(电工用)147.flat bottom mill148.flexible joint挠性接头149.float shoe浮鞋150.float valve浮阀151.floating collar浮箍152.four →way valve四通阀153.free point indicator卡点测定仪154.full hole joint贯眼钻杆接头155.funnel viscometer漏斗粘度计156.gas holder(tank)储气筒,储气罐157.gate大门158.gate valve闸门阀159.g∞se neck p ipe鹅颈管160.hammer锤子161.heavey weight drill pipe加重钻杆162.heaηr wall drill pipe厚壁钻杆163.high pressure line高压管线164.hole opener开眼器,扩眼器165.hook大钩166.hook spring大钩弹簧167.hose水龙带168.hydraulic break-out cylinder169.hydraulic catwork液压猫头170.hydraulic pump液压泵171.hydraulic reservoir-液压油箱172.hydraulic tong液压大钳173.hydraulic valve咒液动阀174.hydraulic (press) test pump 液动试压泵175.hydraulic-powered winch 液压绞车176.inertia惯性177.inertia brake惯性刹车178.inlet人口179.inner core barrel内岩心筒180.intermediate casing中间(技术)套管181.internal blowout preventer 钻柱内防喷器182.internal callipers内卡钳183.internal external upset内外加厚184.internal flush joint内平钻杆接头185.jar振击器186.jaw clutch牙嵌离合器187.joint接头,(钻杆)单根188.junk basket笼式打捞篮189.junk catcher打捞爪,一把抓190.junk sub打捞杯191.kelly bushing方补心192.kelly cock方钻杆考克193.kelly protective sub 方保接头194.kdly spinner方钻杆旋转短节195.key seat reamer键槽破坏器196.killline压井管线197.knee pipe弯管dder梯子199.level水平仪(尺)200.lifting plug提升丝堵201.lifting sub提升短节202.line reeving滑车装绳数203.liner缸套204.liner尾管205.lock bolt锁紧螺栓206.locking flange锁紧法兰207.low pressure line低压管线208.lube oil pump润滑油泵209.lubrication hole加油孔210.magnetic fishing tool磁力打捞工具211.make out cathead 卸扣猫头212.make up cathead 上扣猫头213.manual drill手摇钻214.manual valve手动阀215.master bushing 转盘大补心ling shoe镜鞋ling tool锐具218.mixing hopper混合漏斗219.mixing pump混合泵220.monkey hard猴台221.motor电机,马达222.mouse hole小鼠洞223.mud balance泥浆比重计224.mud cleaner泥浆清洁器225.mud ditch泥浆槽226.mud guard挡泥板227.mud gun泥浆枪228.mud pump泥浆泵229.mud relief valve 泥浆泵安全阀230.mud return line泥浆返出管线231.mut pit232.nail钉子233.near-bit stabilizer近钻头扶正器234.needle valve针形阀235.nigger-head扳手加长套筒236.nipper慑子,夹子237.non-magnetic drilling collar 非磁钻键238.normal close valve常闭阀239.normal open valve常开阀240.nozzle水眼,喷嘴241.nut螺帽242.nut bolt带帽螺栓243.nut spinner自动螺母扳手244.oil level油位245.oil level check plug油位检查丝堵246.oil tank油柜247.oil-level dipstick油尺248.open -ended spanner开口扳手249.outer core barrel外岩心筒250.outlet出口251.paint brush油漆刷252.pilot bit253.pin公扣254.pin销子255.pincers钳子,夹子256.pinch bar撬棍257.piston活塞258.piston cup活塞皮碗259.piston rod活塞杆260.pliers手钳子261.plug valve旋塞阀262.pneumatic t∞l气动工具263.Portland cement硅酸盐水泥264.power slip动力卡瓦265.power supply unit动力供应设备266.power tong动力大钳267.power wrench动力扳手268.pressure snubbing tank 缓冲罐269.production casing生产层套管270.pulley滑轮271.pump-out reversing sub 反循环接头272.pup pipe joint短钻杆273.quick connection274.ramp(井架大门处)坡板275.rat hole大鼠洞276.regular tool joint正规钻杆接头277.regulator valve调节阀278.relief line放压管线279.retaining ring (support ring)承托环280.reverse circulating valve反循环阀281.reverse circulation junk basket 反循环打捞篮282.reverse circulation port反循环孔283.reverse gear倒档齿轮284.reversing tool倒扣(打捞)工具285.ring gasket钢圈286.ring spanner梅花扳手287.rivet佛钉288.rotary table转盘289.rotary table motor转盘电机290.rotary table motor blower转盘风机291.safety clamp(slips)安全卡瓦292.safety joint安全接头293.safety stop安全限位挡块294.safety switch295.safety-strap(belt)安全带296.sand reel捞砂滚筒297.screen cloth筛布298.screw螺钉299.screw driver螺丝刀300.seamless pipe无缝钢管301.setback立根盒302.setback capacity立根盒容量303.settling pit沉砂池304.shaft轴305.shale shaker振动筛306.shock absorber减震器307.side doo elevator倒开门吊卡308.single joint elevator单根吊卡309.single ram type preventer 单闸板防喷器310.slide rule计算尺311.slide tongs管钳312.sling吊索313.slip卡瓦314.slip bushing卡瓦补心315.slip bushing316.slip dog卡瓦牙板317.slip groove卡瓦槽318.slip insert卡瓦牙319.slip insert卡瓦打捞筒320.slipgxket bowl (卡瓦)锥形座321.socket套筒扳手322.spider卡盘323.spiral drill collar螺旋钻链324.spud spear钢丝绳打捞钩325.spudding bit开眼钻头326.stab -in cementing 插入式注水泥327.subbing hard对扣台(下套管用) 328.stabilizer扶正器329.stainless steel不锈钢330.stand pipe立管331.stinger插入头332.stinger strings (内管)注水泥管柱333.stud双端螺栓334.stud bolt双头螺栓335.stuffing box盘根盒336.sub接头337.suction line吸入管线338.suction valve吸人阀339.surface casing表层套管340.swivel水龙头341.tape measure卷尺342.tee三通343.thrmd丝扣344.thread dope丝扣油345.thread protector护丝346.three-cone bit三压轮钻头347.tong大钳348.tong bucket大钳平衡器349.tong dies大钳牙板350.tong head钳头351.tong mark大钳刻痕352.tong space大钳搭绞部位353.tool joint工具接头354.tool steel工具钢355.top(bottom)plug顶(底)塞356.top of the cement水泥面357.TOTCO ring baffle plateTOTCO承托环358.traveling block游动滑车359.tdp-tank泥浆计量罐360.two way valve两通阀361.v-door井架大门362.valve阀门363.valve阀,凡尔364.valve body凡尔体365.valve bonnet阀盖,阀帽366.valve cup(seat)凡尔座367.valve face阀面368.valve lever阀杆369.valve seal阀密封370.valve seat grab起阅座器371.valve spring阀弹簧372.vernier灵敏指针373.vice(=vise)虎钳374.wall hook壁钩375.wash pipe冲管376.wear bushing耐磨补心377.well-head equipment 井口装置378.whip stock造斜器,斜向器379.wing stabilizer翼状扶正器(二).钻井作业有关词语1.type "L" connector 20"L" 型接头2.ahead water先行水3.annular velocity环空流速4.apparent viscosity表观粘度5.back off倒扣,卸扣6.back pressure回压7.back up attachment打好背钳8.ball up泥包9.ballast water压舱水10.behind water尾水11.bingham model宾汉模型12.bit cost钻头成本13.bit diameter钻头直径14.bit footage钻头进尺15.bit IADC code钻头IADC编码16.bit lift钻头寿命17.bit position钻头位置18.bit series number钻头系列号19.bit teeth钻头齿20.bit time钻头时间21.bit type钻头类型22.bit wear钻头磨损23.blow job吹扫作业24.blow line扫线用管线25.blowing pressure吹压压力26.blowout井喷27.blowout control防喷28.blowout control equipment 防喷设备29.BOP handling装卸防喷器30.bottom fill沉砂31.bottom-hole pressure井底压力32.box-box∞nnedior1双母接头33.casing program套管程序34.casing size套管尺寸35.cationic surface active agent 阳离子表面活性剂36.caustic soda烧碱37.cement bond水泥胶结38.cement channeling水泥窜槽39.cement failure固井失败40.cement flush水泥冲洗41.cement slurry水泥浆42.cementing formulation固井配方43.circulation循环44.clay base mud粘土泥浆45.control drilling控制钻进46.coring sample岩心取样47.corrosion腐蚀48.critical velocity临界速度49.crown block protector天车防碰装置50.crown block saver天车防碰装置51.cut off drilling line割大绳52.danderous objects危险品53. degasser efficiency除气器效率54.detergent除垢剂,清洁剂55.deviation survey井斜测量56.differential pressure sticking 压差卡钻57.directional drilling定向钻井58.directional well定向井59.dog leg狗腿60.dog leg ratio狗腿率61.down time停工时间62.drifting通径63.drilling assembly钻具组合64.drilling break钻进突变65.drilling contractor钻井承包商66.drilling cost钻井成本67.drilling hours钻进时间68.drilling operation钻井作业69.drilling program钻井程序70.drilling report钻井报表71.drilling daily report钻井日报72.drilling water钻井水73.dull bit grading钝钻头分级74.dyna-drill戴纳钻具75.emulsifying agent乳化剂76.erode out刺坏77.evaluation well评估井78.exploratory well初探井79.fatigue limit疲劳极限80.fill-up float shoe自动灌浆浮鞋81.filter cake泥饼82.filtration-reducing agent 降失水剂83.flocculation絮凝作用84.flowing pressure流压85.fluid loss失水86.formation地层87.formation test地层测试88.formation water地层水89.fresh water淡水,清水90.function test功能试验91.gas content气含量92.gas cut气侵93.gas in mud泥浆中的气94.gas reservoir气层95.gas showing气显示96.hard formation硬地层97.hole sin井眼尺寸98.hole straightening井眼纠斜99.hook load大钩负荷100.hook position大钩位置101.initial gel-strength初切力102.inner string cementing 内管注水泥103.interface level indicator 表面活性剂104.kelly down方人105.kelly down depth方人深度106.kelly in方人107.kelly up方余108.key-gating sticking键槽卡钻109.kick井涌110.kick control控制井涌111.killwell压井y down the drill pipe甩钻杆113.leak –off test漏失试验114.left-hand J-slot左旋"J"型槽115.log time迟到时间116.low solid mud低固相泥浆117.maximum pressure最小速度118.maximum speed最大速度119.mean sea level平均海平面120.meantide level平均潮面121.mud additive泥浆添加剂122.mud column泥浆柱123.mud conditioning调节泥浆124.mud conditioning materials 泥浆处理材料125.mud line泥线126.mud logging泥浆录井127.mud volume泥浆量128.no leak不漏129.no return无返出130.nozzle efficiency水眼效率131.nozzle size水眼尺寸132.off –bottom离开井底133.offshore海上134.oil leak漏油135.oil reservoir pressure油层压力136.oil resistant gom耐油橡胶137.oil seal油封138.oil shale油页岩139.oil-base mud油基泥浆140.on bottom接触井底141.open hole裸眼142.operator作业者143.overpull上提,遇卡144.overtonging上扣过紧145.pendulum bottom hole assembly 钟摆钻具组合146.penetration rate机械钻速147.plastic viscosity塑性粘度(PV)148.plastics塑料149.plugging back水泥回堵150.pressure loss in pipe 管内压降151.pressure test压力试验152.pump down plug泵入水泥塞153.pump efficiency泵效154.pump pressure泵压155.pump speed泵速156.pump stroke泵冲157.rated now额定流量158.reaming划眼159.record记录160.recording paper记录纸161.releasing spear松开捞矛162.retarder缓凝剂163.reverse circulation 反循环164.rig floor钻台165.rotary speed转盘转速166.run casing下套管167.running time运转时间168.running tool下人工具169.sand bridge砂桥170.saturatedmlt-water mud饱和盐水泥浆171.sea sick晕船172.seawater mud海水泥浆173.setting slip坐卡瓦174.shallow gas浅层气175.shaly sand泥质砂岩176.short trip短起下177.shut -in关井178.shut-in casing pressure关井套压179.shut-incasing pipe pressure 关井钻杆压力180.sick leave请病假181.side tracking侧钻182.slip drilling line倒大绳183.sloughing,caving(井壁)拥塌184.soda苏打185.soft formation软地层186.solid content固相含量187.spud in开钻188.spud mud开钻泥浆189.squeeze cement 挤水泥190.stage cementing 分级注水泥191.stand-by待命,待机192.stant-by rate待命费193.start up(pump)启动(泵)194.static pressure•静压195.sticking卡钻196.sticking point卡点197.stroke(泵)冲198.swab pressure抽吸压力199.swabbing抽吸200.table height转盘高度201.table torque转盘扭矩202.test paper试纸203.thicking time稠化时间204.thread alternating 错扣205.thread making造扣206.thread off脱扣207.thread slipping滑扣208.tight hole缩径井眼209.tong torque大钳扭矩210.trip起下钻211.tripping time起下钻时间212.troubles事故213.vertical depth垂深214.viscosifier增稠剂215.wait on cementing候凝216.wall thickness壁厚217.wash down开泵循环下放218.wash out section冲刷井段219.water hammer(泥浆泵)水击220.weight on bit钻压221.weighting materials加重材料222.well head now pressure 井口流压223.well location井位224.wiper trip通井225.working instruction作业指令226.working pressure工作压力drilling crew 钻井drill floor,rig floor,floor 钻台drawworks 绞车well-site, rig-site 井场rig manager 平台经理DC (drill collar) 钻铤drilling engineer 钻井工程师DP (drill pipe) 钻杆toolpusher 带班队长rotary table 转盘driller 司钻assistant driller 副司钻derrickman, monkeyman 井架工roughneck, floorman 钻工roustabout 场地工liner 缸套motor fireman 司机wellhead 井口circulation & solid system 循环固控系统machinist 机械师,机工,机械大班electrician 电器师,电工,电器大班operation program 作业程序(指令)cathead 猫头caravan 营房,大篷车tong 大钳elevator 吊卡well depth 井深slip 卡瓦makeup 上扣spud in 开钻breakout 卸扣ROP (rate of penetration),drilling speed, penetration rate 钻速trip 起下钻diesel-engine 柴油机loss circulation 井漏,循环漏失working uniform 工作服brake handle, brake bar 刹把water well condition 井况circulating tank, circulation tank 循环罐normal drilling 正常钻井reserve tank 储备罐parameter 参数trip tank 补给罐,尖底罐, 起下钻泥浆罐rotary speed 转盘转速shale shaker 振动筛pump pressure 泵压WOB (weight on bit) 钻压mesh 目,网孔;啮合,编织torque 扭矩screen cloth 筛布displacement 排量safety meeting 班前会pump stroke 泵冲shift exchange 交班mud pump 泥浆泵master 师傅,主人;征服,控制,精通in charge of 负全责,经营,照顾obtain 获得,得到according to 根据,依照normal 正常的,正规的,标准的introduce 介绍,传入,引进,提出progress 前进,行进,进展supervisor 监督location 井场,井位inspection 检查,考察,验收cellar 方井soild (control) system 固控系统waste pit 污水池、废水池Top Drive (Drilling System)顶(部)驱(动)钻井系统Project Department 项目部on duty 值班modify 整改、修改clinic 医务室electic rig 电动钻机disconnect 拆开,分离,断开pipeline 管线order 指令,命令,顺序Company 公司,甲方Operator 业主,甲方Contractor 承包商,乙方pump house 泵房schedule 时间表,进度表size 尺寸,大小,尺码information 通知,信息,资料equipment 设备,装备,器材instruction 指令,指示,说明书SCR house 可控硅房replace 更换,替换,代替brake shoe 刹车块wear out 磨损safety 安全,保险,安全设备fax 传真guy 家伙,人standpipe 立管Campsite 营地crownblock 天车traveling block 游车dog-house 司钻休息室rat hole 大鼠洞mouse hole小鼠洞spudding inspection 开钻验收fill in 填充catwalk 狭窄的过道,高空走道;高台,天车台casing float collar 套管浮箍casing float valve 套管浮阀casing guide shoe 套管引鞋cement水泥,注水泥,结合剂,胶结剂plug 插头safety pin安全销glove手套quick-connector快速接头fire extingwisher灭火器stretcher担架First Aid紧急救护control board控制板weight mdicator指重表rotary torque indicator转盘扭矩表sling吊绳绳套deadline anchor死绳固定器brake system刹车系统drum滚筒safety line保险绳safety belt安全带hydraulic tong液气大钳slip卡瓦elevator吊卡bit breaker钻头盒chain tong链钳.pipe tong管钳wrench板手pliers钳子、老虎钳scissor剪刀cable slot电缆槽vacuum degasser真空除气器butterfly valve蝶阀desilter除泥器desander除砂器degasser除气器mud gun泥浆枪agitator搅拌器leakage漏,泄漏,渗漏barite重晶石hopper漏斗piston活塞union油壬fuel tank燃油罐、高架罐remote control station远控房BOP stacks防喷器组kill line 压井管线choke line节流管线preventer防喷器annular环空ram闸板low pressure低压fire blanket消防毯fire sand防火砂kitchen厨房storeroom储藏室bathroom卫生间spudding date开钻日期spudding time 开钻时间string钻柱BHA(bottom hole assembly)钻具组合drilling jar震击接头drill box钻杆盒drilling program钻井程序、钻井指令drilling fluid钻井液mix up混和、调配、混淆mud material泥浆材料LCM(lost circulation material)堵漏材料、堵漏剂mud engineer泥浆工程师day tour白班this is the second part, hope it is available for us to learn english for drilling well. the detailed content is as the following:drilling crew 钻井队drill floor,rig floor,floor 钻台drawworks 绞车well-site, rig-site 井场rig manager 平台经理lifting sub 提升短节drilling engineer 钻井工程师bar,crowbar 橇杠rotary table 转盘driller 司钻assistant driller 副司钻derrickman, monkeyman 井架工roughneck, floorman 钻工roustabout 场地工liner 缸套motorman 司机wellhead 井口circulation & solid system 循环固控系统machinist 机械师,机工,机械大班electrician 电器师,电工,电器大班operation program 作业程序(指令)cathead 猫头Kelly 方钻杆tong 大钳elevator 吊卡well depth 井深slip 卡瓦makeup 上扣spud in 开钻breakout 卸扣ROP (rate of penetration),drilling speed, penetration rate 钻速trip 起下钻diesel-engine 柴油机loss circulation 井漏,循环漏失working uniform 工作服brake handle, brake bar 刹把water well condition 井况circulating tank, circulation tank 循环罐normal drilling 正常钻井reserve tank 储备罐parameter 参数trip tank 补给罐,尖底罐, 起下钻泥浆罐rotary speed 转盘转速shale shaker 振动筛pump pressure 泵压WOB (weight on bit) 钻压mesh 目,网孔;啮合,编织torque 扭矩screen cloth 筛布displacement 排量safety meeting 班前会shift exchange 交班mud pump 泥浆泵master 师傅,主人;征服,控制,精通in charge of 负全责,经营,照顾obtain 获得,得到according to 根据,依照normal 正常的,正规的,标准的introduce 介绍,传入,引进,提出progress 前进,行进,进展supervisor,companyman 监督location 井场,井位inspection 检查,考察,验收cellar 方井solid (control) system 固控系统waste pit 污水池、废水池Top Drive (Drilling System)顶(部)驱(动)钻井系统Project Department 项目部on duty 值班modify 整改、修改clinic 医务室electric rig 电动钻机disconnect 拆开,分离,断开pipeline 管线order 指令,命令,顺序Company 公司,甲方Operator 业主,甲方Contractor 承包商,乙方pump house 泵房schedule 时间表,进度表size 尺寸,大小,尺码information 通知,信息,资料equipment 设备,装备,器材instruction 指令,指示,说明书SCR house 可控硅房replace 更换,替换,代替brake shoe 刹车块wear out 磨损safety 安全,保险,安全设备fax 传真guy 家伙,人standpipe 立管Campsite 营地crownblock 天车traveling block 游车dog-house 司钻休息室rat hole 大鼠洞mouse hole小鼠洞spudding inspection 开钻验收fill in 填充catwalk 狭窄的过道,高空走道;高台,天车台casing float collar 套管浮箍casing float valve 套管浮阀casing guide shoe 套管引鞋cement水泥,注水泥,结合剂,胶结剂plug 插头safety pin安全销glove手套quick-connector快速接头fire extinguisher灭火器stretcher担架First Aid紧急救护。
十一、岗位 position
英文 中文 Company man 公司代表/甲方 Operator/company 业主 Contractor 承包商 Service company 服务方 Cementing engineer [,endʒi'niə] 固井工程师 Lab engineer 化验工程师 Operator 操作手 Helper 助手 Cementer 固井工 Drilling supervisor [,sju:pə'vaizə] 钻井监督 Drilling superintendent [,sju:prin'tendənt] 钻井总监 Rig manager 平台经理 Toolpusher 带班队长 Driller 司钻 Assistant [ə'sistənt] driller 副司钻 Floorman 钻工 Mud engineer 泥浆工程师 Mud boy/mud man 泥浆工 Mechanical [mi'kænikəl] engineer 机械工程师 Electrical [i'lektrikəl] engineer 电器工程师 Consulter [kən'sʌltə] 顾问 Geologist [dʒi'ɔlədʒist] 地质师 Field manager 基地经理 General manager 总经理 Camp boss 营房经理 Logistic [ləu'dʒistik] manager 后勤经理 十二、井场车辆及油品 Vehicles and fuel 英文 序号 中文 Crane 1 吊车 Forklift ['fɔ:klift] 2 叉车 Tractor ['træktə] 3 拖拉机 Dozer 4 推土机 Trucker 5 卡车 Petrol 6 原油 Oil 7 机油 Engine oil/motor oil 8 发动机油 Diesel ['di:zəl] 9 柴油 Gasoline ['gæsəli:n] 10 汽油
石油钻井常用词语及缩写汇总一、标准钻井日报表内容Official Daily Report Form1钻井日报表Daily drilling report2.报表号 Report No.3.图例(说明) Legend4.公制度量标准Metric expressions5.所有长度均采用米制,并取两位小数All lengths expressed in metres to two decimal places6.泥浆密度——kg/m3 Mud density = kilogram per cubic meter (kg/m3) 7.泥浆泵冲程 mm pump-stroke length=millimetre(mm)8.悬重——十牛顿Weight of string=deca newton(daN)9.单位长度质量——kg/m Linear mass=kilogram per meter(kg/m)10.粘度——秒/升Viscosity=second per litre(s/L)11.排量——m3/min Flow rate=cubic metre per min.(m3/min)12.压力梯度——千帕/米Pressure gradient=kilopascal per me-tre(kPa/m)13.屈服点——帕Yield point=pascal(pa),(y. p.)14.塑性粘度——毫帕*秒Plastic viscosity=millipascal sec-ond(mPa .s), .)15.切力—帕Gel strength=pascal(pa)16.大绳完成的功——兆*焦尔Work completed by wireline=megajoule(MJ)17内径和外径——毫米Inside diameter and outside diame-ter=millimetre(mm)18.泵压——千帕Pump pressure=kilopascal(kpa)19.钻压:指重表以十牛顿记录Weight on bit ; Indicator will record decanewton20.租地 Lease21.井号 Well No22.井段 Well number23.日期 Date24.年Yr. 月MO. 日Day25.施工者(单位)Operator26.承包者(单位)Contractor27.钻机编号 Rig No.28.施工单位代表签名 Signature of operator’s representative29.承包单位队长(技师)签名Signature of contractor’s toolpusher 30.钻杆尺寸(规范) D. P. size31.每米重 kg/m32.钢级 Grade33.接头外径 Tool .34.扣型 Type thread35.钻柱号 String No.36.泵编号 Pump No.37.泵生产厂家 Pump manufacturer38.驱动方式 Type of drive39.冲程Stroke length40.时效分析—小时 Time distribution=hours41.序号 Code No.42.工作内容 Operation43.早班、Morn.=morning tour 中班、Day=day tour 晚班Eve.=evening tour44.安装与拆卸 Rig up and tear down45.纯钻 Drill actual46.扩眼 Reaming47.取心 Coring48.循环与处理泥浆 Condition mud & circulate49.起下钻 Trips50.保养钻机 Lubricate rig51.检修钻机 Repair rig52.倒大绳与滑大绳 Cut off drilling line and slip drilling line 53.测斜 Deviation survey54.吊测 Wire line logs55.下套管与固井 Run casing and cement56.候凝 Wait on cement57.安装防喷器 Nipple up 防喷器试压 Test 中途测试Drill stem test 60.打水泥塞(固堵)Plug back61.挤水泥 Squeeze cement62.打捞 Fishing63.定向工作 Dir. work64.完井 Completion65.射孔 Perf’R’T’N(Perforation)66.起下油管TBG Trips67.处理 Treating68.抽吸 Swabbing69.测试 Testing70.其它 Addit’N’L71.合计 Total72.一天工作摘要(只用于办公室)Day work summary(office use only) 73.组织停工小时 HRS. Standby74.总工作天数 Total days work75.从开钻起天数 No. of days from spud76.累计钻进小时 Cumulative rotation HRS77.总泥浆费用 Total mud cost78.钻具结构 Drilling assembly79.交班时At end of tour80.钻头 Bit81.扶正器外径 STB .82.扩大器外径 RMR OD83.钻铤内径、外径 OD84.钻杆立柱数Stands DP85.钻杆单根数 Stingles .86.方入 Kelly down87.悬重 (Force)WT of string daN 88.钻头记录 Bit record89.钻头编号 Bit No.90.钻头尺寸(规范)Bit size91.制造厂家 MFG92.型号 Type93.喷嘴(毫米)Jets(mm)94.顺序号Ser No.95.起出井深 Depth out96.下入井深Depth in97.总进尺 Total meters drilled 98.使用小时 Total HRS run99.压力降(千帕)Pressure drop (kPa) 100.泥浆记录 Mud record101.时间 Time102.失水 Water loss(ml)103.pH值 pH(potential of hydrogen)104.固含(%)Solids(%)105.泥浆与药品Mud & chemical added106.类型Type、用量AMT、公斤 kg107.合法地面图 Legal Land Description108.完井套管、油管或尾管 Last casing, tubing or liner 109.厂商 Made110.总长 Total length111.下入深度 Set at112.补心高(转盘面至套管头)TO CSG HD113.钢丝绳记录Wire line record114.滚筒号 Reel No.115.尺寸(规范)Size116.股数 No. lines117.滑动米数 Meters slipped118.倒掉米数Meters cut off119.现存长度 Present length120.从...到... from...to...121.钻进(缩写)DR-D 扩眼(缩写)RM-R 取心(缩写)Core-C 122.岩心号Core No.123.地层Formation124.实际岩心收获率Show core recovery125.转盘转速Rotary RPM126.缸套尺寸Liner size127.开泵方式Method run128.单泵S SGL-S 双泵P Par’EL-P 并车C Com’D-C 129.测斜记录Deviation Record130.记时Time log131.序号Code No.132.间隔时间Elapsed time133.井斜Dev.134.方位Direction135.井深Depth136.锅炉工作时间Boiler hours137.井队工资表Drilling crew payroll data138.井名及井号 Well name & no.139.成员Crew140.技师Toolpusher141.司钻Driller142.架工Derrickman143.机工Motorman144.钻工Floorman145.场地工Roustabout146.机械工长Mechanic147.焊工Welder148.消防员Fireman149.契约人Leaseman150.天数No. of days2人身、财产损失报告表内容First Report of Bodily Injury/Property Damagea)类别Classification2.人身事故Bodily injuryb)财产损失Property damagec)公司Companyd)地区Divisione)国家Countryf)钻机编号Rig No.g)监督Supervisorh)受伤者姓名Name of injuredi)民族(国籍)Nationalityj)社会保险号Social security numberk)地址Addressl)年龄Agem)性别Sex 男M 女Fn)职业Occupationo)是否正式工作Regular job 是Yes 否 Nop)每月工资Wages per monthq)在公司工作时间Length of service with co.r)所在区域In areas)本岗位In this jobt)受伤日期Date of injuryu)时间Timev)开始计算损失时间Date lost time beganw)本班开始时间Time this tour beganx)受伤级别Class of injuryy)致命的Fatalz)承担责任Restricted dutyaa)无时间损失No lost timebb)医生姓名Doctor-namecc)医院名字Hospital-namedd)证明人名字Names of witnessesee)事情发生经过Describe how accident happenedff)不安全行为Unsafe actgg)不安全条件Unsafe conditionhh)财产设备损失情况Property or equipment damagedii)损伤的原始状况Nature of damagejj)估计维修费用(美元)Estimated cost of repair 防止类似事故发生的预防措施Steps taken or needed to prevent similar accident kk)备注Remarksll)填表人Prepared bymm)职称Titlenn)签字Signed附录四数词、年代与日期的读法一、分数的读法分数由基数词与序数词组合表示。
钻井分类词汇表(汉-英对照)适⽤于钻井、录井、定向井、固井、测井等⼀、天车 crown block1 天车c rown block 、crown pulley2 天车台crown's net 、crown platform3 天车滑轮c rown sheaves 、crown pulley4 天车滑轮组cluster sheaves5 天车梁crown block beam6 防碰天车crown block protector 、crownblock saver7 天车安全台crownblock plateform⼆、游动滑车-⼤钩 traveling block-hook1 游动滑车traveling block 、traveling sheave2 ⼤钩h ook3 ⼤钩载荷h ook load4 ⼤钩额定载荷h ook load rating5 ⼤钩提升速度h ook speed6 ⼤钩悬重h ook weight7 ⼩钩⼦hook let8 钩上hook up 、hook on9 ⼤钩悬挂⾼度h ook height10 卸钩hook off三、转盘与⽔龙头 table and swivel1 转盘r otary table 、turntable、rotary2 转速rotary speed 、rotational velocity、revolution rate3 转盘台rotating turret4 转盘扭矩表rotary torque indicator5 转速⽐ratio of revolution6 转速表revolution counter 、tachometer7 转动⽅向r otation direction8 转矩常数t orque constant9 转盘⼤⽅⽡master bushing10 转盘排挡r otary speeds11 转盘卡⽡r otary slips12 转盘⼤梁r otary support frame13 转盘变速器rotary transmission14 转盘链条护罩r otary drive guard15 转盘转速指⽰器rotary speed indicator16 转盘底座r otary base17 转盘传动链条r otary chain18 ⽅补⼼rotary drive bushing19 转矩rotary moment20 转动rotary motion21 ⽔龙头swivel22 ⽔龙头吊环swivel bail23 ⽔龙头外壳swivel body24 ⽔龙头吊环防碰器s wivel bumper25 鹅颈管swivel gooseneck26 冲管wash pipe27 ⽔龙头接头swivel joint (sub) 28 ⽔龙头中⼼管s wivel stem29 冲管旋转接头w ash pipe swivel四、钻机 Drawworks1 钻机drilling rig 、drawworks、drilling machine2 司钻操作台driller's console 、driller control cabinet3 刹把brake lever、brake crank、brake handle、brake bar4 刹带brake strap5 刹车凡尔b rake valve6 刹车⿎brake rim、brake drum7 刹车⽚brake block8 刹车液brake fluid9 刹车油brake axle10 刹车功率b rake power11 刹车⽓缸b rake cylinder12 刹车踏板brake pedal13 刹车总成b rake assembly14 刹带钢圈b rake band15 刹带平衡器brake equalizer16 ⽔刹车hydraulic brake17 猫头cat head18 猫头绳cat (head) line19 猫头绳⼩钩cat hook20 猫头绳滑车cat line sheave21 猫头轴cat shaft22 绞车drawworks23 绞车功率d rawworks horsepower24 绞车上的进尺传感器drawworks sensor五、传动箱(变速箱)Transmission gear box1 传动箱gear box、gear case2 换档gear change3 换低档gear down4 齿轮传动g ear drive5 齿轮润滑油gear grease6 齿轮增速器gear increaser7 齿轮输⼊轴gear input shaft8 齿轮传动马达g ear motor9 齿轮油gear oil10 齿轮输出轴gear output shaft11 齿轮泵gear pump12 齿条gear rack13 传动⽐gear ratio14 齿轮减速器gear reduction unit15 齿轮轴gear shaft16 换档gear shifting17 齿轮⽛齿g ear teeth18 增速 gear up19 ⼤齿轮 gear wheel20 加速器accelerator六、柴油机 Engines1 柴油机diesel engine2 柴油diesel engine fuel、diesel oil3 柴油塞diesel-oil plug4 柴油耗量d iesel consumption5 柴油指数d iesel index6 柴油机爆震diesel knock7 柴油添加剂diesel fuel additives、diesel-dope8 柴油发电机组diesel electric set9 引擎engine10 柴油机底座engine bed11 柴油机本体engine body12 柴油机泵组engine and pump assembly13 柴油机功率engine capacity14 柴油机⽓缸engine cylinder15 柴油机驱动engine drive16 柴油机防冻液e ngine-antifreeze17 柴油机故障engine failure18 发动机燃料engine fuel19 柴油机房engine house、engine shed20 柴油机活塞engine piston21 柴油机引擎engine primer22 柴油机⽪带轮e ngine pulley23 粗柴油engine solar oil24 柴油机减速器e ngine speed reducer25 柴油机⽀架engine support26 柴油机并车engine compound27 调速器speed regulator、governor28 调温器thermosistor29 调压阀pressure-regulating valve30 调节滑阀r egulating slide valve31 调节螺母a djusting nut32 调节螺栓a djusting bolt33 调节螺丝a djusting screw、regulating screw34 调节液regulating solution35 调节系统a djusting factor36 调平系统l eveling system37 调平液缸l eveling cylinder38 调速杆governor lever39 调节范围a djusting range40 调温冷却器trim cooler41 风扇b lowing fan、fan42 风扇⽪带f an belt43 固定螺丝h old-down screw、retaining screw44 固定管板式换热器fixed tube-sheet exchanger45 ⽓门valve46 ⽓室chamber 47 ⽓缸垫head gasket48 ⽓缸盖cylinder head49 ⽓缸套cylinder liner50 ⽓缸体cylinder block51 汽化器carburetor52 ⾼压泵high-pressure pump53 ⾼级汽油h igh-quality gasoline54 ⾼速柴油机high-speed engine55 ⾼速机械油high-speed machine oil56 空⽓滤⼦a ir filter57 柴油滤⼦d iesel oil filter58 机油滤⼦l ubricating oil filter59 油杯lubricating cup、oil bowl、oil cup60 黄油枪lubricating gun61 黄油嘴lubricating nipple62 加油孔lubrication hole63 加油器lubricator64 油泵oil pump65 油尺dipstick66 油封oil blanket、oil seal67 油壶oilcan、oiler、oilpot68 油环oil ring、scraper ring、oil rim69 油底壳oil pan70 油马达oil motor71 排⽓阀air bleeding valve、exhaust valve72 排⽓管blast pipe、exhaust pipe73 排⽓孔air vent hole74 排⽓冲程e xhaust stroke75 排⽓旋塞b low cock七、泥浆泵 Mud pump1 泥浆泵mud(slush) pump2 泥浆泵液⼒端m ud end of the pump3 泥浆泵mud hog (⼝语)4 泥浆软管m ud hose5 泵房mud house、pump room6 泥浆管线m ud line7 泥浆泵软管mud pump hose8 泥浆泵配浆装置mud pump mixer9 泥浆泵压⼒波动mud pump pulse10 泥浆泵振动压⼒mud pump shock pressure11 泥浆泵拖车mud pump trailer12 泥浆泵凡尔mud pump valve13 泥浆泵安全凡尔mud relief valve14 泥浆泵上⽔管m ud suction hose15 泥浆泵拉杆mud pump rod16 泥浆泵动⼒端m ud pump power end17 泥浆泵排出端d ischarge end of pump18 泥浆泵吸⼊端s uction end of pump19 泥浆泵排⽔软管mud discharge hose20 泥浆泵拉杆盘根packing ring21 泥浆泵拉杆盘根盒p acking box22 凡尔座valve seat23 凡尔体valve body24 缸套pump cylinder、pump liner25 活塞piston26 密封圈rubber seal、sealing ring27 缸盖cylinder cover(head、lid)28 空⽓包air chamber29 空⽓包⽓囊air balloon30 泵体pump body31 泵箱pump box32 泵外壳pump case33 泵的单流凡尔p ump check valve34 泵排量pump discharge、pump displacement35 泵效率pump efficiency36 泵基础pump foundation37 泵头pump head38 泵吸⼊⾼度pump lift、pump suction head39 泵负载pump load40 泵排出管线pump main41 泵抽空pump off42 泵过滤器p ump strainer43 泵冲程pump stroke44 上⽔凡尔s uction valve45 凡尔座取出器v alve seat puller⼋、钻井液 Drilling fluid1 泥浆m ud、drilling fluid2 泥浆挡板m ud baffle3 泥浆⽐重称mud balance4 泥浆储存箱mud bin5 泥浆结构m ud body6 泥饼桥mud bridges7 泥饼mud cake8 泥饼校正m ud cake correction9 泥饼效应m ud cake effect10 泥饼电阻率mud cake resistivity11 每分钟泥浆流量加仑数mud circulation gallons per minute12 泥浆柱mud column13 泥浆处理剂mud conditioner14 泥浆电导率mud conductivity15 泥浆性能控制m ud control16 泥浆杯mud cup17 泥浆密度m ud density18 除砂器mud desander19 泥浆槽mud ditch、mud flume20 泥浆防漏纤维屑mud fiber 21 泥浆滤液m ud filtrate22 泥浆流mud flow23 泥浆枪mud gun24 泥浆mud laden fluid(⼝语)25 泥浆净化槽mud launder26 泥浆管线m ud line27 结泥饼mud lining28 泥浆录井图mud log29 泥浆录井m ud logging30 泥浆漏失m ud loss31 井漏探测器mud-loss instrument32 造浆岩层m ud making formation33 泥浆搅拌器mud mixer34 泥封mud off35 泥浆池mud pit36 泥浆站mud plant37 泥浆压⼒计mud pressure indicator38 泥浆设计m ud program39 泥浆回收m ud reclamation40 泥浆记录m ud record41 泥饼圈mud ring42 泥浆试样m ud sample43 泥浆⽐重计mud scale44 泥浆筛mud screen45 泥浆分离器mud separator46 泥浆沉淀池mud setting sump47 振动筛mud shaker48 捞砂筒mud socket49 泥浆稳定性mud stability50 泥浆流mud stream51 泥浆罐mud tank52 泥浆增稠剂mud thickeners53 泥浆减稠剂mud thinner54 泥浆⽐重m ud weight55 泥浆⽐重天平m ud weight balance56 泥浆⽐重指⽰计mud weight indicator57 泥浆粘度m ud viscosity58 ⽔基泥浆w ater-base mud59 ⽔基混油泥浆w ater-base oil emulsion mud60 油包⽔乳化液w ater-in-oil emulsion61 失⽔量water loss62 淡⽔泥浆w ater mud63 初切⼒gel initial64 静切⼒gel of mud65 PH值PH-value66 PH值记录仪 PH-recorder67 PH值测定计 PH-meter68 含盐量salt content69 含盐的salt bearing70 含⽔的water bearing71 含砂量sand content72 盐⽔泥浆s alt mud73 盐⽔salt water、salty water74 盐⽔基泥浆salt water base mud75 含盐泥浆s alty mud76 盐析salting-out九、循环与固控系统circulating and solids control system1 泥浆泵mud pump2 组装闸门m anifold valve3 ⾼压管线h igh pressure line4 ⽴管闸门s tand pipe valve5 ⽴管stand pipe6 ⽴管鹅颈管stand pipe gooseneck7 ⽔龙头鹅颈管g ooseneck of swivel8 ⽔龙头swivel9 ⽅钻杆keilly10 钻杆drill pipe11 钻铤drill collar12 钻头drill bit13 环空annular14 井⼝well head15 架空槽flow line16 泥浆-⽓体分离器 gas buster、poor boy17 振动筛shale shaker18 除砂器desander19 除泥器desilter20 除⽓器degasser21 清洁器mud cleaner22 离⼼机centrifuge23 搅拌器agitator24 砂泵sand pump25 旋流漏⽃嘴⼦p eanut⼗、消防 Fire protection1 ⽕警f ire alarm2 ⽕灾报警系统f ire alarm system3 耐⽕砖fire brick4 耐⽕⼟fire clay5 防⽕fire control6 消防设备f ire control unit7 灭⽕器fire annihilator、fire apparatus8 防⽕堤 fire bank9 消防艇fire boat10 ⽡斯检查员fireboss11 防⽕地带f ire break 12 消防队fire brigade13 消防桶fire bucket14 纵⽕犯firebug15 防⽕墙fire bulkhead16 耐⽕⽔泥f ire cement17 ⽕灾保险公司f ire insurance company18 消防器材f ire control equipment19 沼⽓fire damp20 引爆炸药f ired charge21 消防局fire department22 ⽕灾探测器fire detector23 油罐区的防⽕堤fire dike24 防⽕门fire door25 消防演习f ire drill26 消防车fire engine27 消防⾐fire-entry suit28 安全门fire escape29 太平门fire exit30 灭⽕器fire extinguisher31 灭⽕剂fire extingguishing agent32 消防泵fire extinguishing pump33 ⽕灾事故f ire failure34 消防员fire fighter、fire man35 消防⽔枪f ire-fighting lance36 消防队fire-fighting crew37 消防梯fire-fighting rack38 灭⽕泡沫f ire foam39 泡沫灭⽕器fire foam producing machine40 防⽕闸fire gate41 易燃物fire goods42 消防帽盔f ire hat43 ⽕灾危险性fire bazaar44 消防⽔龙带fire hose45 消防软管架fire hose rack46 消防站fire house47 消防栓fire hydrant48 ⽕灾保险fire insurance49 引⽕物fire lighter50 消防⾯具f ire mask51 防⽕监控器fire monitor52 消防桶fire pail53 防⽕隔墙f ire partition54 ⽕灾巡警f ire patrolman55 耐⽕性能f ire performance56 ⽤⽕许可证fire permit57 消⽕塞fire plug58 着⽕点fire point59 ⽕⼒firepower60 防⽕的fire preventing61 防⽕fire prevention、fire protection62 防⽕法规f ire prevention code63 耐⽕的fireproof64 耐⽕涂料f ire-proof dope65 耐⽕席⼦f ire-proof mat66 防爆电机f ire-proof motor67 防⽕油箱f ire-proof petrol tank68 防⽕设备f ire protection equipment69 防⽕⾐fire-protection suit70 灭⽕泵fire pump71 放⽕者firer72 消防费fire rate73 ⽕灾报告f ire report74 耐⽕性fire resistance75 耐⽕等级f ire resistance rating76 抗⽕的fire-resistant77 防⽕帆布f ire-resistant tarpaulin78 耐⽕建筑f ire-resistive construction79 耐⽕材料f ire-resistive material80 阻燃剂fire retardant81 防⽕涂料f ire retardant coating82 防⽕安全f ire safety83 防⽕安全系统f ire safety system84 消防砂fire sand85 消防站 fire station86 救⽕⾐fire suit87 耐⽕试验f ire testing88 消防车fire truck89 消防供⽔管线f ire water line90 消防⽤⽔储备罐fire water storage tank91 消防钩pike pole92 消防斧fire ax(e)93 ⼿斧腰带a x belt⼗⼀、固井 Well cementing1 ⽔泥c ement2 ⽔泥促凝剂cement accelerator3 ⽔泥添加剂cement additive4 胶结指数cementation factor、segmentation exponent5 ⽔泥伞cement basket6 ⽔泥搅拌器cement blender7 ⽔泥混合车cement blender truck8 ⽔泥胶结c ement bond9 ⽔泥胶结测井c ement bond log10 ⽔泥牌号c ement brand11 悬空⽔泥塞cement cap12 ⽔泥头cement casing head13 套管鞋cement casing shoe 14 ⽔泥窜槽c ement channeling15 ⽔泥熟料c ement clinker16 ⽔泥浆液柱cement column17 ⽔泥混凝⼟cement concrete18 ⽔泥浆稠度cement consistency19 ⽔泥侵cement contamination20 ⽔泥侯凝时间c ement curing time21 泥浆⽔泥侵cement cut22 ⽔泥浆脱⽔cement dehydration23 ⽔泥顶替c ement displacement24 井底倒浆筒cement dump25 注⽔泥的c emented26 封固的套管cemented casing27 注完⽔泥c emented up28 固井设备c ement equipment29 粘结剂cementer30 固井评价测井c ement evaluation31 固井不合格cement failure32 ⽔泥系数c ement factor33 ⽔泥滤液c ement filtrate34 可钻回压凡尔c ement float collar35 可钻引鞋c ement float shoe36 ⽔泥浆液流cement flow37 ⽔泥与地层交界⾯cement-formation interface38 ⽔泥速凝剂cement hardener39 ⽔泥头cement head、cementing head40 ⽔泥⽔化物cement-hydrate41 粘结剂cementing agent42 固井承包商cementing contractor43 注⽔泥配⽅cementing formulation44 固井作业cementing jobs、cementing operation45 固井⽅法c ementing method46 注⽔泥设备cementing outfit47 注⽔泥⽤塞cementing plug48 封固段cementing point49 固井施⼯c ementing practice50 固井泵cementing pump51 撬装注⽔泥泵组cementing pump skid52 胶结反应c ementing reaction53 胶结强度c ementing strength54 ⽔泥罐cementing tank55 全井封固c ementing througth56 固井⼯具c ementing tool57 ⽔泥拖车c ementing trailer58 固井设备c ementing unit59 注⽔泥浆c ement injection60 ⽔泥环cement mantle61 ⽔泥标号c ement mark62 ⽔泥浆cement milk63 ⽔泥⼚cement mill64 ⽔泥搅拌器cement mixer65 凝固强度检测计cement needle66 ⽔泥封隔器cement packer67 ⽔泥浆cement paste68 ⽔泥池cement pit69 ⽔泥灰浆c ement plaster70 ⽔泥塞cement plug71 ⽔泥承留器cement retainer72 缓凝剂cement retarder73 ⽔泥垢cement scale74 ⽔泥凝固c ement setting75 ⽔泥壳cement sheath76 ⽔泥库cement silo77 ⽔泥浆cement slurry78 ⽔泥浆⽤量cement slurry volume79 ⽔泥隔层c ement spacer80 挤⽔泥作业cement squeeze work81 注⽔泥插⼊管c ement stinger82 ⽔泥环厚度cement thickness83 ⽔泥顶界c ement top84 ⽔泥顶界定位器cement top locator85 ⽔泥引鞋c ement type guide shoe86 回压凡尔c ement valve87 ⽔灰⽐cement-water ratio⼗⼆、套管 Casing1 套管casing2 套管附件c asing accessories3 下套管的井cased borehold4 下套管完井cased hole completion5 全部下套管的井cased through6 下套管case in7 套管异径接头c asing adapter8 套管锚casing anchor9 套管环空c asing annulus10 下套管⼯具casing appliances11 下套管地层casing-bearing formation12 套管打捞筒casing bowl13 套管桥塞V14 套管弯曲c asing buckling15 扶正器casing centralizer16 回压凡尔c asing check valve17 套管卡⼦c asing clamps18 套管挤坏c asing collapse19 套管接箍c asing collar20 套管接箍测定器casing collar location21 测套管接箍casing collar log 22 套管连接c asing connection23 套管腐蚀监测c asing corrosion monitoring24 套管联接器casing coupling25 套管割⼑c asing cutter26 套管割⼑震击器casing cutter jar27 套管割⼑加⼒器casing cutter sinker28 套管损伤c asing damage29 套管变形c asing deformation30 套管深度c asing depth31 套管打捞⽭casing dog32 套管整形器casing drift swage33 砸套管护帽casing drive head34 砸击套管鞋casing drive shoe35 套管吊卡c asing elevator36 套管损伤casing failure37 套管配件c asing fitting38 回压凡尔c asing float(collar)39 套管鞋casing float shoe40 套管丝扣规casing gauge41 套管钢级c asing grade42 引鞋casing guide shoe43 套管悬挂器casing hanger44 套管附件c asing hardware45 套管头casinghead46 套管头内卡⽡座casinghead bowl47 套管头压⼒casingheadv pressure48 套管头四通casinghead spool49 套管头挤⽔泥c asinghead squeeze50 套管与井壁环空casing-hole annulus51 套管⼤钩c asing hook52 套管缺陷c asing imperfection53 套管探伤c asing inspection54 检查套管固井c asing inspection log55 下套管casing installation(casing running)56 套管千⽄顶casing jack57 下套管作业casing job58 ⼀节套管c asing joint59 套管割⼑c asing knife60 联顶节casing landing61 套管漏casing leak62 裸眼完井c asingless completion63 胀管器casing mandrel64 套管铣鞋c asing mill65 套管磨铣⼯具c asing milling tool66 套管短节c asing nipple67 套管封隔器casing packer68 套管修补c asing patch69 套管补孔器casing patch tool70 套管射孔器casing perforator71 套管鞋深度casing point72 套管紧扣杆casing pole73 套压c asing pressure74 套管试压c asing pressure test75 套管程序c asing programme76 套管护箍c asing protector77 刮管器casing scraper78 套管母扣护丝c asing screw head79 套管公扣护丝c asing screw protector80 套管密封件casing seal81 套管铣⼑c asing section mill82 套管下⼊深度c asing setting depth83 割套管casing severing84 套管侧钻c asing side tracking85 套管尺⼨c asing size86 套管卡⽡c asing slip87 套管捞⽭c asing spear88 套管卡盘式吊卡casing spider89 套管裂纹c asing split90 套管割⼑c asing spliter91 ⼊井第⼀节套管casing starter92 套管粘卡c asing sticking93 套管柱casing string94 套管柱设计casing string design95 套管异径接头c asing sub96 套管悬挂器scasing suspender97 胀管器casing swage98 套管旋转头casing swivel99 捞套管公锥casing tap100 套管测试器casing tester101 套管螺纹c asing threads102 套管井壁环空c asing-to-hole annulus 103 套管容器c asing volume 104 管壁c asing wall105 套管磨损c asing wear106 套管造斜器casing whipstock107 拔套管casing withdrawal108 套管重量c asing wt(casing weight) ⼗三钻头 Bits1 钻头bit(rock bit)2 钻头配合接头b it adapter3 钻头泥包b it balling4 憋钻bit bouncing5 钻头损坏b it breakage6 钻头装卸器bit breaker7 磨合钻头b it break-in procedure8 ⼲钻烧钻头bit burnt out 9 换钻头bit change10 井壁与钻头的间隙b it clearance11 钻头⽛轮b it cone12 钻头常数b it constant13 钻头⽤量b it consumption14 钻头外型b it contour15 钻头成本b it cost16 钻头轮迹b it course17 ⾦刚⽯取⼼钻头冠部bit crown18 钻头切斜⾓bit cutting angle19 钻头偏斜b it deflection20 (⾦刚⽯)钻头制造压模bit die21 钻头修整器bit dresser22 修整钻头b it dressing23 钻头驱动轴bit drive shaft24 钻头刃bit edge25 钻头与井底接触端⾯bit face26 钻头因素b it factor27 送钻bit feed28 钻头进尺数bit footage29 钻头体bit frame30 卡钻bit freezing31 钻头规bit gauge32 钻头磨损等级b it grading33 钻头导向器bit guide34 钻头⽔马⼒bit HHP35 钻头打捞钩bit holder36 费钻头收集者b it hustler37 钻头⽔⼒计算器bit hydraulic calculator38 钻头⽔马⼒bit hydraulic horsepower39 钻头⽔⼒参数b it hydraulics40 钻头倾斜b it inclination41 钻头偏斜⼒bit inclination force42 跳钻bit jumping43 钻头巴掌b it leg44 钻头寿命b it life45 钻压b it load46 (⾦刚⽯)钻头基体bit matrix47 钻头喷嘴b it nozzle48 钻头异轴量bit offset49 钻头进尺速度b it penetration50 钻头⼯作情况(指标)bit performance51 钻头压⼒b it pressure52 钻头压⼒降bit pressure drop53 钻头设计⽅案b it program54 钻头⽛轮齿bit bit55 钻头保护器bit protector56 钻头拧卸器bit puller57 钻头整形锤bit rams58 钻头反作⽤⼒b it reaction force59 钻头记录b it records60 打捞钻头的公锥bit recovering tap61 钻头规bit ring62 钻头⾏程b it run63 钻头的丝扣部分bit shank64 钻头测向⼒bit side force65 钻头尺⼨b it size66 钻头⽛轮的偏转量b it skew67 钻进速度b it speed68 钻头短接b it sub69 钻头齿bit teeth70 钻压bit thrust71 钻头倾斜b it tilt72 钻头⽛齿磨钝程度b it-tooth dullness73 钻头轨迹b it track(trajectory)74 钻头轨迹特性b it trajectory behavior75 为换钻头起下钻bit trips76 钻头选型b it type selection⼗四取⼼ Coring1 取⼼c ore2 岩⼼分析c ore analysis3 岩⼼分析数据c ore-analysis data4 岩⼼轴core axis5 岩⼼袋core bag6 岩⼼筒core barrel7 岩⼼抓取器core barrel catcher8 取⼼筒上盖core barrel head9 取⼼筒垫圈core barrel ring10 橡胶套岩⼼筒core barrel with rubber container11 岩⼼⽖core basket12 打捞⾦刚⽯取⼼钻头的公锥core-bit tap13 取⼼钻进c ore boring14 岩⼼盒core box15 岩⼼切断器core breaker16 割断岩⼼c ore breaking17 投球液压割⼼core breaking by hydraulic pressure18 机械加压割⼼core breaking by mechanical loading19 岩⼼⽖core catcher20 岩⼼⽖外套core-catcher case21 岩⼼室core chamber22 ⽛轮取⼼钻头c ore cone bit23 内岩⼼筒c ore container24 岩⼼横剖⾯core cross section25 岩⼼切⽚机core cutter26 岩⼼分析数据c ore data27 岩⼼描述图core-description graph 28 取⼼进尺c ore footage29 岩⼼直径c ore diameter30 取⼼井段c ore intervals31 岩⼼蒸馏仪core distillation apparatus32 取⼼钻具core drill33 取⼼钻进c ore drilling34 取⼼钻头c ore drilling bit35 取⼼钻机c ore drilling rig36 岩⼼烘箱c ore-drying oven37 岩⼼造型c ored-up mould38 取过岩⼼的井c ored well39 岩⼼系数c ore factor40 井底岩⼼打捞器core fisher41 岩⼼⾃然伽马c ore coregamma42 岩⼼打捞器core grabber43 岩⼼图core graph44 岩⼼磨削c ore grinding45 岩⼼⽖core gripper46 岩⼼⽖外套core-gripper case47 卡⽡式岩⼼⽖c ore-gripper with slip48 卡箍式岩⼼⽖c ore-gripper with slipcollar49 卡簧式岩⼼式c ore-gripper with slipspring50 岩⼼被卡c ore grouting51 井壁取⼼器core coregun52 取⼼井 core hole54 岩⼼⽅向鉴定器core interpreting device55 岩⼼分析实验室corelab(laboratory)56 岩⼼库core library57 岩⼼记录c ore log58 岩⼼含油饱和度core oil saturation59 岩⼼定向c ore orientation60 岩⼼⼊⼝⾯core inlet face61 岩⼼出⼝⾯core outlet face62 岩⼼渗透率core permeability63 落井岩⼼打捞器core picker64 岩⼼栓(实验室⽤)core plug65 岩⼼推取杆core plunger66 岩⼼空隙度core porosity67 岩⼼推取塞core pusher68 取⼼收获率core recovery69 岩⼼库 core repository70 取⼼进尺c ore run71 岩⼼样(岩样)core sample72 岩⼼取样器core sample73 井壁取⼼器core sample taker74 岩⼼截⾯c ore section75 岩⼼库存室core shack(core shanty)76 ⾦刚⽯取⼼钻具岩⼼筒core shell77 (压⼒式)取⼼筒鞋core shoe78 岩⼼尺⼨c ore size79 岩⼼切割器core slicer80 岩⼼⽖⼦c ore snatcher81 岩⼼切割器core splitter82 岩⼼卡簧c ore spring83 岩⼼库storage84 取⼼探井c ore test85 岩⼼实验泵core testing pump86 岩⼼盒core tray87 岩⼼薄⽚c ore wafer89 (冲击式)井壁取⼼器core corgun90 取⼼钻头c ore bit91 ⾦刚⽯取⼼钻头coreing crown92 取⼼深度c oring depth93 取⼼设备c oring equipment94 取⼼进尺c oring footage95 取⼼地层c oring formation96 取岩⼼枪c oring gun97 取⼼作业c oring operation98 取⼼⼯具c oring tool99 取⼼涡轮钻具c oring type turbodrill100 取⼼钻压c oring weight⼗五电⼒与电器 Electric Power and Electric Equipments1 电 electricity2 电的e lectric(al)3 蓄电池electric accumulator4 电动压风机electric air compressor5 电标定装置electrical calibration device6 电容器electrical condenser7 (电测)取⼼electrical coring8 电脱盐法e lectrical desalting process9 电脱⽔electrical dewatering10 双电荷层e lectrical double layer11 电⽓除尘器electrical dust precipitation chamber12 电效率electrical efficiency13 电器⼯程师electrical engineer14 电机⼯程(学) e lectrical engineering15 电器设备e lectrical equipment16 电流畅通点electrical free-point17 电加热electrical heating18 电点⽕器e lectrical igniter19 电感应electrical induction20 电微分electrical differentiation21 电积分electrical integration 22 电⼲扰electrical interference24 电线electrical lead25 电动管道割⼑e lectrical line cutter26 电测井electrical log(logging)27 电损耗electrical loss28 电引⽕electrically-fired29 电⼒的electrically powered30电敏雷管electrically responsive blasting cap31 ⽅型检波器electrically square32 电动压⼒表electrically manometer33 电⽹络模型electrical network model34 电噪声electrical noise35 电器插⼝e lectrical outlet36 输出电信号electrical output signal37 电动打孔器electrical penetrator38 电剖⾯法e lectrical profiling39 电法勘探e lectrical prospecting40 电⼯⽤铁⽪electrical sheet41 电测深electrical sounding42 电器性能e lectrical specification43 电测井 electrical survey(surveying)44 瞬间不稳电流e lectrical transient45 电模拟计算机e lectric analogue computer46 电模拟electric analogy47 电引⼒electric attraction48 频带展宽e lectric band spread49 电弧electric arc50 电弧切割e lectric arc cutting51 电弧钻井e lectric arc drilling52 电动离⼼泵electric centrifugal pump53 电动倒链e lectric chain hoist54 电荷e lectric charge55 电路e lectric circuit56 电信e lectric communication57 电导(导电)electric conductance59 电导体 electric conductor60 电接头electric connection61 电控制electric control62 电控电缆e lectric control cable63 电控盘electric control panel64 电耦合(电磁联轴节) electric coupling65 电流e lectric current66 电场偏转e lectric deflection67 电脱⽔electric dehydration68 电脱⽔器e lectric dehydrator69 延发电雷管electric delay fuse70 电延迟线e lectric delay line71 电荷密度e lectric density72 电雷管electric detonator73 电偶极⼦e lectric dipole74 放电e lectric discharge75 电位移密度electric vdisplacement density76 配电e lectric distribution77 接线盒electric distribution unit78 电偶极⼦e lectric doublet79 电动钻具(电钻)electric drill80 司钻电控盘electric drill`s panel81 电驱动electric drive82 电除尘器e lectric dust collector83 电池e lectric element84 电能e lectric energy85 电当量electric equivalent86 电眼(光电管) e lectric eye87 电风扇electric fan88 电场electric field89 电场强度e lectric-field intensity90 电场向量e lectric-field vector91 ⽩炽灯electric filament lamp92 电炉e lectric furnace94 电焊剂electric flux95 电场梯度e lectric-force gradient96 (电动)燃烧消耗测定仪electric fuel gauge97 保险丝 electric fuse98 发电机electric generator99 发电机组e lectric (generator)set100 电栅极electric grid101 电加热(破岩)钻井e lectric heating drill 102 电热饭electric hot plate103 电器技术员(电⼯) e lectric electrician 104 电位起伏图(电象) e lectric image105 电感应加热法electric induction heating process 106 介电常数e lectric inductivity107 变压器油e lectric insulating oil108 电量(度)表electricity meter109 漏电e lectric leakage110 电缆(导线)electric line111 电缆坐封封隔器electric line set packer 112 电测(资料)解释e lectric-log interpretation 113 电测电阻率electric log resistivity114 电磁化现象(电磁激励)electric magnetization 115 输电⼲线e lectric mains116 电⼦作图e lectric mapping117 电表electric meter 118 微型电控盘electric mini-panel119 电模型electric model120 电测温度计electric moisture meter121 电矩electric moment122 电动机electric motor123 电动驱动的electric-motor-driven124 电⼒⽹electric network125 绝缘油electric oil126 电振荡electric127 电渗(现象)electric osmose128 电唱机electric phonograph129 拾⾳器(传感器)electric pickup130 电测仪electric pilot131 电位(电势) electric potential132 电位差electric potential diffference 133 电位梯度e lectric potential gradient134 供电导线e lectric power conductor137 供电系统e lectric power system138 电集尘electric precipitation139 电压electric pressure140 点发⽕器e lectric primer141 电器保护e lectric protection142 电(⼒)泵e lectric pump143 电量 electric quantity144 电⼦束(电磁波)electric ray145 电动记录仪electric recorder146 电动遥控⾯板e lectric remote control panel 147 电器修理e lectric repair148 电阻e lectric resistance149 电阻热量计electric resistance calorimeter 150 电阻加热器electric resistance heater 151 电阻温度计electric resistance thermometer 152 电阻焊electric resistance welding 153 电谐振electric resonance154 电动转盘e lectric rotary155 电锯e lectric saw156 电动螺丝⼑electric screwdriver157 电动分离器electric separator158 电屏蔽electric shield159 电击(触电)electric shock160 电信号electric signal161 电动旋臂起重机electric slewing crane162 电滑环electric slip ring163 电烙铁electric soldering iron164 电⽕花electric spark165 电⽕花(破岩)钻井e lectric spark drill166 电⽕花震源electric sparks167 接触点焊e lectric spot welding168 点启动器e lectric starter169 电应变仪e lectric strain gauge170 耐电强度e lectric strength171 电潜泵electric submersible pump172 电源(供电)electric supply173 电动⽔龙头electric swivel175 电压e lectric tension176 电光转换器electric to optic converter 177 ⽓,电转换器electric to pneumatic transducer 178 电动扭矩仪electric torque 179 电动扭矩表electric torque meter180 电换能器e lectric transducer181 输电塔electric transmission pole tower 182 电变换(送)器e lectric transmitter183 整流器(电⼦管)electric valve184 电⼒振动器electric vibrator185 电视electric vision186 电波e lectric wave187 电焊e lectric welding188 电焊条electric welding rod189 井下电热器electric well heater190 电测井electric well logging191 电动绞车e lectric winch192 电葫芦electric windlass193 电线electric wireline194 电阻应变仪electric wire strain gauge195 电动扳⼿e lectric wrench196 感应起电e lectrification by influence197 带电探测仪electrification detector198 电镀electro199 电腐蚀加⼯法e lectroabrasion200 电声效率e lectrocoustic efficiency201 电声指数e lectrocoustic index202 电声学electrocoustics203 电声换能器electrocoustic transducer204 电吸附electro-adsorption205 电解分析e lectro-analysis206 电分析器e lectroanalyzer207 电平衡electrobalance208 电解(镀)浴electrobath209 电⼦束 electro-beam210 电量热计e lectrocalorimeter211 电灸(电烙器) e lectrocautery213 电解电容器electrochemical capacitor 214 电化学电池electrochemical cell215 电化学常数electrochemical constant216 电化学腐蚀electro-chemical corrosion 217 电化学脱⽔electro-chemical dehydration 218 电化学脱盐electro-chemical desalting 219 电化当量e lectrochemical equivalent220 电化学射孔器e lectrochemical perforator 221 电(化学)镀法electrochemical plating 222 电化学处理electrochemical process223 电化还原e lectrochemical reduction224 电化学⾃然电位electrochemical SP225 电化学管理electrochemical treatment226 电化学electrochemistry227 电镀铜法e lectrocoppering228 电腐蚀 electrocorrosion229 电焊条electrode230 电极(距离)调整器electrode adjuster 231 电焊钳⼦e lectrode holder232 电极压⼒e lectrode voltage233 焊丝盘electrode-wire reel234 放电加⼯e lectrodischarge machining235 电分解作⽤electrodispersion236 电动钻具e lectrodrill237 电动的electrodynamic238 电动检波器electrodynamic detector239 电动⼒学e lectrodynamics240 电动传感器electrodynamic transducer241 电动式地震检波器electrodynamic type seismometer 242 电动振动器electrodynamic vibrator243 电动-液压控制electrohydraulic control 244 电动液压调节器e lectrohydraulic regulator245 电动液压凡尔e lectrohydraulic valve246 电温度计e lectrohygrometer247 电感应electro-induction248 电动转筒记录仪electrokymograph249 电测井electrolog250 电解质溶液electrolyte solution251 电解作⽤e lectrolytic action252 电解放电器electrolytic arrester253 电解电容器electrolytic capacitor254 电解电池e lectrolytic cell。
一、天车 crown block1 天车c rown block 、crown pulley2 天车台crown's net 、crown platform3 天车滑轮c rown sheaves 、crown pulley4 天车滑轮组cluster sheaves5 天车梁crown block beam6 防碰天车crown block protector 、crownblock saver7 天车安全台crownblock plateform二、游动滑车-大钩 traveling block-hook1 游动滑车traveling block 、traveling sheave2 大钩h ook3 大钩载荷h ook load4 大钩额定载荷h ook load rating5 大钩提升速度h ook speed6 大钩悬重h ook weight7 小钩子hook let8 钩上hook up 、hook on9 大钩悬挂高度h ook height10 卸钩hook off三、转盘与水龙头 table and swivel1 转盘r otary table 、turntable、rotary2 转速rotary speed 、rotational velocity、revolution rate3 转盘台rotating turret4 转盘扭矩表rotary torque indicator5 转速比ratio of revolution6 转速表revolution counter 、tachometer7 转动方向r otation direction8 转矩常数t orque constant9 转盘大方瓦master bushing10 转盘排挡r otary speeds11 转盘卡瓦r otary slips12 转盘大梁r otary support frame13 转盘变速器rotary transmission14 转盘链条护罩r otary drive guard15 转盘转速指示器rotary speed indicator16 转盘底座r otary base17 转盘传动链条r otary chain18 方补心rotary drive bushing19 转矩rotary moment20 转动rotary motion21 水龙头swivel22 水龙头吊环swivel bail23 水龙头外壳swivel body24 水龙头吊环防碰器s wivel bumper25 鹅颈管swivel gooseneck26 冲管wash pipe27 水龙头接头swivel joint (sub) 28 水龙头中心管s wivel stem29 冲管旋转接头w ash pipe swivel四、钻机 Drawworks1 钻机drilling rig 、drawworks、drilling machine2 司钻操作台driller's console 、driller control cabinet3 刹把brake lever、brake crank、brake handle、brake bar4 刹带brake strap5 刹车凡尔b rake valve6 刹车鼓brake rim、brake drum7 刹车片brake block8 刹车液brake fluid9 刹车油brake axle10 刹车功率b rake power11 刹车气缸b rake cylinder12 刹车踏板brake pedal13 刹车总成b rake assembly14 刹带钢圈b rake band15 刹带平衡器brake equalizer16 水刹车hydraulic brake17 猫头cat head18 猫头绳cat (head) line19 猫头绳小钩cat hook20 猫头绳滑车cat line sheave21 猫头轴cat shaft22 绞车drawworks23 绞车功率d rawworks horsepower24 绞车上的进尺传感器drawworks sensor五、传动箱(变速箱)Transmission gear box1 传动箱gear box、gear case2 换档gear change3 换低档gear down4 齿轮传动g ear drive5 齿轮润滑油gear grease6 齿轮增速器gear increaser7 齿轮输入轴gear input shaft8 齿轮传动马达g ear motor9 齿轮油gear oil10 齿轮输出轴gear output shaft11 齿轮泵gear pump12 齿条gear rack13 传动比gear ratio14 齿轮减速器gear reduction unit15 齿轮轴gear shaft16 换档gear shifting17 齿轮牙齿g ear teeth18 增速 gear up19 大齿轮 gear wheel20 加速器accelerator六、柴油机 Engines1 柴油机diesel engine2 柴油diesel engine fuel、diesel oil3 柴油塞diesel-oil plug4 柴油耗量d iesel consumption5 柴油指数d iesel index6 柴油机爆震diesel knock7 柴油添加剂diesel fuel additives、diesel-dope8 柴油发电机组diesel electric set9 引擎engine10 柴油机底座engine bed11 柴油机本体engine body12 柴油机泵组engine and pump assembly13 柴油机功率engine capacity14 柴油机气缸engine cylinder15 柴油机驱动engine drive16 柴油机防冻液e ngine-antifreeze17 柴油机故障engine failure18 发动机燃料engine fuel19 柴油机房engine house、engine shed20 柴油机活塞engine piston21 柴油机引擎engine primer22 柴油机皮带轮e ngine pulley23 粗柴油engine solar oil24 柴油机减速器e ngine speed reducer25 柴油机支架engine support26 柴油机并车engine compound27 调速器speed regulator、governor28 调温器thermosistor29 调压阀pressure-regulating valve30 调节滑阀r egulating slide valve31 调节螺母a djusting nut32 调节螺栓a djusting bolt33 调节螺丝a djusting screw、regulating screw34 调节液regulating solution35 调节系统a djusting factor36 调平系统l eveling system37 调平液缸l eveling cylinder38 调速杆governor lever39 调节范围a djusting range40 调温冷却器trim cooler41 风扇b lowing fan、fan42 风扇皮带f an belt43 固定螺丝h old-down screw、retaining screw44 固定管板式换热器fixed tube-sheet exchanger45 气门valve46 气室chamber 47 气缸垫head gasket48 气缸盖cylinder head49 气缸套cylinder liner50 气缸体cylinder block51 汽化器carburetor52 高压泵high-pressure pump53 高级汽油h igh-quality gasoline54 高速柴油机high-speed engine55 高速机械油high-speed machine oil56 空气滤子a ir filter57 柴油滤子d iesel oil filter58 机油滤子l ubricating oil filter59 油杯lubricating cup、oil bowl、oil cup60 黄油枪lubricating gun61 黄油嘴lubricating nipple62 加油孔lubrication hole63 加油器lubricator64 油泵oil pump65 油尺dipstick66 油封oil blanket、oil seal67 油壶oilcan、oiler、oilpot68 油环oil ring、scraper ring、oil rim69 油底壳oil pan70 油马达oil motor71 排气阀air bleeding valve、exhaust valve72 排气管blast pipe、exhaust pipe73 排气孔air vent hole74 排气冲程e xhaust stroke75 排气旋塞b low cock七、泥浆泵 Mud pump1 泥浆泵mud(slush) pump2 泥浆泵液力端m ud end of the pump3 泥浆泵mud hog (口语)4 泥浆软管m ud hose5 泵房mud house、pump room6 泥浆管线m ud line7 泥浆泵软管mud pump hose8 泥浆泵配浆装置mud pump mixer9 泥浆泵压力波动mud pump pulse10 泥浆泵振动压力mud pump shock pressure11 泥浆泵拖车mud pump trailer12 泥浆泵凡尔mud pump valve13 泥浆泵安全凡尔mud relief valve14 泥浆泵上水管m ud suction hose15 泥浆泵拉杆mud pump rod16 泥浆泵动力端m ud pump power end17 泥浆泵排出端d ischarge end of pump18 泥浆泵吸入端s uction end of pump19 泥浆泵排水软管mud discharge hose20 泥浆泵拉杆盘根packing ring21 泥浆泵拉杆盘根盒p acking box22 凡尔座valve seat23 凡尔体valve body24 缸套pump cylinder、pump liner25 活塞piston26 密封圈rubber seal、sealing ring27 缸盖cylinder cover(head、lid)28 空气包air chamber29 空气包气囊air balloon30 泵体pump body31 泵箱pump box32 泵外壳pump case33 泵的单流凡尔p ump check valve34 泵排量pump discharge、pump displacement35 泵效率pump efficiency36 泵基础pump foundation37 泵头pump head38 泵吸入高度pump lift、pump suction head39 泵负载pump load40 泵排出管线pump main41 泵抽空pump off42 泵过滤器p ump strainer43 泵冲程pump stroke44 上水凡尔s uction valve45 凡尔座取出器v alve seat puller八、钻井液 Drilling fluid1 泥浆m ud、drilling fluid2 泥浆挡板m ud baffle3 泥浆比重称mud balance4 泥浆储存箱mud bin5 泥浆结构m ud body6 泥饼桥mud bridges7 泥饼mud cake8 泥饼校正m ud cake correction9 泥饼效应m ud cake effect10 泥饼电阻率mud cake resistivity11 每分钟泥浆流量加仑数mud circulation gallons per minute12 泥浆柱mud column13 泥浆处理剂mud conditioner14 泥浆电导率mud conductivity15 泥浆性能控制m ud control16 泥浆杯mud cup17 泥浆密度m ud density18 除砂器mud desander19 泥浆槽mud ditch、mud flume20 泥浆防漏纤维屑mud fiber 21 泥浆滤液m ud filtrate22 泥浆流mud flow23 泥浆枪mud gun24 泥浆mud laden fluid(口语)25 泥浆净化槽mud launder26 泥浆管线m ud line27 结泥饼mud lining28 泥浆录井图mud log29 泥浆录井m ud logging30 泥浆漏失m ud loss31 井漏探测器mud-loss instrument32 造浆岩层m ud making formation33 泥浆搅拌器mud mixer34 泥封mud off35 泥浆池mud pit36 泥浆站mud plant37 泥浆压力计mud pressure indicator38 泥浆设计m ud program39 泥浆回收m ud reclamation40 泥浆记录m ud record41 泥饼圈mud ring42 泥浆试样m ud sample43 泥浆比重计mud scale44 泥浆筛mud screen45 泥浆分离器mud separator46 泥浆沉淀池mud setting sump47 振动筛mud shaker48 捞砂筒mud socket49 泥浆稳定性mud stability50 泥浆流mud stream51 泥浆罐mud tank52 泥浆增稠剂mud thickeners53 泥浆减稠剂mud thinner54 泥浆比重m ud weight55 泥浆比重天平m ud weight balance56 泥浆比重指示计mud weight indicator57 泥浆粘度m ud viscosity58 水基泥浆w ater-base mud59 水基混油泥浆w ater-base oil emulsion mud60 油包水乳化液w ater-in-oil emulsion61 失水量water loss62 淡水泥浆w ater mud63 初切力gel initial64 静切力gel of mud65 PH值PH-value66 PH值记录仪 PH-recorder67 PH值测定计 PH-meter68 含盐量salt content69 含盐的salt bearing70 含水的water bearing71 含砂量sand content72 盐水泥浆s alt mud73 盐水salt water、salty water74 盐水基泥浆salt water base mud75 含盐泥浆s alty mud76 盐析salting-out九、循环与固控系统circulating and solids control system1 泥浆泵mud pump2 组装闸门m anifold valve3 高压管线h igh pressure line4 立管闸门s tand pipe valve5 立管stand pipe6 立管鹅颈管stand pipe gooseneck7 水龙头鹅颈管g ooseneck of swivel8 水龙头swivel9 方钻杆keilly10 钻杆drill pipe11 钻铤drill collar12 钻头drill bit13 环空annular14 井口well head15 架空槽flow line16 泥浆-气体分离器 gas buster、poor boy17 振动筛shale shaker18 除砂器desander19 除泥器desilter20 除气器degasser21 清洁器mud cleaner22 离心机centrifuge23 搅拌器agitator24 砂泵sand pump25 旋流漏斗嘴子p eanut十、消防 Fire protection1 火警f ire alarm2 火灾报警系统f ire alarm system3 耐火砖fire brick4 耐火土fire clay5 防火fire control6 消防设备f ire control unit7 灭火器fire annihilator、fire apparatus8 防火堤 fire bank9 消防艇fire boat10 瓦斯检查员fireboss11 防火地带f ire break 12 消防队fire brigade13 消防桶fire bucket14 纵火犯firebug15 防火墙fire bulkhead16 耐火水泥f ire cement17 火灾保险公司f ire insurance company18 消防器材f ire control equipment19 沼气fire damp20 引爆炸药f ired charge21 消防局fire department22 火灾探测器fire detector23 油罐区的防火堤fire dike24 防火门fire door25 消防演习f ire drill26 消防车fire engine27 消防衣fire-entry suit28 安全门fire escape29 太平门fire exit30 灭火器fire extinguisher31 灭火剂fire extingguishing agent32 消防泵fire extinguishing pump33 火灾事故f ire failure34 消防员fire fighter、fire man35 消防水枪f ire-fighting lance36 消防队fire-fighting crew37 消防梯fire-fighting rack38 灭火泡沫f ire foam39 泡沫灭火器fire foam producing machine40 防火闸fire gate41 易燃物fire goods42 消防帽盔f ire hat43 火灾危险性fire bazaar44 消防水龙带fire hose45 消防软管架fire hose rack46 消防站fire house47 消防栓fire hydrant48 火灾保险fire insurance49 引火物fire lighter50 消防面具f ire mask51 防火监控器fire monitor52 消防桶fire pail53 防火隔墙f ire partition54 火灾巡警f ire patrolman55 耐火性能f ire performance56 用火许可证fire permit57 消火塞fire plug58 着火点fire point59 火力firepower60 防火的fire preventing61 防火fire prevention、fire protection62 防火法规f ire prevention code63 耐火的fireproof64 耐火涂料f ire-proof dope65 耐火席子f ire-proof mat66 防爆电机f ire-proof motor67 防火油箱f ire-proof petrol tank68 防火设备f ire protection equipment69 防火衣fire-protection suit70 灭火泵fire pump71 放火者firer72 消防费fire rate73 火灾报告f ire report74 耐火性fire resistance75 耐火等级f ire resistance rating76 抗火的fire-resistant77 防火帆布f ire-resistant tarpaulin78 耐火建筑f ire-resistive construction79 耐火材料f ire-resistive material80 阻燃剂fire retardant81 防火涂料f ire retardant coating82 防火安全f ire safety83 防火安全系统f ire safety system84 消防砂fire sand85 消防站 fire station86 救火衣fire suit87 耐火试验f ire testing88 消防车fire truck89 消防供水管线f ire water line90 消防用水储备罐fire water storage tank91 消防钩pike pole92 消防斧fire ax(e)93 手斧腰带a x belt十一、固井 Well cementing1 水泥c ement2 水泥促凝剂cement accelerator3 水泥添加剂cement additive4 胶结指数cementation factor、segmentation exponent5 水泥伞cement basket6 水泥搅拌器cement blender7 水泥混合车cement blender truck8 水泥胶结c ement bond9 水泥胶结测井c ement bond log10 水泥牌号c ement brand11 悬空水泥塞cement cap12 水泥头cement casing head13 套管鞋cement casing shoe 14 水泥窜槽c ement channeling15 水泥熟料c ement clinker16 水泥浆液柱cement column17 水泥混凝土cement concrete18 水泥浆稠度cement consistency19 水泥侵cement contamination20 水泥侯凝时间c ement curing time21 泥浆水泥侵cement cut22 水泥浆脱水cement dehydration23 水泥顶替c ement displacement24 井底倒浆筒cement dump25 注水泥的c emented26 封固的套管cemented casing27 注完水泥c emented up28 固井设备c ement equipment29 粘结剂cementer30 固井评价测井c ement evaluation31 固井不合格cement failure32 水泥系数c ement factor33 水泥滤液c ement filtrate34 可钻回压凡尔c ement float collar35 可钻引鞋c ement float shoe36 水泥浆液流cement flow37 水泥与地层交界面cement-formation interface38 水泥速凝剂cement hardener39 水泥头cement head、cementing head40 水泥水化物cement-hydrate41 粘结剂cementing agent42 固井承包商cementing contractor43 注水泥配方cementing formulation44 固井作业cementing jobs、cementing operation45 固井方法c ementing method46 注水泥设备cementing outfit47 注水泥用塞cementing plug48 封固段cementing point49 固井施工c ementing practice50 固井泵cementing pump51 撬装注水泥泵组cementing pump skid52 胶结反应c ementing reaction53 胶结强度c ementing strength54 水泥罐cementing tank55 全井封固c ementing througth56 固井工具c ementing tool57 水泥拖车c ementing trailer58 固井设备c ementing unit59 注水泥浆c ement injection60 水泥环cement mantle61 水泥标号c ement mark62 水泥浆cement milk63 水泥厂cement mill64 水泥搅拌器cement mixer65 凝固强度检测计cement needle66 水泥封隔器cement packer67 水泥浆cement paste68 水泥池cement pit69 水泥灰浆c ement plaster70 水泥塞cement plug71 水泥承留器cement retainer72 缓凝剂cement retarder73 水泥垢cement scale74 水泥凝固c ement setting75 水泥壳cement sheath76 水泥库cement silo77 水泥浆cement slurry78 水泥浆用量cement slurry volume79 水泥隔层c ement spacer80 挤水泥作业cement squeeze work81 注水泥插入管c ement stinger82 水泥环厚度cement thickness83 水泥顶界c ement top84 水泥顶界定位器cement top locator85 水泥引鞋c ement type guide shoe86 回压凡尔c ement valve87 水灰比cement-water ratio十二、套管 Casing1 套管casing2 套管附件c asing accessories3 下套管的井cased borehold4 下套管完井cased hole completion5 全部下套管的井cased through6 下套管case in7 套管异径接头c asing adapter8 套管锚casing anchor9 套管环空c asing annulus10 下套管工具casing appliances11 下套管地层casing-bearing formation12 套管打捞筒casing bowl13 套管桥塞V14 套管弯曲c asing buckling15 扶正器casing centralizer16 回压凡尔c asing check valve17 套管卡子c asing clamps18 套管挤坏c asing collapse19 套管接箍c asing collar20 套管接箍测定器casing collar location21 测套管接箍casing collar log 22 套管连接c asing connection23 套管腐蚀监测c asing corrosion monitoring24 套管联接器casing coupling25 套管割刀c asing cutter26 套管割刀震击器casing cutter jar27 套管割刀加力器casing cutter sinker28 套管损伤c asing damage29 套管变形c asing deformation30 套管深度c asing depth31 套管打捞矛casing dog32 套管整形器casing drift swage33 砸套管护帽casing drive head34 砸击套管鞋casing drive shoe35 套管吊卡c asing elevator36 套管损伤casing failure37 套管配件c asing fitting38 回压凡尔c asing float(collar)39 套管鞋casing float shoe40 套管丝扣规casing gauge41 套管钢级c asing grade42 引鞋casing guide shoe43 套管悬挂器casing hanger44 套管附件c asing hardware45 套管头casinghead46 套管头内卡瓦座casinghead bowl47 套管头压力casingheadv pressure48 套管头四通casinghead spool49 套管头挤水泥c asinghead squeeze50 套管与井壁环空casing-hole annulus51 套管大钩c asing hook52 套管缺陷c asing imperfection53 套管探伤c asing inspection54 检查套管固井c asing inspection log55 下套管casing installation(casing running)56 套管千斤顶casing jack57 下套管作业casing job58 一节套管c asing joint59 套管割刀c asing knife60 联顶节casing landing61 套管漏casing leak62 裸眼完井c asingless completion63 胀管器casing mandrel64 套管铣鞋c asing mill65 套管磨铣工具c asing milling tool66 套管短节c asing nipple67 套管封隔器casing packer68 套管修补c asing patch69 套管补孔器casing patch tool70 套管射孔器casing perforator71 套管鞋深度casing point72 套管紧扣杆casing pole73 套压c asing pressure74 套管试压c asing pressure test75 套管程序c asing programme76 套管护箍c asing protector77 刮管器casing scraper78 套管母扣护丝c asing screw head79 套管公扣护丝c asing screw protector80 套管密封件casing seal81 套管铣刀c asing section mill82 套管下入深度c asing setting depth83 割套管casing severing84 套管侧钻c asing side tracking85 套管尺寸c asing size86 套管卡瓦c asing slip87 套管捞矛c asing spear88 套管卡盘式吊卡casing spider89 套管裂纹c asing split90 套管割刀c asing spliter91 入井第一节套管casing starter92 套管粘卡c asing sticking93 套管柱casing string94 套管柱设计casing string design95 套管异径接头c asing sub96 套管悬挂器scasing suspender97 胀管器casing swage98 套管旋转头casing swivel99 捞套管公锥casing tap100 套管测试器casing tester101 套管螺纹c asing threads102 套管井壁环空c asing-to-hole annulus 103 套管容器c asing volume104 管壁c asing wall105 套管磨损c asing wear106 套管造斜器casing whipstock107 拔套管casing withdrawal108 套管重量c asing wt(casing weight) 十三钻头 Bits1 钻头bit(rock bit)2 钻头配合接头b it adapter3 钻头泥包b it balling4 憋钻bit bouncing5 钻头损坏b it breakage6 钻头装卸器bit breaker7 磨合钻头b it break-in procedure8 干钻烧钻头bit burnt out 9 换钻头bit change10 井壁与钻头的间隙b it clearance11 钻头牙轮b it cone12 钻头常数b it constant13 钻头用量b it consumption14 钻头外型b it contour15 钻头成本b it cost16 钻头轮迹b it course17 金刚石取心钻头冠部bit crown18 钻头切斜角bit cutting angle19 钻头偏斜b it deflection20 (金刚石)钻头制造压模bit die21 钻头修整器bit dresser22 修整钻头b it dressing23 钻头驱动轴bit drive shaft24 钻头刃bit edge25 钻头与井底接触端面bit face26 钻头因素b it factor27 送钻bit feed28 钻头进尺数bit footage29 钻头体bit frame30 卡钻bit freezing31 钻头规bit gauge32 钻头磨损等级b it grading33 钻头导向器bit guide34 钻头水马力bit HHP35 钻头打捞钩bit holder36 费钻头收集者b it hustler37 钻头水力计算器bit hydraulic calculator38 钻头水马力bit hydraulic horsepower39 钻头水力参数b it hydraulics40 钻头倾斜b it inclination41 钻头偏斜力bit inclination force42 跳钻bit jumping43 钻头巴掌b it leg44 钻头寿命b it life45 钻压b it load46 (金刚石)钻头基体bit matrix47 钻头喷嘴b it nozzle48 钻头异轴量bit offset49 钻头进尺速度b it penetration50 钻头工作情况(指标)bit performance51 钻头压力b it pressure52 钻头压力降bit pressure drop53 钻头设计方案b it program54 钻头牙轮齿bit bit55 钻头保护器bit protector56 钻头拧卸器bit puller57 钻头整形锤bit rams58 钻头反作用力b it reaction force59 钻头记录b it records60 打捞钻头的公锥bit recovering tap61 钻头规bit ring62 钻头行程b it run63 钻头的丝扣部分bit shank64 钻头测向力bit side force65 钻头尺寸b it size66 钻头牙轮的偏转量b it skew67 钻进速度b it speed68 钻头短接b it sub69 钻头齿bit teeth70 钻压bit thrust71 钻头倾斜b it tilt72 钻头牙齿磨钝程度b it-tooth dullness73 钻头轨迹b it track(trajectory)74 钻头轨迹特性b it trajectory behavior75 为换钻头起下钻bit trips76 钻头选型b it type selection十四取心 Coring1 取心c ore2 岩心分析c ore analysis3 岩心分析数据c ore-analysis data4 岩心轴core axis5 岩心袋core bag6 岩心筒core barrel7 岩心抓取器core barrel catcher8 取心筒上盖core barrel head9 取心筒垫圈core barrel ring10 橡胶套岩心筒core barrel with rubber container11 岩心爪core basket12 打捞金刚石取心钻头的公锥core-bit tap13 取心钻进c ore boring14 岩心盒core box15 岩心切断器core breaker16 割断岩心c ore breaking17 投球液压割心core breaking by hydraulic pressure18 机械加压割心core breaking by mechanical loading19 岩心爪core catcher20 岩心爪外套core-catcher case21 岩心室core chamber22 牙轮取心钻头c ore cone bit23 内岩心筒c ore container24 岩心横剖面core cross section25 岩心切片机core cutter26 岩心分析数据c ore data27 岩心描述图core-description graph 28 取心进尺c ore footage29 岩心直径c ore diameter30 取心井段c ore intervals31 岩心蒸馏仪core distillation apparatus32 取心钻具core drill33 取心钻进c ore drilling34 取心钻头c ore drilling bit35 取心钻机c ore drilling rig36 岩心烘箱c ore-drying oven37 岩心造型c ored-up mould38 取过岩心的井c ored well39 岩心系数c ore factor40 井底岩心打捞器core fisher41 岩心自然伽马c ore coregamma42 岩心打捞器core grabber43 岩心图core graph44 岩心磨削c ore grinding45 岩心爪core gripper46 岩心爪外套core-gripper case47 卡瓦式岩心爪c ore-gripper with slip48 卡箍式岩心爪c ore-gripper with slipcollar49 卡簧式岩心式c ore-gripper with slipspring50 岩心被卡c ore grouting51 井壁取心器core coregun52 取心井 core hole53 岩心储存室core house54 岩心方向鉴定器core interpreting device55 岩心分析实验室corelab(laboratory)56 岩心库core library57 岩心记录c ore log58 岩心含油饱和度core oil saturation59 岩心定向c ore orientation60 岩心入口面core inlet face61 岩心出口面core outlet face62 岩心渗透率core permeability63 落井岩心打捞器core picker64 岩心栓(实验室用)core plug65 岩心推取杆core plunger66 岩心空隙度core porosity67 岩心推取塞core pusher68 取心收获率core recovery69 岩心库 core repository70 取心进尺c ore run71 岩心样(岩样)core sample72 岩心取样器core sample73 井壁取心器core sample taker74 岩心截面c ore section75 岩心库存室core shack(core shanty)76 金刚石取心钻具岩心筒core shell77 (压力式)取心筒鞋core shoe78 岩心尺寸c ore size79 岩心切割器core slicer80 岩心爪子c ore snatcher81 岩心切割器core splitter82 岩心卡簧c ore spring83 岩心库storage84 取心探井c ore test85 岩心实验泵core testing pump86 岩心盒core tray87 岩心薄片c ore wafer88 岩心冲蚀率core wash89 (冲击式)井壁取心器core corgun90 取心钻头c ore bit91 金刚石取心钻头coreing crown92 取心深度c oring depth93 取心设备c oring equipment94 取心进尺c oring footage95 取心地层c oring formation96 取岩心枪c oring gun97 取心作业c oring operation98 取心工具c oring tool99 取心涡轮钻具c oring type turbodrill100 取心钻压c oring weight十五电力与电器 Electric Power and Electric Equipments1 电 electricity2 电的e lectric(al)3 蓄电池electric accumulator4 电动压风机electric air compressor5 电标定装置electrical calibration device6 电容器electrical condenser7 (电测)取心electrical coring8 电脱盐法e lectrical desalting process9 电脱水electrical dewatering10 双电荷层e lectrical double layer11 电气除尘器electrical dust precipitation chamber12 电效率electrical efficiency13 电器工程师electrical engineer14 电机工程(学) e lectrical engineering15 电器设备e lectrical equipment16 电流畅通点electrical free-point17 电加热electrical heating18 电点火器e lectrical igniter19 电感应electrical induction20 电微分electrical differentiation21 电积分electrical integration 22 电干扰electrical interference23 电绝缘electrical insulation24 电线electrical lead25 电动管道割刀e lectrical line cutter26 电测井electrical log(logging)27 电损耗electrical loss28 电引火electrically-fired29 电力的electrically powered30电敏雷管electrically responsive blasting cap31 方型检波器electrically square32 电动压力表electrically manometer33 电网络模型electrical network model34 电噪声electrical noise35 电器插口e lectrical outlet36 输出电信号electrical output signal37 电动打孔器electrical penetrator38 电剖面法e lectrical profiling39 电法勘探e lectrical prospecting40 电工用铁皮electrical sheet41 电测深electrical sounding42 电器性能e lectrical specification43 电测井 electrical survey(surveying)44 瞬间不稳电流e lectrical transient45 电模拟计算机e lectric analogue computer46 电模拟electric analogy47 电引力electric attraction48 频带展宽e lectric band spread49 电弧electric arc50 电弧切割e lectric arc cutting51 电弧钻井e lectric arc drilling52 电动离心泵electric centrifugal pump53 电动倒链e lectric chain hoist54 电荷e lectric charge55 电路e lectric circuit56 电信e lectric communication57 电导(导电)electric conductance58 电导率electric conductivity59 电导体 electric conductor60 电接头electric connection61 电控制electric control62 电控电缆e lectric control cable63 电控盘electric control panel64 电耦合(电磁联轴节) electric coupling65 电流e lectric current66 电场偏转e lectric deflection67 电脱水electric dehydration68 电脱水器e lectric dehydrator69 延发电雷管electric delay fuse70 电延迟线e lectric delay line71 电荷密度e lectric density72 电雷管electric detonator73 电偶极子e lectric dipole74 放电e lectric discharge75 电位移密度electric vdisplacement density76 配电e lectric distribution77 接线盒electric distribution unit78 电偶极子e lectric doublet79 电动钻具(电钻)electric drill80 司钻电控盘electric drill`s panel81 电驱动electric drive82 电除尘器e lectric dust collector83 电池e lectric element84 电能e lectric energy85 电当量electric equivalent86 电眼(光电管) e lectric eye87 电风扇electric fan88 电场electric field89 电场强度e lectric-field intensity90 电场向量e lectric-field vector91 白炽灯electric filament lamp92 电炉e lectric furnace93 点火电路e lectric firing circuit94 电焊剂electric flux95 电场梯度e lectric-force gradient96 (电动)燃烧消耗测定仪electric fuel gauge97 保险丝 electric fuse98 发电机electric generator99 发电机组e lectric (generator)set100 电栅极electric grid101 电加热(破岩)钻井e lectric heating drill 102 电热饭electric hot plate103 电器技术员(电工) e lectric electrician 104 电位起伏图(电象) e lectric image105 电感应加热法electric induction heating process 106 介电常数e lectric inductivity107 变压器油e lectric insulating oil108 电量(度)表electricity meter109 漏电e lectric leakage110 电缆(导线)electric line111 电缆坐封封隔器electric line set packer 112 电测(资料)解释e lectric-log interpretation 113 电测电阻率electric log resistivity114 电磁化现象(电磁激励)electric magnetization 115 输电干线e lectric mains116 电子作图e lectric mapping117 电表electric meter 118 微型电控盘electric mini-panel119 电模型electric model120 电测温度计electric moisture meter121 电矩electric moment122 电动机electric motor123 电动驱动的electric-motor-driven124 电力网electric network125 绝缘油electric oil126 电振荡electric127 电渗(现象)electric osmose128 电唱机electric phonograph129 拾音器(传感器)electric pickup130 电测仪electric pilot131 电位(电势) electric potential132 电位差electric potential diffference 133 电位梯度e lectric potential gradient134 供电导线e lectric power conductor135 发电厂electric power plant136 电源electric power supply137 供电系统e lectric power system138 电集尘electric precipitation139 电压electric pressure140 点发火器e lectric primer141 电器保护e lectric protection142 电(力)泵e lectric pump143 电量 electric quantity144 电子束(电磁波)electric ray145 电动记录仪electric recorder146 电动遥控面板e lectric remote control panel 147 电器修理e lectric repair148 电阻e lectric resistance149 电阻热量计electric resistance calorimeter 150 电阻加热器electric resistance heater151 电阻温度计electric resistance thermometer 152 电阻焊electric resistance welding153 电谐振electric resonance154 电动转盘e lectric rotary155 电锯e lectric saw156 电动螺丝刀electric screwdriver157 电动分离器electric separator158 电屏蔽electric shield159 电击(触电)electric shock160 电信号electric signal161 电动旋臂起重机electric slewing crane162 电滑环electric slip ring163 电烙铁electric soldering iron164 电火花electric spark165 电火花(破岩)钻井e lectric spark drill166 电火花震源electric sparks167 接触点焊e lectric spot welding168 点启动器e lectric starter169 电应变仪e lectric strain gauge170 耐电强度e lectric strength171 电潜泵electric submersible pump172 电源(供电)electric supply173 电动水龙头electric swivel174 电遥测计e lectric telemeter175 电压e lectric tension176 电光转换器electric to optic converter 177 气,电转换器electric to pneumatic transducer 178 电动扭矩仪electric torque179 电动扭矩表electric torque meter180 电换能器e lectric transducer181 输电塔electric transmission pole tower 182 电变换(送)器e lectric transmitter183 整流器(电子管)electric valve184 电力振动器electric vibrator185 电视electric vision186 电波e lectric wave187 电焊e lectric welding188 电焊条electric welding rod189 井下电热器electric well heater190 电测井electric well logging191 电动绞车e lectric winch192 电葫芦electric windlass193 电线electric wireline194 电阻应变仪electric wire strain gauge195 电动扳手e lectric wrench196 感应起电e lectrification by influence197 带电探测仪electrification detector198 电镀electro199 电腐蚀加工法e lectroabrasion200 电声效率e lectrocoustic efficiency201 电声指数e lectrocoustic index202 电声学electrocoustics203 电声换能器electrocoustic transducer204 电吸附electro-adsorption205 电解分析e lectro-analysis206 电分析器e lectroanalyzer207 电平衡electrobalance208 电解(镀)浴electrobath209 电子束 electro-beam210 电量热计e lectrocalorimeter211 电灸(电烙器) e lectrocautery212 电化学的e lectrochemical213 电解电容器electrochemical capacitor 214 电化学电池electrochemical cell215 电化学常数electrochemical constant216 电化学腐蚀electro-chemical corrosion 217 电化学脱水electro-chemical dehydration 218 电化学脱盐electro-chemical desalting 219 电化当量e lectrochemical equivalent220 电化学射孔器e lectrochemical perforator 221 电(化学)镀法electrochemical plating 222 电化学处理electrochemical process223 电化还原e lectrochemical reduction224 电化学自然电位electrochemical SP225 电化学管理electrochemical treatment226 电化学electrochemistry227 电镀铜法e lectrocoppering228 电腐蚀 electrocorrosion229 电焊条electrode230 电极(距离)调整器electrode adjuster 231 电焊钳子e lectrode holder232 电极压力e lectrode voltage233 焊丝盘electrode-wire reel234 放电加工e lectrodischarge machining235 电分解作用electrodispersion236 电动钻具e lectrodrill237 电动的electrodynamic238 电动检波器electrodynamic detector239 电动力学e lectrodynamics240 电动传感器electrodynamic transducer241 电动式地震检波器electrodynamic type seismometer 242 电动振动器electrodynamic vibrator243 电动-液压控制electrohydraulic control 244 电动液压调节器e lectrohydraulic regulator245 电动液压凡尔e lectrohydraulic valve246 电温度计e lectrohygrometer247 电感应electro-induction248 电动转筒记录仪electrokymograph249 电测井electrolog250 电解质溶液electrolyte solution251 电解作用e lectrolytic action252 电解放电器electrolytic arrester253 电解电容器electrolytic capacitor254 电解电池e lectrolytic cell255 电解淬火e lectrolytic hardening256 电解测井e lectrolytic logging257 电解氧化e lectrolytic oxidation258 电解光电池electrolytic photocell259 电解抛光e lectrolytic polishing260 电解槽electrolytic tank261 电磁铁electromafnet。
对照实物确认的钻井词汇一、井口与井控1. 套管头升高短节(上下由法兰连接,中间是三通或四通)casing spool2. 油管悬挂器tubing hanger3. 油管悬挂器上边接有阀门的盖子tubing bonnet4. (可焊接的)导管头(接箍)conductor connector5. (可焊接的)套管头(接箍)casing connector6. 井口帽blanking cap & plug7. 三闸板防喷器triple slide-lok preventer8. 双闸板防喷器double slide-lok prevente9. 油/套管升高短节tubing/casing riser10. 整体式升高短节integral union riser11. 法兰×丝扣井口转换头wellhead adapter12. 井口四通两边的横向阀门wing valves13. 油管悬挂器上边的变径法兰大小头bonnet14. 上边是法兰的套管头casing flange15. 只上边是法兰,下边与表层套管焊接的套管头casing head16. 套管头内的卡瓦casing slips17. (上法兰小,下法兰大)变径套管头casing spool crossover18. 与导管焊接的坐在圆井底的套管头landing head flange top19. 卡瓦密封套管悬挂器slips seal casing hanger20. (上下是法兰,中间是四通的)油管升高短节tubing spool21. 柔性封隔闸板flexpacker ram22. 可变径闸板variable bore ram23. 剪切闸板shearing blind ram24. 卡瓦型套管悬挂器slip-type casing hangers25. 高负荷悬挂器high-load hanger26. 悬挂器断开式密封圈hanger isolation seal ring27. 井口封隔变径变压法兰(中间有几道密封圈,下边是低压,上边是高压)pack off/crossover flange28. 油管头(下法兰大,内带密封圈;中间是四通,上法兰小)tubing heads29. 底(下)变径法兰(下边内径大,上边内径小)basic adapter30. 单密封变径法兰(下内径大,上内径小)single seal bore adapter31. 变径大小头(下边是法兰,上边是本体上钻孔攻丝扣)coupling adapter32. 油管悬挂器转换大小头短节(上法兰小,下法兰大,下法兰内有丝扣)tubing suspension adapter33. 双油管悬挂器dual completion tubing hanger34. 双密封孔连接法兰dual seal bore adapter35. 锁紧螺丝lockdown screw36. (地面)单油管密封总成single packer completion37. 法兰式采油树盖子flanged tree caps38. 扰性油管悬挂器coiled tubing hanger39. 扰性油管头coiled tubing head40. 高级环形防喷器芯子supreme stripper41. 旋转防喷器rotating BOP42. 下面带有母扣的套管头casing head housing with female casing thread43. 带底盘的套管头casing head housing with base plate44. (上法兰小,下法兰大)带四通的套管头crossover casing spool45. 常规油管头conventional tubing head46. 防喷器吊装系统BOP handling system47. (装在压井管汇一边的)单流阀check valve48.标准扰性油管树总成typical coiled tubing tree assembly49. 套管悬挂器(即套管头内的卡瓦)casing hanger50. 万能防喷器芯子packing unit51. 装压力表的井口或采油树顶盖flow adapter52. (较大较厚的)密封圈packoff53. (从井口通往节流管汇的)液控阀HCR valve54. 回压阀(止回阀)check valve55. 套管头外壳CHH=casing head housing56. 套管头上的四通CHS=casing head spool57. 用在套管头与四通之间的变径变压法兰DSA=drilling spool adaptor58. 地平面GL=ground level59. 手动阀门MV=manual valve60. 双头螺栓连接的油管头四通DSTHS=double studded tubing head spool61. 双头螺栓连接的密封转换法兰DSPOAF=double studded pack-off adaptor flange62. 大直径导管stovepipe63. 压井钻井液KWM=kill weight mud64. 井口最大允许环空压力(套压)MAASP=maximum allowable annular surface pressure65. 起钻POOH=pull out of hole66. 下钻RIH=run in hole67. 关井立管压力SIDPP=shut-in drill pipe pressure68. 关井套压SICP=shit-in casing pressure69. 副司钻AD=assistant driller70. 垂直井深TVD=true vertical depth71. 垂直方向TVD=true vertical direction72. 压井排量和压力KRP=kill rate & pressure73. 初始循环压力ICP=initial circulating pressure74. 终止循环压力FCP=final circulating pressure75. 测量深度(实际井深)MD=measured depth76. 钻井液密度MD=mud density77. 每分钟冲数SPM=strokes per minute78. 井底压力不变CBHP=constant bottom-hole pressure二、套管和固井1. (固井或压井用的高压管线)可转向短节swivel joint2. 由壬hammer lug unions3. 防硫化氢由壬(H2S)sour gas unions4. 焊接由壬butt weld unions5. 上扣由壬threaded unions6. 焊接弯头welded elbow7. (约两三米长,两三吋的)两头带由壬的高压固井、压井管线pup joint8. 水泥头plug lounching head9. (刮管器上的)刮刀片scraper blades10. 回收式水泥分割器retrievable cement packoff11. 可钻水泥分割器drillable cement packoff12. 杯形水泥分割器cup style cement packoff13. 封割器坐入工具packoff setting tool14. 带可钻封隔器的尾管挂liner setting collar with drillable packoff15. 带回压阀的引鞋PVTS16. 自动灌钻井液引鞋self-filling float shoe=fill-up valve=fillup mode17. 带分流孔的(防堵)引鞋down-jet float shoe18. 桥塞bridge plug19. 机械式桥塞(或尾管)送入工具mechanical setting tool20. 大直径限位环oversize stop ring21. 封隔器胶皮限位套packer thimble22. (螺旋刮管器上的)刀片限位套blade retainer23. 单回压阀引鞋single float set shoe24. 双回压阀引鞋dual float set shoe25. 扣闩式尾管固井胶塞承托环latch landing collar26. 旋转式尾管送入器rotating liner running tool27. 坐入器清杂网setting tool debris screen28. 套管扶正器限位套stop collar=dog collar29. 不焊接的套管扶正器non-welded centralizer30. 半钢性套管扶正器semi-rigid centralizer31. 无焊接涡流式套管扶正器non-welded turbolizer32. 钢性套管扶正器rigid centralizer33. 水泥篮cement basket34. 固体分流器solid body diverter35. (双级固井)第一级堵塞器first stage sealing plug36. (双级固井)第二级“炮弹”式旁通打开器free-ball opening device37. (双级固井)第二级堵塞器closing plug38. (双级固井)泵冲式旁通打开器pump down opening plug39. (双级固井)旁通堵塞器by-pass plug40. 分级箍stage cementing collar41. 套管快速护丝quick-clamp thread protector42. 套管双公短节casing nipple43. 引鞋float nose=guide shoe=set shoe44. 铰链式套管扶正器hinge-type centralizers45. 多级固井分级箍multiple stage cementing collar46. 单级固井水泥头single stage cementing head47. 双级固井水泥头two stage cementing head48. 有焊接弓形弹簧扶正器welded spring bow centralizer49. 无焊接直条扶正器non-weld straight bow centralizer50. 短螺旋刚性扶正器short spiral rigid centralizer51. 扶正器限位套stop collar52. 套管涨管器casing roller53. 插入杆stinger54. 插入(接)头tag-in adapter55. (插入式固井的)插入座tag-in float collar56. 插入式固井下部结构tag-in assembly57. 插入式固井用的钻杆座和卡瓦drill pipe bowl and slips58. (插入式固井)水泥头pack-off head assembly59. (插入式固井)上丝扣式的插入头screw-in adapter60. (插入式固井)锁闩式插入头screw-in adapter61. (插入式固井)插入密封头stab-in seal sub62. 螺旋清砂扶正器(套)spiral solid stand-off centralizers63. 直刮刀式清砂扶正器solid “straight blade” stand-off centralizer64. (扶正器与井壁)接触长度wall contact65. 回压阀back pressure valve66. (固井或压井用)约2~5米长,2吋或3吋高压管线longsweep hose67. 双公由壬短节male×male union ends68. 公母由壬短节male×female union ends69. 总长overall length70. 水泥头releasing bail operator71. 进扣长度make up loss=thread swallow三、管材与配件1. 四通full flow cross2. (等边)三通long sweep full flow tee3. 90度弯头long sweep 90° ell4. 侧三通long sweep tee5. 顶部有出口的160度立管鹅颈管三通standpipe gooseneck 160° with top outlet6. 45度弯头long sweep 45° ell7. 大小头adapter sub8. 循环三通T-pump-in sub9. 变径大小头(粗细扣大小头)crossover adapter10. 短钻杆drill pipe pup joint11. 十字四通连接管cross connector12. 丁字三通连接管tee connector13. 活动转向短节(固井、压井管线)Chiksan swivel joint14. 伸缩短节expansion joint15. 细扣管线堵头bull plug16. 细扣管线大小头line pipe swages17. (两半式带手柄的)水管线卡子hinglelok18. (两半式用两个螺栓固定的)水管线卡子rigidlite coupling19. 细扣管线接箍(双母)line pipe coupling=steel merchant coupling20. 丝扣连接旁通(出口)threaded side outlet21. 螺栓连通旁通studded side outlet22. 母扣female threaded23. 盲板法兰blind flange24. 内径带丝扣的法兰companion flange25. 内径带密封圈的法兰packoff flange26. 变径法兰crossover flange27. 与法兰连接的方块四通studded cross28. 与法兰连接的方块三通studded tee29.与法兰连接的丝扣三通flanged by thread tee30. 单头可转短节(仅一头能转动的短节)single swivel coupling31. 单弯脖单头可转短节single swivel with one elbow32. 双弯脖单头可转短节single swivel with two elbows33. 双弯脖双头可转短节two swivels with two elbows34. 单弯脖双头可转短节two swivels with one elbow35. 三弯脖双转向短节two swivels with three elbows36. 三弯脖三转向短节three swivels with three elbows37. 双弯脖三转向短节three swivels with two elbows38. 方(块)铁直角弯脖block connector39. 90度弯脖long radius connector40. 可变径弯接头knuckle joint41. 管线滤清器strainer四、地面与井下工具A. 地面工具1. 砂轮片grinding wheels2. 手动钻具台肩修整器shoulder facing device3. 内六楞凹头螺栓allen head cap screws4. 六楞弯头扳手allen wrench5. 带限位台肩的接头stop sub6. 固定螺丝(限位螺丝)retainer screw7. 方瓦驱动方钻杆square drive8. 销子驱动方钻杆(滚子方补心带四个爪)pin drive9. 高强度滚子方补心heavy duty roller Kelly bushing10. 钻杆卡瓦rotary slips11. 钻铤卡瓦drill collar slips12. 导管卡瓦conductor pipe slips13. 套管卡瓦casing slips14. 铰链式套管卡瓦hinged casing spider15. 气动套管吊卡/卡瓦casing elevator/spider16. 安全卡瓦clamp17. 滚筒排绳槽lebus groove18. 装在井架大腿上的死绳固定器mast leg mount anchor19. 死绳固定器wireline anchor=deadline anchor20. 绷绳地锚deadman21. 离合器clutches22. 刹车片brakes23. 端面离合器刹车片disc brakes24. 快速放气阀quick release valves25. 转子密封器rotorseals26. (大直径管线)充气密封圈air-o-union27. (保险)放压阀pressure relief valve28. 钻井液防喷盒mud miser29. 鼠洞上扣钳和吊卡mousehole spinning wrench & elevator30. 销子驱动方补心pin drive Kelly bushing31. 方铁驱动方补心square drive Kelly bushing32. 高压胶管diver hose33. 滚筒刹带brake bands34. 刮泥器pipe wipers35. 高强度链钳heavy-duty chain36. 泵缸套imperial liner37. 中间带钢圈的活塞imperial piston38. 耐用活塞(中间无钢圈)extra-life bonded piston39. 中间有扶正器(孔)的阀体和阀座imperial valves and seats40. 带四个爪的阀体和阀座roughneck full open series valves and seats41. 刹带片brake blocks42. 泵空气包胶囊diaphragms for pulsation dampener43. 方钻杆下旋塞Kelly guard44. 小鼠洞上扣器rotating mousehole45. (钻台上用的)气葫芦air tugger46. 分体式游车大钩trunion supported hook47. 连体式游车大钩adapter supported hook48. 喷射式混合漏斗jet mixing system49. 单作用泵活塞single acting pump piston50. 双作用活塞泵double acting pump piston51. 手动油管卡瓦manual tubing spider52. 气动油管卡瓦air powered tubing spider53. 气动卡瓦slip spider54. 气动吊卡slip elevator55. 长体手动卡瓦extra long slips56. 多片式钻铤卡瓦multisegment drill collar slips57. 链钳chain tong58. (大管线)充气密封圈air-inflatable tight seal59. 快扣加固井架用保险带snap-on cable reinforced derrick belt60. 高台罐区用保险带platform and tank belt61. 放线工保险带lineman’s belt62. 快扣弯连接二层台和井架保险带(宽腰有背带)snap-on and buckle-on combination monkey board and derrick belt63. (宽腰无背带)加固二层台保险带reinforced monkey board belt64. 弯接加固二层台保险带buckle-on cable reinforced derrick belt65. 高强度蛇皮接绳器heavy-duty grips66. 单股或双股编织接绳器single or double weave grip67. 三股编织接绳器triple weave grips68. 四股编织接绳器quad weave grips69. 单(双)接环蛇皮接绳器single (dual) eye grip70. 顶部开口单接环蛇皮接绳器single eye top opening grip71. 顶部开多口单环蛇皮接绳器topside multiple opening grip72. 接绳转向器directional boring swivels73. 指重表weight indicator74.压力表pressure gauge75. 电子转盘扭距表electric rotary torque76. 大钳扭距tong torque77. 泵冲数表SPM pump speed indicator78. 自动送钻automatic driller79. 二层台钻杆支梁finger board80. 刹车鼓brake rims81. 钻杆刮泥器(drillpipe) stripper rubber82. 接链器chain connector83. (大绳)排绳器wireline guide84.单头内六方扳手impact box end wrench85. 六楞方钻杆hexagonal Kelly86. (装在滚筒护罩上的)防碰天车阀short toggle valve87. 拧扣器make-up/break-out unitsB. 井下工具1. 铆钉式可调螺旋扶正器undergauge adjustable stabilizer2. 钻头导向器bit pilot3. 整体式螺旋扶正器integral blade stabilizer4. 焊接式螺旋扶正器welded blade stabilizer5. 可变径扶正器variable gauge stabilizer6. 可更换的扶正器套stabilizer sleeves7. 换套扶正器心轴stabilizer mandrel8. 滚子扶正器roller reamer9. 单级牙轮扩大器(下边可接领眼钻头)single stage hole opener10. 六方减震器hex bumper sub11. 牙轮取心钻头roller core-barrel head12. 刮刀取心钻头blade core-barrel head13. 钻铤螺旋槽spiral groove14. 方钻铤square drill collar15. 光钻铤slick drill collar16. (钮扣式)碳化钨扶正器套sleeve with tungsten carbide buttons17. 镍合金扶正器套sleeve with nivalloy18. 滚子扶正器rotary reamers19. (密封轴承)井眼扩大器sealed bearing hole openers20. 钻头喷嘴jet nozzle21. 无卡簧槽的喷嘴standard nozzle22. 有卡簧槽的喷嘴shrouded nozzle23. 磨鞋式螺旋扶正器watermelon mill24. 磨鞋式短螺旋扶正器string mill25. 螺旋加重钻杆spiral-wate drillpipe26. 扩大器U/R=underreamer五、钻井液药品与缩写符号1. 稀释剂(液体,约25kg1桶)2. 抗高温流变性稳定剂3. 抗高温流变性稳定剂,属稀释剂,加重时用一点,不增稠,液体约200kg1桶4. 液体,润滑剂,约200kg1桶5. 高温高压失水稳定剂(降失水),干粉,约25kg1袋6. (有时只写作XCD或CD),生物聚合物,降失水,调流变性,提粘(钻井液稀—流变性低)7. 干粉堵漏剂(类似国内的随钻堵漏剂),成分:锯末、稻糠、植物种子8. 中号碎核桃壳(相当于麦粒大小)9. 细云母粉云母片10. 蚌壳渣11.(有时只写作PAC),干粉,相当于国内的CMC,有时在Drispac后加上R或SL,其意是:R—regular 高粘,SL-superlow 低粘,中文名:聚阴离子纤维素12.滤液酚酞碱度13.钻井液酚酞酸度14. 滤液甲基橙碱度15. 亚甲基蓝测定法(膨润土含量)16. 钻井液密度17. 每加仑磅18. 粘度19. 塑性粘度20. 秒21. 夸脱22. 厘米/秒23. 屈服点(流动点)24. 磅25. 英尺26. 静切力(胶凝强度)27. (氢离子浓度倒数的对数)28. 立方厘米立方容积29. 美国石油学会精确位置显示器30. 桶31. 钙32. 百万分率(百万分之几)33. 钻屑34. 磅/桶35. 尽可能低36. 失水37. 高温高压38. 聚阴离子纤维素衍生物六、打捞工具1. 平底牙轮磨鞋2. 带锯齿的铣鞋3. 铣锥4. 枣核形铣锥(两头带丝扣)5. 打捞颈6. 篮式卡瓦7. 螺旋弹簧式卡瓦8. 螺旋弹簧式卡瓦控制环9. 篮式带铣鞋卡瓦控制环10. 母铣锥11. 大头壁挂式坡口打捞引鞋12. 厚壁管制的壁钩13. 卡瓦打捞筒加长管14. 母锥15. 带坡口引子的母锥16. 打捞矛上的退出环17. 笔尖式引子18. (打捞筒内的)落物打捞爪19. 锯齿底引子20. 壁钩式坡口引子21. 四楞短锥体带喷嘴磨鞋22. 锥头引子23. 爪式引鞋24. 锯齿式引鞋25. 随钻打捞杯26. 刮刀式磨鞋27.28.。
Unit Two mud density泥浆密度显示器Lesson Four aid …in 有助于…Casing and Cementing mud-out sensor 返出泥浆比重传感器grow sophis变得成熟mud-in sensor 入井泥浆比重传感器in search of new oil reservoir寻找新的油层plain-end p无螺纹平头钢管cementing procedures have bee outside dia外径固井工序已经改进loose forma松散地层date from起源于setting depth of surface casingmix cement 混合水泥浆表层套管的下入深度additives添加剂oil string=production string油层;生产套管bulk-cement散装水泥处理tubing油管cement blends are tailored fo pressure-ti抗压密封胶结水泥配制成适合特殊的工作develop int发展成井喷waiting-on-水泥候凝时间guard again防止squeeze cem挤水泥protection string=salt stringplug perfor堵孔保护套管=盐层套管shut off w封隔水层seal off we封隔脆弱地层gain widespread engineering a rupture破裂;裂开得到工程部门的广泛注意salt or anhydrite formationarbitrary任意的盐层或硬石膏岩层compulsory强制的pipe sticking or key seats 卡钻或键槽on account 考虑overlapping覆盖mortar box混合箱hanger devi悬挂器dump bailer倾桶tension拉伸力plug水泥塞collapse外挤力force cement slurry out of th burst press内压力把套管里的水泥浆强行压出来downward pu下拉力lessen cont减少污染assure an adequate margin of safety displacemen驱替液保证足够的安全余量prevent cave-in or washout of hydrostatic静液压力防止井壁坍塌或被水刺pipe in ten受拉套管confine production to the wel pipe in com受压套管只许在井眼里产油out of roun失圆artificial 机械采油设备diminish减少;变小require three concentric str gradient梯度需要三窜同心套管shut-in surface pressure 地面关井压力conductor p导管burst stren抗内压强度surface cas表层套管buckling st弯曲应力production 油层套管axial compr轴向压缩intermediat中间套管torsion扭矩liner strin衬管柱abrupt deviation 偏斜角度陡急completion 完井marshy terr沼泽地pile driver打桩机geothermal地热的defect缺陷steam injec注蒸汽采油stress conc应力集中equivalent相等的ultimate fa最终破裂;失效packer封隔器seams裂缝assume impo显得重要flaws裂纹;伤痕solvent溶剂magnetic-pa磁粒子探伤dilute稀释electromagn电磁探伤lay aside放到一边ultrasonic 超声波探伤检查be conduciv易…生锈proof-testi验收实验be coated with a layer of oil涂一层油drift diameter 通经;油层套管直径pass unobst无阻碍地通过standoff of a mill-installed coupling maximum diameter of mandrel工厂安装的接箍余扣最大芯轴直径steel tape graduated in feet, tenths of a foot ovalness椭圆有英尺,十分之一尺刻度的钢卷尺economic ga经济效益tally sheet计数表multizone p多层产油first scratch of the run-out threadremedial wo补救工作第一道螺尾处accommodate the necessary too extreme-lin无接箍套管能放进必要的工具errors of a加法错误recondition修整过的套管measurement or tally of the pipepipe rack管架套管的丈量或点数pipe is dented or scarred verify casing depth 核实套管下入深度put aside放在一边conversely相反地fabricated buckets leave out a少下一根套管工厂制造的吊卸用的护丝短节commonsense procedures 常用程序pipe should not be shock-load shipper运输公司套管不能承受冲击负荷balance rem余额be superior比…高级;好form an obs形成障碍spacers or 隔梁;板条lightweight轻型灌注软管quick-openi快开阀roll the pipe to the catwalk滚be suscepti易受…伤害automatic fill-up equipmentbounce弹跳自动灌注设备crossover l变换接头;短节the volume of external diameter 外径体积missplaced 套管接错位置displacement volume of the casinghand-tight手上紧的程度套管的替换体积handling-ti夹具上紧的 mud returns泥浆返出量mill-end threads 带有接箍的b reak circulation 打通循环,开始循环 isopropyl a异丙醇minimize the pressure surgesmethanol甲醇减少压力波动111-trichlo三氯乙烷withstand the drag force 承受拖拉力sub-freezing temperature scratcher刮泥器kerosine煤油centralizer扶正器a quick-release type of threa reciprocati上下;往复快速松扣型护丝stab插入;对扣foul the th弄脏丝扣pickup line提升绳galling粘扣slip loop活结绳套form a comp形成完全密封hold-back r档绳zinc锌flattening 压扁实验graphite石墨produce a f产生纤维应力thread-locking compound 锁b uttress th梯形扣prevent joi防止接头倒开round threa圆扣stabbing bo对扣台;二层台leakproof防漏impair削弱microannulu微环空be cross-th错扣increase tu增加涡流power tong动力钳plug back回堵spinning ro旋扣绳ample充足的;丰富thread make丝扣上紧扭矩humic acid腐植酸safety clam安全夹phosphates磷酸盐box protect母接头护丝tannates丹宁酸盐collared pi带接箍的套管thinners降粘剂elevator pl吊卡提升短节pump primin灌满泵landing the坐定套管allowance余量casing hang套管悬挂器water-cemen水-灰比seat in the坐在套管头里hydraulic j水力喷嘴混合器slack off松驰the throat of the hopper 漏斗的喉道seal the an封固环空intermingle与…混合be concerne关心spot checks抽样检查load-carryi载荷能力sump tub储集池take a pull上提recirculati循环式混合器yield stren屈服强度eductor喷射管pull apart拉开;拉裂agitating j搅拌喷嘴batch mixer 批量混合器be laterally supported套管外被downhole ha井下悬挂器mixing cham混合腔室seamless pi无缝钢管flushing ag洗井液billet钢坯retard or preclude cement settingpierce穿孔延迟或防碍水泥凝固rollers轧辊acetic acid醋酸streighten 校直套管corrosion i防腐剂designate指明surfactant表面活化剂conform … 符合hydrochlori盐酸elastic mat弹性材料cementing head=plug container 水泥头tensile str抗拉强度bottom wipe底部水泥塞longitudina纵向应力top wiper p顶部水泥塞tear apart撕裂;撕开rupture the压裂隔膜elongation拉长retainer pi固定销casing acce套管附件bleed off t释放压力plain guide普通引鞋bulge膨胀;凸出combination float and guide s displace the cement out the casing带浮鞋型引鞋把水泥从套管中驱替出去automatic fill-up guide shoe b ell nipple井口喇叭口自动灌注型引鞋flexing of 套管弯曲float valve=back-pressure val cement pumping operations are in progress 浮阀=回压阀注水泥作业正在进行differentia差压灌注型引鞋adverse effects can be avoidedthe casing string lengthens负面影响可以避免套管柱加长tack weld点焊;定位焊regulate the amount of fluid the top of the cement behind the casing调节套管柱里的液体量套管外围水泥的返高hydrostatic静水压头the buildup of the wall cakeemploy an orifice device泥饼形成使用一个孔板装置the enlarged hole 井径扩大了的井眼lower the pressure surge 减小run a caliper survey 进行井径测量lower the casing into the hol obtain a complete fill 环空完全填满水泥套管下入井内admixes水泥添加剂serve as a 作为单向阀 a rule-of -thumb methodbaffle coll档箍根据经验的方法tack-welded点焊焊接套管substract减去multistage cementing devicemutiplier乘数分级注水泥装置gel凝胶cause formation breakdown pozzolans火山灰造成地层破裂nut shells胡桃壳stage collar result in higher fillup per sackform a uniform sheath around 每袋水泥充填环空的高度就高一些套管周围形成一个均匀的水泥套hoop expans周向膨胀prevent migration of fluids f allow nipple-up work可以进行井口安装防止层间液体串动the cement sets and anchors the casing concentric 同心的水泥凝固后固定套管stop collar档箍take the shocks of drilling operationsscratchers abrade the hole吸收钻井作业产生的震击刮泥器均匀摩擦井壁waiting-on-cement=WOC 水泥候凝reciprocating scratchers 往d rill out the cement plug 钻掉水泥塞rotating sc旋转式刮泥器the height of the cement 水泥返高solid scrat整体式刮泥器run a temterature survey 进行井温测井split (or hinged) scratchers r un a cemen水泥胶结测井分体式或铰链式刮泥器locate the cement top确定水泥上返高度lace the cement with steel ca employ radioactive tracer surveys用钢缆作水泥里面的拉筋利用放射性示踪物测井work the pi活动套管assess the 评估固井作业run a drill stem test (DST)pressure-test the casing and cement jobs进行中途试井对套管和固井作业进行压力实验water shuto堵水实验kiln窑用1500psi 压力,蹩压30分钟fuse or mel熔化pressure dr压力降cement clin水泥烧结块barium sulf硫酸钡gypsum石膏extenders增量剂accommodate different downhol the yield o水泥的造浆能力适应各种井下条件bridging ag堵漏剂calcium sul硫酸钙kolite粉石英neat cement普通水泥gilsonite 硬沥青(水泥添加剂) tailored ce特制水泥clinton fla云母薄片cement hydr水泥的水化作用shreded cel切碎的赛璐玢屑cement sets and hardens antifoam ag消泡剂水泥凝固和硬化silica flou硅粉basic cemen无添加剂的水泥pozzolanic 火山灰水泥bulk cement散装水泥gypsum ceme石膏水泥cement reaches its final plac permafrost 永久冻结地区水泥到达最终的返高refractory 耐火水泥lignins木质素arctic regi北极圈地区sodium chlo氯化钠in geothermal wellscellulose d纤维素衍生物用地热采油的油井be compatib与…兼容in fireflood wellsmud thinner泥浆减稠剂用火烧油层的方法采油的油井lignosulfon木质素黄盐酸thixotropic摇溶水泥pozzolan ma火山灰材料calcium sulfate hemihydrategilsonite (硬沥青硫酸钙半水合物speed up the setting time 加v uggy forma多孔地层act as a ca作为一种催化剂gelatin明胶;果冻crystallize变成结晶resist deterioration by sulfate ionsslurry displacement operation抗硫酸根离子引起的退化水泥浆替换作业resist strength retrogressionorganic cel有机纤维素抗强度退化hematite赤铁矿粉expanding c膨胀水泥expanded cement creats self-stress泥浆膨胀后产生自应力。
石油钻井词汇Part One SLICK-LINE(钢丝作业)A. TOOLSrope socket 绳帽stem 加重杆roll stem 滚轮加重杆Tungsten stem 钨加重杆Lead stem 铅加重杆link jar 机械震击器tubular jar 管状震击器hydraulic jar 液压震击器spring jar 弹簧震击器knuckle joint 万向节swivel joint 旋转节wellhead adapter 井口变扣短节X-Over 变扣gauge cutter 通井规selective downshift tool 选择性滑套开关工具shiftting tool 移位工具blind box 盲锤L.I.B(lead impression block) 铅印swaging tool 胀管器spear 打捞矛prong grab 内捞矛center spear 外捞矛catcher 捕捉器wirefinder 钢丝探测器Go devil-F.B 平底撞棍Go devil-C.B 刀杆撞棍retriever 钢丝打捞器overshot 卡瓦打捞筒magnetic fishing tool 磁力打捞工具sidewall cutter 刮管刀alligator grab 鳄鱼爪sand bailer 捞沙筒pipe wrench 管钳tong chain 链钳spanner 扳手wireline clamp 钢丝夹hay pulley 地滑轮dump bailer 倾倒筒saw 锯子saw blade 锯条punch 冲子file 锉刀flat file 板锉,扁锉hammer 榔头pliers,vice 老虎钳wire cutter 断线钳forfex 剪刀tongs 大钳,钳子,管钳flat bit tongs 扁嘴钳screwdriver 改锥,螺丝刀wire stripper 剥皮钳,掳线钳wire-stripper pliers 剥线钳B. EQUIPMENTstuffing box 防喷盒lubricator upper section 上防喷管lubricator middle section 中防喷管lubricator lower section 下防喷管blowout preventer(BOP) 防喷器wellhead adapter 井口变扣短节Lincoln pump 林肯泵hand pump assy.for stuffing box 手压泵Fire extinguisher 灭火器hand tool box 手工具箱injector 注油器lifting cap BOP吊帽trolly 防喷管支撑架parasol 阳伞work vice 台钳chain block 链葫芦tie down chain 系紧链fixed pulley 定滑轮wobble pump 手摇泵wire line clamp 钢丝绳夹wire rope sling 绳套,钢丝吊绳winch 绞车winch barrel(drum) 绞车滚筒winch brake 绞车刹车winch drive shaft universal joint 绞车主动轴万向节winch drum shaft 绞车滚动轴winch line 吊装用绳套winch control panel 绞车控制面板winch truck 吊车C. OPERATIONSRTTS Operation for Shoot andPull RTTS完井服务RTTS Operation for CementSqueezing RTTS固井服务(挤水泥)Pulling Y Block 捞Y堵塞器Open SSD(Slide Side Door) 开生产滑套Close SSD(Slide Side Door) 关生产滑套Open Circulating SSD(Slide SideDoor) 开循环滑套Close Circulating SSD(Slide SideDoor) 关循环滑套Running Gauge Cutter 通井Clean up 地面完井放喷Open Drain Valve 砸泻油阀Pulling Test Plug 捞测试阀Running Jet Pump 投射流泵Pulling Jet Pump 捞射流泵Running Flow Regulator 投配水器Pulling Flow Regulator 捞配水器Fishing Drop Bar 捞点火棒Measuring Static Pressure 测静压Measuring Flowing Pressure 测流压Measuring BHPBU(Bottom HolePressure Build Up) 测压力恢复Measuring BHP(Bottom HolePressure) Testing with Jet Pump 带泵测压(射流泵)Multi-Rate BHP(Bottom HolePressure) Testing 系统试井Slick-line Operation forCompletion 钢丝配合完井服务Slick-line Operation for acidizing 配合酸化钢丝作业Running Plug 投堵塞器Pulling Plug 捞堵塞器Run Impression Block 下铅印Running Prong 投平衡杆Sand Level detection 探沙面Run Sand Bailer 下捞砂桶Open SSSV(Sub Surface SafetyValve) by Force 强行打开井下安全阀Running Go Devil 剪切钢丝Fishing Slickline 打捞钢丝Running Side Pocket Plug 投偏心堵塞器Pulling Side pocket Plug 捞偏心堵塞器Running Side Pocket Check Valve 投偏心阀Pulling Side Pocket Check Valve 捞偏心阀Sand Sampling 取砂样Stable Test 稳定试井Slickline Swab 抽吸Running Hanger 投悬挂器Pulling Hanger 捞悬挂器D. SPARE PARTSgrease injection control head 注脂头grease oil 注脂油grease oil tank 注脂油桶BOP pump c/w hose 手压泵及管线pressure test hose 试压管线lubricator bleed off manifold 防喷管针阀Martin Decker W-15 oil 马丁代克油Martin Decker WT indicator c/w hose 指重器及管线picking for stuffing box 盘根bearing for the sheave for stuffing box 轴承O-ring for lubricator 防喷管O环ram assembly for BOP 防喷管闸板总成O-ring for BOP BOP O环O-ring for wellhead adapter 井口变扣O环pin 销钉counter head 计数头cable for counter 计数器软轴bearing of hay pulley 地滑轮轴承Part two Pressure gauge accordance 一致,和谐accuracy 精确性,正确度acquisition 获得,获得物alignment 校直,调准append 附加,添加,悬挂apply 申请,应用available 可利用的,有用的battery 电池battery housing 电池筒battery tester 电池测量器baud rate 波特率bull nose 底堵cable 电缆,电线cable head 电缆头,电缆接头calculation 计算,考虑calibration 标度,刻度,校准calibration drift 漂移calibration parameter 标定参数cartesian 笛卡儿曲线certification 证书com port 串行通讯端口command 命令,掌握,支配communicate 沟通,交流,通讯compensate 偿还,补偿configuration 构造,结构,配置,外形configure 配置,设定consist 组成,构成control panel 控制面板convert 转换,使转变cross-over between gauge 压力计间变扣crystal 水晶,晶体current 电流damage 危险,损害data acquisition 获得数据decode 解码,译解delta time 累计时间deviate 偏离diagnostic 诊断diameter 直径digital 数字的directory 目录discussion 讨论display 显示器,显示,展示downhole tools 井下工具drain 消耗,耗尽dump data 回放数据durability 耐用性element 元素,元件,成分elevated temperature 高温encoder 译码器,编码器establish 建立,安置filter 过滤,筛选firmware 固件(软件硬件相结合)fixed rate 固定采样率flash 闪光,闪现frequency 频率,周率gauge 压力计graph 图表,曲线图grease for transducer 传感器用油housing 壳,壳体incorporate 合并,混合indicate 指出,显示individual 个别的,单独的install 安装,安置instrument 工具,器械,器具interface box 接口箱interface box 接口箱internal diagnostics 内部诊断lapse 失误,下降,过失linear plot 线性平面图log 日志maintenance 维护,保持manual 手册,指南manufacture 制造,加工merge 合并,并入,结合memory 存储器,内存module 模块observe 观察,观测offer 提供,企图parallel communication 并行通信period 周期,时期plug 堵,塞,插上,插栓port 端口,港口potential 潜在的,可能的presentation 陈述,表达presentation software 操作软件printer 打印机prior 优先的,在前的procedure 步骤,手续program 程序,节目prune 剪除,修剪,删除quality 质量,品质,性质quartz 石英range 范围,射程real time 实际时间record mode 记录模式reduce 减小,缩小,简化remote control 遥控,遥控操作remove 移动,开除,移交require 请求,要求resolution 分辨率response 回答,响应scale 刻度,天平,比例尺select 选择,挑选setup 机构,安装,装备,组织silicone oil 硅油sleep mode 休眠模式spanner for gauge 压力计专用扳手SRO(surface read-out) 地面直读surpass 超过,胜过talk mode 对话模式terminal 终点终端thread grease 丝扣油transducer 传感器,变频器,交换器transient 短暂的,瞬时的transmit 传输,传送,发射信号transport 传送器,运输机transportation box 压力计箱troubleshooting 发现并修理故障truncate 截取,修剪update 更新,校正,修正upload 上载variable rate 可变采样率various 不同的,多样的version 版本,译本volt 伏特voltage 电压wand 棒,棍,杖zoom 放大,缩放Part three PVT取样air chamber plug extractor 空气室拉出手柄air chamber plug retaining ring extractor 梭管套旋出手柄air chamber tube assy 导流管air hose assy. 扫空管allen key 内六角autoclave vacuum nipple 抽真空头B/bench hose assy. 样瓶转样管back-up ring 背环compression spring 压缩弹簧filler funnel 漏斗flow regulator body 节流器flow regulator end cap 端帽flow regulator extractor 节流器拉出手柄fuse/110V 保险丝/110Vglycol 甘醇heating jacket for cylinder 样瓶加温器heating jacket for sampler 取样器加温器holder 装配手柄internal circlip 内簧卡internal circlip for cylinder 取样瓶卡环lock grubscrew 锁紧螺丝needle valve 针阀needle valve assy.extractor 针阀手柄needle valve body 针阀组件needle valve BUR former 针阀背环工具off ball 钢球off diskspring 弹簧片piston assy. 活塞总成piston removal 活塞移位工具piston ring 活塞环piston rod 活塞杆piston valve stem 梭阀杆pols-lock pin 锁定销钉pols-lock spring 锁定销钉弹簧posi lock pin depressing tool 锁定按压工具prime hand pump 注油器prime hand pump adaptor 注油器适配器prime port adaptor assy. 加压口适配器prime port nipple plug 加压口堵头prime port spanner 加压阀扳手prime pump assy. 手压泵适配器prime pump hose assy. 手压泵输出管push rod 推杆relief valve stem 调压阀杆retaining ring 制动环reversible circlip pliers 卡簧手钳safety solvent 清洗液sample analysis 试样分析,样品分析sample analyzer 试样分析器sample bailer 采样筒sample blob 井底取样器sample bomb 高压取样瓶,样品存储器sample bottle 取样瓶,采样瓶sample bottle valve adaptor 样瓶接头sample chamber 样品室sample cock 取样旋塞,取样拷克sample collection 取样,样品收集sample collection procedure 取样点,采样点sample collector 取样程序sample connection 试样收集器,采样员sample container 取样接头sample contamination 样瓶,样筒,样品容器sample cup 样品污染sample cylinder 样品杯sample cylinder tag 样瓶,样筒sample date 样瓶标签sample depth 取样日期sample frequency 采样深度sample hose 采样信号sample identification 取样井,采样井sample integrity 采样频率sample interval 样品管,采样胶皮管sample period 样品鉴定sample point 样品的真实性sample signal 取样间隔,取样速度sample well 取样周期sampler hose assy. 取样器软管总成setting screw 制动螺丝setting fork 导流叉管setting tool 空气定位销手柄setting tool 梭杆推进套shuttle mechanism assy. 触发机构tee ring seals T型密封环test gauge 压力表tool body clamp 取样器夹具tool dressing aids 更换'O'环工具torque wrench 扭矩扳手torque wrench adaptor 扭矩扳手接头torque wrench adaptor 扭矩扳手接头transfer bench assy. 转样器总成transfer lock sleeve 转样护帽transfer port adaptor 转样适配器transfer port plug 转样口堵头trigger mech. assy. 触发机构总成trigger spring 触发弹簧vacuum hand pump 真空泵vibra gauge 压力表Part four OthersAa directional engineer 定向井工程师a drilling engineer 钻井工程师a drilling supervisor 钻井监督a senior mud engineer 高级泥浆工程师a toolpusher 队长,技师abandoned drill 弃船演习accelevator 促凝剂acidity 酸性adapter 接头additive 添加剂/处理剂ahead water 先行水air chamber 空气包air hoist 气动绞车alarm 警报alkalinity 碱性泥浆比重amplitude log 声幅测井anchor 锚angle 角钢annular return velocity 泥浆返回流速annular space 环形空间annular velocity 环空流速apparent viscosity 视黏度asbestos 石棉assistant tug boat 护航船assistant driller 副钻aviation fuel 航空油Bback off 倒扣back pressure 回压back pressure valve 回压阀ball 球ball up 泥包barge engineer 平台工程师barite 重晶石bearing 轴承bearing angle 方位bed 床behind water 尾水bit 钻头bit bearing 钻头轴承bit breaker 钻头装卸器bit cost 钻头成本bit diameter 钻头直径bit gauge 钻头规bit life 钻头寿命bit nozzle 钻头水眼bit position 钻头位置bit sub 钻头接头bit time 钻头纯钻时间bit tooth 钻头牙齿bit torque 钻头扭矩bit type 钻头型号bit wear 钻头磨损blasting cap 雷管blow out 井喷blow out preventer 防喷器boiler 锅炉bolt 螺栓bolt,nut 螺丝,螺母bore hole 裸眼bore hole well 井壁boring 钻孔bottom hole 井底bottom fill 沉砂bottom hole pressure 井底压力bottom hole pressure 井底压力bottoms up 携带岩屑box 母扣brake 刹车break out 卸扣breech lock 泡栓build up 压力恢复bulk density 堆积密度;松装密度bulk tank 灰罐bumper sub 缓冲器buoyancy coefficient 浮力系数bushing 补芯butane 丁烷Ccable 电缆calcium remover 除钙剂calculating free piont 计算卡点深度calibration 刻度casing 套管,螺纹联接的兀接箍casing head 套管头casing spool 套管四通casing burst pressure 套管破裂压力casing elevator 套管吊卡casing monkey board 套管平台casing pressure 套压casing program 套管程序casing scraper 套管刮管器casing shoe 套管鞋casing sub 套管接头casing tong 套管大钳cathead 猫头cave in 坍塌cement 水泥cement basket 水泥伞cement bond log 固井质量检验cement flush 水泥冲洗cement slurry 水泥浆cement slurry for lead 先行水泥浆cementing 固井cementing line 固井管线cementing pump 固井泵center latch elevator 中开门吊卡centralizer 套管扶正器centrifugal pump 离心泵chain block 倒链change bit 换钻头chart 卡片check valve 单流阀chemical tank 化学药剂缸chemical treatment 化学处理chemicals 化学剂choke 油嘴choke line 阻流管汇choke manifold 试油树christmas tree 采油树circulating pressure 循环压力circulation 循环circulation rate 循环速度clamp 卡子clay contamination 粘土侵clock 时钟clog house 值班房cock 水龙头coefficient of friction 摩擦系数colloid 胶体completion 完井computer 计算机conductor 隔水导管cone 牙轮cone bit 牙轮钻头connector 联结器contamination of mud 泥浆污染contract 合同contractor 承包商control room 控制室conventional mud 普通泥浆cooker 炊事员core 岩心core barrel 取芯筒core bit 取芯钻头core catcher 岩心爪core gun 取芯器core handling tools 取芯工具core recovery 取芯收获率coring 取芯coupling 联接扣cover 外壳crane operator 吊车司机critical velocity 临界速度cross 十字接头cross over,x-over(XO) 大小头,短节,变扣接头,旁通管crossover sub 配合接头crown block 天车cut off workline 割大绳cylinder 缸Ddaily production 日产量deadline 死绳deadline anchor 死绳固定器deck 甲板declination 偏差/方位角degas ser 除气器dehydration 失水densimeter 密度计depth 井深derrick 井架derrick man 架工desander 除砂器desilter 沉淀池, 滤水池detonator 炸药deviation survey 井斜测量diamond bit 金刚石钻头die collar 打捞卡瓦diesel oil 柴油different pressure sticking 压差卡钻directional well 定向井discharge of pump 泵排量dispersing agent 分散剂displace 替diver 潜水员doctor 医生drag 遇阻draw works 绞车drier(dring oven) 干燥计drift angle 倾角drift mandrel 通径规drifting 通径drill pipe 钻杆drill spool 钻井四通drill stem 钻柱drill strings 钻杆拄drill water 钻井水drill collar 钻铤drill floor 钻台drill floor 钻台driller 司钻drilling 钻进drilling technician 钻井技术员drilling assembly 钻具组合drilling break 进尺突然加快drilling cost 钻井成本drilling crew 钻井队员drilling engineer 钻井工程师drilling equipment 钻井装置,钻机drilling line 大绳drilling log 钻井记录drilling ration 钻速drilling recorder 钻井记录仪drilling rig 钻井船drilling troubles 井下事故drum shaft 滚筒轴DST(drill stem test) 延长DST测试dump valve 放泄阀duplex slush pump 双缸泥浆泵DV collar 分级注水泥短接DV port DV孔E elbow 弯接头electric logging 电测electric submerged pump(ESP) 电潜泵electrician 电工elevator 吊卡elevator link 吊环emulsifier 乳化剂engine room 机舱erecting equipment 安装设备erecting tools 安装工具erode out 刺坏error 误差ethane 乙烷exploration 勘探extended well testing 延长测试external upset 外加厚Ffalse threading 造扣field maintenance 现场维护,现场保养fill line 灌泥浆管线filling up mud 灌泥浆filter cake 泥饼filter paper 滤纸filtration educing agent 降失水剂finger board 指梁fire drill 消防演习fishing 打捞fishing bumper sub 打捞缓冲器fishing jars 打捞震击器fishing job 打捞作业fishing neck 打捞颈fishing tools 打捞工具fishing up 打捞出落鱼flash welded tool joint 闪光焊接接头flashlight 手电float collar 浮箍float shoe 浮鞋floor man 钻工flow 放喷flow line 泥浆出口管线flow rate 流量flow line 出油管flow rate 流速flowing bean(nipple) 油嘴flowing pressure gradient 流压梯度fluid loss 失水量fluorescence 荧光反应formation 地层formation conductivities 地层电导率formation damage 破坏地层fracturing 压裂free pipe 未卡部分钻柱free point 自由点free standing mast 无绷绳轻便井架fresh water 淡水full hole(FH) 贯眼扣function 函数funnel viscometer 漏斗黏度计Ggamma ray 射线gamma ray log 自然测井gas reservoir 气层gas analysis 气体分析gas chromatography 气体色谱仪gas cut 气侵gas in mud 泥浆中气量gas oil ratio 油气比gas out 气侵gas showing 气体显示gasoline 汽油gauge 量规gear 牙轮gel 凝胶gel cement 胶质水泥gel mud 胶质泥浆gel strength 切力generator 发动机geothermal gradient 地温梯度goose neck 鹅颈管grade 级/等级grease 黄油guide shoe 引鞋gun perforation 射孔完井gypsum mud 石膏泥浆Hhammer 锤子hard ware 硬件heavy mud 重泥浆/加重泥浆heavy viscosity mud 高粘泥浆heavy weight drill pipe 加重钻杆heavy bodied 很稠的,粘滞的helicopter 直升飞机helicopter port 飞机平台helmet 安全帽hole opener 扩眼器hole size 井眼尺寸hole straightening 井眼校正/纠斜hook 大钩hook load 大钩负荷hook load off bottom 钻柱离底时大钩负荷hook position 大钩位置hopper 漏斗hose 软管/水龙带hull 船身hydraulic pressure 静水压力hydraulic oil 液压油hydrostatic pressure 静水压力IIF(internal flush) 内平扣indented bolt 齿纹螺栓indented chisel 齿状钻头,牙轮钻头indirect flushing 反循环洗井,反向冲洗induction electrical survey 感应电测井inertia brake 惯性刹车initial gel strength 出切inner barrel 内岩心筒inner string cementing 内管注水泥input 输入insert bit 镶齿钻头inside bop drill 安装回压凡尔演习intake profile 吸水剖面internal upset 内加厚internal-external upset 内外加厚interpreter 翻译invaded zone 侵入带invasion diameter 侵入直径inverse circulation 反洗井inverse well-flushing 反洗井isobutane 异丁烷isopentane 异戊烷Jjack knife mast 折叠式轻便井架jack up type drilling unit 自升式钻井船jars 震击器joint 单根junk basket 打捞蓝Kkelly 方钻杆kelly bushing 方钻杆补芯kelly cock 方钻杆考可kelly down 方入kelly down depth 方入深度kelly drive 方钻杆滚子补芯kelly spinner 方钻杆旋扣器kelly up 方余key seat 键槽key seating sticking 键槽卡钻kick 井涌kick control 控制井涌kill line 压井管汇killing a well 压井Llaminar flow 层流latching elevator 扣吊卡lay down 甩lay time 迟到时间leak 漏life raft 救生筏lifeboat 救生艇lift jacket 救生衣lifting sub 提升短接light weight mud 轻泥浆lignite 铁络盐lignite mud 铁络盐泥浆lime 石灰lime mud 石灰泥浆limit switch 相限开关line 管线line cleaning 管线清洗line test 管线试压liner 缸套,尾管liner hanger 尾管挂living quarters 居住区loading 装船logging cable 测井电缆logging program 测井程序logging tool 测井工具loosen 放松lost circulation 井漏lost circulation materials 堵漏剂lubricating oil 润滑油lubricator(assembly,system) 防喷管(装置,系统)Mmachine oil 机油main tug boat 主拖轮make up 上扣make up torque 上扣扭矩mast 钻机master bushing 转盘大补芯master valve 总闸门material man 材料员mean sea level 平均海平面mechanic 机械工mechanist 机械师methane 甲烷mica 云母milled teeth bit 铣齿钻头milling tool 铣具/磨鞋miring water 溶解水mixing pump 混合泵monkey board 二层台morning tour 白班motormen 机工mouse hole 鼠洞mud 泥浆mud agitator 泥浆搅拌器mud balance 泥浆密度计mud column 泥浆柱mud conditioning 泥浆处理/配泥浆mud conductivity 泥浆导电率mud density 泥浆密度mud ditch 泥浆槽mud flow meter 泥浆流量计mud gun 泥浆枪mud line 泥浆管线mud logging 泥浆录井mud pump 泥浆泵mud resistivity 泥浆电阻率mud retort 泥浆蒸馏水mud return line 泥浆返出管线mud tank 泥浆池mud temperature 泥浆温度mud testing 泥浆测试mud volume 泥浆量mud weight indicator 泥浆比重计mud tank 泥浆罐multiple completion 多层完井MW(mud weight) 泥浆重量,泥浆密度Nnail 钉子natural flow 自喷NDBOPS(nipple down blowoutpreventers) 卸下防喷器组NDT(nipple down tree) 拆卸井口装置,拆卸采油树near bit stabilizer 金钻头扶正器neutron 中子射线nipple down 卸下,拆卸nipple seating 座落接头no return 未返回水泥浆normal circulation 正循环normal butane 正丁烷normal pentane 正戊烷nozzle size 水眼尺寸nut 螺母Ooff bottom 不接触井底office 办公室oil base mud 油基泥浆oil reservoir 油层on bottom 接触井底open 打开open hole 裸眼opening 扩眼o-ring O环outer barrel 外岩心筒oven 烘箱over pulling 遇卡overshot 打捞筒Ppacker 封隔器packing 密封圈paint 油漆panel 面板paraffin plugging 蜡堵paraffin valve 清蜡闸门paraffin-treatment 清蜡处理paraffin-troubles 结蜡井parts 零件pentane 戊烷PH control additive PH控制剂phenolphthalein 酚酞pile hammer 打桩机pin 销子,公扣pincers 钳子pipe wrench 管子扳手piston 活塞piston rod 活塞杆pit drill 防喷演习pit level 泥浆液面pit level 泥浆池液面pit volume increase 泥浆增加量plastic viscosity 塑性黏度plug 水泥塞plug container 水泥头plug flow 塞流plugging back cementing 回堵注水泥pollution 污染polymer 聚合物portland cement 硅酸盐水泥potassium chlorate 氯化钾power slip 动力卡瓦power source 电源power swivel 动力水龙头power tong 动力大钳power law model 幂律模型pressure decline 压力降pressure equilibrium 压力平衡pressure gage 压力表pressure gradient 压力梯度pressure gradient 压力梯度pressure loss 压力损失pressure loss in pipe 管内压力损失pressure of mud column 泥浆柱压力pressure loss in annular 环空压力损失pressurized air 压缩空气preventer of double ram type 双闸板式防喷器production 生产propane 丙烷pry bar 撬杠,杠杆pull out of the hole 起钻pulley 滑轮pulley 滑轮pulling slip 起卡瓦pumice 浮石pump count 累计泵冲数pump efficiency 泵效pump pressure 泵压pump speed 泵速pump stroke counter 泥浆泵冲数pup joint 短接put into gear 挂挡put on break 刹车,制动PWV(production wing valve) 生产翼阀Qquick coupling 快速接头,快接管箍Rradio operator 电报员radioactivity log 放射性测井rag line 大棕绳rain density 颗粒密度rat hole 鼠洞rate of penetration 转速reamer 释放,丢手reaming 辊轴扶正器recorder 划眼red lead 记录仪reducer 丝扣油,铅油,管件润滑油regular 大小头release 正规扣relief valve 泄压阀,泄流阀reserve pit 储存池reservoir pressure 油层压力retarder 缓凝剂return 返回水泥浆return mud 反出泥浆returning fluid 井口反出液reverse circulation 反循环reverse circulation 反循环revolution 运转revolution 转数revolutions per minute 每分钟转数Reynolds number 雷诺数rig down 拆卸钻机rig up 安装钻机rig in 安装,连接rig out 拆卸ring gasket 钢圈/垫圈riser 隔水导管rope damp 绳头,绳卡rotary hose 泥浆水龙带rotary slip 转盘卡瓦rotary speed 转盘转数rotary table 转盘rotation bases 倒班roughneck 钻工roustabout 水手run casing 下套管run in the hole 下钻run length 进尺run bridge plug 下桥塞run gauge cutter 通井running tool 下入工具running in test 试车running repair 日常修理,现场维修RWTO(returned well toproduction) 井恢复生产Ssafety belt 安全带safety clamp 安全卡子safety joint 安全接头safety valve 安全阀sampling depth 取样井深sampling interval 取样间隔sand bridge 砂桥sand trouble 砂堵sandline 捞砂绳saturated salt-water mud 饱和盐水泥浆screw 螺钉seal 密封/封堵seating nipple 座落接头sea-water mud 海水泥浆sensor 传感器separater 分离器set back 立根盒setting slip 放卡瓦shaft 轴shale shaker 振动筛shallow gas 试气层shear rate 剪切速度shear pin 剪切销钉sheave 滑轮shock sub 减振器shoe guide 引鞋short trip 短起下钻shut in 关井shut in casing pressure 关井套管压力shut in drill pipe pressure 关井钻杆压力shut in pressure 关井压力shut off 关闭side wall neutron log 井壁中子测井silicon flour 硅粉silicon-controlled rectifier 可控硅整流器single joint elevator 单根吊卡single ram 单闸板slip 卡瓦slip type elevator 卡瓦式吊卡slip velocity 沉积速度slip workline 倒大绳slow pump 低泵速sludge tank 加重泥浆池slush pump 泥浆泵socket 插座solid content 固体含量sonic log 声波测井sonic wave 声波spacer 隔离液spare parts 备件spider 卡盘spontaneous potential log 自然电位测井spool 四通spring 弹簧spud in 开钻squeeze cementing 挤水泥stabilizer 扶正器stabilizing agent 稳定剂stage cementing 分级注水泥stainless steel 不锈钢stand 立柱stand pipe 立管stand the test 试验合格,经受考验standby 待机stand-by boat 值班船starting outfit 启动设备static pressure 静压steam 蒸气sticking 卡钻/被卡stinger 导向插头,引鞋,尾管stinger sub 插入式短节stop lost circulation 堵漏storm 风暴straight well 直井眼sub 接头,短接submerged pump 潜水泵substructure 井架底座sucking line 上水管线suction tank 吸入池supercharge pump 泥浆灌注泵supervisor 监督supply boat 供应船support 支架surge pressure 冲击压力suspending weight 悬重swab pressure 抽吸压力swabbing 抽吸switch 开关TT/B/G 牙齿/轴承/外径磨损table torque meter 转盘扭矩表table height 转盘高度taper milling 锥形刮刀technician 技术人员,技师tee 三通temperature log 温度测井ten minutes gel 终切test paper 试纸thread 丝扣tie back tool 回接工具tighten 上紧TOF(top of fishing) 落鱼顶部tong 大钳tong torque meter 大钳扭矩表ton-mile 吨-英里TOOH(tool out of hole) 起出下入井中的工具tool joint 钻杆接头tool pusher 钻井技师top valve 采油树清蜡闸门,试井闸门torch burner 喷灯torque 扭矩total depth 总井深total gas 气全量total pit 泥浆池总体积tour Shift 班towing 拖航transmission 传动装置/变速器traveling block 游动滑车tri-cone bit 三牙轮钻头trip 起下钻trip tank 计量罐tripping time 起下钻时间tubing 油管tubing hanger 油管挂tubing spool 油管四通tubing head 油管头tubing pressure 油压turbo drill 涡轮钻具turbulent flow 紊流twist off 脱扣typhoon 台风Uunconnect switch 非接触式开关unfreezing 解卡unlatching elevator 开吊卡unloading 卸栽upset 加厚Vvalve master 主阀variable density log 变密度测井V-door 井架大门vent pipe 放空管ventilate 放空,吹扫ventilation 通风,通风设备vertical depth 垂直深度viscosity 黏度volume inside pipe 管内容量volume of annulus 环空容量WW.O.O(wait on orders) 等待指令wait on 等指令wait on cement 候凝wait on(stand by) 待命walkie-talkie 对讲机wall scraper 井壁刮刀WAP(well performance analysis) 井的动态分析warning board 警告牌wash over 洗井,套洗,冲刷wash tank 洗罐,分离罐washer 洗衣机wash-over fishing operation 套洗打捞作业,套洗落鱼作业water flood pump(injection) 注水泵water flush 水循环洗井water injector(injection well) 注水井water lost(WL) 泥浆失水wax containing crude 含蜡原油waxy 蜡,蜡状物,含蜡的WDBS(weight going down before sticking) 仪器遇阻前下行重量weather 气候WEG(wireline entry guide) 喇叭口weight in air 空气中重量weight in mud 泥浆中重量weight indicator 指重表weight material 加重剂weight on bit 钻压weighted mud 重泥浆/加重泥浆welder 电焊工well 井well cleaning 洗井well head 井口well head assembly 井口装置well head pressure 井口压力well shooting 地震测井well bean 井口油嘴well blowout 井喷well bore clean up 洗井, well cementation 固井,挤水泥well cementing operation 固井作业well completing data 完井资料,数据well completing fluid 完井液well completing information 完井资料,well completing test 完井测试well completion 完井well condition 井况well control device 井控装置well control equipment 井控设备well control fluid 压井液well control information 井控资料well control manifold 井口控制管汇well control operation 压井作业well deflection 井斜well flow under balance 诱喷well killing 压井well killing job 压井作业well killing method 压井方法well performance testing 系统试井,井动态测试,井生产测试well pulling job 起油管作业well pulling service 修井起下作业well sampling 井下取样well sand up 油井砂堵well screen 油井筛管well service tank 修井液罐well service hoist 修井机well service work 修井作业well site illumination 井场照明well testing supervisor 试油,测试监督well-completion practice 完井作业wellhead cap 井口帽wellhead choke 井口油嘴wellhead control valve 井口总阀门wellhead tap 井口短节wetting agent 润滑剂WHP(wellhead platform) 井口平台wiper trip 通井wire 钢丝wire line(WL) 电缆work accident 操作事故work assignment 工作安排work string reciprocation 工作管柱上下往复运动work the pipe free 活动管柱使之解卡working instruction 作业指令working pressure 工作压力workline 大绳workover 修井,修理,大修workover barge 修井船workover derrick 修井井架workover job(operation) 修井作业workover rig 修井设备,作业机workover riser 修井立管WOST(waiting on standard tools) 等待标准工具WOT(waiting on test,waiting ontools)) 等待,等待工具WOW(waiting on weather,waiting onworkboat) 等待天气好转,等待工作船wrecking bar 撬杠,橇棍wrench 扳手,板钳wrench set 成套扳手WS(well shut-in,wind speed,workspace) 关井,风速,工作区WSP(work system package) 作业系统组装设备WTA(well test analysis) 试井分析WTI(well test interretation) 试井解释WT-IND(weight indicator) 指重表WTO(well testing operator) 试油,试井操作工WUBS(weight going up beforesticking) 仪器遇卡前上行重量XX-mas tree(christmas tree) 采油树xosub 大小头,异径接头YY block Y型堵塞器Y-bend Y型管,分叉弯头Y-branch Y型支管,分叉管yellow dog 井架用灯Y-joint Y型接头,分叉接头Y-junction 星型连接yoke 套圈,箍圈,结合YO-YO (下井仪)上下移动Zzonal testing(zonation test) 分层测试zonal withdrawal 分层开采zone of lost circulation 漏失层zone by zone production 逐层生产测试。
Bc.稠度单位consistometer 稠化仪p ressure loss in annulars环空压力损失surge tank缓冲罐vertical Depth 垂深well head井口logging测井spacer and washes冲洗隔离液displacement rate替浆速度BWOC A水泥重量百分比BWOW混合水重量百分比SG比重BHSP井底静止压力cooling system冷却系统MD pressure recorder马丁压力记录仪displacement tank计量柜bulk silo灰罐mixing water tank水柜butterfly Vavle蝶阀densometer密度计safety valve安全阀swage循环头bulk volume散装体积rabbit通径规air compressor空压机inner string cementing内管注水泥casing programe套管程序hammer榔头bulk weight散装密度radio room电报房tighten上紧loosen卸松TD井深directional well定向井vertical well直井supervisor监督surface casing表层套管technical casing技术套管make up上扣break out卸扣bump碰压diesel engine柴油机diesel柴油engine Oil机油cementing pump固井泵union由壬low-troq valve旋塞top plug顶塞hose软管floating shoe浮鞋inner string内管柱casing套管pump pressure泵压consistency稠度valve凡尔swivel joint活络弯头spring centrilzier弹性扶正器stop collar止动环thread丝扣liner尾管screw driver镙丝刀contact Time接触时间critical Rate B.临界流速radio man电报员captain船长assistant driller副司钻solid content固体含量gel strength切力Over lap重叠段Mud conditioning调整泥浆Reynolds Number雷诺数batch mixer批混罐field Mixing现场混浆mud Cap比重计slurry stability浆体稳定性high viscosity mud高粘泥浆absolute volume绝对体积bore气门piston活塞cross head十字头bearing轴承mixing tub混浆池cutting bottle切割罐slip卡瓦4-Stroke四冲程idle speed怠速fuel filter燃油过滤器power end动力端fluid end液力端gear box变速箱thread lock丝扣胶pressure gauge压力表plunger柱塞valve seat凡尔座packing盘根recirculation pump再循环泵ADC自动混浆系统cap堵头loop回形管manifold管汇tee piece三通bridge plug桥塞retainer承留器mechanical setting tools机械座封工具setting tools液压座封工具wireline kits电缆座封接头packer封隔器RTTS packer可回收封隔器storm valve风暴阀plunger档销quick latch快卡Swedge循环头Casing plug套管胶塞Bottom plug底塞Dart钻杆胶塞Dart container钻杆胶塞桶SSR plug水下释放塞rigid centrilzier刚性扶正器float collar浮箍multistage cementing多级固井viscometer粘度计shift档位shackle卸扣sling吊具throttle油门bulk air system吹灰系统choke and kill manifold阻流压井管汇viscometer粘度计corrosion腐蚀cement basket水泥篮reamer shoe磨鞋transmission变矩器stage collar分级箍floatation collar飘浮接箍liner尾管liner hanger尾管挂cylinder气缸heat exchanger热交换器elevator吊卡formation地层sandston砂岩gas Cap气顶reservoir储层trap圈闭permeability渗透率resistivity电阻率pressure test试压break circulation通水drop plug投塞crane operator吊车司机check valve单流阀TVD垂深ECD循环当量动压shoe track管鞋production casing生产套管cement水泥fluidloss agent降失水剂dispersant分散剂retarder缓凝剂accelerator早强剂microsphere漂珠strength Enhancer增强剂defoamer消泡剂associated agent胶联剂preflush冲洗液dpacer隔离液bentointe搬土drill water钻井水sea water海水cement slurry水泥浆lab testing试验laboratory试验室fluid loss失水free water自由水compressive strength抗压强度thickening time稠化时间pumping time可泵时间initial Thickness初始稠度BHST静止温度BHCT循环温度temperature Gradient温度梯度pressure压力yield造浆率mixing water水灰比initial Setting初凝final Setting终凝relief valve泄压阀CSG cementing head套管水泥头DP cementing head钻杆水泥头quick-latch sub快速接头bottom hole assembly底部钻具组合mud logging unit泥浆录井仪displacement efficiency顶替效率well preparation井眼准备mud conditioning调整泥浆reaming划眼mud removal替尽泥浆slurry stability浆体稳定性pick up sub提升短节adjustable wrench活动扳手chain tongs链钳bar撬杠inclination井斜角azimuth方位角excess on caliper水泥浆附加量blender干混罐rig office平台办公室sidetrack plug侧钻水泥塞P&A弃井水泥塞plug back回填水泥塞ERD well大位移井horizontal well水平井gel胶凝flash set闪凝casing thread compound丝扣油filtrate失水仪expander膨胀剂latex胶乳dilica硅粉dtabilizer稳定剂rheology流变性shear rate剪切速率curing time养护时间extender减轻剂turbulant flow紊流recreation room娱乐室effective laminar flow有效层流sedimentation沉淀geologist地质师mud logger录井工wireline logging engineer电测工程师hydration水化作用sulfate resistance抗硫sedimentary Rocks沉积岩cement sheath水泥环porosity孔隙度dicalcium silicate硅酸二钙zonal isolation层间封隔petroleum geology石油地质wellbore skin factor表皮系数guide bushing retainers导向架ESD循环当量静压CIP顶替到位wiper gland刮油环landing point着陆点kick off point造斜点shallow gas浅层气ROP进尺total gas气全量sensor传感器CIF到岸价FOB离岸价bid标书contract合同derrick井架dicalcium silicate硅酸二钙worm and ring gears涡轮涡杆crank shaft曲轴connection rod连杆pipe wrench管钳hydration水化作用sulfate resistance抗硫pressure loss in annulars环空压力损失effective laminar flow有效层流mess room餐厅hook load大钩负荷SBT扇区水泥胶结测井pipe movement活动钻具reverse circulation反循环normal circulation正循环annular velocity环空返速swivel equalizer平衡阀squeeze cement挤水泥pressurize curing chamber增压养护釜atmosphere curing chamber常压养护釜thixotropic cement触变水泥gas migration气窜UCA超声波强度仪tricalcium silicate硅酸三钙tricalcium aluminate铝酸三钙dog house司钻房circulating pressure循环压力turbulant flow紊流laminar flow层流power law model幂律模型oil base mud油基泥浆barite重晶石yield point泥浆屈服点wiper trip通井lost circulation井漏。
6、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。——斯宾诺莎 7、自知之明是最难得的知识。——西班牙 8、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。——塞内加 9、有时候读书是一种巧妙地避开思考的方法。——赫尔普斯 10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。——笛卡儿
6、法律的基础有两个,而且只有两个……公平和实用。——伯克 7、有两种和平的暴力,那就是法律和礼节。——歌德
8、法律就是秩序,有好的法律才有好的秩序。——亚里士多德 9、上帝把法律和公平凑合在一起,可是人类却把它拆开。——查·科尔顿 10、一切法律都是无用的,因为好人用不着它们,而坏人又不会因为它们而变得规矩起来。——德谟耶克斯
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Yantai Jereh Oilfield Services Co., Ltd. 固井专业词汇Yantai Jereh Oilfield Services Co., Ltd.Yantai Jereh Oilfield Services Co., Ltd.Yantai Jereh Oilfield Services Co., Ltd.Yantai Jereh Oilfield Services Co., Ltd.Yantai Jereh Oilfield Services Co., Ltd.Yantai Jereh Oilfield Services Co., Ltd.Yantai Jereh Oilfield Services Co., Ltd.Yantai Jereh Oilfield Services Co., Ltd.Yantai Jereh Oilfield Services Co., Ltd.Yantai Jereh Oilfield Services Co., Ltd.Yantai Jereh Oilfield Services Co., Ltd.Yantai Jereh Oilfield Services Co., Ltd.附录:常用石油单位换算长度1千米(km)=0.621英里(mile)1米(m)=3.281英尺(ft)=1.094码(yd)1厘米(cm)=0.394英寸(in)1埃=10-10米(m)1英里(mile)=1.609千米(km)1英寻(fm)=1.829(m) 1英尺(ft)=0.3048米(m)1英寸(in)=2.54厘米(cm)1海里(n mile)=1.852千米(km)1链=66英尺(ft)=20.1168米 1码(yd)=0.9144米(m)1密耳(mil)=0.0254毫米(mm)1英尺(ft)=12英寸(in)1码(yd)=3英尺(ft) 1杆(rad)=16.5英尺(ft)1英里(mile)=5280英尺(ft)1海里(n mile)=1.1516英里(mile)面积1平方公里(km2)=100公顷(ha)=247.1英亩(acre)=0.386平方英里(mile2)1平方米(m2)=10.764平方英尺(ft2) 1公亩(are)=100平方米(m2)1公顷(ha)=10000平方米(m2)=2.471英亩(acre)1平方英里(mile2)=2.590平方公里(km2) 1英亩(acre)=0.4047公顷(ha)=4.047×10-3平方公里(km2)=4047平方米(m2)1平方英尺(ft2)=0.093平方米(m2) 1平方英寸(in2)=6.452平方厘米(cm2)1平方码(yd2)=0.8361平方米(m2)体积1立方米(m3)=1000升(liter)=35.315立方英尺(ft3)=6.29桶(bbl)1立方英尺(ft3)=0.0283立方米(m3)=28.317升(liter) 1千立方英尺(mcf)=28.317立方米(m3)1百万立方英尺(MMcf)=2.8317万立方米(m3)10亿立方英尺(bcf)=2831.7万立方米(m3) 1万亿立方英尺(tcf)=283.17亿立方米(m3)1立方英寸(in3)=16.3871立方厘米(cm3)1英亩·英尺=1234立方米(m3) 1桶(bbl)=0.159立方米(m3)=42美加仑(gal)1美加仑(gal)=3.785升(1)1美夸脱(qt)=0.946升(1) 1美品脱(pt)=0.473升(1) 1美吉耳(gi)=0.118升(1) 1英加仑(gal)=4.546升(1)质量1吨(t)=1000千克(kg)=2205磅(lb)=1.102短吨(sh.ton)=0.984长吨(long ton)1千克(kg)=2.205磅(lb) 1短吨(sh.ton)=0.907吨(t)=2000磅(lb)1长吨(long ton)=1.016吨(t) 1磅(lb)=0.454千克(kg)[常衡] 1盎司(oz)=28.350克(g)密度1千克/米3(kg/m3)=0.001克/厘米3(g/cm3)=0.0624磅/英尺3(lb/ft3)1磅/英尺3(lb/ft3)=16.02千克/米3(kg/m3) 1磅/英寸3(lb/in3)=27679.9千克/米3(kg/m3)1磅/美加仑(lb/gal)=119.826千克/米3(kg/m3)1磅/英加仑(lb/gal)=99.776千克/米3(kg/m3) 1磅/(石油)桶(lb/bbl)=2.853千克/米3(kg/m3)1波美密度(B)=140/15.5℃时的比重-130 API度=141.5/15.5℃时的比重-131.5运动粘度1英尺2/秒(ft2/s)=9.29030×10-2米2/秒(m2/s)1斯(St)=10-4米2/秒(m2/s)=1厘米2/秒(cm2/s)1厘斯(cSt)=10-6米2/秒(m2/s)=1毫米2/秒(mm2/s)动力粘度1泊(P)=0.1帕·秒(Pa·s)1厘泊(cP)=10-3帕·秒(Pa·s)1千克力秒/米2(kgf·s、m2)=9.80665帕·秒(Pa·s) 1磅力秒/英尺2(lbf·s/ft2)=47.8803帕·秒(Pa·s)力1牛顿(N)=0.225磅力(lbf)=0.102千克力(kgf)1千克力(kgf)=9.81牛(N)1磅力(lbf)=4.45牛顿(N) 1达因(dyn)=10-5牛顿(N)压力1巴(bar)=105帕(Pa)1千帕(kPa)=0.145磅力/英寸2(psi)=0.0102千克力/厘米2(kgf/cm2)=0.0098大气压(atm) 1磅力/英寸2(psi)=6.895千帕(kPa)=0.0703千克力/厘米2(kg/cm2)=0.0689巴(bar)=0.068大气压(atm) 1物理大气压(atm)=101.325千帕(kPa)=14.696磅/英寸2(psi)=1.0333巴(bar)1工程大气压=98.0665千帕(kPa) 1毫米水柱(mmH2O)=9.80665帕(Pa)1毫米汞柱(mmHg)=133.322帕(Pa)1托(Torr)=133.322帕(Pa) 1达因/厘米2(dyn/cm2)=0.1帕(Pa)温度K=5/9(°F+459.67)K=℃+273.15 n°F=[(n-32)×5/9]℃ n℃=(5/9·n+32) °F 1°F=5/9℃(温度差)传热系数1千卡/(米2·时·℃)〔1kcal/(m2·h·℃)〕=1.16279瓦/(米2·开尔文)〔w/(m2·K)〕1英热单位/(英尺2·时·°F)〔Btu/(ft2·h·°F)〕 =5.67826瓦/(米2·开尔文)〔(w/m2·K)〕1米2·时·℃/千卡(m2·h·℃/kcal) =0.86000米2·开尔文/瓦(m2·K/W) 1千卡/米2·时(kcal/m2·h)=1.16279瓦/米2(w/m2)热导率1千卡(米·时·℃)〔kcal/(m·h·℃)〕=1.16279瓦/(米·开尔文)〔W/(m·K)〕1英热单位/(英尺·时·°F)〔But/(ft·h·°F)〕=1.7303瓦/(米·开尔文)〔W/(m·K)〕比容热1千卡/(千克·℃)〔kcal/(kg·℃)〕=1英热单位/(磅·°F)〔Btu/(lb·°F)〕=4186.8焦耳/(千克·开尔文)〔J/(kg·K)〕热功1焦耳=0.10204千克·米=2.778×10-7千瓦·小时=3.777×10-7公制马力小时=3.723×10-7英制马力小时=2.389×10-4千卡=9.48×10-4英热单位 1卡(cal)=4.1868焦耳(J)1英热单位(Btu)=1055.06焦耳(J)1千克力米(kgf·m)=9.80665焦耳(J)1英尺磅力(ft·lbf)=1.35582焦耳(J) 1米制马力小时(hp·h)=2.64779×106焦耳(J)1英马力小时(UKHp·h)=2.68452×106焦耳 1千瓦小时(kW·h)=3.6×106焦耳(J)1大卡=4186.75焦耳(J)功率1千克力·米/秒(kgf·m/s)=9.80665瓦(w)1米制马力(hp)=735.499瓦(W)1卡/秒(cal/s)=4.1868瓦(W) 1英热单位/时(Btu/h)=0.293071瓦(W)速度1英尺/秒(ft/s)=0.3048米/秒(m/s)1英里/时(mile/h)=0.44704米/秒(m/s)渗透率1达西=1000毫达西1平方厘米(cm2)=9.81×107达西地温梯度1°F/100英尺=1.8℃/100米(℃/m)1℃/公里=2.9°F/英里(°F/mile)=0.055°F/100英尺(°F/ft)油气产量1桶(bbl)=0.14吨(t)(原油,全球平均)1吨(t)=7.3桶(bbl)(原油,全球平均)1桶/日(bpd)=50吨/年(t/a)(原油,全球平均) 1千立方英尺/日(Mcfd)=28.32立方米/日(m3/d)=1.0336万立米/年(m3/a)1百万立方英尺/日(MMcfd)=2.832万立方米/日(m3/d)=1033.55万立方米/年(m3/a)10亿立方英尺/日(bcfd)=0.2832亿立方米/日(m3/d)=103.36亿立方米/年(m3/a)1万亿立方英尺/日(tcfd)=283.2亿立方米/日(m3/d)=10.336万亿立方米/年(m3/a)气油比1立方英尺/桶(cuft/bbl)=0.2067立方米/吨(m3/t)热值1桶原油=5.8×106英热单位(Btu)1立方米湿气=3.909×104英热单位(Btu)1立方米干气=3.577×104英热单位(Btu) 1吨煤=2.406×107英热单位(Btu)1千瓦小时水电=1.0235×104英热(Btu)热当量1桶原油=5800立方英尺天然气(按平均热值计算)1千克原油=1.4286千克标准煤1立方米天然气=1.3300千克标准煤。