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Unit9 My favorite subject is science.单元练习


1. --- is your favorite movie?

--- X-Man, of course.

A. How

B. Who

C. Whose

D. What

2. --- What's favourite colour?

--- favourite colour is green.

A. his; His

B. his; Her

C. her; His

D. your; Your

3. --- When is Jay's concert?

--- It's three o'clock the afternoon of July 18th.

A. at; in

B. at; on

C. on; in

D. in; on

4. --- When did the earthquake in Lushan happen?

--- It happened 8:02 the morning of April 20, 2013.

A. on; in

B. at; in

C. at; on

D. on; on

5. --- does she koalas?

--- Because they're interesting.

A. Why; likes

B. What; like

C. Why; like

D. What; likes

6. Where your Chinese teacher ?

A. does; come from

B. is; come from

C. does; be from

D. is; comes from

7. --- your father?

--- He's a teacher.

A. What

B. How

C. Who

D. What's

8. When your father's birthday?

A. is

B. was

C. are

D. do

9. --- ?

--- At a hotel.

A. When does Scott work

B. When Scott works

C. Where does Scott work

D. Where does Scott works

10. --- your sisters ?

--- They work in a bank.

A. What does; do

B. What do; do

C. Where do; works

D. Where do; work

11. --- is your favorite festival?

--- Children's Day. On that day I can get some nice things from my parents.

A. What

B. When

C. Where

D. Why

12. Yao Ming is my favourite basketball player. I really like .

A. he

B. him

C. his

D. her

13. --- When did this accident happen?

--- It happened six o'clock the afternoon of last Monday.

A. at; in

B. in; on

C. about; at

D. at; on

14. Mr. Brown arrived at the airport 5 o'clock the evening of Saturday.

A. at; on

B. at; of

C. in; in

D. on; on

15. --- Why he like pandas?

--- Because it's from China.

A. is

B. are

C. do

D. does


16. Some students think s is the most difficult subject.

17. We can learn about famous mountains and rivers in g class.

18. China is a great country(国家) with a long(长的) h .

19. M is my favourite day of the week because we have a computer lesson in the afternoon.

20. We go to school from Monday to F .

21. We don't go to school on S or Sunday.

22. The third day of the week is T .

23. W is the fourth day of a week.

24. It's a u book. You can learn a lot from it.

25. The day after Wednesday is T .


26. At last Jim found Chinese very (有用).

27. Classes begin at 7:40 a.m. and (结束) at 5:00 p.m.

28. Which do you think is the (酷的) thing in your room?

29. I like to play ping-pong on (星期日) morning.

30. David has some Chinese (功课) every week.

31. I will be (空闲的) after five o'clock this Sunday.

32. We study many (科目) at school.

33. Wang Yaping gave a (科学) class from above the earth.

34. I'd rather go to the (历史) Museum.

35. I have (地理) and history on Monday afternoon.

36. Wang Ying, are you free this (星期六)?

37. We usually have some PE activities on (星期五) afternoon.

38. Today is (星期二), February 18th. I'm on duty.

39. It's ( 星期三 ) today.

40. My (最喜爱的) subject is science.

