











英国爱丁堡大学宿舍介绍,选择攻略bynegative 住宿问题是很多来英国留学的同学都非常关注的问题,今天我就来说说爱丁堡大学宿舍的方方面面吧,供同学们参考,先注明,这些信息每学期都可能发生变化喔,所以仅供参考。 爱丁堡大学的宿舍政策 如果你是一年级本科新生,或者是来自非欧盟国家的本科、研究生的第一年,只要你满足一下条件,你将获得爱丁堡大学的guaranteedaccommodation:确保您在今年7月之前申请 确保您在今年8月前拿到unconditionalfirmoffer 您在以前不生活在爱丁堡(这不是废话吗……) 是全日制学生,而且在今年九月入学(更加废话,不入学我申宿舍干嘛去?!) 爱丁堡大学的包饭宿舍 位置: 本大学提供的所有包饭宿舍均在处于HolyroodParkRoad的PollockHalls(PH)宿舍区。该宿舍区距离GeorgeSquare(GS)步行大约20分钟(不太远,权当早起锻炼,每天锻炼半小时,健康工作五十年,幸福生活一辈子啊,听话),步行至KingsBuildings(KB)大约需要30分钟。而这个宿舍区恰好处在Arthur'sSeat(一座死火山,妈妈呀,火山-_-……还亚瑟的宝座呢……)旁边,有很好的景致(火山喷发造成的?!)而且你能很容易找到回家的路(我彻底的无语了,火山,哈) 如果你分配到包饭宿舍,您将被安置在下面的houses中: *Chancellor'sCourt(有ensuit) *Baird *Ewing *Grant *Holland(有ensuit) *Lee *Masson(有ensuit) *Turner *JohnBurnettHouse(最新的,也是为研究生提供包饭宿舍的区域) 餐食 每周五至周六供应早餐和晚餐,周末则供应brunch和晚餐。开饭时间,我记得应该是:早餐7:45到10点(真好,不像我现在那个破学校,8点就没了),晚餐5:00到7:30,周末brunch11:30到下午2:00。就食物的质量来讲,相对于这么大规模的制作还是不错的。 比如早餐,你可以选择培根、鸡蛋、beans、香肠、hashbrowns(啥米东东?!)、黑白吐司(应该是全麦和普通土司),黄油和果酱(不抹怎么吃土司?!!)、pancakes和糖浆、面包、各式玉米片(Java的最爱的说……玉米片+蜂蜜)、羊角面包(话说抹着黄油很好吃)、燕麦粥(呃……)普通水果(苹果、橙子、香蕉,那特种水果是啥?我这亚热带来的人香蕉不能满足我的胃口,灭哈哈哈……)、果汁、酸奶和梅干(应该是扔在酸奶里边一块吃的) 插一句,话说这英式早餐,还真的不能随便乱吃,这么多肉和油腻的,吃了早饭就甭吃午饭了吧……不然一年以后,一个人变俩。


爱丁堡大学电子工程学院 中国学生申请2+2项目手册 2006—2007年

目录 1 简介 (4) 2 我在爱丁堡大学可以学习什么? (5) 2.1 化工 (5) 2.2 市政环境工程 (5) 2.3 电子电器工程 (5) 2.4 机械工程 (5) 3 为什么我要在爱丁堡大学学习 (6) 3.1 大学的声誉 (6) 3.2 爱丁堡大学电子工程学院的声誉 (6) 3.3 毕业后的前景 (6) 4 爱丁堡在那里,爱丁堡是什么样子? (7) 4.1 苏格兰 (7) 4.2 爱丁堡市 (7) 4.3 住宿 (7) 5 费用 (8) 5.1 住宿 (8) 5.2 生活费 (8) 5.3 学费 (8) 6 我原意申请,现在要做些什么? (9) 6.1 2+2项目的专业 (9) 6.2 在中国的第一年和第二年的学习成绩 (9) 6.3 英语入学标准 (9) 6.4 现在开始准备 (9) 7 如何申请爱丁堡大学 (10) 7.1 申请2+2项目 (10) 7.2 面试 (10) 7.3 面试之后 (10) 7.4 雅思成绩 (10) 7.5 得到录取通知书 (10) 8 被录取之后应做些什么? (11) 8.1 签证 (11) 8.2 英语语言课程 (11) 8.3 在进修英语期间的住宿 (11) 8.4 额外的辅导 (11) 8.5 学习 (11)

8.6 在学习期间的住宿 (11) 8.7 学费 (11) 9 其它信息 (12) 9.1 有用的网址 (12) 9.2 检查项目 (12) 9.3 联络信息 (12)

1 简介 爱丁堡大学电子工程学院与中国若干所大学都有2+2合作项目,旨在吸收这些优秀的大学二年级的学生进入爱丁堡大学继续完成第三年和第四年的学习。考核成绩合格后,可以得到爱丁堡大学授予的工程学士学位。 目前参与此2+2项目的大学有: ●大连理工大学(大连) ●辽宁石油化工大学(抚顺) ●深圳大学(深圳) ●华南理工大学(广州)


https://www.360docs.net/doc/504381990.html,/ 英国留学须知:2016年TIMES英国大学排名 2016年TIMES英国大学排名新鲜出炉,剑桥大学荣登榜首!还有哪些学校的名词有变化呢? 跟芥末酱一起看看吧~~ 2016排名2015排名学校名称学校英文名 1 1 剑桥大学University of Cambridge 2 1 牛津大学University of Oxford 3 4 帝国理工学院Imperial College London 4 3 圣安德鲁斯大学University of St Andrews 5 6 杜伦大学Durham University 6 8 华威大学University of Warwick 7 7 埃克塞特大学University of Exeter 8 11 萨里大学University of Surrey London School of Economics and Political 9 5 伦敦政治经济学院 Science 10 9 伦敦大学学院University College London 11 12 兰卡斯特大学Lancaster University 12 10 巴斯大学University of Bath 13 13 拉夫堡大学Loughborough University 14 17 利兹大学University of Leeds

https://www.360docs.net/doc/504381990.html,/ 15 16 约克大学(英国)University of York 16 18 南安普敦大学University of Southampton 17 15 伯明翰大学University of Birmingham 18 14 东安格利亚大学University of East Anglia 19 25 萨塞克斯大学University of Sussex 20 19 布里斯托大学University of Bristol 21 21 谢菲尔德大学University of Sheffield 22 22 爱丁堡大学University of Edinburgh 23 30 肯特大学University of Kent 23 22 纽卡斯尔大学(英国)Newcastle University 25 22 诺丁汉大学University of Nottingham 26 26 格拉斯哥大学University of Glasgow 27 29 伦敦大学国王学院King's College London 28 20 莱斯特大学University of Leicester 28 28 曼彻斯特大学University of Manchester 30 34 阿斯顿大学Aston University Birmingham 31 38 贝尔法斯特女王大学Queen's University, Belfast 32 33 雷丁大学University of Reading 33 27 卡迪夫大学Cardiff University 34 37 伦敦大学玛丽女王学院Queen Mary, University of London 35 32 埃塞克斯大学University of Essex 36 34 伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院Royal Holloway, University of London


英国英语教育研究生专业的全面介绍 TESOL专业 英国TESOL专业是“Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages”的缩写,中文翻译是“对外英语教学”。英语教学的对象 依其母语可分成两群:英语是母语的人(如美国人,英国人,加拿大人) 和英语非母语的人(如南美洲人,中国人,法国人).TESOL的教学对象是 第二群.因为是“对外”,所以TESOL教学方法特别考虑到学习者的母 语和文化背景。以中文教学做比喻,给一个在中国长大的孩子教中文 和给一个在美国长大的孩子教中文,教学方法当然会是不一样。特别 要澄清的是:TESOL的主题是“英语教学”而不是“英语”.取得了 “外语”或“外文”学位的人不一定自不过然地具备了英语教学的条件。 “英语教学”是一个专业,有它特别的知识,特别的资格要求。TESOL证书作为一项国际英语教师的职业资格证书,TESOL已经被国际 上80多个国家的5000多所学校认可。在英国、美国、澳大利亚等英 语国家,绝大部分学校和语言培训机构都认可TESOL证书。当前,已 经有包括中国在内的80多个国家和地区开设了TESOL课程。 这类专业故名思议就是Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages,主要学习的会是包括英语教学方式,方法,文化区别以及 语言架构等之类课程。 TESOL专业比较好的学校:剑桥,华威,杜伦,爱丁堡,谢菲尔德 Education专业 教育学是研究人类教育现象和问题、揭示一般教育规律的一门社 会科学。教育学能够是整体也能够是细分。从宏观角度来说,教育学 是一个大的概念,它其中包括高等教育学,基础教育学,学前教育学,特殊教育学,比较教育学,成人教育学等等。从微观角度来看,教育


Self-guided tour George Square campus and surrounding area Walk towards the Business School - The first modern building on your left, opened in 2014 and is home to the School of Literatures, Languages & Cultures. T urn around and return to the NE corner of George Square. 50 George Square 11Completed in 1966, the building is named after physicist Sir Edward Appleton. Recently redeveloped with teaching space used by a variety of subjects, as well as a café, computer labs, and social spaces. Appleton Tower 12 Designed by Bennetts Associates, the Informatics Forum has won numerous awards for its environmentally sustainable design and is used purely for research. T urn right onto Charles Street to pass the University’s Visitors Centre, and the Dugald Stewart Building, which houses the School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences. This space provides a state-of-the art centre for innovation and interaction, cutting-edge technology and flexible teaching space. Informatics Forum & Dugald Stewart Building 13On your left is T eviot Row House, the oldest purpose built Students’ Union in the world, opened in 1889. The building is now run by Edinburgh University Students’ Association (EUSA), and boasts five bars, a debating chamber, dining room, refectory and several meeting rooms. Often referred to as ‘Hogwarts’ by tourists; feel free to go in. Teviot Row House 14On exiting T eviot Row House, the large circular building on your left is McEwan Hall, financed by Sir William McEwan, MP for Central Edinburgh and founder of the famous city brewery. Once Edinburgh’s premier concert venue, McEwan Hall is currently undergoing redevelopment and normally hosts graduation ceremonies and exams. Designed by Sir Robert Rowand Anderson, and completed in 1897, the interior was designed by William Palin with the images decorating the ceiling representing the various subjects offered by the University. McEwan Hall 15On the opposite side of Bristo Square is Potterrow, another of the four Students’ Association buildings and a lively and popular place to meet friends. Go in and see the student facilities for yourself, which include banks, a shop, a café, a bar and the Chaplaincy Centre, which offers support for students of all faiths and none. Potterrow is also home to The Venue which hosts numerous themed nights throughout the year including gigs, ceilidhs, and a student club night called Big Cheese. Next to Potterrow is the Richard Verney Health Centre. Potterrow 16Old College 17Exit Potterrow by the main door and turn right. Follow the railing and continue through the underpass and go along West College Street to enter Old College via the arch on your right. This concludes the main self-guided tour. From the archway of Old College you are a 10 minute walk from Princes Street, and Waverley Train Station, however time permitting, we recommend extending your tour to include the following optional University sights. Upon exiting Old College turn right, and then left onto Drummond Street. Continue to the end of Drummond Street and cross the road at the pedestrian lights. You will see the Centre for Sport and Exercise straight ahead of you, which has recently undergone a £4.8 million extension and refurbishment. If you turn right, slightly further up the hill you will find the Pleasance Student Union on your left. Built by Alexander Paterson and Thomas Dott in 1791, it is used by EUSA, as well as being a prominent venue during the Fringe. The Pleasance building itself has various committee rooms, as well as a theatre and bar. The Pleasance / Centre for Sport and Exercise A Leaving the Pleasance by the main entrance, turn right, back down the hill, until you reach the crossroads at the bottom. T urn right and continue down Holyrood Road. On your right you will see St Leonard’s Land, which houses Physical Education and the University swimming pool. Directly across the road is Moray House School of Education. Further along Holyrood Road, there is the Scottish Parliament, Holyrood Palace and Holyrood Park. St Leonard’s Land / Moray House B Retrace your steps back up Holyrood Road to the crossroads. Go straight across the junction, onto the Cowgate. There is a narrow cobbled road (High School Wynd) on the left which leads steeply up to Infirmary Street. Walk up and follow the curve to the right. Cross the road at the top and you will find yourself back at the main entrance to Old College. With your back to the main entrance to Old College, turn left and left again onto Chambers Street. Adam House, on the north side of Chambers Street, is a modernistic neo-classical building built 1955, and thought to be named after architect Robert Adam. T oday it is used for matriculation, exams and theatre productions. As you continue to walk along you will pass Minto House, home to Architectural Studies and History of Art, and the National Museum of Scotland. T urn left at the top of Chambers Street. Chambers Street C In front of you, where the road splits, you will see the Bedlam Theatre. The former North Free Church was designed by architect Thomas Hamilton and built in 1846. In 1941 the church closed and the building is now home to the University of Edinburgh Theatre Company, showing over 40 productions every year. The name Bedlam is attributed to the building’s proximity to Edinburgh’s first mental health hospital. Bedlam Theatre D T ake the right hand fork onto Forrest Road, and continue to the traffic lights at the end. Cross to the left, down T eviot Place. On your right walk through a large archway with iron gates. Originally part of the Medical School this Grade A listed building has been refurbished to unite the School of History, Classics and Archaeology under one roof. The building is named after William Robertson (1721-1793), who studied Divinity at the University and was appointed to the role of University Principal in 1762. William Robertson Wing / Old Medical School and Nursing E Staying in the quadrangle, the Old Medical School is on your left hand side. You can find the Anatomy Lecture Theatre here; which is still used for 1st and 2nd year Medicine lectures. Nursing is also taught in this building. The School of Medicine was given formal recognition in 1726 and has since developed an impressive international reputation for both teaching and research. The Old Medical School where you now stand was completed in 1886. The 1800s were known for the grisly trade in dead bodies, when recently deceased corpses were illegally sold to the science of anatomy. A secret tunnel between College Wynd and the University’s anatomy theatre was used to deliver dead bodies for dissection. In the 1820s, William Burke and William Hare committed an infamous series of murders to sell the bodies to Robert Knox’s School of Anatomy. The pair were finally caught in 1828. Burke was tried and hanged, but Hare was released and never heard of again. T oday’s state-of-the-art teaching and research facilities for the School of Medicine are located at the Royal Infirmary, Little France. Student Recruitment & Admissions The University of Edinburgh 33 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9JS https://www.360docs.net/doc/504381990.html,/student-recruitment A warm welcome to the University of Edinburgh and the city of Edinburgh. The University has a number of sites within the city – this tour is for the George Square campus. Any prospective student of our University will find this tour useful as this campus is also home to the Main Library, Students’ Association, Centre for Sport & Exercise and a range of study spaces and other services that are open to all students at the University. Walking at a leisurely pace with time to take in Edinburgh’s unique atmosphere and architecture, the tour should take no more than an hour. If you wish to extend the tour to include High School Yards, the Pleasance and Moray House School of Education, add approximately 30 minutes.Look out for the various plaques around the University, which have been erected to commemorate the achievements of individuals who have been associated with the University through our 400 years. A map showing accessible routes and entrances can be downloaded from: https://www.360docs.net/doc/504381990.html,/estates/buildings-information/disability The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336 If you require this document in an alternative format, such as large print, please contact: sra.enquiries@https://www.360docs.net/doc/504381990.html, On your right you will pass the T albot Rice Gallery, and as you enter the quadrangle, turn left and follow the walkway around the courtyard and look for the plaque commemorating the University’s first female graduate in 1812: James Miranda Barry, (c.1795-1865). She was an army surgeon and Inspector General of Hospitals in Canada, who lived as a man. Old College is the University of Edinburgh’s oldest existing site, and is home to the impressive Playfair Library and several administrative offices. Construction started in 1789. The architect, Robert Adam, himself a graduate of the University, sadly died in 1792 but his brothers ensured that construction continued. However, the Napoleonic War halted progress once more until one of the greatest Scottish architects of the 19th century, William Playfair, continued the project. Sir Robert Rowan Anderson later added the dome. The “Golden Boy” standing proudly on the dome is reportedly modelled on Edinburgh athlete Anthony Hall.


爱丁堡大学研究生录取要求——双非能 申请到这些名校吗 虽然说英国的大部分名校在招生的时候有自己的招生认可学校名单,或者说是只招收985/211大学的学生,但是也有很多名校是接受双非学生的。接下来,主打英国高端名校申请的优越教育就来和大家说一下双非学生如何逆袭名校。 先谈谈被冠以“苏格兰之王”的爱丁堡大学~ 爱丁堡大学的申请条件 1、本科: 申请要求均分在80以上, 1)人文与社会科学学院&科学与工程科学学院:雅思总分不低于6.5,小分不低于5.5;

2)医学或兽医学院:雅思总分不低于7.0,小分不低于6.5 2、研究生: 1)对于双非院校的学生:一般最好均分在90以上,申请的时候需要带着雅思申请,GMAT成绩最好在700+左右。 2)211类型院校的学生:申请要求均分在88左右,也是需要带着雅思申请,同样GMAT成绩最好在700+左右。 下面从一则双非学生逆袭LSE、UCL、KCL名校案例中分析逆袭法则: 案例分享:S学生,本科就读于西南政法大学,法学专业,GPA3.7,雅思7.0,通过优越留学成功拿到了LSE、UCL和KCL学校LLM专业的offer。 案例分析—— 1、学生均分、雅思成绩高

该学生也是双非背景,但均分情况极具优势,英国名校除了关注学生的背景外也会重点考察关注学生的均分、分数高证明了学生的学习能力,所以能够弥补一点学校背景上面的劣势,并且带一个分数高的雅思成绩申请成功率也会高一些。 2、实践经历也是重点 学生的实践经历也是提升申请成功率的重要因素,向来英国大学十分重视学生实践经验,有一份含金量比较高的实习经验会加分不少。 3、文书写作原创新颖 英国院校对于文书的重视相信大家都是了解的,一份高质量的、原创度够高的能极大的表现学生优势的文书材料,对于我们申请来说是有极大的帮助的!越教育的文书老师深谙此理,在为学生创作文书时极大的扬长避短,使该学生获得了招生官和学校的青睐,拿到了offer。 优越教育表示:好的留学机构的帮助,一个经验丰富的顾问的规划,一份高质量的文书能使学生在留学申请中更具优势,名校申请成功率也大一点~ 更多双非学生逆袭名校案例—— 案例一:学生本科就读于上海对外经贸大学,阿拉伯语专业,同时辅修国际经济与贸易专业,GPA3.6,通过优越教育拿到了伦敦大学学院Linguistics MA专业的offer。 案例二:A学生,上海理工大学,英语专业,GPA3.28,最后通过优越教育成功拿到了UCL的教育心理学专业的offer。 案例三:H学生,上海电机学院,工业外贸专业,GPA3.5,最终通过优越教育成功拿到了UCL的offer。 案例四:X同学,本科是沈阳工学院(二本院校),物联网专业,均分80通过优越教育成功申请到了曼大的Advanced Computer ScienceMSc专业。

TESOL 专业参考书目

TESOL Research Journals TESOL Quarterly Applied Linguistics Language Awareness International Journal of Applied Linguistics Language Culture & Curriculum System Studies in Second Language Acquisition Language Acquisition Language Learning Second Language Research International Review of Applied Linguistics English Language Teaching Journal Modern Language Journal Language Teaching Language Teaching Research English for Specific Purposes Language and Education Language and Intercultural Communication International Journal of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development International Journal of Bilingualism International Journal of Multilingualism Bilingualism: Language and Cognition Journal of English for Academic Purposes British Journal of Language Teaching Discourse: studies in the cultural politics of education


兰卡斯特大学 应用语言学和对外英语教学授课型研究生申请要求

兰卡斯特大学简介 学校名称兰卡斯特大学 学校英文名称Lancaster University 学校位置英国 | 英格兰 | 兰卡斯特 2020 QS 世界排名128 兰卡斯特大学概述 兰卡斯特大学(Lancaster University)建于1964年,是一所位于英国英格兰西北部兰开夏郡的公立大学,是世界著名高等学府,世界一流研究型大学,享有良好的学术声誉。该校拥有世界知名的兰卡斯特大学管理学院(L UMS)以及英国顶尖的环境科学系、数学系、语言学系、法学院。 兰卡斯特大学多次被评为英国优秀公立科研型大学,是学生最为满意的25所英国大学之一,排名稳居英国前十名。在2019泰晤士报大学排名全英第6位 ,2019完全大学指南排名全英第7位 ,2020年卫报大学排名全英第7位 。在2020年QS世界大学排名中居第128位 ,2020年泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名中居第139位 。 应用语言学和对外英语教学专业简介 该学位提供的课程适合于当前担任语言老师,计划将来成为语言老师的人以及对语言学习和教学抱有浓厚兴趣的人。 应用语言学和对外英语教学专业相关信息 专业名称应用语言学和对外英语教学 专业英文名称Applied Linguistics and TESOL : MA 隶属学院英语语言学学院 学制1年 语言要求 6.5 (读写6.5; 听说6.0) GMAT/GRE 要求不需要

2020 Fall 申请时间10月 学费(当地货币)18,800 应用语言学和对外英语教学课程内容 序号课程中文名称课程英文名称 1语言测试建设与评估Language Test Construction and Evaluation 2研究生学术学习技巧Postgraduate Academic Study Skills 3语言教学原理Principles of Language Teaching 4第二语言习得Second Language Acquisition 5双语Bilingualism 6认知语言学Cognitive Linguistics 7基于内容的语言教学方法Content-Based Approaches to Language Education 8语料库语言学Corpus Linguistics 9批评话语分析Critical Discourse Analysis 10语言教育课程设计Curriculum Design in Language Education 11英语语法:一种认知方法English Grammar: A Cognitive Approach 12语言与认知的实验方法Experimental Approaches to Language and Cognition 13实验语音学Experimental Phonetics 14法证语言学Forensic Linguistics 15话语研究导论Introduction to Discourse Studies 16语言,文化和数字传播Language, Literacies and Digital Communication 17语用学Pragmatics


2013英国爱丁堡大学和南航合作办学项目 2+2项目 2+3项目 为顺应高等教育国际化的趋势,培养具有国际竞争力的人才,满足社会对高等教育多元化的需求,我校和英国爱丁堡大学 (The University of Edinburgh)协商决定开展“选拔优秀本科生到英国爱丁堡大学双学位学习”计划。 爱丁堡大学创立于1583年,是英国最古老、最大的六所大学之一, 它与牛津、剑桥大学齐名。2006年The Times评估等级:评估总分第8名,教学质量第9名,科研质量第5名,入学标准第5名,师生比例第16名,图书电脑经费第7名,设备经费第6名,获荣誉学位的学生比例第4名,毕业去向第6名。建校400多年来爱丁堡大学培养了包括进化论创始人达尔文(Darwin)、现代地理学奠基者赫顿(Hutton)、麻醉方法发明人辛普森(Simpson)在内的众多人才。有大约3800名的国际学生来自120个不同的国家,研究生占学生总人数的20%以上。 一、报名条件 1、我校目前在读的本科二年级学生,专业为工程、电子学、机械工程及相关专业; 2. 雅思成绩6.0分以上。(注:雅思7.0分以下必须在爱丁堡的语言学校进行 七 周的英语强化学习;雅思7.0以上需进行四周的英语强化学习。) 二、双学位项目 1、2+2模式:我校学生完成南航前两年学业之后进入爱丁堡大学工程与电子学院学习2年,按照双方要求完成学习任务,并获得我校的学分认可后,可获得两校学士学位。 2、2+3模式:我校学生完成南航前两年学业之后进入爱丁堡大学学习2年,按照双方要求完成学习任务,并获得我校的学分认可后,可获得南航学士学位,之后继续在爱丁堡学习1年,可获得爱丁堡大学工科硕士学位。 三、费用 我校学生在爱丁堡就读期间的学费和生活等一切费用自理,爱丁堡大学为我校学生每年提供2000英镑奖学金,住宿生活费约7000英镑/年。 四、递交材料 1、本科生赴国外大学交流学习申请表 2、中英文成绩单 3、中英文在读证明 4、雅思或者托福成绩单复印件

【推荐】爱丁堡大学推荐信-范文模板 (7页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 爱丁堡大学推荐信 篇一:英国留学爱丁堡大学入学条件和材料清单 英国留学爱丁堡大学入学条件和材料清单 爱丁堡大学是顶尖英国名校,那么申请这所名校有哪些条件?需要什么材料?以下为你介绍英国留学爱丁堡大学入学条件和材料清单。 一、英国留学爱丁堡大学简介 爱丁堡大学(University of Edinburgh)位于苏格兰的首府爱丁堡市,是成立于1583年的公立研究型大学,同时是英国第六古老的大学。 爱丁堡大学每年收到约四万七千份申请,为全英第三受欢迎的大学。根据201X 年QS世界大学排名,爱丁堡大学被列为苏格兰首位,英国第五位,世界排名第二十位,身为罗素集团及欧洲研究型大学联盟成员。 二、英国留学爱丁堡大学留学费用和奖学金 爱丁堡大学学费1年大约£13,300, 生命科学、工程类专业等要求学费£17750英/年。 学生在申请的同时需递交£12申请费。 为了保证学生顺利完成学业,要求在申请签证的同时提供一份资金证明,金额约£20,500。 学生被录取后需递交金额£2,000的预付押金。 爱丁堡大学向非欧盟的学生提供数量超过15种的奖学金,每种奖学金金额约£2,000。 三、英国留学爱丁堡大学入学条件 (一)英国留学爱丁堡大学本科入学条件

1.雅思综合成绩6.5以上,单项不低于5.5; 2.托福综合成绩92以上,单项不低于23; 3.商科和护理专业要求雅思7.0,单项不低于6.0,对应托福要求为100分,单项不低于23分。 (二)英国留学爱丁堡大学硕士学条件 1.需持有相关专业领域本科学士学位; 2.平均成绩在80%以上,IELTS 6.5,TOEFL 580分,(TOEFL机考237分); 3.MBA:本科毕业生,平均成绩在80%以上,有2年以上相关工作经验,IELTS 7.0,TOEFL 600分; 4.不同专业申请条件各有不同,但大部分专业雅思最低要求在6.5分以上,或 托福92分以上,部分专业雅思成绩需达到7分或托福100分。 四、英国留学爱丁堡大学申请材料 (一)英国留学爱丁堡大学本科申请材料 1.UCAS在线申请表 2.托福/雅思 3.A-level或IB课程成绩等 4.1篇Essay及1封推荐信 5.高中毕业证/高中在读证明 6.高中成绩单 7.资金证明 (二)英国留学爱丁堡大学研究生申请材料 1.学历证明:毕业证书,学位证书,在读证明,结业证书,培训证书(提供原件复印件,及其英文翻译件); 2.语言成绩单:IELTS或TOEFL成绩单(提供学校成绩单原件,及其英文翻译件,如还未取得考试成绩,可不必提 供,先申请条件录取);
