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GSI TympStar 产品说明书

GSI TympStar 产品说明书

P.O. BOX 44994 •MADISON WI 53744.4994 •PHONE: +1.608.441.2323 •TOLL FREE: 800.700.2282GRASON-STADLER NICOLET BIOMEDICAL NICOLET VASCULAR TOENNIESPRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS November 2004 | GSI TympStar | 2000-0112 Rev1The following specifications apply to both Version 1and Version 2 of the GSI TympStar. > Bold arrowed type indicates the additional capabilities of Version 2.GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS W x D x H: 52 cm x 38 cm x 32 cm Weight: 7.5 Kg Shipping Weight: 13.4 Kg Power Consumption: 120 Watts maximum Test Types: Tympanometry, Acoustic Reflex Threshold,Reflex Decay, Eustachian T ube Function (Intact & Perforated )Protocols: Diagnostic, Screening, User-defined > Special Tests: Two-component T ympanometry,Multiple Frequency T ympanometry, Acoustic Reflex Latency Test, Reflex Sensitization Display: Internal or External VGA Monitor Interface: RS232, parallel and keyboard output Printout: Internal or External Deskjet or Laserjet Printer PROBE TONE 226 Hz (85 dB SPL ±1.5 dB)> 678 Hz (85 dB SPL ±3.0 dB)> 1000 Hz (75 dB SPL ±3.0 dB)Accuracy: ±1%Harmonic Distortion: Less than 5%ADMITTANCE MEASUREMENTS Range: 226 Hz (-1.0 to +7.0)> 678 Hz (-5.0 to +25)> 1000 Hz (-5.0 to +30)Sensitivity Scale: Auto Scales to Appropriate Range,Manual selection also possible in Reflex Modes only Accuracy (226 Hz): Tymp Mode: ±5% of reading or ±0.1 ml, whichever is greater Reflex Mode: ±5% of reading or ±0.2 ml, whichever is greater PRESSURE MEASUREMENTS (load volume of 0.2 to 7.0 ml)Range:Normal = +200 to -400 daPa Wide = +400 to -600 daPa Accuracy: ±10% of reading or ±10 daPa, whichever is greater Sweep Rate: 12.5, 50.0 and 600/200 daPa/sec, > 200 daPa/sec.Sweep Accuracy: 10% of nominal rate Maximum limits (in 0.5cc cavity ): -800 daPa & +600 daPa REFLEX MEASUREMENTS Stimuli: > 250, 500, 1k, 2k, 4k, BBN, LBN, HBN,> Click (100 microseconds pulse), External Input,Non-acoustic Frequency Accuracy: ±3%Harmonic Distortion (THD): Less than 5% (measured acoustically)Noise Signals: (3 dB bandwidths)Low Band: 125 -1,600 Hz High Band: 1,600 -4,000 Hz Broad Band: 125 -4,000 Hz Intensity Range: 35 to 120 dB HLStep Size: 5 dB, >1 dB and 2 dB Calibration Accuracy: ±3 dB Step Accuracy: ±0.5 dB ON/OFF Ratio: 70 dB minimum ENVIRONMENTAL Temperature:Storage: -40°C to +75°C Operating: +15°C to +35°C Humidity: 90% at 35°C (non-condensing)ACCESSORIES SUPPLIED Probe assembly (including contralateral insert phone)Eartips (1 pkg. each standard, special, screening)Printer paper, 2 rolls thermal, 1 roll self-adhesive Calibration test cavity, Cleaning kit, Probe mount kit (shoulder, clip, wrist band), Quick User Guide,Reference Instruction Manual, Remote (RS232 link)Dust CoverOPTIONAL ACCESSORIES Deskjet printer 1700-9613External VGA monitor 1700-9614External keyboard 1700-9615Isolation Transformer 1700-9617Service Manual 2000-0110Conversion Kit 2000-9650(V1 to V2)LANGUAGE KITS GSI TympStar Version 1English 2000-9645E French 2000-9645F German 2000-9645G Spanish 2000-9645S Italian 2000-9645I GSI TympStar Version 2English 2000-9646E French 2000-9646F German 2000-9646G Spanish 2000-9646S Italian 2000-9646I QUALITY SYSTEM Manufactured, designed, developed and marketed by VIASYS Healthcare Inc. NeuroCare Group under ISO 13485, ISO 9001 certified quality system.COMPLIANCE / REGULATORY STANDARDSDesigned, tested and manufactured to meet the following domestic (USA), Canadian, European and International Standards:UL 2601-1American Standards for Medical Electrical Equipment. IEC 601-1, EN 60601-1International Standards for Medical Electrical Equipment.CSA C22.2 # 601-1-M90Medical Device Directive (MDD) (ID No.: 0344) to comply with “EC Directive” 93/42/EECANSI S3.39, ANSI S3.6, IEC 645-1, IEC 1027, ISO 389GSI TYMPSTAR ™Middle Ear Analyzer。
























2:网络释义:a--转化或转换医学(Translational Medicine)是近两三年来国际医学健康领域出现的新概念。

b--转译医学(Translational Medicine)c--转换医学(Translational Medicine),又叫转化医学是本世纪从循证医学发展而形成的一个医学实践和干预性流行病学的理念,它融汇基础科学、社会科学、政治科学于一体...d--阿斯利康中国创新中心(ICC)初期将着重进行癌症领域临床前到临床医学之间转化医学(translational medicine)的研究。


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CarePlus 快速参考指南说明书

CarePlus 快速参考指南说明书

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HOSPIMedica India, New Delhi 展買主資訊大曝光!親愛的顧客:2007年環訊國際總計參加全球近70個展會,我們堅實的參展陣容將為您代勞,讓無暇與會的您也能取得最即時的國外展會訊息。


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展會名稱:HOSPIMedica India,New Delhi 展會期間:2007/3/9-3/11CONTACT TITLE COMPANY COUNTRY TEL FAX E-MAIL WEB SITE BUSINESS PRODUCT 91-1123285196sjdil@ SUNEET MAHAJAN DIRECTOR ORION MARKETER'S INDIA D R1/HOME1/O2,10S.S. RAJ KUMAR CINDRELLA MARKETING INDIA 91-9842136073cjndrellamad@ W HOME7,8,11,12,13/H5,7,9,10/E1,6,7/D3,7,9SHAILESH KATIKAR MARKETING STAT DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES INDIA 91-222511242491-2225157265info@ I/D H7/D9/O11MANOJ KUMAR SHAH MANAGING M ASTEL IMAGING & RESEARCH CENTRE (P) LTD INDIA 91-542222320191-2223604manojshah@ I/D H8/O2VIPIN SHARMA BIOMEDICA MAX HEART MAR HEART & VASCULAR INDIA O R6/HOME14/H4,7,9/E1,2,3,4,7,8/O1,2,3MAJ. SANJEEV BHATIA MEDIAIDS INDIA 91-172254351091-2543510mediaids_2000@ I/W HOME2,11/H3,7/D6,9ANMOL KOONER DIRECTOR O DIGITAL MEDICAL SYSTEMS INC.INDIA 91-172226060391-1722274322sales@ I R2,4/HOME1,2,3,5,6,8,12,13/H1,2,3,5,6,7,8/E4,5,6/D7DR. AMAR JEET SINGH PAIN CLINIC INDIA I R1,6/HOME3,11/E4,8/O10VIRENDRA NEGI PHYSIQUE EQUIPMENT CO.INDIA 91-0571248235391-0571******* R1,HOME2,3,4,5,6,9,10,11,12,13/H1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10/E1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8/D4,5,8/O1,2,3,5,9,10MAULIK R. SHAHJ. R. ENTERPRISE INDIA 91-79309200607930920060@ I/D R6/HOME2/H6/E2,3/D4D.C HAKRABORIYFRONTIER SAFETY PRODUCTS PVT. LTD.INDIA 91-9311341800dilipchak@ I R6/H2CHANDRASEKHARADIRECTOR FOUR-C-TRON INDIA 91-802525250691-8025258392fourctron@ M/D R5/H2,5,9/E7/D7,9/O2,11MANISH SABHARWALPROPRIETOR DR.SABHARWALS WOUND CARE 91-179565626091-1722565789drsmpl@ E/MHOME5/H5,7CLEMENS MOHRMEDICAL TECHNOLOGY PROMEDT CONSULTING GERMANY 49-0689458102049-06894581021info@ O R6SYED NASEERMEDICO SCIENTIFIC SERVICE CENTRE INDIA D R1,3/HOME2,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13/H3,4,5,7,8,9,10/E1,2,3,4,6,8,/D3,4,5,8/O2,5,7,8ARVIND JOSHIJOSHI ENTERPRISES 7714032893joshienterprises_raipur@ I R1/HOME13/H2/E4,7/D1/O1,2,3,11S.B. NAINMEDITECH ELECTRONICS INDIA 91-1127565949sbnain@ I/M R6/HOME5/H1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10/E1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8/D5/O1,2,3,4,5,9IFTIKHAR AHMADMALABAR TRADERS INDIA D R1,3/HOME2,5,7,12/H1,2,4,5,6,7,9/E1,2,3,6/D1,3,4,9/O1,5,8,9,11VINOD TRAKROOCHIEF EXEC VALLEY MEDICAL SYSTEMS INDIA I/D HOME5/H10/E1,8/O2,11K. T. MURUGANLABCARE INSTRUMENTS INDIA 91-112756595891-1127345935labcare@ D/R R6/HOME5,7/H9/E8/O11S. K. KAUSHALMEDITECH INTERNATIONAL INDIA D GIRISH GUPTAGUPTWA MEDI-EQUIP. CO.INDIA D HOME2/H4,6/E7/D8AJAY NAGPALPULSE-WAVE STETHOSCOPE INDIA 91-23852882response@ I/E/M R6/HOME7,12/E6KETAN PATELBINNY'S HEALTHCARE LTD INDIA 91-7964503004binnyshealthcare@ R6/HOME5/H5,9/E2,7,8/D1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9DR. JITENDRA R. VEERSAMARTH SURGICAL AND HEALTHCARE COMPANY INDIA I E1,7/O2,5,11VINOD KUMARA & A INC INDIA 91-113299449591-1125597002info@ I/D HOME3,5,9,10/H9,10/E3,4/D3,9/O2未发推荐监护和超声多普勒MICHELE CICIGOIBREAMER LIMITED HONG KON 852-27219887852-27219809m.cicigoi@ D HOME3,7,8,9,10,12JAYANTICENZER INDUSTRIES LIMITED INDIA 91-222389542791-2223800706cenzer@ I HOME7,9,10,12/E4VIKASH SINGH PARIHARMONITORS,U MEDITECH INNOVATIONS INDIA 91-114247020591-1142470521mtechindia@ www.meditechinnovation I R1,6/H3,4,5,11/E1,3,4SANDEEP SINHAHOSPILINE EQUIPMENTS PVT. LTD INDIA M R5/HOME5/H10/D4/O5ASHISH BHANDARIHEAD-SALES MULTIVAC INDIA PVT. LTD.INDIA 91-124229180191-1242291803ashish@ I/E/M R1,3,5RABINORA N. SENAPATIR. S. ENTERPRISERS INDIA D R1,2,3/HOME1,2,5,13/H4,8/E2/O3G. CHANDRASEKHARMANAGING MEDICAL PRODUCTS INDIA W/D HOME1,5,8/H5,10/E1,2,6/D6/O1,2,3RAJEAH DORHIB.E.(C). D.B.I SMILE MARKETINGS INDIA 91-02656622891smilemarketings@ D/R R1,3,4/HOME1,2,5,7,8,10,11,12,13/E2,7,8/D1,3,6,7,9/O8,9,10RAJESH DAGAMANAGING PLASTI SURGE INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD.INDIA 91-72167413091-721670403psidispo@ I/M HOME5,10,12/D4,9/O9ASHOK KUMARMANAGING JAI HEALTHCARE PVT. LTD.INDIA 91-0112731335391-01127312611jaigroup@ I/D SWENTSWASTIK ENTERPRISE INDIA E/M R6/H11/D3HARJEET SINGH ARORACADILLAC MEDICAL AGENCY INDIA 91-9910262769I HOME3/H5/E2/D3/O2HOSMAC INDIA 91-222686344791-2226863465hosmac@ D R6/HOME5/H1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10HANIRH MALHATRAC.E.O.MONARCH SURGICAL INDUSTRIES INDIA 91-112638523791-1126389237monarch1@ I/M/D H6,7N S K. KRISHNANMANAGER M EDICARE EQUIPMENTS PVT. LTD.INDIA 91-222540549091-25452233sales@ I/M/W H6,7/E2S. K. VADHVANIMAYUR ENTERPRISES INDIA 91-11269534891-1126942222skvmedicons@ I/M R1,3/HOME3/H1,5,8ABHINEET TALWARMANAGER U NITED SURGICAL INDUSTRIES INDIA I/M H/E VIPIN AGRAWALB. TECH DEEPAK ENTERPRISES INDIA 91-112681019591-26810199vipin@ www.deepakenterprises.c I/M H1,5,6,8,10AMOLAK SINGHINTERNATIONAL ELECTRO MEDICAL CO.INDIA 91-112327868691-1123268687iemco@ I/E R/HOME2,9,11/H1,6/E1,2,3,4,6,8/O3,8,10V.K. SHARMAS.R. ENTERPRISES INDIA I R1/HOME5/H4,9,10/E1,4,8/D4,9/O3,4,9,11CHINTAN KOTHARISURGI PHARMA INDIA 91-22637548391-2222036758surgipharma@ I R6/H6,12/D1,3,9/O9JIMMY TRAN FRANCE 33-0556********-0556217903jimmy.tran@ E ANURAG SETHCONTINENTAL SURGICAL EMPORIUM INDIA 91-232455591-01123246666continentalsurgical@ E/M R1,3,4/HOME1,5/H1,2,8DR. KHACID RAZA AZMICHAIRMAN HI-TECH MEDICARE DEVKES PVT. LTD.INDIA 91-551220997791-5512201396hmdpl@ M R/D DEEPAK JAINCEO AMAZING HEALTHCARE DEVICES INC.INDIA 91-112572176691-1142430966deepak_jain007@ www.amazing-healthcare I R1,3,5/HOME2,3,5,8未发,推荐小的,指甲,掌式DR. T. S. KUKREJAEXECUTIVE AMRI HOSPITALS INDIA O R1,3,4/HOME1,2,3,5,6,7,8,11,12,13/H1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10/E1,2,3,4,6,7,8/D1,2,3,6,7,8,9/O1,3,6,7,9,10SYED ABDUL SALAMNOBSA HEALTHCARE INDIA 91-442848367391-4443518519nobsahealthcare@ I/D R/HOME/H4,5/E1SURESH GHIMIREMANAGING NURAZ PTE. LTD.NEPAL I/D R1,2,3/HOME2,13/H3,4,8,9/E1,2,3,4/D3/O1,3,4,10SANTOSH NAVALEELECTRONIC OMAX TECHNOLOYIES INDIA I/M/D R2/HOME1,2,5/H1,4,6,10/E1,2,3,6,8S. RAVIMARKETING THE ADVANCED MEDICAL SYSTEMS INC INDIA I/E R2,5/HOME2/H4,6,7,9/E1,2,3,8/D2,3,4,5,6,8,9/O1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11P.CHANDRAMOULI MAIYASERVICE MA MOOLAA TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED INDIA 91-0112668709591-01126687008mtpl.del@ D H4/E3HEM RAJ KALRASALES EXEC BECKCEM DRUG INTERNATIONAL PVT. LTD.INDIA I R1,3/HOME5TIBERIU POPCOUNTRY SA S.C. REDOX CLUJ S.R.L.ROMANIA I/W/D R6/HOME7,13/H2,5,10/D1,3,6,7,9/O3N.V. RAOJ. V. INDUSTRIES INDIA 91-08415237400contact@ M H1ER. BHARAT SINGALASK TECHNOLOGIES INDIA 91-184222023691-1842220235rpexport@ D H9/E2,4/O2PRAVITA LYERDIRECTOR A CHARY PUBICATIOUS PVT. LTD.INDIA 91-2555642891-022********charypublications@ M H9AMIT KEJRIWALCOSMIC TRENDS PVT. LTD.INDIA 91-113200136091-1127353153amit@ I R3/HOME5,7,11,12/E2/D1KETAN H. KAPADIAA-1 PHARMA INDIA 91-222822307091-2228376741a1pharma@ I/D HOME6,7,10,12/E2/O2,9,10,11NARESH B. MANDOTBLUMEI SURGICALS & PHARMACEUTICALS PVT. LTD.INDIA M HOME5/H2/D2,3MANAJ CHAPRARELIANCE MEDISYSTEMS INDIA 91-129406707791-9810294548reliancemed@ I HOME1,2,5,7,8,10,12,13/E1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8/D1,3,5,9/O1,3,9ANKIT MALHOTRAHEALTH POINT INDIA 91-0112090861791-01141621991healthpoint.delhi@ I/M R1,3,6/HOME5ROHIT MADANKIND REMEDIES (P) LTD.INDIA 91-172504999391-1722613702info@ I D RIAZ HUSSAINADVANCE MEDICAL SYSTEM PAKISTAN 92-224065592-021******* I R1/HOME2,8,12/H2,5,6/E1,2,3,4/D8/O2,5R.K. ANANDPRODUCT M R ECORDERS & MEDICARE SYSTEMS (P) LTD. INDIA 91-172265870191-1722653415anand@ I HOME5/H4,9/E1,6,7,8PRABHAKAR JOSHICEO BILINK INTERNATIONAL INC INDIA 91-291329087691-2912626471info@ I/E/M H2/D3ELLENDRA THOUDAMDELBROS INDIA D R1,3/HOME1,2,7,8,12/H1,4,5,6,7,9/E1,2,3,4/D1,2,3,5,8,9/O2,5,8PRAVEEN RAOMANAGER A SHISH HEALTHCARE INDIA 91-222636655591-2226399288info@ I R6/HOME5,7/H7,9/E2RAJIV K SHARMAGENERAL M J UBILEE MEDICARE LIMITED INDIA 91-114173018191-1141730182rk@ I/D E1,2,6R.P. PALPAL SURGICAL INDUSTRIES INDIA 91-6632209391-01123864591palsurgical77@ E/M/W/D R 1,3,5DR. JIJU JOHMPRESIDENT JJ HEALTHCARE PVT. LTD.INDIA 91-480270048991-4802705593jjdental@ I H/E1DAVINDER PALITRIVENI MEDICAL SYSTEMS INDIA 91-01165244827meditrans2002@ I/D YATISH SHARMADIRECTOR M MEDICROSS PATIENT C 91-116515825391-1123819275medicross_2000@ I/D R4/HOME3,5,7,8/H5/E2/D3/O8,11MOHAN SINGH DIRECTOR HIND HYDRAULICS & ENGINEERS INDIA 91-402900591-1292234294hind@ I R1,2,3,4,5/HOME1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10/13以下是我們為您精選的164家買主名單,希望環訊‧貿易風提供給您的第一手資訊能為您的企業帶來跨國的新商機!SCOTT DAMRON SUPPLY CHAIN IMPORTS USA1-77081958581-7702001519sdamron@ w ww.supplychainimports I R3,4/HOME1,3,8/E4BHUSHAN KANDHARI GLOBAL CHIPS R/O R6/HOME6,8/H1/E9/D10/O1KIRAN K. SHRESTHA TECHNICAT SEROLAB NEPAL977-155******** .np I/D HOME1,3,5,9,10,13/H3,5,7,9/E2,6/D6/O11VINOD KATYARA SHAKTI SURGICAL & FITNESS INDIA91-0792******* I/E/W/CR1,3/HOME1,2,3,6,10/H1,10/E2,7/D6,9ANIL SHETE B.E.NIKHIL MEDICO EQUIPMENTS MGULSHER AHMAD GULZAR KEEPING PACE WITH TECHNOLOGY INDIA91-931273714591-11269443info@ I/E/M/D D8/O5RAKESH MOHAN CHIEF EXEC SUKALP MEDTECH INDIA91-171266208591-1712619232sukalpmedtech@ I H5,7/E1,3/D6/O1,2,3,5HYUN SU, LIM MARKETING KOEL & T.I.D CO LTD KOREA82-32814085682-328140852iloveindia@ E/M H2,5,7/E3SHYAMA CHARAN TIWARI CENTRAL INDIA INDIA91-731270688891-7312702121cisaindore@ I R1,2,3,4,5,6/HOME5,6,7,8,11,12,13,14/H3,4,5,6,7,8,9/E1,2,3,6,7,8/D1,3,4,5,6,8,9,10/O1,2,3,4,9MANISH MALIK EXECUTIVE ARTEMIS MEDICARE SERVICES PVT LTD INDIA91-124238300291-1242383351manish@ www.artemishealthscienc O HOME1,5,10,12/H1,4,5,6,7R. SOMASUNDARAM MANAGING SRI MED SYSTEMS INDIA91-443091373091-9841035773rangind@ D R6/HOME5/H4,8,9,10/E6DR.GYAN SHAIKH ENNAR EXPORTS INDIA91-226591712891-2228702359ennarexports@ E/R HN. MANSUR KHAN CHIEF EXEC BIOSENA LIFE SCIENCES INDIA91-0802343866691-08023438659nmk@ M R2,5/HOME2,10,12/H4,8/E7/D3NIKHIL BATRA MANAGING LIFECARE MEDICAL DEVICES I/D/R R3,5/HOME2,3,7,8,9/H1,4,6/E2,7/D9SANJAY SHIRWALE INDITECH MEDICAL SYSTEMS INDIA91-2026817172M E1,3,6,8/O10URIEL ROSEN GENERAL M U RIEL I HOME3,5,11,13LALIT MANOCHA MANOCHA SURGICALS W D3SATISH NARULA ATLAS SURGICAL COMPANY M H2,4,5,6M. BALAMURALI SENTHIL CEO BEST MEDICAL I/D R1,2,3,4/HOME2,5J. B. DUTTA MANAGER T OKHEIM KAIZEN PRIVATE LTD INDIA91-01142576402jagbandhu.dutta@ I/M/W HOME5PARAG THAKKAR RANISH IMPEX PVT LTD INDIA91-226637781591-2223450133ripldiamondbp@ I R1/HOME6,7/E2/D3,6VIJAY CHADHA RAJDHANI SURGICALS INDIA91-2386067591-27473755I R1/H1,2,5,6/E2,3/D5AIZFI MEDICAL EQUIPMENTS INDIA91-981157463391-01155434259W H3/E3,6MOFID KADIR AHMAD SR. SALE & SMAYANK MITTAL SUMANGAL PHARMACY INDIA91-120285733391-1202702526sumangalpharmacy@ E R1,3/D1,9/O4K,8JAN-ERIC BIALEK PROKURIST A NDREAS FAHL MEDIZINTECHNIK-VERTRIEB GMBH GERMANY49-022*********-022********* I/M ESANJEEV POYEKAR INTERMED SERVICES INDIA91-022******** D R1/HOME5/H7/O2ARJUN BOROLE MANAGING ELECTROART INDIA91-202749339491-2027493394electroart@ M R6/E6/O2V.K. KOUL DIRECTORCELLMED TECHNOLOGIES INC.INDIA91-112731016991-1127310169cellmed@ www.cellmedtechnologie I/D R1,3/HOME1,5/H1,4,7,8/E2HYTEC EQUIP INCR D HOME5,13/H7,10/D6,9/ I R3/HOME3,5/H6/E2,4/D1,3,5,6,7,9/O9DION NAIDOO SHESA MEDICAL SUPPLIERS SOUTH AFRJANKAY NIGAM SR. AREA SA PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED INDIA91-2582590105 91-25825606eldernd@ D/O HOME5/H4/E2SUNIL TANEJA SYSTEM ELEKTRONICS INDIA91-112981449291-1151721506systemelektronics@ I D1/O2,3,4PV REDDY MANAGER G REENSTAR INTERNATIONAL INDIA91-402780025891-4027808599pvreddy@ I/E R1,2,3,4,5/HOME1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14/H1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11/E1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8/D1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10/O1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12RAJA RAUF BUSINESS A P ROLIFECARE SYSTEMS PVT. LTD.INDIA91-2634846391-26348461prolifecaresystems@ www.prolifecaresystems.I R6/HOME2,14/E2PROF. G. NARASIMHALU DAYANANDA SAGAR INSTITUTIONS INDIA91-0802100797091-8026660789gnbiomedical@ I/D HOME5/E1,2,3,6,7Y B. SAMANT CHAIRMAN NASAN GROUP INDIA91-0202543129091-2025463540nasan@ M E1,6,712月8日发送B. S. BIRADAR PROP.SAI MEDI BED CO.INDIA91-5567898091-9810709694M H1/E8BASANTA KUMAR AREA SALES NOBLE FIRE FIGHTING INDUSTRIES INDIA91-222818913291-2228189134nffi@bom5,.in E/M R6/HOME5/H8/E9/D10/O12DR. RAJIV SHARMA C.E.O.KRUISE DIAGNOSTICS SERVICES INDIA91-922833694191-9228336942kruise_diagnostics@ I/M HOME5/H3,7,9SUKHWANT SINGH AVAL MEDICAL SYSTEMS D H4,8,9,10/E1,7,8O HOME6/H/E/DDR. BHARAT GADHAVI MEDICAL DI STERLING HOSPITAL BR BIOMEDICALS PVT. LTD.INDIA91-112689727491-9818345414brbiomed@ D R/HOME5/H7/E4,6/O10MANOJ JHA SR.SALES EXJAGTARAN SINGH MANAGEME JAGSONPAL PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED INDIA91-11264945192491-9810019554materials@ M HOME7,10,13/H10/O1SUDHIR JOSHI DIRECTOR NEXUS INFOTECH LTD INDIA91-112623055591-1126416683businessbrains@ I/W/D R6/HOME2,3,9,10,11/O3,4,6,9VIJAY CHADHA ORIN INDIA INDIA91-01165643496oriinindia@ E/M H1,6,7,9/O5,7,9JAYSANKAR MANAGING JAYON M H2/D1,2,3,6RASA CHAKRAVARTY MARE MEDICAL SYSTEMS LTD INDIA91-332418530691-3324123446raja@ I/D R6/H10/E7,8/D9HARBHAJAN SINGH BIOBUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AGENCY I/W H3,5,7/D3,6,9/O11SANJIV SOLANKY FORTIS HEALTH WORLD INDIA9910621100sanjiv.solanky@jorbshealth C/O R1,2,9,10/H4,8/E4,7RANGANA THA SRI LAKSHML SAEXNNC CO INDIA91-0413224479091-0413******* D R1,3/H5,6,7/E7/O2VISAY SETH SETH PHARMA E/M R6/HOME14/H5,10/D9MR. JITENDRA S. GOYAL MLS SWISS MEDICAL STOR INDIA91-3210223D R/HOME/H/D/OA. K. SINGH MANAGER S IOMOND PHARMACEUITICALS PVT. LTD I/E/M R1,5/HOME3,7,13/H1,7,9/E1,8/D1,2,4/O5DHEERAJ NAGPAL VNITED SCIENTIFIC INDIA91-2386709391-22410155dheeraj_star@ I/E/M/D R1,6/HOME2,3,5,7,8,9,10,11,12/H1,2,4,5,6,7,9/E3,4,8/D6,7,8,9/O1,3,5,8MANOJ SHARMA RESIDENT D THEA-TEX HEALTHCARE PVT. LTD INDIA91-0250309539391-025********contact@ I/M D4,9R/HOME/HDR. SATISH S. GEHLOT M. B. B .S.YASH HOSPITAL INDIA91-029********yashhospitalrescue@ O/HOSPITT.R. CHHABRA SAI MEDITECH SERVICES INDIA91-0130224888991-9416264303R R6/HOME5/H4,5,6,9/E1,3,4,8/D5,8/O11MD. KAMAL HOSSEIN CEO DIGITAL MEDICAL SERVICES INDIA91-008802814185491-0088028141854digitalkh371@ I/W/D HOME2,5,9,10/H1,2,3,4,5,6,7/E/D/O1ANIL CHOUDHARY GENERAL MEDICAL EQUIPMENTS INDIA91-0120432367691-01204323675gmemedical@ M H11/O2,3DEVENDRA PANCHAL ALFRONE CORPORRTION INDIA91-0794*******info@ I R6/D1,6,9SABU JOSEPH FORTUNE TECHNOLOGIES INDIA91-04843090821fortecindia@ D R6/HOME5/H5/E9/D6,10/O9,12AUINASH KARNANI AK PRODUCT I R6/HOME14/D6,10RAHUL ENTERPRISES INDIA91-024********I/D/R H2,4,7,9/E1,2SURENDRA SHRIVASTAVA R. P. ENTERPRISES INDIA91-942530105191-4260105surendrashri@ W/D R3,6/HOME5,7,8,9,12,13/H3,5,6,7,9/E2/D3,4,9/O11R1/H1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10SANDEEP KUMAR ADMINISTRAMETRO HEART INSTITUTE INDIA91-0129228919091-01292263589O/HOSPITELITE ELECTRO MEDICAL EQUIPMENT (P) LTD INDIA91-0425659266191-0452*******elite_mdu@ D E4,8ELITE LNDIA DIABETIC FOYASIN SALYA OPERATIONSSALYA GROUP UK44-177255568644-1772555687yasin@ I/W/D R/HOME/H/E/DLIFELINE HEALTHCARE LIMITED INDIA91-8802955166691-88029560143I R/HOME/H/E/D/OK. G. SALEHUDDIN HIRU MANAGRINGAMANULLAH BADAL CHIEF EXEC ACCESS MEDICAL SERVICES INDIA91-933579091-88028316393info@ I R/HOME/H/E/D/OJOY ALAPPAT DIRECTOR BION SCIENTIFIC INDIA91-04843024734bion05@ I E1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9AJAY BHARDWAJ DIRECTOR AB MARKETING INDIA91-0612329898291-2229081bhardwajajay1@ I/D H7/E1,3,7/O5SANDEEP ZAWAR KALAGAR INDIA91-0202422283291-020********zawarg@ I/M/D R1,3/HOME1,5/H1/E1,3,4/D9/O1,3,7,9BHAYH. R. SHOH AIMS MARKETING INDIA91-80-2662233391-8051204454aimsmarketing@ I/W R6/HOME2,5,11,13/H1,2,3/O10D.S. RATHORE TECHNOMED INDIA91-0141264043591-01412641284technomed@ D H4,10/E4/D2/O11ALPESH SHAH SHAH BROTHERS INDIA91-952502509609I HOME1,2/H1,6S.K. PUROHIT SHAILTECH SYSTEM INDIA91-0755273622591-0755*******shailtech@ /shai I/D R1/HOME2,3,5,7,8/H6/E2/D5,812月8日发送 有回复RASHID A. BUTT CEO INTERNATIONAL TRADING CORP INDIA91-2480087itcorp1@ D R1,3/HOME3,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,13/E1,6/D1,3,9/O10BENNEY M. REMEDIES UNLIMITED INDIA91-0796*******remedies@ M D1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10AKHILESH SINGLA P.P.H. SALES CORP INDIA91-01802661737akhilpph@ M/D H6/D8/O2DR. SHEIKH MOHIUDDIN JESS CHEMICAL& PHARMACEUTICAL WORKS(PVT) LTD INDIA91-8802935339191-029317306addin2@ O/HOSPITR/HOME/H/E/D/ONARENDRA JINDAL ELIXIR LIFESCIENCES PVT LTD I/M/D R1,4/HOME2,3,5,6,7,8,12,13/H1,2,3,4,5,6,7/E2,3,7/D1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9URVENN VYAS BIO-HY CORPORATION I/W/D H/D/OD. V. JOLLY CEO JOLLY TECHNOCRATS I H2,4,5,6,8/E3R/HOME/H/E/D/ODR. R.K. SRIVASTAVA INDIA91-0115576880491-51661135rajen_sri@ O/CONSUType 商業型態 I: Importer E: Exporter M: Manufacturer W/D: Wholesaler/DistributorA: Agent G:Government Mail: Mail Order C: Chain StoresProduct 產品 Rehabilitation ProductsR1 Wheel Chair R2 ScootersR3 Walking Aid R4 Bath Room Safety AidR5 Wheel Chair/Scooter Part & AccessoriesHome Healthcare ProductsHome1 Home Care Bed Home2 Air Bed & Mattresses/ PumpHome3 Massage Products Home4 Computerized Bidet ShowerHome5 Medical & Health Supports Home6 DiapersHome7 Thermometers Home8 Weight ScalesHome9 Body Fat Monitors Home10 Body Care ProductsHome11 Ice Bag/Heating Pad Home12 Sphygmomanometer/ Stethoscopes Home13 First Aid Kit/AccessoriesHospital Equipment / Products & Medical InstrumentsH1 Hospital Bed H2 Surgical Room ProductsH3 Uric Acid Monitor H4 Respiratory ProductsH5 Sterilizers H6 Suction UnitsH7 Laboratory Equipment H8 Emergency/Ambulance SupplyH9 Medical Analytic Instruments H10 Accessories for hospital useElectronic Medical EquipmentE1 Electrocardiography E2 Ultrasonic NebulizerE3 Electro Surgical Unit E4 T.E.N.S/E.M.S. 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葡氏葡萄多酚OPC神奇功效得到发现以后,美国医学界和药学研究人员发现,最佳抗氧化剂来源存在于葡萄种子中的一种Oligomeric proanthocyanidins ,又称为OPC葡萄籽,多酚类抗氧化物质,由天然草本植物生物活性提取的葡萄籽OPC(前花青素)系列复合产品具有强大的抗敏脱敏效果。

美国康本把握国际生物工程领域的最新基础理论突破,敏锐捕捉国际保健品市场的方向性元素,对国际第四代保健品OPC(前花青素)进行研究,研发生产出天然草本植物生物活性提取的葡萄籽OPC(前花青素)系列复合健康产品,一时间风靡欧美各国,成为国际OPC领域著名的制造商,采用国际一流葡萄籽OPC提纯工艺,经过38道高科技生物工艺制取而成,以Dr.jack Masquelier发明的专利萃取法保证植物提取物质量标准化,系列产品复合现代植物提取物500多种,比单方产品功效提高50倍以上,脱敏功效更优越更高效,实现对近千种过敏源脱敏。



the Healthpartners Research Foundation
• HealthPartners is an integrated, nonprofit health care provider located in Bloomington, Minnesota offering care, coverage, research and education to its members, patients and the community. HealthPartners was founded in 1957 as Group Health, a consumergoverned nonprofit health plan with a board of directors made up of its own members and patients. In 1992, Group Health merged with MedCenters Health Plan, and together they formed HealthPartners. In late 2012 it was announced that HealthPartners would merge with Park Nicollet Health Services of St. Louis Park on January 1, 2013 following federal approval
— Samuel Johnson • The function of education, therefore, is to teach one to think
intensively and to think critically. But education which stops with efficiency may prove the greatest menace to society. The most dangerous criminal may be the man gifted with reason, but with no morals… We must remember that intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.



Gui d el i n e on the Management of Beni g n Prostati c Hyperpl a si a (BPH)Panel membersClaus G. Roehrborn, M.D., Co-ChairJohn D. McConnell, M.D., Co-ChairMichael J. Barry, M.D.Elie Benaim, M.D.Reginald C. Bruskewitz, M.D.Michael L. Blute, M.D.H. Logan Holtgrewe, M.D.Steven A. Kaplan, M.D.John L. Lange, M.D.Franklin C. Lowe, M.D.Richard G. Roberts, M.D.Barry S. Stein, M.D.Consultants and StaffHanan Bell, Ph.D.Diann Glickman, Pharm.D.Patrick FlorerIn November 2005, Boehringer Ingelheim and the U.S. Food and DrugAdministration notified healthcare professionals of revisions to PRE-CAUTIONS and ADVERSE REACTIONS sections of the prescribinginformation for Flomax (tamsulosin HCI), indicated for the treatment ofthe signs and symptoms of BPH. A surgical condition termedIntraoperative Floppy Iris Syndrome (IFIS) has been observed duringphacoemulsification cataract surgery in some patients treated withalpha-1 blockers including Flomax. Most of these reports were inpatients taking the alpha-1 blocker when IFIS occurred, but in somecases alpha-1 blocker had been stopped prior to surgery.Change Notice: Any information related to Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA)in the following guideline may have been revised in the AmericanUrological Association's (AUA) PSA Best Practice Statement: 2009Update.In the case of any discrepency in recommendations betweenguidelines pertaining to PSA, please refer to the AUA's PSA BestPractice Statement: 2009 Update for the latest AUA recommendationregarding PSA testing.AUA Guideline on the Management of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: PREFACEIn 1994, under the auspices of the United States Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR; now known as the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality), the Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Guideline Panel published evidence-based guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)1.Subsequently, the AHCPR reorganized; updating the previously published guidelines was no longer an objective of the Agency. Given the importance of BPH to urologists and to their patients, the American Urological Association (AUA) Practice Guidelines Committee elected to update the AHCPR document through a similar, multidisciplinary, evidence-based approach. A new panel, the AUA BPH Guideline Update Panel (the Panel) was appointed.During its initial discussions, the Panel used a consensus approach to determine if the basic framework of the 1994 AHCPR guideline was still appropriate. Except for the status of three tests in the initial evaluation of patients—serum creatinine, prostate-specific antigen, and urine cytology measurements—the use of supplementary validated symptom assessment instruments and discussion of treatment options with the patient before pressure-flow testing, the Panel believed there was no new body of evidence to suggest that the previously published diagnosis (evaluation) decision diagram be altered. Moreover, the AUA Panel felt that the fundamental approach to treatment selection—informed patient decision making—should remain a standard.The landscape of BPH treatment options had changed significantly since 1994. New forms of medical and minimally invasive treatments had been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) while other therapies had become obsolete. Balloon dilation of the prostate, for example was a recommended treatment option in 1994, and essentially a nonexistentprocedure in 2001. More importantly, the overall quality of clinical research methodologies and the validity of outcomes data had improved substantially. Randomized, controlled trials, the gold standard of treatment evaluation, were rare in the 1994 analysis, but had been published in significant numbers since. For these reasons, the Panel focused its energies on revisiting the evidence-based treatment recommendations but not the recommendations for the diagnosis of BPH.Chapter 1: Diagnosis and Treatment Recommendationsc tion 1-1 Introduandterminology 1-2 DefinitionsMethodology 1-3 Diagnostic Evaluation of benign prostatic hyperplasia 1-5 Evaluation 1-8 InitialSymptom Assessment 1-101-12c TestsOptionalDiagnostiInitial management and discussion of treatment options with the patient 1-14 Management of Patients With Bothersome Moderate to SevereBother1-14 WithoutSymptomsManagement of Patient with Bothersome Moderate to1-14 SymptomsSevereOptional Diagnostic Test for Patients Who Choose InvasiveTherapy 1-171-20c ommendationsReTreatment1-21Therapiesc ommendedRe1-21Waitingc hfulWat1-21TreatmentMedic altherapy1-22c bloc kerAlpha-adrenergiinhibitor1-23therapy5Alpha-reduc tase1-25therapyCombinationTherapies 1-26 MinimallyInvasiveThermal-basedtherapies 1-271-30ablationTransurethralneedleStents 1-31Surgery 1-32Transurethral resection of the prostate 1-33Transurethral electrovaporization of the prostate 1-34theprostate1-34ofc isionTransurethralinLaser therapy 1-351-37c tomyprostateOpen1-38 TherapiesEmergingRec ommended 1-40NotBalloonDilation:Therapies for patients with Uncommon or SeriousBPH 1-40ofComplic ationsSummary 1-42 Appendix 1Chapter 2: Methodologyc tion 2-1 IntroduDefining the topics, the literature search and data extraction 2-3c s 2-3TopiDefiningthec h 2-5SearLiteratureThec tion 2-5 DataExtraCombination 2-6 Evidenc eDeveloping re c ommendations 2-11 Limitations 2-13Reading the out c omes tables 2-16 Appendix 2Chapter 3: Results of the Treatment Outcomes AnalysesIntrodu c tion 3-1 Types of treatment out c omes 3-1 Effi c a c y Out c omes 3-2 Symptom Scores 3-2Validated symptom s c ores 3-2 Nonvalidated symptom s c ores 3-3 Custom-made symptom s c ores 3-3 Modified symptom s c ores 3-3 Peak Urinary Flow Rate 3-4 Quality-of-life S c oring Instruments 3-5 Effi c a c y Out c omes Not Analyzed 3-6 Postvoid residual urine 3-6 Invasive pressure-flow studies 3-7 Prostate volume 3-7 Serum prostate-spe c ifi c antigen 3-10 Adverse Events Out c omes 3-11 Types of treatment interventions 3-11Wat c hful Waiting 3-12 Medi c al Therapies 3-13 Minimally Invasive Therapies 3-14 Surgi c al Therapies 3-15 Out c omes Analyzed 3-15 Effi c a c y out c omes-results of analyses 3-17 Medi c al Therapies 3-18 AUA Symptom Index 3-18 Alpha blo c kers 3-18 5 Alpha-redu c tase inhibitors 3-20 Combination therapy 3-21 Peak Urinary Flow Rate 3-23 BPH Impa c t Index 3-25 Disease Specific Quality of Life Question3-26 Minimally Invasive Therapies 3-27 AUA Symptom Index 3-28 Peak Urinary Flow Rate 3-30 BPH Impa c t Index 3-31 Disease Specific Quality of Life Question3-31 Surgi c al Therapies 3-32 AUA Symptom Index 3-33 Peak Urinary Flow Rate 3-34 Disease Specific Quality of Life Question3-35Comparison of Efficacy Outcomes by Treatment Intervention 3-36 Adverse events outcomes-results of analyses 3-39Mortality 3-41 PerioperativeTherapies3-43 Medic alAsthenia 3-43Dizziness 3-45c he 3-47 HeadaHypotension3-483-49 Asymptomatic hypotension3-50c hypotensionSymptomati3-51hypotensionSymptomatic posturalc ope 3-52 SynCongestion 3-54 Respiratory/NasalEvents3-55AdverseRelatedSexually3-55c tiondysfunErec tilec tion 3-60dysfunEjac ulatoryproblems 3-62 LibidoOther 3-59events 3-59adverseCardiovasc ular3-60eventsBreastadverseShort-term Adverse Events Reported With Minimally InvasiveTherapies 3-61 AndInvasive3-61c ationsCompliIntraoperativeHematuria 3-623-64 Transfusionc tions3-66c tInfeInfec tions/UrinaryTra3-68SymptomsIrritativeVoidingUrinaryRetention 3-71c uteALong-term Adverse Events Reported With Minimally InvasiveTherapies 3-74 AndInvasivec ontinen3-74c eInUrinaryc edures 3-76Proc ondarySec ture/UrethralStri3-79c tureContrac kBladderNe3-81c tionSexualDysfunAppendix 3Chapter 4: Research and Future DirectionsIntroduc tion 4-1pathophysiology4-2 andEtiologyandepidemiology 4-3 historyNaturalmanagement 4-4 initialDiagnosisandc Interventions 4-4Therapeutic s 4-5Ec onomic ationissues 4-6 publiandReportingAppendix 4。


2. PTBP1 promotes migration and invasion of lung cancer cells
3. PTBP1 enhances exon11a skipping of Mena premRNA in lung cancer cells
1. PTBP1 is highly expressed in lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) tissues and 95-D cells and upregulation of PTBP1 is associated with EMT progress
2. PTBP1 promotes migration and invasion of lung cancer cells
Master Research
PTBP1 enhances exon11a skipping in Mena premRNA to promote migration and invasion in lung
carcinoma cells
Background Objectives Technology Methods Results Conclusions
5. PTBP1-mediated migration and invasion of 95-D cells are partially dependent on MenaINV
2.1. Overexpressed PTBP1 promotes levels of EMT-related proteins in lung cancer cells
Technology Methods
1. PTBP1 is highly expressed in lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) tissues and 95-D cells and upregulation of PTBP1 is associated with EMT progress



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精准医疗计划杨晓月;陈枢青【摘要】精准医疗是指利用个人基因组信息、疾病体细胞突变信息等,进行的疾病精准诊断和依赖靶向药物等的精准治疗技术.在精准医疗项目中需对患者基因进行测序,了解疾病产生的生物分子机理,运用先进的仪器设备对患者进行精准地检查,并通过手机等移动设备提供实时生理信息,找到治疗靶点,建立疾病知识网络系统.针对患者个人的基因信息、电子健康记录中的实验数据、社会和环境数据等因素,再结合临床生理学指标,医生将为患者个体的需求确定诊断、预后和治疗的策略.本文就精准医疗的发展历程、实施流程、应用价值及未来发展需要注意的问题进行了阐述.【期刊名称】《中国生化药物杂志》【年(卷),期】2016(000)007【总页数】4页(P8-11)【关键词】精准医疗;基因组测序;靶点【作者】杨晓月;陈枢青【作者单位】浙江大学药学院精准医学与生物技术药物研究室,浙江杭州310058;浙江大学药学院精准医学与生物技术药物研究室,浙江杭州310058【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R914精准医疗(precision medicine)是建立在对人、病、药物深度认识基础上,采取的高水平医疗技术。








UnitedHealthcare PharmacyClinical Pharmacy ProgramsProgram Number 2023 P 1114-12Program Prior Authorization/NotificationMedication Includes both brand and generic versions and all formulations ofthe listed products unless otherwise noted: Weight Loss –phentermine (all brand products including Adipex-P and Lomaira),benzphetamine, Contrave (naltrexone HCl and bupropion HCl,diethylpropion, Imcivree (setmelanotide), phendimetrazine, orlistat(Xenical), Qsymia (phentermine and topiramate extended-release),Saxenda (liraglutide), and Wegovy (semaglutide)P&T Approval Date 1/08, 1/2010, 1/2011, 1/2012, 11/2012, 11/2013, 11/2014, 7/2015,9/2016, 9/2017, 9/2018, 9/2019, 9/2020, 4/2021, 9/2021, 9/2022,2/2023Effective Date 5/1/2023;Oxford: 5/1/20231.Background:This is an optional program that is put in place for clients or businesses that have elected to cover weight loss products with Prior Authorization/Notification. It is also designed to meet regulatory requirements for coverage of weight loss medications in California, Maryland, New Mexico and New York.Classification BMI(kg/m2)Underweight< 18.50Normal range 18.50 - 24.99Overweight ≥ 25.00Obese ≥ 30.00Obese class I 30.00 - 34.99Obese class II 35.00 - 39.99Obese class III ≥ 40.00aa State mandates may apply. Any federal regulatory requirements and the member specificbenefit plan coverage may also impact coverage criteria. Other policies and utilizationmanagement programs may apply.3.Additional Clinical Rules:•Supply limits may be in place.4.References:1. American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and American College ofEndocrinology Comprehensive Clinical Practice Guidelines for Medical Care ofPatients with Obesity. Endocr Pract. 2016;22(Suppl 3).2. National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, and NorthAmerican Association for the Study of Obesity. The Practical Guide: Identification,Evaluation, and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults. 2000.3. American Gastroenterological Association medical position statement on obesity.Gastroenterology 2002 Sep;123(3):879-81.4. Bray, GA, Ryan, DH. Medical Therapy for the Patient with Obesity. Circulation.2012;125:1695-1703.5. Barlow, SE. Expert Committee Recommendations Regarding the Prevention, Assessment,and Treatment of Child and Adolescent Overweight and Obesity: Summary Report.Pediatrics 2007.6. Benzphetamine [package insert]. Laurelton, NY: Epic Pharma, LLC; January 2021.7. Diethylpropion [package insert]. Philadelphia, PA: Lannett Company, Inc.; December2019.8. Phendimetrazine Slow-Release Capsules [package insert]. Princeton, NJ: Sandoz Inc.;November 2018.9. Adipex-P [package insert]. Parsippany, NJ: Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc; s ;March2020. 10. X enical [package insert]. South San Franciso, CA : Roche Pharmaceuticals;September 2020.10. Qsymia [package insert]. Moutain View, CA. Vivus, Inc ; June 2022.11 Contrave [package insert]. Brentwood, TN: Currax Pharmaceuticals, LLC; November2021.12. Saxenda [package insert]. Plainsboro, NJ: Novo Nordisk ; June 2022.13. Pharmacological Management of Obesity: An Endocrine Society Clinical PracticeGuideline. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2015 100:2, 342-36214. AHA/ACC/TOS Prevention Guideline: 2013 AHA/ACC/TOS Guideline for theManagement of Overweight and Obesity in Adults: A Report to the American College ofCardiology/American Health Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines and TheObesity Society. Circulation. 2014; 129:S102-13815. World Health Organization. (2006). Global Database on Body Mass Index. Retrievedfrom Lomaira [package insert]. Newtown, PA: KVK-Tech, Inc. December 2018.17. Imcivree [package insert]. Boston, MA: Rhythm Pharmaceuticals, Inc; June 2022.18. Wegovy [package insert]. Plainsboro, NJ: Novo Nordisk; December 2022.Program Weight LossChange ControlDate Change11/2013 Reformatted to standard and updated references. Clarified risk factorsrequired in addition to BMI of 27-29. Removed criteria that coveragewould not be provided if used in combination with other weight lossagents. Shortened initial authorization for sympathomimetics to 3months based on PI recommendations for short-term use. Addedreauthorization criteria for 6 months, changed initial authorizationperiod of Xenical from 4 months to 3 months, and shortenedreauthorization of Belviq and Xenical to 12 months for alignment withOptumRx.11/2014 Added Contrave to guideline.7/2015 Added Saxenda to guideline.9/2016 Annual Review. Added Belviq XR to guideline. Revised authorizationperiod for Xenical. Removed ASO from title- program will remain asASO option.9/2017 Annual Review. Added Lomaira. Updated references. Revisedweightloss percentage for Saxenda per PI.9/2018 Annual Review. Updated references. .9/2019 Annual Review. Revised background section. Revised list ofmodifications of weight related comorbidity.9/2020 Annual review. Updated references. Removed Belviq/Belviq XR.4/2021 Added Imcivree as in scope. Added Imcivree criteria. Updatedreferences. Formatting changes.9/2021 Added Wegovy to criteria. Updated Saxenda criteria to allow forcoverage for 12 years and older. Updated Qsymia weight loss goal togreater than 3 percent per label and changed initial authorization to 4months. Updated references.9/2022 Added background note that this program is intended to meet regulatoryrequirements for coverage of weight loss medications in California,Maryland, New Mexico and New York. This program is replacingpolicy P 1172-8. Changed Qsymia age requirement to 12 or older due tonew pediatric labeling. Updated Imcivree to include new FDAapproved indication for Bardet-Biedl syndrome. Updated references. 2/2023 Updated Wegovy criteria to include pediatric patients based on newlabeling. Added state mandate language.。



曼哈顿医学计划:世界上最富有医生能拯救医疗体系吗作者:暂无来源:《东方企业家》 2014年第10期编译/凌雯静这项靠无数数据集合而成的惊人成就,市值惊人,可达到13 亿美元。



这个人正是T. 丹尼·斯坦福,他从向信用不佳者兜售万事达卡高利贷,获取了28 亿美元的财富。


陈颂雄今年62 岁,这场展示他有很多要展现。

起初,他穿梭于一个未来医院模型中:其中有一个眼罩,能够测量病人的心跳,体温和血压;还有一个三英尺的白色立方体,叫做HBox, 将所有电子设备连向电脑网络。



这项靠无数数据集合而成的惊人成就,市值惊人,可达到13 亿美元。


斯坦福穿着不修边幅的蓝色T 恤和配套裤子,这样炫目的展示让人惊讶不已,让他看上去更凌乱了。

“我觉得这就是我们需要的东西,”斯坦福说,“我还有个医疗集团,我们可以在四十个医院和150 个诊所试水,但是花费肯定是惊人的,还有,这些组织之间的联系也是主要需要解决的问题。




Dementia A Public Health Priority

Dementia A Public Health Priority
• 2013 Journey of Care
Dementia worldvarious estimates about the number of people with dementia in China
World Alzheimer Report 2010: 5.4 million 2030: 11.7 million 2050: 22.0 million Other studies suggest 10 million now
About Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI)
• Established 1984 • The umbrella organisation of Alzheimer associations around the world • 79 member associations Aims to help establish and strengthen Alzheimer associations throughout the world, and to raise global awareness about Alzheimer's disease and all other causes of dementia
• 30 research groups in 20 countries in Latin America, the Caribbean, India, Russia, China and south east Asia, Lebanon
World Alzheimer’s Month
Why dementia is a public health issue?
1. The world's population is ageing
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我是赖强,这2位是艾美仕市场调研有限公司(IMS Health)的徐敏仪女士和宓子厚博士。

今天很高兴邀请到IMS Health的2位资深咨询专家,与我们一起探讨医改推出一年后, 对市场的回顾及展望. 今天的在线访谈会涵盖4个话题, 分别是: 回顾医改一周年出台的政策; MAT2010年4月中国医院用药市场数据解析; 跨国药企的在华市场策略变革; 未来中国医院用药市场的变化. 徐女士会与大家分享第一个话题. 宓博士将稍后与各位探讨余下的三个话题. 首先有请徐女士…在就职于艾美仕市场调研公司的过程中,Mandy在中国医药市场从事咨询服务超过15年。








当然可以,尽管中国保持着强劲的经济发展势头, 但个人医疗自费比例为55%, 排名位于各医药新兴市场前列. 在中国经济发展的20年中,事实上中国的医疗制度并没有跟上经济增长的脚步,所以许多医院病人过满. 可以说, 医疗保健资源非常有限. 每1000人只享有3.8名专业医疗人员的服务和3.1个床位; 就医等候时间长–挂号平均要25分钟, 等候89分钟, 而医生对病人的直接诊疗时间仅6分钟. 农村地区资源分配严重不足 -占总人口54%的农村人口仅享有22.5%的医疗花费. 很多设备无法用到服务大众的目的中来.中国医疗保健体制最根本的问题在哪里?中国医疗保健体制的最根本的挑战在于可及性和人们较差的支付能力. 刚才我已谈了可及性的问题. 现在我们来看下人们的支付能力.现今, 医疗成本不断增加–是1990年自费医疗支出的18倍; 医疗自费比例高–医疗支出的45%由个人承担; 医疗费用负担不起-高达35%的城市居民和43%的农村家庭表示医疗费用难以承担.总结来看, 中国医疗保健体制的根本问题在于:医疗保健资源不足; 资源分配不公不平衡; 医疗保健体系效率低不平衡; 医疗保险覆盖不足; 医院依赖药物收入运营.此次改革的目的就是为了解决先前体制中存在的问题?从某种意义上来说是这样的。






这些资金将用于哪些措施?约有一半的资金将被用于提供广大群众的医疗保险,因为政府计划到2020年每人都能享有不同的保险,到2011年医保系统将能覆盖90%的人群, 增加3个医保方案的保额和报销比例.另一部分是关于提供基本医疗保健服务,以保证基础设施建设,尤其是基本医疗设施,例如开发基本医疗保健服务网络; 建设2,000家县级医院, 3,700家城镇社区卫生中心和30,000家社区卫生站剩余的资金将用于公立医院改革, 合理的公共医疗服务等; 旨在通过开展公立医院改革试点, 以期逐渐排除药品加价; 实现医院监管与运营分离. 提供农村和城市平等共享公共医疗服务.改善专科医疗机构基础设施, 如精神卫生中心, 妇科及儿科诊疗机构这些举措中的首要工作重点是什么呢?首要工作重点是, 至2011年, 将医疗保险覆盖范围扩大到全部人口的90%. 刚才我提到, 现行的保险体制有3种, 分别是: UEBMI (城镇职工BMI) , 于1998年执行, 提供门诊和住院的最好福利待遇; 还有URBMI (城镇居民BMI) - 2007年执行, 主要覆盖了住院治疗, 但门诊治疗花费覆盖很有限; 第三种是NRCMS (新农村合作医疗方案) - 2003年执行, 主要覆盖重大疾病.从这张图表中, 显而易见, 2005年时, 由于(城镇居民BMI) 还未实施, 城镇人口的受保率仅为23%; 农村人口为20%; 到2011年, 对城镇人口来说, 城镇职工和城镇居民BMI 的共同作用下, 全体受保人口将达到90%; 同样的, 新农村合作医疗方案也将覆盖90%的农村人口. 这是一项非常雄心勃勃的计划!我了解到有另一个由此次医改带来的非常重要的发展举措—那就是国家医保目录(NRDL)。

您能详细谈谈吗?好的. 国家医保目录 (NRDL) 在2009年也扩大了覆盖范围, 以期进一步增强人们的支付能力并减轻药价对人们的负担. 我们先来看一下国家医保目录(NRDL)选择标准, 分别是: 临床必需; 安全性和疗效; 合理定价; 使用方便; 市场供给保证. 原则上说, 国家医保目录(NRDL) 每2年根据国家人力资源与社会保障部的法规修改一次. 事实上, 国家医保目录(NRDL)仅在2000, 2004和2009年修改过. 如图所示, 2004年的NRDL中, List A总共有450种药品, 而List B总共有1,400种, 其中西药占了712种; 而到了2009年目录修改以后, List A有503种药品; List B药品数目上升到了1,624中, 其中西药占有791种.刚才你有提到医疗保健资源不平衡使用的问题, 请问计划如何解决这一问题呢?为解决医疗保健资源不平衡使用的问题, 一级基本医疗机构将在城镇和农村建立, 医疗保健供给体系将不断发展.现状是, 我们虽然有3级医疗机构, 但是这些资源并没有合理使用. 几乎所有类型的病人, 不管其病情的严重程度如何, 都蜂拥而至三级医疗保健机构, 使三级机构的就诊病人数目多到不成比例; 而二级和一级/基本医疗保健机构却未被充分利用, 造成资源浪费.为解决这一问题, 通过改革希望将来能做到三个级别的医疗保健机构都得到充分合理地利用. 如: 一级基本医疗保健机构主要收诊小病或常见疾病的门诊病人和疾病预防. 而二级机构负责提供急诊及综合医院服务; 三级机构主要为专科医院, 专注于疑难杂症及科研. 根据病情严重程度, 病人可以选择在各级医院之间转诊.这真是令人振奋的消息. 请问这一系列改革举措, 对在华药企会产生什么样的影响呢?从短期来看, 国家医保目录(NDRL)的执行及定价改革将产生最大的影响. 其中积极因素包括: 国家医保目录(NRDL)/省级医保目录(PRDL)的执行, 目前未参加医保人群会增加其医保覆盖, 增强的保险福利, 高价药品的议价机制等. 同时也会伴有一些不利的因素, 如定价改革, 公立医院改革及更严格的保险费用遏制管理. 其中最引人瞩目的是基本医保目录的实行与基本医疗保健服务的发展, 这二项并称为改革的双刃剑.那么现行的运营模式在近期内会改变吗?不, 现行的运营模式在近期内不会改变. 不会改变的现状主要有: 医药公司销售模式, 大型城镇医院仍占有主要市场, 自费医疗的负担仍十分沉重,改革对药物定价有什么影响呢?改革对价格会产生较大的压力, 但是仍有协商的空间在这个转型期, 对于专利药来说, 定价应以价值为导向, 而非以成本为定价基础, 同时也需要以国际市场为参照进行定价, 在上市一些年后进行降价; 而对于专利失效的原研药来说, 价格压力下降, 原研药和仿制药的价格差距不断缩小, 但有着”以质为本”的独立定价空间. 将来, 对于仿制药来说, 初入市时可实行较高定价, 而对于专利失效的原研药, LOE后实行强制降价; 但他们都享有”以质为本”的独立定价空间. 总结来说, 改革的目标就是5年后能有统一的价格; 且价格依赖于药品的成熟度及仿制药数量.那么改革对创新产品有什么作用呢?创新产品将在改革中获利; 寻求新药上市的最佳定价将需要药物经济学研究(HEOR).复杂的改革使这个市场机遇与挑战并存.对于新品牌药来说, 由于保险人群扩大, 更多病人能获得医疗服务; 基本医疗保健机构的建立, 使人们的疾病意识不断增强, 且由于病人电子档案的实现, 将提高相关规则的遵守度. 这些都是有利因素; 同时使用DRG 和其他方式的价格审查将更严格; IMS认为, 药物经济学研究(HEOR), 为中国市场定制, 提供合理制定最佳入市价格的服务, 将变得越来越重要.对于高价创新肿瘤药/生物制剂来说, 列入国家医保目录(NRDL)是可能的, 但需要创新的协商机制; 与商业医疗保险公司合作以扩大可及性人群的机遇. 与此同时, 价格交换(折扣,价量协定等)也将带来不同程度的挑战.入基本医保目录有什么正面和负面的影响呢?对于进入基本医保目录的成熟产品, 由于药品的强制使用, 销量将大幅度提升, 而且EDL 使该药品有能力进入新的领域, 如社区卫生中心及农村地区,而这些地区以前都是跨国企业不曾进入的领域.同时EDL也会带来一定的挑战. 由于必须与发布的上限价保持一致, 就要面临大幅度降价.而且在执行上会有很大差异, 例如不同省份间的定价, 招标, 分销等. 而且即使降价, 销量的上升也不是可以保证的.那么对专利失效的原研药有什么潜在影响呢?同样, 影响也是双方面的.因为质量较好, 专利失效的原研药会有“独立定价”的机会. 而且由于受保人群扩大及更好的保险福利, 销量会增加.但是, 价格大幅下降会带来压力, 使得与仿制药的价格差距缩小;仿制药入侵也会更多.为了使结果最优化, 在华医药企业该采取哪些行动呢?这个问题应该从3个方面来看. 分别是公司层面, 投资组合以及产品线.公司组织架构需应对改革进行妥善调整, 内部资源得到协调统一, 采用适应公司进一步发展的最优化的商业模式.同时, 对投资组合, 病人市场细分, 及销售渠道都需进行重新评估.对于产品来说, 定价及入市选择, 询证需求的考量, 支付策略的制定都是十分重要的.在这些领域都必须立刻采取行动, 不论是短期还是长期.Mandy。





