
加热器 interior adj.内部的;国内的;本质的
version n. 译文;版本
A cooling system works by sending a liquid coolant through passages in the engine block and heads. As the coolant flows through these passages, it picks up heat from the engine. The heated coolant then passes through a rubber hose to the top inlet of the radiator in front of the car. The coolant flows down through the thin tubes in the radiator; the hot coolant is cooled by the air stream entering the engine compartment from the grill in front of the car.
冷却系统是密封的。当冷却液吸收热量后,其温度逐渐升高, 容积膨胀,使冷却系统内的压力增高。当系统压力处在大气压 力之下时,冷却液的沸点会变得更高。冷却剂主要由乙二醇制
过成了,一沸会点比,水小高男,孩保不持哭在了允,许睁的开气压眼下睛,,冷却液可以在250度甚 用至询以问上的温目度光下看处着于越安南全护状士态。。
被堵,发动机很快达到正常运行温度,在一个较冷的日子,热的 冷却液流入暖风机,向车厢内部供应暖气。
The hot coolant is also used to provide heat to the interior of the vehicle when needed. The heater core looks like a small version of a radiator, connected to the cooling system with a pair or rubber hoses. One hose brings hot coolant to the heater core and the other hose returns the coolant back to the engine. A fan called a blower, draws air through the heater core and directs it through the heater ducts to the interior of the car. Temperature of the heat is regulated by a blend door that mixes cool outside air or air conditioned air with the heated air coming through the heater core.

空调 开关 12V 输入
双压力开关 压缩机继电器
蒸发器表面温度 4℃ 以上时 恒温开关: ON
空调 开关
12V 输入
(ON) (ON)
12V 输出
双压力开关 压缩机继电器
皮带锁止 保护功能 因压缩机 内部故障 产生离合器滑动时 皮带锁止控制器 工作(温控保险丝)-皮带保护
蒸发器表面温度传感器 (TXV 型)
蒸发器表面温度 1℃ 以下时 恒温开关: OFF
温度控制装置 蒸发器表面温度传感器
量少 压缩机继续转动
双压力开关作用下 压缩机OFF
双压力开关作用下 压缩机OFF
高压安全阀工作 放出制冷剂
低压开关作用下 压缩机OFF
自动: PowerTR 手动: 鼓风机电阻
内/外气控制 执行器
鼓风机 继电器 鼓风机
更换周期 : 5,000 – 12,000 K/m

奔驰中英文对照.2E-E 电子化油器4MATIC 全自动控制四轮驱动车4MATIC 四轮驱动车A/C(Automatic) 自动恒温空调A/C(Tempmatic) 温度恒温空调AB 安全气囊ABS 防抱制动ABW 电脑测距警告装置ADA 大气压力全负荷阻挡器ADM 自动调光式後视镜ADS 最佳避震系统(电脑)AG 自动变速箱AIR 二次喷气系统AKR 防爆震控制系统(传感器)ALDA 进气歧管压力补偿器AP 油门踏板ARF 废气再循环系统AS 天线装置ASA 自动白天/ 夜晚调整镜ASD 自动防锁差速系统ASD 自动锁定防滑差速器ASR 防滑驱动控制系统AT 自动变速箱ATA 防盗装置ATS 自动天线系统BA 倒车辅助警告装置BARO 绝对压力传感器BCAPC 绝对压力式进气压力补偿BDC 下止点BF 前乘客BLS 倒车灯开关BLS(NC)倒车灯开关(常闭型)BLS(NO)倒车灯开关(常开型)BM 鼓风机马达,基本模组BPC 绝对压力补偿BR 棕色BU 蓝色CA 关门辅助机构CAN 控制电脑区域网路(电脑连线)CC 定速控制器CCM 总合控制模组CDC CD 换片机CDW CD 主机CF 特殊便利装备CFI 连续式电子喷射CKA 曲轴转角CKP 曲轴转角传感器CL 中控锁CLUS 电子仪表版CMP 凸轮轴转角传感器CNS 通讯及导航系统CODE 码CST 软顶式敞篷车CTP 节气门全闭(怠速)CTU 集中触控器CV 敞篷车可掀软顶DFA 速度信号输出DH 电子诊断手册DI 分电盘式直接点火DIAG 诊断接头DIAGN 诊断接头DM 诊断模组DTC 故障码EA 电子油门EAG 电子控制自动变速箱EBR 引擎制动调节ECL 冷却液位ECT 冷却水温传感器EDC 电子柴油控制系统EDR 电子柴油调节系统EDS 电子柴油系统EDW 防盗警报装置2E-E 强力化油器EFP 电子油门踏板EGR 废气再循环系统EIFI 电子式管路喷射系统ELR 电子怠速控制器ELV 电子转向柱调整EMSC 电子镜,转向柱调整及加温镜ENR 电子水平控制系统EPC 电子动力系统控制EPH 驻车辅助装置ERE 电子直线式柴油喷射系统ESA 电动座椅调整ESC 电子火花控制器、电子转向机柱调整ESCM 引擎系统控制模组ESL 电子调整式镜子及方向柱ESP 电子安定程式ESV 电动调整座椅ETC 电子自动变速箱控制ETR 紧急收缩式安全带ETS 电子循迹控制EVAP EEC净化碳罐电磁阀系统EVE 电子分配式柴油喷射系统EZL 电子点火正时调整式点火系统FA 司机FFS 大梁底盘制FP 油泵FSA +免调整喇叭正线FSA -免调整喇叭负线GDB 调节差压式刹车GES 车速信号GIM 调节波形法GM 通用模组(或电脑)GN 绿色GY 灰色GUB 双门跑车GUB 安全带拉伸器GUS 安全带张力器HAL 後轴转向装置HAU 标准暖气装置(欧规)HAU 自动暖气控制系统HCS 大灯清洁系统HFS 免动手制HHT 手提型轻便测试机HK 车身高度补正装置HPF 气压式悬挂HS 不易起动HZS 行李厢盖辅助锁IAT 进气温度传感器IC 仪表板IDC 点火诊断用接头IFI 电子柴油直接喷射系统IFZ 红外线遥控中控锁IND 指示灯INTERV 间歇雨刷IR 红外线控制系统IRCL 红外线控制中控锁ISC 怠速控制器IV 输入阀KA 机械式喷射电脑KAF 气电式後座枕控制KAF 收缩式後座枕KAT 触媒转换器KE 机械/电子控制燃油喷射CIS-EKFB 悬挂弹性控制系统KFB 电动窗中央便利控制装置KI 电子仪表板总成KLA 自动恒温控制KS 敲缸传感器KSK 控制接点KSS 爆震控制系统KU +离合器+KU -离合器-KW 曲轴转角传感器LA 灯光输出(预热继电器)LED G 绿色回馈LEDLED R 红色回馈LEDLF 左前LH 热线式空气流量计喷射LH-SFI 热线式空气流量计-顺序式喷射系统LHS 左方向盘LL 左方向盘驾驶LLR 怠速控制LS 喇叭装置LS 动力辅助方向盘LSA 扬声器装置LSK 怠速安全接点M +马达正M -马达负MAF 空气流量传感器MAP 进气歧管绝对压力测试器MAS 引擎系统电脑盒MB-ISO 诊断接头ME-SFI ME 顺序式多点喷射及点火系统MF 多功能预混合及点火系统MG 手动变速箱MIL 引擎故障警告灯MOT 马达MSK 节气门开启安全接点MSR 减速断油/防爆装置MSR 引擎磨擦扭力控制系统MT 手动变速箱MUTE 收音机MUTE信号MVA 歧管真空辅助机构N 空档NR 水平调节控制NV 低压缩比O2S 含氧传感器OBD 自我诊断OC 触媒转换器OSB 座椅扶手OSL 调整式靠背OT 上止点OV 输出阀P 停车档P+电位计+参考信号P-电位计-参考信号PA 停车辅助机构PARK SW. 手刹车开关PK 粉色PL 电动锁PLA 气压式怠速提升PML 电脑控制油压调整式转向系统PMP 进气歧管部份加温器PMS 压力感应式喷射/点火系统PNP 空档安全开关POS 位置PS 动力转向压力PSE 自动控制真空PSV 进气歧管部份预热装置PWM 电子波形RA 修护手册RAF 氧化抑制器RAF 油烟燃尽过滤器RB 防滚杆RCL 遥控中控锁RD 红色RD 收音机RDK 胎压指示器RDU 胎压监视器REST 引擎余热再利用RF 右前RFH 冷车冒烟控制系统RFH 倒车辅助装置RHR 调整式後座枕RHS 加温式後座椅RIV 参考脉波RIV 调速脉频控制程序RL 右侧驾驶RPM 每分钟转速RR 右後RRE 旅行电脑RS 防撞系统RST 软顶敞篷车RTG 调整式行李厢把手RTN 回路RTR 遥控行李厢释放RUF 触媒转换器改良板RUF 应答式装置RV 双座敞篷轿车软顶RX 接收信号S 屏敝线S +B 设定-加速S -B 设定-减速SA 选择特殊配备SBE 安全带控制器SHI 辅助关门系统SIF 後加温座椅SIH 加温式座椅SLO 起动锁定SMS 维修微缩胶片SOV 电磁阀SPS 速度感应式电动转向机构SR 滑动/顶升天窗SRA 大灯清洗系统SRS 安全气囊SRU 进气歧管真空增量SS 车速传感器STH 车内温度调节系统STH 辅助加热器SW 开关T 温度输入(预热继电器)TAU 自动温控(空调)系统TB 节气门本体TC 涡轮增压机TCM 自动变速箱电脑盒TD 转速讯号TDC 上止点TELE 伸缩管TIC 电晶体式电子点火控制TK 车门接点TN 转速信号TNA 引擎RPM信号TPM 定速器TRAP 氧化器TRU 发射接收器TS 拖车传感器。

汽车工程基本专业术语(第1部分)Special Basic Term in Vehicle Engineering(Part 1)暖风与空调系统Heating and A/C System说明:这是本人编纂的《汽车工程基本专业术语》的一部分,暖风与空调系统部分。
张珏成2016年1月9日英汉对照部分A/C n. 空调(air condition,air-condition)e.g.:A/C blower,空调鼓风机;A/C compressor,空调压缩机;A/C compressor signal,空调压缩机信号;A/C control panel,空调控制面板;A/C receive-drier,[空调制冷剂] 储液干燥器;A/C signal,空调[机,器] 信号;A/C water temperature control switch,空调水温控制开关;illuminating light of A/C control panel,空调控制面板照明灯additional a. 附加的e.g.:additional designation,附加标志;additional size,附加规格(尺寸);additional size designation,附加规格标志agent n.①起作用的原因;②药剂e.g.:drying agent,干燥剂air n. 空气e.g.:air breather,通气塞;air cleaner,空气滤清器;air-condition,1. n. 空调(A/C);2. vt. & vi. [开、使用] 空调;air condition,空调(A/C);air distributor,空气分布箱;airflow,n. 气流;airflow outlet,气流出口;airflow outlet of instrument panel,仪表板出风口;heating and air-conditioning system,暖风与空调系统alphabet n. 字母表e.g.:alphabetical,a. 按字母顺序的;alphabetically,ad. 按字母顺序地;alphabetize,vt. 按字母顺序排列、以字母表示;alphanumeric,a. 字母数字式的(计算机术语);code alphabet,代码、代码字母;alternate vt. & vi. 交替,轮流e.g.:alternately,ad. 交替地、轮流地;alternating current,交流电;alternation,n. 交替、轮流;alternative,a. 替代的;alternator,n. 交流发电机;electromagnetic alternating field,[交变]电磁场comparison:alter,vt. 修改、改变、改建aspect n. 方向e.g.:axis aspect,轴向axis n. 轴线e.g.:axis aspect,轴向comparison:axle,n. 轮轴,车轴axle 车桥,车轴e.g.:front axle,前桥;rear axle,后桥comparison:axis,n. 轴线base n. 基础,根基,底部,基座,底座e.g.:valve base,阀座belt1. n. 皮带,带子,带状物e.g.:belt pulley,皮带轮;multi-wedge belt,多楔皮带;multi-wedge belt pulley,多楔带带轮;seatbelt,安全带2. vt. 用带扎住e.g.:belted,a. 扎成带状的blow[blew,blown] vt. & vi. 吹[风]e.g.:A/C blower,空调鼓风机;blower,n. 鼓风机;blowing rate,风量;blowing rate button,风量旋钮;decelerating resistance of blower,鼓风机减速电阻body n.① [机]体,机座,基座,(罐、底座、机器等)[主]体e.g.:body for refrigerant,制冷剂罐体;body of combination switch,组合开关座体;control valve body,控制阀体②车身boot n. 靴子e.g.:damping rubber boot,减振橡胶套;rubber boot,橡胶套bore n. ①孔;②孔(缸)径bottom n.①底部e.g.:cupped shell with holes at bottom,底部带孔的杯壳②基础,基座,基体breathe vt. & vi. 呼吸e.g.:air breather,通气塞;breather,n. 呼吸机(器);breathless,a. 无呼吸的comparison:breast,n. 胸部;breath,n. 呼吸button n. 旋钮,按钮e.g.:blowing rate button,风量旋钮;cabin n. 船舱,机舱,车厢e.g.:cabin temperature switch,车厢温度开关canal n. 通道,管道,(食道的、气管的)管e.g.:filter net of suction canal,进风罩(道)滤网;suction cana1,进风罩(道);suction canal filter,进风罩(道)滤网comparison:tube,n. 管子cap n. 盖(子)e.g.:cap plate,盖板;cap plate with holes,多孔盖板,带孔的盖板capability n. 能力,才能e.g.:capable,a. 有能力的、有才能的、能干的;capably,ad. 有能力地、有才能地、能干地;ratedrefrigeration capability,额定制冷量(能力);refrigeration capability制冷量comparison:incapable,a. 无能力的、无才能的、不能干的;incapably,ad. 无能力地、无才能地、不能干地;incapability,n. 无能力,无才能capacity n. ①容积,容量;②[储]油量,[储]液量e.g.:lubricant capacity,润滑油容量;refrigerating capacity,制冷量car n. [小]汽车e.g.:passenger car,乘用车;轿车;car key,汽车钥匙center n. 中心,中央,核心(美语。

Mercedes-Benz China
通过多功能传感器控制新鲜空气和车内循环空气的风门 条件:1、车外温度>7℃
2.冷凝器和蒸发器——它们虽然叫法不一样,但结构类似。它们都是在一排弯绕的 管道上布满散热用的金属薄片,以此实现外界空气与管道内物质的热交换的装 置。冷凝器的冷凝指的是其管道内的制冷剂散热从气态凝成液态。其原理与发 动机的散热水箱相近〔区别只在于水箱的水一直是液态而已〕,所以它经常被 安装在车头,与水箱一起,共同享受来自前方的习习凉风。总之冷凝器是哪里 凉快哪里去,以便其散热冷凝。蒸发器与冷凝器正好相反,它是制冷剂由液态 变成气态〔即蒸发〕吸收热量的场所。
传感器工作逻辑: 1.在周围温度小于10ºc时, N22读取车内温度传感器〔 N70b1〕的温度值。 2. 自动空调在周围温度大于10ºc时,2个车内温度传感 器〔N70b1,N22b1〕均被读取。因此2个数据同时在 N22中处理。
Mercedes-Benz China
车外温度传感器是个热敏电阻传感器。它可以在40℃—85℃之间工作。将阻值电流通过左SAM电脑 和CAN数据线传递到自动空调控制模块。然后自动空 调按键控制模块对温度进行调节。由于要使其不受 发动机温度的影响,它被安装在前保险杠上。
Mercedes-Benz China
Mercedes-Benz China
活性炭滤清器: 1、活性炭滤清器〔共2个〕安装于鼓风机后段的进气道,其过滤新鲜空气也过滤循环空气。 2、活性炭滤清器可过滤环境中90%的污物及异味,并可恢复氧含量,过滤气体几乎100%的臭氧。 3、当在控制面板〔N22〕中选用性炭滤清器按键,空调内通过位置电机〔A32Mm2〕将旁通道风门

Automatic Dimming in side rearview Mirrov
Auelerator Pedal
Antenna System
Backup Assist
Barmotric pvessure charge Air prossure
BAKO metric Pvessure
Bottom Dead center
Controllek Area Network
Auto atic
Temp matic
Air Bag
Anti—lock Brake System

November 201622-1929-1A-ENSplit System Heat Pump208–230V M O D E L 4TWA4036A3000A 4TWA4042A3000A 4TWA4048A3000A 4TWA4060A3000A 460V M O D E L4TWA4036A4000A 4TWA4042A4000A 4TWA4048A4000A4TWA4060A4000AN o t e :“Graphics in this document are for representationonly.Actual model may differ in appearance.”T able of ContentsProduct Specifications (3) (4)Accessory Description and Usage (5)Model Nomenclature (5)Schematic (6)Outline Drawing (10)Mechanical Specification Options (11)Product SpecificationsT able1.230v Models(a)Certified in accordance with the Air-Source Unitary Air-conditioner Equipment certification program,which is based on AHRI standard210/240.(b)Calculated in accordance with N.E.C.Only use HACR circuit breakers or fuses.(c)Reference the outdoor unit ship-with literature for refrigerant piping length and lift guidelines.Reference the refrigerant piping software pub#32–3312–xx or refrigerant piping application guide SS-APG006–xx for long line sets or specialty applications(xx denotes latest revision).(d)Outdoor condensing units are factory charged with the system charge required for the outdoor condensing unit and15feet of tested connecting lines.Ifconnecting line length exceeds15feet,then final refrigerant charge adjustment is necessary.Each additional foot over15feet requires0.6ozs of refrigerant.See the Installer’s Guide for full charging instructions.(e)*=15,20,25,30,40and50foot lineset available,T able2.460v ModelsP r o d u c t S p e c i f i c a t i o n sT able2.460v Models(continued)(a)Certified in accordance with the Air-Source Unitary Air-conditioner Equipment certification program,which is based on AHRI standard210/240.(b)Calculated in accordance with N.E.C.Only use HACR circuit breakers or fuses.(c)Reference the outdoor unit ship-with literature for refrigerant piping length and lift guidelines.Reference the refrigerant piping software pub#32–3312–xx or refrigerant piping application guide SS-APG006–xx for long line sets or specialty applications(xx denotes latest revision).(d)Outdoor condensing units are factory charged with the system charge required for the outdoor condensing unit and15feet of tested connecting lines.Ifconnecting line length exceeds15feet,then final refrigerant charge adjustment is necessary.Each additional foot over15feet requires0.6ozs of refrigerant.See the Installer’s Guide for full charging instructions.(e)*=15,20,25,30,40and50foot lineset available,Accessory Description and UsageA n t i-S h o r t C y c l e T i m e r—Solid state timing device that prevents compressor recycling untilfive(5)minutes have elapsed after satisfying call or power e in area withquestionable power delivery,commercial applications,long lineset,etc.E v a p o r a t i o n D e f r o s t C o n t r o l—SPST Temperature actuated switch that cycles the condenseroff as indoor coil reaches freeze-up ed for low ambient cooling to30°F with TXV.R u b b e r I s o l a t o r s—Five(5)large rubber donuts to isolate condensing unit from transmittingenergy into mounting frame or e on any application where sound transmission needs tobe minimized.E x t r e m e C o n d i t i o n M o u n t K i t—Bracket kits to securely mount condensing unit to a frame orpad without removing any e in areas with high winds,or on commercial roof tops,etc.A H R I S t a n d a r d C a p a c i t y R a t i n g C o n d i t i o n sAHRI Standard210/240Rating Conditions1.Cooling80°F DB,67°F WB air entering indoor coil,95°F DB air entering outdoor coil.2.High Temperature Heating47°F DB,43°F WB air entering outdoor coil,70°F DB air enteringindoor coil.3.Low Temperature Heating17°F DB air entering outdoor coil.4.Rated indoor airflow for heating is the same as for cooling.A H R I S t a n d a r d270R a t i n g C o n d i t i o n s—(Noise rating numbers are determined with the unit incooling operations.)Standard Noise Rating number is at95°F outdoor air.Model NomenclatureSchematicFigure1. 3.0T on230V ModelsFigure2. 3.0T on460VModelsS c h e m a t i cFigure 3. 3.5,4.0&5.0T on 230VModelsS c h e m a t i cFigure4. 3.5,4.0&5.0T on460VModelsS c h e m a t i cOutline DrawingMechanical Specification OptionsG e n e r a lThe Outdoor Units are fully charged from the factory for up to15feet of piping.This unit isdesigned to operate at outdoor ambient temperatures as high as115°F.Cooling capacities arematched with a wide selection of air handlers and furnace coils that are AHRI certified.The unit iscertified to UL1995.Exterior is designed for outdoor application.C a s i n gUnit casing is constructed of heavy gauge,galvanized steel and painted with a weather-resistantpowder paint finish on all louvered panels and the fan top panel.The corner panels areprepainted.All panels are subjected to our1,000hour salt spray test.The base is made of aCMBP-G30weatherproof material to resist corrosion.R e f r i g e r a n t C o n t r o l sRefrigeration system controls include condenser fan,compressor contactor and high pressureswitch.High and low pressure controls are inherent to the compressor.A factory supplied liquidline drier is standard.Some models may require field installation.C o m p r e s s o rThe compressor features internal over temperature,pressure protection and total dippedhermetic motor.Other features include:Centrifugal oil pump and low vibration and noise.C o n d e n s e r C o i lThe outdoor coil provides low airflow resistance and efficient heat transfer.The coil is protectedon all four sides by louvered panels.L o w A m b i e n t C o o l i n gAs manufactured,this system has a cooling capacity to55°F.The addition of an evaporatordefrost control permits operation to40°F.The addition of an evaporator defrost control with TXVpermits low ambient cooling to30°F.T h e r m o s t a t s—Cooling only and heat/cooling(manual and automatic change over).Sub-base tomatch thermostat and locking thermostat cover.E v a p o r a t o r D e f r o s t C o n t r o l—See Low Ambient Cooling.22-1929-1A-EN11Ingersoll Rand(NYSE:IR)advances the quality of life by creating comfortable,sustainable and efficient environments. Our people and our family of brands—including Club Car®,Ingersoll Rand®,Thermo King®and Trane®—work together to enhance the quality and comfort of air in homes and buildings;transport and protect food and perishables;and increase industrial productivity and efficiency.We are a global business committed to a world of sustainable progress and enduring results.For more information,visit .Ingersoll Rand has a policy of continuous product and product data improvements and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice.The AHRI Certified mark indicates Ingersoll Rand participation in the AHRI Certification program.For verification of individual certified products,go to.©2016Ingersoll Rand All rights reserved22-1929-1A-EN11Nov2016Supersedes(New)。
汽车专业英语教程多媒体教学课件Unit 9 section 2

In normal operating conditions when the ignition switch is turned to the ON position,the light goes on for about 6 seconds and then goes off.
3—Sight Window for Liquid Level;视液窗 4—Receiver-Dryer;储液干 燥器 5—Condenser;冷凝器
6—Thermostatic Expansion Valve;热力膨胀阀
In hot weather , your car's air
conditioner cleans and dehumidifies ( removes excess moisture ) , the outside air entering your car.It also
When the vehicle is involved in a frontal collision(正面碰撞),and the shock is larger than a predetermined level,the airbag is activated (激活)automatically.Safe sensors are designed to go on at a smaller deceleration rate than the front and center airbag sensors.Ignition is caused when current flows to the squib,which happens when a safe sensor and a front airbag sensor and the center airbag sensor go on at same time.When a deceleration force acts on the sensors it causes the squib to ignite.Gas is then generated,increasing the pressure inside the bag rapidly.

奔驰212培训(Introduction of the New E-Class)英文版(可编辑)奔驰212培训(Introduction of the New E-Class)英文版Introduction of the New E-ClassIntroduction into Service Manual - Model Series 212 Sedan– This printout will not be recorded by the update service Status01 2009 –Mercedes-Benz ServiceIntroduction of the New E-ClassIntroduction into Service Manual –Model Series 212 SedanDaimler AG ? Technical Information and Workshop EquipmentGSPOI ? D-70546 Stuttgart– This printout will not be recorded by the update service Status01 2009 –Information and copyrightOrdering workshop informationAll printed workshop information from GSP OI such as IntroductionintoService Manuals System Descriptions Function Descriptions Technology Guides Technical Data Manuals and adhesive labels can be ordered as followsIn GermanyThrough our GSP TIShop on the InternetLink http gsp-ti-shopdeor alternativelyE-mail customersupportdaimlercomPhone 49- 0 18 05 0 10-79 79Fax 49- 0 18 05 0 10-79 78Outside GermanyPlease get in touch with the contact person responsible for your marketProduct PortfolioComprehensive information about our full Product Portfoliocan also be found at our Internet PortalLink http comlercomQuestions and suggestionsIf you have any questions or suggestions concerning this product please writeto usE-mail customersupportdaimlercomFax 49- 0 1805 0 10-79 78or alternativelyAddress Daimler AGGSP OISHPC R822 W002D-70546 Stuttgart2008 by Daimler AGThis document including all its parts is protected by copyright Any further processing or use requires the previous written consent ofDaimler AG Department GSP OIS HPC R822 W002 D-70546 StuttgartThis applies in particular to reproduction distribution alteration translationmicrofilming and storage and or processing in electronic systems includingdatabases and online servicesImage no of title image P0001-3800-00Order no of this publication 6516 1365 0211 08– This printout will not be recorded bythe update service Status 01 2009 –ContentsPreface 7OverviewModels and major assemblies 8Brief description 9Highlights 10BlueEFFICIENCY 11Equipment 13Retrofitting 21Overall vehicleExterior 22Dimensions 25Technical data 29Interior 31Stowage compartments 38Maintenance strategyASSYST PLUS 40DriveEngine data 42Diesel engine OM 651 44Diesel engine OM 642 46Gasoline engine M 272 M 273 48Exhaust system 50Introduction of the New E-Class Model Series 212Sedan b 3– This printout will not be recorded by the update service Status 01 2009 –ContentsFuel system52Transmission7G-Tronictransmission 54ChassisSteering56Axles 58Suspension 60Brake system 65Technical data 67Wheels and tires 68NetworkingOverall network 70Battery andalternator 75On-board electricalsystem 76LightsExterior lights 78SafetyActive safety 84Passive safety 85PRE-SAFE 894 b Introduction of the New E-Class Model Series 212Sedan– This printout will not be recorded by the update service Status 01 2009 –ContentsDriving assistance systemsOverview of systems 90Adaptive Highbeam Assist 92Speed Limit Assist 93ATTENTION ASSIST 96Lane Keeping Assist98Blind Spot Assist 100Exclusive Parking Assist 102Night View Assist 106Reversing camera 108DISTRONIC PLUS 110ComfortClimate control 114Sliding roof 120Audio and communicationsTelematics 122Audio equipment 123Navigation entertainment 127 Telephone 128LINGUATRONIC 130Sound system 131Rear entertainment 132Introduction of the New E-Class Model Series 212 Sedan b 5– This printout will not be recorded by the update service Status 01 2009 –ContentsBodyOverview of materials 134Bodyshell components 135Force progression during an accident 138Model plate 139Special toolsSuspension 140Front axle steering 141Body 142Electrical system 143Workshop equipmentBody exhaust system 144Exhaust system 145AnnexAbbreviations 146Index 1486 b Introduction of the New E-Class Model Series 212Sedan– This printout will not be recordedby the update service Status 01 2009 –PrefaceDear readerThis Introduction into Service Manual presents the WIS is updated continuously Therefore the informa-new E-Class sedan in model series 212 tion available there reflects the latest technical statusof our vehiclesThe purpose of this brochure is to acquaint you withthe technical highlights of this new vehicle in advance The Introduction into Service Manual presents initialof its market launch This brochure is intended to information relating to the sedan of model series 212provide information for people employed in service or and as such is not stored in WIS The contents of thismaintenance repair as well as for aftersales staff Itbrochure are not updated No provision is made foris assumed here that the reader is already familiar supplements with the Mercedes-Benz model series currently on theWe will publicize modifications and new features in themarketrelevant WIS documents The information presented inIn terms of the contents the emphasis in this Intro- this Introduction into Service Manual may thereforeduction into Service Manual is on presenting new and differ from the more up-to-date information found inmodified components and systemsWISThis Introduction into Service Manual is not intended All the information relating to specifications equip-as an aid for repairs or for the diagnosis of technical ment and options are valid as of the publication dead-problems For such needs more extensive information line in November 2008 and may therefore differ fromis available in the Workshop Information System WIS the current production configurationand via Xentry DiagnosticsDaimler AGTechnical Informationand Workshop Equipment GSP OIi NoteInformation about the vehicles and about oper-ating the vehicle functions can also be found in theinteractive owners manual on the internet atmercedes-benzde betriebsanleitungIntroduction of the New E-Class Model Series 212 Sedan b 7– This printout will not be recordedby the update service Status 01 2009 –w Models and major assemblieseivrev W212 Model Engine 6-speed Automatic Automatic OMarket launch manual 5-speed 7-speed03 2009 transmission transmission transmissionE 220 CDI212002 651924 716656 722646BlueEFFICIENCYE 250 CDI212003 651924 711670 722646BlueEFFICIENCYE 350 CDI212025 642850722902BlueEFFICIENCYE 350 CGI212057 272983 722906BlueEFFICIENCYE 500 212072 273971 722904P0010-4698-00New E-Class model series 212 sedan8 b Introduction of the New E-Class Model Series 212 Sedan– This printout will not berecorded by the update service Status 01 2009 –Brief description weivrVehicle conceptevOIn March 2009 the W211 E-Class sedan will be The interior too reflects these high standards throughreplaced by the new W212 sedan imum precision quality in looks and workman-With the new E-Class the customer receives a sedan ship combined with sporty and luxurious elegancethat sets new standards with its new styling its reli- By means of numerous new technical features it hasability its comfort its efficiency and its safety been possible to improve on the already high stan-dards of the predecessor model series with better rideThese high standards are evident in its elegant appear-comfort larger space gains and further innovationsance its strikingly dynamic front view with redesignedparticularly in the areas of active and passive safety4-eye headlamps and its powerful sporty auraDimensional conceptThe dimensional concept of the new E-Class sedan is The vehicle width has increased considerably Thederived from that of the predecessor model series 211 height of the car has increased due to the relocationand is characterized by more space in the interior and of the roof antenna although the nominal vehiclea restyled body height dimension has been slightly reducedThe length of the vehicle has increased only slightlyalthough the proportions of wheelbase to overhanghave been changed Shortening the front overhanghas significantly increased the wheelbase This hasallowed the interior to be enlarged while simulta-neously improving ride comfortDimensional concept comparing W211 and W212Dimensions Unit W211 W212 DifferenceE 220 CDIE 220 CDIVehicle length mm 4852 4868 16Vehicle width mm 1822 1854 32Vehicle height mm 1483 1470 -13Wheelbase mm 2854 2874 20Introduction of the New E-Class Model Series 212 Sedan b 9– This printout will not be recorded bythe update service Status 01 2009 –w Highlightseivre Innovations Environmental compatibilityvONew headlamp styling Crucial factors in environmental compatibility are notNew 4-cylinder diesel engine 651 with advanced only fuel economy and emissions while driving butcommon rail technologyalso the environmental burden and consumption ofDIRECT CONTROL suspension with selective resources from manufacture through vehicle use todamping system recycling and disposalAGILITY CONTROL steering The new E-Class sedan is certified on the basis of theDirect steering special equipment with OM 651strict international ISO standard "Design for Environ-ECO power steering pump ment" This environment certification confirms theDIRECT SELECT and shift buttons on the steeringholistic approach in aspects of environmental protec-wheeltionADAPTIVE BRAKECrash-active engine hood Designed with recycling in mindUse of high-quality secondary raw materialsPRE-SAFEKnee airbag Use of biomaterialsNECK-PRO head restraints Avoidance of potentially hazardous substancesIntelligent Light System ILS special equipment Recycling concept Daytime running lightsNew Telematics Generation 4 NTG 4Digital radio reception DAB special equipment BlueEFFICIENCYRear entertainment special equipmentEASY-PACK trunk comfort box special equipment With the universal implementation of BlueEFFICIENCYmeasures the new E-Class is more economical andInnovative driving assistance systemsmore environmentally compatible without sacrificingAdaptive Highbeam Assist special equipment typical brand properties such as safety comfort andSpeed Limit Assist special equipment driving pleasureATTENTION ASSISTThe following BlueEFFICIENCY measures are imple-Lane Keeping Assist special equipment mented on the market launch Blind Spot Assist special equipmentExclusive Parking Assist special equipmentNight View Assist special equipmentReversing camera special equipmentDISTRONIC PLUS including PRE-SAFE brakespecial equipment10 b Introduction of the New E-Class Model Series 212 Sedan– This printout will not be recorded by the update service Status 01 2009 –BlueEFFICIENCY weivrevOP0010-3801-00BlueEFFICIENCY measures1 Weight reduction 4Underfloor panelingThanks to the lightweight construction with a mixture Installation of full-length smooth-surfaced underfloorof high-strength and ultra high-strength materials in paneling to reduce fuel consumptionthe bodyshell and the use of aluminum add-on parts it5 Outside mirror housinghas been possible to reduce the weight of the vehicleconsiderably and thus achieve further fuel savings Aerodynamically shaped outside mirror housingsleading to a reduction in fuel consumption2 Fuel pump6 TiresBy regulating the fuel pump it is possible to drasticallyreduce its electrical power consumption The power The use of silicates in the tires means that the tirerequirements of the fuel pump depend on the amount temperature quickly increases in critical situations toof fuel currently required Reducing the electrical improve the grip to the level of a standard tire At theoutput also reduces fuel consumption same time all the properties relevant to usage arepreserved and the rolling resistance coefficient is3 Rear axleincreased which improves fuel economyLengthened rear axle ratios leading to a reduction infuel consumptionIntroduction of the New E-Class Model Series 212 Sedan b 11– This printout will not be recorded by the update service Status 01 2009 –w BlueEFFICIENCYeivre 7 ECO power steering pump 9 Alternator managementvOThe ECO power steering pump is based on a conven- The alternator is switched off-load when the chargetional pump with additional electronic control of the level is sufficiently high 80 This means that theflow rate In straightline driving the flow is reduced to vehicle is only supplied by the battery and the batterya defined minimum When the steering wheel is is charged only by occasionally coupling in the alter-turned the delivery rate is increased to the necessarynator during brake applications and in decelerationlevel according to the vehicle speed Reducing the modedelivery rate during straightline driving decreases the10 Engine optimizationssystem flow pressure and therefore reduces thesystem temperature and the fuel consumption Engines with high outputs and low fuel consumptionare used The 4-cylinder diesel engines feature 2-8 Radiator shuttersstage turbocharging in the E 220 CDI and E 250 CDIThe flow of cooling air through the cooling module and The 6-cylinder gasoline engine features direct injec-engine compartment can be regulated by opening the tion instead of port injection in the E 350 CGIradiator shutters11 Shift point displayClosing the radiator shutters prevents the enginecompartment from cooling down at low outside The shift point is displayed in the multifunction displaytemperatures while increasing the heating power of the instrument cluster Based on information fromavailable in the passenger compartment In addition the engine control unit the driver can always seethe aerodynamic drag of the vehicle decreases due to when he should change to a different gear in the inter-the reduced input of cooling air in the E 220 CDI ests of fuel economy This enables the driver to opti-E 250 CDI and E 350 CGI mize his driving style to save fuelwith 6-speed manual transmissionP2020-2366-00 P2020-2367-001 Radiator shutters open2 Radiator shutters closed12 b Introduction of the New E-Class Model Series 212 Sedan– This printout will not berecorded by the update service Status 01 2009 –Equipment weivreE 220 CDI E 250 CDI E 350 CDI E 350 CGI E 500 vOBlueEFFICIENCYEquipment variant line package ELEGANCE line Code 955StandardAVANTGARDE line Code 954AMG sport package Code 950Rear comfort package Code P08Brakes drivetrainDISTRONIC PLUS includingCode 233PRE-SAFE brake6-speed manual transmission Standard5-speed automatic Code 423transmission7-speed automatic StandardtransmissionDiesel particulate filter Code 474 SteeringSpeed-sensitive power Code 213 Standard steeringdirect steeringSuspensionDIRECT CONTROL suspension Standardwith selective damping systemSuspension for increased Code 482ground clearanceIntroduction of the NewE-Class Model Series 212 Sedan b 13– This printout will not be recorded by the update service Status 01 2009 –w Equipmenteivrev E 220 CDI E 250CDI E 350 CDI E 350 CGI E 500OBlueEFFICIENCYSuspensionComfort suspension optional Code 485on AVANTGARDE lineSports suspension included in Code 677 AVANTGARDE line packageAIRMATIC air suspension with Code 489 Standard electronically controlleddamping systemWheels tires light alloy wheels16" light alloy wheel Standard"9-spoke design" Code R12205 60 R1616" light alloy wheel Code R13 Standard"9-spoke design" Code R13225 55 R1616" light alloy wheel Code R14"10-double-spoke design"225 55 R16 ELEGANCE17" light alloy wheel Code R15 Standard"10-double-spoke design"Code R1524545 R17 ELEGANCE17" light alloy wheel Code R11"5-double-spoke design"24545 R17 AVANTGARDE16" light alloy wheel Code R78"5-double-spoke design"225 55 R1614 b Introduction of the New E-Class Model Series 212 Sedan – This printout will not berecorded by the update service Status 01 2009 –Equipment weivreE 220 CDI E 250 CDI E350 CDI E 350 CGI E 500 vOBlueEFFICIENCYWheels tires light alloy wheels 17" light alloy wheelCode R48"5-double-spoke design"24545 R1718" light alloy wheelCode R32"5-spoke design"Front 24540 R18Rear 265 35 R1818" AMG light alloy wheel Code 786 "6-double-spoke design"Front 24540 R18Rear 265 35 R18Emergency spare tire minis- Code 690pareRun-flat tires Code R66MS winter tires Code 645instead of summer tiresi Snow chain-compatible winter tires in the appropriate sizes can be ordered ex factory for the 16-inchand 17-inch wheels listedTire pressure loss warning StandardRDWTire pressure monitor TPM Code 475Light systemsH7 projection headlamps and Standardfront fog lamps in the bumperfor countries without manda-tory daytime running lightsIntroduction of the NewE-Class Model Series 212 Sedan b 15– This printout will not be recorded by the update service Status 01 2009 –w Equipmenteivrev E 220 CDI E 250 CDI E 350 CDI E 350 CGI E 500 OBlueEFFICIENCYLight systemsH7 projection headlamps and Standardfront fog lamps and daytimerunning lights in the bumperfor countries with mandatorydaytime running lightsBi-xenon headlamps with ILS Code 622Adaptive Highbeam AssistLED daytime running lights andLED rear lampsLight package with Adaptive Code P35Highbeam AssistNight View Assist Code 610Safety and anti-theft protectionDriver and front passenger Standardairbags with 2-stage triggeringsituation-sensitiveKnee airbag StandardLeft and right front sidebags in Standardthe backrestsLeft and right rear sidebags Code 293without belt force limiterWindowbags for driver front Standardpassenger and rear passen-gersRear seat belt status indicatorStandard16 b Introduction of the New E-Class Model Series 212 Sedan – This printout will not berecorded by the update service Status 01 2009 –Equipment weivreE 2。
汽车专业英语 车身电气系统 第2讲 Air Conditioning System(空调系统)

In recent years R-134a (CH2F-CF3) is widely used as
refrigerant instead of R-12 in air conditioning
system. It has more advantages than R-12.It does not deplete the ozone layer which helps to protect us from the ultraviolet from the sun, and its evaporative temperature is higher than that of R-12.
interior 内部的
dehumidify 除湿
compressor 压缩机
condenser 冷凝器
receiver 贮液干燥器
evaporator 蒸发器
expansion valve
膨胀阀 amplifier
Fig. 3-2-1 Air Conditioning System Electrical Control Parts Location (空调系统电控部件位置图)
cooling unit, its temperature and pressure come down.
Fig. 3-2-2 The Cooling Process of the Air Condition (空调系统制冷过程)
1- compressor (压缩机)2- low-pressure side (低压侧)3- high-pressure side (高压侧) 4- expansion valve(膨胀阀)5- cooled fresh air (冷却后 的新鲜空气)6- evaporator (蒸发器)7- warm fresh air (冷却前的热新鲜

奔驰客车培训教材Mercedes —Benz Bus Training Material(YBL 6120T2H)(机械部分)亚星—奔驰有限公司培训中心YaXing-Benz Limited Training Center目录一、YBL6120T2H型系列客车主要技术参数............................ 3二、YBL6120T2H 型客车的配置....................................... 4三、奔驰产品基本知识.............................................. 5四、奔驰OM 447LA发动机数据参数表................................. 6五、发动机工作特性曲线........................................... 6六、排气制动的工作原理............................................7-8七、气缸套的穴蚀..................................................9八、离合器的结构特点及更换...............................10-11九、ZFS6-1550变速箱维修指导及技术参数..........................12-15十、前、后桥......................................................16 十一、轮罩的拆卸和安装.............................................17 十二、转向系统....................................................18 十三、制动系统的特点及使用维修注意事项.........................19-20 十四、ABS系统和ABS/ASR系统...................................21十五、自诊断系统(闪码)............................................22十六、V oith 缓速器................................................ 23十七、YBL6120H型奔驰客车驾驶操作要点及注意事项...............24-25 十八、维修安全规则............................................... 26一、YBL6120H型系列客车主要技术参数:*——车辆在平坦干燥路面50KM/H 等速行驶二、YBL6120 H 型客车的配置三、奔驰产品基本知识A.整车YBL6120H(O 332) F.前桥 VL4/37DL— 7.1(739.312) YBL—亚星-奔驰有限公司 VL—前桥6 —类型号(6—客车) 4 —系列号12 —整车长度 37 —结构号0 —产品生产序号 D —气压制动H —后置发动机 L —空气悬架O 332 —奔驰公司代码 7.1—最大总质量(吨)B.底盘 OH1636L/5900 (398.484) G.后桥HH4/01DL—10(742.800)OH —客车用底盘 HH—后置发动机、客车用后桥16 —底盘最大总质量(吨) 4 —系列号(自身质量+附件质量+负载质量)01 —结构号36 —发动机额定功率(360马力/1900转/分钟) D —气压制动L —空气悬架 L —空气悬架5900 —轴距(MM) 10—最大总质量C.发动机OM447LA (476.978) H.转向器ZF 8097(766.475)O —燃油(柴油)ZF—公司名称M —汽车用 8097—型号4 —系列号47 —结构号L —中冷器A —进气涡轮增压器D.变速箱 ZF S6-1550/6.98(718.745)ZF —公司名称S —锁环式同步器6 —前进档位数1550 —额定输入扭矩(NM)6.98 —一档速比E.离合器MFZ 430M—膜片弹簧F—平式飞轮Z—拉式操纵430—摩擦片直径(MM)四、发动机技术参数五、发动机工作特性曲线六、排气制动的工作原理排气制动是通过在发动机排气管通道内安装一由气缸控制的蝶形阀门来实现的,当蝶形阀门被关闭时,发动机内的废气排不出来、对活塞产反作用力,通过离合器、变速箱等将此反作用力传给后轮,使车辆的速度降低,反作用力的大小由发动机的转速决定1、排气制动的工作方式排气制动通过安装在仪表板上的两个开关的控制有不同的工作方式;排气制动可以直接作用也可以配合脚刹车共同作用。

S(221),E(212,207)C(204),ML(164) R(251)
• • • • • • • • 二区域自动空调 1.日光传感器 2.2个车内温度传感器 3.4个出风口温度传感器 4.蒸发箱温度传感器 5.冷却液循环泵 6.前部鼓风机 7.5个执行电机 • • • • • • • 三区域智能空调 1.同1,2,3,4,5,6 2.露点传感器 3.空气质量传感器 4.后部鼓风电机 5.12个执行电机 6.蒸发器空气干燥
• 通风模式:
• • • • • FOCUS:聚集气流(强气流), MEDIUM:中断(默认设置),自动模式下的默认气流设置 DIFFUSE:分散(低气流),保持低气流且以乘客为主 ZONE(分区)按钮 按下分区按钮时,乘客侧和后部区域也会采用驾驶员侧设 置的温度值。功能启用时“zone”上的LED灯熄灭,如果 乘客侧或后部的温度被手动调节,则LED灯亮起。 • 为了防止蒸发箱结冰,蒸发箱温度降低到零上2摄氏度以 下时AAC控制单元就会关闭制冷压缩机
W212 I是自动空调,II是智能空调
空调系统的制冷剂回,高压指针 在8bar,低压指针在 7.5bar,像这种情况是 什么出了问题?

执行机构 单元 左侧氙气大灯 右侧氙气大灯 车顶操作单元 头顶上的 控制, 抑制, 支配 面,板 上部控制单元 上部的 控制, 抑制, 支配 面,板 中央处理器 中央 运行的,操作的 单元 左前可转换的安全带拉紧器 左边 前部 可调节的 紧急情况 紧张的状态 牵引器 右前可转换的安全带拉紧器 右边 前部 可调节的
紧急情况 紧张的状态 牵引器 车载电网控制模块 交通工具 动力,功率 供给 供应 控制, 抑制, 支配 单元 拖车识别装置 拖车,挂车 识别 专用车辆多功能控制模块 特殊的,特别的 交通工具 多功能的 控制, 抑制, 支配 单元 系统 诊断 组合仪表 器具,仪器 集中 主动保养提示系统 活泼的,活跃的 服务 系统 转向柱模块
56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 742 RevGUSVR RevGUSVL COU UCP XALWA-L XALWA-R OCP
actuator [æktjueitə] module [mɔdju:l] xenon headlamp left xenon headlamp right overhead control panel overhead [əuvəhed] control [kən trəul] panel [pænəl] upper control panel upper [ʌpə] control [kən trəul] panel [pænəl] central operating unit central [sentrəl] operating [ɔpəreitiŋ] unit [ju:nit] left front reversible emergency tensioning retractor left [left] front [frʌnt] reversible [ri və:səbl] emergency [I mə:dʒənsi] tensioning[tenʃəning] retractor[ri træktə] right front reversible emergency tensioning retractor right [rait] front [frʌnt] reversible [ri və:səbl]

奔驰设置菜单中英文对照表展开全文一、Instrument cluster(仪表板)1、Displayunit Speedometer/odometer km/miles(汽车里程表显示)2、Dispiay unitDigital speedomettr km/miles(数字显示速度)3、Language English / English chinese(语言)4、stauts linedisplay(底部显示器) speed(车速显示) outside temp(室外温度)二、Lighting(灯光) EQ \o\ac1、Daytime driving lamps(日间行车灯)2、surroundlighting function(外部灯光)3、headlamp delayedshut-off(延时大灯)4、interiorlighting delayed shut-off(内部灯光延时)三、Vehicle(车辆)1、display when ignitionoff(显示点火开关关闭状态)Interior motion sensor(室内温度传感器)Tow-away protection(拖车保护系统)Miles/km(英里/公里)2、speedlimit(winter tyres)(冬季轮胎速度限制)3、Automatic doorlocking(自动门锁)4、Acoustic lockfeedback(声锁反馈)四、Convenience(便捷模式)1、Belt adjustment(安全带预紧装置)2、Fold in mirrorswhen locking(锁车时折合倒车镜)奔驰保险丝英文翻译A/C system heater 40,50,54,119, 空调系统A/C system heater rear 40,50,108,109,119 后空调ABC suspension 40,46 ABC悬挂ABS/ASR/BAS/ESP/SBC 7,8,40,103 刹车系统AC in rear compartment 109,后空调Active light system 26,27 自动灯系统Airbag systems 61,93 气囊AIRMATIC 40,46,56 改良的空气悬挂系统Ambient lighting 40,70,80,81,82,112, 灯光Antenna module 152, 天线模块Anti-theft alarm 40,79, 警报器Auto-dimming rear-viewmirror126,自动后视镜Automatic child seatrecognition61.93,儿童座椅识别器Automatic transmission 28,49,83,119 自动变速器Auxiliar heating 40,90,91,119 辅助加热Auxiliaryheating/ventilation40,50,54, 辅助加热/通风Backup camera 51,73,119,122,141, 后摄像机Blower(heater/AC) 54,鼓风机CA head restraints 61,64,93,CD changer 73,122, CD光盘转换夾Ceiling lamps 70,80,81,82,112,126, 顶灯Center console socket,rear 140, 中控台插头,后部Central display 51,73,119,122, 中央显示器 Central locking 70,80,81,82,112, 中控锁 Cigar lighter,front 43, 前点烟器 Cigar lighter,rear 117, 后点烟器 City assistant systems 40,135,142, 城市辅助系统 COMAND73,119,122,152, 信息交互系统 COMAND operator,front 119, 前操作 COMAND operator,fear 111,148,后操作 Courtesy lights/warninglamps 70,80,81,82,112,警告灯 Diagnostic socket36, 诊断插头 DISTRONIC 49,66, 车距控制系统 DVD player 73,122,DVD 播放器 Dynamic seat92,102,119,127, 座椅 Electric parking brake 35,151, 电子控手刹 Emergency call system 138,紧急呼救系统Engine electronics 20,21,22,23,24,30,55,78, 发动机电控Engine emergency stop 20,21, ETC/electronic tollcollection106,Extended central locking70,80,81,82,112,Exterior lamp switch 40,外部灯开关 Exterior mirror function 70,80,112,126, 外部倒车镜 Fanfare horn 52a,52b 喇叭 Fuel pump30,118,128, 汽油泵 Garage door opener 126, 车库门开门器 Hazard warning flasher 40, 危险警告/双闪灯Headlamp flasher49,大灯闪光器/变光Headlamp range adjustment 26,27 大灯光速调整 Heated rear window 40,115, 后窗加热 Ignition lock9,37点火锁 Interior door lighting 70,80,81,82,112,内部门灯-KEYLESS-GO37,70,71,80,81,82,112,152,无钥匙开启/启动系统Light/rain sensor 126,晴雨传感器 LINGUATRONIC73,119,122,148,149, Low-temperature pump 116,Makeup mirror lamp 126,化妆镜照明灯 Multi-contour seats,front 70,80,92,102,112,127,仿真座椅前 Multi-contour seats,rear 110,111.127.仿真座椅后 Multi-function steerlingwheel49,多功能方向盘 Navigation system 73,106,119,122,138,152, 导航系统 NIGHT VIEW 25,39,40,62 夜视系统 PARKTRONIC 40,142, 驻车系统 Powr window,front 70,80,112, 前电动玻璃窗 Power window,rear 70,80,81,82,112 后电动玻璃窗 PRESAFE 123.124, 预防安全系统 Reading lamps 126,阅读灯 Rearcompartmententertainment73.,后部空间娱乐系统 Rear headrest release 40, 后部头枕 Rear window sunshade 40.81.82, 后窗遮阳帘 Refrigerator box 139,电冰箱 Remotetrunkopening/closing 70,74,80,112,152,后备箱开关 Satellite radio 107,122,152, 卫星收音机 Seat adjustment,front, 座椅调整前 Seat adjustment,rear, 座椅调整后 Seat heating,front, 前座椅加热 Seat heating,rear 81.82.143, 后座椅加热 Seat ventilation,front, 前座椅通风 Seat ventilation,rear 81.82.143, 后座椅通风 Sound system, 音响系统 Standard tuner, 标准调谐器 Steering wheel adjustment 47.48.49,方向盘调整 Telephone systems, 电话 Tilting/slidng sunroof126.129,天窗 Tire pressure monitoringsystem96,胎压监控系统 Trailer coupling 133.145.146, 挂车连接器 Trailer power supply145,挂车电源供应Turn signal lamps, 转向灯TV tuner, 电视调谐器VICS 73.152, 道路交通信息通讯系统Windshield wiper recessheater57, 刮水器加热Windsheld wipers 41.42.49, 刮水器奔驰中英文对照表缩写英文中文对照4-MATIC Automatically controlled 4-wheel Drive 自动控制4轮驱动AAM All activity module 所有执行控制模块AAG Trailer connection unit 挂车连接单元AAC Automatic air conditioning 自动空调AB Airbag 安全起囊ABC Active body control 主动车身控制ABS Antilock brake system 防抱死刹车系统ADS Adaptive damping system 自适应减震系统AG(AT)Automatic transmission 自动变速箱AGR(EGR) Exhaust gas recirculation 废气再循环AGW Audio gateway 声音门道AKC Anti-knock control 防爆震控制ACS Automatic clutch system 自动离合系统ACSR(AKSE) Automatic child seat recognition 儿童座椅自动识别ALB(ABL) Exterior lights 外部灯光APS Auto Pilot System 自动导航系统ARMIN Airbag with intergrated emergency callsystem带紧急呼叫系统的气囊AS Towing sensor 拖车传感器ASA Automatic dimming mirror 自动防眩镜子ASD Automatic locking differential 自动锁死差速器SEQ Sequentronic automated manualtransmission自动手动变速箱ASR Acceleration Slip Regulation 加速防滑调节系统ASSYST Active Service System 主动保养系统ASSYSTPLUSPLUS Active Service System 增强式主动保养系统ATS Antenna systems 天线系统ATA Anti-theft alarm system 防盗报警系统AUDIO AUDIO systems(e.g. radio,CD player) 声音系统AVC Audio Video controller 声音图象控制器BAE Basic triggering unit (airbag) 基本触发单元(气囊)BAS Brake Assist 刹车辅助系统BSG Battery control module 电瓶控制模块CAN Controller Area Network(bus/CAN bus) 网络区域控制CAN-B Controller Area Network bus class B(interior)车身内部网络CAN-C Controller Area Network bus class C(engine compartment)发动机室网络CAN-CNG Controller Area Network-Bus forcompressed natural gas压缩天然气的控制网络线CAN-D Control Area Network bus class D (diagnosis)诊断线CC Cruise control 巡航控制CDI Common rail diesel injection 共轨式柴油喷射CDC(CDW) CD Changer CD转换器CGI Charged Gasoline Injection 增压汽油喷射CGW/ZGW Central gateway 中央门道CL/ZV Central locking 中控系统CNG Compressed Natural Gas 被压缩的天然气CNS Communication and navigation system 通信和导航系统COMAND Cockpit management and data system 驾驶室管理和数据系统CSO/ZAS Cylinder shutoff 断缸功能CVT Continuously Variable Transmission 连续可变自动变速箱DAS(FBS) Drive Authorization system 驾驶授权系统D2B Digital data bus 数字式数据线DE Direct Injection 直接喷射DINEN German Industrial StandardEuropeanStandard德国工业标准欧洲标准DTR Distronic(adaptive cruise control) 限距控制系统DVD Digital Versatile Disk 万能数子磁盘DSP Dynamic seat pump 动态座椅泵E-call Emergency call system 紧急呼叫系统EAG Electronic automatic transmissioncontrol电子自动变速箱控制ECI Energy controlled ignition 能量控制点火 EDC Electronic diesel control 电子柴油控制 EA Electronic accelerator电子加速器 ETC Electronic transmission control 电子变速箱控制 ESP Electronic stability program 电子稳定程序 ETS Electronic traction system电子牵引系统EIS Electronic ignition switch control unit电子点火开关控制单元 ESM Electronic shifts module 电子变档模块 FAG Front automatic transmission前自动变速箱FFZ/IFZ Radio frequency locking/infrared remote central locking 无线电/红外线遥控中控锁 FGS Front wheel drive transmission control 前轮驱动变速箱控制 FIN Vehicle identification number 车辆识别码 FSA Hands-free system 免提系统 GRM Gear recognition module 档位识别模块 GES Vehicle speed signal 车速信号 GPS Global position system 全球定位系统 GVN Complete networking整个网络系统 HFM HFM sequential multiport fuel injection/ignition system HFM 连续多点式燃油喷射/点火系统HSW Steering wheel heater 方向盘加热 HRA Headlamp range adjustment 大灯范围调节 HLCM-L Headlamp control unit, left 左大灯控制单元 HLCM-R Headlamp control unit, right 右大灯控制单元 IBL Interior lights内部灯光IFZ Infrared remote control for centrallocking红外线遥控中控IR Infrared remote control 红外线遥控 IRS Interior motion sensor 车内运动传感器 IC Instrument cluster仪表盘 ISC/ELR Electronic idle speed control 电子怠速控制KE Continuous fuel injection system(electronic) 连续燃油喷射系统(电子)KG Keyless Go无钥匙启动LH LH sequential multiport fuel injection system LH 连续多点式燃油喷射/点火系统 LCPLower control panel下控制板MB Portal Mercedes-Benz PortalME-SFI ME-SFI fuel injection and ignitionsystemME-SFI燃油喷射和点火系统MG Manual transmission 手动变速箱MOST Media Oriented System Transport 媒体导向系统传输MRS Multifunction restraint systemNAVI Navigation 导航NGT Natural Gas Technology 自然气体技术OBD On-board diagnosis 车身诊断系统OCP Overhead control panel 头顶控制面板PIN Personal identification number 个人识别码PLD Pump-line-nozzle 泵-线-喷嘴PMS Pressurized engine control 压力控制的发动机管理系统PSE Pneumatic system equipment 真空系统元件PTS Parktronic system 驻车系统RD Radio 收音机RL Right turn signal lamp 右转向信号灯SA Special equipment 特殊装备SAM Signal acquisition and actuation module 信号采集和触发模块SBC Sensotronic brake control 电子感应式刹车系统SCN Software Calibration Number 软件校准码SD System Diagnosis 系统诊断SCM Steering column module 方向柱模块SPS Speed-sensitive power steering 速度感应助力转向SRS Supplement restraint system 安全气囊STIP Service Technical Information,Passenger Cars维修技术信息(轿车)TAC Tempmatic (air conditioning) 温度感应式空调系统TCS Traffic center serviceTEL Telephone 电话TELE AID Telematic alarm identification on demandTM Tempmatic 温控TN RPM signal, gasline engine module 转速信号TV TV tuner 电视转换器TWC 三元催化TPM Tire pressure monitor 胎压监控UPCI/UHI Universal Portable CTEL Interface 通用式便携电话UCP Upper control panel 上控制面板VA Front axle 前桥VCS Voice control system 声音控制系统VR Vario roof 可折叠顶蓬VG Transfer case 差速器VICS Vehicle information and communication system 车辆信息和通信系统VL Left front 左前VR Right front 右前WIS Workshop Information System 车间信息系统ZW Ignition angle 点火角另外,为了加强车友之间的沟通,特意开通“BENZ汽车保养维修资讯”公号,希望各位车友能够加入,一起畅聊!。
05电气设备 奔驰221车载通讯系统(telematics)培训

Mercedes-Benz China ④ 仪表盘中的8“多功能显示屏 ⑥ 集成在仪表板中的旋转式8” COMAND(驾驶室管理及数 据系统)显示屏
带夜视系统控制器的照明控制 开关组 ⑦ ⑤ 仪表盘控制台上的空调系统控 制面板
DIRECT SELECTOR换档杆 和方向盘上的换档按钮
Mercedes-Benz China Limited Network Dept.
具有PRE-SAFE(预防性安全系统)定位 功能的多仿形座椅(选择装备)
•驾驶员和前座乘客多仿形座椅作为选择装 备提供。它们通过可独立调节的空气腔使 座椅轮廓根据各个乘客的体形进行优化。 –新特点:通过COMAND控制器进行调 节,在COMMAND显示屏上有一个高画 质座椅图形。 –座椅菜单可直接用控制器前的功能按钮 进行选择。
2009-11-7 Mercedes-Benz China Limited Network Dept. 10
Mercedes-Benz China
铝制开关和控制按钮与仪表板采用的“黑 色面板”形成极为鲜明的对比,赋予内饰 更高档的外观和感觉。开关布置在带背 景照明的深色透明塑料表面上。
Mercedes-Benz China Limited Network Dept.
Mercedes-Benz China
•舒适型头枕与标准头枕的差别在于, 舒适型头枕有两个弹性侧垫,能够提 供最佳横向支撑及增强的舒适性。每 个侧垫都可以手动调节。

奔驰中英文对照. BENZ奔驰汽车缩略语2E-E电子化油器4MATIC全自动控制四轮驱动车4MATIC四轮驱动车A/C(Automatic)自动恒温空调A/C(Tempmatic)温度恒温空调AB安全气囊ABS防抱制动ABW电脑测距警告装置ADA大气压力全负荷阻挡器ADM自动调光式後视镜ADS最佳避震系统(电脑)AG自动变速箱AIR二次喷气系统AKR防爆震控制系统(传感器)ALDA进气歧管压力补偿器AP油门踏板ARF废气再循环系统AS天线装置ASA自动白天/夜晚调整镜ASD自动防锁差速系统ASD自动锁定防滑差速器ASR防滑驱动控制系统AT自动变速箱ATA防盗装置ATS自动天线系统BA倒车辅助警告装置BARO绝对压力传感器BCAPC绝对压力式进气压力补偿BDC下止点BF前乘客BLS倒车灯开关BLS(NC)倒车灯开关(常闭型)BLS(NO)倒车灯开关(常开型)BM鼓风机马达,基本模组BPC绝对压力补偿BR棕色BU蓝色CA关门辅助机构CAN控制电脑区域网路(电脑连线)CC定速控制器CCM总合控制模组CDC CD换片机CDW CD主机CF特殊便利装备CFI连续式电子喷射CKA曲轴转角CKP曲轴转角传感器CL中控锁CLUS电子仪表版CMP凸轮轴转角传感器CNS通讯及导航系统CODE码CST软顶式敞篷车CTP节气门全闭(怠速)CTU集中触控器CV敞篷车可掀软顶DFA速度信号输出DH电子诊断手册DI分电盘式直接点火DIAG诊断接头DIAGN诊断接头DM诊断模组DTC故障码EA电子油门EAG电子控制自动变速箱EBR引擎制动调节ECL冷却液位ECT冷却水温传感器EDC电子柴油控制系统EDR电子柴油调节系统EDS电子柴油系统EDW防盗警报装置2E-E强力化油器EFP电子油门踏板EGR废气再循环系统EIFI电子式管路喷射系统ELR电子怠速控制器ELV电子转向柱调整EMSC电子镜,转向柱调整及加温镜ENR电子水平控制系统EPC电子动力系统控制EPH驻车辅助装置ERE电子直线式柴油喷射系统ESA电动座椅调整ESC电子火花控制器、电子转向机柱调整ESCM引擎系统控制模组ESL电子调整式镜子及方向柱ESP电子安定程式ESV电动调整座椅ETC电子自动变速箱控制ETR紧急收缩式安全带ETS电子循迹控制EVAP EEC净化碳罐电磁阀系统EVE电子分配式柴油喷射系统EZL电子点火正时调整式点火系统FA司机FFS大梁底盘制FP油泵FSA+免调整喇叭正线FSA-免调整喇叭负线GDB调节差压式刹车GES车速信号GIM调节波形法GM通用模组(或电脑)GN绿色GY灰色GUB双门跑车GUB安全带拉伸器GUS安全带张力器HAL後轴转向装置HAU标准暖气装置(欧规)HAU自动暖气控制系统HCS大灯清洁系统HFS免动手制HHT手提型轻便测试机HK车身高度补正装置HPF气压式悬挂HS不易起动HZS行李厢盖辅助锁IAT进气温度传感器IC仪表板IDC点火诊断用接头IFI电子柴油直接喷射系统IFZ红外线遥控中控锁IND指示灯INTERV间歇雨刷IR红外线控制系统IRCL红外线控制中控锁ISC怠速控制器IV输入阀KA机械式喷射电脑KAF气电式後座枕控制KAF收缩式後座枕KAT触媒转换器KE机械/电子控制燃油喷射CIS-EKFB悬挂弹性控制系统KFB电动窗中央便利控制装置KI电子仪表板总成KLA自动恒温控制KS敲缸传感器KSK控制接点KSS爆震控制系统KU+离合器+KU-离合器-KW曲轴转角传感器LA灯光输出(预热继电器)LED G绿色回馈LEDLED R红色回馈LEDLF左前LH热线式空气流量计喷射LH-SFI热线式空气流量计-顺序式喷射系统LHS左方向盘LL左方向盘驾驶LLR怠速控制LS喇叭装置LS动力辅助方向盘LSA扬声器装置LSK怠速安全接点M+马达正M-马达负MAF空气流量传感器MAP进气歧管绝对压力测试器MAS引擎系统电脑盒MB-ISO诊断接头ME-SFI ME顺序式多点喷射及点火系统MF多功能预混合及点火系统MG手动变速箱MIL引擎故障警告灯MOT马达MSK节气门开启安全接点MSR减速断油/防爆装置MSR引擎磨擦扭力控制系统MT手动变速箱MUTE收音机MUTE信号MVA歧管真空辅助机构N空档NR水平调节控制NV低压缩比O2S含氧传感器OBD自我诊断OC触媒转换器OSB座椅扶手OSL调整式靠背OT上止点OV输出阀P停车档P+电位计+参考信号P-电位计-参考信号PA停车辅助机构PARK SW.手刹车开关PK粉色PL电动锁PLA气压式怠速提升PML电脑控制油压调整式转向系统PMP进气歧管部份加温器PMS压力感应式喷射/点火系统PNP空档安全开关POS位置PS动力转向压力PSE自动控制真空PSV进气歧管部份预热装置PWM电子波形RA修护手册RAF氧化抑制器RAF油烟燃尽过滤器RB防滚杆RCL遥控中控锁RD红色RD收音机RDK胎压指示器RDU胎压监视器REST引擎余热再利用RF右前RFH冷车冒烟控制系统RFH倒车辅助装置RHR调整式後座枕RHS加温式後座椅RIV参考脉波RIV调速脉频控制程序RL右侧驾驶RPM每分钟转速RR右後RRE旅行电脑RS防撞系统RST软顶敞篷车RTG调整式行李厢把手RTN回路RTR遥控行李厢释放RUF触媒转换器改良板RUF应答式装置RV双座敞篷轿车软顶RX接收信号S屏敝线S+B设定-加速S-B设定-减速SA选择特殊配备SBE安全带控制器SHI辅助关门系统SIF後加温座椅SIH加温式座椅SLO起动锁定SMS维修微缩胶片SOV电磁阀SPS速度感应式电动转向机构SR滑动/顶升天窗SRA大灯清洗系统SRS安全气囊SRU进气歧管真空增量SS车速传感器STH车内温度调节系统STH辅助加热器SW开关T温度输入(预热继电器)TAU自动温控(空调)系统TB节气门本体TC涡轮增压机TCM自动变速箱电脑盒TD转速讯号TDC上止点TELE伸缩管TIC电晶体式电子点火控制TK车门接点TN转速信号TNA引擎RPM信号TPM定速器TRAP氧化器TRU发射接收器TS拖车传感器宝马中英文对照缩写英文中文AG Automatic Transmission自动变速箱(AT)DK Throttle Valve节气门(TV)DME Digital Motor Electronics数字式引擎控制电脑DWA Burglar Alarm防盗警报系统EGS Electronic Transmission Control电子变速箱控制系统(EAT) EKP Electric Fuel Pump电动油泵(FP)EV Fuel Injector喷油嘴HG Manual Transmission手动变速箱(MT)KD Kick Down强迫降档KW Crankshaft曲轴LL Idle Speed怠速LLS Idle Speed Control怠速空气控制阀(IAC) LMM Mass Air Flow空气流量表(MAF) MF Microfilm微缩胶片MV Solenoid电磁阀(SV)NW Camshaft凸轮轴RxD Diagnosing Sensing Line自诊闪码电路TD Speed Signal Once Each Ignition点火信号(CPS)TE Tank Venting活性碳罐电磁阀(EEC) TI Injection Time喷射电子脉波宽度TL Partial Load部份负荷TL Load Signal负荷信号TR Speed Signal per Revolution转速信号(CKP)TD Diagnosing Data Line自诊输入触发电路SG Control Unit电脑盒U-batt Battery Voltage电瓶供电电压(BU,BV)U-vers Power Supply系统供应电源(PW)VL Full Load全负荷OBC On-Board Computer随车自诊电脑RPS Rollover Protection System翻车防护装置EML Electronic Engine Power Control电子引擎功率控制LKM灯泡烧毁监控器TSH中控锁自动加温系统FH中控电动镜ZV中控锁系统SM/SPM电动椅/电动镜记忆系统SHD电控天窗SRA大灯清洗器K/CC仪表资讯简易自诊IB车内灯光控制器IHKR-F3电脑恒温系统宝马仪表显示故障清单DISPLAY(显示)CHINESE(中文)BRAKE PRESSURE刹车压力过低BRAKE FLUID LOW刹车液过少ENGINE OIL PRESSURE机油压力过低,马上停车COOLANT TEMP发动机水温高,马上停车TRANS PROGRAM变速器故障,请立即停车BRAKE LINNINGS刹车片过薄或刹车感应线损坏ENGINE OIL LOW机油过少,检查机油量COOLANT LEVEL冷却水/防冻液过少,可在冷车时自行加入OIL LEVEL SENSOR机油感应塞需更换HAND LEVEL SENSOR手刹车自动工作或手刹车未松在工作中NO BRAKE ON刹车灯的保险丝或灯泡坏了BRAKE LIGHT刹车灯的保险丝或灯泡坏了SUSPENSION LEVELLINO水平调节系统出现问题WASHER FLUID LOW玻璃水过少,可适量加入DOOR OPEN门未关好DIP BEAM远光灯泡坏LOW BEAM近光灯泡坏SIDE LIGHT边灯灯泡坏TAIL LIGHT尾灯灯泡坏F/FOG LIGHT前雾灯不工作F/FOG LIGHT后雾灯不工作LIC PLATE LIGHT牌照灯不工作P.A.S.FLUID方向机油过少CHECK CONTROL检测控制单元或控制单元故障OWNER’S BOOK(MANUAL)请查阅用户手册FASTEN BELT请系上安全带KEY IN IGNITION钥匙在点火开关上未拔TRUNK LID OPEN后备箱盖未关严注意:如果显示上方红色部份内容,请立即与维修站联系。

Receiver & Drier, Triple switch
Blower Relay FATC Module Incar Sensor Hi Speed Blower Relay Power TR
Humidity Sensor
CH2FCF3 102.03 -26.14 -108.0 101.29 2.98 kg/㎠ (0℃) 17.11 kg/㎠ (60℃) 47.04 kcal/㎠ (0℃) 33.18 kcal/㎠ (60℃) No Possible (burning) 8~11 Year Bad
High temperature high pressure gas
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Mercedes-Benz ServiceVehicle Climate Control Troubleshooting-Function-Design-Operation Current Passenger Car ModelsService Technology GuideDaimler AG · After-Sales Engineering MB PC (GSP/TPI) · D-71032 BöblingenInformation and copyrightOrdering Workshop InformationThis Technology Guide is only available via SD-Media.Product PortfolioYou can also find detailed information about our complete product portfolio oftechnical information and workshop equipment on our Internet portal.Link:Questions and suggestionsIf you have any questions or suggestions concerning this product, please writeto us.E-mail:christian.barwig@or alternativelyAddress:Daimler AGGSP/TPIChristian BarwigHPC H206, W059D-71032 Böblingen© 2011 by Daimler AGThis document, including all its parts, is protected by copyright.Any further processing or use requires the previous written consent ofDaimler AG, Department GSP/TPI, HPC H206, W059, D-71032 Böblingen.This applies in particular to reproduction, distribution, alteration, translation,microfilming and storage and/or processing in electronic systems, includingdatabases and online services.01/2011ContentsbVehicle Climate Control - Troubleshooting-Function-Design-Operation - Current Passenger Car Models PrefaceCustomer reception General1.1/1Reception protocol for vehicle climate control 1.2/1Stationary heater reception protocol 1.2/3The most common complaints 1.3/1A/C check1.4/1Stationary heater check1.4/7WorkshopClimate control information in detail 2.1/1Stationary heater information in detail 2.1/20Climate control diagnostic tree 2.2/1Stationary heater diagnostic tree2.3/1Knowledge baseModel 164 (M-Class)Model 164.8 (GL-Class)Model 169/245 (A-Class/B-Class)Model 171 (SLK-Class)ContentsModel 203/209 (C-Class/CLK-Class)Model 204 (C-Class/GLK-Class)Model 207.3/4 (E-Class Coupe/Cabriolet)Model 211/219 (E-Class/CLS-Class)Model 212 (E-Class)Model 215/220 (CL-Class/S-Class)Model 216/221 (CL-Class/S-Class)Model 221.095/195 (S-Class Hybrid)Model 230 (SL-Class)Model 251 (R-Class)b Vehicle Climate Control - Troubleshooting-Function-Design-Operation - Current Passenger Car ModelsPrefacebVehicle Climate Control - Troubleshooting-Function-Design-Operation - Current Passenger Car Models Dear Reader,I am delighted to be able to present you with the fourth edition of the Technology Guide for Vehicle Climate Control .To allow you to work in a more targeted manner, this guide has been updated and added to in close cooper-ation with experienced mechanics from various work-shops and trained staff from service (product support and diagnosis) and development.Models 212 (E-Class), 207 (E-Class coupe/cabriolet) and 221.095/195 (S-Class Hybrid) have been added to this edition, while the information on existing model series has also been revised.All of the new features and additional information have been integrated in the existing document, which now provides a full integrated overview of vehicle climate control in Mercedes-Benz vehicles.As in the previous editions, this document provides summaries of known fault profiles and operating issues and explains these using pictures to help both service advisers and mechanics.In combination with all of the other media available to you, such as Introduction into Service Manuals, Xentry Diagnostics (XD)/Xentry DAS, WIS and TIPS, the infor-mation in this document is intended to ensure quick, reliable diagnosis by both service advisors and mechanics to help you with your ultimate aim of performing successful and lasting repairs.This guide should be considered as an aid for everyday use, please use it accordingly.Yours,Bernd Heinisch (GSP/TPI)Daimler AGAfter-Sales Engineering Interior MB PCPrefaceb Vehicle Climate Control - Troubleshooting-Function-Design-Operation - Current Passenger Car ModelsWorking with the Vehicle Climate Control Guide The contents of the guide are divided into two main chapters and tailored to the respective user group:- Service advisers (Chapter 1)- Workshop (Chapter 2 and knowledge base) In order to establish this clear distinction between user groups, some information is included in both the service adviser part and in the workshop part. For the service adviser, only information important for the customer interview is included, while the mechanic in the workshop is furnished with more detailed informa-tion on diagnosis and repairs (see the introductions to the chapters for service advisers and workshops).Ideally, both the service adviser and the workshop should use the guide. In this way all the important information from the customer can be considered during diagnosis and repair. In return, the customer can be given a competent statement concerning the cause of the complaint and the work carried out.Finally, it only remains to say that the vast majority of complaints can be processed with this guide. Due to the high level of complexity of the climate control system, however, it cannot cover every possible case.All information was correct as of the copy deadline in December 2010 and may therefore vary from more up-to-date sources.Generalb Vehicle Climate Control - Troubleshooting-Function-Design-Operation - Current Passenger Car ModelsC u st o m err e c e pti o n 1.1/1The information below is intended to assist you, the service adviser, in customer interviews concerning complaints about vehicle air conditioning systems. Due to the highly complex networking of mechanical and electrical components, the action of external influ-ences and the effect of subjective customer sensa-tions, there may be a wide variety of possible causes for any customer complaint. In order to allow repair work to be carried out quickly and effectively, the customer must provide a description of the complaint that is specific and as detailed as possible, and which can be incorporated into the reception protocol. In your function as a service adviser, your information about the customer's complaint forms the corner-stone of successful diagnosis and repair by the mechanic in the workshop when you forward the reception protocol together with the workshop order. The A/C check and stationary heater check help you to systematically determine the functionality of both systems without using further aids. For this reason it is advisable to conduct these checks together with the customer in the vehicle so that incorrect operation can be ruled out as the cause of the complaint (see notes in chapter "The most common complaints"). The chapter "The most common complaints" contains relevant information to assist you in interviewing the customer.By consistently applying the aids and methods provided here, not only will you be assisting your mechanic in diagnosis and repair work, you will also be helping to rectify the customer's complaint and avoid consequential damage.Furthermore, this procedure creates a single standard of quality for all Mercedes-Benz service partners to follow when receiving complaints and generates a uniform impression with the customer.b Vehicle Climate Control - Troubleshooting-Function-Design-Operation - Current Passenger Car ModelsC u s t o m e r r e c e p t i o n1.1/2Reception protocol for vehicle climate controlbVehicle Climate Control - Troubleshooting-Function-Design-Operation - Current Passenger Car Models C u s t o m e r r e c e p t i o n1.2/1Checklist for customer interviews concerning climate control complaints .Staple to the workshop order. Information only required if not already noted on workshop orderVIN or license number or customer name or order number:Follow-up repair:NoYesComplaint:Function Passenger compartment cooling/heating Controls (buttons/display)Temperature/air distribution Fogged windowsBlower too weak/too strong/nonfunctional Button flashes constantlyDetailed description of complaint:Duration of complaint:Operating state and ambient conditions during the complaint:for ______________ min ConstantlySporadicallyComplaint reproducible Engine:Blower:Weather conditions: _________________________________Outside temperature: ______________°CNo OnOn OffOffWarmColdYesSettings on operating unit/flap positions during complaint(check off/note settings)Service adviser's findings (results of A/C Check)?Diagram to clarify settings; valid for all model seriesSelected temperature:Noises OdorOther _______________________________________________________Left:______°C Right:______°Cb Vehicle Climate Control - Troubleshooting-Function-Design-Operation - Current Passenger Car ModelsC u s t o m e r r e c e p t i o n1.2/2。