1. “Here comes the bus!” 你看,公交车来啦,就像及时雨一样拯救了等车的人们。
2. “Out rushed the children.” 哇,孩子们一下子冲了出去,那兴奋劲儿就像放飞的小鸟。
3. “Away flew the bird.” 哎呀,那只鸟飞走啦,像离弦的箭一样快。
4. “Down fell the book.” 哎呀呀,书掉下来啦,好像它也想休息一下呢。
5. “Up went the price.” 嘿,价格涨上去啦,这涨势如同火箭升空呀。
6. “In came the teacher.” 瞧,老师进来啦,犹如一阵春风拂面。
7. “Off ran the dog.” 汪汪,狗跑掉啦,那速度好比闪电。
8. “Over hangs the cliff.” 哇哦,悬崖在那上面悬着呀,多像一个巨人在守护。
9. “Under lies the truth.” 嘿嘿,真相在下面藏着呢,如同宝藏等待挖掘。
10. “Nearby stands the building.” 看呐,那栋大楼在附近矗立着呀,简直就是城市的地标。
【归纳总结】: 含有否定意义的副词few, little, never, nor, not
until, nowhere, rarely, seldom及否定意义的介 词短语at no time, by no means, in no case, in no way, on no condition等放在句首时,需用部分 倒装。
eg. There lies a big mountain. 4. 表语置于句首时。
eg. Such are what he does.
完全倒装构成的条件: 1) 副词或表语放句首!
2) 主语是名词,而不是代词! 3) 谓语是come, go, follow, fly等不及物动词!
(2) 用于not until...句型中 Not until the teacher came did he finish his
【归纳总结】: not until...置于句首时, 句型中前面的从句不倒装,
Not until + 状语(/从句) + 主句(倒装)
数一致。 There seems to be many people in the room.
seem In front of the house stands two tall trees. stand
1. Sally’s turn to keep guard comes now. (典题在线8) Now comes Sally’s turn to keep guard. 2. The crowd rushed in when the door burst open. (周报Part2 II 1) In rushed the crowd when the door burst open. 3. A couple of trees stand beside the lake and a path runs under
文言文倒装句的四种基本句型例句1. 何陋之有?就像说有啥简陋的呢,难道有个隐藏的“陋鬼”不成?2. 微斯人,吾谁与归?没这人,我跟谁混啊,难道和空气结拜?3. 宋何罪之有?宋国犯啥罪啦,难道宋国脸上写着“有罪”俩大字啊?4. 何厌之有?有啥满足不了的,难道是个填不满的“欲望黑洞”?5. 大王来何操?大王来的时候带了啥呀,难道是带了一堆“神秘问号”?6. 沛公安在?沛公在哪里呢,难道沛公像个幽灵到处飘没个定处?7. 客何为者?客人是干啥的呀,难道是从外星来的“神秘客”?8. 会宾客大宴,于厅事之东北角,施八尺屏障,口技人坐屏障中,一桌、一椅、一扇、一抚尺而已。
9. 居庙堂之高则忧其民,处江湖之远则忧其君。
10. 马之千里者,一食或尽粟一石。
11. 尝贻余核舟一。
12. 求人可使报秦者,未得。
13. 遂率子孙荷担者三夫。
14. 通计一舟,为人五;为窗八。
15. 且焉置土石?而且把土石放在哪里呢,难道要把土石像扔垃圾一样随便丢吗?16. 甚矣,汝之不惠!你的不聪明也太严重了,就像脑袋里灌了一吨的浆糊。
倒装句经典例句倒装句经典例句一、部分倒装(部分倒装记忆口诀):不只让步也常需如此祝福1.never, seldom, rarely, little, hardly, no, not, nowhere, not a single+n, not until等含有否定意义的副词若位于句首,则其后要用部分倒装:※I have never participated in such an instructive activity before.=Never before have I participated in such an instructive activity.We are going nowhere at the weekend.=Nowhere are we going at the weekend.※Never shall I forget it.我永远不会忘记这件事。
He seldom comes late.他很少迟到.=Seldom does he come late.She hardly has time to listen to music. 她几乎没时间听音乐。
= Hardly does she have time to listen to music.She did not sing a single song at yesterday’s party.=Not a single song did she sing at yesterday’s party.※Not until I failed in the exam di d I realize how much time I had wasted.(从句不倒主句倒)※Not until yesterday did I know the news.※Not until then did I know my senior high school life had really began.No word did he say before he left.他一句话没说就走了。
全部倒装的句子以下是 8 条全部倒装的句子及例子:1. “Here comes the bus! 就像着急上班的我看到希望一样。
” 例子:我在站牌下着急地等着,心里正嘟囔着车怎么还不来呀,突然,Here comes the bus!2. “Out rushed the children! 就好像放飞的小鸟儿一样。
” 例子:下课铃一响,Out rushed the children! 欢笑着奔向操场。
3. “Away flew the bird! 像那挣脱束缚的我们一样。
” 例子:我刚一打开笼子,Away flew the bird!4. “Down came the rain! 哎呀,犹如我没带伞时的慌张。
” 例子:我们正高兴地在外面玩呢,突然,Down came the rain!5. “Up went the price! 这不是让人烦恼嘛,就像我工资不涨物价涨一样。
” 例子:最近市场有点变化,Up went the price!6. “There goes the last chance! 多可惜呀,如同我错过的那次好机会一样。
”例子:我犹豫了一下,There goes the last chance!7. “In came the teacher! 像一道威严的光一样。
” 例子:教室里正有点吵闹,这时,In came the teacher!8. “Off ran the thief! 就像那作恶后逃窜的家伙似的。
” 例子:有人喊了一声抓小偷,Off ran the thief!我的观点结论:全部倒装的句子在表达上很有特色,可以瞬间吸引注意力,让语言更加生动有趣,让日常交流也变得更加精彩。
英语倒装句12种类型及例句1.完全倒装句:例句: "On the table lies a book."2.部分倒装句(以介词短语、副词或副词短语开头):例句: "In the garden runs a little girl."3.否定副词或副词短语位于句首:例句: "Never have I seen such a beautiful sunset."4. 半倒装句(助动词、情态动词或be动词位于主语之前):5.倒装的祈使句(动词原形+主语):例句: "Go clean your room."6. only位于句首:例句: "Only in her dreams did she see herself as a successful writer."7. so位于句首:例句: "So beautiful was the view that it took my breath away."8. neither/nor位于句首:例句: "Neither did she attend the concert, nor did I."9.如果状语从句放在句首:10.条件从句位于句首:例句: "Should he fail the exam, he will have to retake the course."11.介词短语或副词短语位于句首:例句: "In the corner sat a small dog."12. or/ nor引导的短语或句子位于句首:。
文言文倒装句的四种基本句型例句1. 何陋之有?这就好比说,哪有什么简陋的呀,简陋就像那没影的鬼,根本不存在!2. 微斯人,吾谁与归?哎呀,要是没有这种人,我就像个没头的苍蝇,跟谁一起混呢?3. 居庙堂之高则忧其民,处江湖之远则忧其君。
4. 宋何罪之有?宋国能有啥罪?它的罪就像那不存在的兔子角一样。
5. 忌不自信。
6. 马之千里者。
7. 全石以为底。
8. 何厌之有?哪有什么满足的时候?满足就像天边那抓不到的彩虹。
9. 彼且奚适也?他将要到哪里去呢?他就像个没方向的风筝到处乱飘。
10. 渺渺兮予怀。
11. 谁为大王为此计者?是谁给大王出这个主意的呢?这人就像个出坏点子的小恶魔。
12. 句读之不知,惑之不解。
13. 无乃尔是过与?恐怕该责备你了吧?你就像个做错事还不自知的小笨蛋。
14. 蚓无爪牙之利,筋骨之强。
15. 大王来何操?大王来的时候带了什么呀?就像问一个出门旅游却两手空空的人。
16. 长安君何以自托于赵?长安君凭什么在赵国立足呢?他就像个没根基的浮萍。
17. 豫州今欲何至?刘备现在想要到哪里去呢?他就像个没目的地乱转的小蚂蚁。
18. 安在公子能急人之困也?公子能解救别人困难的精神在哪里呢?这精神就像消失的魔法一样。
1. “哎呀呀,你看‘甚矣,汝之不惠’,这就是个典型的倒装句呀!正常语序应该是‘汝之不惠甚矣’,这不就把强调的部分放到前面啦,多有意思呀!就像我们平时说话,会把重要的先说出来一样。
2. “嘿,‘美哉我少年中国,与天不老;壮哉我中国少年,与国无疆’,这里面‘美哉’‘壮哉’放在前面多有气势啊,这就是倒装的魅力呀!是不是就像给句子穿上了一件特别的衣服,一下子就变得不一样啦?”
3. “哇塞,你们想想‘求人可使报秦者’,这把‘可使报秦者’后置啦,要是正常说感觉就没那么特别了呢!这就好比一个普通的蛋糕,加上了特别的装饰,变得超级吸引人啦!”
4. “呀,还有‘每自比于管仲、乐毅,时人莫之许也’,这里的‘时人莫之许也’其实是‘时人莫许之也’的倒装呢,这一倒,感觉表达的情感都更强烈了呢!就像给一句话注入了灵魂呀!”
5. “咦,‘籍何以至此’,正常应该是‘籍以何至此’,这种倒装让句子更有味道了呢!好比走路的时候突然来了个特别的舞步,多让人眼前一亮呀!”
6. “哟呵,‘孔子云:何陋之有?’这可是个经典的倒装呀,把‘有何陋’倒过来,多俏皮呀!这样的表达真的就像给文字施了魔法一样呢!”
7. “哈哈,‘不仁哉!梁惠王也。
1. Hardly had I arrived at the station when the train departed.2. Never have I seen such a beautiful sunset.3. Not until she left did I realize how much I missed her.4. Only in this way can we solve the problem effectively.5. Little did he know that his life was about to change forever.6. Under no circumstances should you give up on your dreams.7. Seldom does he express his emotions openly.8. Rarely have I encountered such a challenging task.9. No sooner had the teacher finished speaking than the bell rang.10. In no way am I suggesting that we should ignore the issue.11. At no time during the experiment did the machine malfunction.12. Never before have I felt so alive.13. Only when we are willing to change can we grow.14. Little do they realize the impact of their actions.15. Under no condition should you disclose the confidential information.16. Seldom have I witnessed such dedication and perseverance.17. Rarely do I find the time to relax and enjoy a good book.18. Not until recently did I discover my true passion.19. Only by working together can we achieve our goals.20. Hardly had I begun to speak when she interrupted me.21. Never have I encountered such a difficult problem before.22. Not until tomorrow will they be able to complete the project.23. Only in his presence do I feel truly at ease.24. Little did she suspect that her life was about to change forever.25. Under no circumstances should you give up on your dreams.26. Seldom does he admit that he is wrong.27. Rarely have I seen such a beautiful landscape.28. No sooner had I finished my work than the phone rang.29. In no way am I suggesting that we should ignore the issue.30. At no time during the performance did the audience grow bored.31. Never before have I encountered such a kind-hearted person.32. Only when we face our fears can we overcome them.33. Little do they realize the impact of their words.34. Under no condition should you reveal the password to anyone.35. Seldom have I experienced such a sense of accomplishment.36. Rarely do I have the opportunity to travel abroad.37. Not until he apologized did I forgive him.38. Only by following these steps can you achieve success.39. Hardly had we arrived at the airport when the flight was canceled.40. Never have I seen such a breathtaking view.41. Not until the last moment did she make up her mind.42. Only with your support can we make a difference.43. Little did they know that their lives were about to change forever.44. Under no circumstances should you compromise your values.45. Seldom does he ask for help when he needs it.46. Rarely have I encountered such a challenging task.47. No sooner had I left the house than it started to rain.48. In no way am I suggesting that we should give up.49. At no time during the meeting did the discussion become heated.50. Never before have I felt so inspired.51. Only when we take risks can we achieve great things.52. Little do they understand the complexity of the situation.53. Under no condition should you reveal your personal information.54. Seldom have I encountered such a generous offer.55. Rarely do I have the opportunity to meet such interesting people.56. Not until yesterday did I realize the importance of communication.57. Only by working together can we solve this problem.58. Hardly had I finished my meal when the phone rang.59. Never have I witnessed such dedication.60. Not until the last minute did he change his mind.61. Only through hard work can we achieve our goals.62. Little did she know that her life was about to change forever.63. Under no circumstances should you give up on your dreams.64. Seldom does he talk about his personal life.65. Rarely have I seen such a beautiful sight.66. No sooner had I arrived at the station than the train left.67. In no way am I suggesting that we should ignore the problem.68. At no time during the interview did he mention his previous experience.69. Never before have I felt so inspired.70. Only when we face our fears can we overcome them.71. Little do they realize the impact of their actions.72. Under no condition should you reveal your password.73. Seldom have I witnessed such determination.74. Rarely do I have the opportunity to travel.75. Not until she left did I realize how much I missed her.76. Only by working together can we find a solution.77. Hardly had I finished my work when the power went out.78. Never have I been so impressed by someone's talent.79. Not until the last minute did she decide to go.80. Only with your help can we make a difference.81. Little did they suspect that their lives were about to change forever.82. Under no circumstances should you give up on your dreams.83. Seldom does he take the time to appreciate the beauty around him.84. Rarely have I seen such dedication and commitment.85. No sooner had I started reading the book than I was hooked.86. In no way am I suggesting that we should abandon our principles.87. At no time during the concert did the audience grow bored.88. Never before have I felt so alive.89. Only when we step out of our comfort zone can we grow.90. Little do they realize the impact of their choices.91. Under no condition should you share your passwords with others.92. Seldom have I encountered such a challenging task.93. Rarely do I have the opportunity to meet such interesting people.94. Not until yesterday did I realize how much I loved him.95. Only by working together can we achieve success.96. Hardly had I begun my presentation when the fire alarm went off.97. Never have I seen such a magnificent sight.98. Not until the last moment did she reveal her true feelings.99. Only in this way can we make a difference.100. Little did they know that their lives were about to change forever.以上便是100个常用的英语倒装句金句,它们能够让您的英语表达更加生动有力。
下面是一些好用的倒装句例句,它们可以帮助你提升英文作文的表达水平:1. Inversion after negative adverbials:Never had I seen such a beautiful sunset before.Rarely do we encounter such genuine kindness in today's world.Little did she know that her life was about to change forever.2. Inversion with "so":So excited was he about the trip that he couldn't sleep the night before.So challenging is the task that only the most experienced professionals can handle it.So strong was the wind that it blew away all the loose debris.3. Inversion with "nor":Not only did she lose her job, but nor did she receive any severance pay.Not once did he apologize for his mistake, nor did he show any remorse.Not until the end of the film did the audience realize the true meaning of the protagonist's actions.4. Inversion in conditional sentences:Had I known about the traffic jam, I would have left earlier.Were he to arrive late, the entire schedule would be disrupted.Should you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.5. Inversion with "only":Only when the sun had set did they realize they were lost in the forest.Only in times of crisis do we understand the true value of friendship.Only after years of hard work did he achieve his dream of becoming a published author.6. Inversion with "not only...but also":Not only did she speak fluent French, but also she was proficient in Spanish.Not only was the concert well-organized, but also the performers were incredibly talented.Not only did the new law decrease crime rates, but also it improved community safety.7. Inversion for emphasis:Into the room walked a man of great stature, commanding attention from everyone present.Through the mist emerged the outline of an ancient castle, shrouded in mystery.Up the hill climbed the weary travelers, eager to reach their destination.这些例句展示了倒装句在不同情境下的运用,可以帮助你在英文作文中增加句式的多样性,提升表达的深度和力度。
1. 深夜里,飞船的轰鸣声响彻整个城市。
2. 忽然,天空中出现了一道闪电。
3. 在山谷里,鸟儿欢快地歌唱着。
4. 出现在眼前的是一幅美丽的画面。
5. 随着时间的推移,人们的观念也在不断变化。
6. 站在高山之巅,我仿佛可以触摸到天空。
7. 无论发生什么事情,我们都不会放弃。
8. 在黑暗中,他发现了一束微弱的光芒。
以下是一些英语倒装金句:1. Long live the people! 人民万岁!2. Rich as our country is, the qualities of our citizens are not paid attention to. 我们国家虽然富有,但国民的素质却不高。
3. A as he is, he can’t solve such a hard problem. 他虽然很聪明,但解决不了这么难的问题。
4. Not only was he qualified, but he was also well experienced. 他不仅有资格,而且经验丰富。
5. Such a good book did he read that he forgot all about eating and sleeping. 他读了一本好书,以至于废寝忘食。
6. So fast did he run that I couldn’t catch up with him. 他跑得如此快,以至于我跟不上他。
7. So hard did he work that he finished the task ahead of time. 他工作如此努力,以至于提前完成了任务。
8. Never have I seen such a beautiful sunset. 我从未见过如此美丽的日落。
9. Not until midnight did the noise stop. 直到半夜噪音才停止。
10. Not only can he speak French, but also he can write it. 他不仅会说法语,而且会写法语。
11. The harder you work, the greater you will succeed. 你越努力,你就越成功。
12. Not only did he speak well, but also he wrote well. 他不仅说得好,而且写得也很好。
1. 这事儿不难办,难道不是吗?就像饿了要吃饭一样简单。
2. 他这人很有趣,不是吗?活像个行走的喜剧演员。
3. 今天的天气好热啊,难道不是吗?感觉像待在蒸笼里似的。
4. 那部电影超好看,不是吗?仿佛是一场视觉的盛宴。
5. 这只小猫很可爱,难道不是吗?就像一个毛茸茸的小团子。
6. 她唱歌很好听,不是吗?声音如同百灵鸟一样婉转。
7. 这本书很精彩,不是吗?恰似一把打开奇妙世界的钥匙。
8. 那道菜超级辣,不是吗?辣得就像吞下了一团火。
9. 这个游戏很有趣,不是吗?玩起来就像进入了一个奇幻乐园。
10. 他跑得特别快,不是吗?快得像一阵旋风刮过。
11. 那朵花好漂亮,不是吗?宛如仙女下凡时遗落的裙摆。
12. 这件衣服很时尚,不是吗?就像从时尚之都直接搬来的一样。
13. 这个笑话好搞笑,不是吗?笑起来肚子都像要炸开了。
14. 那座山好高啊,不是吗?高耸入云得像要捅破天空。
15. 她的笑容很迷人,不是吗?像春天里最灿烂的阳光。
16. 这个地方很安静,不是吗?安静得像世外桃源一样。
17. 那片海好蓝啊,不是吗?蓝得像一块巨大无比的蓝色宝石。
18. 他的力气很大,不是吗?大得像能扛起一座小山似的。
倒装句的四种基本句型例句英语1. Only in this way can we achieve success.2. Not until the rain stopped did we go out for a walk.3. Little did he know about her true intentions.4. At no time did I doubt his sincerity.5. Rarely have I seen such a beautiful sunset.6. Hardly had he finished his speech when the audience applauded.7. Never have I heard such a strange story.8. Scarcely had we reached the top of the mountain when it started to rain.9. Seldom do I eat fast food.10. Nowhere else can you find such delicious food.11. On no account should you touch the exposed wires.12. In no way can we accept your proposal.13. Under no circumstances should we reveal our plan.14. In vain did she try to solve the complicated math problem.15. By no means should you leave the door open.16. Not only did he lose his keys, but he also forgot his wallet.17. Here comes the bus.18. There goes the bell.19. Up went the hand of the young student.20. Off she ran to catch the train.21. Through the doorway stepped the man in a black suit.22. Down the hill tumbled the little girl.23. In rushed the crowd when the doors opened.24. Over the mountains soared the eagle.25. Out jumped the frog from the pond.26. Back came the cat after chasing the birds.27. In glided the swan across the calm lake.28. Up sprang the flowers after the rain.29. Off swept the wind, leaving a trail of fallen leaves.30. To the market went the farmer to sell his produce.31. Under the bridge ran the river, clear and fast.32. Up above floated the colorful hot air balloons.33. Over the roof flew the flock of birds.34. Beyond the trees lies a hidden treasure.35. Away she went, leaving behind a trail of dust.36. From the fridge, she took out some fresh vegetables.37. By the beach, the children built sandcastles.38. In the distance, a faint sound of music could be heard.39. In a flash, the car zoomed past us.40. In the corner of the room stood a small table.41. Inside the box was a beautifully wrapped gift.42. Near the river, a family of ducks swam peacefully.43. Off the coast, the dolphins playfully leaped out of the water.44. On his desk, he stacked piles of books.45. On the wall hung a large portrait of the queen.46. Over the centuries, many civilizations have risen and fallen.47. Through the window, the warm sunlight streamed into the room.48. To the left of the house, there is a vibrant garden.49. Underneath the bed, we found a lost puppy.50. Upstairs, the children were busy studying for their exams.51. With a flash of lightning, the storm began.52. Without hesitation, he dived into the deep water.53. On the stage stood a magnificent grand piano.。
1. Never have I seen such a beautiful sunset.
2. Rarely does she go out in the evening.
3. Only after the meeting did he understand the situation. 会议结束后他才理解情况。
4. Seldom have they visited that museum.
5. Little did I know about the surprise party.
6. Not until he apologized did she forgive him.
7. In the garden stood a large oak tree.
8. On the table lay a stack of unopened letters.
9. At no time did he express his dissatisfaction.
10. Only then could she see the truth.
1. 跑来了,那只像闪电般的小狗狗。
2. 飞来了,一群似黑幕般的乌鸦。
3. 飘来了,那朵如棉花糖的白云。
4. 跳出了,一只像弹簧似的青蛙。
5. 爬来了,那只慢得像老蜗牛的乌龟。
6. 涌来了,一群像潮水般的游客。
7. 钻出来了,那只机灵得像小贼的老鼠。
8. 飞过来了,那只红得像火团的蝴蝶。
9. 游来了,那条像蛟龙般的大鱼。
10. 窜出来了,那只快得像箭的野兔。
11. 落下来了,那片像羽毛般轻盈的树叶。
12. 滚过来了,那个圆得像球的小胖子。
13. 冒出来了,那朵美得像仙女的荷花。
14. 荡过来了,那只像秋千似的蜘蛛。
15. 扑过来了,那只像小毛球的小猫。
16. 伸出来了,那只像枯树枝般的手。
17. 滑下来了,那个像泥鳅般灵活的小孩。
18. 闪过来了,那道像利剑般的目光。
倒装句的句型1. 厉害啊你,像那窜天猴似的,一飞冲天的本事你都有呢,成绩这么好!2. 见过能吃的,没见过像你这么能吃的,饭桶见了你都得喊大哥,真是太能塞了啊你。
3. 跑得慢的是我,不像你啊,你那腿跟装了小马达似的,“嗖”一下就没影了。
4. 美若天仙的是她呀,我嘛,顶多算个下凡时脸先着地的小仙女,和人家没法比。
5. 聪明得像爱因斯坦似的是他,我呢,脑袋里装的大概是浆糊,笨笨的我哟。
6. 勤快的那是妈妈,我可差远了,我呀,像个树懒一样懒得动弹。
7. 口才好的是那个家伙,嘴皮子像机关枪一样,我就不行了,说话都磕磕巴巴像个刚学话的小雏鸟。
8. 力气大如牛的是他啊,我这小细胳膊小细腿的,感觉一阵风就能把我吹跑喽,弱爆了我。
9. 乐观得像向日葵朝着太阳似的是我朋友,我呀,有时候像个苦瓜,愁眉苦脸的。
10. 勇敢的当属那些消防员啦,他们像超级英雄一样冲进火海,胆小如鼠的我只有佩服的份。
11. 时尚感爆棚像时尚杂志模特儿的是她,我呢,打扮起来就像个从上个世纪穿越过来的土老帽。
12. 记忆好得像电脑硬盘一样的是学霸,我这记忆力啊,就像个漏勺,学了就忘。
13. 歌声动听像百灵鸟的是那个女孩,我唱歌,简直像破了的锣在敲,难听死了我。
14. 心细如发的是手工达人,我呀,粗心得像个大老粗,东西经常丢三落四的。
15. 幽默风趣得像喜剧演员的是他,我呢,讲个笑话都能把自己冷到,笨嘴拙舌的我。
16. 大方得像散财童子的是我同学,我有时候像个守财奴,抠抠搜搜的。
17. 镇定自若像座山一样的是机长,我遇到点小事就像热锅上的蚂蚁,急得团团转。
18. 有耐心像老和尚念经似的是老师,我教别人东西,没两下就像个点燃的炮仗,急眼了。
**一、完全倒装(Full Inversion)**完全倒装就是把整个谓语动词都放到主语之前啦。
例句1:There goes the bell.(铃响了。
)你看,正常的语序应该是The bell goes there. 但是这样一倒装,就有一种突然性,就像你正等着什么事情发生,然后“铃就响了”,这种表达更加生动。
我还记得我刚学这个的时候,我同学问我:“为啥要这么说呀?直接说The bell goes there不就得了?”我就跟他说:“哎呀,这就像你去看魔术表演,魔术师要是按平常的方式出牌,那还有啥惊喜呢?这种倒装句就像魔术里的大变活人,突然把主语和谓语的位置变了,让句子变得超酷。
”例句2:Here comes the bus.(公共汽车来了。
)想象一下,你在车站等车等得心急火燎的,然后你大喊一声“Here comes the bus”,是不是感觉比“The bus comes here”更带感呢?这时候句子就像是一个充满活力的小助手,快速地把重要的信息“bus来了”传达给你。
例句3:Away flew the birds.(鸟儿飞走了。
)这个句子要是正常说就是The birds flew away. 可一旦倒装,就像是我们在描述一个很突然的画面,鸟儿“嗖”的一下就飞走了,那种动态感更强了。
”我当时就觉得,哇塞,真的是这样呢!**二、部分倒装(Partial Inversion)**部分倒装呢,就是只把助动词、情态动词或者be动词放到主语前面,主要动词还在主语后面呢。
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倒装句经典例句一、部分倒装(部分倒装记忆口诀):不只让步也常需如此祝福1.never, seldom, rarely, little, hardly, no, not, nowhere, not a single+n, not until等含有否定意义的副词若位于句首,则其后要用部分倒装:※I have never participated in such an instructive activity before.=Never before have I participated in such an instructive activity.We are going nowhere at the weekend.=Nowhere are we going at the weekend.※Never shall I forget it.我永远不会忘记这件事。
He seldom comes late.他很少迟到.=Seldom does he come late.She hardly has time to listen to music. 她几乎没时间听音乐。
= Hardly does she have time to listen to music.She did not sing a single song at yesterday’s party.=Not a single song did she sing at yesterday’s party.※Not until I failed in the exam did I realize how much time I had wasted.(从句不倒主句倒)※Not until yesterday did I know the news.※Not until then did I know my senior high school life had really began.No word did he say before he left.他一句话没说就走了。
2.含有否定意义的介词放句首:at no time/in no case/ in no way/on no condition/under no circumstance/in no circumstance/on no account/ by no means都为“决不”,in no time立刻,马上※What makes him admirable is that under no circumstance will he fail to cope with emergencies.※In no case should you give up your dreams. 你绝不能放弃你的梦想。
In no time he worked out the problem. 他马上就算出了那道题。
3. 由not only/merely/barely…but (also), no sooner..than(刚......就), hardly/scarcely...when...(刚......就),neither.....nor引出的倒装※Not only is the teacher himself interested in football , but all his students are beginning to show an interest in it※Not only can travelling relax us , but it can also broaden our horizons.Not only was he able to enter the final round of the contest, but he came out first as well.We had no sooner reached the airport than the plane took off.=No sooner had we reached the airport than the plane took off. 我们刚到机场,飞机就起飞了。
※He had hardly arrived there when he fell ill.=Hardly had he arrived there when he fell ill.Neither is he foolish, nor is he lazy.4.“only+状语”位于句首时的倒装※I failed in the final examination last term and only then did I realize the importance of studies.※Only recently has something been done to deal with the environmental problems.※Only this morning did I hear the sad news. 我今天早晨才听到这不幸的消息。
※Only in this way are you able to do it well. 你只有用这种方法才能把它做好。
※Only by working hard can we succeed in doing anything.※Only under such a condition will he make steady progress.只有在这样条件下他才会取得扎实的进步※Only when he returned home did he realize what had happened.(从句不倒主句倒)当他回到家里时,才知道出了什么事。
形容词/动词/副词/不加冠词的名词+as/though +主语+谓语..., 主句......Young as/though you are, you know a lot=Though you are young,you know a lot.※Child as you are, you know a lot.Tired as I was, I tried to help them. 虽然我很累,我还是努力帮助他们。
Try as he would, he couldn’t open the door. 他试过多次了, 却仍打不开那门。
Search as they would, they would find nobody in the house.无论怎样搜查,他们在房子里仍然没有找到一个人。
※Hard as (though) they tried, they couldn’t make her change her mind.尽管他们做了很大努力,却没法让她改变主意※Carefully as / though he worked,he made some mistakes.尽管他工作很细心,但还是除了一些差错。
6. so+adj. / adv和such +adj+n位于句首时的倒装※So difficult did I find it to work out the problem that I decided to ask Tom for advice.So curious were the couple about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research.※So badly was he injured in the accident that he was sent to the hospital for treatment.在这次事故中他伤得很重,被送进医院治疗。
※So hard does he work that he has no time to spare for travelling.他那么努力工作,抽不出时间去旅行。
※Such bad weather it was that we had to stay at home.7.虚拟条件句的省略与倒装当if引导的虚拟条件从句中含有had, were, should等时,如将if省略,则要将had, were, should等移到主语前,构成倒装句Had you worked hard at your lessons, you would have passed the exam.※Hadn't it been for his help,we wouldn't have finished the work in time.若非有他帮忙,我们就不能及时完成工作。
Had I time, I would go to Tieling with you.※Were it not for your help, I would still be homeless. 要不是你帮助,我会仍然无家可归。
Were my teacher here,he would give some good advice.我的老师如果在这儿,他会提些好建议的。
※Should you require anything, give me a ring. 如果需要什么,可以给我打电话。
※Should you favor him with the position, I `m convinced that he would live up to(不辜负) your expectation.8.以May…或Long live…开头的某些表示祝愿的用语。
如:※I hope you will be successful!=May you succeed!※May you have a good journey.祝你旅途愉快。
Long live the people's Republic of China!二、完全倒装的主要类型(完全倒装常适用于一般现在时和一般过去时)1.There are many lovely students in the room.There’s Jim. 吉姆在那儿。
※Here comes the bus. 公共汽车来了。
There goes the bell. 铃响了。
※Here are your running-shoes. 这是你的跑鞋。