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讲好一个故事的10种方法 Building attraction is NOT about approaching a woman, saying a few lines and instantly seducing her. 建立吸引力并不是靠近一个女人,说—些话并立刻诱惑她。Instead it’s about knowing how to demonstrate higher value then using it to make girls attracted to you. 相反,建立吸引力是要知道如何展现高价值然后运用高价值让女人被你吸引。That’s why it’s important to understand WHAT makes women attracted to guys and HOW use this information to instantly build sexual chemistry with a girl you’ve just met. 正因为如此,所以了解男人有什么能够吸引女人并以此让与你邂逅的女孩来电是非常重要的。 The good news is there is a great technique you can use to show ALL your positive qualities WITHOUT a woman noticing what you’re doing. 幸运的是,有—种技巧可以让你展现你所有的优势,却没有一个女人注意到你在施展技俩。 It can be done by telling a good STORY. 这个方法就是:讲好一个故事。 Out of all your PUA routines, the stories you use can be AS important as your openers. 除所有PUA法则以外,你讲的故事跟开场白—样重要。 If you know the RIGHT way to tell them, you’ll have an unfair advantage over other guys. 如果你方法正确,你就能在男人中脱颖而出。 So what makes a good story? 那么,怎么样才能讲好一个故事呢? Well a quality story has many elements. 一个好故事包含很多方面。Unlike the stories you tell your friends and family, you MUST concentrate on specific things in order to demonstrate high status. 与你平时给朋友和家人讲的故事不同,你必须强调—些闪光点来展现你的高价值。That’s why I’ve decided to list my 10 part “foolproof” system for creating stories that’ll attract women. 所以我决定列出一个吸引女人的讲故事系统,这个系统非常简单,它包含10个部分。Element #1- Keep it simple stupid 第一:要简单易懂 When you tell stories, you must stick to the old adage- K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple stupid 你讲故事的时候,你必须遵守KISS(简单易懂的原则。 The usual venues for meeting women can be loud and crowded. 遇到女人的地方通常是人多嘈杂的。 Furthermore, girls in bars/clubs have short attention spans. 而且,酒吧/俱乐部里的女人的注意力通常不集中。 All of these factors combine to create an environment that makes it hard to tell a story. 所有这些因素综合起来,导致在这样的环境中很难讲好一个故事。 So the first thing to know about a story is to keep it short and to the point.

(No longer then 1-2 minutes. 所以,你首先必须清楚的是,故事要短而且要开门见山(不要超过1~2分钟If it’s longer than a few minutes, then you have to edit it and ONLY keep the parts that are important. 如果故事比较长,你就得先作删减,以保留最重要

的部分。 Element #2- Use good material 第二,要用好的素材 The next element is easy. 第二点很简单。 You have to make sure you use material which can be interesting to most women. (In other words, don’t tell anything that’ll offend or bore anybody 你得

确认你讲的内容能够引起大部分女人的兴趣。(也就是说,不要讲那些令人反感或枯燥无味的东西 Specifically, girls like hear about drama, adventure and anything humor humorous. 特别值得一提的是,女人喜欢听戏剧化的、冒险的和幽默的故事。 So do yourself a favor and concentrate your stories on these specific topics. 所以你要把你的故事集中在这些特别的话题上。 Element #3- Demonstrate higher status 第三,要展现

高价值 As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, a story should be told in a way which demonstrates YOUR high status. 我在本文的开头已经说过,你要用能够展现

你高价值的方式来讲故事。 Any material you use has to briefly touch on the SPECIFIC qualities that women love about guys. 所有你用的素材必须主要表明你具有女人喜欢的男人品质。 For instance, here are some qualities you should focus on: 比如,这些品质是你必须重点描述的: ? Preselected by women 被女人预选 ? Leadership within your peer group 在你团队中的领导力 ? An ability to take action 行动力 ? Bravery in tough situations 处理棘手问题的勇气 ? An adventurous and fun lifestyle 冒险刺激的生活方式 ? Loyalty to your friends 对朋友忠诚 Element #4- Be indirect NOT direct 第四,间接而非直接Now when I mention how it’s important to demonstrate high status in your story, I don’t mean you should start brag ging about yourself. 我提到,讲故事的时候要展现高价值,这非常重要,但我并不是要你吹牛。Instead you should use your storytelling to INDIRECTLY mention your positive qualities. 相反,你用通过讲故事的方式间接地提到你的高价值。 The best way to do this is to use language that vaguely demonstrates your positive qualities. 要做到这一点最好的方法就是,通过语言来暗示你的高价值。For instance, let’s pretend that you want to demonstrate that you’re “pre-selected” by attractive women. 举个例子来说,我们假设
