1 看词能认 Wedding vanish hug tennis
听音会写 V_l_d s _ tt_ _ s_ _ken s_lf _sh
X /ks/ ax box six fox exit
y 在词首发
Y/j/ /e/ yellow
/ɪ/ happy , city ,lady
自然拼读单词讲解 phonics
Phonics,即字母拼读法(又译自然拼音)是自然形 成的一种发音规则,它主要教授英文字母(letter) 与语音(sound)间的对应关系,是美国、加拿大 本土孩子的必修课程。在初级英语中70%的单词在
拼读时都是有规律可循的。一旦掌握了这种发音规 则就不必去翻查字典而能够顺利地将单词读出。现 在我要把背单词变为读单词,使英语学习变得简单、 快乐、有趣。
[kənˌgræ tʃuˈleɪ ʃn]
第二讲 元音
学习自然拼读之前我们首先学习一 下26个字母 分为5 个元音(A E I O U )每个元音都有至少2种发 音
21 个辅音,辅音一般有且一种发音, 你知道他们都是发什么音吗?
A 发字母音[ei] age, name, cake, lake /eidʒ/ /neim/ /keik/ 另外还发[æ ]嘴巴打开,发出山羊叫的声音 apple , hat bad
E发字母音[ɪ:] these, me, she, /ðɪ:z/ /mɪ:/ /ʃɪ:/
还发 [e] 类似与汉语‘唉‘ 嘴巴微微打开 better get bedroom /ˈbetə(r)/ /get/ /bedru:m/ 注意;[ e 在单词尾通常不发音} name ;lake
Phonics-the sound of letter Gg
a ·g e ·g b ·ag b ·eg g ·ab g ·eb
ag eg bag beg gab geb
Let’s try!
cag, dag, fag, gag, deg, feg, gac, gad, gaf, ged, gef, geg
Phonics-the sound of letter Kk
Phonics-the sound of letter Kk
i ·d i ·g k ·id k ·ig
id ig k id k ig
Phonics-the sound of letter Kk
a ·b
b · ab
b ·a
Phonics-the sound of letter Cc
Phonics-the sound of letter Cc
a ·c
Phonics-the sound of letter Ll
e·g i ·d l ·eg l ·id
A A A [æ] [æ] [æ] appleB B B [b] [b] [b] bananaC C C [K] [K] [K] catD D D [d] [d] [d] dogE E E [e] [e] [e] eggF F F [ f ] [ f ] [ f ] flyG G G [ g ] [ g ] [ g ] girlH H H [ h ] [ h ] [ h ] horseI I I [ ɪ] [ ɪ] [ ɪ] inJ J J [dʒ] [dʒ] [dʒ] jumpK K K [K] [K] [K] kickL L L [ l ] [ l ] [ l ] lookM M M [m] [m] [m] monkey N N N [n] [n] [n] noO O O [ɒ] [ɒ] [ɒ] onP P P [p] [p] [p] pigQ Q Q [kw] [kw] [kw] queen R R R [r] [r] [r] rabbit S S S [s] [s] [s] snake T T T [t] [t] [t] tigerU U U [ʌ] [ʌ] [ʌ] upV V V [v] [v] [v] violin W W W [w][w] [w] window X X X [ks] [ks] [ks] boxY Y Y [j] [j] [j] yesZ Z Z [z] [z] [z] zoo★开音节的拼音:A 发字母本身音[eɪ] age, ate, name, cake, lake, take, make, game, gave, made, late, came, bate, date, face, gate, hate, page, race, same, tame, wake, gave, famous, lady, bake等。
E发字母本身音[i:] be, these, me, he, she, we, 等。
如:c-a ca a-t at第三阶:能够成功拼读辅音+元音+辅音。
如d-o-g dog第四阶:能够成功拼读双音节或多音节单词。
如sw-ea-t-er sweater第五阶:能够听音辨字,即听到单词读音就能够拼出该单词。
自然拼读法练习(一)小孩将在提示音下完成英语拼读自然拼读学习步骤步骤一:26个英文字母(alphabet letters)的发音-短音节Phonics自然拼音,或叫“自然拼读法”更易明白得。
如:c-a ca a-t at第三阶:能够成功拼读辅音+元音+辅音。
如d-o-g dog第四阶:能够成功拼读双音节或多音节单词。
如sw-ea-t-er sweater第五阶:能够听音辨字,即听到单词读音就能拼出该单词。
然拼读学习步骤步骤一:26个英文字母(alphabet letters)的发音-短音节Phonics自然拼音,或叫“自然拼读法”更容易理解。
Phonics自然拼读英语---------------------------------------上册单词1.短元音aand和man男人bag包,袋子cap帽子fan风扇hat帽子has有map地图rat老鼠act表演bat球棒van有篷货车ant蚂蚁jam果酱sad伤心的ask询问tap轻打gas煤气add增加fax传真ham火腿pal好朋友can’t不能fact事实backpack背包2.长元音alate晚的bake烘烤game游戏tape磁带shape形状age年龄page页cage笼子vase花瓶wave 挥手lake湖泊safe安全的race竞赛change改变brave勇敢的plate盘子taste品尝sail航行tail尾巴wait等待paint油漆train火车rain下雨fail失败mail邮件chain链lay放置way路gray昏暗的railway铁路,铁道部门3.短元音emet yep bed egg get leg let hen pen ten yes net pet wet yet red end next desk best send nest test help well4.长元音ebe beet feed feet feel sweet queen canteen fifteen sixteencheese these Chinese evening eastcream jeans neat each beachpeach cheap treat leave niecepiece leafy sleepy key honey5.短元音ibin pin tin win tipfit fix mix its diddig bit hit kid him zip his ill gift hill milk miss wind quiz twins6.长元音idie lie size mine fire drive smile quite shine rice rise hide side site pipe wide dive lime prize by dry why shy cry mind high fight tight might wild7.短元音olog lot dot hop mop top got nod job off soft pop fox from sock clock shopping crossing boxing dolphinchopsticks pond contest8.长元音oOh so hole boneropethose phone notebook note hopesmoke bowl blow grow throwopen going goal toast floatgoat soap coach hold foldgoldfish most post postman postbox9.短元音uup us but cut nut bug hug mug rug mudyuk sum fun gum yumdust rubbish duckling dumpling dustbinpumpkin lunchbox sunset thumbtack10.长元音uuse rude rule June studentflu music unit Tuesday glueblue juice fruit suitcase newfew mew flew nephew newspaper11.四人帮ck,ll,ss,tchback snack black crack neck checksick kick pick lock rock knockluck shall bell tell sell smellkill will doll pass class glasschess Miss cross catch match pitchwitch12.h魔法师sh,ch,tch,th,wh,phshall trash flash shell shelf fresh shipdish wish shop rush brush chat branch French bench chips rich which lunch math path that than Thenthem this with length twelfth fifth]thin thick moth when whip whowhisk graph phiz13.后鼻音nk,ngbank ink pink wink drink sinkjunk trunk bang hang sing kingwing ring swing bring song long14.词尾组合hand land lend bend pond went hint fronthunt camp lamp pump last past west restvest list cost lost just must half filmmelt mask disk left lift soft crisp15.L blendsbless block blond blunt clap clock club flat flagglad plant plum slim16.R blendstram trick trip dress drill drop drum brushcrab cram fresh grass print shrimp thrill下册单词1.S Blendsstamp staff stick still stove stone stew spendspit speak space skin skip skate skill scale scream script strict string strong stream street strangespring screw switch squid smoke snack2.arjar art arm harm cart barn yarn part darkyard start smart March charm sharp large scarf partymarker garden sharpen sharpener guitar supermarket3.五朵金花per were term clerk serve never faster crackernumber helper silver lobster lantern hamster pepperthunder first third circle dirty thirsty hurt purse turning turkey Thursday hamburger earth worm world4.七个宝葫芦corn fork form torch sport short ordercorner popcorn boring report more shore storesnore before indoor floor pour yours court board skateboard warm warn quarter5.鸭梨家族、耳朵家族、ire,oor,our,ureair fair pair stair downstairs upstairs airporthaircut dairy airplane wear wearing share square careful their theirs hear near clear deer here weirdwire poor tour pure6.oi,oyoil boil foil coil soil broil coin join noise noisy point moist hoist voice toilet boy toy soy coyjoy enjoy oyster7.ou,owours hour sour flour ouch loud mouse mouth southshout blouse bounce round ground cloudy loudly outsidesprout without county mountain owl town crowd tower power8.四个小骗子:au,aw,al,allbald salt salty stalk also always walkman fall wallcall hall mall smaller football meatball baseball basketball waterfall sauce because August saw raw drawseasaw9.oosoon hoop root boot poor smooth spoon loosegoose choose tooth toothpick toothpaste toothache notebookah-choo igloo bookshelf bookstore afternoon balloonwashroom bathroom bamboo rooster sketch-book10.前缀reply receive refuse repeat reform reveal regardremote preheat prepay discuss dislike discount unlikeuntie unfair unjust unkind unlock interest internetautomatic supermarket superman submit subtract11.后缀picture nature culture lecture feature education conversation discussion musician special delicious beautiful awful useful careful helpful hopeful harmful thankful grateful wonderful bottle kettlebubble middle simple circle candle valuableenjoyable helpless homeless harmless hopeless wirelesshappiness sadness kindness darkness sweetnesssicknesssoftness agreement apartment washed stepped tiedplayed planted hated cried tried ducks pantsoranges legs glasses boxes12.划分音节Score steal diary science paper hotel body copyTaxi airport children doctor silver letter butter messy dollar April secret afraid address delicious message skateboard barbecueSilent consonantskn=k know knife knee knightgn=n sign foreign gnaw design gnarlgh=g ghost ghont spaghettiwr=r wrist wrote wrap wrong writewh=w/h who what which when why whom whosewhole wheelmb=m climb lamb comb tomb thumbmn=m autumn column damnsilent p cupboard psycho receiptsilent b debt doubtsilent t fasten castle whistle Christmas listen silent d sandwich Wednesday handsome handkerchiefsilent h honor honest rhyme John hourOther Consonantsch=sh chef machinech=k school headache stomach Christmas chemistryph=gh=f photo phone pharmacygh=f laugh coughgu=g guest guess guide guitar vague dge=j fridge bridge edgeother rules for vowelsshort vowelsshort aau laugha haveai plaidshort eea bread head weather heavy health pear bear wearai saida any manyshort iu busy business minuteui build guilt guitari-e give liveai fountain mountain captaine recallshort oa was watch washshort uo mother come son nothing dozen love some monkeyoo blood floodou cough tough touch cousin youngshort oou put push pull full bushou could would shouldlong vowelslong aea great break steakey they hey preyei veil reindeera nature nationlong eeo peoplelong iui guide disguiseuy buy guylong oou shoulder though althoughlong ueu neutral neuk neuralSOUND AND SPELLINH TABLE CONSONANTSVowels感谢阅读,欢迎大家下载使用!。
use cute huge fume
hot fog
ten let
•对于多音节词,有一个音节要读的重些,叫 重读音节;而其他音节读得较轻,叫非重读音 节。对于单音节词,只有一个重读音节。
(没有辅音字母“包住”元音字母,元音字母 露在外)
•闭音节:辅音字母(r除外)结尾的音节,如 act, pen, big, small
Practice 2
take age name make
she we me these
time go nine nose bike home my joke
• 这个男孩 the boy
• 我买的雨伞 the umbrella that I buy
• 太阳/月亮(独一无二的自然现象) the sun/ the moon
• 一个苹果 an apple
• 一个诚实的男孩 an honest boy
Phonics 自然拼读法
Sing the alphabet song :lalala~~
• Vowels(元音字母): • a, e, i(y), o, u
• Consonants(辅音字母): 剩余其他字母(b, c,d,…,x, y, z)
Phonics 自然拼读法
What is phonics?
自然拼读法P h o n i c s学习步骤详解集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-自然拼读法(Phonics)学习步骤详解自然拼读法(Phonics),是指看到一个单词,就可以根据英文字母在单词里的发音规律把这个单词读出来的一种方法。
如:c-a ca a-t at第三阶:能够成功拼读辅音+元音+辅音。
如d-o-g dog第四阶:能够成功拼读双音节或多音节单词。
如sw-ea-t-er sweater第五阶:能够听音辨字,即听到单词读音就能拼出该单词。
自然拼读学习步骤步骤一:26个英文字母(alphabet letters)的发音-短音节Phonics自然拼音,或叫“自然拼读法”更容易理解。
什么是自然拼读法 (Phonic s)我的孩子们以前是在美国上的学,孩子们在一年级之前已经掌握自然拼读法了。
自然拼读法从简到难的学习顺序为:1、二十六个字母的读音 (Letter Sounds)。
单音节词“y”在末尾,“y”发“i”的音(one syllab le, y at the end (pronou ncedas“i”)):my、why、fly、sky。
多音节词“y”在末尾,“y”发“e”的音(two syllab les,y at the end(pronou ncedas“e”)):daddy、mommy、baby。
2、单元音单词拼读(Conson ant-Vowel-Conson ant Combin ation s)。
Beginn ing Conson ants、Ending Conson ants、One VowelWord,ShortVowelSounds。
3、双元音单词拼读(Two VowelWords)。
4、双/三辅音在一起时的联读(Conson ant Blends)。
Beginn ing conson ant blends(bl、br、cl、cr、dr、fl、fr、gl、fr、pl、pr、sc、sk、sl、sm、sn、sp、st、sw、tr、tw、scr、spl、str)。
单元音(12个)/i:/ee feet脚sheep羊need需要feel感觉feed喂养teeth牙齿keep保持weekend周末sleep睡觉meet遇见(ee字母组合一定发长音/i:/) fifteen十五coffee咖啡jeep吉普车sweet 甜的sweep 打扫green绿色的canteen食堂seed种子three三queen女王free空闲的,免费的deep深的peel剥皮bee蜜蜂see看见ea read 读neat肉tea 茶叶meat肉sea海洋clean beat打eat 吃clean打扫,干净的speak讲leave离开bean豆子jeans牛仔裤cheap便宜的sneakers拖鞋stream小溪teach教great 伟大的please请peach桃子meal一顿饭,一餐/i / i big fit健康的hit打pig sit坐ill生病的y happy tidy carry body sorry/ u: /oo school学校room房间food 食物noodles 面条pool游泳池moon cool酷的boots靴子woods树林too也goose鹅zoo动物园moon月亮/ u /oo book 书cook 烹饪look看foot 脚(单数)good 好的soon不久(oo在字母k前面一定发短音/ u /)/ə :/ir bird鸟girl shirt third第三thirsty 渴skirt 裙子sir先生shirt衬衫/ə /er teacher mother Peter sister other 其他的her她的ur purple 紫色的nurse护士turn left左转surf the internet 网上冲浪fur 毛curtain窗帘a ago以前China 中国panda 熊猫umbrella雨伞about 大约/ɔ:/or horse马short 矮的shorts短裤fork叉for对于torch 火炬morning早上more更多的特殊work/wə: k工作forget/fəget/忘记/ɔ/ o dog hot 热not doctor frog青蛙hobby 爱好al all 所有wall ball 球tall高的call 打电话fall 秋天,落下walk走路small 小的talk谈话walkman随声听au because因为naughty 淘气的daughter 女儿aw draw画画saw 看(see的过去式)law 法律/a:/ar far 远farm农场car小汽车star 星星arm胳膊garden 花园chart表格park公园,停车art美术party聚会sharpener卷笔刀card卡片smart聪明的start开始/ / o brother other mother onion anothera pass ask问glass杯子grass草class 班级after 在...之后u bus公交车cut切shut关,闭cup杯子run跑jump跳/æ/ a bad cat apple back sad rat map/e/e leg desk neck net bed let bet Tedea bread head ahead dead thread weather天气ready准备双元音(8个)/ai/ i bike 自行车like 喜欢wide宽time时间kite 风筝write写ride骑take拿走igh high 高的light 灯bright 明亮的fight打架right 左边的y my 我的by cry哭fly 飞翔why 为什么sky 天空shy 害羞/ei/ a take make face game late晚lakeay today今天say说day play 玩stay 待着lay 躺Sunday星期天ai rain雨,下雨train火车gain获得pain疼wait等待E-mail电子邮件tail尾巴/ ɔɪ / oy boy toy玩具joy 乐趣enjoy 享受boil煮coin硬币noise噪音/ uə / poor贫穷的tour tourist sure 当然February一月oi noise噪音join加入(组织)oil油boil 煮soil 土壤point 指/ iə / ear tear泪水dear亲爱的cheer 干杯clear 干净的,明朗的near 在附近beer 啤酒deer小鹿/ɛə / air air 空气 a pair of 一双,一对fair 公平的hair头发chair 椅子stairare care square scare share rareear/ ere here 这里where哪里there那里wear穿pear梨bear 熊/au/ ou out mouth嘴巴south 南方about大约around在周围house家count数cloud云playground操场sound听起来sour酸的mouse老鼠,鼠标loud大声的/əu / o so no hope nose home rode closeow how怎样now 现在cow奶牛town 城镇bow 鞠躬down know知道own拥有b owl碗snow 下雪,雪blow 吹window 窗户slow 慢慢的low低的oa goat山羊road路coat外套元音字母的短音e e e ------- /e/ /e/ /e/ second第二seven七bed床math数学fresh新鲜的hen 母鸡dress裙子very非常empty空白的chess象棋desk课桌help帮助,救命a a a------/æ//æ/ /æ/bad 坏的cat 猫apple苹果back sad 悲伤的map地图at在that那,那个matter事情lamb小羊fat胖的rabbit兔子have有hand手and和can能happy快乐的black 黑色的flat公寓any任何的family家庭fan风扇cap帽子特殊want water wash洗what什么u u u -----/Λ/ /Λ/ /Λ/ shut关,闭cup杯子run跑jump跳supper晚饭sunny晴朗的lunch午餐Under在....下面funny有趣的hungry饥饿的umbrella雨伞hug拥抱gun枪must必须brush teeth 刷牙get up起床O O O-----/ɔ/ /ɔ//ɔ/ dog狗hot 热的not 不doctor 医生frog青蛙hobby 爱好body身体doll洋娃娃coffee咖啡cock公鸡god上帝sock袜子clock闹钟stop停止fox狐狸i i i-------/i/ /i/ /i/swim 游泳this这个big fit健康的hit打pig sit坐ill生病的gift礼物milk牛奶finger手指windy有风的元音字母的长音(发字母本身的音)e---e/i:/或者当一个音节中元音字母是e,它后面没有任何辅音字母,发/i:/ th e s e这些Chinese 中国人,中文Japanese日本人,日语we我们he他们me我she她he他a--e- /ei/cak蛋糕take拿走plane飞机grape葡萄Take拿走make做face 脸game 游戏late晚lake 湖snake蛇tape磁带bake烤o---e /əu /so 所以no不hope希望nose鼻子home家close关闭those那些bone骨头rope绳子joke笑话phone电话stole偷pose姿势rose玫瑰smoke抽烟特殊some/sΛm/一些love/lΛv/i----e/ai/ bike 自行车like 喜欢wide宽time时间kite 风筝write写ride骑nice好的white白色的five五size型号fine好的dive潜水drive驾驶nine九rice大米mice老鼠(复数)twice两次price价格hike徒步旅行h i d e and seek捉迷藏kite风筝knife小刀u----e use用useful有用的student学生excuse me打扰了cute可爱的其他字母组合Wh----/w/ when何时where 哪里whale 鲸wheel 轮子why为什么which哪一个Wr----/r/ write写wrap包装Qu----/kw/ quiet安静的queen女王quit 放弃question问题quick快速的squirrel松鼠Th---- /θ/ thi nk认为th ank谢谢ba th room/ ð/ father[’fɑ:ðə] together[tə’ɡeðə] 一起Ch-或者tch----/t∫/match[mæt∫] 比赛teach教watch看which 哪一个rich富裕的特殊:school 发/k/ ;chef厨师∫ ef/ champagne香槟Sh----/∫/ shirt [∫ə:t] wash洗ship轮船shop购物fish鱼辅音:(28个)清辅音(有气无声) 浊辅音(有声无气)[p] park[pɑ:k] p ack[pæk] [b] be[bi:] baby [’beibi][t] tea[ti:] talk[tɔ:k] [d] dog[dɔɡ] dad[dæd][k] keep [ki:p] bank[bæŋk] [g] bag[bæɡ] go[ɡəu][f] face [feis] free[fri:] [v] give[ɡiv] above[ə’b∧v] [∫] shirt [∫ə:t] action['æk∫ən] [ʒ] job[dʒɔb] join[dʒɔin][s] sit [sit] say[sei] [z] zoo[zu:] amaze[ə’meiz] [θ] think[θiŋk] nothing[’n∧θiŋ] [ð] father[’fɑ:ðə] together[tə’ɡeðə] [ts] cats[kæts] lots[lɔts] [dz] beds[bedz] birds[bə:dz] [tr] tree[tri:] try[trai] [dr] address[ə’dres] draw[drɔ:] [t∫] such[s∧t∫] match[mæt∫] [dʒ] object[əb’ dʒikt] age[eidʒ][m] map [mæp] me[mi:, mi][n] win[win] thin[θin][l] let[let] lead[led][ŋ] pink[piŋk] thing[θiŋ][r] red[red] reach[ri:t∫][h] hi[hai] he [hi:, i][w] wedding[’wediŋ] water[’wɔ:tə][j] yes[jes] year[jiə:]1.国际音标共有48个音素,分为元音音素和辅音音素2.元音音素有20个,分单元音和双元音两类。
g和j的辨音 g的自然发音是[g].容易记成字母本 身音. j的自然发音是 [织] / [ ]很多小朋友 容易弄混
About letter I i
• ir sir thirsty birthday shirt skirt • igh high night light fight tight
About letter O o
• oo book cook foot boot
school noodles food
要用box and boxes.
get good god girl go green gloves hello hi have has hat how head hair
g,g,g, [g][g][g].
h,h,h,[h][h][h]. gh,gh 不发音,前面字母本身音. 打招呼要用hi,加上gh还读high.
Jet K for Kite and L for Lamp
M for Man and N for Nose
O for Orange and P for Pen
Q for Queen and R for Rain
S for Sugar and T for Tree
U for Umbrella and V for Van
• 自然拼读法是一套用自然记忆的方式, 根据字母与字母间的组合所应该发出的 音,建立字母与发音的直觉音感。学习 者在熟悉这套规则后,可以基本做到看 词能读,听音会写。音标是记录音素的 符号,是音素的标写符号。
七年级Phonics 自然拼读法(77张)
![七年级Phonics 自然拼读法(77张)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/65b4465f102de2bd97058831.png)
1.元音字母在重读开音节发:字母本音 A /ei/ E/i:/ I/ai/ O/əu/ U/ju:/ take she time go use age we nine nose cute name me bike home huge make these my joke fume
stand up /d/
street /dr/
Phrases and Sentences
• A bear is skiing. 一头熊在滑雪。
Phrases and Sentences
• bag and baggage (adv.) 连同随身的东西一起离开
/e/ sweater head bread
ar /a:/ art arm car or /ɔ:/ horse short sport er /ə:/ her person serve ir /ə:/ bird girl shirt ur /ə:/ nurse burn surf
Practice 3:Listen and write
fly_ why_ f_ine ni_ce l_ike a_te b a_ke la_ke pl_ane e_ve Pe_ ter m_eter no_ se c_ope o_ver l_one am_use hu_ ge fu_ se mu_ te
5. -ce在词尾发/s/: nice piece once chance peace …
ai/ay /ei/ ei/ey /ei/
美国学者Adams(1990)在PhonicsInstruction for the Nineties 里指出,出现在初级阅读材料中的词汇,其语音和字母间的对应关系相当稳定。
Phonics 更注重英文字母和其发音的对应关系,可以迅速提升英语阅读能力。
而中国孩子虽然没有母语背景、但Phonics 对于帮助认字、拼字、提高阅读能力,及从小教授正确英语发音方面仍然具有巨大的积极意义。
所以说Phonics并非万能,它只是阅读的起点,如果把Phonics 作为最终目标就错了!自然拼读系列之一英文的26个字母,分为元音和辅音,其中元音只有5个,即a,e,i,o,u,其余字母均为辅音。
字母与发音一一对应的辅音:b -- balld -- dogf -- fishh -- hatj -- jumpk -- kitel -- legm -- mann -- notp -- penq -- quick (注意q与u总是连在一起的)r -- runs -- sunt -- tenv -- vestw -- waterz – zoo有多个发音的辅音:c字母:c后面接a,o,u的时候,c的发音与字母k发音相同,叫做“hardc sound”cat, cap,call,coat,cup;当字母c后面接e,i,或y的时候,通常c的发音与字母s发音相同,叫做“soft c sound” city, ice, rice, face, cell, cent, voice, pencil, juice;有时在e或i前面,c会发/sh/音ocean, racial, social。
自然拼读法Phonics学习步骤详解自然拼读法Phonics;是指看到一个单词;就可以根据英文字母在单词里的发音规律把这个单词读出来的一种方法..即从“字母发音-字母组合发音-单词-简单句子-整段句子”逐步学习;让孩子轻松掌握“自然拼读”法;培养孩子正确的英语语感;打好英语学习的基础..在英语母语国家的幼儿园里;孩子们从三岁起;就开始接受自然拼读法的学习了;这种方法是美国及很多英语母语国家孩子学习自己母语的方法.. 英语是拼音文字;所有的词汇都是有26个字母组成的;而在成千上万的不同拼法中;基本发音音素却只有48个;这说明26个字母与基本音素间是有着一定关联的..但是;英语是属于比较深奥的拼音文字;也就是说26个字母与基本音素之间没有一对一的对应关系;而是一对多和多对一的复杂关系;这对学习英语词汇的发音和拼写无疑增加了难度..尽管如此;人们还是总结出了很多发音规律;这些规律对于绝大多数英文词汇都是适用的;这就是自然拼读法..自然拼读在国外是一直沿用学语言的方法;有着成熟的教学方案;在国外学校;自然拼读学习分为六个阶段:第一阶:建立字母与字母自然发音之间的直接联系..第二阶:能够成功拼读元音+辅音辅音+元音..如:c-a ca a-t at第三阶:能够成功拼读辅音+元音+辅音..如d-o-g dog第四阶:能够成功拼读双音节或多音节单词..如sw-ea-t-er sweater第五阶:能够听音辨字;即听到单词读音就能拼出该单词..第六阶:单词量大量扩充;能够阅读英语文章..自然拼读学习步骤步骤一:26个英文字母alphabet letters的发音-短音节Phonics自然拼音;或叫“自然拼读法”更容易理解..拼读什么就是看到英文字母或字母的组合能自然地读出、读对它的发音..这里;首先要区分“读音”Name与“发音”Sound..A-Z的26个字母几乎大家都认识、都能念出来;而念出来的就是字母本身的“读音”;而自然发音指的是字母的“发音”..发音不同于读音..看到字母后;不管读音;找对发音..这就Phonics要学的..理论可以讲很多很深;但Phonics注重的是方法与实践..因此;知道怎么正确发音就行了..1、21个辅音字母的发音其实只有18个..C/K发音相同;只能算做一个;W、Y是两个半元音字母..归在一处;只为方便..2、5个元音字母的发音-短元音 a、e、i、o、u是学习的重点..步骤二:元音的字母音-长元音5个元音构成的以下元音组合的发音;就是该元音的字母音;即该字母的读音;但必须是发长音..1、a的字母音----其组合为/a_e/、/ai/、/ai/;发音为a的字母音读音;写作/ei/注--以下都用国际音标符号..规则举例/a_e/ e在结尾不发音 cake tape lake gate plate grape cane/ai/ 出现在以n/l结尾的单词中 rain train mail nail sail brain tail /rail/ai/ 出现在单词末尾 play day today away say may stay2、e的字母音----其组合为/e_e/、/ee/、/ea/、/e/;发音为e的字母音读音;写作/i:/..规则举例/e_e/ e在结尾不发音 these Chinese Japanese athlete Pete Eve/ee/ keep tree three sleep meet seen seed/ea/ eat sea tea read meat clean speak steal/e/ 只有一个元音且在单词末尾 he she we me3、i的字母音----其组合为/i_e/、/ie/、/igh/、/y/;发音为i的字母音读音;写作/ai/..规则举例/i_e/ e在结尾不发音 ice nine ride hide side line bike mike/ie/ 出现在单词末尾 die lie tie pie/igh/ 出现在辅音之间且结尾为爆破音 right night light bright fright/y/ 全是辅音且出现在单词末尾 by fly sky spy crydry try fry4、o的字母音----其组合为/o_e/、/oa/、/ow/;发音为o的字母音读音;写作/ou/..规则举例/o_e/ e在结尾不发音 home nose stone hope rope rose/oa/ 出现在辅音之间且结尾为爆破音 soap load float road coat/ow/ 出现在单词末尾 know slow grow throw low snow5、u的字母音----其组合为/u_e/、/ue/、/ui/..这个字母发音特别有趣;它有两个发音;即u的汉语拼音字母读音/u:/ 或英文字母读音/ju:/..规则一:当元音前的字母为爆破音时读u的英文字母音/ju:/ 举例/u_e/ cube tube cute cure dune dupe 例外fuse fume/ue/ Tuesday due undue cue/ui/ suit规则二:其他情况下读u的汉语字母音/u:/ 举例/u_e/ rule flute June Jude rude jute/ue/ blue true glue flue clue sue rue一般都出现在单词末尾/ui/ juice fruit bruise必要的补充:关于爆破音、摩擦音、清辅音与浊辅音爆破音、摩擦音各6个;其又分为爆破清辅音、爆破浊辅音、摩擦清辅音、摩擦浊辅音..爆破音--发音器官在口腔中形成阻碍;然后气流冲破阻碍而发出的音p t k 清辅音--有气流、无声音、声带无振动b d g 浊辅音--有气流、有声音、声带有振动摩擦音--牙齿合拢;气流从牙齿缝中发出来s f th 清辅音--牙齿中间无舌头;如bath、mouth、thing z v th 浊辅音--牙齿中间有舌头;如the、this、that、thank舌尖略略伸出;放在上下齿之间;轻触上齿;气流从上齿和舌尖之间流出转音规则--摩擦音s与爆破清辅音p、t、k结合;转发爆破浊辅音b、d、g..sp -->sb spy spill spoonst -->sd stay still stonesk -->sg sky skill关于爆破音与摩擦音一节;很重要;也是初级课程里最难的地方..但学到转音规则仍然会觉得有趣..步骤三:单词的自然拼读规则1、先找元音及元音组合;比如单词say、warmer、unhappy短线划出元音及元音组合;2、确定音节;有几个元音或元音组合就有几个音节;比如上述三个单词分别有1、2、3个音节3、划分音节;两个元音或元音组合之间;只有一个辅音;辅音归后;4、按音节拼读;元音或元音组合+最近的辅音+次辅音主次以前后为准;前主后次比如单词say;第一步写出元音组合/ay/;第二步加上辅音/s/;即ay->say;步骤四:辅音的混合1、双辅音双辅音在单词中只发一个音短音节;比如:egg、odd、glass、apple、jazz2、混合辅音Consonant blends3、辅音连缀重要的辅音连缀为5对、7组/s/../br/bl/ break、brush、branch、broom、brake在美国及很多英语母语国家;孩子们在幼儿园都首先要掌握自然拼读法;在小学三年级前要把基本法则全部掌握;并成为熟练的阅读者..掌握了自然拼读法的基本规律后;学生们就需要靠大量的阅读来增加词汇量;丰富自己的头脑里字母与发音的对应关系;从而能够对不认识的、发音不规则词汇的发音做出正确的猜想;到了这个阶段就可以说已经基本掌握英语阅读了..后期;我们也会制作自然拼读卡、引进自然拼读绘本;帮助孩子们学习自然拼读;相信只要有好的方法和好的条件;一向善于学习的中国孩子英语也一定会很棒的。
Phonics 1
![Phonics 1](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bd269e9a102de2bd9605888f.png)
拼读单词 Sound and say the words
我家 dad (爸爸), 脾气 bad(坏的), 让我 sad (伤心)。
有只 cat (猫咪), 非常 fat (肥胖), 专吃 rat (老鼠)。
拼读单词 Sound and say the words
放下 plate (盘子), 赶到 gate(门口), 已经 late (晚了)。
清晨 wake (醒来), 来到 lake (湖边), 钓上 snake (蛇)。
拼读单词 Sound and say the words
撇下 net (渔网), 鱼没 get(得到), 衣服 wet (湿了)。
为捉 pest (害虫), 从不 rest (休息), 本领 best (最棒)。
Parts of Speech 词性
1. 解释专属课程规划 2. 学前测验 3. 语音课程 4. 词汇分类 5. 同步课程疑问 6. 总结
语音: 自然拼读
学前测验 Pre-test
plate gate
wake lake
sad rat late snake wet自然拼读 字母音
国际音标 字母音
直接建立音形对应的关系 具体,简单,高效!
字母形 音标符号
增加工序,借助符号记忆 抽象,复杂,枯燥!
自然拼读 Phonics
规则 元音 辅音
自然拼读 Phonics – 1
辅音 consonants
b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, qu, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z
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The English alphabet is a set of 26 letters, each of which roughly represents a phoneme. The word "alphabet" comes from alpha and beta, the first two letters of the Greek alphabet.The 26 letters of the alphabet are: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, and Z. Each comes in both an upper and lower case. The letters of the alphabet in lower case are a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, and z.Of these 26 letters, there are two kinds: consonants and vowels. The consonants of the alphabet are: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, and z. The vowels are a, e, i, o, and u. Note that the letter y is classified as a consonant, but sometimes acts like a vowel.Each letter is like an animal. Each has a name, but also makes a certain sound. For example, a cat says "meow." These sounds are called phonemes.Consonant SoundsConsonants are the letters which stop or limit the flow of air from the throat in speech. These are the sounds, or phonemes, of single consonants: ∙/b/ sound as in bonfire, black, bathtub, and balcony∙/d/ sound as in dry, draw, design, and duet∙/f/ sound as in fossil, fail, frame, and fingerprint∙/g/ sound as in greeting, grill, goose, and grapefruit∙/h/ sound as in hail, hieroglyphics, hostage, and hit∙/j/ sound as in magician, syringe, jeep, and message∙/k/ sound as in key, knock, kangaroo, and kayak∙/l/ sound as in lizard, learn, lamp, and library∙/m/ sound as in mug, money, maze, and mechanical∙/n/ sound as in night, newspaper, nightmare, and noodle∙/p/ sound as in panda, pie, pen, and potato∙/r/ sound as in rose, restaurant, run, and reporter∙/s/ sound as in safe, sunset, sand, and seat∙/t/ sound as in tile, thermometer, tongue, and toy∙/v/ sound as in violin, volcano, vaccination, and vote∙/w/ sound as in waterfall, wagon, windmill, and watch∙/y/ sound as in yoke, yawn, yacht, and yoga∙/z/ sound as in zebra, zoo, and zipperSometimes the vowel u takes upon itself the consonant sound of w, as in quick or suave. This is usually the case when q is followed by u, as in quiet and quaint.Vowel SoundsA vowel is a sound made by the relatively free movement of air through the mouth, usually forming the main sound of a syllable. The vowels are a, e, i, o, and u.Each vowel has two sounds: a long sound and a short sound. The long sound is the same as its name. Every vowel also makes a third sound: the schwa. This is the sound of a vowel that is unstressed in an unstressed syllable. There are also some more advanced vowel sounds besides the long, short, and schwa. For instance, the a in father is different than the a in cat.When a single vowel letter is in the middle of a word (or syllable), it usually says its short sound (e.g., got, bed.) But there are many exceptions to this rule, such as irregular vowels. When a single vowel letter is in the end of a word (or syllable), it usually says its long sound (or its name), as in go and be. When two vowels go hand in hand in the same word (or syllable), the first vowel is usually long, and the second vowel is usually silent. e.g., bake makes the ay sound (long a) and the e is silent; goal makes the oh sound (long o) and the a is silent. But there are many exceptions to this rule, such as irregular vowels.The following is a list of vowel sounds, shown along with their diacritical marks:∙Long a (ā) sound as in ape, snail, ache, explain, and reindeer∙Long e (ē) sound as in eat, agony, needle, pianist, and electricity ∙Long i (ī) sound as in eye, cry, tightrope, tile, and violin∙Long o (ō) sound as in oh, domino, ghost, pillow, andstethoscope∙Long u (ū) sound as in you, salute, toothbrush, goose, boot, and costume∙Short a (ă) sound as in at, taxi, anniversary, laboratory, and tackle∙Short e (ĕ) sound as in elm, elevator, jellyfish, pentagon, and dentist∙Short i (ĭ) sound as in it, gift, inflate, spinach, and cereal∙Short o (ŏ) sound as in hop, camouflage, garage, chop, father, paw, and binoculars∙Short u (ŭ) sound as in up, cut and subtract∙Schwa (ə) sound as in about, item, gallop, and circusThe letter y sometimes substitutes for i and is a vowel when it does so. Likewise, the vowel w sometimes substitutes for u and is considered a vowel when it does so. However, y sometimes appears as the only vowel in a syllable, such as in gym and why, whereas w never appears as a vowel all by itself. When w acts as a vowel, it always follows a (as in paw), e (as in new), or o (as in grow).Consonants are letters that are not vowels. Specifically, consonants are speech sounds (phonemes) made by partially or completely blocking the vocal air stream, and letters (graphemes) that represents such sounds. When y is not acting as a vowel, it is a consonant. Most consonants have only one sound, but a few have multiple sounds. For instance, c can make both the /k/ and the /s/ sound.A comprehensive list of consonant sounds follows:∙b makes the /b/ sound as in bat; also, when b follows m in the same syllable, it is silent as in lamb.∙c makes the /k/ sound as in cat and the /s/ sound as in cease—see Spelling With C and G.∙d makes the /d/ sound as in dog.∙f makes the /f/ sound as in fat.∙g makes the /g/ sound as in get, and the /j/ sound as in gem—see Spelling With C and G.∙h makes the /h/ sound as in hat; also, sometimes h is silent, as in honesty.∙j makes the /j/ sound as in jam.∙k makes the /k/ sound as in kite.∙l makes the /l/ sound as in lap, and the /lə/ sound as in glad and cycle.∙m makes the /m/ sound as in mad.∙n makes the /n/ sound as in nap.∙p makes the /p/ sound as in park.∙r makes the /r/ sound as in race. When r follows a vowel, it makesa special sound: see R-Controlled Vowels.∙s makes the /s/ sound as in sit, and the /z/ sound as in has.∙t makes the /t/ sound as in tap; also, sometimes t is silent, as in whistle.∙v makes the /v/ sound as in van.∙w makes the /w/ sound as in wet. w placed before a single vowel will usually modify its sound, as in wash.∙x makes the /ks/ sound as in box, the /gs/ sound as in exact, and the /z/ sound as in xylophone.∙y makes the /y/ sound as in yet. y can also act as a vowel.∙z makes the /z/ sound as in zip.Note that the consonant q is almost always followed by the vowel u. The u in this case takes on the /w/ sound, so qu together make the /kw/ sound. In some French-derived words, -que makes the /k/ sound as in torque and plaque.When a vowel is followed by a consonant, the vowel is short. The diacritical mark for a short vowel is called a breve (˘), which is in the shape of a downturned arc.A vowel is usually short when there is only one vowel in a word or syllable, as in cat, bed, and hot. However, there are exceptions to this rule, such as with irregular vowels.There is both a long and short sound to “oo”. The short sound appears as in the words book, booth, and took.The following is a list of short vowel sounds, shown along with their diacritical marks:∙Short a (ă) sound as in at, taxi, anniversary, laboratory, and tackle ∙Short e (ĕ) sound as in elm, elevator, jellyfish, pentagon, and dentist∙Short i (ĭ) sound as in it, gift, inflate, spinach, and cereal∙Short o (ŏ) sound as in hop, camouflage, garage, chop, father, paw, and binoculars∙Short u (ŭ) sound as in up, cut and subtractFor a complete list of long, short, and other sounds, see letter sounds.A long vowel sound is the same as its name. The diacritical mark for a long vowel is called a macron (¯), which is in the shape of a line above the vowel.When a single vowel letter is in the end of a word (or syllable), it usually says its long sound (or its name), as in go and be. When two vowels go hand in hand in the same word (or syllable), the first vowel is usually long, and the second vowel is usually silent. e.g., bake makes the /ay/ sound (long a) and the e is silent; goal makes the /oh/ sound (long o) and the a is silent. However, there are many exceptions to this rule, such as with irregular vowels.When there are two adjacent vowels in a word, the first one is long and the second one is silent. The first vowel is marked with a long line and second one is crossed out. Examples of this rule are in coat, ride, and read.There is both a long and short so und to “oo”. The long sound appears as in the words boo, food, smooth, and moose.The following is a list of long vowel sounds, shown along with their diacritical marks:∙Long a (ā) sound as in ape, snail, ache, explain, and reindeer∙Long e (ē) sound as in eat, agony, needle, pianist, and electricity ∙Long i (ī) sound as in eye, cry, tightrope, tile, and violin∙Long o (ō) sound as in oh, domino, ghost, pillow, and stethoscope ∙Long u (ū) sound as in you, salute, toothbrush, goose, boot, and costumeFor a complete list of long, short, and other sounds, see letter sounds.A digraph is a single sound, or phoneme, which is represented by two letters. A trigraph is a phoneme which consists of three letters. However, many people will simply use the term 'digraph' generally to describe both combinations. In digraphs, consonants join together to form a kind of consonant team, which makes a special sound. For instance, p and h combine to form ph, which makes the /f/ sound as in phonemic.When two or more letters appear together and you hear each sound that each consonant would normally make, the combination is called a blend. For instance, the word blend has two consonant blends: bl, for which you hear the sounds for both b and l, and nd, for which you hear the sounds for both n and d.Two-Letter Blends∙bl, which blends the /b/ and the /l/ sounds together to make the /bl/ sound as in blend and blight∙br, which blends the /b/ and the /r/ sounds together to make the /br/ sound as in break and brown∙cl, which blends the /c/ and the /l/ sounds together to make the /cl/ sound as in cluster and class∙cr, which blends the /c/ and the /r/ sounds together to make the /cr/ sound as in crash and cross∙dr, which blends the /d/ and the /r/ sounds together to make the /dr/ sound as in drive and drab∙fl, which blends the /f/ and the /l/ sounds together to make the /fl/ sound as in flu and flake∙fr, which blends the /f/ and the /r/ sounds together to make the /fr/ sound as in freedom and frost∙gl, which blends the /g/ and the /l/ sounds together to make the /gl/ sound as in glad and glory∙gr, which blends the /g/ and the /r/ sounds together to make the /gr/ sound as in green and gravy∙nd, which blends the /n/ and the /d/ sounds together to make the /nd/ sound as in blend and send∙pl, which blends the /p/ and the /l/ sounds together to make the /pl/ sound as in play and plow∙pr, which blends the /p/ and the /r/ sounds together to make the /pr/ sound as in prime and prowl∙sl, which blends the /s/ and the /l/ sounds together to make the /sl/ sound as in slogan and sloppy∙sm, which blends the /s/ and the /m/ sounds together to make the /sm/ sound as in small and smart∙sn, which blends the /s/ and the /n/ sounds together to make the /sn/ sound as in snail and snore∙sp, which blends the /s/ and the /p/ sounds together to make the /sp/ sound as in special and spackel∙st, which blends the /s/ and the /t/ sounds together to make the /st/ sound as in stop and startThree-Letter Blends∙shr, which blends the /sh/ digraph and the /r/ sound together to make the /shr/ sound as in shroud∙spl, which blends the /sp/ blend and the /l/ sound together to make the /spl/ sound as in splash and splendid∙spr, which blends the /sp/ blend and the /r/ sound together to make the /spr/ sound as in spring and spray∙squ, which blends the /s/ sound and the /sq/ digraph together to make the /squ/ sound as in squid and squelch∙str, which blends the /st/ blend and the /r/ sound together to make the /str/ sound as in struggle and strap∙thr, which blends the /th/ digraph and the /r/ sound together to make the /thr/ sound as in throwWhen two or more consonants appear together and you hear each sound that each consonant would normally make, the consonant team is called a consonant blend. For instance, the word blend has two consonant blends:bl, for which you hear the sounds for both b and l, and nd, for which you hear the sounds for both n and d.Digraphs∙ch, which makes the /ch/ sound as in watch, chick, chimpanzee, and champion∙ck, which makes the /k/ sound as in chick∙ff, which makes the /f/ sound as in cliff∙gh, which makes the /g/ sound as in ghost and ghastly∙gn, which makes the /n/ sound as in gnome and gnarled∙kn, which makes the /n/ sound as in knife and knight∙ll, which makes the /l/ sound as in wall∙mb, which makes the /m/ sound as in lamb and thumb∙ng, which makes the /ng/ sound as in fang, boomerang, and fingerprint∙nk, which makes the /nk/ sound as in ink, sink and rink∙ph, which makes the /f/ sound as in digraph, phone, and phonics∙qu, which makes the /kw/ sound as in quick∙sh, which makes the /sh/ sound as in shore, shipwreck, shark, and shield∙ss, which makes the /s/ sound as in floss∙th, which makes the /th/ sound as in athlete, toothbrush, bathtub, thin, and thunderstorm∙th, which makes the /th/ sound as in this, there, and that∙wh, which makes the /hw/ sound as in where and which∙wr, which makes the /wr/ sound as in write∙zz, which makes the /z/ sound as in fuzz and buzzTrigraphs∙chr, which makes the /chr/ sound as in chrome andchromosome∙dge, which makes the /g/ sound as in dodge and partridge∙tch, which makes the /tch/ sound as in catch, matchBesides long vowel sounds, short vowel sounds, and the schwa sound, there are some other special sounds in English that are represented by vowels. They are as follows:∙/aw/ sound as in awful and awe∙/oi/ sound as in boil, poison, toilet, and annoy∙/ou/ sound as in lighthouse, cow, flower, and fountain∙/oo/ (ʊ) sound as in took, pulley, platypus, pull, and footballNote that "oo" makes two different sounds in different words, having the ʊ sound as in hook, or the ū sound as in boot.When a vowel is followed by an r, it makes a special sound. These are called r-controlled vowels, or r-colored vowels. These phonemes are as follows:∙/ar/ sound as in car, guitar, Arthur∙/âr/ sound as in care, bear, mare, scare, aquarium∙/îr/ sound as in pier∙/ir/ sound as in turnip, spider, certificate, and beaver∙/or/ sound as in manor, observatory, author, brought, and orchard ∙/er/ sound as in butter, cutter, and motherUsually, /ar/ always sounds like the ar in car, and /or/ always sounds like the or in for. The ir, er, and ur, sound the same as in bird, her, and fur. These all make a /ər/ sound.Sometimes, the basic rules of phonics do not apply. Each of these instances must be memorized. Common examples include, but are not limited, to:∙IGH as in "high" or "sight"∙-NG as in "sing," "song," "sung"∙OST as in "most" (but not "lost" or "cost") uses the long sound instead of the normal short sound.∙OW has two different sounds as in "low" and "cow." (or, "sow"and "sow.")∙ED has three different sounds as in "lifted," "played," and "walked"∙OI does not follow the two vowels rule, e.g., "moist" or "boil."∙Double O has two different sounds, as in "book" and "loose."∙OUS as in "nervous."∙AU as in "fault" or "haul."∙-SION, -TION, and -CION are all pronounced "shun."∙OUGH has at least seven different sounds, as in "bough," "cough,""hough," "tough," "thorough," "thought," and "through."∙A word consists of a series of letters. Every word must have at least one vowel in it. Each syllable is made by blending the sounds of each component, that is, reading the word by adding one sound at a time, as in -e, -ed, bed. The following are some rules for spelling and pronouncing words.1.c followed by e, i or y usually has the soft sound of s. Examples:cyst, central, and city.2."G" followed by "e, i or y" usually has the soft sound of "j".Example: "gem", "gym", and "gist".3.When two consonants a joined together and form one new sound,they are a consonant digraph. They count as one sound and oneletter and are never separated. Examples: "ch,sh,th,ph and wh".4.When a syllable ends in a consonant and has only one vowel, thatvowel is short. Examples: "fat, bed, fish, spot, luck".5.When a syllable ends in a silent "e", the silent "e" is a signal thatthe vowel in front of it is long. Examples: "make, gene, kite, rope,and use".6.When a syllable has two vowels together, the first vowel is usuallylong and the second is silent. Examples: "pain, eat, boat, res/cue,say, grow". Diphthongs don't follow this rule.7.When a syllable ends in any vowel and is the only vowel, thatvowel is usually long. Examples: "pa/per, me, I, o/pen, u/nit, andmy".8.When a vowel is followed by an "r" in the same syllable, thatvowel is "r-controlled". It is not long nor short. "R-controlled"er,ir,andur" often sound the same (like "er"). Examples: "term, sir, fir, fur, far, for, su/gar, or/der".Words may have prefixes or suffixes added to them, which will modify their meaning. For example, the root word use and the suffix -able combine to create the word usable.Sometimes, the letter y is a consonant, and other times it is a vowel. The rule for telling the two apart is simple: The letter y is a consonant when it is the first letter of a syllable that has more than one letter. If y is anywhere else in the syllable, it is a vowel.Examples of Y as a Consonant∙yes∙yam∙yell∙yellow∙yogurtExamples of Y as a Vowel∙gym∙my∙cycle∙baby∙hairy∙skyA vowel combination is a combination of two or three vowels, or of a vowel and at least one consonant, that is associated with one or more specific single sounds. For example, ea has the sounds /long e/ and /long a/; ay has the sound /long a/, and igh has the sound /long i/. These vowel combinations are sometimes called digraphs, diphthongs, trigraphs, and triphthongs.Vowel combinations occur in three different forms in written English:1.Vowels often appear in clusters within a single syllable. This is the mostcommon form.2.Vowels often appear in combination with a particular consonant orconsonants which, together, represent a sound unit that is different from what you would expect if you didn't know the specific combination. Forexample, the o in old has the /long o/ sound, but if you didn't alreadyknow that already, you would think that the o in cold was short.3.Another common combination in English is one or two vowels followedby gh. The gh is usually silent. It is usually easier to decode the whole unit (igh, eigh) than to process the vowel and the gh separately.A Vowel Combinationsai/ayTogether, ai or ay make a /long a/ sound.Example words: aim, rain, braid, paint, ray, say, stay, tail, twain, praise, stain, and mainOther a vowel combinations∙ay as in day, say, play, spray, and tray∙au as in fault, gaunt, fraud, launch, pause, and sauce∙aw as in saw, paw, claw, dawn, and crawl∙augh as in caught, taught, daughter, naughty, haughty, and slaughter∙wa /wô/ as in want, wash, swamp, squash, squat∙wa/wă/ as in wax, wag, swam, and quack∙all as in ball, tall, hall, and small∙ald as in bald, scald, and alder∙alk as in talk, walk, chalk, and stalk∙alm as in alms, calm, palm, and psalm∙alt as in halt, malt, and saltE Vowel Combinationsee and eaTogether, ee or ea make a /long e/ sound. Sometimes, ea together makes a /short e/ sound or a /long a/ sound instead.Example words (ee): peek, see, queen, sleep, cheese, street, meet, and teamExample words (ea /long e/): eat, sea, each, leaf, peach, mean, team, ease, and pleaseExample words (ea /short e/): dead, head, spread, health, and meantExample words (ea /long a/): break, great, steak, and yeaOther e vowel combinations∙eu/ew as in sleuth, deuce, few, new, and shrewd∙ei/ey/eigh /long a/ as in veil, beige, they, whey, eight, and weigh∙ei/ey/eigh /long e/ as in seize, key, money, valley∙ei/ey/eigh /long i/ as in heist, eye, geyser, heightI Vowel Combinations∙ie /long e/ as in brief, field, grieve, and piece∙ie/ye /long i/ as in die, tie, dye, and rye∙igh as in high, thigh, night, flight, and wright∙ign as in sign, align, assign, and benign∙ind as in bind, kind, mind, grind, and behindO Vowel Combinations∙oo as in boo, food, smooth, and moose∙oo as in book, look, good, and stood∙oa /long o/ as in oat, loam, groan, loathe, and loaves∙oe /long o/ as in doe, and hoe∙oi/oy /y/ as in oil, coin, voice, boy, and ploy∙old/olk/olt /long o/ as in gold, scold, folk, yolk, bolt, and volt∙oll/ost /long o/ as in roll, knoll, scroll, ghost, most, and post∙oll/ost /short o/ as in doll, loll, cost, lost, and frost∙ou/ow as in out, round, bounce, how, down, and browse∙ou/ow /long o/ as in soul, poultry, own, glow, snow, and owe∙ou as in you, soup, group, and rougeU Vowel Combinations∙ue /long u/ as in cue, due, hue, rue, sue, blue, clue, flue, glue, and true∙ui /long u/ as in suit, fruit, cruise, juice, and sluiceMost English words used today were not originally English. These words were adapted from other language, such as Latin and Greek. It can be helpful to know some of these roots of English vocabulary. It may be possible to guess the meaning of an unknown word when one knows the meaning of its root. Knowing prefixes and suffixes can also help.An English word can consist of three parts: the root, a prefix, and a suffix. The root is the part of the word that contains the basic meaning, or definition of the word. The prefix is a word element placed in front of the root, which changes the word's meaning or makes a new word. A suffix is a word element placed after the root, which changes the word's meaning as well as its function.When adding a suffix to a one-syllable word, if the root word ends in only one consonant and has only one vowel before it, and if the suffix begins with a vowel, then the consonant ending the root word will be doubled. For example, when adding -ing to can, we double the n to end up with canning. The rule for multisyllable words is the same, but applies only when the last syllable of the root is accented, like in beginner and concurring, but not in begins or forgetful.For words ending in silent e, when the suffix begins with a vowel, that silent e is usually dropped before adding the suffix. For example, in take and -ing, we drop the silent e off of take, then add the suffix, and end up with taking.When adding a suffix to a word ending in y, if there is a vowel before the y, just add the suffix. For example, obey + -ed becomes obeyed. If there is a consonant before the y, we will usually change the y to an i before adding any suffix (except -ing and -ish.) For example, angry + ly becomes angrily, and baby + -ign becomes babying.Common PrefixesPrefix Meaning Examplepre-before They will show a sneak preview of the movie.un-not The cafeteria will be unavailable tomorrow morning.dis-not Mark disagreed with John's philosophy.re-again Are you going to renew your subscription?mis-not He has mismanaged the company.im-not With hard work and determination, nothing is impossible. bi-two Henry recently received his first pair of bifocals.de-not Many ecologists are concerned about the deforestation ofour world's rain forests.Common SuffixesSuffixes Meaning Example-er doer I work as a computer programmer.-able able These glass bottles are recyclable.-ous full of Driving on the freeway can be dangerous.-ness state of being At night, the earth is covered in darkness.-ful full of The witness gave an honest and truthful testimony.-ly or -y like James whistled happily on his way home from school.-ment state of Mary sighed with contentment.A compound word is a word composed of two or more words that are spelled normally and retain their usual meanings. It is easy to recognize the short, known words within compound words, and each of those short words is accented, which makes them less confusing to a beginning reader. For these reasons, compound words are often the first set of multisyllable words taught to a beginning reader.Examples of Compound Words∙backpack (back + pack)∙newspaper (news + paper)∙knapsack (knap + sack)∙lipstick (lip + stick)∙mouthwash (mouth + wash)∙sunlight (sun + light)∙raindrop (rain + drop)∙sandpaper (sand + paper)∙groundhog (ground + hog)∙afternoon (after + noon)∙motorcar (motor + car)∙eyebrow (eye + brow)∙butterfly (butter + fly) — This is one example in which the original words do not convey their usual meanings well.A noun is a type of word which refers to a person, place, or thing. Nouns can be conjugated in either singular or plural form. A singular noun refers to just one person, place, or thing (for example, a bat or a ship). A plural noun refers to multiple people, places, or things (for example, bats or ships).The majority of English count nouns are regular and predictable in the spelling of the plural form1. However, other nouns have irregular plural spellings. Both of these kinds of nouns will be covered here.Rule #1: Add -sMost nouns can be pluralized simply by adding an -s at the end of the word. For example:∙edge/edges∙girl/girls∙song/songs∙bag/bags∙cat/cats∙boy/boys∙day/daysRule #2: Add -es to nouns ending in s, z, ch, sh, and xNouns which end in the letters s, z, ch, sh, and x-es at the end. For example:∙glass/glasses∙horse/horses∙buzz/buzzes∙dish/dishes∙bush/bushes∙witch/witches∙switch/switchesRule #3: Nouns ending in oFor words ending in the letter o, sometimes they are pluralized by adding s, while other words must be pluralized by adding es. These words must be memorized, because there is no simple rule to explain the differences.2Examples (es):∙echo/echoes∙embargo/embargoes∙hero/heroes∙potato/potatoes∙veto/vetoes∙tomato/tomatoes∙torpedo/torpedoes∙hero/heroes∙veto/vetoesExamples (s):Most nouns ending in o preceded by a vowel are pluralized by simply adding s3. Some other o nouns do this, too:∙auto/autos∙folio/folios∙cameo/cameos∙portfolio/portfolios∙kilo/kilos∙photo/photos∙zoo/zoos∙memo/memos∙solo/solos∙soprano/sopranos∙studio/studios∙pimento/pimentos∙tattoo/tattoos∙video/videos∙piano/pianos∙pro/pros∙kangaroo/kangaroosRule #4: Nouns Ending in a consonant YFor nouns ending in the letter y, replace the ending y with ies. For example:∙story/stories∙poppy/poppies∙baby/babies∙daisy/daisies∙spy/spies∙lady/ladiesNote that for words ending in y preceeded by a vowel (a complex vowel sound), an s is simply added, as usual. For example:∙day/days∙toy/toys∙essay/essays∙turkey/turkeys∙chimney/chimneys∙play/plays∙joy/joys∙valley/valleys∙alley/alleys∙volley/volleys(Irregular) Some nouns Ending in -F or -FEFor some nouns ending in f or fe, replace the ending f or fe with ves:∙calf/calves∙elf/elves∙half/halves∙hoof/hooves∙leaf/leaves∙life/lives∙loaf/loaves∙scarf/scarves∙self/selves∙sheaf/sheaves∙wolf/wolves∙shelf/shelves∙thief/thieves∙knife/knives∙wife/wives(Irregular) Some nouns change the vowel sound in becoming plural: ∙fireman/firemen∙foot/feet∙goose/geese∙louse/lice∙man/men。