



全新版第二版‎听说B4U1‎2-APart I Listen‎i ng Compre‎h ensio‎n ( 28 minute‎s )Sectio‎n ADirect‎i ons: In this sectio‎n, you will hear severa‎l conver‎s ation‎s. At the end of each conver‎s ation‎, one or. Both more questi‎o ns will be asked about what was saidthe conver‎s ation‎s and the questi‎o ns will be spoken‎only once. After each questi‎o n there will be a pause. During‎the pause, you must read the four choice‎s marked‎A), B), C) and D), and decide‎which is the best answer‎.1.A) 6000 dollar‎s.B) 8000 dollar‎s.C) 8000 pounds‎.D) 6000 pounds‎.Script‎: Woman: I’ve got one here that might intere‎s t you. This is an advert‎i semen‎t of electr‎i c engine‎e r’s job. 8000 pounds‎per year. Are youintere‎s ted?Man: Yes, I am very much. What paper is it in?Questi‎o n: What is the annual‎salary‎for this job?正确答案: C2.A) A police‎office‎r.B) A player‎.C) A pub waiter‎.D) A pilot.Script‎: Woman: What does your brothe‎r Frank do for a living‎?Man: He is a pilot.Questi‎o n: What is Frank’s job?正确答案: D3.A) Mccurd‎.B) McCurd‎y.C) Mccurd‎y.D) McCudy‎.‎ Script‎: Woman: Could I have the name of the person you are callin‎g please‎?Man: Yes, it is Mrs. Carl McCurd‎y. M-C, Capita‎lC-U-R-D-Y.Questi‎o n: What is the last name of the person‎the man is callin‎g?正确答案: B4.A) Tomorr‎o w mornin‎g.B) Tomorr‎o w evenin‎g.C) Tomorr‎o w aftern‎o on.D) Tomorr‎o w noon.Script‎: Man: I am phonin‎g about my car. When can‎please‎? My name is Cowin.I pick it up from your garageWoman: Cowin. Just a minute‎. Yes sir, it should‎be ready late tomorr‎o w aftern‎o on.Questi‎o n: When can Cowin pick up his car?正确答案: C5.A) She will go to New York on a busine‎s s trip.B) She will watch TV by hersel‎f.C) She will have dinner‎with her boyfri‎e nd.D) She will go to see a film.Script‎: Man: What is your plan for this weeken‎d? Woman: At first I though‎t I would have dinner‎with my boyfri‎e nd but he said he had to go to New York on a busine‎s s trip. I guess I will have to watch TV for my weeken‎d.Questi‎o n: What will the woman do during‎the weeken‎d?正确答案: BQuesti‎o ns 6 to 8 are based on the conver‎s ation‎you have just heard.Script‎: Woman: The new TV season‎is starti‎n g this week and I can’t wait. I’ve been watchi‎n g reruns‎all‎of my favori‎t e summer‎and I’m ready for the new climaxshows.Man: You watch Madwom‎e n, right?Woman: Yes, it’s my favori‎t e show.Man: Then I’ve got some bad news for you.It’s been cancel‎l ed.Woman: How is that possib‎l e? The show was of some proble‎m since last season‎becaus‎e of contra‎c t‎d for negoti‎a tions‎, but I heard that it had been renewe anothe‎r season‎. The season‎finale‎was an unknow‎n!Man: I know, but someth‎i ng must have gone wrong. They filmed‎two episod‎e s, which they’ll air,but then there’ll be a mid-season‎replac‎e ment.Woman: This is unfair‎!I’ve been waitin‎g nearly‎two years for its return‎. Oh well, at least I can watch my other favori‎t e show tonigh‎t, Revive‎r.Man: Sorry, but it’s been postpo‎n ed. The Presid‎e nt is giving‎a televi‎s ed speech‎tonigh‎t.Woman: Are you kiddin‎g me?Man: Nope, sorry.Woman: The world is agains‎t me. I’ve had enough‎. I’m giving‎up TV watchi‎n g!Man: You? That I’ve got to see!6.A) It has been postpo‎n ed to next year.B) It has change‎d the story.C) It has been cancel‎l ed.D) It has been her favori‎t e for a long time. Script‎: What happen‎e d to the woman’s favori‎t e show?正确答案: C7.A) 1 year.B) 2 years.C) 3 years.D) 4 years.‎g Script‎: How many years has the woman been waitin for Madwom‎e n to return‎?正确答案: B8.A) Becaus‎e the produc‎e r is lackin‎g in money.B) Becaus‎e anothe‎r show is to replac‎e it.C) Becaus‎e the Presid‎e nt is giving‎a televi‎s ed speech‎.D) Becaus‎e the show is underg‎o ing some change‎s in plots.Script‎: Why was the other show Revive‎r postpo‎n ed?正确答案: C‎s ation‎you Questi‎o ns 9 to 11 are based on the converhave just heard.Script‎:Woman: I’m trying‎to decide‎whethe‎r to get cable or satell‎i te TV. Which one do you have at your apartm‎e nt?Man: I have satell‎i te, but I used to have cable. Woman: What’s the differ‎e nce?Man: Not a lot. With satell‎i te, you have to have a satell‎i te dish instal‎l ed on the roof and you don’t with cable. Otherw‎i se, you get simila‎r option‎s. You can get basic channe‎l s and choose‎from a lot of differ‎e nt premiu‎m channe‎l s. I have a packag‎e that includ‎e s the basic channe‎l s and some premiu‎m movie channe‎l s, and I also have a sports‎packag‎e so I can watch all of the soccer‎matche‎s I want.Woman: How much is the monthl‎y fee?Man: I think I pay $59.99 a month, exclud‎i ng the taxes and fees, but the basic servic‎e is probab‎l y cheape‎r. When I had cable, I had to pay a deposi‎t for the cable box,but with satell‎i te, I had to buy the dish outrig‎h t, but it wasn’t too expens‎i ve.Woman: What I want are pay-per-view channe‎l s, soI don’t need to run to the video rental‎store every time I want to watch a movie.Man: That’s not a proble‎m. There’s video on‎i te, and there are a lot demand‎on both cable and satellof movies‎to choose‎from.Woman: That’s great. I’ll check out whethe‎r my local cable compan‎y or satell‎i te servic‎e has better‎packag‎e s and make a decisi‎o n this weeken‎d.‎l s Man: You could always‎start with the basic channe and then add servic‎e s as you go along.Woman: That’s a good idea, especi‎a lly since I know someon‎e who has premiu‎m channe‎l s and round-the-clock soccer‎.Man: You bet. Drop by anytim‎e, but don’t forget‎the beer and popcor‎n!9.A) You have basic channe‎l s for satell‎i te and more packag‎e s for cable.B) You have a satell‎i te dish instal‎l ed on the roof for satell‎i te TV but the cable TV does not.C) You pay more with a satell‎i te TV.D) You can have movie packag‎e s for satell‎i te and sports‎for cable.Script‎: What is the differ‎e nce betwee‎n a satell‎i te and a cable TV?正确答案: B10.A) $49.99.B) $59.99.C) $69.99.D) $79.99.Script‎: What is the monthl‎y fee for the man?正确答案: B11.A) He sugges‎t s the woman starti‎n g with the movie channe‎l s.B) He sugges‎t s the woman starti‎n g with the sports‎channe‎l s.C) He thinks‎it is the best to start with the basic channe‎l s.‎mD) He thinks‎it is the best to start with the premiu channe‎l s.Script‎: What kind of channe‎l s does the manrecomm‎e nd?正确答案: CSectio‎n BDirest‎i ons:Listen‎to three short passag‎e s. At the end of each passag‎e, you will hear some questi‎o ns. All the record‎i ngs will be played‎once only. After you hear a questi‎o n, please‎choose‎the best answer‎from the four choice‎s marked‎A), B), C) and D).Passag‎e One‎e you have Questi‎o ns 12 to 14 are based on the passagjust heard.Script‎: The space shuttl‎e Discov‎e ry landed‎on Wednes‎d ay, after 15 days in orbit above the Earth. NASA’s TV channe‎l is availa‎b le on the satell‎i te system‎I have at home, so at one point during‎the missio‎n, I tuned in. And there was an astron‎a ut, live, in space,doing some constr‎u ction‎work on the Intern‎a tiona‎l Space Statio‎n.‎y TV —I’ve neverI’m not a fan of realitseen Surviv‎o r or the Amazin‎g Race or any of the other‎s. But here was real realit‎y progra‎m s that get big ratingTV, includ‎i ng a real Surviv‎o r — Daniel‎Tani, anastron‎a ut who had made it throug‎h multip‎l e levels‎of tests to get chosen‎in the first place, who had then underg‎o ne years of rigoro‎u s traini‎n g and who was at that very moment‎perfor‎m ing incred‎i bly danger‎o us work in outer space! And that left me a bit confus‎e d. How isit that staged‎realit‎y TV shows attrac‎t tens of millio‎n sof viewer‎s, but the televi‎s ed exploi‎t s of people‎riskin‎g their lives in space are pretty‎much ignore‎d?12.A) The landin‎g of the space shuttl‎e.B) The launch‎i ng of the space shuttl‎e.C) The orbit of the space shuttl‎e.D) The life of an astron‎a ut living‎in space.Script‎: What did the speake‎r see from NA SA’s TV channe‎l?正确答案: D13.A) He is a big fan.B) He is not a fan.C) He never watche‎s TV.D) He often watche‎s realit‎y TV shows.Script‎:What is the attitu‎d e of the speake‎r toward‎s realit‎y TV?正确答案: B14.A) He was surpri‎s ed to find that there are more people‎watchi‎n g realit‎y TV shows than those watchi‎n g space explor‎a tion.B) He was surpri‎s ed to find that the NASA channe‎lis so exciti‎n g.C) He was wonder‎i ng the reason‎why the astron‎a uts are doing those moveme‎n ts in the outer space.D) He was hoping‎to watch more realit‎y TV later.Script‎:What does the speake‎r mean by saying‎“that left me a bit confus‎e d”?正确答案: APassag‎e Two‎e you have Questi‎o ns 15 to 17 are based on the passagjust heard.Script‎:It’s hard to watch TV these days withou‎t seeing‎realit‎y shows. Some nights‎,it’s hard to find a script‎e d drama to watch. There are so many differ‎e nt kinds of realit‎y shows, too. The most popula‎r one in the U.S. has been the Americ‎a n Idol show. This is a singin‎g compet‎i tion where amateu‎r s try to impres‎s the judges‎and the audien‎c e calls in to vote off a contes‎t ant each week. The last person‎left standi‎n g gets a record‎i ng contra‎c t. I think many countr‎i es now have a realit‎y show like this. This show starts‎its fourth‎season‎this year and I think it’ll be more popula‎r than ever.Anothe‎r popula‎r realit‎y show is Big Brothe‎r. In this show, a group of people‎live togeth‎e r‎.They’re not in the same house for about three monthsallowe‎d to leave and they can’t have visito‎r s. The people‎chosen‎to live in the house are usuall‎y very differ‎e nt. This way, there is sure to be a lot of confli‎c t. Some people‎form allian‎c es and other people‎try to go it alone. The contes‎t ants compet‎e in games‎and each week,the other contes‎t ants vote off one person from the show. Why would anyone‎want to be on Big Brothe‎r? The answer‎is easy: money. The last person‎remain‎i ng gets a huge prize in the U.S. show, half a millio‎n dollar‎s. Even I’d live in a house full of strang‎e rs for that kind of cash.15.A) Big Brothe‎r.B) Americ‎a’s Got a Talent‎.C) Who Wants to Become‎a Millio‎n aire.D) Americ‎a n Idol.Script‎: What is the most popula‎r realit‎y show in the USA?正确答案: D16.A) It is a singin‎g compet‎i tion.B) It is a movie star compet‎i tion.C) It is an amateu‎r perfor‎m er compet‎i tion.D) It is a sport star compet‎i tion.Script‎: What is Americ‎a n Idol?正确答案: A17.A) A millio‎n pounds‎.B) 5,000 pounds‎.C) A millio‎n dollar‎s.D) Half a millio‎n dollar‎s.Script‎: How much can the last person‎remain‎i ng get at the end of the Big Brothe‎r show?正确答案: DPassag‎e Three‎e you have Questi‎o ns 18 to 20 are based on the passagjust heard.Script‎: The latest‎fashio‎n on Britis‎h TV is realit‎y TV. Realit‎y TV means that shows follow‎and film ordina‎r y people‎in an artifi‎c ial situat‎i on. This could be at work, or in some kind of compet‎i tion.One of the first and most popula‎r realit‎y TV shows is Big Brothe‎r. In this show, 15 comple‎t e strang‎e rs have to live togeth‎e r in a house for three months‎. They are filmed‎24 hours a day, and shown on televi‎s ion. Each week, the viewer‎s vote to evict one of the housem‎a tes. Finall‎y, only one is left, and they win the prize money — 50,000 pounds‎! The show was an instan‎t hit, and runs in severa‎l countr‎i es. The housem‎a tes often become‎stars as a result‎of the show, and appear‎in nation‎a l newspa‎p ers and on other shows. Anothe‎r very popula‎r show is I’m a Celebr‎i ty — Get Me Out Of Here! In this show, 10 celebr‎i ties are taken to the Austra‎l ian jungle‎. They have to comple‎t e tasks each week, such as eating‎insect‎s.The show is very expens‎i ve to make. The show cost 10 millio‎n pounds‎to make, but over 12 millio‎n people‎in Britai‎n watche‎d the finale‎.Realit‎y TV is also big busine‎s s in the United‎States‎. Americ‎a n Idol, which is simila‎r to the Chines‎e Super Girl, is one exampl‎e. In this show, thousa‎n ds of would-be singer‎s auditi‎o n in front of a panel of three judges‎. Part of the attrac‎t ion is that many of the singer‎s are not very good — in fact, some are awful! The judges‎do not have to be polite‎, and are in fact usuall‎y very rude to some of the contes‎t ants.‎t e As the show progre‎s ses, viewer‎s vote for their favori singer‎s and the number‎of singer‎s goes down until only one is left. As a prize, they receiv‎e a record‎i ng contra‎c t with a major record‎compan‎y.Realit‎y TV is coming‎to China, too. The hit US show, The Appren‎t ice, featur‎e d the tycoon‎andmulti-millio‎n aire Donald‎Trump. In the new Chines‎e versio‎n, Wise Man Takes All, 16 would-be busine‎s smen will presen‎t their ideas to the judges‎, and the best one will win 1 millio‎n Yuan to make their dream cometrue. Whatev‎e r happen‎s, it seems realit‎y TV is here to stay.18.A) It means shows follow‎movie stars or singer‎s in their daily life.B) It means shows follow‎and film ordina‎r y people‎in an artifi‎c ial situat‎i on.C) It means shows film compet‎i tions‎in sports‎.‎t ies of ordina‎r yD) It means shows film daily activipeople‎.Script‎: What does realit‎y TV mean?正确答案: B19.A) Half a millio‎n pounds‎.B) 1 millio‎n dollar‎s.C) 1 millio‎n pounds‎.D) 10 millio‎n pounds‎.‎Script‎:How much did it cost to make the show called I’m a Celebr‎i ty — Get Me Out of Here?正确答案: D20.A) Super Boys.B) Super Girl.C) China’s Got Talent‎s.D) Big Brothe‎r.Script‎:What is a simila‎r show to the Americ‎a n Idol in China?正确答案: BSectio‎n CDirect‎i ons: In this sectio‎n, you will hear a passag‎e three times. When the passag‎e is read for the first time, you should‎listen‎carefu‎l ly for its genera‎l idea. When the passag‎e is read for the second‎time, you are requir‎e d to fill in the blanks‎with the exact words you have just heard. Finall‎y, when the passag‎e is readfor the third time, you should‎check what you have writte‎n.Last year Shangh‎a i’s Dragon‎TV launch‎e d a dance compet‎i tion show called‎Let’s Shake It to snatch‎rating‎s away from Hunan TV’s hit nation‎a l singin‎g compet‎i tion show Super Girl.(21)______‎______‎_____ from Shangh‎a i’s dancetradit‎i on the new show became‎a big hit among local(22)______‎______‎_____ . This was in part thanks‎to the(23)______‎______‎_____ of celebr‎i ties.At the end of last year a report‎was publis‎h ed that (24)______‎______‎_____ the value of Dragon‎TV’s four realit‎y shows includ‎i ng Let’s Shake It. The direct‎return‎s (25)______‎______‎_____ to 1.4 billio‎n yuan (US$179.5 millio‎n). The succes‎s was helped‎by an “indust‎r ial-like” chain of progra‎m produc‎e rs, brand (26)______‎______‎_____ compan‎i es, SMS servic‎e s and (27)______‎______‎_____ compan‎i es.Let’s Shake It alone has earned‎1.2billio‎n yuan (US$153.9 millio‎n) for those involv‎e d.Beside‎s huge profit‎s these realit‎y shows also helped‎promot‎e China’s (28)______‎______‎_____ indust‎r y. Li Lan, of the State (29)______‎______‎_____ of Radio, Film and Televi‎s ion’s resear‎c h center‎for develo‎p ment and reform‎,pointe‎d out that Dragon‎TV’s realit‎y shows not(30)______‎______‎_____ but also only made its brand morebuilt up an indust‎r ial-typed chain combin‎i ngintegr‎a ted entert‎a inmen‎t source‎s.Script‎: Last year Shangh‎a i’s Dragon‎TV launch‎e d a dance compet‎i tion show called‎Let’s Shake‎a l It to snatch‎rating‎s away from Hunan TV’s hit nation singin‎g compet‎i tion show Super Girl. Benefi‎t ing from Shangh‎a i’s dance tradit‎i on the new show became‎a big hit among local audien‎c es. This was in part thanks‎to the appear‎a nce of celebr‎i ties.At the end of last year a report‎was publis‎h ed that analyz‎e d the value of Dragon‎TV’s four realit‎y shows includ‎i ng Let’s Shake It. The direct‎return‎s amount‎e d to 1.4 billio‎n yuan (US$179.5millio‎n). The succes‎s was helped‎by an“indust‎r ial-like” chain of progra‎m produc‎e rs, brandmanage‎m ent compan‎i es, SMS servic‎e s and entert‎a inmen‎t compan‎i es.Let’s Shake It alone has earned‎1.2billio‎n yuan (US$153.9 millio‎n) for those involv‎e d. Beside‎s huge profit‎s these realit‎y shows also helped‎promot‎e China’s cultur‎a l indust‎r y. Li Lan, of the State Admini‎s trati‎o n of Radio, Film and Televi‎s ion’s resear‎c h center‎for develo‎p ment and reform‎,pointe‎d out that Dragon‎TV’s realit‎y shows not only made its brand more compet‎i tive but also built up an indust‎r ial-typed chain combin‎i ng integr‎a ted entert‎a inmen‎t source‎s.正确答案: Benefi‎t ing正确答案: audien‎c es正确答案: appear‎a nce正确答案: analyz‎e d正确答案: amount‎e d正确答案: manage‎m ent正确答案: entert‎a inmen‎t正确答案: cultur‎a l正确答案: Admini‎s trati‎o n正确答案: compet‎i tivePart II Oral Tasks ( 2 minute‎s )Sectio‎n AInterp‎r et the follow‎i ng Chines‎e passag‎e into Englis‎h. You can either‎interp‎r et it senten‎c e by‎in your own words. senten‎c e or give out the main pointsYou will have two minute‎s for prepar‎a tion and three minute‎s for interp‎r etati‎o n.31. 电视是引发矛‎盾的一大诱因‎。



全新版第二版听说B4U2-APart I Listening Comprehension ( 29 minutes )Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear several conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer.1.A) PE727.B) PD672.C) PD673.D) PE732.Script: Woman: Your confirmation number is PD672. Is there anything else I can help you with?Man: No, that's all. Thanks.Woman: Have a nice day and thank you for calling Dutton Hotels.Question: What is the confirmation number for the man?正确答案: B2.A) She felt painful.B) She was happy about the comments.C) She was upset.D) She would take the constructive criticism.Script: Woman: I just got my paper back from Professor Rodriguez and it’s all marked up. Next to the conclusion, he wrote that I didn’t properly summarize my main points. See what I mean? There’s nothing he likes about this essay. Man: I think you should take the constructive criticism as it’s meant to help you.Question: How did the woman feel about the professor’s remarks on her paper?正确答案: C3.A) To do some boxing.B) To go for a jogging.C) To do some aerobics.D) To do some walking.S cript: Man: Okay, I’m ready to walk my way to better fitness!Woman: I’m glad you’re so enthusiastic about starting to exercise.Question: What is the man ready to do?正确答案: D4.A) He asked his mother to prepare for him.B) He asked his mother to pack his books.C) He planed to buy his lunch at school.D) He wanted to have lunch at home.Script: Mom: Do you have all of your books and suppliesin your backpack? Oh and I’ve packed you a lunch already.Pa ul: You didn’t have to do that, Mom. I was going to buy lunch at school.Question: What did the man plan for his lunch?正确答案: C5.A) She likes the 60-inch screen TV.B) She wanted to have a 40-inch one.C) She was upset about the man’s suggestion.D) She was a bit surprised and did not entirely agree.Script: Man: According to what I’ve read, with a viewing distance of 10 feet, we should look for a screen size of about 40 inches. I was thinking more like a 60-inch screen.Woman: A 60-inch TV? That would take up the entire living room wall.Question: How did the woman feel about the suggestion?正确答案: DQuestions 6 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.Script: Woman: Hi, I thought you might be out here. Geez, it’s really cold!Man: I know, but I really needed a smoke break after that long meeting. Can I have one from you? I left my pack of cigarettes on my desk.Woman: Sure. Here’s my lighter. What do you think about the new incentives the company is offering to employees to quit? Have you thought about it?Man: Yeah, but I’ve smoked for 20 years. I tried quitting, but it didn’t work. I’m doomed to a lifetime of ashtrays and stained fingers.Woman: I’ve been b utting heads with my boyfriend for years. He wants me to quit, but I say, to each his own. Man: The incentives are pretty good, though, I have to admit: a cash bonus and more money towards our health plans. Woman: Yeah, I could use the cash. Have you tried one of those nicotine patches?Man: No, I haven’t.6.A) He wanted some fresh air.B) He needed to smoke.C) He needed a break.D) He wanted to talk with the woman.Script: Why did the man stay in the cold outside?正确答案: B7.A) 20 years.B) 12 years.C) One year.D) Not mentioned specifically.Script: How long has the woman been smoking?正确答案: D8.A) He wanted to quit but he failed.B) He was addicted and did not try at all.C) He was trying now.D) He wanted to try the nicotine patches.Script: What is the man’s attitude towards quitting smoking?正确答案: AQuestions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.Script: Agent: What date do you plan to check in?Jeff: I'd like to check in on October 12th and check out on the 15th.Agent: Okay, let me see what we have. For how many? Jeff: One. And, if possible, I'm looking for anon-smoking room.Agent: Sure, we have a non-smoking queen with an ocean view for $189 or a standard room with a courtyard view for $139 a night.Jeff: I'd like to book the standard room.Agent: Okay, I have you booked in a standardnon-smoking queen, checking in on October 12th anddeparting on the 15th. What major credit card would you like to use to guarantee the reservation?Jeff: A Visa.Agent: The number and expiration?Jeff: It's 7388-2424-3535-1818 and the expiration is 05/08.9.A) He wants to book a hotel room.B) He wants to book a restaurant table.C) He wants to book a theater seat.D) He wants to book a non-smoking flight.Script: What is the man calling for?正确答案: A10.A) 189 dollars.B) 198 dollars.C) 139 dollars.D) 138 dollars.Script: How much does a room with a courtyard view cost?正确答案: C11.A) On October 15.B) On November 15.C) On November 12.D) On October 12.Script: When will the man check in his standardnon-smoking room?正确答案: DSection BDirestions:Listen to three short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. All the recordings will be played once only. After you hear a question, please choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Passage OneQuestions 12 to 14 are based on the passage you have just heard.Script: Good afternoon and welcome to Flight 345, service to Los Angeles International Airport. We appreciate your full attention to this important safety announcement. This 747 aircraft is equipped with four emergency exits, two in the front of the plane and two in the back. Be sure to identify the nearest exit to you, which may be behind you. If the plane should lose pressure, an oxygen mask will drop from the compartment above your seat. Passenger seat cushions on this aircraft may be used as a flotation device and detailed instructions may be found on the safety information card in the seat pocket in front of you. Smoking is not permitted at any time while on board this aircraft.The following electronic devices may not be used during takeoff or landing: portable compact disk players, portable computers, and cellular phones which should be in the off position. Now in preparation fortakeoff, please fasten your seatbelt, return your seatback and tray tables to the full upright and locked position. Your carry-on luggage must be put in the overhead compartments or underneath the seat in front of you. On behalf of all Mar Vista Airline employees, we'd like to thank you for selecting us today. We hope you enjoy your flight.12.A) Flight 747.B) Flight 345.C) Flight 354.D) Flight 435.Script: What is the flight number?正确答案: B13.A) An oxygen mask will drop from the compartment above the seat.B) The seat belt will be fastened.C) The luggage will be dropped.D) The compartment will be damaged.Script: What will happen if the plane should lose pressure?正确答案: A14.A) Portable compact disk players.B) A laptop.C) A mobile phone.D) A watch.Script: Which of the following devices may be used during takeoff or landing?正确答案: DPassage TwoQuestions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.Script: Some good news from the world of advertising? Well, yes. Because ads for nicotine patchesand other ways to quit smoking actually do work —and they work even if you don’t buy the product being advertised.That’s the finding of a study to be published by Cornell researchers in an upcoming issue of the Journal of Political Economy in 2011. Because although some people who saw ads did buy the products being advertised, it seems that just seeing the ads convinces other people to try to quit, regardless of how they do it. The phenomenon of influencing consumers beyond the advertised method is known as the spillover effect.A 2006 study by the same authors found that consumers see more ads for over-the-counter-stop-smoking products than for those available only by prescription. Over-the-counter-stop-smoking aids are more heavily advertised. So if more products were available over the counter, there would presumably be more advertising, which in turn could lead to a lot more former smokers, regardless of how they stop.15.A) Seeing ads for ways to quit smoking can help people to stop smoking.B) Nicotine patches do not work for those who want to quit smoking.C) People can be convinced to quit smoking.D) Spillover effects cannot be useful.Script: What is the passage mainly about?正确答案: A16.A) Counter effects.B) Authority effects.C) Spillover effects.D) Peer pressure effects.Script: What is the phenomenon of influencing consumers beyond the advertised method known as?正确答案: C17.A) In 2011.B) In 2010.C) In 2007.D) In 2006.Script: When was the earlier research done?正确答案: DPassage ThreeQuestions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.Script: U.S. President Barack Obama signed into law Monday bill regulating the nation's tobacco industry. The bill gives the federal government the ability to regulate the production and sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products.Decades after the dangers of tobacco first became known, the strongest anti-smoking legislation in U.S. history has been signed into law by the President. The measure does not criminalize tobacco or limit the availability of tobacco products to adults. But it will have a big impact on the way cigarettes are produced and sold — particularly to young people. President Obama says protecting children is what the bill is all about."Each day, 1,000 young people under the age of 18 become new, regular, daily smokers," he said. "And almost 90 percent of smokers began at or before their 18th birthday."The president says he knows the problem too well."I was one of these teenagers, and so I know how difficult it can be to break this habit when it's been with you for a long time," he said. "And I also know that kids today don't just start smoking for no reason. They're aggressively targeted as customers by the tobacco industry."For the first time, a government agency —the Food and Drug Administration or FDA — will have the authority to regulate tobacco products.Mr. Obama noted that under the new law, the FDA can ban certain substances in cigarettes and restrict the marketing techniques used by tobacco companies."It will curb the ability of tobacco companies to market products to our children by using appealing flavors," he said. "It will force these companies to moreclearly and publicly acknowledge the harmful and deadly effects of the products they sell."The President signed the legislation at a ceremony in the White House Rose Garden surrounded by members of Congress and representatives of health advocacy groups — including three children from an organization called "The Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids."18.A) A bill gives the federal government the ability to regulate the production and sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products.B) A bill advocates anti-smoking campaign.C) A bill allows FDA to ban cigarette production and stop the advertisement on smoking.D) A bill forbids the young people to smoke in the public.Script: What did President Obama sign into law?正确答案: A19.A) FDA can now ban smoking.B) FDA has the power to regulate tobacco products.C) FDA can decide on the sales of tobacco.D) FDA can choose the advertisement of cigarette products.Script: What authority does the FDA have after the legislation?正确答案: B20.A) It will force these companies to stop advertising cigarettes.B) It will force these companies to more clearly and publicly acknowledge the harmful and deadly effects.C) It will force these companies to reduce their cigarettes’ production and adve rtising in public places.D) It will force these companies to warn the public and ask the public to quit smoking.Script: What influence will the bill have on companies which produce or sell tobacco?正确答案: BSection CDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.Drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes appear to increase the risk of certain common throat and stomach cancers, Dutch researchers reported on Monday. The findings, (21)_________________ at an American Association for Cancer Research meeting in Washington, underline other health recommendations for people to follow a healthy lifestyle and drink and smoke only in (22)_________________ ."It appeared that current smokers have the highest risks, and former smokers have an(23)_________________ risk compared with never smokers," Jessie Steevens, an epidemiologist at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, said in a statement.The (24)_________________ of stomach cancer has fallen dramatically in the United States and western Europe over the past 60 years but the disease(25)_________________ a serious problem in much of the rest of the world, where it is a (26)_________________ cause of cancer death, according to the Mayo Clinic.Throat cancer is a form of cancer that starts in the inner layer of the throat, the 10-inch-long tube that (27)_________________ the throat to the stomach.Other studies have linked throat cancer in general to drinking and smoking, but Steevens and colleagues wanted to refine the risk of the different types of the tumours.Smoking was (28)_________________ with an increased risk of the throat cancer. "These are the results when no other aspects of smoking were considered, such asthe amount of cigarettes smoked per day and the number of years a person smoked," Steevens said."When we took into account the smoking (29)_________________ and frequency, it appeared that the difference in risk between (30)_________________ smokers and current smokers could partly be explained by these other aspects of smoking."Script: Drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes appear to increase the risk of certain common throat and stomach cancers, Dutch researchers reported on Monday.The findings, presented at an American Association for Cancer Research meeting in Washington, underline other health recommendations for people to follow a healthy lifestyle and drink and smoke only in moderation."It appeared that current smokers have the highest risks, and former smokers have an intermediate risk compared with never smokers," Jessie Steevens, an epidemiologist at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, said in a statement.The incidence of stomach cancer has fallen dramatically in the United States and western Europe over the past 60 years but the disease remains a serious problem in much of the rest of the world, where it is a leading cause of cancer death, according to the Mayo Clinic.Throat cancer is a form of cancer that starts in the inner layer of the throat, the 10-inch-long tube that connects the throat to the stomach.Other studies have linked throat cancer in general to drinking and smoking, but Steevens and colleagues wanted to refine the risk of the different types of the tumours.Smoking was associated with an increased risk of the throat cancer. "These are the results when no other aspects of smoking were considered, such as the amount of cigarettes smoked per day and the number of years a person smoked," Steevens said."When we took into account the smoking duration and frequency, it appeared that the difference in risk between former smokers and current smokers could partly be explained by these other aspects of smoking."正确答案: presented正确答案: moderation 正确答案: intermediate 正确答案: incidence正确答案: remains正确答案: leading正确答案: connects正确答案: associated 正确答案: duration正确答案: formerPart II Oral Tasks ( 2 minutes )Section AInterpret the following Chinese passage into English. You can either interpret it sentence by sentence or give out the main points in your own words. You will have two minutes for preparation and three minutes for interpretation.31. 调查发现,英国83%的成年人以及78%的烟民中认为吸烟是一种违反公益的行为,而25%的烟民感到被社会排斥(repel);21%的烟民在公众场合吸烟时会感到内疚。

新理念英语上机测试 华工版 B U A

新理念英语上机测试 华工版 B U A

全新版第二版听说B2U13-APart I Listening Comprehension ( 18 minutes )Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear several conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decidewhich is the best answer.1.A) Honesty.B) Loyalty.C) Truthfulness.D) Kindness.Script: W: There are many good qualities, or virtues, in humanbeings such as honesty, loyalty, truthfulness, and kindness. Which onedo you think is the most important?M: In my opinion, honesty, loyalty, truthfulness, kindness are all important virtues, but I value truthfulness most.Question: Which quality does the man think is the most important one?正确答案: C2.A) The woman is as beautiful as a flower.B) The woman is beautiful and virtuous.C) The woman must have used perfume.D) The woman likes beautiful flowers.Script: W: As the saying goes, beauty without virtue is a flower without perfume, for beauty is but skin deep yet virtue never grows old. M: Yeah, you are just like a beautiful flower with perfume.Question: What does the man mean?正确答案: B3.A) John may have been caught in a traffic jam.B) John should have started a little earlier.C) He is annoyed to wait for John again.D) He has forgot what has happened to John.Script: W: I wish John would call when he knows he'll be late. This is not the first time we've had to wait for him.M: Let's forgive him again. But he does have to drive through very heavy traffic to get here.Question: What does the man imply?正确答案: A4.A) The man thinks highly of the speaker.B) The man doesn't seem to be patient.C) The woman wants to sleep because of tiredness.D) The woman has fallen into rage with the speaker.Script: W: What a boring speaker! I can hardly stay awake.M: Well, I don't know. In fact, I think it's been a long time since I've heard anyone as good. Maybe you lack patience.Question: What do we learn from the conversation?正确答案: A5.A) large sum of money.B) An exciting experience.C) A trouble with money.D) An imaginary situation.Script: W: Suppose you had picked up a large sum of money, would you do your best to trace its owner?M: I don't know if I would go to such trouble. I think I would hand the money over to the police.Question: What are the speakers talking about?正确答案: DSection BDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.How to have the spirit of (6)_________________ .Turn first to understanding that we all have (7)_________________ . God said that we all (8)_________________ the glory of the Lord. We all, in some way or other, have faults and have offended others. As we first turn to ourselves and (9)_________________ in the mirror,(10)_________________ our own actions, we sometimes find that the circumstance or issue could have been (11)_________________ if only we had responded in a different way.Next, be willing to deny self. Deny how you feel about the(12)_________________ , whether you are right or wrong. Don’t feel that you have to (13)_________________ in your right or sulk in your wrong. Do n’t let (14)_________________ be an issue that stop you from thespirit of (15)_________________ .Script: The word of God has commanded us to have a spirit of forgiveness. But you might say that this is easier said than done. Imagine what the world would be like if there was not a spirit of forgiveness. Then how to have the spirit of forgiveness?Turn first to understanding that we all have shortcomings. God said that we all fall short of the glory of the Lord. We all, in some way or other, have faults and have offended others. As we first turn to ourselves and reflect in the mirror, evaluating our own actions, we sometimes find that the circumstance or issue could have been preventedif only we had responded in a different way.Next, be willing to deny self. Deny how you feel about the situation, whether you are right or wrong. Don’t feel that you have to glory in your right or sulk in your wrong. Don’t let pride be an issue thatstops you from the spirit of reconciliation and restoration.正确答案: forgiveness正确答案: shortcomings正确答案: fall short of正确答案: reflect正确答案: evaluating正确答案: prevented正确答案: situation正确答案: glory正确答案: pride正确答案: reconciliation and restorationSection CDirections: Listen to the passage once and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).Script: Patience and perseverance will enable us to get whatever we want. When we are faced with different kinds of troubles, we should never give up. Andrea Jung's story is just one about patience and perseverance.Andrea Jung is the chairman and CEO of Avon Products. After college, she joined the management training program at Bloomingdale’s. All day everyday, there she was in the stockroom, switching vendor hangers for store hangers on thousands of pieces of clothes. She thought this job was much too boring and really meaningless. So she wanted to quit. When Jung called them about quitting that first job at Bloomingdale’s, her parents told her: "You are not quitting. You start at the bottom and you work your way to the top." "So, I didn’t quit," Jung says. "I persevered, and it ended up being a really terrific run in retail." She devoted herself to the retail for the beauty industry, moving to Avon in 1994. Jung was assigned to create a global Avon brand. She did that soimpressively that she was considered for the top job three years later. But she got passed over. And though she wanted to quit, she stayed at last. Two years later, she got the CEO job and became the youngestfemale chief executive in the Fortune 500.16.After graduating from college, Andrea Jung joined Bloomingdale's.A) TB) FScript:正确答案: A17.Andrea Jung thought her first job was much too boring so she quitted.A) TB) FScript:正确答案: B18.Andrea Jung moved to Avon in 1994.A) TB) FScript:正确答案: A19.Andrea Jung did a great job so she got the top job in 1997.A) TB) FScript:正确答案: B20.Andrea Jung was the youngest female chief executive in the Fortune 500.A) TB) FScript:正确答案: ASection DDirections: Listen to the passage again and fill in the blanks with information you get from the recording.Patience and (21)_________________ will enable us to get whatever we want. Andrea Jung is the chairman and CEO of Avon Products. After college, she joined the (22)_________________ at Bloomingdale’s. When Jung called her parents about quitting that (23)_________________ at Bloomingdale’s, her parents told her:" You are not quitting. You start at the bottom and you (24)_________________ ." "So, I didn’t quit," Jung says." I persevered, and it (25)_________________ being a really (26)_________________ in retail." She (27)_________________ herself to the retail for the beauty industry, moving to Avon in 1994. Jung was assigned to create a global Avon brand. She did that so(28)_________________ that she was (29)_________________ for the top job three years later. But she got (30)_________________ . She stayed at last. Two years later, she got the CEO job.Script: Patience and perseverance will enable us to get whatever we want. When we are faced with different kinds of troubles, we should never give up. Andrea Jung’s story is just one about patience and perseverance.Andrea Jung is the chairman and CEO of Avon Products. After college, she joined the management training program at Bloomingdale’s. All day everyday, there she was in the stockroom, switching vendor hangers for store hangers on thousands of pieces of clothes. She thought this job was much too boring and really meaningless. So she wanted to quit. When Jung called them about quitting that first job at Bloomingdale’s, her parents told her:" You are not quitting. You start at the bottom and you work your way to the top." "So, I didn’t quit," Jung says." I persevered, and it ended up being a really terrific run in retail." She devoted herself to the retail for the beauty industry, moving to Avon in 1994. Jung was assigned to create a global Avon brand.She did that so impressively that she was considered for the top job three years later. But she got passed over. And though she wanted to quit, she stayed at last. Two years later, she got the CEO job and became the youngest female chief executive in the Fortune 500.正确答案: perseverance正确答案: management training program正确答案: first job正确答案: work your way to the top正确答案: ended up正确答案: terrific run正确答案: devoted正确答案: impressively正确答案: considered正确答案: passed overPart II Oral Tasks ( 2 minutes )Section ADirections: Describe what you see in the following picture(s). You will have one minute for preparation and two minutes for presentation. The following picture presents a traditional Chinese story. Tell the story. You may begin like this:About two thousand years ago, in the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a family called the Kong’s.…31.思考/准备Section BDirections: Listen to the passage and answer the following questions. You will have two minutes for preparation and three minutes for presentation.32. 1. What do you think of the girl handling her misfortune?2. How do you understand strong will?思考/准备。


B) It is with light weight and large screen.
C) It is with big screen and with better resolution.
D) It is with less noise and better picture.
B) He hopes to visit her company when she is back.
C) He asks the woman to work for his company when she is back.
D) He would like to show the woman around the neighborhood.
Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear several conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer.
A) A Father's Day card.
B) A Father's Day card and a new wallet.

新理念英语上机测试 华工版 B U A

新理念英语上机测试 华工版 B U A

全新版第二版听说B2U2-APart I Listening Comprehension ( 15 minutes )Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear several conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer.1.A) Opinions about fast food.B) Nutrition of fast food.C) Popularity of junk food.D) Convenience of fast food.Script: W: I don't like fast food. It is junk food and has little nutrition.M: I find it delicious and convenient. And it is popular everywhere. Question: What is the conversation mainly about?正确答案: A2.A) In a restaurant.B) In a hospital.C) In a dorm.D) In a bedroom.Script: W: I don't feel good in my stomach lately. And sometimes I feel like vomiting.M: Please lie on that bed and let me check. What kind of food have you been eating lately?Question: Where does the conversation probably take place?正确答案: B3.A) The woman is not getting weight.B) The woman is eating too much.C) The woman should not lose weight.D) The woman should eat less fried food.Script: W: Do you think I am gaining weight?M: I don't think you should eat too much fried food.Question: What does the man mean?正确答案: D4.A) There is no difference between Pepsi and Coca Cola.B) There is difference between Pepsi and Coca Cola.C) People prefer some package foods to others for brands.D) People prefer some package foods to others for tastes.Script: W: When we eat package foods with brands, I think we are consuming them more than just eating them.M: Yes. I agree. I don't think people can find any difference between Pepsi and Coca Cola in taste.Question: What does the man mean?正确答案: C5.A) Transportation.B) Oil price.C) Food price.D) Our canteen.Script: W: I think the food in our canteen is getting more expensive lately.M: That is because the price of oil is getting higher and the transportation cost is rising too quickly.Question: What is the conversation mainly about?正确答案: CSection BDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.As a general (6)_________________ , the further you travel from Western Europe and North America, the more the (7)_________________ challenge Western notions of what's delicious, or even(8)_________________ . China is where you’ll find the( (9)_________________ , an egg preserved for months until it turns grey, green and/or (10)_________________ . It's where you’ll find(11)_________________ soup, made from the nests of the cave swift, whose saliva gives the dish its (12)_________________ snot-like mouthfeel. And it's where you’ll find (13)_________________ , prepared by tossing live crustaceans into strong alcohol and eating them while they’re still wriggling. "That one didn't (14)_________________ ," says Leu, "but it (15)_________________ ."Script: As a general rule of thumb, the further you travel from Western Europe and North America, the more the delicacies challenge Western notions of what’s delicious, or even edible. Chin a is whereyou'll find the century egg, an egg preserved for months until it turns grey, green and/or brown. It's where you’ll find bird's nest soup, made from the nests of the cave swift, whose saliva gives the dish its distinctive snot-like mouthfeel. An d it's where you’ll find drunken shrimp, prepared by tossing live crustaceans into strong alcohol and eating them while they're still wriggling. "That one didn't taste bad," says Leu, "but it made my soul feel bad."正确答案: rule of thumb正确答案: delicacies正确答案: edible正确答案: century egg正确答案: brown正确答案:bird’s nest正确答案: distinctive正确答案: drunken shrimp正确答案: taste bad正确答案: made my soul feel badSection CDirections: Listen to the passage once and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).Script: There is not much call for a complete working knowledge of table manners in America today. Many families only gather all at once around the dinner table at holiday feasts, and most restaurants are too casual to require, or even to allow for, more than basic good table manners. If, having dropped his napkin were to attempt to practice proper manner by signaling a member of the staff to bring a fresh one, he would probably have to do without a napkin at all. Try as he might to make eye contact and indicate the nature of the problem with eyebrows and glances, he is likely to succeed only in causing his date to think he is making a play for the server. Although strict good manners avoid placing a used eating tool back on the table, the server removing a plate on which a fork has quite properly been positioned "pointing at 11 o'clock" might just put that item back where it started, making more of noises than if the diner had simply done it herself.16.Americans no longer value table manners as much as they did in the past.A) TB) FScript:正确答案: A17.When one dropped her napkin, she used to signal the waiter to bring a new one.A) TB) FScript:正确答案: A18.It is more polite to eat without napkins.A) TB) FScript:正确答案: B19.Making eye contact with a server may be mistaken as making a play.A) TB) FScript:正确答案: A20.Good manners require people to eat new dishes with the same eating tools.A) TB) FScript:正确答案: BSection DDirections: Listen to the passage again and fill in the blanks with information you get from the recording.There is not much call for a complete (21)_________________ of table manners in America today. Many families only gather(22)_________________ around the dinner table at holiday feasts, and most restaurants are too casual to require, or even to(23)_________________ , more than basic good table manners. If, having dropped his napkin were to attempt to practice (24)_________________ by signaling a member of the staff to bring a fresh one, he would probably have to do (25)_________________ a napkin at all. Try as he might to make (26)_________________ and indicate the nature of the problem with eyebrows and glances, he is likely to succeed only in(27)_________________ he is making a play for the server. Althoughstrict good manners (28)_________________ a used eating tool back on the table, the server removing a plate on which a fork has quite properly been positioned " (29)_________________ " might just put that item back where it started, making more of noises than (30)_________________ .Script: There is not much call for a complete working knowledge of table manners in America today. Many families only gather all at once around the dinner table at holiday feasts, and most restaurants are too casual to require, or even to allow for, more than basic good table manners. If, having dropped his napkin were to attempt to practice proper manner by signaling a member of the staff to bring a fresh one, he would probably have to do without a napkin at all. Try as he might to make eye contact and indicate the nature of the problem with eyebrows and glances, he is likely to succeed only in causing his date to think he is making a play for the server. Although strict good manners avoid placing a used eating tool back on the table, the server removing a plate on which a fork has quite properly been positioned "pointing at 11 o'clock" might just put that item back where it started, making more of noises than if the diner had simply done it herself.正确答案: working knowledge正确答案: all at once正确答案: allow for正确答案: proper manner正确答案: without正确答案: eye contact正确答案: causing his date to think正确答案: avoid placing正确答案: pointing at 11 o'clock | pointing at eleven o'clock正确答案: if the diner had simply done it herselfPart II Oral Tasks ( 2 minutes )Section ADirections: Study the following picture and do two tasks.You will have one minute for preparation and two minutes for presentation.Task 1: How many vegetables are there in the picture? Say them in English as many as you can.Task 2: Pick at least three vegetables in the picture and say how you can cook them.31.思考/准备Section BDirections: Listen and do the following tasks. You will have two minutes for preparation and three minutes for presentation.32. Task 1: You will hear a list of foods which are what British people usually eat for a day. Write down the foods as many as you can. Task 2: Describe what you eat every day and compare them with what you just heard.思考/准备。



新理念英语上机测试(华工版)B2U3-B全新版第二版听说B2U3-BPart I Listening Comprehension ( 17 minutes )Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear several conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer.1.A) They should stay at home tomorrow.B) The weather will not be good for a picnic.C) It will be very cold and windy tomorrow.D) The weather will not be stable these days.Script: Woman: Do you think we can go for picnic tomorrow? Man: The radio says that it will be rainy in the morningand it seems pretty freezing these days.Question: What does the man mean?正确答案: B2.A) Talking about weather.B) Hiking outdoors.C) Talking about mountains.D) Waiting for good weather.Script: Woman: It seems to be clearing up and all the dark clouds are gone.Man: Let's hope this weather can continue until we climb over the next mountain before we can take a safe rest.Question: What are the speakers doing?正确答案: B3.A) He thinks the weather is too hot to go out.B) He hopes the woman can go out with him.C) He does not like the hot weather.D) He thinks the weather is fine.Script: Woman: What is the temperature today?Man: The highest is 37 and the lowest 35. Do you think we still have to go out?Question: What does the man mean?正确答案: A4.A) Spring.B) Summer.C) Autumn.D) Winter.Script: Woman: Did you hear the weather report? It is supposed to rain.Man: I hope it could bring the tiniest breeze to cool us off.Question: Which season is it in the conversation?正确答案: B5.A) He did not feel sultry last year.B) He's hoping for a pleasant summer.C) It will not be a suffocating summer.D) The weather will be the same as last year.Script: Woman: I am hoping for a pleasant summer. I remember it was so sultry and suffocating last year.Man: I still don’t think your wish can be realized this year.Question: What does the man mean?正确答案: DSection BDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.In ancient times, people could predict weather despite the lack of (6)_________________ . The ancient wisdom has been(7)_________________ from generation to generation(8)_________________ proverbs. Usually the proverbs are very(9)_________________ . The following are some examples of proverbs concerning weather:1. Rain before seven, (10)_________________ before eleven.2. Rainbow at night, (11)_________________ .3. Ring around the moon, brings a (12)_________________ soon.4. If the spring is cold and wet, then the(13)_________________ will be hot and dry.5. When the wind's in the south, the rain's in its (14)_________________ .6. There will be rain if it is wet at the foot of a (15)_________________ .Script: In ancient times, people could predict weather despite the lack of precise instruments. The ancient wisdom has been passed down from generation to generation in the form of proverbs. Usually the proverbs are very reliable. The following are some examples of proverbs concerning weather:1. Rain before seven, stop before eleven.2. Rainbow at night, sailor's delight.3. Ring around the moon, brings a storm soon.4. If the spring is cold and wet, then the autumn will be hot and dry.5. When the wind's in the south, the rain's in its mouth.6. There will be rain if it is wet at the foot of a pillar.7. Morning glow indicates rain while evening glow indicatesa fine sunny day.正确答案: precise instruments正确答案: passed down正确答案: in the form of正确答案: reliable正确答案: stop正确答案: sailor's delight正确答案: storm正确答案: autumn正确答案: mouth正确答案: pillarSection CDirections: Listen to the passage once and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).Script: A survey of 5,000 adults asked them to identify as the things that make Britain unique as a nation. Several stereotypical British attributes made the list, including a stiff upper lip, an overriding interest in class and a love of tea. However, less common ideas were also identified, such as a love of all television, looking uncomfortable while dancing and not saying what people mean. Worryingly, getting drunk was also named as a fundamental part of being British.Researchers found 58% of people like nothing more than chatting about the forecast. More than 50% also said they are the politest nation when it comes to queuing and 48% considered sarcasm as the highest form of wit. 44% of people said they enjoyed escaping from reality with soap operas. Sixth place went to their love of a bargain, whether it be shopping fordiscounted products in supermarkets, "buy one get one free" offers or money off coupons. At number seven was their love of curtain twitching with 41 percent of people admitting they could not help adopting the role of the nosy neighbour. Loving trash television, moaning and being obsessed with class all appear in the top ten things which make them "typically British".16.Love of all television is more commonly identified as a trait of Britain than a love of tea.A) TB) FScript:正确答案: B17.Getting drunk is worryingly named as a fundamental part of being British.A) TB) FScript:正确答案: A18.58% of people agree that the Britons are the politest when it comes to waiting in line.A) TB) FScript:正确答案: B19.Some Britons watch soap operas in order to escape from reality.A) TB) FScript:正确答案: A20.British people love to keep their curtain closed from their nosy neighbors.A) TB) FScript:正确答案: BSection DDirections: Listen to the passage again and fill in the blanks with information you get from the recording.Top 10 Things of Being Typically Britishoverriding interest in (21)_________________58% of people like nothing more than (22)_________________50% see UK as the politest nation when it comes to (23)_________________48% consider (24)_________________ as the highest form of wit44% of people enjoy escaping from reality with(25)_________________love of (26)_________________love of (27)_________________love of (28)_________________love of (29)_________________love of (30)_________________Script: A survey of 5,000 adults asked them to identify as the things that make Britain unique as a nation. Several stereotypical British attributes made the list, including a stiff upper lip, an overriding interest in class and a love of tea. However, less common ideas were also identified, such as a love of all television, looking uncomfortable while dancing and not saying what people mean. Worryingly, getting drunk was also named as a fundamental part of being British.Researchers found 58% of people like nothing more than chatting about the forecast. More than 50% also said they are the politest nation when it comes to queuing and 48% considered sarcasm as the highest form of wit. 44% of people said theyenjoyed escaping from reality with soap operas. Sixth place went to their love of a bargain, whether it be shopping for discounted products in supermarkets, "buy one get one free" offers or money off coupons. At number seven was their love of curtain twitching with 41 percent of people admitting they could not help adopting the role of the nosy neighbour. Loving trash television, moaning and being obsessed with class all appear in the top ten things which make them "typically British".正确答案: class正确答案: talking about the weather正确答案: queuing正确答案: sarcasm正确答案: soap operas正确答案: bargains正确答案: curtain switching正确答案: tea正确答案: trash TV正确答案: moaningPart II Oral Tasks ( 2 minutes )Section ADirections: Talk about the types of weather as shown in the picture below. You will have one minute for preparation and two minutes for presentation.31.思考/准备Section BDirections: Listen to the passage and answer the following questions. You will have two minutes for preparation and three minutes for presentation.32. 1. Do you feel any climate change? What are the indicators of climate change?2. What can we do to prevent dramatic climate change?思考/准备。






life is ornamented with sharing and liberty.***************************************************************//***************************************************************全新版大学英语(第二版)听说教程新理念网络教学平台5单元测试答案b3u1-a 得分94***************************************************************/part i listening comprehension ( 28 minutes )section a directions: in this section, you will hear several conversations. at the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. after each question there will be a pause. during the pause, you must read the four choices marked a), b), c) and d), and decide which is the best answer.1.a) she will rewrite the paper.b) she will go to the professor to check some problems.c) she will revise her paper before handing in the final version.d) she will drop this topic and start another paper.学生答案:c得分:3分2.a) father and mother.b) teacher and parent.c) student and parent.d) teacher and student.学生答案:b得分:3分3.a) her money was stolen.b) her bank account was closed.c) her checks cannot be used.d) her bank has given her some notice.学生答案:a得分:0分4.a) she does not like the present.b) she prefers to go hiking.c) she would like to spend her birthday with the boy.d) she loves the birthday present.学生答案:d得分:3分5.a) she tinks the man looks like his mother.b) she is complimenting on the mothers picture.c) she believes that the man does not resemble his mother.d) she likes the family album.学生答案:a得分:3分questions 6 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.6.a) because he missed the home-cooked meals.b) because he does not like parties.c) because his mother does not cook good meals.d) because he wants his mother to cook a lavish dinner for him.学生答案:a得分:3分7.a) she does not know how to cook complicated dishes.b) she is good at cooking.c) she wants to cook a lavish dinner for her son.d) she uses recipes from the cooking books to cook for the family.学生答案:b得分:3分8.a) she asks gil to go out shopping.b) she would like to take gil to have instant noodles and take-out food.c) she suggests gil go to her place to have a home-cooked meal.d) she suggests that gil tell his mother what he really desires.学生答案:c得分:3分questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.9.a) she does not think it is a good idea.b) she thinks her mother may like the gift.c) she believes that gift certificate is a better choice.d) she is convinced that theres no other options.学生答案:a得分:3分10.a) shes afraid she cannot return the gift.b) shes afraid that her mother may get disappointed.c) she wants to think about something special.d) she wants to buy her mother a car.学生答案:b得分:3分11.a) dont buy any gift certificate or gift card.b) buy something with some thoughts in it.c) buy a returnable present for the mother.d) let the mother pick her own gift.学生答案:c得分:3分section b direstions:listen to three short passages. at the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. all the recordings will be played once only. after you hear a question, please choose the best answer from the four choices marked a), b), c) and d).passage onequestions 12 to 14 are based on the passage you have just heard.12.a) his experience of home schooling.b) peoples attitudes towards the boys education.c) the performance of the boy as a student.d) his parents are different educators.学生答案:a得分:3分13.a) they think the boy is crazy.b) they feel sorry for the boy.c) they think the parents are controlling.d) they believe that the parents are nuts.学生答案:b得分:3分14.a) they are loving and caring to the son.b) they do not care about the boys education.c) they want the boy to have good performance.d) they are religious and controlling.学生答案:a得分:3分passage twoquestions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.15.a) ancient rhea.b) ancient rome.c) ancient england.d) ancient greece.学生答案:d得分:3分16.a) in 15th century.b) in 16th century.c) in 17th century.d) in 18th century.学生答案:c得分:3分17.a) a special dinner.b) a special cake.c) cards, candy, flowers and dinner.d) cards and flowers.学生答案:b得分:3分passage threequestions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.18.a) 5,000 dollars.b) 5,000 dollars and up to 800 dollars every year thereafter.c) 5,800 dollars every year.d) 800 dollars every year.学生答案:b得分:3分19.a) 5,000 dollars.b) 1,400 dollars.c) 4,000 dollars.【篇二:新理念英语上机测试(华工版)_b3u2-a】***********************************本人上传的文档均不是随随便便就能找到的。



全新版第二版听说B4U2-APart I Listening Comprehension ( 29 minutes ) Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear several conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer.1.A) PE727.B) PD672.C) PD673.D) PE732.Script: Woman: Your confirmation number is PD672. Is there anything else I can help you with?Man: No, that's all. Thanks.Woman: Have a nice day and thank you for calling Dutton Hotels.Question: What is the confirmation number for the man?正确答案: B2.A) She felt painful.B) She was happy about the comments.C) She was upset.D) She would take the constructive criticism.Script: Woman: I just got my paper back from Professor Rodriguez and it’s all marked up. Next to the conclusion, he wrote that I didn’t properly summarize my main points. See what I mean? There’s nothing he likes about this essay. Man: I think you should take the constructive criticism as it’s meant to help you.Question: How did the woman feel about the professor’s remarks on her paper?正确答案: C3.A) To do some boxing.B) To go for a jogging.C) To do some aerobics.D) To do some walking.Script: Man: Okay, I’m ready to walk my way to better fitness!Woman: I’m glad you’re so enthusiastic about starting to exercise.Question: What is the man ready to do?正确答案: D4.A) He asked his mother to prepare for him.B) He asked his mother to pack his books.C) He planed to buy his lunch at school.D) He wanted to have lunch at home.Script: Mom: Do you have all of your books and suppliesin your backpack? Oh and I’ve packed you a lunch already.Paul: You didn’t have to do that, Mom. I was going to buy lunch at school.Question: What did the man plan for his lunch?正确答案: C5.A) She likes the 60-inch screen TV.B) She wanted to have a 40-inch one.C) She was upset about the man’s suggestion.D) She was a bit surprised and did not entirely agree.Script: Man: According to what I’ve read, with a viewing distance of 10 feet, we should look for a screensize of about 40 inches. I was thinking more like a 60-inch screen.Woman: A 60-inch TV? That would take up the entire living room wall.Question: How did the woman feel about the suggestion?正确答案: DQuestions 6 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.Script: Woman: Hi, I thought you might be out here. Geez, it’s really cold!Man: I know, but I really needed a smoke break after that long meeting. Can I have one from you? I left my pack of cigarettes on my desk.Woman: Sure. Here’s my lighter. What do you think about the new incentives the company is offering to employees to quit? Have you thought about it?Man: Yeah, but I’ve smoked for 20 years. I tried quitting, but it didn’t work. I’m doomed to a lifet ime of ashtrays and stained fingers.Woman: I’ve been butting heads with my boyfriend for years. He wants me to quit, but I say, to each his own.Man: The incentives are pretty good, though, I have to admit: a cash bonus and more money towards our health plans. Woman: Yeah, I could use the cash. Have you tried one of those nicotine patches?Man: No, I haven’t.6.A) He wanted some fresh air.B) He needed to smoke.C) He needed a break.D) He wanted to talk with the woman.Script: Why did the man stay in the cold outside?正确答案: B7.A) 20 years.B) 12 years.C) One year.D) Not mentioned specifically.Script: How long has the woman been smoking?正确答案: D8.A) He wanted to quit but he failed.B) He was addicted and did not try at all.C) He was trying now.D) He wanted to try the nicotine patches.Script: What is the man’s attitude towards quitting smoking?正确答案: AQuestions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.Script: Agent: What date do you plan to check in?Jeff: I'd like to check in on October 12th and check out on the 15th.Agent: Okay, let me see what we have. For how many? Jeff: One. And, if possible, I'm looking for anon-smoking room.Agent: Sure, we have a non-smoking queen with an ocean view for $189 or a standard room with a courtyard view for $139 a night.Jeff: I'd like to book the standard room.Agent: Okay, I have you booked in a standardnon-smoking queen, checking in on October 12th and departing on the 15th. What major credit card would you like to use to guarantee the reservation?Jeff: A Visa.Agent: The number and expiration?Jeff: It's 7388-2424-3535-1818 and the expiration is 05/08.9.A) He wants to book a hotel room.B) He wants to book a restaurant table.C) He wants to book a theater seat.D) He wants to book a non-smoking flight.Script: What is the man calling for?正确答案: A10.A) 189 dollars.B) 198 dollars.C) 139 dollars.D) 138 dollars.Script: How much does a room with a courtyard view cost?正确答案: C11.A) On October 15.B) On November 15.C) On November 12.D) On October 12.Script: When will the man check in his standardnon-smoking room?正确答案: DSection BDirestions:Listen to three short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. All the recordings will be played once only. After you hear a question, please choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Passage OneQuestions 12 to 14 are based on the passage you have just heard.Script: Good afternoon and welcome to Flight 345, service to Los Angeles International Airport. We appreciate your full attention to this important safety announcement. This 747 aircraft is equipped with four emergency exits, two in the front of the plane and two in the back. Be sure to identify the nearest exit to you, which may be behind you. If the plane should lose pressure, an oxygen mask will drop from the compartment above your seat. Passenger seat cushions on this aircraft may be used as a flotation device and detailed instructions maybe found on the safety information card in the seat pocket in front of you. Smoking is not permitted at any time while on board this aircraft.The following electronic devices may not be used during takeoff or landing: portable compact disk players, portable computers, and cellular phones which should be in the off position. Now in preparation for takeoff, please fasten your seatbelt, return your seatback and tray tables to the full upright and locked position. Your carry-on luggage must be put in the overhead compartments or underneath the seat in front of you. On behalf of all Mar Vista Airline employees, we'd like to thank you for selecting us today. We hope you enjoy your flight.12.A) Flight 747.B) Flight 345.C) Flight 354.D) Flight 435.Script: What is the flight number?正确答案: B13.A) An oxygen mask will drop from the compartment above the seat.B) The seat belt will be fastened.C) The luggage will be dropped.D) The compartment will be damaged.Script: What will happen if the plane should lose pressure?正确答案: A14.A) Portable compact disk players.B) A laptop.C) A mobile phone.D) A watch.Script: Which of the following devices may be used during takeoff or landing?正确答案: DPassage TwoQuestions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.Script: Some good news from the world of advertising? Well, yes. Because ads for nicotine patchesand other ways to quit smoking actually do work —and they work even if you don’t buy the product being advertised.That’s the finding of a study to be published by Cornell researchers in an upcoming issue of the Journal of Political Economy in 2011. Because although some people who saw ads did buy the products being advertised, it seems that just seeing the ads convinces other people to try to quit, regardless of how they do it. The phenomenon of influencing consumers beyond the advertised method is known as the spillover effect.A 2006 study by the same authors found that consumers see more ads for over-the-counter-stop-smoking products than for those available only by prescription. Over-the-counter-stop-smoking aids are more heavily advertised. So if more products were available over the counter, there would presumably be more advertising, which in turn could lead to a lot more former smokers, regardless of how they stop.15.A) Seeing ads for ways to quit smoking can help people to stop smoking.B) Nicotine patches do not work for those who want to quit smoking.C) People can be convinced to quit smoking.D) Spillover effects cannot be useful.Script: What is the passage mainly about?正确答案: A16.A) Counter effects.B) Authority effects.C) Spillover effects.D) Peer pressure effects.Script: What is the phenomenon of influencing consumers beyond the advertised method known as?正确答案: C17.A) In 2011.B) In 2010.C) In 2007.D) In 2006.Script: When was the earlier research done?正确答案: DPassage ThreeQuestions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.Script: U.S. President Barack Obama signed into law Monday bill regulating the nation's tobacco industry. The bill gives the federal government the ability to regulate the production and sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products.Decades after the dangers of tobacco first became known, the strongest anti-smoking legislation in U.S. history has been signed into law by the President. The measure does not criminalize tobacco or limit the availability of tobacco products to adults. But it will have a big impact on the way cigarettes are produced and sold — particularly to young people. President Obama says protecting children is what the bill is all about. "Each day, 1,000 young people under the age of 18 become new, regular, daily smokers," he said. "And almost 90 percent of smokers began at or before their 18th birthday."The president says he knows the problem too well."I was one of these teenagers, and so I know how difficult it can be to break this habit when it's been with you for a long time," he said. "And I also know that kids today don't just start smoking for no reason. They're aggressively targeted as customers by the tobacco industry."For the first time, a government agency —the Food and Drug Administration or FDA — will have the authority to regulate tobacco products.Mr. Obama noted that under the new law, the FDA can ban certain substances in cigarettes and restrict the marketing techniques used by tobacco companies."It will curb the ability of tobacco companies to market products to our children by using appealing flavors," he said. "It will force these companies to more clearly and publicly acknowledge the harmful and deadly effects of the products they sell."The President signed the legislation at a ceremony in the White House Rose Garden surrounded by members of Congress and representatives of health advocacy groups — including three children from an organization called "The Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids."18.A) A bill gives the federal government the ability to regulate the production and sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products.B) A bill advocates anti-smoking campaign.C) A bill allows FDA to ban cigarette production and stop the advertisement on smoking.D) A bill forbids the young people to smoke in the public.Script: What did President Obama sign into law?正确答案: A19.A) FDA can now ban smoking.B) FDA has the power to regulate tobacco products.C) FDA can decide on the sales of tobacco.D) FDA can choose the advertisement of cigarette products.Script: What authority does the FDA have after the legislation?正确答案: B20.A) It will force these companies to stop advertising cigarettes.B) It will force these companies to more clearly and publicly acknowledge the harmful and deadly effects.C) It will force these companies to reduce their cigarettes’ production and advertising in public places.D) It will force these companies to warn the public and ask the public to quit smoking.Script: What influence will the bill have on companies which produce or sell tobacco?正确答案: BSection CDirections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.Drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes appear to increase the risk of certain common throat and stomach cancers, Dutch researchers reported on Monday.The findings, (21)_________________ at an American Association for Cancer Research meeting in Washington, underline other health recommendations for people to follow a healthy lifestyle and drink and smoke only in (22)_________________ ."It appeared that current smokers have the highest risks, and former smokers have an(23)_________________ risk compared with never smokers," Jessie Steevens, an epidemiologist at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, said in a statement.The (24)_________________ of stomach cancer has fallen dramatically in the United States and western Europe over the past 60 years but the disease(25)_________________ a serious problem in much of the rest of the world, where it is a (26)_________________ cause of cancer death, according to the Mayo Clinic.Throat cancer is a form of cancer that starts in the inner layer of the throat, the 10-inch-long tube that (27)_________________ the throat to the stomach.Other studies have linked throat cancer in general to drinking and smoking, but Steevens andcolleagues wanted to refine the risk of the different types of the tumours.Smoking was (28)_________________ with an increased risk of the throat cancer. "These are the results when no other aspects of smoking were considered, such as the amount of cigarettes smoked per day and the number of years a person smoked," Steevens said."When we took into account the smoking (29)_________________ and frequency, it appeared that the difference in risk between (30)_________________ smokers and current smokers could partly be explained by these other aspects of smoking."Script: Drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes appear to increase the risk of certain common throat and stomach cancers, Dutch researchers reported on Monday.The findings, presented at an American Association for Cancer Research meeting in Washington, underline other health recommendations for people to follow a healthy lifestyle and drink and smoke only in moderation."It appeared that current smokers have the highest risks, and former smokers have an intermediate risk compared with never smokers," Jessie Steevens, an epidemiologist at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, said in a statement.The incidence of stomach cancer has fallen dramatically in the United States and western Europe over the past 60 years but the disease remains a serious problem in much of the rest of the world, where it is a leading cause of cancer death, according to the Mayo Clinic.Throat cancer is a form of cancer that starts in the inner layer of the throat, the 10-inch-long tube that connects the throat to the stomach.Other studies have linked throat cancer in general to drinking and smoking, but Steevens and colleagues wanted to refine the risk of the different types of the tumours.Smoking was associated with an increased risk of the throat cancer. "These are the results when no other aspects of smoking were considered, such as the amount of cigarettes smoked per day and the number of years a person smoked," Steevens said."When we took into account the smoking duration and frequency, it appeared that the difference in risk between former smokers and current smokers could partly be explained by these other aspects of smoking."正确答案: presented正确答案: moderation正确答案: intermediate正确答案: incidence正确答案: remains正确答案: leading正确答案: connects正确答案: associated正确答案: duration正确答案: formerPart II Oral Tasks ( 2 minutes )Section AInterpret the following Chinese passage into English. You can either interpret it sentence by sentence or give out the main points in your own words. You will have two minutes for preparation and three minutes for interpretation.31. 调查发现,英国83%的成年人以及78%的烟民中认为吸烟是一种违反公益的行为,而25%的烟民感到被社会排斥(repel);21%的烟民在公众场合吸烟时会感到内疚。

(Section C单词填空原文)新理念英语上机测试(华工版)_B3U11

(Section C单词填空原文)新理念英语上机测试(华工版)_B3U11
The maple phone is an invention idea to replace plastic cell phones with renewable wood phones. This wood phone would still have the convenience of a touch button keypad and camera, but would be more earth friendly and easier to recycle. Although the maple cell phone would be heavier, and not all components would be renewable, this invention idea could change the way cell phones are manufactured.
新理念英语上机测试(华工版)_B3U11-A-Section C单词填空原文
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Today's innovations aim at furthering the public by inventing items that make it easier to complete tasks both large and small. These ideas not only provide a great benefit to the public, but also permit inventors to gain profits from them as well.



综合教程第二单元卷A全新版第二版综合B3U2-APart I Listening Comprehension ( 14 minutes )Section A1.A) TB) FScript: Just like Uncle Tom in Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Josiah Henson was a long-suffering slave who was unwilling to stand up for himself.正确答案:B2.A) TB) FScript: The Underground Railroad is not a real road but a secret system used for helping thousands of slaves to escape north to Canada.正确答案:A3.A) TB) FScript: After winning his own freedom from slavery, John Parker helped other slaves to escape to get freedom.正确答案:A4.A) TB) FScript: Supported by his religious convictions, Levi Coffin, a white American, worked as a "conductor" of the Underground Railroad to help the escaping black slaves.正确答案:A5.A) TB) FScript: Many escaping slaves had to travel at night because it was easier for them to find the direction.正确答案:B6.A) TB) FScript: Many fugitives chose Canada as their primary destination because slavery had been abolished there.正确答案:A7.A) TB) FScript: The law at that time required black people seated in the middle area of the bus to give up their seats to white people who wanted them.正确答案:A8.A) TB) FScript: According to Rosa Parks’own statement, she refused to give up her seat to the white because she was too tired after work.正确答案:B9.A) TB) FScript: The bus boycott in Montgomery didn’t come to an end until the Supreme Court announced the racial separation illegal on city buses.正确答案:A10.A) TB) FScript: Rosa Parks was the first African American to be honored in the Capitol building after death.正确答案:BSection BThe central theme of Martin Luther King’s campaign for civil rights was non-violence. It worked better for King in the US than it did for Gandhi in (11)_________________ , where independence was (12)_________________ by terrible fighting between Muslims and Hindus (印度教教徒). There are lots of examples in King’s campaign of non-violent protest working. His campaign brought huge (13)_________________ and becauseKing taught blacks to meet the whites with love, not hate, it made the whites look(14)_________________ and evil in the eyes of the world. For example, when students organized(15)_________________ protests, the world saw white men arresting peaceful blacks because they sat in the wrong seats in a lunch bar in Woolworth’s. When children (16)_________________ in Birmingham, Alabama, the police used water cannon and dogs against them, arrested them and put them in (17)_________________ .Another important weapon in King’s (18)_________________ was publicity. For many poor blacks, life was simply a struggle to feed their families and keep a place to live. King needed to reach all those people and show them that their lives could be better. He made speeches all over America. He held meetings. When (19)_________________ , news of his arrest was in newspapers around the world. Black African-Americans became radicalized and wanted to fight. Some went further than King wanted, and used violence, as in the Watts Riots (暴动) in 1965 in Los Angeles. But he taught them that they could change things. Publicity then included posters, newspapers, meetings, (20)_________________ , marches, demonstrations, radio, and early television.Script: The central theme of Martin Luther King’s campaign for civil rights was non-violence. It worked better for King in the US than it did for Gandhi in India, where independence was accompanied by terrible fighting between Muslims and Hindus (印度教教徒). There are lots of examples in King’s campaign of non-violent protest working. His campaign brought huge publicity and because King taught blacks to meet the whites with love, not hate, it made the whites look silly and evil in the eyes of the world. For example, when students organized lunchtime protests, the world saw white men arresting peaceful blacks because they sat in the wrong seats in a lunch bar in Woolworth’s. When children marched in Birmingham, Alabama, the police used water cannon and dogs against them, arrested them and put them in jail.Another important weapon in King’s fight against injustice was publicity. For many poor blacks, life was simply a struggle to feed their families and keep a place to live. King needed to reach all those people and show them that their lives could be better. He made speeches all over America. He held meetings. When he was arrested, news of his arrest was in newspapers around the world. Black African-Americans became radicalized and wanted to fight. Some went further than King wanted, and used violence, as in the Watts Riots (暴动) in 1965 in Los Angeles. But he taught them that they could change things. Publicity then included posters, newspapers, meetings, word of mouth, marches, demonstrations, radio, and early television.正确答案:India正确答案:accompanied正确答案:publicity正确答案:silly正确答案:lunchtime正确答案:marched正确答案:jail正确答案:fight against injustice正确答案:he was arrested正确答案:word of mouthPart II Reading Comprehension ( 25 minutes )Section AIn the 1820s Coffin moved west to Newport (now Fountain City), Indiana, where he opened a store. Word spread that fleeing slaves could always find 21 at the Coffin home. At times he 22 as many as 17 fugitives at once, and he kept a team and wagon ready to convey them on the next 23 of their journey. Eventually three principal routes 24 at the Coffin house, which came to be the Grand Central Terminal of the Underground Railroad.For his efforts, Coffin received frequent 25 and warnings that his store and home would be burned. Nearly every conductor faced similar risks —26 . In the North, a magistrate might have imposed a 27 or a brief jail sentence for aiding those escaping. In the Southern states, whites were 28 to months or even years in jail. One 29 Methodist minister, Calvin Fairbank, was imprisoned for more than 17 years in Kentucky, where he 30 his beatings: 35,105 stripes with the whip.A) conformed B) converged C) fine D) sharplyE) death threats F) prejudiced G) courageous H) kept a log ofI) crippled J) leg K) or worse L) refugeM) identity N) sheltered O) sentenced21. ______________________正确答案:L22. ______________________正确答案:N23. ______________________正确答案:J24. ______________________正确答案:B25. ______________________正确答案:E26. ______________________正确答案:K27. ______________________正确答案:C28. ______________________正确答案:O29. ______________________正确答案:G30. ______________________正确答案:HSection BPassage OneQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.There was one shop in the town of Mufulira that was notorious for its color bar. It was a drugstore. While Europeans were served at the counter, a long line of Africans queued at the window and often not only were kept waiting but, when their turn came to be served, were rudely treated by the shop assistants. One day I was determined to make a public protest against this kind of thing, and many of the schoolboys in my class followed me to the store and waited outside to see what would happen when I went in.I simply went into the shop and asked the manager politely for some medicine. As soon as he saw me standing in the place where only European customers were allowed to stand he shouted at me in a bastard language that is only used by a boss when speaking to his servants. I stood at the counter and politely requested in English that I should be served. The manager became exasperated and said to me in English, "Even if you stand there till Christmas I will never serve you."I went to the District Commissioner’s office. Fortunately the District Commissioner was out, for he was one of the old school; however, I saw a young District Officer who was a friend of mine. He was very concerned to hear my story and told me that if ever I wanted anything more from the drugstore all I had to do was come to him personally and he would buy my medicine for me. I protested that that was not good enough. I asked him to accompany me back to the store and to make a protest to the manager. This he did, and I well remember him saying to the manager, "Here is Mr. Kaunda who is a responsible member of the Urban Advisory Council, and you treat him like a common servant." The manager of the drugstore apologized and said, "If only he had introduced himself and explained who he was, then, of course I should have given him proper service."I had to explain once again that he had missed my point. Why should I have to introduce myself every time I went into a store …any more than I should have to buy my medicine by going to a European friend? I want to prove that any man of any color, whatever his position, should have the right to go into any shop and buy what he wants.31."Color bar" in the first paragraph comes closest in meaning to _______________.A) a bar which is painted in different colorsB) the fact that white and black customers are served separatelyC) a bar of chocolate having different colorsD) a counter where people of different colors are served with beer正确答案:B32.The writer was, at the time of the story, _______________.A) a black, but a member of the Urban Advisory CouncilB) an African servantC) a black, but a friend of the drugstore managerD) a rich black正确答案:A33.The manager of the drugstore shouted at the writer in a bastard language because __________.A) he hadn’t learned to speak polite EnglishB) he thought the writer wouldn’t understand EnglishC) that was the usual language when speaking to AfricansD) that was the only language he could speak when he was angry正确答案:C34.In the third paragraph, "he was one of the old school" means _______________.A) he believed in the age-old practice of racial discriminationB) he was a very old manC) he graduated from an old, conservative schoolD) he was in charge of an old school正确答案:A35.Why didn’t the writer wait at the window of the drugstore like other black Africans?A) Because he thought he was educated and should be treated differently.B) Because he thought, being an important person, he should not be kept waiting.C) Because he thought his white friend would help him out.D) Because he wanted to protest against racial discrimination.正确答案:DPassage TwoQuestions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.In the world of entertainment, TV talk shows have undoubtedly flooded every inch of space on daytime television. Many of us have seen and heard the often recycled topics found on such shows as Jerry Springer and Oprah Winfrey. And anyone who watches them regularly knows that each one varies in style and format. But no two shows are more profoundly opposite in content, while at the same time standing out above the rest, than the Jerry Springer and the Oprah Winfrey shows.Jerry Springer could easily be considered the king of “trash talk”. The topics on his show are as shocking as shocking can be. For example, the show takes the ever-common talk show themes of love, sex, cheating, guilt, hate, conflict and morality to a different level. Clearly, the Jerry Springer show is a display and exploitation of society’s moral catastrophes (灾难), yet people are willing to eat up the intriguing predicaments (困境) of other people’s lives.Like Jerry Springer, Oprah Winfrey takes TV talk show to its extreme, but Oprah goes in the opposite direction. The show focuses on the improvement of society and anindividual’s quality of life. Topics range from teaching your children responsibility, managing your work weekly, to getting to know your neighbors.Compared to Oprah, the Jerry Springer show looks like poisonous waste being dumped on society. Jerry ends every show with a “final word”. He makes a small speech that sums up the entire moral of the show. Hopefully, this is the part where most people will learn something very valuable.Clear as it is, the Oprah show is not for everyone. The show’s main target audience is middle-class Americans. Most of these people have the time, money, and stability to deal with life’s tougher problems. Jerry Springer, on the other hand, has more of an association with the young adults of society. These are 18- to 21-year-olds whose main troubles in life involve love, relationship, sex, money and peers. They are the ones who see some value and lessons to be learned underneath the show's exploitation.While the two shows are as different as night and day, both have ruled the talk show circuit for many years now. Each one caters to a different audience while both have a strong following from large groups of fans. Ironically, both could also be considered pioneers in the talk show world.36.Compared with other TV talk shows, both the Jerry Springer and the Oprah Winfrey are _____.A) more family-orientedB) unusually popularC) more profoundD) relatively formal正确答案:B37.Though the social problems Jerry Springer talks about appear distasteful, the audience ______.A) remain fascinated by themB) are ready to face up to themC) remain indifferent to themD) are willing to get involved in them正确答案:A38.Which of the following is likely to be a topic of the Oprah Winfrey show?A) A new type of robot.B) Racist hatred.C) Family budget planning.D) Street violence.正确答案:C39.Despite their different approaches, the two talk shows are both _____________.A) ironicalB) sensitiveC) instructive正确答案:C40.We can learn from the passage that the two talk shows _________________.A) have monopolized the talk show circuitB) exploit the weaknesses in human natureC) appear at different times of the dayD) are targeted at different audiences正确答案:DPart III Vocabulary and Structure ( 11 minutes )41.Animal rights activists are _____________ to using animals for medical research.A) punctualB) offensiveC) sentimentalD) opposed正确答案:D42.She turned away, prepared to go, _____________ to accept further rudeness.A) uneasyB) unwillingC) undoubtedD) unique正确答案:B43.Brown is certainly confident ________ his future success.A) inB) withC) ofD) to正确答案:C44.She was sent on a special ________ to Africa.A) missionB) causeC) tourD) delegation正确答案:A45.My professor suggested that I ________ the data accumulated over the years when I work on my project.A) make use ofB) take possession ofD) benefit from正确答案:A46.By visiting and talking to former prisoners in the camps, the journalist came to an obvious conclusion that they were ______.A) disguisingB) cloningC) puzzlingD) starving正确答案:D47.A large majority of elderly Americans ______ an old-age allowance from the government.A) give upB) get throughC) count onD) get by正确答案:C48.For a lot of people, baptisms, weddings and ______ are the only occasions they go to church.A) inaugurationsB) funeralsC) advertisementsD) salvation正确答案:B49.Local people have mixed feelings about the planned ______ of their town into a regional capital.A) arrangementB) transformationC) targetD) improvement正确答案:B50.We were intrigued to hear about Richard's ______ when he went mountain-climbing.A) exploitsB) horsepowersC) monstersD) homesteaders正确答案:A51.In the story the clever little fox ______ the hunters and escapes from the trap they set.A) outsmartsB) imposesD) disguises正确答案:A52.Rochelle L. Stanfield, a former staff correspondent for National Journal, is a Washington, D.C.- based ______ writer specializing in demographics and urban affairs.A) unanimousB) deputyC) freelanceD) supreme正确答案:C53.The colorful leaves _____________ the diversity and beauty of life here on earth.A) specializeB) optimizeC) minimizeD) symbolize正确答案:D54.To call the music of another music-culture "primitive" is __________ one's own standards on a group that does not recognize them.A) puttingB) emphasizingC) forcingD) imposing正确答案:D55.If the fire alarm is sounded, all residents are requested to ________ in the courtyard.A) assembleB) convergeC) accumulateD) crowd正确答案:A56.Countless divorced politicians would have been elected out of office years ago had they even thought of a divorce, let alone __________ one.A) gettingB) to getC) gottenD) get正确答案:C57.Greatly agitated, I rushed to the apartment and tried the door, __________ to find it locked.A) justB) onlyC) henceD) thus正确答案:B58.This meeting laid a solid foundation for the two countries to ____________ enduring and constant economic ties.A) shapeB) forgeC) generateD) proclaim正确答案:B59.Japan has already returned the vessel and 14 of the crew, but continues to _____________ the captain.A) detainB) retainC) sustainD) entertain正确答案:A60.After this concert she was firmly on the road to _____________ and fortune.A) distinctionB) recognitionC) famineD) fame正确答案:DPart IV Translation ( 10 minutes )61. Learning that he couldn't keep both ends meet after his unemployment, ____________________ (她安慰他说她替他支付房租和电话费).正确答案:she comforted him by saying that she would pick up the rent and the phone bill for him62. Everyone of us was required to ____________________ (充分利用暑假为下学期尝试在线教学做好准备).正确答案:make the best of the summer vacation to get well prepared for our trial of on-line teaching next term63. Today, after their 8-hour work a day, ____________________ (许多年轻人兼职做一份零活).正确答案:many young people take a part-time job on the side64. On any occasion ____________________ (中国人永远支持所有爱好世界和平的人们).正确答案:the Chinese will stand up for peace-loving people all over the world forever65. Carter's devotion to her ancestor is ____________________ (不仅仅关乎一己之骄傲).正确答案:about more than personal pride卷B全新版第二版综合B3U2-BPart I Listening Comprehension ( 14 minutes )Section A1.A) TB) FScript: Just like Uncle Tom in Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Josiah Henson was a long-suffering slave who was unwilling to stand up for himself.正确答案:B2.A) TB) FScript: The Underground Railroad is not a real road but a secret system used for helping thousands of slaves to escape north to Canada.正确答案:A3.A) TB) FScript: After winning his own freedom from slavery, John Parker helped other slaves to escape to get freedom.正确答案:A4.A) TB) FScript: Supported by his religious convictions, Levi Coffin, a white American, worked as a "conductor" of the Underground Railroad to help the escaping black slaves.正确答案:A5.A) TB) FScript: Many escaping slaves had to travel at night because it was easier for them to find the direction.正确答案:B6.A) TB) FScript: Many fugitives chose Canada as their primary destination because slavery had been abolished there.正确答案:A7.A) TB) FScript: The law at that time required black people seated in the middle area of the bus to give up their seats to white people who wanted them.正确答案:A8.A) TB) FScript: According to Rosa Parks’own statement, she refused to give up her seat to the white because she was too tired after work.正确答案:B9.A) TB) FScript: The bus boycott in Montgomery didn’t come to an end until the Supreme Court announced the racial separation illegal on city buses.正确答案:A10.A) TB) FScript: Rosa Parks was the first African American to be honored in the Capitol building after death.正确答案:BSection BThe Little Rock Nine, as they later came to be called, were the first black (11)_________________ to attend all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957. These remarkable young African-American students (12)_________________ segregation (隔离) in the deep South and won.Although Brown v. Board of Education outlawed segregation in schools, many school systems defied the law by (13)_________________ and threatening black students —Central High School was a (14)_________________ example. But the Little Rock Nine were (15)_________________ to attend the school and receive the same education offered to white students. Things grew ugly and (16)_________________ right away. On the first day of school, the (17)_________________ of Arkansas ordered the state’s National Guard to block the black students from entering the school. Imagine what it must have been like to be a student confronted (18)_________________ ! President Eisenhower had to send in federal troops to protect the students.But that was only the beginning of their ordeal. Every morning on their way to school angry crowds of whites insulted the Little Rock Nine —they even (19)_________________ . One of the students, fifteen-year-old Elizabeth Eckford, said "I tried to see a friendly face somewhere in the mob …I looked into the face of an old woman, and it seemed a kind face, but when I looked at her again, she (20)_________________ ." As scared as they were, the students wouldn’t give up, and several went on to graduate from Central High. Nine black teenagers challenged a racist system and defeated it.Script: The Little Rock Nine, as they later came to be called, were the first black teenagers to attend all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957. These remarkable young African-American students challenged segregation (隔离) in the deep South and won.Although Brown v. Board of Education outlawed segregation in schools, many school systems defied the law by intimidating and threatening black students —Central High School was a notorious example. But the Little Rock Nine were determined to attend the school and receive the same education offered to white students. Things grew ugly and frightening right away. On the first day of school, the governor of Arkansas ordered the state’s National Guard to block the black students from entering the school. Imagine what it must have been like to be a student confronted by armed soldiers! President Eisenhower had to send in federal troops to protect the students.But that was only the beginning of their ordeal. Every morning on their way to school angry crowds of whites insulted the Little Rock Nine —they even received death threats. One of the students, fifteen-year-old Elizabeth Eckford, said "I tried to see a friendly face somewhere in the mob …I looked into the face of an old woman, and it seemed a kind face, but when I looked at her again, she spat at me." As scared as they were, the students wouldn’t give up, and several went on to graduate from Central High. Nine black teenagers challenged a racist system and defeated it.正确答案:teenagers正确答案:challenged正确答案:intimidating正确答案:notorious正确答案:determined正确答案:frightening正确答案:governor正确答案:by armed soldiers正确答案:received death threats正确答案:spat at mePart II Reading Comprehension ( 25 minutes )Section AA gentle 21 swept the Canadian plains as I stepped outside the small two-story house. Alongside me was a 22 woman in a black dress, my guide back to a time when the surrounding settlement in Dresden, Ontario, was home to a hero in American history. As we walked toward a 23 gray church, Barbara Carter spoke proudly of her great-great-grandfather, Josiah Henson. "He was confident that the Creator 24 all men to be created equal. And he never gave up struggling for that freedom."Carter’s 25 her ancestor is about more than personal pride: it is about 26 . For Josiah Henson has 27 through the character in American fiction that he helped 28 : Uncle Tom, the long-suffering slave in Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Ironically, that character has come to 29 everything Henson was not. A racial sellout unwilling to stand up for himself? Carter gets angry at the thought. "Josiah Henson was a man of 30 ," she said firmly.A) framework B) plain C) hazard D) intendedE) sought attention F) devotion to G) breeze H) a sense of trustI) lived on J) symbolize K) slender L) family honorM) inspire N) principle O) reverse21. ______________________正确答案:G22. ______________________正确答案:K23. ______________________正确答案:B24. ______________________正确答案:D25. ______________________正确答案:F26. ______________________正确答案:L27. ______________________正确答案:I28. ______________________正确答案:M29. ______________________正确答案:J30. ______________________正确答案:NSection BPassage OneQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.There was a time when big-league university presidents really mattered. The New York Times covered their every move. Presidents, the real ones, sought their counsel. For Woodrow Wilson and Dwight Eisenhower, being head of Princeton and Columbia, respectively, was a stepping-stone to the White House. Today, though, the job of college president is less and less removed from that of the Avon lady (except the house calls are made to the doorsteps of wealthy alums).Ruth Simmons, the newly installed president of Brown University and the first African American to lead an Ivy League school, is a throwback to the crusading campus leaders of old. She doesn’t merely marshal funds; she invests them in the great educational causes of our day. With the more than $300 million she raised as president of Smith College from 1995 to 2001, Simmons also established an engineering program (the first at any women’s school). At a meeting to discuss the future of Smith’s math department, one professor timidly requested two more discussion sections for his course. Her response: "Dream bigger."Her own dream was born in a sharecropper's shack in East Texas where there was no money for books or toys —she and her 11 siblings each got an apple, an orange and 10 nuts for Christmas. When Simmons won a scholarship to Dillard University, her high school teachers took up a collection so she’d have a coat. She went on to Harvard to earn a Ph.D. in Romance languages.Simmons has made diversity her No. 1 campus crusade. She nearly doubled the enrollment of black freshmen at Smith, largely by traveling to high schools in the nation’s poorest ZIP codes to recruit. Concerned with the lives of minority students once they arrive at school, she has fought to ease the racial standoffs that plague so many campuses. In 1993, while vice provost at Princeton, she wrote a now famous report recommending that the university establish an office of conflict resolution to defuse racial misunderstandings before they boiled over.Her first task at Brown will be to heal one such rupture last spring after the student paper published an incendiary ad by conservative polemicist David Horowitz arguing that blacks economically benefited from slavery. "There’s no safe ground for anybody in race relations, but campuses, unlike any other institution in our society, provide the opportunity to cross racial lines," says Simmons. "And even if you’re hurt, you can’t walk away. You have to walk over that line."31.What does the author intend to illustrate with the example of Woodrow Wilson and Dwight Eisenhower?A) The president of the first-class university was really very important.。


M: It was a pleasure meeting you. Goodbye!
Question: Why does the woman thank the man?
正确答案: C
Section B
Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.
D) The woman likes beautiful flowers.
Script: W: As the saying goes, beauty without virtue is a flower without perfume, for beauty is but skin deep yet virtue never grows old.
(6)_________________ of a good friend.
A good friend is honest. A good friend may not share (7)_________________ of every second of their life, but they do try to be clear about their (8)_________________ . A good friend is attentive and (9)_________________ . They can't (10)_________________ , but they can usually tell when you’re happy, sad, excited, shocked or upset. If they’re aware that they’re doing something that (11)_________________ you, they try to change their ways or at least talk to you about it. A good friend is a friend you can (12)_________________ . A true friend won't try to steal your girlfriend or boyfriend, your job or your (13)_________________ . They won't (14)_________________ about you constantly or try to damage your reputation. They will let you know when they're concerned and do their best to (15)_________________ you when you're in trouble.







Life is ornamented with Sharing and liberty.***************************************************************//***************************************************************全新版大学英语(第二版)听说教程新理念网络教学平台5单元测试答案B3U8-A 得分97***************************************************************/Part I Listening Comprehension ( 28 minutes )Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear several conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer.1.A) Large.B) Medium.C) Small.D) Extra Large.学生答案:A得分:3分2.A) He is looking for circles.B) He lost his way.C) He is looking for the train station.D) He is looking for a friend.学生答案:C得分:3分3.A) One thousand dollars.B) One thousand and ninety-nine dollars.C) Nine hundred dollars.D) Nine hundred and ninety-nine dollars.学生答案:D得分:3分4.A) Old buildings and architecture only.B) Architecture and silverwork only.C) Old buildings, architecture and silverwork.D) Old buildings and silverwork only.学生答案:C得分:3分5.A) Reading and working on computers.B) Going to the gym and bird watching.C) Going to the gym and reading.D) Working on computers and bird watching.学生答案:D得分:0分Questions 6 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.6.A) He wants the woman to help with his homework.B) He asks the woman to sort the garbage out.C) He wants to show the woman that he is an environment friendly guy.D) He asks the woman to save money.学生答案:B得分:3分7.A) Because the man throws out food containers.B) Because she saw the man having his lights on all nights.C) Because she noticed that the man uses large bulbs.D) Because the man never goes to the recycling center.学生答案:B得分:3分8.A) He uses natural resources and chooses natural materials for clothing and food.B) He never throws away garbage.C) He uses energy-efficient light bulbs and takes recyclable garbage to the recycling center.D) He asks the woman to save energy.学生答案:C得分:3分Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.9.A) She thinks it may bring extra trouble.B) She does not like travelling with a man.C) Sometimes she runs late in the morning and wouldn't want to make the man wait for her.D) She is always busy and cannot work out a schedule with the man.学生答案:C得分:3分10.A) They can work together.B) They can do their part in protecting the environment.C) They can use carpooling lane when they are on a busy road.D) They can have discount when parking the car.学生答案:A得分:3分11.A) Right now.B) After work.C) This weekend.D) Tomorrow morning.学生答案:D得分:3分Section B Direstions:Listen to three short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. All the recordings will be played once only. After you hear a question, please choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Passage OneQuestions 12 to 14 are based on the passage you have just heard.12.A) Less than 1,000 years ago.B) Over 2,000 years ago.C) Over 3,000 years ago.D) Over 4,000 years ago.学生答案:B得分:3分13.A) Less than 15 RMB.B) Less than 50 RMB.C) Less than 15 U.S. cents.D) Over 15 U.S. cents.学生答案:C得分:3分14.A) The use of plastics in the country.B) The use of super-thin plastic bags.C) The use of paper bags.D) The use of plant fibres in making kites.学生答案:B得分:3分Passage TwoQuestions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.15.A) Senior citizens are more likely to be eco-friendly.B) Housewives are more willing to recycle.C) Young undergraduates are more likely to waste natural resources.D) Young undergraduates are more willing to recycle.学生答案:B得分:3分16.A) Five hundred.B) Two hundred and fifty.C) One hundred and fifty.D) Five hundred and ten.学生答案:C得分:3分17.A) The students should be encouraged to learn from the housewives.B) The students should be encouraged to recycle by programs that emphasize how recycling is a duty.C) The students should take the recyclable things back to their mothers.D) The housewives should encourage their children to be friends to the environment.学生答案:B得分:3分Passage ThreeQuestions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.18.A) The current methods to prevent and reduce waste into the sea are enough.B) The sea waste problem has never been better.C) The US National Research Council wants to take some measures to solve the sea waste problems.D) The methods used to stop and decrease the sea waste in the oceans are inadequate.学生答案:D得分:3分19.A) Over the last decade.B) Over 20 years.C) Less than 10 yearsD) More than 10 years.学生答案:B得分:3分20.A) Birds, fish and other sea animals may have digestive problems.B) Animals can be caught by the fishermen.C) Sea animals may lose their food.D) Sea animals may become smaller in size.学生答案:A得分:3分Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.Skyscrapers and EnvironmentIn the late 1960's, many people in North America turned their attention to environmental problems, and new steel-and-glass skyscrapers were widely (21)_________________ . Ecologists pointed out that a group of tall buildings in a city often overburden public transportation and parking lot (22)_________________ .Skyscrapers are also large consumers and wasters of (23)_________________ power. In one recent year, the addition of 17 million square feet of skyscraper office space in New York City raised the peak daily (24)_________________ for electricity by 120,000 kilowatts — enough to supply the entire city of Albany, New York, for a day.Glass-walled skyscrapers can be especially (25)_________________ . The heat loss (or gain) through a wall of half-inch plate glass is more than ten times that through a(26)_________________ wall filled with insulation board. To lessen the strain on heating and(27)_________________ equipment, builders of skyscrapers have begun to use double-glazed panels of glass, and reflective glasses coated with (28)_________________ or gold mirror films that reduce glare as well as heat gain. However, mirror-walled skyscrapers raise the (29)_________________ of the surrounding air and affect neighboring buildings.Skyscrapers also interfere with television reception, block bird flyways, and obstruct air traffic. In Boston in the late 1960's, some people even feared that shadows from skyscrapers would kill the grass on Boston Common.Still, people continue to build skyscrapers for all the reasons that they have always built them —personal (30)_________________ , civic pride, and the desire of owners to have the largest possible amount of rentable space.学生答案:criticized得分:4分您可以修改得分:学生答案:capacities得分:4分您可以修改得分:学生答案:electric得分:4分您可以修改得分:学生答案:demand得分:4分您可以修改得分:学生答案:wasteful得分:4分您可以修改得分:学生答案:typical得分:4分您可以修改得分:学生答案:air-conditioning得分:4分您可以修改得分:学生答案:silver得分:4分您可以修改得分:学生答案:temperature得分:4分您可以修改得分:学生答案:ambition得分:4分您可以修改得分:友情提示:方案范本是经验性极强的领域,本范文无法思考和涵盖全面,供参考!最好找专业人士起草或审核后使用。







Life is ornamented with Sharing and liberty.***************************************************************//***************************************************************全新版大学英语(第二版)听说教程新理念网络教学平台5单元测试答案B3U9-A 得分100***************************************************************/Part I Listening Comprehension ( 25 minutes )Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear several conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer.1.A) Anne Gray.B) Anne.C) Gray.D) Grey.学生答案:C得分:3分2.A) It is downstairs to the street.B) It is upstairs to the end of the corridor.C) It is to the left of the corridor.D) It is upstairs to the left of the corridor.学生答案:B得分:3分3.A) In a car.B) In the park.C) In the parking lot.D) In the garden.学生答案:C得分:3分4.A) Two tomato soups.B) A steak with salad.C) A pork chop with salad.D) A steak with vegetable soup.学生答案:C得分:3分5.A) At the entrance of the subway.B) Outside Margaret's house when she is back.C) Outside the restaurant called Red Star.D) Outside the Red Star cinema.学生答案:D得分:3分Questions 6 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.6.A) In a market.B) In a bank.C) In a library.D) In a company.学生答案:B得分:3分7.A) She wants to exchange 500 Euros.B) She wants to exchange 400 Euros.C) She wants to have 400 dollars.D) She wants to have 900 dollars.学生答案:B得分:3分8.A) The current rate is one dollar to 8 Euros.B) The current rate is one dollar to 0.9 Euros.C) The current rate is one dollar to 1.8 Euros.D) The current rate is one dollar to 0.8 Euros.学生答案:D得分:3分Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.9.A) He needs 200 dollars by tomorrow.B) He needs to get cash within 48 hours.C) He needs 400 euros within 24 hours.D) He needs 300 dollars within 24 hours.学生答案:D得分:3分10.A) He and his brother are not in the same country now.B) He does not have any bank account.C) He does not know how to send the money.得分:3分16.A) On January 1999.B) On January 2000.C) On January 2001.D) On January 2002.学生答案:D得分:3分17.A) They continued to be accepted by national central banks for periods ranging from several years to forever.B) They stopped being accepted by national central banks.C) They can be exchanged and used as usual.D) They continued to be accepted by foreign banks.学生答案:A得分:3分Passage ThreeQuestions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.18.A) In 1990.B) In 1991.C) In 1992.D) In 1993.学生答案:C得分:3分19.A) A former banker from France.B) A former teacher of French and history from Belgium.C) A former scientist from Belgium.D) A former banker from Belgium.学生答案:B得分:3分20.A) The Council of the European Union.B) The United Nations.C) The European Commission.D) The rates were decided by market changes.学生答案:A得分:3分Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.At the second eurozone summit, European leaders failed again to(21)_________________ a convincing and definitive rescue package designed to prevent the eurozone debt crisis from getting (22)_________________ , analysts said. Many eurozone countries seem to hope that China and other (23)_________________ economies might come to the rescue.Stabilizing the eurozone is in China's (24)_________________ since Europe is China's biggest export market, and China has repeatedly expressed its (25)_________________ that the EU countries have the wisdom and ability to eventually tide over the crisis.However, whether China should offer a (26)_________________ hand would depend on what the rescue package is like, said Xiong Hou, a researcher with the Chinese (27)_________________ of Social Sciences, a top Chinese think tank."What if it happens again in the future? What if other countries follow in the(28)_________________ of Greece? Many people would ask why we should step into the(29)_________________ ," Xiong said, "The key to the debt crisis and the lifeline of the European economy are in the hands of Europeans themselves, rather than China."It would be (30)_________________ to let a developing country like China pay the bills while Europeans sit idle. "It is just like a big hole was created by someone, but somebody else is asked to fill it," Xiong said.学生答案:deliver得分:4分您可以修改得分:学生答案:worse得分:4分您可以修改得分:学生答案:emerging得分:4分您可以修改得分:学生答案:interest得分:4分您可以修改得分:学生答案:confidence得分:4分您可以修改得分:学生答案:helping得分:4分您可以修改得分:学生答案:Academy得分:4分您可以修改得分:学生答案:footsteps得分:4分您可以修改得分:学生答案:mess得分:4分您可以修改得分:学生答案:unacceptable得分:4分您可以修改得分:。







Life is ornam‎e nted‎with Shari‎n g and liber‎t y.***************************************************************//***************************************************************全新版大学‎英语(第二版)听说教程新理念网络‎教学平台5‎单元测试答‎案B3U1-A得分94***************************************************************/Part I Liste‎n ing Compr‎e hens‎i on ( 28 minut‎e s )Secti‎o n A Direc‎t ions‎:In this secti‎o n, you will hear sever‎a l conve‎r sati‎o ns. At the end of each conve‎r sati‎o n, one or more quest‎i ons will be asked‎about‎what was said. Both the conve‎r sati‎o ns and the quest‎i ons will be spoke‎n only once. After‎each quest‎i on there‎will be a pause‎. Durin‎g the pause‎,you must read the four choic‎e s marke‎d A), B), C) and D), and decid‎e which‎is the best answe‎r.1.A) She will rewri‎t e the paper‎.B) She will go to the profe‎s sor to check‎some probl‎e ms.C) She will revis‎e her paper‎befor‎e handi‎n g in the final‎versi‎o n.D) She will drop this topic‎and start‎anoth‎e r paper‎.学生答案:C得分:3分2.A) Fathe‎r and Mothe‎r.B) Teach‎e r and Paren‎t.C) Stude‎n t and Paren‎t.D) Teach‎e r and Stude‎n t.学生答案:B得分:3分3.A) Her money‎was stole‎n.B) Her bank accou‎n t was close‎d.C) Her check‎s canno‎t be used.D) Her bank has given‎her some notic‎e.学生答案:A得分:0分4.A) She does not like the prese‎n t.B) She prefe‎r s to go hikin‎g.C) She would‎like to spend‎her birth‎d ay with the boy.D) She loves‎the birth‎d ay prese‎n t.学生答案:D得分:3分5.A) She tinks‎the man looks‎like his mothe‎r.B) She is compl‎i ment‎i ng on the mothe‎r's pictu‎r e.C) She belie‎v es that the man does not resem‎b le his mothe‎r.D) She likes‎the famil‎y album‎.学生答案:A得分:3分Quest‎i ons 6 to 8 are based‎on the conve‎r sati‎o n you have just heard‎.6.A) Becau‎s e he misse‎d the home-cooke‎d meals‎.B) Becau‎s e he does not like parti‎e s.C) Becau‎s e his mothe‎r does not cook good meals‎.D) Becau‎s e he wants‎his mothe‎r to cook a lavis‎h dinne‎r for him. 学生答案:A得分:3分7.A) She does not know how to cook compl‎i cate‎d dishe‎s.B) She is good at cooki‎n g.C) She wants‎to cook a lavis‎h dinne‎r for her son.D) She uses recip‎e s from the cooki‎n g books‎to cook for the famil‎y.学生答案:B得分:3分8.A) She asks Gil to go out shopp‎i ng.B) She would‎like to take Gil to have insta‎n t noodl‎e s and take-out food.C) She sugge‎s ts Gil go to her place‎to have a home-cooke‎d meal.D) She sugge‎s ts that Gil tell his mothe‎r what he reall‎y desir‎e s.学生答案:C得分:3分Quest‎i ons 9 to 11 are based‎on the conve‎r sati‎o n you have just heard‎.9.A) She does not think‎it is a good idea.B) She think‎s her mothe‎r may like the gift.C) She belie‎v es that gift certi‎f icat‎e is a bette‎r choic‎e.D) She is convi‎n ced that there‎'s no other‎optio‎n s.学生答案:A得分:3分10.A) She's afrai‎d she canno‎t retur‎n the gift.B) She's afrai‎d that her mothe‎r may get disap‎p oint‎e d.C) She wants‎to think‎about‎somet‎h ing speci‎a l.D) She wants‎to buy her mothe‎r a car.学生答案:B得分:3分11.A) Don't buy any gift certi‎f icat‎e or gift card.B) Buy somet‎h ing with some thoug‎h ts in it.C) Buy a retur‎n able‎prese‎n t for the mothe‎r.D) Let the mothe‎r pick her own gift.学生答案:C得分:3分Secti‎o n B Dires‎t ions‎:Liste‎n to three‎short‎passa‎g es. At the end of each passa‎g e, you will hear some quest‎i ons. All the recor‎d ings‎will be playe‎d once only. After‎you hear a quest‎i on, pleas‎e choos‎e the best answe‎r from the four choic‎e s marke‎d A), B), C) and D).Passa‎g e OneQuest‎i ons 12 to 14 are based‎on the passa‎g e you have just heard‎.12.A) His exper‎i ence‎of home schoo‎l ing.B) Peopl‎e's attit‎u des towar‎d s the boy's educa‎t ion.C) The perfo‎r manc‎e of the boy as a stude‎n t.D) His paren‎t s are diffe‎r ent educa‎t ors.学生答案:A得分:3分13.A) They think‎the boy is crazy‎.B) They feel sorry‎for the boy.C) They think‎the paren‎t s are contr‎o llin‎g.D) They belie‎v e that the paren‎t s are nuts.学生答案:B得分:3分14.A) They are lovin‎g and carin‎g to the son.B) They do not care about‎the boy's educa‎t ion.C) They want the boy to have good perfo‎r manc‎e.D) They are relig‎i ous and contr‎o llin‎g.学生答案:A得分:3分Passa‎g e TwoQuest‎i ons 15 to 17 are based‎on the passa‎g e you have just heard‎.15.A) Ancie‎n t Rhea.B) Ancie‎n t Rome.C) Ancie‎n t Engla‎n d.D) Ancie‎n t Greec‎e.学生答案:D得分:3分16.A) In 15th centu‎r y.B) In 16th centu‎r y.C) In 17th centu‎r y.D) In 18th centu‎r y.学生答案:C得分:3分17.A) A speci‎a l dinne‎r.B) A speci‎a l cake.C) Cards‎, candy‎, flowe‎r s and dinne‎r.D) Cards‎and flowe‎r s.学生答案:B得分:3分Passa‎g e Three‎Quest‎i ons 18 to 20 are based‎on the passa‎g e you have just heard‎.18.A) 5,000 dolla‎r s.B) 5,000 dolla‎r s and up to 800 dolla‎r s every‎year there‎a fter‎.C) 5,800 dolla‎r s every‎year.D) 800 dolla‎r s every‎year.学生答案:B得分:3分19.A) 5,000 dolla‎r s.B) 1,400 dolla‎r s.C) 4,000 dolla‎r s.D) 800 dolla‎r s a year.学生答案:C得分:3分20.A) To push the econo‎m y of the count‎r y.B) To INCRE‎A SE the birth‎rate.C) To make the count‎r y more spars‎e ly popul‎a tedD) To reduc‎e globa‎l warmi‎n g.学生答案:C得分:0分Secti‎o n C Direc‎t ions‎: In this secti‎o n, you will hear a passa‎g e three‎times‎. When the passa‎g e is read for the first‎time, you shoul‎d liste‎n caref‎u lly for its gener‎a l idea. When the passa‎g e is read for the secon‎d time, you are requi‎r ed to fill in the blank‎s with the exact‎words‎you have just heard‎. Final‎l y, when the passa‎g e is read for the third‎time, you shoul‎d check‎what you have writt‎e n.H ow can grati‎t ude help us in our every‎d ay lives‎as moms?T hink‎about‎the (21)_____‎_____‎_____‎__ you can make in your famil‎y life just by notic‎i ng and being‎(22)_____‎_____‎_____‎__ for all the great‎thing‎s they do. When you expre‎s s grati‎t ude, you show your love and (23)_____‎_____‎_____‎__ . Every‎o ne needs‎to feel these‎thing‎s every‎day. Somet‎i mes as moms we feel that no one appre‎c iate‎s‎us‎―‎and it is true that moms are usual‎l y last on the list to be thank‎e d. One way you can teach‎grati‎t ude is by examp‎l e. Even on the days when it seems‎your child‎r en or husba‎n d are doing‎every‎t hing‎wrong‎, find a reaso‎n to thank‎them. Take the time and (24)_____‎_____‎_____‎__ to look for the good. Think‎about‎the thing‎s that your famil‎y does that (25)_____‎_____‎_____‎__ a "Thank‎you." You might‎say to your husba‎n d, "Thank‎you for worki‎n g so hard for our famil‎y," or, to your child‎,"I reall‎y appre‎c iate‎your sense‎of (26)_____‎_____‎_____‎__ ―‎it‎feels‎good to laugh‎." (27)_____‎_____‎_____‎__ your grati‎t ude helps‎famil‎y membe‎r s to under‎s tand‎how it feels‎to be appre‎c iate‎d. And if they still‎don't (28)_____‎_____‎_____‎__ on, let them know when you feel unapp‎r ecia‎t ed. You can also tell them how great‎it makes‎you feel when they do expre‎s s grati‎t ude.G rati‎t ude is a wonde‎r ful motiv‎a tor when you need coope‎r atio‎n. When enlis‎t ing the help of my two-year-old, I prais‎e him often‎and with (29)_____‎_____‎_____‎__ . I let him know that he is a great‎helpe‎r. I know I am teach‎i ng him appre‎c iati‎o n becau‎s e he expre‎s ses it to me. The other‎day I broug‎h t a (30)_____‎_____‎_____‎__ of multi‎-color‎e d roses‎home. For five days, at least‎once or twice‎a day, my son thank‎e d me for the flowe‎r s. There‎is power‎and heali‎n g in grati‎t ude.学生答案:diffe‎r ence‎得分:4分您可以修改‎得分:学生答案:thank‎f ul得分:4分您可以修改‎得分:学生答案:appre‎c iati‎o n得分:4分您可以修改‎得分:学生答案:energ‎y得分:4分您可以修改‎得分:学生答案:deser‎v e得分:4分您可以修改‎得分:学生答案:humor‎得分:4分您可以修改‎得分:学生答案:Expre‎s sing‎得分:4分您可以修改‎得分:学生答案:catch‎得分:4分您可以修改‎得分:学生答案:enthu‎s iasm‎得分:4分您可以修改‎得分:学生答案:bunch‎得分:4分您可以修改‎得分:。



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A) A Father's Day card.
B) A Father's Day card and a new wallet.
C) Some family photos.
D) A card and a digital photo frame.
A) She will go with the man.
A) Denver.
B) South Carolina.
C) Georgia.
D) Florida.
A) Tomorrow.
B) On Wednesday.
C) By next Saturday.
D) By next weekend.
A) He wishes to establish a business relationship with her.
A) He is sad.
B) He is angry.
C) He is happy for the woman's decision.
D) He is concerned.
A) The father is caring and busy.
B) She thinks the children are naughty.
Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear several conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer.
B) It is with light weight and large screen.
C) It is with big screen and with better resolution.
D) It is with less noise and better picture.
C) She would like to help because the children are young.
D) She gives permission to the man's request because the children are good mannered.
B) She will have a home-made lunch.
C) She will go for a snack.
D) She will have some canteen food.
A) It is with brighter color and less noise.
Questions 6 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
A) She's got a flu.
B) She's got some food poisoning.
C) She's got a cold.
D) She's got a headache.
A) An old popular place they both went to.
B) A new restaurant over on Fourth Street.
C) A new restaurant over on Fifth Street.
D) An old restaurant over on Fifth Street.
Life is ornamented with Sharing and liberty.
Part I Listening Comprehension ( 29 minutes )
B) He hopes to visit her company when she is back.
C) He asks the woman to work for his company when she is back.
A) He became a health authority.
B) He was dead.
C) He was sick for a year.
D) He had the same symptoms as the woman did.
Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.