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Aids (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is caused by a virus called HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), which enters a person’s blood and attacks the body’s immune system. There is no cure for HIV or Aids. Some times, infected people have no outward symptoms, so they do not know that they are carriers. One of the first symptoms that most HIV-positive people have is a weakened immune system. As the immune system weakens, it loses the ability to fight illness. Eventually, the immune system becomes so weak that the infected people can become sick very easily, and even common illnesses like the flu can be quite serious.

HIV and Aids are spreading at a frightening rate. The virus is spread in three ways---through unprotected sex, blood to blood contact and mother-to-child transmission.

Nowadays Aids is a problem all over the world. China has also been affected by the Aids epidemic. So the government is working hard to control the Aids epidemic, and has opened labs to test and monitor the disease. In 2003, the government also started distributing free medicine to Aids patients in need. Apart from government efforts, international help has also been very important in fighting Aids in China. Dr David Ho, a Chinese American leading Aids expert, has devoted his body and soul to bringing technology and international attention to China’s Aids problem. In addition, since 2001, organizations such as the United Nations and the WHO have done a lot to fight against Aids in China. UNAIDS, an organization within the United Nations, has been very involved in fighting Aids and HIV around the world for many years now. The work to control Aids includes providing infected people with help from doctors and testing for people who think they might have HIV or Aids. The organization also supports Aids prevention education and sets up treatment centers.

The work of international organizations is even more important when you consider how much more severe the situation around the world could become. Anyway, educating people at risk, as well as treating infected people, is the key to stopping the disease in the future.

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A new life on the university campus

I am a freshman of the English Department at Pujiang University. Life at the university is so exciting and challenging.

There are two campuses for our university: one is for freshmen and sophomores and the other is for juniors, seniors and graduate students. My campus is located on the outskirts of the city, which is a new one, very peaceful and free from the hustle and bustle of a metropolis. It is free from all sorts of distractions and diversions that most city dwellers find it hard to escape or ignore.

We have a three-day orientation program about campus life for entering students, including a campus tour in which we can visit libraries, classroom buildings, language labs, the multimedia resource center, computer support services, the student club, and the sports stadium. We freshmen have access to all these resources and technical facilities on a regular basis. They are open to all students. As a matter of fact, we’re encouraged to make the most of the libraries and technical support services on the campus.

We all live on campus, as the school rules say that no freshmen should live off campus during the weekdays, unless the university authorities give permission. We prefer to eat in school cafeterias because there is a variety of foods on the menu, which changes every day. Besides, the food service is much better than that of most secondary schools. For one thing, our campus cafeterias are under the management of a professional food service company with an

annually-renewable contract.

Being an English major, we have to speak English with our fellow students and English teachers most of the time. We are expected to speak English with all our E nglish teachers whatever courses they teach. We’re also encouraged to speak English in the dorm area as much as possible. We are not quite used to this

“ English only” environment, though. Anyway, we’re all trying very hard. It always takes us time to adjust to a new environment. We are given English lectures and talks which cover a variety of topics. We are encouraged to attend the free discussion session following each lecture or presentation. Most of the lectures are given by native-speakers, so at the beginning I have much difficulty
