
山东农业大学高等学历继续教育英语补考答案1、Tony wants _______ a job as a language teacher in China. [单选题] *A. findB. findingC. to find(正确答案)D. to be found2、Mary, together with her children ,_____ some video show when I went into the sitting room. [单选题] *A. were watchingB. was watching(正确答案)C. is watchingD. are watching3、Nearly everything they study at school has some practical use in their life, but is that the only reason _____ they go to school? [单选题] *A. why(正确答案)B. whichC. becauseD. what4、What’s the point of going to school when I can’t do anything there? [单选题] *A. 时间B. 意义(正确答案)C. 方向D. 目标5、My camera is lost. I am ______ it everywhere.()[单选题] *A. looking atB. looking for(正确答案)C. looking overD. looking after6、Boys and girls, _______ up your hands if you want to take part in the summer camp(夏令营).[单选题] *A. puttingB. to putC. put(正确答案)D. puts7、This species has nearly ()because its habitat is being destroyed. [单选题] *A. used upB. died out(正确答案)C. gone upD. got rid of8、If you get _______, you can have some bread on the table. [单选题] *A. happyB. hungry(正确答案)C. worriedD. sad9、--How is your friend coming?--I’m not sure. He _______ drive here. [单选题] *A. may(正确答案)B. canC. mustD. will10、—Whose book is it? Is it yours?—No, ask John. Maybe it’s ______.()[单选题] *A. hersB. his(正确答案)C. he’sD. her11、You should _______ fighting with your parents although you may have different ideas from time to time. [单选题] *A. suggestB. enjoyC. avoid(正确答案)D. practice12、The boy’s mother always _______ him a story before he goes to bed. [单选题] *A. saysB. speaksC. tells(正确答案)D. talks13、He has grown rich lately. [单选题] *A. 后来B. 以后C. 终于D. 最近(正确答案)14、Wang Dong usually gets up at 6:00 _______ he can catch the early school bus. [单选题] *A. as ifB. so that(正确答案)C. untilD. after15、The black coal there shows a sharp()white snow. [单选题] *A. contract withB. content withC. contact toD. contrast to(正确答案)16、You can buy some pieces of bread from "_______". [单选题] *A. Bakery(正确答案)B. Travel AgencyC. LaundryD. Ticket Office17、62.--There is? ? ? ? ? sale on in the shop today. Let’s go together.--Please wait? ? ? ? ? ?minute. I’ll finish my homework first. [单选题] *A.a; theB.a; a(正确答案)C.the; aD.the; the18、The beautiful radio _______ me 30 dollars. [单选题] *A. spentB. paidC. cost(正确答案)D. took19、I arrived _____ the city _____ 9:00 am _______ April [单选题] *A. at, in, atB. to, on, atC. in, or, atD. in, at, on(正确答案)20、()of the twins was arrested because I saw them both at a party last night. [单选题] *A. NoneB. BothC. Neither(正确答案)D. All21、Actually, we don't know whether this news comes from a reliable()or not. [单选题] *A. source(正确答案)B. originC. basisD. base22、75.Why not________ for a walk? [单选题] *A.go out(正确答案)B.to go outC.going outD.goes out23、There _______ some milk in the glass. [单选题] *A. is(正确答案)B. areC. haveD. has24、At nine yesterday morning, I ______ an English class while they ______ a PE class.()[单选题] *A. was having; were having(正确答案)B. had; hadC. was having; hadD. had; were having25、If people _____ overanxious about remembering something, they will forget it. [单选题] *A. will beB. would beC. wereD. are(正确答案)26、Mary's watch is more expensive than _____. [单选题] *A. Susan's(正确答案)B. that of Susan'sC. that of SusanD. Susan27、As I know, his salary as a doctor is much higher_____. [单选题] *A. than that of a teacher(正确答案)B. than a teacherC. to that of a teacherD. to a teacher28、He often comes to work early and he is _______ late for work. [单选题] *A. usuallyB. never(正确答案)C. oftenD. sometimes29、His father always _______ by subway. [单选题] *A. go to workB. go to schoolC. goes to bedD. goes to work(正确答案)30、Tom will _______ me a gift from Japan. [单选题] *A. takeB. getC. carryD. bring(正确答案)。
山农成人教育 普通生态学期末考试复习题及参考答案-高起本

1、光周期现象类型的划分是根据植物的( )、( )、( )进行的。
2、在一个资源不受限制的环境中,种群的增长曲线的形状为( )型,而在有限的环境中,种群的增长曲线为( )型,此时某种群所能稳定达到的最大数量或密度,即该环境对该种群的( )。
3、和麦冬相比,牡丹是( )对策种;和瓢虫相比,蚜虫是( )对策种。
4、群落交错区内种的数量及一些种的密度有( )的趋势,即( )。
5、按演替的起始条件,可划分的基本类型为( )、( )。
6、下表是某公园林下草本植物群落的野外调查表(每个样方1m 2),那么该群落鸢尾的频度
7、生态金字塔可分为( )金字塔、( )金字塔和( )金字塔三种类型。
8、利用一些对有毒气体特别( )的植物来监测大气中有毒物质,根据它们受到毒气危害时会表现出的伤害症状,就可以推断出环境污染的范围与污染物的种类和浓度,这类植物我们称之为( )植物。
9、城市的气温一般高于郊区,这种现象我们称之为( )效应。
1、对生物生长、发育、生殖、行为和分布有影响的环境因子称为( )。
其作用特征包括( )、( )、( )、( )和生活因子的不可代替性与可补偿性。
2、在自然条件下,当光强大于( )时,光合强度随光强的增加而增加,当增加到一定值后,光合强度不再增加时的光强称为( )。
3、和碧桃相比,银杏是( )对策种;和麻雀相比,美国白蛾是( )对策种。
4、按演替的方向,可划分的基本类型为( )、(
)和( )。
5、下表是某公园林下草本植物群落的野外调查表(每个样方1m 2),那么该群落玉簪的频度。

山东农业大学继续教育学院成人高等教育期末考试考试形式:开卷考试科目:管理会计年级层次专业学号姓名成绩一、选择题(每个2分,共20分)1.当企业的生产经营处于盈亏临界状态时()A 固定成本同贡献毛益相等B 总成本同贡献毛益相等C 变动成本同贡献毛益相等D 销售收入同贡献毛益相等2.在普通年金终值系数的基础上,期数加1,系数减1所得结果,在数值上等于()A普通年金现值系数 B即付年金终值系数C普通年金终值系数 D即付年金现值系数3. 在前后各期产量和成本水平均不变的条件下,若本期完全成本法计算下的利润小于变动成本法计算下的利润,则意味着()A本期生产量大于本期销售量 B本期生产量等于本期销售量C期末存货量大于期初存货量 D期末存货量小于期初存货量4.下列有关贡献边际率与其它指标关系的表达式中,唯一正确的是()A贡献边际率+保本作业率=1 B贡献边际率+变动成本率=1C贡献边际率+安全边际率=1 D贡献边际率+危险率=15. 如果产品的单价与单位变动成本的变动率相同,其他因素不变,则保本量()A不变 B上升 C降 D不确定6.现代管理会计的主体是()A 决策与计划会计、执行会计B 成本计算、决策与计划会计C 全面预算、成本计算D 全面预算、执行会计7.管理会计与财务会计存在着显著区别,但二者之间仍具有一定的联系,主要体现在()A 工作具体目标B 遵循公认会计原则C 资料来源D 工作程序8.在平面直角坐标图上,单位产品固定成本是一条()A 以单位变动成本为斜率的直线B 反比例曲线C 平行于X轴(横轴)的直线D 平行于Y轴(纵轴)的直线9.企业经营成败的关键在于()A 决策B 预测C 规划D 业绩考评10.下列费用中属于约束性固定成本的是()A 折旧费(按直线法计提)B 广告费C 职工教育培训费D 业务招待费二、判断题(每个2分,共10分)1.变动成本法既有利于短期决策,也有利于长期决策。

山东农业大学继续教育学院成人高等教育期末考试考试形式:开卷考试科目:水力学年级层次专业学号姓名成绩一、单项选择题(2×10=20分)1、某流体的运动粘度v=3×10-6m2/s,密度ρ=800kg/m3,其动力粘度μ为( )A、3.75×10-9Pa·sB、2.4×10-3Pa·sC、2.4×105Pa·sD、2.4×109Pa·s2、断面比能Es随水深h的变化规律是( )A、Es存在极大值B、 Es存在极小值C、Es随h增加而单调增加D、 Es随h增加而单调减少3、在水力学中,单位质量力是指()A、单位面积液体受到的质量力;B、单位体积液体受到的质量力;C、单位质量液体受到的质量力;D、单位重量液体受到的质量力。
4、根据堰顶厚度与堰上水头的比值,堰可分为( )A、宽顶堰、实用堰和薄壁堰B、自由溢流堰、淹没溢流堰和侧收缩堰C、三角堰、梯形堰和矩形堰D、溢流堰、曲线型实用堰和折线型实用堰5、液体中某点的绝对压强为100kN/m2,则该点的相对压强为()A、1 kN/m2B、2 kN/m2C、5 kN/m2D、10 kN/m26、水力学中的一维流动是指()A、恒定流动;B、均匀流动;C、层流运动;D、运动要素只与一个坐标有关的流动。
A、均匀缓流;B、均匀急流;C、非均匀缓流;D、非均匀急流8、有压管道的管径d与管流水力半径的比值d /R=()A、8;B、4;C、2;D、19、闸孔出流的流量Q与闸前水头的H()成正比。
A、1次方B、2次方C、3/2次方D、1/2次方10、测量水槽中某点水流流速的仪器有()A、文丘里管B、毕托管C、测压管D、薄壁堰二、填空题(2×10=20分)1、圆管流的下临界雷诺数Re c为______。

山东农业大学继续教育学院成人高等教育期末考试考试形式:开卷考试科目:财政学年级层次专业学号姓名成绩一、选择题(每个2分,共20分)1.一些人享用公共物品带来的利益而不能排除其他一些人同时从公共物品中获得利益,是()A. 竞争性B. 排他性C. 非竞争性D. 非排他性2.公共支出结构中,购买性支出占较大比重,说明政府注重履行()A. 调节收入分配的职能B. 资源配置的职能C. 促进经济稳定发展的职能D. 保证社会安定3.文教科卫支出属于一种()A. 社会消费性支出B. 积累性支出C. 转移性支出D. 生产性支出4.社会保障制度的核心是()A. 社会救济B. 社会保险C. 社会福利D. 社会优抚5.在税收要素中,体现纳税人负担轻重的最主要要素是()A. 税率B. 附加和加成C. 起征点D. 减免税6.在下列税种中税负不易转嫁的税种是()A. 增值税B. 公司所得税C. 消费税D. 营业税7.消费税的征收环节是()A. 生产环节B. 流通环节C. 交换环节D. 消费环节8.个人所得税的税率采用了()A. 比例税率和全额累进税率B. 比例税率和超额累进税率C. 比例税率和超率累进税率D. 超额累进税率和定额税率9.我国预算收支起止的有效期限是()A. 1月1日—12月31日B. 当年7月1日—次年6月30日C. 当年4月1日—次年3月31日D. 当年10月1日—次年9月30日10.汲水政策是汉森的财政政策理论,这种政策的载体是()A. 公共税收B. 公共投资C. 国债D. 补贴二、名词解释(每个3分,共24分)转移性支出国债发行财政补贴课税对象财产税自动稳定的财政政策财政收入瓦格纳法则三、简答(每个7分,共42分)1.政府干预失效的原因2.分析我国行政管理费的增长变化,并提出控制办法。

山东农业大学期末考试试卷(A卷)课程姓名 专业 班级 得分一、 填空题(每空0.5分共15分)1.农业企业的会计科目分为 、 、 、 、 五类,“制造费用”属———类,“管理费用”属———类。
2.成本计算期的确定受 影响是农业会计的特点之一。
3.在我国的会计法规体系中, 是会计工作的根本法规,于———年公布, 年修订。
二、 判断题(在正确的命题后打╳,错误的命题后打╳,每小题1分共15分)1.企业发生了收入必然同时伴有等量的现金流入。
( )2.一年内到期的长期负债在资产负债表中应列为流动负债。
( )3.企业资产负债表中确认的资产都是企业拥有的资产。

山东成考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 成人高等教育的特点不包括以下哪一项?A. 灵活性B. 针对性C. 强制性D. 多样性答案:C2. 成人高考的报名条件中,不包括以下哪一项?A. 年满18周岁B. 具有高中或同等学历C. 身体健康D. 必须为全日制在校生答案:D3. 成人高考的考试科目一般包括以下哪些?A. 语文、数学、英语B. 政治、历史、地理C. 物理、化学、生物D. 以上都是答案:A4. 成人高考的录取原则是什么?A. 择优录取B. 先到先得C. 随机分配D. 按需分配答案:A5. 成人高等教育的学习形式主要有哪几种?A. 全日制、业余、函授B. 全日制、网络、函授C. 业余、网络、自学D. 全日制、业余、自学答案:A6. 成人高考的报名时间通常在每年的什么时候?A. 1月B. 3月C. 6月D. 9月答案:B7. 成人高考的考试时间通常在每年的什么时候?A. 4月B. 6月C. 10月D. 12月答案:C8. 成人高等教育的学制一般为几年?A. 2年B. 3年C. 4年D. 5年答案:B9. 成人高等教育的毕业证书与普通高等教育的毕业证书有何不同?A. 无不同B. 成人高等教育的毕业证书上会注明“成人教育”C. 成人高等教育的毕业证书含金量更高D. 成人高等教育的毕业证书不能用于考研答案:B10. 成人高等教育的学位授予标准是什么?A. 通过所有课程考试B. 通过学位英语考试C. 通过学位论文答辩D. 以上都是答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 成人高考的报名流程包括以下哪些步骤?A. 网上报名B. 现场确认C. 缴纳报名费D. 领取准考证答案:ABCD12. 成人高等教育的招生对象主要包括以下哪些人群?A. 在职人员B. 社会青年C. 应届高中毕业生D. 退伍军人答案:ABD13. 成人高等教育的学历层次包括以下哪些?A. 高中起点专科B. 专科起点本科C. 高中起点本科D. 硕士研究生答案:ABC14. 成人高等教育的学习形式中,业余和函授的主要区别是什么?A. 业余是周末上课,函授是集中授课B. 业余是集中授课,函授是周末上课C. 业余是面授,函授是网络授课D. 业余是网络授课,函授是面授答案:A15. 成人高等教育的学位授予条件包括以下哪些?A. 通过所有课程考试B. 通过学位英语考试C. 通过学位论文答辩D. 获得优秀毕业生称号答案:ABC三、判断题(每题2分,共10分)16. 成人高考的报名条件中,必须具有高中或同等学历。

A、ATPB、GTPC、 NADHD、CTP3、指导合成蛋白质的结构基因大多数为()。
下列哪一种酶不需要?()A. DNA聚合酶III全酶B. DNA聚合酶IC. DNA连接酶D. 异构酶6、信号识别颗粒(Signal recognition particle)的作用是()。
A、指导RNA剪切B、引导分泌蛋白质跨膜C 、指引核糖体大小亚基结合 D、指导转录终止7、蛋白质的翻译后修饰主要包括()。
A、乙酰化B、糖基化C、磷酸化D、上述各种修饰8、结合GC box的转录因子是()。
A、转录mRNAB、转录tRNA、5S rRNAC、转录18S rRNA、5.8S rRNA和28S rRNAD、转录16S rRNA、23S rRNA和5S rRNA11、哺乳动物核糖体大亚基的沉降系数是()。

山东农业大学继续教育学院成人高等教育期末考试山东农业大学继续教育学院成人高等教育期末考试考试形式:开卷考试科目:生物化学年级层次专业学号姓名成绩一、写出下列符号的中文名称(每题1分,共10分)1.GSSG2. Cytb3.cAMP4. TPP5. NAD+6. PEP7.IMP 8. SSB9. fMet 10. ACP一、名词解释(每题2分,共20分)1、Tm2、结构域3、变构效应4、P/O比5、β-氧化6、生物固氮7、核酸酶8、逆转录9、启动子10、SD序列三、单选题(每题1分,共30分)1、可用于测量生物样品中蛋白质含量的元素是:()A、碳B、氧C、磷D、氮2、具5ˊ-CpGpGpTpAp-3ˊ顺序的单链DNA能与下列哪种RNA 杂交?()A、5ˊ-GpCpCpAp-3ˊB、5ˊ-GpCpCpApUp-3ˊC、5ˊ-UpApCpCpGp-3ˊD、5ˊ-TpApCpCpGp-3ˊ3、pH=8时,在电场中向阳极移动的蛋白质的等电点最可能的是:()A、6.5B、 8C、9D、104、在波长为280 nm处,光吸收能力最强的氨基酸是()A、谷氨酸B、脯氨酸C、赖氨酸D、色氨酸5、符合热变性DNA特征的是:()A、磷酸二酯键发生断裂B、形成三股螺旋C、 DNA的分子量变小D、在波长260nm处的光吸收增加6、酶的竞争性可逆抑制剂可以使:()A、V max减小,K m减小B、V max增加,K m增加C、V max不变,K m增加D、V max不变,K m减小7、哪一种情况可用增加底物浓度的方法减轻抑制程度:()A、不可逆抑制作用B、竞争性可逆抑制作用C、非竞争性可逆抑制作用D、反竞争性可逆抑制作用8、当酶促反应速度达到最大速度的60%时,Km/[S]为()A、1/4B、2/5C、2/3D、3/59、己糖激酶属于()A、氧化还原酶类B、转移酶类C、合成酶类D、裂解酶类10、下列关于化学渗透学说,哪种叙述是不对的?()A、H+返回膜内时可以推动ATP酶合成ATPB、呼吸链的递氢体有氢泵的作用C、线粒体内膜外侧H+可以自由返回膜内D、呼吸链各组分按特定的位置排列在线粒体内膜上11、电子传递链中唯一的非蛋白质组分是()A、细胞色素B、泛醌C、复合物ID、复合物II12、不符合β-淀粉酶作用特性的是()A、淀粉外切酶B、水解α-1, 4糖苷鍵C、水解α-1, 6糖苷鍵D、水解产物是麦芽糖13、需要3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶参与的途径有()A、EMP途径B、TCA循环C、HMP途径D、乙醛酸循环14、三碳糖、六碳糖与七碳糖之间相互转变的糖代谢途径是:()A、糖异生B、糖酵解C、三羧酸循环D、磷酸戊糖途径15、与脂肪酸的合成原料无直接关系的是()A、乙酰CoAB、 NADPH+ H+C、 HCO3-D、丙酮酸16、脂肪酸从头合成的限速酶是()A、酰基转移酶B、乙酰CoA羧化酶C、脂酰CoA合成酶D、苹果酸合酶17、1分子甘油完全氧化分解产生()个ATP。

山东农业大学高等学历继续教育2019年第二学期大学英语2(专升本)试题答案一、单选题( 每题1分, 共30道小题, 总分值30分)1.By the time you arrive this evening, __________ for two hours.(1分)A. I will studyB. I will have been studiedC. I had studiedD. I will have been studying2.I will never forget the ten years ________ we both spent in the little village.(1分)A. whenB. during whichC. in whichD. which3.I would have told him the answer had it been possible, but I_____ so busy then.(1分)A. amB. wereC. wasD. would be4.Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people______ harm them.(1分)A. fewer thanB. other thanC. rather thanD. better than5.The new English dictionary I bought yesterday ________ me almost twenty yuan.(1分)A. spentB. paidC. costD. took6.______ I admit that there are problems, I don't agree that they cannot be solved.(1分)A. WhenB. AsC. WhileD. Since7.I'd like to take ________of this opportunity to thank you for your co-operation.(1分)A. advantageB. occasionC. benefitD. profit8.Peter, whom everyone suspected, _______ to be innocent.(1分)A. turned outB. turned offC. turned upD. turned over9.Mr. Wilson said that he did not want to ______ any further responsibilities.(1分)A. take onB. get onC. put upD. look up10.________the last one, I answered all the questions.(1分)A. ExceptB. BesidesC. Except forD. In addition to11.I gave John a present but he gave me nothing ________ .(1分)A. in turnB. in returnC. in advanceD. in vain12.I'd like to_______a special table for the coming Valentine's Day.(1分)A. preserveB. deserveC. conserveD. reserve13.We were deeply impressed by her important _______ to the success of the project.(1分)A. workB. determinationC. improvementD. contribution14.__________ was once regarded as impossible has now become a reality.(1分)A. WhatB. ThatC. WhichD. As15.She is very careful. She______very few mistakes in her work.(1分)A. doesB. takesC. makesD. gets16.Not always ________ they want to.(1分)A. people can do whatB. can people do whatC. People cannot do whatD. can’t people do what17.It is because she is very devoted to her students _________ she is respected by them.(1分)A. whoB. whichC. whatD. that18.The idea sounds very good but will it work in __________?(1分)A. practiceB. placeC. advanceD. company19.I didn’t go to the party, but I do wish I ________ there.(1分)A. wereB. had beenC. would beD. will be20.It's vital that enough money __________ collected to get the project started.(1分)A. isB. beC. must beD. can be21.Some pop singers have much influence ________ the young people.(1分)A. toB. forC. ontoD. on22.We have decided to call _____ Mr. Black sometime next week at his home.(1分)A. onB. atC. uD. for23.It is from my grandparents ______ I learned a lot.(1分)A. whoB. whomC. thatD. which24.The young man promised to his parents, “I would never_________ again.”(1分)A. let you outB. let you downC. let you inD. let you by25.We use plastics _________ wood and metal now.(1分)A. in place ofB. to take ofC. take the place ofD. to take place26.You had better _________ a doctor as soon as possible.(1分)A. seenB. sawC. seeingD. see27.You may write to me or come to see me. ____________ way will do(1分)A. AllB. BothC. OneD. Either28.I must tell you how _______ a letter from you.(1分)A. pleased I was to receiveB. pleased I was to receivingC. was I pleased to receiveD. pleased I was receiving29.Pierre often makes himself __________ by gesturing with his hands.(1分)A. to understandB. understandingC. to be understoodD. understood30.I am considering ________ my job as I’m not getting on well with my boss.(1分)A. changingB. to changeC. changedD. to be changed二、阅读理解( 每题15分, 共3道小题, 总分值45分)1.The 16th century, known as the "Age of Genius", was a complicated (复杂 ) and difficult time to live. Many countries fought for the power and riches of the newly discovered Americas. Men introduced new ideas which demanded great changes in older ideas. Despite these problems and possibly because of them, wonderful things were done by the greatest of men.It is indeed difficult to know why in some periods you find many men of genius while in others you may find few. The "Age of Genius", however, produced some of the greatest thinkers, painters, authors, and scientists.In Italy during the High Renaissance (文艺复兴), a period of the "Age of Genius", three famous painters started their work. They were Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael.Leonardo da Vinci is famous not only for his beautiful paintings but also for his talent in the sciences. One of his best - knownpainting is the "Mona Lisa." Michelangelo was also a man of many talents. He was an artist; he wrote poems; he drew plans for buildings; and he worked with other forms of art. His best- known work is the painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome (罗马西斯教堂). Raphael was known for his painting. He made well-balanced pictures out of many different actions. (15分)(1)Another name for the 16th century is the ________. (3分)A. Classical AgeB. Middle AgesC. "Age of Genius"D. Age of Renaissance(2) To know why in some periods you find many intelligent men and few in other is __________. (3分)A. an easy thing to doB. a very difficult thing to doC. not importantD. unnecessary(3)Which of the following statements is implied in the first paragraph of the passage? (3分)A. Geniuses are born talented.B. Geniuses are often produced in the same age.C. Fighting for the riches of the newly - discovered Americas produced geniuses.D. A period during which new ideas were replacing older ideas might produce geniuses.(4)_________ is famous for his paintings and for his talent in science. (3分)A. RaphaelB. Leonardo da VinciC. MichelangeloD. Mona Lisa(5) Michelangelo is known for __________. (3分)A. his Mona LisaB. his paintings in Sistine ChapelC. his well-balanced picturesD. his contributions to science2.Do parents owe their children anything? Yes, they owe them a great deal.One of their chief duties is to give their children a sense of personal worth, for self-esteem(自尊心) is the basis of a goodmental health. A youngster who is often made to feel stupid, often compared to brighter brothers, sisters, or cousins, will not feel confident and became so afraid of failing, that he or she won’t try at all. Of course, they should be corrected when they do wrong; this is the way children learn. But the criticism should be balanced with praises.Parents owe their children firm guidance and consistent discipline. It is frightening for a youngster to feel that he is in charge of himself; it’s like being in a car without brakes(刹车). The parent who says “No” when other parents say “Yes” sends a double message. He is also saying : “I love you, and I’m ready to risk your anger, because I don’t want you to get into trouble.”Parents owe their children a comfortable feeling about their body, and enough information about sex to balance the wrong information that they will surely receive from their friends.Parents owe their children privacy(隐私权)and respect for their personal things. This means not borrowing things without being permitted, not reading diaries and mail, not looking through pockets. If a mother feels that she must read her daughter’s diary to know what is going on, the communication between them must be pretty bad.Parents owe their children a set of solid values around which to build their lives. This means teaching them to respect the rights and opinions of others; it means respecting elders, teachers, andthe law. The best way to teach such values is by example. A child who is lied to will lie. A child who sees his parents steal tools from the factory or towels(毛巾) from a hotel will think that itis all right to steal. A youngster who sees no laughter and no love in the home will have a difficult time laughing and loving.No child asks to be born. If you bring a life into the world, you owe the child something. And if you give him his due, he’ll have something of value to pass along to your grandchildren.(15分)(1)According to the passage, parents owe their children the following things except______.(3分)A.carsB. privacyC. respect of selfD. information about their body(2)The writer thinks that teenagers are frightened when they are in charge of themselves because_________.(3分)A. they don’t know how to stop a car without brakesB. there is no one to guide and discipline themC. they are afraid of being left aloneD. there is no one to ask for help when in trouble.(3)Which of the following ways is advised for parents to show loveto their children?(3分)A. Saying “Yes” to everything the children ask forB. Never embracing older childrenC. Refusing something to the childrenD. Never criticizing children(4)The word “due” in the last paragraph means_________.(3分)A. something one should do or finish before a fixed timeB. reasonable explanations or plansC. what must be given to someone because it is right or wrongD. the money to be paid(5) Which of the following is true according to the passage?(3分)A. Parents prefer to let their children be in charge of their own lives at an early age.B. Children learn much by seeing what their parents doC. Children shouldn’t be corrected because it destroys their self-esteem.D. It is better to compare a youngster to his bright brothers because it makes him try harder.3.Every artist knows in his heart that he is saying something to the public. Not only does he want so say it well, but he wants it to be something which has not been said before. He hopes the public will listen and understand —he wants to teach them, and he wants them to learn from him. What visual (视觉的)artists like painters want to teach is easy to make out but difficult to explain, because painters translate their experiences into shapes and colors, not words. They seem to feel that a certain selection of shapes and colors, out of the countless billions possible, is exceptionally interesting for them and worth showing to us. Without their work we should never have noticed these particular shapes and colors, or have felt the delight which they brought to the artist. Most artists take their shapes and colors from the world of nature and from human bodies in motion and repose; their choices indicate that these aspects of the world are worth looking at, that they contain beautiful sights. Contemporary artists might say that they merely(仅仅) choose subjects that provide an interesting pattern, that there is nothing more in it. Yet even they do not choose entirely without referenceto the character of their subjects. If one painter chooses to paint a gangrenous (生坏疽的) leg and another a lake in moonlight, each of them is directing our attention to a certain aspect of the world. Each painter is telling us something, showing us something, emphasizing something — all of which mean that, consciously or unconsciously, he is trying to teach us.(15分)(1)All artists are common in that _____.(3分)A. they use shapes and colors instead of wordsB. they are trying to teach the publicC. what they want to teach is difficult to explainD. they want to learn from the public(2) A painter chooses certain shapes and colors out of the countless billions possible because he believes they _____.(3分)A. are beautifulB. can bring delight to himC. are worth showing to the publicD. are particular(3) Contemporary artists choose subjects _____.(3分)A. without reference to the character of their subjectsB. that only provide an interesting patternC. that there is no meaning in itD. partly for the meaning of the subjects(4)Comparing the painter who paints a gangrenous leg with the one who paints a lake in moonlight,we can draw the conclusion that_____.(3分)A. both convey the same meaningB. both show certain aspects of the worldC. the latter is more meaningfulD. the former is more meaningful(5)According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?(3分)A. The public could share the artist’s feelings through their choice of shapes and colors.B. The painter should not choose to paint ugly things.C. Contemporary artists are completely different from other artists.D. All artists are teaching the public consciously.三、完形填空( 每题10分, 共1道小题, 总分值10分)1.Two friends visited the zoo together. The zoo was very large andit was 1 to go everywhere. They had to decide where to go and which animals to visit as their time was 2 . So both of them agreed not to 3 after choosing a 4 at every fork(岔路口).A road sign at the first fork 5 one way to the lion area and the other to the tiger hill. They decided on the former after a6 discussion because lions were “the king of the grassland”. The second showed a division going separately to the panda and peacock. They7 panda as it was the nation’s treasure and went its way.8 they made choices all along the way and each choicemeant 9 what they couldn’t help regretting. But they had to make it, and 10 , for it brooked(容忍)no delay. If they hesitated(犹豫不决) they would miss 11 . Only 12 decision could offer more chances for sightseeing and 13 possible regret.Life is 14 like this- choices often occur that one has to make, for example, between two 15 jobs, two fascinating wooers(追求者). To get one you 16 give up the other-you can get half of it. If you 17 weighing the pros and cons and calculating gains and losses, you will most likely 18 empty-handedness. Don’t be sad about it. 19 you have got half of the desirable things in life-something that is 20 to come by.(10分)(1)A. easy B. difficult C. impossible D. possible(2)A. enough B. limited C. tight D. plentiful(3)A. return B. continue C. go D. stop(4)A. sign B. branch C. crossing D. highway(5)A. showed B. pointed C. intended D. made(6)A. brief B. long C. no D. heated(7)A. hoped B. wanted C. favored D. got(8)A. Happily B. Thus C. Then D. Finally(9)A. winning B. taking C. picking up D. giving up(10)A. slowly B. immediately C. timely D. easily(11)A. less B. more C. most D. least(12)A. high B. slow C. short D. rapid(13)A. increase B. cause C. reduce D. raise(14)A. just exactly B. more or less C. hardly D. most(15)A. unwanted B. different C. bad D. desirable(16)A. ought to B. may C. must D. have to(17)A. spend time B. kill time C. have a hard time D. hope for(18)A. start with B. get up C. succeed in D. end up in(19)A. By no means B. Not in the least C. At most D. At least(20)A. stupid B. delighted C. hard D. supported四、翻译( 每题5分, 共3道小题, 总分值15分)1.For most parents, the decision to send their children abroad for study is made after careful thinking.(5分)答案:对大多数家长来说,送孩子出国留学的决定是经过深思熟虑后做出的。

山东农业大学高等学历继续教育2020级第二学期《大学英语2》(专升本)试题一、单选题(每题1分,共30道小题,总分值30分)1.His failure to pay the debts _______ the suspicion that he was not to be trusted. (1分)A concernsB confessesC confusesD confirms2. I have to _________ my visit as I’ll be very busy next month. (1分)A call forB call offC call onD call in3. In fact he had done_______ he could do to help the poor. (1分)A whatB whichC asD all which4. You had better _________ a doctor as soon as possible. (1分)A seenB sawC seeingD see5.It is from my grandparents ______ I learned a lot. (1分)A whoB whomC thatD which6. Do you think Tommy is ________ the truth? (1分)A sayingB speakingC tellingD talking7. Not always ________ they want to. (1分)A people can do whatB can people do whatC People cannot do whatD can’t people do what8. The young man promised to his parents, “I would never_________ again.” (1分)A let you outB let you downC let you inD let you by9. We use plastics _________ wood and metal now. (1分)A in place ofB to take ofC take the place ofD to take place10.Three people, ________, were injured in the accident. (1分)A included a childB include a childC including a childD includes a child11.Pierre often makes himself __________ by gesturing with his hands. (1分)A to understandB understandingC to be understoodD understood12. It is so hot. You should put the food into the refrigerator now. otherwise, it will ______ soon. (1分)A harmB hurtC spoilD damage13. I didn’t go to the party, but I do wish I ________ there. (1分)A wereB had beenC would beD will be14. The mother didn't know __________ to blame for the broken glass as it happened while she was out. (1分)A whoB whenC howD what15. I'd like to_______a special table for the coming Valentine's Day. (1分)A preserveB deserveC conserveD reserve16. __________ was once regarded as impossible has now become a reality. (1分)A WhatB ThatC WhichD As17. It's vital that enough money __________ collected to get the project started. (1分)A isB beC must beD can be18. Don’t forget ________ the window before leaving the room. (1分)A to closeB to have closedC having closedD closing19. I must tell you how _______ a letter from you. (1分)A pleased I was to receiveB pleased I was to receivingC was I pleased to receiveD pleased I was receiving20. “Good—bye, Miss liu. I’m very pleased _________ (1分)A to meet youB having met youC meeting youD to have met you21. Only recently __________ to deal with the environmental problems. (1分)A something has doneB has something doneC has something been doneD something has been done22. By the time you arrive this evening, __________ for two hours. (1分)A I will studyB I will have been studiedC I had studiedD I will have been studying23.______ I admit that there are problems, I don't agree that they cannot be solved.(1分)A WhenB AsC WhileD Since24. We were deeply impressed by her important _______ to the success of the project. (1分)A workB determinationC improvementD contribution25.She is very careful. She______very few mistakes in her work. (1分)A doesB takesC makesD gets26. We had to wait a long time to get our passports, __________? (1分)A won't weB don't weC didn't weD shouldn't you27. ________the last one, I answered all the questions. (1分)A ExceptB BesidesC Except forD In addition to28. No sooner had she entered the house _______ the telephone rang. (1分)A whenB thanC asD while29.The new English dictionary I bought yesterday ________ me almost twenty yuan. (1分)A spentB paidC costD took30.Of those _____ had applied for the jobs, only two were accepted. (1分)A personsB thatC whoD which二、阅读理解(每题15分,共3道小题,总分值45分)1.In the traditional(传统)marriage, the man worked at a job to earn money for the family. Most men worked in an office, a factory, or some other places away from the home. Since the man earned the money , they paid the bills(帐).The money was used for food, clothes, the house, and other family needs. The man made most of the decisions. He was the boss.In the traditional marriage, the woman seldom worked away from the house. She stayed at home to care for the children and her husband. She cooked meals, cleaned the house , washed the clothes , and did other housework. Her job at home was very important.In recent years , many couples(夫妇)continue to have a traditional relationship of the kind . The man has a job and earns the money for the family . The woman stays at home and cares for the children and the house. Many Americans are happy with the kind of marriage. But some other Americans have a different impression of marriage and family responsibilities(责任).There are two important differences in male(男性)and female (女性) roles(角色)now. One is that both men and women have many more choices. They may choose to marry or to stay single .They may choose to work or stay at home. Both men and women may choose roles that are comfortable for them.A second difference in male and female roles is that within marriage many decisions and responsibilities are shared. The husband and wife may choose to have children, or they may not. If they have children, the man take care of them some of the time , all of the time or not at all .The woman may want to stay at home and take care of the children. Or she may want to go to work.. Men and women now decide these things together in a marriage. Many married people now share these decisions and the responsibilities of their families.(15分)(1)Which of the following is NOT true in the traditional marriage ?(3分)A Men worked at a job to earn money for the family.B The women made most of decisions.C The woman stayed at home to care the children.D The man paid the bills.(2)In recent years ________. (3分)A young couples refuse (拒绝)the traditional relationship.B the woman has a job and earns the money for the family .C the woman doesn't stay at home and care for the children and the house.D the role of men and women has begun to change .(3)Men and women may now choose all the following except to _______.(3分)A marry or to stay singleB work or stay at homeC leave their jobs just because they have childrenD have their roles that are comfortable for them(4) The following are all now true except __________. (3分)A they may choose to have children or notB the man may tack care of the children some of the time.C the woman is the most important person in the houseD the woman may want to go to work(5)Which of the following is not true? (3分)A Everyone tries to get married.B The man was the boss in the traditional marriage.C The woman's job at home was very important in the past.D Many Americans still have a traditional marriage.2.The 16th century, known as the "Age of Genius", was a complicated (复杂) and difficult time to live. Many countries fought for the power and riches of the newly discovered Americas. Men introduced new ideas which demanded great changes in older ideas. Despite these problems and possibly because of them, wonderful things were done by the greatest of men.It is indeed difficult to know why in some periods you find many men of genius while in others you may find few. The "Age of Genius", however, produced some of the greatest thinkers, painters, authors, and scientists.In Italy during the High Renaissance (文艺复兴), a period of the "Age of Genius", three famous painters started their work. They were Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael.Leonardo da Vinci is famous not only for his beautiful paintings but also for his talent in the sciences. One of his best - known painting is the "Mona Lisa." Michelangelo was also a man of many talents. He was an artist; he wrote poems; he drew plans for buildings; and he worked with other forms of art. His best- known work is the painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome (罗马西斯教堂).Raphael was known for his painting. He made well-balanced pictures out of many different actions.(15分)(1)Another name for the 16th century is the ________. (3分)A Classical AgeB Middle AgesC "Age of Genius"D Age of Renaissance(2) To know why in some periods you find many intelligent men and few in other is __________. (3分)A an easy thing to doB a very difficult thing to doC not importantD unnecessary(3)Which of the following statements is implied in the first paragraph of the passage? (3分)A Geniuses are born talented.B Geniuses are often produced in the same age.C Fighting for the riches of the newly - discovered Americas produced geniuses.D A period during which new ideas were replacing older ideas might produce geniuses.(4)_________ is famous for his paintings and for his talent in science. (3分)A RaphaelB Leonardo da VinciC MichelangeloD Mona Lisa(5) Michelangelo is known for __________. (3分)A his Mona LisaB his paintings in Sistine ChapelC his well-balanced picturesD his contributions to science3.Stage plays, at first, seem a lot like films. Both use actors and dialogue and scenery. But if you try to make a film by setting up a camera in front of the stage, you will find it won’t work. A film made in this way will lea ve the audience cold. And even worse you’ll be wasting a powerful tool —the camera.A stage is actually a box. One side of the box has been removed so the audience can see what’s going on inside. The actors remain at a fixed audience. In the film, however, the camera can bring the audience up close and fix their attention on small but important things: a frightened look, a whisper, a trembling of hands.The camera offers the film maker freedom allowing him to move easily across barriers(界限) of time and space. He can show his action in real cities and on real farms. He can also use the camera to change the scene dozens of times in one film. No expert of the stage can do this.(15分)(1)The main idea of the text is that ________ (3分)A stage plays and films are two different kinds of artB it is always disappointing to turn play into filmsC films have certain advantages(长处) over stage playsD the camera has made film making easy and possible(2)What is wrong with making a film by setting up a camera before the stage?(3分)A Fewer and fewer people will go to the theatre.B The audience cannot see what is going on the stage.C The scene cannot be changed from time to time.D The powerful camera cannot be made good use of.(3)Which of the following can show that the camera is a powerful tool?(3分)A It can move easily.B It can make small things look larger.C It can show things in the future.D It can give us a scene of realism.(4)In what way are plays different from film?(3分)A Films often use real scenery while plays don’t.B Films can show the past while plays can’t.C Films change scenes while plays don’t.D Film audience can move while play audience can’t.(5)A suitable title for this text is _______.(3分)A Stage Plays and FilmB The Powerful CameraC Fewer Plays, More FilmsD Less Waste, More Freedom三、完形填空(每题10分,共1道小题,总分值10分)1. My 23-year-old son Dan stood in the doorway, ready to say goodbye to his home. In a couple of hours he was going to fly out to France. He was going to be away for at least a year to learn a foreign language and 1 life in a foreign country.It was a milestone in Dan’s life, a change from school days to 2 .When we were to say goodbye,I 3 closely at his face. I would like to provide him with good 4 that would last longer than here and now. But not a sound came over my lips. I 5 motionless and silent, looking 6 my son’s green eyes.I knew that this wasn’t the first time I 7 such an opp ortunity pass me by. When Daniel was a little boy, I followed him to the bus on the first day in preschool. I 8 the excitement in his hand that held mine when the bus came round the corner. He looked at me—just 9 he did now. And then he boarded the bus and 10 . The bus drove away. And I hadn’t 11 a word.Some ten years later, a similar episode 12 . His mother and I drove him to the university where he was going to 13 .The next morning Dan began to throw up (呕吐). He was ill in bed when I wanted to say goodbye. 14 the words let me down. I only murmured(嘟哝)something like “I hope you are 15 , Dan.” Then I turned around and left.Now I stood in front of him and recalled all the 16 when I hadn’t made use of those opportunities. Why does it have to be so 17 to tell your son how you feel? My mouth was 18 , and I knew I would only say a few words.“Dan,”I 19 stammered out(结结巴巴地说), “if I had the choice myself, I would 20 you.”That was all I could say. It was nothing, and yet it was everything. (10分)(1)(0.5分)A leadB experienceC enjoyD live(2)(0.5分)A college lifeB childhoodC adulthoodD freedom(3)(0.5分)A lookedB fixedC glaredD glanced(4)(0.5分)A giftB supportC skillD advice(5)(0.5分)A saidB stoodC satD wondered(6)(0.5分)A upB forC atD into(7)(0.5分)A madeB keptC letD noticed(8)(0.5分)A feltB knewC foundD realized(9)(0.5分)A whenB likeC sinceD once(10)(0.5分)A rodeB ranC droveD disappeared(11)(0.5分)A heardB saidC gaveD left(12)(0.5分)A took placeB took onC turned outD turned up(13)(0.5分)A playB visitC studyD search(14)(0.5分)A LuckilyB OnceC AgainD Therefore(15)(0.5分)A worseB happierC greaterD better(16)(0.5分)A timesB placesC daysD chances(17)(0.5分)A eagerB importantC difficultD lovely(18)(0.5分)A wetB dryC anxiousD tight(19)(0.5分)A directlyB finallyC kindlyD nervously(20)(0.5分)A loveB praiseC supportD choose四、翻译(每题5分,共3道小题,总分值15分)1.Happiness does not always go with money.(5分)幸福并不总是与金钱相伴。
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