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oversea /5EuvE5si:/ 海外的;在海外 overweight /5EuvEweit/ 超重的。由 over+weight合成 passage /5pAsidV/ 通道,一章 perhaps /pE5hAps/ 也许,可能 pleasure /5pleVE/ 快乐 professor /pqE5fesE/ 教授 receptionist /qi5sepEnist/ 接待员 secretary /5sekqEtqi/ 秘书 software /5sCftwZE/ 软件。由soft+ware合 成 state /steit/ 州,国家 technical /5teknikEl/ 技术上的
英语名词前常用冠词,冠词有不定冠词和定冠词两种。 不定冠词:a 和 an 。表示“一”、“某一”这个概念。
用于可数名词的单数名词前。在以元音开头的词前要用 an.
eg: This is a book. Mr. Green is an English teacher. He is an American.
Li: Yes, let’s go back to the guest house of our school. Everything is ready for you there. Lizzy: That’s very kind of you. Li: You are welcome. Dialogue B: At the Canteen Dialogue Background: Li Ying is a new employee at a joint venture. Mr. Smith is the chief engineer there. They meet for the first time at the canteen. Li Ying: Hello. Are you Mr. Smith? Mr. Smith: Oh, yes. Simon Smith. Li Ying: How do you do, Mr. Smith? Mr. Smith: How do you do? Are you a new comer? Li Ying: Yes, my name is Li Ying. I know we have a chief engineer from England. I’m glad to meet you here.
united /ju5naitid/ 联合的 yeal /jeE/ 是的 a dozen 一打 an expert in 某一领域的专家。He is an expert in the oil exploration field. be glad to do something 乐于做某事。I‘m glad to see you. I am glad to help you. be ready for 准备好了的。They are ready for the basket ball match. be skilled in 干…很熟练。The LAO WAI is skilled in using chopsticks. chief engineer 总工程师
chopstick /5tCpstik/ 筷子。由 chop+stick合成。 clapping /5clApiN/ 鼓掌,拍手声 comer /5kQmE/ 来者,来的人 culture /5cQltE/ 文化。 Chinese culture curly /5kE:li/ 卷曲的。His hair is curly. delicious /di5liEs/ 可口的,好吃的。 The food is delicious. department /di5pB:tmEnt/ 部门,系 dozen /5dQzn/ 一打,十二个 electronics /ilek5tqRniks/ 电子,电 子学
定冠词:the。用来特指某个或 某些人或事物。通常用
来特指说话双方都知道的或上文中已提到过的人或事物。 也用来特指世界上独一无二的事物。 Eg: The plane is at the airport. The Japanese students are in the classroom. The city is clean and beautiful. The sun is red 注意:如果名词前已有表示特制的其他词,如my, your 等,则不再使用定冠词或不定冠词。 如:This is my car. That is your car.
Unit Two: Introducing People to Each Other
New words study: approach /E5pqEut/ 接近;方式 bearer /5bZEqE/ 持有人;搬运者 browse /bqauz/ 浏览 case /keis/ 情形;案例 chance /tB:ns/ 机会;可能性 code /kEud/ 密码;代码 concern /kEn5sE:n/ 关心;关系到 contain /kEn5tein/ 包含;容纳 correctly /kE5qektli/ 正确地 data /5deitE/ 数据
engineer /7endVi5niE/ 工程师。He is an engineer. everyone /5EvqiwQn/ 每个人,人人 expert /5ekspE:t/ 专家 hobby /hC:bi/ 嗜好,业余爱好。His hobby is go fishing. honor /5CnE/ 荣誉,光荣 joint venture /5dVCint5ventE/ 合资企 业 journey /5dVE:ni/ 旅程 Ltd.=limited /5limitid/ 有限公司 meal /mi:l/ 一餐,饭
New words study: actually / 5AktuEli/ 实际上 applause /E5plC:z/ 鼓掌 author /5C:WE/ 作者,作家 bit /bit/ 一点 born /bC:n/ 天生的 be born: 出生。eg: I was born in 1968; He was born in 1992. canteen /kAn5ti:n/ 食堂,小卖部 chief /ti:f/ 主任,主要的
Introduce sb. to sb. 将某人介绍给某人。He introduced the professor to me. must be 一定是。 would like to … 想要,愿意。。。

Dialogue A: How Do You Do? Dialogue Background: Li Hong is a receptionist. She works at a guest house of a technical school. Lizzy is an overseas student. She is from South Africa. Li Hong now meets her at the airport. Li: Hi, you must be Lizzy. I’m Li Hong from the technical school. Lizzy: Oh, how do you do, Li Hong? Thank you for coming to meet me. LI: How do you do, Lizzy? Welcome to China. Did you have a good journey? Lizzy : Yeah, quite good. But I am a little tired. It’s a long journey, you know.
培训一部 王培民
Unit One: Greeting People You Meet for the First Time
• 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
相关语法练习题:把下列各句分别变成否定句 和疑问句: They are at the railway station. He is from France. The students are at the playground. The teacher is strict with his students. we are workers.
Mr. Smith: I’m glad to meet you, too. There are so many good things to eat in the canteen. Li Ying: Yeah, they are delicious. Mr. Smith: Let’s have our lunch at this table. Passage A: Welcome Miss Wang is the secretary of the English Department. Now she is introducing Professor Helen Waters to the students. Good morning, everyone. I have the honor to introduce Professor Waters to you. (Applause) Professor Waters is from the United States of America. She will teach us English this term. Professor Waters has taught students in many different countries. She is the author of a dozen books in this field. So, it is a pleasure for us to have her as our English teacher here. Now, let’s give her a very warm welcome and ask her to say a few words to us!( Clapping)
I am not a teacher.
Tom is not (isn‘t)a carpenter. The dog is not in the garden. they are not (aren‘t) engineers.
Are you a teacher? Is Tom a carpenter? Is the dog in the garden? Are they engineers? 冠词的基本用法:
语法 Grammar: 系动词be (am/is/are)在主系表结构中的基本用法: 主系表结构:指句子的谓语由系动词be( am/are/is)充当。 be 动词在肯定句、否定句和疑问句中的用法举例(一 般现在时):
I am a teacher. Tom is a carpenter. The dog is in the garden. They are engineers.