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• 代表建筑师及代表作

Representative architects and representative work
• 爱因斯坦天文台分析
• Einstein Observatory specific analysis
一、表现主义建筑概论及特点: 表现主义建筑概论及特点:
表现主义是艺术家通过作品着重表现 内心的情感,而忽视对描写对象 形式的摹写。
• Expressionism is focused on the performance of works by artists Inner feelings, while ignoring the description object form of transfer.

•建筑学上,表现主义被认为等同于从第一次世界大战后至二十 世纪二十年代建筑师在德国、荷兰和斯堪的纳维亚的作品。 其特点是采用奇特、夸张的建筑形体来表现某些思想情绪、 象征某种时代精神。 Architecture, expressionism is considered equivalent to from World War I to the nineteen twenties architects in Germany, Holland and Scandinavia works.It is characterized by a peculiar, exaggerated form of architecture to the performance of some emotions, a symbol of spirit of
German architect Mendelsohn 1917 design, built in 1921. The famous scientist named building, did not adopt the most advanced technology to build the tower body, most with brick masonry, but its streamlined shape but later especially American industrial construction has a profound impact。
二、代表建筑师及代表作: 代表建筑师及代表作: 代表建筑师及代表作
----萨里恩 的 西进之门
• 德国建筑师门德尔松1917年设计,1921年建成。这 座以著名科学家命名的建筑,却并未采用最先进的技 术来建造,塔体大部分用砖 砌筑,但其流线形的造型却 对后来尤其是美国工业建筑 产生了极其深刻的影响。
Expressionism architecture
船山建筑学091班 船山建筑学091班 091 申卓 20099480107
Expressionism architecture

• 表现主义建筑定义及特点
The definition and characteristics of expressionism architecture
建筑物上部的圆顶是一个天文观测室,整幢建筑物采 用砖砌建造, 快到顶时, 用水泥建造圆顶, 并最终用水泥将整 个建筑的外立面装饰一遍, 给人一种浑然一体、都是用混凝 土建造的假象.给人传达一种 神秘感。
An upper portion of the building 's dome is an astronomical observation room, the whole building with brick built, almost at the top, made of cement with cement dome,
and eventually the whole building Wailimian decoration again, give a person a kind of all blend into one harmonious whole, are made of concrete facade. To convey a sense of mystery.