
三只小猪旁白: Once upon a time ,there lived three little pigs. Their names were curly, chunky and pinky. One day they decided to see the world.妈妈:Bye. Bye girls. Take care.三小猪:Bye mama.猪三:I'm going this direction.猪二:I'm going that way.猪一:I think I'll head over there.旁白:The three pigs went in different directions. Curly met a shop selling straw.猪一:I'll build a house of straw.旁白: So she bought some straw and built her house.猪一:There ,what a cozy home.旁白:curly relaxed in her new home. But there was one problem.狼:Knock ,knock. oh yoo-hoo!猪一:who's there?狼:A friend, Willis the wolf. Now let me in旁白: mama pig taught her girls never to open the door to strangers, especially strangers with big teeth.猪一:No, no. not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin.狼:Let me in !or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house down.猪一:No, you can't come in, you big bully.狼I'm going to huff. I'm going to puff. And I'm going to blow----your house down.旁白:It wasn't that hard. straw houses fall easily.狼:Now little pig, I'm going to eat you up!猪一 :help.旁白:Meanwhile, chunky met a shop selling sticks.猪二:What materials shall I use?I thought of it. Sticks!I'll build a house with sticks.旁白:so she bought some sticks and built her house。

英语短话剧剧本A Beautiful Trap两位女大学生出去找兼职,却被欺骗。
CastGwen: Senior high school studentRita: Mom / Customer A…Fanny: WaitressIvy: Gwen’s friendDavid: Father / Customer BWillie: Boss--------------------------------------------------------------------------------SCENE IFather and Mother are at home. Gwen just gets home.@Gwen: I’m home, Mom, Dad.Mom: How’s your day, GwenGwen: Not bad. I’m tired of taking buses to school every day.Father: WhyGwen: The bus is so crowded every morning.Mom: I don’t understand. What’s your pointGwen: I want to buy a motorcycle - a Harley.Father: What!! Harley! Are you insane,Mom: (to father) Calm down. (to Gwen) I understand your situation. I would agree if you want to buy anormal motorcycle, but Harley! Forget it.Gwen: But I want it so much. I’ve always wanted one.Father: OK. I can contribute some for the motorcycle, but you have to pay the rest yourself.Mom: I agree with your dad.Gwen: Oh! Yes! Are you sure But I don’t have any money to pay for it!Father: You can use your New Years’ Red Envelope money or find a part-time job. Gwen: Hey, it sounds like a great idea to get a part-time job.;Mom: You have to keep your eyes open when you look for a part-time job.Gwen: Don’t worry. I’ll be careful.Father: I can give you some advice and experience. When I was a teenager, I used to work as a porter. It wasvery tough, but I learned how to be responsible and how to use time. So will you. (change of tone) Iremember I almost lost my life one day.Gwen: Thanks, Dad. I think I can handle it. I’ll be care ful.?SCENE IIGwen: Ivy, I want to find a part-time job. Are you interested in getting one for yourself, tooIvy: It sounds great! I can search on the Internet for job opportunities.Gwen: Then I can look at the ads in the newspaper.(After 2 to 3 minutes)Gwen: Look! Here’s something interesting. It looks good.Ivy: Let me see... let’s make a phone call to see what the job is about.|(Phone rings. Gwen and Ivy are calling the “I Need You” Company.)Boss: This is “I Need You” company! May I help youIvy: I need a part-time job, and I saw your ads in the newspaper, so …Boss: I see! Could you come to our company this Wednesday afternoonIvy: WhatBoss: Oh! We’d like to interview you personally.Ivy: Is it alright if my friend comes alongBoss: No problem. You and your friend can come together./Ivy: Thank you. Bye.Boss: You’re welcome. See you! (hangs up.)Gwen: What did he sayIvy: He said we can have interviews this Wednesday afternoon.Gwen: Great! Let’s do it. We can meet there.Ivy: I’m a little bit nervous.Gwen: It’ll be fine. Don’t worry.;SCENE III(Wednesday afternoon, Gwen and Ivy a re at the “I Need You” Company. They enter the company.)Boss: Hi, nice to meet you! Have a seat! Take it easy. .! First, do you have any work experienceGwen: No.Ivy: Me, either.Boss: That’s . You’re just what our company needs. You can learn on the job. Second, do you have anytalents Like dancing or singingIvy: Well….Gwen: I love singing. My friend says I sing well.Boss: Very good!Ivy: May I ask what this job is about What do you want us to doBoss: It’s easy. You just need to sing and chat with customers. They might give you some extra tips if they like you.Gwen: Oh! It sounds great! I can get a lot of money! I’ll take this job! What do you think, IvyIvy: Umm... but I’m not good at singing or dancing.Boss: It’s .! Fanny…Fanny: Yes.:Boss: She can teach you how to do this job well. It’s not hard.Gwen: How about the salaryBoss: Ha, ha! As to the sala ry, I won’t disappoint you. I promise you’ll be a rich girl in a few days. (shows acunning smile)Ivy: I don’t think I can do it. It sounds fishy to me. I think we should ask more about what exactly we have to do.Gwen: Come on! Take it easy. It’s a good opportunity. We’ll make a lot of money. Just think about the money!Ivy: No, I’m sorry. I guess the job is not for me.Gwen: All right! Suit yourself.、Ivy: Good luck. Bye. (exits)Fanny: Hi. Hmm…(looks at Gwen from head to toes) I think I’ll change the way you look, . (She starts tochange Gwen’s hair style and her clothes and shoes; she also puts make-up on Gwen)SCENE IV(Gwen’s first day of work at a bar)Customer A: Wow, Fanny! Look at that girl! What a cute girl!Customer B: I’ve never seen her before. Who is she(Fanny: This is Gwen. It’s her first day here.Gwen: Hi. (She appears shy and uneasy.)Customer A: Come sit beside me.Customer B: Dance with me. (They both drag Gwen’ arms.)Gwen: Umm… What’s this all about What’s going on (Gwen starts to cry and turns to run away.)Fanny: Wait, wait! Stop it! Come back! Hey, what are you doingGwen: That man touched my butt.Fanny: So what It’s no big deal. Take it easy. No matter what they do to you, you should always show respectto them and obeythem.Gwen: (Sobs) Oh! The jo b is so different from what I have thought. I can’t do it! I can’t stand it! I want to quit!SCENE VAt Gwen’s homeGwen: I can’t believe this. Darn! How stupid I was. It‘s disgusting. (Gwen’s still crying.) Mom: What’s wrong with you, honey.Gwen: It’s terrible. I don’t know how to tell you.Father: What’s the problem Tell us.Gwen: I got a part-time job the other day. And today was my first day of work. I thought they just want me to be aperformer, singing some songs and dancing for other people. But the customers there harassed me. They wereevil. They touched me and it made me feel awful. I couldn’t do it, so I ran away.Mom: What Why did you choose this kind of jobs Are you blind Are you that stupid Father: Calm down, both of you! You have to remember this experience. You should be careful when you choose a job.Didn’t I tell you thatMom: If you have troubles finding a job, we’ll help you look for on e from the Internet or newspapers.Father: It’s . now. Stop it.Gwen: Thank you so much, Mom and Dad. I love you.Mom: We love you, too, honey. J。

6人初中生英语剧本A Play: Buying MedicineCharacters:X ------ Xiao FeiS ------ ShopkeeperD- ---- Doctor LiO- ---- Others ( O1, O2 O3 -----)Ws ------ Wounded soldiers ( W1, W2,W3 -----)H -----He zhenwu, a Japanese spyW- ---- WomanJ ------ JapaneseScene1( At an old temple lie some wounded soldiers. D is examining their wounds.)D: Good evening, everyone.Ws: (Together) Good evening, Dr Li.D: Hello, let me examine you.W1: I’m all right. There’s no need to do so. ( W1 is about to fall down.)D: (Helps him up) Your leg discloses you! Let me have a look. Ah, it’s going worse. Let me put some medicine on you.W1:No, it isn’t necessary. There is little medicine left. Go to look after that young man. He has a high fever. He seems fainted.D: ( Takes W2’s temper ature. ) So he has! He needs an injection but we have none. Feed him these last three pills with warm water. What else can I do? There’s no medicine left.W3:Don’t worry, Doctor. I am young and strong. I am all tight now. I’ll go and buy some medicine.D: No, you are not all right. Your leg will bleed when you move. Lie down and have a good rest.W4: So you can let me go . I can run very fast. The enemy cannot catch me.( Just then, Xiao Fei comes in.)X: Be quiet everybody. You must have a good rest. This is order, you know.W1:But there’s no medicine left.X:That’s why I’m here. I’ve come to fetch the list . I’ll go to town to buy medicine.D: Have you got any money?X: No.D: ( Takes off her gold ring.) Take this with you. Perhaps you can change it for medicine.X: No, I can’t take it , because it is given to you by your future husband who gave up his life to the revolution a few days ago. It mustn’t go to other people’s hands.D: But how can you get the medicine without money?X: Don’t worry. I’ll manage. Goodbye.D and Ws: Be careful!Scene2( Music) ( Xiao is walking on the way like a businessman. He sings as he goes.When he Passes a corn field, he sees He Zhenwu the Japanese spy robbing a woman)W: Help! Help!H: You needn’t cry. There’s nobody else here. Let me marry you and make yourself noble.W: You Japanese spy! No one will marry you.H:Otherwise I’ll kill you! ( He raises his gun and the woman catches hold of his wrist . They start a fight. Finally, H knocks W down. Just then X arrives)X: Stop! Don’t bully Chinese woman!H: It’s none of your business! Go away.X: I would rather stop you. ( H raises his gun towards X. X kicks it away. They begin a fight. W puts on his clothes W and begins to pull H’s leg. X knocks H down)X: (To W) Quick! Help me tie him up.W: You are bleeding. Let me do first aid.X: It doesn’t matter. Pull him into the corn fields.H: Please spare my life. I won’t do that again( W takes up the gun and is about to shoot.)X: Don’t do that. If the Japanese hear the shot, they’ll come.H: Thank you, sir. But please let me go.X: Let you go? You’ll continue to kill and bully Chinese! ( X puts his socks into H’s mouth.) Wait here . And lend me your pass and bike. Don’t try to run away. (They go down.)Scene 3(Music) (X is riding a bike toward town. He sings as he goes along)J1 and J2: Stop! Show me your pass.X: Here you are!J1 & J2: ( After reading it.) Hi! Salute. ( They Salute.) ( X goes through the town gate and after some time stops at a drug shop and knocks at the door.)S: Who’s it?X: It’s me, a customer.S: (To O1) Go to answer the door.O1: come in, please. You are the only customer for these days.S: What can I do far you?X: ( Hands him the pass.) We Japanese assistant soldier need some medicine. Here is the list.S: Oh, so much medicine! Do you have enough money?X:We’ll send you the money in a few days’ time. Quick, this is order. ( Shows him his gun.)S: All right! All right!S: ( To O1) Quick! Give him the medicineO1: All right . ( Hands it to X.) Here you are.X: I have to go now. Bye-bye.S: ( To O1) Quick! Close the door.O1: All right. ( He closes it.)S: ( Makes a telephone call.) Hi! This is No1 Medicine Shop. Just now, a man came in and took a lot of medicine away. Perhaps he belongs to the Eighth Route Army . Stop him, quick!( X rides his bike fast. Soon he arrives at the gate, J1 is receiving a phone call. J2 signs him to stop. X rides towards him and knocks him out. J1 begins to short at him. Soon he arrives at a bridge, where two soldiers stand . X kills them with two shots. A crowd of soldiers rush towards him. He run into the corn field. H has just frees himself and is about to leave.)J3: Oh, here he is!js: (Together) Don’t move! Hands up!H: I’m sorry. I’m not Eighth -----J4: Tie him up. ( They tie him up and beat him.)H: Ouch! I belong to Japanese army.J5:Don’t listen to him. He’s lying. Put him in our car. Let’s go. (They go down.)X: (X goes through the corn field and comes up to a street. He meets some Japanese and fights them. He kills some of them and enters a lane. Finally he arrives at the temple. D and Ws come to welcome him)D: Here comes our hero.Ws: Congratulations.X: Thank you, everybody.( The end )。

英语剧本(一)Skipping Class(6人剧本。
)CastAnita: Never understands why students like to skip classesKevin: Treats “skipping classes” as the principle of university lifeKen: Eager to skip classes but dares not to do itJason: Always commits himself not to skip classesSteven: Always gives himself a good excuse for skipping classRita: A professional class skipperScene I(Anita, Kevin, Ken, Jason, Steven, and Rita are all Tunghai University students. They are good friends. One day, Ken and Jason meet on the way to the classroom.)Ken: Why are you late? And, you just missed the last class. The teacher gave us the main topics for the mid-term examination.Jason: Oh, shoot! I just missed it. Would you lend me your notes so I can make a copy? Ken: Sure if you give me a good reason why you missed the class. You promised me that you would be in class on time today.Jason: Believe me, I would like to keep my word. The problem isthat I have the ―Business Management‖ test today and I was up studying for it till three o’clock this morning. Then I fell asleep and woke up at ten o’clock this morning.Ken: You studied until three o’clock this morning? Why? What did you do yesterday afternoon? I know you were free from four o’clock on yesterday.Jason: Well, I met one of my very old friends on line and we just talked too long…Ken: For God’s sake! Don’t you care about next week’s mid-term examination?Scene II(Anita, Steven and Kevin are talking to one another in front of a classroom. And, Anita is trying to prevent Steven and Kevin from cutting the next class.)Anita: Hey, we’ll have the ―Business Management‖ class in a few minutes. Where are you going? Don’t tell me that you are going to argue with Jason.Steven: I will do anything for my good friend. Of course I am going to argue with the guy who gave my good friend a hard time.Anita: You always like to get involved in someone else’s business. You’ll get yourself in trouble. Don’t you know it? ...Kevin: Ani ta, don’t be upset with him. He will not li sten to you. Just leave him alone. By the way, I am still waiting for your decision. Are you coming with me to the concert tomorrow? Anita: Oh, I am sorry that I almost forgot it. What time tomorrow?Kevin: Two o’clock. I cannot wait to see my adorable sup erstar –Jolin. Oh, how wonderful!Anita : wait a minute. We have Calculus class tomorrow afternoon. Are you out of your mind?Kevin: Well, I’m not. Yet I think we can just copy the notes from someone else.Anita: No, this is a very important class. And you would never understand it without listening to the lecture.Kevin: To me it makes no difference. Even if I were in the class I would never understand what the teacher is talking about. Besides, who likes to look at the old baldhead?Scene III(After Calculus class, Anita is on the way to the ST building. At the same time, Rita is walking to the ST building from the dorm. They meet in front of the laboratory.) Rita: Here I am. Look, I did what I promised. I am a good girl, not skipping classes. Anita: What are youtalking about? This is the 5th class. You skipped the first four classes this morning. Yesterday you promised that you would not skip any class.Rita: Did I? We don’t have any class in the morning but we’re packed in the afternoon on Wednesdays.Anita: I beg your pardon? Today is Thursday and we have classes the whole day. Besides, didn’t you meet us this morning while we were going out to class?Rita: I thought you were going to the library.Anita: You are loopy now because you’ve skipped too, to o many classes.Rita: Why did you say so? I know that we will have the Computer Program test tomorrow. Anita: You are incurable. The test was this morning!Scene IV(Ken and Rita are talking to each other. They are talking about how to skip a class. ) Ken: I wonder why your Calculus professor never takes attendance. Yet, every time I skipped class, my professor always knew I was absent. I think I am really unlucky.Rita: well, you’ll appreciate what I’m going to tell you now, my three very good suggestions.Ken: What are they?Rita: Now lend me your ears –First of all, whether you skip the class or not, you’ll never pass the course.Ken: How do you know that I will not pass?R ita: Calculus is extremely difficult. I don’t believe you can pass it.Ken: Maybe you are right. What else?Rita: Before you skip the class you should treat everyone nicely. And after that, you should try to flatter your professor.Ken: Why?Rita: Well if you treat the classmates nicely, they will help you sign your name on the attendance sheet. And if you flatter your professor properly, you may ask the professor to pass you. Lastly – To skip the classes successfully you cannot skip too many classes or too few.Ken: What do you mean? Not too many and not too few?Rita: You need good weather for skipping classes so you can go out to fool around. And then you need good timing so you can go to the newly opened internet café that is on discount. Fin ally you need good relationships with the classmates so they can cover it up for you.Ken: You are a genius.Rita: I am just very professional.Ken: I see now. I will try sometimes. Hah, Hah, HahScene V(Ken meets Kevin at the parking lot.)Kevin: It’s time for the English class. Why are you here?Ken: I don’t want to go to English class. I w ant to cut the class.Kevin: Why?Ken: Because someone told me cutting classes can be fun.Kevin: That’s right. I will show you how much fun it is to cut classes.Ken: Ok. Let’s go.(Kevin and Ken cut the class and go out to have fun with girls. And both of them will fail the English class. Therefore next semester they will see Jean, their English teacher, again.)英语剧本(二)灰姑娘(Cinderella)第一场布景:灰姑娘家旁白:Long, long ago, there was a cute girl, her name is Cinderella, her mother was dead, and her father loved her very much.父亲: Dear daughter! These presents are for your birthday! Do you like them?灰姑娘: Yeah, thank you, Dad.(开心地接过)父亲: My lovely daughter, I hope you can be happy forever!旁白:But one day, her father married a new wife and died unfortunately. Look, her stepmother and her new sisters are COMING.后妈: Helen, Jenny, look, how beautiful the house is! (四周看了看,开始乱翻东西,拿起些东西来看)后妈女儿(1): Yes, and so many fruits.(一个个用手指点)Apples,bananas, mangoes and lychees. Wow, I like them. (吃水果)后妈女儿(2):(打开衣柜,翻翻看看)Mum, look, so many beautiful clothes.I like this dress. (往身上穿) 灰姑娘:Oh, no, please, that’s my dress. This new dress is bought by my father(跑过去,想把那条裙子拿过来).后妈女儿(2):Who are YOU? (把那条裙子藏到一边,厌恶地把灰姑娘的肩膀推了推)Mum, who is she?(退了几步,回头看后妈,用手指指了指灰姑娘)后妈: She is your little sister. But it doesn't matter. Now! Cinderella, go, clean the room and then cook for us. RIGHT NOW!灰姑娘: Why? I'm not your servant.(插着腰,皱着眉很生气的样子)后妈: Yeah.(点头). But from NOW ON you are our servant.(很凶的样子)后妈女儿(1): Mum, I like this dress. (拽灰姑娘的衣服)后妈女儿(2):I like her necklace. (抢走她的项链戴在脖子上) 灰姑娘:Oh, no, PLEASE (哭喊)旁白:After that, Cinderella had to been their servant. She worked and worked from morning to night.(Cinderella在洗衣服,扫地,干别的家务活)She had no room to live and she have to sleep in sofa(睡在沙发上);she had no good food to eat and good clothes to wear. She was more and more dirty.第二场布景:灰姑娘家(士兵在门外敲门)后妈: Who is it?士兵: I'm the soldier of the palace. (后妈打开门)Good morning, madam, this letter is from the palace, for you and other girls in this house. Good-bye, madam!后妈: What is it? (打开信看——欢呼,向后妈女儿(1)(2)招手)Helen, Jenny, good news! There will be a big dancing party in the palace.Prince Edward will select a queen among the young girls in this kingdom.后妈女儿(1): Hooray! I'll be the queen!后妈女儿(2): Hey, I will be the queen, not YOU!!后妈: Okay, girls. You must put on your most beautiful dress and make up immediately! 灰姑娘: (小心地走出来问道)Mum, I want to go to the party, too.两个后妈女儿: You? Look at yourself, so dirty and so ugly. (大笑起来)灰姑娘(看着在镜子前整理衣服化妆的后妈):Mum,please, can I… 后妈: Girls, are you ready? Let's go. Cinderella, you are so dirty and uglythat you haven’t any excuse to go. And you must do your housework FIRST! Good night!! (后妈和她的女儿很骄傲地走出门外,灰姑娘很伤心地坐到地上哭了。

What do you three take to come here?
Riding a horse ,of course.
管家:…… (管家关门) 刘备:oh, he said the money!!
The three brothers come to the stage, with gifts in Zhangfei and Guanyu’s hand
What? You said you wanna to go to Liu Bei’s company?
诸葛亮:嗯,那里ich I need not speak English.
Zhu Geliang is walking around the house
Bulang,this classroom is so dirty,please clean it!
A cigerate after dinner plays an important role in my life. En? It dosen’t burn on.
刘备:饰 旁白:
Three visits to the cottage(中文名三顾茅庐) is a story from one of the Four Great classical Chinese novels——the Three Kindoms. Zhu Ge liang is one of the main characters in the original. Also, he is an outstanding militarist, politician and the symbol of the wisdom in Chinese history. Another main actors——Liubei, who visited ZhuGeliang's thatched cottage three times and wanted to invite him to be his military adviser. Finally, ZhuGeliang was moved by Liubei' sincerity, helped the three brothers —— Liubei, Guanyu and Zhangfei to establish the Shu Kindom.

The Dream of Lottery《彩票梦》Father: IanMother: EllenYounger brother: VictorOlder brother: DavidFriend: JeffClerk: WeberNarrator(说故事者): Weber ——————————————————————————–Summary (摘要)This is a story about lottery. One day, Ian and Ellen are watching TV in the living room. David is sleeping in his room.SceneⅠ: In the living room.Ian: The news is very boring.新闻非常无聊.Ellen: Huh, only about political issues very boring.哼!,只有关于政治议题非常无聊的。
Ian: Yeah! It makes me annoyed.是的!它使我苦恼了。
Ellen: Well! How’s your business this month?好的!你这月的生意好吗?Ian: Not bad! Perhaps I can get promotion next month.不坏!也许我能在下个月得到晋级。
(Narrator: At that time, someone presses the buzzer of doorbell ring.这时,门铃响了)Ellen: Dear, go to open the door.亲爱的,去打开门。
Ian: Son, why do you come home so late? Do you know what time it is?儿子,你为什么来在家如此迟的?你现在几点吗??Victor:Oh! I’m sorry. I ate the dinner with my classmate.哦!对不起。

6人英文短句剧本1. 六个人表演的英语短话剧提供两个六人表演的英语短话剧剧本一、白雪公主英语短话剧SW-白雪公主 Q-皇后 M-魔镜 H-猎人P-白马王子 D-小矮人音乐起,旁白 A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much; the queen died while giving birth to a girl, her name was Snow White, She was a beautiful princess. Year passed, the king got married again, The people didn't love the new queen, because she was cruel. One day, In the king's palace:----白雪出场S.w: My name is Snow white , I am a beautiful princess, I miss my mother so much, Where is my mother ? Where is my mother ?音乐起,皇后、魔镜出场 Q: I am a queen , I'm very beautiful , Where is Mirror ? Mirror , Mirror on the wall , who's the most beautiful ? M: Snow white is much more beautiful than you ! Q: Hunter, go kill Snow white . 猎人出场 H: Yes, my queen音乐起,猎人追赶白雪,公主惊慌出逃 S.w: Help me ,help me, please, please !白雪顺利脱逃后S.w: I am tried and hungry, oh, there is a little house , I will eat a little and lie down. 音乐起,7个小矮人出场,D: 1\Look, somebody ate my food---- 2\Somebody drank my water---- 3\Someone is sleeping now---- 4\What a beautiful girl!---- 小矮人睡觉----音乐起公主先醒了----小矮人醒了----对话5\How do you do? S.w: How do you do? My name is Snow white … Nice to meet you! D:(齐说)Nice to meet you ,too---- 6\ welcome to our house!---- 7\Would you like to live here? S.W: My pleasure, thank you very much! D: Let's go out for our work, bye-bye, Snow white. 皇后、魔镜出场Q: Mirror, mirror on the wall , who's the most beautiful? M: Snow white is much more beautiful than you! Q: What ? Snow white is not dead ? Hahaha, I got a good idea!音乐起,皇后扮演老太太出场,对话 Q: Apple ,apple, beautiful apple, S.w: Hello, Good morning grandma! Q: pretty girl ,would you like a bite? S.w: Oh, yes ,thank you grandma!白雪公主咬一口后倒地Q: The girl is dead! Hahaha… 小矮人出场、围着公主哭 Snow white wake up, wake up… 音乐起,小矮人引着王子出场 P: A beautiful girl! She shall be my queen!王子唤醒公主,公主醒了P:Wake up ! Wake up , my queen ! S.w: Thank you for your help ! P: My pleasure !音乐起,小矮人、公主、王子跳起欢快的舞。

情景剧剧本范文英语6人Scene 1: Library.Emma, looking through a stack of books, turns to her friend Sarah.Emma: "This one looks interesting. Have you read it?"Sarah: "Nah, but the cover's cool. Maybe we should both read it and discuss later?"Emma nods and places the book on her stack.Scene 2: Cafeteria.Jake sits at a table with his buddies, Mike and Luke.Jake: "Man, that math exam was tough. How did you guys find it?"Mike: "Yeah, brutal. I hope I did okay."Luke: "Let's forget about it for now and grab some lunch."They laugh and stand up to grab trays.Scene 3: Hallway.Olivia bumps into Tom as they're both hurrying to class.Olivia: "Oh, sorry! I didn't see you there."Tom: "It's okay. You're late for class, aren't you?"Olivia: "Yeah, totally forgot about the quiz today!"Tom: "I'll walk with you. I'm in the same class."Scene 4: Classroom.Professor Johnson stands in front of the class, holdinga stack of papers.Johnson: "Alright, everyone, put your things away.We're going to have a quick quiz today."Emma and Sarah enter the room, taking their seats just as Johnson.。

英语剧本6人版简单短剧角色:1. 大卫(David) - 一个乐观开朗的年轻人2. 玛丽(Mary) - 大卫的好朋友,聪明而有魅力3. 托尼(Tony) - 一位滑稽可爱的男孩4. 莉莉(Lily) - 一位甜美可爱的女孩5. 保罗(Paul) - 大卫的兄弟,沉稳且有责任心6. 莎拉(Sarah) - 保罗的女朋友,聪明而优雅场景:一间小型咖啡馆故事情节:场景1:咖啡馆(大卫和玛丽坐在一张咖啡桌前,边喝咖啡边聊天)大卫:玛丽,我真的很开心我们能相互支持对方的梦想。

The GiftsMon.:Tomorrow will be Christmas. But Della feels very sad. Because she has no money to buy a present for her husband , Jim . She has only one dollar and eighty-seven cents . They have only 20 dollars a week, it doesn’t leave much for saving.In fact, Della and Jim have two possessions in which they both take very great pride. One is Jim’s gold watch, which has been his father’s and his grandfather’s. The other is Della’s long beautiful hair.D: Life is so hard for me. Though I saved the money for many months , I still have only one dollar and eighty seven cents.D: I---- I---- I have to have my hair cut and sold it . In that way I can get some money and I can buy a beautiful present for Jim.(At the shop—“Madame Sofronie. We Buy Hair Goods of All Kinds”)D: Will you buy my hair?M: Yes, I buy all kinds of hair. Sit down, please. Take your hat off and let me have a look. Oh, very beautiful. Very good! Twenty dollars , OK?D: All right. But please give it to me quickly.M: Here you are. Twenty dollars.D: Thank you. Bye.M: Bye.Mon.:Della spent two hours in the streets. Then she stopped at a Gold Shop and bought a gold watch chain. Now ,Della is at home.D: Oh, what a beautiful gold watch chain. I think it must match Jim's watch. When he sees it he must be very happy .(Suddenly the door opened and in came Jim . )J: You-----?D: Jim. Don’t look at me that way. I had my hair cut off and sold it because I couldn’t have lived through Christmas without giving you a present. Jim, it will grow quickly. You don’t mind, do you ? I just had to do it. My hair grows very fast, you know. Say “Merry Christmas!” Jim, and let’s be happy.J: You’ve cut off your hair?D: I’ve cut it off and sold it. It’s sold. I tell you -sold and gone, too. It’s Christmas Eve , Jim. Be good to me, forit went for you.J: Well , Della. Don’t make any mistake about me. I don’t think there’s anything about a hair cut that could make me love you any less. I know, it went for me. Look at this package .D: What ?J: Look at it yourself. You 'll see.D:Ah! The combs. They were in the shop windows for many months!J:Yes, the beautiful combs, pure tortoiseshell, with jewelry rims--just the color to wear in your beautiful, hair.D: But , Jim. They are expensive combs. I know, my heart had longed for them without the least hope of possession. Now they are mine. Thank you Jim.J; Now, you will see why I was upset at first.D: Jim, you don’t know what a nice -what a beautiful , nice gift I’ve got for you. Can you guess?J: I'm sorry. I won't guess.D: Look. A gold watch chain. Isn’t it lovely ,Jim? I hunted all over the town to find it. You’ll have to look at the time a hundred times a day now. Give me your watch. I want to see how it looks on it .J: Della, Let’s put our Christmas gifts away and keep thema while. They’re too nice to use just at present. I sold the watch to get the money. And I bought the combs. Now, Let’s have our supper.礼物旁白:明天是圣诞节,但是德拉觉得很难过,因为她无钱为她丈夫吉姆买一圣诞礼物,她只有1.87美元,他们一个月只有20美元的收入,那很难再从中省钱了。

适合6人表演的英语故事剧本适时举办一些英语的舞台剧,有利于营造轻松的学习氛围,今天店铺在这里为大家分享一些适合6人表演的英语故事剧本,希望大家会喜欢这些英语故事剧本!>>>点击这里更加精彩“英语故事剧本”适合6人表演的英语故事剧本篇一大老鼠拜访小老鼠Written by Jin XiaoCharacter:Shorny(Small white horse),Lila(small black sheep),gina( young white goose), Doma(small black duck), Benny( big ash mouse), Mony(small ash mouse)Stage prop:Gate:Shorny's blue gate (the highest of the five gates),Lila's green gate (the second highest), 's yellow gate(the third highest),Doma's orange –colored gate (the fourth highest),Mony’s red gate (the smallest).Head ornaments:Small white horse, small black sheep, young white goose,small black crow, big ash mouse, small ash mouse head ornaments.Clothes:Shorny (The small white horse) (blue color),Lila( the small black sheep)(green color),Gina (the young white goose) (lemon-yellowed),Duma(the small black duck)(orange-yellowed), Benny(the big ash mouse) (light red),Mony(the small ash mouse)(light red clothes.)[Scene: Cute Animals’ families. Benny ‘s visiting to Mony]Script:s:(Benny is knocking on a blue-colored gate., and Shorny opens the door)Bneny: Excuse me, Shorny, but could you tell me is Mony in?(There is a big & sweet smile on Shorny’ s face. and he points at the green door behind him)Shorny:Oh, Mony, he’s playing games inside ,let’s go and find himBenny: Thanks ,Shorny!(Benny goes straight ahead to a green colored gate, which is the gate of Lila’s. Benny knocks on aother door, the color of which is green. And now Lila comes out and answers the gate.) Beny: Hi ,Lila, I’m looking for Mony ,have you seen him anywhere?Lila: Small mouse, it in inside.( points at the lemon-yellowed gate that is just behind her and says)Lila: Hes just over there playing inside, you could go and find him .Benny: Thank you so much ,Lila(Benny leaves ,and walks towards the lemon-yellowe door. The gate of Lila’s family is open and she’s staring at Benny ‘s shadow )Benny : hello,Gina,I’ m just coming by and looking for Mony,canyou help with this?适合6人表演的英语故事剧本篇二公交车上的故事Female student A:,Female student B,Female student C,Boy A: Wang Chiang-ruiBoy B,Old woman,Scene One(Three female students are chatting on a bus. Because all the seats are taken, they are standing, holding onto some plastic rings hanging down from the bus roof. Two boys are sleeping in their seats. Then the bus arrives at a stop and an old woman gets on. She looks at the seats. Seeing no empty seats, she stands next to a female student and holds onto a plastic ring.)Old woman: There're no empty seats. I guess I'll have to stand.(The female students find the old woman not having a seat. They want to help her find one to sit in.)Female student A: We should find a seat for her.Female student B: Right. Those two bad boys did not give their seats to her.(The two boys continue to sleep.)Female student C: We should find a seat for her.Female students A & B: Yes.(Female student A goes to Boy A and taps on his shoulder.) Female Student A: Excuse me, could you give your seat to that old lady?(Boy A stretches and continues to sleep. Female students A and B look at each other. Female student B taps on Boy A's shoulder.)Female Student B: Hey! Can you give your seat to that old lady?Boy A: (wakes up) I lined up for twenty hours yesterday to buy A-Mei's new album. I'm very tired. I'm sorry I can't give my seat to the old lady. (continues to sleep)Female student C: What should we do?Female student B: Let's ask the other boy.Boy B: (gets up suddenly) Ah!All: (startled)Ah!Female student B: What happened?Female student C: Why did you scream?Boy B: I had a nightmare. It was terrible.Female student B: Excuse me, can you give your seat to that old lady?(Boy B falls asleep.)Female student A: Hello! Is it OK for you to make room for that old lady?Boy B: Let me sleep, please. I read an English novel all night last night and didn't get any sleep. Can you let me sleep for a while?Female student A: Well, we've tried.Female student B: The young man is really brash.Old woman: Thank you, young ladies! I'm OK! Don't think I'm an old woman. I am healthy. (makes a few kicks like a young man) Female student C: Maybe we worry too much. The old lady's very healthy.(The bus driver hits the brake suddenly and the old woman falls over. It makes Boy A wake up.)Boy A: Oh! Are you OK?Old woman: Oh! Oh! My waist!Boy A: You can take my seat. (helps the old woman to the seat)Female student C: Hmm. He just got his conscience.Female student A: Yeah! I was just about to say they got no manners.Female student B: Yeah. I thought he was a cold-blooded animal.Boy A: Hey! Watch your own manners. I've given her my seat. I'm really very tired.(At this time Boy B is embarrassed. He dares not continue to sleep.)Old woman: Thank you, young man. I'm old and useless.Boy B: Don't say that. If I'd given you my seat earlier, the accident wouldn't have happened.(The bus driver hits the brake suddenly again. Boy A falls down.)Scene Two(The Old woman and Boy B sit in the seats. Boy A is standing behind the three girls and drowsing. The three girls continue to chat. Boy A is drowsing carelessly and bumps into Female student A's body.)Female student A: Oh! Who touched me? (turns her head around and seesBoy A standing behind her) It's you, right?Boy A: What?Female student B: Why? You did it intentionally, didn't you?Boy A: Wait. I didn't do anything.Female student C: You touched her intentionally, right?Boy A: Hey, I'm not that kind of person. (looks at Boy B) Hey… Is it you?Boy B: (confused and shakes his head) Not me. I was sleeping.(The bus driver hits the brake suddenly again. Boy A bumps into Female student A again.)Female student A: (angry) Still saying it wasn't you? You pig!Boy A: I didn't mean it.Old woman: Nowadays boys are not the same as those in the past. Boys in the past were all very polite. Now boys are reckless.Female student C: Now what do you have to say? Apologize to her. Hurry!Boy A: Alright! Alright! (to female student A) I'm sorry.(Female student A ignores him and continues to chat with the other two girls.)Boy A: It's not my day today.Boy B: Gentlemen don't fight with women. And she's no nice woman.Old woman: Nowadays girls don't have good temper. Time really changed.Boy B: Older people know more than us.Old woman: When I was a young student, I got love letters from many men every day. For the sake of manners, I went out with different men every day.(Boys A and B don't know what to say. Suddenly the bus driver hits the brake. The old woman bumps into Female student C's hips.)Female student C: (surprised) You.....(The old woman looks at Female student C and says nothing.) Old woman: You have nice hips.Female student B: I can't believe the old woman is capable of sexual harassment.Female student C: Maybe nowadays old people are not the same as those in the past.Female student A: Maybe after losing her husband, she feels lonely.Female student B: Ah! Here we are. Let's get off.Female student C: We'd better stay away from those strange people.(Female students get off the bus.)Boy B: Who are those strange people? They're real strange. (helps the old womanup) Are you O.K.? Those young girls have no sympathy.Old woman: (feels Boy B's hand) You also have a pair of very fine hands.Boy B: (startled) What?Boy A: This old woman is also very strange.Boy B: Let's go!Old woman: Don't be shy, young man. I have held such kind of hand for a long time.(Boy B frees himself from the old woman's hand and gets off.) Old woman: (looks at Boy A) You're nice, too.Boy A: Hmm, good-bye. (gets off)适合6人表演的英语故事剧本篇三April Fool's Day愚人节(N:讲述故事者;F:愚男;Mum:妈妈;U:丑男;D1:大女儿;D2:小女儿;S:科学家;king国王)N: Many years ago, on April 1, a body had birth. His father called him "foolman", nobody like him except his mother. How time flies!许多年以前的四月一日,有个婴孩诞生了,他老爸给他取名为“愚男”,除他妈妈,没人喜欢他.时间过的真快啊!F: Mum, I'm eithteen years old, so I will leave this family.妈妈,我十八岁了,我要离开这个家了.Mum: All right, but please see me at times. This is a bottle of drink, a piece of dry bread. Remember: take good care of yourself, bye!好的,但要时不时回家看望我哈.这是一瓶酒,一块干面包.记住:要照顾好自己啊.再见了!N: He came to a forest, and met an ugly man.他走到一座森林,遇到一个丑八怪的男人.U: Hello! I'm very hungry and thirsty, could you give me something to drink and eat, please?你好!我又饿又干,请给我些喝的和吃的,怎么样?F: Ok, here.好的.给.U: Oh, thanks very much! Now, I will go. Oh, this stick is for you, it will bring luck to you. Good luck!喔,多谢了!好,我要走了.哦,这根手杖给你,会给你带来好运的.一路好运!N: The foolman reached a restaurant, the boss had two daughters, they found the stick very brightly.愚男来到一栋餐馆,老板有两个女儿,她们发现那根手杖闪闪发光.D1: Oh, how beautiful it is! I want it, it's great! (上前抓木棒,却被粘在上面) Oh! Dear! I can't leave it! (吃惊地)喔,好漂亮的手杖啊!我想要,真是太棒了!(上前抓木棒,却被粘在上面)啊,老天啊!我放不开它了!(吃惊地)D2: Sister, what are you doing there? Do you want this stick yourself? No, I will get a part of it! We are parent's daughters, I must get a part of it like you! (走向木棒)姐姐,你在那做啥啊?你自个儿想要那根手杖?不行,我要有一份!我们都是父母的女儿,我必须跟你一样要有一分!(走向木棒)D1: Don't come! Don't come! It's dangerous!别来!别来!危险!D2: You can come, so I can come, too! (也被粘在木棒上) Oh, my god! What's wrong with me?你来得,我也来得!(也被粘在木棒上)啊,老天啊!我怎么啦?D1: What a pity!真可惜!N: Foolman didn't mind at all, after the meal he took the stick leave the restaurant. Of course, two girls followed him. In the fieldthey met an old scientist.愚男一点都不在意,吃了饭之后,他拿起那根手杖就离开了饭馆.当然,那两个女孩就跟着他.来到一块田的时候,他们遇到一位科学家.S: Oh! Terrible! You two girls follow a boy. How silly of you! I will take you back home, and take the boy to the police station. (抓stick ,也被粘住) Oh! Bad luck! Terrible!啊!太可怕了!你姐妹俩跟着一个男孩,你们怎么这么傻啊!我带你们回家,把这个男孩送到警察局去.(抓手杖 ,也被粘住)啊!糟糕!太糟糕啦!N: A few days later, they got to a strange country. The king had a daughter, but she never smiled or laughed.几天之后,他们来到一个陌生的国度.国王有个女儿,但她从来不笑.King: Who can make her smile or laugh, she'll be his wife.要是谁能让她笑,那她就是他的妻子.F: Let me try , Perhaps I can.我来看看.或许我能呢.N: Then they went to see her. She saw foolman and his friends laughed and laughed.这样他们就去看望她.她看到愚男和他的朋友就笑个不停.k: Ok, you make her laugh, now let us look at your 生辰八字. Which day is your birthday?好的,你让她笑了,现在让我们看看你的生辰八字,你哪天出生的?F: April 1.四月一日.K: Oh! What a great boy! Do you know my country's name? Let me tell you: it called "Fool World"! Very suits you, right?!哦!多么棒的孩子!你知道我们国家的名字吗?我告诉你吧,叫“愚蠢世界”.非常适合你,对不?N: The result is ——The foolman lived happily with his wife until they died. That is why we now have a holiday called : "April Fool".结果是愚男跟他妻子一起幸福的过了一辈子直到死.这就是我们有这样的一个假日的缘由:“愚人节”.。

大学英语6人话剧剧本:Peach BoyCastPeach boy:KennyMrs. Rudolph:YumecoMr. Rudolph:RyanHen:ChristyDog:MaggieMonkey:Jimm--------------------------------------------------------------------------------SummaryMrs. Rudolph picked up a kid inside a drifting peach on the river. She and her husband brought up the boy and named him Peach. Peach grew stronger and stronger. Once, he even survived after drinking a glass of poisonous milk! Unfortunately, the outbreak of the war brought Mrs. Rudolph to sorrow, for an of ficer took Mrs. Rudolph away to the army. To save Mrs. Rudolph‟s life, Peach made his way toward the army base. On his way to the destination, he met a dog, a hen and a monkey, and then they became his attendants. Finally, he found the Mrs.Rudolph.PrologueNarrator: Long time ago, in remote mountains, there was a small village by the river. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph were the oldest couple in the village and they always got along with each other. Most unluckily, they didn‟t have a child.SceneⅠNarrator: Mrs. Rudolph usually did her laundry by the river. But one day, somethingweird happened…Mrs. A: How are you doing today? How come you are here so late (noticing the child)?Wow! What a handsome boy! But, it‟s a pity that he was picked-u p…Mrs. R: Well, I‟m actually fine, but you know what…?Mrs. A: What? …Don‟t tell me you stepped on a cockroach or crashed an ant or something.Mrs. R: No…There‟s something worse- My flowers. I planted them with my ownhands, but they‟ve all died.Mrs. A: There you go again. You always make a fuss over very tiny things… Youshould try to focus on something more significant. Hey, I‟ve done my work…I‟mgonna go home.Mrs. R: But, I haven‟t told you the reason that…Mrs. A: Oh, I …I …uh…I have to feed my dog… good-bye!Mrs. R: Bye…since when did she have a dog? How come everybody consider me too sensitive? It‟s just that I‟m more observant than you they are…(talking to the boy) Oh, dear…um…you must be hungry. Ok… Grandma is going to go home soon…Don‟t cry…don‟t cry…DON‟T CRY!!! What a noisy kid you are! Oh, not another peach! No, no, no…don‟t think I‟ll take you home. I already have a cute boy to take care of (considering). Should I take it home? I don‟t want it and I don‟t need it!Better get home!Mrs. R: But if there…s a child in it, what will happen if nobody picks it up and it flows to thesea…if there‟s a child in it…to be or not to be, that is the question! Okay…just a peek. It‟s such a heavy one ! Let me see what‟s inside… Gee, a boy again? I want a girl most…But he seems to be more handsome than my boy…Let me name you "Peach." (Women exits)Narrator: Peach went on his journey…SceneⅡNarrator: Sixteen years passed, and as the boy grew into manhood, he was immensely filial. The Rudolphs led a peaceful life until one day…Peach: Grandpa? Grandma? (no answer) Ha! I happen to be thirsty (notice a glass on the table). Mr. R: (Enter Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph) Where is that cup of poison?Mrs. R: I remember putting it over here.Mr. R: Dear me! It was poisonous milk!Mrs. R: (puzzled) Who would take that? It‟s no valuable treasure!Mr. R: Oh! Don‟t worry about it. It‟s just for killing mice…Mrs. R: I heard that drinking poisonous milk will cause terrible symptoms…Mr. R: Like what? Spitting up blood? Passing out?Mrs. R: Not exactly. First, the poisoned man will be abnormally excited. And then, he will dance with joy. But finally, his body will turn black, and he‟ll pass out and died!Mr. and Mrs. R: (Looking at each other suddenly!) Peach!!!(Peach fainted, but, for unknown reason, he recovered right away and became stronger and stronger ever since).Mr. R: I should have a glass of that milk!SceneⅢNarrator: The outbreak of the war between two countries has destroyed the peace of the village. Crowds from the weapon-holding army have invaded and are robbing the residents whatever they want. One day, a tyrannous officer comes to visit the Rudolphs.Officer 1: Anybody home?Mrs. R: Yes. Oh! Is there a problem (worried)? Has something happened to my family?Officer 1: There‟s a war. Our country needs more strong young men to serve in the army.Mrs. R: But my husband is over 70 and my grandson i s just 16. There‟s no one….Officer 1: No matter what you say, I‟ll take the fittest one back with me to the army.Mrs. R: What can I do? What can I do?Officer 1: Hurry up! Call your husband or grandson right now! I don‟t have the whole day to wait for you – Sluggish old woman!Mrs. R: Can I go with you? My husband is too old to fight for the country, and my…Officer 1: Don‟t tell me that your grandson is also too old to work too? How about 10,000 dollars? If you donate some money, I can help you and go on to next family.Mrs. R: 10,000 dollars? I can‟t even earn 10 dollars a day (deadedly). I‟ll go with you. I can cook and do some needlework. I can do something for the army.Officer 1: Ok! Ok! Just follow me! We can use some cooks…(Exits Mrs. Rudolph and the officer)Mr. R: Honey, we‟re home…Peach: Grandma?Mr. R: She‟s supposed to be cooking…Mrs. A: I saw an officer take your wife away…Mr. R: But how come?Peach: (bravely) I‟ll go and bring Grandma home.Exit allSceneⅣNarrator: On Peach's way to save his grandma, he has nothing but Grandpa's homemade dumplings. The base of the army is close at hand.Peach: What a tough job! I've walked so far and no one is accompanying. How can I beat these soldiers all by myself? (rubbing his tummy)It's time to get something to eat (opens his dumpling)…....(Enter dog)Dog: Hey, buddy. I've had nothing to eat for several days. Could you spare me one of those? Peach: No ...I'm so hungry that I can eat a horse. Spare you one? NO W AY!!!Dog: Please. If you do. I'll be your attendant. I know you are heading for the army.Peach: Ok! Just one!Dog: Thank you very much, and you can call me Douglas.(Enter Hen)Hen: Hey, buddy. Do you have an extra one of those? I've had nothing to eat for several days. Could you spare me one?Peach: Ok, now, let me tell you something. I only have three of these. When I was gonna eat one of them, this dog came and I spare him one. Now when I was gonna eat another one, then you came. This is my lunch, not the relief!Hen: Please, if you do so, I'll be your attendant. I know you are heading for the army.Peach: Alright…Just one.Hen: Thanks. And my name is Henna.Monkey: Do you...Peach: Let me guess…you want to ask “do you have an extra one? Right?”Monkey: How did you know? But if you do...Peach: If I do, you'll be my attendant, right?Monkey: Wow, you're an amazing guy... so, do you...Peach: Ok, ok! Just take it.Monkey: You're so nice. And just call me Macaque.Peach: (Sigh) Let's go!Narrator: They arrive at the camp (Enter S1 and S2)Soldier 1: You guys! Freeze! This is not a zoo! Go away!Peach: We're here to save my grandma.Soldier 1: Go.....away!Peach: Okay, it's you, Macaque. Use your monkey boxing!Monkey: Macaque, Macaque!Soldier 2: Who are you? Show me your permit.Peach: Where's my grandma? She's the old lady who was captured by you guys.Soldier 2: An old lady? Oh, the woman... now she is in the general's room.Peach: What? How can you do that to her? She is just a normal, old woman!Soldier 2: Yeah, I agree... but I think that's why the general likes her...Peach: I'll kill him!Soldier 2: ( Stand in front of Peach) You‟ll have to beat me first!Peach: All right. It's your turn, Henna.Henna: Henna, Henna!(Henna wins the fight.)The four head towards the gener al‟s room.Soldier 3: Who are you (Stand at the door)?Peach: Let‟s break into the room!Soldier3: Hey, you can‟t…(Douglas kicks the soldier. When Peach goes into the room, he finds Mrs. R punishing and fussing at the general)Peach: Grandma?Mrs. R: Peac h? Who let you in? And…how come you‟re here?Officer 2: Oh, help me…Peach: Grandma! What‟s the matter with you? Why have you become so…so…strange? Let‟s go home, Grandpa has been waiting for you.Officer 2: No, no, no. You should take me far from this r oom first! She is terrible…I regret bringing her here…Mrs. R: (Glaring angrily at officer) Shut up! This is no time for you to talk. Ha, ha, ha… you think that I‟ll let you go like this? IMPOSSIBLE! I‟ll treat you just as you treated me. Don‟t forget how I begged you and what you had said to me…(gently turning to Peach) Peach, Grandma will go home soon, I just want to teach him a lesson.Every body: YA!! We win, we win. That‟s go home and hold a party to celebrate it.。

6人英语话剧剧本6人英语话剧剧本6人英语话剧剧本(一)Character descriptions:(G)George - He majors in Environment Science. His roommates are Ken and Tida. They have a bad relationship. He thinks happiness is more important. His girlfriend is Mancy.(K)Ken - He fools around all the time. He doesn’t know what kind of life he wants. He hates studying and doesn’t like to be blamed.(T)Tida - He doesn’t want to spend time making friends with Ken and George. He likes to communicate with others by computer. Computer is his life.(M)Mancy-She is George’s girlfriend. She doesn’t have her own ideas. She wants to be with George all the time. Because of the reason, she ignores Annie’s feelings.(A)Annie -She is Mancy’s goo d friend. She likes Mancy. She is very weird so she hates Mancy’s friends. She wishes Mancy and George to break up. But she doesn’t like her evil thinking.Plot:There are three roommates who have a bad relationship, but a motorcycle accident changes their lives……SceneⅠ(In Girls’ Dorm)M: I like to eat noodles at Hung-Lin because everything’s so cheap there.A: I know your favorite food is noodles because you can eat it as much as you can. So your lunch is noodles, and dinnernoodles, too. You always say, "Annie, let’s go eat at Hung-Lin. (They walk hand in hand.)M: We’re friends. Our friendship will last forever. (They look at each other, and cross their fingers.)OS: Contrary to the girls, Tida, Ken and George have a bad relationship. They don’t like ea ch other.SceneⅡ(Boys’ Dorm)Mancy and George go to the room with laughter.M: What’s the most important thing for you?G: Happiness. I think happiness is the most important thing in the world.M: Wow…I like your point. When you laugh, the whole world laughs with you. But when you’re sad, you’re the only one that’s sad.T: Be quiet, OK? I can’t concentrate on playing the computer games. Oh! I lost.K: It’s too lousy for me to fall asleep.(George and Mancy just keep talking.)M: George, you’re so humoro us.T: (hits the desk) No more talking.(At the same time, Ken runs out of the room by slamming the door loudly.Annie calls Mancy.)M: Hello, this is Mancy.A: Mancy, it’s Annie. Where are you? I’ve been waiting for you for an hour. What happened?M: I’m sorry, Annie, I forgot our appointment. Now I’m with …George……A: It’s okay, but I hope you can spend some time with yourfriends.M: I know. Next time we’ll go out to have fun together.SceneⅢ(In class)K: Sorry, I’m late.(Everyone laughs at Ken because he looks funny.)K: Why did you lock me out? I could’t take my book bag, or change. I told you that I was just going to the toilet for a minute.G: Oh. It’s not my fault. I went out first, you can ask Tida.T: I didn’t hear what you said. I just concentra ted on my computer games.K: Come on! Are you kidding? I’m not happy about that. Please don’t do that again.T: Oh…OK.A: Hey, Mancy. How was the movie yesterday?M: Hmm…I’d like to see the movie, but I had a date.A: Who was with you? George?M: Yes…A: Mancy, I’m so disappointed that you fell in love with George, and you forgot me. You said we were friends forever. But …now George is all your life.M: No matter what you said, we are friends forever.A: I don’t think so.K: Hey, Tida, George and Mancy are glued together all day. I think they come to our room too often to bother me doing homework.T: I agree with you. I can’t play my computer games well.(The bell is ringing. Everyone is out of class.)Scene Ⅳ(On the road)M: Where are we going?G: We’re g oing to a nice place. I have a big surprise for you. You’ll be very interested in it.M: Wow, I’m so excited. But you’re riding too fast.G: That’s OK.Oh, no! ( George and Mancy have a motorcycle accident.)SceneⅤ(In the hospital)M: Are you OK?G: Oh…I’m OK. Don’t worry. How about you?M: Just a little hurt.G: I’m so sorry.M: No, don’t say that.G: But the surprise …M: That’s OK. We can go to that special place next time. The doctor said we can leave. Can you walk by yourself?G: Maybe I need a walking stick.Scene Ⅵ(In the boys’ dorm)K: What happened to you?G: I had a motorcycle accident.T: Are you OK?G: I’m fine, but it hurts a lotK: How did it happen?G: When I was making a turn, I was riding too fast, so I skidded.T: Oh. Why did you ride so fast?G: Because I like the feeling of riding motorcycles fast. That’s so exciting!K: But it’s dangerous. You might get killed.T: Yeah, Ken’s right. Safety is the only way to go home.G: Well, I’ll be more careful in the future. Thanks for your advice.T: You’re hurt. How are you going to class later?K: We can help him go to class.T: That’s a good idea.G: I really appreciate your help. In the past we had a bad relationship, but now we’re good friends.K: Yeah, I should find something meaningful to do, and make my life happy like yours.T: I think that I should open my mind, then life will be happier than before.Scene Ⅶ(In the girls’ dorm)A: Oh, my…Are you OK?M: I feel just a little painful.A: Can you forgive me that I misunderstood you?M: I’ve already forgiven you. Anyway, we’re best friends.A: Thanks, I’ll treat you to dinner…M: Really? Where will we go?A: Hung-Lin, of course.M: Oh, no!6人英语话剧剧本(二)CastRaymond: RaymondKemp: Raymond’s fatherMichelle: a passerbyGrace: a composerPeggy: piano teacherHeather: a composerSummaryThis play is about a singer’s life. When Raymond was a child, his father found him having a great gift for music. So, he began to learn some musical instruments. He joined lots of contests and also became a music writer. Besides, he liked singing very much. He wanted to have an album of his own. Could his dream come true? Let’s take a look.SCENE I(Raymond’s home)R’s F: Welcome to my house. It’s a little messy. Make yourself at home.PT: That’s OK. We haven’t seen each other for a long time since we graduated from college. You haven’t changed much. Is someone playing piano in your house?R’s F: Yeah it’s my son. Hey, Raymond. Can you stop making noise? You have been playing the piano all day long.PT: He’s playing the piano very well.R’s F: Thank you. The piano is his birthday gift from his mother when he was 12 years old. He has played the piano every day since then.PT: I think that he has potential playing the piano. I’m a music professor at Tunghai University. If it’s OK with you, I want to teach him how to play.R’s F: Great! Thank you. I think that his mother would agree, too.SCENE II(Raymond was in his music class one afternoon.)R: I’ve already made a mistake at this part many times. I don’t think I can pl ay the piano well.PT: Why do you think so? I think you have great talent. Youcan try to take part in some music contests. You might win.R: Are you sure? Do you really think I can join contests?PT: Sure! I believe that you’ll become a wonderful pianist in the future. But you must first study with me step by step. Do not give up.R: I know. Since my mother passed away, no one has taught me how to play the piano. Thank you so much!PT: As long as you practice hard, I’ll be happy. By the way, I’m going to move to the States next month. I’m very sorry I can’t teach you anymore.R: What? You mean…You can’t continue teaching me to play the piano?PT: Yes. I’m so sorry. I’ve got some serious illness so I have to receive some medical treatment in America.R: I’m very sad to hear that. Hope that you can recover as soon as possible.PT: Whether I continue teaching you or not, you should hold on to your dream: to become a famous musician.R: I’ll always remember what you said.SCENE III(Seven years later, Raymond created his own songs and joined many contests.But no one liked to listen to his songs. For the past 7 years, he often suffered from unpopularity. However, Raymond still wrote some new songs and sent them to a record company.)Raymond: Sir, these are my songs. Please listen to them.C1: (To composer 2)I think his songs are pretty good, but…C2: But the style is not very favorable in the market, right?C1: Well, how about changing his style?C2: That sounds great. We can make some small changes in his songs, and let the music company try to produce a new album for him.C1: So…tell him to come over and discuss the details.C2: (To Raymond) We think your songs have potential. You can make some changes in them. And then, we can help you to publish them. You might become a super star.R: Thank you! But I don’t want any changes in my songs. So I think we can’t work together this time. Sorry!C1: Hmm… OK! Suit yourself!SCENE IV(Raymond left the company and walked on the street. He thought if should change his style in the music and publish his songs. But he had no ideas. And then, he began to sing songs on the street.)R: ( singing )(A passerby looked at him.)P: You really have a good voice. I think you can think about signing a contract with us.R: Really? Do you really think I have a good voice? But, why don’t you think my style is strange? Why don’t you suggest I change it?P: No! No! No! I like your style. I think you’re the right person for us. Let’s work together and our company will publish a new album for you! My name is Michelle. I’ll call you soon.R: This is my phone number.P: OK. Bye-bye.SCENE V(One day, Raymond got a call from a foreign company.)Stranger: Is this Raymond?Raymond: Speaking.Stranger: This is a singing company. We appreciate your creation very much. We want to buy your copyright. We hope you can think about it seriously. If you want, you can come to America. We’ll pay for the plane ticket.Raymond: OK, when?Stranger: Next week.(After that, Raymond published his first album and everyone liked his songs very much. He became a super star in America.)SCENE VIStranger: Congratulations! This concert is very successful. Our boss wants to see you.Raymond: Who is he? I don’t know him.Stranger: Don’t ask so much. You’ll know when you se e him.(The stranger brings him to a large company.)Raymond: Where is this?Stranger: It’s the boss’s office. Please wait,(A pretty lady came into the room.)Raymond: Excuse me. Where’s your boss? I’m waiting for him.Michelle: I’m the boss. Don’t you r emember me?Raymond: Oh, it’s you! So you’re my boss. Oh, my! I can’t believe this. It’s fate.Michelle: It’s my mother’s last wish. She hoped you could be popular in America. She said you were the best student she had ever taught.Raymond: She was my best teacher, too6人英语话剧剧本(三)Toni:Mike, I really had fun today.Mike: Well I must say, today has gone pretty much the same for me too. So far. Knock onwood. Alright, do you like card tricks?Toni: They're my favorite.Mike: Alright. Pick a card, any card. Ok. Alright. Now think of that card.Toni: The whole card?Mike: Yeah, the whole thing. Ok, now, was your card the ace of spades?Toni: No.Mike: Ok, what does that say?Toni: It says…No way, you read my mind!Mike: Yeah. And I can read your thought too. Shame on you.Toni: Shame on you.Mike: Julie!Julie: Don’t mind me.Toni: Mike, who is this woman, and what's she doing with your shorts?Mike: Ah, she's an employee. That will be all my good woman.Julie: Mike, a word.Mike: Later. You know you pay someone a salary and they think they own you.Julie: Mike, you know you are not allowed to have girls in your room.Toni: What are you, babe.Julie: Dinner's on as soon as your mother gets home.Toni: Mother?Mike: Ah, listen. Toni, where were we?Toni: Mike, I'm very sorry but I've got to leave.Mike: Hey, no, no, no, no, Toni. Come on. Don’t listen to Julie. I mean she's just someone thatmy parents hired to take care of my stupid little sister.Toni: No, see. I just don’t date guys who aren't allowed to have girls in their rooms. I have areputation.Mike: Toni, Toni, Toni. Come on. You just can’t do this. Walking into my room. Turn off thelights. Start talking suggestive, and then just leave?Toni: Mike, I'm dumb, but I’m not stupid.Mike: hey look Julie. Who the heck gave you permission to come barging up to my place anytime you want. And who the heck gave you a key?Julie: You did, right after you said "Julie, come up to my place any time you want".Mike: Look, I withdraw that permission and you give me back my key. You know, you have noright to come barging into my, my uhJulie: Into your what?Mike: Into my what what.Julie: You're the one talking.Mike: Yeah, well, well look. I'd appreciate。

英语剧本6人版短剧英语短剧剧本(精选10个)Part1: 灰太狼的主题曲,几只小羊跳着欢快的舞蹈入场。
喜羊羊:Oh! My dear friends.It is time to go to school!Let’s go!(校长出场迎接小羊)校长:Good morning!My children.Wele to school!小羊们:Good morning,Master!校长:Hurry,It’s time for class.(一起走进教室)老师:Class begin!暖洋洋:Stand up,please!老师:Good morning,boys and girls.全体羊羊:Good morning,Miss Yang.老师:Sit down,please!Isay you do.我说你们做。
Sheep,I say you do.Touch your head. (羊们双手摸头) 小羊们,我说你们做,双手摸头。
Ware your arms (羊羊们挥动双手)挥动你们的双手。
Hand in hand (羊羊们手拉手)Arm in arm (羊羊们互相拥抱)(老师出示一张图片“蛋糕”)What’s this?全体羊羊:It’s a cake.这是蛋糕。
懒羊羊:It’s a very nice cake.I want to eat it.(老师做出做蛋糕的动作)老师:What am I doing?暖羊羊:You are making a cake.全体羊羊:Yes!老师:I’m making a cake. Let’s sing the song“Make a cake”.我正在做蛋糕,现在我们来唱这首歌“做蛋糕”。
) 灰太狼:Oh,they like watching performace.We can……哦,他们喜欢看表演,我们可以这样...红太狼:Yes好的。

六人英语小短剧以下是一个简单的六人英语小短剧示例,名为 "The Magic Hat"。
角色:1. 魔法师 - 神秘、机智2. 公主 - 美丽、善良3. 王子 - 勇敢、忠诚4. 小精灵 - 聪明、机敏5. 巫婆 - 邪恶、狡猾6. 村民 - 普通、善良幕一:(舞台上布置得像一个魔法森林,中心有一顶魔法帽。
)魔法师(挥舞魔杖): "I present to you the magic hat!"(公主、王子、小精灵、巫婆和村民陆续上台)幕二:公主(惊叹): "Oh, what a wonderful hat!"王子(警惕): "Be careful, my lady. It might be a trap."小精灵(机智): "Let me try it on. If there's a trap, I'll be the first to feel it."幕三:(小精灵戴上魔法帽,突然消失)村民(惊恐): "What happened?"巫婆(冷笑): "Ha, ha! I knew it was a trap. The hat is mine now!"幕四:(魔法师表现出困扰,然后举起魔杖,指向巫婆)魔法师(严肃): "You will not escape my magic!"(巫婆被变成了一只青蛙)幕五:(公主戴上魔法帽,突然消失)王子(焦急): "My lady! Where did you go?"魔法师(微笑): "Be patient, young prince. Your lady will be returned to you."幕六:(公主被魔法师变回舞台,她从魔法帽中取出了一枚宝石)公主(欣喜): "Thank you, wise wizard. This宝石is a gift for your help."(公主将宝石交给魔法师,然后与王子一起离开舞台)。

六人英语情景剧(共五则范文)第一篇:六人英语情景剧6人英语情景剧 A:我们去商场买些东西吧Let’s go to the departmant store to buy something BCDE:好Good AB:这里好大啊It’s so bigD:看,那里有水果Look,there’s fruit E:我们去看看吧Let’s go and see F:欢迎!这里有番茄、土豆、奶牛和牛奶,还可以试吃水果哦Welcome!There are tomatos、potatos、cows and milk, you can also try to eat fruit C:哇,我要吃个够(动作:说完开始狂吃水果)Wow, I’m going to have to eat D:我也要一起吃I also want to eat together C、D:真好吃!(动作:打了个嗝)Really delicious A、B:真受不了Really can not stand F:你们……请不要吃那么多You……please don’t eat so much E:我想去买鞋子I want to buy shoes D:我和你一起去吧I’m going with you A、B、C:等等我们 Wait a minute F:欢迎光临,今天打折哦!Welcome,today’s discount oh A:这双鞋多少钱?How much is this pair of shoes? F:只要1元 Only 1 yuan A:好便宜,我能试穿一下吗?100码的Good cheap,can I try them on?Size 100 F:可以啊 Of course A:正好,我要100双They are just right!I want 100 pair B:那副太阳眼镜好酷!我喜欢,要多少钱?That sunglasses are cool!I like it ,How much ? F:要999元 To 999 yuan B:好贵啊!我不要了Good expensive!Idon’t want it E:7点了,该回家了!It’s 7:00P M,time to go home!ABCD:好,再见!Ok,bye!第二篇:英语六人话剧Figure: mother(M)son David(S)girlfriend Linda(G)roommate A roommates roommate C BThe first scene [场景:舞台的中央摆著一条长凳。

英语小品6人搞笑简短Scene: A living room. Six people are sitting around, talking.Person 1: So, I was thinking, we should do something fun this weekend.Person 2: Like what?Person 3: I know! We can go to the movies.Person 4: That's a great idea. What movie do you want to see?Person 5: I don't know. I'm not really in the mood for anything too serious.Person 6: Me neither. Let's see if there's anything funny playing.Person 1: Okay, I'll check the listings.(Person 1 gets up and goes to the computer.)。
Person 2: So, what do you think we should do after the movie?Person 3: We could go out to dinner.Person 4: That sounds good to me.Person 5: Me too.Person 6: Where should we go?Person 1: (Comes back from the computer.) There's a new comedy playing at the theater down the street. It looks pretty good.Person 2: That sounds like fun.Person 3: I'm in.Person 4: Me too.Person 5: Let's do it.Person 6: Great. I'll buy the tickets.(Everyone gets up and starts to leave.)。

以下是⽆忧考为⼤家整理的关于《6⼈英语话剧剧本:⼥⼈之间的战争》⽂章,供⼤家学习参考!⼩编推荐:| | | | |A War between Two Women很好的6⼈剧本。
CastAngelaIvyPeggyLucyYu-tingIthca——————————————————————————–Scene I(Peggy and Lucy are shopping. They buy a lot of stuff. Suddenly, they see a handsome man.)Lucy: Oh my god ! What a treasure.Peggy: He is so handsome, just like my charming prince in dreams.Lucy: Look! He has beautiful eyes and he looks so gentle and charming.Peggy: He’s a present that God gave me.Peggy& Lucy: I love him so much; I want to be his girlfriend!Peggy: Hay! (Looks angry). Lucy, he belongs to me, OK?Lucy: Stupid woman! I saw him first. He’s mine.Peggy: No, no, no, ugly woman. I saw him much earlier than you.Lucy: What? I’m more beautiful than you.Peggy: But I’m taller. Look at you, little short hobbit.Lucy: What? Little short hobbit? You are a small-eyed girl.Peggy: You’re so mean.Lucy: You too. (Peggy and Lucy get angry)Peggy: Hmm! I hate you.Lucy: Me too!(Now the war of these two women begins)Scene II(Peggy and Lucy surround the man, and they are pulling and dragging the man. )Peggy: Please be my boyfriend, I’m more beautiful than Lucy.I’ll be a good girlfriend.Andy: Sure. You’re very beautiful. You’re like a super model. To be your boyfriend is my honor. (Lucy drags the man to her side.)Lucy: I really love you very much. I can give you a happy life.Andy: You’re very beautiful, too! Especially your big eyes! They’re very charming!Andy: What should I do? I want to choose Peggy, but I also want to choose Lucy.Peggy: Let’s go to the movies on Sunday.Andy: Ok!Lucy: Let’s go to the movies tomorrow, OK?Andy: Sure!Andy: Oh~ I’m so happy! There’re two beautiful girls are quarreling over me. Look at them; they have long legs, big chest and charming eyes. I’m so lucky!Scene III(Lucy, Peggy, and Bonnie meet unexpectedly. Lucy and Peggy stare at each other.)Lucy: Bonnie, listen to me.Peggy: No! Don’t listen to her. Listen to me.Lucy: Get away. Bonnie is my good friend!Peggy: You liar. She’s my good friend!Bonnie: Stop quarreling! Who can tell me what happened? Both of you are good friends, aren’t you?Peggy& Lucy: No!Bonnie: What happened between you?Peggy: Bonnie, I hate Lucy. She stole my boyfriend.Lucy: Nonsense. He’s my lover.Bonnie: Stop it! It’s no use quarreling about it. You should have a talk. Don’t hurt your friendship over a guy. Friendship is precious. (Peggy & Lucy leave)Scene IV(In front of the movie theater. Peggy is waiting for Andy. Lucy is also waiting for Andy. They see each other.)Peggy& Lucy: You…….Lucy: Why are you here?Peggy: I want to ask you the same question.(At this time, Andy arrives; both Lucy and Peggy look at each other in confusion)Andy: Good afternoon, ladies!Peggy& Lucy: She…., you……Andy: Any questions? It’s more fun that we can all go to the movies together. (Andy looks at the watch). The movie will start soon. Let’s go!Scoundrel: Don’t move! Give me your money.Peggy& Lucy: Help, help!Scoundrel: Be quiet! I won’t kill you if you give me your money. Hurry!Andy: Calm down, sir. I’ll give you all the money I have. Don’t kill me. If you want to kill somebody, please kill them. Lucy: Us? Are you crazy?Peggy: We’re just girls!Lucy: I can’t believe you are such a coward! How can you do this?Peggy: You make me sad. Lucy, let’s go!(They leave angry.)Scoundrel: What a coward you are! Killing you is waste of my strength.Chicken! (Scoundrel left but soon he come back)Scoundrel: Wait!Andy: Why did you turn back?Scoundrel: I forgot to take my money. (Takes Andy’s money)Scene VPeggy: I’m so sorry. Lucy, can you forgive me? Please….Lucy: Oh~ my dear friend! I’m feeling so sorry, too.Peggy: So….we’re still good friends, right?Lucy: Right! Then, let’s go eat. It’s my treat!Peggy: Wow~ it’s a good idea! Let’s go.(Allen shows up.)Allen: Hi, baby!(Peggy& Lucy see Allen at the same time, they got excited and run to Allen.)Peggy& Lucy: Please be my boyfriend.(Peggy& Lucy stare at each other.)Lucy: Let go of your hands.Peggy: He is mine!Lucy: You already have a boyfriend, so he’s mine.Peggy: Why do you always like to steal my boyfriend?Lucy: You do, too.Peggy: He’s mine!Lucy: He’s mine!Peggy: He’s mine!Lucy: He’s mine!Allen: Shut up! I don’t like girls!Lucy: What?Peggy: You’re lying. I can’t believe it.Allen: Actually…….(Andy appears.)Allen: Oh, honey!Andy: Oh, baby! I’m sorry that I’m late!Allen: Little bad fellow. Don’t be late next time.Lucy: Andy?Andy: Lucy, Peggy, Why are you here?Peggy: I…… (Looks at Allen and Lucy.)Allen: Honey, they’re so weird. Don’t pay attention to them. Let’s go.Andy: Sorry, I got to go. See you next time. Bye. (They leave)Peggy: We’re girls, they’re boys, right?Lucy: Sure. But, they….what happened?Peggy: Maybe they are…..Peggy& Lucy: Gay !!。

A:sir,sir,pleasegivemeapieceofbread.thankyou,sir.I'mhungrytodie.b:getaway,getaway,dirtyman.A:sir,sir!!b:runaway,pleaserunaway.Ihavenofood,andIdon'thavemoney,either.c:hey,xiaoD,heissofoolish,isn'the?D:yes,yes.A:but....sir....pleaselistentome.....b:wa,whyareyousodisgusting!!c:hey,chair,doyoufeelthemansatonyouamomentagoisverystupid.e:ai,prettyflower,doyouknow,menarealwaysverysilly.D:yes,yes!!e:sir!youlostyourwallet!can'tyoubemoreclever?F:goodmorning,everybody.I'majonistF.TodayIsawaveryweirdthing--achair openhermouth,andtwomenarefrightenedtofaint.now,Iwillintenviewthetwo nozzyman.b:wo,mygod,wo,my,mum.F:I'msorrytotellyouthismanhasbeenmad.weneedn'ttakenoticeofhim.letmei nterviewtheotherman,hello,man,canyoutellmenwhydidn'tyoutellhimhelost hiswallet?A:I'msorry,Idon'tknowhowtospeak"钱包"inenglish......F:dearaudience,throughthisthingwecanlearnthathowimprotantitistomaster yaforeignlanguage,andhowlagrethemoneyaffectus.isthatallright,chair? e:yes,yes.(本文来自天空剧本网)c:ai,menissosilly.D:don'tbelieveus,itisjustafairlytale.篇二:很好的6人英语短剧剧本很好的6人英语短剧剧本。
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A(衣衫褴褛)B(衣着光鲜)C小花D小草E椅子F 新闻记者
A:sir,sir,please give me a piece of bread.thank you,sir.I'm h ungry to die.
B:get away,get away,dirty man.
B:run away,please run away.I have no food,and I don't have money,either.
C:hey,xiao D,he is so foolish,isn't he?
A:but....sir....please listen to me.....
B:wa,why are you so disgusting!!
C:hey,chair,do you feel the man sat on you a moment ago is very stupid.
E:ai,pretty flower,do you know,men are always very silly.
E:sir!you lost your wallet!can't you be more clever?
F:good morning,everybody.I'm a jonrnist F. Today I saw a ver y weird thing--a chair open her mouth,and two men are frigh
tened to faint.now,I will intenview the two nozzy man.
B:wo,my god,wo,my,mum.
F:I'm sorry to tell you this man has been mad.we needn't t ake notice of him.let me interview the other man,hello,man,ca
n you tell men why didn't you tell him he lost his wallet? A:I'm sorry,I don't know how to speak "钱包" in english......
F:dear audience,through this thing we can learn that how imp rotant it is to mastery a foreign language,and how lagre th
e money affect us.is that all right,chair?
E:yes,yes. (本文来自天空剧本网 )
C:ai,men is so silly.
D:don't believe us,it is just a fairly tale.。