西方服装发展史 英文版 PPT
西方服装发展史 英文版 PPT文字解说
Gorgeous Metamorphosis----Costumes埃及The ancient Egypt is one of human civilization birthplace, its characteristics of dress are simple, concise, and abundant Straight lines and pleats is the main feature.美索Mesopotamia is the cradle of Middle East civilization, Sumerian is one of the representatives of the Mesopotamian culture. And they mainly wear a kind of wool dress with tassel. Babylon was built after the Sumerians dynasty, ancient Babylon dynasty dress fabrics is mainly cotton and flax, wool is noble's main fabrics.波斯Persian dress inherited Babylon, Assyria style, and give up the intertwining fashion of Babylon, taking away the Assyrian straight tube tight type. Fabrics is basic use flax, wool fabric etc.希腊The main Characteristics of the ancient Greek costumes are graceful and elegant, advocating the gently beautiful woman.The ancient Greek dress fabrics is used mostly wool fabric, followed by the flax fabric. White is the main color, tie-in red, blue, yellow, purple design, and the designed decorations covers all kinds of plants, animals, graphics, and geometric figure.罗马The Roman worship is purple, but the same with Greece, white and ivory is main body. There are also some differences between Men and women’s costumes. Ancient Rome developed a kind of clothing calledPala only for women citizens, which is made of linen. Toga is the largest world’s clothes, and according to the Roman law, only male Roman citizens can wear Toga made of wool fabrics.拜占庭Early Byzantine clothing continued the basic style of the Roman empire, white is the most main color. But with the development and popularization of Christian culture, colors of costumes become more and more magnificent, and tassel, trim and gem decoration is very popular. The most important Byzantine characteristic is its well-developed enamel technology. The color is flowery, gorgeous.哥特式Gothic style during the middle ages is the most representative style. It is based on the architecture of the cathedral characteristics as the representative of the name.文艺The human body curvaceous became the key aesthetic ideas of Renaissance clothingThe lady clothing focus moves down, upper body is the slender waist, down the body like scents exaggerated. This kind of style with Oriental silk, folding fan, and exquisite clothing accessories, constitute the theme of Renaissance’s dress.Men's costume is just the opposite巴洛克Baroque is the most bright crazy period of Men's clothingThe period of man regard the beauty as their life. They chase all exciting color and decorations for example the exaggeration about wigs, wearornate lapel, all kinds of lace big turndown, silk and so on. This period costumes have been discarded Renaissance style, completely into the world of feminine beauty.洛可可During the period of Rococo, splendid attire pushed women to the luxuriant acme . Women’s dress emphasis on mild adornment and full of colorful jade, flashy for women dress of decoration.Men's clothing basic inherited the form of the baroque period, just abandoned the heavy and complicated adornment, gradually absorbed English gentleman style, simple rigorous practical。
D&G baroque dress 2012秋冬杜嘉班纳巴洛克单品
Rococo style dress 洛可可风格女装
Clothing in Rococo period moved away form the stiff showy Baroque fashions to a light,graceful style.The luxurious slik fabrics were in single colors,delicately patterned and exquisitely embroidered,and in the typical pastel shades of the time. 洛可可时期的女装从呆板艳丽的巴洛克风格转向轻松优雅的风格。 单一颜色的奢华丝绸织物和当时色彩清淡优雅的图案和刺绣精妙地 结合在一起。
在十八世纪的中后期,新古典主义的风格代替了洛可可风格的地位。 它强调一种淡雅、节制的艺术风格。 简单自然的款式 无裙撑
Pop Art style 波普艺术风格
2013louis vittion Summer Fashion Week
2013 路易威登春夏时装周
" 哥特式"原本是指源自20世纪的一种建筑风格,很快这种风格便影响到整 个欧洲 .
哥特时代的服饰也同样传承了哥特艺术的特有风格,特别是来自于哥特大 教堂的尖顶三角形和垂直上升状的设计,彩色玻璃艺术带来的创意性色彩 运用等。
The gothic dress is always dark. The characteristic of the dress is plicated and vertical,making wearer look slender. Bodice is tight and form-fitting,waist skirt is loose,forming a cone-shaped modeling. 哥特服饰总是暗色系的。服装的特点是多褶皱和纵向 造型,使穿着者显得修长。 女装上身紧身合体,下身宽松,形成一种圆锥状造型。
中世纪 — 拜占庭时代
拜占廷时代初期的服装基本上延用罗马帝国末期的样式,但随着基督教文化的 展开和普及,其服装就逐渐失去了古罗马服装的朴素和单纯,造型变得呆板、 僵硬。男女服装样式差别不大,仅在裁剪和服装装饰上有细节上的区分。 而色彩绚丽、华美,流苏、滚边以及宝石装饰非常普遍。
在服饰上也一改以前灰暗而直板的艺术风格,把目光从人体移到了人与 自然的联系上。服装变得自然、松弛的同时,装饰得到了很大程度的重 视并趋向奢侈。
近代前期 — 巴洛克时期
荷兰风格时代 (1620-1650) 服装的特色为3L -- 蕾丝、皮革、长发。
长统靴---像水桶型,靴 口很大,装饰有蕾丝边 饰,向外翻或口朝上, 很富有装饰性。
巴洛克后期开始时兴领饰,把一块 细布打摺围在脖子上,用花边缎带 扣住。这就是领带的前身。
近代前期 — 巴洛克时期
法国风格 (1650-1715)
法国风格女装的特点是大量褶皱 和花边。无数的花饰。
领口边缘用花边镶嵌,或是系 一小段丝绸打上花结。衬衫肥大, 袖子有长有短,都镶着大量花边, 有时候袖子打成很多段,每段都 镶嵌花边,非常华丽。
中世纪 — 哥特式服装
这一时期的服装显得样式复杂,种类繁多。从服装的细节设计、装 饰设计、风格设计都反映出这一时期设计者的奇巧别致,独出心裁, 体现了哥特式服装受到基督教教堂建筑的影响,在强化和夸张立体 感的同时强调整体的秀场效果。
.when deciding in which clothes to wear,taking comfortbility into consideration is very important.
21 century
Most people dress in a way that shows off their personality. You can tell a lot about a person by the type of clothes they wear
1930s Handsome suit
Leather shoes
Hollywood films become popular in the worldwide in 1930s
Plaid sweater vest with a shirt
Khaki pants
What about the man's clothes
1910s Newsboy cap
Bow tie
Plaid suit
Sherlock Holmes is the representative figure of this age
Light color pants
• After world war ii in 1945, the man‘s clothes despite the suit and increased activity.
如果说17世纪的巴罗克风服饰是以男性为中心、以路易十四 的宫廷为舞台展开的奇特装束,与此相对,18世纪的洛可可风服 饰则是以女性为中心,以沙龙为舞台展开的优雅样式。
近代前期 — 洛可可时期
一百多年前的裙撑又一次出现,并 成了后来几十年中女服不可缺少的 重要道具。
近代前期 — 巴洛克时期
法国风格 (1650-1715)
法国风格女装的特点是大量褶皱 和花边。无数的花饰。 领口边缘用花边镶嵌,或是系 一小段丝绸打上花结。衬衫肥大, 袖子有长有短,都镶着大量花边, 有时候袖子打成很多段,每段都 镶嵌花边,非常华丽。
近代前期 — 洛可可时期
洛可可特点是在图案造型上运用凸起的贝壳纹样曲线和呈锯 齿状的叶子, C形、S形和涡旋状曲线纹饰婉蜒反复。创造出一 种非对称的、富有动感的、自由奔放而又纤细、轻巧、华丽繁复 的装饰样式。
19世纪末-20世纪初,西欧地区的新艺术运动崛起。该艺术是由 英国伦敦传播到欧洲大陆的。该艺术运动从本质上可以说是唯 美主义的。它讲究趣味的精致与优雅,并且含有世纪末的颓废 倾向,但它对设计从实用艺术向现代又起了积极的推动作用。 常被用在建筑装饰和工业设计领域,在服装发面特点是否定传 统样式,采用流畅的曲线造型突出线性装饰风格。
中世纪 — 哥特式服装
这一时期的服装显得样式复杂,种类繁多。从服装的细节设计、装 饰设计、风格设计都反映出这一时期设计者的奇巧别致,独出心裁, 体现了哥特式服装受到基督教教堂建筑的影响,在强化和夸张立体 感的同时强调整体的秀场效果。
中世纪文化的重要特征 就是其宗教性,它渗透 与中世界文明的各个层 面,这一时期人们开始 把服装作为一种时尚, 尽管这种时尚带有宗教 的烙印,但不得不承认, 这是人们服装观念的一 次拓展。
• 古波斯服饰特点——披挂、直筒紧身式 • 它继承了巴比伦、亚述风格的宽大披挂方式,同时放弃了巴比伦的 缠绕方式而采取了亚述人的直筒紧身式。面料也基本沿用亚麻、毛 织物等材料。
• 古希腊服饰特点——优美、典雅 • 主要采用披挂方式、但以优美、典雅为目标,崇尚女性柔美。 • 古希腊服饰面料大多采用毛织物,其次为亚麻织物。白色为其主要 色彩,搭配红、蓝、黄、紫图案,图案纹饰涵盖各种植物、动物的 图形,还有几何图形。
• 西洋服饰史是现代服饰的重要组成部分,它一般泛指古代西亚、 罗马、希腊等时期服饰起源阶段,以及近代西方服饰的风格潮流 与精神。 • 一、古代埃及服饰特点 • 二、美索不达米亚服饰 • 三、古波斯服饰 • 四、古希腊服饰 • 五、古罗马服饰 • 六、拜占庭服饰 • 七、哥特式服饰 • 八、文艺复兴时期服饰 • 九、巴洛克服饰 • 十、洛可可服饰
• 一、二十世纪50、60年代现代工业革命——现代工业成衣发展 时期。 • 高级服装统一天下的时代结束了,取而代之的是民主化、大众化、 多样化时代的来临。
二、20世纪70年代—服装工业化的成长时 期
• 这一时期的服装业集功能性、宽松自由于一身,先后出现了很多 新的服装的名词,如喇叭裤、牛仔裤、热裤及人造材料和塑料。 完全颠覆了传统服装的服饰模式,成为了很多设计师的设计元素。 • 牛仔的来源
• 古代埃及服饰特点——简单 • 古代及是人类文明起源的发源地之一,其服饰简单、朴素、繁多的 直线褶裥为主要特征之一。 • 埃及女王
• 美索不达米亚服饰特点——短暂而热情
and evening wear..
Hale Waihona Puke 13Scottish kilt (苏格兰短裙)
The kilt is a knee-length garment with pleats(褶) at the rear, originating in the traditional dress of men and boys in the Scottish Highlands of the 16th century. Since the 19th century it has become associated with the wider culture of Scotland in general, or with Celtic heritage(凯尔特 遗产) even more broadly. It is most often made of woollens cloth in a tartan pattern.(格14子 图案)
were cut this way was to make it
easier for the wearer to ride a
horse. But it is extremely beautiful.
This makes the other branches to
follow up. Thus, cavalry clothing
British Style(英伦风)
British Style is generally originated from England Oxford, Cambridge and other famous universities of students in the usual costumes, mainly in stripes and grid-based. Compared to the elegance of Paris, luxury of Milan, simplicity in New York ,the British Style seems to always sided with the temperament. Rational trace of sensibility is the nature of British fashion.
西方服装发展史(完整版)第一章:古代时期(公元前500年至公元500年)1.1 古埃及服装古埃及文明诞生于尼罗河流域,其服装风格独特,具有浓厚的地方特色。
1.2 古希腊服装古希腊文明是西方文明的摇篮,其服装风格对后世产生了深远影响。
1.3 古罗马服装古罗马帝国时期,服装风格逐渐丰富多样。
第二章:中世纪时期(公元500年至1500年)2.1 拜占庭时期服装拜占庭帝国继承了古罗马文化,服装风格兼具东西方特色。
2.2 哥特时期服装哥特时期,欧洲服装风格发生较大变革。
2.3 文艺复兴时期服装文艺复兴时期,欧洲服装风格焕发新的活力。
第三章:近代时期(1500年至1900年)3.1 巴洛克时期服装巴洛克时期,欧洲服装风格更加奢华、夸张。
西方服装发展史 PPT课件
中世纪 — 5—12世纪西欧
在民族大迁徙中将北方体型服装即包裹四肢的服装带到了南方,改 变了南方原来宽松服装体系,并逐渐成为西方服装的主流,直至影响 到当代人类衣生活。
东方的一些先进生产技术传到西方,并逐渐改变了以往的生活方式, 在衣食住行方面更加追求奢侈豪华。
文艺复兴的特点是把衣服分成若干个部件,各部件独立构成,然后组装在 一起形成明确的外形。对服装的影响有其积极的一面,它把服装的本质发 掘出来并予以美化和市俗化;也有消极的一面,部分服装忽略了服装的实 用功能,而盲目追求其视觉享受,为后来西方服装中的夸张形式铺垫了道 路。
近代前期 — 文艺复兴
在服饰上也一改以前灰暗而直板的艺术风格,把目光从人体移到了人与 自然的联系上。服装变得自然、松弛的同时,装饰得到了很大程度的重 视并趋向奢侈。
近代前期 — 巴洛克时期
荷兰风格时代 (1620-1650) 服装的特色为3L -- 蕾丝、皮革、长发。
长统靴---像水桶型,靴 口很大,装饰有蕾丝边 饰,向外翻或口朝上, 很富有装饰性。
近代后期 — 新艺术思潮时期
除去了夸张的裙撑和臀 垫,欧洲女装流行用紧 身胸衣把胸部托起强调 胸高,腰部勒细,背部 沿着脊背自然下垂至臀 部外扩强调臀部的后翘, 这样就从从侧面看呈S 型,这种曲线美的女装 非常受欢迎。
Part 4.
20世纪的服装 — 现代主义思潮下服饰
20世纪,两次世纪大战使得 现代艺术思潮盛行,再赶上 这时东方与西方文化的碰撞 相容使得男士和女士着装发 生了很大的转变。
20世纪的服装 — 现代主义思潮下服饰
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Fashionable women's clothing styles had distinctive large "leg of mutton" or "gigot" sleeves, above large full conical skirts, ideally with a narrow, low waist between (achieved through corseting).
1910s in Fashion
The fashionable silhouette became much more lithe, fluid and soft than in the 1900s
19世纪欧洲服饰 世纪欧洲服饰
The Five Different Period
• • • • • The The The The The Neo-classical Period Romantic Period New rococo Period Bustle Period S Form Period
The S Form Period 曲线
The field of art appeared new trend ,that is new art movement. Its characteristic is to deny the traditional modelling style, using fluent curve shape outstanding linear adornment style.
Empire style
During the 1820s in European and Europeaninfluenced countries, fashionable women's clothing styles transitioned away from the classically-influenced "Empire styles”.
The 20th Century Clothing of European
A new, columnar silhouette introduced by the couturiers of Paris late in the decade signaled the approaching abandonment of the corset as an indispensable garment of fashionable women.
Mesopotamia costumes --Brief , Passion
Card hooray Keith waist garments
Ancient Persia costumes --Hang , Straight and tight
Inherited the Babylonian, Assyrian style Abandoned the intertwining of Babylon Accepted the Assyrian straight tube tight type
The cylindrical long skirt, relatively loose, belt tied at the waist
托加 世界上最大的衣服
Byzantine costumes --Stiff, Inflexible
White is the most main color . Tassel, trim and gem decoration is very popular
--Simple, rigorous and practical
简洁 实用 绅士
Late Modern Costume
The 19th Century Clothing of European
Because of 19 century of social revolution, women's costume style bring significant changes. The 19 century is called "popular century“, is also called "style imitating century”.
The ancient Egyptian costumes --Concise,Simple
简洁 朴素 Simple, plain, and a variety of straightline tuck is one of the main features of ancient Egyptian costumes.
The lady clothing focus moves down
Top heavy
Baroque costumes
--crazy and gorgeous men's clothing
Rococo costumes
--luxuriant acme of women's dress
Large sleeves, somewhat strict corseting of the natural waist, full skirts, and visual emphasis on wide sloping shoulders.
Empire style(1811--1813) Empire style(1818--1821)
美索不达米亚 古波斯 古希腊 古罗马
Ancient Persia costumes Ancient Greece costumes Ancient Roman costumes
拜占庭 哥特式 文艺复兴 巴洛克 洛可可 近现代
Byzantine costumes Gothic costumes Renaissance costumes Baroque costumes Rococo costumes Late Modern Costume
The long, lean line of the 1870s was replaced by a full, curvy silhouette with gradually widening shoulders. Fashionable waists were low and tiny below a full, low bust supported by a corset.
The short-waisted dresses sported soft, loose skirts and were often made of white, almost transparent muslin, which was easily washed and draped loosely like the garments on Greek and Roman statues.
The New rococo Period
1852 Louis Bonaparte proclaimed emperor, the queen Eugenie had the world's first beauty's reputation, she was the center of the French court and make the rococo style be able to revive.
华丽的蜕变 ----西方服装发展史 Gorgeous Metamorphosis
Characteristics of costumes in different period
古埃及 The ancient Egyptian costumes Mesopotamia costumes
Use bustle and tight corsage, skirts evolved from a conical shape to a bell shape, aided by a new method of attaching the skirts to the bodice using organ or cartridge pleats which cause the skirt to spring out from the waist. And bowknot was decorated by fabric.
Ancient Greece costumes
--Graceful , Elegant
Graceful and elegant is the main Chating the gently beautiful woman.
Ancient Roman costumes --Sumptuous, Stately
The Romantic Period
The prevalent trend of Romanticism from the 1820s through the mid-1840s, with its emphasis on strong emotion as a source of aesthetic experience and its recognition of the picturesque , was reflected in fashion as in other arts.
20 世纪延续
1900s in Fashion
With the decline of the bustle, sleeves began to increase in size and the 1830s silhouette of an hourglass shape became popular again. The fashionable silhouette in the early 1900s was that of a confident woman, with full low chest and curvy hips .