Trip itinerary--西班牙自由行行程

public transportation
2015/06/11 (Thu)Va源自encia->Granada
del Cuarto Dorado , 阿尔罕布拉宫, Alhambra
Alhambra Palace
public transportation
Trip Itinerary
Day Date City Touring Spots
Catalonia Catedral
public transportation
2015/06/10 (Wed)
Barcelona->Valencia Mercado Central , 丝绸交易市场 ,La Lonja Valenciaflats Catedral de la Seda , 瓦伦西亚主教堂和塔楼 , Catedral de Santa María de Valencia y El Miguelete , 圣女广场 ,Plaza de la Virgen 阿尔拜辛,Albayzín , 黄金厅天井,Patio
Trip Itinerary
Day Date City Touring Spots Accommodation Transportation
2015/06/07 (Sun)
Shanghai->Madrid 古埃尔公园,Park Güell , Verdi步行街, Carrer del Verdi , 维森斯之家,Casa
Catalonia Catedral
public transportation
2015/06/09 (Tue)
La Pedrera (Casa Mila) , 巴特罗之家, Casa Batllo , 兰布拉大道,La Rambla 艺术科学城,Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias , 瓦伦西亚市政广场,Plaza del Ayunta-miento , 瓦伦西亚中央市场,
西班牙一地10天8晚 (1)

西班牙一地10天8晚日期交通行程用餐住宿9月26 飞机/汽车上海✈赫尔辛基✈巴塞罗那航班:上海✈赫尔辛基✈巴塞罗那航班号:AY058 0920/1435 AY3269 17:15/20:25凌晨4:00于指定地点集中乘车前往上海浦东机场,搭乘国际航班经转机前往巴塞罗那。
(参考资料)Spain travel plan(西班牙旅行计划,签证需要)

Time LocationNote Metro PriceFoodAccommdodation7/29Pudong T2-Barajas T4S 10:55-18:50IB6888El Rastroonly Sunday L5 La Latina mercado de san miguelParque del Buen Retiro L2 Retiro Fonty Puerta de Alcaláarc DE triomphe AlborayaPrado Museum18:00-20:00 freeL2 Banco de Espana 14.00 €Prerta del Sol Kilometre Cero L1、2、3 SolCasa Labra A bear in a treeMuseo del JamónHotel Paseo Del Arte 6.00 €(ner ATOCHA)Plaza Mayor Street artists Catedral de la Almudena Prince's wedding 6.00 €Sobrino de BotínPalacio Real de Madrid L2、5 Opera 11.00 €Plaza de España SunsetL3 Plaza de EspanaToledo Museo del EjércitoRent car Consuegra Windmills Claudio Coello Shopping L4 SerranoMur CaféMadrid-Sevilla 14:00-16:30Casa de la Memoria19:30 Flamenco 18.00 €Barrio de Santa CruzVineria San TelmoPuerta Catedral ApartmentsCatedral de Santa María de la Sedemiss 11:00-13:009.50 €La BartolaCalle Alemanes 15Alcázar de Sevilla 9.50 €Avenida de la Constitucion 22Torre del Oro 3.00 €horse-drawn vehicle50.00 €Sevilla-Granada11:45-15:12Albayzín Arabian Ivan, Pilar & Sirius's home The Alhambra Royal palace 14.00 €Calle Gumiel de San Pedro 5Catedral de Granada Calle Caldereria Nueva8/6Granada-Barcelona12:45-20:22Spain Travel Plan7/307/318/18/38/5Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales 8/48/2Font Màgica0.88 €La RamblaL1 FGC Placa CatalunyaCafa de L'Opera Catedral de Santa Eulalia de Barcelona8:00-12:45 freeBarri GoticGaudi Hofmann Palau Güell Gaudi12.00 €La Boqueria Monument a ColomAlex's homeSunsetLa FondaCarrer dels Morabos,14,08004 Barcelona La Sagrada FamíliaGaudi L2、5 Segrada Familia 15.00 €Cerveceria Catalana4th floor 1st doorPark Güell GaudiL3 Lesseps 7.00 €Vendi street Bunkers del carmel Casa Batllo 21.50 €Tapa Tapa Casa Milàday and night 41.00 €Cerveceria CatalanaEl Corte Inglés Diagonal ShoppingL1 UrquinaonaCastell de Montjuic Placa EspanyaBarcelona T1-PudongT222:40-22:20(+1)EK1888/108/78/88/9。

Trip of Spain西班牙之行Day Date Itinerary Stay at Transport1 2016-10-27 Take off AZ791 at 09:15 from PEK airport, andarrive at FCO-T3airport at 14:25,then transferAZ076 at 15:10,arriving at BCN-T1 airport at 17:00 atlocal time. Have a rest in the hotel.Beijing Barcelona:北京巴塞罗那Live at RodamonBarcelona Hostel巴塞罗那罗达蒙青年旅馆Airplane飞机2 2016-10-28 Pay a visit to Sagrada Familia/St.Búnkersdel Carmel参观圣家族大教堂/漫步St.Búnkers delCarmelLocaltransport3 2016-10-29 Go to La roca village for enjoy a shopping day!购物日4 2016-10-30 Watch match FC Barcelona vs Granada /museum of Barca诺坎普球赛/巴萨球队博物馆5 2016-10-31 Encants Vells - La Fira de Bellcaire巴塞罗那跳蚤市场6 2016-11-01 Pay a visit to Casa Batllo/ La Pedrera (Casa Mila)/ Park Güell巴特罗之家/米拉之家/古埃尔公园7 2016-11-02 Picasso Museum/El Gothic/Arenas de Barcelona毕加索博物馆/哥特区/斗牛场商场8 2016-11-03Vall de Nuria?努利亚山9 2016-11-04 Arc de Triomf/Mercat de Santa Caterina/Port Olimpic/Barcelona Beach巴塞罗那凯旋门/圣卡特琳娜市场/奥林匹克港/巴塞罗那海滩Trip of Spain西班牙之行Day Date Itinerary Stay at Transport10 2016-11-05 Port de Barcelona/Placa Reial/La Rambla /LaBoqueria巴塞罗那港/皇家广场/兰布拉大道/波盖利亚市场Live at RodamonBarcelona Hostel巴塞罗那罗达蒙青年旅馆BarcelonaBeijing:巴塞罗那北京Localtransport11 2016-11-06 Take off KL1666 at BCN airport at 11:10,arriveat AMS airport at 13:35transfer to KL4303 atAMS arrive atPEK at 06:55 on the second day.11:10乘坐KL1666从巴塞罗那机场出发,在阿姆斯特丹机场转机,13:35乘坐A KL4303出发,于第二天06:55抵达北京。

TGB 9827
Grass (格拉斯镇)〜Englishman the Avenue(英 国人大道)f angel Bay (天使湾)一Nice Cape
Avignon — Old Town(老城)— papal palace(教皇宫)f Saint-Benezet Bridge (圣贝泽桥)
Premiere Classe Avignon-Courtine Zac de Courtine-255Chemin de Ramatuelle AVIGNON, 84000
Nice —Italy Genova
St. Lawrence Cathedral(圣劳伦斯大教堂)(Cattedrale di San Lorenzo) —Doge's Palace
Hotel Genziana
Vico Mele 7,16123
Genova, Italy
day tour
Nice Old Town(尼斯老城)
Bed&Breakfast Villa Saphir
34 Boulevard De

特别安排西葡 趣游西葡2国12天[西班牙I 侦磴牙超值享受, 更多选择全程当地标准四星级酒店五星级卡塔尔航空航班 四段飞行,行李直挂,飞行舒适马德里皇宫斗牛庄园 参观百年雪莉酒厂 (入内+官导) (入内) 酒庄西餐精华景之二大美城;前者拥有众多的历史文化遗产, 后者则是西班牙两大国粹弗拉门戈和斗牛的发源地直布罗陀湾最大的城市大战巨龙的真实场景地天堂”。
(3 )团队行程用餐时间在高速公路休息站,无法安排中餐厅用餐,将退客人餐费。

- Air China: good safety record - Direct flight: 11 hours 55 minutes, much less time than transit flight
Day 2 Barcelona
Day 2 Barcelona
Ciutat Vella:
- The 6th district among the 10 districts in Barcelona - Located in the southern part - With the longest history - Plaça Catalunya is the most attractive place - El Gothic possesses many historical remains
Ciutat Vella: (In the afternoon of Day 2)
Enjoying the slow-paced life like
a citizen of Barcelona
The Street
Las Ramblas: (In the evening of Day 2)
Enjoying street art and night
Day 4 Barcelona
Dry Martini:
- Paradise for people loving cocktails - Having the largest variety of cocktails, including those with mustard taste - Part of “Speak Easy” (The mysterious restaurant serves Catalan food. And you can only enter it by inputting the correct password from waiters.)

3、Porta San Sebastiano 圣塞巴斯蒂安诺 Roma, 00192
29 30/Aug/12 Rome——Shanghai
Flight MU788 M TH30AUG FCOPVG HK1 2045 1440+1 DACSE Departure Time:2012-08-30 20:45
Day Date
Avignon--Gorges 谷
15 16/Aug/12 Avignon——Nice 尼斯
Nice 1、Eze 16 17/Aug/12 2、Monaco 摩纳哥 3、Vieux Nice 尼斯老城
Stay at Confortel Avignon 464 Rue Du Grand Gigognan Avignon, 84000 France Trocadero 7, Rue de Belgique Nice, 06000 France
3、Teatro dell'Opera di Roma 罗马歌剧 Roma, 00192
1、Porta Pia 庇亚门
2、Chieas di Santa 神庙遗址圣母堂
3、Trastevere 特拉斯蒂夫列
Hotel Beldes Via Degli Scipioni 239, Vaticano Prati Roma, 00192 Italy

欧洲西班牙自驾游攻略【行程】,本次西班牙11日大致线路行程如下:DAY 1. 上海-阿姆斯特丹-马德里Shanghai-Amsterdam-MadridDAY 2. 马德里Madrid-丽池公园-托莱多古城ToledoDAY 3. 马德里Madrid-塞戈维亚古城SegoviaDAY 4. 马德里Madrid-西甲现场看皇马-逛街DAY 5. 塞维利亚SevillaDAY 6. 塞维利亚-科尔多瓦-清真寺DAY 7. 塞维利亚-格拉纳达Granada-阿尔汗布拉宫DAY 8. 格拉纳达Granada-巴塞罗那BarcelonaDAY 9. 巴塞罗那Barcelona-米拉之家-圣家族教堂-高迪公园DAY 10. 巴塞罗那Barcelona-地中海-沙滩-逛街DAY 11. 巴塞罗那 -阿姆斯特丹-上海Barcelona-Amsterdam-Shanghai欧洲西班牙自驾游景点【马德里Madrid】马德里是西班牙首都,全国第一大城市,全国经济、交通中心,马德里省首府,在历史上因战略位置重要而素有“欧洲之门”之称。
马德里著名的景点有庄严的皇宫PalacioReal、有委拉瑞兹、哥雅和葛雷柯名作的普拉多博物馆PaseodelPradio、年轻人聚集的太阳门、16世纪时哈普斯堡王朝建造了着名的大广场PlazaMayor及圣伊西卓大教堂CatedraldeSanIsidro 等等。
travel route

Story one清早8点起床,我们乘地铁赶往圣家堂。
圣家堂全名——圣家赎罪堂(Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Familia),是西班牙的设计天才高第生前未能完成的作品,按照圣经所述主题分为三组,描绘了东方基督诞生、基督受难、及西方的死亡,南方则象征上帝的荣耀,4座尖塔代表12位基督圣徒。
在去桂尔公园的路上我们看了高第的另一作品——米拉之家(Casa Mila, La Pedrera),这也是巴赛的象征,外部用一连串的石墙加以处理,波浪形的建筑正面设有几扇大窗户和铁制的阳台。
桂尔公园(Guell Park)也是巴赛的必到之处,这也是高第的杰出之作。
帕特拉必修王宫(Palau de Reial Pedralbes),规模不大,这里的松树都直冲云霄,公园中各式雕像不管经过多年的洗刷仍然洁白,这也是个很典型的欧洲式皇宫了。

Prado, 6, City Center, Madrid, Spain 28014
KL4302-KL 1699
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
00:30 Beijing Capital Airport
04:40 Amsterdam Schiphol
The 8 Days Spain Travel Plan
Plaza de Cibeles(西贝莱斯广场)
Santiago Bernabeu Stadium(伯纳乌球场)
L2、5 Segrada Familia
L3 Lesseps
Las Ramblas(兰布拉大道)
Plaça Catalunya(加泰罗尼亚广场)
Camp Nou(诺坎普球场)
IBEROSTAR Paseo de Gracia
Plaça de Catalunya, 10, La Rambla, Barcelona, España 08002
(12.02)9:55Beijing Capital Airport
10:15 Adolfo Suárez Madrid–Barajas
Rent car
Parque del Buen Retiro(丽池公园)

HotelBécquer (贝克尔酒店)
ParadordeRonda (帕拉多隆达国营旅馆)
Plazade España,29400,s/n,Ronda,Spain

SEASPORTS-ACTIVITIES/ukDiscover a wonderful way to enjoy Spain, its climate, its sunshine and coasts. Introducing a new concept in holidays that allows you to take pleasure in thewonders of the Spanish seas while engaging in a wide range of water sports and activities.Immersing you rself in the sights and sou nds of the Spanish waters will be a completely unforgettable experience whether you take the plunge with a group of friends, your other half or your entire family.Water sports and activities are within everyone’s reach, regardless of skill, ageor season. If you have ever dreamt of spending a day sailing, enjoying a boat excursion or trying your hand at windsurfing, deep-sea fishing, scuba diving, kayaking, jet skiing, water-skiing or more, then a Water Sports Centre is your ideal choice.Spain’s Water Sports Centres are tou rist destinations specialising in water sports, each of which has earned an official seal of quality guaranteeing the professionalism of instructors, supervisors and facilities.Additionally, all Water Sports Centres offer a wide range of supplementary ser-vices, including accommodation and land-based activities (such as golf, moun-tain biking and trekking) to ensure that your holiday is complete, convenient, accessible and affordable.Dare you take the plunge?SEA SPORTS-ACTIVITIESSince the dawn of time, wind-powered sailing has been,and continues to be, one of the purest ways to enjoy the sea and to have direct contact with nature.For centuries, man has roamed Spain’s 5,000 kilometres of coastline in all sorts of sailing vessels. Different winds and different bodies of water; the Mediterranean, the Atlantic and the Cantabrian Sea – make the Spanish sho-res a unique and varied setting to enjoy the sea. Windsu rfing, dinghy sailing, catamarans, sailboats, kite-surfing...At the Water Sports Centres you can enjoy all these sports and more. And thanks to the enviable Spanish cli-mate, you can do so all year round.No matter what your skill or age, you will always find the perfect activity: cou rses catering to all levels of ability, manned and unmanned craft for hire, group excursions or private tuition, just take your pick.Dare you take the plunge?One of the best ways to enjoy the Spanish sea is to explore it by boat. Boats enable you to discover hidden niches along the coast that are impossible to reach by land.The peace and tranquillity of the sea on a boat trip, the exhi-laration of speed over the waves on a sports fishing trip, the thrill of a whale watch, the euphoria of a stellar catch or the satisfaction of successfully water-skiing for the first time. Motorboats are available in a wide range of styles and for all manner of activities designed to su it all tastes and ages. Lightning fast jet skis, boats of all sizes for hire with or wit-hout crews, long days of deep-sea fishing, exhilarating ses-sions of water-skiing, maritime ou tings in glass-bottomed boats or giant catamarans with on-board bars...These are just some of the many motor-powered water acti-vities available at Spain’s Water Sports Centres.Dare you take the plunge?The sea’s attractions don’t stop on thesurface. Multiple ecosystems, marine reserves, sunken ships and thousands of kilometres of dazzling seabeds await.You do not need much equipment to unveil the myste-ries at the bottom of the sea. Snorkelling allows you to take in the fu ll majesty of the u nderwater world with ju st goggles, a breathing tu be and flippers. Floating near the surface, you will be treated to a bird’s-eye view of the varied marine life. Thanks to the wonders of the Spanish coast, you are su re to have a relaxing and memorable time.Scuba diving immerses you in a spectacular world of sha-pes and colours you could never have imagined existed,an underwater world where you will experience a weigh-tlessness that can only be compared to a walk on the moon. The first step is known as a “baptism”: after a basic introductory class, you will experience the indescribable sensation of breathing underwater .At the Water Sports Centres, all staff members have earned the “Water Sports Centres” guarantee. Socome and explore the exceptional seabeds of ou r coasts.It’s easier than you think.Dare you take the plunge?In addition to wind-and motor- powered sailing and exploring the seabeds, Spain’s Water Sports Centres offer a plethora of supplementary activities.Enjoy sea kayaking, surfing, paragliding or splashing around with friends on a banana boat at a Water Sports Centre. Don’t settle for just one activity. Being at a location specialised in water activities means you can have a go at several activities with a safety and quality guarantee.So why not try sailing and scuba diving? Or kayaking? Or fishing? Or, if you prefer, after a day at sea, put the icing on the cake with any of a wide range of land activities: mountain biking, golf, trekking and more. Dare you take the plunge?After a long day spent enjoying a water sport, you deserve a hard-earned rest.The Water Sports Centres offer a wide range of accommodation options, all seamlessly coordinated with the different activities available through the Water Sports Centre. Guests can choose between hotels of all star ratings at the 25 different Water Sports Centres spread out along the Spanish coast and islands.Additionally, some of these hotels offer health and wellness services, such as spas, sports courts, pools and more. Not to mention an enticing sample of each region’s most prized cuisine. The perfect complement to a day filled with water sports.Accommodation to suit your personal tastes combines with your favourite activity.If you prefer a different type of accommodation to a hotel, you will find a wide variety of apartments, campsites, country guesthouses, etc, bookable through the Water Sports Centre. All are impeccably coordinated with the water sports and land-based activities on offer so you aresure to find the ideal accommodation to suit you. So choose your Water Sports Centre, your activity and your accommodation and get ready for an unforgettable experience. Dare you take the plunge?RIBADEO16LLANES17 1 2L'ESTARTIT - ILLES MEDESRÍAS BAIXAS15COSTA DAURADA - SALOU, CAMBRILS, MONT-ROIG / MIAMI PLATJA y VANDELLÓS L’HOSPITALET DE L'INFANT3 5 4BADIA DE PALAMÓS I CALONGE / SANT ANTONI SANTA SUSANNAVILANOVA I LA GELTRÚ6BENICARLÓ / PEÑÍSCOLASANT CARLES DE LA RÀPITA CIUTADELLA71819 20FORNELLS MAÓSANT ANTONI Y SANT JOSEP MARINA ALTA21 8 22 SANTA EULALIA 9 BAHÍA DE ALTEA 10 ALICANTEEL CAMPELLO / SANTA POLA MAR MENOR11LANZAROTE NORTE LANZAROTE SUR242314ISLA CRISTNA1312BAHÍA DE ALMERÍACOSTA TROPICAL25MOGÁN GRAN CANARIAThe Water Sports Centres offer everything you need to enjoy the full wonder of the sea. You will always find the perfect activity to suit your tastes, age and whims. To make your holiday even better, bring along your family or friends. Whether it is spring, summer, autumn or winter, the Spanish climate makes the sea accessible 365 days a year. At the Water Sports Centres, you will find everything youneed to break your routine and make your holiday experience complete. Enjoy the Spanish sea, but be sure to do so with the security and guarantee of an official Water Sports Centre. In Spain, 25 different Water Sports Centres, spread out along the entire coast, await you.Water Sports Centres bring you closer to the sea with the full guarantee of quality equipment and experienced supervisors and instructors.1Sailing Kayaking Windsurfing Surfing Kite surfing Scuba Diving Snorkelling Parasailing Banana boat Jet Skiing Water-skiing Catamaran sailing Boat hire Cruises Fishing Berths Marina Mountain biking Quad biking Kart racing Trekking Abseiling 4x4 Tennis Golf Horse riding Paintball Segway Climbing Hotel Aparthotel Hostel Apartment Camping Country house Farm holidays2345678910111213141516171819202122232425• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • •• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • •• • • •• • • • • •Spanish Water Sports Association: 25 different destinations to enjoy the sea, sports and activities.1. L'ESTARTIT ILLES MEDES Estació NàuticaC/ De la Platja, 10-12 17258 L’Estartit (Girona) Tel. +34 972 750 699 / Fax +34 972 750 985 info@ 2. BADÍA DE PALAMÓS I CALONGE - SANT ANTONI Estació NàuticaC/ Arc, 6 y Esplanada del Puerto 17230 Palamós (Girona) Tel. +34 972 319 500 / Fax +34 972 319 533 info@ 3. SANTA SUSANNA Estació NàuticaPlatja de Les Dunes s/n 08398 Santa Susanna (Barcelona) Tel.: +34 667 699 433 nautica@ 4. VILANOVA I LA GELTRÚ Estació NàuticaPasseig del Carme s/n Parc de Ribes Roges 08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona) Tel. +34 902 365 912 info@ 5. COSTA DAURADA Estació NàuticaPl. Comunitats Autònomes, s/n 43840 Salou (Tarragona) Tel. +34 902 361 724 Fax +34 977 353 592 reservas@ 6. SANT CARLES DE LA RÀPITA Estació NàuticaAv. dels Alfacs, s/n (Pabellón Ferial) 43540 Sant Carles de la Ràpita (Tarragona) - Tel. +34 977 746 926 info@ 7. BENICARLÓ PEÑÍSCOLA Estación NáuticaPuerto Deportivo, Local C1 12580 Benicarló (Castellón) Tel. +34 964 465 206 / +34 654 904 917 info@ 14. ISLA CRISTINA Estación NáuticaÁrea de Turismo Casa-Patio San Francisco - C/ San Francisco, 12 21410 Isla Cristina (Huelva) Tel. +34 959 332 694 turismo@ 15. RÍAS BAIXAS Estación NáuticaPuerto Deportivo Juan Carlos I, 8 bajos 36960 Sanxenxo (Pontevedra) Tel. +34 661 952 357 Fax +34 986 508 563 enriasbaixas@hotmail.es 16. RIBADEO Estación NáuticaAvda. de Asturias, 21-23 1J 27700 Ribadeo (Lugo) Tel. +34 982 131 476 / +34 620 622 447 Fax +34 982 120 566 info@ 17. LLANES Estación NáuticaC/ Marques de Canillejas, 12 33500 Llanes (Asturias) Tel.: +34 985 403 755 Fax: +34 985 402 541 info@ 18. CIUTADELLA Estació NàuticaPlaça de la Catedral, 5 07760 Ciutadella (Menorca) Tel. +34 902 929 015 Fax +34 971 382 667 info@ 19. FORNELLS Estació NàuticaCaseta del Contramestre Plaça d'es Forn s/n 07748 Fornells-Es Mercadal (Menorca) Tel. +34 902 929 015 info@ 20. MAÓ Estació NàuticaMoll de Llevant, 2 07701 Maó (Menorca) Tel. +34 902 929 015 Fax +34 971 352 674 info@ Enjoy Spain’s seas, climate, customs, cuisine, culture and people. The Water Sports Centres place all of this within easy reach. Contact a Water Sports Centre today or visit the website /uk to book your à la carte holiday with utmost convenience.The sea, sports and a wide variety of activities... Find them all at the Water Sports Centres. What are you waiting for? Come discover the fun!Dare you take the plunge?12. BAHÍA DE ALMERÍA Estación NáuticaC/ Sergio Leone, 5 04007 Almería Tel. +34 950 101 666 Fax +34 950 090 103 info@enbahiadealmeria.es www.enbahiadealmeria.es8. MARINA ALTA Estación NáuticaPaseo del Saladar, 58, 1E 03700 Denia (Alicante) Tel. +34 965 781 008 Fax +34 966 423 743 marinaalta@ 9. BAHÍA DE ALTEA Estación NáuticaC/Convento, 3, Bajos 03590 Altea (Alicante) Tel. +34 966 882 061 Fax +34 965 841 099 info@ 10. ALICANTE EL CAMPELLO-SANTA POLA Estación NáuticaPlaza del Ayuntamiento, 1 03002 Alicante Tel. +34 902 361 489 info@ 11. MAR MENOR Estación NáuticaC/Fuster, 63 - Edif. Pintor H. Carpe 30710 Los Alcázares (Murcia) Tel. +34 968 574 994 Fax +34 968 171 901 estacionnautica@ 13. COSTA TROPICAL Estación NáuticaPaseo Marítimo Andrés Segovia s/n 18697 Almuñécar - La Herradura (Granada) Tel. +34 958 827 984 - Fax +34 958 635 007 info@ Catamaran sailingScuba-diving outingsMarinaPaddle tennis21. SANT ANTONI Y SANT JOSEP Estación NáuticaPasseig de ses Fonts, 1 07820 Sant Antoni (Ibiza) Tel. +34 971 348 851 / Fax +34 971 348 851 enautica.sasj@ 22. SANTA EULALIA Estación NáuticaEdif. del Club Náutico de Santa Eulària 07840 Santa Eulalia del Río (Ibiza) Tel. +34 971 330 555 Fax +34 971 330 136 info@ 23. LANZAROTE NORTE Estación NáuticaC/ Fuencaliente, 2 35500 Arrecife (Lanzarote) Tel. / Fax +34 928 811 340 enlanzarote@ 24. LANZAROTE SUR Estación NáuticaC/ Fuencaliente, 2 35500 Arrecife (Lanzarote) Tel. / Fax +34 928 811 340 enlanzarote@ 25. MOGÁN GRAN CANARIA Estación NáuticaAvenida de Mogán 1 35130 Puerto Rico, Mogán (Gran Canaria) Tel. +34 928 158 804 asaavedraa@mogan.es www.turismo.mogan.esAirplane ridesTheme parkWater parkAquariumBird parkNature parkFishing museumPoolsHealth and beautySpaYouth hostelA new concept in à la carte holidays. Book your ticket to discover the Spanish sea here./uk Printed: Egraf, S.A. - D. L.: M. 32696-2009 - NIPO: 704-09-581-1 - Printed in Spain - 2st EditionI。

Estadio Vicente Calderón
Thank You!
Zhang , Lee , Men
Fight with ຫໍສະໝຸດ ullPlaza de Espana
Don Quixote
Sancho Panza
Sophia Museum
The abstractionist school
The statue of Velazquez
Prado Museum
The statue of Goya
Charles Iv and his family
The clothed Maja
The nude
The Second of May,1808:The uprising
The Third of May,1808:The execution of the defenders of Madrid
Real Madrid Football Club
Real Madrid is the most famous football team in Madrid.it was founded in 1902.Real Madrid is also called ”Galacticos”. In China,we called it “银河 战舰”.Real Madrid has ten champions in UEFA Champions League.It is the greatest team in twentieth century . T h e bernabeu stadium is it’s home
签证 行程单中英文

18/Jun/17 Freiburg-Munich
Munich 1、Marry's Square 玛丽安广场 19/Jun/17 2、New Town Hall 新市政厅 3、Nymphenburg Palace 宁芬堡宫 4、Olympia Park 奥林匹克公园
20/Jun/17 Munich-Cologne
1、Cologne Cathedral 科隆大教堂 2、Hohenzollern Bridge 霍亨索伦桥
3、Rheinpark 莱茵公园
22/Jun/17 Cologne-Dusseldorf-Beijing
CVJM Düsseldorf Hotel & Tagung
11/Jun/17 Dusseldorf——Münster
Münster 12/Jun/17 1、St. Paulus Dom 圣保罗大教堂
2、University of Münster 明斯特大学
13/Jun/17 Münster——Paris
Paris 14/Jun/17 1、Arc de triomphe 凯旋门
2、Champs-Elysees 香榭丽舍大街
1、Eiffel 2、Louvre
Tower埃菲尔铁塔 Museum 罗浮宫
3、Cathedral Notre Dame 巴黎圣母院
16/Jun/17 France-Freiburg
Freiburg 17/Jun/17 1、Freiburg University 参观弗莱堡大学
AZIMUT Hotel Cologne City Center Hansaring 97, Neustadt Nord, 50670 Cologne, Germany

Day Date City Touring Spots Accommodation Transportation 12016/01/25 (Mon)Shanghai->Paris22016/01/26 (Tue)Shanghai->Paris->MadridHostal Los AlpesFlight上海->巴黎32016/01/27 (Wed)Madrid 皇家赤足女修道院,Monasterio de lasDescalzas Reales , 马德里皇家剧院,RoyalTheater , 东方广场,Plaza de Oriente , 马德里西班牙广场,Plaza de España , 马德里王宫,Palacio Real de Madrid , 阿穆德纳圣母主教座堂,Catedral de Nuestra Señorade la Almudena , 马德里马约尔广场(主广场),Plaza Mayor , 太阳门广场,Puertadel Sol , 普拉多博物馆,Museo del Prado ,西贝莱斯广场,Plaza de CibelesHostal Los Alpes city tour42016/01/28 (Thu)Madrid->Guadalupe Parador de GuadalupeCar马德里->瓜达卢佩52016/01/29 (Fri)Guadalupe->Trujillo->Zafra 萨夫拉TrujilloCasa Palacio Conde de la Corte 卡萨帕拉西奥孔德德拉苑酒店Car62016/01/30 (Sat)Zafra ->巴达霍斯Badajoz->SevilleBadajoz Hotel Simon CarTrip Itineraryon the plane72016/01/31 (Sun)Seville 塞维利亚圣母主教座堂Catedral de SantaMaría de la Sede , 吉拉尔达塔 Giralda , 圣十字区Jewish quarter , 塞维利亚王宫Alcázar de Sevilla ,, 西印度群岛综合档案馆Archivo General de Indias , 黄金塔Torre delOro , 塞维利亚斗牛广场Plaza de Toros dela Real MaestranzaHotel Simon city tour82016/02/01 (Mon)Seville 旧烟厂Antigua Fábrica de Tabacos , 塞维利亚大学Universidad de Sevilla , 玛丽亚路易莎公园Parque de María Luisa , 塞维利亚西班牙广场Spain Square , La Carboneria , 彼拉多官邸Casa de PilatosHotel Simon city tour92016/02/02 (Tue)Seville->Jerez de laFrontera->Cadiz皇家安达卢西亚马术学校Royal AndalusianSchool of Equestrian Art , 赫雷斯大教堂Jerez de la Frontera Cathedral , 阿尔卡萨尔城堡Alcazar Jerez de la Frontera , 塔维拉塔Torre Tavira , 海滩Las PlayasHotel Boutique Convento Cádiz car102016/02/03 (Wed)Cadiz->Arcos de laFrontera->Ronda老城区Ciudad Antigua , 加的斯大教堂Cathedral of Cadiz , Arcos de la FronteraHotel Andalucia car112016/02/04 (Thu)Ronda->Nerja->Frigiliana圣玛利亚主教堂Iglesia de Nuestra Senorade la Merced , 塔霍林荫散步小道Alamedadel Tajo , 龙达斗牛场Bullring , 摩尔王之家Casa del Rey Moro , 阿拉伯浴室Baños Árabes , 龙达新桥Puente NuevoHotel Rural los Caracoles car122016/02/05 (Fri)Frigiliana弗里希利亚纳 ->NerjaFrigiliana, Nerja car132016/02/06 (Sat)Nerja->Malaga->Paris Hôtel Des Mines142016/02/07 (Sun)Paris 巴黎圣母院Cathédrale Notre-Dame deParis , 卢浮宫Musée du Louvre , 橘园美术馆Musée de l'Orangerie , 协和广场Place dela Concorde , 香榭丽舍大街Avenue desChamps-Élysées , 巴黎凯旋门Arc detriomphe de l'étoile , 蒙田大道AvenueMontaigneHôtel Des Mines152016/02/08 (Mon)Paris 卢森堡公园Jardin du Luxembourg , 花神咖啡馆Café de Flore , 巴黎荣军院LesInvalides , 埃菲尔铁塔La Tour Eiffel , 奥赛博物馆Musée d'Orsay , 艺术桥Pont desArts , 塞纳河La Seine , 蓬皮杜中心Lecentre Georges PompidouHôtel Des Mines162016/02/09 (Tue)Paris->ShanghaiFlight巴黎->上海。

北京八日游旅游路线英语作文(中英文实用版){z}Title: A Comprehensive Eight-Day Tour Itinerary in BeijingDay 1: Arrival and City TourUpon arrival in Beijing, you will be greeted by our tour guide and transferred to your hotel.In the afternoon, start your city tour by visiting Tiananmen Square, the largest city square in the world, and then explore the Forbidden City, the former imperial palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties.Day 2: The Great WallExperience the majesty of the Great Wall, one of the seven wonders of the world.Spend the entire day hiking or cable car ride to explore this ancient architectural marvel.In the evening, enjoy a delicious Peking duck dinner.Day 3: Summer Palace and Temple of HeavenVisit the Summer Palace, the imperial garden in Qing Dynasty, and explore its beautiful gardens, lakes, and palaces.In the afternoon, head to the Temple of Heaven, a UNESCO World Heritage site, where emperors performed rituals for good harvests.Day 4: Beijing Opera and HutongsAttend a performance of the famous Peking Opera in the evening.During the day, explore the traditional Hutongs by rickshaw andvisit a local family"s home to learn about their way of life.Day 5: Lama Temple and National MuseumVisit the Lama Temple, a Buddhist temple, and learn about the Tibetan Buddhism culture.In the afternoon, head to the National Museum of China to explore its vast collection of artifacts.Day 6: Day Trip to the Ming TombsTake a day trip to the Ming Tombs, the burial site of 13 emperors of the Ming dynasty.Explore the Dingling Mausoleum, the largest and most famous of the Ming Tombs.Day 7: Beijing Botanical Garden and shoppingVisit the Beijing Botanical Garden, home to a variety of plant species and beautiful landscapes.In the afternoon, head to Wangfujing Street for some shopping and try local snacks.Day 8: DepartureTransfer to the airport for your departure.This comprehensive eight-day tour covers all the major highlights of Beijing, allowing you to experience its rich history, culture, and natural beauty.。
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Travel Plan
06/08/2017 07/08/2017
Arrival in Barcelona Visit around La Sagrada Familia, Picasso Museum, Cathedral of Barcelona, Palau de la Musica Catalunya Visit around Montjuic and the Olympic Stadium Visit to Casa Miro, Casa Batllo and Palau Guell Head for Madrid in the morning, visit to the Prado Museum, Retiro Park
Transports: city buses & metro
旅行计划(Travel Plan)
06/08/2017 07/08/2017
抵达巴塞罗那 参观圣家堂,毕加索博物馆,巴塞罗那大教堂,加 泰罗尼亚音乐厅 蒙锥克山,奥林匹克体育场 参观米拉之家,巴特罗之家,古埃尔宫殿 早上启程前往马德里,参观普拉多博物馆,丽池公 园
08/08/2017 09/08/2017
交通:公交车,地铁 交通:公交车,地铁
11/08/2017 12/08/2017
参观马约尔广场,马德里皇宫,伯纳乌球场 参观拉斯班塔斯斗牛场,太阳门广场,西班牙广场
交通:公交车,地铁 交通:公交车,地铁
11/08/2017 12/08/2017
Visit the Plaza Mayor, Palacio Real, Bernabeu Stadium Transports: city buses & metro Visit the Las Ventas,Puerta del Sol,Plaza de Espana Visit the Temple of Debod,Royal Opera House,Madrid crystal palace Flight back to Beijing Transports: city buses & metro
Transports: city buses & metro
08/08/2017 09/08/2017
Transports: city buses & metro Transports: city buses & metro
Transports: city buses & metro& train