聂平俊 英语报刊选读 课程


英语报刊选读课程教学大纲课程编号: 050263 适用专业:英语专业学时数:36学分数:2一、课程的性质、任务本课程通过有目的、较系统地阅读国内外英语报刊文章,使英语专业高年级学生逐渐掌握阅读英语报刊时必备的背景知识,掌握常用的新闻语言的规律,了解、拓宽学生的文化视野,了解中国和世界大事,知晓中西交流和变化,初步打好阅读英语报刊的基本功,提高理解和分析问题的能力,培养对信息的敏感性及发掘、利用信息的能力。

(三)课程目标与毕业要求、课程内容的对应关系三、教学内容课程导读1.教学目标1)让学生了解熟悉世界主流英语媒体及国内权威英语媒体资源2)使学生掌握基础的新闻理论知识3)帮助学生培养媒体素养,使学生能够多角度理解并客观评论新闻2.教学重难点培养学生的媒介素养,使学生认识到西方媒体报道的特点,强调中国媒体报道世界的中国视角和中国观点3.教学内容1)课程资源介绍,包括主要的英语媒体资源,重点介绍国内的权威英语媒体资源2)新闻理论知识讲解,包括新闻的定义、价值、体裁、语言特色及文化特色等3)媒介素养培养,介绍西方媒体报道新闻、特别使中国新闻的特调,强调中国媒体报道新闻的视角和观点第一单元Education1.教学目标1)使学生掌握“教育”主题常用的词汇和句型2)使学生掌握Text A的主旨、结构、事实细节3)使学生掌握词义猜测第一部分的阅读策略4)通过其他课内外材料的阅读,对“教育”相关主题形成自己的看法2.教学重难点通过文字、音频、视频等多种材料的自学及课堂教学,让学生充分了解“教育”相关主题的信息,形成自己的观点和看法3.教学内容1“教育”主题新闻播报2Text A背景知识、课文主旨、结构的讲解分析3学术阅读策略1的学习和训练4“教育”相关主题的课堂讨论第二单元Culture and Society1.教学目标1 使学生掌握“文化与社会”主题常用的词汇和句型2 使学生掌握Text A的主旨、结构、事实细节3 使学生掌握词义猜测第二部分的阅读策略4 通过其他课内外材料的阅读,对“文化与社会”相关主题形成自己的看法2.教学重难点通过文字、音频、视频等多种材料的自学及课堂教学,让学生充分了解“文化与社会”相关主题的信息,形成自己的观点和看法3.教学内容1“文化与社会”主题新闻播报2Text A背景知识、课文主旨、结构的讲解分析3学术阅读策略2的学习和训练4“文化与社会”相关主题的课堂讨论第三单元Politics1.教学目标1 使学生掌握“政治”主题常用的词汇和句型2 使学生掌握Text A的主旨、结构、事实细节3 使学生掌握定位中心句和重要细节这一阅读策略4 通过其他课内外材料的阅读,对“政治”相关主题形成自己的看法2.教学重难点通过文字、音频、视频等多种材料的自学及课堂教学,让学生充分了解“政治”相关主题的信息,形成自己的观点和看法3.教学内容1“政治”主题新闻播报2Text A背景知识、课文主旨、结构的讲解分析3学术阅读策略3的学习和训练4“政治”相关主题的课堂讨论第四单元Economy1.教学目标1 使学生掌握“经济”主题常用的词汇和句型2 使学生掌握Text A的主旨、结构、事实细节3 使学生掌握判断文章结构这一阅读策略4 通过其他课内外材料的阅读,对“经济”相关主题形成自己的看法2.教学重难点通过文字、音频、视频等多种材料的自学及课堂教学,让学生充分了解“经济”相关主题的信息,形成自己的观点和看法3.教学内容1“经济”主题新闻播报2Text A背景知识、课文主旨、结构的讲解分析3学术阅读策略4的学习和训练4“经济”相关主题的课堂讨论第五单元Science and Technology1.教学目标1 使学生掌握“科技”主题常用的词汇和句型2 使学生掌握Text A的主旨、结构、事实细节3 使学生了解批判性思考的特点和在阅读中的重要性4 通过其他课内外材料的阅读,对“科技”相关主题形成自己的看法2.教学重难点通过文字、音频、视频等多种材料的自学及课堂教学,让学生充分了解“科技”相关主题的信息,形成自己的观点和看法3.教学内容1“科技”主题新闻播报2Text A背景知识、课文主旨、结构的讲解分析3学术阅读策略5的学习和训练4“科技”相关主题的课堂讨论四、学时分配表2:各章节的具体内容和学时分配表五、教学进度表3:教学进度表六、教材及参考书目1.张卓主编,《新媒体英语阅读》,苏州大学出版社,2020年1月第1版七、教学方法本课程专注于知识传授、价值引导和能力提升三个维度,将课程思政与主题学习、语言学习和技能学习紧密结合。

一、课程基本信息课程编号:120450100课程名称:英语报刊选读(Selected Readings of English Newspapers)课程属性:专业方向课总学分:2总学时:32周学时:2先修课程:综合英语、英语泛读考试形式:考试适用专业:英语专业二、课程教学目的本课程旨在提高学生阅读和理解英语报刊的能力,使学生学到英语新闻学的基本知识,对英语报刊的语言风格与特点有所了解,了解英美历史、文化传统和当今社会的热点问题以及科技的最新发展状况等,以阅读和评论为主要训练的手段,注重阅读内容的理解和评论以及报刊文章、新闻的标题、导语以及结构分析。
四、课程基本内容及学时分配Unit One China Watch (4学时)Lesson OneText China opens doors of state-run companies to world's top talent (中国国企为世界高端人才敞开大门)(The Washington Post, November 16, 2011)新闻写作何谓NewsLesson TwoText An American in Beijing(中国经济迅猛发展,留学生蜂拥而至)(Time, April 4,2008)语言解说 PresenceLesson ThreeText Tiger Mom ... Meet Panda Dad(熊猫爸爸挑战虎妈育儿经)(The Wall Street Journal, March 29,2011)新闻写作新闻体裁Unit Two United States (Ⅰ)(4学时)Lesson FourText Is an Ivy League Diploma Worth It?(上常春藤名校,值吗?)(The Wall Street Journal, November 8,2011)读报知识 Ivy League & Seven Sisters CollegesLesson FiveText Debt Burden Alters Outlook for US Graduates(求学负债:美国毕业生前景堪忧)(The Financial Times, June 1,2012)学习方法读懂标题(I)Lesson SixText The Evolution Wars(进化论与上帝造人说之争)(Time, August 15, 2005)读报知识宗教Unit Three United States (Ⅱ)(4学时)Lesson SevenText Obama Wins a Second Term as U.S. President(奥巴马连任总统:任重道远)(The Washington Post, November 7,2012)读报知识美国总统选举Lesson EightText The Economy Sucks. But Is It' 92 Redux?(经济不振,难道08年大选是92年的翻版吗?)(Newsweek, January 21, 2008)语言解说 Stupid和Technical(ly)Lesson NineText Five myths about the American dream(对美国梦的种种困感)(The Washington Post, Jan 6,2012)新闻写作导语(Lead)Lesson TenText Is America-s new declinism for real?(美国是真的衰落了吗?)(Financial Times, November 24, 2008)语言解说 EstablishmentUnit Four United States(Ⅲ)(4学时)Unit Five Britain (4学时)Unit Six The World (4学时)Unit Seven Society (4学时)Unit Eight Business and Science (2学时)Unit Nine Sports and Entertainment(2学时)五、教材及主要参考书目郭影平《最新报刊英语阅读》东南大学出版社 2010马建国《英文报刊导读》,外语教学与研究出版社,2002周学艺《英美报刊文章选读(精选本)》,北京大学出版社1997周学艺《英美报刊文章选读(精选本)学习辅导》,北京大学出版社1997端木义万,《英美报刊阅读教程》南京大学出版社,1997。

湖南广播电视大学开放教育期末考试英语报刊选读考试样题(2)参考答案及评分细则I. Translate the following into Chinese: (20小题,每题2分,共40分)1. International Monetary Fund (IMF) 国际货币基金组织2. United Nations Economic Council 联合国经济理事会3. World Trade Organization (WTO) 世界贸易组织4. European Union 欧洲联盟/欧盟5. Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) 上海合作组织6. the Common Wealth 英联邦7. Group of Eight (G8) 八国集团8. The Times 泰晤士报9. The Guardian 卫报10. Financial Times 金融时报11. The Economist 经济学人12. Washington Post 华盛顿邮报13. News Week 《新闻周刊》14. Reader’s Digest 《读者文摘》15. Fortune 《财富》杂志16. financial crisis 金融危机17. political asylum 政治庇护(避难)18. Downing Street 唐宁街(英国首相府邸),英国政府19. Foreign Secretary 外交大臣20. the House of Lords 上议院Part II. Read the following news and choose the best answer. (5小题,每题2分,共10分) 21. A 22.C 23.C 24.D 25. BPart III. Answer the questions according to the report: (5小题,每题5分,共25分)26. What does the underlined phrase “Triple-digit oil prices” in Paragraph 1 mean?It means that the oil prices have reached or surpassed $100 per barrel.27.Which country is the largest oil consumer in the world?The U.S. is the largest oil consumer in the world.28. What does the underlined word ascent in Paragraph 4 mean?It means rise or growth.29. Why do economists and other market watchers anticipate that the oil prices will not collapse?It is partly because the global economy is stronger, but also because the increases have been gradual.30. How much does OPEC control the world’s oil output?OPEC controls about a third of the world’s oil output.评分说明:第三部分为阅读新闻报道并回答问题,共5题,每题5分,共25分。

《英语报刊选读》课程教学大纲课程编码:1002301课程英文名称:Reading English Press学分:2总学时:32讲课:32授课对象:商务英语专业二年级学生开课学期:第四学期一、课程的性质,目的与任务《英美报刊选读》是英语专业高年级阶段的限制性选修课。

教学目标:1. 培养学生阅读英文报刊的兴趣和习惯。
2. 提高学生阅读英文报刊的能力,包括理解、分析和总结。
3. 增强学生的英语听说读写综合运用能力。
教学重点:1. 指导学生正确阅读英文报刊的方法和技巧。
2. 培养学生关注时事、拓宽视野的能力。
教学难点:1. 如何提高学生阅读英文报刊的兴趣。
2. 如何引导学生深入理解英文报刊中的复杂内容。
教学过程:一、导入1. 教师简要介绍英文报刊的特点和作用。
2. 引导学生思考:为什么阅读英文报刊对英语学习很重要?二、课堂讲解1. 教师讲解阅读英文报刊的基本步骤:浏览、阅读、总结、思考。
2. 教师介绍一些常用的阅读技巧,如扫读、略读、精读等。
3. 教师举例说明如何分析英文报刊中的复杂内容。
三、课堂实践1. 学生自主选择一篇英文报刊,进行阅读练习。
2. 学生分组讨论,分享阅读心得,总结文章主题和观点。
3. 教师选取一篇具有代表性的英文报刊文章,进行讲解和分析。
四、课堂总结1. 教师总结本节课的主要内容,强调阅读英文报刊的重要性。
2. 学生分享自己的阅读体会,提出疑问。
五、课后作业1. 学生阅读一篇英文报刊,并完成以下任务:a. 概括文章主题。
b. 分析作者的观点和论据。
c. 谈谈自己的看法。
2. 学生将阅读心得写成一篇短文,字数不少于300字。
教学反思:1. 本节课通过讲解和实践活动,使学生掌握了阅读英文报刊的基本方法和技巧。
2. 学生在课堂实践环节表现积极,能够主动参与讨论和分享。
3. 部分学生在阅读英文报刊时存在困难,需要教师给予更多指导和帮助。
4. 在今后的教学中,可以适当增加阅读英文报刊的难度,以提高学生的阅读能力。
浙大远程 英语报刊选读作业 答案

浙江大学远程教育学院《英语报刊选读》课程作业—————————————————————————————作业一第一讲:Introduction to American and British PublicationA. Multiple Choices.1. A2. C3. C4. A5. B6. C7. A8. B9. C10. A、D、E、H、IB. Read the following statements and decide whether they are true (T) or false (F). True: 1、4、5、8、10False: 2、3、6、7、9作业二第二讲:Some concepts in English JournalismTypes of JournalismStructure of English News Reporting1. Give the definition of the following terms.1) featurea prominent or special article, story, or department in a newspaper or periodical.2) editorialan article in a publication expressing the opinion of its editors or publishers.3) op-edof or being a newspaper page, usually opposite the editorial page, that features signed articles expressing personal viewpoints4) inverted pyramidThe inverted pyramid is a traditional form of writing in which the news is stacked in paragraphs in order of descending importance. The lead summarizes the principal items of a news event. The second paragraph and each succeeding paragraph contain secondary or supporting details in order of decreasing significance. All the paragraphs in the story contain newsworthy information, but each paragraph is less vital than the one before it. Inverted-pyramid form puts theclimax of a story at the beginning, in the lead.5) leadA lead is a terse opening paragraph that provides the gist of the story and invitesreaders inside.2.What is the difference between hard news and soft news?Hard news events, such as killings, and speeches by leading government officials, are timely and are reported almost automatically by the media. Soft news events, such as a car wash by a fourth-graders to raise money for a classmate with cancer, are not usually considered immediately important or timely to a wide audience. These events still contain elements of news, however, and the media often report them.3.What is the difference between news and features?A news story emphasizes the facts of the event, while the feature displaces the facts to accommodate the human interest of the story.4.What are the major criteria for newsworthiness?ProximityProminenceTimelinessImpactConflict and ControversyUniquenessHuman interest5.What are the principles of news writing?News writing tends to be:1. Impersonal to make it appear objective (to distance the reporter from the story)hence:–Written in the third person–Use of direct speech or indirect speech which is attributed to someone other than the reporter,–Some use of passive verbs but usually only when someone who is being quoted wants to distance themselves from an issue and to show objectivelyabout n issue.2. About something that has taken place so mostly written in the past tense.3. Simple –In fact close to the way we talk –relatively short sentences andwords and some use of clichés which the whole audience understand.4. Punchy –it must grab the reader’s attention so often uses:–short rather than long words–active verbs–relatively short sentences–concrete rather than abstract vocabulary–sometimes emotive and colorful vocabulary–some use (but not overuse) of adjectives5. But also relatively formal hence:–no use of contractions–sentences written in full (no elision) or elliptical sentences6. sometimes imagery is used to help create a clearer mental picture for the reader.7. often including the reporter’s by-line and/or a date-line6.Read the following headlines and analyze the features of the language theyuse.a)More Iraqis Said to Flee Since Troop RiseWhen passive voice is used in headlines, “to be” is always omitted. Here “are” in “More Iraqis are said to flee…”is omitted. Nouns and noun phrases are often used in headlines to save space. Noun phrases which actually express actions or state are heavily used, and they are derived from verb phrases in order to make the sentences more compact and save space without lowering the amount of information conveyed. Instead of “since the troop rises”, noun phrase “troop rise”is used.b)Insurgent raid kills 22 villagersMost headlines use the present tense-despite the fact that they generally describe past events. The present tense gives the subject a sense of freshness and immediacy, making it more interesting to read. Instead of using “killed”, “kills” is used to describe what happened in the past. Besides, the article “An”in “an insurgent raid” is omitted.c)Bangladesh Sets Curfew To Curb Student ProtestsShort words (i.e. midget words) are often used to conserve space in headlines, for example, “curb” in this headline. Besides, present tense “sets” is used to describea past event.d)Storm Death Toll in Midwest Climbs1. Compact noun phrases are often used in headlines to save space.2. Most headlines use the present tense-despite the fact that they generallydescribe past events.e)Wall Street slightly lower as credit worries lingerRhetoric devices often used in the writing of newspaper headlines.In this headline, Wall Street refers to the stock exchange, which is a metonymy.Another rhetoric device used here is rhyme (Correspondence of terminal sounds of words or of lines of verse), as we find in lower and linger.f)China launches crackdown on inferior goods, unsafe foodIn order to conserve space in headlines, comma is sometimes used to replace“and”.g)China to become U.S. third largest export market by year endIn phrase headlines, infinitives are sometimes used to indicate a future action or event.7. What do the following abbreviations and acronyms stand for?1) CPPCC Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference中国人民政治协商会议2) NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration(美国)国家航空和宇宙航行局3) IMF International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织4) WHO World Health Organization 世界卫生组织5) DJI Dow-Jones Index 道·琼斯指数6) PM prime minister 首相;总理8.Read the following news story and answer the following questions.1. What is the headline of the report?Sprawl puts houses in hot zones2. What is the subheading of the report?Lack of fire hydrants a growing problem3. What is the byline of the report?By Joseph GidjunisUSA TODAY4. What is the dateline of the report?Salisbury, Md9. Read the following news story and answer the following questions.Q1 Saudi king to allow women to vote in local electionsQ2 RIYADH, Saudi ArabiaQ3 The Associated PressQ4 The first paragraph:Saudi King Abdullah announced Sunday that the nation’s women will gain the right to vote and run as candidates in local elections to be held in 2015 in a major advancement for the rights of women in the deeply conservative Muslim kingdom.WHO: Saudi King AbdullahWHEN: SundayWHAT: …announced that the nation’s women will gain the right to vote and run as candidates in local elections to be held in 2015…作业三第一单元社会群体Lesson 1 For Many Generation X’ers, Job Loyalty is Getting Stronger1. A2. C3. D4. C5. ALesson 3 How to manage an ageing workforce1. A2. D3. B4. D5. AAdditional Reading1. The border wall is planned to be built this fall to stem illegal immigration into America.2. Landowners are concerned it may cut across their property, conservationists see it destroying crucial riverside habitat, and some activists see it inflaming ethnic tensions.3. It is an expression of friendship between two mayors, two cities and two countries.4. The border wall is needed to help block the swelling tide of illegal immigration as well as widespread drug and gun smuggling.5. Because the Mexican government has failed its own people and Mexicans were forced to go north seeking jobs because of the poverty they faced at home.作业四第二单元政治体制Lesson 6 Full of sound and fury1.A2. C3. A4. D5. ALesson 8 Travel can help mend a fractured world1. C2. C3. D4. B5. C作业五Lesson 10 Family-Unfriendly Policies1. A2. C3. D4. B5. AAdditional Reading1. Because of the recession and poor private housing prospects in the early 1990s.2. The traditional American culture thinks of maleness and adulthood in terms of separation, particularly in moving away from home and mother.3. This could lead to rises in family tension and even violence, but it may also improve relationship by giving children the chance to see their parents as independent adults rather than just as parents.4. Parents should allow their children to behave as adults in a family home.5. No. It is found that the benefit was not a factor in encouraging young single peopleto leave home for private accommodation. Even those entitled to it often did not claim.作业六第四单元文教卫生Lesson 14 College RankingAnswers to the questions1. B2. D3. B4. B5. C作业七第五单元工作生活Additional Reading阅读以下的报道,并回答文后题目。

1. 选材广泛:书中选取了来自不同英语国家的报纸和杂志文章,包括政治、经济、文化、科技、娱乐等多个领域,让学生在阅读中了解不同的话题和观点。
2. 阶梯式难度:教材根据学生的英语水平和阅读能力,将文章分为不同的难度等级,从易到难逐步提高学生的阅读理解能力。
3. 注解详细:每篇文章都附有详细的注解,包括生词解释、短语解析、句子结构分析等,帮助学生更好地理解文章内容。
4. 练习丰富:每篇文章后都配有练习题,包括阅读理解、词汇练习、语法练习等,让学生在阅读的同时巩固语言知识。
5. 文化背景介绍:教材中还穿插了有关英语国家的文化背景知识,帮助学生更好地理解文章背后的文化内涵。


• “The difference between USA Today and the rest of the industry was evident from the first day, Sept. 15, 1982.”
• “There’s still a wide spread between what other major newspapers look like and read like, and USA Today, but it’s not as wide as it was,” said Allen H. Neuharth, the former Gannett chairman and chief executive who created USA Today.
英语报刊选读 2
Selective Readings in
• /
• Journalism in the U.S.A., mainly newspapers and magazines
News • Sample Reading
• And the Oscar didn't go to Hollywood (Feb. 25th) • Old guard in Cuba keeps reins
• headline news
• running stories • criticism • profile • comic strip
• supplement
• wanted column
Misunderstanding or not?
Have a try !
button man cooker general doctor man of the world milky way nonperson press book riot police riotous police

1. 新闻英语基础知识:该部分将介绍新闻英语的基本要素,包括标题、导语、正文等。
2. 不同类型新闻的阅读理解:该部分将介绍不同类型的新闻报道,例如政治、经济、社会、体育等,并引导学生理解不同类型新闻报道的特点和写作风格。
3. 英语报刊选读技巧:该部分将介绍一些阅读英语报刊的技巧,例如如何快速浏览文章、如何抓住文章重点等。
4. 英语报刊选读实践:该部分将提供一些英语报刊选读实践练习,例如阅读理解练习、词汇练习等。

英语报刊选读一、阅读材料1. The Economist (经济学人)The Economist is a weekly international business magazine published in London. It provides objective reporting, analysis and opinion to help business people and policy makers understand the global economy. The magazine covers a wide range of topics including business, politics, technology, culture and international affairs. It is a good source of news and analysis for English learners.2. New York Times (纽约时报)The New York Times is a daily newspaper published in New York City. It is one of the most influential English-language newspapers in the world, covering news, culture, sports and other topics. The newspaper publishes high-quality reporting, analysis and opinion on current events, and it is a good source of reading practice for English learners.3. Wall Street Journal (华尔街日报)The Wall Street Journal is a daily business newspaper published in New York City. It provides objective reporting and analysis on the financial markets, business news, economics and other topics. The newspaper is written in a formal style and is a good choice for students who want to improve their writing skills.二、回答问题1. What are the main differences between The Economist and the New York Times?The Economist is a weekly international business magazine published in London, providing objective reporting, analysis and opinion to help business people and policy makers understand the global economy. The New York Times is a daily newspaper published in New York City, covering news, culture, sports and other topics. Therefore, The Economist is more focused on business and international affairs, while the New York Times covers a wider range of topics.2. What are the advantages of reading Wall Street Journal for English learners?Reading the Wall Street Journal has several advantages for English learners. Firstly, it provides objective reporting and analysis on the financial markets, business news, economics and other topics, which helps learners improve their understanding of financial and economic issues. Secondly, the newspaper is written in a formal style, which provides learners with opportunities to improve their writing skills. Finally, reading the Wall Street Journal is a good source of reading practice for learners who want to improve their reading comprehension and vocabulary skills.三、个人观点In my opinion, reading English newspapers and magazines is an effective way for English learners to improve their language proficiency. By reading different types of newspapers and magazines, learners can broaden their horizons, improve their writing skills, and gain a better understanding of current events and international affairs. Additionally, reading newspapers and magazines in a foreign language provides learners with opportunities to practice their reading, listening, speaking and writing skills, which helps them develop a more natural fluency in the target language. Therefore, I recommend that English learners regularly read English newspapers and magazines to improve their language proficiency.。

新编英语报刊选读范文English:In today's rapidly changing world, staying informed about current events and global issues is more important than ever. Reading English newspapers and magazines is an excellent way to improve language skills while also gaining valuable insights into a variety of topics. By regularly reading articles on politics, economics, social issues, and culture, language learners can expand their vocabulary, improve their reading comprehension, and deepen their understanding of the English-speaking world. In addition, reading English publications allows readers to stay up-to-date on current events, trends, and developments, helping them to develop a well-rounded perspective on global issues. With the wide range of English newspapers and magazines available online, learners have access to a wealth of resources that can support their language learning journey and broaden their knowledge base in a meaningful way.中文翻译:在今天快节奏变化的世界中,了解当前事件和全球问题比以往任何时候都更为重要。

英语报刊选读参考答案英语报刊选读Journalistic Reading 教师用书Teacher’s Book总主编王嘉褆主编林玫刘雁BOOK ONE (2)UNIT 1 Campus (2)UNIT 2 Entertainment .............................................................................................. 5 5 UNIT 3 Entertainment .............................................................................................. 9 9 UNIT 4 Food . (12)UNIT 5 Crime (15)UNIT 6 Disaster (19)UNIT 7 Sports (23)UNIT 8 Art (28)UNIT 9 Economy (31)UNIT 10 Ecology (36)UNIT 11 Health (39)UNIT12 Automobile & Driving (43)UNIT 13 Quality problems (48)UNIT 14 Shopping (52)UNIT 15 Gun control (56)UNIT 16 Psychology (59)BOOK ONEUNIT 1 Campus I . Vocabulary Builder 1. Definition1) chaotic : extremely disorganized; badly organized; be in mess 2) primary : main; most important; key; major; chief; prime; principal 3) seduce : attract; tempt 4) highlight : the most important, interesting, or enjoyable part of something such as a holiday, performance, or sports competition 5) reluctant : unwilling 6) compelling : : very very very interesting interesting interesting or or or exciting, exciting, exciting, so so so that that that you you you have have have to to to pay pay attention 7) reveal : show; indicate 8) mainstream : : accepted accepted accepted by by by or or or involving involving involving most most most people people people in in in a a a society; society; normal; ordinary 9) critical: important; crucial 10) evolution : a long, gradual process during which something develops and changes, usually becoming more advanced; a gradual change and development 2. Terms translation 1) a bipartisan consensus 2)high school diploma 3)drop-out rate 4)college wage premium 5)the K-12 system 6)more academically rigorous 7)well-rounded citizens 8)certification tests 9)career and technical education 3. Blank filling1) persevered 2) persisted 3) insisted 4) insisted 5) persevere 6) agony 7) adversity 8) torment 9) plight 10) assure/reassure 11) insure/ensure 12) insure 13) insure/ensure 14) assured/reassured II.Translation1.选择圣路易斯的华盛顿大学是个不错的决定,但真正让我享受到理想大学生活的,(不是大学本身)是我到了大学后作的一些决定。


BOOK ONE ............................................................................................................................................... 2 UNIT 1 Campus ............................................................................................................................................. 2 UNIT 2 Entertainment .................................................................................................................................. 3 UNIT 3 Entertainment .................................................................................................................................. 5 UNIT 4 Food .................................................................................................................................................. 6 UNIT 5 Crime ................................................................................................................................................ 8 UNIT 6 Disaster ........................................................................................................................................... 10 UNIT 7 Sports .............................................................................................................................................. 12 UNIT 8 Art ................................................................................................................................................... 14 UNIT 9 Economy ......................................................................................................................................... 16 UNIT 10 Ecology (18)UNIT 11 Health (19)UNIT12 Automobile & Driving .................................................................................................................... 21 UNIT 13 Quality problems .......................................................................................................................... 23 UNIT 14 Shopping ....................................................................................................................................... 25 UNIT 15 Gun control ................................................................................................................................... 27 UNIT 16 Psychology (29)英语报刊 选读Journalistic Reading教师用书 Teacher ’s Book总主编 王嘉褆主编 林玫 刘雁BOOK ONEUNIT 1 CampusI.Vocabulary Builder1.Definition1)chaotic: extremely disorganized; badly organized; be in mess2)primary: main; most important; key; major; chief; prime; principal3)seduce: attract; tempt4)highlight: the most important, interesting, or enjoyable part of something such as a holiday,performance, or sports competition5)reluctant: unwilling6)compelling: very interesting or exciting, so that you have to pay attention7)reveal: show; indicate8)mainstream: accepted by or involving most people in a society; normal; ordinary9)critical: important; crucial10)evolution: a long, gradual process during which something develops and changes, usuallybecoming more advanced; a gradual change and development2. Terms translation1) a bipartisan consensus2)high school diploma3)drop-out rate4)college wage premium5)the K-12 system6)more academically rigorous7)well-rounded citizens8)certification tests9)career and technical education3. Blank filling1) persevered 2) persisted 3) insisted 4) insisted 5) persevere6) agony 7) adversity 8) torment 9) plight 10) assure/reassure11) insure/ensure 12) insure 13) insure/ensure 14) assured/reassured II.Translation1.2.选择圣路易斯的华盛顿大学是个不错的决定,但真正让我享受到理想大学生活的,(不是大学本身)是我到了大学后作的一些决定。
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Some terms about economy
CPI Consumer Price Index 居民消费价格指数 inflation GNP Gross National Product GDP Gross Domestic Product purchasing power, buying power 购买力 economic fluctuation 经济波动 hand-to-mouth pay Shares 【BE】=【AE】(stock)
bear/bull market
• Thinking about
• The main function of the Fed changing the Federal Funds rate • The relationship between economy and the Federal Funds rate inflation ---- raise rate recession ---- cut rate
• big jump of prices (Para.1-7) • Influences (Para.8-9) • experts opinions (Para.10-14)
big jump of prices (Para.1-7)
• • • • • • • CPI overall prices Gasoline energy prices food price core CPI housing
• Reduce the chance that the Fed will make further rate cuts soon - the cut on Tues.: 0.25% - the chance of another 0.25% cut: 100% 84%
experts opinions
• Robert Brusca • Gus Faucher • Rich Yamarone
• core inflation: 核心通货膨胀,指剔除了部分 容易遭受外部冲击影响的不稳定的商品的价格 (如粮价和油价),衡量与经济长期增长趋