



新教材高一英语Unit4说课教案一.教学目标理论依据:《新课程标准》(实验稿)根据《新课程标准》(实验稿)关于总目标的定位及其实现途径和目标具体描述,结合高一学生实际和教材内容,我们把本单元的教学目标定为:1) 语言知识:单词:理解,内化,运用以下生词:seismograph; iceberg; King Tut; // roar; fright; crack; // bookworm; couch potato; workaholic;// Buddha; agent等,扫除听读障碍,重点掌握一些传神动词:advance; seize; sweep; swallow; drag; pull; flow; shake; strike; struggle等.词组:get on one's feet; tree after tree语法:复习和运用定语从句用于描述人,物及事件.2) 语言技能:听:听懂一个关于不幸经历的小故事,抓住时间,地点,人物,发生的事件说:能用得体语言描述人,物,事件,并且有一定的逻辑. 读:Scanning, skimming, careful reading, generalization; inference等阅读微技能训练.写: 能运用First, Next, Then, Finally简要且富有逻辑地描写自己的一次难忘经历.3) 学习策略:学生一定程度形成自主学习,有效交际,信息处理,英语思维能力.4) 情感态度:学生能在多种英语学习情景中分享自己的幸与不幸,体验用英语交流的成功与喜悦,以及培养合作精神,互助精神.二.教学重点和难点:重点:1. 课文中出现的重要动词,如:advance, seize, sweep, swallow, strike, struggle, drag, flow, shake, 及词组get on one's feet, pull oneself, tree after tree etc.2. 用关系代词who, that, whom, whose等引导的定语从句.3. 用副词first, next, then, finally 来描述一场难忘的经历.难点: 能用得体的英语表达自己,描述过去的难忘经历.三. 教学方法根据我们几年来二语习得论,"整体语言教学"的理论和实践,以及当前教学改革,课程改革等先进理念,为达成上述教学目标,运用任务型教学途径,我们英语课堂设计采取"P---T---P"自主学习立体模式:(Pre-task----Task-cycle----Post-task).四. 教学安排根据学生学习英语的特点和规律,学习阶段的侧重点以及高一学生的发展,我们把本单元划分为6课时:听力,口语,阅读(2课时),语言(0.5课时),写作,评价(0.5课时).下面请看我们的课堂教学设计.Period 2 SpeakingⅠ,教材内容及教学目标本课着重培养学生'说'的技能, 通过复习,学生自我介绍,解说图片,自编对话等手段来巩固定语从句中指人的关系代词who or whose 的用法,达到能有条理地描述个人体验和表达个人的见解和想象,能传递信息并就熟悉的话题表达看法,能用英语进行语言实践活动.它的掌握是一个很好的过渡阶段―――进入'读'和'写'的技能训练. Ⅱ,教学设计Pre-task: 活跃学生用英语交流的思维, 通过复习引出本课的重点---定语从句中指人的关系代词who or whose 的用法.Activity 1. RevisionTask: Talking about Hank Stram and his unforgettable experience.Ask some Ss some questions about Hank Stram and his unforgettable experience first, then write down two sentences on the Bb:1. A man whose name was Hank Stram was caught in the earthquake on October 17th , 1989 in San Francisco.2. Hank Stram was a lucky man who was rescued after he had been in his car for 14 hours.Purpose: 1,活跃学生用英语交流的思维.2,通过复习引出本课的重点---定语从句中指人的关系代词who or whose 的用法.Activity 2 Chain Games (Group work)Task: Introduction GuessAs the Ss don't know each other very well in the same class when learning this unit, let one of the group introduce others in his group to let the other groups to guess, the introduction must be a sentence, using the Attributive Clause-who or whose(Game Rule: Each introduction will only be guessed once ,if no one get the answer, the introducer should declare the student's name.)Purpose: 1,用游戏的形式能刺激学生用英语进行语言实践活动.2,活跃课堂气氛,真正发挥学生的主体作用.Task-cycle: 通过看图说话,学会正确使用定语从句. Activity 1. Describing the pictures ( group work)Task1: Describing the pictures in the book----Pictrue1,Picture5, Picture6, Picture3 ( group leaders report, using who or whose)Task 2: Describing some pictures about the natural disasters, such as Fire,Earthquake,Typhoon and Flood. ( In task 1, after the student finish talking about Picture 3---- Betty's parents have been married for more than 25 years who live in New York, their hobby is watching TV. The teacher ask the Ss : "Do you want to know what they like to watch best " Then present the pictures about the natural disasters. )Purpose: 1,培养学生积极用英语进行交流和沟通,发挥合作精神.2,培养学生看图说话的能力,从而提高'说'的技能. Activity 2. Creating dialogues (pair work)Task: Each pair choose two of the pictures and create their own dialogues.(using at least one Attributive Clause)Purpose: 1,培养学生善于利用各种机会用英语进行真实交际.2,增强学生的自信心,丰富想象力和独到的见解.3,了解英语国家与中国的生活方式的不同.Activity 3. Enjoying the videoThis video is about the most terrible disaster this year----SARS, some doctors are treating patients, struggling against SARS)Task 1: To enjoy the video, finding out something that moved you deeply.Purpose: 1,能传递信息并就熟悉的话题表达看法2,能有条理地表达个人的见解和想象, 从而提高'说'的技能.Task 2: Interviewing--- group work( suppose one is the doctor, the others are going to interview him)Purpose: 1,能用英语进行语言实践活动.2,能用恰当的方式在特定场合中表达观点,从而使'说'的技能的训练进一步提升.Post-task: 评价学生课堂表现,学生表演对话Activity : Act out dialoguesPeriod I warming up and listeningⅠ,教材内容及教学目标本课处于本单元的第一课时,主要训练和提高学生'听'的技能,它的掌握有利于以下几课的'说','读'和'写'的技能训练,并作了一个很好的铺垫.本课的听力材料由两部分组成,主要讲述Hank Stram在地震前所做,地震中所见,所闻和所感的令人难忘的经历.通过完成练习,学生能抓住所听语段中的关键词,理解话语之间的逻辑关系,听懂故事,理解其中主要人物和事件以及他们之间的关系等.而且学生能掌握较好的听力方法,如积极预测,注意抓关键词,善于跳跃难点,学会做笔记等等.通过本课学习学生能复习定语从句以及学会正确使用指人或物的关系代词. Ⅱ,教学设计A. Warming up :Task 1 Matching competition (group work)Column A Column B1, Fu Jian Province a,a cartoon maker2, San Francisco b,the electric lamp3, Alexander Bell c,the first telephone4, Thomas Edison d,earthquake5, Albert Einstein e,typhoon6, Walt Disney f,the Theory of Relativity Question: Why do you think soTask2: Looking at the following pictures, find out the answers to the questions:1) Do you know who or what they are2) What made them unforgettable3) Can you describe each picture using one sentence( with the help of the words under the picture)Task 3: Let the students describe each picture with Attributive Clause.eg: Zhang Heng is the man who made the earliest seismograph in 132.B. Pre-listeningTask1: Before listening , let the Ss guess the possible answers to the following questions according to the situation: (group work)1) When did the earthquake happen2) Where was the man driving when it happen3) What was he going to doListening(Part 1):Task 2: Listening to the tape to get the correct answers to the above questions.(for the first time)Task 3: Listening to the tape to put the following into the right order.( ) 1. I stopped the car and at the same time the road fell onto the cars in front of me.( ) 2. I was hungry so I started to eat one.( ) 3. I saw the cars in front of me start to move from side to side.( ) 4. I had finished work and then gone to the Post Office. ( ) 5. I slowed down ,then my car started to shake.( ) 6. I stopped off at a shop in order to get some fresh fruit. ( ) 7. I drove even slower, then the road above started to fall down.Task 4: Letting the Ss listen to the tape again, then try to retell the story simply, using their own words.Task 5 : Discussion (Group work)What would happen to Hank Stram finallyListening (Part 2)Task1: Listening to the second part to choose the best choices(for the first time)1. Which part of his body hurt badly ( C )A. The bottom parts of his legsB. The bottom parts of his hands.C. The bottom parts of his legs and feet.2. What could he hear below him ( B )A. NothingB. Shouts and noiseC. The noise of cars3. How long had he been in the car ( A)A.14 hoursB. 40 hoursC.4 hoursTask 2: Listening to the tape again to write the words in thespaces.1. I ________ myself in the dark.2. Then I remembered what______.3. It was clear to me now that I ______ in an earthquake.4. Then I ________ people________ towards me.5. A team of people______ to see if anyone _____ under the broken road.C. Post-listening:Task 3: DiscussionWhat made him survive in such a terrible accidentPeriod 5 Language study & Grammar(half period)I,教学设计Task 1. Word puzzleI. Find out ten words that describe the flood and fighting against the flood in the puzzle. One of them has been found out.Task 2. Words in different situationsWord study about "advance" and "strike" (individual work) Judge the different meanings of "advance" or "strike" in the following sentences:1.The hunter advanced toward the bear carefully.2.A month has passed but the project has not advanced.3.He worked so well that his boss advanced him to a higher position.4.The date of the meeting was advanced from June 10 to June 3.5.The boy struck the pig with a stick.6.The workers were striking for higher pay.7.Typhoon Swan struck Hainan, killing 20 people.8.On New Year's Eve, we waited for the clock to strike. Task 3. Finish the exercises in the text.Task 4. Talking about people and things, using Attributive ClauseFirst, let students find out some words about things quickly like clock, homework, coat, chocolate, bag, flood, fire, etc from the exercise of word study and describe them as the following example: (pair work)A clock is a machine that/which tells time.Second, let students find out some words about persons quickly such as teacher,parents, doctor, mother, child, soldier and thief and describe them like this: (pair work)A teacher is a person who/that teaches you how to learn. Third, finish Exercise 2 of Grammar orally. (individual work)Task 5 . Expanded reading1.Read the following passage about fire and find out the Attributive Clauses in it and try to understand the use of the relative pronouns. (individual work)2. Reading comprehensionTask 6. Finish Exercise 1 of Grammar. (individual work) HomeworkPreview the next reading material and find out the Attributive Clauses with who, whom, that, which, whose, where and the linking words and and but.Period 3 &4 ReadingⅠ,教材内容这是新教材高一上第4单元的阅读课型.本课围绕难忘的经历这一主题,描写洪水来临时的凶猛及Jeff与Flora 在这次经历中的体验.本课词汇量大,尤其在描写发洪水时,文章运用大量的动词及一些原汁原味的表达.另外文章中还出现许多定语从句,定语从句是本单元的语法重点.根据新课程标准及高一学生的知识,语言能力水平,我们制定以下教学目标:Ⅱ,教学目标:1,理解和掌握一些新词汇如:roar,mass,fright,rack,boom,advance,seize,destroy,sweep ,swallow,drag,struggle,flow,strike,etc.2, 理解定语从句,如:1) Before she could move, she heard a great noise, which grew to a terrible roar.2) She looked at Jeff who waved his arms.3) There she saw big mass of water that was quickly advancing towards her.4) Flora, whose beautiful hair and dress were all cold and wet, started crying.尤其是whose引导的定语从句及间隔性定语从句.3,学生在一定程度上提高阅读微技能和用英语思维,推理,判断的能力.4,能用First,Next,Then,Finally来口头陈述事件.Ⅲ, 教学设计A. Warming up:Task 1:Talking about natural disasters1. What natural disasters did you talk about yesterday Do you know some others2. Have you ever experienced one of these disasters Can you describe what it was like and how you feltB. Pre-readingTask 2: Looking and guessing:1. What can you see in the picture2. What happened to them finally3. What words will you use to describe this disasterC. Fast readingQuestions:1.What natural disaster did Flora and Jeff suffered (Flood)2. What rescued them (Chimney)D. Careful readingTask 3: Dividing the whole passage according to thechange of the places.Para 1:In the gardenPara2:On the way to the housePara3:Inside the houseTask 4: ImaginationQuestion 1:What was the house like ( B )A,a flat B,a house with two floorsQuestion 2:What words support your ideaTask 5 :Reading for the second time and finish the following diagramplacesfloodreactionfeelingsTask 6 Imaging the end of the storyE. Practice for understanding and word studyF. ConsolidationTask 7,Retelling the story according to the diagram:Post readingTask : Discussion.1, Will the disaster change Flora and Jeff's life How Expanded reading: The Day That Changed My Generation Read the material and do some exercises.Homework:写阅读笔记阅读格式卡Date:Unit ( )Lesson( )General idea:Contents:Comment:板书设计Unit 4 Unforgettable experiencesplacesfloodreactionfeelingfirstin the gardenroar, advancewave, shout runsurprisedpuzzlednexton the way to the housesweep, swallow, flowseize, drag ,go down, open, pull ,look into, hold, strugglefrightenedtheninside the housestrikemove updestroyclimb, cryhopefulFinally:F V I F S E I Z E MOFYKHNGYOJHIDRAGDPTXYFENKICUBSTSSIEBFLOWASTRUGGLEAKERRABNVQLJZOFIHYNPLBXYZOKCGTOADV ANCEFIWF V I F S E I Z E MOFYKHNGYOJHIDRAGDPTXYFENKICUBSTSSIEBFLOWASTRUGGLEAKERRABNVQLJZOFIHYNPLBXYZOKCGTOADV ANCEFIWF V I F S E I Z E MOFYKHNGYOJHIDRAGDPTXYFENKICUBSTSSIEBFLOWASTRUGGLEAKERRABNVQLJZOFIHYNPLBXYZOKCGTOADV ANCEFIWPeriod 6 Writing & assessment(1.5 periods)Ⅰ,教学内容与教学目标学生通过学习一篇四川之行的游记范文,能根据写作步骤提示,用First, Next, Then, Finally组织材料写一篇自己亲身游记(unforgettable trip),并能写出一两个含定语从句的句子.根据克拉申(krashen)的输入假说:"写是输出的过程,是在前面多方式,多渠道的足够可理解输入的情况下,而达到的自然输出.根据我们前面提出的P----T----P自主学习立体模式,我作如下设计.Ⅱ,教学设计Pre-task:激发背景知识,明确写作要求,主题目的,写作步骤Activity 1. remind of the unforgettable experiencesIn our daily, many things are unforgettable. They are worth writing down. For example, (显示画面)a disaster; a war; a match; a speech; a film; a famous person; a talk with somebody; a trip; etc.(目的:承上启下,激发写作情境)Activity 2. travel around our country.For me, going on a trip is really unforgettable because it is exciting and there are a lot to see in our motherland. Look at the pictures and guess where it is.Beijing; *The Great Wall; *Mount Huangshan *Mountain Emei; *Hainang Seaside; etc. (Or local places of interests.) (目的:为阅读做准备;欣赏美丽河山,激发写作欲望;) Activity 3. A trip to SichuanDuring the first week of May, the three boys went on a holiday to Sichuan. Read and find what made the writer unforgettable. (Buddha in Leshan; Monkeys on Mount Emei.)Read again and answer the following questions:1. Why did they choose to go to Leshan and Emei2. How did they get to the top of the mountains3. What did they do before the trip (First, Next )4. What did they see and do on Leshan5. What did they see and do on Mount EmeiPair work: Retell the trip to Sichuan, with the help of the following:During the first week of May I went on a holiday to Sichuan. First.Next.The next dayLeshanThe next morning EmeiFinally…(目的:可理解的输入为写作做语言上的准备)Task-cycle: M-M-C practice ①mechanical practice(学生活动:朗读;找词;找句型)Find the sentence with the following meaning:1) 我找出一些成都附近名胜的照片.2) 我接着打电话给一旅行社,我在报纸上发现它的号码.3) 我们带了几瓶水,一些苹果和橘子,装入我的包里.4) 我们先去乐山,在那里我们一直爬到山顶看佛像.②meaningful practice(学生活动:模仿性造句;仿写作文)围绕Unforgettable trip主题用which; whose; where等造句.③communicative practice(学生活动:回答问题;连句成文;润色) 1. First, students quickly write down 20 short sentences about their trip, with the help of questions in the text.2. Next, students try to put the sentences in order, using "First, Next, Then, Finally"3. Then, students write the story, using linking words and relative pronouns.Post-task:作文展示,交流评价(同伴评价,课堂集体评价,教师评价)同伴评价实际上是合作形学习的一种形式,其重要理论基础就是考卡夫(Kafka, K)最早提出的"群体动力理论"(group dynamics).四, 教学评价通过评价,使学生在英语课程的学习过程中不断体验进步与成功,认识自我,建立自信,调整学习策略,促进学生综合语言支用能力的发展.评价也能使教师获得英语教学的反馈信息,对自己的教学行为进行反思和适当调整.为此,本单元的评价包括以下几项:1, 把阅读格式卡存入学生学习档案夹:阅读格式卡Date:Unit ( )Lesson( )General idea:Contents:Comment:2, 形成性评价3, 单元终结性评价Ⅰ. Multiple choice1. - A ship makes me unforgettable after I saw a famous movie.- Do you mean the ship, Titanic, ______ sank after hitting an icebergA. whoB. whichC. whoseD. where2. - Do you know Zhang Heng- Is he the man _______ made the earliest seismograph in 132A. whoB. heC. whoseD. which3. Flora, _______ garden was swallowed by the flood, was crying.A. whoB. thatC. whoseD. where4. On the top of Leshan, there is a really big Buddha, in front ________ Wei Bin took photos of us.A. itsB. on whichC. from whichD. of which5. - Three young school boys were ______ by the water when swimming on a hot afternoon!- What a bad accident!A. swallowedB. sweptC. gotD. caught6. The lamplight ______ out through the heavy fog, which gave travelers a light of hope.A. struggledB. draggedC. turnedD. found7. On October 17th, 1989 a strong earthquake _____ San Francisco and killed over 100 people.A. advancedB. took placeC. struckD. seized8. Look, the baby lion, which was just born two days ago, is trying to ______ its feet.A. get onB. get ontoC. get upD. get in9. Trees ______ badly during the terrible storm.A. pulledB. shookC. destroyedD. flowed10. Tree after tree was ______ by the water, which must have been three metres.A. cut upB. cut downC. cut offD. cut inⅡ. Cloze testWhat an unforgettable day! At the moment Flora was so surprised at the big _11_ of water which was advancing quickly towards her in her garden that she couldn't move. Jeff rushed to seize her arm and they ran together to the house. _12 they got to the house, the waves _13_ them down twice. Jeff pulled Flora up with a lot of difficulty, _14_ onto a tree that grew against the wall. The water, _15_ was cold as ice and flowed faster than a river, was above her knees. They looked into each other's faces, _16_. The chance of being rescued was slim. They opened the door to the hall and got the chance to climb _17_ to the second floor. The water moved up like a sea. Flora started crying. The house would fall down!They had to find the 18_ because it would stand. Jeff looked out of the window. Tree after tree _19_. The garden was completely destroyed, swept away by the wild water. A terrible noise went through the house. Before the whole house went down in the _20_, they saw the chimney.11. A. group B. collection C. mass D. crowd12. A. Before B. After C. Until D. Once13. A. cut B. swept C. pulled D. went14. A. cracking B. flowing C. holding D. catching15. A. which B. it C. that D. where16. A. frightened B. surprised C. relieved(松口气) D. excited17. A. downstairs B. upstairs C. above D. under18. A. tree B. hall C. tower D. chimney19. A. swept away B. swallowed C. went down D. pulled down20. A. storm B. flood C. earthquake D. fireⅢ. Translation. Put the Chinese into English to complete the following sentences.21. The climate ___________________________(全球的科学家们在担心的) is becoming warmer and warmer. 22. We feel as if the earth were in the greenhouse ______________________(由玻璃做成的).23. The scientist ___________________________(他的研究是关于温室气体的) is doing an experiment.24. We find it hard to find an interesting place__________________________(那里天气不会太热的) in Africa.25. People ______________________(生活在沙漠地区的)lead a hard life.26. Pollution, _______________________(给人类带来重大灾难的), is said to be one of the main causes of global warming.Key:21. (that/which) scientists all over the world are worrying about22. that/which is made of glass23. whose research is about greenhouse gases24. where it is not too hot25. who live in the desert26. which brings man terrible disasters4, 单元测试学生自我评定表单元名称Unit _______失分错解题号错解原因仍存疑点对策5, 任务型活动:配图说明.找出记一次外出游玩的系列照片,制成小册,配以英语说明,然后全班展示.。

高一外研版必修1英语说课稿:Module 4

高一外研版必修1英语说课稿:Module 4

高一外研版必修1 英语说课稿:Module 4

小编准备了高一外研版必修1 英语说课稿,具

Ⅰ.The General Idea of This Module
The tasks of Module 4 are about how to get to know and introduce some places. Through oral practice,enable the students to introduce what they see and what they hear and describe them in writing.
Learn and master some words and phrases about buildings and living places.In order to prepare for the activities later,the task is to get the students to understand the words and phrases.
Through the dialogue,the geography place of Xiamen is introduced, including its climate and a survey of the city of Xiamen.Enable the students to grasp the words an d use them to describe their living places.。



Module 4 A Social Survey-A Lively City 泰来县第一中学高一英语组高艳梅各位评委,老师大家好:今天我说课的内容是外研版英语教材必修1第四模块的话题A Social Survey中的第二课时,Reading—A Lively City。







根据新课程标准确立教学目标如下1. 知识与技能Knowledge and ability:理解对话内容,猜生词,编对话Comprehend the dialogue; Guess the meaning of new words ; Make a dialogue of introducing a city.2. 过程与方法Course and method:教师指导和学生合作学习,使得学生可以做到主动探究,用英语去分析和解决问题。

Though the teacher’s guidance ,instructions and thestudents’cooperation, the students can study and solve the problems actively and correctly.3. 情感态度价值观Emotion,attitude and values:培养学生的合作意识;引导学生热爱自己的家乡;培养他们的社会责任感。



Lesson Type: Listening and SpeakingTime: 45minutesStudents:Senior 1New Senior English(2004) for China Student's Book 1Unit 4 EarthquakesUsing Language -Listening1 Good Good morning, morning, morning, everyone! everyone! It’s my my great great great pleasure pleasure pleasure to to to be be be here here here to to to give give give my my my lesson lesson lesson pl pl plan an presentation. The lesson plan I am going to present is listening part of Unit 4 from the New Senior English(2004) for China Student's Book 1 for students in Senior 1. Now I’d like to explain how to teach this listening and speaking class and the reason for doing so from the following 5 aspects: the analysis of teaching material and the students; the teaching objectives, important points and difficult points; the teaching methods and aids; teaching procedure; and the layout of blackboard. Part Ⅰ Analysis of teaching material and studentsFirst, I will analyze the teaching material. It’s from the New Senior English(2004) for China Student's Book 1 Unit 4. The topic is about earthquakes. This lesson is mainly a listening class which which is is listening listening to to to an an an interview interview interview of of of the the the great great great San San San Francisco Francisco Francisco earthquake earthquake earthquake in in in 1906. 1906. 1906. The The The teaching teaching material is not so easy for students because it need students to listen carefully, meanwhile, take notes and analyze the listening materials then speak out their answers. All in all, it is very useful to improve students’ listening abilities . Now let’s move on to the analysis of Ss. The students are in Senior 1. Most of the students have have been been been learning learning learning English English English for for for 6 6 6 years, years, years, so so so they they they have have have already already already mastered mastered mastered the the the basic basic basic words words words and and expressions, and they have basic listening abilities. They are interested in learning English and are quite familiar with the task-based language teaching model, but some of them are still afraid of speaking speaking English English English in in in front front front of of of the the the class. class. class. In In In terms terms terms of of of that, that, that, teacher teacher teacher should should should pay pay pay attention attention attention to to to their their individual difference and encourage them to air their opinions more in class. Part Ⅱ Teaching objectives, teaching important points and difficult points1. Based on the analyses of teaching material and the learning condition, I will put forward the teaching objectives from 5 aspects. By the end of this class, the students will be able to :nguage knowledge : Learn some new words about earthquakes:shake, crack, rush, bricks, fall down. 2.Ability objects: 1)Improve their listening and oral expression abilities. 2)Predict answers before listening and capture the key words while listening. 3.Emotional objects: 1)Learn some survival skills when the earthquake happens. 2)Feel the power of our nation's post-disaster reconstruction efforts. 4.Learning strategies: 1)Utilize network to search and screen information. 2)Learn to learn individually and cooperatively. 5.Cultural objective: Know some situations about the San Francisco earthquakes in 1906. 2. Teaching key points &difficult points 1).Teaching key points How How to to to make make make Ss Ss Ss know know know some some some situations situations situations about about about the the the San San San Francisco Francisco Francisco earthquakes earthquakes earthquakes in in in 1906 1906 1906 and and learn some words about earthquakes: shake, crack, rush, bricks, fall down. 2).Teaching difficult points How to get Ss to: 1)Improve their listening and oral expression abilities; 2)Predict answers before listening and capture the key words while listening. Part Ⅲ The teaching methods and aidsThen, Then, let’s let’s let’s focus focus focus on on on the the the ways ways ways of of of teaching teaching teaching methods methods methods and and and aids. aids. aids. According According According to to to new new new national national curriculum curriculum standard, standard, standard, the the the student-centered student-centered student-centered teaching teaching teaching idea, idea, idea, I I I adopt adopt adopt following following following teaching teaching teaching methods: methods: task-based language teaching method and PWP teaching method. I will set clear and various tasks will be used to train students’ listening and oral expression abilities. Besides, multimedia devices and PPT documents are also used as my teaching aids. Part Ⅳ Teaching procedureIn order to achieve the learning objectives above, different activities are designed respectively in four stages: Lead-in, pre-listening, while-listening, post-listening. Step 1 Lead-in.This step will cost 2 minutes. As we can see, once the students’ interest is aroused in the beginning, the whole class will go through more smoothly. So in this step, I make out an activity that is listening to a sound of earthquake, and I will ask Ss what sound it is in order to activate the Ss ’ interest and lead to the topic “earthquake earthquake””. Step 2 Pre-listening. This step has two activities that will cost 8 minutes. First, First, I I I will will will play play play a a a video video video about about about background background background of of of the the the listening listening listening materials. materials. materials. And And And task-based task-based language teaching method will be employed here. Some new words are added in the video, and Ss are asked to watch video and take notes. Based on the video they watch, I will check whether Ss could remember the words appeared by playing some screenshots. Second, Ss will be grouped to predict answers of Task 1 then write down each group ’s own answers(T or F) on the blackboard. And Ss need to explain the reasons of their predictions. I will also also give give give my my my own own own opinions. opinions. opinions. The The The purpose purpose purpose is is is to to to help help help Ss Ss Ss to to to learn learn learn new new new words, words, words, understand understand understand the the background background of of of the the the listening listening listening material, material, material, activate activate activate Ss’ Ss’ Ss’ previous previous previous knowledge knowledge knowledge store store and and train train train their their teamwork abilities. Step 3 While-reading.The whole step will cost 22 minutes. First, First, I I I will will will play play play the the the tape tape tape of of of the the the listening listening listening material, material, material, and and and Ss Ss Ss listen listen listen to to to it it it and and and finish finish finish Task Task Task 1 1 individually. After listening, I ’d like to invite some Ss to give answers and explain the reasons, and I will check the answers given and written on blackboard by showing correct answers. Second, Ss will listen the tape again and finish Task 2. Before listening, Ss also need to be grouped to analyze the key points of the questions in order to capture the key information while listening. Ss are required to take notes when listening. After listening, I ’d like to invite some Ss to speak speak out out out answers, answers, answers, and and and I I I will will will check check check their their their answers answers answers and and and analyze analyze analyze the the the detailed detailed detailed information information information of of of the the listening material by controlling the tape. This whole step aims to train Ss ’ team-work, listening, and oral expression abilities. Step 4 Post-listening. It will cost 12minutes. First,I will show the listening text and play the tape together. Ss follow look at the text and follow tape to read sentence by sentence. The purpose is to make sure the answers and train Ss' oral expression abilities. Second, Ss will discuss “What would you do if an earthquake happened?” in group. And I will show some pictures about survival skills on PPT to hint Ss. After discussions, I ’d like to invite some volunteers to speak out their ideas. At last, I will summary all the opinions. The purpose is to train train Ss Ss Ss’’ oral oral expression expression expression and and and team-work team-work team-work abilities, abilities, abilities, to to to check check check Ss Ss Ss whether whether whether have have have the the the basic basic basic survival survival skills. Step 5. HomeworkAt the end of the class, I will present homework: Make Ss utilize the internet to search the news news about about about the the the Sichuan Sichuan Sichuan earthquake. earthquake. earthquake. Let Let Let Ss Ss Ss share share share their their their preparations preparations preparations with with with other other other classmates classmates classmates next next class. class. This This This step step step aims aims aims to to to train train train Ss Ss Ss’’ abilities abilities of of of search search search information information information and and and to to to feel feel feel the the the power power power of of of our our nation's post-disaster reconstruction efforts. Part Ⅴ Layout on the blackboardUnit 4 EarthquakesShake-shook ( Here are written down the answers of each group) Crack Rush Brick Fall down-fell down 。

人教版必修1 Unit 4 ___ 全英文说课稿

人教版必修1 Unit 4 ___ 全英文说课稿

人教版必修1 Unit 4 ___ 全英文说课稿1.) Understanding the causes and effects of the ___2.) Comprehending the details and sequence of events in the reading passage3.) Analyzing the ___ on the people and the cityDifficult points:1.) ___2.) ___In this lesson。

we will focus on the important points of understanding the causes and effects of the Tangshan earthquake。

comprehending the details and sequence of events in the reading passage。

and analyzing the ___ on the people and the city。


we must also be aware of the difficult points。


as well as ___.Ⅱ。

Teaching methods:1.Task-based teaching method2.Interactive teaching method3.Cooperative learning method4.___ methodWe will use a variety of teaching methods in this lesson。

including task-based teaching。

interactive teaching。

cooperative learning。


These methods will help to engage the students and make the ___.Ⅲ。



Lesson Plan InterpretationT eaching material: NSEFC Book 1 Unit 4 EarthquakeHello! Ladies and gentlemen. Today my topic is Unit 4 reading. Now allow me to introduce the first part:Ⅰ. Analysis of the teaching materials:1.The importance of this lessonThis lesson is a reading passage. It plays a very important role in English teaching of this unit because we should lay particular emphasis on the students’ reading ability in senior English teaching.2.What to teach -teaching contents1.)get some basis knowledge about Tangshan earthquake2.)get the students to comprehend the passage better3.)do some listening, speaking and writing4.)moral educationIn this passage we should help the students get some knowledge about the Tangshan earthquake. At the same time we ought to get the student to comprehend the passage better. The students should do some listening, speaking and writing, too. Of course, the students should receive some moral education.3.The important and difficult points in this lesson:Important points:1.)some knowledge about earthquakes2.)to improve the students reading abilityDifficult points:using the learned phrases and sentence patterns to express one’s ideasⅡ. Teaching aims:My teaching aims includes 3 parts: knowledge aim, ability aims and moral education aims1.Knowledge aim: by the end of the lesson, students will have a better understanding of themeaning and structure of the text.2.Ability aims:1.)use what we have learned to describe what would happen before – during – after theearthquake2.)improve the re ading skill and use English to express one’s ideas3.Moral education aims: learn the bravery of facing the natural calamity from people inTangshan and we should always hold an optimistic attitudeⅢ. Analysis of the teaching theories and methods:That’s all for my teaching aims. Now let’s focus on the third part, Analysis of the teaching theories and methods. When I deal with this lesson. I’ll do my best to carry out some teaching theories of the new curriculum: taking the students as the host and the teacher subordinate .Carry out task-based learning and cooperative learning. Let the students receive some moral education while they are learning the English language.1.Teaching theories: The new curri culum (“taking the students as the host and the teachersubordinate”, “Cooperative learning”, “Take-based learning”, “Communicative learning”)2.Teaching methods: “Communicative Language Teaching”, “Take-based Activity”3.Learning methods: “Discovering learning”, “Cooperative learning4.Teaching aids: A tape recorder, the blackboard and PPTSince it is a reading passage, it is very important to develop the students’ reading ability. I’ll use some reading methods such as preparation for reading, (lead-in) scanning, skimming and intensive reading (in-depth reading or study reading). In class, I’ll try to use encouraging and polite remarks such as “Do you want a go?” “volunteers” “Well done!” “Y ou did a good job!” “Thanks!” and so on. I’ll get the students to have a competition to develop their quick response. I’ll make full use of modern equipment such as the multi-media and tape recorder to make the class more lively and interesting.Ⅳ. Analysis of the students:The students are in Grade 1. They are still at an age that would like to have competition with others. They have known something about the earthquakes. Some long sentences are difficult for them to understand. So I will help the students in different levels to learn English.Ⅴ. Analysis of the teaching process: Now came to the most important partStep1. Lead-in:1.)show some pictures of Tangshan (before the earthquake)2.)let the students to imagine what would happen after the earthquake (ask some studentsto speak out their ideas)My purpose here is to let the Ss know what we are going to look atStep2. While reading: in this step I will let the students read the text twice1.fast reading: scanning & skimming1.)first tell the students this passage can be divided into three parts and tell them the clueof the story : time order (tell them to pay attention to the first sentences of each para.)2.)read silently to get the structure (after several mins I will discuss the structure with thestudents)Part 1 (para 1) Strange things were happening before the earthquake, bot no one took any notice of themPart 2 (para 2-3) The earthquake destroyed the city of Tangshan and shocked the people very muchPart 3 (para 4) The army came to help the survivors, bringing hope for a new life2.careful reading: intensive readingdo the exerc ise in students’ book in P27 1,2 (a competition: divide the Ss into four group, and then the one who stand up fast and give the right answer can get ten marks for his group, the group which gets the highest mark will get a present)Step3. Consolidation:1.listen to the tape and read the passage aloud (Play the tape of the passage for thestudents to listen and then ask them to read it aloud. Tell them to pay attention to thepronunciation, stress and intonation while listening. At the same time they can enjoythe beauty of the English language. And it can prepare the students for the retelling innext step.)2.fill in the blank with proper words3.retell the story in your wordsSince the students in the class are in different levels, so first I will let them to fill in the blank to get an expression of the general idea of the textStep4. Post reading -discussion1. a short video about the 5·12 Wenchuan earthquake2.pictures of Tangshan and Wenchuan (on the screen)3.discuss: What can we do for the rebuilding of Wenchuan and how can we protectourselves if an earthquake happens?4.volunteersoptional: show them some pictures of Wenchuan people and tell the Ss:Where there is a life, there is hopeStep5. Homework1.read the text again after class and figure out the meaning of the following complexsentences (so these in class if time allow)2.write a short paragraph to describe what had happened before – during – after theearthquake using your own words3.surf the Internet to learn more about how to protect yourself and people if anearthquake happenⅥ. Contents on the blackboardUnit 4 EarthquakeA Night the Earth didn’t SleepStructure of the whole passage:Clue of the story: Time orderBefore – during – after the earthquakePart 1 (para 1) Strange things were happening before the earthquake, but no one took any notice of themPart 2 (para 2-3) The earthquake destroyed the city of Tangshan and shocked the people very muchPart 3 (para 4) The army came to help the survivors, bringing hope for a new lifeHomework for today:Ⅶ. My teaching dailyIn this lesson, I lead the students understand the passage step by step, and help them to retell the story and hold a discussion. But there are some new language points in the passage, so I will explain them for the students next period.Ok, that’s all for my interpretation. For the time is limited, t here must be some mistakes in my interpretation; I hope you can give me some suggestions.。

英语人教版高中必修一(新课标)教案Unit 4 Listening and Speaking 教案

英语人教版高中必修一(新课标)教案Unit 4 Listening and Speaking 教案

Unit 4 Natural DisastersPeriod 1Listening and Speaking教材分析本单元以自然灾害为话题,探讨在“人与自然”的主题之下,当人类面临自然灾害的威胁时,应该树立防灾意识,提高在灾害中逃生和生存的能力。


而开篇页的引言“Live to Tell: Raising Awareness, Reducing Mortality.”中文可以译为:“用生命呼吁:增强减灾意识,减少人员伤亡。


听力板块的活动主题是“播报自然灾害”(Report natural disasters)。


教学目标1. 能正确理解使用下列词汇:disaster, drought, slide, flood, rescue, damage, destroy, death, affect, shelter。

2. 能根据听力问题,预判听力内容并能提炼出关键信息,例如:数字、时间、日期、事由等。

3. 了解新闻播报应包含的基本要素和语言特征。


5. 复习清辅音和浊辅音p/b、t/d、k/g、f/v、th、s/z、sh/g、ch/dg、tr/dr、ts/ds的发音规律,并利用这些规律准确辨音,有效记忆单词。

教学重难点【教学重点】1. 引导学生运用听力策略,主动思考、预判听力要点;2. 引导学生运用新闻套语,模仿听力文本,完成自然灾害的新闻播报。


教学过程Task 1Step 1 Warming-up1.Look at the opening page and discuss the following questions.(1) What problems/natural disasters do you see in the picture?(2) What do you think the soldiers are doing?(3) Can the person in the picture survive?(4) Can we stop natural disasters from happening?2. Read the quote and discuss the following questions.How do you understand the quote? Do you agree with it?设计意图:通过询问学生对引言的看法,启发学生思考,培养学生的思辨能力。

2019新人教高中英语必修一Unit4Listening and Talking公开课教案

2019新人教高中英语必修一Unit4Listening and Talking公开课教案

2019新人教高中英语必修一Unit4 Listening and Talking 教案Teaching aims:1.Enable students to summarize the main idea of the conversation and sort out measures taken before,during and after an earthquake.2. Report safety instructions according to different disasters.3. Arouse the awareness of disaster prevention.Teaching key points:1.Help students get familiar with some difficult words before listening.2.Enlighten students to give safety instructions in a logical way.Teaching difficult points:1.Improve their listening level in dealing with fast English conversations.2.Enable students to express their own opinions on giving safety instructions.Teaching proceduresStepⅠLead-inActivity 1 Have students in groups prepare flash cards before class, on which the type of the natural disaster they choose and ways for protection are written. Share in class.Activity 2 Introduce some new words with pictures: tap,pipe, whistle.Suggested answers:StepⅠ ListeningActivity 1 Listening for the main ideaWhat is the main idea of the conversation?Suggested answer:Mrs Fors is sharing with some students about different measures taken before,during and after an earthquake.Activity 2 Listening for details.Listen again and find out the following information.Activity 3 Listening for language expressions. Listen again and fill in the blanks.Student 1: So what should we do if there's an earthquake?Mrs Fors:__________“drop,cover,and hold on”.__________onto your hands and knees,cover your head with your hands,and__________from glass,windows,or anything that could fall.__________find cover under a desk or table. Hold on to the desk or table so it doesn't move away from you.Teacher:What should we do if we're outside when an earthquake happens?Mrs Fors:__________an open space away from buildings,trees,or power lines.Student 2:And what about after an earthquake?Mrs Fors: Well,if you're trapped,__________use a cell phone to call or text for help.__________also tap on a pipe or a wall,or whistle for help.That way Lucky and I can find you .Suggested answers:Remember to; Drop down; stay away; You could; Go to;you can;You canStep Ⅰ SpeakingReport to the class the safety instructions for a certain natural disaster and then explain what emergency supplies people should keep on hand. The followinginstructions and emergency supplies are for your reference,and you can add more if necessary.Pay attention to the logic of your report.Example:If you find yourself in danger from a forest fire, first of all, stay calm. Cover your face with...Then go to a safer place if you can...Now for our emergency supplies, we would suggest always having on hand enough water and food for three days, a radio...。



Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.It’s my great honor and pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you. The content is the reading part from unit 4 of Student’s Book 1. Now I will introduce this period in detail.First of all, I will show the learning aims to Ss. There are six aims in all.Teaching ProcedureStep 1 Lead-in. (3min)In this step, I will show a part of the movie the TangShanEarthquake(After shock) directed by Feng Xiaogang.Purpose of my design:(1) To help Ss to realize that earthquake is disastrous to human.(2) To stimulate Ss’ interest about the topic.Step2 Fast-Reading(Individual work; 5min)In this step, I will get them to read the article quickly to finish some exercises.Purpose of my design:By doing thi s, I will train the students’ fast reading skills and help Ss to know about the structure of the passage.Step3 Careful-Reading (Individual work; min)Task 1(Individual work; 10min)Ask Ss to read the material carefully and find out the correct answers to finish the following chart.Task 2(Individual work, group work; 7min)In this part, I will ask the groups to discuss in groups. They compete to answer the questions. Besides, they should answer why. I will give their marks in order to help them learn to cooperate with others.Purpose of my design:Enable students to understand the passage better by using different reading skills. And p roper competition can arouse the Ss’ interest in English learning.Step 4 Show time (group work, pair work; 15min)In this step, the Ss will be asked to have a discussion in groups about an interview between a reporter and a survivor from Tangshan earthquake. Purpose of my design:By doing so, I guide the Ss to practice their language that they have learned. Then invite some group members to report their work to the whole class to help them overcome their shyness and stimulate them tospeak in public. I think the ability to use English is the most important.I think if the Ss can finish this task well, they will benefit a lot in their spoken English, and their ability of co-operation will be well trained. Step 5 Advice about how to protect ourselves in an earthquake.( 2min) Show Ss several pictures about What should we do to protect ourselves if an earthquake happens?Purpose of my design:(1)Enable the students to know about how to protect ourselves in an earthquake and to realize how precious life is.(2)Help Ss to realize we should live in harmony with nature and we should help each other when in trouble.Step 6 Conclusion(class work; 2min)In this step, I will ask the students to retell the passage so that they can revise what they have learnt in the class.Purpose of my design: Review the passage.Step 7 Homework(1min)Purpose of my design: Homework is so important and necessary for Ss.That’s all about my teaching. Thank you very much.。



第一篇unit4 EarthquakesA Night the Earth Didn't SleepGood morning, my dear judges, i am number. Today i am very happy and excited to stand here for an interview.And it is also my great honor to share my teaching ideas with you. This chance is very precious for me. Hope yo can enjoy it. My presentation consists of seven parts.1、analysis of the teaching material 2、analysis of the students 3、analysis of teaching methods 4、analysis of learning methods 5、teaching procedures 6、blackboard design 7、reflection PART ONE analysis of the teaching material(1)Status and function of this passage"A night the Earth Didn't Sleep〞is taken from Unit4, Student’s Book1, New Senior English for China, by PEP. This reading passage is the first period of this unit and it needs 45mins. It mainly talks about the biggest earthquake which hit Tangshan in 1976. This passage not only contains the attributive clauses which paves way for the next unit , but also embodies the theme of this whole unit. (2)Teaching aims and goals1〕Knowledge aims知识目标: To help the SS get familiar with the usage of key words, phrases and sentence patterns, especially the attributive clauses.2> Ability goals:技能目标To develop SS’reading skills, such asskimming, scanning, guessing and concluding and inference reading.3> Emotional goals情感态度目标: Get the SS to know more knowledge about an earthquake and how to survive an earthquake. Then get them to have the awareness to face the reality bravely, thus strengthening their strong will and make them love our nation and people.<3>Key points and difficult points1.教学重点:让学生掌握阅读技巧The key point is how to enable the SS to master the reading skills, 2.教学难点:如何让学生正确掌握本单元的定语从句用法The difficult point is to get the SS to use the attributive clauses correctly.说学情Part 2: analysis of the StudentsThe students are grade one students. Their advantage is that they can contact with new things through Internet or other ways. They have strong basis for English. But they lack of reading capacity because they haven’t commit to spending more time in reading and didn’t formed reading skills. They should have autonomous learning competence.Part3:说教法analysis of the Teaching MethodsTo achieve the teaching aims above, I’ll adopt task-based instruction. It enables the SS to undertake some tasks while reading. And theteacher’s roles are stimulator, instructor, resource-provider, audience and assessor in the teaching process.Part4:说学法analysis of Learning Methods1. Participatory learning method <参与式学习法>:It encourages the SS to participate in learning to experience English.2、Cooperative learning method<合作学习法>:By group work, the teacher can cultivate them the awareness of cooperation in English learning to exchange their feelings.PART FIVE teaching proceduresStep 1 warming <3mins>欣赏《##大地震》片段make the students watch the movies Tangshan EarthquakeAsk the SS to talk about their feelings after seeing the film.Step2 pre-reading<5mins>discuss the 2 questions in pre-reading part and report their result to the whole class.Q1:Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave it right now .You have time to take only one thing. What will you take ?Why?Q2:What do you think will happen before an earthquake?The purpose of this step is to lead in to arouse their interest to read on .Step3while-reading<20mins>There are three tasks. Task1 Draw lines to match sentences.The purpose is to enable the students to find out the general ideas of the passage.Task2 Discovering useful words and expressionsThe purpose is to train the students to find out the specific information.Task3Text revision.Let the SS review the text or the main ideaThe purpose is to help them have a clear understanding of the clue ,which paves way for next step.Step4 post-reading<15mins>Task 1 fill in the blanksDiscuss the article with their group members,and find out the language points such as key words,phrases and sentence structures in the article. And then fill in the blanks. After checking the answer, i will help the Ss to summarize the language pointsTask2 retellUse the key words and phrases to retell the articleThrough group work, cultivate the spirit of cooperation, and train the ability of solving problems by themselves. Meanwhile, ask the Ss to retell the article and it can check how well the Ss learned in thislesson.Step5 Homework<2mins>1.Finish the reading task on workbook .2.Preview the tasks in learning about language.PART SIX blackboard designI will divide the blackboard into two parts. I will write the key words and phrases on the left and the main sentences on the right.PART SEVEN reflectionIn the process of teaching, i carry on task-based teaching method. I design several tasks for students to complete. I try to make the class rich,effective,and instructive. But as we know, not all the students are the same level, a few of them may have difficulty in the tasks. I hope i can find out some multi-activities for students of different levels to solve this problem.At last, i want to say to be a good English teacher is my dream, i think a good teacher is not only a guide for the students, but also a friend of them. If i were a teacher, i would build a close relation with my students,helping them not only on their study, but also on their lives. So far, i have been an English teacher for one year, i will try my best to achieve further success. Ok, that is all. Thank you so much.。

高中英语必修1 Unit4 中文说课稿

高中英语必修1 Unit4 中文说课稿

尊敬的各位评委、老师:大家好!我今天说课的内容是高中英语必修一的Unit4 Earthquakes的Reading 部分。




Pre-reading 部分设置了两个开放性问题,目的是增加学生的生活常识,提高他们的应变能力。


Reading 部分是一篇新闻报道,介绍了唐山大地震前的预兆、地震造成的城市建筑和人畜损失以及地震后的救援情况。




b)学习掌握与地震相关的词汇,如:shake,well,rise,smelly,pond,pipe,burst,canal,steam,ruin, injure,destroy,brick,dam,useless,steel,shock,quake,rescue,electricity,disaster,army,organize,bury, coal,mine,shelter,fresh,percent等,以及right away,at an end,dig out,give out,thousands of以及一些优美句子的赏析。

c) 熟练运用that, which, who, whose引导的定语从句2.技能目标:a)阅读技能的训练:让学生学会克服生词障碍,通过略读,归纳出文章的大意;通过细读,理清文章的总体框架与脉络,归纳出各部分的中心词;通过查读,捕捉文章的重要细节,培养学生获取、处理信息的能力。

高中英语必修一《unit4 Teaching Design of Reathquakes》全英文说课稿

高中英语必修一《unit4 Teaching Design of Reathquakes》全英文说课稿

《unit4 Teaching Design of Reathquakes》说课稿I. Analysis of learners:Most of the students in our school are poor at English,esp.speaking and writing as well as shy ,and only some of them have computers at home .But As Senior One students, they are eager to do something new ,and they have the ability to do it if given chances and help.II.Analysis of the teaching material:This unit is about Tangshan and San Francisco earthquakes,from which students have learned the e arthquake portent and the great damage caused by them . This lesson is the seventh period. After six periods of learning,the students have learned some basic knowledge and events about earthquakes Besides , the new curriculum standards and the syllabus Test For English Major-8 requair the students should finish a task by doing their own research and presenting them.so the teaching aims are as follows.III. Teaching aims:1,Knowledge objects:Use what they have learned in this unit ,esp.the Attributive clauses to communicate in English to improve the ability of using English comprehensively .2.Ability objects: To train the students to do their own research present them by speaking and writing in English.3.Emotion objects: Through this lesson,the students can know our Party is great , the Chinese people are lovely and strong-willed,and they should try their best to help the people in disaster areas.IV. Key point and difficult pointKey point: speaking and writing using the Attributive clauses,Difficult point: colleting and processing the information ,then present them by speaking and writingV. Teaching and learning methodsIn order to achieve the teaching aims, I adopt task-based andstudent-centered Approaches .Two weeks before the lesson,I give the students tasks . In order to finish the tasks smoothly ,the students adopt the inquiry and cooperative learning methods to work in five groups with two leaders and other groupmates.They are separetely in charge of the following topics: 1.Why do earthquakes happen?/2.What shall we do during the earthquakes?/3.What shall we do after the earthquakes?/4.Imagine we are given a job to build a new city,what shall we do?/5.What did the government do after the earthquake?VI. Teaching aids: A projector , a multimedia coursewareVII. Teaching procedures: (45minutes)S tep1. Before class,play an English song to foil a sad atmosphere to lead the students to Unit 4 Earthquakes(project)Step 2.Lead in and work in five.(2minutes)Tell them to see a video and then answer the q uestions”What can you see and how do you fell?” so as to arouse their curiosity as well as desire of learning.After their answers,I say :As we know,earthquakes are so terrible and the damage caused by then are so great,but do you know the answers to the following questions? :1.Why do earthquakes happen? 2.What shall we do during the earthquakes? 3.What shall we do after the earthquakes?4.Hw to build a new city?5.What did the government do after the earthquake? Next,the five groups will give you the answers.What I say is aimed to make the atmasphere becoming light in order that they can come into a good state for learning. Then they begin to present their results.After the five groups’ presenting ,the Key point and the difficult point aresolved by presenting the results.Step4 Give a summary(1 minute)A good lesson must have a brief summary to emphasize the key pointsand let the students remember the content of the lesson.so I give such a summary Step5.Homework(2minutes)Homework aims to consolidate and extend the knowledge in class,so I let them to write a proposal to reach the goal.Step 6. Blackboard designBlackboard design can show the key points and the content of the lesson ,so it must be brief and logical.VIII.Post teaching:Though my students and I have made a careful plan and preparations, there are still some weaks, for rxample,some students can’t express themselves clearly;some of them can’t run the multimeadia skillfully;some can’t use the Attribitive Clauses properly etc. From now on ,I will offer more changces to the students to ddevelop the ability speaking and operating .At the same time,give them more situations about grammer to arouse their interest in English.。

人教版高中英语必修第一册《Unit 4 Natural Disasters》说课稿

人教版高中英语必修第一册《Unit 4 Natural Disasters》说课稿

人教版高中英语必修第一册《Unit 4 Natural Disasters》说课稿课程背景和教学目标本课是人教版高中英语必修第一册的第四单元,主题为自然灾害。








例如:•Have you ever experienced any natural disasters? Which ones?•What do you know about earthquakes / floods / hurricanes (choose one type of natural disaster)?•What kind of damage do you think natural disasters can cause?然后,让学生自由讨论并分享自己的观点和经历。

接下来,向学生简要介绍本单元的主题《Natural Disasters》并提问:•What do you think we will learn in this unit?•What kind of natural disasters do you think we will study?通过导入部分的讨论,激发学生的学习兴趣,为接下来的学习做好准备。

重大版高中英语必修一《unit4 my favorite film》说课稿

重大版高中英语必修一《unit4 my favorite film》说课稿

2 Fast-reading
3 Timed-reading
2 Fast-reading Why is the film educational ?
deep love between parents and children
Moral be a person with great love objectives critical thinking
Teaching Focus
Teaching Difficulties
understand the comment better
1.Arouse Ss' interest 2.Improve Ss' skimming, scanning, and guessing ability 3.Train Ss' critical thinking
Timed-reading romantic love between men and women
4) Para.p4roduDc.eTrh=e fpilmroisdbouthce+ -er enjoyable and
5) Para.s5uperb=suedpuecart+ional.
E. The film is about
seven children,
Knowledge mastery of new words and expressions objectives appreciation of a film comment

人教版高中英语必修1 Unit4 Earthquake 说课稿

人教版高中英语必修1 Unit4 Earthquake 说课稿

人教版高中英语必修1Unit4 Earthquake 说课稿一、教材的地位和作用本单元的中心话题是“地震” 。

本课的内容主要涉及了1976 唐山大地震的震前预兆、地震发生时的情况、震后的破坏和伤亡情况以及震后的救援工作。


本文重点在于培养学生语言知识能力之外,也要鼓励学生遇到困难时勇于面对,树立“一方有难,八方支援” 的社会责任感。









了解世界各地的自然灾害和大地震的情况, 了解有关地震的知识,启发学生国际援助意识。


情感态度文化意识学习策略四.教学重点和难点 1.重点:培养学生在阅读过程中获取和处理信息的能力。






Earthquakes说课稿曲靖市第二中学杨绍斌一、说教材1. 教材的地位及作用本节课的教学内容是高一英语必修1第4单元Earthquakes,内容主要涉及“中国唐山地震的不眠之夜”、“地震后重建的新唐山”、“地震的基本知识”、“地震中如何自救,救人”等内容。



2. 教材结构、内容及教材设计意图本节课主要处理三个部分:读前、阅读和理解。















人教课标版高一必修 1Unit 4Earthquakes一、说教材1、教材的地位与作用本单元以earthquakes为话题,以谈论natural disasters为切入点,让学生在交流中发现和了解大自然的灾难、带给人类的伤害以及人类在大自然面前的渺小;通过阅读唐山大地震,使学生从一个侧面了解地震的震撼;一篇让学生了解震前异常及损失、震后人们如何救援,让大家明白团结的重要性。


本单元实现了语言学习和传播环保思想的完美统一2、教学目标的确定1知识目标:1、Read the passage and describe the earthquke in TangShan.2、Enable the Ss to talk about natural disasters. Let the Ss know the damages caused by earthquakes and how to protect ourselves in an earthquke.2能力目标:开展任务型阅读,获得理解、识别和处理相关信息的能力。



3、教学重点、难点教学重点:Help the Ss know more about the earthquake in Tangshan and how to protect ourselves in an earthquke.教学难点:Analyze the structure of some sentences.4、对教材的处理基于以上对教材的分析,同时结合本班学生的实际能力和情况,引导、启发学生更多地了解自然灾害,播放视频,增加相关单词量,理解和掌握课文单词和短语。

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第一篇unit4 EarthquakesA Night the Earth Didn't SleepGood morning, my dear judges, i am number . Today i am very happy and excited to stand here for an it is also my great honor to share my teaching ideas with you. This chance is very precious for me. Hope yo can enjoy it. My presentation consists of seven 、analysis of the teaching material 2、analysis of the students 3、analysis of teaching methods 4、analysis of learning methods 5、teaching procedures 6、blackboard design 7、reflectionPART ONE analysis of the teaching material(1)Status and function of this passage“A night the Earth Didn't Sleep” is taken from Unit4, Student’s Book1, New Senior English for China, by PEP. This reading passage is the first period of this unit and it needs 45mins. It mainly talks about the biggest earthquake which hit Tangshan in 1976. This passage not only contains the attributive clauses which paves way for the next unit , but also embodies the theme of this whole unit.(2)Teaching aims and goals1)Knowledge aims知识目标 : To help the SS get familiar with the usage of key words, phrases and sentence patterns, especially the attributive clauses.2) Ability goals:技能目标 To develop SS’ reading skills, such as skimming, scanning, guessing and concluding and inference reading.3) Emotional goals情感态度目标 : Get the SS to know more knowledge about an earthquake and how to survive an earthquake. Then get them to have the awareness to face the reality bravely, thus strengthening their strong will and make them love our nation and people.(3)Key points and difficult points1.教学重点:让学生掌握阅读技巧The key point is how to enable the SS to master the reading skills,2.教学难点:如何让学生正确掌握本单元的定语从句用法The difficult point is to get the SS to use the attributive clauses correctly.说学情 Part 2: analysis of the StudentsThe students are grade one students. Their advantage is that they can contact with new things through Internet or other ways. They have strong basis for English.But they lack of reading capacity because they haven’t commit to spending more time in reading and didn’t formed reading skills. They should have autonomous learning competence.Part3:说教法 analysis of the Teaching MethodsTo achieve the teaching aims above, I’ll adopt task-based instruction. It enables the SS to undertake some tasks while reading. And the teacher’s roles are stimulator, instructor, resource-provider, audience and assessor in the teaching process.Part4:说学法analysis of Learning Methods1. Participatory learning method (参与式学习法):It encourages the SS to participate in learning to experience English.2、Cooperative learning method(合作学习法):By group work, the teacher can cultivate them the awareness of cooperation in English learning to exchange their feelings.PART FIVE teaching proceduresStep 1 warming (3mins)欣赏《唐山大地震》片段 make the students watch the movies Tangshan EarthquakeAsk the SS to talk about their feelings after seeing thefilm.Step2 pre-reading(5mins)discuss the 2 questions in pre-reading part and report their result to the whole class.Q1:Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave it right now .You have time to take only one thing. What will you take WhyQ2:What do you think will happen before an earthquake The purpose of this step is to lead in to arouse their interest to read on .Step3while-reading(20mins)There are three tasks. Task1 Draw lines to match sentences.The purpose is to enable the students to find out the general ideas of the passage.Task2 Discovering useful words and expressionsThe purpose is to train the students to find out the specific information.Task3Text revision.Let the SS review the text or the main ideaThe purpose is to help them have a clear understanding of the clue ,which paves way for next step.Step4 post-reading(15mins)Task 1 fill in the blanksDiscuss the article with their group members,and find out the language points such as key words,phrases and sentence structures in the article. And then fill in the blanks. After checking the answer, i will help the Ss to summarize the language pointsTask2 retellUse the key words and phrases to retell the article Through group work, cultivate the spirit of cooperation, and train the ability of solving problems by themselves. Meanwhile, ask the Ss to retell the article and it can check how well the Ss learned in this lesson.Step5 Homework(2mins)the reading task on workbook .the tasks in learning about language.PART SIX blackboard designI will divide the blackboard into two parts. I will write the key words and phrases on the left and the main sentences on the right.PART SEVEN reflectionIn the process of teaching, i carry on task-based teachingmethod. I design several tasks for students to complete.I try to make the class rich,effective,and instructive. But as we know, not all the students are the same level, a few of them may have difficulty in the tasks. I hope i can find out some multi-activities for students of different levels to solve this problem.At last, i want to say to be a good English teacher is my dream, i think a good teacher is not only a guide for the students, but also a friend of them. If i were a teacher, i would build a close relation with my students,helping them not only on their study, but also on their lives. So far, i have been an English teacher for one year, i will try my best to achieve further success. Ok, that is all. Thank you so much.。
