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4.instruction n.指示、命令、使用说明 1)follow the instructions 按照使用说明 2)follow one’s instruction听从某人的命令 instruct v.指导 命令 instruct sb to do sth指导、命令某人做某事 5.method n. 方法 with a …method用。。。方法 a method of doing sth做某事的方法 注: 1) in a…way以。。。的方法
2.all right, that’s right, that’s all right的区别: 1).all right:同意对方的意见或看法
身体状况良好 事情进展顺利 满意 2).that’s right 肯定对方的观点 3).that’s all right 同意对方的意见或看法
the way to do sth/the way of doing sth做某事的方 法
by …means用。。。的方法
6.bored adj 厌烦的、厌倦的 be bored with…厌倦 注:be tired from…因。。。而疲劳 be tired of…厌倦。。。 7.embarrass vt.使尴尬 1)embarrassed adj尴尬的、难堪的;
There is three times as much water in this pot as in that one.

1.A. be similar to B in sth 1.A在。。。方面与B相似
2.in otபைடு நூலகம்er words
3.look forward to doing sth 3.渴望做某事
His attitude towards me has changed. 你对这个问题的态度是什么?
What ‘s your attitude to the question?
9.impress vt. 铭记、牢记、给。。。留下极深印象 1)impress sth on/upon sb/one’s memory 使某人铭记某事 2)impress sb with sth=sb be impressed with/by… (某事)给某人留下深刻印象 impression n.印象 leave/have/make a/an…impression on/upon sb 给某人留下。。。印象 练习:
2)amazement n.惊奇
to one’s amazement=to the amazement of sb 令某人吃惊的是。。。 in amazement 吃惊地。 注:to one’s+ n.=to the n. of sb令人。。。的是
to one’s great + n= much to one’s +n令人非常。。。的是
New words:
1.enthusiastic adj.热心的、热情的
be enthusiastic about/over…热心于、热衷于。。。 2.amaze v.使吃惊。 1)amazing adj.令人吃惊的。
amazed adj.吃惊的,惊讶的
be amazed to do at/by sb/sth 对。。。吃惊 that从句
• 学术的 • 文凭,毕业证书 • 技术 • 纠正,改正 • 流利,流畅 • 以前的,从前的 • 指示,说明 • 极好的 • 网站,网址 • 误解 • 助理,助手 • 理解,领悟
学术的 文凭,毕业证书 技术 纠正,改正 流利,流畅 以前的,从前的 指示,说明 极好的 网站,网址 误解 助理,助手 理解,领悟
would you mind if sb did sth
No, go ahead. Of course not.
Certainly not.
Not at all.
Not a bit I’d rather you didn’t.
I’m sorry but you’d better not.
6.I found __it__hard to get on with her.
英语中表示甲物是乙物的几倍时,常用结构: 1)用形容词表示甲是乙的几倍时,用下面三个句 型
①倍数+形容词 (或副词)的比较级+than ②倍数+as+形容词或副词原级+as ③倍数+the +n (size,length,width,height) of… 2)要用名词表示“量”的倍数时,则用以下两个 句型: ①倍数+more+名词 (可数,不可数)+than ②倍数+as many(或much)+名词+as
练习:说出下列句子中cover 的汉语意思: 1.The field is covered with snow. 8.覆盖、掩盖 2.She will5s.t报ay道th、e采re访, covering the whole game。
3.The Red Army covered 25,000 li during the Long March. 7.行过(路程) 4.How many pages of6t.h看e过n(ov书el籍ha)ve you covered? 5.The discussion covered a wide ran2g.包e o含f 、su包bj括ects.
This rope is twice longer than that one.
This hall is five times bigger than our classroom.
Asia is four times as large as Europe.
This hill is four times the height of that small one.
There are four times more books in our library than in yours.
After the technique was introduced,the factory produced twice as many tractors in 1988 as the year before.。
academic diploma technology correction fluency previous instruction brilliant website misunderstanding assistant comprehension
3.it, one与that的区别
1).it/one/that三者均可用作代词,指代前面 提到的名词。it指代同名同物, one与that则指 代同名异物。 it也可以充当形式主语或形式宾语 代替不定式、动名词或从句。
2).one 只能代替可数名词单数,表示泛指,相 当于a/an+名词;复数时用ones; that既可以 代替不可数名词也可以代替可数名词单数,表示 特指,相当于the +名词。代替可数名词复数时 用 those。
embarrasssing adj. 令人尴尬的、难堪的 be/feel embarrassed at/ by/with…对。。。感到尴尬 2)embarrassment n.尴尬,难堪 to one’s embarrassment 令某人难堪的是。。。
8.attitude n.态度 have/take/hold a…attitude towards/ to…对。。。持 有。。。态度 e.g 他对我的态度变了。
4.nothing like…
5.sb make progress in sth 5.某人在…方面取得进步
6.be divided into…
7.be disappointed with 7.对。。。感到失望
8.take part in sth
3.introduce vt.介绍、引进、采用
1)introduce oneself自我介绍
introduce A to B把A介绍给B
introduce sth into/to sp将某物引进/传入某 地
2)introduction n. 介绍、引进、引言、导入
an indruction to sth。。。导入、引言
2.包含、包括 1.盖子、封面 8.覆盖、掩盖
cover vt./n. 7.行过(路程)
cover an area of:占。。。面积 cover the cost of…够。。。的费用 cover sth采访、报道某事 be covered by/with…被。。。覆盖
14.A be different from B in… 14.A与B在。。。不同
15.would like to do sth
16.feel good about doing sth 16.做某事感到快乐
17.enjoy oneself
18.gave an description of… 18.对。。。进行描述
19.in a fun way
academic diploma technology correction fluency previous instruction brilliant website misunderstanding assistant comprehension
1.A chair made of steel is stronger than __o_n_e__made of wood。
2.The water in the cup is hotter than __t_h_a_t_in the pot。 3.I like this pen more than __th_a_t___one
6.Our orchards cover an area of 1,ooo square meters. 3.占地面积
7.I wonder if the money can cover our living expense.4.支付费用
二。language points;
mind sb’s/sb doing sth do you mind if sb do sth
4.Mary‘s handwriting is far better than_t_h_a_t of Peter. 5.He is the teacher,_th_e__o_n_e__who is loved by the students。
5.___It_ is known to everybody that the moon travels around the earth once every month.
练习: 1.I would like toin_tr_o_d_u_c_e__y_o_u__t_o_(向。。。介绍你) 2.He__in__tr_o_d_u_c_e_d__h_i_m_s_e__lf__(自我介绍)as Machiael
Sullivan. 3.Chocolate_w_a_s__in__tr_o_d_u_c_e_d__in_t_o___(被引进) Europe from Mexico.
1.He impressed me with his honesty=I was impressed___w_i_th____his honesty. 2.Back Street Boys made a good impression___o_n___ Chinese audience.
10.cover v.
9.at the start of…
10. at the end of…
11.by oneself=all by oneself 11.单独地,独立地
12.far (away) from
13.have fun (in)doing sth 13.做某事玩得高兴