Us’s higher education was considered as the best education in the world.之巴公井开创作美国的高等教育被认为是世界上最好的教育。
Comparing the elementary education between American and China, people's universal view will be: China's elementary education aims to build the foundation of education with more study and less thought; while US's education aims to bulid such an education to raise the creativity with less study and more thought.比较基础教育在美国和中国,人们的普遍观点将:中国的基础教育旨在建立基础教育同更多的学习和更少的想法,而美国的教育旨在建造这样的教育,提高创新的研究,以更少的思想。
Now Chinese students are generally regarded as intalents with few intelligence and high scores.现在,中国学生一般被认为,intalents与几家智能和高的分数。
What causes for such a view?这样的一种观点是什么原因?Because the Chinese students study more, actually paylittle attention to the practice, and cannot study for the purpose of application.因为中国学生学习到更多,却很少注意这一实际情况,并就不克不及学习为目的的应用。
中美学校时间差异 英语作文
中美学校时间差异英语作文English: There is a significant time difference between schools in China and the United States. In China, the school day usually starts around 7:30 or 8:00 in the morning and ends in the late afternoon, often around 4:00 or 5:00. In contrast, schools in the United States typically start later, around 8:00 or 8:30 in the morning, and end around 3:00 in the afternoon. This time difference reflects cultural and societal differences in how each country structures its education system. In China, the longer school day allows for a more intensive focus on academic subjects, with students often having less time for extracurricular activities or after-school programs. In the United States, the shorter school day may give students more time for sports, clubs, and other activities, reflecting a greater emphasis on a well-rounded education. Additionally, the time difference also impacts the scheduling of international communication and collaboration between students and educators in the two countries, requiring careful coordination to ensure effective and timely interactions.中文翻译: 中国和美国的学校之间存在着显著的时间差异。
02 招生录取与选拔机制
全国统一命题、统一考试、 统一录取,以高考成绩为 主要录取依据。
推动综合素质评价、多元 录取机制,加强对学生创 新能力、实践能力的考察。
部分高校实行自主招生, 选拔具有特殊才能或优秀 综合素质的学生。
近年来,中国高校越来越重视职业规划教育,提供多种形式的职业规划辅导和 实习机会。
美国高校在职业规划方面注重与实践相结合,通过实习、校企合作等方式帮助 学生了解职业市场和提升职业技能。
目 录
• 教育体系与结构 • 招生录取与选拔机制 • 课程设置与教学方法 • 师资力量与科研水平 • 学生管理与校园文化 • 就业前景与职业发展
01 教育体系与结构
中国高等教育以公立大学 为主,这些大学享有政府 资助,提供广泛的学科和 专业。
中国高校课程设置注重理论与实践相结合,通过实验、实训等环节 提高学生的实践能力。
美国大学课程设置以通识教育为核心,注重培养学生的综合素质 和跨学科能力。
在通识教育的基础上,美国大学提供灵活多样的专业选修课程, 以满足学生的个性化需求。
中美高等教育差异英语作文English:The differences between higher education systems in China and the United States are quite significant. In China, the educational system is more structured and focused on exams and memorization, with lectures being the primary mode of instruction. Students in China often have limited opportunities to engage in discussions, critical thinking, and hands-on learning experiences. On the other hand, the higher education system emphasizes critical thinking, creativity, and practical applications of knowledge. Classes in the typically involve smaller group discussions, group projects, and interactive learning activities that encourage students to think independently and develop problem-solving skills. Additionally, there is a greater emphasis on extracurricular activities, internships, and research opportunities in the , allowing students to gain practical experience and develop essential skills outside of the classroom.中文翻译:中国和美国高等教育系统之间的差异相当显著。
国内外大学教育对比:环境、文化与学术差异In the realm of higher education, universities across the globe vary significantly in terms of their environments, cultures, and academic approaches. While the education system in China and that in Western countries share certain fundamental similarities, there exist profound differences that shape the overall educational experience.**Environments**Chinese universities often boast large campuses, often with impressive architectural designs that blendtraditional and modern elements. The campuses are oftenwell-organized, with clearly defined academic zones, residential areas, and recreational facilities. By contrast, universities in the West, especially those in the United States and the United Kingdom, often have a more spread-out campus layout, with buildings and facilities scattered across a wide area.**Cultures**The cultural differences between Chinese and Western universities are particularly noteworthy. In China, the emphasis is often on collective harmony and respect for authority. Students are expected to conform to strict disciplinary standards and adhere to a hierarchy that is clearly defined. By contrast, Western universities promote a more individualistic culture, where students are encouraged to think critically, challenge authority, and pursue their passions.**Academic Approach**The academic approaches taken by universities in China and the West also differ significantly. Chineseuniversities often follow a more traditional, rote-learning approach, with a heavy emphasis on textbooks and memorization. By contrast, Western universities place a stronger focus on critical thinking, analytical skills, and independent research. Students are encouraged to explore diverse perspectives, engage in debates, and question established knowledge.**Conclusion**In summary, while universities in China and the West share certain fundamental similarities in terms of their educational objectives, they differ significantly in terms of their environments, cultures, and academic approaches. These differences have profound implications for the overall educational experience and the development of students' skills and capabilities.**国内外大学教育对比:环境、文化与学术差异** 在高等教育领域,全球各地的大学在环境、文化和学术方法方面存在显著差异。
高等教育发展模式, 与发达国家的差距不断缩短。 但是任何事物都有特殊性, 我国与发达国家在高等教育方面存在着很多差异性,
本文着重以中英为例来比较 两国在 高等教育方面的差异 , 简要分析存在 差异 的原 因. 并 【 关键词】 中英; 高等教育; 差异 ; 分析
一ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
引 言
2 .教学内容方面 的差异 。 在教学 内容上 , 英国高校不指定
保证 成 而 评价方面面临着严峻的挑战, 与英国发达国家教育模式相比存 向, 学生跟上 时代 和科技发展 的要求 , 为时代的骄子 ;
在着很 大差异性 , 我们 应找 出中英高等 教育 的差 异 , 吸取其优 中国高等教育大多有一套 固定 的教材, 老师授课的 内容大多是
秀的办学经验为我国所用。 二、 中英高等教 育的差异
自 看 形成 了以英 国为代表 的“ 人文主义 ’ , 和以中国为代表 的“ 社会本 程 , 己学 校 就 想 方 设 法 设 置 心 理 学 , 到 别 的学 校 设 置 了生
位 论 ’ 种 截然不 同的教育观 。以英 国为代表 的“ 人文主义 ” 教 物科学课程 , 自己也开始效仿 , 从不考虑 自己学校 的特色 , 导致 育 观认 为, 教育 , 在 尤其是 高等教育 的过程 中, 生 已经成 年, 在课程设 置、 学 教学 内容方面 , 中国高校 一个样 , 没有什么特色 , 他们知道 自己该 做什么, 不该做什么 , 已形成 自己的世 界观、 人 学生 在 校 学 到 的知 识 与 社 会 的需 求 不 相 适 应 , 致 就 业 形 势 一 导 生观和 价值观 , 高等教育应 给予学生充 分的 自由 , 尊重其个人 再严 峻的局面 , 而且 不论是文科教 学还 是理工科教学 , 老师偏 的价值 , 努力满足其各方面 的需要 , 促进 学生健康 的发展 ; 以 重于 基础 理论知 识的讲解 , 而 实践性很少 , 导致学 生的动手操作 中 国为代 表 的“ 社会本 位论 ” 则认 为, 教育发展 的过程 中, 在 社 能力不强, 不知 , 殊 有些工科技 术, 如计 算机操作 、 电器安装 技 会 的需要永 远排 在第一位 ,单纯的个人追求是不允许 存在的 ,
3、调整教育部高等教育教学评估中心和省市 教育评估机构的关系
教育部高等教育教学评估中心主要负责对部属 高校进行评估或认证,以及对省市教育评估机 构进行认可
省市教育评估机构对省属高校和高职高专进行 评估或认证
4、探索建立新的质量保障方式 (1)依托行业协会或专业学会,建立高等院校
(1)中国和澳大利亚主要是院校整体的评估或审核; (2)美国则有众多的专业认证机构: 美国的专业认证起始于医学领域。2004年获得认可的认
证机构共有85家,其中专业认证机构有66家。这些专业 认证机构涵盖了医药卫生、工程、人文、社会科学、农 业等所有大的领域,非常多样化和专门化,如医学教育 除了整体的医学院认证机构以外,还有骨科、儿科、牙 科等分支学科的认证机构或组织,并且有些专业不止有 一个认证机构,如法律、工商管理和教师教育等。源自本科教学评估结论中优良比例过高
优 2003年(42所) 48%
良 合格 45% 7%
2004年(54所) 56% 37% 7%
2005年(75所) 57% 37% 6%
已经对美国和澳大利亚开展了深入研究,积累 了丰富的资料,并且分别于2001年和2005年 对澳大利亚和美国进行了实地考察。
(1)中国 专家组由学术水平高、工作经验丰富的教学管
理干部、教师和比较熟悉教育评估、教学评价 理论与方法的人员10人左右组成。 虽是同行,但代表政府:监督管理 (2)美国 仅以中北部学校与学院协会的高等学习委员会 为例,专家组成员一般不少于4人,人员构成 依据院校规模、层次和特殊要求而定。 代表同行:帮助提高
中国与西方高等教育制度差异之我见姓名:李春香班级:管理101 学号:061091111与西方国家的高等教育制度相比,我国的高等教育制度有很大的不同。
A part of western education emphasizes the teaching of students' independent thinking and the way of expressing themselves. Many factual information is found in the book, so the teacher focuses on how to help the students interpret the content in a more meaningful way. As the Greek philosopher Socrates, American teachers and students will continue to ask questions to force you to state your view, and others openly share. Based on these differences, Chinese students to the United States at the beginning of the school will have a great impact, see the American students to ask questions or answer, and even to the challenge of the professor, will feel uncomfortable, think these students how to be so arrogant and disrespect, students should absolutely comply with the authority of the professor is. Moreover, my English is so poor, why should I make a fool? With the Americans and other countries' friends. Participate in the school club, sports organizations, students will, and so can promote social life. In the local community, you can join a number of service organizations and volunteer organizations, the reception family, etc.. Although there are academic pressures, but a lot of benefits to participate in extra-curricular activities, but also the way to lift the pressure.The creative thinking in the process of American school more attention to practice and practice. This is an important distinction between domestic education and Western education. Domestic students tend to have amazing memory capability and good mathematical foundation, which is Chinese students to achieve success in the exam oriented education, but higher education in the United States more require students to participation, practice and creation, many courses are arranged a case study and the discussion of time and students of case analysis and statements with students as the center of teaching activities. The teacher to the students face a very short time, about students with learning time is about 30%. The rest of the time depends on the students themselves, the library access to information, the students to discuss each other, to learn to understand the relevant knowledge. In the process of participation and practice, students self-learning and their ability to solve the problem has been improved. Because they change from passive learning to active learning attitude, learning effect is different, there are different.American education is the combination of the universal and the elite education, you can let the students choose to be when civilians or do the elite". Own choose "elite" road and need to work hard and struggle, to choice of civilian road walk, accepts the popularization education, flat faint, madding crowd to accept society needed to survive the basic knowledge education. This is why a lot of knowledge teaching. Only to a point. Such education is the education of the mass of the populace. Chinese students have no choice in this form of society, the United States is different, choose the "elite" of the road, a few people, as long as the hard work, serious study, and strive to "essence" "deep", also can realize their "elite" education.西方教育的一部份强调的是教导学生独立思考及各种自我表达的方式。
二、教育体制的差异1. 学制差异中国的高等教育采取的是“3+2”模式,即本科教育为3年,研究生教育为2年。
2. 入学机制差异在中国,高考是一种非常重要的方式来选拔大学生。
三、教育内容与方式的差异1. 课程设置差异中国和美国在高等教育的课程设置上也存在较大差异。
2. 教学方式差异中国的高等教育普遍采用较为传统的教学方式,即教师主导式教学。
四、学生发展和毕业后就业的差异1. 学生发展差异中国的高等教育主要注重学生的学术成绩和专业知识的掌握,追求就业的能力。
2. 毕业后就业差异由于国情和社会经济发展的差异,中国和美国的高等教育毕业生就业情况也存在较大的差异。
1. 教育体制:中国的高等医学教育以医科大学为主,其教育体制相对封闭,注重理论知识的传授。
2. 课程设置:中国的高等医学教育注重基础知识和临床技能的培养,强调扎实的理论基础和实践能力。
3. 师资力量:美国的高等医学教育依托于强大的师资力量,包括世界知名的教授和研究员。
4. 科研能力:美国的高等医学教育十分注重科研能力的培养,鼓励学生参与科研项目和学术研究。
毕业论文中国和美国高等教育之间的差异The Differences of Higher Education between America and ChinaAbstractH igher education is an important approach to cultivate talented person. Different countries have different system of higher education. This paper aims at discussing the differences of higher education between China and America, and it not only puts forward the contrast analysis on the social environment, cultural tradition, education system and graduates ‘ability between China and America, but also analyzes the differences of the education reform measures between these two countries.Key words: Higher education; Difference; America; China中文摘要高等教育是培养人才的重要手段。
关键词:高等教育;不同; 美国;中国Contents:I. IntroductionII. Chinese-American social environment and cultural tradition differences2.1 Differences of attitudes on cultureIII. Chinese-American education system differences3.1 Different establishments of curricula and specialty3.2 Different choices of specialty curricula3.3 Different styles of inspecting students’ result3.4 Different styles of students’ management3.5 Different methods of teaching lessons3.6 Differences between public and private schoolsIV. Chinese-American graduates’ ability differences4.1 Differences of actual talents fosteredV. Chinese-American education reform measures differences 5.1 American reform measures5.2 Chinese reform measuresVI. ConclusionThe Differences of Higher Education between America and ChinaI. IntroductionIt is well known that higher education has been more and more significant all over the world. Because of the development of science and technology, the relationship between higher education and national politics, economy, science, culture, military is becoming closer and closer day by day. This mutual relation especially shows in aspect of higher education. The higher education is vigorous and upward, and it not only simply shows the growth of quantity, but especially has had the huge change in the nature. China and America share many characteristics in higher education. However this paper has mainly discussed the differences between Chinese and American higher education. The two countries are different in four significant aspects: (1)social environment and cultural tradition (2)education system (3)graduates ’ability (4)education reform measures.II. Comparison of the social environment and cultural tradition between China and America2.1 contrast of social environment and traditional education between China and AmericaAmerica is the biggest immigrant country. American economy emphasizes on the practical value, as well as individual value realization with fast development, rich material life, strong material idea and etc. The American advocates the independent way of life and work. The American owns full creative humanities spirit, the innovation is the forever subject in their brains. They pursue the hi-tech and prefer to compete.C ontrast with young USA, China is the great nation with glorious history and cultural traditions. The Chinese people have the excellent moral of modesty, but also have been over cautious and conservative. Though Chinese economy and technology is quite backward, it has very strong potential development, and Chinese students worked hard since they were small. Therefore China implements the policy of opening up, abundantly absorbs the benefit and enriches itself.The education between Chinese and American is extremely different. American education aims at building such an education to raise the creativity with less study and more thought. USA pays great attention to train the students’ practice ability to utilize the knowledge, cultivatingthe students to ask the knowledge and authority and building the ability to extend the knowledge system. That fact that 1/3 of numbers among all Nobel Prize winners in the world are the American is a very good illustration.Compared with American higher education, China’s higher education aims at building the foundation of education with more study and less thought; Chinese education pays more attention to instill and accumulate knowledge, cultivating the students’respect to the knowledge and authority and building the ability to inherit the knowledge system.III. Contrast of higher education system between Chinese and American3.1 different establishments of curricula and specialtyA nation’s higher education is the reflection of economic system. American education aims at adapting for society demand, they explicitly stipulate three big functions: education’s service for the economic development, the scientific research and teaching. The manifest of service in the establishment of specialty curriculum is to meet the social need and set up special curriculum or specialty which the society needs.In China's universities, during quite long period of time, the establishment of specialty curriculum lacks the change and could not follow social demand. In the latest few years, the majority of Chineseuniversities all started to pay great attention to the transformation and renewal of establishment of specialty curriculum so as to meet the need of society.3.2 different choices of specialty curriculaIn order to adapt the society, the American universities have established many specialties and curriculum of choice for students; the students choose or transform specialties and schools according to own interest and hobby. The American higher education system is extremely diverse and flexible, which is solo in the world higher education.In China, the student may choose the specialty according to own interest and hobby, but change of specialty in the school is not easy, transformation of school then is more difficult. In American universities, the compulsory courses are few, and elective courses are rich. While in Chinese universities, the compulsory subjects occupy the major part, and many schools(especially for technical colleges and universities)have the phenomenon of more emphasizing on the Science subjects, little on the liberal arts.3.3 different styles of inspecting students’ resultWhen American school inspects the result of student, they emphasize more on the ability to analyze and solve the question but not the ability of memory or description. The American student need the mechanical memorizing, but displays creative thought as far aspossible .This can cultivate students’study interest, raise the ability of doing it by self and make the study be one kind of creative activity.However, many teachers still adopted old teaching ways in Chinese universities, thus takes a test which needs mechanical memorizing. Such an inspection method has seriously attacked the students’ enthusiasm of study, caused the student to one-sidedly pay great attention to the theory and neglect the ability of practice.3.4 different styles of students’ managementIn the United States, many students at the school could conveniently take the IC card with a photo; the cards can be used to enter libraries and computer rooms and other facilities such as gymnasiums and other coliseum throughout the academy. Experienced consultants equipped by the school would help students to determine their main direction (major, a bit like our domestic professional) and guide students to choose specific classes. After selecting courses, in accordance with the school timetable, the septic time, place, classroom and course is entirely controlled by individual who means that everyone has the right of their own curriculum.Unlike American students, Chinese students also need arrangements of classes and dormitories. Compared with the USA’s IC card, our domestic student card and library card is similar to it. Except these, Chinese school has no experienced consultants to help students todetermine their main direction. As for the accommodation of students, some schools have a limited number of student dormitories, each school has a restaurant and fast-food shops, but most of them are always operated by outside operators where management are independent of schools. Most of students prefer to share a flat and live outside. So their dinner and lodging almost have no relationship with the school.3.5 different methods of teaching lessonsIn the United States inspiring students is great important for teaching. In classroom teachers will specially put forward some inspiring questions for students. In such a teaching mode, the students in the classroom have a higher degree of freedom, and they can be ready to make their own doubt for teachers which made the teaching atmosphere lively and vivid. This method of teaching helps to develop students’abilities of independent thinking and solving problem, however, this approach has a high demand for teachers which easily lead to a decrease in teaching quality and depth.China's higher education pays more attention to the systematic study. When teaching the curriculum, teachers should follow in accordance with certain teaching programs. Students have certain interactive questions, but this question tends to be discussed after the class, rather than in the classroom. It is the main mode that class is taught by teachers and students just listen to the records. This approachis conducive to help the students learn systematic knowledge. The class content is quite rich, but they have less sense of innovation.3.6 differences between public and private schoolsThere are more than 1500 public school of higher learning and more than 1600 private institutions in American. Both the public and private schools have a good reputation and high quality of the university. Very few Americans judge the quality not from the perspective of public and private schools, but from their teachers, courses and history.However, many Chinese believe that private schools can be unmatched with the public schools, and they are belittling or making an exclusion of private schools in heart. In private schools, Chinese people indeed should learn from the Americans, abandon the prejudice and make a correct and fair assessment for private schools.IV. Differences of quality and ability of graduates between China and US4.1 differences of actual talents fosteredIn actual talent fostered, the ability of adapting to society from American students was stronger than the Chinese Students. There are more and more opportunities to participate in social activities. Almost all the students have the experience of working outside. At the same time, civic education, campus cultural activities and community service activities in America increase the students’ability to adapt to thecommunity. While the Chinese Students stay under the closed campus for a long period,they have little direct ties to society and poorly understand the community, therefore Chinese students have to adapt to working atmosphere later than American’s students for two to three years.V.Difference of reform measures5.1 American reform measuresCurrently, American progress in the field of technology and knowledge occupies about 80 percent. The data is higher than one of the developed countries in Europe. Institutions of higher education should make indelible contribution to such a data. To meet the challenges of the 21st century, since the mid-1990s, the United States accelerates the reform of higher education systems which aimed at improving the quality of teaching and management efficiency and make greater contribution to the development of community and economy.Unprecedented expansion of social function of American University has become the power source for social development and progress. Therefore, the United States government policy-makers set off a new round of the 21st century-oriented reform of higher education to promote the development of higher education as a national goal of the important strategic initiatives.In the 21st century, the key point of American higher education reform is to achieve universal highereducation and make all over 18-year-old American youth have access to higher education.The overall idea of American Education reform is to build a higher education system which adapt to times’ demands. The most important measure is the reform of basic education and secondary education, the aim of idea is to meet the demand of adapting to the multiple reforms in future. To implement a strategic goal of universal higher education, the United States took a number of very innovative reform measures based on a substantial increase for education. These reform measures include: (1) implement small class teaching; (2) strengthen bilingual teaching, make college graduates more competitive and more adaptable; (3) improve the quality of teachers; in the system of employing teachers, schools take measures to employ formal teacher and informal teacher. In teaching methodology, teachers must adopt the modern teaching methods with integration of traditional media and modern media together for teaching.5.2 Chinese reform measuresRegarding the quality education as the most important thing, China's higher education implements the strategy of sustainable development, broaden the area of knowledge base, promote the integration of cross-disciplinary and connection between schools and society.Such a style aims at cultivating talents with a strong sense ofpioneering spirit, self-confidence, originality and boldly challenging the authority. China has been adhering to the reform of higher education for a long time. The most notable effect from the college merger is improvement of teaching effect. The College merger resolves some problems from the current teaching system uncoordinated with the international trend of socialization and market and enables educational resources to promote the effective allocation. The second measure is to set up the college courses in a market-oriented direction and adapt to the needs of society. Now in many school curricula’s is diverse, the initiative measures are taken to meet the needs of the market, at the same time a number of professionals closely related to social life are set up. The third initiative measure is based on the target of student-oriented.Since the 20th century, China's higher education emphasized the training of personnel ability, including the ability of acquiring knowledge, ability of analysis and problem-solving, ability of creating and certain organizational ability. At the same time the concept of quality education is put forward, which emphasizes the ideological and moral qualities, cultural quality, physical and mental quality. As a main part, students are not only the educated ones, but also participants of education.VI. ConclusionAll in all ,America’s higher education is different from China’s, it mainly performs through four points (1)social environment and cultural tradition (2)education system (3)graduates ‘ability (4)education reform measures. In order to reduce these differences, we should take some appropriate measures.In order to decrease the distance between Chinese higher education and American higher education, we should understand the difference of higher education between China and American, and absorb the advantages to profit from the American higher education and the development of our higher education. First of all, China's higher education should change from the "examination-oriented education" to "quality education". What is more, Chinese higher education should establish”people-oriented”education concepts. Besides, Student's sense of participation should be fully prominent in teaching practice. Teaching should focus on taking individualized teaching methods, strategies and techniques, widely apply the science teaching methods such as "free discussion", "self-study", make teachers and students exchange their ideas free, train students to learn initiative and creativity, promote students’initiative and creativity. Moreover, teaching management should achieve the reunification of system and flexibility.References[2] 丁往道,吴冰,英语写作基础教程[M],高等教育出版社,1998[1] 李泽同,透视美国[M],北京对外经贸大学出版社,2003[3] 史静寰,当代美国教育[M],北京社会科学文献出版社,2004[4] 吴明熹,教育政策的基本价值取向[J],高教研究参考,2006[5] 谢安邦,七方教育丛书[J],中国社会科学出版社,2001[6] 袁衍喜,现代教育改革探索[M],北京人民教育出版社,1987[7] 张文英,中美高等教育比较与启示[J],黑龙江高教研究,2005THANKS !!!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考。
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毕业论文中国和美国高等教育之间的差异The Differences of Higher Education between America and ChinaAbstractH igher education is an important approach to cultivate talented person. Different countries have different system of higher education. This paper aims at discussing the differences of higher education between China and America, and it not only puts forward the contrast analysis on the social environment, cultural tradition, education system and graduates ‘ability between China and America, but also analyzes the differences of the education reform measures between these two countries.Key words: Higher education; Difference; America; China中文摘要高等教育是培养人才的重要手段。
关键词:高等教育;不同; 美国;中国Contents:I. IntroductionII. Chinese-American social environment and cultural tradition differences2.1 Differences of attitudes on cultureIII. Chinese-American education system differences3.1 Different establishments of curricula and specialty3.2 Different choices of specialty curricula3.3 Different styles of inspecting students’ result3.4 Different styles of students’ management3.5 Different methods of teaching lessons3.6 Differences between public and private schoolsIV. Chinese-American graduates’ ability differences4.1 Differences of actual talents fosteredV. Chinese-American education reform measures differences 5.1 American reform measures5.2 Chinese reform measuresVI. ConclusionThe Differences of Higher Education between America and ChinaI. IntroductionIt is well known that higher education has been more and more significant all over the world. Because of the development of science and technology, the relationship between higher education and national politics, economy, science, culture, military is becoming closer and closer day by day. This mutual relation especially shows in aspect of higher education. The higher education is vigorous and upward, and it not only simply shows the growth of quantity, but especially has had the huge change in the nature. China and America share many characteristics in higher education. However this paper has mainly discussed the differences between Chinese and American higher education. The two countries are different in four significant aspects: (1)social environment and cultural tradition (2)education system (3)graduates ’ability (4)education reform measures.II. Comparison of the social environment and cultural tradition between China and America2.1 contrast of social environment and traditional education between China and AmericaAmerica is the biggest immigrant country. American economy emphasizes on the practical value, as well as individual value realization with fast development, rich material life, strong material idea and etc. The American advocates the independent way of life and work. The American owns full creative humanities spirit, the innovation is the forever subject in their brains. They pursue the hi-tech and prefer to compete.C ontrast with young USA, China is the great nation with glorious history and cultural traditions. The Chinese people have the excellent moral of modesty, but also have been over cautious and conservative. Though Chinese economy and technology is quite backward, it has very strong potential development, and Chinese students worked hard since they were small. Therefore China implements the policy of opening up, abundantly absorbs the benefit and enriches itself.The education between Chinese and American is extremely different. American education aims at building such an education to raise the creativity with less study and more thought. USA pays great attention to train the students’ practice ability to utilize the knowledge, cultivatingthe students to ask the knowledge and authority and building the ability to extend the knowledge system. That fact that 1/3 of numbers among all Nobel Prize winners in the world are the American is a very good illustration.Compared with American higher education, China’s higher education aims at building the foundation of education with more study and less thought; Chinese education pays more attention to instill and accumulate knowledge, cultivating the students’respect to the knowledge and authority and building the ability to inherit the knowledge system.III. Contrast of higher education system between Chinese and American3.1 different establishments of curricula and specialtyA nation’s higher education is the reflection of economic system. American education aims at adapting for society demand, they explicitly stipulate three big functions: education’s service for the economic development, the scientific research and teaching. The manifest of service in the establishment of specialty curriculum is to meet the social need and set up special curriculum or specialty which the society needs.In China's universities, during quite long period of time, the establishment of specialty curriculum lacks the change and could not follow social demand. In the latest few years, the majority of Chineseuniversities all started to pay great attention to the transformation and renewal of establishment of specialty curriculum so as to meet the need of society.3.2 different choices of specialty curriculaIn order to adapt the society, the American universities have established many specialties and curriculum of choice for students; the students choose or transform specialties and schools according to own interest and hobby. The American higher education system is extremely diverse and flexible, which is solo in the world higher education.In China, the student may choose the specialty according to own interest and hobby, but change of specialty in the school is not easy, transformation of school then is more difficult. In American universities, the compulsory courses are few, and elective courses are rich. While in Chinese universities, the compulsory subjects occupy the major part, and many schools(especially for technical colleges and universities)have the phenomenon of more emphasizing on the Science subjects, little on the liberal arts.3.3 different styles of inspecting students’ resultWhen American school inspects the result of student, they emphasize more on the ability to analyze and solve the question but not the ability of memory or description. The American student need the mechanical memorizing, but displays creative thought as far aspossible .This can cultivate students’study interest, raise the ability of doing it by self and make the study be one kind of creative activity.However, many teachers still adopted old teaching ways in Chinese universities, thus takes a test which needs mechanical memorizing. Such an inspection method has seriously attacked the students’ enthusiasm of study, caused the student to one-sidedly pay great attention to the theory and neglect the ability of practice.3.4 different styles of students’ managementIn the United States, many students at the school could conveniently take the IC card with a photo; the cards can be used to enter libraries and computer rooms and other facilities such as gymnasiums and other coliseum throughout the academy. Experienced consultants equipped by the school would help students to determine their main direction (major, a bit like our domestic professional) and guide students to choose specific classes. After selecting courses, in accordance with the school timetable, the septic time, place, classroom and course is entirely controlled by individual who means that everyone has the right of their own curriculum.Unlike American students, Chinese students also need arrangements of classes and dormitories. Compared with the USA’s IC card, our domestic student card and library card is similar to it. Except these, Chinese school has no experienced consultants to help students todetermine their main direction. As for the accommodation of students, some schools have a limited number of student dormitories, each school has a restaurant and fast-food shops, but most of them are always operated by outside operators where management are independent of schools. Most of students prefer to share a flat and live outside. So their dinner and lodging almost have no relationship with the school.3.5 different methods of teaching lessonsIn the United States inspiring students is great important for teaching. In classroom teachers will specially put forward some inspiring questions for students. In such a teaching mode, the students in the classroom have a higher degree of freedom, and they can be ready to make their own doubt for teachers which made the teaching atmosphere lively and vivid. This method of teaching helps to develop students’abilities of independent thinking and solving problem, however, this approach has a high demand for teachers which easily lead to a decrease in teaching quality and depth.China's higher education pays more attention to the systematic study. When teaching the curriculum, teachers should follow in accordance with certain teaching programs. Students have certain interactive questions, but this question tends to be discussed after the class, rather than in the classroom. It is the main mode that class is taught by teachers and students just listen to the records. This approachis conducive to help the students learn systematic knowledge. The class content is quite rich, but they have less sense of innovation.3.6 differences between public and private schoolsThere are more than 1500 public school of higher learning and more than 1600 private institutions in American. Both the public and private schools have a good reputation and high quality of the university. Very few Americans judge the quality not from the perspective of public and private schools, but from their teachers, courses and history.However, many Chinese believe that private schools can be unmatched with the public schools, and they are belittling or making an exclusion of private schools in heart. In private schools, Chinese people indeed should learn from the Americans, abandon the prejudice and make a correct and fair assessment for private schools.IV. Differences of quality and ability of graduates between China and US4.1 differences of actual talents fosteredIn actual talent fostered, the ability of adapting to society from American students was stronger than the Chinese Students. There are more and more opportunities to participate in social activities. Almost all the students have the experience of working outside. At the same time, civic education, campus cultural activities and community service activities in America increase the students’ability to adapt to thecommunity. While the Chinese Students stay under the closed campus for a long period,they have little direct ties to society and poorly understand the community, therefore Chinese students have to adapt to working atmosphere later than American’s students for two to three years.V.Difference of reform measures5.1 American reform measuresCurrently, American progress in the field of technology and knowledge occupies about 80 percent. The data is higher than one of the developed countries in Europe. Institutions of higher education should make indelible contribution to such a data. To meet the challenges of the 21st century, since the mid-1990s, the United States accelerates the reform of higher education systems which aimed at improving the quality of teaching and management efficiency and make greater contribution to the development of community and economy.Unprecedented expansion of social function of American University has become the power source for social development and progress. Therefore, the United States government policy-makers set off a new round of the 21st century-oriented reform of higher education to promote the development of higher education as a national goal of the important strategic initiatives.In the 21st century, the key point of American higher education reform is to achieve universal highereducation and make all over 18-year-old American youth have access to higher education.The overall idea of American Education reform is to build a higher education system which adapt to times’ demands. The most important measure is the reform of basic education and secondary education, the aim of idea is to meet the demand of adapting to the multiple reforms in future. To implement a strategic goal of universal higher education, the United States took a number of very innovative reform measures based on a substantial increase for education. These reform measures include: (1) implement small class teaching; (2) strengthen bilingual teaching, make college graduates more competitive and more adaptable; (3) improve the quality of teachers; in the system of employing teachers, schools take measures to employ formal teacher and informal teacher. In teaching methodology, teachers must adopt the modern teaching methods with integration of traditional media and modern media together for teaching.5.2 Chinese reform measuresRegarding the quality education as the most important thing, China's higher education implements the strategy of sustainable development, broaden the area of knowledge base, promote the integration of cross-disciplinary and connection between schools and society.Such a style aims at cultivating talents with a strong sense ofpioneering spirit, self-confidence, originality and boldly challenging the authority. China has been adhering to the reform of higher education for a long time. The most notable effect from the college merger is improvement of teaching effect. The College merger resolves some problems from the current teaching system uncoordinated with the international trend of socialization and market and enables educational resources to promote the effective allocation. The second measure is to set up the college courses in a market-oriented direction and adapt to the needs of society. Now in many school curricula’s is diverse, the initiative measures are taken to meet the needs of the market, at the same time a number of professionals closely related to social life are set up. The third initiative measure is based on the target of student-oriented.Since the 20th century, China's higher education emphasized the training of personnel ability, including the ability of acquiring knowledge, ability of analysis and problem-solving, ability of creating and certain organizational ability. At the same time the concept of quality education is put forward, which emphasizes the ideological and moral qualities, cultural quality, physical and mental quality. As a main part, students are not only the educated ones, but also participants of education.VI. ConclusionAll in all ,America’s higher education is different from China’s, it mainly performs through four points (1)social environment and cultural tradition (2)education system (3)graduates ‘ability (4)education reform measures. In order to reduce these differences, we should take some appropriate measures.In order to decrease the distance between Chinese higher education and American higher education, we should understand the difference of higher education between China and American, and absorb the advantages to profit from the American higher education and the development of our higher education. First of all, China's higher education should change from the "examination-oriented education" to "quality education". What is more, Chinese higher education should establish”people-oriented”education concepts. Besides, Student's sense of participation should be fully prominent in teaching practice. Teaching should focus on taking individualized teaching methods, strategies and techniques, widely apply the science teaching methods such as "free discussion", "self-study", make teachers and students exchange their ideas free, train students to learn initiative and creativity, promote students’initiative and creativity. Moreover, teaching management should achieve the reunification of system and flexibility.References[2] 丁往道,吴冰,英语写作基础教程[M],高等教育出版社,1998[1] 李泽同,透视美国[M],北京对外经贸大学出版社,2003[3] 史静寰,当代美国教育[M],北京社会科学文献出版社,2004[4] 吴明熹,教育政策的基本价值取向[J],高教研究参考,2006[5] 谢安邦,七方教育丛书[J],中国社会科学出版社,2001[6] 袁衍喜,现代教育改革探索[M],北京人民教育出版社,1987[7] 张文英,中美高等教育比较与启示[J],黑龙江高教研究,2005THANKS !!!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考。