
gnikrap ,krap rac ,aera/tol gnikrap ,yrotimrod/mrod ,noitadommocca ,airetefac ,llah gninid ,neetnac ,esuoH/mooR nommoC ,supmac ,stnemtraped/snoisivid ,seitilicaf�施设校学 .1
snoitidnoc thgirb ,hcum oot ekoms , peels hguone ton ,ytiliba latnem , selytsefil yhtlaehnu �因原病发 .4 yzzid ,noisserped ,ehcahtoot ,ehcadaeh, hguoc , revef , ehcahcamots ,dloc a evah� �motpmys�症病 .3 合组的字数与母字�日生�编邮�字数 .2 。写大意注�等门部、址住院医、生医、名院医�称名 .1
.5 .4 .3 .2
.dnab a ni yenom tisoped , hsac wardhtiw ,koobkcehc ,tnuocca tnerruc , tnuocca tneduts ,yralubacov/smret lacinhcet ,sesruoc gnorw ,yrtnuoc nwo sih morf stneduts htiw gnivil ,yhs ,egaugnal �msiraigalp ,snoitatcepxe hgih oot ,laicnanif ssenkcisemoh ,ecnadnetta ,senildaed � 题 问 见 常 生 学 式方的出给息信�号符意注。数人生学�用费�号话电� �关有字数与�息信本基些一 bal ssecca-fles sbulc seirarbil gnitisiv strops gniyalp serutcel gnidnettA �动活外课 长校誉名 rollecnahc�tnediserP/lapicnirP�教助 )tnatsissA gnihcaeT(AT �授教副 rosseforp etaicossa � rosseforp tnatsissa � rosseforp � rerutcel �rotnem/rotut/ resivd� a 师老导辅 rolesnuoc loohcs/tnedut� s 长院 �任主系 naed �工员职教 ,llam gnippohs�snoitaluger

Section 1:询问——游泳馆,填空10Section 2:介绍——咖啡豆的加工流程,流程图6+配对4Section 3:同学争论——音乐对于人们进食影响的讨论,选择6+配对4Section 4:社科——澳大利亚轮胎回收的流程,填空4+流程图6二、详细题目分析:Section 1新旧状况:14185场景:询问——游泳馆题型:填空10参考答案:适合的人群FacilitiesDisadvantages1.young children2.cafeParking problemsEntry level3.changing room4.timetableis hard to follow5. forlearners6.room and freelocker7.crowded8. 3 times a week9. class start from ** to 5.30 pm10. need extra transport costmembership of 65 and price of 30(答案仅供参考)解析:考察的题型相对简洁,考生需要留意同义替换以及对于干扰信息的排解。
参考练习:C7T1S1;C8T2S1Section 2新旧状况:14206场景:介绍——咖啡豆的加工流程题型:流程图6+配对4参考答案:11. 首先咖啡豆采摘下来harvested装袋子and packaged 运输transported12. 其次步会有机器open那些袋子and weighted13. 第三步will clean 那些咖啡豆in a hopper14. 第四步放在机器里coast boiled 的咖啡豆will be expanded15. 第五步咖啡豆要冷却need to cool16. 第六步炒好的咖啡豆需要封装到小袋子sealed in pocket17. 第一种咖啡first roast ------ mild light18. 其次种咖啡green beans ------ smokey19. 第三种咖啡French coffee------ chocolaty20. 第四种咖啡Espresso smoky------ intense the final product dark(答案仅供参考)解析:话题内容比较生疏,考生不易猜测,并且部分单词如harvested和chocolaty的拼写也会给考生带来肯定难度参考练习:C8T4S3Section 3新旧状况:08307场景:同学争论——音乐对于人们进食的影响的讨论题型:选择6+配对4参考答案:21. 讨论的主题research subject:A. music’s effect on guests/consumersB. music’s effect on food22. In *** cafe(某餐厅), music is played”:A. in different areasB. uniform level volumeC. certain time23. what it the propose of first several questions in the questionnaire:C. disguise the purpose of the survey24. questionnaire are collected from:A. a previous studyB. self madeC. the dictionary25-26. 选择该餐厅考虑的标准criteria:A. competitor nearby & E. seat capacity27. jazz music: people spent more money28. no music------ A people think the restaurant is overpriced29. classical music: people left right after eating30. pop music------ people will come back again(答案仅供参考)解析:考察场景相对简洁,但是涉及的同义替换较多,因此对于考生的理解和辨析力量要求较强参考练习:C10T3S3, C11T4T3Section 4新旧状况:09401场景:社科——澳大利亚轮胎回收的流程题型:填空4+流程图6参考答案:31. The typical tire dealer may generate 600 to 800 waste tires per month32. There are companies recycle rubber for profit but this one doesnot make money33. this recycle company’s advantage: recycled no limit on size of tire34. 5% of the cash revenue has been invested into research35. wheel hub production of steel: remove wires36. get rid of dirt segments and37. The rubber can be molded(mixed) with plastic for products38. rubber-molded products are carpet padding or floor materials39. XX is treatment of water and therefore environmentally friendly40. MSDS: is an ink applied to the tread of a tire as a visible color.(答案仅供参考)解析:话题内容比较生疏,比较难进行猜测,部分单词的拼写如wires 和plastic也会对考生造成肯定难度.参考练习:C10T4S4, C11T4S4文档内容到此结束,欢迎大家下载、修改、丰富并分享给更多有需要的人。

租房场景一般出现在section1 部分,它经常在三类人之间展开对话,他们分别是房屋中介代理商,房东及房客。
9 分场景词汇1)Campus 校园(出国留学住在校园里是很多学生和家长的首选但可惜国外的大学宿舍数量有限,所以很多同学就不得不选择校外租房了。
)2)homestay 寄宿家庭(初到一个国家这是一种很好的居住方式,有利于了解当地的风土人情,对语言学习也会有巨大的帮助,便于以最快的时间融入西方社会)3)homestay family 寄宿家庭(一般来说房东一家都很热情,但西方人都会遵守my house,my rule.这样的方针。
)5)roommate---roomie 室友6)house 国外的主流住宅7)garden 花园一些租房的同学会强烈要求房东家有花园,美丽的花园是英国人的挚爱。
8)yard 后院9)garage 车库10) balcony 阳台( 此场景中的一级重点单词) 几乎每次参加考试都被考到这个单词。
11) attic 阁楼12) lounge 休息室13) house agency 房屋中介14) house agent 房屋代理商15) tenant 房客16) nationality 国籍(要用形容词)如考试中常出现的日本女孩的国籍是Janpanese17) local 本地人(在国外的华人和外国留学生都管当地的人叫鬼妹和鬼佬,其原因可能是上几代的移民经受了很多苦难后,把他们的不满通过带“鬼”字的称谓传下来,已经很根深蒂固了。
2020 年 11 月 21 日雅思听力机经考题回忆

2020 年11 月21 日雅思考试真题机经及参考答案C The value of reefs in biodiverse (生物多样的) regions can be even higher. In parts of Indonesia and the Caribbean where tourism is the main use, reefs are estimated to be worth US$1 million per square kilometer, based on the cost of maintaining sandy beaches and the value of attracting snorkelers (浮潜者)and scuba divers (水肺潜水). Meanwhile, a recent study of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia found that the reef is worth more to the country as an intact ecosystem than an extractive reserve for fishing. Each year more than 1.8 million tourists visit the reef, spending an estimated AU$4.3 billion (Australian dollars) on reef-related industries from diving to boat rental to posh island resort stays. In the Caribbean, says UNEP, the net annual benefits from diver tourism was US$2 billion in 2000 with US$625 million spent directly on diving on reefs. Further, reef tourism is important source of employment, especially for some of the world's poorest people. UNEP says that of the estimated 30 million small-scale fishers in the developing world, most are dependent to a greater or lesser extent on coral reefs. In the Philippines, for example, more than one million small-scale fishers depend directly on coral reefs for their livelihoods. The report estimates that reef fisheries (渔场) were worth between $15,000 and $150,000 per square kilometer a year, while fish caught for aquariums (水族馆) were worth $500 a kilogram against $6 for fish caught as food. The aquarium fish export industry supports around 50,000 people and generates some US$5.5 million a year in Sri Lanka along.D Unfortunately, coral reefs are dying around the world. In particular, coral mining, agricultural and urban runoff(入水), pollution (organic and inorganic), disease, and the digging of canals and access into islands and bays are localized threats to coral ecosystems(生态系统). Broader threats are sea temperature rise, sea level rise and pH changes from ocean acidification (酸化) , all associated with greenhouse gas emissions. Some current fishing practices are destructive and unsustainable. These include cyanide fishing, overfishing and blast fishing. Although cyanide (氰化物毒)fishing supplies live reef fish for the tropical aquarium market, most fish caught using this method are sold in restaurants, primarily in Asia, where live fish are prized for their freshness. To catch fish with cyanide, fishers dive down to the reef and squirt cyanide in coral crevices and on the fast-moving fish, to stun the fish making them easy to catch. Overfishing is another leading cause for coral reef degradation. Often, too many fish are taken from one reef to sustain a population in that area. Poor fishing practices, such as banging on the reef with sticks (muro-ami), destroy coral formations that normally function as fish habitat. In some instances, people fish with explosives (爆炸物) (blast fishing), which blast apart the surrounding coral.E Tourist resorts that empty their sewage directly into the water surrounding coral reefs contribute to coral reef degradation. Wastes kept in poorly maintained septic tanks can also leak into surrounding ground water, eventually seeping out to the reefs. Careless boating, diving, snorkeling and fishing can also damage coral reefs. Whenever people grab, kick, and walk on, or stir up sediment (沉淀物) in the reefs, they contribute to coral reef destruction. Corals are also harmed or killed when people drop anchors on them or when people collect coral.F To find answers for these problems, scientists and researchers study the various factors that impact reefs. TheA 类小作文(图片仅供参考) A 类大作文。

雅思机经听力试题--旅游住宿(总分:19.00,做题时间:120分钟)一、旅游的相关事项(总题数:1,分数:3.00)Listen to the conversation and complete the following sentences with ONE WORD ONLY.Listen to the conversation and complete the following sentences with ONE WORD ONLY.(分数:3.00)(1).The man makes this phone call to make sure of the information about the 1 and accommodation. (分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:flights)解析:woman: Hello. The Sea Sky agency. What can I do for you? man:Hello. I’ve signed up for the field trip to T ibet and I’d like to make a confirmation for the flights and accommodation. woman: Well. The flight number is CA135 and it will take off at 3 p.m. Just remember the time and the number and don't miss it. man: Okay. I got it. Then how about the board and lodging? woman: Well. We provide room and board to you, but based on your payment, the room varies from each other. man: Well. I know the rule. The more you pay, the better the room is. Okay. Just let me think it over. I'll call you later. Thank you.(2).The flight number is 1 and the departure time is 3 p.m.. (分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:CA135)解析:(3).The type of 1 depends on how much you pay for it. (分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:room)解析:二、旅游的时间(总题数:1,分数:2.00)Listen to the conversation and circle the appropriate letter.(分数:2.00)(1).The man doesn't want to have a trip in the peak time because __________ .(分数:1.00)A.there are no long holidaysB.the weather is not goodC.there are so many people √解析:woman: Okay. After knowing the arrangements of the flight and accommodation, what else do you want to know? man: Well. Tourism is prosperous now and the peak season mainly occurs in May and October for the long national holidays. I don't want to go on a trip with a crowd of people although the weather is quite good in those seasons. woman: Yes. What you said is quite right. People jostle each other in a crowd at the peak time. It's not suitable for travel. man: Then when will we take this trip? woman: In April. It's not so crowded and the weather is also quite good. man: Wow. I like this schedule. I believe I will enjoy this trip.(2).The trip will start in _________ .(分数:1.00)A.MayB.OctoberC.April √解析:三、机票类型(总题数:1,分数:4.00)Listen to the statement and fill out the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each blank.(分数:4.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:First Class)解析:When booking a ticket, regardless of whether it is using a published or unpublished fare, there are letters that are assigned to different fares. These letters indicate the class of service,not simply indicating economy or business class, but rather the type of fare that was purchased. Without getting into the particular rules of each fare type, letters are assigned by the airlines to indicate the kind of ticket that has been purchased. F, P are the letters most commonly used to indicate First Class. J, C are the letters most often used to represent Business, or Executive Class. Y is almost universally used to indicate a full fare economy ticket. B, H, L, M, V, etc. are just some of the letters indicating subclasses (reduced, restricted, and/or discounted fares). X, U, R are a few of the letters commonly used to indicate a fare purchased from a consolidator. 填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Y)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Subclasses)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:a consolidator)解析:四、房间类型(总题数:1,分数:3.00)Listen to the advertisement and fill out the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each(分数:3.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:$30)解析:woman: Well. For this trip, do you have any requirements for the room? man: En. Can you tell me what kind of rooms you will supply? woman: Okay. There are three types of rooms: the standard single room, standard double room and suite. man:So what are the differences? woman:Well. Single room is the cheapest, about $30 per night. It is suitable for one person with only one bed. For the double room, it’s $50 one night with twin beds. You can share the expense with one other person. It's a kind of non-smoking room. A suite is a set of rooms, including a bedroom and a living room. man: Well. I'd like to book a suite with an open-air balcony and afloor-to-ceiling window. I'd tike a cozy living room. Is that okay? woman: Okay. I will try my best to meet your requirements.填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:non-smoking)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Suite)解析:五、个人信息(总题数:1,分数:3.00)3.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Johna Smyth)解析:woman:Okay. Now can I have some personal information about you? man:Of course. woman:What’s your name? man: Johna Smyth. J-O-H-N-A, Johna. S-M-Y-T-H, Smyth. woman: Okay. I got it. Then your address? man: 14 Bankroad, Westsea. woman: Well. How can I get in contact with you? man; My mobile phone number is 8322645. woman: Thank you. Have a good day!填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:14 Bankroad)解析:填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:8322645)解析:六、旅行费用(总题数:1,分数:3.00)Listen to the conversation and complete the following sentences with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS.(分数:3.00)(1).The total trip fare covers the fee of a round-trip air ticket, 7-day meals and the 1 . (分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:gate tickets)解析:man: Excuse me, madam. I'm not very clear about one thing. woman:What’s the matter? man: It's said that the total fare for the trip is $500. Can you clarify the comprehensive fee components? woman: Well. The total fare consists of the cost of a round-trip plane ticket, the meals for 7 days and the gate tickets. The airline ticket costs about $110. man: You mean that the lodging fee is not included? woman:Yes. You know different people have different preferences and requirements. So the room charge will fluctuate from one person to another. But we can reserve rooms for the tourists in advance if they tell us their definite requirements. man: Okay. I understand it. Thank you for your explanation. woman: My pleasure.(2).The expenditure for the airline ticket is about 1 .(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:$110)解析:(3).Lodging fee is excluded from the total fare due to diverse preferences and 1 for rooms.(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:requirements)解析:七、旅行地点 (总题数:1,分数:1.00)1.Which of the following places are included in the trip schedule?(分数:1.00)A.desert √B.camel farmC.museumD.Culture Center √E.a national park √F.Sydney’s coastline解析:man: I'm eager to know something about the trip schedule. Could you tell me where we will visit? woman: Well, our journey will traverse a land of tremendous contrast. You will have a chance to navigate some of the most exciting and treacherous terrain in Australia. man: Wow. Sounds adventurous! woman: Yeah. After visiting the Culture Center in the city of Sydney, we will follow the beautiful coastline of New South Wales up to the northernmost point of Australia. Then we will embark on a discovery of wild and breathtaking Kakadu Park. man: Is this the arrangement of the entire trip? woman: Of course not. Then comes the most exciting part of the journey, traverse the Tanami Desert. man: Crossing the desert? By riding a camel or...? woman: Camels of course. After that we will be back to Sydney. I think all of you will enjoy and remember the fantastic trip. man: Yes. I can't wait to start the trip now.。

雅思听力机经词汇-Section12013年1.场景:Renting1)parking space, balcony, September 30th, a shared gym, Thursday, café, bridge2)Bright and large and a good view, a small garden, a minimum of 30 people, at thebusiness centre of the city, any Saturday, 65°2.场景:Enquiry1)language skill: Chinese, bring old to shopping, socialize with people, license todrive, South of river, Wednesday, Date to start: 13th June, put the mail on the stairs in front of the house, get the information on the radio2)radio, children, evening, 4.00, discount, piano, candles, Tuesday, donation, singer3)Ticket available: £15, outdoor venue: the park, music from different parts ofAfrica, a market for people making and selling international food, Sunday evening: music from India, at the library, film festival, literature events of discussion about Russian poetry, Website: International @ beaumond. com4)golf court, blue, 12:40, swimming, breakfast, piano, Spanish, Wednesday, 10:15,science3.场景:Traveling1)caravan (大篷车),snow boarding(滑雪),make a reservation, confirm areservation, book a room / table, cancel one’s reservation, first come, first serve, round-trip/ round-way ticket, one-way ticket2)At the end of the month, orange in color, the location is to the east of the garden,for security, people are recommended to wear trousers, in state park, general tour, You should prepare at least 1 hour for visiting; 5.30 am, museum; For visiting the garden, people are suggested to bring zoom lens.3)fish market, free tour, sailing, every room has a balcony, pottery factory, near thebeach, local birds, free intranet, Television: cookery lessons, new gym4)30th March, Northern, train, farm, insurance, internet café, passport4.场景:Customer Service1)(买了一个vacuum cleaner, 不满意要退货) Name: Ruddick, telephone: home,Address: Garden Avenue, Date of bought: 31st July, problem: handle, price of the old one: $104, solution: offer free repair, New: reusable dust bag, price of new: 180, color of new: silver2)Size: top mount, 12th January, sandwich shop, manager, door, close to station,color: silver, temperature: 10°,$180, alarm sounded5.场景:Hotel ReservationNationalities: Canadian and Australian, don’t ask for kitchen, need a restaurant, hope to have good sea view, don’t mind to shared bathroom, guests can watch the birds, special requirement of the helicopter trip6.场景:Job huntingrecruit, 29th October, basic requirements: English and math, occasional night shifts, good vision, helping customers, preparing food, cultural awareness, the training lasts6 months7.场景:Festival ActivityStarting date: 1960s, university art fair, international artists, car-park, use clay to make models, animals, free park near the university, the color of free bus: purple, bus near entrance2012年1.场景:剧院订票Surname: Bittens; the number of adults: 3; group booking discount; Ticket for adults: 23; Ticket for children: 12.50; seat choice: the back row; one child sitting: need a wheelchair; close to lift; they are vegetarians; food: pizza2.场景:医保卡办理Name: Prenay; Date of birth: 17th March; Address: 34 Market Road; Race: European; the citizen; type of cards: the New Zealand high user; Former company: the Castlehill; Location: north island; Hours: full-time; Specialist: sports3.场景:租场地Tythe, fashion, January 1st, top floor, phone, photo, £150, café, 3 months, station4.场景:租房By post; $39 per day; special requirement in room: an extra bed; equipment: kitchen;a heater and a microwave; license issued in Australia5.场景:咨询1)旅游咨询Time: Thursday morning; Date: 22nd November; purpose: wedding;special requirement: no cheese; India; for business; too slow; e-mail: XXX@2)旅游咨询125, a certificate, book online, 1,800m, autumn, night, thunderstorms, hat, 9 years old, stand position3)Thursday, side gate, café, 138, Lossely(地名), sleeping bag, windsurfing, passport, radio4)旅游咨询moderate, museum, park, pool, flowers, history, map, café5)电话咨询Address: Library in Skellran Street; located next to a park; open at 9am until 4.30pm; drama club; singing; local artists club; various magazines; you can borrow films & CDs; card number; can also buy maps6)女的给孩子咨询课程报划船班library, signature, jeans, security, reception, rubber, cotton7)关于驾校的咨询:Address: 67 King’s Road; in the city centre and in the north of the city; Coach’s name: Allen Suffel; an automatic car; practice in enough daylight;condition of different weathers; a driving license; fee: $50; duration: spending 40 minutes; keep a driving diary8)退休男士咨询业余戏剧社:Address: the club house; No experience required, but especially want actors and male singers; Really need someone who can drive;Meeting opens at 6-8 pm, every Tuesday; Close time: August; Membership includes a dinner; Membership fee: £40 and £60, unemployment and retired £25;age of 16 and under; people involved are mainly modern authors; Charity –money raised from this event will go to children’s hospital9)咨询课程:town, plastic, software, distance, hill, soup, shop, £14.40, free parking10)咨询参加running clubName: Circhton; place: sports center; time: Thursday; time: 6.15; bring: vest; 800; road runners, North Park, reception, July6.场景:Select a gift for sister’s childrena model wooden truck; technology, bird feeder’s; price: 8.99; many small boxes of chocolates; temperature; website: ; offer free post; free package; leave with a message7.场景:Travelling1)Tour type: group trip / self-drive; maximum days stay: 13; month: November;Address: Liberty; adventure; visa; see dolphins and whales; offer free pick at the airport to hotel; extra travel please inform in: at the end/ beginning of holiday 2)旅游定酒店:garden lounge; double room, basic price: $10.50, gym adults only,include salads, all prices include coffee; sunset room2011年1.场景:Enquiry1)男子咨询鸟类保护协会入会问题:fees and donations, record, guard bird’s breeding, $54 a year, competitions and outdoor games, guide, poster, by post or by phone, 25th August, gift membership2)咨询课程:safety, Tuesday, 1 hour, wall, 25, Thursday, summer, transports, prevention, supervision3)预定旅馆咨询:available: July; price in high season:$77.50; 1 month; meal: breakfast; towels; booklets; game room; Internet; collecting shells; hire bicycles 4)酒店咨询:Central Hotel; address; pool; view; reception; Spanish; red print; July;Cliffton5)咨询展览会:workshop, discussion, library, biography, short stories, writing for children, crime fiction, new novel, 24 River Lane6)课程咨询:morning, French class, first, bring money for food ingredient, girls club, painting class, bring own brushes, 15th June, parking: next to station7)$37.5, 20, playground, primary school, report, family photo, September, apron(围裙), certificate, Collipe2.场景:场地选择1)野营宿营地的选择,三个宿营地点的对比First accommodation: near thesupermarket, second one called studio, second one has facility: microwave, near sports centre, third one : outdoor table, fee 219, salad with fruit, children can play XX and table tennis, barbecue at picnic area, dance with a band2)Wedding ceremony 场地预定27th February, park, 70, reception, grass, view, parking, catering, Long Beach3.场景:租房1)swimming pool, dining room, garage, supermarket, park, $980, include themaintenance of gardens, 23rd April, 10.15am, Spring Street2)holidays, home welcome, studio, water, transportation, deposit, two references,arrangement are flexible3)联系搬家公司: 21st August, electricity supply, free booklet, energy saving,protection policy for a cooker, credit, 3 days, E-mail, central heating4.场景:求职1)Part-time job: In a warehouse section; in supermarket office; work in a bakery;advertisement; buy a newspaper; agency; can use a tutor as a referee; feedback form2)France, director, Family name: Kellar, driving, 2.5 km, Sunday, sailing, own club, more details, insurance5.场景:看病1)Address: 95 Cross Street; sprains in his knee, cannot go upstairs, Sprain knees,pain in his back; painkillers; 10th January; don’t use sticks; do regular exercise2)nurse, frequent headache, occasional cold, seafood, eyes, 30 minutes, park, yoga,Sports Centre6.场景:旅游1)订票:opera; £30, theatre, library, town hall, studio2)birds, tent, mountains, cave, waterfall, swim, back problems, walking boots, discount, insurance company2010年1.场景:求职Date of birth: March 8th 1988; hopes to travel North Europe; wants to by train; find work in a hotel; recommend to do farm work; better to have a European pass; provide a booklet of information; apply an insurance from agency; Internet Café to communicate2.场景:租房1)Accommodation: area: northeast coast; high seasons; a weekend; quiet; near beach; restaurant; garden for children; Mrs Cheffins; Country Living(杂志名字) 3.场景:家具保险Type of insurance: Standard; Length: 2 years; Name: Galoway; occupation: student; broken window; by a smash; camera: $2000; antique ring: $2100; carpet4.场景:旅游1)cash, 4 days, caravan, museum, went sailing, snow boarding, White mountain,cakes, car, map2)咨询旅行社旅游项目use ropes; fees include: equipment; do: safety check; fees:include guide; area: forest; skills: navigation; fees: include lunch; group deposit: 20% of total fee; bring own shoes; contact person: Arkwright5.场景:公共设施调查Address: 103 Fowler Road, waiter, street, Health service, police, parks, schools, suggestion, local, swimming pool6.场景:调查问卷,询问男子喜好Current occupation: salesman; length of time: nine years; area: Spring Park; a shared apartment; public transport: trains and taxis; eating out: once a month; go to concerts and clubs; go to cinema; go sailing; a Japanese language course7.场景:健身中心入会Address: Wickford; membership package: silver package; discounted fees: 40; joiningfees: £30;start time: 7.30; tennis; dance classes; café; hire towel; forms8.场景:一个男的对一个机场的complaint以及机场的解决办法33 Hillcrest, security, entertainment, hotel, phone card9.场景:预定1)打电话为了party预定restaurant:garden room; round tables; candles on table;Construction; bunch of flowers, 4th July; 25%2)生日晚会预定:27th April; museum; 93; cold; fish; nuts; cake; paper; flowers。

听力场景2:课外研究场景. 主要是在课外研究一些小的项目,小的调查研究,包括对学校里各个地方,食品(咖啡、小吃)等价格的比较。

雅思听力场景词汇学术场景词汇一.新生人学Orientation 新生入学教育会 welcome package 入学或旅游时收到的欢迎辞Reception招待会,接待处英国人用faculty表示”系",faculty-based“以系为单位的”,department则多用在北美表示“系"campus校园, on campus在校内,off campus在校外机经词汇:modern sports facilities现代体育设施specialized sports facilities 专门体育设施experimental facilities实验设施lab equipment 实验器材sense of achievement成就感University guide大学指南Curriculum 课程 (curriculum vitae=CV简历)lecture授课 tutorial/seminar小组讨论 study club学习小组session课程,时间 reading session阅读课assignment 作业slide presentation 幻灯片演讲:presentation skills陈述部分,answer questions/oral defence答辩(通常论文的考核形式)assessment 学习考核,评估 record 成绩;记录;唱片tape/cassette磁带 cassette recorder 卡带式录音机 video tape录像带attendance出勤率 deadline最后期限机经词汇:留学生通常会遇到的问题distant deadline 离最后期限还有段时间give/deliver a speech作演讲letter of recommendation 推荐信(一般教授或导师出示用于申请学校)take notes 记笔记 note—taking (这个词组的发音很像no taking,一定要注意)notice board布告栏TIPS:学生可以在布告栏上找到关于课程或其他方面的通知,英国用notice board,北美用bulletin board.机经词汇:advanced course 高级课程(注意advanced后面的d,听的时候不一定能够听到,但必须知道这里是形容词形式)Intermediate course 中级课程Beginning course 入门课程Basic course 基础课程Compulsory/obligatory/required course 必修课Intensive course 强化课程Optional course 选修课Refreser course进修课Specialized course 专业课Survival course 生存课程Senior staff高级员工RA (research assistant) 研究助理Lecturer 讲师,所有教课的老师都是lecturer,Professor 教授, Associate professor 副教授Instructor 讲师 adviser/advisor/supervisor 指导老师 senior advisor资深督导师Assistant professor助教机经词汇: Teaching syllabus 教学大纲Teaching method 教学法Teaching staff 教学人员Academic teaching staff 教学人员,教职员工学生类型:local/resident/domestic student当地学生International/overseas student国际学生(注意overseas后面的s,听的时候不一定能听出来,但一定得知道)Freshman/first-year student大一学生, sophomore/second-year student大二学生,junior/third-year student大三学生, senior/fourth—year student大四学生applicant申请人,graduate毕业生,Bachelor学士 (Undergraduate本科生),Master 硕士 (Postgraduate研究生)机经词汇:headmaster (英)高中以下学校校长Principal (美)高中以下学校校长Graduation announcements毕业典礼请柬二、专业Major/subject 专业(be majored in/specialize in)以。

银行场景雅思听力真题Version 08118Section 1主题提示:一个男的到银行办信用卡,一个女银行工作人员记录他的信息。
1-7)填空题1.Name:Atkins Murray2.Address:53Green Street3.Town:West Lake.4.Birthday:18th September l978(如果没记错的话)5.Tele No:9847****(8位)6.ID的种类:driving license (前面女的问男的有没有带passport,男的说没有,问图书馆借书证行不行,女的说不行,要有照片的证件,然后男的就说driving license)7.Maximum amount of overdraw:$20008-10)选择题8.题目问$100是多长时问的费用:选one year。
(男的银行的服务费用是怎么交的,女的说$100的annual fee可以按月交,也可以半年交一次)。
9.题目是extra payment是什么:选withdraw要收费。
)10.题目问个什么数额,在bank statement里的,多久会通知那个男的一次:选every three months。
)雅思听力真题Version 30064Section 1主题提示:讲一个女士打电话询问银行RECEPTION。
真题回忆:1. 数字..一个interest rate 利息...出现两个数字1.8%2. 数字.30 days (说其他银行要takes 60 days天才能拿钱)3. 最少要存多少钱:500 pounds 注意这里有很多干扰数字,建议还是仔细的听听下面的题目忘了顺序,有一个叫你填银行提供啥INSURANCE, 也有干扰,我听到有两个,分别是life insurance 和house insurance。

剑桥真题场景:剑桥真题拼写词汇:temporary['temp(ə)rərɪ] 临时旳doctor ['dɒktə]大夫Africa ['æfrɪkə]非洲youth [juːθ]青春cheese[tʃiːz] 奶酪presentation [prez(ə)n'teɪʃ(ə)n]陈说demanding [dɪ'mɑːndɪŋ] 费时费力旳assistant [ə'sɪst(ə)nt]助手security [sɪ'kjʊərətɪ]安全性ground floor底层lecture room教室main hall大厅team leader团体领导waiter['weɪtə]服务员day off休息日break[breɪk]间歇meal[miːl]餐饭dark[dɑːk]黑暗jacket ['dʒækɪt]夹克mid-day中午reference ['ref(ə)r(ə)ns] 参照answer the phone接电话library [ˈlaɪbrərɪ]图书馆national holidays国家法定假日clear voice声音清晰think quickly迅速思索tax[tæks]税剑桥真题认知词汇:job hunting找工作warehouse['weəhaʊs]货仓barber['bɑːbə]剪发师grocery['grəʊs(ə)rɪ]杂货店nosh bar小吃店shift[ʃɪft]轮班alternate[ˈɔ:ltəneɪt]交替uniform['juːnɪfɔːm]工作服job hopping跳槽reward[rɪ'wɔːd]奖励vacant['veɪk(ə)nt]空缺旳work permit工作许可referee[refə'riː]推荐人overtime['əʊvətaɪm]加班时间injure['ɪndʒə]伤害advertise['ædvətaɪz]做广告cycling['saɪklɪŋ]骑行first aid急救slide[slaɪd]幻灯片recruit[rɪ'kruːt]招募orientation[,ɔːrɪən'teɪʃ(ə)n]方向机经场景(拼写单词):应聘校长leader['liːdə]领导者tennis ['tenɪs] 网球training ['treɪnɪŋ]训练insurance [ɪn'ʃʊər(ə)ns]保险policy ['pɒləsɪ] 政策register police注册旳警察discount ['dɪskaʊnt]折扣兼职征询receptionist [rɪ'sepʃ(ə)nɪst]接待员mornings ['mɔːnɪŋz]上午customer ['kʌstəmə]顾客driver ['draɪvə]司机flexible ['fleksɪb(ə)l]灵活旳cinema [ˈsɪnəmɑ]电影院weekends [,wiːk'ends]周末shopping ['ʃɒpɪŋ]购物果园兼职blue card信用卡;蓝卡agency ['eɪdʒ(ə)nsɪ]代理weather['weðə]n.天气,气象campsite ['kæmpsaɪt]野营地bike [baɪk]自行车passport ['pɑːspɔːt] 护照lunch [lʌn(t)ʃ]午餐兼职求职(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)factory ['fækt(ə)rɪ] 工厂bakery ['beɪk(ə)rɪ]面包房newspaper ['njuːzpeɪpə]报纸tutor ['tjuːtə]家庭教师feedback['fiːdbæk] 反馈Hill Road山道North Park北方公园politics [ˈpɒlətɪks]政治bookkeeping记账advanced level领先水平clay [kleɪ]黏土ladder ['lædə]梯子hot [hɒt]热旳concentration [kɒns(ə)n'treɪʃ(ə)n]集中bucket ['bʌkɪt]水桶training ['treɪnɪŋ]训练uniform ['juːnɪfɔːm]制服furniture['fɜːnɪtʃə]家俱variable ['veərɪəb(ə)l]多变旳r eliable [rɪ'laɪəb(ə)l]可靠旳transport [træn'spɔːt]运送supermarket ['suːpəmɑːkɪt; 'sjuː-]超市call center呼喊中心student record学生记录raining ['reɪnɪŋ]下雨ad广告formal clothes正装larger office更大旳办公室good pay好旳酬劳live nearby附近居住location [lə(ʊ)'keɪʃ(ə)n]位置foreigner ['fɒrɪnə] 外国人法国家庭做保姆director [dɪ'rektə; daɪ-]主管driving ['draɪvɪŋ]操纵sailing ['seɪlɪŋ]帆船运动club [klʌb]俱乐部details ['dɪteɪlz]细节求职空乘recruitment [rɪ'kruːtm(ə)nt]招聘mid-night午夜math [mæθ]数学vision ['vɪʒ(ə)n]视力cultural awareness文化意识工作中介找工作train [treɪn]训练northern ['nɔːð(ə)n]北方旳hotel [həʊˈtel]旅馆farm [fɑːm]农场European Pass欧洲通行证booklet ['bʊklɪt]小册子internet cafe’网咖父亲给儿子找工作lifting ['liftiŋ]举起watering ['wɔːtərɪŋ]洒水math[mæθ]数学communication [kəmjuːnɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]通讯passport ['pɑːspɔːt]护照求职工作(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)waiter['weɪtə]服务员baseball coach棒球教练beach [biːtʃ]海滩diving ['daɪvɪŋ]跳水radio ['reɪdɪəʊ]无线电weekend [wiːkˈɛnd]周末tool [tuːl]工具training['treɪnɪŋ]训练reporter [rɪ'pɔːtə]记者housing [haʊzɪŋ]住房供应researcher [rɪ'sɜ:tʃə]研究员website ['websait]网站South Park南方公园fluent ['fluːənt]流畅旳minibus ['mɪnɪbʌs]小型巴士drive [draɪv] 驾驶transport [træn'spɔːt]运送寻找书店工作photography [fə'tɒgrəfɪ]摄影nursery['nɜːs(ə)rɪ]婴儿室waitress [ˈweɪtrəs]女服务员洗衣店面试dress shop女装店pension ['penʃ(ə)n]退休金window dressing橱窗布置name badge名牌black shirt黑衬衫应聘保姆(mother helper)consultant [kən'sʌlt(ə)nt]顾问laundry ['lɔːndrɪ]洗衣店guitar lesson吉他课sick pay病假工资climbing ['klaɪmɪŋ]攀登旳应聘游泳教练accountant [ə'kaʊnt(ə)nt]会计师swimming coach游泳教练difficult [ˈdɪfɪkəlt]困难旳简历问询resume [rɪˈzjuːm; ˈrɛzjʊmeɪ]重新开始too long太长type [taɪp]类型layout ['leɪaʊt]布局correction [kə'rekʃ(ə)n]修改contact number联络电话salary ['sælərɪ]薪水实习培训(1)(2)(3)internship ['ɪntɜːnʃɪp]实习医师area ['eərɪə]地区deputy ['depjʊtɪ]副手elevator['elɪveɪtə]电梯shirt [ʃɜːt]衬衣public['pʌblɪk]公众旳address card地址卡college coordinator学院协调员identity card身份证assignment [ə'saɪnm(ə)nt]分派handle data处理数据personal statement个人陈说面试准备sample ['sɑːmp(ə)l]样品software['sɒf(t)weə]n. 软件application [ˌæplɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]合用criticism ['krɪtɪsɪz(ə)m]批评brief note字条accumulate the experience积累经验职业调查business management企业管理phone interview电话面试salary['sælərɪ]薪水diploma [dɪ'pləʊmə]毕业文凭public['pʌblɪk]公众旳problem solving问题处理essay writing短文写作job [dʒɒb]工作机经场景(认知单词):志愿者招募background ['bækgraʊnd]背景virtual volunteer虚拟旳志愿者potential [pəˈtenʃl]潜在旳formal ['fɔːm(ə)l]正规旳application [ˌæplɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]合用职业规划media professor媒体专家music video音乐影片camera man摄影师technique [tek'niːk]技巧夜间上班extra high salary超高旳薪水flexible ['fleksɪb(ə)l]灵活旳input number输入数dark trouser深色裤子flat [flæt]平旳职业中心career center职介中心appointment [əˈpɔɪntmənt]约会free of charge免费fund [fʌnd]基金communication skill沟通技能profile ['prəʊfaɪl]侧面booklet['bʊklɪt]小册子consultant [kən'sʌlt(ə)nt]顾问邮局工作receive post收到后update data修改数据authority [ɔː'θɒrɪtɪ]权威check number检查数字order form订货单delivery note提货单contract ['kɒntrækt]协议制衣企业招聘pacific clothing firm太平洋制衣企业accountant [ə'kaʊnt(ə)nt]会计师collaborative [kə'læbərətiv]合作旳loyal ['lɒɪəl]忠诚旳workplace ['wɜːkpleɪs]工作场所印度妇女实习strict [strɪkt]精确旳boring ['bɔːrɪŋ]无聊旳patience ['peɪʃ(ə)ns]耐心internship ['ɪntɜːnʃɪp]实习医生实习工作反馈(1)(2)frustrated [frʌ'streɪtɪd]挫败旳leisure ['leʒə]空闲时间intelligent [ɪn'telɪdʒ(ə)nt]聪颖旳decisive [dɪ'saɪsɪv]决定性旳comment ['kɒment]评论self-reflection['selfriflekʃən]反省consult[kən'sʌlt]商议childish['tʃaɪldɪʃ]幼稚旳ideal job理想旳工作工作汇报workplace evaluation工作评价initial feeling最初旳感觉worthy[ˈwəːði]应得某事物natural ability本能lack confidence缺乏信心求职主题job hunting求职sack[sæk]解雇outdated[aʊt'deɪtɪd]过时旳appearance[ə'pɪər(ə)ns]外貌,出现生活征询剑桥真题场景:剑桥真题拼写词汇:green button绿色按钮library[ˈlaɪbrərɪ]图书馆education department教育部castle['kɑːs(ə)l]城堡old clothes旧衣服undersea world海底世界silver paper银箔纸King Street国王路central['sentr(ə)l]中心旳half hour半小时refreshment[rɪ'freʃm(ə)nt]精神恢复advance[əd'vɑːns]前进reservation[rezə'veɪʃ(ə)n]保留taxi ['tæksɪ]出租车cab[kæb]出租车city center市中心wait[weɪt]等待door-to-door挨户访问旳reserve[rɪ'zɜːv]储备health problem健康问题safety rule安全规程plan[plæn]计划joining['dʒɒɪnɪŋ]连接free entry自由加入peak[piːk]山峰guest[gest]客人photo card明信片red[red]红色旳lunch[lʌn(t)ʃ]午餐aunt[ɑːnt]阿姨secondary['sek(ə)nd(ə)rɪ]中等旳flute[fluːt]长笛concert['kɒnsət]音乐会market['mɑːkɪt]交易actor['æktə]演员flower['flaʊə]花mushroom['mʌʃruːm]蘑菇river['rɪvə]河剑桥真题认知词汇:membership['membəʃɪp]会员资格fitness suite健身房cater for照顾premier['premɪə]高级旳poster['pəʊstə]海报champion['tʃæmpɪən]冠军mystery[ˈmɪstri]谜scenario[sɪ'nɑːrɪəʊ]方案ceramics[sə'ræmɪks]制陶业choir['kwaɪə]合唱团in advance提前机经场景补充(拼写单词):志愿者项目征询social['səʊʃ(ə)l]社会旳stair[steə]楼梯radio['reɪdɪəʊ]无线电征询烧菜message['mesɪdʒ]信息by cash现金Thai cookery泰式烹饪演唱会征询evening['iːv(ə)nɪŋ]傍晚candles['kænd(ə)ls]蜡烛donation[də(ʊ)'neɪʃ(ə)n]捐赠piano[pɪ'ænəʊ]钢琴singer['sɪŋə(r)]歌手海外学生寄礼品photo['fəʊtəʊ]照片bag[bæg]袋postcard['pəʊs(t)kɑːd]明信片cheapest[tʃi:pɪst]廉价旳golden[ˈgəʊldən]金色旳征询节目时间安排opera['ɒp(ə)rə]歌剧pound[paʊnd]英镑theater ['θɪətə]剧场Town Hall市政厅studio ['stjuːdɪəʊ]工作室征询商品运送special item特殊项目twice a week每周两次telephone call打电话order ['ɔːdə]命令section ['sekʃ(ə)n]部分搬家企业征询piano [pɪ'ænəʊ]钢琴mirror ['mɪrə]镜子coffee ['kɒfɪ]咖啡豆side door侧门征询幼稚园playground ['pleɪgraʊnd]操场primary school小学report [rɪ'pɔːt]汇报family photo全家福热气球项目征询certificate [ səˈtɪfɪˌkeɪt]证明书thunderstorm ['θʌndəstɔːm]雷电交加旳暴风雨helmet ['helmɪt]头盔stand[stænd]看台征询小朋友活动中心toy factory玩具厂parking ['pɑːkɪŋ]停放slide [slaɪd]滑落golf [gɒlf]高尔夫球trouser ['traʊzə]裤子sock [sɒk]短袜name[neɪm]名字征询展览馆product['prɒdʌkt]产品summer['sʌmə]夏天online[ɒn'laɪn]在线旳征询电脑软件展demonstration[demən'streɪʃ(ə)n]示范subway['sʌbweɪ]地铁internet['ɪntənet]互联网hardware['hɑːdweə]硬件question['kwestʃ(ə)n]问题camera['kæm(ə)rə]摄影机征询剧院male[meɪl]男性旳hospital ['hɒspɪt(ə)l]医院戏剧俱乐部no children 少儿不适宜art trip艺术之旅drama workshop戏剧研讨会outdoor ['aʊtdɔː]户外旳activity [ækˈtɪvətɪ]活动planning meeting会议计划开会地点讨论e-mail marketing电子邮件营销sandwich ['sæn(d)wɪdʒ; -wɪtʃ]三明治project [prəˈdʒekt ]放映taxi ['tæksɪ]出租车financial [faɪ'nænʃ(ə)l; fɪ-]财政旳noisy [ˈnɔɪzɪ]嘈杂旳小区评价yard [jɑːd]院子Spanish ['spænɪʃ]西班牙人teenager ['tiːneɪdʒə]青少年crime [kraɪm]罪行light [laɪt]光线体育运动场景剑桥真题场景:C5 T4 S2足球俱乐部C6 T1 S1运动俱乐部征询剑桥真题拼写词汇:clubhouse ['klʌbhaʊs]俱乐部会所picnic ['pɪknɪk]野餐郊游prizes奖赏collect fees收费newsletter ['njuːzletə]通讯supervise teams监督团体keep-fit保健旳swimming ['swɪmɪŋ]游泳旳yoga['jəʊgə]瑜伽salad bar沙拉吧assessment[ə'sesmənt]评价剑桥真题认知词汇:soccer['sɒkə]足球season['siːz(ə)n]赛季head coach主教练squash[skwɒʃ]壁球机经场景(拼写单词):体育俱乐部征询(1)(2)fitter['fɪtə]合适旳fitness['fɪtnəs]健康Sport Center体育中心long road runner长跑旳人North Park北方公园vest [vest]背心滑冰会员征询West Park西园hot chocolate巧克力热饮pizza ['piːtsə ]披萨advanced先进旳[ədˈvɑ:nst] raining ['reɪnɪŋ]下雨boot [buːt]长靴jeans [dʒi:nz]牛仔裤warm [wɔːm]暖和旳健身俱乐部入会(1)(2)silver ['sɪlvə]银joining fee入会费dance [dɑːns]跳舞cafe ['kæfɪ]咖啡馆towel ['taʊəl]毛巾photo ['fəʊtəʊ]照片rope [rəʊp]粗绳equipment [ɪ'kwɪpm(ə)nt]设备safety ['seɪftɪ]安全navigation [nævɪ'geɪʃ(ə)n]航行学lunch [lʌn(t)ʃ]午餐减肥征询nurse [nɜːs]护士headache ['hedeɪk]头疼seafood['siːfuːd]海食品eye[aɪ]眼睛sports center体育中心报名参与运动cookery ['kʊk(ə)rɪ]烹饪学wet suit紧身潜水衣健身俱乐部health check健康检查program ['prəʊɡræm]程序征询游泳馆young children幼儿changing room更衣室learner ['lɜːnə]初学者free [friː]自由旳crowed拥挤旳体育教育opportunity [ˌɒpəˈtju:nətɪ]机会contact ['kɒntækt]接触employee [ɪmˈplɔɪi;]员工document ['dɒkjʊm(ə)nt]文档promotion [prə'məʊʃn]增进network ['netwɜːk]网implication form含义式self employment个体劳动体育课程central part中心部分mental ['ment(ə)l]精神旳negative effect负面影响blood flow血流量key [kiː]钥匙体育科学研究performance [pə'fɔːm(ə)ns]演出competition [ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn]竞争oxygen ['ɒksɪdʒ(ə)n]氧气feet [fiːt]脚red blood血性heart rate心率muscle pain肌肉疼shark [ʃɑːk]鲨鱼机经场景(认知单词):赛事预告castle ['kɑːs(ə)l]城堡field [fiːld]田地city council市议会old airport旧机场uphill [ʌp'hɪl]上坡旳woodland ['wʊdlənd]森林cup [kʌp]杯子chairman ['tʃeəmən]主席运动中心开业(1)(2)(3)professional adviser专业旳顾问general training一般旳训练weight training举重训练aerobic [eə'rəʊbɪk]有氧旳fitness center健身中心town center城镇中心spa [spɑː]温泉浴场heart monitor心脏监护器走路活动walking activity步行活动order online在线订购recommend [rekə'mend]推荐torch [tɔːtʃ]火把滑雪中心ski [skiː]滑雪computer simulation计算机模拟newsletter ['njuːzletə]通讯special offer特殊报价new trick新戏足球队总结permanent record永久记录phone book电话簿complicated ['kɒmplɪkeɪtɪd]构造复杂旳unreliable [ʌnrɪ'laɪəb(ə)l]不可靠旳vague [veɪg]模糊旳factual ['fæktʃʊəl]事实旳足球裁判referee [refə'riː]裁判员certificate [səˈtɪfɪkɪt; ]证明书intensive class强化班beyond [bɪ'jɒnd]超过regrettable [rɪ'gretəb(ə)l]令人遗憾旳career prospective职业前景各类预订场景:剑桥真题场景:C6T4 S1预定会议室C8 T1 S1音乐节订票剑桥真题拼写词汇:check [tʃek]支票conference pack会议指南library [ˈlaɪbrərɪ]图书馆refreshment [rɪ'freʃm(ə)nt]点心pianist['pɪənɪst]钢琴家剑桥真题认知词汇:brochure['brəʊʃə]小册子lobby['lɒbɪ]大厅discount['dɪskaʊnt]打折delegate[ˈdɛlɪˌɡeɪt]代表团机经场景(拼写单词):海岛酒店预订station['steɪʃ(ə)n]车站kitchen['kɪtʃɪn; -tʃ(ə)n]厨房restaurant [ˈrɛstəˌrɒŋ]饭店sea view海景bathroom['bɑ:θrum]浴室birds helicopter小鸟直升机生态农场预定radio ['reɪdɪəʊ]无线电flat [flæt]平地forest ['fɒrɪst]森林organic [ɔː'gænɪk]有机旳bike [baɪk]自行车dance [dɑːns]舞蹈旅行住宿预定supermarket超市studio ['stjuːdɪəʊ]工作室sports center运动中兴microwave ['maɪkrə(ʊ)weɪv]微波outdoor table户外桌band [bænd]乐队salad ['sæləd] 沙拉table tennis桌球picnic ['pɪknɪk]野餐预定水族馆旳票wheelchair ['wiːltʃeə]轮椅cheque [tʃek]支票coral reef珊瑚礁酒店预定晚会(1)(2)business area业务范围view [vjuː]观测week [wiːk]周double ['dʌb(ə)l]双倍旳balcony ['bælkənɪ]包厢message ['mesɪdʒ]信息bird park鸟类公园magazine [mægə'ziːn]杂志演唱会门票预订agency ['eɪdʒ(ə)nsɪ]代理side door侧门market ['mɑːkɪt]市场basement ['beɪsm(ə)nt]地下室action movie动作片superstar ['sju:pəstɑ:]巨星电话预订商品cream [kriːm]奶油场地预定(1)(2)(3)cold drinks 冷饮cake [keɪk]蛋糕flower ['flaʊə]花chicken ['tʃɪkɪn]鸡肉fish cake炸鱼饼deluxe[də'luks]高级旳standard ['stændəd]原则旳vegetable burger蔬菜汉堡bunch of flowers花束party wear派对着装sport’s hall运动馆adult ['ædʌlt] 成年旳reservation [rezə'veɪʃ(ə)n]预约round [raʊnd]循环candle ['kænd(ə)l]蜡烛construction [kən'strʌkʃ(ə)n]建筑物婚礼预订reception [rɪ'sepʃ(ə)n]接待catering ['keɪtərɪŋ]承接酒席Long Beach长滩预订电影票group booking团购back row后排旳wheelchair ['wiːltʃeə]轮椅lift [lɪft]电梯vegetarian [vɛdʒɪˈtɛːrɪən]素食者pizza ['pi:tsə]披萨餐馆预定green room休息室long tables长表格drinks and snacks饮料和小吃预约家政office ['ɒfɪs]办公室lounge [laʊn(d)ʒ]休息室bed linen被单和枕套double bedroom双人床卧室预定旅游票week [wiːk]星期walking [wɔ:k]步行旳coast [kəʊst]海岸farm [fɑːm]农场。

V08120 S1=V06141 S1一个女的打电话问旅游公司不同旅游package 的information1---10)填空题1)几个住处,第一个叫Rose Garden第二个叫Blue Bay, Blue Bay 离海滨多远?300 meters away from the beach.2)第三个住处名字Sun Shade, 第四个是Grand3)Sun Shade这个套餐房间的价格是$3194)每个房间里都有Satellite TV, 还有overlooking great paintings in every room5)Sun Shade娱乐项目是has a view over forest6)如果cancellation, 要付多少钱,男士说至少$10,0007)为航班延时误点missed departure 投的保险8)还有一项保险是在某个情况下允许relative出游9)如出现丢失物品的情况,整件要赔$500, a single item 另行处理10)女的又询问了这个男的名字:Ben Ludlow机经细致解析:话题背景=旅游度假咨询必须认识的单词: package tour 全包游 Rose Garden 玫瑰园 Blue Bay 蓝色港湾cancellation 取消departure 离开 insurance 保险注意事项: Sunshade专有名词要首字母大写Ludlow 专有人名,首字母大写.另外请同学们注意红色的单词,一定要会拼写.V08120 S2比较每个农场的特点.11) A. individual12)B. gift13---16 填表题13) kids favorite; donkeys14) apples15) fig is $616) tomatoes17---20 填地图17)右上角B18)左下角河对岸G19)左下角有树林F20)右下角H机经细致解析: 话题背景=农场果园对比介绍必须认识的单词: barren 贫瘠的 fruit 水果 farmland 农场 orchard 果园 fig 无花果17---20题是选项填地图题. 注意填表题大部分单词都用的复数形式.V08120 S4蜜蜂视力如何应用于人类31---34)选择题31)选C small head32)辨认个体蜜蜂的方法,选B 在蜜蜂身上不同colour的标记33)选: 科学家在蜜蜂身上加了a sign applied to their bodies34) 选: distance35---40) 填空题35) lack of enough warning36) urban37) radar38) speed39) the earth40) water机经细致解析:话题背景=蜜蜂视力如何应用于人类请大家将选择题的答案进行记忆,有时间的话可以看下跟此有关的文章,一可以增加知识量,第二如果将来遇到这种考题可以更加容易理解.V08126 S3墨西哥沙漠实习考察21---25选择题21.参加该项目应该? 选CA. inform tutorB. register in administrationC. fill in an application form22. 学校支持该项目的费用选AA. 450B. 1000C. 2000 (这个题目选的不是中间那个,大家特殊记一下)23. 如何确定沙漠的标准? 选AA. evaporation is more than rainfallB. more than 40 cm rainfallC. rare rainfall24. 他们要去什么地方? 选BA. desert grasslandB. marine forestC. desert…25. 为什么他们选择区沙漠作为课题的研究? 选BA. plantsB. 因为那里有its birdsC. *******26---30 填空题26.this trip available for life science undergraduate students27. 要带上laptop, 每天要写报告journal28. ship作为一个base29. 最古老的植物12,000 years old30. 老师推荐给同学一本书,名字named “ Baked Earth.”(专有的书名,必须大写)机经细致解析: 话题背景=在墨西哥沙漠调研实习的介绍必须认识的单词:application form 申请表scholarship 奖学金loan 贷款evaporate 蒸发rainfall 降雨desert 沙漠grassland 草原marine 海的forest 森林undergraduate 尚未获得学士学位的大学生最容易错的单词, Life Sciences: 生命科学,专有学科名称需要大写,而且都是用的复数形式. laptop 笔记本电脑这个词上课的时候讲过而且考过拼写,希望各位同学引起高度重视.V08121 S2介绍一个老房子博物馆11---14 填空题11.这个人买这栋大房子前这里是: farm12. 关于Chinese wallpaper 的什么是哪个世纪的? 18th13. 某人去世时所在的房间名称: The Birds(专门表示房间的名字,要大写)14. dining room 中有许多什么古董? chairs15---17 选择题15. rare trees16. geese(goose的复数形式,注意积累)17. swan18---20 配对题18. history----gallery19. books---gift shop20. trails---woodland机经细致解析: 一个老房子博物馆必须认识的单词wallpaper 墙纸antique 古董swan 天鹅goose 鹅gallery 画廊woodland 林地trail 小径本题考到了一些动物的名称以及其实平时生活中可以积累的单词,希望同学们继续保持上课时要求的习惯,注意生活中的单词的积累以及场景单词的积累.V08124 S2关于所得税21. provide evidence of information22. penalty up to 3000 pounds23. bank statements24. April25. easy to do calculating26. don’t need any storage space27. the government will assume you make a mistake28. down the form from the website29. health department30. Sports Centre机经细致解析:关于所得税的经济类话题,上课在讲到商业场景的时候提到过这类题目,只要是经济有关的单词不需要记的非常专业,但是一些基本的单词必须要掌握住, 像bank statement 这个词相信大家已经不是第一次见到了吧! 本题在听的过程中还有一些词希望大家可以掌握住income 收入tax 税penalty 惩罚download 下载V08125 S4介绍一种新的水处理系统sea water purify(SW40)31---36 填空题31. 一些地下水可以使用, 而海水因为有太多的salts所以不能使用(salt 在这里表示化学盐,是可数名词, 如果表示食盐的时候就是不可数名词,对于这类单词大家一定要特别注意)32. SW40 可以使用在sea water净化上,甚至是hospitals(曾经一个很幽默的同学跟我讲口语的时候一激动就说成了house potato, 虽然是口误,但是说明了很多同学在背诵多音节单词的时候还是需要稍微注意下,呵呵)33. 虽然这个SW40比较好用,但是他purify water 的速度too slow(这里too必须要加上, 表示程度的)34. 这个设备的推广使用得到了哪个组织的协助: Health International35. SW40 can output 9 litres water in a sunny day.(liters 写成这个写法也可以了)36. A SW40 can support the water use of a family37—40 图解标签题37. 盖子is made of glass38. UV 射线can destroy germs39. SW 40 和水平面的夹角是12.5°40.water tank collect containing water.机经细致解析:太阳能水净化系统,必须认识的单词output 产出clip 夹子UV 紫外的radiation 放射线purify 净化plastic 塑料creature 生物container 容器V08129 S1讲一个人加入俱乐部1. radio program2. 邮箱地址: mj@(电子邮箱的注意点上课已经说过了,标点符号的英文读音,@的读音. 最近非常喜欢考网址和电子邮件的,这里要注意的地方是co 代表的是company不要写成com3. 选择type最小的那种,也就是2年的(数字题目还是写数字会保险很多,因为不占字数要求.)4. Union Bank(专有名词,一定要大写)5. £49(一定要加单位的符号)6. joint account(相信大家对这个词不陌生吧! 讲到银行场景的时候说过,表示联名账户的意思)7. 15th Oct8. reference number(reference 再怎么样都要会拼写.)9. JW142(字幕和数字的组合)10. video机经细致解析: 个人信息表格题---参加俱乐部必须认识的单词subscription 会员费membership 会员资格annual 每年的V08129 S4介绍company ethic31. four decades 40年32. philosophers 哲学家33. Private Property 私有制(书名,首字母大写)34. accountable 负有责任的35. health36. young37. corrupt 腐败的,不道德的38. morality39. global perspective40. issues机经细解:背景=商业道德发展史由于本机经回忆内容有限,题目并不是很清楚,大家要做到以上10道题中的单词拼写必会掌握。

一、租房场景Dorm/dormitory/hall of residence宿舍、学校公寓Real estate agent/property agent 房屋中介How much is she/he willing to pay出价Preferred location喜好地点deposit押金payment付款方式license证件Dining hall/cafeteria/canteen食堂Homestay/host family/guest house/family house寄宿家庭)房屋类型Studio小户型double room大床房twin room标准间single room单人间triple room三人间)房租费用Gas/electricity fee 煤气费/电费laundry charge洗衣费phone/water bill电话费/水费)地理位置downtown市中心(美语)central place中心区域Countryside乡下rural area农村)周边风景Scenery景色cemetery公墓)房屋状况Moderate中档的reasonable合理的)设备设施Stereo system立体声系统tape recorder磁带录音机water heater热水器toaster面包机Vacuum cleaner吸尘器coffee maker咖啡机cassette recorder卡式录音机washing machine洗衣机alarm clock闹钟kettle水壶radiator暖气refrigerator冰箱freezer冷冻室satellite TV卫星电视speaker麦克风electric fan电风扇air conditioner空调night table床头柜wardrobe衣柜pillow枕头pillowcase枕套bed linen床单pot罐子cupboard橱柜blanket毯子mattress床垫)付款方式On weekly/monthly basis 按周/月付款traveler’s check旅行支票bank transfer银行转账debit card借记卡)频率/周期/星期/月份Fortnightly/once every two weeks两星期一次Monday星期一Tuesday星期二Wednesday星期三Thursday星期四Friday星期五Saturday星期六Sunday星期天January一月February二月March三月April四月May五月June六月July七月August 八月September九月October十月November十一月December十二月二、旅游场景Great Barrier Reef大堡礁Sydney Opera House悉尼歌剧院Stonehenge英国巨石阵Historical interest历史古迹tropical rainforest热带雨林aquarium水族馆one-way ticket Return/round ticket往返票saver ticket打折票caravan房车Sun block/sun cream/sunscreen防晒霜Swimming trunks游泳短裤swimming suits/costume泳衣sandals凉鞋Walking boots行军靴dry socks干袜子mosquito nets蚊帐casual clothes便装Four-wheel drive四轮驱动shuttle bus往返巴士double deck bus双层巴士Tram有轨电车trolley bus无轨电车lorry/truck卡车trailer推车tractor拖拉机Cruise游船wheelchair轮椅Drifting漂流camping野营bungee jumping蹦极set out/return date往返时间Max/min group size团队人数reference number订单号Wollongong卧龙岗newsletter通告stern船尾yellow fever黄热病herring鲱鱼Paddling pool儿童戏水池jewelry珠宝warehouse仓库Goose/geese(复数)鹅woodland林地manufacturing制造业reinvested再投资Astronomy天文学astrology占卜学canoe独木舟dinosaur恐龙Arm badge臂章ambulance救护车leaflets 传单pottery陶器Programmer程序员donkey驴三、休闲娱乐Current account活期账户fixed/deposit account定期账户saving account储蓄账户Interest rate利率low-interest loan低息贷款deposit存钱withdraw取钱Overdraft透支American express美国运通卡passbook存折Balance结余bank statement银行对账单exchange rate汇率mortgage按揭low-risk investment低风险投资cassette recorder盒式录音机burger汉堡包stopwatch秒表rubber橡胶bank transfer银行转账money order汇票debit card借记卡quiz小测验mat席子、垫子coral reef珊瑚礁youngster年轻人charcoal木炭grill烧烤refund退款neutral中立的assurance担保四、学术场景Consultation咨询学校register/enroll登记、报名opening ceremony开学典礼Orientation新生欢迎会orientation week新生入学周assessment评估Tutorial辅导课journal周记presentation演讲seminar讨论课Essay/paper/thesis/dissertation论文General course公共课specialized course专业课selective course选修课compulsory course必修课field trip考察旅行fundamental/elementary/primary初级intermediate中级secondary次高级advanced高级humanities人文科学archaeology考古学linguistics语言学literature文学philosophy哲学psychology心理学statistics统计学hall of residence学生宿舍accommodation住宿common room公共休息室lecture theatre阶梯教室administration/admin office行政办公室fitness center/keep-fit studio健身中心gym健身馆counselor咨询师principal/president校长faculty全体教职工、院系chancellor名誉校长coordinator课程协调人/班主任director 教学主管course inquiry课程咨询change course换课程、专业language study语言学习case study案例分析presentation preparation准备演讲project and research discussion作业与调查讨论approval赞同、同意subcommittee小组委员会duration期间multimedia多媒体nut坚果mathematics数学experimental实验的referee裁判curriculum vitae简历resume regrettable令人遗憾的job placement就业安排challenge挑战mountain building造山运动poster海报existing目前的、现存的visual aids视觉教具evaporation蒸发ecosystem生态系统living expenses生活费fire drill消防演习cassette盒式录音带study aids教具teaching hours教学时间the drop-out rate退学率assessment methods教学评估academic teaching staff师资力量module technology模块技术laser printing激光印刷Nursery托儿所pianist钢琴家election选举theft偷窃exaggerated by media被媒体夸大mileage里程sticker有背胶的标签ice skating center溜冰场satellite TV station卫星电视folder文件夹pigeonholes文件架necessities必需品summarizing汇总sector部门attachment附件teenager青少年choirs唱诗班orchestra乐队chess club systematically系统性地embassy大使馆ambassador大使monitor监视器subtitle字幕well-organized组织好的simulation模仿stimulation刺激slide presentation幻灯片演讲batteries电池college close-up校园特写cashier收银员sportswear运动装note-taking做笔记loose spiral notebook活页笔记本margin or overhead空白处或文字上方abbreviation缩写Forbes福布斯photojournalism新闻摄影seminar group讨论小组a clear argumenttheory chapter理论章节checklist清单green waste园林垃圾misinterpret误解、曲解curriculum vitae简历italic斜体的pixel像素fireplace壁炉maturity成熟theoretical approach理论方法external organization外部组织shoplifter小偷day shift白班night shift晚班reference推荐信recommendation letter推荐信domestic work 家务劳动evaluation评估、评测layout布局五、医疗场景Symptom症状injection打针prescription处方dosage剂量side effect副作用Therapy/treatment治疗方法instruction注意事项leprosy麻风病elbow手肘Recreation therapy娱乐疗法psychological treatment心里疗法recreation activity娱乐活动therapist临床医学家antibiotic抗生素cough咳嗽drowsiness睡意sick note病假单bacteria细菌chronic disease慢性病precaution预防allergy过敏bad eyesight差视力sleeping pill安眠药片tablet药片fruit juice水果汁food intake食物摄取eating pattern饮食方式vitamin维他命cushion垫子hard-hoofed animals硬蹄六、环保场景Waste recycling垃圾回收alternative energy可替代能源cattle牛、牲口carbon dioxide二氧化碳irrigation灌溉social isolation社会隔离rainfall降雨量innovation创新、革命distribution of population人口分布reliable可依赖的scarce短缺的Ethereal water雨水contaminated污染的adequate充分的inadequate不充分的unreliable不可靠的farming农事、畜牧业enthusiasmgerm细菌、微生物water tank水槽、水箱七、动植物Crocodile鳄鱼red kangaroo红袋鼠emu鸸鹋falcon猎鹰ostrich鸵鸟dinosaur恐龙Whale鲸dolphin海豚杀虫的三种方法biological生物方法chemical化学方法breeding control繁殖控制Good insects益虫fruit trees果树otter水獭urchin海胆kelp海藻fur trade皮草交易Alaska阿拉斯加mammals哺乳动物carnassial食肉的carnivore食肉动物Herbivorous食草的herbivore食草动物jaws颌、颚scent气味Kiwi几维鸟Kaka一种鹦鹉Emu鸸鹋vegetation植被wetland湿地pine tree松树squirrel松鼠Chewing gum嚼口香糖fin鱼鳍choppy波浪起伏的hump动物背部的隆肉Feeding喂养secondary次要的、次等的workforce劳动力radar雷达Polar bear北极熊八、科普场景universal宇宙planet行星Venus金星Mars火星Jupiter木星Saturn土星Mercury水星black hole黑洞metro行星comet彗星moon月球earth地球Solar system太阳系planetarium天文馆orbit轨道aircraft宇宙飞船light year光年Cork软木塞bamboo竹竿、竹子wing design机翼设计wind tunnel风洞Propeller螺旋桨flapping wing扇动机翼self-funded自费的ignore their bodies不重视身体情况unhealthy lifestyle不健康的生活方式sensible exercise合理的体育锻炼DHT双氢睾酮antibiotics抗生素plastic塑料stone石料wood木材origin产地standard标准artificial人工的natural天然的seasoned风干polished打磨black velvet黑天鹅绒tile瓦片reinforced加固的sonar声纳radio frequency无线电波echo回声transmit传输sensor传感器rubber blanket橡胶垫pump泵prevent paper jam预防卡纸resin树脂natural fossil天然化石volcanic dust火山灰intermedia媒介物marine plants海洋植物ocean creature海洋生物unblended oil非调和油man-made compounds人工合成品choler大怒、胆汁choleric易怒的cholera霍乱cholesterol胆固醇blood flow血流fat-free food脱脂食品free-speed无级变速downhill下坡organic fiber有机材料nature fiber天然材料bleach漂白剂linen亚麻reduce pleat减少褶皱water clock滴漏sand clock沙漏candle烛光religion宗教sandglass沙漏volume体积Geocentric Theory地心说sediment沉淀物protein蛋白质low-nutrition低营养九、社会人文Royal commission皇家委员会monopoly专利权、垄断kindergarten幼儿园Toe脚趾roe鱼卵ore矿石decayed teeth蛀牙internal clock生物钟recovery恢复Public utilities公共事业公司vote right选举权lender贷方weeds杂草Budgeting advice预算建议farming products农产品clothing sector服装业Cooperative loan集资geological value地质价值score分数productivity生产力Schedule时间表hemisphere半球committee委员会popularity受欢迎程度Running tunnels连续直行隧道cross passages交叉通道adopt收养microchip微晶片Local tribes当地部落人language barrier语言障碍corruption腐败morality道德Olive oil橄榄油seasonal nomadic季节性迁徙民族mat垫子cushion垫子、坐垫Blue veil蓝色面纱cattle牲口domestic taste本地口味yam山药self-centered自我为中心的、利己主义calculating计算storage space储存空间evolution进化leak漏traffic flow车流ink墨水十、其他othersBlond hair金发lounge休息室refund退款butler男管家maid servant女仆Texture质地、手感、纹理companion同伴raw material原料teenager青少年fax传真Leather皮革Queen size bed 加大双人床city center branch城中分店escape steam漏气CV简历(curriculum vitae)fan电扇strap带子nylon尼龙linen亚麻rack行李架卢峭梅听力机经词汇需认知无需拼写识读词汇Section1aborigine澳大利亚土著人acrobat杂技演员barb倒钩barley大麦wheat小麦Adelaide阿德莱德admission入场费aerobics有氧运动bed linen床单Ambiguous不明确的annex副楼、配楼binoculars双筒望远镜ocular视觉的Antarctica南极洲Arctic北极archery箭术bolt螺栓book restoration书籍修复bacteria细菌germ细菌bowling保龄球brochure小册子broom扫帚bungalow平房bureaucracy官僚主义bureau局butler管家Callisto木卫四canoe独木舟Cantonese广东话carnassial食肉的carpenter木匠cartilage软骨cast iron铸铁Causes and effects原因与结果cement mixer水泥搅拌车chameleon变色龙charcoal木炭Charity慈善。

雅思机经听力试题--恐龙博物馆(总分:19.00,做题时间:120分钟)一、―、周一闭馆时间(总题数:1,分数:3.00)Listen to the statement and circle the appropriate letter.Listen to the statement and circle the appropriate letter.(分数:3.00)(1).This statement is about the __________ of the dinosaur museum.(分数:1.00)youtB.time schedule √C.activities on holidays解析:Welcome to our dinosaur museum. Please allow me to introduce the time schedule of our museum for you. The museum usually opens on Tuesday to Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and is restrained from visiting between 12:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.. On Monday, it normally opens at 9:30 a.m. and closes at 1:30 p.m.. But in July and August, the museum opens on Monday to Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.. Ticket windows stop selling tickets half an hour before the museum's closing time, while the gallery closes 15 minutes before the closing time for the museum. Whafs more, there are various interesting activities held on holidays in the museum. Hope you can come then further details please call 440 28 8224 3292.(2).When does this museum usually close on Monday?(分数:1.00)A.at 5:00 p.m.B.at 1:00 a.m.C.at 1:30 p.m. √解析:(3).The gallery closes __________ .(分数:1.00)A.an hour before museum s closing time.B.15 minutes before museum’s closing time√C.30 minutes before museum’s closing time.解析:二、闭馆日(总题数:1,分数:3.00)Listen to the statement and complete the following sentences with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.(分数:3.00)(1).The museum exhibits rare 1 , fossilized dinosaurs and primitive birds.(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:mineral specimen)解析:This dinosaur museum, with an investment of some 300 million Yuan (about 36 million US dollars), exhibits rare mineral specimen, fossilized dinosaurs and primitive birds including a treasured fossil of Sinosauropteryx which was found in 1996 in the northeast province of Liaoning. It usually opens on Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and the museum is exceptionally closed only on 25th December. On 24th December the museum will be closed at 3:00 p.m. And the newspaper said that a dinosaur theme park near the museum will be open to the public on 25th September. That will be excellent.(2).It is only on 1 that people can not go to visit the museum. (分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:25th December)解析:(3).A 1 nearby the museum is reported to be open in September. (分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:dinosaur theme park)解析:三、约定见面的地点(总题数:1,分数:3.00)Listen to the conversation and answer the questions with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.(分数:3.00)(1).Whom is Nate going to meet?(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:the guide)解析:student a: Hey, Nate, where are you going? You seem to be in a great hurry. student b:I'm going to meet the guide in car park. You know, we will go to dinosaur museum at 10:00 a.m.. So I must hurry up. student a: Really? Blair and you join the same tourist party, don't you? student b: Blair? No, she went to the museum last Friday. Actually I am with Susan. student a:Oh, nice weekend. Have a good time. student b: Thank you! Oh, my God, it's already 9:45a.m.,I must go now. See you later. Bye. student a: Bye.(2).Where will they meet?(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:in car park)解析:(3).Who is in the same tourist group with Nate?(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Susan)解析:四、导游的讲解(总题数:1,分数:2.00)Listen to the statement and circle the appropriate letter.(分数:2.00)(1).It will take about __________ for the tourists to learn some details.(分数:1.00)A.45 minutes √B.10 kilometersC.25 minutes解析:Hello, everybody. Today, our first stop is the Dinosaur Museum. I will spend about 45 minutes setting the details, and then it will be time for you to wander around the museum as you like. This Dinosaur Museum was first opened to the public in 1986, and it is China's first modern specialized dinosaur museum. And it is seated in this most famous discovery area of dinosaur fossils. Up till now, 58 hidden sites of dinosaur fossils have been discovered here. Occupying an area of about 25,000 square meters with a construction area of over 6,000 square meters, the main construction of the museum includes the Prelude Hall, the Central Exhibition Hall, the Hall of Dinosaur Fossil Sites, the Hall of Dinosaur Skeletons and the Hal! of Scientific Popularization and Education. Now, may you all have a nice trip today!(2).The size of construction area of the museum is __________ .(分数:1.00)A.about 25,000 square meters.B.over 6,000 square meters. √C.1,986 square meters.解析:五、博物馆设施(总题数:1,分数:3.00)Listen to the statements and complete the following sentences with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.(分数:3.00)(1).You can get a wonderful view of Mississippi as you are sitting in 1 which is on the top floor of the museum. (分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:the Elements cafe)解析:1 There are three cafes at the museum. There are a Caribou coffee shop in the lobby, the Chomp kid-friendly eatery in the dinosaur gallery, and the Elements cafe on the top floor with the best view of the Mississippi. 2 Thirty-six sets of dinosaur skeleton are shown in the museum, equipped with advanced audio and visual facilities. 3 There are picnic tables for dinner in the Big Back Yard.(2).Dinosaur skeleton is exhibited in the museum with advanced 1 facilities.(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:audio and visual)解析:(3).The Big Back Yard provides 1 for dinner.(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:picnic tables)解析:六、可携带的物品 (总题数:2,分数:2.00)1.What kind of things mentioned can be brought into the Museum?(分数:1.00)A.waterB.camera √C.pencils √D.foodE.bagsF.notebook √解析:Welcome to the Dinosaur Museum. My name is Claire. I am from China International Travel Service. I will be your local guide. On behalf of my travel agency, we wish you a nice journey here. If you have any special interest, for example, if you need a camera to take photos, you can bring it with you. Maybe, someone else has the habit of writing notes, then you can take a pencil and a notebook as long as you like. My job is to smooth your way, care for your welfare, try my best to answer your questions, and be your guide and interpreter. I will try my best to "warm the cockles of your hearf. We highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation. In order to know the steps of the journey clearly, you can take the worksheets. Everyone can get it from your leader, and he will give you a hand when you are in trouble.2.According to the guide, you can come to her for help when __________ .(分数:1.00)A.you need an interpreter. √B.you have no idea how to get to a mall. √C.your coats needs to be smoothed.D.you need someone to take notes for you.E.you are short of money.解析:七、参观后的活动(总题数:1,分数:3.00)Listen to the statement and complete the following sentence with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each blank.(分数:3.00)(1).The guide hopes that the trip is 1 and enjoyable. (分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:rewarding)解析:Time has gone so fast that your trip is drawing to a close. It's a pity that we will say goodbye soon. Please allow me, then, to take this opportunity to thank you for your cooperation and understanding. I do hope the tour is rewarding and enjoyable. Because of the unavailability of rooms, we cannot go back to the hotel right now, so we temporarily arrange some activities for you, you can either watch films or play computer games. And also, if you are interested, you can learn to build dinosaur model following the workers in the museum. Wish you a pleasant time!(2).The tourists cannot go to the hotel due to the room 1 .(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:unavailability)解析:(3).Because there is short of rooms, the guide provides some entertainments, such as 1 , playing computer games and building dinosaur model. (分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:watching films)解析:。

55雅思听力场景词汇汇总Survival Scenario生存英语场景HOUSE-RENTING 租房Peoplelandlord / landlady (女)房东tenant房客agent/agency 中介host family接待家庭guest客人neighbour 邻居Feesrent租金deposit 押金utility bills 水电费water / gas / electricity / telephone billweekly/monthly每周的/每月的refundable可退回的insurance 保险contract合同,合约Location 位置downtown / city centre 市中心suburbs / outskirts 郊区urban/rural area 市区/郊县north 北,south 南,east 东,west 西northwest 西北;southwest 西南northeast 东北;southeast 东南northern北边的road/street/avenue 街道Accommodation 住宿property 房产guest house 招待所homestay寄宿家庭flat / apartment 公寓studio apartment 单身公寓single room 单人间twin room双人间(两个床)triple room 三人间Dietrefreshments/ snack 点心special food / dietary requirement 对于食物特殊要求food allergies/ be allergic to 对…食物过敏vegetarian素食主义者seafood 海鲜Facility / Equipment / Apparatus 设备living room 客厅dining room 饭厅kitchen 厨房kitchen-dinerbathroom卫生间garden花园yard庭院cloakroom衣帽间study书房garage车库car park停车场lift电梯fire gate/exit 紧急出口air conditioner / conditioning 空调heating 取暖closed-circuit TV / video surveillance 闭路电视/监控系统TRAVELLINGTravel arrangementtravel agency 旅行社tour guide 导游guided tours带导游的旅行reserve/reservation 预定book/booking 预定recreation/ entertainment/ leisure 娱乐Tourist Attraction 旅游景点highlight 热点rainforest 雨林swamp / marsh 沼泽wetland 湿地desert沙漠grassland 草原bush灌木丛waterfall 瀑布viewpoint观景点,制高点viewing shelter 观景棚historic(al) interest 历史遗迹castle城堡cathedral大教堂botanical garden 植物园art gallery 画廊museum博物馆ancient temple 古寺theme park主题公园organic farm 有机农场aquarium水族馆undersea worlds 海底世界amusement park 游乐园orchard 果园beach / coast/ shore 沙滩、海滨hot spring 温泉water mill水力发电站dock 港口dam水坝footbridge人行小桥Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁Stonehenge 巨石阵Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院Tower of London 伦敦塔Activitiesbushwalk林中漫步hiking徒步旅行trekking 跋涉camping 野营campsite 营地cycling骑自行车rock climbing / cliff walks 攀岩Entertainment 娱乐musical instrument 乐器keyboard 键盘piano 钢琴;pianist钢琴家string instrument 弦乐器violin小提琴;violinist小提琴家cello大提琴;cellist 大提琴家guitar 吉他;guitarist 吉他手flute笛子drum 鼓pop流行音乐jazz爵士乐folk民谣easy listening 轻音乐classical古典音乐live music 现场音乐disco跳舞厅pub酒吧clubhouse 会所concert hall 音乐厅opera house 歌剧院karaoke bars 卡拉OK concert音乐会cinema电影院Studio Theatre 演播剧场theatre 剧院theatrical events 戏剧theatrette 剧院exhibition 展览department stores 百货商场Transportation vehicle 车辆four-wheel drive 四驱车jeep吉普车minibus 中巴coach长途客车railway station 火车站Central Station 中央车站airport 机场river cruise游艇游览helicopter直升飞机shuttle bus 班车cab / taxi计程车MEMBERSHIPDivisions sports club健身俱乐部fitness centre健身俱乐部gym健身房reception 前台locker room 更衣室keep-fit studio 健身室dance studio舞蹈教室tennis court 网球场swimming pool 游泳池salad bar沙拉吧Staffreceptionist前台接待人员coach/trainer 教练instructor指导教练dietician饮食专家internal member 内部人员external member夕卜部人员Registrationapplication form 申请表reference number 档案号passport photo 护照照片documents for ID/ ID card 证明文件driver' s license 驾照passport 护照student card 学生证bank statement银行对账单utility bills (water, electricity, phone, gas)水电费账单reference letter from employer 雇主证明信joining fee 入会费annual fee 年费SportsTEAM SPORTSsoccer/ football 足球beach volleyball 沙滩排球basketball 篮球baseball 棒球hockey曲棍球handball 手球BALL GAMESgolf高尔夫badminton羽毛球table tennis 乒乓球RACKET BALLtennis网球squash壁球EXERCISEboxing拳击kick-boxing 搏击judo柔道yoga瑜伽jogging 慢跑aerobics有氧运动stretch class拉伸运动CARmake牌子model型号manufacturer 厂商engine size 排量(litre 升,cc) gear change 变速器manual手动挡automatic自动挡top speed最高速mileage里程数instrument panel 仪表盘frame车架wheel (front, rear)车轮(前轮,后轮) steering wheel 方向盘car bumper保险杠insurance company 保险公司Rolls-Royce劳斯莱斯part exchange部分抵换BANKINGPaymentcash现金check(cheque)支票credit card 信用卡(VISA, MASTER, American Express)Currencyforeign currency 夕卜汇exchange rate 汇率pound £dollar $euro €Opening an accountcurrent account 活期账户deposit account 定期账户joint account联合账户instant account 速成账户select account 高级账户opening sum 开户额identity security 身份认证bank statement银行对账单Transactiondeposit 存款withdraw (withdrawal)取款overdraft/ overdraw 透支balance 余额interest 利息interest rate 利率teller出纳transfer 转账loan贷款Academic ScenarioCOURSE DELIVERYFaculty 师资tutor导师lecturer 讲师convenor 老师counselor 顾问principal 校长director 主任staff员工enroll报名参加session (一节)课tutorial辅导课lecture 讲座seminar研讨会group discussion 小组讨论workshop讨论会diploma course 文凭课程modular course 模块课程training session 培训课程refresher course 补习课程intensive course 强化课程studies 研究semester/term 学期course outline 课程大纲handout(s)讲义orientation week学习指导周(开学第一周) Subject Biology 生物Biophysics 生理Cartography 绘图法Economics经济学Education 教育Finance 金融Geography 地理Mathematics 数学Marketing 市场Politics 政治Sociology社会学Statistics 统计学Social Science 社会科学Topography 地形学CoursesAdvanced English Studies 高级英语研究General English 普通英语Academic English 学术英语Gender Studies 性别研究Second Language Acquisition 第二语言习得primary school 小学secondary school 初中undergraduate 本科postgraduate 研究生Bachelor 学士Master 硕士Doctor 博士Countries, regions and LanguagesAustraliaQueenslandNew South WalesPortugueseSpanishLatin AmericaASSIGNMENTCourseworkassignment 作业essay论文report报告case study案例分析project 项目presentation 演示,报告dissertation学位论文experiment 实验written work书面作业Requirements deadline最后期限extension 延期submit/hand in 上交length/word limit篇幅/字数限制title标题chapter/section 章,节bibliography参考书目draft初稿typos拼写错误layout排版contents page 目录subheadings 副标题formatting 格式numbering 编码page numbers 页码headers 页眉footers 页脚bullet points要点列举Methodology study研究branch分支identify鉴定,验明research 研究investigation 调查survey调查data, statistics, figure 数据main methods:1)questionnaire 问卷调查response rate 回复率2)Interview 采访telephone interview 电话采访face-to-face interview 面对面的采访taped interview 录音采访3) observation 观察Assessment review批改evaluation 评估marking criteria 评分标准feedback 反馈oral / written test 口(笔)试placement test 分级考试LIBRARYLoansreference book 参考书fiction 小说textbooks 教材periodical 期干刊current / back issue 现(过)干刊journal 学术期刊newspaper(papers)报纸(local, national) magazine 杂志category 种类publisher出版人,出版方press出版社author作者multimedia materials 多媒体资料audio-visual materials 音像材料video录像cassette 磁带tape录像带Procedure borrowing/loan period 借阅期限due date 还书日overdue 过期fines罚款renew续借recall预借FacilitiesCD-ROM只读光盘database数据库Internet access 网络接入laptop笔记本电脑scanner 扫描仪photocopier 复印机laser printer激光打印机microscope 显微镜COLLEGE FACILITIES equipment room 器材室media room 媒体室resources room 资源室computer center 计算机中心laboratory 实验室main hall大厅,礼堂lecture room阶梯教室lecture theater 演讲厅drama theater 剧院halls of residence 宿舍living quarters 居住区student health center 医务室insurance center 保险中心refectory自助餐厅canteen自助餐厅cafeteria自助餐厅dining room 食堂diner饭馆nursery托儿所child care centre 托儿所counseling center 咨询中心LecturesECONOMICSoverheads 经费outlay经费investment 投资capital 资本strike罢工takeover 收购issue发行stock股票share股份stock market 股市market share市场份额outlet商店wholesale 批发distributer 分销商marketing市场营销campaign 战略advertising 广告sales销售额profit利润product 产品production 生产manufacture 生产manufacturer 出厂商storehouse/warehouse 仓库competition 竞争cooperation 合作interest rates 利率training 培训favorable terms优惠的条款innovation 仓悯outdated 落后的machinery机器(总称)management team/ layers 管理层employer 雇主employee 雇员staff 员工applicant申请者corporate 公司organization 组织corporate crime 集团犯罪embezzlement 盗用,侵吞fraud诈骗import 进口export 出口BIOLOGYspecies 物种sub-species 亚种gene pool基因库ancestor 祖先descend 传承breed繁殖rear养育extinction 灭绝endanger 濒危threaten 威胁、eradicate 灭绝infest 感染introduced animals 外来动物wildlife reserve野生动物保护区nature reserve自然保护区sanctuary保护区refuge保护区habitat栖息地prohibit 禁止quarantine service 检疫局creature 生物parasite寄生虫mite(s)螨pest害虫insect昆虫honey bee 蜜蜂reptile爬行动物snake 蛇dinosaur 恐龙mammal哺乳动物lion狮子shark鲨鱼kiwi几维鸟emus鸸鹋ostrich 鸵鸟penguin 企鹅pollinate 授粉flora植物群sting (昆虫)叮咬sense of smell 嗅觉vision视觉,视野eye-sight 视力skeleton 骨骼limbs四肢hoof蹄子horn 角hair/fur 皮毛skin/hide 兽皮leather 皮革mane鬃毛pouch育儿袋scale鱼鳞tail尾巴fin(s)鱼鳍beak 喙feather 羽毛wings翅膀flightless不会飞的chick雏鸟hatch孵化pellet(s)坚硬小球,团粒AGRICULTURE produce农产品livestock 牲畜poultry 家禽fishstock养鱼业cattle牛群herd (兽)群crops农作物cereal crops 谷物wheat小麦barley大麦grain谷粒farmland 农地plough犁;耕地cultivation 耕作husbandry农业,耕作animal husbandry 畜牧irrigation 灌溉pot罐子pottery 陶器clay 粘土stone age石器时代Neolithic新石器时代的hunter-gatherer狩猎和采集者dwellings居住地dweller 居民inhabitant 居民craftsman 工匠carpenter 木匠merchant 商人money-lender 借贷者water wheel 水车water mill水磨坊quarry采石场cottage 农舍stables 马厩iron forge打铁铺,锻铁厂furnace 熔炉grinding shop 磨坊engine room 发动机房steam engine 蒸汽机industry 工业ENVIRONMENTincineration plants 垃圾焚化场landfill sites垃圾填埋场carbon dioxide emission 二氧化碳排放greenhouse effect 温室效应greenhouse gas 温室气体fuel燃料coal 煤firewood 柴火fossil fuels矿物燃料carbon fuels recycling回收再利用household waste 家庭垃圾soil conditioner 土壤调节剂recycling containers 回收容器raw materials原始材料virgin materials 原材料drop-off sites 回收站bring banks回收银行toughened glass 强化玻璃plastic bags 塑料袋water filtration 水处理fiberglass manufacture 玻璃纤维制造crushed glass 碎玻璃polystyrene cups聚苯乙烯杯子temperature 温度humid潮湿humidity 潮湿landscape风景,地形vegetation 植被climate change 气候变化windy有风的inland内陆的shady有树荫的evaporate 蒸发leaf叶子gust阵风;狂风canyon峡谷ocean currents 洋流GEOGRAPHYgeographical features 地理特征physical features 物理特征dome穹顶census人口普查impact of tourism旅游业影响surface 地表Earth地球Planet行星desert沙漠monoliths 巨石spires尖顶hectares 公顷caves洞穴drought 干旱rainwater 雨水vegetation 植被wildlife野生动物shallow-rooted species 浅根物种fossil化石territory 领地outcrop露出地面的岩层plain平原plateau(x)高原cliff悬崖landscape 地形erode腐蚀sandstone 砂岩aboriginal 土著的two-dimensional 二维的lifestyle生活方式density 密度myths and legends神话和传说dynamic (人或事物)相互作用的方式cause and effect 因果关系technology 技术pattern 模式monitor 监查interact 互动migration 迁移traffic density 交通密度population density 人口密度ocean floor 海床landsat= landsatellite 大地卫星satellite 卫星distortion 扭曲aerial空气的CHEMISTRYcarbon dioxide 二氧化碳ozone臭氧metal金属iron 铁mineral矿物质nutrition营养物salinity 盐分carbohydrate碳水化合物amino acid氨基酸protein蛋白质vitamin维生素cholesterol 胆固醇bitterness 苦味sourness 酸味kilocalorie 千卡metabolism新陈代谢photosynthesis 光合作用fossil化石toxin毒素MSG (Monosodium Glutamate)味精digest消化indigestible无法消化的。

雅思机经听力试题--期末聚会(总分:19.00,做题时间:120分钟)一、咖啡店的店名(总题数:1,分数:2.00)Listen to the conversation and answer the question with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.Listen to the conversation and answer the question with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.(分数:2.00)(1).Where will they host the end of term party?(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:(the) Red House)解析:man: Do you have any ideas about the place to host the end of term party? woman: Er,how about the coffee shop near our school, named Groucho's? man:Is it big enough to hold 50 people, or more? woman: Oh right, that place is a little small. Maybe we should change to another. The Red House will be fine, I'm sure of it. man:You mean the one two blocks away from here? woman:Yes. man: It's really a nice choice, and it usually offers some refreshments for free. (2).What does the shop offer for free?(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:refreshments)解析:二、晚会时间安排(总题数:1,分数:4.00)Listen to the statement and match each event with the right time. A—7:15 p.m. B—7:30 p.m. C—7:45 p.m. D_8:30 p.m. E—10:00 p.m. F—9:30 p.m.(分数:4.00)(1).The start time of the party ________(分数:1.00)A.B. √C.D.E.F.解析:May I have your attention, please? Now I will give a brief introduction about the detailed plan for our party. The coming party will be held at 7:30 p.m. next Sunday. All the preparatory work must be completed ahead. So I hope each department should finish respective preparatory work on time. Participants will be expected to enter the party room at 7:15 p.m. And the party will start at 7:30 p.m. After Ruby gather the guests and addresses the party theme with "We learn from the past, experience the present and hope for the future." meal will be served at party table at 7:45 p.m. followed by cake. During this time, the guests will be given a chance to share their study experience with one another. After this, according to the plan, at 8:30 p.m. we will start the revelry of dancing and singing till the end of the party at 10 p.m..(2).The time of entering the party room ________(分数:1.00)A. √B.C.D.E.F.解析:(3).The time of meal served ________(分数:1.00)A.B.C. √D.E.F.解析:(4).The closure time of the party ________(分数:1.00)A.B.C.D.E. √F.解析:票价Listen to the statement and answer the questions with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.(分数:4.00)(1).What is the theme of this party?(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:a masked ball)解析:In order to make our end of term party a successful one, we have made a lot of preparation. And now, everyone should pay special attention to the following things: 1. You should pay attention to the theme of the party—a masked ball. Please wear a mask when you come. 2. According to the feedback from students, we finally set up the party at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday instead of the time of 6:30 p.m. on Friday. 3. The third point is about the price of the ticket. According to the budget, the ticket price is 3 pounds per person which covers all the charges. 4. The last point is on the issue of location. We have investigated all the activity centers and finally we choose NO.2 Activity Center.(2).On which day will the party be held?(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:on Sunday)解析:(3).What’s the price of the ticket per person?(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:3 pounds)解析:(4).Where will the party be held?(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:NO.2 Activity Center)解析:四、聚会场所的装饰(总题数:1,分数:3.00)Listen to the statement and complete the blanks below. Use up to three words. Decoration Steps Step 1. Place 11 1in all shapes to make atmosphere cheerful. Step 2. Use 12 2to add joy. Step 3. Choose different colored and themed streamers and 13 3to decorate the party hall.(分数:3.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:signs and banners)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:colorful balloons)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:bright flowers)解析:五、零食和饮品(总题数:1,分数:3.00)Listen to the conversation and circle the appropriate letter.(分数:3.00)(1).Why did Sally not attend the party?(分数:1.00)A.She went to see a doctor for her headache.B.She forgot the time of the party.C.She accompanied her grandfather to see a doctor. √解析:david:Hi, Sally. Did you go to the party yesterday? sally:No, I did not. I took my grandfather to a hospital for his headache. What do you think of the party? david:Uh, it was really a wonderful party. The organization work was excellent. sally:Really, come on, David, tell me more. david:The party started at 7:00 p.m. and ended at 10:00 p.m. with full joy of chatting,dancing and singing. The whole party was filled with cheerful atmosphere. sally:It sounds so great! david:Absolutely. All things were so wonderful especially the snacks and drinks which gave me the deepest impression, as you know, I am a gourmet. The berry bunch, the cherry crepes and the chocolate were so delicious. Additionally, the orange juice, the hot chocolate were the most delicious drink that I have ever tasted before.(2).How many hours did the party last for?(分数:1.00)A.3 hours √B.2 hoursC.1 hour解析:(3).What impressed David most at the party?(分数:1.00)A.cheerful atmosphereB.snacks and drinks √C.dancing and singing解析:六、贴广告的地点(总题数:1,分数:3.00)Listen to the conversation and circle the appropriate letter,(分数:3.00)(1).How is the preparatory work for the end of term party?(分数:1.00)A.All the preparation work has been completed the day before yesterday.B.The preparation work has not started yet.C.All the preparation work has been completed as far as yesterday except posting the ads. √解析:sherry:Carlos, how is the preparatory work for the end of term party? carlos:All the preparation work has been completed as far as yesterday. sherry:Well-done. By the way, have you already pasted all the ads at the campus? carlos:Oh, no. For the ads are limited, we have to carefully choose the location. sherry:Absolutely. I agree with you. So, how about pasting them in common rooms? carlos:I think it doesn’t work. Because of the running decoration project there now,there will be a small number of students who can see the ads posted in the common rooms. sherry:Oh, I am sorry I have ignored that. Well, what's your plan? carlos: I have divided the members of my department into 3 groups. Two groups are in charge of pasting ads in each classroom, and one group is committed to paste ads in common rooms. sherry:you mean we should focus on each classroom not only common rooms. carlos: Yes, you are right.(2).Why does Carlos think that there will be a small number of students who can see the ads posted in common rooms?(分数:1.00)mon rooms have been closed.mon rooms are under the decoration project. √C.There are too many common rooms.解析:(3).They will paste the ads________,(分数:1.00)A.in common rooms and each classroom √B.just in common roomsC.in each classroom解析:。

雅思机经听力试题--公园介绍(总分:19.00,做题时间:120分钟)一、公园开放的目的(总题数:1,分数:2.00)Listen to the conversation and circle the appropriate letter.Listen to the conversation and circle the appropriate letter. (分数:2.00)(1).Who knows the exact location of the park?(分数:1.00)A.the boyB.MaryC.Sandy √解析:boy: Mary, do you know that there is a newly-opened park near our school? girl: Really?I never heard of that. How do you know that? boy: My classmate Sandy told me yesterday. And she said there were many beautiful flowers and rare animals in the park. Would you like to go and visit with me this Sunday? girl: Sure! And you know the exact location of the park, don't you? boy:Oh, my god! But don’t worry, I can ask Sandy later on. I promise we won’t get lost. girl:That's fine. Well, I am very curious about the park now. boy:Uh, in addition, I heard that this park is open especially for public education and scientific research. girl: Really? Fantastic!I can't wait to go to the park.(2).What's the main purpose of opening the park?(分数:1.00)A.entertainmentcation and research √C.earning money解析:二、公园地图(总题数:1,分数:3.00)Listen to the statement and match the places to the appropriate place among 1-3 on the(分数:3.00)A.Fishing FarmsB.Market GardenC.Forest Area √解析:Penrose Park is located in the centre of the city, and not far from the National Library. Now you can start from the National Library, turn left to the Park Road, and walk down the road for about ten minutes, and then you will see the park on your right. After entering the gate of the park, there is a road on your left leading you to the Forest Area which is located in the southwest of the park. Towering trees grow everywhere in the area. In the middle area of Penrose Park, there are two Fishing Farms. And not far away from them, in the southeast of the park you can see the Market Garde.A.Fishing Farms √B.Market GardenC.Forest Area解析:A.Fishing FarmsB.Market Garden √C.Forest Area解析:三、不开放的时间(总题数:1,分数:2.00)Listen to the conversation and circle the appropriate letter.(分数:2.00)(1).According to the conversation, you can see the following things in the park except __________ . (分数:1.00)A.rare plants.B.waterfalls. √C.wildlife.解析:girl 1:Where did you go last weekend? I called you last Saturday but your mom told me that you were out. girl 2: I am sorry about that. I went to Central Park for a ride and had a wonderful time there. girl 1:Oh, you arouse my interest. Tell me something about the park. I've never been there before. Are there any wild animals? girl 2:Yes, there are wildlife animals like wild boar, pheasant, black bear, etc. It also has rare plants and many various kinds of beautiful flowers. girl 1: Sounds great. When can I go to visit this amazing place? girl 2:Anytime except Christmas holiday. As far as I know, it has never been open around that period all these years. girl 1: Got it! It is on my agenda now.(2).When doesn't the park open to the public?(分数:1.00)A.Christmas holiday. √B.HalloweenC.never解析:四、饲养珍稀动物的原因(总题数:1,分数:3.00)Listen to the conversation and complete the following sentences with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.(分数:3.00)(1).There are two regions in the United Park, namely the Plant Garden and 1 .(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Wild Animal Forest)解析:NTERVIEWER: OK, here we are at the United Park. Thank you for accepting our interview, Mr. Fred. Could you introduce the park to us briefly, please? MAN: My pleasure. Well, as you know, we have Plant Garden and Wild Animal Forest in our park. You can find arious kinds of beautiful plants and adorable animals respectively in these two areas. NTERVIEWER: Oh, that's so marvelous. Are there any rare animals in your Wild Animal Forest? MAN: Yes, of course. Most of them are rare. NTERVIEWER: Why do you feed these rare animals? Wouldn't it be better for them to live freely in nature? MAN: That sounds more reasonable. But these animals are endangered. We keep them in the park for maintaining the variety of breeds so as to save the endangered rare species. NTERVIEWER: Uh, I get it.(2).The interviewer thinks that it is right to let the animals 1 in nature.(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:live freely)解析:(3).Keeping the rare animals in the park is to maintain the 1 .(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:variety of breeds)解析:五、交通工具 (总题数:1,分数:1.00)1.What are the transportation tools used in the park?(分数:1.00)A.tram √B.busC.taxiD.bike √E.foot √F.car解析:Since the park is so big that there are so many places for people to visit, there comes out a problem—how can visitors enjoy the places they want to go to in this big park comfortably?Well, the most popular means to tour the park is walking. The beautiful scenery and the balmy air will make your walking enjoyable. And riding a bike is also a good choice. You can either ride your own bike or rent one in the park. If you want to look around the park in a short time, just take a tram. In the tram, you can enjoy yourself in a different way. By the way, there are no trains or buses in the park for the roads are a little bit narrow.六、公园内饲养的动物的种类(总题数:1,分数:3.00)Listen to the conversation and complete the following sentences with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.(分数:3.00)(1).Sally thinks the 1 is a worth-seeing part of the park. (分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Wild Animal Zone)解析:boy:Hi, Sally, nice to see you. I heard that you went to the newly-opened park with Jenny this morning. How was your day? girl: Great, we did have a wonderful time today. I think the Wild Animal Zone in the park is really worth seeing. boy: Really? I bet you've seen many rare breeds in the Wild Animal Zone. girl: Yes, we saw some special hens and goats there. They are both endangered species. They are so cute and are very different from the general hens and goats. boy: Sounds interesting! Did you see any other animals there? I mean animals like giraffes, pandas and so on. girl: No. The Wild Animal Zone is not suitable for keeping large animals now. But it is said that the park is planning to feed horses and cows.(2).Sally saw some special 1 which are endangered species. (分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:hens and goats)解析:(3).The park will introduce some large animals like 1 .(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:horses and cows)解析:七、接待处所出售的商品(总题数:1,分数:5.00)Listen to the statement and match the merchandise with the right selling place. R—the reception desk S—the shopping center N—no(分数:5.00)(1).soft drink 1(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:S)解析:The National Park covers a wide area with a variety of wildlife in it. It opens regularly on Monday, Friday and Sunday to the public. When you walk into the park, there is a reception desk beside the gate. Never hope to buy snacks, drinks or toys there, if you need them, go to the shopping center on your right hand which also provides a few kinds of food. To your surprise, the reception desk only provides books. You can buy books about animals and farming here. With the help of these books, you may be able to know the animals and the plants in the park better and enjoy the trip more.(2).books about animals 1 .(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:R)解析:(3).toys 1(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:S)解析:(4).all kinds of food 1(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:N)解析:(5).books about farming 1(分数:1.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:R)解析:。
十大典型的听力场景生活类-----(1)住房和住宿场景(2)地理场景taking about hometown(3)旅游场景(4)日常场景:活动日程安排银行(5)新生报到场景,(6)图书馆场景学术类-----(7)选课场景,科目,学科,(8)课题研究场景(9)环保场景(10)授课场景租房篇特点:这个部分也是最容易丢分的,因为其琐碎性导致.1. 对话人物比较简单:对话双方为租房房客(tenant),房东(landlord/landlady),或者房屋代理中介(house agent)2. 对话内容信息比较集中:住宿类型、租金、房间设施、租房/住宿要求等等考点:1. 专业词汇的拼写,例如,房子类型,房间设施、家电、家具等2. 数字的准确认读和听写常用的词汇:住宿:housing accommodation房子类型:flat, apartment, dormitory(dorm), student hotel, youth hostel,basement Homestead 一居室studio房子家电或设施:balcony garden bedroom, kitchen, entrance hall --lobby –porch living room 带家具furnished 洗衣laundry toasterstove, fridge, microwave oven, washing machine, air-condition, electric fans, radiator, electric stoves,vacuum cleaner,water heater 卫星电视satellite tv床上用品:Pillow, pillow case, bed linen, sheet, mattress, blanket, towel房子位置:Road (rd.), street (st.) Lane avenue rural -urban area central租金和帐单:rent ,deposit,telephone bill, gas bill ,water/electricity bill pay on monthly basis weekly maximum minimum饮食要求:vegetarian snacks refreshment beverage no spicy no nuts入住时间time available星期mon tue wed thur fri sat sun月份jan证件passport id card bank statement student id visa语言水平elementary primary secondary intermediate advanced房东的要求pets children支付方式cash credit card check debit card各国钱币dollar pound penny yen euro Australian dollar Canadian dollar 电话考点double check 分节33 34 44 等double交通工具cab subway underground tube van coach mini-bus旅游场景它多以填空题和选择题的题型出现notes/table/summary/flow-chart/sentence completion这几种题型.涉及考点:目的地,交通工具,费用及支付方式,语言,景点的讲解,活动,注意事项,携带物品,旅行社,时间,住宿,同行者,某人去不了的原因.各个考点的相关词汇目的地cities, mountains, deserts沙漠,hilly areas丘陵地带,wetlands沼泽地,bush land灌木丛,tropical rain forests热带雨林,resorts胜地,beaches, coastal areas沿海地区, 乡村(village)、瀑布(water fall)river, lake,交通工具public transport公共交通,private transport私人交通,car, airplane, ferry渡船,underground/subway/tube/Metro地铁,river cruise巡游,费用及支付方式book the room(make a reservation)订房间, currency货币,Canadian dollars加元,Australian dollars, Pounds镑, Japanese Y en日元,credit card信用卡(V isa维萨卡, MasterCard万事达, American Express美国运通)语言French法语, Cantonese粤语, Mandarin普通话, Russian俄语, Italian意大利语, German德语, Portuguese葡萄牙, Japanese日语, Arabic阿拉伯语景点Hot spring温泉,fountain泉水,喷泉,beaches海滩,spotlight tour聚光灯旅行,four-wheel drive四驱车,crocodile cruise, waterfalls瀑布,castle城堡,museum 博物馆,art gallery 画廊英国和澳洲常见景点活动swimming, diving潜水,跳水,Scuba Diving器械潜水,surfing冲浪,water skiing滑水,hang gliding悬挂滑翔,water polo水球, skiing 滑雪,hiking 徒步旅行,bag-packer 肩背大包进行自助旅行的人,hitch-hike 搭便车旅行。

由于section 3全部采用了笔记完成题而section 4全部为选择类题目,所以总体来说难度还是不小的。
Section 1咨询——儿童绘画比赛,10笔记Section 2介绍——兼职工作介绍,5单选+5配对Section 3师生讨论——学生和导师讨论澳大利亚风力发电的,10笔记Section 4社科——计算机对教育的影响, 3单选+7分类二、具体题目分析:Section 1新旧情况:50102场景:咨询——儿童绘画比赛题型:10笔记参考答案:1-10)笔记完成题1.Theme of painting is : Travel2.First daughter join different group (9-12 years) : juniors3.For her elder daughter (12 and up)L young teenagers4.Submit painting deadline:29th August5.Painting size: 80cm*60cm of contact: Andy Kahn7.The postcode of address: HB6 2LJ8.Man said will quickly send her application form by fax9.in order to make sending easier, on her envelop, she need to write three capital letters: on the top envelop,: YPCst rewards: 50 pounds/£50(答案仅供参考)解析:本场考试的section1出现了常规的日期、邮编等考点,需要注意邮编是常见的英国邮编,所以L/O, J/G的辨析等,也有可能会出现常见的词汇拼写错误如juniors.Section 2新旧情况:08266场景:介绍——兼职工作介绍题型:5单选+5配对参考答案:11-14) Multiple choice11.Nowadays which population taking more part time job?A. elderly people B. people with children as it increased12.How to comfirm the length of working for part time job?A. make record for everyday duties13.哪种工作最难?A. job requires working in different locations B. too much work14.What effect of taking more part time?A. decrease the quality of formal job B. no time with familyC. healthy suffered15.what skills can learned frm part-time job?A. time management or organisation skills16-20) matching16.(题干待补充)17.(题干待补充)18.(题干待补充,机构名称)19.(题干待补充,工种)20.(题干待补充,obtain a permit)16. different levels of salaries17.list of working requirements and startingpay18.limited working hours19.will be taxed20.only for foreigners working in UK(答案仅供参考)参考练习:C5T3S2, C7T1S2Section 3新旧情况:06322场景:师生讨论——学生和导师讨论澳大利亚风力发电的题型:10笔记参考答案:Section 321.In the past, wind powers was used to grind flour, and pump water22.The first wind power was used in carrying out research23.the disadvantages of wind power: much noisy24.blade sometimes harms birds25.produce 50%electricity26.a turbine is a large as a plane27.Most euipments are made in Europe28.Citizens were supported by subsidiary loan form government29.when extreme condition weather appears, they can lowers the speed30.fan was made of fiberglass and timber(答案仅供参考)。
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雅思听力机经场景汇总PART 1一.听力十大场景归类:①生活类:1.租房场景(包括买房,添置家具,保险办理)2.购物,求职场景3.银行,邮局,俱乐部会员办理场景4.个人健康场景②教育类:1.新生入学场景2.选课场景3.课外研究场景4.学生和教授讨论学习方法场景5.图书馆场景6.专题讲座场景③地理,环境,旅游类1.地理场景(通常与环境,资源挂钩)2.日常活动场景3.旅游场景二.在开始答题前,除了每种题型所特有的答题技巧外,还要必须注意的最基本问题和细节:主观题:1.确定字数2.书写格式(大小写,单复数,词性)3.数字信息(纯数字或者数字字母混合:直接给,干扰,累加)客观题:1. 注意选择题类型(单,多选)2. 注意题号范围3. 留意同义转换和并列PART 2各题型细节归类及注意事项:一租房场景:概括:租房场景常出现在S1一般为两人对话形式:1.房东与房客2.中介与房客;题型通常是表格(个人信息,分类表格),选择,完成句子。
常见考点:1.姓名:注意大写,姓名的区分,常见人名直接给出,生僻的会给拼写(可能会重复)2.房子的类型:寄宿家庭(home stay),公寓(flat, apartment),学生宿舍(dormitory),卧室兼起居室(bedsit)学生一般通过student centre或者是student union或者是accommodation office3.数字:(邮编,电话,门牌号):注意数字字母组合,分组记录,干扰项4.地址:首字母大写,也可能出现名称拼写,常见词汇:road, flat ,avenue, street5.日期:日期注意留意介词on,通常后面接星期,格式与题中所给格式保持一致,如没有注意原文中的顺序6.费用:注意符号是否已给出,格式与题中保持一致,注意干扰和累加,还有费用所包含的具体项目,比如包含水电费7.房间:kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, balcony, hall, dining room, spare room8.房间的设施:一般包括ridge, freezer, microwave oven, washing machine,heater,toaster, vacuum, lamp, wash basin, alarm clock, blanket, kettle,carpet, pillow9.附近的设施:park, pool, garden, supermarket, garage,campus, local shops,local schools, shared social area10.租房提供的物品:breakfast,meals,seafood,meat, cheese, take away, no redmeat,(饮食习惯)vegetarian11.房东对房客住房必须遵守的规则:lock all windows, can’t play music atmidnight, double-lock12.房客对房子的要求(location) out of town, city centre(市中心价格会贵,郊区会便宜,但位置不会太理想,注意可能会有干扰)13.房客对合租人的要求:non-smoker, non-drinker ,当问及是否介意跟老人孩子一起住时,最后的答案都是更倾向于和同龄人(contemporary)一起住补充:费用包括一般分为两大类:租金(rent)押金(deposit)钱数较大电话费(Phone fee)水费(water fee)电费(electronic fee)保险费(insurance fee)数额较小其中租金都是按月或者按年交付,押金一般是一个月左右租金的数额二.个人健康场景:概括:本场景一般出现在S4,形式主要是一大段独白,某个教授的讲解,题型主要是表格填空题,主要考察健康检查,症状表现,还包括一些个人饮食计划、营养专家做健康膳食设计等。
2.数字:邮编,生日,字母与数字的组合3.病症(symptom):have a cold, stomachache , fever , cough ,headache,toothache, depression, dizzy4.发病原因:unhealthy lifestyles , mental ability, not enough sleep ,smoke too much, bright conditions5.治疗机构及医生: Clinic, physician, surgeon, send for a doctor, make anappointment.6.药剂(pharmaceutical): pills, tablet, capsule, mixture, vitamin, aspirin,penicillin.7.建议和治疗方法:X-ray department ,warm bath rest ,the opticexamine8.可能产生的一些副作用:drowsiness, allergy,补充:内容涉及的比较广泛,例如,营养学,男性健康,女性健康等,而讲座内容在语言和句型的使用上会出现一些不太熟悉的文法,例如,专业词汇,省略句,倒装句等。
题型包括表格,地图常见考点:1.学校设施:facilities, divisions/departments, campus, Common Room/House, canteen, dininghall, cafeteria, accommodation, dorm/dormitory, parking lot/area, car park, parking regulations,shopping mall,2.教职员工:dean系主任,院长,student/school counselor辅导老师,adviser /tutor/mentor,lecturer ,professor ,assistant professor ,associate professor副教授,TA(Teaching Assistant) 助教,Principal/President,chancellor名誉校长3.课外活动:Attending lectures playing sports visiting libraries clubs self-access lab4.一些基本信息(与数字有关):电话号,费用,学生人数。
注意符号,信息给出的方式5.学生常见问题:deadlines, attendance, homesickness financial, too high expectations,plagiarism,language, shy, living with students from his own country, wrong courses, technical terms/vocabulary, student account , current account, checkbook, withdraw cash , deposit money in a band.6.学校为新生提供的东西:Hot meal drinking machines swimming poolaccommodation financial problems7.时间:包括登记时间,开学时间,休息时间和图书馆开放时间8.学校要求:对于穿着的要求;该做什么,不该做什么。
题型包括单选,多选和表格,需要注意的是选课人是学生还是上班族常见考点:1.学科:Economics Chemistry Engineering Biology Classical History ZoologyMicrobiology Genetics Economic History Politics Philosophy2.对象:unemployed interested in promotion experienced people3.上课方式:small tutorial class lectures research activities seminarspresentation group talks4.时间:注意星期、月份和时间的写法。
Thursday Tuesday 14th September 26thNovember5.地点:Computer Centre in chemistry lab Student Service6.选课原因:good tutor shorter than others students of the last year practicalexamples help for her future job opportunities easy to understand challenging lectures too difficult not enough tutorials7.课程性质:compulsory/required course selective/elective/optional course specifiedcourse(专业课) 2-year course8.课程:networking write music communication system piano IT coursecomputer course9.可以用的东西:application forms white board10.老师建议:notes on textbooks photocopies outline work hard help from friends补充:如果是上班族选课的话,会对自己能否适应上课表示没信心,老师一定会给他一些学习的建议,并且上课时间不是固定的五:课外研究场景概括:课题研究篇是IELTS听力部分一个高频场景,因为这类场景广大考生在后面的留学生活中必须面对的,一般出现在S3部分,出题形式包括句子填空、表格填空和问答题,涉及谈话的人数可能是2-3人,话题内容也较广泛常见考点:1.部分学科名称:注意大写;literature文学philosophy哲学,history历史art艺术sociology社会学linguistics语言学psychology心理学engineering工程学architecture建筑学business商务law法学economics经济学finance金融学accounting会计学banking银行学biochemistry生物化学--------------通常考试中更偏向经济学商学等一些学科,但如果是多种学科选择的话,一定会包括热门学科+冷门学科,比如经济学+文学或历史学。