1.gdp 2006年第一季度,美国gdp年率在2005年第四季度仅增长1.7%的基础上强劲反弹达5.3%,高于历史趋势水平。
The American Economic Review 论人力资本投资
![The American Economic Review 论人力资本投资](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/538d537431b765ce050814ac.png)
Labor capital Conventional capital Material capital Physical capital Labor force Competitive market Economic growth Inheritance taxation
舒尔茨十分关注农业发展的滞后、贫穷与工业的高生产率、 高收入水平之间的反差,将农业经济作为经济体的一部分去研 究,并将研究延伸至全世界的发展中国家。 舒尔茨系统地分析了教育投资对农业生产率以及经济发展影
是促进经济增长的关键因素。 舒尔茨在《论人力资本投资》一文中第一次提出了“人力资 本”这一新的资本概念,对其后各类人力资本学说直到发展为 今天的人力资源管理这一较为完善的学科起到了深远影响。
2)防止人人力资本的闲置和老化; 3)避免对人力资本投资进行人为的干扰; 4)完善人力资本市场,银行应积极主动地提供人力资本 所需的费用,鼓励私人和公共投资;
解释的现象:按照传统理论,美国这个世界上具有最昂贵劳 动力和最密集资本的国家,应主要出口资本密集型产品,进 口劳动密集型产品。但事实恰好相反,美国出口量最大的却 是农产品等劳动密集型产品,进口量最大的却是汽车、钢铁
对于发展中国家来说,20世纪60年代的物质资本投资收益 率为15%,人力资本投资收益率为20%; 20世纪70年代这两个数字分别为13%和15%。可见,加大 人力资本投资对发展中国家意义尤为重大。
继2010年美国联邦储备系统(federal reserve system,简称fed),在以雷曼兄弟倒闭为标志的“金融危机”增发6000亿美元的货币量化宽松(简称qe2)之后,2012年美国经济因欧盟成员国一系列的债务危机影响,经济再度落入低谷。
为了提选最具开创意义和积厚流广的论文,评委会首先使用了JSTOR (JournalStorage)系统的论文引用和查询数量作为参考指标进行初选。
美国经济评论century paper3
![美国经济评论century paper3](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2599aa07bb68a98271fefa76.png)
American Economic Review 101 (February 2011): 36–48/articles.php?doi=10.1257/aer.101.1.36Some Unsettled Problems of IrrigationBy Katharine Coman*[Geologist Nathaniel] Shaler called the Cordilleran area, comprising the western third of the United States, the “curse of the Continent.” West of the hundredth merid-ian, precipitation, except for certain favored sections, is insufficient for agriculture or for forest growth, and pasturage can be reckoned on for the spring and early summer only. From the mesas and foothills of the Rockies to the western slope of the Sierras, arid or semi-arid conditions prevail. The average annual rainfall varies from two inches in the deserts of the southwest to 20 inches on the Great Plains, but nowhere except on the north Pacific coast does it furnish a reliance for the farmer.On the western slopes of the mountain ranges, where the moisture-laden winds of the Pacific ascend to colder altitudes, there is considerable rain. The precipitation of autumn and winter is held in vast beds of snow and ice until the fervid suns of May and June release the flow. Then springs and torrents rush down to the lowlands, the rivers overflow their banks, and the valleys are flooded. How to conserve this excess water to serve the needs of summer-grown crops is the problem of arid America.The first Americans who attempted to farm the desert were the pioneers of the Mormon migration. Brigham Young and the 140 devoted saints who followed his lead across the Wasatch Mountains to the new Zion on the mesa above Great Salt Lake had no knowledge of irrigation; but agriculture was a sine qua non to a settle-ment so remote from civilization. Within two hours of their arrival they began to plow for a belated planting. “We found the land so dry,” wrote Lorenzo Snow, “that to plow it was impossible, and in attempting to do so some of the plow beams were broken. We therefore had to distribute the water over the land before it could be bro-ken.” The simple device worked satisfactorily and was used thereafter, not only to soften the soil but to water the crops. The damming of City Creek marked the begin-ning of irrigation in the Great Basin. Thereafter water supply was regarded even more than character of soil and means of transportation in determining the location of the successive “stakes” planted in the wilderness. Irrigating works were built, as were roads and bridges and sawmills, by cooperative effort, each colonist contribut-ing labor or material or money as he best could. New and struggling communities were not infrequently financed by the Church, stock being taken in exchange for funds advanced. The Mormon communities have now some six million acres under irrigation in the arid West and are producing wheat and alfalfa, sugar beets, peaches, cherries, and strawberries, out of all proportion to their ratio in the agricultural pop-ulation of the United States.* Coman (1857–1915), Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA 02481. Originally appearing in March 1911, this is a reprint of the first article published in the first issue of the American Economic Review, volume 1, issue 1, pp. 1–19.During her time at Wellesley (1883–1900), Coman served as professor of history, chair of the economics depart-ment, and dean of the college.3637 Vol. 101 no. 1comAn: somE unsEttlEd pRoBlEms oF iRRigAtionMeantime the American pioneers in California were profiting by the irrigating experience of their Spanish predecessors. Dr. John Marsh, a Yankee and a Harvard graduate, secured a Spanish grant to a good square mile of land at the foot of Mt. Diablo and set about its cultivation with a zeal that soon made him one of the wealth-iest landowners in the province. His orchards and vineyards and irrigated fields were the marvel of the hijos del pais. Sutter’s ranch on American Fork was an equally convincing demonstration of what brains could do by adding water to the soil and climate of California. Water rights were free as air, and every ranchero used the streams that the winter rains sent across the lowlands, according to his own conve-nience. Only in the pueblos, San José and Los Angeles, was there endeavor to treat the scant supply as a common property to be developed by the building of dams and ditches under the direction of the public authorities. The advent of the gold seekers made heavy demands upon the water resources of the Sierras. Running water was a prime necessity in placer mining, the new market afforded by the mining communi-ties induced a far more extensive agriculture, and water rights became, for the first time, a matter of serious concern. The water needed to operate the sluices and long toms had to be conducted to the diggings in flumes, sometimes many miles in length and representing a considerable investment of labor and capital. Mining custom, which the California Legislature formulated into law, established the principle of “first come first served.” A notice posted at the point of diversion, stating date of posting and the amount of water to be taken out, constituted a claim to a specified number of miners’ inches. The law required that the claim should be registered with the county officer within 60 days of the posting, and the courts later decided that the claimant must prove that the construction of ditches, canals, or flumes had been undertaken immediately and prosecuted with diligence, and that the water drawn off was being put to a beneficial use. Notwithstanding these precautions, the m iners’ custom, notably when applied to agricultural districts, gave rise to strife and uncertainties that seriously handicapped industrial development. It had become evident that land with no assured water supply was of little value for agriculture. The streams that might be utilized within the resources of individual ranchmen were soon monopolized, and works of greater cost were needed to construct diversion dams, build main canals, and set up pumping machinery for the irrigation of the thousands of acres of fertile land that lay back from the water courses. In the hope of encouraging the development of the Great Valley between the Sierras and the Coast Range, a region all untouched by the Spanish regime, the Legislature (1862) passed an act authorizing the incorporation of canal companies and the construction of canals “for the transportation of passengers and freights, or for the purpose of irrigation and water power, or for the conveyance of water for mining or manufac-turing purposes, or for all of such purposes.” Under this liberal enactment, several irrigation companies were organized on the basis of claims to the flow of the San Joaquin and its tributary rivers.The common law doctrine of riparian rights was adopted by the courts of California in the early years of American occupation with no question as to its appli-cability to the new conditions. Practice vested in the adjacent landowner not only right to a continuous and undiminished flow, but to diversion for his own use and also for sale to agriculturists less fortunately situated. The effect was to give an extraordinary advantage to first comers and to speculators in this most valuable of38tHE AmERicAn Economic REViEW FEBRuARy 2011 natural resources. Subsequent cultivators, men who were proposing to convert cattle ranches and wheat fields into orchards and vegetable gardens, were obliged to be content with what was left or to defend their secondary claims by force. Appeal to the courts involved long and costly suits with inconclusive results, since the process of adjudication must be gone over whenever a new claimant appeared or an old claim was revived or extended. Agricultural enterprise in California is still retarded by the uncertainty of water rights and the heavy costs of litigation. Any one of the tens and hundreds of appropriators along a single stream may bring suit to enlarge his share, and the law offers no remedy to the revival of old disputes. Often the small farmer cannot afford the contest, and the victory goes by default to the wealthy ranchman or the well capitalized company. The doctrine of riparian rights even as modified by 50 years of court decisions is hopelessly inadequate, and the water users have had to resort to private agreements with mutual recognition of all the rights appurtenant to the supply in question. The doctrine of appropriation, the only doctrine suited to an arid agriculture, has never been formally recognized in California, much less the superior right of the public to the water supply which is precipitated on the mountain heights, collected in state-owned lakes and rivers, and which is indispensable to the future development of the commonwealth.By 1875 all the easily irrigated lands of the Cordilleran area were occupied, and it had become evident that the homestead law which had worked so satisfactorily in the Mississippi Valley was quite inapplicable to the conditions presented to the set-tler in the arid regions. The Desert Land Act was passed (1877) with intent to offer a sufficient reward to induce the man taking up public land to put in irrigating works.A full section of arid land, four times the amount permitted under the preemption or homestead acts, might be acquired by paying 25 cents per acre at the time of entry, redeeming the same by irrigation, within three years, and then paying the final charge of one dollar per acre. Residence on the holding was not required.1The Desert Land Act was put through Congress by men who knew little of west-ern conditions, on the assumption that water would always be found upon the land and in such form that it could be readily diverted to the fields; but few regions are so fortunately situated. Irrigation on a scale necessary to utilize distant mountain streams or to pump the subterranean flow required more capital and engineering skill than the ranchmen possessed and usually developed a capacity for watering tens of thousands of acres. The organization of irrigation companies followed. Hydrographic engineering was a new art, construction was not infrequently faulty, water rights uncertain, and the quantity of water available often grossly exaggerated. The promoters of these schemes relied on the fact that the settlers could do nothing toward completing their titles without water, and they devised contracts by which the farmer paid a flat rate per acre, regardless of the amount of water furnished. The temptation to contract to irrigate more land than could be provided for proved irresistible, and many of the settlers were ruined. Such promoters soon discovered, however, that they had killed the goose that laid the golden egg, for without water users there could be no revenue.1 The act was amended in 1891, reducing the holding to 320 acres and introducing the residence requirement.39 Vol. 101 no. 1comAn: somE unsEttlEd pRoBlEms oF iRRigAtionThe decade of 1880 to 1890 was the boom period of irrigation. The energies of the West were turned from the dwindling returns of cattle ranches and mining properties to the latent possibilities of the desert. Speculation ran riot. The capac-ity of lakes and streams was overestimated, and the agricultural value of land and climate exaggerated by overenthusiastic promoters; stocks and bonds were sold broadcast among investors who appreciated the significance of irrigation, but had no means of testing the legal or financial status of any individual proposition. The great majority of these projects failed, and the money contributed by thousands of small investors was irretrievably lost. Nothing goes to wreck more quickly than irri-gation works where repairs are not maintained; the ditches fill with sand or silt, the flumes warp in the sun, and the cement dams disintegrate under the alternate action of frost and heat. Many of the promoters, as well as the investors, had reason to ask themselves the unanswerable conundrum: What is the difference between a boom and a boomerang?Of far more interest than the physical problems of irrigation or its speculative possibilities is the slow but steady growth of custom and legislation away from the doctrine of riparian rights and priority claims to the recognition of the paramount importance of beneficial use and the public good. The first scientific study of irriga-tion as an economic problem was made by J. W. Powell, Chief of US Geographical Survey, in his report on the lands of the Arid Region, published by the government in 1879. Powell had spent a decade in the exploration of the great desert region between the Colorado River and the Snake, and his conclusions were worthy of con-sideration. He estimated that 8 percent or about 60 million acres of the Cordilleran area was both fertile and susceptible of irrigation, a conclusion not greatly in excess of the latest calculations of irrigation experts. Since the isolated farmer was unequal to the task of building and maintaining the dams and ditches needed, Powell pro-posed that Congress “authorize the organization of irrigation districts by homestead settlements upon the public lands requiring irrigation for agricultural purposes.” Any nine or more persons applying for a tract of land with the intention of construct-ing irrigation works were entitled to register for 80 acres each, in a continuous tract, the lands to be patented when evidence of successful irrigation was submitted. His observation of irrigation in Utah convinced Powell that a cooperative undertaking of this nature was not only practicable but the best means of preventing land monop-oly, and he deemed such legislation essential “if these lands are to be reserved for actual settlers, in small quantities, to provide homes for poor men, on the principle involved in the homestead laws.” Thus early was attention called to the inadequacy of the Desert Land Act, the desirability of encouraging a more democratic form of irrigation by cooperating communities, the necessity of attaching the water right to the land in order to guard against monopolization of both land and water, and the importance of a scientific classification of the public lands into irrigable, pasture, timber, and mineral, so that the diverse interests might be promoted by appropriate legislation. Powell was, unfortunately, 20 years in advance of public sentiment, and his farseeing recommendations attracted little attention at Washington.What might be accomplished by cooperative effort had already been demon-strated in the Mormon communities and in the Union Colony at Greeley, Colorado; but the first legislative enactment in furtherance of cooperative construction was the Wright Act, the California law of 1887. This provided that irrigation districts might40tHE AmERicAn Economic REViEW FEBRuARy 2011 be organized under state supervision wherever a majority of the resident freeholders should petition for the privilege. The district, once established, had authority to issue bonds, secured by a mortgage on the lands in question, for the purchase or construc-tion of waterworks, and further, to levy taxes assessed on the real estate represented sufficient to meet interest on the bonds and the annual costs of maintenance. The conduct of routine business was vested in elected trustees, but extraordinary con-tracts must be submitted to vote and ratified by the freeholders. Extravagant hopes were entertained of this system, and many districts were organized, but few have proven entirely successful. In many instances worthless or contested water rights were purchased, and the district was involved in long and costly litigation. In others, engineering works of great difficulty were undertaken with small comprehension of the expense involved, and the original bond issue was swallowed up in the prelimi-nary works. In order to get the water within reach of the farmers, a new issue was made necessary, and the trustees found the marketing of second mortgage bonds on property as yet undeveloped a piece of financiering quite beyond their powers. In the effort to push the enterprise through to completion, they not infrequently resorted to illegal means, and the district was in consequence dissolved. The crisis of 1893 involved in financial ruin still other districts that had been successfully managed up to that time.Some of these difficulties were peculiar to California, where confusion as to water rights and the hostility of private companies presented well-nigh insuperable diffi-culties, but others are universal. It is not an easy matter to get a group of landowners, geographically selected with reference to drainage basin, to cooperate intelligently and to wait patiently the result of an engineering problem; and again, the resources of such a community are rarely adequate to the carrying through of any but the simpler works. The irrigation district has since been legalized in half a dozen western states, and many bankrupt companies have been bought out by farmers thus associated; but nowhere is the device regarded as the solution of the larger financial problems of irrigation. The irrigation district can only succeed where cost of construction is light, and where soil and climate render the lands highly productive, as in southern California. Western men were becoming convinced that if the homestead law was to have any meaning west of the hundredth meridian, government must come to the aid of the settler, first in the adjudication of water rights, and second in the construction of the more costly irrigation works.Under the influence of Greeley and its daughter colonies, the state of Colorado (1876) had set aside the riparian right and announced the doctrine of appropriation,dedicating the water of every natural stream to the use of the people. A brief experi-ence of the hardships and loss involved in water wars and lawsuits determined the farmers of Colorado to insist on the public adjudication of conflicting claims. The state is now divided into districts according to drainage, and disputes as to priority and the prorating of water are referred to the corresponding water commissioners, from whose decision the aggrieved may appeal to the courts. But Colorado has as yet made no provision for the scientific measurement of the flow of streams, the capacity of canals, the acreage of land served, and the agricultural duty of the water furnished. The early settlers were accustomed to put in claims for a water supply far in excess of their needs, and the sum total of these claims was often in excess of the maximum output of the stream. The important water resources of the state are41 Vol. 101 no. 1comAn: somE unsEttlEd pRoBlEms oF iRRigAtionthus pledged to two and three times their utmost capacity, and the land now being developed can only be provided with water by the construction of mammoth reser-voirs. Colorado, however, took the lead in adopting the principle of appropriation as fundamental to any final adjudication of water rights. This doctrine and the necessity of public control were soon recognized in Congressional legislation (e.g., the Desert Land Act and the Timber Culture Act), and these principles may be regarded as now fully established for the arid region.The water code of Wyoming, adopted with its constitution in 1890, was the first thoroughgoing attempt to put the vexed question of water titles on a scientific and equitable basis and to render the water right inseparable from land ownership. Under this law, application for diversion of any portion of a lake or stream must be registered with the state engineer, and no claim has any validity until ratified by his office. The registration of a claim gives prescriptive right, but to secure legal title, the claimant must prove that the projected works have been constructed within the specified time and that the water is being used for a beneficent purpose. The state engineer is obliged to reject the application and to refuse registration in case the flow of the stream in question is all appropriated, or if he has reason to believe that the claimant is financially unequal to its development. Otherwise the certificate of registration might be used to promote a fraudulent undertaking. The adjudication of disputes is vested in a Board of Control made up of the state engineer and the super-intendents of the four water districts. Evidence as to the capacity of the stream and of the several diversion ditches, together with the agricultural requirements of the lands to be furnished, are ascertained by scientific survey. The superintendent of the division in which the disputed claims lie hears testimony as to priority of use, quan-tity utilized, etc., and prepares a list of existing claims. The decision of the Board of Control amounts to a formal decree defining all rights, and on this basis certificates of title are issued. Appeal may be made, however, from the Board of Control to the courts. This comprehensive and highly satisfactory system has been adopted with various minor modifications in Nebraska, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, the two Dakotas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Oregon and has gone far to straighten out the confused tangle of riparian rights, priority rights, excess claims, etc. The Wyoming plan has done all that law can do toward determining the legal status of irrigation in the com-monwealths adopting it, and the practice of enforcing unauthorized claims by armed gangs and dynamiting the dams of rival companies is fast fading into the dramatic if disastrous past.The legal problems of irrigation are thus in a fair way to settlement, but the finan-cial problems remain. The furnishing of water by a private monopoly is no more satisfactory to an agricultural district than to a municipality, and the danger of inad-equate supply and exorbitant charges is no less a menace. In southern Spain, where this system obtains and water is sold at auction, the water rates mount in a dry season to an all but prohibitive point. In a wet summer, on the contrary, when the farmers have no need of the artificial supply, they fall so low that the company does not realize enough revenue to offset running expenses. The California law of 1862 empowered water companies “to establish, collect and receive rates, water rents or tolls, which shall be subject to regulation by the board of supervisors of the county or counties in which the work is situated, but which shall not be reduced by the supervisors so low as to yield to the stockholders less than one and one half percent42tHE AmERicAn Economic REViEW FEBRuARy 2011 per month on the capital actually invested.” This method of adjusting charges has not proven entirely satisfactory to either producer or consumer of the water sup-ply. Eighteen percent, a not unusual rate of profit in the early days of California, is excessive now that there is abundant capital on hand for such investments, while the “capital actually invested” means an overestimate of the present value of the prop-erty. No redress was provided in case the supply furnished is insufficient to meet all engagements, and in the not infrequent cases where the canal crosses county lines, the several boards of supervisors may come to different conclusions as to the justice of a given rate. Finally, the courts have ruled that a contract negotiated between company and water user cannot be set aside by the dictum of a public officer, and many farmers have been induced to accept a “contracting-out” clause which renders the arbitrament of the supervisors invalid. However, in the last analysis, the pros-perity of the community served is recognized by sane promoters to be the ultimate source of revenue, and charges are regulated by what the farmer can afford to pay rather than by what the water monopoly might possibly extort, while in many dis-tricts the waterworks are owned and rates fixed by the farmers themselves.On the other hand the financial future of the irrigation company is often far from reassuring. Irrigation works are usually built in advance of settlement, and returns sufficient to pay interest on the cost of construction cannot be expected until the number of consumers has reached the full capacity of the flow. Even where all con-ditions are favorable, water abundant, works adequately built, and soil and climate promising, the promoters of water companies aiming to supply settlers on public lands are often balked of dividends by the “sooners,” who seek out each new p roject in advance of the constructing engineers and locate their claims as soon as the sur-veyors’ stakes are driven. By more or less fraudulent compliance with the homestead act, they manage to get possession of the best land under the prospective canal. They have no intention of developing their holdings and use little or no water for irrigation but hold their patents for a rise in value and thus retard legitimate settlement. An arrangement far more satisfactory both to the farmers and to the purveyor of water obtains where both land and water supply are owned by the same company. Thus the Crocker estate in the San Joaquin valley is being sold in small tracts of five, ten, and 20 acres to actual colonists, and the deed of sale guarantees sufficient water for irrigation at the flat rate of one dollar per acre per year. The same terms are accorded under the Miller & Lux irrigation project and on some of the great California wheat ranches that are now being divided into fruit farms. The system is an admirable one, ensuring to the cultivator the indispensable water supply at a reasonable and unvary-ing price and to the owner of the works an adequate return on his investment. Long and intimate acquaintance with the vexations that beset irrigation projects inspired Senator Carey of Wyoming to urge upon Congress the legislation which has finally put the private irrigation of public lands on a rational basis. Under the Carey Act (1894), the federal government offers to make over to any one of the arid states complying with certain provisions as to reclamation and settlement one million acres of the public land or such portion thereof as has been demonstrated by actual survey to be susceptible of irrigation. The land commission of the state participating in this privilege is made responsible for the projects undertaken. The adequacy of the water right, the character of the works, the financial standing of the undertaking company are all passed upon and the prescribed specifications accepted43 Vol. 101 no. 1comAn: somE unsEttlEd pRoBlEms oF iRRigAtionin a written contract before the lands covered by the project may be offered for sale or advertisements issued. The lands are sold by the state officials in tracts of from 20 to 160 acres, at a rate fixed by each state and to bona fide settlers.2 Persons filing on these lands must furnish proof of at least 30 days’ residence and the cultivation of one eighth of the tract before receiving clear title. Furthermore, they must have signed a contract with the water company agreeing to purchase the water right at a specified charge per acre. Ten years is allowed for the water right payment, but this obligation may be anticipated or passed on with the title in case the holding is sold to a later incumbent. The settlers are purchasing not water only but the irrigating sys-tem. The price put upon this perpetual possession varies according to the exigencies of construction from $25 to $50 per acre, estimated on the supposition that, all the lands being taken up, the returns will cover the cost of the works and a fair profit on the investment. The capital once recovered, the promoting company proceeds to a new venture, leaving the settlers owners of the works. The water rights are converted into water stock, and a water-users’ association is organized in which the farmers hold stock in proportion to their respective acreage. This cooperative company, like the irrigation district, is responsible for the maintenance of canals, the distribution of water, and for any repairs that may prove necessary.Idaho inaugurated the Carey Act system with signal success, and the sagebrush plains of the Snake River Desert were brought under cultivation with marvelous rapidity. The example of Wyoming and Idaho was followed by Montana, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, California, and New Mexico. The achievements of irrigation under the Carey Act have been highly gratifying to its sponsors, and the guaran-tees provided have given to this class of irrigation securities a recognized financial status. The farmers’ water right contracts, secured by a first mortgage on the land, are deposited as security for bonds issued in the ratio of one and a half to one. The annual payments are collected by the representatives of the bondholders and applied, year by year, to meet interest and the ten annual payments on the principal; but the value of the irrigation system as appraised by the state engineer is the ultimate secu-rity. Notwithstanding these precautions, a Carey Act project may fail to fulfill its obligations, in case it is unable to market bonds sufficient to complete the works, or the difficulties of construction prove unexpectedly great, or untoward floods carry away the dam and costly repairs are necessitated. It is evident, furthermore, that the ultimate source of revenue is the earning capacity of the lands under the project. If these are not rapidly taken up, or if the conditions of soil and climate are such as to render tillage unremunerative, water right payments will not be forthcoming, and the only asset recoverable may be a discredited irrigation system and the underlying lands. The recent collapse of the Conrad Land and Water Company and the Big Lost River Irrigation Company, which went into the hands of receivers with outstanding bond issues of $150,000 and $1,355,000 respectively, are cases in point.National interest in the reclamation of arid lands culminated in the Reclamation Act (1902) whereby the proceeds of public land sales, in excess of the educational obligations already assumed, are devoted to the reclamation of agricultural lands in 17 arid and semi-arid states. The Reclamation Service was organized under the2 Oregon makes no charge for the land but requires the cultivation of one fourth the area.。
美国经济评论century paper6
![美国经济评论century paper6](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ff749e3cb90d6c85ec3ac676.png)
American Economic Review 101 (February 2011): 81–108/articles.php?doi =10.1257/aer .101.1.8181As the first decade of the twenty-first century comes to a close, the problem of the commons is more central to economics and more important to our lives than a century ago when Katharine Coman led off the first issue of the American Economic Review with her examination of “Some Unsettled Problems of Irrigation” (Coman 1911). Since that time, 100 years of remarkable economic progress have accompa-nied 100 years of increasingly challenging problems.As the US and other economies have grown, the carrying capacity of the planet—in regard to both natural resources and environmental quality—has become a greater concern. This is particularly true for common-property and open-access resources. While small communities frequently provide modes of oversight and methods for policing their citizens (Elinor Ostrom 2010), as the scale of society has grown, commons problems have spread across communities and even across nations. In some of these cases, no overarching authority can offer complete control, rendering The Problem of the Commons:Still Unsettled after 100 Y earsBy Robert N. Stavins*The problem of the commons is more important to our lives and thus more central to economics than a century ago when Katharine Coman led off the first issue of the American Economic Review . As the US and other economies have grown , the carrying capac-ity of the planet—in regard to natural resources and environmental q uality—has become a greater concern , particularly for common-property and open-access resources. The focus of this article is on some important , unsettled problems of the commons. Within the realm of natural resources , there are special challenges associ-ated with renewable resources , which are frequently characterized by open-access. An important example is the degradation of open-access fisheries. Critical commons problems are also associated with environmental quality. A key contribution of economics has been the development of market-based approaches to environmental protec-tion. These instruments are key to addressing the ultimate commons problem of the twenty-first century—global climate change. (JEL Q15, Q21, Q22, Q25, Q54)* A lbert Pratt Professor of Business and Government, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138; University Fellow, Resources for the Future; and Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research. I am grateful to Lori Bennear, Maureen Cropper, Denny Ellerman, Lawrence Goulder, Robert Hahn, Geoffrey Heal, Suzi Kerr, Charles Kolstad, Gilbert Metcalf, William Nordhaus, Wallace Oates, Sheila Olmstead, Robert Pindyck, Andy Reisinger, James Sanchirico, Richard Schmalensee, Kerry Smith, Robert Stowe, Martin Weitzman, and Richard Zeckhauser for very helpful comments on a previous version of this article; and Jane Callahan and Ian Graham of the Wellesley College Archives for having provided inspiration by making available the archives of Katharine Coman (1857–1915), professor of history, then economics, and first chair of Wellesley College’s Department of Economics. Any and all remaining errors are my own.82THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW FEBRUARy 2011 commons problems more severe. Although the type of water allocation problems of concern to Coman (1911) have frequently been addressed by common-property regimes of collective management (Ostrom 1990), less easily governed problems of open access are associated with growing concerns about air and water quality, haz-ardous waste, species extinction, maintenance of stratospheric ozone, and—most recently—the stability of the global climate in the face of the steady accumulation of greenhouse gases.Whereas common-property resources are held as private property by some group, open-access resources are nonexcludable. This article focuses exclusively on the latter, and thereby reflects on some important, unsettled problems of the commons.1 It identifies both the contributions made by economic analysis and the challenges facing public policy. Section I begins with natural resources, highlighting the dif-ference between most nonrenewable natural resources, pure private goods that are both excludable and rival in consumption, and renewable natural resources, many of which are nonexcludable (Table 1). Some of these are rival in consumption but characterized by open access. An example is the degradation of ocean fisheries. An economic perspective on these resources helps identify the problems they present for management and provides guidance for sensible solutions.Section II turns to a major set of commons problems that were not addressed until the last three decades of the twentieth century—environmental quality. Although frequently characterized as textbook examples of externalities, these problems can also be viewed as a particular category of commons problems: pure public goods, that are both nonexcludable and nonrival in consumption (Table 1). A key contribu-tion of economics has been the development of market-based approaches to environ-mental protection, including emission taxes and tradable rights. These have potential to address the ultimate commons problem of the twenty-first century, global climate change. Section III concludes.Several themes emerge. First, economic theory—by focusing on market failures linked with incomplete systems of property rights—has made major contributions to our understanding of commons problems and the development of prudent public policies. Second, as our understanding of the commons has become more complex, the design of economic policy instruments has become more sophisticated, enabling policy makers to address problems that are characterized by uncertainty, spatial and temporal heterogeneity, and long duration. Third, government policies that have not accounted for economic responses have been excessively costly, often ineffective, and sometimes counterproductive. Fourth, commons problems have not diminished. While some have been addressed successfully, others have emerged that are more important and more difficult. Fifth, environmental economics is well positioned to offer better understanding and better policies to address these ongoing challenges.1 Ostrom has made key contributions to our understanding of the role of collective action in common-property regimes, as she does in her article in this issue of the Review(Ostrom 2011). With her ably covering that territory, my focus is exclusively on situations of open access. As Daniel W. Bromley (1992) has noted, the better charac-terizations might be common property regimes and open-access regimes, because it is the respective institutional arrangements—as much as the resources themselves—that define the problems. However, I use the conventional characterizations because of their general use in the literature. Although my focus is on the natural resources and environmental realm, similar problems—and related public policies—arise in other areas, such as the allocation of the electromagnetic spectrum for uses in communication (Roberto E. Muñoz and Thomas W. Hazlett 2009).83STAVINS: THE pROBLEM OF THE COMMONS: STILL UNSETTLEd AFTER 100 yEARS VOL. 101 NO. 1I. The Problem of the Commons and the Economics of Natural ResourcesDespite their finite supply in the earth’s crust (and despite decades of doomsday predictions ),2 reserves of mineral and fossil fuel resources have not been exhausted. Price signals reflecting relative (economic ) scarcity have stimulated exploration and discovery, technological progress, and supply substitution. Hence, the world of non-renewable natural resources is characterized more by smooth transitions (Robert M. Solow 1991; William D. Nordhaus 1992) than by overshoot and collapse. Reserves have increased, demand has changed, substitution has occurred, and—in some cases—recycling has been stimulated. As a result, for much of the past century, the economic scarcity of natural resources had not been increasing, but decreasing (Harold J. Barnett and Chandler Morse 1963). Late in the twentieth century, increas-ing scarcity may have set in for a subset of nonrenewable resources, although the time trends are far from clear (V . Kerry Smith 1980; Junsoo Lee, John A. List, and Mark C. Strazicich 2006; John Livernois 2009).The picture is quite different if we turn from nonrenewable natural resources—minerals and fossil fuels—to renewable natural resources (including many forests and most fisheries ), which have exhibited monotonically increasing scarcity . The irony is obvious: many nonrenewable natural resources, which are in finite supply, have not become more scarce over time, and none has been exhausted; but renew-able natural resources, which have the capacity to regenerate themselves, have in many cases become more scarce, and in some cases have indeed been exhausted, that is, become extinct.This irony can be explained by the fact that while most nonrenewable natural resources are characterized by well-defined, enforceable property rights, many renewable resources are held as common property or open access (Table 1). Whereas scarcity is therefore well reflected by markets for nonrenewable natural resources (in the form of “scarcity rent,” the difference between price and marginal extraction cost, originally characterized by Harold Hotelling in 1931 as “net price”),3 such2See, for example, Donella H. Meadows et al. (1972).3 This is not to suggest that the market rate of extraction of nonrenewable natural resources always matches the dynamically efficient rate. Under any one of a number of conditions, markets may lead to inefficient rates of extrac-tion: imperfect information; noncompetitive market structure (the international petroleum cartel ); poorly defined property rights (ground water ); externalities in production or consumption (coal mining and combustion ); or differ-ences in market and social discount rates.Table 1—A Taxonomy of Common Problems in the Natural Resource and Environment RealmExcludableNonexcludable Rival pure private goodsRenewable natural resources Most nonrenewable natural resources characterized by open access (Fossil fuels & minerals )(Ocean fishing )Some privatized renewable resources Some nonrenewable resources (Aquaculture )(Ogallala Aquifer )NonrivalClub goods pure public goods (Water quality of municipal pond )(Clean air, greenhouse gases and climate change )84THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW FEBRUARy 2011 rents are dissipated for open-access resources, a reality well illustrated by the bio-economics of open-access fisheries.A. BiologySince the middle of the nineteenth century, open-access fishery stocks of numer-ous species have been depleted beyond sustainable levels, sometimes close to the edge of extinction. The basic biology and economics of fisheries—descendent from the Gordon-Schaefer model (H. Scott Gordon 1954; Anthony Scott 1955; M. B. Schaefer 1957; Colin W. Clark 1990)—makes clear why this has happened.In the upper panel of Figure 1, a logistical growth function plots the time rate of change of the fishery stock (dS/dt) on the vertical axis against the stock’s mass (S) on the horizontal axis:(1) F(S t)=δS t[1 −S t_K],where δ is the intrinsic growth rate of the stock, and K is the carrying capacity of the environment. As the size of the stock increases, its rate of growth increases until scarce food supplies and other consequences of crowding lead to decreasing growth rates. The maximum growth rate is achieved at S MSy , where the “maximum sustain-able yield” (MSy ) occurs. A stable equilibrium is found where the rate of growth transitions from positive to negative, a level of the stock described by biologists as the “carrying capacity” or “natural equilibrium” of the fishery. Another stable equi-librium is found at the origin—exhaustion (extinction).The likelihood of extinction is particularly acute when the natural growth function of a species exhibits “critical depensation,” illustrated in the lower panel of Figure 1:(2) F(S t)=δS t[1 −S t_K][S t_K0− 1],where K0 is the minimum viable population level. Below this critical level of the stock, the natural rate of growth is negative. Hence there are three equilibria: extinc-tion (the origin); the carrying capacity; and the minimum viable population. This reflects the reality that the large habitat ranges that exist for some species, such as whales and some species of birds, means that relatively small numbers are insuf-ficient for mating pairs to yield birth rates that exceed the natural rate of loss to predators and disease.This third equilibrium is unstable. Once the population falls below this critical level, it will proceed inevitably to extinction (unless “artificial” actions are taken, such as confined breeding of the California condor, man-made habitats for the whooping crane, or “zoos in the wild” for giant pandas in China). In the nineteenth century, hunters did not shoot down each and every passenger pigeon, but never-theless, the species was driven to extinction. A similar pattern has doomed other species. A contemporary case in point could be the blue whale (Michael A. Spence 1974), the largest animal known to have existed. Harvesting has been prohibited85STAVINS: THE pROBLEM OF THE COMMONS: STILL UNSETTLEd AFTER 100 yEARS VOL. 101 NO. 1under international agreements since 1965, but it is unclear whether stocks have rebounded, although numbers have been increasing in one region. Across species, there is a mixed picture. Stocks of some whale species are believed to be above and others below their respective minimum viable population (International Whaling Commission 2010).B. BioeconomicsA much greater threat to renewable natural resources than this unusual and unsta-ble biological growth function is the way many of these resources are managed: as common property or open access. To see this, we add some basic economics to theLogistic growthAnnual growthof stock F (S (tons )F (S )(tons )Figure 1. A Simple Model of the Fishery: The Biological Dimension86THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEWFEBRUARy 2011biology of the fishery(Figure 2). First, a change in the stock of a fishery can be due not only to its biological fundamentals, but to harvests, that is, fishing:(3) dS _ dt= · S t = F (S t ) − q t ,where q t is the harvest rate at time t .4The harvest is a function of the stock and the level of effort, E t , by firms (fishing boats and crews ). Abstracting from dynamics, we can identify the static efficient sustainable yield (that is, we ignore discounting over time, which is all that distin-guishes this from the dynamically efficient sustainable yield ), without loss of key insights. To keep things simple for the graphics, three assumptions are employed: (a ) there is perfectly elastic demand, that is, the price of fish is constant, not a func-tion of the quantity sold; (b ) the marginal cost of a unit of fishing effort is constant; and (c ) the quantity of fish caught per unit of effort is proportional to the size of the stock. With these assumptions, the relationship between effort and harvest is:(4) q t(S t , E t ) = αt S t E t ,where αt is a proportional “catchability coefficient.” And profits, πt , are given by:(5)πt = p t q t (S t , E t ) − c t E t ,4 If equation (3) is replaced by a stochastic differential equation—to characterize uncertainty inherent in the biological growth function—then even lower harvest rates than otherwise can lead to extinction (Robert S. Pindyck 1984).of fishing effort ($)e E MSY E c Fishing effortNet benefit = rent)B (E eC (E e )StockFigure 2. A Simple Model of the Fishery: The Economic Dimension87 VOL. 101 NO. 1STAVINS: THE pROBLEM OF THE COMMONS: STILL UNSETTLEd AFTER 100 yEARSwhere p t is the market price of fish and c is the marginal cost of fishing effort. In the steady state, harvest is equal to growth:(6) F(S t)=q tand so from equations (1) and (2):(7) δS t[1 −S t_K]=αt S t E t .Solving for S and substituting into equation (4) yields steady-state harvest as a func-tion of effort:(8) q SS=αt E t K [1 −αt E t_δ].With this, total revenue at the steady-state (or sustainable) level, equivalent to pq, is indicated in Figure 2 as the total benefits of fishing as a function of effort level. When effort exceeds level E MSy, total fish catch and revenues decline. Total cost is equivalent to the constant marginal cost of effort, c, multiplied by the effort level. Hence, the efficient level of effort, E e, is where net benefits—the difference between total revenue and total cost—are maximized, namely where marginal benefits equal marginal costs. Clearly the maximum sustainable yield is not the efficient harvest level (but would be if fishing were costless).C. The Consequences of Open AccessWhat happens in actual markets with open access, which historically has charac-terized much of commercial fishing around the world (as well as markets for a num-ber of other renewable natural resources)? At the efficient level of effort, E e, each boat would make profits equal to its share of scarcity rent, B(E e) minus C(E e), but with open access these profits become a stimulus for more capital and labor to enter the fishery. Each fisherman considers his marginal revenue and marginal extraction cost, but—without firm property rights—scarcity rent is ignored, and each has an incentive to expend further effort (including more entry) until profits in the fishery are driven to zero: effort level E c in Figure 2, where marginal cost is equal to average revenue rather than equal to marginal revenue. Thus, with open access, it is rational for each fisherman to ignore the asset value of the fishery, because he cannot appro-priate it; all scarcity rent is dissipated (Scott 1955).Because no one holds title to fish stocks in the open ocean, for example, every-one races to catch as much as possible. Each fisherman receives the full benefit of aggressive fishing—a larger catch—but none pays the full cost, an imperiled fishery for everyone. One fisherman’s choices have an effect on other fishermen (of this generation and the next), but in an open access fishery—unlike a privately held c opper mine—these impacts are not taken into account.88THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW FEBRUARy 2011 These consequences of open access—predicted by theory—have been validatedrepeatedly with empirical data. A study of the Pacific halibut fishery in the BeringSea estimated that the efficient number of ships was nine, while the actual numberwas 140 (Daniel D. Huppert 1990).5 An examination of the New England lobsterfishery found that in 1966 the efficient number of traps set would have been about450,000, while the actual number was nearly one million. Likewise, an analysis ofthe North Atlantic stock of minke whale found that the efficient stock size was about67,000 adult males, whereas the open-access stock had been depleted to 25,000 (Erik S. Amundsen, Trond Bjørndal, and Jon M. Conrad 1995). In terms of social costs, an analysis of two lobster fisheries in eastern Canada found that losses dueto unrestricted entry amounted to about 25 percent of market value of harvests, duemainly to excess deployment of resources for harvest, with fishery effort exceedingthe efficient level by some 350 percent (J. V. Henderson and M. Tugwell 1979).Under conditions of open access, two externalities may be said to be present. Oneis a contemporaneous externality (as with any public good) in which there is over-commitment of resources: too many boats, too many fishermen, and too much effortas everyone rushes to harvest before others. The other is an intertemporal externalityin which overfishing reduces the stock and hence lowers future profits from fishing.A classic time path of open-access fisheries has been repeated around the world.First, a newly discovered resource is open to all comers; eventually, large harvestsand profits attract more entry to the fishery; boats work harder to maintain theirharvest; despite increased efforts, the harvests decline; and this leads to greaterincreases in effort, resulting in even greater declines in harvest, resulting in essentialcollapse of the fishery. This pattern has been documented for numerous species,including the North Pacific fur seal (Wilen 1976) and the Northern anchovy fishery (Jean-Didier Opsomer and Conrad 1994), as well as Atlantic cod harvested by USand Canadian fishing fleets in the second half of the twentieth century (Figure 3). Although open access drives the stock below its efficient level, it normally does not lead to the stock being exhausted (except possibly under critical depensation, as explained above), because below a certain stock level, the benefits of additional harvest are simply less than the additional costs. This is at the heart of a fundamental error in what is probably the most frequently cited article on common-property and open-access resources, Garrett Hardin’s “The Tragedy of the Commons” (1968): Picture a pasture open to all … A rational herdsman concludes that the only sensible course for him to pursue is to add another animal to his herd. And another; and another … Each man is locked into a system that compels him to increase his herd without limit—in a world that is limited. Ruin is the destination toward which all men rush, each pursuing his own best interest in a society that believes in the freedom of thec ommons. Freedom in the commons brings ruin to all (Hardin 1968, 1244).As Partha Dasgupta (1982)subsequently wrote: “It would be difficult to locate another passage of comparable length and fame containing as many errors as the one above.” Ruin is not the outcome of the commons, but rather excessive e mployment5 These fisheries are actually “regulated open-access fisheries,” because they are subject to restrictions (James N. Sanchirico and James E. Wilen 2007), as explained below.89STAVINS: THE pROBLEM OF THE COMMONS: STILL UNSETTLEd AFTER 100 yEARS VOL. 101 NO. 1of capital and labor, small profits for participants, and an excessively depletedresource stock.6 Those are bad enough.D. Alternative policies for the Commons problemThe most obvious solution to a commons problem—in principle—may be to enclose it, that is, put in place fee-simple or other well-defined property rights to limit access.7 In the case of a natural fishery, this is typically not feasible, but it is if species are immobile (oysters, clams, mussels ), can be confined by barriers (shrimp, carp, catfish ), or instinctively return to their place of birth to spawn (salmon, ocean trout ). Such fish farming (aquaculture ) is feasible and profitable with a limited but important set of commercial species (Table 1). Presently, approximately one-third of global fisheries production is supplied by commercial aquaculture, much of it in Asia (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization 2007).Because aquaculture remains confined to a limited set of commercial species (and environmental concerns may preclude expansion ), there has been a history of g overnment attempts to regulate open-access fisheries through other means. The most frequent regulatory approach has been to limit annual catches (with the target typically being the maximum sustainable yield, not the efficient level of effort ) through restrictions on allowed technologies, closure of particular areas, or6The annual loss due to rent dissipation in global fisheries has been estimated to be on the order of $90 billion (Sanchirico and Wilen 2007).7 Recall that my focus is on open access, not common property. Arrangements of various kinds can and do serve to limit access to common-property resources (Ostrom 2010). An example in the fisheries realm would be the informal groups of lobster harvesters (“gangs”) in coastal Maine that seek to restrict access to identified areas (James M. Acheson 2003).0100,000200,000300,000400,000500,000600,0001950196019701980199020002010Landings (tons)YearFigure 3. Annual Harvest of Atlantic Cod, 1950–2008Source: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization 2010.90THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW FEBRUARy 2011 i mposition of limited seasons. These regulatory approaches have the effect of rais-ing the marginal cost of fishing effort, in effect pivoting up the total cost function in Figure 2 until it intersects the benefit function at point X, thereby achieving the fish-ing effort associated with maximum sustainable yield, E MSy , or potentially to point y, thereby achieving the efficient effort level, E e.Marginal costs increase because each new constraint causes fishermen to r eoptimize. In response to constraints on technology, areas, or season, fishermen employ excessively expensive methods (overcapitalization) to catch a given quan-tity of fish. Technology constraints can lead to the employment of more labor; area closures can lead to the adoption of more sophisticated technologies; and reduced seasons result in the use of more boats. Although the harvest may be curtailed as desired, the net benefits to the fishery are essentially zero. Costs go up for fishermen (as resources are squandered). Social efficiency is not achieved, nor is it approached.A dramatic example is provided by New York City’s once thriving oyster fishery. In 1860, 12 million oysters were sold in New York City markets. By 1880, produc-tion was up to 700 million oysters per year. “New Yorkers rich and poor were slurp-ing the creatures in oyster cellars, saloons, stands, houses, cafes, and restaurants...” (Elizabeth Royte 2006). It became clear that the oyster beds were being depleted. First the city restricted who could harvest oysters, then when they were permitted to do so. Eventually, the city limited the use of dredges and steam power. Nevertheless, in 1927, the last of the city’s oyster beds closed (a casualty not only of open access to the oyster habitats, but also of the use of the city’s harbors as another sort of com-mons, namely as a depository for the city’s sewage).The economic implications of conventionally regulated open-access fisher-ies are typically worse than those that occur under unregulated open-access con-ditions (Frances R. Homans and Wilen 1997; Martin D. Smith and Wilen 2003). Overcapitalization is greater, as is the consequent welfare loss. Such situations with conventional open-access fisheries regulation are commonplace: overfishing occurs, the fishery stock is depleted, the government responds by regulating the catch, thereby driving up the cost of fishing, fishermen complain that they cannot make a profit, and harvests continue to fall. Is there a better way?From an economic perspective, the most obvious way of assuring that harvest lev-els are maintained at an efficient level while providing incentives for cost reductions is a tax on fish harvests. Such an efficient tax, which increases marginal costs, rotates the total costs line in Figure 2 until it intersects total benefits at point y, and thereby brings about E e, similar to conventional regulation. The tax that would accomplish this would be equal to the difference between B(E e) and C(E e). Despite the apparent graphical similarity with the conventional regulatory outcome, this approach is effi-cient, because rather than destroying the rents through higher resource costs, the tax transfers the rents from the private to the public sector. Hence, the social net benefits of the tax approach are identical to those under the efficient outcome.There is a problem, however. For the fishermen, these transfers are very real costs. The rent that would be received by a sole owner is received by the government instead. Any fishermen who might want the fishery to be managed efficiently will surely object to this particular approach. So, is there some way that the catch can be restricted to the efficient level, with real resource costs minimized, but without transferring the rents from fishermen to the government?。
《美国生活经济学》读书随笔1. 美国生活经济学概述《美国生活经济学》是一本揭示美国社会经济现象、阐释市场经济规律的著作。
美国生活经济学,又称为行为经济学(Behavioral Economics),是一门研究人们在经济决策过程中的非理性行为的学科。
人们可能会因为“锚定效应”(Anchoring Effect)而对价格产生误解,或者因为“损失厌恶”(Loss Aversion)而过度追求避免损失。
[关键词]编辑部论文发表,资本运作,经济危机,两条道路,制衡机制,华尔街1 探讨的意义1.1 资本主义市场有一定优势华尔街是美国经济的一个缩影,从很大程度上来说,是它将美国经济推向了世界。
1.2 经济全球化的要求2008年,由华尔街所导致的美国经济危机最终演变成世界性的金融危机,没有一个国家可以独善其身,这也为中国人提供了一次重新认识和研究世界金融市场与资本主义运作模式的机会,以他人之利得为己之借鉴,使中国经济在经济全球化的浪潮中求得发展。
1.3 国情的需要中国坚持走中国特色社会主义市场经济的道路,这条道路必然是宏观调控这只“有形手”和市场经济这只“无形手”的综合,从而实现资源的合理配置。
2 华尔街风云的历程表现2.1 与荷兰联系紧密的历史渊源华尔街起初就是一道墙,最初是由荷兰人建立的。
在美国史上,1781 年至1789 年被称为“危机时期”。
经济资料译丛2011年第3期《美国经济评论》创刊100年来的20篇最佳文章 Kenneth J. Arrow, B. Douglas Bernheim, Martin S. Feldstein,Daniel L. McFadden, James M. Poterba, Robert M. Solow①著,吴春雷、马林梅 译原载:American Economic Review 101 (February 2011): 1–8/articles.php?doi=10.1257/aer.101.1.1由Kenneth J. Arrow, B. Douglas Bernheim, Martin S. Feldstein, Daniel L. McFadden, James M. Poterba 和 Robert M. Solow组成的20佳文章评选委员会,受Robert Moffitt的委命,负责评选《美国经济评论》创刊100年以来所刊发的最优秀的20篇文章。
美国经济评论视野下的中国——以 1978 年以前华人经济学家的文章为中心
![美国经济评论视野下的中国——以 1978 年以前华人经济学家的文章为中心](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f8c269f86394dd88d0d233d4b14e852458fb3974.png)
题性的研究要多于整体性的研究.同时从时间角度来看,专题性研究(最早开始于 1941 年)早于最早
1955 年).这样的研究发展特点与实际研究材料获得的难易程度一致,同时也符合研
专题性的研究主要包括四个大的方向:外贸与金融业的 研 究、国 民 生 产 总 值 与 国 民 收 入 的 测 算、
评论»中,书评与文章占有同等 重 要 的 地 位,直 到 1968 年«经 济 文 献 杂 志»(
JEL)创 立 后,书 评 部 分 才
从«美国经济评论»中移出.1968 年 以 前,«美 国 经 济 评 论»中 一 直 有 大 量 的 书 评,篇 幅 约 占 整 期 内 容
国慈善事业的精神»的评论文章.1917 年经济学家缪斯(
和贸易控制»一文,而华人经济学 家 的 相 关 研 究 开 始 于 1941 年 刘 大 中 发 表 的 «论 中 国 的 外 汇 问 题».
算值 [16](P166-167).
人经济学者对中国问题的研究.实际上这 17 篇文章有很强的时代特征和思想内涵,需要一个提纲挈
领的研究来抓住思想脉络的发展,«美国经济评论»视野下的中国也 将 由 此 展 现.中 国 学 者 发 表 的 有
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《美国经济评论》百年经典论文导读《美国经济评论》百年经典论文导读2011-09-20 20:00:22| 分类:经济学| 标签:|字号大中小订阅《美国经济评论》百年经典论文导读 由美国经济学联合会主办的《美国经济评论》创刊于1911年,距今整整100周年,是在美国影响最大,也是世界知名遐迩的经济学期刊之一。
膺选论文都名重一时,代表了每一时期经济学的最高学术水平, 同时整体再现了百年来在经济学领域艰辛跋涉、不断探索的历史发展轨迹,反映了美国主流经济学的基本走向。
为了提选最具开创意义和积厚流广的论文,评委会首先使用了JSTOR(Journal Storage)系统的论文引用和查询数量作为参考指标进行初选。
论文导读按文章发表先后顺序排列:1、《生产理论》(1928) C.W.柯布与P.H.道格拉斯著本文研究了1899-1922年间美国制造业的资本、劳动与产出的关系,分析了这一时期劳动与资本两类要素对产出的影响,首次提出并使用了此后以其名字命名的不变弹性柯布-道格拉斯(Cobb-Douglas)生产函数,其一般形式为:P=ALαKβ,式中,P、L、K分别为产量、劳动、资本,A、α、β为三个参数。
他们用机器、工具、设备与建筑量测资本,制造业工人数表示劳动,经过对1899-1922年间有关经济资料的分析与估计,得到美国制造业以1899年为基准的不变价格的产量、资本和劳动投入量的数据,并总结出生产函数:P=< xmlnamespace prefix ="st1" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags"/>1.01L0.75K0.25,该函数表明这一期间的总产量中,劳动与资本所得的相对份额分别为75%与25%。
其次,利用新古典经济学分析方法,结合资本使用者成本与柯布-道格拉斯生产函数, 得出了新古典投资理论的最优资本存量方程:k*=γ pq/c其中,k、γ、p、q、c分别表示资本存量、资本产出弹性、产出价格、产量与资本使用者成本。