课程名《多媒体计算机应用基础》课程设计《红楼梦》与中国文化《计算机网络》课程设计《数据库应用技术》课程设计《数字媒体制作》课程设计《数字通信》课程设计《数字信号处理》课程设计《通信原理Ⅱ》课程设计《现代交换原理》课程设计《移动通信》课程设计3D图形程序设计3D图形程序设计7号信令和通信网信号系统ASIC设计原理及应用ASIC设计原理及应用C + +程序设计C#程序设计C++程序设计C++程序设计基础C++程序设计基础C++高级语言程序课程设计C++高级语言程序设计C++高级语言程序设计C++高级语言程序设计C++高级语言程序设计C++语言程序设计CAD/CAM技术CI策划Computer Networks and Internet C程序设计实践C程序设计实践C高级语言程序设计C高级语言程序设计C高级语言程序设计C高级语言程序设计C语言程序设计C语言程序设计C语言程序设计基础DSP技术DSP设计及应用DSP原理与应用DSP原理与应用EDA技术ERP沙盘模拟实战ERP沙盘模拟与价值管理ERP原理与应用Flash动画编程Flash动画制作ICT管制Internet 技术Internet 应用基础Internet 应用技术Internet服务质量与NS2仿真INTERNET技术Internet技术与网页制作IP电话与软交换IT服务管理IT企业文化教育Java EE平台技术Java SE 程序设计实践JAVA编程JAVA程序设计JAVA程序设计JAVA高级语言程序设计JAVA高级语言程序设计JAVA高级语言程序设计Java高级语言程序设计Java网络编程JAVA语言程序设计Java语言与编程Java语言与程序设计LABVIEW虚拟实验系统的设计Linux 操作系统Linux 操作系统LINUX操作系统Linux环境及开发工具应用实践Linux系统与程序设计Linux系统与程序设计Linux系统与程序设计基础Linux系统与程序设计基础LSI/VLSI数字集成电路MATLAB程序设计MATLAB及其在通信中的应用MATLAB应用Matlab语言及其信号处理应用MATLAB在信号与系统课程中的应用Multisim电路设计软件Multisim电路设计软件应用NS2网络仿真方法office 开发技术Photoshop电脑美术基础SoC设计方法SoPC与嵌入式系统应用TCP/IP原理与编程UNIX编程环境Unix操作系统UNIX操作系统及应用UNIX原理与编程VI形象设计VLSI原理与CAD技术VLSI原理与EDA技术WEB编程Web开发技术WEB搜索技术WINDOWS NT 系统管理WINDOWS NT系统管理WTO法XML&WebserviceXML及其应用安全及认证安全及验证安全教育办公自动化半导体器件电子学半导体器件物理半导体物理半正定规划保险学报刊选读比较政府体制毕业论文毕业论文毕业论文毕业论文毕业论文毕业论文毕业设计毕业设计毕业设计毕业设计毕业设计毕业设计毕业设计毕业设计毕业设计毕业设计毕业设计毕业设计毕业设计毕业设计毕业设计(上)毕业设计(上)毕业设计(上)毕业设计(下)毕业设计(下)毕业设计(下)毕业设计Ⅱ毕业设计Ⅱ毕业实习编码理论编码理论编码理论编译原理与技术编译原理与技术编译原理与技术编译原理与技术编译原理与技术课程设计并行计算并元理论材料力学财务管理财务管理财务会计财政学财政学财政与税收采购管理操作系统操作系统操作系统操作系统基础操作系统课程设计操作系统原理测控电路测控电路课程设计测控电子工艺实习测控技术课程设计测控软件设计实践测控系统课程设计测控仪器设计测试与检测技术基础测试与检测技术基础产品概念设计产品结构设计与表达产品开发产品开发产品开发设计产品设计(二)(信息产品)产品设计(三)(结构设计)产品设计(一)产品设计课程设计(产品、数字媒体)产品设计课程设计(产品/交互)产品摄影产品系统设计产品与品牌管理产业经济学常微分方程常微分方程成本会计程序设计基础程序设计基础程序设计课程设计程序设计实践程序设计实践程序设计语言原理与实践冲压工艺与模具设计抽样调查初等软件工程实践传感技术与应用传感技术与应用传感器网络传媒与经济传送网技术创新管理创新实验创业管理创意训练创作写作大客户营销与客户关系管理讲座大气化学与环境保护大型程序设计大型程序设计大型程序设计(二)大型程序设计(二)大型程序设计(一)大型程序设计(一)大学俄语1大学俄语2大学俄语一外1大学俄语一外2大学俄语一外3大学俄语一外4大学国文大学计算机基础大学计算机基础大学计算机基础大学美学大学日语1大学日语2大学日语3大学日语4大学日语一外1大学日语一外2大学日语一外3大学日语一外4大学生安全教育大学生心理健康教育大学生心理健康与咨询大学数学(上)大学数学(下)大学物理大学物理 (双语)大学物理(上)大学物理(下)大学物理(选修)大学物理A班大学物理B(上)大学物理B(上)A班大学物理B(上)双语班大学物理B(下)大学物理B(下)A班大学物理B(下)双语班大学物理C大学物理D(上)大学物理D(下)大学物理E大学物理解题法大学物理解题方法(上)大学物理解题方法(下)大学物理拓展与应用大学物理拓展与应用大学学习论大学学习论大学英语1-2级大学英语2大学英语3大学英语3-4级大学英语4大学英语5大学英语5大学英语二级大学英语二级大学英语二外1大学英语二外2大学英语二外3大学英语二外4大学英语二外5大学英语二外6大学英语三、四级大学英语三级大学英语四级大学英语听力口语测试大学英语五级大学英语选修大学英语一、二级大学英语一级大学英语一级大学语文大学语文大学语文水平测试大学语文水平测试大众传播学单片机C语言及应用系统设计单片机原理及PLC控制单片机原理及应用单片机原理与系统设计当代国际关系当代世界经济与政治当代世界经济与政治当代西方哲学当代中国外交当代中国政府与行政笛子演奏基本技巧典型机构分析点集拓扑学电波传播电波传播电磁场理论与微波技术电磁场实验电磁场与电磁波电磁场与电磁波电磁场与电磁波测量实验电磁场与微波技术实验电磁场与无线通信原理电磁兼容原理电磁学电磁学电动力学电动力学电机控制电接触、电连接理论电接触及电连接理论与应用电接触与电连接基础电力电子技术电路分析电路分析基础电路分析基础电路分析基础(双语)电路分析与电子电路电路分析与电子电路基础电路分析与电子电路基础电路辅助设计与仿真电路基础电路基础程序设计电路课程设计电路与电子学基础电路与电子学实验电路与信号电路综合创新实验电路综合设计类课程设计电路综合设计应用电路综合实验电路综合实验电路综合实验电路综合实验电路综合实验(1)电路综合实验(2)电信传播学电信法电信管理电信管制理论与政策电信基础电信竞争与规制电信企业资本运营电信企业资本运营电信市场竞争与规制电信系统电信系统电信新业务及技术电信与互联网基础电信运营管理电信组织管理电影欣赏电子材料学基础电子测量与电子电路实验电子测量与电子电路实验(上)电子测量与电子电路实验(上)电子测量与电子电路实验(下)电子测量与电子电路实验(下)电子电路基础电子电路基础电子电路基础电子电路自动化设计与VHDL语言电子废弃物的资源化电子工艺实习电子工艺实习电子工艺实习电子工艺实习电子工艺实习1电子工艺实习2电子及电磁场理论电子科学与技术专业课程设计电子科学与技术专业实验电子商务电子商务电子商务安全管理电子商务法电子商务法电子商务法电子商务法电子商务法电子商务概论电子商务概论电子商务概论电子商务开发技术电子商务模拟电子商务实习电子商务实习电子商务网站设计基础电子商务物流管理电子商务物流组织与管理电子商务系统建设与管理电子商务系统与技术电子商务与安全协议电子商务与电子金融电子商务与网络营销电子商务与网络营销电子设备机构设计(二)电子设备机构设计(一)电子设备结构设计电子设备结构设计(二)电子设备结构设计(一)电子系统基础电子线路设计与仿真电子信息科学与技术专业课程设计电子信息科学与技术专业实验电子信息系统概论电子学导论电子证据法概论电子政务电子政务网站设计基础电子政务网站设计实验电子政务专题讲座电子支付与网络金融调幅调频及立体声广播东西方数学文化选讲动画编剧动画场景设计动画创作动画创作动画创作实践动画概论动画技法动画技法(上)动画技法(下)动画脚本程序设计动画片赏析动画原理动画原理动画原理动漫创作综合实践动漫艺术分析动漫音乐评析短片创作短片配乐对称密码技术对称密码学及其应用多媒体和数字电视类课程设计多媒体计算机应用基础多媒体技术多媒体技术多媒体技术应用基础多媒体技术与应用多媒体技术与应用多媒体技术与应用多媒体通信多媒体通信多媒体通信类课程设计多媒体通信专业综合实验多媒体网络编程多媒体网页设计多媒体系统多媒体系统多媒体信息处理多媒体信息处理多媒体信息处理与传输多媒体信息处理与传输多媒体应用程序设计多模态信息处理多模态信息处理多元统计分析俄罗斯国情与文化概况俄语二外1俄语二外2俄语二外3二维动画创作实践二维动画制作基础发展经济学发展经济学法理学法律基础法律事业认识实习法律思想史法学论文写作技巧法语二外法语二外法语二外1法语二外2法语二外3法哲学与法社会学翻译基础翻译理论与实践 1翻译理论与实践 2翻译理论与实践(1)翻译理论与实践(2)翻译实践犯罪心理学犯罪学泛函分析仿真技术应用非线性编辑非线性光学非线性光学导论非线性光学导论非线性微分方程非线性物理非线性物理学非线性最优化方法非营利组织管理分布式计算分布式计算分布式系统分布式系统分子细胞生物学风险理论风险投资与管理服务科学与服务工程概论服务科学与工程服务营销学复变函数复变函数复变函数复杂问题的算法及程序设计概率论与数理统计概率论与数理统计概率论与数理统计概率论与随机过程概率论与随机过程高层网络协议高等代数高等代数(上)高等代数(下)高等软件工程实践高等数学(上)高等数学(上)高等数学(文上)高等数学(文下)高等数学(下)高等数学(下)高等数学A(上)高等数学A(下)高等数学B(上)高等数学B(下)高等数学解题法高等数学解题法(上)高等数学解题法(下)高等数学解题方法高等数学解题方法(下)高等统计学高级变换高级变换高级财务会计高级日语1高级日语2高级商务英语高级商务英语(双语)高级网络程序设计高级网络程序设计高级物理实验高级英语1高级英语2高频电子线路个人发展计划Ⅰ个人发展计划II个人发展计划III个体软件过程工程材料工程高等代数工程管理概论工程光学工程光学(二)工程光学(一)工程经济学工程力学工程力学与材料工程数学工程图学工程图学工程图学(二)工程图学(上)工程图学(下)工程图学(一)工程图学辅导工程项目管理实训工程项目监理工程制图基础工业机器人工业设计导论工业自动化系统课程设计工业自动化与控制网络工作分析与绩效管理工作站技术及其应用公共财政公共法语二外1公共法语二外2公共关系学公共关系学公共日语二外1公共日语二外2公共事业管理概论公共信息管理专题讲座公共行政学公共形体与礼仪公共政策公共政策公司并购法理论与实务公司法公司理财公司理财学公司运营与管理公司治理公文写作公益劳动公钥密码技术及其应用公钥密码应用供应链管理供应链管理构成设计(上)构成设计(下)构形与造型设计赏析固体物理固体物理学固体物理与半导体物理固网与移动网融合技术管理沟通管理沟通(双语)管理会计学管理经济学管理经济学管理前沿理论(第五项修炼)管理实习管理实习管理文秘管理心理学管理心理学管理信息系统管理信息系统课程设计管理学管理学概论管理学概论管理学原理管理学原理管理研讨光波导原理光波导原理与技术光传送与接入技术光电检测技术光电检测与传感技术光电检测与传感技术光电信息科学专题讲座光电子器件与集成技术光电子器件原理及应用光电子学光电子学光电子学光计算机简介光交换技术光通信的物理基础光网络基础光网络技术光纤通信光纤通信基础光纤通信类课程设计光纤通信网络光纤通信系统光纤通信系统光纤通信原理光信息处理光信息科学与技术专业课程设计光信息科学与技术专业实验光学光学光学光学系统与光电仪器光学系统与光电仪器光学信息处理广播电视艺术广告策划广告设计广告学与广告设计广告学与广告设计广告与营销策划国际电信服务贸易国际法国际法学国际会计国际会议交流英语国际结算国际结算国际金融学国际经济法国际经济法国际经济合作国际经济学国际经济学(双语)国际贸易国际贸易理论与实务国际贸易理论与实务国际贸易模拟国际贸易与国际金融国际贸易与国际金融国际贸易与金融国际企业管理国际商法国际商务函电国际商务函电(双语)国际商务礼仪国际商务礼仪国际商务礼仪(英文授课)国际市场研究国际市场营销国际市场营销国际市场营销学国际私法国际私法国际投资国际投资学国家大学英语四级考试国家大学英语四级考试国家地理资源国家公务员制度国家日语四级国家英语六级统考国家英语四级统考过程控制汉语阅读与写作航天技术概论合唱训练与指挥合同法合同法宏观经济学互动多媒体设计(二)互动多媒体设计(一)互动媒体课程设计互动媒体设计(二)互动媒体设计(一)互换性与测量技术互联网(社会)概论互联网编程互联网数据库互联网协议互联网协议互联网应用互联网应用环境法环境物理汇编语言与接口技术会计报表分析会计报表分析会计电算化会计电算化会计电算化与ERP沙盘模拟会计学会计学会计学基础会计学基础与模拟会计综合实训婚姻家庭法混沌计算混沌理论及其应用货币银行学机电控制系统机电一体化机器人嵌入式系统实验机器人系统综合实验机器视觉机器学习机器智能机械创新设计机械设计机械设计基础机械设计基础实验机械设计课程设计机械设计课程设计机械原理机械原理及设计机械原理课程设计机械制造工程基础机械制造工艺实习机械制造工艺实习机械制造基础机械制造基础(上)机械制造基础(下)机制工艺课程设计机制工艺实习基础会计学基础力学实验基础日语1基础日语2基础日语2基础日语3基础日语4基础设计基础素描基础英语(二)基础英语(一)基础英语1基础英语2基础英语3基础英语4基于C/C++语言的编程实践基于多媒体信息检索平台的设计激光光谱激光技术激光原理激光原理与技术激光原理与技术集成电路工艺及电子化学品集成电路设计概论集成电路制造技术集散控制系统集体创作集邮学集邮学计量经济学计量经济学计算导论与程序设计计算方法计算方法程序设计计算机3D造型设计计算机病毒及其防治计算机病毒及其防治计算机操作基础和程序设计计算机导论计算机犯罪计算机犯罪计算机仿真计算机仿真计算机仿真计算机辅助工业设计(二)计算机辅助工业设计(一)计算机辅助机械工程计算机工程实践计算机工程实践计算机和网络类课程设计计算机检测控制系统课程设计计算机检测控制系统课程设计(上)计算机控制仿真课程设计计算机控制系统计算机控制系统计算机控制系统设计计算机类课程设计计算机立体辅助设计计算机平面辅助设计计算机软件技术基础计算机实习计算机实习计算机实习计算机实习计算机实习计算机实习计算机实习计算机实习计算机实习计算机视觉计算机算法与数学模型计算机算法与数学模型计算机算法与数学模型(上)计算机算法与数学模型(下)计算机通信与网络计算机通信与网络实验计算机图形图像处理计算机图形学计算机图形学计算机图形学计算机图形学计算机图形学基础计算机图形学基础计算机网络计算机网络计算机网络计算机网络计算机网络计算机网络基础计算机网络技术实践计算机网络技术与应用计算机网络技术与应用计算机网络课程设计计算机网络课程设计计算机网络课程设计计算机网络实验计算机网络与通信计算机文化基础计算机系统结构计算机系统结构计算机系统结构计算机应用基础计算机游戏开发计算机与办公自动化计算机原理计算机组成与系统结构计算机组成与系统结构计算机组成原理计算机组成原理计算机组成原理计算机组成原理课程设计计算机组成原理与系统结构计算机组织与结构计算机组织与结构计算数学计算物理与实践计算物理与实践计算智能计算智能技术经济学技术经济学技术美学价格管理讲座价值评估与管理检测技术与信号处理检测与估值检测与估值理论健美健美操交互设计交互式媒体设计交互式媒体设计交互式网页设计交换网络与性能分析交流技能1交流技能2角色与场景设计脚本设计接口技术课程设计接入网技术界面设计金工实习金工实习金工实习金融法金融风险管理金融工程与风险管理金融市场金融数学金融学金融学金融学金属腐蚀和防护近代光学近代物理基础近代物理实验近代物理实验(续)近世代数近世代数及其应用近世代数及其应用经典英文电影赏析经济法经济法经济法经济法概论经济法学经济管理经济管理论文研究与写作方法经济管理综合案例分析经济统计学经济学经济学原理精密机械与仪器精密机械与仪器课程设计精算数学精算学基础竞争情报技术镜头画面设计镜头画面设计I镜头画面设计II就业指导就业指导矩阵理论剧作结构分析决策分析军事理论军训军训科技法科技史与方法学科技史与方法学科技文献检索与利用科技文献阅读与翻译科技英语笔译科技英语口译科技英语文献阅读与翻译科技英语阅读科学计算与Fortran语言科学计算与编程科学技术史可编程逻辑设计可用性测试技术客户关系管理客户关系管理前沿课程设计课程设计课程设计空间解析几何控制工程基础控制原理跨国财务管理跨国公司财务管理跨国经营跨文化交际实用技能跨文化交际学宽带接入网宽带通信网宽带通信网络宽带网络与媒体传输扩频通信篮球劳动法和社会保障法劳动合同法学乐理垒球离散多元分析离散计算机技术离散计算技术离散事件控制系统离散数学离散数学离散数学离散数学离散数学离散数学(上)离散数学(下)离散数学(下)礼仪与形象理解人际沟通理论力学理论力学力学历史管理学立体构成立体构成量子力学量子力学量子力学导论量子力学与统计物理量子力学专题讲座量子信息基础量子信息科学领导学领导学概论流体传动与控制旅游日语马克思主义基本原理马克思主义哲学原理马克思主义政治经济学原理毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想(上)毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想(上)(实践)毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想(下)毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论(下)(实践)毛泽东思想概论毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论(实践)贸易实务操作实训贸易实务操作实验美国经济、商业与股市的理解与分析美国文学美国文学简史及选读美术基础与欣赏美术鉴赏美术经典作品鉴赏美术造型基础(上)美术造型基础(下)美学概论秘书学面向对象程序设计面向对象程序设计面向对象程序设计方法面向对象程序设计与交互系统面向对象程序设计与实践(C++)1面向对象程序设计与实践(C++)2面向对象程序设计与实践1面向对象程序设计与实践2面向对象大型程序设计实践面向对象的UML与JAVA面向对象的UML与JAVA面向对象的分析与设计面向对象方法与C++面向对象分析与设计面向对象分析与设计(Java)面向领域的实践1面向领域的实践2民法分论民法学(上)民法学(下)民法总论民事诉讼法模糊集合与灰色系统应用模糊数学模拟电子技术模拟电子技术模拟法庭模拟集成电路设计模式分析模式识别模式识别模式识别模式识别及应用模式识别及应用模型制作纳米材料与技术纳米技术与纳米材料脑与认知科学基础脑与认知科学认识实验排队论排队论排球偏微分方程品牌管理与CI策划乒乓球平面构成平面构成企业ERP及应用企业电子商务管理企业管理企业管理企业管理。
英文:Student Information Management SystemOf a school, it can provide users with adequate information and efficient query tool. But there has been people using traditional artificial way, have brought many difficulties for data search, update and maintain.With the continuous improvement of the science and technology, computer science is the maturing of its powerful features has a profound understanding of people. Using a computer to manage student information, with a lot of manual management of the incomparable advantages, such as: the rapid retrieval, find a convenient, high reliability, memory capacity, security and good, long life, low cost. These advantages can the earth to improve work efficiency, therefore, to develop a student information management software is necessary. This system is to use the Visual FoxPro development and production of student information management system, has the following advantages:1) can be quickly and efficiently to achieve school student information, online query performance information;2) can easily achieve the elective operation;3) the statistics of students' basic information, and print4) just one to two management staff to the operating system, save a lot of manpower.System requirements analysis through surveys, the system needs to have the following features:1) requires a good man-machine interface to facilitate the management of the operation;2) the system using the object, requiring better management of privileges;3) the original data to modify a simple and convenient, multi-condition changes;4) to facilitate data queries, support for multi-criteria query;5) can automatically be selected and withdraw from the election operation according to the school courses.Considering this system is mainly aimed at schools, design Student Information Management System's main purpose is to use fast queries and computing capabilities of the computer, replacing the manual processing of management data, and thus the system should function, including students' basic information management, school offered by the course management, course management and performance management. The ongoing management of a variety of information of the students to achieve the modern office, we must often query the data, modify, add, delete, statistics and print and other operations by computer, therefore, the design of information management system should include these features module.Function of the system, combined with the practicality of operating convenience, the student information management system should include the system of the main module and query, maintenance, statistics, course selection and printing of several functional modules.1) the main module. This module is the main interface of the student information management, it is only that the population into the system. In the interface, thelegitimacy of the identification of system users, adding users, modify user operation, while the functional modules of the system operation method prompts.2) the query module. Query mode that the main function is to provide for the data query operation of the user interface, the user can select the appropriate query object based on the query target, and then specify the query basis, related to the query data.3) maintenance module. Maintenance module's main function is to allow users of the data in the database maintenance operations, such as add, delete, modify. The upper body of the procedure is to first select the need to maintain the object (table), then the data need to be celebrated by maintenance work.4) statistical module. The main function of the statistics module to achieve the results of the course students learn the appropriate statistical operations. Statistics in accordance with students' personal circumstances or single subject statistics.5) elective modules. The elective module courses offered by the school elective operating. In this module, provides courses to choose from, users can according to their course selection or withdraw from the election operation, elective operation can also be carried out under certain conditions, the courses can be selected credits and gate count statistics .6) Print module. Print print module real calamity for some basic information.In the implementation of this system, first of all according to the needs of different users to select the appropriate module, then the appropriate response based on the user's actions. Overall, the system is a transaction management system. Transaction processing, the system shown in Figure 2.Entities involved in database design student information management system student entity, program entities and achievements entity, which can create the corresponding database table used to store the data information of the entity. In this system, students entities and the results between the entities, the course entities and the results between the entities, a one-to-many relationship, through the index to establish the appropriate contact.The main interface of the system is the control system functional modules of the application program interface, the user can perform the various functions of the system, through the interface and the interface is still a form to.Functional sub-modules in the system query, the query on the students' basic information, course information and performance information, can form in the form of frames to the organization.1)"Student Information" query interface. Student information query interface the user can select the query conditions (name, student number, or professional) to find the students checked the students found will be displayed in the table below.2)"Course Information" query interface. The course information query interface, users can select your search criteria (course name, course number) to find the courses offered by the school, checked to find the courses will be displayed in the table below.3)"performance information" query interface. "Achievements" in the queryinterface, users can select the "Student Number" to query the results of the students in all courses, select the "Course Number" to find the results of the course students, checked the information found in the table below displayed.Syem maintenance interface is the main maintenance operations on the data in the database. The specific procedure is to first select the object (table) need to be maintained, then the need for a corresponding increase, delete, modify, and other operations.System statistics interface is mainly used for the statistics on student achievement, the main design in this system the two statistical methods, a statistics in accordance with the individual students, the other statistics in accordance with the Billing Division.System elective interface real calamity of the courses offered by the school elective operation. Offers a choice of courses in this interface, the user can according to their course selection or withdraw from the election operation, elective operation can also be carried out under certain conditions, the courses can be selected credits and gate count statistics. The interface by way of form.System print screen to print a variety of information. In the interface, you can call the form of statements in the form.Overall, this system is to use the Visual FoxPro development and design of a student information management system. School student information through the system, performance information query, modify, statistics, printing operations, and elective operation; these operations only one to two management staff to complete and save a lot of manpower, which greatly facilitates the school for students a variety of information management, improve the work efficiency, provided the conditions for the school of modern management.The following are a few examples of the application of the Visual FoxPro development and designExample one. Enrollment of new students is an important task of the annual new semester enrollment. Although admission enrollment database already has a lot of the new students’ electronic information, because of large number of guys, large amount of the data and the changes in timeliness require high, management is more complicated. If using the traditional manual processing,it is not only time-consuming, but also directly affect the quality of work and work efficiency, extremely incompatible with the management requirements of the Information Age . Therefore, in order to save manpower, time and to ensure the accuracy of management information, and subsequently to achieve the modernization of College Student Management, the development of college students in the unit rule requires the electronic registration system has become an urgent need to address the problem of the management and development of colleges and universities . VFP(Visual Foxpro)is a very good database application development software and an object-oriented programming language. It uses a visual programming system designed data access speed, compatibility, has strong portability and simple operation interface, easy to get started. In addition, due to the VFP itself NCRE two compulsory subjects, the school has a broad user base, therefore, the choice of the VFP design and development of college students in the electronic registrationsystem.Example two. Design and Implement a child care information management system developed with Visual Foxpro6.0. The system is based on C / S mode operation. Using the first to build a prototype of the local multi-user management information systems, and then promoted to the route of the C / S system development. This paper analyzes the system requirements, database design and system structure and function, and mainly discusses the key problems of the child care placement, system security control, and a sharing violation.Example three. College student should finish the photo collection unified by the Xinhua News Agency before graduation, it is sued for the diploma and on-line academic qualifications. Before the photo collection,students need to correctly fill in the “Higher education certificate image acquisition card”. The name card code, institution code, Where the campus, and other information are unfimiliar to students who are relatively unknown. Inorder to better serve students, usually bit is the school who to collate and print out the data need to fill in the information capture card data items ,then Released to the students to fill.Example four.Facing of in a wide variety of data and reports that in the evaluation process of the private enterprises, manual handling has been significantly behind the pace of modern management, the use of modern IT in the management of the assessment process is becoming a trend, based on the the VFP evaluation of management information systems, a fully object-oriented analysis and design methods, more human-friendly interface, simple and easy-to-read algorithms to achieve a convenient entry, classification, query, statistics, reports, print function, so that private enterprise assessment management can be more systematic and standardized, automation, improve work efficiency.中文:学生信息管理系统学生信息管理系统是一个学校不可缺少的部分,它能够为用户提供充足的信息和快捷的查询手段。
100个信息工程专业术语中英文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Information engineering is a vast field that covers a wide range of knowledge and skills. In this article, we will introduce 100 important terms and concepts in information engineering, both in English and Chinese.1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) - 人工智能2. Machine Learning - 机器学习3. Deep Learning - 深度学习4. Natural Language Processing (NLP) - 自然语言处理5. Computer Vision - 计算机视觉6. Data Mining - 数据挖掘7. Big Data - 大数据8. Internet of Things (IoT) - 物联网9. Cloud Computing - 云计算10. Virtual Reality (VR) - 虚拟现实11. Augmented Reality (AR) - 增强现实12. Cybersecurity - 网络安全13. Cryptography - 密码学14. Blockchain - 区块链15. Information System - 信息系统16. Database Management System (DBMS) - 数据库管理系统17. Relational Database - 关系数据库18. NoSQL - 非关系型数据库19. SQL (Structured Query Language) - 结构化查询语言20. Data Warehouse - 数据仓库21. Data Mart - 数据集市22. Data Lake - 数据湖23. Data Modeling - 数据建模24. Data Cleansing - 数据清洗25. Data Visualization - 数据可视化26. Hadoop - 分布式存储和计算框架27. Spark - 大数据处理框架28. Kafka - 流数据处理平台29. Elasticsearch - 开源搜索引擎30. Cyber-Physical System (CPS) - 嵌入式系统31. System Integration - 系统集成32. Network Architecture - 网络架构33. Network Protocol - 网络协议34. TCP/IP - 传输控制协议/互联网协议35. OSI Model - 开放系统互连参考模型36. Router - 路由器37. Switch - 交换机38. Firewall - 防火墙39. Load Balancer - 负载均衡器40. VPN (Virtual Private Network) - 虚拟专用网络41. SDN (Software-Defined Networking) - 软件定义网络42. CDN (Content Delivery Network) - 内容分发网络43. VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) - 互联网语音44. Unified Communications - 统一通信45. Mobile Computing - 移动计算46. Mobile Application Development - 移动应用开发47. Responsive Web Design - 响应式网页设计48. UX/UI Design - 用户体验/用户界面设计49. Agile Development - 敏捷开发50. DevOps - 开发与运维51. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) - 持续集成/持续部署52. Software Testing - 软件测试53. Bug Tracking - 缺陷跟踪54. Version Control - 版本控制55. Git - 分布式版本控制系统56. Agile Project Management - 敏捷项目管理57. Scrum - 敏捷开发框架58. Kanban - 看板管理法59. Waterfall Model - 瀑布模型60. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) - 软件开发生命周期61. Requirements Engineering - 需求工程62. Software Architecture - 软件架构63. Software Design Patterns - 软件设计模式64. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) - 面向对象编程65. Functional Programming - 函数式编程66. Procedural Programming - 过程式编程67. Dynamic Programming - 动态规划68. Static Analysis - 静态分析69. Code Refactoring - 代码重构70. Code Review - 代码审查71. Code Optimization - 代码优化72. Software Development Tools - 软件开发工具73. Integrated Development Environment (IDE) - 集成开发环境74. Version Control System - 版本控制系统75. Bug Tracking System - 缺陷跟踪系统76. Code Repository - 代码仓库77. Build Automation - 构建自动化78. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) - 持续集成/持续部署79. Code Coverage - 代码覆盖率80. Code Review - 代码审查81. Software Development Methodologies - 软件开发方法论82. Waterfall Model - 瀑布模型83. Agile Development - 敏捷开发84. Scrum - 看板管理法85. Kanban - 看板管理法86. Lean Development - 精益开发87. Extreme Programming (XP) - 极限编程88. Test-Driven Development (TDD) - 测试驱动开发89. Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) - 行为驱动开发90. Model-Driven Development (MDD) - 模型驱动开发91. Design Patterns - 设计模式92. Creational Patterns - 创建型模式93. Structural Patterns - 结构型模式94. Behavioral Patterns - 行为型模式95. Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) - 软件开发生命周期96. Requirement Analysis - 需求分析97. System Design - 系统设计98. Implementation - 实施99. Testing - 测试100. Deployment - 部署These terms are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to information engineering. As technology continues to advance, new terms and concepts will emerge, shaping the future of this dynamic field. Whether you are a student, a professional, or just someone interested in technology, familiarizing yourself with these terms will help you navigate the complex world of information engineering.篇2100 Information Engineering Professional Terms in English1. Algorithm - a set of instructions for solving a problem or performing a task2. Computer Science - the study of computers and their applications3. Data Structures - the way data is organized in a computer system4. Networking - the practice of linking computers together to share resources5. Cybersecurity - measures taken to protect computer systems from unauthorized access or damage6. Software Engineering - the application of engineering principles to software development7. Artificial Intelligence - the simulation of human intelligence by machines8. Machine Learning - a type of artificial intelligence that enables machines to learn from data9. Big Data - large and complex sets of data that require specialized tools to process10. Internet of Things (IoT) - the network of physical devices connected through the internet11. Cloud Computing - the delivery of computing services over the internet12. Virtual Reality - a computer-generated simulation of a real or imagined environment13. Augmented Reality - the integration of digital information with the user's environment14. Data Mining - the process of discovering patterns in large data sets15. Quantum Computing - the use of quantum-mechanical phenomena to perform computation16. Cryptography - the practice of securing communication by encoding it17. Data Analytics - the process of analyzing data to extract meaningful insights18. Information Retrieval - the process of finding relevant information in a large dataset19. Web Development - the process of creating websites and web applications20. Mobile Development - the process of creating mobile applications21. User Experience (UX) - the overall experience of a user interacting with a product22. User Interface (UI) - the visual and interactive aspects of a product that a user interacts with23. Software Architecture - the design and organization of software components24. Systems Analysis - the process of studying a system's requirements to improve its efficiency25. Computer Graphics - the creation of visual content using computer software26. Embedded Systems - systems designed to perform a specific function within a larger system27. Information Security - measures taken to protect information from unauthorized access28. Database Management - the process of organizing and storing data in a database29. Cloud Security - measures taken to protect data stored in cloud computing environments30. Agile Development - a software development methodology that emphasizes collaboration and adaptability31. DevOps - a set of practices that combine software development and IT operations to improve efficiency32. Continuous Integration - the practice of integrating code changes into a shared repository frequently33. Machine Vision - the use of cameras and computers to process visual information34. Predictive Analytics - the use of data and statistical algorithms to predict future outcomes35. Information Systems - the study of how information is used in organizations36. Data Visualization - the representation of data in visual formats to make it easier to understand37. Edge Computing - the practice of processing data closer to its source rather than in a centralized data center38. Natural Language Processing - the ability of computers to understand and generate human language39. Cyber Physical Systems - systems that integrate physical and computational elements40. Computer Vision - the ability of computers to interpret and understand visual information41. Information Architecture - the structural design of information systems42. Information Technology - the use of computer systems to manage and process information43. Computational Thinking - a problem-solving approach that uses computer science concepts44. Embedded Software - software that controls hardware devices in an embedded system45. Data Engineering - the process of collecting, processing, and analyzing data46. Software Development Life Cycle - the process of developing software from conception to deployment47. Internet Security - measures taken to protectinternet-connected systems from cyber threats48. Application Development - the process of creating software applications for specific platforms49. Network Security - measures taken to protect computer networks from unauthorized access50. Artificial Neural Networks - computational models inspired by the biological brain's neural networks51. Systems Engineering - the discipline that focuses on designing and managing complex systems52. Information Management - the process of collecting, storing, and managing information within an organization53. Sensor Networks - networks of sensors that collect and transmit data for monitoring and control purposes54. Data Leakage - the unauthorized transmission of data to an external source55. Software Testing - the process of evaluating software to ensure it meets requirements and functions correctly56. Internet Protocol (IP) - a set of rules for sending data over a network57. Machine Translation - the automated translation of text from one language to another58. Cryptocurrency - a digital or virtual form of currency that uses cryptography for security59. Software Deployment - the process of making software available for use by end-users60. Computer Forensics - the process of analyzing digital evidence for legal or investigative purposes61. Virtual Private Network (VPN) - a secure connection that allows users to access a private network over a public network62. Internet Service Provider (ISP) - a company that provides access to the internet63. Data Center - a facility that houses computing and networking equipment for processing and storing data64. Network Protocol - a set of rules for communication between devices on a network65. Project Management - the practice of planning, organizing, and overseeing a project to achieve its goals66. Data Privacy - measures taken to protect personal data from unauthorized access or disclosure67. Software License - a legal agreement that governs the use of software68. Information Ethics - the study of ethical issues related to the use of information technology69. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - the process of optimizing websites to rank higher in search engine results70. Internet of Everything (IoE) - the concept of connecting all physical and digital objects to the internet71. Software as a Service (SaaS) - a software delivery model in which applications are hosted by a provider and accessed over the internet72. Data Warehousing - the process of collecting and storing data from various sources for analysis and reporting73. Cloud Storage - the practice of storing data online in remote servers74. Mobile Security - measures taken to protect mobile devices from security threats75. Web Hosting - the service of providing storage space and access for websites on the internet76. Malware - software designed to harm a computer system or its users77. Information Governance - the process of managing information to meet legal, regulatory, and business requirements78. Enterprise Architecture - the practice of aligning an organization's IT infrastructure with its business goals79. Data Backup - the process of making copies of data to protect against loss or corruption80. Data Encryption - the process of converting data into a code to prevent unauthorized access81. Social Engineering - the manipulation of individuals to disclose confidential information82. Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) - the network of medical devices connected through the internet83. Content Management System (CMS) - software used to create and manage digital content84. Blockchain - a decentralized digital ledger used to record transactions85. Open Source - software that is publicly accessible for modification and distribution86. Network Monitoring - the process of monitoring and managing network performance and security87. Data Governance - the process of managing data to ensure its quality, availability, and security88. Software Patch - a piece of code used to fix a software vulnerability or add new features89. Zero-Day Exploit - a security vulnerability that is exploited before the vendor has a chance to patch it90. Data Migration - the process of moving data from one system to another91. Business Intelligence - the use of data analysis tools to gain insights into business operations92. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) - a protocol that encrypts data transmitted over the internet93. Mobile Device Management (MDM) - the practice of managing and securing mobile devices in an organization94. Dark Web - the part of the internet that is not indexed by search engines and often used for illegal activities95. Knowledge Management - the process of capturing, organizing, and sharing knowledge within an organization96. Data Cleansing - the process of detecting and correcting errors in a dataset97. Software Documentation - written information that describes how software works98. Open Data - data that is freely available for anyone to use and redistribute99. Predictive Maintenance - the use of data analytics to predict when equipment will need maintenance100. Software Licensing - the legal terms and conditions that govern the use and distribution of softwareThis list of 100 Information Engineering Professional Terms in English provides a comprehensive overview of key concepts and technologies in the field of information technology. These terms cover a wide range of topics, including computer science, data analysis, network security, and software development. By familiarizing yourself with these terms, you can better understand and communicate about the complex and rapidly evolving world of information engineering.篇3100 Information Engineering Professional Terms1. Algorithm - 算法2. Artificial Intelligence - 人工智能3. Big Data - 大数据4. Cloud Computing - 云计算5. Cryptography - 密码学6. Data Mining - 数据挖掘7. Database - 数据库8. Deep Learning - 深度学习9. Digital Signal Processing - 数字信号处理10. Internet of Things - 物联网11. Machine Learning - 机器学习12. Network Security - 网络安全13. Object-Oriented Programming - 面向对象编程14. Operating System - 操作系统15. Programming Language - 编程语言16. Software Engineering - 软件工程17. Web Development - 网页开发18. Agile Development - 敏捷开发19. Cybersecurity - 网络安全20. Data Analytics - 数据分析21. Network Protocol - 网络协议22. Artificial Neural Network - 人工神经网络23. Cloud Security - 云安全24. Data Visualization - 数据可视化25. Distributed Computing - 分布式计算26. Information Retrieval - 信息检索27. IoT Security - 物联网安全28. Machine Translation - 机器翻译29. Mobile App Development - 移动应用开发30. Software Architecture - 软件架构31. Data Warehousing - 数据仓库32. Network Architecture - 网络架构33. Robotics - 机器人技术34. Virtual Reality - 虚拟现实35. Web Application - 网页应用36. Biometrics - 生物识别技术37. Computer Graphics - 计算机图形学38. Cyber Attack - 网络攻击39. Data Compression - 数据压缩40. Network Management - 网络管理41. Operating System Security - 操作系统安全42. Real-Time Systems - 实时系统43. Social Media Analytics - 社交媒体分析44. Blockchain Technology - 区块链技术45. Computer Vision - 计算机视觉46. Data Integration - 数据集成47. Game Development - 游戏开发48. IoT Devices - 物联网设备49. Multimedia Systems - 多媒体系统50. Software Quality Assurance - 软件质量保证51. Data Science - 数据科学52. Information Security - 信息安全53. Machine Vision - 机器视觉54. Natural Language Processing - 自然语言处理55. Software Testing - 软件测试56. Chatbot - 聊天机器人57. Computer Networks - 计算机网络58. Cyber Defense - 网络防御60. Image Processing - 图像处理61. IoT Sensors - 物联网传感器62. Neural Network - 神经网络63. Network Traffic Analysis - 网络流量分析64. Software Development Life Cycle - 软件开发周期65. Data Governance - 数据治理66. Information Technology - 信息技术67. Malware Analysis - 恶意软件分析68. Online Privacy - 在线隐私69. Speech Recognition - 语音识别70. Cyber Forensics - 网络取证71. Data Anonymization - 数据匿名化72. IoT Platform - 物联网平台73. Network Infrastructure - 网络基础设施74. Predictive Analytics - 预测分析75. Software Development Tools - 软件开发工具77. Information Security Management - 信息安全管理78. Network Monitoring - 网络监控79. Software Deployment - 软件部署80. Data Encryption - 数据加密81. IoT Gateway - 物联网网关82. Network Topology - 网络拓扑结构83. Quantum Computing - 量子计算84. Software Configuration Management - 软件配置管理85. Data Lakes - 数据湖86. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - 基础设施即服务87. Network Virtualization - 网络虚拟化88. Robotic Process Automation - 机器人流程自动化89. Software as a Service (SaaS) - 软件即服务90. Data Governance - 数据治理91. Information Security Policy - 信息安全政策92. Network Security Risk Assessment - 网络安全风险评估93. Secure Software Development - 安全软件开发94. Internet Security - 互联网安全95. Secure Coding Practices - 安全编码实践96. Secure Network Design - 安全网络设计97. Software Security Testing - 软件安全测试98. IoT Security Standards - 物联网安全标准99. Network Security Monitoring - 网络安全监控100. Vulnerability Management - 漏洞管理These terms cover a wide range of topics within the field of Information Engineering, and are essential in understanding and discussing the various aspects of this discipline. It is important for professionals in this field to be familiar with these terms in order to effectively communicate and collaborate with others in the industry.。
外文翻译08信管(2)班Xc08540214 张力炯原文1Verifying Policy-Based Web Services Security SECURITY POLICIES FOR WEB SERVICES1 Web Services and XML Rewriting AttacksWe consider systems of SOAP processors distributed across multiple machines. The primitive message pattern is asynchronous communication of a single SOAP message from one processor to another. A common derived message pattern is a request-response protocol between a client and a server. A single SOAP processor (e.g., a web server) may act both as a client and a server. For example, acting as a server, it may receive a request and then, acting as a client of another server, send a new request and use the subsequent response to construct its response to the original request.Each SOAP message conforms to an XML schema for an envelope, comprising an optional header element for routing, security, and other metadata, plus a mandatory body element containing the message payload. For instance, here is a simple (unprotected) envelope.<Envelope><Header><To>/service.asmx</To><Action>http://petshop/premium</Action><MessageId>uuid: 5ba86b04...</MessageId></Header><Body><GetOrder><orderId>20</orderId></GetOrder></Body></Envelope>We treat SOAP faults as ordinary SOAP responses. For the sake of read-ability,our presentation omits many details of the XML wire format, such as XML namespace information, and uses an abstract syntax for policies and configurations. Our formalism retains many details of the XML syntax, as they matter for security; for example, an XML signature may cover some chosen subset of the SOAP headers, so our model needs to represent the various headers. Even though our formalism hides some of the XML details, our tools directly consume and produce the XML file formats used by WSE.There is a risk, of course, that SOAP messages may be read in transit by a passive attacker able to read network traffic. Moreover, SOAP messages may be created, modified, and replayed by an active attacker able to inject messages into the network. (In fact, the flexibility and explicitness of SOAP messages also make such attacks easier to set up.) The usual solution is to secure messages with cryptography. The details are subtle. The incorrect use of cryptography may leave vulnerabilities open to attack, as described by Needham and Schroeder [1978]. The conservative recommendation of Needhamand Schroeder is that the security goals of protocols based on cryptography should be established even in the presence of a demanding adversary: one who is in control of the network, has the use of some of the cryptographic keys belonging to principals of the system, and may employ these keys in attacks against other principals.2 WS-SecurityAs we discuss elsewhere [Bhargavan et al. 2005a], WS-Security provides a precise grammar and default processing for elements in the security header, but prescribes no fixed protocol itself.Hence,compared to traditional transport security, WS-Security is more flexible, yet more costly in terms of performance and complexity.In this article, we consider two representative sorts of security token; the standard defines several others. An X.509 token supports XML encryption and signature based on public-key cryptography. It is an XML element whose convent is an encoding of an X.509 certificate, a binary format including a subject name and a public key, jointly signed by a private key of some certification authority.A username token [Nadalin et al. 2004a] supports XML signature based on password sharing. It is an XML element that always includes a username and may include other elements such as a timestamp and a nonce. Provided sender and receiver know the password associated with the username, they can derive a shared symmetrickey from the token by hashing the password with the timestamp and nonce, and then use this key to produce and verify the MAC embedded in the signature. The mechanism for key derivation is left unspecified in the standard. For concreteness, we follow the WSE implementation, which uses the P SHA1 function defined in TLS [Dierks and Rescorla 2006] to derive keys that are used for message authentication—but not for encryption. However, this does not reflect a limitation in our formalism or analyses, which can be used to model both signature and encryption using a variety of key derivation algorithms.We assume a population of known principals, principals able to authenticate their identity via passwords or public keys. For simplicity, principals are identified by their name, as it appears in security tokens: the subject field in X.509 certificates, and the username element in username tokens. We let names range over arbitrary strings. We say a security token is known if it is recognized by the system. An X.509 token is known if the underlying X.509 certificate is issued by an acceptable certification authority. A username token is known if the corresponding username and password are registered in the password database. Not all known principals are trusted to keep their cryptographic materials secret (see Section 3.4).作者:Karthikeyan Bhargavan,Cédric Fournet,Andrew D. Gordon国籍:英国出处:Verifying policy-based security for web services译文1验证基于策略的Web服务安全性Web服务的安全策略1. Web服务和XML重写攻击我们认为SOAP处理器系统分布在多台机器。
外文资料:Information management systemWiliam K.Thomson U.S.AAbstract:An information storage, searching and retrieval system for large (gigabytes) domains of archived textual dam. The system includes multiple query generation processes, a search process, and a presentation of search results that is sorted by category or type and that may be customized based on the professional discipline(or analogous personal characteristic of the user), thereby reducing the amount of time and cost required to retrieve relevant results.Keyword:Information management Retrieval system Object-Oriented1.INTRUDUCTIONThis invention relates to an information storage, searching and retrieval system that incorporates a novel organization for presentation of search results from large (gigabytes) domains of archived textual data.2.BACKGROUDN OF THE INVENTIONOn-line information retrieval systems are utilized for searching and retrieving many kinds of information. Most systems used today work in essentially the same manner; that is, users log on (through a computer terminal or personal microcomputer, and typically from a remote location), select a source of information (i.e., a particular database) which is usually something less than the complete domain, formulate a query, launch the search, and then review the search results displayed on the terminal or microcomputer, typically with documents (or summaries of documents) displayed in reverse chronological order. This process must be repeated each time another source (database) or group of sources is selected (which is frequently necessary in order to insure all relevant documents have been found).Additionally, this process places on the user the burden of organizing and assimilating the multiple results generated from the launch of the same query in each of the multiple sources (databases) that the user needs(or wants) to search. Present systems that allow searching of large domains require persons seeking information in these domains to attempt to modify their queries to reduce the search results to a size that the user can assimilate by browsing through them (thus, potentially eliminating relevant results).In many cases end users have been forced to use an intermediary (i.e., a professional searcher) because the current collections of sources are both complex and extensive, and effective search strategies often vary significantly from one source to another. Even with such guidance, potential relevant answers are missed because all potentially relevant databases or information sources are not searched on every query. Much effort has been expended on refining and improving source selection by grouping sources or database files together. Significant effort has also been expended on query formulation through the use of knowledge bases and natural language processing. However, as the groupings of sources become larger, and the responses to more comprehensive search queries become more complete, the person seeking information is often faced with the daunting task of sifting through large unorganized answer sets in an attempt to find the most relevant documents or information.3.SUMMARY OF THE INVENTIONThe invention provides an information storage, searching and retrieval system for a large domain of archived data of various types, in which the results of a search are organized into discrete types of documents and groups of document types so that users may easily identify relevant information more efficiently and more conveniently than systems currently in use. The system of the invention includes means for storing a large domain of data contained in multiple source records, at least some of the source records being comprised of individual documents of multiple document types; means for searching substantially all of the domain with a single search query to identify documents responsive to the query; and means for categorizing documents responsive to the query based on document type, including means for generating a summary of the number of documents responsive to the query which fall within various predetermined categories of document types.The query generation process may contain a knowledge base including a thesaurus that has predetermined and embedded complex search queries, or use natural language processing, or fuzzy logic, or tree structures, or hierarchical relationship or a set of commands that allow persons seeking information to formulate their queries.The search process can utilize any index and search engine techniques including Boolean, vector, and probabilistic as long as a substantial portion of the entire domain of archived textual data is searched for each query and all documents found are returned to the organizing process.The sorting/categorization process prepares the search results for presentation by assembling the various document types retrieved by the search engine and then arranging these basic document types into sometimes broader categories that are readily understood by and relevant to the user.The search results are then presented to the user and arranged by category along with an indication as to the number of relevant documents found in each category. The user may then examine search results in multiple formats, allowing the user to view as much of the document as the user deems necessary.4.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGSFIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating an information retrieval system of the invention;FIG. 2 is a diagram illustrating a query formulation and search process utilizedin the invention;FIG. 3 is a diagram illustrating a sorting process for organizing and presentingsearch results.5.BEST MODE FOR CARRYING OUT THE INVENTIONAs is illustrated in the block diagram of FIG. 1 , the information retrieval system of the invention includes an input/output process ,a query generation process, a search process that involves a large domain of textual data (typically in the multiple gigabyte range), an organizing process, presentation of the information to the user, and a process to identify and characterize the types of documents contained in the large domain of data.Turning now to FIG. 2, the query generation process preferably includes a knowledge base containing a thesaurus and a note pad, and preferably utilizes embedded predefined complex Boolean strategies. Such a system allows the user to enter their description of the information needed using simple words/phrases made up of "natural" language and to rely on the system to assist in generating the full search query, which would include, e.g., synonyms and alternate phraseology. The user can then request, by a command such as "VI CO 1", to view the completedocument selected from the list, giving, in this case, complete information about the identity and credentials of the expert.FIG. 3 illustrates how five typical sources of information (i.e., source records) can be sorted into many document types and then subsequently into categories. For example, a typical trade magazine may contain several types of information such as editorials, regular columns, feature articles, news, product announcements, and a calendar of events. Thus, the trade magazine (i.e., the source record) may be sorted into these various document types, and these document types in turn may be categorized or grouped into categories contained in one or more sets of categories; each document type typically will be sorted into one category within a set of categories, but the individual categories within each set will vary from one set to another. For example, one set of categories may be established for a first characteristic type of user, and a different set of categories may be established for a second characteristic type of user. When a user corresponding to type #1 executes a search, the system automatically utilizes the categories of set #1, corresponding to that particular type of user, in organizing the results of the search for review by the user. When a user from type #2 executes a search, however, the system automatically utilizes the categories of set #2 in presenting the search results to the user.The information storage, searching and retrieval system of the invention resolves the common difficulties in typical on-line information retrieval systems that operate on large (e.g., 2 gigabytes or more) domains of textual data, query generation, source selection, and organizing search results. The information base with the thesaurus and embedded search strategies allows users to generate expert search queries in their own "natural" language. Source (i.e., database) selection is not an issue because the search engines are capable of searching substantially the entire domain on every query. Moreover, the unique presentation of search results by category set substantially reduces the time and cost of performing repetitive searches in multiple databases and therefore of efficiently retrieving relevant search results.While a preferred embodiment of the present invention has been described, it should be understood that various changes, adaptations and modifications may be made therein without departing from the spirit of the invention and the scope of the appended claims.中文译文:信息管理系统Wiliam K.Thomson U.S.A摘要:一个信息存储,查询和检索系统主要应用于大(千兆字节)的需要存档的文字领域。
Information Technology, the Internet and you
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, THE INTERNET, AND YOU(信息技术、互联网和你)INFORMATION SYSTEMS(信息系统)The way to think about a microcomputer is to re-alize that it is one part of an information sys-tem. There are five parts of an information system:译文:把微型计算机作为信息系统其中的一部分来考虑。
信息系统有五个部分:1.People are an essential part of the system. The purpose of information systems is to makepeople, or end users like you, more productive.译文:人是系统中必不可少的一部分。
2.Procedures are rules or guidelines to follow when using software, hardware, and data. Theyare typically documented in manuals written by computer professionals.译文:步骤是当使用软件、硬件和数据时可以遵循的规则或者指导方针。
3.Software(programs) provides step-by-step instructions to control the computer to con-vertdata into information.译文:软件(程序)提供一步一步的指示来控制计算机将数据转换成信息。
4.Hardware consists of the physical equipment. It is controlled by software and processes datato create information.译文:硬件包括物理设备。
中英文对照翻译附录1 外文翻译(原文)Systems Analysis and DesignWorking under control of a stored program, a computer processes data into information. Think about that definition for a minute. Any given computer application involves at least three components: hardware, software, and data. Merely writing a program isn't enough; because the program is but one component in a system.A system is a group of components that work together to accomplish an objective. For example, consider a payroll system. Its objective is paying employees. What components are involved? Each day,employees record their hours worked on time cards. At the end of each week, the time cards are collected and delivered to the computer center, where they are read into a payroll program. As it runs, the program accesses data files. Finally, the paychecks are printed and distributed. For the system to work, people, procedures, input and output media, files, hardware, and software must be carefully coordinated. Note that the program is but one component in a system.Computer-based systems are developed because people need information. Those people, called users, generally know what is required, but may lack the expertise to obtain it. Technical professionals, such as programmers, have the expertise, but may lack training in the user's field. To complicate matters, users and programmers often seem to speak different languages, leading to communication problems. A systems analyst is a professional who translates user needs into technical terms, thus serving as a bridge between users and technical professionals.Like an engineer or an architect, a systems analyst solves problems by combining solid technical skills with insight, imagination, and a touch of art. Generally, the analyst follows a well-defined, methodical process that includes at least the following steps;1.Problem definition2.Analysis3.Design4.Implementation5.MaintenanceAt the end of each step, results are documented and shared with both the user and the programmers. The idea is to catch and correct errors and misunderstandings as early as possible. Perhaps the best way to illustrate the process is through example.Picture a small clothing store that purchases merchandise at wholesale, displays this stock, and sells it to customers at retail. On the one hand, too much stock represents an unnecessary expense. On the other hand, a poor selection discourages shoppers. Ideally, a balance can be achieved: enough, but not too much.Complicating matters is the fact that inventory is constantly changing, with customer purchases depleting stock, and returns and reorders adding to it. [1] The owner would like to track inventory levels and reorder and given item just before the store runs out. For a single item, the task is easy-just count the stock-on-hand. Unfortunately, the store has hundreds of different items, and keeping track of each one is impractical. Perhaps a computer might help.2-1 Problem DefinitionThe first step in the systems analysis and design process is problem definition. The analyst's objective is determining what the user (in this case, the store's owner) needs. Note that, as the process begins, the user possesses the critical information, and the analyst must listen and learn. Few users are technical experts. Most see the computer as a "magic box, "and are not concerned with how it works. At this stage, the analyst has no business even thinking about programs, files, and computer hardware, but must communicate with the user on his or her own term.The idea is to ensure that both the user and the analyst are thinking about the same thing-Thus, a clear, written statement expressing the analyst's understanding of the problem is essential. The user should review and correct this written statement. The time to catch misunderstandings and oversights is now, before time, money and effort are wasted.Often, following a preliminary problem definition, the analyst performs a feasibility study. The study a brief capsule version of the entire systems analysis and design process, attempts to answer three questions:1.Can the problem be solved?2.Can it be salved in the user's environment?3.Can it be solved at a reasonable cost?If the answer to any one of these questions is no, the system should not be developed. Given a good problem definition and a positive feasibility study, the analyst can turn to planning and developing a problem solution.2- 2 AnalysisAs analysis begins, the analyst understands the problem. The next step is determining what must be done to solve it. The user knows what must be done 1 during analysis; this knowledge is extracted and formally documented. Most users think in terms of the functions to be performed and the data elements to be manipulated. The objective is to identify and link these key functions and data elements, yielding a logical system design.Start with the system's basic functions. The key is keeping track of the stock-on-hand for each product in inventory. Inventory changes because customers purchase, exchange, and return products, so the system will have to process customer transactions. The store's owner wants to selectively look at the inventory level for any product in short supply and, if appropriate, order replacement stock, so the system must be able to communicate with management. Finally, following management authorization, the system should generate a reorder ready to send to a supplier.Fig 1Given the system's basic functions, the analyst's next task is gaining a sense of their logical relationship. A good way to start is by describing how data flow between the functions. As the name implies, data flow diagrams are particularly useful for graphically describing these data flows. Four symbols are used (Fig. 1). Data sources and destinations are represented by squares; input data enter the system from a source, and output data flow to a destination. Once in the system, the data are manipulated orchange by processes, represented by round-corner rectangles. A process might be a program, a procedure, or anything else that changes or moves data. Data can be held for later processing in data stores, symbolized by open-ended rectangles. A data store might be a disk file, a tape file, a database, written notes, or even a person's memory. Finally, data flow between sources, destinations, processes, end data stores over data flows, which are represented by arrows.Fig 2Figure 2 shows a preliminary data flow diagram for the inventory system. Start with CUSTOMER. Transactions flow from a customer f into the system, where they are handled by Process transaction. A data store, STOCK, holds data on each item in inventory. Process transaction changes the data to reflect the new transaction. Meanwhile, MANAGEMENT accesses the system through Communicate, evaluating the data in STOCK and, if necessary, requesting a reorder. Once, a reorder is authorized. Generate reorder sends necessary data to the SUPPLIER, who ships the items to the store. Note that, because the reorder represents a change in the inventory level of a particular product or products it is handled as a transaction.The data flow diagram describes the logical system. The next step is tracing the data flows. Start with the destination SUPPLIER. Reorders flow to suppliers; for example, the store might want 25 pairs of jeans. To fill the order, the supplier needs the product description and the reorder quantity. Where do these data elements come from? Since they are output by Generate reorder, they must either be Input to or generated by this process. Data flow into Generate reorder for STOCK; thus, product descriptions and reorder quantities must be stored in STOCK.Other data elements, such as the item purchased and the purchase quantity are generated by CUSTOMER. Still others, for example selling price and reorder point, are generated by or needed by MANAGEMENT. The current stock-on-hand for agiven item is an example of a data element generated by an algorithm in one of the procedures. Step by step, methodically, the analyst identifies the data elements to be input to .stored by, manipulated by, generated by, or output by the system.To keep track of the data elements, the analyst might list each one in a data dictionary. A simple data dictionary can be set up on index cards, but computerized data dictionaries have become increasingly popular. The data dictionary, a collection of data describing and defining the data, is useful throughout the systems analysis and design process, and is often used to build a database during the implementation stage.The idea of analysis is to define the system's major functions and data elements methodically. Remember that the objective is translating user needs into technical terms. Since the system starts with the user, the first step is defining the user's needs. Users think in terms of functions and data. They do not visualize programs, or files, or hardware .and during this initial, crucial analysis stage it is essential that the analyst think like a user, not like a programmer.Data flow diagrams and data dictionaries are useful tools. They provide a format for recording key information about the proposed system. Also, they jog the analyst's memory) for example, if the analyst doesn't have sufficient information to complete a data dictionary entry, he or she has probably missed something. Perhaps most importantly, the data flow diagram and the data dictionary document the analyst's understanding of the system requirements. By reviewing these documents, the user can correct misunderstandings or oversights. Finally, they represent an excellent starting point the next step, design.2-3 DesignAs we enter the design stage, we know what the system must do, and thus can begin thinking about how to do it. The objective is to develop a strategy for solving the problem. At this stage, we are not interested in writing code or in defining precise data structures; instead, we want to identify, at a black box level, necessary programs, files, procedures, and other components.The data flow diagram defines the system's necessary functions; how might they be implemented? One possibility is writing one program for each process. Another is combining two or more processes in a single program; there are dozens of alternative solutions. Let's focus on one option and document it.A system flowchart uses symbols to represent programs, procedures, hardware devices, and the other components of a physical system (Fig. 3). Our flowchart (.Fig.4) shows that transaction data enter the system through a terminal, are processed by a data collection program, and then are stored on an inventory file. Eventually, the inventory file is processed by a Report and reorder program. Through it, management manipulates the data and authorizes reorders.Fig. 4 on a system flowchart, symbols represent programs, procedures, hardware devices, and the other components of a physical system.Fig 3Look at the system flowchart. It identifies several hardware components, including a computer, a disk drive, a data entry terminal, a printer, and a display terminal. Two programs are needed; Process transaction and Report and reorder. In add ition to the hardware and the programs, we’ll need data structures for the inventory file and for data flaws between the I/O devices and the software. Note that this system flowchart illustrates one possible solution; a good analyst will develop several feasible alternatives before choosing one.Fig 4The flowchart maps the system, highlighting its major physical components. Since the data link the components, the next task is defining the data structures. Consider, for example, the inventory file. It contains all the data elements from the data store STOCK. The data elements are listed in the data dictionary. Using them, the file's data structure can be planned,How should the file be organized? That depends on how it will be accessed. For example, in some applications, data are processed at regular, predictable intervals. Typically, the data are collected over time and processed together, as a batch. If batch processing is acceptable, a sequential file organization is probably best.It is not always possible to wait until a batch of transactions is collected, however. For example, consider an air defense early warning system. If an unidentified aircraft is spotted it must be identified immediately the idea of waiting until 5 _ 00 p.m. because "that's when the air defense program is run" is absurd. Instead, because of the need for quick response, each transaction must be processed as it occurs. Generally such transaction processing systems call for direct access file.Our inventory system has two programs. One processes transactions. A direct access inventory file seems a reasonable choice. The other allows management to study inventory data occasionally; batch processing would certainly do. Should the inventory file be organized sequentially or directly? Faced with such a choice a good analyst considers both options. One possible system might accept transactions and process them as they occur. As an alternative, sales slips might be collected throughout the day and processed as a batch after the store closes. In the first system, the two programs would deal with direct access files; in the second system, they would be linked to sequential files. A program to process direct access data is different from a program to process sequential data. The data drive the system. The choice of a data structure determines the program’s structure. Note that the program is defined and planned in the context of the system.2- 4 ImplementationOnce the system's major components have been identified .we can begin to develop them. Our system includes two programs, several pieces of equipment, and a number of data structures. During implementation, each program is planned and written using the techniques described in Chapter 7. Files are created, and theircontents checked. New hardware is purchased, installed, and tested. Additionally, operating procedures are written and evaluated. Once all the component parts are ready, the system is tested. Assuming the user is satisfied, the finished system is released.2- 5 MaintenanceMaintenance begins after the system is released. As people use it, they will suggest minor improvements and enhancements. Occasionally, bugs slip through debug and testing, and removing them is another maintenance task. Finally, conditions change, and a program must be updated; for example, if the government passes a low changing the procedure for collecting income taxes, the payroll program must be modified. Maintenance continues for the life of a system, and its cost can easily match or exceed the original development cost. Good planning, solid documentation, and well-structured programs can help to minimize maintenance cost.附录2 外文翻译(译文)系统的分析与设计在存储程序的控制下,计算机把数据处理成信息。
信息技术课程标准英文译文General High SchoolCurriculum Standard inTechnology’s Area(The part of IT)The People’s Republic of China2003-3ContentI. Curriculum’s basic ideaII. The thoughts of curriculum design 4III. Curriculum goalIV. Content standard1 Compulsory part 91.1 Compulsorymodule: The IT foundation92 Elective parts. 122.1 Elective Module1: The algorithm and the programming2.1.1 The basicprocess to solve problems by using the computer2.1.2 Preliminarylearning on programming language2.1.3 Somealgorithms for solving problems2.2 Elective Module2: The application of multimedia technology2.2.1 Multimediatechnology and social life2.2.2 Collect andprocess multimedia information2.2.3 Express andexchange multimedia information2.3 Elective Module3: The application of network technology2.3.1 Internetapplication182.3.2 The networktechnology foundation192.3.3 Design andevaluate websites192.4 Elective Module4: The data management technology2.4.1 Elementaryknowledge of data management2.4.2 Create, useand maintain database212.4.3 Databaseapplication system212.5 Elective Module5: The preliminary learning on artificial2.5.1 Knowledge andits express222.5.2 Reasoning andexpert system232.5.3 Artificialintelligence language and problem solutionV. Suggestions for implementation1 Suggestions forinstruction252 Suggestions forassessment282.1. Principle forassessment282.2 Assessmentcontent and assessment way2.3 Organize andimplement assessment313 Suggestions fortextbook compilation324 Suggestions forusing and developing curriculum resourcesVI. CasesI. Curriculum’s basic idea1. Information literacy, the need for qualifiedcitizen in an era of informationInformation literacy is necessaryfor people in the era of information. The high school IT curriculum is based on the compulsory education’s ITcurriculum. Its objective is to improve students’ information literacy. Therefore,the curriculum emphasizes the solution of actual problems, permits the student toexperience the progress by collecting, processing, managing, expressing andexchanging information, so as to let them rein the IT, feel the information culture, strengthen informationconsciousness, and internalize information ethics. High school students then becomecitizens with good information literacy better adapted to the era ofinformation.2. Good information environment, the platform oflifelong studyThe developmentof IT curriculum should integrate educational resources to provide thenecessary software, hardware and healthy information for the students bymotivating families, schools and communities. This will then create a goodinformation environment, not only for the students’ present learning, but a lsofor lifelong learning.3. Characteristics of IT curriculum, all students’needThe fullconsideration of high school students’ level and individual differences meanswe should emphasize students making choices and designs by themselves. Weshould also extend the curriculum’s content appropriately, develop eachindividual potential.Attention should be paid to theimbalance of each area’s development. In the premise of achieving the ITcurriculum standard, we encourage consideration to be given to individual developmentin response to different conditions.4.Problem solving, using IT in innovational practiceThe high school IT curriculum emphasizesthe design of problems in relationship with students’ actual life and study, introducingstudents to the methods and ideas of applying IT to solve problems. It alsoencourages students to actively apply IT for production, life, practice andeven innovation.5.Healthy Information Culture, constructed in communication and collaborationThe high schoolIT curriculum encourages students to apply the appropriate IT to express theirown ideas, communicate and collaborate in study and life. In this way, studentscan share thinking process, stimulate inspiration and self-reflection, promotefriendships and construct together a healthy information culture.II. The thoughts of curriculum design1. Thethoughts of curriculum design and the module structureIT education has already surpassed pure computer skills training,changing into an information literacy education that adapts to the demands ofinformation society.Therefore,the design of high school IT curriculum has three characteristics:(1)The curriculum goal is the integration of humanities literacy and applicationability.(2)The curriculum content conforms to the demand of physical and mentaldevelopment.(3) The curriculum structure is helpful tostudents’ individual and comprehensive development.The high school IT curriculum includes two parts: one is compulsory,another is elective. The compulsory part contains only one module named “the ITfoundation”, which is linked up to compulsory education, while the electivepart contains five modules. Each module has 2 academic credits. Since the compulsorypart is the foundation to raise students’ information literacy, it is the premise of studying each elective module. This module is organized from thebasics of processing & communicating information to IT in social practice.Based on students applying IT to solve problems in daily study and life, theessential aim of this module is to enable students to acquire methods of collecting,processing, managing, expressing and communicating information andexperiences.The students are required to rationally experience and construct theinformation culture’s modality and connotation, understa nd IT’s influence onsocietal development, and construct the relevant &#118alues and responsibilities.It is suggested that this module start in the first semester of high schoolfreshman class.The elective part includes five modules: “Elective Module 1: Thealgorithm and the programming”, “Elective Module 2: The application ofmultimedia technology”, “Elective Module 3: The application of networktechnology”, “Elective Module 4: The data management technology”, and “ElectiveModule 5: The preliminary learning on artificial intelligence”. Each module hasthe &#118alue of 2 academic credit points. The elective part attaches muchimportance in raising both students’ technical ability and humanities literacybased on the compulsory part. It is a platform to enhance not only the students’information literacy but also their individual development. Every module’scontent design pays attention to technology’s depth and breadth, and moderatelyreflects the frontier of technological progress. It also emphasizes the expressionof ideas concerning technology and information culture. In these five modules,Module 1 is designed for the computer application’s technological base; Module2, 3 and 4, for the general IT application; Module 5 for the intelligentinformation processing technology. The five modules are parallel and relativelyindependent, made to strengthen the freedom for students to select their own learningarea. There are different conditions to put these five modules into practice. Everyschool should initially offer at least two modules among elective module 1, 2,3 and 4, and find ways to gradually overcome all kinds of difficulties such asfunds, teachers, location, equipment, and so on, in order to put all modules intopractice. It is suggested that the elective part start in the second semesterof high school freshman class or later. Because Module 1 is relevant to somecontent of math curriculum, this Module is supposed to start in the firstsemester of the second year or later.Someof the contents of IT range in "general technology curriculum" are"the electronic control technology" and "the simple robotmanufacture", etc.Becausesome of the content of IT development can require higher conditions, it is notsuitable to be contained in national curriculum. But Schools, now ever maydevelop local curriculum or school curriculum to embody this content. Schoolsmust also be good at discovering the students who really have IT talent orstrong skills, and give them the special education.Inorder to guarantee effective study schools should ensure that students have along period of time to pursue their study in this field.Thechat about relationship between six modules:2.Relating to academic evaluationIfa student wants to get the high school graduation qualifications, he must gainat least 4 academic credit points in IT curriculum (2 for compulsory module, 2for elective module). If a student has more interest and potential in ITcurriculum, it is suggested the student study more modules and gain moreacademic credits to prepare for future study.3.Frame of content StandardContentStandard is the core of high school IT curriculum standard, which is composedof “content text”, “example” and “activity suggested”. The “content text” isthe body, the “example” is a further explanation of the “content text”, and the“activity suggested” is used to guide teachers through the method of teaching.(4) Learninggoal and behavior verbInorder to help readers to understand the curriculum standard, the following categoriesshow the behavior verb, the corresponding study goal and the level ofproficiency that is used in it.各水平的要求内容标准中使用的行为动词3. Be capable of discovering problems in dailystudy and life. which are required utilizing information and IT to solve; and beingcapable of defining information need through problem analysis.4. According to the needs of the task studentsshould be capable of determining the information type and origin, evaluate theauthenticity, accuracy and relevance of information.5. Be capable of choosing theappropriate IT tool to collect, save and manage information effectively.6. Be capable of adopting the appropriate IT tooland manner to present information, express viewpoints, communicate ideas andpromote collaboration.7. Be proficient in utilizing the IT tool toattempt creative exploration or solve actual problems through planned andreasonable information processing.8. Be capable of elevating their own and otherstudents’ information activity process and result, be capable of inducing basicideas and methods of applying IT to solve problems.3.Feeling, attitude and &#118alue9. Experience the cultural connotation containedin IT, stimulate and maintain the appetite to learn IT, and achieve thepositive attitude in learning & utilizing IT as well as taking parting ininformation activity.10. Be capable of dialectically comprehending theinfluence that IT has on the development of society and the progress in science& technology, daily study and life.11. Be capable of understanding and observing theethics, morals, laws and regulations related to information activities, and usingIT responsibly, safely and in a healthy manner.Inconclusion, the above three aspects of information literacy mesh mutually, and relateto each other organically. They constitute the high school IT curriculum’soverarching goal. In the course of actual instruction, we are supposed to guidestudents harmoniously improving the integration of the three aspects ofinformation literacy, as opposed to separate the relationship between these threeaspects thus raising them in isolated instructional activities.IV. Content standard1 Compulsory part1.1 Compulsory module: TheIT foundationThis module is compulsory and is organized by introducing the basicsof processing & communicating IT information in social practice. Since thecompulsory element is the foundation raising students’ information literacy, itis the premise of studying each elective module.After studyingthis module, students ought to acquire methods of how to collect, process,manage, express and communicate information; they should be proficient inapplying IT in order to solve problems in daily study and life; as well asexperience and rationally construct the information culture’s modality andconnotat ion; finally, they ought to understand IT’s influence on thedevelopment of society and construct the relevant &#118alues and responsibilities. Theinstruction of this module should relate to students’ daily study and life, andlet students improve information literacy by personal experience.This module is composed of 4 topics; its structureis as follows:1.1.1 CollectingInformation1. Contentstandard(1) Describe theinformation’s basic characteristics, enumerate instances of IT application, andknow the history of IT and the development tendency.Example: The beacon tower, letter, telegramtelephone, broadcast television and computer network all represent thedifferent stages of IT development.(2) Know the multiplicity of information sources and its practicalsignificance; be able to define the information needed and information sourcesaccording to the problems, and choose suitable methods of collectinginformation.(3) Graspseveral kinds of important strategies and the skills to search information innetwork, while being capable of legitimately colleting on-line information.(4) Grasp the basic methods of estimating the &#118alue of information,and be able to distinguish and evaluate information.2. Suggestions for instructional activitiesIT enables people to know everything that happenedaround the world in the shortest time. For example, weather information mayupdate synchronically with the observatory’s forecast, but certainly not allwebsites which provide weather information to visitors make full use of thissuperiority. In order to seek the most dependable weather forecast website,student may make an investigation on this topic, visit weather forecastwebsites, and make statistics and analysis according to its updating speed,accuracy (compared with actual weather situation) and so on.1.1.2 Processingand expressing information1. Content standard(1)Be capable of proficiently utilizing words and graphs processing software, etc.to process information for expressing viewpoints according to the needs of thetask. Also be capable of choosing appropriate software to process multimediainformation for presenting a topic and doing it with originality.Example: May usemultimedia material processing software, multimedia integration software, andhomepage manufacture software and so on to process the multimedia information.(2) Be capable of conforming to laws and regulations to use networkand other media for issuing information and idea.(3) Be capable of elementarily grasping several basic methods ofprocessing information by using computers, and to know its work process andbasic characteristics.(4) Through the use of some intelligent information processingsoftware, experience its basic work process and know its &#118alue in practicalapplication.Example 1: Type of pattern recognition: Optical characterrecognition (OCR), Chinese character input by handwriting, Chinese characterinput by voice, etc.Example 2: Type of natural languages recognition: Natural languagedialogue and machine translation, etc.2. Suggestions for instructional activities(1) The approaches of applying the computer to solve actual problemsare diverse. We may program the computer as well as utilize words and graphprocessing software and so on to process information. The teachers maydemonstrate and dissect a segment of computer programs, and may also letstudents program in a high-levelprogramming language to solve a simple problem according to the actualsituation.(2)Use the bidirectional translation software to translate a paragraph of an Englisharticle to Chinese at first, and then translate this Chinese paragraph back toEnglish. Evaluate its accuracy and discuss the advantages and disadvantages ofmachine translation.(3) Visit awebsite on natural language processing, for example:Http://www-ai.ijs.si/eliza/eliza.html or /live.html,use natural language to dialogue with robot in this website, find its flawsduring conversation and discuss the current limitation in natural languageprocessing.1.1.3 ManageInformation & resource s1. Content standard(1) Throughthe actual operation or the field survey, know the aim and methods of common informationresource management, describe each method’s characteristics and analyze itsrationality.Example 1: personal books, library books, audio and video material,Internet information and so on, all needto be managed.Example 2: The aim of managing instructional information &resources: raises the instructional information & resources’ utilizationratio, thus improving instructional efficiency and quality.(2) Through the use of common database application systems, realizethe superiority of using database to save, manage and search mass information.(3) Throughdissecting some simple databases, know the basic ideas and methods of how tomanage information in databases.2. Suggestions for instructional activities(1) Under the teachers's guidance, each group chooses a topicrelated to database, discusses the methods and plans of how to create a database.According to the actual situation, they may moderately participate in theconstruction of school educational resources database.(2) Visit an on-line database, for example: "the scientificdatabase" (/), make an investigation on a topic (forexample: the eyes and the vision), analyse information searched in this databse,and discuss these information’s accuracy, abundance, dependability and so on.1.1.4IT and society1. Content standard(1) Discuss the influence that IT had on the development of society,on the progress in technology, on the daily study and life.Example 1: Utilize the Internet and otherinformation channels to make an investigation on new vegetable breeds, andformulate a plan on how to introduce some breeds.Example 2: E-mail has facilitated people'scommunication, but the junk mails bring the trouble.(2) Be capable of utilizing modern information communication channelsto make wide collaboration and solve problems in study and life.(3) Strengthen consciousness to observe the ethics, morals, laws andregulations related to information activities, and be responsible in using IT.(4) During the course of using the Internet, understand the basicconnotation about regulations and ethics; be capable of distinguishing andresisting the wrong information; enhance the safe consciousness aboutcommunication in network.(5) Enhance the consciousness of the safety of information, graspthe basic methods to guard against viruses and protect information; know thedanger of using computers to commit a crime, foster positive actions toparticipate safely in information activity.(6) Know the possible disadvantages that IT brings to our physical andmental health, foster positive actions for the safe useof IT.Example 1: if adolescents indulge themselves onthe Internet for a long period of time, they can easily reduce social skills.Example 2: If one looks at the monitor for a longperiod of time, it can easily lead to fatigued eyes and harm one’s health.2. Suggestions for instructional activities(1) Supposing the scho ol willopen a BBS for students, now, some rules for regulating everybody’s behaviorneed to be established. According to this school’s specific situation, studentsmay need to establish their own regulations.(2) There is a famous cartoon whose topic is "on the Internet,nobody knows you are a dog"; also written as follows, "Don’t thinkyou are a dog hidden deeply ". Organize the student to discuss: What arethe new ethical problems caused by the anonymous activity in network?(3) Looked from the basis of communication structure, the telephoneis the point-to-point information communication network, the broadcast televisionis the point-to-all information communication network, and the computer networkis the point(all)-to-point(all) information communication network. Give someexamples and discuss the influences on our social life caused by each kind of communicationstucture.2 Elective parts2.1 Elective Module 1: Thealgorithm and the programmingThe purpose of this module is to let studentsexperience the idea of algorithm, know the role and function of algorithm andprogramming in solving problems; be capable of designing algorithm andprogramming to solve simple problems. This module is elective.The instructionof this module should link up to some content of the math curriculum, emphasizethe union of theory and practice, guide students to carefully discover actualproblems, then design algorithms and programs to solve them. Teachers shouldtry their best to discover the talented students in programming, and give themgood opportunities to improve their capacity in programming according to actualconditions. This module pays more attention to the methods of how to solveactual problems by algorithm and programming, therefore it is not necessary tospecify a certain programming language, and programming language may be electedaccording to actual need.This module iscomposed of 3 topics; its structure is as follows:2.1.1 The basicprocess to solve problems by using the computer1. Content standard(1) Basedon some relevant examples, experience the basic process of solving problems byanalyzing problems, designing algorithm and programming, also know the role, functionof algorithm and programming in problems solving.(2) Experience the process how to describe algorithm in naturallanguage, flowchart or pseudo code, etc.(3) During the course of programming computers to solve actualproblems, take part in activities including watching & imitating teachers’sdemonstration and inquiry & practicing in person, so as to understand threekinds of basic control structures (order, selection and circulation) and itsimportant functions, grasp the basic concepts of computer programs, and becapable of explaining the basic executing process of computer programs.(4) Be familiar with the elementary knowledge of programminglanguages, program editting softwares, compiling programs, linking programs andprogramming environment, etc.2. Suggestions for instructional activitiesSome experts believed that the problems solved byusing computers might be classified into three types according to theirstructured degree. The type of structured problem is able to describe and be solvedby using the formalization or formulation methods; the type of non-structuredproblems are difficult to describe definitely and we generally resort toexperience to solve them; the type of half-structured problems are between theaforementioned two types. Please make and investigate on some instancescontaining structured problems, induce and summarize the common regularities tosolve these types of problems.2.1.2 Preliminarylearning on programming language1. Content standard(1) Understand and grasps the elementary knowledge of one kind ofprogramming language, including sentence, data type, variable, constant,expression and function. Be capable of programming three kinds of control structuresincluding order, selection and circulation.Example1: Order structure: A train goes ahead at a speed per 40 KM an hour (V = 40km/h), then at an accelerated speed of 1.5 m/s2(a=1.5 m/s2), what isthe train’s speed (V) and the distance (S) departed from the starting pointsafter 2 minutes.Example 22.4 Elective Module 4: Thedata management technologyThe datamanagement technology has already been applied in many fields and widely seepedinto people's social life. The design of this module is based on theapplication of data management technology.After learning this module, students ought tograsp the basic knowledge of data management technology and the common methods ofdesigning database; elementarily utilize database to manage information andsolve problems in daily study and life, and experience and understand theimportant influence that data management technology has on people’s social life.The instruction of this module should em phasizethe understanding of “relationship” characteristics in data technology, with aneye on data management technology application in actual life and study, whilepaying attention to the relevant technology’s development trend. In practicalinstruction, the teachers may choose to introduce one common databasemanagement systems.This module iscomposed of 3 topics; its structure is as follows:2.4.1 Elementaryknowledge of data management1. Content standard(1) Know thebasic concept of data management technology and be capable of describing itsprocreative background and development trend.(2) Be capableof using the available database to assist learning and make monographic study.Example: by theaid of "the databank of nutritional and physical status of Chinesepopulation"(/), know the different areas of the stateof youngster nutritional and physical health in our country.(3) Grasp theconcepts in relational database: base, table, field, record, and understand themeaning of “relation”.(4) Byinvestigating and analyzing examples, understand the application methods and&#118alues of databases in the multimedia and network.2. Suggestionsfor instructional activities(1) Though visitingor using different database application systems such as library books querysystem, hospital management system, train tickets booking system and so on,analyze their organizational structure of basic data.(2) Every groupcollaborates to determine a study topic, for example, “the rare and preciousanimal protection”, query relative databases on the Internet or otherresources, and write a monographic report.2.4.2 Create, use andmaintain database1. Contentstandard(1) By analyzingthe example, grasp the basic methods of how to collect data, classify data and createdata relational model. Be capable of describing the data’s relational model byusing an entity relationship diagram.(2) Be familiar withone database management system software; grasp the basic methods of how tocreate a database structure, edit and add data.Example 1: Createa database to save the basic information on some scenic spots.Example 2: Makean investigation of a classmate’s basic information, design the structure of"classmate basic information database" and describe it using a table.(3) Grasp thebasic methods of how to query data and output report sheet, grasp the methods ofhow to filter and order statistical data.(4) Grasp thebasic methods of how to link databases, input and output data.(5) Understandthe basic concept of SQL (Structured Query Language); grasp the basic dataoperation and dataquery sentences (SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE) in SQL.2. Suggestionsfor instructional activitiesEvery group collaborates to design a databaseproject about a “student is personal study portfolio” according to the requestof some curriculum instruction, and recommend it to the teachers for using inactual instructional activities.2.4.3 Databaseapplication system1. Contentstandard(1) Understandthe basic concept of the hierarchical and mesh data model.(2) Throughanalyzing cases, understand the concepts and their correlation of database,database management system and database application system.(3) Grasp thebasic methods of how to design and realize a simple database applicationsystem.(4) Be capableof describing the functions that database application systems have ininformation resource management.(5) Understandthe idea and significance of data standardization; know its &#118alues andfunctions in constructing database application system.2. Suggestionsfor instructional activities(1) Design andrealize a database application system for managing family CDs or personal books.This system should have friendly interface to input and query statistical data.(2) Collectinformation about database application, classify them and create a database forclassmate and teachers to share.2.5 ElectiveModule 5: The preliminary learning on artificialintelligenceArtificial intelligence (AI) technology is a hot topicin current IT application & paredwith the common information processing technology, the artificial intelligencetechnology has originality in the solution strategies and processing methods.This module is designed to introduce the artificial intelligence’s basicconcept and content for students to understand and grasp easily.After learningthis module, students should grasp the basic concept of artificialintelligence, use a kind of artificial intelligence language to solve simpleproblems, and understand its basic characteristics; be capable of utilizing thesimple expert system shell to develop the simple expert system; know theinfluence that artificial intelligence has on people’s study and life; furtherhope for the development prospect of IT an d pursue the future life by feeling therich charm of artificial intelligence technology.The instruction of this module should emphasis to letstudents experience several representative artificial intelligenceapplications. Teachers should spread out instruction according to the highschool student's foundation of knowledge and the school’s actual conditions. Studentswho have talent or strong suitability in AI should be given special education.It is not necessary to specify a certainartificial intelligence language,and artificialintelligence language may be elected according toactual need.This module is composed of 3 topics. Its structureis as follows:2.5.1 Knowledge andits express1. Contentstandard(1)Be capable of describing the basic concepts and features of artificialintelligence; know the facts and objective rules that the artificialintelligence technology is developing with the progress and application need ofcomputer hardware and software technology.(2) Enumeratethe main application fields of artificial intelligence; experience severalrepresentative artificial intelligence applications through demonstration oractual operation, and understand its development。
信息工程专业术语中英译文信息工程专业术语中英译文汇总menu 选单menu bar 菜单条menu dialog 选项单式对话menu formet 项目单格式menu selection 项目单选择menu technique 菜单技术mercury delay line 水银延迟线mercury memory 水银存储器mercury storage 水银存储器merge 归并merge exchange sort 归并交换分类merge order 归并次序merge program 归并程序merge sort 归并分类merging 归并mesh 网格mesh connected array 网状连接阵列mesh network 网状网铬mesh of cells 细胞网meshed network 网状网铬message 信息message block 信息块message buffer 消息缓冲区message circuit 报文线路message compression 报文压缩message control program 信息控制程序message exchange 信息交换message formet 消息格式message handler 报文处理程序message header 报文标头message passing 信息传递message processing 报文处理message processing program 信息控制程序message queue 信息排队message routing 消息路由选择message segment 报文段message switching 数据交换message switching center 信息转接中心message switching computer 报文转接计算机message text 报文正文message trailer 报文尾message transport 信息转送messaging 报文发送metacompiler 元编译程序metadata 元数据metaknowledge 元知识metal oxide semiconductor 金属氧化物半导体metalanguage 元语言metalinguistic variable 元语言变量metaprogram 元程序metarule 元规则metasymbol 元符号meter case 仪其mf 中频mft 任务固定的'多道程序设计系统mh 报文处理程序mhz 兆赫micr 磁墨水字符识别microammeter 微安计microanalysis 微量分析microassembler 微汇编程序microbrain 微脑microchip 微型芯片microcircuit 微电路microcode 微指令microcode memory 微编码存储器microcoding 微程序设计microcommend 微命令microcomputer 微计算机microcomputer software 微计算机软件microcomputer system 微计算机系统microcontroller 微控制器microelectronics 微电子学microfiche 缩微胶片microfloppy disk 缩微型软磁盘microfloppy disk drive 微型软磁盘驱动器microimege 缩微图像microinstruction 微指令micrologic 微逻辑micromeinframe 微型助microminiaturization 超小型化micromodule 微型组件microoperation 微操作microoptoelectronics 微光电子学microorder 微命令microphone 传声器话筒microprinter 微型印刷机microprocessing 微信息处理microprocessor 微处理机microprocessor based system 基于微处理机系统microprocessor chip 微处理机芯片microprocessor exerciser 微处理机试验器microprocessor set 微处理机集microprocessor system 微处理机系统microprocessor unit 微处理机部件microprogram 微程序microprogram memory 微程序存储器microprogram unit 微程序部件microprogrammeble computer 微程序控制计算机microprogrammeble instruction 微程序指令microprogrammed control 微程序控制microprogramming 微程序设计microprogramming control 微程序控制microroutine 微例行程序microsecond 微秒microvoltmeter 微伏计mid frequency 中频middle frequency 中频middleware 中间软件migration 迁移milliammeter 毫安计million instruction per second 百万条指令/秒millivoltmeter 毫伏特计mimd archictecture 多指令多数据玲构mimd mechine 多指令多数据龙mini laser 小型激光器miniassembler 小型汇编程序miniature electronic brain 微型电脑miniaturization 小型化miniaturization of components 元件小型化miniaturized circuit 小型电路minicassette 小型卡型盒式磁带minicomputer 小型计算机minidisc 小型磁盘minification 微小minifloppy 小软盘minimizing of commend language 指令语言的最小化minimum access coding 最快存取编码minimum access programming 最快存取程序设计minimum access routine 最佳程序minimum delay coding 最小延迟编码minimum distance code 最小距离码minimum latency 最小等待时间minimum length tree 最小长度树minimum scale value 最小刻度值minor control change 次要控制改变minor cycle 小周期minor failure 次要故障minor structure 子结构minor time slice 小时间片minor total 小计minterm 最小项minuend 被减数minus zone 负区mips 百万条指令/秒mirror imege 镜象mirroring 镜面反射mis 管理信息系统miscalculation 计算错误miscellaneous time 杂项时间misd architecture 多指令单数据系结构misfeed 误传送mismetching 失配misoperation 误操作misphasing 相移miss 失误missing page 缺页missing page interrupt 缺页。
学生基本信息管理系统英语In the fast-paced world of technology, the need for efficient and effective tools to manage student information has become paramount. The Student Information Management System (SIMS) is a cutting-edge solution thatrevolutionizes the way educational institutions handle and store student data. This system not only enhances the overall administrative efficiency but also ensures the accuracy and security of sensitive student information.The core functionality of SIMS revolves around the centralized storage and retrieval of student details. These details range from basic information such as name, age, and gender to academic records, attendance, and disciplinary actions. The system allows educators and administrators to access this information seamlessly, enabling them to make informed decisions and provide personalized learning experiences.One of the most significant benefits of SIMS is its ability to streamline administrative tasks. With all student data stored in one central location, teachers and administrators can spend less time searching forinformation and more time focusing on teaching and learning. This saves valuable resources and enables educational institutions to function more efficiently.Moreover, SIMS enhances the accuracy of student data. Automated data entry and validation features reduce the chances of human error, ensuring that student records are accurate and up-to-date. This is crucial for tracking student progress, identifying areas of need, and planning appropriate interventions.Security is another crucial aspect of SIMS. With strict data encryption and access controls, the system ensuresthat student information remains confidential and protected from unauthorized access. This is especially important in today's digital age, where data breaches and privacy concerns are on the rise.However, it's important to note that the effectivenessof SIMS depends heavily on the quality of data entered into the system. If the initial data is incomplete or inaccurate, the system's ability to provide valuable insights and support decision-making will be compromised. Therefore,it's essential to invest in training and educating staff on the importance of accurate data entry.Additionally, SIMS can be customized to meet the specific needs of different educational institutions. Whether it's a primary school, secondary school, or university, the system can be tailored to accommodate unique requirements and processes. This flexibility allows institutions to leverage the full potential of SIMS and maximize its benefits.In conclusion, the Student Information Management System is a critical tool for modern education. It revolutionizes the way student data is managed, enhancing administrative efficiency, ensuring data accuracy, and safeguarding student privacy. By investing in this technology, educational institutions can streamline operations, improve decision-making, and ultimately provide a better learning experience for their students.**学生信息管理系统:现代教育的关键工具**在科技快速发展的今天,对于高效、实用的学生信息管理工具的需求变得至关重要。
信息管理英语教程_中英文对照翻译(一至四篇)1.What is information?information is part of all human experience .Acquiring and processing information are fundamental aspect of life itself current interest in a “science”of information has develop as the result of the complexity of life’s problem.The rapid development of technology,the growth of knowledge,and the fast pace of the modern world create an increasing awareness of the importance of information and the need for professionals dedicate to studying and understanding it信息是人类所有经验的一部分。
2. The late scholar Fritz Machlup carefully accessed the different meaning associated with information. some interpretation that have been made from these sources are as follow:Something one didn’t know beforeHow data are interpretedA clueSomething that effort what one already knowSomething useful in some way to the person receiving itSomething used in decision makingSomething that reduces uncertaintyThe meaning of word in sentencesSomething that provide more than what is statedSomething that changes what a person who receive it believes or expects晚学者弗里茨?马克卢普通过仔细分析这些相关信息的不同意义。
会计学accountancy美国研究American studies解剖与生物结构学anatomy &structural biology古代史ancient history动物行为学animal behaviour动物认知学animal cognition动物科学与心理animal science & physiology南极研究Antarctic studies人类学anthropology应用行为分析applied behaviour analysis应用经济/金融学applied economics/ finance应用科学applied science建筑研究/技术architecture studies/ technology艺术策展art curatorship艺术史与理论art history & theory艺术与语言教育arts & languages education艺术(应用型)arts(applied)亚洲语言Asian languages亚洲研究Asian studies天文学与天体物理学astronomy & astrophysics听觉学audiology行为分析behaviour analysis生化工程biochemical engineering生物化学biochemistry生物工程/生物加工工程bioengineering/ bioprocess engineering 生物信息学bioinformatics生物科学biological sciences生物数学biomathematics生物医学科学/工程biomedical science/ engineering生物安全biosecurity/ bioprotection生物技术biotechnology广播broadcasting建筑科学/技术building science/ technology工商管理business administration商业电脑business computing商业管理business management商务business/ commerce细胞与分子生物科学/生物科技cell & molecular化学工程/技术chemical engineering/ technology化学物理chemical physics化学chemistry儿童与家庭心理学child & family psychology儿童权益child advocacy中文Chinese基督教思想与历史Christian thought & history电影研究cinema studies土木工程civil engineering古典学classics临床心理学clinical psychology临床教学clinical teaching服装与纺织学clothing & textile science认知科学cognitive science商业法commercial law通讯障碍communication disorders通讯研究/管理communication studies/ management社区牙科community dentistry社区营养community nutrition比较文学comparative literature比较生理学comparative physiology计算机应用数学computational & applied mathematics计算机建模computational modelling计算机平面设计computer graphic design计算机科学computer science计算机安全与验证computer security & forensics计算机系统/系统工程/网络computer systems/ systems engineering/ networks 计算机技术/工程computing technology/ engineering计算机/计算机应用computing/ applied computing保育生物学conservation biology施工管理construction management咨询counseling创意写作creative writing刑事学criminology文化研究cultural studies舞蹈dance人口统计demography牙科卫生/手术/技术/治疗dental hygiene/ surgery/ technology/ therapy设计design发展研究/经济学development studies/ economics电子设计digital design电子音乐/声音艺术digital music/ sonic art外交与国际关系diplomacy & international relations争议解决dispute resolution戏剧drama土地与土壤科学earth & soil science生态及健康ecology & health生态学/生物多样性/生态系统ecology/ biodiversity/ ecosystems电子商务/电子商务技术e-commerce/ e-commerce technology经济学/经济计量学economics/ econometrics教育education教育与教学(幼儿教育)education & teaching (early childhood)教育与教学(小学)education & teaching (primary)教育与教学(中学)education & teaching (secondary)教育管理(领导)educational administration(leadership)电子/电气与电子工程electronics/ electrical & electronics engineering应急管理emergency management雇佣关系employment relations能源研究与管理energy studies & management工程engineering工程与工业管理engineering & industrial management工程地质学engineering geology工程管理engineering management工程数学engineering mathematics英语语言能力English language proficiency英语教学/第二语言教学English language teaching/ TESOL/ second language teaching 英语/英国问文学English/ English literature企业发展enterprise development创业/创新entrepreneurship/ innovation环境健康environmental health环境管理/规划environmental management/ planning环境科学/工程environmental science/ engineering伦理学ethics民族音乐学ethnomusicology欧洲研究European studies欧盟研究European Union studies活动管理events management生物进化学evolutionary biology高层管理培训executive education时尚fashion电影/电视/屏幕与媒体film/ television/ screen & media金融finance美术fine art消防工程fire engineering鱼类生理学fish physiology食品科学/工程/技术food science/ engineering/ technology法医学forensic science林业/林业工程/农林业forestry/ forestry engineering/ agro forestry预科foundation studies法语French淡水管理freshwater management人体机能生物学functional human biology性别与妇女研究gender & women’s studies遗传学genetics地理信息系统geographic information system地理geography地质geology地球物理学geophysics德语German平面设计graphic design古典希腊学Greek(classic)风险评估与管理hazard assessment & management保健发展与政策health development & policy健康科学health sciences历史history历史与科学哲学history & philosophy of science人类发展human development计算机人机界面技术human interface technology人力资源管理/发展human resource management/ development人性化服务human services水文学/水科学与技术hydrology/ water science & technology免疫学immunology原住民研究indigenous studies工业与组织心理学industrial & organizational psychology工业生物科学industrial bioscience工业设计industrial design劳资关系与人力资源管理industrial relations & human resource management 感染与免疫infection & immunity信息与通讯工程information & communication engineering信息科学information science信息系统/管理/技术information system/management/ technology创新科技innovation & technology室内设计interior design国际商务/经济学international business/ economics国际法律与政治international law & politics国际管理international management国际关系/外交/安全研究international relations/ diplomacy/ security studies 口译interpreting毛利解读与翻译interpreting & translating Maori意大利语Italian日语Japan新闻学journalism韩语Korean劳工研究labor studies土地与空间信息研究land & spatial information management土地规划与发展land planning& development拉丁文Latin(classic)拉丁美洲研究Latin American studies法律law图书馆与信息管理library &information management语言学/应用语言学linguistics/ applied linguistics物流与供应链管理logistics & supply chain management管理与可持续发展management & sustainability管理科学management science管理沟通/管理/系统management communication/ management/ systems 制造系统工程manufacturing systems engineering毛利与本土文化Maori & indigenous knowledge毛利与太平洋发展Maori & pacific development毛利商务/毛利资源开发Maori business/ Maori resource development 毛利研究/语言Maori studies/ language毛利视觉艺术Maori visual arts海洋科学marine science市场营销marketing市场营销与传媒marketing& communication大众传媒mass communication材料与工艺工程materials & process engineering材料科学/技术materials science/ technology数学物理mathematical physics数学与哲学mathematics & philosophy数学教育mathematics education数学/应用数学mathematics/ applied mathematics机电一体化/机械工程mechatronics / mechanical engineering媒体研究media studies医疗检验学medical laboratory science医疗物理学medical physics医疗物理学medical physics(clinical)医疗科学medical science医药学medicine中世纪与近代欧洲研究medieval & early modern European studies心理健康mental health微生物microbiology现代语言modern languages分子生物科学/生物科技molecular biosciences / biotechnology分子医学molecular medicine货币与金融money & finance多媒体multimedia博物馆研究/文物研究museum studies/ heritage studies音乐music音乐(古典表演)music(classical performance)音乐(合成)music(composition)音乐(爵士乐)music(jazz)音乐教育/历史/教学music education/history/ teaching音乐表演(器乐与声乐)/音乐才能music performance(instrumental & vocal)/ musicianship 自然资源经济学/管理natural resource economics/ management自然资源工程学natural resource engineering神经学neuroscience新西兰法律研究New Zealand legal studies新西兰研究New Zealand studies护理学nursing护理与助产nursing & midwifery营养学nutrition职业健康occupational health职业理疗师occupational therapy运营管理operations management运筹学operations research验光optometry组织领导与发展organizational leadership & development组织领导与心理organizational leadership & psychology户外教育outdoor education太平洋研究pacific studies绘画painting公园与康乐管理parks & recreation management病理pathology和平研究peace studies表演艺术performing arts个人理财规划personal finance planning药理学/药学pharmacology/ pharmaceutical science药房pharmacy哲学philosophy摄影/摄影传媒与设计photography/ photographic media & design物理教育physical education物理学physics生理学physiology理疗physiotherapy植物生物学/植物学plant biology/ botany植物生物技术plant biotechnology波兰语(语言与文化)Polish(language & culture)政治学political science人口研究population studies版画制作print making产品开发product development专业进修研究professional studies资产研究properly studies精神病学psychiatry心理学/应用心理学psychology/ applied psychology心理治疗psychotherapy公共卫生public health公共政策public policy公共关系/管理public relations/ management康乐研究recreation management宗教研究religious studies/theology资源及环境规划/区域规划resource & environmental planning/ regional planning 资源管理resource management俄语Russian萨摩亚研究Samoan studies科学science科学与技术science & technology科学与技术教育science & technology education科学与创业science and entrepreneurship科学传媒science communication科学教育science education科技创新与创业science innovation & entrepreneurship科技、毛利与本土文化science、Maori and indigenous knowledge雕塑sculpture社会政策与分析social policy/ analysis社会科学social science社会科学研究social science research社会工作social work社会学sociology软件开发software development软件工程software engineering土壤学soil science南亚研究south Asia studies西班牙语Spanish空间设计spatial design特殊教育special education言语与语言治疗speech & language therapy体育商业管理sport business management体育教练sport coach体育与运动sports & exercise运动医学sports medicine统计statistics战略管理strategic management供应链管理supply chain management系统开发systems development系统工程systems engineering税务与会计taxation & accounting技术technology技术教育technology education电讯telecommunication电视制作television production纺织品设计textile design戏剧研究drama studies时基媒体time-based media汤加Tongan旅游资源、影响与规划tourism resources、impacts & planning 旅游/旅游与酒店管理tourism/ tourism & hospitality management 毒理学toxicology翻译研究translation studies运输工程/研究transportation engineering/ studies怀唐伊条约研究treaty of Waitangi studies城市设计urban design估价与物业管理valuation & property management视觉艺术/人文/通信设计visual arts/ culture/ communication design 葡萄栽培/酿酒viticulture/ oenology网络与数据密集型系统web & data-intensive system动物学zoology。
1. informationInformation, in its most restricted technical sense, is a sequence of symbols that can be interpreted as a message. Information can be recorded as signs, or transmitted as signals. Information is any kind of event that affects the state of a dynamic system. Conceptually, information is the message (utterance or expression) being conveyed. This concept has numerous other meanings in different contexts.[1] Moreover, the concept of information is closely related to notions of constraint, communication, control, data, form, instruction, knowledge, meaning, mental stimulus, pattern, perception, representation, and especially entropy.(信息,在其最受限制的技术意义上,是一个序列的符号,可以被解释为一个消息。
常用大学课程中英文对照大学课程中英文对照大汇集英文字母开头的课程ALGOL语言ALGOL LanguageBASIC & FORTRAN 语言BASIC Language & FORTRAN Language BASIC 语言BASIC LanguageBASIC 语言及应用BASIC Language & ApplicationC 语言C LanguageC++程序设计C++ Program DesigningCAD 概论Introduction to CADCAD/CAM CAD/CAMCET-4 College English Test (Band 4)CET-6 College English Test (Band 6)COBOL语言COBOL LanguageCOBOL语言程序设计COBOL Language Program DesigningC与UNIX环境C Language & Unix EnvironmentC语言科学计算方法Scientific Computation Method in CC语言与生物医学信息处理C Language & Biomedical Information Processing dBASE Ⅲ课程设计Course Exercise in dBASE ⅢFORTRAN 77 语言FORTRAN 77 LanguageFORTRAN语言FORTRAN LanguageFoxBase程序设计FoxBase ProgrammingHopf代数Hopf AlgebraHopf代数与代数群量子群Hopf Algebra , Algebraic Group and Qua ntum GroupIBM-PC/XT Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PC/XTIBM-PC微机原理Fundamentals of Microcomputer IBM-PCIBM汇编及高级语言的接口IBM Assembly & its Interfaces with Advanced Programming Languages Internet与Intranet技术Internet and Intranet TechnologyLSI设计基础Basic of LSI DesigningOS/2操作系统OS/2 Operation SystemPASCAL大型作业PASCAL Wide Range WorkingPASCAL课程设计Course Exercise in PASCALPASCAL语言PASCAL LanguagePC机原理Principle of PCUnix编程环境Unix Programming EnvironmentUnix操作系统分析Analysis of Unix SystemVLSI的EDA技术EDA Techniques for VLSIVLSI技术与检测方法VLSI Techniques & Its ExaminationVLSI设计基础Basis of VLSI DesignWindows系统Windows Operation SystemX光分析X-ray AnalysisX射线金属学X-Ray & MetallographyX射线与电镜X-ray & Electric MicroscopeZ-80汇编语言程序设计Z-80 Pragramming in Assembly LanguagesB开头的课程板壳非线性力学Nonlinear Mechanics of Plate and Shell板壳理论Plate Theory , Theory of Plate and Shell板壳力学Plate Mechanics办公自动化Office Automatization办公自动化系统毕业设计Office Automatization Thesis办公自动化系统设计Office Automatization Design半波实验Semiwave Experiment半导体变流技术Semiconductor Converting Technology半导体材料Semiconductor Materials半导体测量Measurement of Semiconductors半导体瓷敏元件Semiconductor Porcelain-Sensitive Elements半导体光电子学Semiconductor Optic Electronics半导体化学Semiconductor Chemistry半导体激光器Semiconductor Laser Unit半导体集成电路Semiconductor Integrated Circuitry半导体理论Semi-conductive Theory半导体器件Semiconductor Devices半导体器件工艺原理Technological Fundamentals of Semiconductor Device半导体器件课程设计Course Design of Semiconductor Devices半导体物理Semiconductor Physics半导体专业Semi-conduction Specialty半导体专业实验Specialty Experiment of Semiconductor半群理论Semi-group Theory保健食品监督评价Evaluation and Supervision on Health Food s保险学Insurance保险学Insurance报告文学专题Special Subject On Reportage报刊编辑学Newspaper & Magazine Editing报刊选读Selected Readings of Newspaper & Magazine报纸编辑学Newspaper Editing泵与风机Pumps and Fans泵与水机Pumps & Water Turbines毕业论文Graduation Thesis毕业设计Graduation Thesis毕业实习Graduation Practice编译方法Compilation Method编译方法Methods of Compiling编译技术Technique of Compiling编译原理Fundamentals of Compiling, Principles of Compiler编译原理课程设计Course Design of Compiling变电站的微机检测Computer Testing in Transformer Substation变电站的微机检测与控制Computer Testing & Control in Transformer Substation变分法与张量Calculus of Variations & Tensor变分学Calculus of Variations变流技术Semiconductor Converting Technology变质量系统热力学与新型回转压Variable Quality System Thermal Mechanics & NeoRo 表面活性剂化学及应用Chemistry and Application of Surfactant表面活性物质Surface Reactive Materials并行处理Parallel Processing并行处理与并行程序设计Parallel Processing and Parallel Programming并行算法Parallel Algorithmic波谱学Spectroscopy, Wave Spectrum波谱学实验Spectroscopic Experiment薄膜光学Film Optics薄膜物理Thin Film Physics不育症的病因学Etiology of InfertilityC开头的课程材料的力学性能测试Measurement of Material Mechanical Performance材料化学Material Chemistry材料力学Mechanics of Materials财税法规与税务会计Laws and Regulations of Finance and Taxes财务案例分析Case Analysis of Finance Management财务案例分析Case Analysis of Financial Management财务报告分析Analysis of Financial Statement财务成本管理Financial Cost Management财务管理Financial Management, Financial Cost Management财务管理与分析Financial Management and Analysis财务会计Financial Accountancy财政学Public Finance财政与金融Finance & Banking财政与税收Finance & Revenue财政与税收理论Theories on Public Finance and Tax Revenue财政与信贷Finance & Credit操作系统Disk Operating System (DOS)操作系统课程设计Course Design in Disk Operating System操作系统与编译原理Disk Operating System & Fundamentals of Compiling操作系统原理Fundamentals of Disk Operating System, Principles of Operating System 测量技术基础Foundation of Measurement Technology测量原理与仪器设计Measurement Fundamentals & Meter Design测试技术Testing Technology测试与信号变换处理Testing & Signal Transformation Processing策波测量技术Technique of Whip Wave Measurement策略管理Strategic Management产品学Production产业经济学Industrial Economy产业组织Industrial Organization产业组织学Industrial Organization Technology常微分方程Ordinary Differential Equations场论Field Theory超导磁体及应用Superconductive Magnet & Application超导及应用Superconductive & Application超高真空科学与技术Science and Technology of Ultrahigh Vacuum 60超精密加工和微细加工Super-Precision & Minuteness Processing超精微细加工Super-Precision & Minuteness Processing超声及应用Supersonics Application成本会计Cost Accounting成像原理与技术Principles & Technique of Imaging成组技术Grouping Technique城市规划原理Fundamentals of City Planning城市社会学Urban Sociology程控数字交换Program Controlling of Digital Exchange程序设计Program Designing程序设计方法学Methodology of Programming, Methods of Programming程序设计及算法语言Program Designing & Algorithmic Language程序设计语言Programming Language齿轮啮合原理Principles of Gear Connection冲击测量及误差Punching Measurement & Error冲压工艺Sheet Metal Forming Technology抽象代数Abstract Algebra初等数学Primary Mathematics传坳概论Introduction to Pass Col传动概论Introduction to Transmission传感技术Sensor Technique传感技术及应用Sensor Technique & Application传感器及应用Sensors & Application传感器与检测技术Sensors & Testing Technology传感器原理Fundamentals of Sensors传感器原理及应用Fundamentals of Sensors & Application传热学Heat Transfer船舶操纵Ship Controlling船舶电力系统Ship Electrical Power System船舶电力系统课程设计Course Exercise in Ship Electrical Power System 船舶电气传动自动化Ship Electrified Transmission Automation船舶电站Ship Power Station船舶动力装置Ship Power Equipment船舶概论Introduction to Ships船舶焊接与材料Welding & Materials on Ship船舶机械控制技术Mechanic Control Technology for Ships船舶机械拖动Ship Mechanic Towage船舶建筑美学Artistic Designing of Ships船舶结构Ship Structure船舶结构力学Structural Mechanics for Ships船舶结构与制图Ship Structure & Graphing船舶静力学Ship Statics船舶强度与结构设计Designing Ship Intensity & Structure船舶设计原理Principles of Ship Designing船舶推进Ship Propelling船舶摇摆Ship Swaying船舶摇摆与操纵Ship Swaying & Manipulating船舶振动Ship Vibration船舶阻力Ship Resistance船体建造工艺Ship-Building Technology船体结构Ship Structure船体结构图Ship Structure Graphing船体结构与制图Ship Structure & Graphing船体振动学Ship Vibration船体制图Ship Graphing船用电器设备Marine Electrical Equipment创造心理学Creativity Psychology词汇学Lexicology磁测量技术Magnetic Measurement Technology磁传感器Magnetic Sensor磁存储设备设计原理Fundamental Design of Magnetic Memory Equipment 磁记录Magnetographic磁记录技术Magnetographic Technology磁记录物理Magnetographic Physics磁路设计与场计算Magnetic Path Designing & Magnetic Field Calculati磁盘控制器Magnetic Disk Controler磁性材料Magnetic Materials磁性测量Magnetic Measurement磁性物理Magnetophysics磁原理及应用Principles of Catalyzation & Application催化原理Principles of CatalysisD开头的课程大电流测量Super-Current Measurement大电源测量Super-Power Measurement大机组协调控制Coordination & Control of Generator Networks大跨度房屋结构Large-Span House structure大型锅炉概况Introduction to Large-Volume Boilers大型火电机组控制Control of Large Thermal Power Generator Networks大型数据库原理与高级开发技术Principles of Large-Scale Data-Bas e and Advanced Development Technology 大学德语College German大学俄语College Russian大学法语College French大学日语College Japanese大学生心理学Psychology Introduction大学物理College Physics大学物理实验Experiment of College Physics大学英语College English大学语文College Chinese大众传播学Mass Media代数几何Algebraic Geometry代数几何Algebraic Geometry代数曲面Algebraic Surfaces代数图论Algebraic Graph Theory代数拓扑Algebraic Topology代数学Algebra代用燃料Substitute Fuel代用运放电路Simulated Transmittal Circuit单片机与接口技术Mono-Chip Computers & Interface Technique单片机原理Fundamentals of Mono-Chip Computers单片机原理及应用Fundamentals of Mono-Chip Computers & Applications弹塑性力学Elastic-Plastic Mechanics弹性波Elastic Waves弹性力学Elastic Mechanics, Theory of Elastic Mechanics弹性元件的理论及设计Theory and Design of Elastic Element蛋白质结构基础Principle of Protein Structure蛋白质生物化学技术Biochemical Technology of Protein当代国际关系Contemporary International Relationship当代国外社会思维评价Evaluation of Contemporary Foreign Social Thought当代文学Contemporary Literature当代文学专题Topics on Contemporary Literature当代西方哲学Contemporary Western Philosophy当代戏剧与电影Contemporary Drama & Films当代资本主义经济Contemporary Capitalist Economy党史History of the Party导波光学Wave Guiding Optics德育Moral Education等离子体工程Plasma Engineering低频电子线路Low Frequency Electric Circuit低温测试技术Cryo Testing Technique低温传热学Cryo Conduction低温固体物理Cryo Solid Physics低温技术原理与装置Fundamentals of Cryo Technology & Equipment低温技术中的微机原理Priciples of Microcomputer in Cryo Technology低温绝热Cryo Heat Insulation低温气体制冷机Cryo Gas Refrigerator低温热管Cryo Heat Tube低温设备Cryo Equipment低温生物冻干技术Biological Cryo Freezing Drying Technology低温生物学原理与应用Principle & Application of Cryobiology低温实验技术Cryo Experimentation Technology低温物理导论Cryo Physic Concepts低温物理概论Cryo Physic Concepts低温仪表及测试Cryo Meters & Measurement低温原理Cryo Fundamentals低温原理与设备Cryo Fundamentals & Equipment低温制冷机Cryo Refrigerator低温中的微机应用Application of Microcomputer in Cryo Technology低温装置Cryo Equipment低噪声电子电路Low-Noise Electric Circuit低噪声电子设计Low-Noise Electronic Designing低噪声放大与弱检Low-Noise Increasing & Decreasing低噪声与弱信号检测Detection of Low Noise & Weak Signals地基基础课程设计Course Design of Groundsill Basis地理Geography第二次世界大战史History of World War II典型计算机分析Classical Computer Analysis电测量技术Electric Measurement Technology电厂计算机控制系统Computer Control System in Power Plants电磁测量实验技术Electromagnetic Measurement Experiment & Technology 电磁场计算机Electromagnetic Field Computers电磁场理论Theory of Electromagnetic Fields电磁场数值计算Numerical Calculation of Electromagnetic Fields电磁场与电磁波Electromagnetic Fields & Magnetic Waves电磁场与微波技术Electromagnetic Fields & Micro-Wave Technology电磁场中的数值方法Numerical Methods in Electromagnetic Fields电磁场中的数值计算Numerical Calculation in Electromagnetic Fields电磁学Electromagnetics电动力学Electrodynamics电镀Plating电分析化学Electro-Analytical Chemistry电工材料Electrical Materials电工测量技术基础Measurement Technology of Electrical Engineering电工测试技术基础Testing Technology of Electrical Engineering电工产品学Electrotechnical Products电工电子技术基础Electrical Technology & Electrical Engineering电工电子学Electronics in Electrical Engineering电工基础Fundamental Theory of Electrical Engineering电工基础理论Fundamental Theory of Electrical Engineering电工基础实验Basic Experiment in Electrical Engineering电工技术Electrotechnics电工技术基础Fundamentals of Electrotechnics电工实习Electrical Engineering Practice电工实验Experiment of Electrical Engineering电工实验技术基础Experiment Technology of Electrical Engineering电工学Electrical Engineering电工与电机控制Electrical Engineering & Motor Control电弧电接触Electrical Arc Contact电弧焊及电渣焊Electric Arc Welding & Electroslag Welding电化学测试技术Electrochemical Measurement Technology电化学工程Electrochemical Engineering电化学工艺学Electrochemical Technology电机Motor电机测试技术Motor Measuring Technology电机电磁场的分析与计算Analysis & Calculation of Electrical Motor &电机电磁场的数值计算Calculation of Electrical Motor & Electromagnetic Fields 电机电磁场理论Theory of Electrical Moto & Electromagnetic Fields电机电器与供电Motor Elements and Power Supply电机矩阵分析法Analysis of Electrical Motor Matrix电机课程设计Course Exercise in Electric Engine电机绕组理论Theory of Motor Winding电机绕组理论及应用Theory & Application of Motor Winding电机设计Design of Electrical Motor电机瞬变过程Electrical Motor Change Processes电机统一理论Theory of Electrical Motor Integration电机学Electrical Motor电机学及控制电机Electrical Machinery Control & Technology电机与拖动Electrical Machinery & Towage电机原理Principle of Electric Engine电机原理与拖动Principles of Electrical Machinery & Towage电机专题Lectures on Electric Engine电接触与电弧Electrical Contact & Electrical Arc电介质物理Dielectric Physics电镜Electronic Speculum电力电子电路Power Electronic Circuit电力电子电器Power Electronic Equipment电力电子器件Power Electronic Devices电力电子学Power Electronics电力工程Electrical Power Engineering电力企业管理Management of Electrical Enterprise电力生产技术Technology of Electrical Power Generation电力生产优化管理Optimal Management of Electrical Power Generation电力拖动Electric Traction电力拖动基础Fundamentals for Electrical Towage电力拖动控制系统Electrical Towage Control Systems电力拖动与电气控制Electrical Towage & Electrical Control电力系统Power Systems电力系统电源最优化规划Optimal Planning of Power Source in a Power System 电力系统短路Power System Shortcuts电力系统分析Power System Analysis电力系统规划Power System Planning电力系统过电压Hyper-Voltage of Power Systems电力系统继电保护原理Power System Relay Protection电力系统经济分析Economical Analysis of Power Systems电力系统经济运行Economical Operation of Power Systems电力系统可靠性Power System Reliability电力系统可靠性分析Power System Reliability Analysis电力系统课程设计Course Design of Power Systems电力系统无功补偿及应用Non-Work Compensation in Power Systems & Applicati 电力系统谐波Harmonious Waves in Power Systems电力系统优化设计Optimal Designing of Power Systems电力系统远动Operation of Electric Systems电力系统远动技术Operation Technique of Electric Systems电力系统运行Operation of Electric Systems电力系统自动化Automation of Electric Systems电力系统自动装置Power System Automation Equipment电力系统最优规划Optimal Planning in Power System电力装置课程设计Course Design of Power Equipment电力装置与系统Power Equipment & System电路测量与实验Circuit Measurement & Experiment电路测试技术Circuit Measurement Technology电路测试技术基础Fundamentals of Circuit Measurement Technology电路测试技术及实验Circuit Measurement Technology & Experiments电路分析基础Basis of Circuit Analysis电路分析基础实验Basic Experiment on Circuit Analysis电路分析实验Experiment on Circuit Analysis电路和电子技术Circuit and Electronic Technique电路基本理论Basis Theory of Circuitry电路及电子线路CAD Circuitry CAD电路理论Theory of Circuit电路理论基础Fundamental Theory of Circuit电路理论实验Experiments in Theory of Circuct电路设计与测试技术Circuit Designing & Measurement Technology电气测量技术Electrical Measurement Technology电气传动Electrified Transmission电气控制技术Electrical Control Technology电器设计Electrical Appliances Designing电器学Electrical Appliances电器与控制Electrical Appliances & Control电生理技术基础Basics of Electricphysiological Technology电视传感器图象显示Television Sensor Graphic Display电视接收技术Television Reception Technology电视节目Television Programs电视节目制作Television Program Designing电视新技术New Television Technology电视新闻Television News电视原理Principles of Television电网调度自动化Automation of Electric Network Management电学实验Electrical Experiment电影艺术Art of Film Making电站微机检测控制Computerized Measurement & Control of Power Statio电子材料与元件测试技术Measuring Technology of Electronic Material and Element电子材料元件Electronic Material and Element电子材料元件测量Electronic Material and Element Measurement电子测量与实验技术Technology of Electronic Measurement & Experiment电子测试Electronic Testing电子测试技术Electronic Testing Technology电子测试技术与实验Electronic Testing Technology & Experiment电子测试实验Electronic Testing Experiment电子测试与实验技术Electronic Testing Technology & Experiment电子机械运动控制技术Technology of Electronic Mechanic Movement Control电子技术Technology of Electronics电子技术腐蚀测试中的应用Application of Electronic Technology in Erosion Measurement 电子技术基础Basic Electronic Technology电子技术基础与实验Basic Electronic Technology & Experiment电子技术课程设计Course Exercise in Electronic Technology电子技术实验Experiment in Electronic Technology电子技术综合性设计实验Experiment in Electronic Technology电子理论实验Experiment in Electronic Theory电子商务Electronic Commerce电子系统的ASIC技术ASIC Design Technologies电子显微分析Electronic Micro-Analysis电子显微镜Electronic Microscope电子线路Electronic Circuit电子线路的计算机辅助设计Computer Associate Design of Electronic Circuit电子线路课程设计Course Design of Electronic Circuit电子线路设计与测试技术Electronic Circuit Design & Measurement Technology 电子线路设计与测试实验Electronic Circuit Design & Measurement Experiment 电子线路实验Experiment in Electronic Circuit电子学Electronics电子学课程设计Course Design of Electronics电子照相技术Electronic Photographing Technology雕塑艺术欣赏Appreciation of Sculptural Art调节原理Principles of Regulation调节装置Regulation Equipment动力机械CAD Dynamical Machine CAD动力学Dynamics动态规划Dynamic Programming动态无损检测Dynamic Non-Destruction Measurement动态信号Dynamic Signal动态信号分析与仪器Dynamic Signal Analysis & Apparatus动物病害学基础Basis of Animal Disease动物免疫学Animal Immunology动物生理与分子生物学Animal Physiology and Molecular Biochemistry动物学Zoology动物遗传工程Animal Genetic Engineering毒理遗传学Toxicological Genetics断裂力学Fracture Mechanics断裂疲劳力学Fatigue Fracture Mechanics锻压测试技术Forging Testing Technique锻压工艺Forging Technology锻压机械液压传动Hydraulic Transmission in Forging Machinery锻压加热设备Forging Heating Equipment锻压设备专题Lectures on Forging Press Equipments锻压系统动力学Dynamics of Forging System锻造工艺Forging Technology锻造加热设备Forging Heat Equipment对外贸易保险International Trade Insurance对外贸易地理International Marketing Geography对外贸易概论Introduction to International Trade对外贸易运输International Trade Transportation多层网络方法Multi-Layer Network Technology多复变函数Analytic Functions of Several Complex Variables多媒体计算机技术Multimedia Computer Technology多媒体技术Multimedia Technology多目标优化方法Multipurpose Optimal Method多项距阵Multi-Nominal Matrix多元统计分析Multivariable StatisticsF开头的课程发电厂Power Plant发电厂电气部分Electric Elements of Power Plants发电厂电气部分与动力部分Electric Elements & Dynamics of Power Plants发电厂电气部分与热力设备Electric Elements & Thermodynamics Equipment of Power Plants发电厂计算机控制Computer Control in Power Plant发酵工程Zymolysis Engineering发育生物学原理与实验技术Principle and Experimental Technology of Development发展经济学Evolutive Economics法理学Nomology法律基础Fundamentals of Law法学概论An Introduction to Science of Law法学基础Fundamentals of Science of Law翻译Translation翻译理论与技巧Theory & Skills of Translation反不正当经济法Anti-malfeasance Economic Law泛读Extensive Reading泛函分析Functional Analysis泛函分析Functional Analysis房屋建筑学Architectural Design & Construction房屋建筑学课程设计Course Design of House Architecture仿真与辅助设计Simulation & Computer Aided Design放射生物学Radiation Biology放射学Radiology非电量测量Non-Electricity Measurement非金属材料Non-Metal Materials非线性采样系统Non-Linear Sampling System非线性方程组的数值解法Numerical Methods for No-linear System s of Equations非线性光学Nonlinear Optics非线性规划Non-Linear Programming非线性控制理论Non-Linear Control Theory非线性双曲型守恒律解的存在性The Existence of Solutions for Non -linear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws 非线性物理导论Introduction to Nonlinear Physics非线性振荡Non-Linear Oscillation非线性振动Nonlinear Vibration废水处理工程Technology of Wastewater Treatment废水处理与回用Sewage Disposal and Re-use沸腾燃烧Boiling Combustion分布式计算机系统Distributed Computer System / Distributed System分布式系统与分布式处理Distributed Systems and Distributed Processing分离科学Separation Science分析化学Analytical Chemistry分析化学实验Analytical Chemistry Experiment分析力学Analytic Mechanics分析生物化学Analytical Biochemistry分析生物化学Analytical Biochemistry分子病毒学Molecular Virology分子进化工程Engineering of Molecular Evolution分子生物学Molecular Biology分子生物学技术Protocols in Molecular Biology分子遗传学Molecular Genetics风机调节Fan Regulation风机调节.使用.运转Regulation, Application & Operation of Fans风机三元流动理论与设计Tri-Variant Movement Theory & Design of Fans风能利用Wind Power Utilization风险投资分析Analysis of Risk Investment服务业营销Service Industry Marketing辅助机械Aided Machine腐蚀电化学实验Experiment in Erosive Electrochemistry复变函数Complex Variables Functions复变函数与积分变换Functions of Complex Variables & Integral Transformation 复合材料结构力学Structural Mechanics of Composite Material复合材料力学Compound Material Mechanics傅里叶光学Fourier OpticsG开头的课程概率论Probability Theory概率论与数理统计Probability Theory & Mathematical Statistics概率论与随机过程Probability Theory & Stochastic Process概率与统计Probability & Statistics钢笔画Pen Drawing钢的热处理Heat-Treatment of Steel钢结构Steel Structure钢筋混凝土Reinforced Concrete钢筋混凝土及砖石结构Reinforced Concrete & Brick Structure钢砼结构Reinforced Concrete Structure钢砼结构与砌体结构Reinforces Structure and Monsary Structure钢砼课程设计Reinforced Concrete Course Design钢砼设计Experiment of Reinforced Concrete Structure高层建筑基础Tall Building Foundation高层建筑基础设计Designing bases of High Rising Buildings高层建筑结构设计Designing Structures of High Rising Buildings高等材料力学Advanced Material Mechanics高等代数Advanced Algebra高等发光分析Advanced Luminescence Analysis高等分析化学Advanced Analytical Chemistry高等工程力学Advanced Engineering Mechanics高等光学Advanced Optics高等环境微生物Advanced Environmental Microorganism高等教育管理Higher Education Management高等教育史History of Higher Education高等教育学Higher Education高等量子力学Advanced Quantum Mechanics高等生物化学Advanced Biochemistry高等数理方法Advanced Mathematical Method高等数学Advanced Mathematics高等数值分析Advanced Numeric Analysis高等土力学Advanced Soil Mechanics高等无机化学Advanced Inorganic Chemistry高等有机化学Advanced Organic Chemistry高电压测试技术High-Voltage Test Technology高电压技术High-Voltage Technology高电压技术与设备High-Voltage Technology and Device高电压绝缘High-Voltage Insulation高电压实验High-Voltage Experiment高分子材料High Polymer Material高分子材料及加工High Polymer Material & Porcessing高分子化学High Polymer Chemistry高分子化学实验High Polymer Chemistry Experiment高分子化学与物理Polymeric Chemistry and Physics高分子物理High Polymer Physics高分子物理实验High Polymer Physics Experiment高级程序设计语言的设计与实现Advanced Programming Language's Design & Implementation 高级管理信息系统Advanced Management Information Systems高级计算机体系结构Advanced Computer Architecture高级计算机网络Advanced Computer Networks高级计算机网络与集成技术Advanced Computer Networks and Integration Technology高级经济计量Advanced Economic Metrology高级软件工程Advanced Software Engineering高级生化技术Advanced Biochemical Technique高级生物化学Advanced Biochemistry高级食品化学Advanced Food Chemistry高级视听Advanced Videos高级数据库Advanced Database高级数理逻辑Advanced Numerical Logic高级水生生物学Advanced Aquatic Biology高级英语听说Advanced English Listening & Speaking高级植物生理生化Advanced Plant Physiology and Biochemistry高能密束焊High Energy-Dense Beam Welding高频电路High-Frequency Circuit高频电子技术High-Frequency Electronic Technology高频电子线路High-Frequency Electronic Circuit高维代数簇Algebraic Varieties of Higher Dimension高压测量技术High-Voltage Measurement Technology高压测试技术High-Voltage Testing Technology高压电场的数值计算Numerical Calculation in High-Voltage Electronic Field 高压电工程High-Voltage Engineering高压电技术High-Voltage Technology高压电器High-Voltage Electrical Appliances高压绝缘High-Voltage Insulation高压实验High-Voltage Experimentation高压实验设备测量High-Voltage Experimentation Equipment Measurement 高压试验技术High-Voltage Experimentation Technology工厂电气设备Electric Equipment of Plants工厂供电Factory Electricity Supply工程材料的力学性能测试Mechanic Testing of Engineering Materials工程材料及热处理Engineering Material and Heat Treatment工程材料学Engineering Materials工程测量Engineering Surveying工程测量实习Engineering Measuring Practice工程测试技术Engineering Testing Technique工程测试实验Experiment on Engineering Testing工程测试信息Information of Engineering Testing工程测试与信号处理Engineering Testing & Signal Processing工程地质Engineering Geology工程动力学Engineering Dynamics工程概论Introduction to Engineering工程概预算Project Budget工程经济学Engineering Economics工程静力学Engineering Statics工程力学Engineering Mechanics工程热力学Engineering Thermodynamics工程数学Engineering Mathematics工程项目概预算Engineering Project Estimate & Budget工程项目评估Engineering Project Evaluation工程优化方法Engineering Optimization Method工程运动学Engineering Kinematics工程造价管理Engineering Cost Management工程制图Graphing of Engineering工业产品学Industrial Products工业电子学Industry Electronics工业分析Industrial Analysis工业锅炉Industrial Boiler工业会计学Industrial Accounting工业机器人Industrial Robot工业技术基础Basic Industrial Technology工业技术经济Industrial Technology Economics工业建筑设计原理Principles of Industrial Building Design工业经济理论Industrial Economic Theory工业经济学Industrial Economics工业美术设计Art Designing in Industry工业企业财务管理Industrial Enterprise Financial Management工业企业财务会计Accounting in Industrial Enterprises工业企业管理Industrial Enterprise Management工业企业经营管理Industrial Enterprise Administrative Management 工业社会学Industrial Sociology工业心理学Industrial Psychology工业窑炉Industrial Stoves工艺过程自动化Technics Process Automation工艺设计Technics Design工艺实习Technics Practice工艺原理与研究方法Principles & Research of Technics公差Common Difference公差测试实验Common Difference Testing Experiment公差技术测量Technical Measurement with Common Difference公差与配合Common Difference & Cooperation公共关系Public Relationship公共关系学Public Relations公司法Corporation Law公司组织与管理Organization and Management公司组织与管理Organization and Management of Corporate公文写作Document Writing功能材料原理与技术Principle and Technology of Functional Materials 功能高分子Functional Polymer功能性食品Function Foods古代汉语Ancient Chinese古典文学作品选读Selected Readings in Classical Literature骨科医学Osteopathic Medicine固体磁性理论Theory of Magnetism in Solid固体激光Solid State Laser固体激光器件Solid Laser Elements固体激光与电源Solid State Laser & Power Unit固体理论Solid State Theory固体物理Solid-State Physics故障诊断与容错技术Malfunction Diagnoses & Tolerance Technology 关税Tariff管理概论Introduction to Management管理沟通Management Communication, Management Negotiation管理会计Managerial Accounting管理经济学Management Economics管理科学专题Management Science Special Subject管理数学Management Mathematics管理系统FOXBASE Management System of FOXBASE管理系统模拟Management System Simulation管理心理学Management Psychology管理信息系统Management Information System管理学Management Theory, Principles of Management管理学Principles of Management光波导理论Light Wave Guide Theory光电技术Photoelectric Technology光电检测与信号处理Optoelectronic Detection and Processing光电课程设计Photoelectric Course Exercise光电摄像技术Photoelectric Photographing Technique光电探测及信号处理Photoelectric Inspect & Signal Processing光电系统课程设计Photoelectric System Course Design光电信号处理Photoelectric Signal Processing光电信号与系统分析Photoelectric Signal & Systematic Analysis光电信息计算机处理Computer Processing in Photoelectric Information光电子技术Photoelectronic Technique光电子学与光电信息技术Optoelectronics and Optoelectronic Information Technology 光辐射探测技术Ray Radiation Detection Technology光接入网技术Technology of Light Access Network光谱Spectrum光谱分析Spectral Analysis光谱学Spectroscopy光纤传感Fibre Optical Sensors光纤传感器Fibre Optical Sensors光纤传感器基础Fundamentals of Fibre Optical Sensors光纤传感器及应用Fibre Optical Sensors & Applications光纤光学Fiber Optics光纤光学课程设计Course Design of Fibre Optical光纤技术实验Experiments in Fibre Optical Technology光纤实验Experiments in Fibre Optical光纤通信基础Basis of Fibre Optical Communication光纤通信技术Fibre Optical Communication Technology光纤通信网络Networks of Fiber Communications光纤通信系统Fibre Optical Communication System, System of Fiber Communications 光纤原理与技术Fibre Optical Operation & Technology光学Optics光学测量Optical Measurement光学分析法Optical Analysis Method光学工艺实习Optical Technology Practice光学计量仪器设计Optical Instrument Gauge Designing光学检测Optical Detection光学设计Optical Design光学信息导论Introduction of Optical Information光学仪器设计Optical Instrument Designing。
information systems management英文原文+翻译 学生信息管理系统的设计与发展 文献翻译
The Design and Development of the Students' Information Management SystemAs information technology advances, various management systems have emerged to change the daily lives of the more coherent, to the extent possible, the use of network resources can be significantly reasonable reduction of manual management inconvenience and waste of time.Accelerating the modernization of the 21st century, the continuous improvement of the scientific and cultural levels, the rapid growth of the number of students will inevitably increase the pressure information management students, the inefficient manual retrieval completely incompatible with the community\'s needs. The Student Information Management Systemis an information management one kind within system, currently information technique continuously of development, the network technique has already been applied in us extensively nearby of every trade, there is the network technical development, each high schools all make use of a calculator to manage to do to learn, the school is operated by handicraft before of the whole tedious affairs all got fast and solve high-efficiencily, especially student result management the system had in the school very big function, all can be more convenient, fast for the student and the teacher coming saying and understand accurately with management everyone noodles information. AbstractIt is a very heavy and baldness job of managing a bulky database by manpower. The disadvantage, such as great capacity of work, low efficiency and long period, exist in data inputting, demanding and modification. So the computer management system will bring us a quite change.Because there are so many students in the school, the data of students' information is huge, it makes the management of the information become a complicated and tedious work. This system aims at the school, passing by practically of demand analysis, adopt mighty VB6.0 to develop the student information managementsystem. The whole system design process follow the principle of simple operation, beautiful and vivid interface and practical request. The student information management system including the function of system management, basic information management, study management, prize and punishment management , print statement and so on. Through the proof of using, the student information management system which this text designed can satisfy the school to manage the demand of the aspect to students' information. The thesis introduced the background of development, the functions demanded and the process of design. The thesis mainly explained the point of the system design, the thought of design, the difficult technique and the solutions. The student managed the creation of the system to reduce the inconvenience on the manpower consumedly, let the whole student the data management is more science reasonable.The place that this system has most the special features is the backstage database to unify the management to student's information.That system mainly is divided into the system management, student profession management, student file management, school fees management, course management, result management and print the statement.The interface of the system is to make use of the vb software creation of, above few molds pieces are all make use of the vb to control a the piece binds to settle of method to carry out the conjunction toward the backstage database, the backstage database probably is divided into following few formses:Professional information form, the charges category form, student the job form, student the information form, political feature form of student, the customer logs on the form The system used Client/Server structure design, the system is in the data from one server and a number of Taiwan formed LAN workstations. Users can check the competence of different systems in different users submit personal data, background database you can quickly given the mandate to see to the content.Marks management is a important work of school,the original manual management havemany insufficiencies,the reasons that,students' population are multitudinous in school,and each student's information are too complex,thus the work load are extremely big,the statistics and the inquiry have been inconvenient.Therefore,how to solve these insufficiencies,let the marks management to be more convenient and quickly,have a higher efficiency,and become a key question.More and more are also urgent along with school automationthe marks management when science and technology rapid development,therefore is essential to develop the software system of marks register to assist the school teaching management.So that can improve the marks management,enhance the efficiency of management.Systems Analysis and Design SystemsWorking under control of a stored program, a computer processes data into information. Think about that definition for a minute. Any given computer application involves at least three components: hardware, software, and data. Merely writing a program isn’t enough, because the program is but one component is in a system.A system is a group of components that work together to accomplish an objective. For example, consider a payroll system. Its objective is paying employees. What components are involved? Each day, employees record their hours worked on time cards. At the end of each week, the time cards are collected and delivered to the computer center, where they are read into a payroll program. As it runs, the program accesses data files. Finally, the paychecks are printed and distributed. For the system to work, people, procedures, input and output media, files, hardware, and software must be carefully coordinated. Note that the program is but one component in a system.Systems AnalysisComputer-based systems are developed because people need information. Those people,called users, generally know what is required, but may lack the expertise to obtain it. Technical professionals, such as programmers, have the expertise, but may lack training in the user’s field. To complicate matters, users an d programmers often seem to speak different languages, leading to communication problems. A systems analyst is a professional who translates user needs into technical terms, thus serving as a bridge between users and technical professionals.Like an engineer or an architect, a systems analyst solves problems by combining solid technical skills with insight, imagination, and a touch of art. Generally, the analyst follows a well-defined, methodical process that includes at least the following steps: Problem definitionAnalysisDesignImplementationMaintenanceAt the end of each step, results are documented and shared with both the user and the programmers. The idea is to catch and correct errors and misunderstandings as early as possible. Perhaps the best way to illustrate the process is through example.Picture a small clothing store that purchases merchandise at wholesale, displays this stock, and sells it to customers at retail. On the one hand, too much: stock represents an unnecessary expense. On the other hand, a poor selection discourages shoppers. Ideally, a balance can be achieved: enough, but not too much.Complicating matters is the fact that inventory is constantly changing, with customer purchases depleting stock, and returns and reorders adding to it. The owner would like to track inventory levels and reorder any given item just before the store runs out. For a single item, the task is easy-just count the stock-on-hand. Unfortunately, the store has hundreds of different items, and keeping track of each one is impractical. Perhaps a computer might help.Problem DefinitionThe first step in the systems analysis and design process is problem definition. Theanalyst’s objective is determining what the user needs. Note that, as the process begins, the user possesses the critical information, and the analyst must listen and learn. Few users are technical experts. Most see the computer as a “magic box,” and are not concerned with how it works. At this stage, the analyst has no business even thinking about programs, files, and computer hardware, but must communicate with the user on his or her own terms.The idea is to ensure that both the user and the analyst are thinking about the same thing. Thus, a clear, written statement expressing the analyst’s underst anding of the problem is essential. The user should review and correct this written statement. The time to catch misunderstandings and oversights is now, before time, money, and effort are wasted. Often, following a preliminary problem definition, the analyst performs a feasibility study. The study, a brief capsule version of the entire systems analysis and design process, attempts to answer three questions:1.Can the problem be solved?2.Can it be solved in the user’s environment?3.Can it be solved at a reasonable cost?If the answer to any one of these questions is no, the system should not be developed. Given a good problem definition and a positive feasibility study, the analyst can turn to planning and developing a problem solution.AnalysisAs analysis begins, the analyst understands the problem. The next step is determining what must be done to solve it. The user knows what must be done; during analysis, this knowledge is extracted and formally documented. Most users think in terms of the functions to be performed and the data elements to be manipulated. The objective is to identify and link these key functions and data elements, yielding a logical system design. Start with the system’s basic functions. The key is keeping track of the stock-on-hand for each product in inventory. Inventory changes because customers purchase, exchange, and return products, so the system will have to process customer transactions. The store’s owner wants to selectively look at the inventory level for any product in short supply and,if appropriate, order replacement stock, so the system must be able to communicate with management. Finally, following management authorization, the system should generate a reorder ready to send to a supplier.Given the system’s basic functions, the analyst’s next task is gaining a sense of their logical relation. A good way to start is by describing how data flow between the functions. As the name implies, data flow diagrams are particularly useful for graphically describing these data flows. Four symbols are used. Data sources and destinations are represented by squares; input data enter the system form a source, and output data flow to a destination. Once in the system, the data are manipulated or changed by processes, represented by round-corner rectangles. A process might be a program, a procedure, or anything else that changes or moves data. Data can be held for later processing in data stores, symbolized by open-ended rectangles. A data store might be a disk file, a tape file, a database, written notes, or even a person’s memory. Finally, data flow between sources, destinations, processes, and data stores over data flows, which are represented by arrows. Preliminary data flow diagram for the inventory system. Start a CUSTOMER. Transactions flow from a customer into the system, where they are handled by Process transaction. A data store, the STOCK, holds data on each item in inventory. Process transaction changes the data to reflect the new transaction. Meanwhile, MANAGEMENT accesses the system through Communicate, evaluating the data in STOCK and, if necessary, requesting a recorder. Once a reorder is authorized, Generate reorder sends necessary data to the SUPPLIER, who ships the items to the store. Note that, because the reorder represents a change in the inventory level of a particular product or products, it is handled as a transaction.The data flow diagram describes the logical system. The next step is tracing the data flow. Start with the destination SUPPLIER. Reorders flow to suppliers; for example, the store might want 25 pairs of jeans. To fill the order, the supplier needs the product description and the reorder quantity. Where do these data elements come from? Since they are output by Generate reorder, they must either be input to or generated by this process. Data flow into Generate reorder for STOCK; thus, product and reorder quantities must be stored inSTOCK.Other data elements, such as purchased and the purchase quantity, are generated by CUSTOMER. Still others, for example selling price and reorder point, are generated by or needed by MANAGEMENT. The current stock –on-hand for a given item is an example of a data element generated by an algorithm in one of the procedures. Step by step, methodically, the analyst identifies the data elements to be input to, stored by, manipulated by, generated by, or output by the system.To keep track of the data elements, the analyst might list each one in a data dictionary. A simple data dictionary can be set up on index cards, but computerized data dictionaries have become increasingly popular. The data dictionary, a collection of data describing and defining the data, is useful throughout the systems analysis and design process, and is often used to build a database during the implementation stage.The idea of analysis is to define the system’s major functions and data elements methodically. Remember that the objective is translating user needs into technical terms. Since the system starts with the user, the first step is defi ning the user’s needs. Users think in terms of functions and data. They do not visualize programs, or files, or hardware, and during this initial, crucial analysis stage, it is essential that the analyst think like a user, not like a programmer.Data flow diagrams and data dictionaries are useful tools. They provide a format for recording key information about the proposed system. Also, they jog the analyst’s memory; for example, if the analyst doesn’t have sufficient information to complete a data dictionary entry, he or she has probably missed something. Perhaps most importantly, the data flow diagram and the data dictionary document the analyst’s understanding of the system requirements. By reviewing these documents, the user can correct misunderstanding or oversights. Finally, they represent an excellent starting point for the next step, design.DesignAs we enter the design stage, we know what the system must do, and thus can begin thinking about how to do it. The objective is to develop a strategy for solving the problem.At this stage, we are not interested in writing code or in defining precise data structures; instead, we want to identify, at a black box level, necessary programs, files, procedures, and other components.The data flow diagram defines the system’s necessary functions; how might they be implemented? One possibility is writing one program for each process. Another is combining two or more processes in a single program; there are dozens of alternative solutions. Let’s focus on one option a nd document it.A system flowchart uses symbols to represent programs, procedures, hardware devices, and the other components of a physical system. Our flowchart shows that transaction data enter the system through a terminal, are stored on an inventory by a data collection program, and then are stored on an inventory file. Eventually, the inventory file is processed by a Report and reorder program. Through it, management manipulates the data and authorizes reorders.Look at the system flowchart. It identifies several hardware components, including a computer, a disk drive, a data entry terminal, a printer, and a display terminal. Tow programs are needed: Process transaction and Report and reorder. In addition to the hardware and the programs, we’ll need dat a structures for the inventory file and for data flows between the I/O devices and the software. Note that system flow chart illustrates one possible solution; a good analyst will develop several feasible alternatives before choosing one.The flowchart maps the system, highlighting its major physical components. Since the data link the components, the next task is defining the data structures. Consider, for example, the inventory file. It contains all the data elements from the data store STOCK. The data el ements are listed in the data dictionary. Using them, the file’s data structure can be planned.How should the file be organized? That depends on how it will be accessed. For example, in some applications, data are processed at regular, predictable intervals. Typically, the data are collected over time and processed together, as a batch. If batch processing is acceptable, a sequential file organization is probably best.It is not always possible to wait until a batch of transactions is collected, however. For example, consider an air defense early warning system. If an unidentified aircraft is spotted, it must be identified immediately; the idea of waiting until 5:00 p. m because “that’s when the air defense program is run” is absurd. Instead, because of the need for quick response, each transaction must be processed as it occurs. Generally, such transaction processing systems call for direct access file.Our inventory system has tow programs. One processes transactions. A direct access inventory file seems a reasonable choice. The other allows management to study inventory data occasionally; batch processing would certainly do. Should the inventory file be organized sequentially or directly? Faced with such a choice, a good analyst considers both options. One possible system might accept transactions and process them as they occur. As an alternative, sales slips might be collected throughout the day and programs would deal with direct access files; in the second system, they would be linked to sequential files. A program to process direct access data is different from a program to process sequential data. The data drive the system. The choice of a data structure determines the program’s structure. Note that the program is defined and planned in the context of the system.ImplementationOnce the system’s major components have been identified, we can begin to develop them. Our system includes two programs, several pieces of equipment, and a number of data structures. During implementation, each program is planned and written using the techniques described in Chapter 7. Files are created, and their contents checked. New hardware is purchased, installed, and tested. Additionally, operating procedures are written and evaluated. Once all the component parts are ready, the system is tested. Assuming the user is satisfied, the finished system is released.SummaryA system is a collection of hardware, software, data, and procedural components that work together to accomplish an objective. A program is but one component in a system. System are planned and designed by system analysts who generally follow a well-defined,methodical process. The first step in the process is problem definition, when the analystattempts to discover exactly what the user needs. Often, following a preliminary problem definition, a feasibility study is conducted to determine if the problem can be solved. Given a clear problem definition, analysis begins. During this stage, the analyst develops a logical model of the system. Key functions are linked through a data flow diagram. Using the diagram as a tool, the data flows are traced, and the system’s data elements are identified and recorded in a data dictionary. After the logical system isreviewed with the user, design begins.During design, the analyst develops a model of the physical system. A system flowchart can be used to map the system, defining each physical component as a symbol. A good systems analyst considers a number of alternative solutions to the problem before settling on one. Implementation follows design. Programs are planned and written; hardware is ordered and installed; procedures are written; files and databases are initialized; and, finally, the pieces are assembled and tested. Following release of the system, maintenancebegins.学生信息管理系统的设计与发展随着信息技术的日新月异,各种管理系统的相继出现,让日常生活变的更加具有条理化, 尽可能的合理的运用网络资源可以大大的减少人工管理上带来的不便及时间的浪费.二十一世纪现代化程度的不断加速,科学文化水平的不断提高,学生数量的急剧增长,势必增加了管理学生信息带来的压力,人工检索的低效完全不符合整个社会的需要.学生信息管理系统是信息管理系统中的一种,目前信息技术不断的发展,网络技术已经广泛的应用于我们身边的各行各业,有了网络技术的发展,各高校都利用计算机来管理办学,以前学校靠手工操作的一切繁琐事情都得到了快速且高效率的解决,特别是学生成绩管理系统在学校中起到了很大的作用,对于学生和教师来说都能够更方便、快捷、准确地了解和管理各方面信息。
1.1 信息系统体系结构如图1所示,高级的数据模型仅仅是总体信息系统体系结构(ISA)一个部分或一个组织信息系统的蓝图.在信息系统规划期间,你可以建立一个企业数据模型作为整个信息系统体系结构的一部分。
2 信息工程信息系统的规划者按照信息系统规划的特定方法开发出信息系统的体系结构。
The Design and Development of the Students' Information Management SystemAs information technology advances, various management systems have emerged to change the daily lives of the more coherent, to the extent possible, the use of network resources can be significantly reasonable reduction of manual management inconvenience and waste of time.Accelerating the modernization of the 21st century, the continuous improvement of the scientific and cultural levels, the rapid growth of the number of students will inevitably increase the pressure information management students, the inefficient manual retrieval completely incompatible with the community\'s needs. The Student Information Management Systemis an information management one kind within system, currently information technique continuously of development, the network technique has already been applied in us extensively nearby of every trade, there is the network technical development, each high schools all make use of a calculator to manage to do to learn, the school is operated by handicraft before of the whole tedious affairs all got fast and solve high-efficiencily, especially student result management the system had in the school very big function, all can be more convenient, fast for the student and the teacher coming saying and understand accurately with management everyone noodles information. AbstractIt is a very heavy and baldness job of managing a bulky database by manpower. The disadvantage, such as great capacity of work, low efficiency and long period, exist in data inputting, demanding and modification. So the computer management system will bring us a quite change.Because there are so many students in the school, the data of students' information is huge, it makes the management of the information become a complicated and tedious work. This system aims at the school, passing by practically of demand analysis, adopt mighty VB6.0 to develop the student information managementsystem. The whole system design process follow the principle of simple operation, beautiful and vivid interface and practical request. The student information management system including the function of system management, basic information management, study management, prize and punishment management , print statement and so on. Through the proof of using, the student information management system which this text designed can satisfy the school to manage the demand of the aspect to students' information. The thesis introduced the background of development, the functions demanded and the process of design. The thesis mainly explained the point of the system design, the thought of design, the difficult technique and the solutions. The student managed the creation of the system to reduce the inconvenience on the manpower consumedly, let the whole student the data management is more science reasonable.The place that this system has most the special features is the backstage database to unify the management to student's information.That system mainly is divided into the system management, student profession management, student file management, school fees management, course management, result management and print the statement.The interface of the system is to make use of the vb software creation of, above few molds pieces are all make use of the vb to control a the piece binds to settle of method to carry out the conjunction toward the backstage database, the backstage database probably is divided into following few formses:Professional information form, the charges category form, student the job form, student the information form, political feature form of student, the customer logs on the form The system used Client/Server structure design, the system is in the data from one server and a number of Taiwan formed LAN workstations. Users can check the competence of different systems in different users submit personal data, background database you can quickly given the mandate to see to the content.Marks management is a important work of school,the original manual management havemany insufficiencies,the reasons that,students' population are multitudinous in school,and each student's information are too complex,thus the work load are extremely big,the statistics and the inquiry have been inconvenient.Therefore,how to solve these insufficiencies,let the marks management to be more convenient and quickly,have a higher efficiency,and become a key question.More and more are also urgent along with school automationthe marks management when science and technology rapid development,therefore is essential to develop the software system of marks register to assist the school teaching management.So that can improve the marks management,enhance the efficiency of management.Systems Analysis and Design SystemsWorking under control of a stored program, a computer processes data into information. Think about that definition for a minute. Any given computer application involves at least three components: hardware, software, and data. Merely writing a program isn’t enough, because the program is but one component is in a system.A system is a group of components that work together to accomplish an objective. For example, consider a payroll system. Its objective is paying employees. What components are involved? Each day, employees record their hours worked on time cards. At the end of each week, the time cards are collected and delivered to the computer center, where they are read into a payroll program. As it runs, the program accesses data files. Finally, the paychecks are printed and distributed. For the system to work, people, procedures, input and output media, files, hardware, and software must be carefully coordinated. Note that the program is but one component in a system.Systems AnalysisComputer-based systems are developed because people need information. Those people,called users, generally know what is required, but may lack the expertise to obtain it. Technical professionals, such as programmers, have the expertise, but may lack training in the user’s field. To complicate matters, users an d programmers often seem to speak different languages, leading to communication problems. A systems analyst is a professional who translates user needs into technical terms, thus serving as a bridge between users and technical professionals.Like an engineer or an architect, a systems analyst solves problems by combining solid technical skills with insight, imagination, and a touch of art. Generally, the analyst follows a well-defined, methodical process that includes at least the following steps: Problem definitionAnalysisDesignImplementationMaintenanceAt the end of each step, results are documented and shared with both the user and the programmers. The idea is to catch and correct errors and misunderstandings as early as possible. Perhaps the best way to illustrate the process is through example.Picture a small clothing store that purchases merchandise at wholesale, displays this stock, and sells it to customers at retail. On the one hand, too much: stock represents an unnecessary expense. On the other hand, a poor selection discourages shoppers. Ideally, a balance can be achieved: enough, but not too much.Complicating matters is the fact that inventory is constantly changing, with customer purchases depleting stock, and returns and reorders adding to it. The owner would like to track inventory levels and reorder any given item just before the store runs out. For a single item, the task is easy-just count the stock-on-hand. Unfortunately, the store has hundreds of different items, and keeping track of each one is impractical. Perhaps a computer might help.Problem DefinitionThe first step in the systems analysis and design process is problem definition. Theanalyst’s objective is determining what the user needs. Note that, as the process begins, the user possesses the critical information, and the analyst must listen and learn. Few users are technical experts. Most see the computer as a “magic box,” and are not concerned with how it works. At this stage, the analyst has no business even thinking about programs, files, and computer hardware, but must communicate with the user on his or her own terms.The idea is to ensure that both the user and the analyst are thinking about the same thing. Thus, a clear, written statement expressing the analyst’s underst anding of the problem is essential. The user should review and correct this written statement. The time to catch misunderstandings and oversights is now, before time, money, and effort are wasted. Often, following a preliminary problem definition, the analyst performs a feasibility study. The study, a brief capsule version of the entire systems analysis and design process, attempts to answer three questions:1.Can the problem be solved?2.Can it be solved in the user’s environment?3.Can it be solved at a reasonable cost?If the answer to any one of these questions is no, the system should not be developed. Given a good problem definition and a positive feasibility study, the analyst can turn to planning and developing a problem solution.AnalysisAs analysis begins, the analyst understands the problem. The next step is determining what must be done to solve it. The user knows what must be done; during analysis, this knowledge is extracted and formally documented. Most users think in terms of the functions to be performed and the data elements to be manipulated. The objective is to identify and link these key functions and data elements, yielding a logical system design. Start with the system’s basic functions. The key is keeping track of the stock-on-hand for each product in inventory. Inventory changes because customers purchase, exchange, and return products, so the system will have to process customer transactions. The store’s owner wants to selectively look at the inventory level for any product in short supply and,if appropriate, order replacement stock, so the system must be able to communicate with management. Finally, following management authorization, the system should generate a reorder ready to send to a supplier.Given the system’s basic functions, the analyst’s next task is gaining a sense of their logical relation. A good way to start is by describing how data flow between the functions. As the name implies, data flow diagrams are particularly useful for graphically describing these data flows. Four symbols are used. Data sources and destinations are represented by squares; input data enter the system form a source, and output data flow to a destination. Once in the system, the data are manipulated or changed by processes, represented by round-corner rectangles. A process might be a program, a procedure, or anything else that changes or moves data. Data can be held for later processing in data stores, symbolized by open-ended rectangles. A data store might be a disk file, a tape file, a database, written notes, or even a person’s memory. Finally, data flow between sources, destinations, processes, and data stores over data flows, which are represented by arrows. Preliminary data flow diagram for the inventory system. Start a CUSTOMER. Transactions flow from a customer into the system, where they are handled by Process transaction. A data store, the STOCK, holds data on each item in inventory. Process transaction changes the data to reflect the new transaction. Meanwhile, MANAGEMENT accesses the system through Communicate, evaluating the data in STOCK and, if necessary, requesting a recorder. Once a reorder is authorized, Generate reorder sends necessary data to the SUPPLIER, who ships the items to the store. Note that, because the reorder represents a change in the inventory level of a particular product or products, it is handled as a transaction.The data flow diagram describes the logical system. The next step is tracing the data flow. Start with the destination SUPPLIER. Reorders flow to suppliers; for example, the store might want 25 pairs of jeans. To fill the order, the supplier needs the product description and the reorder quantity. Where do these data elements come from? Since they are output by Generate reorder, they must either be input to or generated by this process. Data flow into Generate reorder for STOCK; thus, product and reorder quantities must be stored inSTOCK.Other data elements, such as purchased and the purchase quantity, are generated by CUSTOMER. Still others, for example selling price and reorder point, are generated by or needed by MANAGEMENT. The current stock –on-hand for a given item is an example of a data element generated by an algorithm in one of the procedures. Step by step, methodically, the analyst identifies the data elements to be input to, stored by, manipulated by, generated by, or output by the system.To keep track of the data elements, the analyst might list each one in a data dictionary. A simple data dictionary can be set up on index cards, but computerized data dictionaries have become increasingly popular. The data dictionary, a collection of data describing and defining the data, is useful throughout the systems analysis and design process, and is often used to build a database during the implementation stage.The idea of analysis is to define the system’s major functions and data elements methodically. Remember that the objective is translating user needs into technical terms. Since the system starts with the user, the first step is defi ning the user’s needs. Users think in terms of functions and data. They do not visualize programs, or files, or hardware, and during this initial, crucial analysis stage, it is essential that the analyst think like a user, not like a programmer.Data flow diagrams and data dictionaries are useful tools. They provide a format for recording key information about the proposed system. Also, they jog the analyst’s memory; for example, if the analyst doesn’t have sufficient information to complete a data dictionary entry, he or she has probably missed something. Perhaps most importantly, the data flow diagram and the data dictionary document the analyst’s understanding of the system requirements. By reviewing these documents, the user can correct misunderstanding or oversights. Finally, they represent an excellent starting point for the next step, design.DesignAs we enter the design stage, we know what the system must do, and thus can begin thinking about how to do it. The objective is to develop a strategy for solving the problem.At this stage, we are not interested in writing code or in defining precise data structures; instead, we want to identify, at a black box level, necessary programs, files, procedures, and other components.The data flow diagram defines the system’s necessary functions; how might they be implemented? One possibility is writing one program for each process. Another is combining two or more processes in a single program; there are dozens of alternative solutions. Let’s focus on one option a nd document it.A system flowchart uses symbols to represent programs, procedures, hardware devices, and the other components of a physical system. Our flowchart shows that transaction data enter the system through a terminal, are stored on an inventory by a data collection program, and then are stored on an inventory file. Eventually, the inventory file is processed by a Report and reorder program. Through it, management manipulates the data and authorizes reorders.Look at the system flowchart. It identifies several hardware components, including a computer, a disk drive, a data entry terminal, a printer, and a display terminal. Tow programs are needed: Process transaction and Report and reorder. In addition to the hardware and the programs, we’ll need dat a structures for the inventory file and for data flows between the I/O devices and the software. Note that system flow chart illustrates one possible solution; a good analyst will develop several feasible alternatives before choosing one.The flowchart maps the system, highlighting its major physical components. Since the data link the components, the next task is defining the data structures. Consider, for example, the inventory file. It contains all the data elements from the data store STOCK. The data el ements are listed in the data dictionary. Using them, the file’s data structure can be planned.How should the file be organized? That depends on how it will be accessed. For example, in some applications, data are processed at regular, predictable intervals. Typically, the data are collected over time and processed together, as a batch. If batch processing is acceptable, a sequential file organization is probably best.It is not always possible to wait until a batch of transactions is collected, however. For example, consider an air defense early warning system. If an unidentified aircraft is spotted, it must be identified immediately; the idea of waiting until 5:00 p. m because “that’s when the air defense program is run” is absurd. Instead, because of the need for quick response, each transaction must be processed as it occurs. Generally, such transaction processing systems call for direct access file.Our inventory system has tow programs. One processes transactions. A direct access inventory file seems a reasonable choice. The other allows management to study inventory data occasionally; batch processing would certainly do. Should the inventory file be organized sequentially or directly? Faced with such a choice, a good analyst considers both options. One possible system might accept transactions and process them as they occur. As an alternative, sales slips might be collected throughout the day and programs would deal with direct access files; in the second system, they would be linked to sequential files. A program to process direct access data is different from a program to process sequential data. The data drive the system. The choice of a data structure determines the program’s structure. Note that the program is defined and planned in the context of the system.ImplementationOnce the system’s major components have been identified, we can begin to develop them. Our system includes two programs, several pieces of equipment, and a number of data structures. During implementation, each program is planned and written using the techniques described in Chapter 7. Files are created, and their contents checked. New hardware is purchased, installed, and tested. Additionally, operating procedures are written and evaluated. Once all the component parts are ready, the system is tested. Assuming the user is satisfied, the finished system is released.SummaryA system is a collection of hardware, software, data, and procedural components that work together to accomplish an objective. A program is but one component in a system. System are planned and designed by system analysts who generally follow a well-defined,methodical process. The first step in the process is problem definition, when the analystattempts to discover exactly what the user needs. Often, following a preliminary problem definition, a feasibility study is conducted to determine if the problem can be solved. Given a clear problem definition, analysis begins. During this stage, the analyst develops a logical model of the system. Key functions are linked through a data flow diagram. Using the diagram as a tool, the data flows are traced, and the system’s data elements are identified and recorded in a data dictionary. After the logical system isreviewed with the user, design begins.During design, the analyst develops a model of the physical system. A system flowchart can be used to map the system, defining each physical component as a symbol. A good systems analyst considers a number of alternative solutions to the problem before settling on one. Implementation follows design. Programs are planned and written; hardware is ordered and installed; procedures are written; files and databases are initialized; and, finally, the pieces are assembled and tested. Following release of the system, maintenancebegins.学生信息管理系统的设计与发展随着信息技术的日新月异,各种管理系统的相继出现,让日常生活变的更加具有条理化, 尽可能的合理的运用网络资源可以大大的减少人工管理上带来的不便及时间的浪费.二十一世纪现代化程度的不断加速,科学文化水平的不断提高,学生数量的急剧增长,势必增加了管理学生信息带来的压力,人工检索的低效完全不符合整个社会的需要.学生信息管理系统是信息管理系统中的一种,目前信息技术不断的发展,网络技术已经广泛的应用于我们身边的各行各业,有了网络技术的发展,各高校都利用计算机来管理办学,以前学校靠手工操作的一切繁琐事情都得到了快速且高效率的解决,特别是学生成绩管理系统在学校中起到了很大的作用,对于学生和教师来说都能够更方便、快捷、准确地了解和管理各方面信息。
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英文:Student Information Management SystemOf a school, it can provide users with adequate information and efficient query tool. But there has been people using traditional artificial way, have brought many difficulties for data search, update and maintain.With the continuous improvement of the science and technology, computer science is the maturing of its powerful features has a profound understanding of people. Using a computer to manage student information, with a lot of manual management of the incomparable advantages, such as: the rapid retrieval, find a convenient, high reliability, memory capacity, security and good, long life, low cost. These advantages can the earth to improve work efficiency, therefore, to develop a student information management software is necessary. This system is to use the Visual FoxPro development and production of student information management system, has the following advantages:1) can be quickly and efficiently to achieve school student information, online query performance information;2) can easily achieve the elective operation;3) the statistics of students' basic information, and print4) just one to two management staff to the operating system, save a lot of manpower.System requirements analysis through surveys, the system needs to have the following features:1) requires a good man-machine interface to facilitate the management of the operation;2) the system using the object, requiring better management of privileges;3) the original data to modify a simple and convenient, multi-condition changes;4) to facilitate data queries, support for multi-criteria query;5) can automatically be selected and withdraw from the election operation according to the school courses.Considering this system is mainly aimed at schools, design Student Information Management System's main purpose is to use fast queries and computing capabilities of the computer, replacing the manual processing of management data, and thus the system should function, including students' basic information management, school offered by the course management, course management and performance management. The ongoing management of a variety of information of the students to achieve the modern office, we must often query the data, modify, add, delete, statistics and print and other operations by computer, therefore, the design of information management system should include these features module.Function of the system, combined with the practicality of operating convenience, the student information management system should include the system of the main module and query, maintenance, statistics, course selection and printing of several functional modules.1) the main module. This module is the main interface of the student information management, it is only that the population into the system. In the interface, thelegitimacy of the identification of system users, adding users, modify user operation, while the functional modules of the system operation method prompts.2) the query module. Query mode that the main function is to provide for the data query operation of the user interface, the user can select the appropriate query object based on the query target, and then specify the query basis, related to the query data.3) maintenance module. Maintenance module's main function is to allow users of the data in the database maintenance operations, such as add, delete, modify. The upper body of the procedure is to first select the need to maintain the object (table), then the data need to be celebrated by maintenance work.4) statistical module. The main function of the statistics module to achieve the results of the course students learn the appropriate statistical operations. Statistics in accordance with students' personal circumstances or single subject statistics.5) elective modules. The elective module courses offered by the school elective operating. In this module, provides courses to choose from, users can according to their course selection or withdraw from the election operation, elective operation can also be carried out under certain conditions, the courses can be selected credits and gate count statistics .6) Print module. Print print module real calamity for some basic information.In the implementation of this system, first of all according to the needs of different users to select the appropriate module, then the appropriate response based on the user's actions. Overall, the system is a transaction management system. Transaction processing, the system shown in Figure 2.Entities involved in database design student information management system student entity, program entities and achievements entity, which can create the corresponding database table used to store the data information of the entity. In this system, students entities and the results between the entities, the course entities and the results between the entities, a one-to-many relationship, through the index to establish the appropriate contact.The main interface of the system is the control system functional modules of the application program interface, the user can perform the various functions of the system, through the interface and the interface is still a form to.Functional sub-modules in the system query, the query on the students' basic information, course information and performance information, can form in the form of frames to the organization.1)"Student Information" query interface. Student information query interface the user can select the query conditions (name, student number, or professional) to find the students checked the students found will be displayed in the table below.2)"Course Information" query interface. The course information query interface, users can select your search criteria (course name, course number) to find the courses offered by the school, checked to find the courses will be displayed in the table below.3)"performance information" query interface. "Achievements" in the queryinterface, users can select the "Student Number" to query the results of the students in all courses, select the "Course Number" to find the results of the course students, checked the information found in the table below displayed.Syem maintenance interface is the main maintenance operations on the data in the database. The specific procedure is to first select the object (table) need to be maintained, then the need for a corresponding increase, delete, modify, and other operations.System statistics interface is mainly used for the statistics on student achievement, the main design in this system the two statistical methods, a statistics in accordance with the individual students, the other statistics in accordance with the Billing Division.System elective interface real calamity of the courses offered by the school elective operation. Offers a choice of courses in this interface, the user can according to their course selection or withdraw from the election operation, elective operation can also be carried out under certain conditions, the courses can be selected credits and gate count statistics. The interface by way of form.System print screen to print a variety of information. In the interface, you can call the form of statements in the form.Overall, this system is to use the Visual FoxPro development and design of a student information management system. School student information through the system, performance information query, modify, statistics, printing operations, and elective operation; these operations only one to two management staff to complete and save a lot of manpower, which greatly facilitates the school for students a variety of information management, improve the work efficiency, provided the conditions for the school of modern management.The following are a few examples of the application of the Visual FoxPro development and designExample one. Enrollment of new students is an important task of the annual new semester enrollment. Although admission enrollment database already has a lot of the new students’ electronic information, because of large number of guys, large amount of the data and the changes in timeliness require high, management is more complicated. If using the traditional manual processing,it is not only time-consuming, but also directly affect the quality of work and work efficiency, extremely incompatible with the management requirements of the Information Age . Therefore, in order to save manpower, time and to ensure the accuracy of management information, and subsequently to achieve the modernization of College Student Management, the development of college students in the unit rule requires the electronic registration system has become an urgent need to address the problem of the management and development of colleges and universities . VFP(Visual Foxpro)is a very good database application development software and an object-oriented programming language. It uses a visual programming system designed data access speed, compatibility, has strong portability and simple operation interface, easy to get started. In addition, due to the VFP itself NCRE two compulsory subjects, the school has a broad user base, therefore, the choice of the VFP design and development of college students in the electronic registrationsystem.Example two. Design and Implement a child care information management system developed with Visual Foxpro6.0. The system is based on C / S mode operation. Using the first to build a prototype of the local multi-user management information systems, and then promoted to the route of the C / S system development. This paper analyzes the system requirements, database design and system structure and function, and mainly discusses the key problems of the child care placement, system security control, and a sharing violation.Example three. College student should finish the photo collection unified by the Xinhua News Agency before graduation, it is sued for the diploma and on-line academic qualifications. Before the photo collection,students need to correctly fill in the “Higher education certificate image acquisition card”. The name card code, institution code, Where the campus, and other information are unfimiliar to students who are relatively unknown. Inorder to better serve students, usually bit is the school who to collate and print out the data need to fill in the information capture card data items ,then Released to the students to fill.Example four.Facing of in a wide variety of data and reports that in the evaluation process of the private enterprises, manual handling has been significantly behind the pace of modern management, the use of modern IT in the management of the assessment process is becoming a trend, based on the the VFP evaluation of management information systems, a fully object-oriented analysis and design methods, more human-friendly interface, simple and easy-to-read algorithms to achieve a convenient entry, classification, query, statistics, reports, print function, so that private enterprise assessment management can be more systematic and standardized, automation, improve work efficiency.中文:学生信息管理系统学生信息管理系统是一个学校不可缺少的部分,它能够为用户提供充足的信息和快捷的查询手段。