






(注:以下费用单元均为美元;1美元≈7.09人民币)排名院校英文名院校中文名毕业后6年的平均收入院校录取率学费净价1Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences麻省医药与健康科学学院$116,40086.56%$36,0432St. Louis College of Pharmacy圣路易斯药学院$111,60068.07%3Albany College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences 奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院$110,60065.87%$31,1834Massachusetts Institute of Technology麻省理工学院$91,6008.3%$21,6915United States Merchant Marine Academy美国商船学院$89,00021.72%$4,7016Harvard University哈佛大学$87,200$15,7427University of the Sciences费城科学大学$85,80058%$31,9978Babson College巴布森学院$85,50026.3%$27,5979Georgetown University乔治城大学$83,30017.24%$26,74910Stevens Institute of Technology 史蒂文斯理工学院43.56%$34,93511Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute伦斯勒理工学院$81,70044%$37,82012California State University Maritime Academy 加州州立大学海事学院$81,10066.17%$14,78813Stanford University斯坦福大学$80,9005.04%$19,24514Massachusetts Maritime Academy麻省海事学院$79,50073.94%$13,67315Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology 罗斯─豪曼理工学院$78,90057.79%$40,19816Harvey Mudd College哈维姆德学院$78,60012.96%$34,52917University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学$78,20010.16%$23,92418Worcester Polytechnic Institute 伍斯特理工学院$77,60048.55%$39,01119Washington & Lee University华盛顿与李大学$77,60023.88%$21,37920SUNY Maritime College纽约州立大学海事学院$77,30068.33%$16,81321Lehigh University里海大学$76,80026%$27,71522Duke University杜克大学$76,70011.42%$21,29523Princeton University 普林斯顿大学$75,1007.14%$17,90124Bentley University 宾利大学$74,90042.32%$33,13325Kettering University 凯特林大学$74,90070.1%26Colorado School of Mines科罗拉多矿业大学$74,70037.67%$24,29727Maine Maritime Academy缅因海事学院$74,70065.15%$21,07028California Institute of Technology 加州理工学院$74,0008.81%$23,21329Georgia Institute of Technology佐治亚理工学院$74,000$12,73630University of Colorado - Denver 科罗拉多大学丹佛分校$73,80067.42%$12,56831Villanova University维拉诺瓦大学$73,70047.89%$31,66832Columbia University哥伦比亚大学$72,9006.61%$17,67833Carnegie Mellon University卡耐基梅隆大学23.72%$33,65734Cornell University康奈尔大学$70,90015.07%$28,65635College of Mount Saint Vincent 圣文森特山学院$70,00068%$19,10736Lafayette College拉法耶特学院$69,80030.25%$24,99337University of Notre Dame圣母大学$69,40019.8%$26,69838Johns Hopkins University 约翰霍普金斯大学$69,20014.12%$28,33439Fairfield University费尔菲尔德大学$69,00064.97%$36,59840Bucknell University巴克内尔大学$68,80024.78%$35,67741Clarkson University克拉克森大学$68,40068.06%$29,66642Illinois Institute of Technology 伊利诺理工大学$68,20052.71%$23,37143Tufts University塔夫斯大学$67,80016.1%$26,97644Santa Clara University圣塔克拉拉大学$67,70048.8%$37,19845Dartmouth College达特茅斯学院$67,10010.97%$21,34846Boston College波士顿学院$67,00028.51%$26,28447Case Western Reserve University 凯斯西储大学$67,00036.27%$31,35648University of the Pacific太平洋大学$66,40064.56%$33,81649University of Southern California 南加利福尼亚大学$66,10016.6%$31,38450Yale University耶鲁大学$66,0006.73%$18,164。



揭秘美国毕业起薪最高的50所大学进入名校是许多学子和家长的梦想,但在美国名校毕业生未必能够获得高薪,而美国大学毕业生起薪最高的大学又是哪些呢? 专家整理出美国大学毕业生中起薪最高的50所大学。


1.卡内基梅隆大学计算机科学学院(Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science)平均薪资:89,800美元2.加州理工学院(California Institute of Technology)平均薪资:83,750美元3.斯坦福大学工程学院(Stanford University, School of Engineering)平均薪资:74,500美元4.哈维穆德学院(Harvey Mudd College)平均薪资:72,500美元5.纽约大学护理学院(New York University, College of Nursing)平均薪资:70,200美元6.宾夕法尼亚大学工程和应用科学学院(University of Pennsylvania, School of Engineering and Applied Science)平均薪资:70,100美元7.德州农工大学Dwight Look工程学院(Texas A&M University, Dwight Look College of Engineering)平均薪资:69,100美元8.麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)平均薪资:68,300美元9.卡内基梅隆大学工程学院(Carnegie Mellon University, College of Engineering)平均薪资:68,300美元10.乔治亚理工学院计算学院(Georgia Institute of Technology, College of Computing)平均薪资:67,700美元11.康奈尔大学工程学院(Cornell University, College of Engineering)平均薪资:67,400美元12.宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿学院(University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School)平均薪资:67,100美元13.弗吉尼亚大学工程和应用科学学院(University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Science)平均薪资:$65,900美元14.伊利诺伊大学厄本那——香槟分校工程学院(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, College of Engineering)平均薪资:$65,800美元15.科罗拉多矿业大学(Colorado School of Mines)平均薪资:$65,800美元16.卡内基梅隆大学泰珀商学院(Tepper School of Business)平均薪资:$65,000美元17.乔治亚理公学院工程学院(Georgia Institute of Technology, College of Engineering)平均薪资:$64,000美元18.普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)平均薪资:$63,700美元19.史蒂文斯理工学院(Stevens Institute of Technology)平均薪资:$63,2000美元20.伊利诺伊大学厄本那—香槟分校化学科学学院(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, School of Chemical Sciences)平均薪资:$63,100美元21.密歇根大学罗斯商学院(University of Michigan, Ross School of Business)平均薪资:$62,600美元22.圣母大学工程学院(University of Notre Dame, College of Engineering)平均薪资:$62,600美元23.纽约大学斯特恩商学院(New York University, Leonard Stern School of Business)平均薪资:$62,200美元24.卡内基梅隆大学美术学院(College of Fine Arts)平均薪资:$62,100美元25.里海大学罗森工程和应用科学学院(Lehigh University, P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science)平均薪资:$62,000美元26.卡内基梅隆大学梅隆科学学院(Carnegie Mellon University, Mellon College of Science)平均薪资:$61,300美元27.圣路易斯华盛顿大学奥林商学院(Washington University in St. Louis, Olin Business School)平均薪资:$61,100美元28.伦斯勒理工学院(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)平均薪资:$61,100美元29.乔治城大学麦克多诺商学院(Georgetown University, McDonough School of Business)平均薪资:$60,900美元30.匹兹堡大学斯万森工程学院(University of Pittsburgh, Swanson School of Engineering)平均薪资:$60,900美元31.亚拉巴马大学工程学院(University of Alabama, College of Engineering)平均薪资:$60,700美元32.卡内基梅隆大学特里希人文和社会科学学院(Carnegie Mellon University, Dietrich College of Humanities & Social Sciences)平均薪资:$60,700美元33.普渡大学工程学院(Purdue University, College of Engineering)平均薪资:$60,000美元34.莱斯大学(Rice University)平均薪资:$60,000美元35.密歇根州立大学工程学院(Michigan State University, College of Engineering)平均薪资:$59,700美元36.雪城大学信息研究学院(Syracuse University, School of Information Studies)平均薪资:$59,600美元37.俄亥俄州立大学工程学院(Ohio State University, College of Engineering)平均薪资:$59,500美元38.伍斯特理工学院工程系(Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Engineering)平均薪资:$58,000美元39.圣母大学门多萨商学院(University of Notre Dame, Mendoza College of Business)平均薪资:$57,700美元40.里海大学商业及经济学院(Lehigh University, College of Business & Economics)平均薪资:$57,500美元41.伍斯特理工学院艺术与科学系(Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Arts and Sciences)平均薪资:$57,200美元42.范德堡大学(Vanderbilt University)平均薪资:$56,900美元43.特拉华大学工程学院(University of Delaware, College of Engineering)平均薪资:$56,700美元44.马萨诸塞大学安默斯特工程学院(University of Massachusetts, Amherst, College of Engineering)平均薪资:$56,600美元45.宾夕法尼亚州立大学(Pennsylvania State University)平均薪资:$56,600美元46.克莱姆森大学工程和科学学院(Clemson University)平均薪资:$56,500美元47.宾夕法尼亚大学护理学院(University of Pennsylvania, School of Nursing)平均薪资:$56,500美元48.普渡大学科学学院(Purdue University, College of Science)平均薪资:$56,400美元49.雪城大学L.C.史密斯工程和计算机科学学院(Syracuse University, L.C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer Science)平均薪资:$56,100美元50.伍斯特理工学院商学院(Worcester Polytechnic Institute, School of Business)平均薪资:$56,100美元。



2010年美国最受雇主欢迎的25所大学(居然绝大多数都是公立大学,传统的私立大学很少上榜)The Top 25 Recruiter PicksBelow are the Top 25 schools whose graduates were the top-rated by recruiters.Jennifer Merritt discusses a new Wall Street Journal survey, which reveals recruiters are shifting their attention away from elite private schools to focus instead on state universities.Paths to Professions.1. Pennsylvania State UniversityPenn State, with its main campus located in University Park, Pa., has undergraduates enrolled in more than 160 different majors. It has 20 undergraduate campuses, 10 of which offer University-owned housing. The school is 54% male and 46% female, representing 50 states and 131 countries. The average student/faculty ratio is 17:1.How majors match upAccouting (5)Business/Economics (11)Computer Science (7)Engineering (9)Finance (6)MIS (2)Upcoming Application Deadline: Nov. 30Tuition (2010-2011): In-state $15,250; Out-of-state $27,114Undergraduate Enrollment: 38,630Admissions Phone: 814-856-5471Admissions Email: admissions@2. Texas A&M UniversityThis Texas school's main campus is in College Station, about 100 miles northwest of Houston and 100 miles northeast of Austin. The school has 10 individual colleges and boasts more than 800 student organizations ranging from athletics and recreation to professional and community service. How majors match upFinance (5)Engineering (16)Business (24)Upcoming Application Deadline: Jan. 15; Dec. 1 (priority)Tuition (2010-2011): In-state $8,387; Out-of-state $22,817Undergraduate Enrollment: 38,810Admissions Phone: 979-845-3741Admissions Email: admissions@3. University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, centrally located between Chicago, Indianapolis and St. Louis, has more than 150 majors and 1,000 student organizations. Students come from all 50 states and 118 countries. The school is 54% male and 46% female.How majors match upAccounting (3)Engineering (4)Computer Science (9)Business (10)Upcoming Application Deadline: Jan. 2Tuition (2010-2011): In-state $13,658-$18,386; Out-of-state $27,800-$32,528Undergraduate Enrollment: 31,209Admissions Phone: 217-333-0302Admissions Email: ugradadmissions@4. Purdue UniversityMore than half of this Indiana university's students are from the state (62%) with 38% coming from elsewhere. Its West Lafayette campus offers more than 200 majors for undergraduates along with 18 intercollegiate sports teams and more than 850 student organizations.How majors match upMIS (1)Engineering (2)Computer Science (8)Upcoming Application Deadline: Nov. 15, other programs March 1Tuition (2010-2011): In-state $9,070-$10,408; Out-of-state $26,622-$27,960Undergraduate Enrollment: 29,851Admissions Phone: 765-494-1776Admissions Email: admissions@5. Arizona State UniversityArizona State University is situated less than 15 miles from Phoenix, with four campuses in the metro Phoenix area, including an Arizona State air field for aviation students. The university offers 250 majors to its undergraduates -- who are 71% in-state. There are 52% women compared to 48% men, and more than 30% of freshmen graduate in the top 10% of their high school class.How majors match upBusiness (19)Engineering (24)Upcoming Application Deadline: Feb.1Tuition (2010-2011): In-state $8,132; Out-of-state $20,296Undergraduate Enrollment: 54,277Admissions Phone: 480-965-7788Admissions Email: ugrading@6. University of Michigan, Ann ArborThis Michigan school's campus is in Ann Arbor offers more than 200 undergraduate degree programs and several thousand undergraduate research opportunities. There are more than 150 first-year seminars, with no more than 15-18 students each. The university boasts the most living alumni in the world: more than 400,000.How majors match upBusiness (1)Finance (1)Computer Science (3)Accounting (6)Engineering (6)Marketing/Adv (7)Upcoming Application Deadline: Nov. 1 (early); Feb. 1 (regular)Tuition (2010-2011): In-state: $11,837, Out-of-state: $36,001Undergraduate Enrollment: 26,208Admissions Phone: 734-764-7433Admissions Email: n/a7. Georgia Institute of TechnologyGeorgia Institute of Technology has nine schools and two outreach campuses -- one in Savannah and the other in Metz, France. The student body is 64% male. More than 60% of the university'sstudents come from Georgia, with roughly 30% coming from out-of-state; another 10% are international students.How majors match upEngineering (1)MIS (3)Computer Science (4)Upcoming Application Deadline: Oct. 1 (early); Jan. 15 (regular)Tuition (2010-2011): In-state $8,716; Out-of-state $26,926Undergraduate Enrollment: 13,515Admissions Phone: 404-894-4154Admissions Email: admission@8. University of Maryland, College ParkThis Maryland school's campus, stretching 1,250 acres, is about 10 miles from Washington D.C. It enrolls 67% in-state students; the student body is made up of 47% women. There are 13 colleges and schools within the university, which offers 127 undergraduate majors.How majors match upEngineering (3)Accounting (7)Computer Science (10)Business (21)Upcoming Application Deadline: Nov. 1 (priority); Jan. 20 (regular)Tuition (2010-2011): In-state $8,415.44; Out-of-state $24,830.44Undergraduate Enrollment: 26,542Admissions Phone: 301-314-8385Admissions Email: um-admit@9. University of FloridaUniversity of Florida, located in Gainesville, is home to 16 colleges and more than 150 research centers and institutes. Its freshman retention rate hits 94%, with almost all students attending from in-state (97%). There are 60% women in the student body. Alumni, topping 330,000, live in all 50 states and 135 countries.How majors match upFinance (12)Business (23)Upcoming Application Deadline: Nov. 1Tuition (2010-2011): In-state $5,045; Out-of-state $27,322Undergraduate Enrollment: 36,386Admissions Phone: 352-392-1365Admissions Email: n/a10. Carnegie Mellon UniversityCarnegie Mellon, located in Pittsburgh, Penn., sits on 143 acres in its urban campus. The university boasts a student/faculty ratio of 10:1. It consists of seven schools and colleges with just 17% of students coming from in-state. The school's motto "My heart is in the work," comes straight from Andrew Carnegie.How majors match upComputer Science (1)Finance (4)Business (7)Engineering (21)Upcoming Application Deadline: Nov. 1 (Early I); Dec. 1 (Early II); Jan. 1 (Regular)Tuition (2010-2011): $42,136Undergraduate Enrollment: 6,023Admissions Phone: 412-268-2082Admissions Email:undergraduate-admissions@11. Brigham Young UniversityThis Utah school's campus is situated in Provo, about 50 miles south of Salt Lake City. The most popular majors are exercise science, management and psychology. Students come from 110 countries and are almost evenly split between male and female. Almost one-quarter of students are married.How majors match upAccounting (1)Upcoming Application Deadline: Dec. 1 (Priority); Feb. 1 (Final)Tuition (2010-2011): Latter Day Saints $4,420; Non-Latter Day Saints $8,840Undergraduate Enrollment: 30,745Admissions Phone: 801-422-2507Admissions Email: admissions@12. Ohio State UniversityOhio State, located in Columbus, was founded in 1870 as a land-grant university. It's thesecond-largest university campus in the United States, offering 14 colleges, 175 undergraduate majors and about 12,000 courses. Almost 80% of first-year classes have fewer than 40 students. The campus stretches across 1,700 acres and 457 buildings.How majors match upBusiness (2)Accounting (10)Engineering (13)Upcoming Application Deadline: Feb.1*Tuition (2009-2010): In-state $8,706; Out-of-state $22,278Undergraduate Enrollment: 41,348Admissions Phone: 614-292-3980Admissions Email: askabuckeye@13. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityThis school offers nine colleges and 65 bachelor's degree programs. The main campus includes more than 125 buildings and 2,600 acres, which includes an airport. There's an average of 16 students to every faculty member.How majors match upEngineering (5)Computer Science (5)Upcoming Application Deadline: Nov. 1 (Early); Jan. 15 (Regular)Tuition (2010-2011): In-state $9,458; Out-of-state $23,217Undergraduate Enrollment: 23,558Admissions Phone: 540-231-6267Admissions Email: vtadmiss@14. Cornell UniversityThis Ivy League school is located in the Finger Lakes region of central New York, about 225 miles to New York City. There are more than 500 student organizations, with attendees coming from all 50 states and more than 100 nations. Undergraduates pursue studies in more than 80 academic programs in the university's seven undergraduate colleges.How majors match upEngineering (7)Upcoming Application Deadline: Nov. 1 (Early); Jan. 3 (Regular)Tuition (2010-2011): $39,450Undergraduate Enrollment: 13,931Admissions Phone: 607-255-5241Admissions Email: admissions@15. University of California - BerkeleyThis Northern California school's Berkeley campus is just 15 miles from San Francisco. Almost three-quarters of undergraduate classes have fewer than 30 students. There are 14 colleges and schools with 130 academic departments and more than 80 interdisciplinary research units.How majors match upComputer Science (2)Marketing/Adv (3)Finance (3)Business (6)Accounting (8)Engineering (12)Upcoming Application Deadline: Nov. 30Tuition (2010-2011): In-state $12,462; Out-of-state $35,341Undergraduate Enrollment: 25,530Admissions Phone: 510-642-3175Admissions Email: ouars@16. University of Wisconsin, MadisonThis Wisconsin school's campus in Madison sits on almost 1,000 acres. The university also has an arboretum and experimental farms. About 65% of students are Wisconsin residents, 24% out-of-state and 11% come from Minnesota; the school offers discounted tuition to Minnesotans. How majors match upAccounting (2)Marketing/Adv (5)Finance (8)Engineering (20)Upcoming Application Deadline: Nov. 1 (First Notification Period); Feb. 1 (Second Notification Period)Tuition (2010-2011): In-state $9,050; Minnesota resident: $10,820 Out-of-state $24,300 Undergraduate Enrollment: 30,343Admissions Phone: 608-262-3961Admissions Email: onwisconsin@17. University of California, Los AngelesThis California school is situated in Westwood Village in Los Angeles, about five miles from the Pacific Ocean. There are 174 buildings on 419 acres. It has 12 professional schools with 118 undergraduate degree programs. There are more than 4,000 teaching faculty.How majors match upFinance (7)Accounting (9)Business (17)Engineering (19)Upcoming Application Deadline: Nov. 30Tuition (2010-2011): In-state $10,781; Out-of-state $33,660Undergraduate Enrollment: 26,687Admissions Phone: 310-825-3101Admissions Email: ugadm@18. Texas TechTexas Tech is located in Lubbock in the South Plains of West Texas. It boasts students from every county in Texas -- about 95% of students are in-state. The school offers 150 undergraduate degree programs within 11 academic colleges. The school, founded in 1923, is in the Big 12 conference. Engineering (25)Upcoming Application Deadline: May 1Tuition (2010-2011): In-state $8,260; Out-of-state $17,560Undergraduate Enrollment: 24,236Admissions Phone: 806-742-1480Admissions Email: admissions@19 (tie). North Carolina State University, RaleighNorth Carolina State, an NCAA Division I university, has 10 undergraduate colleges serving students from all North Carolina counties. The majority of students -- 91% -- comes from in-state, and just more than half --56% -- are male.How majors match upEngineering (15)Upcoming Application Deadline: Oct. 15 (Early Action 1); Nov. 1 (Early Action 2); Feb. 1 (Regular)Tuition (2010-2011): In-state $5,829; Out-of-state $18,314Undergraduate Enrollment: 25,255Admissions Phone: 919-515-2434Admissions Email: undergrad—admissions@19 (tie). University of VirginiaThomas Jefferson founded this school, located in Charlottesville, in 1819. It offers more than 60 majors in six undergraduate schools. Almost three-quarters are Virginian, with 54% women and 46% men. The university offers more than 480 public service and outreach programs.How majors match upBusiness (9)Upcoming Application Deadline: Jan. 1Tuition (2010-2011): In-state $10,836; Out-of-state $33,782Undergraduate Enrollment: 17,981Admissions Phone: 434-982-3200Admissions Email: undergradadmission@21. Rutgers University, New BrunswickThis New Jersey school's main campus is in New Brunswick, about 35 miles from New York City. There are 27 schools and colleges offering more than 100 major undergraduate programs. Almost all -- 96% -- students are in-state, with 45% of the student body comprised of women ..How majors match upBusiness (3)Upcoming Application Deadline: Nov. 1 (Early); Dec. 1 (Regular)Tuition (2010-2011): In-state $12,560; Out-of-state $24,316Undergraduate Enrollment: 29,095Admissions Phone: 732-932-4636Admissions Email: admissions@22. University of Notre DameNotre Dame, founded in 1842, is an independent, national Catholic university adjacent to South Bend, Ind. and 90 miles east of Chicago. It stretches across 1,250 acres containing two lakes with 138 buildings in its four colleges and six major research institutes. The school also offers more than 40 centers and special programs. Just 7% of students come from Indiana.Upcoming Application Deadline: Nov. 1 (Early); Dec. 31 (Regular)Tuition (2010-2011): $39,919Undergraduate Enrollment: 8,372Admissions Phone: 574-631-7505Admissions Email: admissions@23. Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyThis Massachusetts school's main campus is in Cambridge, extending 168 acres, some of which across the Charles River Basin. The school accepted 10.7% of applicants in 2009, with just 10% in-state.How majors match upEngineering (8)Computer Science (6)Upcoming Application Deadline: Nov. 1 (Early); Jan. 1 (Regular)Tuition (2010-2011): $39,212Undergraduate Enrollment: 4,232Admissions Phone: 617-253-3400Admissions Email: admissions@24. University of Southern CaliforniaThis California school's campus is in University Park, the heart of Los Angeles' downtown arts and education corridor. A little more than half of the students are Californians, and the school enrolls more international students than any other U.S. university. Out of almost 36,000 applicants, 24% were admitted. The student body is made up of 53% women.Upcoming Application Deadline: Oct. 15 (Part 1); Dec. 1 (Scholarship Consideration); Jan. 10 (Regular)Tuition (2010-2011): $41,172Undergraduate Enrollment: 16,751Admissions Phone: 213-740-1111Admissions Email: admitusc@25. (tie) Washington State UniversityFour campuses with 12 colleges make up this Washington school, which is across the state -- or about 300 miles -- east of Seattle. There are four campuses with 12 colleges offering more than 200 fields of study and more than 100 majors. The student/faculty ratio is 15:1.Upcoming Application Deadline: Jan. 31 (Priority)Tuition (2010-2011): In-state $9,488; Out-of-state $20,530Undergraduate Enrollment: 21,726Admissions Phone: 509-335-5586Admissions Email: admiss2@wsu.ed25. (tie) University of North Carolina - Chapel HillSet in the town of Chapel Hill, this flagship state university has a diverse student body and offers 77 majors for undergraduates. Nearly 80% of the school's freshman are typically in the top 10% of their high school class.Upcoming Application Deadline:Tuition (2010-2011): In-state ; Out-of-stateUndergraduate Enrollment: 17,981Admissions Phone: 919-966-3621Admissions Email: unchelp@。



申请美国留学,在选学校的时候,毕业生的薪水也是参考因素之一,最近Business Insider根据学生在毕业后两年内薪资的中位数,列出了毕业生起薪最高的15所美国大学。


15、芝加哥大学毕业生10年后平均工资:62800美元芝加哥大学(The University of Chicago),简称芝大(UChicago),位于美国国际金融中心芝加哥,是世界著名私立研究型大学、常年位列各个大学排行榜世界前十。

这里诞生了“芝加哥经济学派”(Chicago School of Economics)等以人文社科为主的众多芝加哥学派,走出了世界超过30%的诺贝尔经济学奖得主,是世界经济学、社会学最重要的研究教学中心之一。

14、西北大学毕业生10年后平均工资:64100美元西北大学,是一所世界顶级的私立研究型大学,是美国录取难度最大的大学之一,十大联盟(Big Ten Conference)成员校,也是该联盟中唯一的私立大学。

13、耶鲁大学毕业生10年后平均工资:66000美元耶鲁大学是美国东北部老牌名校联盟“常青藤联盟(Ivy League)”的成员,也是八所常春藤盟校中最重视本科教育的大学之一。










猜猜美国大学薪资排名第一的是哪所大学?第二十名、科罗拉多矿业大学Colorado School of Mines所属州:CO毕业率:68%入学后10年平均收入: $74,700科罗拉多矿业大学创立于1874年,是位于美国科罗拉多州戈尔登的一所小型公立研究型大学。





第十九名、凯特林大学Kettering University所属州:密歇根州毕业率:59%入学后10年平均收入: $74,900凯特林大学的前身是成立于1919年的美国通用汽车学院,学校的工程专业历年高居权威杂志《美国新闻与世界报道》排名前列。






第十八名、本特利大学Bentley University所属州:马萨诸塞州毕业率:86%入学后10年平均收入: $74,900本特利大学,原本特利学院,成立于1917年,是一所私立院校,2008年改为现名。

【最新】10年后薪水最高的美国大学排行榜-精选word文档 (2页)

【最新】10年后薪水最高的美国大学排行榜-精选word文档 (2页)

== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==
1. 麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)


2. 哈佛大学(Harvard University)


3. 乔治城大学(Georgetown University)


4. 斯坦福大学(Stanford University)


5. 哈维穆德学院(Harvey Mudd College)


2010 美国大学排名

2010 美国大学排名

2010 美国大学排名1 Harvard University 哈佛大学1 Princeton University 普林斯顿大学3 Yale University 耶鲁大学4 California Institute of Technology 加州理工学院4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 麻省理工学院4 Stanford University 斯坦福大学4 University of Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚大学8 Columbia University 哥伦比亚大学8 University of Chicago 芝加哥大学10 Duke University 杜克大学11 Dartmouth College 达特茅斯学院12 Northwestern University 西北大学12 Washington University in St. Louis 圣路易斯华盛顿大学14 Johns Hopkins University 约翰霍普金斯大学15 Cornell University 康奈尔大学16 Brown University 布朗大学17 Emory University 埃默里大学17 Rice University 莱斯大学17 Vanderbilt University 范德比尔特大学20 University of Notre Dame 圣母大学21 University of California_Berkeley 加州大学-伯克利分校22 Carnegie Mellon University 卡内基梅隆大学23 Georgetown University 乔治城大学24 University of California_Los Angeles 加州大学-洛杉矶分校24 University of Virginia 弗吉尼亚大学26 University of Southern California 南加州大学27 University of Michigan_Ann Arbor 密歇根大学-安娜堡分校28 Tufts University 塔夫茨大学28 University of North Carolina_Chapel Hill 北卡罗来纳大学-教堂山分校28 Wake Forest University 维克森林大学31 Brandeis University 布兰代斯大学32 New York University 纽约大学33 College of William and Mary 威廉玛丽学院34 Boston College 波士顿学院35 Georgia Institute of Technology 佐治亚理工学院35 Lehigh University 利哈伊大学35 University of California_San Diego 加州大学-圣地亚哥分校35 University of Rochester 罗彻斯特大学39 University of Illinois_Urbana-Champaign 伊利诺伊大学-香槟分校39 University of Wisconsin_Madison 威斯康辛大学-麦迪逊分校41 Case Western Reserve University 凯斯西储大学42 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 伦斯勒理工学院42 University of California_Davis 加州大学-戴维斯分校42 University of California_Santa Barbara 加州大学-圣巴巴拉分校42 University of Washington 华盛顿大学46 University of California_Irvine 加州大学-欧文分校47 Pennsylvania State University_University Park 宾夕法尼亚州立大学47 University of Florida 佛罗里达大学47 University of Texas_Austin 德克萨斯大学-奥斯汀分校50 Tulane University 杜兰大学50 University of Miami 迈阿密大学52 Yeshiva University 叶史瓦大学53 George Washington University 乔治华盛顿大学53 Ohio State University_Columbus 俄亥俄州立大学-哥伦布分校53 University of Maryland_College Park 马里兰大学-帕克分校56 Boston University 波士顿大学56 University of Pittsburgh 匹兹堡大学58 Pepperdine University 佩珀代因大学58 Syracuse University 雪城大学58 University of Georgia 乔治亚大学61 Clemson University 克莱姆森大学61 Fordham University 福特汉姆大学61 Purdue University_West Lafayette 普渡大学-西拉法叶分校61 Texas A&M University_College Station 得克萨斯A&M大学61 University of Minnesota_Twin Cities 明尼苏达大学-双子城分校66 Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey_New Brunswick 罗格斯大学66 University of Connecticut 康涅狄格大学68 Southern Methodist University 南卫理公会大学68 University of Delaware 特拉华大学68 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 伍斯特理工学院71 Brigham Young University_Provo 杨百翰大学-普罗沃分校71 Indiana University_Bloomington 印第安那大学-布卢明顿分校71 Michigan State University 密歇根州立大学71 University of California_Santa Cruz 加州大学-圣克鲁斯分校71 University of Iowa 爱荷华大学71 Virginia Tech 弗吉尼亚理工学院77 Colorado School of Mines 科罗拉多矿业学院77 Miami University_Oxford 迈阿密大学-牛津分校77 University of Colorado_Boulder 科罗拉多大学-玻尔得分校80 Baylor University 贝勒大学80 Northeastern University 东北大学80 SUNY_Binghamton 纽约州立大学-宾厄姆顿分校80 SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry 纽约州立环境科学与林业学院84 American University 美国大学84 Marquette University 马凯特大学84 Stevens Institute of Technology 史蒂文斯理工学院84 University of Denver 丹佛大学88 Auburn University 奥本大学88 Clark University 克拉克大学88 Drexel University 德雷克塞尔大学88 Iowa State University 爱荷华州立大学88 North Carolina State University_Raleigh 北卡罗莱纳州立大学-罗利分校88 St. Louis University 圣路易斯大学88 University of Tulsa 塔尔萨大学88 University of Vermont 佛蒙特大学96 Howard University 霍华德大学96 SUNY_Stony Brook 纽约州立大学-石溪分校96 University of Alabama 阿巴马大学96 University of California_Riverside 加州大学-河滨分校96 University of Kansas 堪萨斯大学96 University of Nebraska_Lincoln 内布拉斯加州大学林肯分校102 Florida State University 佛罗里达州立大学102 University of Arizona 亚利桑那大学102 University of Missouri 密苏里大学102 University of Oklahoma 奥克拉荷马大学106 Illinois Institute of Technology 美国伊利诺理工大学106 University of Massachusetts_Amherst 马萨诸塞大学-阿姆赫斯特106 University of Tennessee 田纳西大学106 Washington State University 华盛顿州立大学110 Texas Christian University 得克萨斯州基督教大学110 University of Dayton 代顿大学110 University of New Hampshire 新汉普郡大学110 University of San Diego 圣迭戈大学110 University of South Carolina_Columbia 南卡罗来纳大学-哥伦比亚115 New Jersey Institute of Technology 新泽西理工学院115 Ohio University 俄亥俄大学115 University of Oregon 俄勒冈大学115 University of the Pacific 太平洋大学119 Clarkson University 克拉克森大学119 Loyola University Chicago 芝加哥罗耀拉大学121 Arizona State University 亚利桑那州立大学121 Catholic University of America 美国天主教大学121 Michigan Technological University 密歇根理工大学121 University at Buffalo_SUNY 布法罗大学-纽约州立大学121 University of San Francisco 旧金山大学126 Samford University 桑福德大学126 University of Utah 犹他大学128 Colorado State University 科罗拉多州立大学128 Duquesne University 杜肯大学128 Louisiana State University_Baton Rouge 路易斯安那州立大学-巴吞鲁日128 Missouri University of Science & Technology 美国密苏里大学科技128 University of Arkansas 阿肯色大学128 University of Kentucky 肯塔基大学。



美国各州薪资水平高的大学16.jpg" width="450" height="300" border="0" vspace="0" />怀俄明州(Wyoming):怀俄明大学(University of Wyoming)年均花费(本州学生): $14,928年均花费(州外学生): $25,668入读十年后年均薪资: $46,200威斯康辛州(Wisconsin):密尔沃基工程学院(Milwaukee School of Engineering)年均花费: $45,153入读十年后年均薪资: $65,700西弗吉尼亚州(West Virginia):西弗吉尼亚大学(West Virginia University)年均花费(本州学生): $17,504年均花费(州外学生): $31,304入读十年后年均薪资: $43,900华盛顿特区(Washington,DC):乔治城大学(Georgetown University)年均花费: $63,771入读十年后年均薪资: $83,300华盛顿州(Washington):西雅图大学(Seattle University)年均花费: $50,811入读十年后年均薪资: $55,200弗吉尼亚州(Virginia):华盛顿与李大学(Washington and Lee University) 年均花费: $57,402入读十年后年均薪资: $77,600佛蒙特州(Vermont):明德学院(Middlebury College)年均花费: $61,456入读十年后年均薪资: $53,400犹他州(Utah):杨百翰大学(Brigham Young University) 年均花费: $12,480入读十年后年均薪资: $57,400得克萨斯州(Texas):莱斯大学(Rice University)年均花费: $55,903入读十年后年均薪资: $59,900田纳西州(Tennessee):范德堡大学(Vanderbilt University)年均花费: $59,382入读十年后年均薪资: $60,900南达科他州(South Dakota):奥古斯塔纳学院(Augustana College)年均花费: $36,868入读十年后年均薪资: $42,600南卡罗来纳州(South Carolina):塞特多大学(The Citadel)年均花费(本州学生): $19,405年均花费(州外学生): $39,821入读十年后年均薪资: $52,500罗得岛州(Rhode Island):布莱恩特大学(Bryant University)年均花费: $54,361入读十年后年均薪资: $61,900宾夕法尼亚州(Pennsylvania):宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)年均花费: $63,526入读十年后年均薪资: $78,200俄勒冈州(Oregon):波特兰大学(University of Portland)年均花费: $52,152入读十年后年均薪资: $51,700俄克拉荷马州(Oklahoma):俄克拉荷马大学(University of Oklahoma)年均花费(本州学生): $19,485年均花费(州外学生): $32,844入读十年后年均薪资: $46,600俄亥俄州(Ohio):凯斯西储大学(Case Western Reserve University) 年均花费: $58,400入读十年后年均薪资: $67,000北达科他州(North Dakota):北达科他大学(University of North Dakota)年均花费(本州学生): $15,201年均花费(州外学生): $26,135入读十年后年均薪资: $46,600北卡罗来纳州(North Carolina):杜克大学(Duke University)年均花费: $63,273入读十年后年均薪资: $76,700纽约州(New York):美国商船学院(United States Merchant Marine Academy) 年均花费: $1,107*入读十年后年均薪资: $89,000新墨西哥州(New Mexico):新墨西哥采矿技术大学(New Mexico Institute of Miningand Technology)年均花费(本州学生): $14,199年均花费(州外学生): $26,723入读十年后年均薪资: $52,800新泽西州(New Jersey):斯蒂文斯理工学院(Stevens Institute of Technology) 年均花费: $62,360入读十年后年均薪资: $82,800新罕布什尔州(New Hampshire):达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College)年均花费: $63,744入读十年后年均薪资: $67,100内华达州(Nevada):内华达大学里诺分校(University of Nevada at Reno) 年均花费(本州学生): $16,743年均花费(州外学生): $30,653入读十年后年均薪资: $45,500内布拉斯加州(Nebraska):克瑞顿大学(Creighton University)年均花费: $46,716入读十年后年均薪资: $57,800蒙大拿州(Montana):卡罗大学(Carroll College)年均花费: $39,972入读十年后年均薪资: $44,000密苏里州(Missouri):密苏里科学技术大学(Missouri University of Science and Technology)年均花费(本州学生): $19,248年均花费(州外学生): $35,772入读十年后年均薪资: $65,500密西西比州(Mississippi):密尔赛普斯学院(Millsaps College)年均花费: $47,922入读十年后年均薪资: $45,200明尼苏达州(Minnesota):圣约翰大学(St. John s University)年均花费: $49,830入读十年后年均薪资: $55,900密歇根州(Michigan):凯特林大学(Kettering University)年均花费: $45,940入读十年后年均薪资: $74,900马萨诸塞州(Massachusetts):麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology) 年均花费: $60,434入读十年后年均薪资: $91,600马里兰州(Maryland):约翰·霍普金斯大学(The Johns Hopkins University) 年均花费: $63,750入读十年后年均薪资: $69,200缅因州(Maine):缅因海事学院(Maine Maritime Academy)年均花费(本州学生): $22,618年均花费(州外学生): $35,202入读十年后年均薪资: $74,700路易斯安那州(Louisiana):杜兰大学(Tulane University)年均花费: $63,396入读十年后年均薪资: $52,400肯塔基州(Kentucky):托马斯莫尔学院(Thomas More College) 年均花费: $36,438入读十年后年均薪资: $45,800堪萨斯州(Kansas):贝克大学(Baker University)年均花费: $38,350入读十年后年均薪资: $48,900爱荷华州(Iowa):德雷克大学(Drake University)年均花费: $43,292入读十年后年均薪资: $55,700印第安纳州(Indiana):圣母大学(University of Notre Dame) 年均花费: $61,775入读十年后年均薪资: $69,400伊利诺斯州(Illinois):伊利诺伊斯理工大学(Illinois Institute of Technology) 年均花费: $54,980入读十年后年均薪资: $68,200爱达荷州(Idaho):爱达荷大学(University of Idaho)年均花费(本州学生): $15,348年均花费(州外学生): $29,352入读十年后年均薪资: $39,900夏威夷州(Hawaii):夏威夷大学马诺阿分校(University of Hawaii at Manoa) 年均花费(本州学生): $22,144年均花费(州外学生): $42,496入读十年后年均薪资: $44,300佐治亚州(Georgia):佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Institute of Technology)年均花费(本州学生): $22,920年均花费(州外学生): $43,112入读十年后年均薪资: $74,000佛罗里达州(Florida):安柏瑞德航空大学全球校园(Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University: Worldwide Campus)年均花费: $8,520入读十年后年均薪资: $60,900特拉华州(Delaware):特拉华大学(University of Delaware)年均花费(本州学生): $24,666年均花费(州外学生): $43,566入读十年后年均薪资: $54,300康涅狄格州(Connecticut):费尔菲尔德大学(Fairfield University)年均花费: $58,395入读十年后年均薪资: $69,000科罗拉多州(Colorado):科罗拉多矿业大学(Colorado School of Mines)年均花费(本州学生): $28,361年均花费(州外学生): $45,836入读十年后年均薪资: $74,700加利福尼亚州(California):美国加州海事学院(California Maritime Academy) 年均花费(本州学生): $18,292年均花费(州外学生): $29,452入读十年后年均薪资: $81,100阿肯色州(Arkansas):约翰布朗大学(John Brown University)年均花费: $33,132阿利桑那州(Arizona):安柏瑞德航空大学普瑞斯考分校(Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University,Prescott campus)年均花费: $43,134入读十年后年均薪资: $60,900阿拉斯加州(Alaska):阿拉斯加太平洋大学(Alaska Pacific University)年均花费: $26,680入读十年后年均薪资: $47,400阿拉巴马州(Alabama):阿拉巴马大学汉茨维尔分校(University of Alabama in Huntsville)年均花费(本州学生): $18,333年均花费(州外学生): $29,827。



美国的私立大学赚钱吗1. Harvard University哈佛大学早期职业平均工资: $66,600中期职业平均工资: $141,000觉得自己的工作可以让世界更好的校友比例: 64%本科生人数 10,3382. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)麻省理工学院早期职业平均工资: $81,100中期职业平均工资: $140,000觉得自己的工作可以让世界更好的校友比例: 62%本科生人数 4, 5123. Claremont McKenna College克莱蒙特麦肯纳学院早期职业平均工资: $62,700中期职业平均工资: $138,000觉得自己的工作可以让世界更好的校友比例: 59%本科生人数 1,3014. Princeton University普林斯顿大学早期职业平均工资: $67,300中期职业平均工资: $135,000觉得自己的工作可以让世界更好的校友比例: 60%本科生人数 5,3915. Stanford University斯坦福大学早期职业平均工资: $75,800中期职业平均工资: $134,000觉得自己的工作可以让世界更好的'校友比例: 65%本科生人数 7,0196. Harvey Mudd College哈维姆德学院早期职业平均工资: $77,700中期职业平均工资: $132,000觉得自己的工作可以让世界更好的校友比例: 68%本科生人数 8047. (tie) Babson College波士顿学院早期职业平均工资: $60,100中期职业平均工资: $130,000觉得自己的工作可以让世界更好的校友比例: 36%本科生人数 2,1078. (tie) University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学早期职业平均工资: $65,300中期职业平均工资: $130,000觉得自己的工作可以让世界更好的校友比例: 56%本科生人数 11,5489. Yale University耶鲁大学早期职业平均工资: $62,500中期职业平均工资: $129,000觉得自己的工作可以让世界更好的校友比例: 66%本科生人数 5,47710. Carnegie Mellon University卡内基梅隆大学早期职业平均工资: $71,700中期职业平均工资: $126,000觉得自己的工作可以让世界更好的校友比例: 51%本科生人数 5,88811. (tie) California Institute of Technology加州理工学院早期职业平均工资: $63,000中期职业平均工资: $125,000觉得自己的工作可以让世界更好的校友比例: 60%本科生人数 6,62613. (tie) Dartmouth College达特茅斯大学早期职业平均工资: $62,600中期职业平均工资: $124,000觉得自己的工作可以让世界更好的校友比例: 57%本科生人数 4,28913. (tie) Clarkson University克拉克森大学早期职业平均工资: $63,500中期职业平均工资: $124,000觉得自己的工作可以让世界更好的校友比例: 55%本科生人数 3,24715. Georgetown University乔治城大学早期职业平均工资: $58,300中期职业平均工资: $123,000觉得自己的工作可以让世界更好的校友比例: 53%本科生人数 7,59516. (tie) Santa Clara University圣塔克拉拉大学早期职业平均工资: $62,500中期职业平均工资: $122,000觉得自己的工作可以让世界更好的校友比例: 49%本科生人数 5,48617. (tie) Williams College威廉姆斯学院早期职业平均工资: $54,900中期职业平均工资: $122,000觉得自己的工作可以让世界更好的校友比例: 56%本科生人数 2,07219. Wabash College华佰士学院早期职业平均工资: $59,000中期职业平均工资: $121,000觉得自己的工作可以让世界更好的校友比例: 55%本科生人数 926。











美国毕业生薪酬最高的大学排行榜美国在线薪酬数据机构PayScale最近排出了一个美国大学毕业生薪酬最高的大学排行榜:1、达特茅斯学院12.9万美元2、麻省理工学院12.6万美元3、哈佛大学12.6万美元4、哈维玛德学院(Harvey Mudd College) 12.5万美元5、斯坦福大学12.4万美元6、普林斯顿大学12.4万美元7、科尔盖特大学(Colgate University) 12.2万美元8、圣母大学12.1万美元9、耶鲁大学12万美元10、宾夕法利亚大学11.8万美元从调查中发现,社会服务专业的毕业生薪酬最低,航空航天专业的学生薪酬最高。

榜单中让人感到比较意外的是哈维玛德学院(Harvey Mudd College)和科尔盖特大学(Colgate University)。



哈维玛德学院(Harvey Mudd College)简介该校是坐落在美国加州的Claremont市,在US NEWS文理学院中排名第14,是全美主要的数学、科学、工程学院之一。








HMC实行Honor Code政策,学习为自己和他们的行为负责,校内充满信任的问题,什么大部分考试都是由学生自己规定时间和地点并不设监考。

HMC同Pomona, Scripps, Claremont McKenna, Pitzer 是加州Claremont地区的5所顶尖文理学院联盟,学生可以在其他学校注册课程并享受其他学校的资源。

美起薪最高的50所大学排名 有你所在的学校吗?

美起薪最高的50所大学排名 有你所在的学校吗?





对于这样的排名,你会意外吗?RANKINGSCHOOL NAME院校中文名Median starting  salary/毕业起薪1US Naval Academy美国海军学院$80,7002Harvey Mudd College哈维姆德学院$75,6003US Military Academy美国西点军校$75,1004California Institute of Technology加利福尼亚理工学院$74,8005Massachusetts Institute of Technology 麻省理工大学$70,3006Stanford University斯坦福大学$62,9007Carnegie Mellon University卡内基梅陇大学$62,3007Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute伦斯勒理工学院$62,3009Georgia Institute of Technology 乔治亚理工学院$61,70010Babson College巴布森学院$61,30011Cooper Union库伯联盟学院$61,10012Lehigh University理海大学$60,40013Princeton University普林斯顿大学$60,00014Rice University莱斯大学$60,00015Duke University杜克大学$59,50016University of California at Berkeley 加州大学伯克利分校$59,50017University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学$59,30018Columbia University哥伦比亚大学$59,20019Johns Hopkins University约翰霍普金斯大学$58,70020Yale University耶鲁大学$58,50021Cornell University康奈尔大学$58,20022Case Western Reserve University 凯斯西储大学$58,00023Harvard University哈佛大学$57,70024Hamilton College汉密尔顿大学$57,60025Lafayette College拉法耶特学院$57,00026University of Michigan at Ann Arbor 密歇根大学安娜堡分校$56,80026Bucknell University巴科内尔大学$56,80028Vanderbilt University范德堡大学$56,30029Dartmouth College达特茅斯学院$55,50030Purdue University普渡大学$55,40031University of Notre Dame圣母大学$55,20032Brown University布朗大学$55,10033Washington University in St Louis华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校$55,00034University of Illinois at  Urbana-Champaign 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校$55,00035Northwestern University 西北大学$54,20036University of Virginia 弗吉尼亚大学$54,10037Northeastern University 东北大学$54,10038Colgate University科尔盖特大学$54,00039Wake Forest University 维克森林大学$53,30040Villanova University维拉诺瓦大学$53,30041University of Washington华盛顿大学$52,40042University of Texas at Austin 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校$52,20043Middlebury College明德学院$51,90044Tufts University塔夫茨大学$51,90045Boston College波士顿学院$51,90046Brigham Young University杨百翰大学$51,80047University of Southern California 南加州大学$51,70048University of Connecticut康涅狄格大学$51,70049Penn State University宾州州立大学$51,50050Clemson University克莱姆森大学$51,400。





















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2010年美国最受雇主欢迎的5所大学Penn State Tops Recruiter Rankingsby Teri EvansMonday, September 13, 2010provided byCompanies Favor Big State Schools With One-Stop Shopping for Graduates With Necessary SkillsState universities have become the favorite of companies recruiting new hires because their big student populations and focus on teaching practical skills gives the companies more bang for their recruiting buck. Under pressure to cut costs and streamline their hiring efforts, recruiting managers find it's more efficient to focus on fewer large schools and forge deeper relationships with them, according to a Wall Street Journal survey of top corporate recruiters whose companies last year hired 43,000 new graduates. Big state schools Pennsylvania State University, Texas A&M University and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign were the top three picks among recruiters surveyed.Recruiters say graduates of top public universities are often among the most prepared and well-rounded academically, and companies have found they fit well into their corporate cultures and over time have the best track record in their firms.Employers also like schools where they can form partnerships that allow them to work with professors and their students, giving them an inside track when it comes time to make offers for internships and jobs.[See Universities That Pay Off the Most]Corporate budget constraints also play a role. Recruiter salaries, travel expenses, advertising and relocation costs run upwards of $500,000 to recruit 100 college grads, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers. "We're all accountable to the bottom line," said Diane Borhani, campus recruiting leader at Deloitte LLP, who said she recently narrowed her roster to about 400 schools from 500.The impact on students is significant. Steve Canale, head of General Electric Co.'s (NYSE: GE - News) recruiting efforts, said it is critical for prospective students to ask which companies recruit on campus before deciding where to matriculate. GE, for example, focuses on about 40 key schools—many of them state schools—to hire 2,200 summer interns; upwards of 80% of its new-graduate hires come from its internship pool, said Mr. Canale.The Wall Street Journal survey of recruiting executives set out to identify the majors and schools that best prepare students to land jobs that are satisfying, well-paid and have growth potential. The Journal collaborated with Seattle-based salary and career-data provider and Boston-based human-resource management firm Cambria Consulting to seek feedback from large public and private companies in nearly 30 industries, including finance, consulting, technology, engineering, marketing and health care, as well as nonprofits and government agencies.The Journal asked companies to rank schools that produce the best-qualified graduates—overall and by major. Recruiters made clear they preferred big state schools over elite liberal arts schools, such as the Ivies. A number of state schools were added to recruiters' lists in the last two years, including Penn State and Arizona State University (No. 5) and Ohio State University (No. 12).So where are Harvard University and other exclusive schools? While many companies that answered The Journal's survey say they recruit and hire Ivy League graduates, far fewer ranked them as top picks.[See Do Elite Colleges Produce the Best-Paid Grads?]Claudia Goldin, a Harvard economics professor and lead researcher on a study tracking Harvard graduates' career paths, said, "We have none of the basic bread-and-butter courses that serve you well in much of industry." What's more, Ms. Goldin said, at Harvard, more than 55% of graduates went on to a doctorate degree, according to a recent survey, so they tend to stay in a first job for a short period of time—often a year or less. It's an observation recruiters in the Journal's study also made.A Harvard spokesman said, "Harvard College graduates consistently experience success in the job market and in their chosen fields."Monica Wilson, acting co-director of career services at Dartmouth College, said it's partly a numbers game: "How can you compare a large state school to a small liberal arts school that produces less than 750 students who go into employment each year?"While companies didn't rate Ivy League grads best overall, several did favor them in some specific majors. Stanford University, for example, was ranked No. 11 in engineering recruits and No. 16 in business/economics; Harvard was No. 4 in business and economics.Some companies like certain schools so much they set up offices nearby. The University of Michigan (No. 7) "was a huge selling point" in Google Inc.'s (NasdaqGS: GOOG - News) decision to open a sales and operations office in Ann Arbor, Mich., in September 2006, said recruiting manager Kyle Ewing. The company also opened an office in Pittsburgh where it hires computer-science graduates from Carnegie Mellon University (No. 10 overall, No. 1 for computer science), for the same reason.Campbell Soup Co. (NYSE: CPB - News), Aernnova Aerospace SA and Spanish tech company Barracuda Networks Inc., among others, also set up facilities near the University of Michigan, which ranks in the top 10 across six majors.Many recruiters say they are closely eyeing schools in their own backyard. Aside from the obvious convenience of proximity, companies are drawn to nearby schools for year-round access to interns and a greater chance that new-graduate hires reside locally, which eliminates relocation expenses.Partnerships also play a key role. Universities and companies strike research collaborations that often include student participation. Companies get an early look at promising students, leading to internships and job offers.Partnerships can help boost brand awareness among talented students. The economic climate led Dennis Cornell, head of recruiting for LSI Corp. (NYSE: LSI - News) of Milpitas, Calif., to narrow his on-campus recruiting to three schools where the tech firm wanted to expand its reputation: Purdue, University of Colorado-Boulder and University of California at Berkeley (No. 15 on the overall list, No. 2 for computer science majors and No. 12 for engineering majors).1. Pennsylvania State UniversityPenn State, with its main campus located in University Park, Pa., hasundergraduates enrolled in more than 160 different majors. It has 20undergraduate campuses, 10 of which offer University-owned housing. Theschool is 54% male and 46% female, representing 50 states and 131 countries.The average student/faculty ratio is 17:1.Upcoming Application Deadline:Nov. 30Tuition (2010-2011): In-state $15,250; Out-of-state $27,114Undergraduate Enrollment: 38,630Admissions Email: 814-856-5471Admissions Email: admissions@How Majors Match UpAccouting (5)Business/Economics (11)Computer Science (7)Engineering (9)Finance (6)MIS (2)2. Texas A&M UniversityThis Texas school's main campus is in College Station, about 100 miles northwest of Houston and 100 miles northeast of Austin. The school has 10 individual colleges and boasts more than 800 student organizations ranging from athletics and recreation to professional and community service.Upcoming Application Deadline: Jan. 15; Dec. 1 (priority)Tuition (2010-2011): In-state $8,387; Out-of-state $22,817Undergraduate Enrollment: 38,810Admissions Email: 979-845-3741Admissions Email: admissions@How Majors Match UpFinance (5)Engineering (16)Business (24)3. University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, centrally located between Chicago, Indianapolis and St. Louis, has more than 150 majors and 1,000 studentorganizations. Students come from all 50 states and 118 countries. The school is 54% male and 46% female.Upcoming Application Deadline: Jan. 2Tuition (2010-2011): In-state $13,658-$18,386; Out-of-state $27,800-$32,528 Undergraduate Enrollment: 31,209Admissions Email: 217-333-0302Admissions Email: ugradadmissions@How Majors Match UpAccounting (3)Engineering (4)Computer Science (9)Business (10)4. Purdue UniversityMore than half of this Indiana university's students are from the state (62%) with 38% coming from elsewhere. Its West Lafayette campus offers more than 200 majors for undergraduates along with 18 intercollegiate sports teams and more than 850 student organizations.Upcoming Application Deadline: Nov. 15, other programs March 1Tuition (2010-2011): In-state $9,070-$10,408; Out-of-state $26,622-$27,960 Undergraduate Enrollment: 29,851Admissions Email: 765-494-1776Admissions Email: admissions@How Majors Match UpMIS (1)Engineering (2)Computer Science (8)5. Arizona State UniversityArizona State University is situated less than 15 miles from Phoenix, with four campuses in the metro Phoenix area, including an Arizona State air field for aviation students. The university offers 250 majors to its undergraduates -- who are 71% in-state. There are 52% women compared to 48% men, and more than 30% of freshmen graduate in the top 10% of their high school class.Upcoming Application Deadline: Feb.1Tuition (2010-2011): In-state $8,132; Out-of-state $20,296Undergraduate Enrollment: 54,277Admissions Email: 480-965-7788Admissions Email: ugrading@How Majors Match UpBusiness (19)—Alexandra Cheney contributed to this article.。



美国毕业生薪水最高的学校榜单对于现在正在申请学校的同学来说,这份美国毕业生薪水最高的学校榜单你可能需要知道,那么今天就和的我一起来看看吧!1. 哈维穆德学院 Harvey Mudd College学校类型:工程类文理学院、私立学校STEM专业百分比:85%毕业0-5年平均薪资:$81,000毕业10年后平均薪资:$155,8002. 普林斯顿大学 Princeton University学校类型:藤校、私立学校、研究型大学STEM专业百分比:47%毕业0-5年平均薪资:$69,800毕业10年后平均薪资:$147,8003. 麻省理工学院 Massachusetts Institute of Technology学校类型:工程院校、私立学校、研究型大学STEM专业百分比:69%毕业0-5年平均薪资:$81,500毕业10年后平均薪资:$147,0004. 纽约州立大学海事学院 SUNY Maritime College学校类型:州立大学STEM专业百分比:35%毕业0-5年平均薪资:$71,600毕业10年后平均薪资:$145,1005. 西点军校 United States Military Academy学校类型:文理学院、军事院校STEM专业百分比:43%毕业0-5年平均薪资:$75,100毕业10年后平均薪资:$144,3006. 美国海军学院 United States Naval Academy学校类型:工程院校、文理学院、军事院校STEM专业百分比:60%毕业0-5年平均薪资:$75,000毕业10年后平均薪资:$143,8007. 加州理工大学 California Institute of Technology 学校类型:工程院校、私立学校、研究型大学STEM专业百分比:97%毕业0-5年平均薪资:$78,800毕业10年后平均薪资:$142,5008. 巴布森学院 Babson College学校类型:商科院校、私立学校STEM专业百分比:0%毕业0-5年平均薪资:$66,600毕业10年后平均薪资:$141,7009. 哈佛大学 Harvard University学校类型:藤校、私立学校、研究型大学STEM专业百分比:19%毕业0-5年平均薪资:$69,200毕业10年后平均薪资:$140,70010. 斯坦福大学 Stanford University学校类型:私立学校、研究型大学STEM专业百分比:49%毕业0-5年平均薪资:$73,300毕业10年后平均薪资:$140,40011. 达特茅斯学院 Dartmouth College学校类型:藤校、私立学校、研究型大学STEM专业百分比:32%毕业0-5年平均薪资:$66,300毕业10年后平均薪资:$140,30012. 威廉姆斯学院 Williams College学校类型:文理学院、私立学校STEM专业百分比:33%毕业0-5年平均薪资:$62,000毕业10年后平均薪资:$138,40013. 美国空军学院 United States Air Force Academy 学校类型:文理学院、军事学校STEM专业百分比:49%毕业0-5年平均薪资:$69,400毕业10年后平均薪资:$138,30014. 韦伯学院 Webb Institute学校类型:工程院校、私立学校STEM专业百分比:100%毕业0-5年平均薪资:$70,800毕业10年后平均薪资:$138,20015. 萨缪尔梅里特大学 Samuel Merritt University学校类型:私立学校STEM专业百分比:0%毕业0-5年平均薪资:$81,800毕业10年后平均薪资:$138,10016. 科尔盖特大学 Colgate University学校类型:文理学院、party校、私立学校STEM专业百分比:27%毕业0-5年平均薪资:$61,400毕业10年后平均薪资:$137,70017. 斯蒂文斯理工学院 Stevens Institute of Technology 学校类型:工程院校、私立学校、研究型大学STEM专业百分比:80%毕业0-5年平均薪资:$70,800毕业10年后平均薪资:$136,90018. 科罗拉多矿业大学 Colorado School of Mines学校类型:工程院校、研究型大学STEM专业百分比:94%毕业0-5年平均薪资:$71,900毕业10年后平均薪资:$136,10019. 美国商船学院 United States Merchant Marine Academy 学校类型:工程院校、州立大学STEM专业百分比:54%毕业0-5年平均薪资:$73,400毕业10年后平均薪资:$135,90020. 宾夕法尼亚大学 University of Pennsylvania学校类型:藤校、私立学校、研究型大学STEM专业百分比:22%毕业0-5年平均薪资:$68,100毕业10年后平均薪资:$134,800。

美国10大毕业收入最高的大学 想去留学就选它们

美国10大毕业收入最高的大学 想去留学就选它们




10哈维穆德学院 Harvey Mudd College所属州:加利福尼亚州,毕业率:90%,入学后10年平均收入: $78,600哈维穆德学院是美国顶级的人文艺术学院之一,位于加利福尼亚州克莱尔蒙特市,创办于1955年12月,是一所涉及科学、工程、数学领域的私立精英学院,同时还是克莱尔蒙特系列学院之一。






9麻省海事学院 Massachusetts Maritime Academy所属州:马萨诸塞州,毕业率:64%。

入学后10年平均收入: $79,500麻省海事学院成立于1891年,名为麻省航海训练学院,1942年改为现名。

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30、曼哈顿学院(Manhattan College),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为55,300美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为105,000美元。
31、卡尔顿学院(Carleton College),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为42,300美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为105,000美元。
8、考给特大学 (Colgate University),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为48,700美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为119,000美元。
9、杜克大学 (Duke University),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为55,300美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为117,000美元。
16、里哈大学 (Lehigh University),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为56,400美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为111,000美元。
17、耶鲁大学 (Yale University),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为52,600美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为111,000美元。
47、加州艺术学院(California College of the Arts),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为47,400美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为100,000美元。
48、联合学院(Union College),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为46,400美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为99,900美元。
35、范德堡大学(Vanderbilt University),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为52,000美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为104,000美元。
36、费尔菲尔德大学(Fairfield University),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为50,100美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为104,000美元。
14、纽约大学工学院(Polytechnic Institute of New York University),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为62,100美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为111,000美元。
15、宾夕法尼亚大学 (niversity of Pennsylvania),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为59,600美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为111,000美元。
33、圣塔克拉拉大学(Santa Clara University),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为54,400美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为104,000美元。
34、乔治敦大学(Georgetown University),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为52,500美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为104,000美元。
41、新泽西技术学院(New Jersey Institute of Technology),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为53,200美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为101,000美元。
42、艾维德森学院(avidson College),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为42,100美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为101,000美元。
20、布朗大学(Brown University),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为49,400美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为109,000美元。
21、卡内基-梅隆大学 (Carnegie Mellon Univ、 ),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为62,400美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为108,000美元。
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43、史蒂文斯技术学院(Stevens Institute of Technology),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为58,700美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为100,000美元。
44、莱斯大学(Rice University),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为53,600美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为100,000美元。
37、鲍登学院(Bowdoin College),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为45,300美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为103,000美元。
38、新墨西哥矿业技术学院(New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为52,800美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为102,000美元。
32、伍斯特工学院(Worcester Polytechnic Institute),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为60,900美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为104,000美元。
32、克莱蒙-麦肯纳学院(Claremont McKenna),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为58,700美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为104,000美元。
24、华盛顿暨李大学(Washington and Lee University),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为50,300美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为107,000美元。
25、康奈尔大学(Cornell University),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为57,500美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为106,000美元。
49、贝茨学院(Bates College),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为45,400美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为99,800美元。
50、哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为54,300美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为99,700美元。
18、伦塞勒技术学院 (Rensselaer Poly、Institute),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为60,600美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为109,000美元。
19、加州大学伯克利分校 (University of California, Berkeley),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为53,100美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为109,000美元。
12、费城理科大学(University of The Sciences in Philadelphia),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为49,700美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为113,000美元。
13、圣母大学 (University of Notre Dame),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为54,100美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为112,000美元。
39、阿默斯特学院(Amherst College),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为51,800美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为102,000美元。
40、哈弗福德学院(Haverford College),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为39,500美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为102,000美元。
45、太平洋大学(University of the Pacific),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为51,600美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为100,000美元。
46、芝加哥大学(University Of Chicago),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为50,000美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为100,000美元。
26、斯沃斯莫尔学院(Swarthmore College),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为52,400美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为106,000美元。
27、威廉姆斯学院(Williams College),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为49,900美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为106,000美元。
22、百森学院(Babson College),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为57,500美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为107,000美元。
23、拉法叶特学院(Lafayette College),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为54,800美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为107,000美元。
3、达特茅思大学 (Dartmouth College),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为54,100美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为123,000美元。
4、哈佛大学 (Harvard University),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为57,300美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为121,000美元。
5、加州理工学院 (CIT),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为69,900美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为120,000美元。
6、麻省理工学院 (MIT),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为68,300美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为119,000美元。
7、史坦福大学 (Stanford University),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为60,200美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为119,000美元。
10、巴克尼尔大学 (Bucknell University),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为55,800美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为115,000美元。
11、科罗拉多州立矿业学院(Colorado School of Mines State Schools),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为61,600美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为113,000美元。
28、圣十字学院(College of the Holy Cross),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为46,700美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为106,000美元。
29、乔治亚技术学院(Georgia Institute of Technology),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为57,300美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为105,000美元。
1、哈维-穆德学院 (Harvey Mudd College),大学本科毕业生中位年薪为68,900美元,大学本科毕业生职业生涯中期中位年薪为126,000美元。