
国开《金融学》形考作业1-15章节任务答案【第1周】第一章经济主体的财务活动与金融一、单选题(每题6分,共5道)1、居民进行储蓄与投资的前提是( )。
A、政府债券B、公司债权C、商业票据D、股票正确答案是:政府债券3、现代金融体系建立的基础是( )。
A、现代货币制度B、现代信用制度C、现代企业管理制度D、A和B正确答案是:A和B4、各经济部门的金融活动及其彼此间的平衡关系可以通过( )来反映。
A、外源融资B、内源融资C、债务融资D、债权融资正确答案是:外源融资7、居民的赤字可以通过以下哪种方式弥补( )。
A、信用证B、公司债权C、购买外国企业债券D、股票正确答案是:信用证9、现代社会中,不同的经济部门之间有的总体是盈余的,有的总体是赤字的,他们之间主要通过( )活动来实现平衡。
A、企业B、金融机构资C、政府D、居民正确答案是:居民二、多选题(每题8分,共5道)1、企业财务活动与金融体系的关系体现在( )。
A、企业是金融机构的服务对象B、企业是金融市场的最主要的参与者C、企业财务活动对宏观金融总量与结构具有决定性影响D、企业是金融市场最主要的资金提供者E、企业是金融市场监管体系重要的组成部分正确答案是:企业是金融机构的服务对象, 企业是金融市场的最主要的参与者, 企业财务活动对宏观金融总量与结构具有决定性影响2、以下反映居民部门参与金融活动的是()。

(精华版)国家开放大学电大本科《金融学》《金融法规》网络课形考网考作业(合集)答案:(精华版)国家开放大学电大本科《金融学》《金融法规》网络课形考网考作业(合集)答案《金融学》网络课答案形考任务1(第一章自测题)单选题(每题6分,共5道)题目1 现代金融体系建立的基础是()。
选择一项:D.A和B题目2 发行股票属于()融资。
选择一项:A.外源融资题目3 各经济部门的金融活动及其彼此间的平衡关系可以通过( )来反映。
选择一项:C.资金流量表题目4 现代社会中,不同的经济部门之间有的总体是盈余的,有的总体是赤字的,他们之间主要通过( )活动来实现平衡。
选择一项:A.金融题目5 从整体上看,()是最大的金融盈余部门。
选择一项:D.居民多选题(每题8分,共5道)题目6 政府赤字的弥补方式有哪些( )。
选择一项或多项:A.增加税收B.向中央银行申请贷款D.发行政府债券题目7 广义的金融市场包括( )。
选择一项或多项:A.信贷市场B.资本市场C.货币市场D.黄金市场E.衍生金融工具市场题目8 以下对于利率描述正确的是( )。
选择一项或多项:A.利率是利息额与本金之比B.利率是衡量收益与风险的尺度C.利率是现代金融体系的基本要素D.利率的高低会对借贷双方决策产生直接影响E.利率是政府调节社会经济金融活动的工具题目9 以下哪些是银行为企业提供的金融服务()。
选择一项或多项:A.存款业务B.贷款业务E.资金清算题目10 企业财务活动与金融体系的关系体现在( )。
选择一项或多项:A.企业是金融机构的服务对象B.企业是金融市场的最主要的参与者C.企业财务活动对宏观金融总量与结构具有决定性影响判断题(每题6分,共5道)题目11 现代金融体系是一个高风险的组织体系,需要政府的适度调控和合理的监管。
选择一项:对题目12 从一个国家(地区)来看,所有经济部门之间的金融活动构成了整个金融体系。
选择一项:错题目13 只有经济部门存在资金余缺的情况下,才产生了对金融的需求。

最新国家开放大学电大本科《金融学》网络课形考任务9-10作业及答案形考任务9 〔第九章自测题〕单选题〔每题6分,共5道〕题目1新中国成立后,我国金融机构体系的建立与发展大致经历了五个阶段,其中〔〕这个时期是 "大一统〞金融机构体系确立阶段。
选择一项:A.1978-1983 年B.1983-1993 年C.1953-1978 年D.1948-1953 年题目2以下不属于非银行金融机构的是〔〕。
选择一项:A.中国人民银行B.中国银行C.交通银行D.中国农业银行具有融物和融资的双重功能的非银行金融机构是〔〕o 选择一项:A.信托投资公司B.证券公司C.保险公司D.金融租赁公司多选题〔每题8分,共5道〕题目6按照业务性质分类,可将金融机构分为〔〕o选择一项或多项:A.商业性金融机构B.政策性金融机构C.合作制金融机构D.公司制金融机构E.股份合作制金融机构题目7根据保险的基本业务类型,可以划分为〔〕。

金融第九章课后答案翻译1.参考答案:a.P0 = D0(1+g)/(k-g) = 2(1+0.05)/(0.13-0.05) = $26.25b.如果实际的股票价格是20,那么我们输入的一些参数就有要做一定的调整i.假设其它的参数都不变,那么调整后的结果g=(.13 x 20 - 2)/(2+20) = 0.0273= 2.73%ii.同样的,调整后k = 2(1.05)/20 + 0.05 = 0.155 = 15.5%2.参考答案:D1 = $5; k = 10%; P0= $25因此g = 0.1 - 5/25 = -0.1 = -10%3. 参考答案:a. g = 收益留存率x ROE = .8 x .17 = .136 = 13.6%b. P0 = D1/(k-g)D1 = .2 x $5 = $1 每股P0 = $1/(.15 -.136) = $1/.014 = $71.43c. 每年股票市场上股价的增长率会和股息一样是,13.6% P1 = P0 x (1 + g) = $71.43 x 1.136 = $81.14d. 如果时常是有效率的,那么50的价格是代表股票价值的最后估计。
要“证明”这个价格模型中一个输入的参数需要修改i.假设所有其它的参数是正确的,如果我们把ROE调整为50 = D1/(k-g), 那么g = 0.8 x ROE如果是调整到: g = .15 - 1/50 = 0.13 = 13%,因此ROE 等于13/0.8 = 16.25%ii. 如果我们要调整市场资本报酬率,那么:k = 1/50 + .136 = .156 = 15.6%ii.股票支付比率x E1 = 50 x (.15-.136) = 0.7,因此股票支付比率= 0.7/5=0.14 = 14%4.a. P0 = $10, E1 = $2, b =0 .4, ROE =0 .2k = D1/P0 + gD1 = .6 x $2 = $1.20g = b x ROE = 0.4 x0 .2 =0 .08b 如果所有赢利都作为股利发放:P0=2/0.2=10所以它的价格与是否再投资无关。

金融学第9章习题测试姓名[填空题]_________________________________1. ()是指上市公司在获得有关部门的批准后,向其现有股东提出建议,使现有股东可按其所持股份的比例认购股份的行为。
[单选题] *A、送股B、售股C、配股(正确答案)D、以股票形式派送股利2. 证券交易的方式有较多的分类,通常认为柜台交易和无形市场两种方式可以归为()。
[单选题] *A、场内交易B、场内交易(正确答案)C、直接交易D、间接交易3. 与证券交易所高度组织化、制度化不同,()在各证券公司分散进行,是一种松散的、无组织的市场。
[单选题] *A、直接交易B、间接交易C、无形交易D、柜台交易(正确答案)4. 按资金的偿还期限分,金融市场可分为()。
[单选题] *A、一级市场和二级市场B、同业拆借市场和长期债券市场C、货币市场和资本市场(正确答案)D、股票市场和债券市场5. 下列金融工具中属于间接融资工具的是()。
[单选题] *A、可转让大额定期存单(正确答案)B、公司债券C、股票D、政府债券6. 长期资金融通市场又称为( )。
[单选题] *A、货币市场B、资本市场(正确答案)C、初级市场D、次级市场7. 关于汇率对证券市场的影响,下列说法错误的是()。
[单选题] *A、本币汇率贬值,本国产品的竞争力增强,出口型企业证券价格就可能上涨B、本币汇率升值,本国产品的竞争力增强,出口型企业证券价格就可能上涨(正确答案)C、本币汇率贬值,使本国的证券市场资金供给减少,证券需求下降,价格下跌D、本币汇率升值,国际短期套利资本流入本国,增加市场资金供给,证券价格上涨8. 下列属于资本市场的有( )。
[单选题] *A、同业拆借市场B、股票市场(正确答案)C、票据市场D、大额可转让定期存单9. 在证券交易所内进行的交易称为()。
[单选题] *A、场内交易(正确答案)B、场外交易C、柜台交易D、第三市场交易10. 在代销方式中,证券销售的风险由()承担。


国开(本科)《金融学》6-10章形考答案第六章自测题一、单选题(每题6分,共5道)1、银行同业之间买卖外汇所形成的市场称为( A )。
A. 批发市场B. 自由市场C. 零售市场D. 官方市场2、银行与客户间的外汇交易构成了( C )。
选择一项:A. 结汇市场B. 批发市场C. 零售市场D. 售汇市场3、我国于(B )正式成立上海黄金交易所,黄金开始在有形交易市场上挂牌交易。
选择一项:A. 2003年B. 2002年C. 1999年D. 1996年4、关于汇率对证券市场的影响,下列说法错误的是(B )。
选择一项:A. 本币汇率升值,国际短期套利资本流入本国,增加市场资金供给,证券价格上涨B. 本币汇率升值,本国产品的竞争力增强,出口型企业证券价格就可能上涨C. 本币汇率贬值,本国产品的竞争力增强,出口型企业证券价格就可能上涨D. 本币汇率贬值,使本国的证券市场资金供给减少,证券需求下降,价格下跌5、于1613年开市的( B )被认为是以股票交易为中心的证券市场的开端。
选择一项:A. 纽约证券交易所B. 阿姆斯特丹证券交易所C. 泛欧交易所D. 伦敦证券交易所6、下列属于所有权凭证的金融工具是(B )。
选择一项:A. 银行承兑票据B. 股票C. 短期国债D. 公司债券7、货币市场上交易工具的期限都在一年以内,交易价格波动小、交易工具变现能力强,是(A )的市场。
选择一项:A. 风险低,收益稳定,流动性较强B. 风险高,收益稳定,流动性较强C. 风险低,收益高,流动性较强D. 风险高,收益高,流动性较弱8、同业拆借市场的形成源于中央银行对商业银行( D )的要求。
选择一项:A. 资金总量B. 信贷规模C. 盈利水平D. 法定存款准备金二、多选题(每题8分,共5道)9、金融衍生工具不包括(DE )。
选择一项或多项:A. 远期合约B. 期货C. 期权D. 股票E. 债券10、根据保险交易对象的不同,可以将保险市场划分为(AC )。

A. 国际开发协会B. 世界银行C. 国际清算银行D. 国际金融公司知识点提示: 国际金融机构体系的构成。
A. 政策性银行B. 商业银行C. 投资银行D. 储蓄银行知识点提示: 银行金融机构的类型。
A. 证券公司B. 金融资产管理公司C. 金融租赁公司D. 保险公司知识点提示: 非银行金融机构的构成。
选择一项:A. 多边投资担保机构B. 国际金融公司C. 国际开发协会D. 世界银行知识点提示: 国际金融机构体系的构成。
A. 中国农业银行知识点提示: 新中国成立后金融机构体系的建立与发展。
正确答案是:中国人民银行6. 根据保险的基本业务类型,可以划分为()。
A. 再保险公司B. 商业性保险公司C. 人寿保险公司D. 政策性保险公司E. 财产保险公司知识点提示:保险公司的类型。
正确答案是:人寿保险公司, 财产保险公司, 再保险公司7. 证券机构主要包括()等金融机构。
A. 信托投资公司B. 财务公司C. 投资基金管理公司D. 证券公司E. 保险公司知识点提示: 证券机构的类型。
正确答案是:证券公司, 投资基金管理公司8. 按照业务性质分类,可将金融机构分为()。

国家开放大学《金融学》自测题(形考计分)参考答案第一章经济主体的财务活动与金融单选题(每题6分,共5道)1.现代社会中,不同的经济部门之间有的总体是盈余的,有的总体是赤字的,他们之间主要通过( )活动来实现平衡。
A. 金融B. 财政C. 救济D. 调整消费2.各经济部门的金融活动及其彼此间的平衡关系可以通过( )来反映。
A. 资产负债表B. 金融机构信贷结构表C. 资金流量表D. 现金流量表3.()属于贸易融资的行为。
A. 信用证B. 公司债权C. 购买外国企业债券D. 股票4.现代金融体系建立的基础是( )。
A. 现代货币制度B. 现代信用制度C. 现代企业管理制度D. A和B5.采取独资、合资或合作等方式在国外建立新企业的“绿地投资”属于()投资。
A. 国际间接投资B. 国际直接投资C. 国际金融投资D. 国际结算多选题(每题8分,共5道)1.以下反映居民部门参与金融活动的是()。
A. 在银行存款B. 在证券市场发行债券C. 投资股票D. 参加股票培训班E. 向民间钱庄申请贷款2.以下属于国际直接投资的是( )。
A. 对国外企业进行技术支持B. 居民在本国金融市场购买国外企业发行的股票C. 国外企业采用合作方式在本国建立新企业D. 收购国外企业的股权,并成为绝对最大股东E. 将前期投资利润继续投资国外企业3.政府赤字的弥补方式有哪些( )。
A. 增加税收B. 向中央银行申请贷款C. 向商业银行申请贷款D. 发行政府债券E. 发行股票4.以下哪些是银行为企业提供的金融服务()。
A. 存款业务B. 贷款业务C. 年金管理D. 债券发行E. 资金清算5.企业财务活动与金融体系的关系体现在( )。
A. 企业是金融机构的服务对象B. 企业是金融市场的最主要的参与者C. 企业财务活动对宏观金融总量与结构具有决定性影响D. 企业是金融市场最主要的资金提供者E. 企业是金融市场监管体系重要的组成部分判断题(每题6分,共5道)1.国际投资所引起的资本流动需要依附于真实的商品或劳务交易。

现假设A银行收到甲客户交来的一张100 000元的支票,A银行通过代收这张支票使自己在中央银行的准备金存款增加100 000元,同时在客户甲的存款账户上贷记100 000元。
按照法定存款准备金率10%的要求,A银行只需持有10 000元的存款准备,其余90 000元用于贷款。
如果A银行向乙企业发放贷款90 000元,乙企业得到贷款后向丙企业支付购货款,丙企业将收到的90 000元支票存入B银行。
图1 商业银行的存款创造与收缩过程该支票经过清算后,B银行的存款增加90 000元,同样B银行将只保留法定存款准备金9 000元,其余81 000元发放贷款给丁企业。
如此循环往复,整个银行体系的存款规模和贷款规模不断扩大,直到最初存入A 银行的100 000元原始存款全部转化为法定存款准备金后为止。
金融学形考参考答案 第9章

A. 国际开发协会B. 世界银行C. 国际清算银行D. 国际金融公司知识点提示: 国际金融机构体系的构成。
A. 政策性银行B. 商业银行C. 投资银行D. 储蓄银行知识点提示: 银行金融机构的类型。
A. 证券公司B. 金融资产管理公司C. 金融租赁公司D. 保险公司知识点提示: 非银行金融机构的构成。
选择一项:A. 多边投资担保机构B. 国际金融公司C. 国际开发协会D. 世界银行知识点提示: 国际金融机构体系的构成。
A. 中国农业银行知识点提示: 新中国成立后金融机构体系的建立与发展。
正确答案是:中国人民银行6. 根据保险的基本业务类型,可以划分为()。
A. 再保险公司B. 商业性保险公司C. 人寿保险公司D. 政策性保险公司E. 财产保险公司知识点提示:保险公司的类型。
正确答案是:人寿保险公司, 财产保险公司, 再保险公司7. 证券机构主要包括()等金融机构。
A. 信托投资公司B. 财务公司C. 投资基金管理公司D. 证券公司E. 保险公司知识点提示: 证券机构的类型。
正确答案是:证券公司, 投资基金管理公司8. 按照业务性质分类,可将金融机构分为()。

A. 银行汇票100B. 商业汇票0C. 银行本票0D. 支票0第九章单选题下列结算方式中,属于同城结算方式的是()。
A. 支票结算100B. 汇兑结算0C. 托收0D. 信用证结算0第九章单选题银行作为保证人向受益人开立的保证书被称为()A. 信用证0B. 银行保函100C. 托收0D. 贷款承诺0第九章单选题下列信用形式属于银行信用的是()。
A. 商业汇票和银行承兑汇票0B. 商业本票和银行汇票0C. 商业汇票和银行本票0D. 银行承兑汇票和银行本票100第九章单选题自动转账制度的创新属于()A. 避免风险的创新0B. 技术进步推动的创新0C. 规避行政管制的创新100D. 降低经营成本的创新0第九章单选题承兑制度是()所特有的A. 支票0B. 本票0C. 票据0D. 汇票100第九章单选题债务人以本国货币现金直接送交外国债权人来清偿债务属于()A. 非现金结算0B. 现金结算100C. 清算0D. 电子清算0第九章单选题在活期存款的各种取款方式中,最传统的是支票取款,因此,活期存款又称为()A. 交易账户0B. 支票存款100C. 可转让支付凭证账户0D. 货币市场存款账户0第九章单选题在商业信用证业务中,第一付款人是()A. 开证银行100B. 进口商0C. 议付行0D. 出口商0第九章单选题票据发行便利属于商业银行的一项什么业务()A. 担保业务0B. 贷款业务0C. 负债业务0D. 承诺业务100第九章单选题甲企业将一张金额为1000万元,还有36天才到期地银行承兑汇票向一家商业银行申请贴现,假设银行当时地贴现率为5%,甲企业得到的贴现额是()A. 1000万元0B. 995万元100C. 950万元0D. 900万元0第九章单选题在商业银行结算业务的主要结算工具中,()的付款期限最长为6个月,并经持票人背书后可以转让。
《金融学(第二版)》讲义大纲及课后习题答案详解 第九章

CHAPTER 9VALUATION OF COMMON STOCKSObjectives∙To explain the theory and application of the discounted cash flow valuation method as applied to the equity of a firm.Outline9.1 Reading Stock Listings9.2 The Discounted Dividend Model9.3 Earnings and Investment Opportunities9.4 A Reconsideration of the Price/Earnings Multiple Approach9.5 Does Dividend Policy Affect the Value of a Share?Summary∙The discounted cash flow (DCF) method of valuing assets consists of discounting expected future cash flows ata risk-adjusted discount rate.∙The discounted dividend model (DDM) for valuing shares of stock starts from the observation that an investor in common stock expects a rate of return (consisting of cash dividends and price appreciation) that is equal to the market capitalization rate. The resulting formula shows that the current price of a share is the present value of all expected future dividends.∙In the constant growth rate DDM, the growth rate of dividends is also the expected rate of price appreciation.∙Growth per se does not add value to a share’s current price. What adds value is the opportunity to invest in projects that yield a rate of return in excess of the market capitalization rate.∙In a “frictionless” financial envir onment, where there are no taxes and no transaction costs, the wealth of shareholders is the same no matter what dividend policy the firm adopts.∙In the real world there are a number of frictions that can cause dividend policy to have an effect on the wealth of shareholders. These include taxes, regulations, the costs of external finance, and the information content of dividends.Solutions to Problems at End of Chapter1.The DDM Corporation has just paid a cash dividend (D0) of $2 per share. It has consistently increased its cash dividends in the past by 5% per year, and you expect it to continue to do so. You estimate that the market capitalization rate for this stock should be 13% per year.a.What is your estimate of the intrinsic value of a share (derived using the DDM model)?b.Suppose that the actual price of a share is $20. By how much would you have to adjust each of thefollowing model parameters to “justify” this observed price:i.The growth rate of dividendsii.The market capitalization rateSOLUTION:a.P0 = D0(1+g)/(k-g) = 2(1+0.05)/(0.13-0.05) = $26.25b.If the actual price of the share is $20, then some of our input parameters might need some adjustments:i.Assuming all other parameters are left as given, then solving for g =(.13 x 20 – 2)/(2+20) = 0.0273= 2.73%ii.Similarly, solving for k = 2(1.05)/20 + 0.05 = 0.155 = 15.5%2.The Rusty Clipper Fishing Corporation is expected to pay a cash dividend of $5 per share this year. You estimate that the market capitalization rate for this stock should be 10% per year. If its current price is $25 per share, what can you infer about its expected growth rate of dividends?SOLUTION:D1 = $5; k = 10%; P0= $25Hence g = 0.1 - 5/25 = -0.1 = -10%3. The Constant Growth Corporation (CGC) has expected earnings per share (E1) of $5. It has a history of paying cash dividends equal to 20% of earnings. The market capitalization rate for CGC’s stock is 15% per year, and the expected ROE on the firm’s future investments is 17% per year? U sing the constant growth rate discounted dividend model,a. What is the expected growth rate of dividends?b. What is the model’s estimate of the present value of the stock?c. If the model is right, what is the expected price of a share a year from now?d.Suppose that the current price of a share is $50.By how much would you have to adjust each of the following model parameters to “justify” this observed price:i.The expected ROE on the firm’s future investments.ii.The market capitalization rateiii.The dividend payout ratio.SOLUTION:a. g = earnings retention ratio x ROE = .8 x .17 = .136 = 13.6%b. P0 = D1/(k-g)D1 = .2 x $5 = $1 per shareP0 = $1/(.15 -.136) = $1/.014 = $71.43c. The stock price grows at the same rate as dividends, i.e., 13.6% per year:P1 = P0 x (1 + g) = $71.43 x 1.136 = $81.14d.If the market is efficient then the $50 price represents the best estimate of the stock’s true value. To “justify” thisprice, one of the input parameters in the model needs to be adjusted:i.Assuming all other parameters are correct, if we were to adjust for the ROE:50 = D1/(k-g), where g = 0.8 x ROESolving for g, then for ROE: g = .15 – 1/50 = 0.13 = 13%,hence ROE is equal to 13/0.8 = 16.25%ii. If we were to adjust the market capitalization k then:k = 1/50 + .136 = .156 = 15.6%iii.Dividend payout ratio x E1 = 50 x (.15-.136) = 0.7,hence Dividend payout ratio = 0.7/5=0.14 = 14%4. The stock of Slogro Corporation is currently selling for $10 per share. Earnings per share in the coming year are expected to be $2 per share. The company has a policy of paying out 60% of its earnings each year in dividends. The rest is retained and invested in projects that earn a 20% rate of return per year. This situation is expected to continue forever.a. Assuming the current market price of the stock reflects its intrinsic value as computed using the constantgrowth rate DDM, what rate of return do Slogro’s investors require?b. By how much does its value exceed what it would be if all earnings were paid as dividends and nothingwere reinvested?c. If Slogro were to cut its dividend payout ratio to 25%, what would happen to its stock price? What ifSlogro eliminated the dividend altogether?d. Suppose that Slogro wishes to maintain its current 60% dividend payout policy but that it also wishes toinvest an amount each year equal to that year’s total earnings. All the money would be invested inprojects earning 20% per year. One way that Slogro could do so would be to issue an amount of new stock each year equal to one-half that year’s earnings. What do you think would be the effect of this policy on the current stock price?SOLUTION:a. P0 = $10, E1 = $2, b = .4, ROE = .2k = D1/P0 + gD1 = .6 x $2 = $1.20g = b x ROE = .4 x .2 = .08Therefore, k = $1.20/$10 + .08 = .12 + .08 = .2 or 20%b. If all earnings were paid as dividends its price would be:P0 = $2/.2 = $10Thus, its price is the same whether it reinvests or not. This is because k = ROE.c. Since k = ROE, the stock price would be unaffected by cutting the dividend and investing the additionalearnings.d.Again, this should have no impact on the stock’s price since the NPV of the investments would be zero (the IRRof those projects (20%) is equal to the investors’ required rate of return, hence the firm’s c ost of capital).5. The Corporation currently pays no cash dividends, and it is not expected to for the next 5 years. Its sales have been growing at 25% per year.a.Can you apply the constant growth rate DDM to estimate its intrinsic value? Explain.b.It is expected to pay its first cash dividend $1 per share 5 years from now. It its market capitalization rateis 20% and its dividends are expected to grow by 10% per year, what would you estimate its intrinsic value to be?c.If its current market price is $100 per share, what would you infer the expected growth rate of its futuredividends to be?SOLUTION:a.Yes, we can apply the DDM model even if the company doesn’t pay dividends for the first 5 years. Thecompany will eventually have to pay dividends in the future.b.P4 = D5/(k-g) = 1/(.2-.1) = $10P0 = 10/1.24 = $4.82c.If P0 = $100 then P4 = 100 x 1.24 = 207.36 and g = 0.2 – 1/207.36 = 19.518%6. The Digital Growth Corp. pays no cash dividends currently and is not expected to for the next 5 years. Its latest EPS was $10, all of which was reinvested in the company. The firm’s expected ROE for the next 5 years is 20% per year, and during this time it is expected to continue to reinvest all of its earnings. Starting 6 years from now, the firm’s ROE on new investments is expected to fall to 15%, and the company is expected to start paying out 40% of its earnings in cash dividends, which it will continue to do forever after. DG’s market capitalization rate is 15% per year.a. What is your estimate of DG’s int rinsic value per share?b. Assuming its current market price is equal to its intrinsic value, what do you expect to happen to its priceover the next year? The year after?c. What effect would it have on your estimate of DG’s intrinsic value if you expecte d DG to pay out only20% of earnings starting in year 6?56P0 = P5/(1+k)5 = $180.82/1.155 = $89.90b.The price should rise by 15% per year until year 5 after which it will grow at the dividends’ growth rate g (=9%).c. Since ROE =k, the dividend payout ratio will have no effect on current price.7. The 2Stage Co. just paid a dividend of $1 per share. The dividend is expected to grow at a rate of 25% per year for the next 3 years and then to level off to 5% per year forever. You think the appropriate market capitalization rate is 20% per year.a. What is your estimate of the intrinsic value of a share of the stock?b. If the market price of a share is equal to this intrinsic value, what is the expected dividend yield?c. What do you expect its price to be one year from now? Is the implied capital gain consistent with yourestimate of the dividend yield and the market capitalization rate?P 3 = D 4/(k – g) = 2.05078/(.20 -.05) = $13.67P 0 = D 1/(1+k) + D 2/(1+k)2 + (D 3 + P 3)/(1+k)3 = $1.25/1.2 + $1.5625/1.22 + ($1.953 + $13.67)/1.23 = $11.17 b. If the market price of a share is equal to this intrinsic value, the expected dividend yield is D 1/P 0, which is1.25/11.17 = .1119 or 11.2%c. Its price one year from now = P 1 = D 2/(1+k) + (D 3 + P 3)/(1+k)2 = $1.5625/1.2 + ($1.953 + $13.67)/1.22 =$12.15.The implied capital gain is $12.15 - $11.17 = $.98, which is 8.8% of the price P 0. Thus the dividend yield plusthe capital gain rate add up to 20%, which is k.8. The Bearded ladies’ Stock guide offers the following method for selecting stocks:Compute the stock’s PEG ratio by dividing its P/E mu ltiple by its growth rate of earnings. Select only those stocks whose PEG ratio is in the lowest quartile.a. If the stock is fairly priced according to the constant-growth-rate DDM, what should be its PEG ratio asa function of the following three variables: the stock’s market capitalization rate (k), the expectedprofitability of its future investments (ROE), and its plowback ratio (b)? (Assume the P/E ratio used in computing PEG is the ratio of the stock’s current price to its expected earnings per share, P 0/E 1)b. Assume the CAPM and the DDM are valid. The risk free rate is .04 and the risk premium on the marketportfolio is .06. What should be the relationship between the PEG for a stock whose ROE is .10 and a stock whose ROE is .15, assuming the two stocks have the same beta (equal to 1) and plowback ratio (equal to .6)?c. What do you think of the Bearded Ladies’ method?SOLUTION:a. If the DDM holds we know that P 0 = D 1 / (k-g), furthermore, we know that g = b x ROE and D 1=(1-b) E 1b(ROE)(k -b(ROE))b (ROE)b E k -b(ROE)E )b (g E P PEG -=⨯-==1111110b. The values of k for each of the stocks will be: k = .04 + .06 beta = .04 + .06 =.1PEG 1= (1-.6) / (.6 x .10 x (.1 - .6 x .10)) = 166.67PEG 2= (1-.6) / (.6 x .15 x (.1 - .6 x .15)) = 444.44PEG 1 < PEG 2c. As we can see in part b, the PEG rule would lead us to choose the stock with the lowest ROE.In general, if the stock market is informally efficient, then any stock will offer an expected rate of return that is commensurate with the stock’s perceived market risk, regardless of the stock’s PEG.Using the Internet for Stock Pricing9. Pick a company whose stock is traded on the NYSE. Use one of the stock valuation models discussed in this chapter together with information that you can find by searching the Internet to compute an intrinsic value for the s tock. Compare your estimate of intrinsic value with the stock’s actual price. Would you be willing to make an investment decision on the basis of your research? Why or why not?SOLUTION:One simple model that we can use to value a company is to find the average P/E multiple of the industry in which the company operates and multiply it by the expected earnings per share of that company. The difference between this intrinsic value and the actual market value of the stock can be explained by the difference between our assumptions regarding the company’s future investment opportunities and the market’s expectations. For example, if the market value of the stock is higher than the intrinsic value found, then this difference reflects the investors’ belief that the company will have a greater-than-average future investments opportunities with a rate of return greater than the market capitalization rate for this particular industry. If markets are efficient, then this market value is supposed to be the “real” value o f the company, and represents the view of the majority of investors, hence I would be reluctant to follow my own findings of the intrinsic value as a basis for an investment decision.Dividend Policy10. Divido Corporation is an all-equity financed firm with a total market value of $100 million. The company holds $10 million in cash-equivalents and has $90 million in other assets. There are 1,000,000 shares of Divido common stock outstanding, each with a market price of $100. What would be the impact on Di vido’s stock price and on the wealth of its shareholders of each of the following decisions? Consider each decision separately.a. The company pays a cash dividend of $10 per share.b. The company repurchases 100,000 shares.c. The company pays a 10% stock dividend.d. The company has a 2-for-1 stock split.e. The company invests $10 million in an expansion that has an expected IRR equal to the firm’s cost ofcapital.SOLUTION:a.The stock price falls by $10, but shareholder wealth remains the same in a frictionless world becauseshareholders receive $10 in cash on each share they own. In the real world, shareholder’s wealth may decline because personal taxes may have to be paid on the cash dividend.b.The stock price is unchanged and so is shareholder wealth. Some of the shareholders who sold their shares mayhave to pay taxes on their capital gains in the real world.c.The number of shares outstanding rises to 1,100,000, and the stock price falls to $90.909 (=$100MM/$1.1MM)per share. Shareholder wealth is unchanged: instead of having one share at $100, now the shareholder will have1.1 shares at $90.909/share (1.1 x 90.909 = 100)d.The number of shares outstanding rises to 2,000,000, and the stock price falls to $50 per share. Theoretically,shareholder wealth is unchanged.e.The composition of the firm’s assets changes. Cash falls by $10 million and other assets go up by the sameamount. There is no change in either the stock price or in shareholder wealth.11. It has been found empirically, that on average the total market value of their stock rises when firms announce a stock split. What hypotheses might you offer to explain this phenomenon?SOLUTION:Theoretically, when a firm announces a stock-split, the number of shares doubles (if 2-to-1 stock split) and the market value per share drops by half. Empirically, we have observed a small increase in market value of the stock after the announcement of a stock-split. This can be explained by the informational content of the split. Outside investors may interpret this stock dividend as a positive sign that the company is doing well, hence increasing the price of the stock. Another possible interpretation is that since the price per share is now lower after the split, it can become more affordable for some investors.12. Suppose that a company has had an extraordinarily profitable year, and it announces that it will use most of its net cash inflow to buy back shares of its stock in the market. Would you expect the price of its stock to rise or fall when the announcement is made? Explain.SOLUTION:Theoretically, the price of the stock should not change after a stock repurchase. But the announcement could send a positive signal to investors that the company has been doing very well and has enough cash to buy back shares as a form of dividends. This might increase the price of the stock after the announcement.。

⾦融市场与⾦融机构基础(第9章)英⽂版答案ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS FOR CHAPTER 9(Questions are in bold print followed by answers.)1. Your broker is recommending that you purchase U.S. government bonds. Here is the explanation: Listen, in these times of uncertainty, with many companies going bankrupt, it makes sense to play it safe and purchase long-term government bonds. They are issued by the U.S. government, so they are risk free. How would you respond to the broker?U.S. Government bonds may be free of default risk, but they are not free from interest rate risk, which may cause the bond price to decline, resulting in a capital loss should the holder of bond sell it before maturity. Even then there is the inflation premium risk, which means that the principal may have less purchasing power at maturity than it does today.2. You just inherited 30,000 shares of a company you have never heard of, ABD Corporation. You call your broker to find out if you have finally struck it rich. After several minutes, she comes back on the telephone and says: “I don’t have a clue about these shares. It’s too bad they are not traded in a financial market. That would make life a lot easier for you. ”What does she mean by this?If the shares are traded on the market, and if the market is efficient, the current price would denote the value of the stock. Without market price information, share value would have to be approximated through other time-consuming and less reliable methods.3. Suppose you own a bond that pays $75 yearly in coupon interest and that is likely to be called in two years (because the firm has already announced that it will redeem the issue early). The call price will be $1,050.What is the price of your bond now, in the market, if the appropriate discount rate for this asset is 9%?P O = $75 (PVIFA) 2.09 + $1050 (PVIF) 2.09= $75 X 1.7591 + $1050 X .8417 = $1015.724. Your broker has advised you to buy shares of Hungry Boy Fast Foods, which has paid a dividend of $1.00 per year for 10 years and will (according to the broker) continue to do so for many years. The broker believes that the stock, which now has a price of $12, will be worth $25 per share in five years. You have good reason to think that the discount rate for this firm’s stock is 22% per year, because that rate compensates the buyer fo r all pertinent risks. Is the stock’s present price a good approximation of its true financial value?P O= $1 (PVIFA) 5.22 + $25 X (PVIF) 5.22 = .3715 = $12.15The price is right, in fact the stock is slightly undervalued.5. You have been considering a zero-coupon bond, which pays no interest but will pay a principal of $1,000 at the end of five years. The price of the bond is now $712.99, and its required rate of return is 7.0%. This morning’s news contained a surprising development. The government announced that the rate of inflation appears to be 5.5% instead of the 4% that most people had been expecting. (Suppose most people had thought the real rate of interest was 3%.) What would be the price of the bond, once the market began to absorb this new information about inflation?The nominal required rate of return is (real rate plus inflation) i r + i f or currently 3% plus 4% = 7%. If i f becomes 5.5% then the new required rate of return becomes 8.5%. The price of the bond would then be $1000/(1.085)5 or $665.05.6. State the difference in basis points between each of the following:a. 5.5% and 6.5%b.7% and 9%c. 6.4% and 7.8%d.9.1% and 11.9%a.100 basis pointsb.200 basis pointsc.140 basis pointsd.280 basis points7.a.Does a rise of 100 basis points in the discount rate change the price of a 20-yearbond as much as it changes the price of a four-year bond, assuming that both bonds have the same coupon rate and offer the same yield?b.Does a rise of 100 basis points in the discount rate change the price of a 4% couponbond as much as it changes the price of a 10% coupon bond, assuming that bothbonds have the same maturity and offer the same yield?c.Does a rise of 100 basis points in the discount rate change the price of a 10-yearbond to the same extent if the discount rate is 4% as it does if the discount rate is12%?a.The price of the 20-year bond will fall more than that of the 4-year bond because there aremore years for the new discount to apply to the cash flows of the 20-year bond.b.The price of the low coupon bond will change more due to the low amount of cash flows thatcan be reinvested at the higher rate.c. A change from the 4% base will lead to a larger change in price.8.During the early 1980s, interest rates for many long-term bonds were above 14%. In the early 1990s, rates on similar bonds were far lower. What do you think this dramatic decline in market interest rates means for the price volatility of bonds in response to a change in interest rates?Since the direction of the interest rate change is downward, price volatility should increase.9.a.What is the cash flow of a 6% coupon bond that pays interest annually, matures inseven years, and has a principal of $1,000?b.Assuming a discount rate of 8%, what is the price of this bond?c.Assuming a discount rate of 8.5%, what is the price of this bond?d.Assuming a discount rate of 7.5%, what is the price of this bond?e.What is the duration of this bond, assuming that the price is the one you calculatedin part (b)?f.If the yield changes by 100 basis points, from 8% to 7%, by how much would youapproximate the percentage price change to be using your estimate of duration inpart (e)?g.What is the actual percentage price change if the yield changes by 100 basis points?a.$60 a year interest for 7 years plus $1000 principal in year 7 for a total of $1420 in cash flow.b. 5.2064 X $60 + .583 X $1000 = $895.38c. 5.119 X $60 + .565 X $1000 = $872.14d. 5.297 X $60 + .603 X $1000 = $920.82e. D = $920-.82-$872.14=$48.68/8.95=5.44$895.38 (0.85-.075)f.Applying the formula-D (change in yield) = -5.44 (.01) or a price increase of 5.42%.g.Price at 8% =$895.88, at 7% = $946.06, so actual percentage change is ($946.06 -$895.88)/$895.88=5.6%.10. Why is it important to be able to estimate the duration of a bond or bond portfolio?To answer this question, we must understand that duration is related to percentage price change.A simple formula can be used to calculate the approximate duration of a bond or bond portfolio. All we are interested in is the percent price change of a bond when interest rates change by a small amount. To control interest rate risk, it is thus necessary to be able to measure it. Duration provides that measure.11. Explain why you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Determining the duration of a financial asset is a simple process.”Disagree. Determining the duration of a financial asset is not simple process. Because for most assets, the cash flow can change when interest rates change. Therefore, if a change in the cash flow is not considered, duration calculations can be misleading.12. Explain why the effective duration is a more appropriate measure of a complex financial instrument’s price sensitivity to interest rate changes than is modified duration. Modified duration is derived with the assumption that cash flows do not change as interest rates change. Effective duration is calculated with the assumption of changing cash flows. For complex financial instruments’ price sensitivity to interest rate changes could be very large. Hence, the importance of effective duration becomes significant.。

第九章存款货币银行1.一个金融机构是否是存款货币银行,其判断的基本标志是什么?答:在金融中介体系中,能够创造存款货币的金融中介机构,国际货币基金组织把它们统称为存款货币银行(Deposit Money Banks),而不论其具体采取的称呼为何。

企业财务活动与金融体系的关系体现在( )。
以下对于利率描述正确的是( )。
第三章 自测试题及答案
( )认为汇率在一定时期内的变化是由两个国家在这段时期内的通货膨胀率的差异决定的。
明代丘濬说“日中为市,使民交易以通有无。以物易物,物不皆有,故有钱币之造焉”。这句话反映了( )的货币起源思想。
牙买加体系不具备的特点是( )。
在以下金融资产中,流动性最强的是( )。
中国人民银行公布的货币量指标中的货币增长率指标反映了( )的变化状况。
金本位制包括( )。
信用货币包括( )。
币材一般应具备( )的性质
国际货币制度的构成要素包括( )。
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第9 章1.有“央行的央行”之称的国际金融机构是()。
A.国际开发协会B.世界银行C.国际清算银行D.国际金融公司知识点提示 : 国际金融机构体系的构成。
A.政策性银行B.商业银行C.投资银行D.储蓄银行知识点提示 : 银行金融机构的类型。
A.证券公司B.金融资产管理公司C.金融租赁公司D.保险公司知识点提示 : 非银行金融机构的构成。
选择一项:A.多边投资担保机构B.国际金融公司C.国际开发协会D.世界银行知识点提示 : 国际金融机构体系的构成。
正确答案是:国际开发协会5. 1948 年 12 月 1 日,()在原华北银行、北海银行、西北农民银行的基础上成立,标志着新中国金融体系的建立。
A. 中国农业银行B.交通银行知识点提示 : 新中国成立后金融机构体系的建立与发展。
正确答案是:中国人民银行6. 根据保险的基本业务类型,可以划分为()。
A.再保险公司B.商业性保险公司C.人寿保险公司D.政策性保险公司E.财产保险公司知识点提示 :保险公司的类型。
正确答案是:人寿保险公司 , 财产保险公司 , 再保险公司7. 证券机构主要包括()等金融机构。
A. 信托投资公司B. 财务公司C. 投资基金管理公司D. 证券公司E. 保险公司知识点提示: 证券机构的类型。
正确答案是:证券公司, 投资基金管理公司8. 按照业务性质分类,可将金融机构分为()。
A.商业性金融机构B.政策性金融机构C.股份合作制金融机构D.合作制金融机构E.公司制金融机构知识点提示 :金融机构的分类。
知识点提示 :非银行金融机构的类型。
正确答案是:商业性金融机构 , 政策性金融机构9.1994 年,适应金融机构体系改革的需要,使政策性金融与商业性金融相分离,我国相继成立了()政策性银行。
A.国家开发银行D.中国民生银行E.中国农业发展银行知识点提示 :中国现行的金融机构体系。
正确答案是:国家开发银行 , 中国进出口银行 , 中国农业发展银行10. 世界银行集团由()构成。
A.国际投资争端处理中心B.世界银行C.国际金融公司D.国际开发协会E.多边投资担保机构知识点提示 : 国际金融机构体系的构成。
正确答案是:世界银行 , 国际金融公司 , 国际开发协会 , 国际投资争端处理中心 , 多边投资担保机构11.储蓄银行是以社员认缴的股金和存款为主要负债、以向社员发放的贷款为主要资产并为社员提供结算等中间业务服务的合作性金融机构。
()对错知识点提示 : 银行金融机构的类型。
()对错知识点提示 :中国现行的金融机构体系。
改正:小额贷款公司是由自然人、企业法人与其他社会组织投资设立,以服务“三农”为宗旨,不吸收公众存款,只能在本县 (市、区 )行政区域内从事小额贷款业务和小企业发展、财务、管理等咨询业务的有限责任公司或股份有限公司。
()对错知识点提示 : 金融机构在现代经济发展中的功能。
()对错知识点提示 : 信托的特征。
15金融租赁公司兴起于 20 世纪初,是为企业技术改造、新产品开发及产品销售提供金融服务,以中长期金融业务为主的非银行金融机构。
()对错知识点提示 : 财务公司的作用。
改正:财务公司兴起于20 世纪初,是为企业技术改造、新产品开发及产品销售提供金融服务,以中长期金融业务为主的非银行金融机构。
1. 具有融物和融资的双重功能的非银行金融机构是()。
选择一项:A.保险公司B.信托投资公司C.证券公司D.金融租赁公司知识点提示 : 非银行金融机构的构成。
正确答案是:金融租赁公司2. ()是金融机构的传统功能,其对商品交易的顺利实现、货币支付与清算和社会交易成本的节约具有重要意义。
A.融通资金B.降低交易成本C.支付结算服务D.风险转移与管理知识点提示 : 金融机构在现代经济发展中的功能。
正确答案是:支付结算服务3. 以下不属于非银行金融机构的是()。
A.证券公司B.合作金融机构C.金融资产管理公司D. 保险公司正确答案是:合作金融机构4. ()的贷款对象只限于成员国财政金融当局,贷款用途只限于弥补成员国国际收支逆差或用于经常项目的国际支付。
A.世界银行B.国际货币基金组织C.国际开发协会D.国际金融公司知识点提示 : 国际金融机构体系的构成。
正确答案是:国际货币基金组织5. 新中国成立后,我国金融机构体系的建立与发展大致经历了五个阶段,其中()这个时期是“大一统”金融机构体系确立阶段。
选择一项:A. 1983-1993 年B.1953-1978 年C.1948-1953 年D.1978-1983 年知识点提示 : 新中国成立后金融机构体系的建立与发展。
正确答案是:1953-1978 年6. 全球性的国际金融机构主要有()等。
A.西非发展银行B.国际清算银行C.国际货币基金组织D.世界银行集团E.欧洲投资银行知识点提示 :国际金融机构体系的构成。
正确答案是:国际货币基金组织 , 世界银行集团 , 国际清算银行7. 以下属于非银行金融机构的是()。
A.证券公司B.保险公司C.信托投资公司D.金融租赁公司E.财务公司知识点提示 :非银行金融机构的类型。
正确答案是:证券公司 , 保险公司 , 信托投资公司 , 金融租赁公司 , 财务公司8. 关于中国港澳台地区的金融机构体系,以下说法正确的()。
A.港元是由香港政府通过法律授权某些信誉卓著、实力雄厚的大商业银行发行的B.台湾地区的金融体系包括正式的金融体系与民间借贷两部分C.台湾地区的货币金融体系由“行政院金融监督管理委员会”及“中央银行”共同管理D. 20 世纪 80 年代以后,以银行为主体的澳门金融业已成为澳门经济的四大支柱产业之一E.金融管理局是香港政府架构中负责发行货币、维持货币及银行体系稳定的机构知识点提示 :中国现行的金融机构体系。
正确答案是:港元是由香港政府通过法律授权某些信誉卓著、实力雄厚的大商业银行发行的, 20 世纪80 年代以后,以银行为主体的澳门金融业已成为澳门经济的四大支柱产业之一, 台湾地区的金融体系包括正式的金融体系与民间借贷两部分 , 台湾地区的货币金融体系由“行政院金融监督管理委员会”及“中央银行”共同管理9.投资基金管理公司业务运作的特点主要有。
( )A.组合投资、分散风险B.集合理财、专业管理C.独立托管、保障安全D.利益共享、风险共担E.严格监管、信息透明知识点提示 :投资基金公司的业务经营及运作特点。
正确答案是:集合理财、专业管理 , 组合投资、分散风险 , 利益共享、风险共担 , 严格监管、信息透明 , 独立托管、保障安全10.我国的金融资产管理公司带有典型的政策性金融机构特征,是专门为接受和处理国有金融机构不良资产而建立的,主要有()。
A.华融金融资产管理公司B.华夏金融资产管理公司C.东方金融资产管理公司D.信达金融资产管理公司E.长城金融资产管理公司知识点提示 :中国现行的金融机构体系。
正确答案是:信达金融资产管理公司 , 华融金融资产管理公司 , 长城金融资产管理公司 , 东方金融资产管理公司11. 我国在 1999 年后分业经营的管理体制有所松动,出现混业趋势。
()对错知识点提示 : 中国金融机构经营体制的发展演变。
12. 经纪类证券公司既可从事经纪业务,又可开展自营、承销及其他业务。
()对错知识点提示 : 证券公司的含义和类型。
13. 经济保障、稳定社会生活是保险机构的基本作用。
()对错知识点提示 : 保险机构的作用。
14.我国在 1984 年形成了以财政部为核心,以工、农、中、建四大专业银行为主体,其他各种金融机构并存和分工协作的金融机构体系。
()对错知识点提示 :新中国成立后金融机构体系的建立与发展。
改正:我国在1984 年形成了以中国人民银行为核心,以工、农、中、建四大专业银行为主体,其他各种金融机构并存和分工协作的金融机构体系。
()对错知识点提示 :金融机构的产生。