2012年6月高等学校英语应用能力考试试题答案2012英语三级答案听力:1.a 2.8:00 3.recover from the 4.30 5.attened the meeting 6.japan 7.bus 8.camera speech context 9.park the car case 10.trip with school11.the day later 12.no plan 13. planning 14.suffer15.schedual 16 . 17volunteer 18. 19. boarding 20. work out单选。
11题,above all. 12题,popular.13题,inquired. 1 4题,in brief. 1 5题, admitting. 1 6题,look into 17题, view. 1 8题,consists. 19题,duty. 20题, back.21题,book. 22题,superior. 23题,all that . 24题, be introduced. 25题, could be taken. 26题,will have discovered. 27题,not to make. 28题, leacing. 29题,didnot sell .30题ten.阅读一开头是in kenya,答案;1,suffering2joseph3,baby,4,running,5giving阅读二开头是onlydays答案1,100or,2she was supposed3inthe1980s4confirm5hadnotbeen阅读三开头是men who答案1making decision2he is born with 3humaninstinctive 4theoppsite sex5they had differrent personalties阅读四(关键字或是开头的单词:I was lucky- I found~~~~。
a n dc o l dw h e nh e r e a c h e da c o u n t r y i n n .T h e i n nw a s s o ( 1 1 )c r o w d e dw i t hp e o p l e t h a t h e c o u l dn o t g e t n e a r t h e f i r e .S oh e( 1 2 )c a l l e do u t t ot h ew a i t e r :“ T a k es o m e h ew a i t e r a n s w e r e d :“ B u t ah o r s e f i s ht om yh o r s e .”T ’ t e a t f i s h !”T h e t r a v e l e r t h e ns a i d :“( 1 3 )N e v d o e s n e r m i n d ,d oa sI t e l l y o u . ”O nh e a r i n gt h i ss t r a n g eo r d e r ,t h ec r o w d e dp e o p l er a no u t t os e eah o r s ee a t f i s h . ,s a t T h et r a v e l e r n o wh a v i n gt h ew h o l er o o mt oh i m s e l f d o w nb e s i d et h ef i r ea n d( 1 4 )w a r m e dh i m s e l f . Wh e nt h ew a i t e r c a m eb a c kw i t ht h ec r o w d e dp e o , h es a i d : “ Y o u rh o r s ew o u l dn o te a tf i s h . ”T h e p l e t r a v e l e r a n s w e r e d :“ N e v e r m i n d , p u t i t ( 1 5 )o nt h et a b l e , a n dw h e nI h a dq u i t ed r i e dm yc l o t h e s ,I w i l l e a t i t ! ” m y s e l f 1 1 .【 答案】 c r o w d e d 答案】 c a l l e do u t 1 2 .【 答案】 N e v e r m i n d 1 3 .【 1 4 .【 答案】 w a r m e d 答案】 o nt h et a b l e 1 5 .【 S e c t i o nD Wh yd oy o u n gp e o p l el i k et ob u yt h e i r c l o t h e so n l i n e ?( 1 6 )P e r h a p st h ef i r s t r e a s o ni st h a t o n l i n es h o p p i n gs a v e sm o n e y .Y o uh a v et h ec h a n c et of i n dg o o d d e a l s f o r a n yi t e mt h a t y o uw a n t t ob u y .T h e r ea r em a n y d i f f e r e n t s t o r e s o n l i n e .( 1 7 )T h e ys e l l t h es a m ec l o t h e s w e s t a n dt h i sa l l o w sy o ut os h o pa r o u n dt of i n dt h el o p r i c e s .( 1 8 )T h es e c o n dr e a s o nw h yp e o p l es h o po n l i n e i s t os a v et i m e .( 1 9 )Y o uc a nf i n da n yc l o t h e s t h a t y o u a r el o o k i n gf o r w i t h i naf e wm i n u t e s .Y o ud o n ’ t h a v et o w a l kf r o mo n es t o r et oa n o t h e r o r d r i v e t o d i f f e r e n t s t o r e s 2 0 )I t i s g e n e r a l l y b e l i e v e dt h a t t of i n dw h a t y o uw a n t .( o n l i n es h o p p i n gw i l l b e m o r e a n dm o r e p o p u l a r i nt h e f u t u r e . Q 1 6 : Wh yd oy o u n gp e o p l el i k et ob u yt h e i r c l o t h e so n l i n e ? 【 答案】 s a v em o n e y 【 题型】 细节题 【 解析】 该题提问的是为什么年轻人喜欢网上买 衣服。根据听力原文中的“ P e r h a p s t h ef i r s t r e a s o ni s t h a t o n l i n es h o p p i n gs a v e s m o n e y . ” 可知, 第 一个原因 是 网 上 购 物 省 钱。所 以 这 里 应 该 填 s a v em o n e y 。 Q 1 7 : Wh yd op e o p l es h o pa r o u n df o r t h es a m ec l o t h e s ? 【 答案】 l o w e s t 【 题型】 细节题 【 解析】 该题提问的是人们为什么为了同样的衣
1、职业活动内在的道德准则是( )A.忠诚、无私、敬业 B.忠诚、审慎、勤勉C.爱岗、慎独、勤勉 D.爱岗、敬业、审慎2、职业道德的社会作用表现在( )。
A.协调企业职工间 B.调节领导与职工C.协调职工与企业 D.调节企业与市场4、日本拉链大王吉田忠雄说:“不为别人的利益着想,就不会有自____________己的繁荣。
”从职业道德的角度看,这句话的真正意思是( )。
(A)别人要求怎么做,自己就要怎么做(B)知己知彼,百战不殆(c)企业经营要善于说“对不起” (D)诚信是企业立足社会的道德资本5、日本丰田汽车公司长期奉行“少花钱多办事”的经营理念,节约成为丰田公司的文化、时尚和习惯。
但近一个时期以来,丰田汽车公司却连续陷入了“召回门”泥潭,据分析,问题的产生或多或少与“节约”有关,这说明( )。
(A)“少花钱”是不能够做到或者做好“多办事”的 (B)产品缺陷来源于把“节约”作为经营理念的战略(c)“节约”就是赚小便宜吃大亏 (D)把握节用有度的本质十分重要6、职业道德规范——“合作”中,关于平等性的要求包括( )A.端正态度,树立大局意识C.律己宽仁,融入团队中B.善于沟通,提高合作能力D.倡导民主,消除上下意识7、日本拉链大王吉田忠雄说:“不为别人的利益着想,就不会有自____________己的繁荣。
”从职业道德的角度看,这句话的真正意思是( )。
(A)别人要求怎么做,自己就要怎么做(B)知己知彼,百战不殆(c)企业经营要善于说“对不起” (D)诚信是企业立足社会的道德资本8、关于奉献,正确的认识是: ( )A.努力把产品做到最好 B.给多少钱办多少事C.比翼追求报酬为最终目的 D.具有人人可为性9、在职业活动中,统领我国社会主义职业道德建设的价值导向是( )A.中国特色社会主义B.爱国主义C.社会主义荣誉观 D.社会主义核心价值体系10、作为一名职工,我可以将自己描述为:准确()。
Part III Reading ComprehensionDirections: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.The iMOVE database(数据库)information platform for persons interested in job opportunities offered by German companies. The information can be obtained in seven languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian and Arabic.All programs in the area of professional training are carried out by German training providers. All these programs have a clear content to meet your special needs.Programs which take place in Germany are carried out in English. Many of the German training providers have started their training activities towards the international market. Therefore, they also offer courses abroad. These courses are taught in English or the language of the target country. Providers will be glad to supply you with additional information on these courses. You can contact the provider directly to find out more about a program and the training provider.To guarantee high standards in the database, iMOVE has developed quality standards for training providers and their services. All of the training facilities in the iMOVE database have to follow these quality criteria (标准). All training providers who publish their international training programs in the iMOVE database have recognized our General Terms and Conditions.36. The iMOVE database is intended for persons who ________.A) seek a job as a language translatorB) are interested in the German languageC) want to be employed by German companiesD) wish to work for professional training providers37. The iMOVE programs are carried out by ________.A) language training centersB) German training providersC) special service developersD) overseas employment advisers38. held in Germany are taught in _________.A) GermanB) EnglishC) FrenchD) Chinese39. Which of the following measures has iMOVE taken to guarantee its high standards?A) Offering different language courses.B) Providing modern training facilities.C) Starting training courses overseas.D) Developing quality standards.40. The purpose of the passage is to ________.A) advertise the iMOVE databaseB) make German companies more popularC) hire overseas employees to work in GermanyD) encourage people to learn more foreign languagesTask 2Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45.It is so easy to earn rewards!A wide range of partners wherever you goTo make traveling even easier, Air France offers you Frequency Plus (常旅客里程奖励计划) through an extensive network of our partners. Together, they give you endless opportunities to earn Miles and a wide choice of Rewards, from airline tickets, hotel room-nights, car rentals and more.Partners in ChinaIf you are a Frequency Plus member registered in China, you have even more choices with rewards from our local partners. For more information, please contact your local Air France office.First rewards start as low as 20,000 Miles!Your Temporary Cardthat will make you get your first Reward, now.a) Show your Temporary Card and simply give your Card number when making a reservation and at check-in for your flight. In this way, you will begin to earn Miles even before receiving your Permanent Card.b) Fill in and return your personal membership (会员) application today. Your application must be received within 3 weeks of your first flight.Remember, you will enjoy an extra 3,000 Bonus Miles (额外奖励里程) for your first trip with Air France within 6 months of joining. Fly today and earn Rewards sooner!41. Air France carries out its Frequency Plus ________.A) through its reduced ticket pricesB) through its extensive network of partnersC) by providing convenient flight schedulesD) by offering excellent services on board42. In order to get the first reward, passengers must fly at least ________.A) for 6 monthsB) 20,000 milesC) 3,000 bonus MilesD) once in three weeks43. Passengers can begin to earn Miles ________.A) if they reserve tickets at a hotelB) if they buy tickets at the airportC) before receiving the Permanent CardD) after receiving the Permanent Card44. Passengers should send their application to Air France ________.A) upon receiving the application formB) within 3 weeks of their first flightC) before their first flight with Air FranceD) within 6 months of joining the program45. The extra bonus Miles for a passenger’s first trip with Air France within 6 months of joining is ________.A) 2,000 milesB) 3,000 milesC) 20,000 milesD) 30,000 miles答案:36-40:CBBDA 41-45:BBCBB Task 3Directions: The following is a Memo. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline below it (No.46 to No.50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than three words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.The College of Business Management (CBM) is seeking new members to represent the college as Student Ambassadors (大使). will represent the college during the school year. Their term of service will begin during the autumn. Student Ambassadors will have the opportunity to cooperate with students at various activities throughout the school year.Purposes:1. Promote the College of Business Management.2. Improve leadership and communication skills.3. Assist in the recruitment of students to CBM.Qualifications and Requirements:1. Must currently be a full-time student in the College of Business Management.2. Must be available to assist with various recruitment activities.3. Must be able to contact students from various backgrounds.Application Procedure:1. Print a copy from our website.2. Complete the application form and return it to the Student Advising Office.For More Information:Contact Mark Davis at 472-2310 or stop by the Student Advising Office.Student Ambassadors WantedTerm of service: throughout the school yearTasks:1. represent the -46- as Student Ambassadors2. cooperate with students at -47-Purposes:1. promote CBM2. improve leadership and -48- skills3. assist in the recruitment activitiesQualifications: must be a -49- student in CBMApplication Procedure:1. print a copy2. complete the form3. return it to the -50-答案:46.college 47.various activities munication 49.full-time 50.Student Advising OfficeTask 4Directions: The following is a list of medical terms. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to (与…等同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 51 through 55.A—physical check-upB—biological clockC—pulse rateD—high blood pressureE—sleep habitsF—over-the-counter (OTC) medicineG—side effectH—personality testI—operating roomJ—sense of well-beingK—face-liftL—compulsive over-eatingM—stress self-testN—plastic surgeonO—heart beatP—behavior therapyQ—terminal stageExamples: ( K ) 面部整容( N ) 整形外科医生51. ( ) 心跳( ) 非处方药52. ( ) 手术室( ) 强迫性过度饮食53. ( ) 副作用( ) 生物钟54. ( ) 高血压( ) 脉搏率55. ( ) 睡眠习惯( ) 体检答案:51.O,F 52.I,L 53.G,B 54.D,C 55.E,A文章来源: 热门考试网详细出处参考:/yysj/lnzt/62720.html一选择题:1:B (until)2:A(that)3:C(another)4:C(leaves)5:D(mature)6:A(being discussed)7:C (casual)8:B(that)9:D(to)10:B(persist)二填空题:1:payment 2:were interviewed 3:be 4:conducted 5:were 6:responsibility 7:injured 8:to acceept 9:quickly 三阅读理解:Ⅰ:1:B (better organizide our activities) 2: C (study efficiently ) 3: B (Any activities we're eager to do) 4 B (Taking a short nap in the afternoon) 5 A (Study Habits and time Management)Ⅱ:1:(start a new small business)B 2:(determination and originality) D 3:(advise beforehand )C 4:(those with fewer than50 employees)A 5:(linking to other relevant articles) B Ⅲ:这个简单自己在题里找。
2012年6月浙江省大学英语三级考试真题参考答案Part I Listening Comprehension Section A 1-5 D B C C A 6-10 C B C B D Section B 11-15 C A C B C 16-20 B C A B C Section C 21. education 22. curious 23. living 24. museums 25. historical 26. vivid 27.attitudes 28. What about the tourist who goes to Hong Kong? 29.seeing and feeling the lack of space 30. The tourist to Hong Kong will never forget the contrasts Part II Reading Comprehension 31-35 C C B D D 36-40 D B B C B 41-45 D A B A C 46-50 B G C I K 51-55 N A L D F Part III Integrated Reading 56-60 C C A A D 61-65 B C B C C 66-70 B B B A B 71-75C D A C A 76. The earth's magnetic field 77. iron-containing cell 78. Internal compass 79. Fly 80. Gerta Fleissner Part IV Writing Sample:Sports and MeAlmost pepole likes sports. Men and women, girls and boys, young and old, the people in China and the people in the other countries enjoy sports. Sports can help people people keep keep keep healthy, healthy, healthy, change change change people's people's people's characters, characters, characters, make make make people people people more more more beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, help help people live happily. People People in in in different different different places places places like like like different different different sports. sports. sports. Those Those Those living living living near near near the the the sea sea sea like like swimming, while those living near the mountains like climbing. I live among the tall buildings.Let's talk about my sports. I have no favourite sports. I don't like swimming, because I cannot swim. I don't like running, because it takes me too tired. Maybe I like volleyball, because I can play it. When I was a student in high school, I played volleyball with my classmates. That was great fun! But it is not my favourite sports. Perhaps some people think I'm a lazy woman and maybe so fat. Haha, I'm really lazy, but not fat. Every holiday, I like to stay at home. I will watch TV , go sleeping, read magzines, drink tea. This is my lazy life. I enjoy it very much. 。
2012年6月大学英语三级(B级)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Listening Comprehension 2. V ocabulary and Structure 3. Reading Comprehension 4. Translation from English to Chinese 5. WritingPart I Listening Comprehension (15 minutes)Directions:This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D.听力原文:I am going to make coffee, would you like some?1.A.Don’t mention it.B.This way,please.C.No, thanks.D.You’re right.正确答案:C解析:说话者说他正在煮咖啡,问对方是否来一点(…would you like some?),因此可以用“No,thanks.”回答。
听力原文:May I speak to Mr. Johnson?2.A.Sorry, he isn’t in.B.It’s over there.C.That’s very kind of you.D.I’d love to.正确答案:A解析:说话者说想要和Johnson先生通话(May I speak to Mr.Johnson.?),而此时他不在,因此要回答“Sorry,he isn’t in.”。
听力原文Section1. W: Excuse me, would you mind if I use your phone?M: Sure. It s on the table over there.Q: What did the man mean?2. M: That was a really interesting movie. I hope you enjoyed it, too.W: But I fell asleep just after it startedQ: How did the woman feel about the movie?3. W: What a nice city it was ten years ago! The air was clear and the water was clean.M: But, now there are too many cars and factories!Q: What do we know about the city now?4. M: How about the company s business plan for next year?W: It s still being discussed at the board meeting.Q: What can we learn about the business plan from the conversation?5. W: Winter is the best time to visit the Northeast because the snow there is so beautiful. M: You re right. This is why we are planning to go there next week.Q: What are they talking about?SectionConversation 1M: I ve been trying to call you for the last half hour, but the line was always busy.W: I was talking to my best friend Lily.M: I don t know how you girls have so much to say to each other. My phone calls are always short.W: Guess boys and girls are different.M: I m sure my parents would be angry if they had to pay a lot of money for the phone calls. What about yours?W: I don t think they d mind. They are only angry when their calls couldn t get through. M: Then the best thing is for you to have a phone of your own.W: A good idea! I think I ll just do that. Now, why did you call me?M: I just want to tell you I can t go over to see you.6. What did the boy think about the girl s making long telephone conversations?7. Why did the boy call the girl?Conversation 2W: Wake up, Frank, time to rise.M: Ha, oh, hi, Jane, I must have fallen asleep while I was reading.W: You and everyone else. It looks more like a campground than a library.M: Well, the dorm s too noisy to study in, and I find this place is quiet.W: Have you had any luck finding a topic for your paper?M: No. Professor White told us to write about anything in cultural anthropology. I wish she had not given us so much of a choice.W: Well, why not write about the ancient civilizations of Mexico? You seem to be interested in that part of the world.M: I am, but there is too much material to cover. I ll be writing forever, and prof. White only wants five to seven pages.W: So then limit it to one region of Mexico. Say the Uka town. You ve been there and you said it s got lots of interesting relics.M: That s not a bad idea. I brought many books and things back with me last summer, which would be great resource material, now if I can only remember where I put them.8. Where does the conversation most probably take place?9. What seems to be Frank s problem?10.Why doesn t Frank want to write about the ancient civilizations of Mexico?SectionI am a university student. I will graduate after this semester. My best friend Bob is a foreign student from Dublin, Ireland. He has studied with me for 3 years. Last month he invited me to visit his country. That was my first trip to Ireland. I knew little about the country, so I was quite anxious. But I was really impressed with how warm my welcome was. There even was a welcome party when I arrived there. Everybody was really nice to me and I couldn t complain about a single thing. They taught me many new things and I tried to do my best to learn every day. I really enjoyed the life there and never felt bored. I am really glad that I had the chance to go there and had that wonderful experience.11. When will the speaker graduate?12. What nationality is Bob?13. How long has Bob studied with the speaker?14. What happened when the speaker arrived in Ireland?15. How did the speaker feel about选择题:1. We must find a way to cut prices _______ reducing our profits too much.A. Without B with C. despite D. for2. ______ some students are able to find employment after graduation, others will have to return to school and earn an advanced degree.A. SinceB. BecauseC. WhileD. If3. ______ the weather improves, we will suffer a huge loss in the tourist industry.A. AsB. WhileC. SinceD. Unless4. Enclosed you ________ an application form that you are asked to fill out.A. A. will findB. findC. foundD. are finding5.Would you pass me the book_______ cover is black?A. WhichB. thatC. whoseD. its6. John had never been abroad before,_______ he found the business trip very exciting.A. BecauseB. soC. thoughD. while7. I t is important that we ______ the task ahead of time.A. will finishB. finishC.finishedD. shall finish8. ________ by the failure of the project,the manager could hardly say a word.A. To be shockedB. ShockedC. Be shockedD. Shocking9. When I first arrived in Japan, I was surprised ______ the way people greeted each other.A ofB toC withD at10. We are happy at the good news _______ Mr.Black has been awarded the Best Manager.A.ThatB. whatC. whichD. whether1. If your neighbors are too noise, then you have a good reason to make your (complain) complaint .2. Measures should be taken to avoid the negative effect (bring) brought aboutby unfair competition.3. Having been badly damaged by the earthquake, the city has to be (rebuild) rebuilt .4. I shall appreciate your effort in (correct) correcting this error in my bank account as soon as possible.5. The local economy depends (heavy) heavily on the exports of manufactured goods.6. Some domestic manufactures are busy increasing production, losing the chance to develop more (advance) advanced technology.7. Since we work in different sections of the company, we see each other only(occasional) occasionally .8. 30 percent of the students who (interview) were interviewed yesterday believe they should continue with their education until they have a university degree.9. Finally the woman found her (lose) ____lost______ child with the help of the police.10. The proposal about the annual sales (discuss) will be discussed at the next board meeting.阅读理解:Task 1Your boss holds your future prospects in his hands. Some bosses are hard to get along with. Some have excellent qualifications but no idea when it comes to dealing with people. Of course, not all bosses are like that.The relationship you have with your boss can be a majior factor in determining your rise up the career ladder. Your boss is ot only your leade, he is also the person best equipped to help you do the job you are paid to do. He can infom you of company diection that may affect your professional development.Your boss also needs you to perform at your best in order to accomplish his objectives. He needs your feedback in order to provide realistic and useful working relationship with your boss? The key is communication. Learn and understand his goals and prorities.Observe and understand your boss’s work style. If he has not been clear with his expectations, ask! Likewise, ask for feedbackl and accept critiscism gracefully. And if he understands that you do not view your job as just something to fill the hours between 9 and 5, he may be more likely to help you.In short, getting along with your boss requires getting to know his likes and dislikes and learning to work with his personality and management style.1. The main idea of the first paragraph is that ___________.A. bosses are hard to deal withB. bosses have good characterC. bosses determine your career futureD. bosses must have similar personality2. In the second paragrahp, “ rise up the career ladder” ( Line 2) means___________.A. going to work abroadB. changing jobs frequentlyC. being promoted in positionD. pursuing an advanced degree3. In order to achieve his objectives, your boss expects that you will ________.A. do your best in your workB. show your management skillsC. get along with your colleaguesD. write reports to upper management4. The most important factor for establishing a good working relationship with the boss is __________.A. high expectationsB. quick feedbackC. frequent criticismD. effective communication5. The best title for the passage might be ______________.A. How to take cake of your bossB. How to get along with your bossC. How to accept your boss’s criticismD. How to accomplish your boss’s objectiveTask 2Google, the Internet search-engine company, has announced it will give more than twenty-five million dollars in money and investments to help the poor. The company says the effort involves using the power of information and technology to help people improve their lives.Aleem Walji works for —the part of the company that gives money to good causes.He said the company’s first project will help identify where infectious(传染性的) diseases are developing. In Southeast Asia and Africa, for example , wil work with partners to strengthen early-warning systems and take action against growing health threats.’s second project will invest in ways to help small and medium-sized businesses grow. Walji says microfinance(小额信贷) is generally small, short-term loans that create few jobs. Instead, he says wants to develop ways to bring investors and business owners together to create jobs and improve economic growth. will also give money to help two climate-change programs announced earlier this year. One of these programs studies ways to make renewable(再生的) energy less costly than coal-based energy. The other is examining the efforts being made to increase the use of electric cars.The creators of Google have promised to give about one percent of company profits and one percent of its total stock value every year. Aleem Walji says this amount may increase in the future.1. The purpose of Google’s i nvestments is to .A. help poor peopleB. develop new technologyC. expand its own businessD. increase the power of information2. According to Aleem Walji, the company’s first project is to .A. set up a new system to warn people of infectious diseasesB. find out where infectious diseases developC. identify the causes of infectious diseasesD. cure patients of infectious diseases3. What kind of businesses will benefit from ’s second project?A. large enterprisesB. cross-national companiesC. foreign-funded corporationsD. small and medium-sized businesses4. From the fourth paragraph, we learn that Google’s money is also invested to help .A. start more research programsB. make more advanced electric carsC. develop renewable and coal-based energyD. conduct studies related to climate changes5、From the last paragraph we learn that the investments by come from ________.A) Google’s profits and stock valueB) some international IT companiesC) the company’s own interestsD) local commercial banksTask 3We welcome you aboard the Easter Flight and will do our best to make your trip comfortable and enjoyable.For your safety and convenienceTo begin the trip, we would like to draw your attention to some safety-related details. These are also exolained on the instruction card I the seat pocket in front of you. Seat belts must remain fastened while the “ fasten seatbelts” sign is on. It is advisable to keep them fa stened at all times while seated. All flights are non-smoking. The use of mobile telephone is now allowed when the airplane is on the ground. During the flight the use of CD and DVD players is not allowed.For your entertainmentTo help you enjoy your trip, we provide a range of newspapers. On our MD-11 and Boeing aircraft, we provide muise and video programes. On Airbus A 321/ 320/319, short vidoes are shown. Meals and drinksDuring most flights we serve you a tasty meals and drinks. Beer, wine and other drinks are served free of charge. Coffee, tea and juice are served free of charge on all domstic flights. On domestic flight leaving before nine and on all flights to Northern China, a snack is served.Eastern Flight ServiceSafety and concenience1. seat belts: remain _fastened_______ while the “fasten seatbelts sign is on2. smokin: not allowed on board3. mobile phones: used only when the airplan is __on the ground________4. CD and DVD: not allowed to play ___during the flight_______Entertainment provided1. newspapers2. music and __video programs_______o n MD-11 and Boeing aircraftMeals and drinks on board1. meals served on most flights2. coffee, tea and juice served free of charge3. a snack served on all flights to __Northern China_______task 4Dear Mr .mith,I am pleased to offer you the position of the after-sales manager at our company starting on16 June,2009. I propose that the term of employment will be those in the attached draft individual employment arrangement.Please note that you are entitled to discuss this offer and to seek advice on the attached proposed agreement with your family, a union, a lawyer or someone else you trust. If you want something on your employment rights, you can also contact the Employment Service Office or visit out website.Also, if you disagree with, or do not understand or wish to clarify anything in this offer, please ting me to discuss any issue you wish to raise.If you are happy with the proposed terms and wish to accept this offer of employment, please sign the duplicate copy of this letter and return it to me by 1 June, 2009. In the event I have not heard from you by that date, this offer will be automatically withdrawn on that date.I look forward to working with you.Your sincerely,John Brown1. What job position is offered to Mr. Smith in the letter?The after-sales manager.2. From whom may Mr. Smith seek advice about the proposed agreement?His family, a union, _a lawyer____, or someone else he trusts.3. How can Mr. Smith get information about employment rights?By contacting the _____Employment Service Office__________ or visiting its website.4. When should Mr. Smith return the signed duplicate copy of this letter?By ________1 June 2009___________________________.5. What will happen if the duplicate copy of the letter is not returned by the deadline? This offer will be _____automatically withdraw_________on that date.Task 5A------ air traffic control system B------ armed policeC------ crime prevention D------ entry requirementE------international criminal police organization F------ level of securityG------ picket line H------police stationI------ patrolling vehicle J------ safety precaution measureK------ safety control device L------safety command centerM------security service N ------ security control centerO------ security personnel P------ valid documentsQ------ security monitoring and control( A )空中交通管制系统(J )安全预防措施(I)巡逻车(B)武装警察(E)国际刑警组织(P)有效证件(D)入境要求(O )安保人员( F )安全保障级别(Q )安全监控翻译:1. If either party wants to renew the contract, it should submit a written notice to the other party three months prior to the expiration of the contract.A)如果任何一方希望撤销合约,必须将撤销的理由在三个月内通知对方。
2012年06月英语三级答案Part I Listening ComprehensionSection A1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. BSection B) 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. ASection C)11. wonderful12. same area13. check14. writing15. Two (kinds)Part II StructureSection A16. B 17. A 18. C 19. C 20. D 21. C 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. CSection B26. lost27. insurance28. interesting29 heart30. performance31. is equipped32. quickly33. have become34. less35. were / wasPart III Reading ComprehensionTask 136. C 37. B 38. B 39. D 40. ATask 241. B 42. B 43. C 44. B 45. BTask 346. college /CBM 47. various activities 48. communication 49. full-time 50. Student Advising OfficeTask 4 (每题1分)51. O, F 52. I, L 53. G, B 54. D, C 55. E, ATask 5 (每题1分,得分为0分、0.5分、1分;若有拼写错误但尚能辨认,酌情扣0.5分或不扣分;名词单复数错误酌情扣分或不扣分;填写超过三个词不给分)56. account 57. free 58. 12 (languages) 59. close 60. (continue to) use / log in toPart IV Translation --- English into Chinese61-64:BCCAPart V Writing (25 minutes) (Only for Reference)Dec. 21st, 2008Dear Manager,I am writing to complain about the SQ200 cell phone I bought last weekin your shop, the First Department Store.I guess that something has gone wrong with the information system of the phone. I can’t send or receive any messages with it. Neither can I take any photos even though the users’g uide says that I can do so. I really feel upset about it. Could you please change another one forme or send me the refund? 相信能就一定能Enclosed please find the receipt. I a m returning the cell phone by post.Your early reply will be well appreciated.学习使人进步,相信能就一定能成功Yours sincerely,。
2012年湖南省6月英语三级AB参考答案第一篇:2012年湖南省6月英语三级AB参考答案一选择提(AB卷通用答案,无题目,只有答案,顺序不明)1, hose5,now that2,can they expect3,leading4,t were working6, ,fromwill have perpared8, was required9, to have missed10,although二,词性转化(去年例题:Nowadays, electronic(pay)________ is a moreconvenient way to pay for purchases than cash and checks.)1,work---has worked2,successful---successfully3,complete---will be completed4,different---differenceimpress---were impressed6, ,take---had taken7, go---going8, employ---employers9,achieve---achievement10,bad---worse三,阅读理解(选项答案)1,to have your car serviced at the serveice station2,Mileage(里程碑)figures3,It is money-saving and easy to learn4,they become worn out5,ALL kinds of spanners(扳手)6,frequent passengers7,get free tickets8,pay for their flighe at least once within twenty months9,I vory is the starting membership level10,Introduction to Flying Blue四,根据所给文章,从文章中选词填空,()内为答案1,olvera street ,the(birth place)of Los Angeles2,the oldest(church)in the city3,Mann's(chinese Theatre)4,cement(hand and foot)prints of the Hollywood great people5,Beverly Hills and(Rodeo prive)五,中问英文对照填空出口商:Exporter合同号:contract No卖方:Seller运输方式:Mode of transport商品编码:Code of goods买方:Buyer总值:Total value单价:unit price数量:Quantity发证日期:License date 六,根据文章的提问,从文章内容中找出答案回答问题,部分题目给出,()内为答案1,A worker(fell)from a water tower2, He was(24 years old)3, He(was painting)the inside of the tower4, He did not wear(fall protection equipment)5, Employees should be instructed to avoid(unsafe conditions)七,多选择题,四个答案中三个正确一个错误,(下面给出的是错误答案)1,你应该相信自己未来的工作......这项工作2,在你们订购.......产品的说明3,丝绸服装........给予打折扣4,即使我们.......成本在上升八,作文重点词汇(作文中要用到的词汇):1,周期,期间period2,相当的,非常的 considerably3,由于,因为 due to4,不景气的市场 weak market5,总的趋势general trend6,关系,关心 concern7,向上的,上升的upward8,销售增加sales up9, 情况与建设situation and suggestions重点巨型:(作文)I am writing this letter to thank you for......2,.is certain to help increase our future cooperation3, The cost of raw materials has moved up greatly.....4, labor cost5, to readjust prices6, price list7, welcome to order our products内容:,一个厂商写给另一个厂商的感谢信。
2012年6月大学英语三级考试A级真题2012年6月A级考试全真试题Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections. Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper responses. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. From the question we learn that the speaker is asking the listener to leave a message. Therefore, C. Yes, certainly is the correct answer. You should mark C on the Answer Sheet. Now the test will begin.1. A. Very nice. B. Too early. C. Why not? D. How lucky!2. A. Don't mention it. B. Not at all. C. It's lovely. D. All right.3. A. Yes, speaking. B. You're welcome.C. I'm sure.D. I like it very much.4. A. Here you are. B. Yes, it is. C. Not bad. D. Go ahead.5. A. Nothing serious. B. Here it is.C. Never mind.D. A good idea. Section B Directions:This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues init. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on theAnswer Sheet with a single line through the center.6. A. In the hospital. B. In the office.C. In the bank.D. In the book store.7. A. His report. B. His paper.C. His plan.D. His interview.8. A. Customer service. B. Product advertising.C. New products.D. A sales plan.9. A. Go on with the work. B. Try something new.C. Go out for a walk.D. Have a cup of coffee.10. A. A business card. B. An advertisement.C. A price list.D. An instruction sheet. Section C Directions: In this section you will hear a recorded short passage. The passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are required to put the missing words or phrases on the Answer Sheet in order of the numbered blanks according to what you hear. The third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin. Hello, everybody! On behalf of the hotel, I'd like to express our warmest welcome to you. We do hope all our (11) will feel happy and comfortable here. We would be pleased to provide (12) services to meet your needs. Here you can find many convenient facilities for youto use, such as a (13) , a health club and an indoor swimming pool. We also have three restaurants (14) Chinese and Western foods, two bars and a large shopping center. Any suggestions for (15) our service arewelcome. Thank you for your attention. Part Ⅱ Vocabulary & Structure Directions: This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections. Section A Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet witha single line through the center.16. To _____ the truth, I really didn't know anything about yesterday's meeting.A. doB. tellC. putD. take17. Your sales methods will depend ______ the customers with whom you deal.A. withB. onC. inD. for18. We support the view that poor management will ______ business failure.A. break upB. take inC. lead toD. put off'19. In recent years, there have been over 30 foreign companies _____ business in this city.A. doingC. to doD. done20. It is easy to get the software we need ______ the market is small.A. as ifB. so thatC. althoughD. until21. By the end of this year, they ______ a new program in Europe.A. had startedB. startC. are startingD. will have started22. Language learning is a slow process, which ______ a lot of effort, time and patience.A. requiresB. leavesC. paysD. offers23. More than 100 people died ______ the earthquake in that area.A. in ease ofB. as a result ofC. in addition toD. on the basis of24. Mike has already put forward his suggestion ______ a production plan should be completed next week.A. whomC. whichD. that25. I am writing to apply for the _____ of Sales Manager advertised in last Friday's China Daily.A. businessB. tradeC. positionD. operationSection BDirections: There are also 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.26. (general) _Generally_____ speaking, table manners vary from culture to culture.27. The wallpaper pattern (design) __Was designed____ by a famous Chinese artist several years ago.28. The program aims to let all the employees (understand) __understand____ the culture of the company.29. The organization will start a (move) __movement____ to protect the environment next month.30. They have already discussed the report (give) __given____ by the department manager.31. We will set up a factory in that country, which is rich in (nature) __natural____ resources.32. Peter actually does a good job in keeping the store clean, which is not as (simple)___simple___ as it seems to be.33. I really enjoy (work) ___working___ together with you, andthank you for your cooperation.34. My first (impress) __impression____ of England was that it was a grey and rainy place.35. With the joint efforts of all the members, the team (perform) __performed____ very well last year.Part Ⅲ Reading Compre hensionDirections:This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.Task 1Directions:After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.When you speak on the telephone, you cannot use your facial (面部的) expression, eye contact and gestures to help communicate your message. Your voice must do the job.A good voice is pleasant to listen to because it communicates a positive message. Keep in mind the following qualities of a good voice:Speak in a voice neither too loud nor too soft. Speak louder when giving important information. Speak slowly enough so that the listener has a chance to understand your message without your having to repeat it. Keep in mind that as you speak the other person may be taking notes. Pronunciation is the correct way to say a word. To avoid mispronouncing (读错音) words, you may wish to check the pronunciation of unfamiliar words in the dictionary before you use them. People with an accent unlikeyours may not understand your pronunciation of some words. You also may not understand the pronunciation of some of their words. In these cases, careful pronunciation is very important for effective communication. You may need to repeat or spell words that are unusual or easy to be misunderstood.36. When speaking on the phone, the essential factor for successful communication is your ______.A. voiceB. gestureC. eye contactD. facial expression37. To give important information, a person speaking on the phone should ______.A. keep a pleasant mannerB. use familiar wordsC. lower the voiceD. speak louder38. The speaker is advised to speak slowly in order to help the listener to ______.A. remember some wordsB. repeat the informationC. check the messageD. take some notes39. To avoid mispronouncing unfamiliar words, you are advised to ______.A. check them in a dictionaryB. pronounce them loudlyC. use other words insteadD. ask others for help40. Speakers sometimes need to spell some words to helplisteners to understand ______.A. long sentencesB. unusual wordsC. difficult questionsD. important expressionsTask 2Directions:This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45.The first aid (急救) you learn from a course is not quite like reality. Most of us feel afraid when dealing with "the real thing". By overcoming these feelings, we are better able to use the first aid to cope with the unexpected.Doing your partFirst aid is not an exact science, and is thus open to human error. No matter how hard you try, the casualty (伤者) may not respond as hoped. Some conditions might lead to death, even with the best medical care.Giving care with confidenceThe casualty needs to feel protected and in safe hands. You can create an air of confidence and safety by:· being in control, both of yourself and the problem;· acting calmly and reasona bly;· being gentle, but firm, with your hands, and speaking to the casualty kindly, but hopefully. Building up trustTalk to the casualty throughout your examination and treatment (治疗).· Explain what you are going to do.· Try to answer questions honestl y to reduce fears as best as you can. If you do not know the answer, say so.41. When we deal with the real cases of first aid, we oftenfeel ______.A. safeB. afraidC. excitedD. confident42. "First aid is... open to human error" in the second paragraph means ______.A. there are never failures in first aidB. medical care in first aid is essentialC. human mistakes are possible in first aidD. first aid is widely applied to accidents43. An air of confidence and safety is important in giving first aid because the casualty needs to feel to be ______.A. in controlB. comfortableC. in safe handsD. gentle but firm44. Which of the following can be a way to build up the casualty's trust?A. To answer their questions honestly.B. To use as much medicine as possible.C. To avoid saying no to their questions.D. To provide them with the best treatment.45. The best title for the passage could be ______.A. Importance of Giving First AidB. Advice on Giving First AidC. Future of First AidD. Types of First Aid Task 3Directions:This is a car rental advertisement. After reading it, you should complete the information by filling in the blanksmarked 46 to 50 (in no more than 3 words) in the table below.Car Rental (租赁)Faster Reservations (预定) and Rental Fees Simply provide your Hertz Club number to speed up the reservation process, And at over 50locations in the U.S. and Canada, go to Hertz Club Express counters for faster service. Reduced Rates and Special OffersMembers may receive a special rate on rentals in the U.S., Canada and Europe, and receive a special rate on child seat rentals.Reserve Specific Brand (品牌) and ModelAt 24 major U.S. airport locations, you can choose the brand and model for your weekly and weekend rentals. Only Hertz Club lets you reserve a specific brand a nd model, like the Ford Mustang. So the car you want is the one you get. Just book your reservation on /doc/884888142.html,, or by calling 1-800-654-3131.Car RentalsWay to speed up reservation: by providing your Hertz club number (46) Special rates offered to Hertz club members:1) on car rentals in the U.S., Canada Europe (47) ;2) on (48)child seat rentalsPlaces for reserving a specific brand and model: at 24 major U.S. airport locations (49) Ways of booking: through the Internet or by telephone (50) Task 4Directions:The following is a list of words and phrases used in a resume (简历). After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to (与……等同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 51through 55.A--courses taken J--job objectiveB--current address K--permanent addressC--date of birth L--marital statusD--educational background M--part-time jobs E--email address N--position applied forF--health conditions O--rewardsG--hobbies and interests P--scholarshipsH--ID card No. Q--work experienceI--in-job training51. ( M) 兼职工作 (Q )工作经历52. (J )工作目标 (D )教育程度53. (F )健康状况 ( I)在职培训54. ( A)所学课程 ( G)兴趣爱好55. ( N)申请职位 (B )目前地址Task 5Directions: Here are some requirements for employees working for a restaurant. After reading them, you are required to complete the answers that follow the questions (No.56 to No.60). You should write youranswers (in no more than 3 words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.Requirements for All Employees1. Within ten minutes of arrival, be in uniform and at your workstation. Breaks should not be longer than the time allowed, and restroom and smoke breaks need to be part of the break periods, not in addition to them.2. Work dress should be clean and professional (职业的) each working day.3. All employees are responsible for cleaning any workstation.4. Work tasks are given daily, and may be changed during service as needed. Employees are expected to be flexible whenreceiving the tasks given.5. When tasks are completed, the employees are expected to clean the areas around their work-stations. Wiping all tables and counters off, cleaning the floor and under the tables, as well as wiping off the cooler door are also things that should be done when time allows.56. What should the employees do within 10 minutes after they arrive? Be in _____ and at their workplaces.57. What are the rules about the restroom and smoke breaks? They are regarded as part of ______.58. What is the requirement about the employees' work dress? Their work dress should be ______.59. What are employees expected to do when they receive work tasks? They are expected to be ______.60. What should the employees do when they complete their tasks? They are required to ______ around their workstations.Part Ⅳ Translation English into ChineseDirections: This part, numbered 61 to 65, is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. Each of the four sentences (No.61 to No. 64) is followed by four choices of suggested translation marked A, BC and D. Make the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Write your translation of the paragraph (No. 65) in the corresponding space on the Translation/Composition Sheet.61. I believe my education background and experience in team work fit in nicely with the job requirements.A.我认为这个团队应该招聘像我这样受过教育并有经验的人。
2012年6月湖北省英语三级考试参考答案听力Ⅰ1 go out2 in a restaurant3 will work4 655 expensive6 together7 10:408 present job9 favor green10 a job applocation11 finished12 wear单项选择Ⅱ13.B,occasion14.B,process15.A,against16.A,order17.D,conteibutes18.A,Instead19.C,volume20A,award21A,advantage22A,revived23D; efficient24C;negotiate25D to berepaired 26A; had never been 27C; where28C;have29B; when30B;would have31D;,has32C.which阅读理解ⅢPart I第一篇33,D A SING34,A 150035,C 3036,D depressing 37,D aPartⅡ第二篇开头 the first way 38,B out of39,B barrier40,C see41,A scoot42,B he gotPart III第三篇开头 the latest43.C a student who44.A catch45.C the title46.B An 。
ending47.B storyPart IIII第四篇48C;for thirteen49A;Rain50C;relaxing51D;the area52A 40翻译Ⅳ:T1:B 我们一定T2:C 俗话说T3:D “伸手”既可能指T4:A 已有T5:A 尽管已四十好几作文Ⅴ:Natural Disasters-自然灾害1自然灾害频繁发生,给人类带来了巨大的损失。
2在自然灾害面前,我们该怎么做?In the past hundred years, there have heen frequent natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, mud-rock flows, seismic sea waves, earthquakes, windstorms and the stretching of new deserts. The disasters have killed millions upon millions of people, destroyed countless homes, and wiped out numerous pieces of fertile land.Now more and more people become aware that those disasters have much to do with what we have done to the earth. We have cut down too many trees in the forests,we have badly polluted the environment, we have shocked our own home-planet time and again with tremendously powerful explosions of nuclear bombs. As a result, climates have become abnormal, rainwater rushes down hillsides angrily, and the underground energy goes up to revenge itself on us.The earth is our only home-planet. It is urgent for us to stop damaging it, and to do our best to protect it and make it a lovely place suitable to live in, for we have nowhere to go and survive except where we are now.。
单选1.can have had2.took place3. in possession of4.which5.How many6. is being short7. a; the8.because of9.are to adopt 10. motivation词型转换1.will be2.closely3.to relax4.has won 5being caught 6have been placed 7.to be considered 8.writing9understood 9.understood10is thought阅读理解:一.1.don’t want others to know the y are rich2.live in apartments3.an area in another town or city4.a popular name in the United States5. Impossible二.1.the cultural differences Yuxin experienced in America.the host mom tried hard to make Yuxin feel at homeThe host mom’s rule about playin g with the kidsThe host family’s two children didn’t like Yuxin at allBy words and by actions.选词填空1.integrity and forthrightness2.a good member of my parishnd in the airport4.into marginal5.in the garage at home汉译英俱乐部新成员------newest member of club法律委员会---------law committee客户经理--------account manager商务评估---------business caluations风险处理-------------risk management医药销售------------pharmaceutical sales地域扩长----------territory expansion法律顾问------- legal compliance产品安全保障--------industril safety programs员工关系--------employee relations翻译托尼非常热爱中国,花了六年时间学习汉语为的是要更多的了解中国文化Tony loves China so much that he has spent six years learning Chinese in order to learn more about Chinese culture我们相信,中国人将用大约十年时间就能制造出大型飞机have two ways of learning English。
C.How long do their parents accompany daily?
D.What kind of entertainment are they interested in?(分数:1.00)
A.At the airport.
B.In a post office.
C.In a bookstore.
D.In a department store.(分数:1.00)
C.D.V解析:[听力原文] W: Can I help you? M: Yes, please. Yesterday my daughter bought this shirt from this shop. I'd like to change it. Here, I've got the receipt. Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?男士说“my daughter bought this shirt from this shop”说明双方在商店里。
解析:[听力原文] M: The food in this restaurant is horrible. If only we'd gone to the school dining hall. W: But the food isn't everything. Isn't it nice just to get away from all the noise? Q: What can we learn from the conversation?对话中说虽然这家餐厅的饭菜不好吃,还不如食堂,但是去餐厅吃饭可
2012年6月大学英语三级(A级)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Listening Comprehension 2. V ocabulary and Structure 3. Reading Comprehension 4. Translation from English to Chinese 5. WritingPart I Listening Comprehension (15 minutes)Directions:This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. The dialogues and the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices A , B, C, and D.听力原文:W: I hear you’ve got a new job. Do you like it? M: Sure, the salary is good. Q: Why does the man like the new job?1.A.The job is suitable for him.B.The job is easy to do.C.The job is interesting.D.The job is well paid.正确答案:D解析:推理判断题。
2012年6月三级试题听力原文Part I Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In this section,you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questionwill be spoken only once. After you hear a passage or a conversation, you mustchoose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Then mark thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. M: The food in this restaurant is horrible. If only we’d gone to the school dining hall.W: But the food isn’t everything. Isn’t it nice just to get away from all the noise?Q: What can we learn from the conversation?【答案】B【考点】语义推理【解析】从女士的谈话“难道能远离噪声不好吗?”可以看出,她的言外之意是说这个饭店很安静,故选B。
2. M: Excuse me, Madam. The bus with the air-conditioner needs 2 more dollars.W: Sorry, I thought the fare was only 1 dollar, just like the other buses.Q: How much is the fare of the bus with air-conditioning?3. W: Mark, we will be boarding soon, are you sure you’ve taken everything necessary?M: let me see…. I have the air tickets, our passports and all the documents you need for the upcoming meetings.Q: where are the two speakers?4. W: I hope you are not doing anything tonight. I’m planning a surprise birthday party for my roommate.M: Sounds good. I have to work this afternoon, but I am free after that.Q: What do we know about the man?5. W: Do you know anything about Professor Smith’s class?M: If you are looking for an easy course, forget it. Professor Smith likes the strictest exam in the department.Q: What do we learn about Professor Smith?6. M: Excuse me, did I leave my wallet here? It is a black leather one with my passport in it. Marian is the name.W: Yes, you left them here. Here you are.Q: What happened to the man?7. W: well, I’ll have to discuss your application with my colleagues, and we’ll get back to you early next week.M: O k, thanks. It’s been nice meeting you.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?8. M: You look like you are freezing to death. Why don’t you put this on?W: Thank you. It was so warm at noon. I didn’t expect the weather to change so quickly.Q: What is the weather like now?9. W: Are you ready to head over to the library? Oh, do you have your student ID card with you this time?M: Yes, It’s right here, ah, I must have left it in my room. I’ll be right back.Q: What do we know about the man?10. W: Can I help you?M: Yes, please. Yesterday my daughter bought this shirt from this shop. I’d like to change it. Here, I’ve got the receipt.Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?Section BDirections:In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. The passage will be read twice and the questions will be spokenonly once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you mustread the four choices marked A, B, C, and D, and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line throughthe center.Passage 1Next time you bring your kids in for check-up, don’t be surprised if the doctor asks about their tastes in entertainment. The American Academy of Medicine suggested last week that the doctors work with parents to evaluate how much TV kids watch and what they see, what video and computer games they play, which website they visit on the Internet, whether they view R-rated videos without the company of their parents, what music they like, and what books they read. Doctors are worried that the kids are spending too much time in front of the television, don’t get enough exercises and can become overweight. The Academy is also concerned that the messages kids get from entertainment media can make them more violent and sexually active. The Academy recommends that children under age 2 not watch any TV. “Children need activities to stimulate the brain during the first 2 years of life,” says Dr. Marian Baron, who chairs the Academy’s committee on public education. “They need feedback and socialization.”Older children, she says, should watch TV in a common area. Their bedrooms should be “electronic media-free” zones where they can have a quiet place to read, study, play or just relax.11. What unusual question may doctors ask when giving kids a checkup next time?12. What does the American Academy of Medicine suggest that children under age 2 should do?13. What should children’s bedrooms be like according to the report of the American Academy of Medicine?Passage 2The socks that people wear on their feet are not very exciting, but several interesting English expression are made from them. One such expression is “pull up your socks”. It means “try to do better,” or “improve your performance.” Imagine a basketball team near the end of an important game .The players are losing. They are so tired that even their socks look tired. The tops of their socks are falling down over their shoes .The coach calls time-out to talk to his team. “Take a deep breath,” he tells them. “Get organized. If you pull up your socks, you can win this game .”He is telling them they can win if they start playing better. A newspaper once reported that a political leader told members of his party that they needed to pull up their socks and get back in the game. Another expression is to “sock some money away”. It means to save some money instead of spending it. A friend might tell you, for example, that he is socking some money away for the holiday trip. Word experts say the expression probably came from people hiding their savings in the socks instead of putting it into a bank.14. What does “pull up your socks” mean?15. What does “sock some money away” mean?16. What is the passage mainly about?Passage 3We often hear people talking about a generation gap. The name is new, but the idea is old. Young people and their parents don’t understand each other. The world keeps changing. It has always kept changing. There has always been a gap between generations, but more people talk about it now. Old Mr. Ellis thinks he understands what has happened.“When I was a boy, I thought the world was a beautiful place. My life was very pleasant. But when I was older, I learned about people who were treated badly, people who didn't have enough to eat. I wanted to help them, and I married a girl who wanted to help them, too. We went to meetings and talked a lot, but it didn't seem to make much difference.”“Our children grew up in a world at war. They didn’t know when the fighting would stop. They wanted to think about the future, but nothing could be done about it.”“Now I have grandchildren, and they have their own ideas. They are trying to make the world better. They are trying to help other people. They're making people listen to them. I am proud of their generation.”Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.17. What causes generation gap according to the speaker?18. Which of the following is not true about the generation gap?19. What does Ellis say about himself and his wife?20. What does Ellis say about his younger generation?Section CDirections:In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for thefirst time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read forthe second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 21 to 27 with theexact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 28 to 30 you are requiredto fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact wordsyou have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when thepassage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。
2012年6月浙江省大学英语三级考试真题Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks, 30 minutes)Part II Reading Comprehension (40 marks, 40 minutes)Section ADirections: There are 3 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements For each of them there are four choices marked A).B), C) and D) You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 31-35 are based on the following passage;An American researcher has developed a simple device to help stop snoring.(打鼾). The device restricts the movements of the tissue(器官组织)that causes the bad sound. Snoring is a common problem. It may prevent a person from getting enough sleep. It may also prevent enough oxygen from reaching heart and lungs during sleep. But for most people, snoring affects relations with another person who must sleep in the same room.Snoring happens when the sleeping person breathes with the mouth open. In the back of the mouth the tissues surrounding the entrance of the throat are soft. As the person breathes, the movement of the air around the soft tissues causes them to move or vibrate. This tissue movement causes the sound we call snoring. A number of possible solutions have been proposed. Some devices keep the mouth shut. They force the patient to breathe only through the nose. A medical operation is also possible. Other devices catch the sound of snoring and then wake the patient. The new anti-snoring device was developed by a dentist(牙医), George Wagner of the Indian University School of Dentistry. He developed a piece of plastic that fits up against the inside of the mouth. The device keeps the soft tissues from vibrating and making the snoring noise. It is worn only at night. Doctor Wagner said several patients report that the simple device has ended their snoring problem.31. The passage mentions all the bad effects on the snorer EXCEPT__________.A) disturbing his roommate B) his lack of enough sleepC) harming his friendship D) his lack of enough oxygen32. People snore when______.A) they keep their mouths shut B) part of their throat becomes softC) part of their throat moves D) they breathe through mouth and nose33. How many solutions to the problem have been proposed so far?A) Three B) Four C) Five D) Six34. Which of the following statements about the new device is FALSE?A) It is worn at night B) It has not been used by many peopleC) It is made of plastic D) It was developed by a businessman35. What is the most likely place where one can find the passage?A) A novel B) A newspaperC) A textbook D) A scientific journalPassage TwoQuestions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:Shopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man as it is for a woman. A man goes shopping because he needs something. His purpose is settled and decided in advance. He knows what he wants, and his objective is to find it and buy it; the price is a secondary consideration. All men simply walk into a shop and ask the assistant for what they want. If the shop has it in stock, the salesman promptly produces it, and the business of trying it on follows at once. All being well, the deal can be and often is completed in less than five minutes, with hardly any chat and to everyone's satisfaction. Slight problems may begin for a man when the shop does not have what he wants, or does not have exactly what he wants. In that case the salesman always tries to sell the customer something else---he offers the nearest he can to the article required.Now how does a woman go about buying clothes? In almost every respect she does so in the opposite way. Her shopping is not often based on need. She has never fully made up her mind what she wants, and she is only “having a look round”. She is always open to persuasion; indeed she sets great store by what the saleswoman tellsher, even by what companions tell her. She will try on any number of things. Uppermost in her mind is the thought of finding something that everyone thinks suits her. Contrary to a lot of jokes, most women have an excellent sense of value when they buy clothes. They are always on the lockout for the unexpected bargain. Faced with a roomful of dresses, a woman may easily spend an hour going from one rail to another, to and fro, often retracing her steps, before selecting the dresses she wants to try on. It is a laborious(费劲的) process, but apparently an enjoyable one. Most dress shops provide chairs for the waiting husbands.36. When man buys clothes,____________.A) they choose things the salesman recommendsB) they buy right size things without trying them onC) they buy good quality things without a second considerationD) they do not mind how much they have to pay for the right things37. What is the man’s concern in terms of the fit of new clothes?A) They do not worry whether a thing fits well or notB) They make sure what fits before going shoppingC) They like their clothes to be bigger than the average sizeD) They often have no particular size in mind before going to the shop38. What does the passage tell us about women shopping for clothes?A) They listen to advice but never take itB) They often do not have a clear aim in mindC) They rarely consider buying cheap clothesD) They welcome suggestions from anyone around39. It is implied in the passage that women__________.A) like to buy cheap clothesB) always buy good quality clothes regardless of the priceC) tend to waste money on clothes which they don’t really wantD) think more of the price of clothes than of their colors and sizes40. Which of the following indicates the difference between men and women shoppers?A) Men do not try clothes on while women doB) Men do not spend as much time on buyingC) Women tend to be more talkative than menD) Women buy what they need but men do notPassage ThreeQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage:If you’ve been on campus for very long, I’m certain that you’ve already heard about this course. You may know that last term about fifty percent of the students who selected my course failed it. Let me explain how this came about before you jump to any conclusions. In the first place, since this is a composition class, I expect my students to follow certain rules of formality(形式).Unfortunately, students today dislike having to follow rules of any kind, especially those which they may feel to be unnecessary. For example, I ask that each of your papers be typed. I count off points for various kinds of mistakes. A misspelled word will cost you 5 points. You’ll lose 25 points if you misspell five words. If you write an incomplete sentence, you’ll lose 10 points. If you give me two complete sentences as one without adequate punctuation(标点),you’ll lose 15 points. I do not accept late papers. You will receive a zero for any theme(习作) which you fail to submit on time. I expect you to read each assignment. To make certain that you have read the assignment, I will give you a short unannounced quiz from time to time. This class meets on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. You will have a total of six major tests throughout the semester. Your final grade will be based on an average of these major tests and eight written themes. If you have any questions at any time, you can see me on Tuesdays. My office is on the second floor of this building. Your assignment for Wednesday is to read Hemingway’s short story on Page 55. Friday will be the last class day of this week, so you can expect to write a short in-class theme for me then.41. The course mentioned by the teacher is on______.A) reading B) assignmentsC) spelling D) writing42. When was this lecture given?A) On Monday B) On WednesdayC) On Thursday D) On Friday43. How many points will a student lose if he misspells 3 words and writes 2 incomplete sentences on a theme?A) 25 B) 35 C) 40 D) 4544. During the term the students are required to_________.A) write eight themes B) read Hemingway’s short storiesC) follow the rules of the school D) take six major tests and eight quizzes45. If the students have any questions, they may consult the teacher______.A) three times a week B) at any appointed timeC) in his office on Tuesdays D) before or after class on TuesdaysSection BDirections:In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Wise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go further. The way you go about purchasing an article or a service can actually 46 you money or can add to the cost. Take the 47 example of a hairdryer. If you are buying a hairdryer, you might think that you are making the 48 buy if you choose one whose look you like and which is also the cheapest 49 price. But when you get it home you may find that it takes twice as long as more expensive 50 to dry your hair. The cost of the electricity plus the cost of your time could well make your hairdryer the most expensive one of all.So what principles should you 51 when you go out shopping? If you keep your home, your car or any valuable 52 in excellent condition, you’ll be saving money in the long run. Before you buy a new 53, talk to someone who owns one. If you can, use it or borrow it to check whether it suits your particular purpose. Before you buyan 54 appliance, or a service, do check the price and what is on offer. If possible, choose55 three items or three estimates.A. possessionB. saveC. bestD. expensiveE. materialF. fromG. simpleH. withI. inJ. wasteK. model L. item M. easy N. adopt O. reasonablePart III Integrated Testing (IS marks, 20 minutes)Section ADirections:There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A). B), C) and D). You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centerMany people wrongly believe that when people reach old age, their families place them in nursing homes. They are left in the 56 of strangers for the rest of their lives. Their 57 children visit them only occasionally, but more often, they do not have any 58__ visitors. The truth is that this idea is an unfortunate myth of an59 story. In fact, family members provide 80 percent of the care 60 elderly people need. Samuel Preston, a sociologist, studied 61 the American family is changing. He reported that by the time the 62 American couple reaches 40 years of age, they have more parents than children 63 .because people today live longer after an illness than people did years 64 , family members must provide long term care. Most psychologists have found that all caregivers 65 a common characteristic: All caregivers believe that they are best 66 for the job . In other words, they all felt that they 67 do the job better than anyone else. Social workers 68 caregivers to find out why they took 69 the responsibility of caring for an elderly relative. Many caregivers believed they had the 70 to help their relatives. Some stated that helping others 71 them feel more useful. Others hoped that by helping 72 now, they would deserve care when they became old and 73 . Caring for the elderly and being taken care of can be a 74 satisfying experience for everyone who might be 75.56 A) bodies B)arms C) hands D) homes57 A) born B) raised C) grown D)brought58 A) regular B)lasting C) constant D)normal59 A) imagery B)imaginary C)imaginable D)imaginative60 A) these B)this C) those D)that61 A) when B) how C) what D)where62 A) ordinary B)standard C)average D) common63 A) Rather B) Moreover C)Whereas D) However64 A) later B) before C) ago D) lately65 A)carry B)divide C) share D)include66 A) men B)people C)workers D) persons67 A)can B) could C)will D) would68 A) inquired B) interviewed C)engaged D) questioned69 A) on B) up C) in D)off70 A) initiative B)obligation C)necessity D)admiration71 A)got B) caused C)made D)enable72 A) anyone B)everyone C) anybody D) someone73 A)dependent B)dependable C)independent D) dependable74 A) similarly B)certainly C)mutually D)differently75 A) involved B)included C) considered D)excludedSection BDirections:In this part there is a short passage followed by five questions or incomplete statements. React the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements with no more than 10 words Please write your answers on Answer Sheet 2One of Nature's most exciting mysteries is how pigeons find their way home over vast distances.Now German scientists believe they have discovered how the birds do it. Research has revealed that tiny iron structures in their beaks(鸟嘴)allow them toanalyze the earth's magnetic field - much like a compass(罗盘). Through the signals picked up, the birds can work out where they are and set out on the best course home.As well as pigeons, many other birds display a remarkable ability to fly thousands of miles to return to a specific garden or tree year after year. Scientists are suggesting they may have similar iron- containing cells in their beaks.In the past, experts have suggested the birds use the sun and stars to navigate, although in 2004 researchers found that many follow roads rather than their internal compass to plan their route. However scientists have long believed that they can in some way use the natural magnetism of the earth to navigate. The recent study by German scientists has revealed how this may be possible.The research used X-rays to examine the upper beaks of pigeons. They found that within the skin lining are tiny iron containing particles(微粒)in nerve branches which are arranged in a 3D pattern. The team, led by Gerta Fleissner, concluded that this allows the birds to react to the external magnetic field of the planet and work out their precise location.She pointed out that similar iron containing cells had been found in the beaks of robins, warblers and chickens so it may well turn out to be the way that other species also navigate.Scientists are still discovering more about the incredible abilities of the pigeon. Questions:76. Pigeons find their way home by picking up signals from__________.77. Like pigeons, other birds can return home, because their beaks have__________.78. In 2004 some researchers found that many birds do not __________to plan their route.79. The word “navigate” most probably means___________.80. The German research team was led by___________.Part IV Writing (15 marks, 30 minutes)Directions: write a short essay of about 100 words on the topic Sports and Me. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 2.。
职业道德150.答案1D 2D 3B 4B 5C 6C 7C 8A 9D 10B 11C 12C 13C 14A 15D 16C 17D 18D 19D 20B21B 22B 23A 24D 25D 26A 27A 28A 29D 30C 31A 32A 33D 34C 35D 36A 37C 38A 39D 40D 41BC 42ABCD 43AB 44ABCD 45ABCD 46ACD 47BD 48BD 49BCD 50ABC51ABCD 52AC 53BC 54ABC 55ABC 56ABCD 57ABCD 58BCD 59BD 60ACD61ABCD 62ABC 63ABD 64ABCD 65ACD 66ABC 67ABD 68ABCD 69ABCD 70AD71AB 72ABD 73ABCD 74AB 75ACD 76BD 77ABCD 78CD 79ACD 80ABC81BD 82BCD 83ABC 84CD 85AC86ABCD 87ABCD 88BCD 89ABC 90ABC91ABD 92BC 93CD 94ABC 95BCD 96A 97A 98B 99B 100A101A 102B 103B 104D 105D 106A 107D 108A 109A 110D111A 112A 113A 114A 115A 116C 117D 118D 119A 120D121A 122D 123 C 124 125B 126C 127C 128A 129D 130B131A 132A 133A 134A 135C 136C 137D 138C 139D 140A141C 142 C 143 D 144 B 145 A 146 A 147 B 148 D 149 A 150 B试题(二)1-8 ACCCC ACB 9-16 ABC ABCD ABCD BC CD CD ABCD CD 17-25 CBBBA BBCA一、单项选择26. B 27. A 28. D 29. C 30. C 31. A 32. B 33. A 34. B 35. D36. C 37. D 38. B 39. C 40. B 41. B 42. A 43. B 44. B 45. D46. B 47. D 48. D 49. A 50. A 51. A 52. D 53. C 54. B 55. A56. D 57. C 58. B 59. B 60. C 61. B 62. A 63. B 64. D 65. C66. D 67. B 68. D 69. A 70. B 71. C 72. A 73. D 74. A 75. B76. C 77. C 78. D 79. B 80. C 81. D 82. A 83. D 84. A 85. C二、多项选择86. A,C,D 87. A,B,C,D 88. A,C,D 89. B,C 90. A,B,C,D91. C,D 92. B,C 93. A,B,C 94. B,C,D 95. A,B,C96. B,C 97. B,D 98. A,B,C,D 99. B,C,D 100. C,D101. A,B,C,D 102. A,B,C,D 103. A,B,C,D 104. A,C,D 105. A,B,C,D106. B,C,D 107. B,C 108. A,B,C,D 109. A,B,C 110. A,D111. A,B,C,D 112. A,D 113. C,D 114. B,D 115. B,D116. A,B,C 117. B,C 118. B,D 119. A,C,D 120. C,D121. B,C,D 122. C,D 123. A,B,C,D 124. A,B 125. A,B,D试题(三)(一) 单项选择1. B2. D3. C4. D5. A6. B7. C8. C(二) 多项选择9. A,B,C 10. C,D 11. B,C,D 12. A,C,D 13. A,B,C,D 14. A,B,C,D 15. B,C,D 16. A,B,C,D 离散选择17. D 18. B 19. C 20. A 21. D 22. C 23. A 24. A 25. A一、单项选择26. D 27. C 28. C 29. C 30. D 31. C 32. A 33. A 34. D 35. B36. B 37. A 38. A 39. B 40. D 41. D 42. B 43. D 44. D 45. B46. D 47. A 48. A 49. A 50. A 51. C 52. B 53. C 54. D 55. A56. B 57. D 58. A 59. B 60. B 61. D 62. C 63. C 64. A 65. B66. A 67. D 68. C 69. B 70. D 71. B 72. A 73. A 74. A 75. A76. C 77. A 78. B 79. A 80. D 81. B 82. C 83. D 84. B 85. C86. A,B,C 87. A,B,C,D 88. C,D 89. A,B,D 90. A,B,C91. A,B,D 92. B,C,D 93. A,B,C,D 94. A,C 95. A,D96. A,B,C 97. B,D 98. A,B,C 99. A,B,C 100. A,C,D101. A,B,C,D 102. A,B,C 103. A,B,D 104. A,C,D 105. A,B,D106. A,C,D 107. A,B 108. A,B,C,D 109. A,B,C 110. A,B,C111. A,C,D 112. A,C 113. A,C,D 114. A,B,C,D 115. A,C116. A,B,C,D 117. A,B,C 118. A,B 119. C,D 120. C,D121. C,D 122. A,B,D 123. A,C,D 124. A,B,C 125. A,C试题(四)(一) 单项选择1. C2.C3. D4. D5. C6. A7. A8. D(二) 多项选择9. A,B, D 10. A,B,CD 11. A,B,C,D 12. AC,D 13. A,B,C,D 14. B,C,D 15. A,,C,D 16. B,C,D 离散选择17. A 18. B 19. B 20. A 21. B 22. D 23. D 24. B 25. C一、单项选择26. B 27. A 28. A 29. B 30. D 31. A 32. D 33. A 34. A 35. C36. A 37. D 38. C 39. C 40. A 41. D 42. D 43. C 44. B 45. B46. B 47. A 48. A 49. B 50. A 51. C 52. C 53. C 54. D 55. B56. A 57. C 58. C 59. B 60. D 61. A 62. B 63. B 64. D 65. B66. B 67. B 68. C 69. C 70. C 71. A 72. A 73. B 74. A 75. B76. A 77. D 78. C 79. C 80. D 81. D 82. D 83. D 84. B 85. A二、多项选择86. A,B,C 87. A,C 88. A,C,D 89. B,C,D 90. B,D91. A,B,C 92. A,B 93. A,B,C,D 94. A,B,D 95. A,B,C96. A,B,C,D 97. A,C,D 98. A,C,D 99. A,D 100. A,B,C,D101. B,C,D 102. C,D 103. A,B,C 104. A,B 105. A,C,D106. A,B,C,D 107. A,C,D 108. A,B,C 109. A,B,C 110. A,C,D111. A,C 112. C,D 113. A,B 114. A,C,D 115. A,C D116. A,C 117. A,B,D 118. A,B,C 119. A,B,C,D 120. A,B,D121. A,B,C,D 122. A,B,D 123. C,D 124. A,B,C 125. A,B,C实际操作部分试.一:3. 答案:一、中大型会议的筹备和服务工作,不可能靠一两个人完成,这就需要组建会议筹备工作机构。
2012年6月英语三级作文真题答案全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇12012年6月英语三级作文真题答案Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Challenges and Opportunities of Globalization. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese:1.全球化给我们的生活带来了很多挑战和机遇2.就全球化给我们带来的挑战和机遇分别谈谈你的看法Challenges and Opportunities of GlobalizationIn recent years, globalization has become an increasingly prominent phenomenon in our lives. On the one hand, it has brought about numerous challenges, while on the other hand, it has also created various opportunities for individuals, societies, and businesses around the world.One of the main challenges of globalization is the competition it creates in the job market. With the ease ofcommunication and transportation, companies can now easily outsource jobs to countries with lower labor costs, resulting in unemployment and job insecurity for workers in developed countries. Additionally, globalization has also led to the homogenization of cultures, as Western values and lifestyles are increasingly dominating the global market.However, globalization also presents many opportunities for individuals and businesses. For instance, it has facilitated the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and technology across borders, leading to innovation and collaboration on a global scale. In addition, globalization has opened up new markets and opportunities for businesses to expand their operations and reach a larger audience.In conclusion, while globalization poses various challenges, such as job competition and cultural homogenization, it also offers numerous opportunities for individuals and businesses to thrive in a globalized world. It is important for us to adapt to the changes brought about by globalization and take advantage of the opportunities it presents to create a more interconnected and prosperous global community.篇2Title: 2012 June English Level 3 Writing Test Answer KeyIntroduction:The English Level 3 writing test in June 2012 was considered by many as challenging yet rewarding. It tested the students' ability to express themselves clearly and effectively in English. In this document, we will provide the answer key for the writing test to help students assess their performance and improve their writing skills.Answer Key:Question 1: Write an essay on the following topic: "The advantages and disadvantages of social media."Sample Answer:Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, offering numerous advantages as well as some drawbacks. One of the main advantages of social media is its ability to connect people from all over the world, allowing us to stay in touch with friends and family. Additionally, social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter provide a platform for sharing information and ideas. However, social media also has its disadvantages, such as the invasion of privacy and the spread of fake news. Inconclusion, while social media offers many benefits, it is essential to use it responsibly and critically.Question 2: Write a letter to a friend telling them about your recent trip to a foreign country.Sample Answer:Dear [Friend's Name],I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to share with you the incredible experience I had during my recent trip to Italy. From the moment I arrived in Rome, I was captivated by the beauty of the ancient architecture and the delicious Italian cuisine. I visited iconic landmarks such as the Colosseum and the Vatican City, which left me in awe of the rich history and culture of Italy. I also had the chance to explore the picturesque towns of Tuscany and the charming canals of Venice.Overall, my trip to Italy was unforgettable, and I can't wait to tell you more about it in person. I hope we can plan a trip together soon.Best regards,[Your Name]Conclusion:The English Level 3 writing test in June 2012 covered a range of topics, from the advantages and disadvantages of social media to writing a letter to a friend about a recent trip. By reviewing the answer key provided in this document, students can evaluate their performance and identify areas for improvement in their writing skills.篇32012年6月英语三级作文真题答案Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the following topic. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Is it better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city?Answer:Growing up in the countryside or in a big city both have their own advantages. However, I believe that it is better for children to grow up in the countryside for several reasons.Firstly, the countryside provides a more peaceful and quiet environment for children to grow up in. In the countryside,children can enjoy the fresh air, the beautiful scenery, and the sounds of nature. This can help children to relax, reduce stress, and improve their overall well-being.Secondly, growing up in the countryside can help children develop a stronger connection to nature. Children who grow up in the countryside are more likely to appreciate the beauty of the natural world, and to develop a sense of responsibility towards the environment.Finally, the countryside offers children more space to play and explore. In the countryside, children can run freely, play in the fields, and explore the woods. This can help children develop their physical abilities, creativity, and social skills.In conclusion, I believe that growing up in the countryside is better for children because it provides a peaceful environment, helps children develop a connection to nature, and offers more space for play and exploration.。
阅读使人快乐,成长需要时间1.the new drng will not be....(until)....2.it was because og his good ...(that)...3.our company ...(another)..4.according to the ....(leaves)....5.althoug she is only ....(mature)...6.the proposal ...(being discussed)...7.when he patted...(casual)..8.there is no ....(that)...9.it is reasonable for ...(to)...10.the weather forecast ..(persist)..填空题 (改形式)1.pay--payment2.interview--were interviewed3.It is (be)---be4.conduct--conducted5.If I (be)--were6.responsible--responsibility7.injure--injured8.accept--to accept9.quick--quickly 阅读1.college is a place to explore many possibilites (文章开头句)1)we need to plan ....(better organizeour...)2)strategic time are ...(study efficiently)3)which of the following could be ...(any activities we're...)4)what can help us to keep ...(taking a short napin...)5)which of the following could...(study habits andy time...) 2.welcome to our small business set-up guide (文章开头句)1)this guide is in tended...(start a new small...)2)what are most unportant for ...(determination...)3)what does the word ...(advise before hand...)4)what kind of businesses are ...(those with fener...)5)more information about ...(link to other relevant...)阅读填空1.how to write contact details in your CT? (文章开头句)top of page (print)...to be included 1.(address) 2.(email)not to be included 1.(personal information) such as...2.(include a photograph) unless it is ..阅读问答1. sale contract (文章标题)1)what is the brand of the apple jam?答案: Great Wall brand2)what is the total value of the contract?答案: US 30003)when will the goods be shipped?答案: august 20094)what are the ecrms of...?答案: by letter of cred it需记词组cash against 交货付款 cash price现金价格advice of到货通知书 sales contract销售合同port of arrival到达港 supply agreement供货合同late payment逾期付款 note of claim索赔通知trade agreement贸易协定 letter of credit信用证fixed price固定价格 prompt shipment即期装运翻译1.when exporting goods it is ...答案:为了促进货物出口,减少货物的丢失或者损坏,必须发展保险业2.if we do not rective payment...答案:如果本月底我们还收不到订货,我们就不的不采取其他办法了3.party B has the ....答案:乙方有义务在下述情况下,有权拒绝接受甲方书写的合同4.I have already given....我已做了解释,首先必须有工程师愿意加班工作才能有可能来完成这项任务作文:介绍产品假如你是某公司的产品推销员,请用英语完成下面的产品介绍:1.产品名称:INSTANT-DICT2.产地:中国香港3.厂家:Hongyun Company Ltd.4.产品特点:电子辞典,储存有一百万英语单词和短语.采用该公司20年的研究成果,由高级电脑科技控制,用轻金属制成,体小,携带方便,操作简单,价格合理.注意:词数100左右.One possible version:INSTANT-DICT is an e-dictionary made in Hong Kong, China. It is the latest product of Hongyun Company Ltd. with a large vocabulary of I million words and phrases stored in it. So you can look up any word you meet in your Senior period. INSTANT-DICT is controlled by advanced computer technology which is also the latest technical result of the company's 20-year research. The body of the INSTANT-DICT is made of light metal. Therefore it is small in size and convenient to carry; besides, it is easy to operate. The price is reasonable. It is a wise choice for English learners.内容:1. 告诉对方你是从《城市商报》(Urban Commerce)上看到贵公司的介绍;2. 说明你去信的目的:询问对方是否有你需要的产品,是否有现货供应等等,并想和对方建立贸易联系;3. 介绍你公司的情况,如:多年从事进出口贸易,在中国设有6家分公司,与国内许多大商场有联系等等;4. 希望尽快得到回复。
浙江大学英语三级真题2012年6月(总分:100.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、{{B}}Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension{{/B}}(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、{{B}}Section A{{/B}}(总题数:2,分数:10.00)In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation,Directions:a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spokenonly once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.(分数:5.00)(1).?A. The restaurant is very expensive.?B. The restaurant offers quiet surroundings.?C. The restaurant serves good food.?D. The restaurant is too far from their school.(分数:1.00)A.B. √C.D.解析:[听力原文] M: The food in this restaurant is horrible. If only we'd gone to the school dining hall. W: But the food isn't everything. Isn't it nice just to get away from all the noise? Q:What can we learn from the conversation? 对话中说虽然这家餐厅的饭菜不好吃,还不如食堂,但是去餐厅吃饭可以“get away from all the noise”。
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听力1 postoffice ,2 she hired someone3 to paint the house4 A salesperson5 at home It arrived early6 she is still preparing the report7 Fine8 Buy a dictionary for herself9 Go shopping10 Book her flight to beijing11 It is some distance from school12 He is going to visit an apartment building单项13 ultimate14 each15 presented16 probably17 into18 elp up19 shamed20 intend21 went off22 sign ,denied23 persist24 as been discussing25 what26 hasturned27 he did 28 that,29 Three times as much as30 having been given31 that32fixed阅读33 producers of movies music and TV shows34 be warned by the provider35 without the user knowing it36 when decided by the law37 appeared to be generally acceptable38 Jessica ;39 developing an image of yourself that you want to project in things you do;40 Something good thant people say about someone ;41 attitudes and behavior ;42 personnal brand can be judged and changled48 fragile49 peaches require more labor to harvest50 a machine; construction jobs51 pay higher wages to them52 more expensiveT1:若嫌疑人的违法行为任不停止,服务商有可能暂时降低网速,或者将浏览器重定向特定网页,直到用户与公司联系.T2:个人品牌塑造就是个人形象塑造,也就是你在做一切事情中表现出来的形象.T3:世界遭受的最大损失莫过于你因为怕失败就放弃你本可做出的独特贡献.T4:或许,解决问题的一个办法是让墨西哥人作为外来工人来此工作,即可帮他们养家糊口,又可帮助弄采收.T5:我相信我们已经有周全的计划安排,能办好一届安安全全的奥运会.S1:matter S2:probably S3:managements S4:depends S5 :online S6:improving作文:1.实现远大志向需要从小事做起。
2 .如果从小事做起。
Starting from small things范文:As we all know, no one can succeed withambitions. Many people dream of becoming successful businessmen, powerful officials,well-known scientists and so on. However, Rome can’t be built in one day. We needtake actions and make efforts.we should start from small things. There are many examples to prove that. For instance,if you want to be a scientist, the first thing you should do is to study well some courses such as mathematics and physics from middle schools to colleges. They canprepare you necessary basic knowledge required in further research. In addition, youare expected to do as many experiments as you can in the field you are interestedin because they are foundations for you to build up on your practical skills and experience.To sum up, as college students, we can have ambitions and set good goals for our future.But we must bear in mind that we should begin with so-called small things to achievethem1.can have had2.took place3. in possession of4.which5.How many6. is being short7. a; the8.because of9.are to adopt 10. motivation词型转换1.will be2.closely3.to relax4.has won 5being caught 6have been placed 7.to be considered 8.writing9understood 9.understood10is thought阅读理解:一.1.don’t want others to know they are rich2.live in apartments3.an area in anothertown or city4.a popular name in the United States5. Impossible二.1.the cultural differences Yuxin experienced in America.the host mom tried hard to make Yuxin feel at homeThe host mom’s rule about playing with the kidsThe host family’s two children didn’t like Yuxin at allBy words and by actions.选词填空1.integrity and forthrightness2.a good member of my parishnd in the airport4.into marginal5.in the garage at home汉译英俱乐部新成员------newest member of club法律委员会---------law committee客户经理--------account manager商务评估---------business caluations风险处理-------------risk management医药销售------------pharmaceutical sales地域扩长----------territory expansion法律顾问------- legal compliance产品安全保障--------industril safety programs员工关系--------employee relations翻译托尼非常热爱中国,花了六年时间学习汉语为的是要更多的了解中国文化Tony loves China so much that he has spent six years learning Chinese in order to learn more about Chinese culture我们相信,中国人将用大约十年时间就能制造出大型飞机have two ways of learning English。
One is to read English aloud,and the other is to keep watching English programs3这个小镇过去污染很严重。
人们既看不到蓝天,也呼吸不到新鲜空气The pollution in the town used to be so serious that people neither saw the blue sky nor breathed in the fresh air4.The waterproof material is suitable for the aerial used near作文6月5日( June 5)为世界环境保护日,雅玛人预言2012将是世界末日,虽然此预言无法兑现,但是我们周围的环境变得越来越糟糕,污染越来越严重…应x网站邀请,向我校学生征稿,呼吁社会重视环境,假如你是学生joke要求简明举例现有的环境问题2.呼吁社会重视环境保护3阐述自己的观点玛雅人---Mamy 预言-----Prophecy 世界保护日----- World Environment Day听力 1 postoffice 2 she hired someone 3 A sellperson 4 at home 5 It arrived early 6 she is still preparing the report 7 Fine 8 Buy a dictionary for herself 9 Go shopping 10 Book her flight to beijing11 It is some distance from school 12 He is going to visit an apartment building 13 ultimate 14 each15 presented16 probably 17 into 18 elp up 19 shamed 20 intend21 went off 22 sign denied 23 persist 24 as been discussing 25 what26 hasturned 27 he did 28 that, 29 Three times as much as 30 having been given 31 that 32 fixed阅读 33 producers of movies music and TV shows 34 be warned by the provider35 without the user knowing it 36 when decided by the law37 appeared to be generally acceptable 38 Jessica39 developing an image of yourself that you want to project in things you do40 Something good thant people say about someone 41 attitudes and behavior daisy: 42 personnal brand can be judged and changled48 fragile 49 peaches require more labor to harvest50 a machine; construction jobs 51 pay higher wages to them52 more expensive翻译 T1:若嫌疑人的违法行为任不停止,服务商有可能暂时降低网速,或者将浏览器重定向特定网页,直到用户与公司联系. T2:个人品牌塑造就是个人形象塑造,也就是你在做一切事情中表现出来的形象.T3:世界遭受的最大损失莫过于你因为怕失败就放弃你本可做出的独特贡献.T4:或许,解决问题的一个办法是让墨西哥人作为外来工人来此工作,即可帮他们养家糊口,又可帮助弄采收.T5:我相信我们已经有周全的计划安排,能办好一届安安全全的奥运会. 作文范文 Starting from small things第一段As we all know, no one can succeed with ambitions. Many people dream of becoming successful businessmen, powerful officials, well-known scientists and so on. However, Rome can’t be built in one day. We need take actions and make efforts. we should start from small things. There are many examples to prove that. For instance, if you want to be a scientist, the first thing you should do is to study well some courses such as mathematics and physics from middle schools to colleges. They can prepare you necessary basic knowledge required in further research. In addition, you are expected to do as many experiments as you can in the field you are interested in because they are foundations for you to build up on your practical skills and experience. To sum up, as college students, we can have ambitions and set good goals for our future. But we must bear in mind that we should begin with so-called small things to achieve them听力1 postoffice ,2 she hired someone3 to paint the house4 A salesperson5 at home It arrived early6 she is still preparing the report7 Fine8 Buy a dictionary for herself9 Go shopping10 Book her flight to beijing11 It is some distance from school12 He is going to visit an apartment building单项13 ultimate14 each15 presented16 probably17 into18 elp up19 shamed20 intend21 went off22 sign ,denied23 persist24 as been discussing25 what26 hasturned27 he did 28 that,29 Three times as much as30 having been given31 that32fixed阅读33 producers of movies music and TV shows34 be warned by the provider35 without the user knowing it36 when decided by the law37 appeared to be generally acceptable38 Jessica ;39 developing an image of yourself that you want to project in things you do;40 Something good thant people say about someone ;41 attitudes and behavior ;42 personnal brand can be judged and changled48 fragile49 peaches require more labor to harvest50 a machine; construction jobs51 pay higher wages to them52 more expensiveT1:若嫌疑人的违法行为任不停止,服务商有可能暂时降低网速,或者将浏览器重定向特定网页,直到用户与公司联系.T2:个人品牌塑造就是个人形象塑造,也就是你在做一切事情中表现出来的形象.T3:世界遭受的最大损失莫过于你因为怕失败就放弃你本可做出的独特贡献.T4:或许,解决问题的一个办法是让墨西哥人作为外来工人来此工作,即可帮他们养家糊口,又可帮助弄采收.T5:我相信我们已经有周全的计划安排,能办好一届安安全全的奥运会.S1:matter S2:probably S3:managements S4:depends S5 :online S6:improving作文:1.实现远大志向需要从小事做起。