


The world's longest human nose. His nose is 8.8 cm long.
The world's shortest man.
Maybe there will be a sepecial page for you. Do you know the famous Guinness World Records? The biggest mickey collection. The world's shortest man. The top of the world means one of the most prominent people or things in the world. The world's tallest building. The oldest twin sisters. The person who can protrude the eyeballs highest in the world. The world's longest human nose. Do you know the famous Guinness World Records? Do you know the famous Guinness World Records? The person who can protrude the eyeballs highest in the world. The world's tallest building. The world's tallest building. Do you know the famous Guinness World Records? The world's longest human nose. 900 meters high China's Donghai br


on the Modern city with camera
Japan has absorbed many ideas from other countries over the course of its history, including technology, customs, and forms of cultural expression, and has developed its unique culture while integrating these imports. The Japanese lifestyle today is a rich blend of Asianinfluenced traditional culture and Western-influenced modern culture.
Nowadays, sushi bars are everywhere.
Japanese cuisine
Japanese food mostly consists of fish instead of meat, and also soybeans, so it is good for the health. Foods that are most well received by foreigners are tempura 「tem'purə」天妇罗, sukiyaki [suki:'jɑ:ki:] 鸡 素烧, sushi ['su:ʃi:] 寿司, sashimi [sɑ:'ʃi:mi]生 鱼片, buckwheat noodles荞麦面条, and soybean curd



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日 勹,
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J颂 O'N 叨N

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Jomon Period (Before 300 AD) 繩文晇代
切 叩7 0 “七 'WO叩

Yamato Period (300-550 A.O.) 大和峙代
Asuka Period (550-710 A.O.)汛扁峙代
4. Japa n is loc a ted in temperate, mild climate, and have four distinct seasons.
. .,

` : 1 4,比 ,"·61,1 Esm t e I

。(如 1910'1

. ;产 ,.

工 烹

上 蠡 芭 河 心
Ii Superstition
5.The Japanese circle·o·with their thumbs and forefinger, and if you nod, the Japanese will think you will give him money.
Gift giving
采女(?t.l 灼)
l!j e ,i
十二阜(C铮?I二0 1:无).
, . . .址 官' '
.. 双灼 J江 V 水干( 才L、小儿 )
汗衫(分名 )

Japan Introduction 日本的英文介绍 PPT

Japan Introduction 日本的英文介绍 PPT
Tokyo Animation Fair (for short: TAF) 东京动漫展
Tokyo Animation Fair
•Tokyo Animation Fair is the most influential anime conventions in the world.
•You can see cosplayers strut their stuff every where.
by 张莹
Tokyo is the capital of Japan. It is both the largest city in Asia and the second largest city in the world. It’s one of the biggest global economy center.
•The simple court proper stands out on the bluff. In Japan it is in beautiful surroundings, so it becomes the best choice for suiciders.
Okinawa 冲绳
Forth Step
Kiyomizu temple
Kiyomizu temple
•Kiyomizu was built in 1633. It is the testimony of Kyoto’s history. Four seasons have their own characteristics when you stand in the temple you’ll feel completely relaxed and happy with poetic grace.

日本东京介绍 ppt课件

日本东京介绍 ppt课件
内阵中央为本尊安置间,高6米的宫 殿。宫殿内部分为前之间与奥之间, 奥之间有秘藏本尊,前之间为“お 前立ち”观音像。于毎年12月13日 会举行的开扉法事,与有特别仪式 需要开扉的时候,信徒可以到此参 拜“お前立ち”像,但秘藏本尊像 不作公开。宫殿的左右有胁侍梵天 帝释天像,堂内后方左右有不动明 王像与爱染明王像。
班级:生物工程142 学号:13
东京古称江户,是日本自德川幕府时代以来的主要都市之一,明治维新迁都 江户,改名东京,自此成为日本首都。后逐渐发展成为日本政治、经济、文 化、交通等众多领域的枢纽中心,亦为世界经济发展度与富裕程度最高的都 市之一。根据建成区面积、人口以及国民生产总值等指标,东京是亚洲第一 大城市,世界第二大城市,全球最大的经济中心之一。[3]
南北参道相汇之处耸立着大鸟居。高12米,宽17米,支柱直径1--2米。重达 13吨,是日本最大的木制明神鸟居。可这并不是竣工时的原物。第一代鸟居 在昭和41年被雷电击中受损,可当时在日本却找不到同样的良材以重建。身 为木材商的慈善家闻讯而起,赴台湾寻找建材用的巨大桧树。终于在海拔 3300米的密林深处找到了树龄1500年的大树。此树被掠往日本,于昭和50年 12月23日顺利完成了日本最大的鸟居。
明治神宫坐落在东京都涩谷区,地处东京市中心,占地70公顷,紧挨着新宿商业区,占据了从代代木到原宿站 之间的整片地带,是东京市中心最大的一块绿地。明治神宫于1920年11月1日启用,是供奉明治天皇(于1912 年过世)和昭宪皇太后(于1914年过世)灵位的地方。是日本神道的重要神社。
明治神宫是东京五个最主要的神社之一,其他的四个是日枝神社、靖国神社、 大国魂神社和东京大神宫。在日本据说全国有接近100万个神社,1000万神 道教信众。为什么日本会有这么多神社?因为日本是一个神道教的国家,神 道教是一种万物有灵的比较复杂的、和佛教、儒教文化相混合,产生的一种 日本本土宗教,她形成于公元7世纪以后的奈良时期。 每年去参拜明治神宫 的人数总是日本的最高纪录,尤其是在新年伊始,有近400万人。另外,据 说明治神宫的卦签也很灵!

【全文】英语课前三分钟演讲ppt课件 (1)

【全文】英语课前三分钟演讲ppt课件 (1)
When you get to the point where all you wanna like to be is successful as bad as you would want to breathe, then you will be successful.
how bad do you wanna be successful
Four in the morning
The hour from night to day. The hour from side to side. The hour for those past thirty.
...... No one feels good at four in the morning.
If ants feel good at four in the morning --three cheers for the ants. And let five o‘clock come if we’re to go on living.
Wislawa Szymborska
Four o'clock in shanghai
Hale Waihona Puke 5Four o'clock in Los Angeles
One reporter of the US asked Kobe before, “what made you so successful?”Kobe Bryant smiled and asked in reply :“Have you ever seen the scene of Los Angeles at 4 a.m?” The reporter shaked his head. “I see often, because I have been starting training at that moment.”Kobe said. We all can see that his success is completely out of his hard-working, and when most people are still asleep, he has appeared Lakers training room.



The world's largest coffee
The world's longest bridge. China's Donghai bridge.
Many people want to creat a record owned themselves。 The world's largest coffee The world's tallest building. The top of the world means one of the most prominent people or things in the world. His nose is 8. The person who can protrude the eyeballs highest in the world. To be finally completed 2008 China's Donghai bridge. The biggest mickey collection. The world's largest coffee To be finally completed 2008 The oldest twin sisters. Many people want to creat a record owned themselves。 Do you know the famous Guinness World Records?
It’s the biggest hamburger in the world.
The world's highest statue Christ the redeemer statue in Brazil
Burj Dubai....900 meters high



and we should accept failure again and again in most cases. but once you go into further understanding of computer programs, you will be surprised at the programs’ wander. in detail, through programming a heap of date or a computing model can be easily solved we expected, such as a number wanted, or the model’s parameters. the magical power of program appeals to all the programmers, certainly including me.
but also become a weapon that promoting science and technology and producing invention and innovation. i love programming, because of its powerful function. i love programming, because of its abundant application. i love programming, because of its terrible challenge.
which means messy things from all the people every day. also, to govern the society orderly all benefit from information composed by programs. take a more closer example, in the classroom, we are graduate students of engineering, and will be occupied in researching and designing work. thus, not only is programming our tool in study,


Language Skills - My students are proficient in English language skills, including speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
Critical Thinking - My students are able to think critically about the content they learn, analyzing and evaluating information.
Course objectives
Language proficiency
To improve students' English listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translation skills.
Communication ability
Learning outcomes
Language Skills - My students are proficient in English language skills, including speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
Critical Thinking - My students are able to think critically about the content they learn, analyzing and evaluating information.
Middle School - I continued to study English in middle school, focusing on grammar and vocabulary.


Tokyo:The Anime Capital of Japan
Tokyo is home to as much as 80% of all the animation
productions in Japan. The city government has designated
Tokyo Tower, 333 meters high, is a broadcasting tower. The landscape has changed dramatically since the tower's early days - it was completed in 1958 - when it was by far the tallest structure in sight. Though it no longer stands out so much in terms of height, Tokyo Tower remains a powerful symbol of the city and an essential feature of the landscape. From the observatory 250 meters above ground level, one can see signs of the redevelopment boom that has new high-rise buildings sprouting up all over the city. The view gives a true sense of Tokyo's vitality.
cherry blossoms is a national flower of Japan. In the middle of every march to mid April, is Japan from the south to the north of cherry blossoms season .Every year attracts many tourists



课前五分钟英语演讲ppt课前五分钟英语演讲ppto I often take part in ativities onerning publi elfare. Besides stud and soial pratie, there are entertainments as ell. I do bod building ever da, hoping to keep health and energeti. Campus life is the most splendid time. But different people have different hoies. The majorit of students herish their beautiful season and herishthe hope that one da the'll bee outstanding. But there are indeed some students still under ignorane. The gather together for eating, drinking or plaing ards. The're bus in searhing for a girlfriend or a bofriend. The forget pletel about their mission as ollege students and the hope of their motherland. Finall, I do hope everbod an tr their best to bee a orth itizen of the ountr. I do hope everbod an bee the bakbone of our nation and make great ontributions to soiet!演讲稿四:英语课前5分钟演讲稿 Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen: Bidding for the Olmpi Games, in a a, an image-reating undertaking. The first and foremost thing is to let people fall in love ith the it at first sight, attrating them b its unipue image. What image does Beijing intend to reate for itself one it has the opportunit to host the 201X Olmpis? It is knon to all that the Beijing Muniipal Government has alread set the theme for the future games: Ne Beijing,篇三:简单的五分钟英语演讲最好的英语演讲稿汇总 3——5分钟英语演讲稿汇总(30篇)大学生英语演讲稿i believe in our future 周怡雪,19岁,上海 i believe in our future honorable judges,fello students: good afternoon! reentl, ther is a heated debate in our soiet. the ollege students are the benefiiaries of a rare privilege, ho reeive exeptional eduation at extraordinar plaes. but ill e be able to fae the hallenge and support ourselves against all odds? ill e be able to better the lives of others? ill e be able to aept the responsibilit of building the future of our ountr?the nis sa the ollege students are the dormitor, go shopping and bargain together, and take part time jobs to supplement our poket mone. the nis sa e are for nothing other than grades; and e neglet the need for harater ultivation. but again, the nis are rong. e are deepl for eah other, e herish freedom, e treasure justie, and e seek truth. last eek, thousands of m fello students had their blood tpe tested in order to make aontribution for the hildren ho suffer from blood aner. as ollege students, e are adolesents at the ritial turning point in our lives. e all fae a fundamental hoie: niism or faith, eah ill profoundl impat our future, or even the future of our ountr. i believe in all m fello lassmates. though e are still inexperiened and even a little bithildish. i believe that e have the ourage and faith to meet an hallenge and take on our responsibilities. e are preparing to assume ne responsibilities and tasks, and to use the eduation e have reeived to make our orld a better plae. i believe in our future. 我对未来充满信心尊敬的评委,各位同学:下午好!最近,社会上有一场很激烈的争论。


东部,是日本国 的首都,亚洲第三大城市,所含扩张相连的城区 是目前全球规模最大的巨型都会区。作为全球最 大的经济中心之一,东京拥有全球最复杂、最密 集且运输流量最高的铁道运输系统和通勤车站群 ,亦为世界经济最进步富裕及商业活动发达度居 首位之城市。除此之外,东京涩谷区的涩谷大街 也为世界上交通最为繁忙的地段。东京在明治维 新后即成为日本首都所在地,同时也是日本文化 、教育、时尚与交通等领域的枢纽中心。东京不 仅是当代亚洲流行文化的传播中心,亦为世界流 行时尚与设计产业重镇。
东京有100多个博物馆,最大的是东京国立博物馆,展出日本古代历史文物和艺术珍品,有雕刻 、武器、陶瓷、 绘画等。东京的博物馆种类很多,如交通博物馆、船舶博物馆、香烟博物馆等
• 东京国立博物馆,是世界著名博物馆。在东京 上野公园。 1872 年创建。原为东京汤岛圣堂的 文部省博物馆,1889年改为帝室博物馆,1900年 又改名东京帝室博物馆。1947年博物馆由宫内省 改属文部省管理,更名国立博物馆。1952年定名 为东京国立博物馆,隶属文部省文化厅。东京 国立博物馆由一幢日本民族式双层楼房和左侧 的东洋馆、右侧的表庆馆以及大门旁的法隆寺 宝物馆构成,共有43个展厅。
• 上图为银座,下图为涩谷
• 东京的著名观光景点有东京铁塔、皇 • 上野公园
居、东京国会议事堂、浅草寺、浜离 • 宫、上野公园与动物园、葛西临海公 园、台场与彩虹大桥、东京迪士尼乐 园、代代木公园、日比谷公园、新宿 御苑、幕张奥特莱斯(outlets)、奥
多摩湖、Hello kitty 乐园、明治神宫、•
• 东京的主要购物区分布在山手线的各主要站周 围,百货店比较集中的地区有池袋、新宿和原 宿、涩谷、新桥、东京站附近的银座,银座是 东京的心脏,神田和日本桥,这些地区构成主 要的购物区。还有就是以电器界著名的秋叶原 、以旧书市著名的神保町、以水产批发著名的 筑地中央批发市场、以便宜货著称的上野糖横 町。至于大手町是留学生们经常造访的地方, 东京入国管理局坐落于此。
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