



30 110 60 35 280
额定电压 功率(kW) 220V 额定电流 380V (A) 660V 输出 功率(kW) 额定电流 220V 380V (A) 660V 定额 最大过载电流 电源 额定输入电压 输出电压自动 调 整 控制方式 频率控制范围 输出频率精度 输出频率分辨率 电压/频率特性 控 转矩提升 加、减速特性 制 制动转矩 频率设定输入 及 运 行 标准功能 输入指令信号
输 出 信 号
三路可编程开集电极输出 每路最大输出为 DC24V 50mA 异常时 A-C 闭 B-C 开 FM 、 AM 与 GND 之间最大可输出 DC5V 1mA 与 COM 之间可输出 DC24V 直流电流 200mA(最大)
故障继电器输出端子 频率表输出接点 电流表输出接点 辅助电源正端
93kW 及以上标准品
注: 1*: 同 75kW 及以下。 2*: 出厂时 P1 与 P+已用导电排短路,如需外接电抗器,则应将 该导电排拆除。
2.6 接线注意事项
2.6.1 2.6.2 2.6.3 2.6.4 2.6.5 2.6.6 2.6.7 2.6.8 在变频器与电机之间不可加装电磁接触器。 在变频器 U、V、W 输出端不可加装进相电容或阻容吸收装置。 拆换电机时,应先切断变频器输入电源。 在变频器停止输出时方可切换电机或进行工频电源的切换。 为尽量减少电磁干扰的影响,当使用的电磁接触器及继电器距离 变频器较近时,应考虑加装浪涌吸收装置。 变频器的外部控制线需加装隔离装置或采用屏蔽线且要求接地。 输入指令信号线及频率表等连线除屏蔽外,还应单独走线,最好 远离主回路接线。 当载波频率小于 4kHz 时,变频器与电机间最大距离应在 50 米以 内,当载波频率大于 4kHz 时,应适当减少此距离,此接线最好 敷设于金属管内。 380V 级主回路配线及配线所需配套的外围设备参考下表。 适用电 机 kW 0.75 1.5 2.2 4 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 93 110 132 160 200 220 250 280 过载继电 主回路 无熔丝空 电磁接 器 RT调整 端子螺 气断路器 触器 MCCB MC 值 钉 A A A 2.2 10 10 4 6 M3.5 15 9.5 20 12.5 30 17 50 24 35 60 32 M5 75 38 50 100 45 M6 60 125 80 75 150 100 89 M8 175 108 180 225 144 172 350 250 M10 202 400 240 400 500 290 M12 362 600 415 600 470 M16 800 530 7



F A系列(液晶显示)电子天平使用说明书一、概述本使用说明书用于FA系列多功能电子天平。






十四、装箱附录1天平连接电脑的步骤如下:1.点击“开始”2、输入名称;选择图标,然后点击确定3、忽略前面几栏,只要选择“连接时使用(N): com 1”点击确定选择:⑴ 波特率:1200 (或2400参照使用说明书)⑵数据位:8⑶奇偶校验:无(4)停止位:1⑸数据流控制:硬件然后点击确定即可,屏幕上就会出现天平的当前称量值。








Oriental Motor FA Network Compatible ProductsFA NETWORKCOMPATIBLE PRODUCTSHandle a Wide Variety of Equipment Design ■Product Line for FA Network-Compatible ProductsControl from a variety of host devices is possible using Modbus (RTU)Contributes to Analysis of ConditionsIncreased productivity is sought in manufacturing plants. At the same time, it is imperative to continue utilizingcial Intelligence (AI). In order to use AI, it is important to collect, digitize and analyze the day to day “changes in conditions". Oriental Motor has created a wide lineup of products capable of outputting the various changes in conditions of motors.■■Demonstrations of Predictive Maintenance and IoT can be Viewed on Our Website. /videos/index.html■ List of Alarms, Warnings/General Information and Monitors for Each SeriesThe monitoring functions, which contribute to analysis, are introduced below. For details, check the operating manual for each product.✽1 Only the command values can be monitored.✽2 For products with an encoder, the command value and the encoder counter value can be monitored.✽3 Only for products with an encoder✽1 Can be monitored using Support Software MEXE02 or RS-485 communication.✽2 Can be monitored using SPEED OUT output or Support Software MEXE02.✽3 Requires Support Software MEXE02.One driver can operate a maximum of 4 motor axes.Application cases for the FA Network Direct Connection Type and the Gateway Connection Type will be introduced below.Usage Examples for FA Network-Compatible ProductsSetting of operating data from the network and overwriting of data at any time Implementation of the monitoring necessary for analysis■ Capabilities of Network ProductsFactory ManagementSystemSystemIndex TableArm RobotWhat is aMotion System? A pplications that require linear/circular interpolation, kinematics calculations orcomplicated calculation processingd e z i n o r h c n y s /s u o e n a t l u m i s r o f y r a s s e c e n s i n o i t a c i n u m m o c d e e p s -h g i Hoperation of multiple motors.What is aField System?Applications that do not require simultaneous/synchronized operation and can be positioned as an I/O slave within an FA Network .y r a s s e c e n t o n s i n o i t a c i n u m m o c d e e p s -h g i HFactory ManagementField SystemField SystemX-YConveyorWhat is FLEX?I/O SignalModbus (RTU)Modbus (RTU)RS-485FLEX-Compatible ProductsA driver capable of setting the travel amount and speed (Same function as PLC positioning unit)[Data Setting Method] Set from FA networks through a network converterSetting can be done by data setting software or RS-485 communication.■ What is FLEX?FLEX is the collective name for products that support I/O control, Modbus (RTU) control, and FA network control via network converters. These products enable simple connection and simple control, and shorten the total lead time for system construction.the applicable products.■ AdvantagesBecause operation data is set and stored in the driver (positioning function is built-in), a PLC positioning module is not required, andguration is simple for multi-axiscontrol.■System Confi guration ExamplesFA Network Direct Connection-Compatible Products ■Products that can be connected directly to an FA Network master deviceNetwork Converter■Connects FLEX-Compatible Products to FA NetworksNetwork converters convert the various FA Network communication protocols to Oriental Motor’s original RS-485communication protocol.Using a network converter makes it possible to control Oriental Motor FLEX-compatible products (RS-485 communication-compatible) using all types of FA Network communication.Multi-Axis Connection is Possible✽The control module can also be used as a scan-time monitor during communication.11Gateway Connection Type FLEX-Compatible Products ■AZ Series with Built-In Battery-Free Absolute-Sensor1213Gateway Connection Type FLEX-Compatible Products ■AR Series14■ Stepper Motor Open Loop Control■Brushless Motors15Copyright ©2020 ORIENTAL MOTOR U.S.A. CORP.ORIENTAL MOTOR U.S.A. CORP .Western Sales andCustomer Service Center Tel: (310) 715-3301 Fax: (310) 225-2594Los AngelesTel: (310) 715-3301San JoseTel: (408) 392-9735Midwest Sales andCustomer Service Center Tel: (847) 871-5900 Fax: (847) 472-2623ChicagoTel: (847) 871-5900Eastern Sales andCustomer Service Center Tel: (781) 848-2426 Fax: (781) 848-2617BostonTel: (781) 848-2426New YorkTel: (973) 359-1100Technical SupportTel: (800) 468-3982 / 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P .M., P .S.T. (M–F)7:30 A.M. to 5:00 P .M., C.S.T. (M–F)E-mail:*****************************Obtain Specifications, Online Training and Purchase Products at: Printed in USA 20V 0.5K X.XX #553BSpecifications are subject to change without notice. This catalog was published in August, 2021.This printed material uses ECF (ElementalChlorine Free) paper and vegetable oil based inks.This combination is environmentally friendly.SSCNET /H is the motion network promoted by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation.SSCNET /H is a registered trademark of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation.DeviceNet Vendor Association, Inc.)EtherNet/IP is a trademark of ODVA.EtherCAT is an Ethernet (IEEE802.3)-compliant, open, high-speed, industrial network system.EtherCAT ®is a registered trademark and patented technology, licensed byBeckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany.promoted by CC-Link Partner Association.CC-Link is a registered trademark of CC-Link Partner Association.MECHATROLINK- and MECHATROLINK- are motion networks promoted by MECHATROLINK Members Association.MECHATROLINK is a registered trademark of MECHATROLINK Members Association.and it is very simple.Modbus is a registered trademark of Schneider Automation Inc.protocol to exchange data between controllers and devices.PROFINET is a trademark or registered trademark of PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V. (PNO).PROFINET is an Industrial Ethernet solution. It is a communication。

DTY-FA01 Ionizer说明书

DTY-FA01 Ionizer说明书

【DTY-FA01】Thank you very much for your purchase of DTY-FA01. Although this product is not classified as a high-voltage device under any electrical equipment standard, it uses a high voltage. Please read this manual diligently to carefully and correctly handle this unit. Keep this manual on hand for your reference and consult it repeatedly as required.2. Outline●This product uses two fans to blow air ionized with the corona discharge of an electrode to eliminate the static electricity in electrically charged materials that are located at a distance. The horizontal configuration of the product enables the elimination of static over a wide range area.●Includes output signals for abnormal high voltage or fan locked output (red indicator). When abnormal high voltage occurs in this product, it stops the high voltage output.●The front louver can be easily removed/attached for easy electrode maintenance. this product also includes a safe circuit design that ensures that the high voltage output and fans stop when the louver is removed.●The amount and angle of the air blowing from the fan is adjustable.Note2:The power cable supplied with AC adapter is 125V rated power voltage.●Indication/ Function part namestatus. But if the abnormal condition has not been removed, the abnormal status will occuragain.4. I/O Circuit DiagramNote1: GND(#2)is connected internally to 0V(#3).Note2: The 24VDC, 0V and GND wire are connected to the connector of the AC adapter beforeshipment.the screws already inside the holes, and make sure the product is secured firmlybefore using it.●The angle of the main unit may be adjusted per 10 degrees by loosening the KnobBolt. After the adjustment is completed, be sure to tighten the Knob Bolt again toensure that the angle of the main unit will stay unchanged.AC adapter to the Grounding Point. If it is not securely grounded, the Product may notbe able to work up to the fullest performance.●If the Alarm Output Signals are to be used, connect the“white”and“yellow”wires(Accessories) to the output connector of the AC adapter.No polarity is involved withthe connections in this case. If no Alarm Output Signals are to be used, these wiresdo not have to be connected to the connector of the AC adapter.JUST CONSULT US:KOGANEI CORPORATION OVERSEAS DEPARTMENT【DTY-FA02】Thank you very much for your purchase of DTY-FA02. Although this product is not classified as a high-voltage device under any electrical equipment standard, it uses a high voltage. Please read this manual diligently to carefully and correctly handle this unit. Keep this manual on hand for your reference and consult it repeatedly as required.2. Outline●This product uses three fans to blow air ionized with the corona discharge of an electrode to eliminate the static electricity in electrically charged materials that are located at a distance. The horizontal configuration of the product enables the elimination of static over a wide range area.●Includes output signals for abnormal high voltage output (red indicator). When abnormal high voltage occurs in this product, it stops the high voltage output.●The front louver can be easily removed/attached for easy electrode maintenance. this product also includes a safe circuit design that ensures that the high voltage output and fans stop when the louver is removed.●The amount and angle of the air blowing from the fan is adjustable.Note2:The power cable supplied with AC adapter is 125V rated power voltage.●Indication/ Function part namestatus. But if the abnormal condition has not been removed, the abnormal status will occuragain.4. I/O Circuit DiagramNote1: The grounding wire (2pin)and enclosure are connected internally to 0VDC●Put packing between the bracket and the main unit, and fix firmly with the knob bolt.●Place the product on a level surface. If you want to fix the product to the surface, usethe screws already inside the holes, and make sure the product is secured firmlybefore using it.●The angle of the Main Unit may be freely adjusted by loosening the Knob Bolt. Afterthe adjustment is completed, be sure to tighten the Knob Bolt again to ensure that theangle of the Main Unit will stay unchanged.“yellow”wires (includedwith the product) to the output connector of the AC adapter.No polarity is involvedwith the connections in this case. If no output signals are to be used, these wires donot have to be connected to the connector of the AC adapter.●The internal relay contacts will generate output signals as follows.The output signals●Insert the 24VDC output connector of the AC adapter into the power and signalconnector on the backside of the Main Unit.<Wiring for AC adapter>an AC (100 to 240V) power outlet (Connectto a grounded power outlet possibility).●Make sure to use the AC adapter included with the product.(INPUT: 100V to 240V 50/60 Hz, OUTPUT: 24V DC)up. The electrode becomes charged with high voltage, releases corona discharge,and generates neutralizing ions. At the same time, the fans spin, and blowneutralizing air from the front of the main unit. Charged materials placed in theneutralizing air will be immediately neutralized.(2)The operating status is displayed on the front monitor panel. In a normal operatingstate, only the green RUN LED lights up. If there is a high voltage output irregularity,the red P.D.LED or O.C. LED lights up.(3)In accordance with the distance to the charged object, adjust the Fan speedadjustment screw to provide the appropriate amount of airflow. Turn the Fan speedadjustment screw gradually with phillips screwdriver.(4)Press the Power switch OFF to stop the product.inlet/ outlet section will get dirty. Clean the discharge needle and the air inlet/ outletsection regularly,otherwise you could not get the desired effect, and operating errorsand accidents may occur.●The maintenance required depends on the environment of use. As a reference,cleaning both the discharge needle unit and fan filter should be done once 3,000hours.●The discharge needle is a part having a product life time. If the charge removalperformance is not restored after cleaning the discharge needle, it is recommended toreplace the entire discharge needle unit with a new one. The expected life span isseemed to be 20,000 hours in case of natural wear and use.●If you use the discharge needle unit or fan filter for replacement mentioned, pleasepurchase below.・DTY-ZEM-FA: Discharge needle unit ・DTY-ZFR-FA : Fan filter (6pcs.)towards yourself to remove it from the product. Clean thelouver using the included cleaning brush. If the louver isextremely dirty, wash it with water (or a neutral detergent).(2)Re-attach the front louver to the Main Unit after drying itthoroughly.(2)Clean the discharge needles using the included cleaningbrush. If the discharge needles are extremely dirty, it isrecommended you add IPA (isopropyl alcohol) to thecleaning brush.(2)While securely holding down the product in place, remove the Discharge NeedleUnit by gripping the Finger Grip at the center of the Discharge Needle Unit andturning it in the direction of FREE (clockwise), and releasing the Unit.(3)Prepare a new set of discharge needle unit.(4)Align the protrusion on the product in the section to be engaged with the dischargeneedle unit with the engaging section on the discharge needle unit. Press thedischarge needle unit into the product, so that both units will be engaged with eachother. Turn the discharge needle unit in the LOCK direction (counterclockwise) untilthe discharge needle unit is securely locked with the product.Note1:Turn the discharge needle unit until securely locked.The correct installation of the dischargeneedle unit on the product is essential for the optimum operation of the product.(2)While securely holding down the product in position, remove the filter cover. Thefilter cover may be easily removed by gripping the side of the filter cover and pullingit toward you.(3)Clean the soiled and clogged the filter. If the filter is extremely dirty, wash it withwater (or a neutral detergent), and drying it thoroughly.(4)Re-attach the filter to the product.turn OFF the power from the Product, and please contact the shop where youpurchased the Product (the agency), or the nearest service station of ourcompany.JUST CONSULT US:KOGANEI CORPORATION OVERSEAS DEPARTMENT3-11-28, Midoricho, Koganei-shi, Tokyo, 184-8533, JapanTEL:+81-042-383-7271 FAX:+81-042-383-7276Website: http://www.koganei.co.jpThe specifications or the appearance of this product are subject to change anytime without prior notice.0V(Viewed from AC adapter)Note1:The +24VDC wire,0V DC wire andGND wire are connected to theconnector before shipment.6543213:0V2:GND1:ALARM4:ALARM5:NCMain unit connectorpin layout diagram。


• ③打手下降 小车每正转一周,中心柱上的机械撞块触动行程开关,SQ2接通 一次,时间继电器kt和km2得电一次,打手下降一个动程。
• ④停车 当打手下降到下限位时,sq3动作,打手下降自动停止,按下SB1时 ,全车停机。
• ⑤调整操作 SB5为小车反向运转点动按钮,SB6为打手下降电动按钮,SB8 为打手上升启动按钮,SB7为打手上升停止按钮。
通过对纺织设备电气安装与调试这门课程的学习,我们首先 对CW6140型车床、FA002型抓棉机、FA502细纱机的理论知 识有了足够的学习,然后进一步的通过了小组动手实践的过 程有了更加深切的理解。在学习过程中我们小组同学认真听 讲,并积极讨论学习,每次的动手实践我们都能很好的完成 各项工作任务。希望在以后的学习章程中,大家都能够积极 的共同讨论分析完成本小组的工作任务。
• FA502细纱机控制电路中要求有如下的连锁和保护: (1)钢领板上升接触器KM2与钢领板下降接触器km3互锁,防止同时动作, 造成主电路的电源短路 (2)主电机高低速运行接触器km4、km5与主电机制动中间继电器KA4互锁 ,主电机运行时不允许制动。 (3)停主电机中间继电器KA与主电机低速启动接触器互锁,防止在主电机 制动时,主电机通电停转。 (4)风机接触器km1连锁其他接触器,保证开车时必须先启动风机。
M1为冷却泵电机,拖动冷却泵输出冷却液;M2为主轴电机,拖动 主轴和工件旋转,并通过进给机构实现车床的进给运动。QF1为电源 开关;接触器KM1控制M1的启动和停止,接触器KM2~KM5用于控制 主轴电机正反转Y-△降压启动;热继电器FR1、熔断器FU1分别实现 对M1电机进行过载、短路保护;断路器QF2可对主轴电机实现过载



27.8tex开清棉工艺流程说明书1.工艺原则流程1.1机型选择:FA002A型圆盘式抓棉机*2——TF30A型重物分离器(FA051A型凝棉器)——FA022型多仓混棉机——FA106B型豪猪式开棉机(A045B型凝棉器)——A062-II 型电气配棉器——[FA046A型振动棉箱给棉机(A045B型凝棉器)+FA141A型成卷机]*21.2工艺原则:多松,薄喂,早落,少碎,适当打击。




综上所述,27.8tex纤维长度适中,成熟度好,强力大,可选择直径为250mm,转速为920 r/min打手。

3.2风扇转速n23.2.1. FA106B型豪猪式开棉机的风扇转速在1000—1300 r/min之间。

[4] 风扇转速高,开松除杂效果好,为了保证棉卷应有的开松度,跟据27.8tex纤维的要求配置,选用1500 r/min。

3.2.2.FA141A型成卷机3.3棉卷罗拉转速n3中号纱的棉卷罗拉速度为12—13 r/min。

为纺得更好的纱,所用的棉卷罗拉转速为12 r/min。

4.打击数4.1棉层打击数选用范围原棉每米打击数 600—1000每克打击数 0.6—1.0所用27.8tex原棉比较均匀,落棉率较好,则选用每米打击数800,每克打击数0.85.棉卷长度和重量5.1棉卷计算长度(m):Z5×53×54×32×18×π×230/35×14×73×37×1000=0.900Z5(Z5为棉卷长齿轮齿数)对照棉卷定长齿轮与计算长度表,设定Z5为45,可得棉卷计算长度为40.5m。


5 菜单结构 …………………………………………………………………………………. 20
6 参数设置 …………………………………………………………………………………. 22
6.1 语言选择 …………………………………………………………………………….. 22 6.2 日期时间 …………………………………………………………………………….. 22 6.3 称重模式 …………………………………………………………………………….. 23 6.4 接口设置 …………………………………………………………………………….. 24 6.5 打印设置 …………………………………………………………………………….. 25 6.6 自动开机 …………………………………………………………………………….. 26 6.7 按键声音 …………………………………………………………………………….. 26 6.8 出厂恢复 …………………………………………………………………………….. 26
工作场所随时查阅。 z 请不要随意打开天平的外壳,若私自打开,将导致保修期的保修资格
失效。如果天平有故障或对天平有疑问,请立即与本公司维修中心或 代理经销商联系。
2 天平介绍 2.1 天平结构
图 2.1.1
1.风罩(0.1mg 和 1mg 天平) 2. 秤盘(产品的型号不同,秤盘不同)
7 应用功能 …………………………………………………………………………………. 27
7.1 基本称量 …………………………………………………………………………….. 27 7.2 单位转换 …………………………………………………………………………….. 27 7.3 计数模式 …………………………………………………………………………….. 27 7.4 密度测量 …………………………………………………………………………….. 28 7.5 百分比 …………………………………………..…………………………………….. 29 7.6 总和 …………………………………………………………………………………….. 29 7.7 下挂称量 …………………………………………………………………………….. 31



FA5058使用说明书深圳市赋安安全设备有限公司 FA5058使用说明书 深圳赋安安全设备有限公司 FA5058使用说明书 第八章 附录FA5058使用说明书资料版本 V1.0日 期 1999年12月深圳市赋安安全设备有限公司@1999版权所有,保留解释权。


公司地址:深圳市上梅林多丽工业区3栋资讯电话:0755-3311724-19互联网址:http://www.fuan.com.cn电子信箱:szfuancd@public.szptt.net.cn162015生产部016销售部017研发部018公共关系部019走廊020东走廊021西走廊022电梯前室023电梯后室024地下室东侧025地下室西侧026楼梯口027配电房附录二、附录二、位置编码表位置编码表001会议室002经理室003办公室004仓库005食堂006休息室007总经理室008总工办009财务室010值班室011微机室012保卫科013人事处014实验室 本编码表不能罗列所有应用场所,在编程时可以不输入位置编码。


 FA5058使用说明书 深圳赋安安全设备有限公司 FA5058使用说明书 目录目录第一章、第一章、产品介绍产品介绍 1-1 系统特点 4 1-2 技术规格 6第二章、第二章、功能介绍功能介绍 2-1 火灾自动检测及报警功能 7 2-2 联动控制功能 7 2-2-1 自动控制功能 7 2-2-2 手动控制功能 8 2-3 故障报警功能 8 2-4 现场编程功能 9 2-5 系统维护 9 2-5-1 曲线跟踪显示 9 2-5-2 屏蔽及屏蔽解除 10 2-6 事件记录功能 10 2-6-1 打印 10 2-6-2 ‘黑匣子’事件记录 10 2-7 灵敏度设定功能 10 2-8 复位功能 10 2-9 自检功能 11第三章、第三章、安装说明安装说明 3-1 安装尺寸及安装方法 12 3-1-1结构安装尺寸 12 3-1-2安装方法 12 3-2 端子说明 12 3-2-1接线端子示意图 12 3-2-2连接端子说明 16 3-3 外部线路的连接 17 3-3-1控制器与探测器、模块的连接 17261第八章、第八章、附录附录87-边墙大喷88-边墙小喷89-水冷却90-高水位91-低水位92-水雾93-255待定义22-2#备用泵启23-2#备用泵停24-27 未定义28-正压风机启29-正压风机停30-排烟风机启31-排烟风机停32-干粉系统启33-干粉系统停34-2#新风机启35-2#新风机36-42未定义43-气体动作44- 讯响器45-试验阀46- 消防栓灯47-泡沫阀48-空调49-消防广播50-消防警铃51-防火门52-防火阀53-排烟阀54-电梯55-疏散指示56-事故照明57-消防电源58-水幕59-送风口60-挡烟垂壁61-雨淋阀62-湿式阀63-水冷却阀64-卷帘半降65-卷帘全降66-82待定义83-高倍泡沫84-泡沫喷淋85-水喷雾00-离子探头01-光电探头02-感温探头03-烟复合头04-光复合头05-三复合头06-数显盘07-气体报警08-09 未定义10-手动按钮11-消防栓钮12-压力开关13-水流指示14-信 号 阀15-接口模块16-消防栓泵启17-消防栓泵停18-喷淋泵启19-喷淋泵停20-泡沫泵启附录一、附录一、设备代码表设备代码表3 3-3-2 FA5058与楼层显示盘的连接 17 3-3-3 FA5058与计算机报警系统的连接 18 3-3-4 与电源线的连接 19 3-3-5 接线要求 19 3-3-6 线路要求 19 3-4 地线的制作和连接 20第四章、第四章、操作说明操作说明 4-1 面板显示说明 21 4-2 液晶显示说明 23 5-3 热键、快捷键以及其它键盘的使用 24 5-4 液晶屏幕上的功能菜单一览表 26 5-5 界面及操作说明 27第五章、第五章、调试说明调试说明 5-1 调试准备工作 37 5-1-1 线路检查 37 5-1-2 外部故障的排除 37 5-2 现场编程 39 5-2-1 进行现场编程的内容 39 5-2-2 现场编程前的准备工作 40 5-2-3 现场编程快速菜单 43 5-2-4 现场编程详解 44 5-3 系统测试 57 5-3-1 系统基本功能的测试 57 5-3-2 显示关系的测试 57 5-3-3 联动逻辑关系的测试 58第六章、第六章、系统运行系统运行系统运行 59 59第七章、第七章、维护说明维护说明维护说明 60 60第八章、第八章、附录附录 附录一 设备代码表 61 附录二 位置编码表 6260第七章、第七章、维护说明维护说明 为了系统能够长期稳定可靠地工作,建议在日常维护中注意以下问题: 1、控制室保持良好的通风散热条件,避免设备长期在过热或过潮的环境中运行。









品牌 F-03-002 型号 Rev AA 产品 操作和维护说明书

品牌 F-03-002 型号 Rev AA 产品 操作和维护说明书

F-03-002October 2016F-03-002Rev AA17343-124Operation and Maintenance Instructions For Fire/Overheat DetectorDESCRIPTIONThe Fire/Overheat Detector, shown in Figure 1 is a normally open device that helps to monitor fire and overheat conditions. It can be used in locations with high ambient temperatures.The detector is made from welded stainless steel and is com-pletely sealed. It is not repairable and cannot be disassembled. The detector is set to a specific alarm temperature when it is made at the factory and the temperature cannot be adjusted.The detector electrically connects to its related equipmentthrough two terminal posts with internal threads. Stainless steel screws attach the wiring from the related equipment to the two terminals. The detector mechanically attaches to the monitored area by 3/4-14 National Pipe Thread (NPT) located on the head of the detector.The following details are shown on a detector head:•Customer Part Number •Customer Code•Part Number: 17343-124•Date Code: XXYY (where XX = year, YY = week)Schedule of Limitations for Ex Components:•The detector must be mounted in a suitably IEC Ex certified enclosure that complies with the appropriate requirements for zone 2 applications.•Maximum surface temperature is dependent onambient temperatures and must be determined in the finalassembly installation. The temperature rise of the outside of the shell should not exceed 2°C above ambient whencarrying the maximum power load of 62.5W (.5A, 125 VDC).Limitations for Class I Div I Group BCD Components:•The detector must be mounted in a certified enclosure with the appropriate Class, Division, and Group Ratings for the application.•The Fire/Overheat Detector has a color band on the end opposite the electrical connection points. The color band is an indication of the temperature range of the detector. Refer to the color code chart that follows for the color band of the detectors and additional data.Color Code ChartII 3G IIC Gc IECEx ETL 12.0008UITS03ATEX41211UClass I, Division 1, Groups BCDCSA: 159064UL: E139663Korean Cert # 14-KB4BO-0749UEx nC IIC T3Temperature Set-Point Color Band140°F±7.5°F (60°C±4.2°C)None 325°F±10°F (163°C±5.6°C)Red 425°F±15°F (218°C±8.3°C)Green 600°F±20°F (316°C±11.0°C)Orange 725°F±25°F (385°C±14°C)GreyThe settings are noted by the color of the band applied to the tip ofthe heat detector shell of 17343-124.NO. 8-32 UNC-2A STAINLESS STEEL SLOTTED HEX HEAD SCREW WITH INTEGRAL LOCKWASHER, 2 PLACES.3/4-14 NPTSTAINLESS STEELDATA LOCATIONSCOLOR CODEPROTECTION CAP.618 ±.0063.500 ±0.315.808 ±.0651.125the NPT threadsFigure 1. Fire/Overheat DetectorOctober 2016F-03-002 Rev AA2Specified data for the Fire/Overheat Detector is given in the table below .INSTALLATIONThis section gives the procedure to install the fire overheat detector .The fire/overheat detector must be attached to an IP 54 suitable/rated junction box with the applicable EquipmentGroup II and Category 3 for the installation. The box must have a 3/4 NPT opening to install the detector .The installer of the detector must supply a means to prevent non-permitted decrease of clearance per IEC60079-15, para-graph 6.7.Replacement parts must be the same part number as the part being replaced.Fastening of the fire detector is through the 3/4 NPT thread. Do not use any anti-seize thread locking compound or lubricant on the NPT threads. The installer must ensure that a proper ground connection is made to the IP 54 box-grounding termi-nal.Procedure1.Turn the detector clockwise into the related equipment’s 3/4 NPT opening a minimum of 5 full turns. Torque the detector to 20 lbf ft (27 Nm).2.Connect the related equipment’s system wiring to the detectors terminals with the No. 8-32 UNC-2A SS slotted hex head screws with integral washer . Make sure the wire connections do not touch each other . Torque the screws to a value between 20 and 25 lbf in. (2.26 and 2.82 Nm).3.Make sure that no objects touch the detector or can touch or damage it during usual system operation.4.Keep the detector free of contamination and unwanted materials. Refer to the Cleaning section.OPERATIONThe Fire/Overheat Detector’s outer shell is made of stainless steel that expands with an increase in temperature. It closely follows changes in the air temperature that surround it. Two inner struts, made of an alloy that expands at a lower rate than the outer shell, are sealed inside the outer shell. An overheat condition causes the shell to expand faster than the innerstruts. This makes the struts move together and make electrical connection through the contacts that are attached to the struts . The electrical connection of the contacts completes the circuit through the terminal posts on the end of the detector . Figure 2 shows a simplified diagram of the Fire/Overheat Detector oper-ation. When the shell and inner struts cool, the contacts open again.There are three conditions that can have an effect on the oper-ation of the detector , especially when a functional test of the detector is done. These conditions are:1.Temperature Overshoot: This condition can occur when the temperature of a detector increases far above its set-point range when heat is supplied too rapidly. This can cause the contacts to close before the specified tempera-ture range.2.Anticipation Effect: This condition causes the alarm circuit to close well before the alarm set-point. This condition is the result of the supply of high heat too rapidly.3.Temperature Undershoot: This condition occurs when the temperature of a detector decreases suddenly below its set-point range when made to cool too rapidly. The detec-tor should be air cool only.If possible, these conditions must be prevented, specially when tests of the detector are done.Figure 2. Detector Simplified DiagramSpecified Item or Function DataTemperature Range for Operation -50°F to +825°F (-45.5°C to +440.5°C)Electrical ContactRating 0.5 Ampere at 125VDCElectrical InterfaceConnection 2 each terminal posts with No. 8-32 UNC-2A Stainless Steel Slotted Hex HeadScrews with Integral LockwasherElectrical ConnectionTorque 25 lbf in. (2.8 Nm) maximum Electrical Connection Protection CapP/N RCL-10 (Vendor: Protective Closures Co., CAGE Code 99017)Dimensions See Figure 1ApprovalATEX approved for Zone 2, Category 3.Type of protection “nC”.Do not supply more than 25 lbf in. torque to the detector’s terminal screws or you can dam-age the detector . If the detector is damaged, you must discard it.Do not paint the detector or let paint from another source get on the detector or it will not operate correctly.READY OR STANDBY CONDITIONALARM OR OVERHEAT CONDITIONCONTACTS CLOSEDSHELL - HIGH EXPANSIONSTRUTS - LOW EXPANSION3October 2016F-03-002 Rev AA TestingThis section gives the equipment and procedures necessary to do tests of the detector and find if there is a malfunction.You must do a no-continuity test and an insulation resistance test to make sure the detector is serviceable.You must do a calibration verification test (or functional test) to make sure that the detector gives an alarm at the correct tem-perature.Testing EquipmentThe test equipment necessary to do the tests on the detector is given in the table below. You can use equivalent alternative items for those given in the table.Pretest InspectionBefore you test the detector , make sure that the detector’s visual inspection is acceptable. Refer to the Inspection section of this manual.No-Continuity TestDo the no-continuity test per the following procedure. Do the test at room temperature. If the test is unsatisfactory, replace the detector. Detector is not a repairable unit.Procedure1.Connect one lead of a digital multimeter (DMM) to one of the two terminals posts of the detector and the other lead of the DMM to the other terminal post. See the no-continuity test setup in Figure 3.2.With the DMM set to measure ohms (Ω) on the highest scale, read the resistance.3.The resistance value must read an open condition or infinite (∞).4.Disconnect the DMM from the detector .Figure 3. No-Continuity Test SetupInsulation Resistance TestDo the insulation resistance test per the following procedure. Do the test at room temperature. If the test is unsatisfactory, replace the detector . Detector is not a repairable unit.Procedure1.Connect one lead of a megohmmeter to the two terminal posts of the detector jumpered together. Connect the other lead of the megohmmeter to the detector shell. See the insulation resistance test setup in Figure 4.2.Set the megohmmeter to supply 500 VDC and measure the insulation resistance of the detector.3.The resistance must be 20 megohms (M Ω) or higher.4.Remove the power from the megohmmeter and disconnect the leads and jumper from the detector .Figure 4. Insulation Resistance Test SetupEquipment Item Range/Accuracy Manufacturer orSource Digital Multimeter , Fluke Model 77100VDC to 1000 VDC, 0.1Ω to 20M Ω,1% AccuracyFluke (CAGE 89536)Dry-Well Calibrator , Model 9141-A (used to verify calibra-tion set-point value)50 to 400°C ±0.5°CHart Scientific (CAGE 64841)Custom Insert, Model 3141-7 (for 9141-A, with one opening 0.629± 0.002in dia.)Not ApplicableHart Scientific (CAGE 64841)Power Source (to supply power to Dry-Well Calibrator 115 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 10 Amps or 230 VAC,5 Amps Get Locally Megohmmeter , Model 1867500 VDC, 20 M Ω andhigherQuad Tech (CAGE 0PK96)Prevent possible dangerous shock. Do not sup-ply power to the megohmmeter until it is con-nected to the detector .DETECTORDIGITALMULTIMETERDETECTORMEGOHMMETERJUMPEROctober 2016F-03-002 Rev AA4Calibration Verification Test1.The detector no-continuity test and insulationresistance test must be satisfactory before you do the calibration verification test.2.Make a test setup with the Model 9141 Dry-Well Calibrator. Make sure that you follow the safetyinstructions given in Section 3 of the Model 9141 Dry-Well Calibrator User Manual.3.Install the detector in the dry-well calibrator insert.4.Connect the dry-well calibrator test leads to the terminal posts on the detector.5.Connect the dry-well calibrator power cable to an applicable 115 or 230 VAC, 50-60 Hz power source.6.Follow the procedures in Section 7 of the Model 9141 Dry-Well Calibrator User Manual to make sure that the detector’s set-point is in limits.7.Record the temperature for each of three consecutive detector contact closures.8.Get an average of the three recorded values (add the three recorded values and divide by three). This is the detector set-point valve. The value must be the temperature shown on the detector ±25°F (±14°C).9.Remove the power from the dry-well calibrator and let the heater block and detector cool before you remove the detector under test.10.If the calibration verification test is unsatisfactory,replace the detector .DisassemblyThe fire/overheat detectors are hermetically sealed units. The detector cannot be disassembled.MAINTENANCECleaningThis section gives the procedure and materials necessary to clean the detector .MaterialsThe materials necessary to clean the detector are given in the table below. You can use equivalent alternatives for the items given in the table.Procedure1.Use a clean lint-free cloth wet with LPS Presolve solvent to clean the detector.2.Use nitrogen dry air at a maximum pressure of 30 psig (205 Kpa) to dry the detector .InspectionMake sure the detector is clean before you do the inspection. Refer to the Cleaning section.1.Examine the electrical connection terminals. Look for cracks or damage. If the connection terminals are damaged or cracked, discard the detector.2.Examine the electrical connection terminal screws. Look for damage to the screw threads and head. If damaged, replace the screws. Make sure the screws turn freely in the connection terminals. If the screws cannot be turned completely into the terminals, discard the detector.3.Examine the shell or tube of the detector. If there is a dent, scratch, or abrasion to the outer area, discard thedetector.Do not supply more than 25 lbf in. (2.82 Nm) torque to the screws in the detector terminals or you can damage the detector and it mustbe discarded.Be careful not to get burned from the hot heater block in the dry-well calibrator or the hot detector . The temperature can exceed 800°F or more.Be careful not to get burned by the hot heater block in the dry-well calibrator or the hot detector . The temperature can exceed 800°F or more.Materials Specification or Part No.Source Cloth, Clean Lint-free Solvent, LPS Presolve None 01428Get Locally LPS Laboratories (CAGE Code 66724)Nitrogen or Clean,Dry AirA-A-59503-1B1Get LocallyClean with solvents in an area that has good airflow. Do not clean near heat or open flame.While cleaning the detector , do not use abra-sive material or excessive force. This action will adversely affect the set point of the heat detector , compromising the accuracy of the detector .Be careful when you use compressed air or gas. Always point the flow away from person-nel. Compressed air or gas and the material moved by the air or gas pressure is dangerous and can cause injuries. Wear applicable eye protection.Fenwal Controls, Kidde-Fenwal Inc.400 Main Street Ashland, MA 01721Tel: 800-FENWAL-1Fax: 508-881-7619This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC. assumes no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The product must be properly applied to work correctly. If you need more information on this product, or have a particular problem or question, contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.F-03-002 Rev AA ©2016 Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.Storage and Movement1.Install a protection cap, P/N FS06-250099-071, over the electrical connection end of the detector.2.Make sure the detector has sufficient protection to prevent damage to the threads and outer shell.3.Put the detector in a container that is approved for storage.4.Keep the detector in a cool, dry area that has no contamination.5.If you must move the detector to another location, make sure it has sufficient protection to prevent damage.Fits and ClearancesTorque Values1.When you make electrical connection to the terminal posts, torque the screws to a value between 20 and 25 lbf. in (between2.26 and 2.28 Nm).2.When you install the detector, torque it to a value of 20 lbf. ft (27 Nm).Special Tools, Fixtures, Equipment and ConsumablesThe table below outlines the special tools, fixtures, equipment and consumable items needed to maintain the detector .Also provided are the vendors and the Commercial and Government Entity [CAGE] code.Do not torque the terminal post screws to a value more than 25 lbf in. or you can damage the detector . If the detector is damaged, you must discard it.DescriptionPart NumberVendorsRecommended SourceMultimeter Model 77Fluke Corporation 6920 Seaway BoulevardP .O. Box 9090Everett, WA 98206Fluke (CAGE 89536)Megohmmeter , 500 VDC, 20 M and higherModel 2867Quad Tech Inc.5 Clock Tower Place 210 East Maynard, MA 01754-2530Quad Tech (CAGE 0PK96)Dry-Well Calibrator Model 9141-A Hart Scientific799 E. Utah Valley Drive American Fork, Utah 84003-9775Hart Scientific (CAGE 64841)Customer Insert(used with Dry-Well Calibrator)Model 3141-7Cleaner/Degreaser , LPS Pre-Solve01428LPS Laboratories, Inc 4647 Hugh Howell Rd Tucker , GA 30085-5052LPS Laboratories (CAGE 66724)Protection Cap RCL-10Protective Closures Co., Inc.DBA Caplugs LLC Div. Caplugs Division2150 Elmwood Avenue Buffalo, NY 14207-1984Protective Closures Co.(CAGE 99017)Torque Screwdriver , 20 to 25 lbf in.None Specified Commercially Available Commercially Available Torque Wrench, 20 lbf ft.None SpecifiedCommercial AvailableCommercially AvailablePower Source, 115 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 10 Amps or230 VAC, 5 Amps(Necessary for Dry-Well Calibrator)None Get Locally Get Locally Cloth, Lint free None Get Locally Get Locally Nitrogen or Clean, Dry AirA-A-59503-1B1Get LocallyGet LocallyNote: All vendors are located in the United States.。

TOP2008 通用编程器 说明书

TOP2008 通用编程器 说明书



特点:�可支持2.5~6.5V的器件;�使用USB接口电源,不必外接电源;�通过USB通用串口与PC机连接,传送速率12MHz/s;�即适合电池供电的笔记本电脑使用,也适合台式机使用;�完善的过电流保护,有效地保护编程器和器件不受损害;�USB负载能力检测;�全插脚检查,可以检查出任意一个插脚的的接触状态;�40针进口万能锁紧插座;�在32bit WINDOWS7/XP/VISTA下运行;�塑料机壳,体积小,重量轻,功耗低;�可自动探测厂家和型号;�单片机定时,编程速度与计算机无关;2性能和规格:1.软件:TopWin6(for32bit WINDOWS7/XP/VISTA) 2.体积:142x103x233.重量:250g4.功率:<2.5w(5v/500mA)5.锁紧座:40Pin进口优质插座(可更换)TOP2008成套件:1.TOP2008主机一件;2.标准USB1.1(兼容USB2.0)连接电缆线一根;3.《TOP2008通用编程器》说明书一本;4.《TopWin软件操作手册》一本;5.配套的TopWin软件光盘一张。

3TOP2008支持器件列表(以软件为准)V29C51001T,V29C51001B,V29C51002T,V29C51002B,V29C51004T,V29C51004B,F29C51001T,F29C51001B,F29C51002T,F29C51002B,F29C51004T,F29C51004B,____EEPROM-XICORX2816,X2816A,X2816B,X28C16,X28C16A,X28C16B,X2817A,X28C17,X2864A,X28C64,X28HC64,X28C256,X28HC256,X28TC256,X28VC256,X28C64*32PIN,X28HC64*32PIN,X28C256*32PIN,X28HC256*32PIN,X28TC256*32PIN,X28VC256*32PIN,X28C010,X28HT010,X28C020,X28HT020,____EEPROM-LINKSMARTLST28001,LST28002,LST28004,____EEPROM-PMCPM37VF512,PM37VF010,PM37VF020,PM29F002,PM29F004,PM29LV002,PM29LV004,PM39LV512,PM39LV010,PM39LV020,PM39LV040,PM49FL002,PM49FL004,____EEPROM-PTCPT28C010,PT28C020,____MPU-AMD87C51,87C521,87C541,____MPU-ATMELAT80F51,AT80F52,AT87F51,AT87F52,AT87F55WD,AT87F51RC,AT89C51,AT89LV51,AT89C52,AT89LV52,AT89C55,AT89LV55,AT89C55WD,AT89C51RC,AT89S51,AT89LS51,AT89S52,AT89LS52,AT89C1051,AT89LV1051,AT89C2051,AT89LV2051,AT89C4051,AT89LV4051,AT89S8252,AT89LS8252,AT89S8252,AT89LS8252,AT89S8253,AT89LS8253,AT89S53,AT89LS53,T89C51RB2,T89C51RC2,T89C51RD2,AT89C51RB2,AT89C51EB2,AT89C51IB2,AT89C51RC2,AT89C51EC2,AT89C51IC2,AT89C51RD2,AT89C51ED2,AT89C51ID2,AT89S54,AT89S58,AT89S64,AT90S1200,AT90S2313,AT90S4414,AT90LS4414,AT90S8515,AT90LS8515,AT90S4434,AT90S8535,AT90LS8535,AT90S4434,AT90LS4434,AT90S2333,AT90S4433,ATTINY11(Hi),ATTINY12(Hi),ATTINY13(Serial),ATTINY15L(Hi), ATTINY25,ATTINY26,ATTINY26L,ATTINY28L,ATTINY28V,ATTINY2313(DIP20),ATTINY2313V(DIP20),ATTINY2313, ATMEGA8,ATMEGA8L,ATMEGA16,ATMEGA16L,ATMEGA8535,ATMEGA8535L,ATMEGA8515,ATMEGA8515L,ATMEGA32,ATMEGA32L,ATMEGA48*PDIP28,ATMEGA88*PDIP28,ATMEGA88P*PDIP28,ATMEGA88PA*PDIP28,ATMEGA_ALL, ATMEGA168*PDIP28,ATMEGA328*PDIP28,ATMEGA328V*PDIP28,ATMEGA48V*PDIP28,ATMEGA88V*PDIP28,ATMEGA168V*PDIP28,ATMEGA_ALL,ATMEGA161,ATMEGA161L,ATMEGA162,ATMEGA162L,ATMEGA162V,ATMEGA162U,ATMEGA163,ATMEGA163L,AT90S2323,AT90LS2323,AT90S2343,AT90LS2343,____MPU-DALLASDS87C520,DS89C420,DS89C430,DS89C440,DS89C450,____MPU-SSTSST89C54,SST89C58,SST89F54,SST89F58,SST89E554RC,SST89E564RD,SST89V554RC,SST89V564RD,SST89E52RD,SST89E54RD,SST89E58RD,SST89E516RD,SST89E52RD2,SST89E54RD2,SST89E58RD2,SST89E516RD2,SST89V52RD,SST89V54RD,SST89V58RD,SST89V516RD,SST89V52RD2,SST89V54RD2,SST89V58RD2,SST89V516RD2,____MPU-STCSTC89C58RD,STC89LV58RD,STC89C516RD,STC89LV516RD,____MPU-SYNCMOSSM2952,SM2958,SM2964,SM2965,SM8951A,SM8952A,SM8951B,SM8952B,SM8954,SM8958,SM89516,SM89516C,SM89516L,SM8954A,SM8958A,SM89516A,SSU7301,SM7908,SM79108,4SM89S16R1,SM7964,SM79164,SM5964C,SM5964AL,SM59264,SM894051,SM59D02G2C(07),SM59D02G2L(07),SM59D03G2C,SM59D03G2L,SM59D04G2C,SM59D04G2L,____MPU-MOSELVITELICMSU2954,MSU2958,MSU2964,MSU2964as32K,MSU2964as16K,MSU2964as8K,MSU2964as4K,____MPU-LGGMS97C51,GMS97C52,GMS97C54,GMS97C58,GMS97C1051,GMS97C2051,____MPU-INTELi87C51,i87C52,i87C54,i87C58,i87C51FA,i87C51FB,i87C51FC,i87LC51FA,i87LC51FB,i87LC51FC,i87C51RA+,i87C51RB+,i87C51RC+,i87C51RD+,i87LC51RA+,i87LC51RB+,i87LC51RC+,i87LC51RD+,____MPU-PHILIPSP87C51,P87C52,P87C54,P87C58,P87C51X2,P87C52X2,P87C54X2,P87C58X2,P87C51FA,P87C51FB,P87C51FC,P87LC51FA,P87LC51FB,P87LC51FC,P87C51RA+,P87C51RB+,P87C51RC+,P87C51RD+,P87LC51RA+,P87LC51RB+,P87LC51RC+,P87LC51RD+,P87C591,P89C51Uxxx,P89C52Uxxx,P89C54Uxxx,P89C58Uxxx,P89C51Bx,P89C52Bx,P89C54Bx,P89C58Bx,P89C51X2,P89C52X2,P89C54X2,P89C58X2,P89C51RA+,P89C51RB+,P89C51RC+,P89C51RD+,P89C51RA2Hxx,P89C51RB2Hxx,P89C51RC2Hxx,P89C51RD2Hxx,P89C51RA2B,P89C51RB2B,P89C51RC2B,P89C51RD2B,P89C51RA2F,P89C51RB2F,P89C51RC2F,P89C51RD2F,P89C60X2,P89C61X2,P89C660,P89C662,P89C664,P89C668,P87LPC759,P87LPC760,P87LPC761,P87LPC762,P87LPC764,P87LPC767,P87LPC768,P87LPC769,P89LPC920,P89LPC921,P89LPC922,P89LPC9221,P89LPC924,P89LPC925,P89LPC930,P89LPC931,P89LPC932,P89LPC932A1,P89LPC933,P89LPC934,P89LPC935,P89LPC936,P89LPC938,V51RA2B,C922SPI,____MPU-WINBONDW78E51,W78E51B,W78LE51,W78E51C,W78LE51C,W78L051C,W78E52,W78E52B,W78LE52,W78E52C,W78LE52C,W78L052C,W78E54,W78E54B,W78LE54,W78E54C,W78L054C,W78E58,W78E58B,W78LE58,W78E516B,W78LE516,W78E51D,W78E52D,W78E54D,W78E051D,W78E052D,W78E054D,W78E58D,W78E516D,W78E058D,W78E0516D,W78ERD2,W78IRD2,W78E62,W78E65,W78L065,W78E365,W78LE365,W78E858,W77E54,W77E58,W77LE58,W77E516,W77LE516,W77E532,W79E532,W79E632,W79E201,W79E821A,W79E822A,W79E823A,W79E824A,W79E825A,W79E2051(20PIN),W79E4051(20PIN),W79E2051-DU(20PIN),W79E4051-DU(20PIN),W79E2051-SU(20PIN), W79E4051-SU(20PIN),____MPU-MICROCHIPPIC12C508,PIC12C508A,PIC12C508B,PIC12C509,PIC12C509A,PIC12C509B,PIC12CE518,PIC12CE519,PIC12F508,PIC12F509,PIC12F510,PIC12C671,PIC12C672,PIC12CE673,PIC12CE674,PIC12F508,PIC12F509,PIC12F510,PIC12F629,PIC12F675,PIC12F635-8PIN,PIC12F683-8PIN,PIC16F636-8PIN,PIC16F639-8PIN,PIC16F684-8PIN,PIC16F685-8PIN,PIC16F687-8PIN,PIC16F688-8PIN, PIC16F689-8PIN,PIC16F690-8PIN,PIC16F636-14PIN,PIC16F684-14PIN,PIC16F688-14PIN,PIC16F639-20PIN,PIC16F685-20PIN,PIC16F687-20PIN,PIC16F689-20PIN,PIC16F690-20PIN,PIC16F505,PIC16F506,PIC12F508-new,PIC12F509-new,PIC12F510-new,PIC16F54,PIC16F57,PIC16F630,PIC16F676,PIC16C505,PIC16C54,PIC16HV540,PIC16C54-LP,PIC16C54-XT,PIC16C54-RC,PIC16C54-HS,PIC16C54A,PIC16C54B,PIC16C54C,CF745,PIC16C55,PIC16C55-LP,PIC16C55-XT,PIC16C55-RC,PIC16C55-HS,PIC16C55A,PIC16C55B,PIC16C55C,PIC16C56,PIC16C56-LP,PIC16C56-XT,PIC16C56-RC,PIC16C56-HS,PIC16C56A,PIC16C56B,PIC16C56C,PIC16C57,PIC16C57-LP,PIC16C57-XT,PIC16C57-RC,PIC16C57-HS,PIC16C57A,PIC16C57B,PIC16C57C,CF775,PIC16C58,PIC16C58-LP,PIC16C58-XT,PIC16C58-RC,PIC16C58-HS,PIC16C58A,PIC16C58B,PIC16C58C,PIC16C64,PIC16C64A,PIC16C64B,PIC16C65,PIC16C774,PIC16C65A,PIC16C65B,PIC16C74,PIC16C74A,PIC16C74B,PIC16C71,PIC16C71A,PIC16C71B,PIC16C711,5PIC16C712,PIC16C61,PIC16C710,PIC16C620,PIC16C621,PIC16C622,PIC16C715,PIC16C716,PIC16C62,PIC16C62A,PIC16C62B,PIC16C63,PIC16C63A,PIC16C63B,PIC16C73,PIC16C73A,PIC16C73B,PIC16C773,PIC16C66,PIC16C67,PIC16C72,PIC16C72A,PIC16C72B,PIC16C76,PIC16C76A,PIC16C76B,PIC16C77,PIC16C77A,PIC16C77B,PIC16C641,PIC16C642,PIC16C661,PIC16C662,PIC16C554,PIC16C556,PIC16C558,PIC16C717,PIC16F627,PIC16F628,PIC16LF627,PIC16LF628,PIC16F627A,PIC16F628A,PIC16F648A,PIC16LF627A,PIC16LF628A,PIC16LF648A,PIC16F716,PIC16F72,PIC16F73,PIC16F74,PIC16F76,PIC16F77,PIC16F737,PIC16F747,PIC16F767,PIC16F777,PIC16F83,PIC16CR83,PIC16C84,PIC16CR84,PIC16F84,PIC16F84A,PIC16F870,PIC16F871,PIC16F872,PIC16F873,PIC16F874,PIC16F876,PIC16F877,PIC16F873A,PIC16F874A,PIC16F876A,PIC16F877A,PIC16F818,PIC16F819,PIC16F882,PIC16F883,PIC16F886,PIC16F884,PIC16F887,PIC16F913,PIC16F916,PIC16F914,PIC16F917,PIC16F722,PIC16F723,PIC16F726,PIC16F724,PIC16F727,PIC16LF722,PIC16LF723,PIC16LF726,PIC16LF724,PIC16LF727,____MPU-MICONMDT2005,MDT2005E,MDT2010,MDT2010E,MDT2015,MDT2020,MDT2020B,MDT10P21A1P,MDT10P21A1S,MDT10P21A2K,MDT10P21A3S,MDT10P22A1P,MDT10P22A1S,MDT10P22A2K,MDT10P22A3S,MDT2051,____MPU-ELANEM78P156E,EM78P256E,EM78P456E,EM78P247SA,EM78P247SB,EM78P447SA,EM78P447SB,____MPU-VERSACHIPV87C54,V87C58,____MPU-CRESCENTECCR80P100,CR80P200,____MPU-TOPTEKT81P54,T80P54,T80P57,T80P65,T52,____MPU-ISSIIS89C51A,IS89C52A,IS89LV51A,IS89LV52A,____Serial-93C46(128x8),P93,93C56(256x8),P93,93C66(512x8),P93,93C57(256x8),P93,93C86(2kx8),P93,93C76(1Kx8),P93,93C46(64x16),P93X16,93C56(128x16),P93X16,93C66(236x16),P93X16,93C76(512x16),P93X16,93C86(1Kx16),P93X16,24C01A(128x8),P24,24C02(256x8),P24,24C04(512x8),P24,24C08(1KX8),P24,24C16(2KX8),P24,24C32(4KX8),P24,24C64(8KX8),P24,24C128(16KX8),P24,24C256(32KX8),P24,24C512(64KX8),P24,____Serial-AKMAK93C46(128x8),AK93C56(256x8),AK93C66(512x8),P93,AK6420AF(128x16,AK6440AF(256x16,AK6480AF(512x16,AK6480CF(512x16,AK6420B(128x16),AK64SCI,AK6440B(256x16),AK64SCI,AK6480B(512x16),AK64SCI,AK6420AM(128x16),AK64SCI,AK6440AM(256x16),AK64SCI,AK6480AM(512x16),AK64SCI, AK6480CL(512x16),AK64SCI,AK6481CH(512x16),AK64SCI,AK6481CM(512x16),AK64SCI,AK6416A,AK6416AM(1024x16),AK64SCI,AK6416CM(1024x16),AK64SCI,AK6416CH(1024x16),AK64SCI,AK93C46(64x16),P93X16,AK93C56(128x16),P93X16,AK93C66(236x16),P93X16,AK93C86(2kx8),P93,AK93C86(1Kx16),P93X16,____Serial-ONSEMICAT64LC20W(128x16),AK64SCI,CAT64LC20J(128x16),AK64SCI,CAT64LC40W(256x16),AK64SCI,CAT64LC40J(256x16),AK64SCI,CAT64LC80W(512x16),AK64SCI,CAT64LC80J(512x16),AK64SCI,CAT64LC20(P/L/S/V/U/Y),CAT64LC40(P/L/S/V/U/Y),CAT64LC80(P/L/S/V/U/Y),____Serial-ATMELAT24C01,AT24C02,AT24C02A,AT24C04,AT24C04A,AT24C08,AT24C08A,AT24RF08C,AT24C16,AT24C16A,AT24C32,AT24C64,AT24C128,AT24C256,AT24C512,AT93C46(128x8),P93,AT93C56(256x8),P93,6AT93C66(512x8),P93,AT93C86(2kx8),P93,AT93C46(64x16),P93X16,AT93C56(128x16),P93X16,AT93C66(236x16),P93X16,AT93C86(1Kx16),P93X16,AT25010,AT25020,AT25040,AT25080,AT25160,AT25320,AT25640,AT25128,AT25256,AT25010A,AT25020A,AT25040A,AT25080A,AT25160A,AT25320A,AT25640A,AT25128A,AT25256A,AT25F512,AT25F1024,AT25F1024A,ACTRANS25,AT25F2048,AT25F4096,AT25DF021,AT26DF,AT25DF041,AT26DF,AT25DF081,AT26DF,AT25DF161,AT26DF,AT26DF021,AT26DF,AT26DF041,AT26DF,AT26DF081,AT26DF,AT26DF161,AT26DF,____Serial-ACTRANSAC25512,AC25LC512,AC25LV512,AC25010,AC25LC010,AC25LV010,____Serial-AMICA25L10P(8PIN),A25L20P(8PIN),A25L40P(8PIN),A25L80P(8PIN),____Serial-APLUSAF24BC01,AF24BC02,AF24BC04,AF24BC08,AF24BC16,AF24BC32,AF24BC64,AF24BC128,AF24BC256,AF93BC46(128x8),P93,AF93BC56(256x8),P93,AF93BC66(512x8),P93,AF93BC86(2kx8),P93,AF93BC46(64x16),P93X16,AF93BC56(128x16),P93X16,AF93BC66(236x16),P93X16,AF93BC86(1Kx16),P93X16,____Serial-MXICMX25L512(8PIN),MX25L10xx(8PIN),MX25L20xx(8PIN),MX25L40xx(8PIN),MX25L80xx(8PIN),Mx25L16xx(8PIN),MX25L32xx(8PIN),____Serial-EONEN25T10(8PIN),EN25T20(8PIN),EN25T40(8PIN),EN25T80(8PIN),EN25T80(8PIN),EN25T16(8PIN),EN25F10(8PIN),EN25F20(8PIN),EN25F40(8PIN),EN25F80(8PIN),EN25F80(8PIN),EN25F16(8PIN),____Serial-STM25P10-V(8PIN),M25P20-V(8PIN),M25P40-V(8PIN),M25P80-V(8PIN),____Serial-WINBONDW25P10L(8PIN),W25P20L(8PIN),W25P40L(8PIN),W25P80L(8PIN),W25X10L(8PIN),W25X20L(8PIN),W25X40L(8PIN),W25X80L(8PIN),W25X16V/L(8PIN),W25X32V/L(8PIN),W25X64V/L(8PIN),____Serial-PMCPM25LV512(8PIN),PM25LV010(8PIN),PM25LV020(8PIN),PM25LV040(8PIN),PM25LV080(8PIN),____Serial-ESIES25P10(8PIN),ES25P20(8PIN),ES25P40(8PIN),ES25P80(8PIN),____Serial-SPANSIONS25FL001(8PIN),S25FL002(8PIN),S25FL004(8PIN),S25FL008(8PIN),____Serial-SSTSST25LF512(8PIN),SST25LF010(8PIN),SST25LF020(8PIN),SST25LF040(8PIN),SST25LF512A(8PIN),SST25LF010A(8PIN),SST25LF020A(8PIN),SST25LF040A(8PIN),SST25VF512(8PIN),SST25VF010(8PIN),SST25VF020(8PIN),SST25VF040(8PIN),SST25VF512A(8PIN),SST25VF010A(8PIN),SST25VF020A(8PIN),SST25VF040A(8PIN),SST25VF040B(8PIN),SST25VF080B(8PIN),SST25VF016B(8PIN),SST25VF032B(8PIN),____Serial-CATALYSTCAT24C01,CAT24C02,CAT24C02A,CAT24C02AI,CAT24C02I,CAT24C04,CAT24C04I,CAT24C08,CAT24C08I,CAT24C16,CAT24C16I,CAT24LC01,CAT24LC02,CAT24LC02A,CAT24LC02AI,CAT24LC02I,CAT24LC04,CAT24LC04I,CAT24LC08,CAT24LC08I,CAT24LC16,CAT24LC16I,CAT24WC02,CAT24WC04,CAT24WC08,CAT24WC16,93C46(128x8),P93,93C46A(128x8),93C46H(128x8),93C46I(128x8),93C46(64x16),P93X16,93C56(128x16),P93X16,93C66(236x16),P93X16,____Serial-EXELXL93C46(128x8),XL93C56(128x8),XL93C66(128x8),XL93CS46,X93C46(64x16),P93X16,X93C56(128x16),P93X16, X93C66(236x16),P93X16,X93C86(2kx8),P93,X93C86(1Kx16),P93X16,____Serial-FAIRCHILDFM24C02,FM24C02W,FM24C03,FM24C04,FM24C04W,FM24C08,FM24C08W,FM24C16,FM24C16W,7FM93C46(128x8),FM93C56(128x8),FM93C66(128x8),FM93C46(64x16),P93X16,FM93C56(128x16),P93X16,FM93C66(236x16),P93X16,____Serial-HYUNDAIHY24C02,HY24C02W,HY24C04,HY24C04W,HY24C08,HY24C08W,HY24C16,HY24C16W,HY93C46(128x8),HY93C46(256x8),HY93C46(64x16),P93X16,HY93C56(128x16),P93X16,HY93C66(236x16),P93X16,____Serial-ICT24C02,24C02W,24C04,24C04W,24C08,24C08W,24C16,24C16W,93C46,93C46A(128x8),93CX46(128x8),93C56,93CX56(256x8),93C66,93CX66(512x8),93C46,93C56,93C66,____Serial-GIANTECGT24C02(256x8),P24,GT24C04,GT24C08,GT24C16,GT24C32,GT24C64,GT24C128,GT24C256,____Serial-ISSI24C02(256x8),P24,24C04,24C08,24C16,24C32,24C64,24C128,24C256,93C46/-3,93C56/-3,93C66,93C46,93C56,93C66,____Serial-MICROCHIP24C01A,24C02A,24C04A,24C04,24C08,24C16,24C32,24C64,24C65,24C128,24C256,24C512,24LC01,24LC02,24LC04,24LC04,24LC08,24LC16,24LC32,24LC64,24LC65,24LC128,24LC256,24LC512,93C46(128x8),93C56(256x8),P93,93LC56,93C66,93LC66(512x8),P93,93C86,93C46(128x8),93C46,93C56,93C66,93C86,93C46A,93C46B,93C46C,93C46C,93C56A,93C56B,93C56C,93C56C,93C66A,93C66B,93C66C,93C66C,93C86A,93C86B,93C86C,93C86C,93LC46A,93LC46B,93LC46C,93LC46C,93LC56A,93LC56B,93LC56C,93LC56C,93LC66A,93LC66B,93LC66C,93LC66C,93LC86A,93LC86B,93LC86C,93LC86C,93AA46A,93AA46B,93AA46C,93AA46C,93AA56A,93AA56B(128x16),P93X16,93AA56C,93AA56C,93AA66A,93AA66B,93AA66C,93AA66C,93AA86A,93AA86B,93AA86C,93AA86C,25C040,25C080,25C160,25C320,25LC040,25LC080,25LC160,25LC320,25LC640,25AA040,25AA080,25AA160,25AA320,25AA640,____Serial-NS24C02,24C02L,24C04,24C04L,24C08,24C16,NMC9346(128x8),P93,NMC93C46(128x8),P93,NMC93CS46(128x8),P93,NMC93C56(256x8),P93,NMC93CS56,NMC93C66,NMC93CS66,NM93C46(64x16),P93X16, NM93C56(128x16),P93X16,NM93C66(236x16),P93X16,NM59C11,NM24C02/L,NM24C04/L,NM24C08,NM24C16,____Serial-ROHMBR24C01A(128x8),BR24C02(256x8),P24,BR24C04(512x8),P24,BR24C08(1Kx8),P24,BR24C16(2KX8),P24,BR24C32(4KX8),P24,BR24C64(8KX8),P24,BR93C46(128x8),BR93C56(256x8),P93,BR93C66(512x8),P93,BR93C46(64x16),P93X16,BR93C56(128x16),P93X16,BR93C66(256x16),P93X16,BR93LC46(128x8),BR93LC56(256x8),P93,BR93LC66(512x8),P93,BR93LC46(64x16),P93X16,BR93LC56(128x16),P93X16,BR93LC66(256x16),P93X16,BR9010AF,BR9020AF,BR9040AF,BR9080AF,BR9080CF,BR9010B(128x16),BR90,BR9020B(128x16),BR90,BR9040B(256x16),BR90,BR9080B(512x16),BR90,BR9020AM(128x16),BR90,BR9040AM(256x16),BR90,BR9080AM(512x16),BR90,BR9080CL(512x16),BR90,BR9016A(1024x16),BR90,BR9016AM(1024x16),BR90,BR9016CM(1024x16),BR90,BR9016CH(1024x16),BR90,____Serial-SAMSUNGKM24C02,KM24C04,KM24C08,KM24C16,KM93C46(128x8),P93,KM93C46V(128x8),P93,KM93C56(256x8),P93,KM93CS56(256x8),P93,KM93C57(256x8),P93,KM93C66(512x8),P93,KM93CS66(512x8),P93,KM93C67(512x8),P93,____Serial-ST24C01,24C02A,ST24C04,ST24C08,ST24C16,M93C46A(128x8),M93C56(256x8),P93,M93C66(512x8),P93,M93C57(128x16),P93,M93C76(512x16),P93X16,M93C86(2k,MST93C46(64x16),P93X16,M93C56(128x16),P93X16, M93C66(256x16),P93X16,M93C76(512x16),P93X16,M93C86(1k,M93S46,M93S46-W,M93S46-R,8M93S56,M93S56-W,M93S56-R,M93S66,M93S66-W,M93S66-R,M95160,M95320,M95640,____Serial-SGS-THOMSONST24C01,ST24C02A,ST24C04,ST24C08,ST24C16,ST93C46A(128x8),ST93C56(256x8),P93,ST93C66(512x8),P93,ST93C46(64x16),P93X16,ST93C56(128x16),P93X16,ST93C66(256x16),P93X16,ST93C57(128x16),P93,ST93C86(2kx8),P93,ST93C86(1kx16),P93X16,____Serial-XICORX24C00,X24C01,X24C01I,X24C01A,X2402,X2402I,X24C02,X24C02I,X2404,X2404I,X24C04,X24C04I,X24C16,X24C16I,X25043(8pin),X25045(8pin),X5043(8pin),X5045(8pin),X5043(14pin),X5045(14pin),X25010,X25020,X25040,X25080,X25160,X25320,X25640,X25650,X93C46(64x16),P93X16,X93C56(128x16),P93X16,X93C66(236x16),P93X16,X93C86(2kx8),P93,X93C86(1Kx16),P93X16,X25043(8pin),X25045(8pin),X5043(8pin),X5045(8pin),X5043(14pin),X5045(14pin),____Serial-PMCPM25010,PM25020,PM25040,PM25080,____Serial-PHILIPSPCF8570,PCF8570C,PCF8571,PCF8572,PCF8581,PCF8582,PCF8594,PCF8598,PCF85102,PCF85103,____Serial-YMCY24LC02A,P24,Y54LC64,YMC54XX,Y93LC46A(64x16),P93X16,Y93LC46A(256x16),P93X16,Y93LC46A(128x8),P93, Y93LC66A(512x8),P93,____PLD-ATMELATF16V8,ATF16V8B,ATF16V8BL,ATF16V8BQ,ATF16V8BQL,ATF16V8C,ATF16V8CEXT,ATF16V8CZ,ATF20V8,ATF20V8B,ATF20V8BL,ATF20V8BQL,ATF22V10,ATF22V10L,ATF22V10B/L,____PLD-LATTICEGAL16V8,GAL16V8A,GAL16V8B,GAL16V8C,GAL16V8D,GAL20V8,GAL20V8A,GAL20V8B,GAL22V10,GAL22V10A,GAL22V10B,GAL22V10C,GAL22V10D,____PLD-NSGAL16V8,GAL16V8A,GAL20V8,GAL20V8A,GAL20V8,GAL22V10,,____PLD-SGS/THOMSONGAL16V8,GAL16V8A,GAL16V8AS,GAL16V8S,GAL20V8,GAL20V8A,GAL20V8AS,GAL20V8S,GAL22V10,____PLD-VLSIVP16V8,VP20V8,____RAM-STAND6116,6264,62256,62512,628128,628256,628512,2464,24256,24512,24010,24020,24040,____RAM-WINBONDW2465,W24128,W24257A,W24257AC,W24M257,W24512A,W24M512,W24M512A,W24M1024,W24010,W24020,W24040,____RAM-INTEL6116,6264,62256,62512,628128,628256,628512,____RAM-DALLASDS1220Y,DS1220AB,DS1220AD,DS1225AB,DS1225AD,DS1225D,DS1225DE,DS1225Y,DS1230Y,DS1230AB,DS1245Y,DS12449,DS1250Y,____RAM-BDTICHK1225,HK1235,HK1245,HK1265,HK1255,____TEST-StandardICTEST(附加功能,只供参考):74xxx,40xxx,45xxx,9。

Omega FMA-A2000系列电子质量流量计 控制器说明书

Omega FMA-A2000系列电子质量流量计 控制器说明书

D-1The FMA-A2000 Series electronic mass flow meters/controllers provide high performance, versatility, and state-of-the-art design in one compact package. The FMA-A2000 uses capillary-type thermal technology to directly measure mass flow of gases. No temperature, pressure, or square root corrections are required.The FMA-A2300/2400 Series comes with an LCD display, and all models have linear 0 to 5 Vdc and 4 to 20 mA output.The FMA-A2000 measures the mass flow rate of gases in 24 ranges from 0 to 100 SLM. For the complete listing, refer to the range table on pageD-20. The FMA-A2000 Series is compatible with most non-corrosive gases. The user is advised to check the wetted materials against gas compatibility.OMEGA’s mass flow controllers use an internal electromagnetic proportional valve to control the mass flow rate. A command signal can be supplied either by the internal setpoint pot or by a 0 to 5 Vdc external source.U ±1% AccuracyU Linear Analog Output U Low CostU Thermal TechnologyU For Flow Rates Up to 100 SLM U Power Supply IncludedFMA-A2000 SeriesGAS MASS FLOW METERS AND CONTROLLERSFor Clean GasesWith Optional Integral Display FMA-A2417 with display, shown smaller than actual size.FMA-A2117 without display,shown smaller than actual size.D-2SPECIFICATIONSAccuracy: ±1% of full scale including linearityRepeatability: ±0.15% full scale or betterTurndown Ratio: 100:1Response Time: 5 seconds Gas Ambient Temperature: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)Temperature Coefficient:0.05% full scale per 1°C or better Pressure Coefficient:0.01% full scale per psi or betterMeters: 20 SLM: 20 psiPolyacetal: 316 SS:Leak Integrity:1 x10-6Wetted Parts:Standard: Optional:Connections: 1⁄41⁄4Control Signal:Control Valve:normally closed Output Signal:1000 Ω500 Ω 316 SS Body: Polyacetal:Input Power:M eters: Controller: Dimensions:Weight:with power supplyNIST calibration (5 data points).* Insert range code from table at top of page to complete model number.For optional 316 stainless steel body, add suffix “-SS ” to model number for additional cost (1⁄4" compression fittings standard). SS body standard on FMA-A22 and FMA-A24 controllers.Note: All controller flow ranges specified are for nitrogen or air at 20 psig; when used for other gases, a correlation factor is needed to determine the flow rate.** Specify gas, inlet/outlet pressure, temperature.For 10-point NIST calibration certificate, add suffix “-NIST10” to model number for additional cost.Ordering Examples: FMA-A2316, mass flow meter with display, calibrated for nitrogen at 20 psig inlet, room temperature for 0 to 45 SLM. ∆P: 5 to 20 psi.FMA-A2102-SS , 316 stainless steel body mass flowmeter without display, 0 to 50 SCCM.6Tubing and fittings of various materials and styles are available. Visit us online for details.more details.。



目录NO.1 安装及配线 (1)1.1安装和储存 (1)1.2主回路端子排列 (3)1.3控制端子排列 (3)1.4主回路端子说明 (3)1.5控制端子说明 (3)1.6基本配线图 (3)NO.2 操作器说明 (5)2.1操作面板外观及按键功能说明 (5)2.2显示项目说明 (5)NO.3 功能一览表 (6)3.1基本功能功能参数 (6)3.2应用功能参数 (7)3.3输入/出端子功能参数 (7)3.4模拟量功能参数 (8)3.5多段速功能参数 (9)3.6保护功能参数 (9)3.7恒压供水功能参数 (10)3.8马达功能参数 (10)3.9PID功能参数 (11)3.10通讯功能参数 (11)3.11监视功能参数 (11)NO.4 保养维护及故障信息 (12)4.1故障信息及故障排除 (12)4.2常见异常现象及对策 (13)保修及服务 (14)NO.1 安装及配线1No.1 安装及配线1.1 变频器的安装1.11(D1M)1.12NO.1 安装及配线2◆◆NO.1 安装及配线31.2 主回路端子排列1.3 控制端子排列1.4 主回路端子说明1.5 控制端子说明1.6 基本配线图NO.1 安装及配线4NO.2 操作器说明No.2 操作器说明2.1 操作面板外观及按键功能说明2.2 显示项目说明5NO.3 功能一览表6No.3 功能一览表╳3.1 基本功能功能参数NO.3 功能一览表3.2 应用功能参数3.3 输入/出端子功能参数7NO.3 功能一览表3.4 模拟量功能参数8NO.3 功能一览表3.5 多段速功能参数3.6 保护功能参数9NO.3 功能一览表3.7 恒压供水功能参数3.8 马达功能参数NO.3 功能一览表3.9 PID功能参数3.10 通讯功能参数3.11 监视功能参数NO.4 保养维护及故障信息No.4 保养维护及故障信息4.1 故障信息及故障排除NO.4 保养维护及故障信息4.2 常见异常现象及对策。

FA 产品说明书

FA 产品说明书

HUMAN MACHINEINTERFACESENERGYMANAGEMENTSOLUTIONSFA COMPONENTSMACHINE VISIONSYSTEMSUV CURINGSYSTEMSCX-400CY-100EX-10EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440EQ-30MQ-WRX-LS200RXRT-610Long sensing rangeAn adjustable range to 2.5 m 8.202 ft allows plenty ofspace for installation.1 m 3.281 ft sensing range type also available. Adjustthe volume easily to suit your needs when using at closerange.Hardly affected by background objectsBecause the sensor doesn’t detect objects outside thepreset sensing field by using the 2-segment photodiodeadjustable range system, it will not malfunction even ifsomeone walks behind the sensing object or machinesor conveyors are in the background.Note: Please note that malfunction may occur when there are specularobjects or objects with a mirror-like surface in the background.Impervious to variations color or angleThe optical system has been optimized. Since thesensor is hardly influenced at all by angles or the glossof objects compared to the previous model, it is possibleto detect both white objects and black objects at almostConvenient terminal block typeCabling enabledby way of aterminal blockthat eliminateswaste.MOUNTINGAdjusterDistance adjusterRefer to p.334 “Mounting” of “PRECAUTIONS FOR PROPERUSE” section.Adjustable Range Reflective Photoelectric SensorEQ-500 SERIES330FIBER SENSORSLASER SENSORS PHOTOELECTRIC SENSORS AREASENSORS SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOWSENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORSPARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLEWIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS PLCHUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGYMANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FA COMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UV CURINGSYSTEMSCX-400CY-100EX-10 EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440MQ-W RX-LS200RXRT-610Equipped with both NPN and PNP outputs We’ve added a DC-voltage type with NPN and PNP transistor outputs all in one sensor. Its BGS/FGS function controls any background effects for more stable sensing.Multi-voltageBecause it can function with 24 to 240 V AC and 12 to 240 V DC, almost any power supply anywhere in the world will do.Convenient timer function modelsTypes with an ON-delay/OFF-delay timer available.OFF-delay, e.g. useful when the response of theconnected device is slow, ON-delay, e.g. useful to detect objects that take a long time to move.BGS/FGS functions make even the most challenging settings possible!FUNCTIONSWhen object and background are separated BGS (Background suppression) functionThe sensor judges that an object ispresent when light is received at position A of the light-receiving element (2-segment element).This is useful if the object and background are far apart.Not affected if the background color changes or someone passes behind the conveyor.When object and background are close togetherWhen the object is glossy or uneven FGS (Foreground suppression) functionThe sensor judges that no object is present when light is received at position B of the light receiving element (2-segment element) (The conveyor is detected). This function is useful if the object and the background are close together or if the object is glossy or uneven.However, sensing is impossible if there is no background (conveyor, etc.).Note: Refer to “BGS/FGS function (p.335)” of “PRECAUTIONS FOR PROPER USE ” for operation of BGS/FGS function.The BGS function is best suited for background not presentThe FGS function is best suited for background present• Operation: ON-delay, OFF-delay • Timer period: 0.1 to 5 sec.(individual setting possible)056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONIC AGSENSOROPTIONSSIMPLEWIRE-SAVINGUNITSWIRE-SAVINGSYSTEMSMEASURE-MENTSENSORSSTATICCONTROLDEVICESLASERMARKERSPLCHUMANMACHINEINTERFACESENERGYMANAGEMENTSOLUTIONSFACOMPONENTSMACHINEVISIONSYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSEX-ZCX-400CY-100EX-10EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440MQ-WRX-LS200RXRT-610Two M5 (length 30 mm 1.181 in)screws with washers and twonuts are attached.Sensor mounting bracket• MS-EQ5-01Adjustable Range Reflective Photoelectric SensorEQ-500 SERIES332FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS MEASURE-MENT SENSORSSTATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS PLC HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FACOMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UVCURINGSYSTEMSEX-Z CX-400CY-100EX-10 EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440MQ-W RX-LS200RX RT-610Notes: 1) Where measurement conditions have not been specified precisely, the conditions used were an ambient temperature of +23 °C +73.4 °F .2) The adjustable range stands for the maximum sensing range which can be set with the distance adjuster. The sensor can also detect an object 0.1 m 0.328 ft , or more, away.3) The adjustable range, sensing range and hysteresis are specified for white non-glossy paper (200 × 200 mm 7.874 × 7.874 in ) as the object.4) Note that the detection may be unstable depending on the mounting conditions or the sensing object. In the state that this product is mounted, be sure to check the operation with the actual sensing object. Refer to “Automatic interference function (p.334)” of “PRECAUTIONS FOR PROPER USE ” for details.056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONIC AG333Adjustable Range Reflective Photoelectric Sensor EQ-500SERIESFIBERSENSORSLASERSENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRICSENSORSAREASENSORSSAFETY LIGHTCURTAINS /SAFETYCOMPONENTSPRESSURE /FLOWSENSORSINDUCTIVEPROXIMITYSENSORSPARTICULARUSESENSORSSENSOROPTIONSSIMPLEWIRE-SAVINGUNITSWIRE-SAVINGSYSTEMSMEASURE-MENTSENSORSSTATICCONTROLDEVICESLASERMARKERSPLCHUMANMACHINEINTERFACESENERGYMANAGEMENTSOLUTIONSFACOMPONENTSMACHINEVISIONSYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSEX-ZCX-400CY-100EX-10EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440MQ-WRX-LS200RXRT-610EQ-501(T) EQ-502(T)I/O circuit diagramI/O circuit diagramEQ-511(T) EQ-512(T)Terminal arrangement diagramEQ-501(T) EQ-511(T)Sensing fields Correlation between material(200 × 200 mm 7.874 × 7.874 in) and sensing range • Setting distance: 1 m 3.281 ft0.7870.787SettingdistanceL(mftCenterOperating point ℓ (mm in)• Setting distance: 2.5 m 8.202 ft0.7870.3940.3940.787SettingdistanceL(mftCenterOperating point ℓ (mm in)••••These bars indicatethe sensing rangewith the respectiveobjects when thedistance adjuster isset to a sensing rangeof 2.5 m 8.202 ft / 1 m3.281 ft long,respectively, withwhite non-glossypaper.2.5 m8.202 ft1 m3.281 ftWhitenon-glossypapeCardboarPlywooBlackrubbeGraynon-grossypaper(Lightness:5Correlation between color(200 × 200 mm 7.874 × 7.874 in non-glossy paper) and sensing range Emitted beamCorrelation between sensing object sizeand sensing range••••2.5 m8.202 ft1 m3.281 ftThese bars indicatethe sensing range withthe respective colorswhen the distanceadjuster is set to asensing range of 2.5 m8.202 ft / 1 m 3.281 ftlong, respectively, withwhite non-glossypaper.The sensing rangealso varies dependingon material.WhitYelloOrangReBrowBluGreeGra(Lightness:Gra(Lightness:5White non-glossy paperside length a (mm in)1.969 3.937 5.9067.874This curve showsthe characteristicswith the maximumsensing range setto 2.5 m 8.202 ft,with whitenon-glossy paper(200 × 200 mm7.874 × 7.874 in).Terminal arrangement diagramSymbols ... D: Reverse supply polarity protection diodeZ D1, Z D2: Surge absorption zener diodeTr1: NPN output transistorTr2: PNP output transistor056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONICAGAdjustable Range Reflective Photoelectric SensorEQ-500 SERIES334FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORSSAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORS INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMSMEASURE-MENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS PLC HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FACOMPONENTS MACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UVCURINGSYSTEMSEX-Z CX-400CY-100EX-10 EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440MQ-W RX-LS200RX RT-610EQ-502 (T ) EQ-512 (T )Sensing fieldsCorrelation between material(200 × 200 mm 7.874 × 7.874 in ) and sensing range• Setting distance: 0.5 m 1.640 ft• Setting distance: 1 m 3.281 ftThese bars indicate the sensing range with the respective objectswhen the distance adjuster is set to asensing range of 1 m 3.281 ft / 0.5 m 1.640 ftlong, respectively, with white non-glossy paper.•• ••1 m 3.281 ft 0.5 m 1.640 ft W h i t e n o n - g l o s s y p a p e C a r d b o a r P l y w o o B l a c k r u b b e G r a y n o n -g r o s s y p a p e r (L i g h t n e s s : 50.7870.3940.3940.787Center Operating point ℓ (mm in )0.7870.3940.3940.787Center Operating point ℓ (mm in )Correlation between color (200 × 200 mm 7.874 × 7.874 in non-glossy paper) and sensing rangeEmitted beamCorrelation between sensing object size and sensing rangeThese bars indicate the sensing range with the respective colors when the distance adjuster is set to a sensing range of 1 m 3.281 ft / 0.5 m 1.640 ft long, respectively, with white non-glossy paper.The sensing range also varies depending on material.•••• W h i t Y e l l o w O r a n g R e B ro w B l u G r e e G r a (L i g h tn e s s : 8G r a (L i g h t n e s s : 5 1 m 3.281 ft 0.5 m 1.640 ftThis curve shows the characteristics with the maximumsensing range set to 1 m3.281 ft , with white non-glossy paper(200 × 200 mm 7.874 × 7.874 in).White non-glossy paper side length a (mm in )1.969 3.937 5.9067.874Mounting• T he tightening torque • C are must be taken regarding the sensor • W hen detecting a specular object (aluminum or copper foil, etc.) or an object having a glossy surface or coating, please note that there are cases when the object may not be detected due to a change in angle, wrinkles on the object surface, etc.• I f a specular body is present in the background, faulty operation may be caused due to a small change in the angle of the background body. In that case, install the sensor at an inclination and confirm the operation with the actual sensing object.• W hen a specular body is present below the sensor, use the sensor by tilting it slightly upwards to avoid faulty operation.• T his product is not easily affected by the reflected light intensity since this sensor is the adjustable range reflective type. When the reflected light intensity is remarkably low, the sensing range may be affected. In that case, mount the sensor, while checking light-up of the stable indicator (green).• T he mounting screws of the terminal cover and display cover should certainly be tightened to maintain water-resistance; the tightening torque of the screws should be 0.3 to 0.5 N·m.Automatic interference prevention function•W hen the sensors are mounted closely, use them in the interference prevented area, as shown below.in 5.9061.9699.8437.8743.937Mounting interval L (mm in e t t i n g d i s t a n c e (m f t )• N ote that the detection may be unstable depending on the mounting conditions or the sensing object to be used.In the state that this product is mounted, be sure to check the operation with the actual sensing object to be used.3.26.58 2.3620.787 3.151.575S e t t i n g d i s t a n c e (m f t )Mounting interval L (mm 056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONIC AG335Adjustable Range Reflective Photoelectric Sensor EQ-500SERIESFIBERSENSORSLASERSENSORSPHOTO-ELECTRICSENSORSAREASENSORSSAFETY LIGHTCURTAINS /SAFETYCOMPONENTSPRESSURE /FLOWSENSORSINDUCTIVEPROXIMITYSENSORSPARTICULARUSESENSORSSENSOROPTIONSSIMPLEWIRE-SAVINGUNITSWIRE-SAVINGSYSTEMSMEASURE-MENTSENSORSSTATICCONTROLDEVICESLASERMARKERSPLCHUMANMACHINEINTERFACESENERGYMANAGEMENTSOLUTIONSFACOMPONENTSMACHINEVISIONSYSTEMSUVCURINGSYSTEMSEX-ZCX-400CY-100EX-10EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440MQ-WRX-LS200RXRT-610Wiring Part descriptionOperation mode switchBGS/FGS function (DC-voltage type only)• D C-voltage type sensor incorporates BGS/FGS function.Select either the BGS or FGS function depending on thepositions of the background and sensing object.• B GS/FGS function is set with the operation mode switch.• F GS function is used when the sensing object contactsthe background (conveyor, etc).• D epends on a selection of either BGS or FGS function,the output operation changes as follows.• C heck all wiring before applying power since incorrectwiring may damage the internal circuit. Also, carefullytighten the terminal screws so that the wires of adjacentterminals do not touch.• T he mounting hole for the terminal cover fixing screwsinclines 70 degrees to the terminal cover, as shown in thefigure below.To avoid damaging this product or screw, take care whentightening or loosening a screw.Notes: 1) T he operation mode switch of the DC-voltage type is the DIP switch.Refer to “DC-voltage type” of “Operation mode switch” for details.2) Incorporated on EQ-5□T only.Note: T urn the operation mode switch gradually and lightly with the attachedscrewdriver. Turning with excessive strength will cause damage to theadjuster.Multi-voltage type (L-ON/D-ON mode only)DC-voltage typeDFGSTimer ONN.C.Timer modeNot used• T o maintain water-resistance, the cable should havean outer diameter between ø9 to ø11 mm ø0.354 toø0.433 in with a smooth covering material that allows theattached conduit connector to be securely tightened; thetightening torque of the screw should be of 1.5 to 2.0 N·m.• I f an external surge voltage exceeding 4 kV is impressed(DC-voltage type: 1 kV), the internal circuit will bedamaged, and a surge suppressing element should beused.• P repare the cable end as shown below.Dimensions of the suitable crimp terminals• T he size of conduit is M20 × 1.5 mm 0.787 in.• I f pressure terminals are to be used, affix the connectedpressure terminals to a terminal (M3.5 screw).Conduit connector construction and cablingNote: W hen assembling the conduit connector, pay attention to the directionof the gland packing.Furthermore, in order to maintain water-resistance, fit the glandpacking such that the seating surface of the gland packing contactsthe packing holder part of the terminal cover evenly.• T he tightening torque for the terminal screws should be0.3 to 0.5 N·m.Note: U se crimp terminals with insulating sleeves.Recommended crimp terminal: Nominal size 1.25 × 3.5 0.049 × 0.138.056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONICAGAdjustable Range Reflective Photoelectric SensorEQ-500 SERIES336FIBER SENSORS LASER SENSORS PHOTO-ELECTRIC SENSORS AREA SENSORS SAFETY LIGHT CURTAINS /SAFETY COMPONENTS PRESSURE / FLOW SENSORSINDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS PARTICULAR USE SENSORS SENSOR OPTIONS SIMPLE WIRE-SAVING UNITS WIRE-SAVING SYSTEMS MEASURE-MENT SENSORS STATIC CONTROL DEVICES LASER MARKERS PLC HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACES ENERGY MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FACOMPONENTSMACHINE VISION SYSTEMS UVCURINGSYSTEMSEX-Z CX-400CY-100EX-10EX-20EX-30EX-40CX-440MQ-W RX-LS200RX RT-610Stability indicatorTimer function (EQ-5□T only)• Since the EQ-500 series uses a 2-segment photodiode as its receiving element, and sensing is done based on the difference in the incident beam angle of thereflected beam from the sensing object, the output and the operation indicator (orange) operate according to the object distance.Furthermore, the stability indicator (green) shows the margin of the setting distance.• EQ-5□T incorporates an OFF-delay timer, which is useful when the response of the connected device is slow, etc., and an ON-delay timer, which is useful for detecting objects that move slowly, for example.• The OFF-delay and ON-delay timers can be used simultaneously.• For DC-voltage type, set the DIP switch for the timer mode to ‘Timer ON’ side.Unstableoperating conditionON (Lights up)OFF (Lights off)Lights up Lights offOthers• Do not use during the initial transient time (50 ms) after the power supply is switched on.• Its distance adjuster is mechanically operated. Do not drop; avoid other shocks.EQ-501(T ) EQ-502(T ) EQ-511(T ) EQ-512(T )SensorNotes: 1) The operation mode switch of the DC-voltage type is the DIPswitch.2) For EQ-5□T only.Assembly dimensions with sensor mounting bracket MS-EQ5-01 (Optional) (Foot angled mounting)Material: Cold rolled carbon steel (SPCC)Two M5 (length 30 mm 1.181 in ) screws with washers and two nuts are attached.Time chartTimer period: T = 0.1 to 5 sec. (variable)056 222 38 18*********************SEN TRONIC AG。



目录一、概述 (1)二、功能特点 (2)三、技术指标 (4)四、安装与接线及外形结构 (6)五、仪表运行及操作 (9)六、仪表参数设置及通讯协议 (20)七、软件使用说明 (27)八、故障分析与排除 (30)一、概述触控数据记录仪以其丰富的显示画面、灵活的操作方式以及强大的记录、运算、控制和管理功能,在各行各业中获得了极其广泛的应用。








测量、显示基本误差:±0.1% F·S可参数设置多点报警功能。

1二、功能特点本产品显示信息量大、界面友好、操作简单,下面是主要功能特点:不需要笔和纸记录,日常维护工作量非常小,运行费用低;采用高亮度触控彩色TFT液晶屏,CCFL背光、画面清晰;采用ARM微处理器,可同时实现多路(仪器内部最高64路信号采集、记录、显示和报警;采用70MB 大容量的FLASH 闪存芯片存贮历史数据,掉电永不丢失数据;全隔离万能输入,可同时输入多种信号,无需更换模块,直接在仪器上设置即可;显示工程量数据的数值范围更宽可显示6位数值:-999,99~1999.99;可以参数设置、显示工程位号,工程单位,有流量累积;具有闪动报警显示,同时指示各路通道的下下限、下限、上限、上上限报警;8路继电器报警输出(订做产品);显示精度高,基本误差为±0.1% F·S;内置GB2312汉字库,使用全拼输入法输入;支持外接微型打印机,手动打印数据、曲线,自动定时打印数据,满足用户现场打印的需求(订做产品);配备标准USB2.0接口。

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2.4本机器耗电少; 打手刚性好, 噪声低。

3.2堆放棉包重量 2000kg
3.6小车回转速度 1.125,2.17rpm(可调)
转速720rpm , 871rpm(可调)
工作长度 1618mm

3.11打手连续上升时间 1080mm/3′40″
3.13电动机型号及功率: 小车回转电动机XWD-0.55-2-29
打手电动机 Y100L2-4



































序号 故 障 原 因 排 除 方 法
前方风机抽风不足 加大前方风机风量
打手下降太大 减少打手下降量
1 打手堵车
打手刀片上缠绕杂物 手动排除
打手皮带打滑 更换皮带
2 抓取的棉花高低不平打手高低不平 调节打手丝杆链轮
3 打手无法启动 棉斗观察窗行程保护 重新关好视窗玻璃



12.1 FA002-FT1 地脚示意图
12.2 FA002-FT2 传动系统图
12.3 FA002-FT3 全机缩小图。
