美国DYNISCO 2243系列压力传感器型号说明




Z/ISE30A 系列压力开关设定说明设定顺序:通电—测量模式—零点校正—功能设定—测量模式产品通电后,自动进入压力测量模式,第一次使用时,请按如下顺序操作。

1、零点校正:产品第一次使用时,通电且不施加气压时,如果显示值不为零,和键同时按住1s 以上,显示值归零。

2、基本功能设定:测量模式下按住键2s 以上,压力开关进入功能设定模式,显示屏显示为。




全部功能列表:项目出厂设置F0:单位选择功能 ISE-Mpa,ZSE-KPa,Option P-psi F1:OUT1规格设定 迟滞模式,常开F2:OUT2规格设定 迟滞模式,常开 F3:响应时间设定 2.5 ms F4:显示精度设定 1/1000 F5:自动预设功能设定 手动模式F6:显示值校正 0% F7:省电模式选择 OFF F8:密码锁设定OFF1)F0-单位选择功能可选功能,部分型号无此功能。



测量模式按住键2s 以上功 能 选 择 模 式功能设定2)F1-OUT1输出规格设定方法:此部分可设置输出类别(迟滞型/比较型)和输出模式(常开/常闭)设定。

按键进入单位选择模式按和键选择对应单位交替显示按键完成设定返回到功能选择模式,屏幕显示F0F0-单位选择功能设定完成输出模式常开型 出厂时默认设置常闭型迟滞模式(出厂时默认设置) 压力输出迟滞(H-1)压力输出压力输出迟滞(H-1)压力输出比较模式(也称窗口比较模式) 迟滞模式(出厂时默认设置) 比较模式(也称窗口比较模式) 迟滞(H1) 迟滞(H1)迟滞(H1) 迟滞(H1)功能选择模式下按和至屏幕显示,然后按进入OUT1规格设定。

压力设定状态:此状态下设定压力开关输出的ON/OFF 点。

以迟滞型为例:输出方法:当压力超过设定值时,开关输出变为ON 。

Honeywell 固态压力传感器 说明书

Honeywell 固态压力传感器 说明书

Honeywell 固态压力传感器20PC 系列 20PC Flow Through 系列无放大压力传感器 22PC 系列 24PC 系列 26PC 系列 24PC 26PC压力量程(psi ) 1,15,100 0-0.5,0-1,0-5,0-150-30,0-100,0-2501,0-5,0-15,0-30 0-100 0.5,1,5,15,30,100,250 压力测量方式 表压 表压、差压、绝压表压和差压 表压 结构 热塑 热塑热塑 热塑 端子 PCB PCBPCB PCB ,引线 输出 mV mVmV mV MV 零点、满量程校正 无 无有 无 有 温度补偿 无 无 有 无 有信号处理放大压力 140PC 系列 160PC 系列 189PC 系列传感器压力量程(psi ) 0-1,0-2,0-5,0-5.80-10,0-30(141/142PC)±1,±2.5,±5,±15(143PC)0-27.68″H 2O(161/162PC) ±2.5,5″H 2O(163PC) 0-5,0-10″H 2O(164PC) 0-15 0-100 0-150 压力测量方式 绝压、差压、表压和负压差压、表压和负压 表压 结构 热塑热塑 热塑 端子 0.010″×0.020″PCB同左 0.025″×0.025″PCB 输出 VV V 零点、满量程校正 有有 有 温度补偿 有 有 有气体质量流量传感器低流量AWM1000系列 AWM2000系列 AWM3000系列 AWM40000系列流量范围 ±200,-600 to 1000sccm ±30, ±200, ±1000sccm 0-30,0-200,0-1000sccm ±25,±1000sccm,+6SLPM压力范围 ±4″H 2O ±4″H 2O +2″H2)供电电压 10V 10V 10V 10V输出 MV MV V&mA MV&V温度范围 -25~+85℃ -25~+85℃ -25~+85℃ -25~+85℃端子 0.025″PCB 0.025″PCB 0.025″PCB 0.025″PCB反应时间 3ms max 3ms max 3ms max 3ms max最大共模压力 25psi 25psi 25psi 150psi71170PC 系列 230P 系列 FS 系列触力传感器40PC/4000PC/5000PC 系列 ST/ML 系列 SSP 系列±1,0-15,0-100,0-150,0-250psi(40PC) 0-1,5,10,25,50,100,150,200,250, 0-15,0-100,0-250psi(SSPB,SSPC,SSPE)±1,0-15,0-100,0-150psi,0-250(4000PC) 0-300,500,1K,2K,3K,5Kpsi 1.5-15,100,250psi(SSPD)表压 表压,密封表压 表压热塑(40PC ),黄铜(4000PC ) 不锈钢,黄铜 压铸锌PCB 引脚(40PC ),引线(4000PC ) PACKARD 300mm 长,#18线规引线V 0.5-4.5V 或4-20mA MA 模拟输出或可调触发开关输出有 有 有有 有 有高流量AWM5000系列0-7” H 2O 0-14” H 2O ,0-28”H 2O 0-15,0-30,0-60,0-100,0-150psi 1500g,500g,*过压5500g差压和表压表压 触力 热塑 不锈钢 外壳热塑,不锈钢插杆0.020×0.014”PCB 18”长,22号线规,4芯电缆 PCBmV mV mV 有有 有 有 有 有0-5,0-10,0-15,0-20SLPM---10VV-25-+70℃AMP 4针连接器60ms max50psiHoneywell Datamate 型压力传感器主要应用・液位测量・天然气管线・流量检测・厂用水气油等公用系统・地球物理探测・润滑系统・泄漏探测 特性 好处・低成本 ・可用于各种工业场合・螺纹连接导线管 ・可用于过程控制・防水外壳 ・可直接安装・工厂标定 ・易包装・结构紧凑主要技术参数 尺寸图XX,XX=inches, (XX,XX)=mm DIMENSIONS XX,XX=inches (XX,X)=mm量程范围0-5,15,25,50 PSIG0-100,200 PSIS0-500,1K ,3K ,5K ,PSIS物理参数保证压力: 2倍或1.5倍额定电压冲击压力: 10倍或5倍额定电压材料: 300系列不锈钢冲击: 50g(5ms)振动: Meets MIL-STD-810-C,Figue 514,2-5, Curve AK,20.7g rms minimum重量: 小于155克电气参数满量程输出: 16±0.32mA进入1400Ω回路电阻@25度零输出: 4±0.04 mA@25度电源: 12 to 40Vdc反极性保护: 有绝缘电阻: 1000M Ω,250 Vdc电气连接: 包括机壳接地3线,24AWG,XML 绝缘,43cm 长。

世伟洛克 E 型工业压力传感器使用手册说明书

世伟洛克 E 型工业压力传感器使用手册说明书

MS-CRD-PTI-ERev 2 11-08-WEL工业压力传感器用户手册 E 型E 型世伟洛克® (Swagelok)工业压力传感器可在各种各样的工业应用中提供系统压力的电子监测。

E 型传感器是被特殊设计用于满足需要防爆等级的工业应用对耐久性和性能的要求。


该产品的精度为极限点校准量程的 0.5 %(最佳拟合直线量程的 0.25 %),且拥有温度补偿,能在温度波动的应用环境下确保准确性和长期稳定性。


■ 安全图标 ............................. 1■ 安全使用说明 ......................... 1■ 机械安装 ............................. 2■ 使用与维护 ........................... 2■ 电气安装 ............................. 2■ 接线图............................... 3■ FM 和CSA 认证 ....................... 3■ 故障排除指南 . (4)目录可能造成生命危险或严重伤害。



注意,重要信息该产品由 CSA International 测试并鉴定。


该产品由FM Approvals 测试并鉴定。


警告警告警告安全图标为了正确和安全的使用,必须根据NEC 、适用的本地规范以及本说明安装、使用和维护世伟洛克 E 型 传感器。





英国密析尔MICHELL 仪表制造商露点变送器,dewpointmeters ,冷/冷镜湿度计,相对湿度传感器,过程水分测定仪,碳氢露点分析仪,液体分析仪中的水分和氧气分析仪,是一家国际领先的高精度传感与结束在该领域有30多年的经验。

我们的产品范围的高精度电容湿度传感器,帮助客户测量微量水分,在其过程中的应用,而我们的相对湿度变送器,相对湿度和温度传感器被广泛应用于HV AC 应用,药品储存等生产流程控制的环境条件是至关重要的。


我们提供高速测量中的应用范围,包括发电站,燃烧优化控制CO 2的水平啤酒厂,清洁气体的过程,如硅片生产和纯气体生成氧气。

天然气行业和发电厂的客户节省数百万美元的维修和停机时间,通过使用我们的康达迈科Condumax II 烃露点分析仪,以确保传输的天然气质量在贸易交接,防止燃气燃烧器故障,延长寿命过程的设备。



这款轻巧,ATEX ,IECEx 认证,FM ,CSA ,GOST 认证产品比其他任何同类产品让更多的测量每工作小时。


产品特点∙ 在低压下从T95至-60℃,小于15分钟时间反复快速的测量∙ 更高的压力测量成为可能 - 高达350巴 ∙ 电池寿命长:长达48小时的典型使用费用之间∙ 直观的应用套件,允许快速和简单的连接到您的采样点∙ 耐用,易于处理和操作:专为在工业环境中使用∙ 4-20 mA 外部设备输入变送器校准和验证∙ 轻量级:小于1.5公斤 ∙13点可溯源校准证书MDM300的MDM300采样选项MDM300 MDM300要获得最佳性能,它是为您的测量点有适当的样品调节至关重要。

JUMO MIDAS S05 OEM 高压力传感器说明书

JUMO MIDAS S05 OEM 高压力传感器说明书

Page 1/12Data Sheet 401010JUMO MIDAS S05OEM Pressure Transmitter – UniversalApplications•HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air conditioning)•Refrigeration engineering •Compressor engineering •Machinery and plant engineering •Packaging industryBrief descriptionThe pressure transmitter is available with relative pressure and absolute pressure measuring ranges.The fully welded measuring system (without seals) made of high-grade stainless steel allows this device to be used in almost all media, even in harsh conditions. The structure ensures optimum protection against process medium leakage.The device features a silicon sensor that is extremely resistant to overloading even in the lowest measuring ranges and is capable of handling millions of pressure cycles.Type 401010 with cable socketType 401010 with M12×1 connectorCustomer benefits•EconomicA high degree of automation (digital compensation and calibration of sensor module) reduc-es production time and manufacturing costs.•Process reliabilityThe piezoresistive silicon sensor has a high level of overload protection and long-term sta-bility. The full final inspection in the fully automated measuring and calibration facility en-sures that each pressure transmitter is of high quality.•Time-saving, uncomplicated, and versatileThe installation of the measuring device requires little work and the electrical installation is simple. The modular structure allows universal use in almost any application.Special features•1to 100bar relative pressure,and also up to 25bar absolute pressure •High degree of process reliability due to a welded measuring system with no seals •Robust and maintenance-free measure-ment technology thanks to extreme over-load resistance•60% quicker device installation with the QUICKON quick-clamp technology •Robust construction guarantees a long operating life•Wetted stainless steel partsApprovals/approval marks (see "Technical data")Page 2/12Data Sheet 401010Technical dataGeneral InformationMeasuring range and accuracyReference conditions DIN 16086 and DIN EN 60770Sensor MaterialSilicon sensor with stainless steel separating membrane Pressure transfer means Synthetic oil Admissible load changes >10million Mounting position AnyCalibration positionDevice upright, process connection at the bottom Measuring range Linearity a Accuracy at Long-term stability b Overload-capability c Burst pressure 20°C d -20to +100°C e bar% MSP f % MSP % MSP % MSP per year bar bar 0to 1bar relative/absolute pressure 0.30.6 1.5< 0.2460to 1.6bar relative/absolute pressure 0.250.5 1.46100to 2.5bar relative/absolute pressure 0.250.5 1.310150to 4bar relative/absolute pressure 0.250.5 1.216240to 6bar relative/absolute pressure 0.250.5 1.224360to 10bar relative/absolute pressure 0.250.5 1.040600to 16bar relative/absolute pressure 0.20.5 1.0601000to 25bar relative/absolute pressure 0.20.5 1.01001500to 40bar relative/absolute pressure 0.20.5 1.01001500to 60bar relative pressure 0.20.5 1.01802500to 100bar relative pressure 0.20.5 1.0180250-0,6to +0,6bar relative pressure 0.30.6 1.546-1to 0bar relative pressure 0.30.6 1.546-1to +0.6bar relative pressure 0.30.6 1.5610-1to +1bar relative pressure 0.30.6 1.5610-1to +1.5bar relative pressure 0.30.6 1.41015-1to +3bar relative pressure 0.30.5 1.31624-1to +5bar relative pressure 0.250.5 1.32436-1to +9bar relative pressure 0.250.5 1.24060-1to +15bar relative pressure 0.250.5 1.060100-1to +24bar relative pressure0.20.51.0100150a Linearity according to limit point settingb Reference conditions EN 61298-1c All pressure transmitters are vacuum-proof.d Includes: linearity, hysteresis, repeatability, deviation of measuring range initial value and measuring range end valuee Includes: linearity, hysteresis, repeatability, deviation of measuring range initial value and measuring range end value, thermal effect on mea-suring range start and measuring span fMSP = measuring spanPage 3/12Data Sheet 401010OutputMechanical featuresAnalog output a Current 4to 20mA, two-wire (output 405)VoltageDC 0.5to 4.5V, three-wire, ratiometric 10to 90% of the voltage supply (output 412)DC 0to 10V, three-wire (output 415)DC 1to 5V, three-wire (output 418)DC 1to 6V, three-wire (output 420)Step response T 90≤5msBurden CurrentR L ≤(U B -8V)÷0.02A (Ω) at 4to 20mA, two-wire (output 405)Voltage(burden connected to "0V/S-")R L ≥5k Ω at DC 0.5to 4.5V, three-wire (output 412)R L ≥10k Ω at DC 0to 10V, three-wire (output 415)R L ≥10k Ω at DC 1to 5V, three-wire (output 418)R L ≥10k Ω at DC 1to 6V, three-wire (output 420)aFurther outputs are available upon request.MaterialProcess connection Stainless steel 304a Membranes Stainless steel 316L HousingStainless steel 304Attached cable(electrical connection 11)PBT-GF30, PVC, PE QUICKON(electrical connection 23)PBT-GF30Round plug M12×1 (electrical connection 36)PBT-GF30, stainless steel 303Bayonet connector(electrical connection 53)PBT-GF30Cable socket(electrical connection 61)PBT-GF30, PA, siliconeWeight80g with G 1/4 (process connection 502)aPressure transmitters with G 1/4 (process connection 521) are supplied with an FKM seal. Ensure the medium durability of the seal material!Page 4/12Data Sheet 401010Environmental influencesMedium temperature for electrical connection Attached cable -40to +125°C Round plug M12×1-40to +125°C Bayonet connector -40to +125°C Cable socket -40to +125°CAmbient temperature for electrical connection Attached cable-30to +100°CAt ambient temperature of -30°C restricted function. Only use when stationary. Risk of cable break.Round plug M12×1-40to +125°C Bayonet connector -40to +125°C Cable socket -40to +125°C Storage temperature for electrical connection Attached cable -30to +100°C Round plug M12×1-40to +125°C Bayonet connector -40to +125°C Cable socket -40to +125°CAdmissible humidity Operation 100% rel. humidity including condensation on the device outer case Storage90% rel. humidity without condensationAdmissible mechanical load Vibration resistance 20g at 10to 2000Hz, according to IEC 60068-2-6Shock resistance50g for 11ms, 100g for 1ms, according to IEC 60068-2-27Electromagnetic compatibility According to EN 61326-2-3Interference emission Class B aInterference immunity Industrial requirement Protection typefor electrical connection According to EN 60529Attached cable IP66 for relative pressure measuring range, IP67 for absolute pressure measuring range QUICKON bIP66Round plug M12×1cIP66Bayonet connector c IP67Cable socket c, dIP65a The product is suitable for industrial use as well as for households and small businesses.b Connecting cable diameter, minimum 3.5mm, maximum 6mmc The protection type is only achieved with a suitable mounted counter piece.dConnecting cable diameter, minimum 6mm, maximum 8mmPage 5/12Data Sheet 401010Auxiliary powerApprovals/approval marksVoltage supply U B a4to 20mA, two-wire (output 405)DC 8to 30V, rated voltage supply DC 24V DC 0.5to 4.5V, three-wire (output 412)DC 3to 5.25V, rated voltage supply DC 5V,ratiometric output 10to 90% of the voltage supply DC 0to 10V, three-wire (output 415)DC 11.5to 30V, rated voltage supply DC 24V DC 1to 5V, three-wire (output 418)DC 8to 30V, rated voltage supply DC 24V DC 1to 6V, three-wire (output 420)DC 8to 30V, rated voltage supply DC 24V Current consumption incl. load 4to 20mA, two-wire (output 405)≤25mA DC 0.5to 4.5V, three-wire (output 412)≤3mA DC 0to 10V, three-wire (output 415)≤3mA DC 1to 5V, three-wire (output 418)≤3mA DC 1to 6V, three-wire (output 420)≤3mA Reverse voltage protection 4to 20mA, two-wire (output 405)Yes DC 0.5to 4.5V, three-wire (output 412)No DC 0to 10V, three-wire (output 415)Yes DC 1to 5V, three-wire (output 418)Yes DC 1to 6V, three-wire (output 420)Yes Electrical circuit SELVRequirementsThe device must be equipped with an electrical circuit that meets the requirements of EN 61010-1 with regard to "Limited-energy circuits".aResidual ripple: the voltage peaks must not exceed or fall below the specified voltage supply values!Approval mark Testing agency Certificate/certification num-ber Inspection basisValid forc UL usUnderwriters LaboratoriesE201387UL 61010-1 (3. Ed.),CAN/CSA-22.2No.61010-1(3. Ed.)Only in connection with extra code 061;observe order detailsPage 6/12Data Sheet 401010DimensionsElectrical connectionPage 7/12Data Sheet 401010Process connectionØ12mmØ8mm**Extra code 630 pressure channel Ø8mmPage 8/12Data Sheet 401010Connection diagramThe connection diagram in the data sheet provides preliminary information about the connection options. For the electrical connection, only use the installation instructions or the operating manual. The knowledge and the correct technical compliance with the safety information and warnings contained in these documents are mandatory for mounting, electrical connection, and startup as well as for safety during operation.Cable socketThe pressure transmitter has to be connected to the potential equalization system of the plant through the electrical connection or process con-nection.Page 9/12Data Sheet 401010Assignment variants electrical connection, extra code 933Please provide the assignment variant in plain text with the order details (for example "B1")!The pressure transmitter has to be connected to the potential equalization system of the plant through the electrical connection or process con-nection.Color coding: connecting cable round plug M12×11 BN Brown2 WH White3 BU Blue4 BKBlackThe color coding is only valid for A-coded standard cables!Page 10/12Data Sheet 401010Order details(1)Basic type401010/000JUMO MIDAS S05 – OEM Pressure Transmitter – Universal401010/999JUMO MIDAS S05 – OEM Pressure Transmitter – Universal, special version (3)Input4540to 1 bar relative pressure 4550to 1.6 bar relative pressure 4560to 2.5 bar relative pressure 4570to 4 bar relative pressure 4580to 6 bar relative pressure 4590to 10 bar relative pressure 4600to 16 bar relative pressure 4610to 25 bar relative pressure 4620to 40 bar relative pressure 4630to 60 bar relative pressure 4640to 100 bar relative pressure 450-0.6to +0.6bar relative pressure 478-1to 0 bar relative pressure 479-1to +0.6bar relative pressure 449-1to +1 bar relative pressure 480-1to +1.5bar relative pressure 481-1to +3 bar relative pressure 482-1to +5 bar relative pressure 483-1to +9 bar relative pressure 484-1to +15 bar relative pressure 485-1to +24 bar relative pressure 4880to 1 bar absolute pressure 4890to 1.6 bar absolute pressure 4900to 2.5 bar absolute pressure 4910to 4 bar absolute pressure 4920to 6 bar absolute pressure 4930to 10 bar absolute pressure 4940to 16 bar absolute pressure 4950to 25 bar absolute pressure 5050to 40 bar absolute pressure998Special measuring range for absolute pressure 999Special measuring range for relative pressure (3)Output4054to 20mA, two-wire412DC 0.5to 4.5V, three-wire, ratiometric 415DC 0to 10V, three-wire 418DC 1to 5V, three-wire 420DC 1to 6V, three-wire 999Special versionPage 11/12Data Sheet 401010(4)Process connection501G 1/8 according to DIN EN 837502G 1/4 according to DIN EN 837504G 1/2 according to DIN EN 8375111/4-18 NPT according to DIN EN 837521G 1/4 according to DIN 3852-115627/16-20 UNF5637/16-20 UNF interior, with valve core handle 999Special version(5)Process connection material 20CrNi (stainless steel)(6)Electrical connection 11Attached cable a 23QUICKON36Round plug M12×153Bayonet DN 7258561Cable socket DIN EN 175301-803, Form A 99Special version (8)Extra codes 000None 061UL approval b591Choke in the pressure channel 624Oil and grease free 630Enlarged pressure channel c 876Test report933Assignment variants electrical connection da The standard cable length is 2m. Further lengths are available upon request.b The UL approval stipulates use of the pressure transmitter indoors. In addition, output 999, process connection 999, and electrical connection 99 are not possible. Special measuring ranges (input) are not allowed to exceed the 100 bar limit.c An enlarged pressure channel is only available with process connections G 1/2 (process connection 504), 1/4-18 NPT (process connection 511), and G 1/4 (process connection 521).dSpecifiy assignment variants in plain text.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)Order code -----/ , ...aOrder example401010/000-460-412-504-20-36/591aList extra codes in sequence, separated by commas.Minimum order volume for manufacturing devices: 5 pieces Minimum order volume for warehouse devices:1 piecePage 12/12Data Sheet 401010AccessoriesItemDescriptionPart no.Cable box, straightThe PVC connecting cable is 2m in length and has a 4-pin, straight M12×1 connector with gold-plated contacts on the device side.00404585Cable box, angledThe PVC connecting cable is 2m in length and has a 4-pin, angled M12×1 connector with gold-plated contacts on the device side.00409334。

美国MOTOROLA 压力传感器说明书

美国MOTOROLA 压力传感器说明书




具体型号分类而定名称:MPX2010DP 名称:MPX5700DP MPX5700GP 名称:MPX2100AP名称:MPX5500DP 名称:MPX5100AP 名称:MPX5050DP名称:MPX5010DP 名称:MPX4115AP 名称:MPX2200A 名称:MPX2200AP 名称:MPXH6115A6U 名称:MPX4250DP名称:MPX4115A 名称:MPX2202DP 名称:MPX2102AP名称:MPX2053GP 名称:MPXY8300A6U 压力传感器 名称:触力型压力传感器 FSG15N1A 名称:硅压力传感器 MPXH6115A 名称:MPX5700DP 硅压力传感器 名称:MPX53GP 硅压力传感器 名称:压力传感器FPM07 名称:轮胎压力传感器TP015 名称:轮胎压力传感器NPP301名称:Freescale 压力传感器 MPX2010DP商斯达实业传感器与智能控制分公司专门从事各种进口传感器的营销工作,代理多家欧美知名公司的产品。



商斯达实业代理的品牌产品主要有:压 力:Kulite、ACSI、Honeywell、Entran、Gems、Dwyer、SSI、Smi、Senstronics、Intersema、Motorola、 NAIS、E+H、Fujikura、Dytran、APM称重测力:Transcell、HBM、Interface、Thamesside、Philips、Entran 温 湿 度:Honeywell、Dwyer流 量:Gems、Dwyer、Honeywell、Folwline、WorldMagnetics 液 位:Honeywell、Siccom、Gems、Dwyer、Kulite、SSI 加 速 度:Entran、Silicondesigns、Dytran 压力开关:ACSI、Gems、Dwyer、台湾矽微航空器材:TexTech 隔音材料、Honeywell 薄膜加热片、DigirayX 射线探伤仪 仪 表:Honeywell、Transcell、东辉、上润、AD、东崎商斯达实业 除代理上述产品外,还有几条传感器生产线,一条压力传感器组装线,可为用户提供各种用途的、特殊要求的配套产品。

美国AST系列压力传感器选型表 - 中国环保设备网重点

美国AST系列压力传感器选型表 - 中国环保设备网重点

美国AST系列压力传感型号大类别产品描述主要技术参数AST4000UL/cUL508认证AST 4000采用整体不锈钢感应元件,可应用在各种要求结构坚固、使用寿命长,以及对不锈钢无腐蚀及损坏的领域,以实现其优秀和长期的测压性能。

为方便机械和电器连接,AST 4000提供了多种螺纹的压力接口及电信号输出以供选择。

精度:<+/-0.5% BFSL(高精度)稳定性(1年):+/-0.25%FS,(典型值)压力限制:2X额定压力爆破压力:5X or 20,000 PSI,(取小值)零点漂移:< +/-2% FS满量程误差:< +/-2% FS压力周期:>100百万工作温度:-40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)储存温度:-40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)AST4100 AST 4100是一种小型而价廉的不锈钢压力传感器。

AST 4100兼容的液压和气压范围可由0至10000 PSI,应用范围十分广阔。

AST 4100可选择10mV/V输出,或其它放大信号输出。

精度:<+/-0.5% BFSL(高精度)稳定性(1年):+/-0.25%FS,(典型值)超范围保护:2X额定压力压力周期:<100百万整个压力周期介质温度: -55 to 125°C (-65 to 250°F)储存温度: -40 to 125°C (-40 to 250°F支持条款:马达控制、控制面板满足UL508压力装置/连接:1/8" MNPT, 1/4"-18 NPT NPT Male,7/16"-20 UNF Male主体材料:介质接触部分为17-4PH的不锈钢材料(也可以使用316L)电器连接:2英寸长的电缆(标准条件下)包装条件:冷轧钢板AST4200 面板专用压力传感器为了简化压力传感器在控制面板上应用安装,美国传感器技术公司推出了AST4200贴板式压力传感器。

JUMO dTRAN S 压力传感器说明书

JUMO dTRAN S 压力传感器说明书

Data S heet 402051Page 1/3 JUMO dTRAN S p32Pre ss ure Tran s mitterG eneral applicationPressure transmitters are used for measuring relative (gauge) pressures in dry, non-corro-sive and non-ionizing gaseous media. The transmitter operates on the piezoresistive mea-suring principle. The pressure is converted into an electrical signal.Technical dataReference condition sto DIN 16086 and IEC 770/5.3Mea s urement range ssee Order detailsOverload limit4 x full scaleBur s ting pre ss ure8 x full scalePart s in contact with mediumSi, borosilicate glass, silicone, Au,CrNi steelOutput0—20mA3-wire burden ≤ (U B-12V) / 0.02A 4—20mA2-wire burden ≤ (U B-10V) / 0.02A 4—20mA3-wire burden ≤ (U B-12V) / 0.02A 0.5—4.5V burden ≥ 50kΩ1—6V burden ≥ 10kΩ0—10V burden ≥ 10kΩBurden error< 0.5% max.Zero s ignal deviation≤ 0.4% of full scaleThermal hy s tere s i s(within compensated temperature range)≤± 2%Ambient temperature errorwithin range 0to+100°C (compensated temperature range) zero:≤ 0.03%/°C typical,≤ 0.05%/°C max.span:≤ 0.02%/°C typical,≤ 0.04%/°C max. Deviation from characteri s tic≤ 0.5% of full scale(limit setting)Hy s tere s i s≤ 0.1% of full scaleRepeatability≤ 0.05% of full scaleS ettling timefor current output (output 402, 405 or 406):≤ 3msec max.for voltage output (output 412, 415,418 or 420):≤ 10msec max.S tability over 1 year≤ 1% of full scaleS upply10—30V DC(output 4—20mA and1—6V)5V DC (output0.5—4.5V)11.5—30V DC(output 0—10V)11.5—30V DC(output 0(4)—20mA)Ripple:The voltage spikes must not go outside thelimits specified for the supply.Max. current drawn: approx. 25mAS upply voltage error≤ 0.02%per V(nominal supply voltage 24V DC)ratiometric with supply voltage 5V DC(±0.5V)Permi ss ible ambient temperature-20to+100°CS torage temperature-40to+125°CPermi ss ible temperature of medium-30to+120°CElectromagnetic compatibilityEN 61 326interference emission:Class Binterference immunity:to industrialrequirementsMechanical s hoc k(to IEC 68-2-27)100g/1msecMechanical vibration(to IEC 68-2-6)20g max. at 15—2000HzProtectionwith terminal boxIP65 to EN 60529(connection cable diameter:5mm min., 7mm max.)with connection cableIP67 to EN 60529Hou s ingstainless steel, Mat. Ref. 1.4301polycarbonate GFPre ss ure connectionsee Order details;other connections on requestElectrical connectionsee Order detailsterminal box to DIN 43650,Style A,conductor cross-section up to 1.5mm2;orattached 4-core PVC cable, 2m longother lengths on requestNominal po s itionunrestrictedWeight200gmData S heet 40.2051Page 2/3Dimen s ion sElectrical connectionCaution:Earth the instrument!(pressure connection and / oror screenConnectionTerminalsConnector Cable Supply10—30V DC 11.5—30V DC 5V DC 1 L+2 L-white grayOutput 1—6V 0—10V 0.5—4.5V2 -3 +gray yellowOutput 4—20mA, 2-wire1 +2 -white grayproportional 4 to 20mA currentin supplyOutput 0(4)—20mA, 3-wire2 -3 +gray yellowProtective earth conductorScreenblackData S heet 40.2051Page 3/3Order detail sBa s ic type402051Pressure transmitter JUMO dTRANS p32I Ba s ic type e x ten s ionI/000noneI/034Sensor mit GelvorlageI/999special versionI I InputI I4110 40 mbar gauge pressureI I4130 60 mbar gauge pressureI I4140 100 mbar gauge pressureI I4150 160 mbar gauge pressureI I4510 0.25 bar gauge pressureI I4520 0.4 bar gauge pressureI I4530 0.6 bar gauge pressureI I999special gauge pressure rangeI I I OutputI I I4020 to 20mA 3-wireI I I405 4 to 20mA 2-wireI I I406 4 to 20mA 3-wireI I I4120.5 to 4.5V 3-wireI I I4150 to 10V 3-wireI I I418 1 to 5V 3-wireI I I420 1 to 6V 3-wireI I I I Proce ss connection (not front-flu s h)I I I I501pressure connection G 1/8 to EN 837I I I I502pressure connection G 1/4 to EN 837I I I I504pressure connection G 1/2 to EN 837 (standard connection)I I I I510pressure connection 1/8-27 NPT to DIN 837I I I I511pressure connection 1/4-18 NPT to DIN 837I I I I692 6 mm hose connectionI I I I Material of proce ss connectionI I I I I20stainless steelI I I I I I Electrical connectionI I I I I I12by attached cable (cable length in plain text)I I I I I I36by circular connector M12 x 1I I I I I I61by terminal boxI I I I I I I402051/----20-Order code。



高温熔体压力传感器使用说明书1.传感器安装注意事项:1.1 注意保护产品与介质接触部位,在安装前尽量不要取下产品的保护帽。

1.2 设备开孔需采用专业的开孔工具严格安装我司开孔尺寸开孔并保证孔内无杂质和毛刺。

1.3 螺纹安装时安装扭矩不得超过56N.m.最好在安装前在螺纹处涂抹防脱化合物。


2.传感器拆卸注意事项:2.1 清洁设备前必须拆下所有传感器;只有当聚合物为熔融状态下才能拆下传感器并立即用软布将探头部分擦净。

2.2 传感器拆后,需用专业的清理工具对孔进行清理,以便下次安装。

3.安装环境要求:3.1 传感器外壳部分必须固定在80℃以下温度处和不得暴露在水中或潮湿的环境中。

3.2 设备启动时确保物料为熔融状态,避免低温干扰,从而损坏传感器。


5.电缆线连接: 输出信号电缆线必须通过布线槽进行连接,同时需要屏蔽线单独接地,避免现场干扰。


拧开并取下Z和S处螺钉,用一字螺丝刀内置电位器,在无压力状态下调节零点6.2 零点调节和满度调节方向:顺时钟方向为增大,反之为减小。

6.3 一键清零产品调节零点时,只需取下螺钉,用螺丝刀轻按一下内置电位器即可。

9.常见故障及排除:9.1 变送器信号输出不稳:a.压力源本身是一个不稳定的压力;b.仪表或压力传感器抗干扰能力不强;c.传感器接线不牢或者接线部分老化d.传感器本身振动很厉害;e.传感器故障9.2 变送器接电无输出:a.接错线(仪表和传感器都要检查);b.导线本身的断路或短路;c.电源无输出或电源不匹配;d.仪表损坏或仪表不匹配9.3.机械部分故障:A.探头处有损伤:a.开孔过小;b.开孔与螺纹不同心;c.在低温时拆卸传感器。


Dynisco PT4624-35MPa-6/18

Dynisco PT4624-35MPa-6/18

Dynisco PT4624-35MPa-6/18压力变送器安装操作手册一、型号解释PT4624:表示输出信号为4~20mA +/- 0.5%的压力传感器35MPa:表示压力范围为0-35MPa6:表示硬管长度为6英寸18:表示软管长度为18英寸二、精度描述及输入电源要求1.输入电源:14~36VDC2.精度:+/- 0.5% FSO3.重复性:+/- 0.2%FSO4.电桥电阻:应变式惠斯通电桥5.过压:最大2倍于正常压力范围三、安装前注意事项1. 传感器的安装传感器的膜片是最容易损坏的部位,在安装之前请不要随意脱落其保护帽,同时在安装时要注意保护传感器的膜片。


2. 传感器的拆除安装时要保证安装孔内没有遗留的金属异物或塑料,在清理挤出机之前应将所有的传感器从机器上拆下。



3. 关于启动设备启动前要保证充分的加热和熔化时间,以确保挤出机械工作前传感器的膜片部位的所有物料都处于熔化状态。

4. 安装位置传感器的探头部分可耐高温,但是外壳耐温需在80℃以下,所以在安装使用过程中一定要注意将安装好的传感器外壳部分固定在室温环境中。


5. 过载影响在实际压力控制过程之中,最好在额定压力之内,虽然传感器有一定的过载能力,但长时间的过载将影响传感器的测量精度和使用寿命。

6. 传感器的电气连接在电气连接过程中,变送器的信号输出连接电缆必须单独通过布线槽进行连接,避免现场的干扰。

四、调零在传感器电子部分圆柱体上有一ZERO 螺丝,拧下螺丝用螺丝到调里面的螺丝到零点。

安装正误示意图图(一)图(二)图(三)图(四)电气连接示意图代码功能线缆颜色示意图A 信号正( SIG + )/电源正 红色(RED )连接接头型号:PT06A-10-6S(SR)Dynisco P/N 711600B 信号负( SIG - )/电源负黑色(BLACK ) C 未使用 白色(WHITE )D 未使用 绿色(GREEN )E 内部校准 蓝色(BLUE )F内部校准橙色(ORANGE )。



19C500G719C100A719C015A7/sensing 1 Heavy Duty products. Built for the toughest applications. Honeywell Sensing and Control (S&C) offers decades of experience in the heavy duty pressure products industry. That’s why, industry-wide, our heavy duty pressure sensors and transducers are known for enhanced quality, reliability, and service – which adds up to outstanding value for your applications.Heavy Duty Pressure Sensors are small, allowing them to be used on their own in tight packages or as the building block for a complete transducer. The 13 mm Series and the 19 mm Series were developed for potential use in pressure applications that involve measurement of hostile media in harsh environmentsFEATURESHEAVY DUTY PRESSURE SENSORS13 mm Series.Features: Rugged, isolated stainless steel package • Accommodates media that will not adversely affect 316L stainless steel • Based on reliable semiconductortechnology • Calibrated and temperature compensated • Voltage or current supply options • Absolute and sealed gagepressures • For potential applications from 500 psi to 5,000 psiBenefits: Used in high pressure potential applications involving measurement of hostile media in harsh environments.Piezoresistive semiconductor sensor chip in oil-isolated housing with or without an integral ceramic for temperaturecompensation and calibration is designed to provide reliable, stable, and accurate performance. Weld-ring collar and special back support ring for enhanced cycle life capability as well as further package integration in OEM applications. Potential applications include industrial andHeavy DutyPressure Sensors/Transducers Line Guidecontinued on page 4hydraulic controls, tank pressure, pressure transmitters, and process control systems.19 mm Series.Features: Rugged, isolated stainless steelpackage • Accommodates media that will not adversely affect 316L stainless steel • Small size • Based on reliablesemiconductor technology • Absolute and gage pressures • Vacuum compatible, isolated sensors • Calibrated andtemperature compensated (some listings) • For potential applications up to 500 psi Benefits: Variety of pressure connections allow use in wide range of OEMequipment. Uncompensated version for use in potential applications using specialized circuit designs. Rugged for use in potential applications where corrosive liquids or gases are monitored and may also be exposed to a vacuum such as industrial controls, process control systems, industrial automation and flow control, and pressure calibrators.HEAVY DUTY PRESSURE TRANSDUCERSPX2 Series.Features: Designed for configurability • Cost-effective • Application expertise • Global support • Industry-leading Total Error Band (TEB) • Durable • Designed to Six Sigma standards • Energy efficient • Broad compensated temperature range • Good EMC protectionBenefits: Numerous standard or custom connectors, ports, pressure types and ranges, and output options allow configuration to meet specific application needs, quick availability of product samples, and reduce design and implementation costs of the end product. Honeywell’s knowledgeable application engineers are available to answer specific design questions during the development, launch, and production of the customers’ product. Honeywell’s global presence offers immediate product and application support throughout thecompatible with 316 stainless steel, a type of steel thatincreases corrosion resistance, improves resistance to pitting from chloride ion solutions, and provides increased strength at high temperatures.Heavy Duty Pressure Transducers are complete amplified and compensated pressure measurement solutions. With a choice of ports, connectors, outputs and pressure ranges, the PX2 Series, MLH Series and SPT Series transducers can be configured to meet the needs of the application. They are engineered to be resistant to a wide variety of media for use inmost harsh environments.2 /sensingWhen reliability is demanded, Honeywell delivers.Heavy Duty Pressure Sensors and Transducers are found in applications where they cannot be easily replaced — where supreme durability is a top priority. That’s why you’ll find Honeywell S&C heavy duty pressure products performing expertly in many potential applications, such as compressors and hydraulic controls, and in industries as diverse as aerospace, medical, transportation, agriculture, refrigeration, and industrial. Our full line of products deliver enhanced performance and reliability, plus: absolute, gage and sealed-gage measurement; a wide array of pressure ranges, port styles, termination types, and outputs; package types from miniature surface mount sensors to high-end stainless steel isolated (for stringent process control); pressure ranges from 3 psi to 8,000 psi; and corrosion resistance.Heavy Duty Pressure Sensors/Transducers Line Guide/sensing 3Sensing and Control Honeywell1985 Douglas Drive North Golden Valley, MN 55422 USA+1-815-235-6847/sensing 008154-7-EN IL50 GLOJuly 2012Copyright © 2012 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.development cycle. Industry-leading Total Error Band of ±2% over a compensated temperature range of -40 °C to 125 °C [-40 °F to 257 °F] provides excellent interchangeability due to minimal part-to-part variation in accuracy, eliminates individual transducer testing and calibration, and supports system accuracy and warranty requirements. Compatible with a wide variety of harsh media (brake fluid, refrigerants, engine oil, tap water, hydraulic fluids, and compressed air), wide operating temperature range, up to IP69K sealing, and CE compliance allow for use in tough environments. Designed to Six Sigma standards, providingthe highest level of product quality, performance, and consistency. Broad compensated temperature range allows the same transducer to be designed into a broad set of applications. Good EMC protection means that the transducerwill not be damaged by environmental electromagnetic interference. Potential applications include industrial HVAC/R and air compressors; general systemand factory automation pump, valve and fluid pressure; and transportation (heavy equipment and alternative fuel vehicles) system, pneumatics, light hydraulics, brake and engine oil pressure.MLH Series.Features: All-metal wetted parts • No internal elastomeric seals • Stableand creep free • Input reverse voltage protection • Less than 2 ms response time • Easy customization • Rated IP65 or better • Exceeds CE heavy industrial EMC for use in areas of high RFI/EMI• Amplified and temperature compensated • Wide choice of connections and terminations • Calibration for special pressure ranges Benefits: Combines ASIC technologywith media isolated, metal diaphragm.All-metal wetted parts for use in a varietyof potential fluid applications. Amplifiedoutputs often eliminate cost of externalamplifiers. Wide selection of industry-standard connectors and processports for enhanced reliability and userflexibility. Potential applications includecompressors, refrigeration and HVAC/R,general industrial and hydraulics, multipletransportation applications includingbraking and alternate fuels, medical.SPT Series.Features: Based on reliablesemiconductor technology • Rugged,316L stainless steel wetted parts• Calibrated and temperaturecompensated • Absolute, gage, sealedgage, and vacuum gage pressures• For use in potential medical applicationswhere compatibility is a problem.Benefits: Variety of pressureconnections allows use in wide rangeof OEM equipment. For use in potentialapplications where corrosive liquids andgases are monitored such as industrialautomation and flow control, pressureinstrumentation, hydraulic systems, andprocess control.Warranty. Honeywell warrants goods ofits manufacture as being free of defectivematerials and faulty workmanship.Honeywell’s standard product warrantyapplies unless agreed to otherwise byHoneywell in writing; please refer to yourorder acknowledgement or consult yourlocal sales office for specific warrantydetails. If warranted goods are returned toHoneywell during the period of coverage,Honeywell will repair or replace, at itsoption, without charge those items it findsdefective. The foregoing is buyer’s soleremedy and is in lieu of all warranties,expressed or implied, including thoseof merchantability and fitness for aparticular purpose. In no event shallHoneywell be liable for consequential,special, or indirect damages.While we provide application assistancepersonally, through our literature andthe Honeywell web site, it is up to thecustomer to determine the suitability of theproduct in the application.Specifications may change without notice.The information we supply is believed tobe accurate and reliable as of this printing.However, we assume no responsibility forits use.For more information about Sensing andControl products, visit www.honeywell.com/sensing or call +1-815-235-6847*************************************4 /sensing19C500G719C100A719C015A7。




















SMC压力传感器调整说明书 ZSE AISE A

SMC压力传感器调整说明书 ZSE AISE A

错误显示 报错原因
开关输出的负载电流超过 80mA
切断电源,检查输出部分电路, 确保电流在 80mA 以内后重新 开启电源
残压 异常
压力 异常
复制功 能异常
执行“清零”操作时供给压力 供给压力在指定范围内时再
不在±7%F.S(. 混合压型±3.5%) 执行“清零”操作 范围内.
功能设定模式下选择 F3,按


响应时间设定: 按 和 选择响应时间值,按 确认
按 键确认
功能设定模式下选择 F4,按 进入显示精度设定。
如果无 OUT2, 将输出检查部分 恢复为 A-常规输 出后, 按 键设定。
返回功能选择 模式
强制 ON
如果有 OUT2, 按 键设定, 设定方法同上。 设定完成后按住
键 2 秒钟以上, 返回测量模式。
在功能设定模式下选择 F99,按 进入恢复出厂设置。
N(N 最大为 10)
操作方法:在主压力开关的功能设定模式下选择 F97,按 进入复制功能设定。



英国密析尔MICHELL 仪表制造商露点变送器,dewpointmeters ,冷/冷镜湿度计,相对湿度传感器,过程水分测定仪,碳氢露点分析仪,液体分析仪中的水分和氧气分析仪,是一家国际领先的高精度传感与结束在该领域有30多年的经验。

我们的产品范围的高精度电容湿度传感器,帮助客户测量微量水分,在其过程中的应用,而我们的相对湿度变送器,相对湿度和温度传感器被广泛应用于HV AC 应用,药品储存等生产流程控制的环境条件是至关重要的。


我们提供高速测量中的应用范围,包括发电站,燃烧优化控制CO 2的水平啤酒厂,清洁气体的过程,如硅片生产和纯气体生成氧气。

天然气行业和发电厂的客户节省数百万美元的维修和停机时间,通过使用我们的康达迈科Condumax II 烃露点分析仪,以确保传输的天然气质量在贸易交接,防止燃气燃烧器故障,延长寿命过程的设备。



这款轻巧,ATEX ,IECEx 认证,FM ,CSA ,GOST 认证产品比其他任何同类产品让更多的测量每工作小时。


产品特点∙ 在低压下从T95至-60℃,小于15分钟时间反复快速的测量∙ 更高的压力测量成为可能 - 高达350巴 ∙ 电池寿命长:长达48小时的典型使用费用之间∙ 直观的应用套件,允许快速和简单的连接到您的采样点∙ 耐用,易于处理和操作:专为在工业环境中使用∙ 4-20 mA 外部设备输入变送器校准和验证∙ 轻量级:小于1.5公斤 ∙13点可溯源校准证书MDM300的MDM300采样选项MDM300 MDM300要获得最佳性能,它是为您的测量点有适当的样品调节至关重要。

美国AST系列压力传感器选型表 - 中国环保设备网重点

美国AST系列压力传感器选型表 - 中国环保设备网重点

美国AST系列压力传感型号大类别产品描述主要技术参数AST4000UL/cUL508认证AST 4000采用整体不锈钢感应元件,可应用在各种要求结构坚固、使用寿命长,以及对不锈钢无腐蚀及损坏的领域,以实现其优秀和长期的测压性能。

为方便机械和电器连接,AST 4000提供了多种螺纹的压力接口及电信号输出以供选择。

精度:<+/-0.5% BFSL(高精度)稳定性(1年):+/-0.25%FS,(典型值)压力限制:2X额定压力爆破压力:5X or 20,000 PSI,(取小值)零点漂移:< +/-2% FS满量程误差:< +/-2% FS压力周期:>100百万工作温度:-40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)储存温度:-40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)AST4100 AST 4100是一种小型而价廉的不锈钢压力传感器。

AST 4100兼容的液压和气压范围可由0至10000 PSI,应用范围十分广阔。

AST 4100可选择10mV/V输出,或其它放大信号输出。

精度:<+/-0.5% BFSL(高精度)稳定性(1年):+/-0.25%FS,(典型值)超范围保护:2X额定压力压力周期:<100百万整个压力周期介质温度: -55 to 125°C (-65 to 250°F)储存温度: -40 to 125°C (-40 to 250°F支持条款:马达控制、控制面板满足UL508压力装置/连接:1/8" MNPT, 1/4"-18 NPT NPT Male,7/16"-20 UNF Male主体材料:介质接触部分为17-4PH的不锈钢材料(也可以使用316L)电器连接:2英寸长的电缆(标准条件下)包装条件:冷轧钢板AST4200 面板专用压力传感器为了简化压力传感器在控制面板上应用安装,美国传感器技术公司推出了AST4200贴板式压力传感器。

蜂蜜ST 3000智能传输器系列900水位传感器模型说明书

蜂蜜ST 3000智能传输器系列900水位传感器模型说明书

ST 3000 Smart TransmitterSeries 900 Flange Mounted Liquid Level ModelsSTF924 0 to 400 inH 2O 0 to 1000 mbar STF932 0 to 100 psi 0 to 7 barSTF92F0 to 400 inH 2O0 to 1000 mbarSTF93F 0 to 100 psi 0 to 7 bar34-ST-03-6810/2002Specification and Model SelectionGuideIn 1983, Honeywell introduced the first Smart Pressure Transmitter ― the ST 3000®. In 1989, Honeywell launched for smart field devices. Today, its ST 3000 Series 900 Flange-mountproven “smart” technology to a wide spectrum of pressure measurement applications. Flange-mounttank connections including ANSI flanges and sanitary. Applications include gauge pressure measurement in pressure vessels in the chemical industry as well as level applications in both the chemical and hydrocarbon processing industries with either wet or dry legs on the low side. Versatility is made possible though compound characterization of the meter body as well as the ability to measure a broad range of differential pressures.All ST 3000 transmitters can provide a 4-20 mA output, Honeywell Digitally Enhanced (DE) output, HART * output, or F OUNDATION™ Fieldbus output. When digitally integrated with Honeywell’s Process Knowledge System™, EXPERION PKS™,ST 3000 instruments provide a more accurate process variable as well as advanced diagnostics.Honeywell’s cost-effective ST 3000 S900 transmitters lead the industry in reliability and stability:• Stability = +/-0.01% per year • Reliability = 470 years MTBFFigure 1—Series 900 Flange Mounted Pressure Transmitters feature proven piezoresistive sensor technology.The devices provide comprehensive self-diagnostics to help users maintain high uptime, meet regulatory requirements, and attain high quality standards. S900 transmitters allow smart performance at analog prices. Accurate, reliable and stable, Series 900 transmitters offer greater turndown ratio than conventional transmitters."Honeywell transmitters operating in the digital mode usingHoneywell's Digitally Enhanced (DE) protocol make diagnostics available right at the control system's human interface. Equallyimportant, transmitter status information is continuously displayed to alert the operator immediately of a fault condition. Because theprocess variable (PV) status transmission precedes the PV value, we are guaranteed that a bad PV is not used in a control algorithm. In addition, bi-directional communication provides for remote transmitter configuration directly from the human interface, enabling management of the complete loop.”Maureen Atchison, DuPontSite Electrical & Instrumentation LeaderIntroduction34-ST-03-68Page 2Description FeaturesThe ST 3000 transmitter can replace any 4 to 20 mA output transmitter in use today and operates over a standard two-wire system.The measuring means is a piezoresistive sensor, which actually contains three sensors in one. It contains a differential pressure sensor, a temperature sensor, and a static pressure sensor.Microprocessor-based electronics provide higher span-turndown ratio, improved temperature and pressure compensation, and improved accuracy.The transmitter’s meter body and electronics housing resist shock, vibration, corrosion, and moisture. The electronics housing contains a compartment for the single-board electronics, which is isolated from an integral junction box. The single-board electronics is replaceable and interchangeable with any other ST 3000 Series 100 or Series 900 model transmitter.Like other Honeywell transmitters, the ST 3000 features two-way communication between the operator and the transmitter through our Smart Field Configurator (SFC). You can connect the SFC anywhere that you can access the transmitter signal lines.The SCT 3000 Smartline® Configuration Toolkit provides an easy way to configure instruments using a personal computer. The toolkit enables configuration of devices before shipping or installation. The SCT 3000 can operate in the offline mode to configure an unlimited number of devices. The database can then be loaded downline during commissioning. • Choice of linear or square root output conformity is asimple configurationselection.• Direct digital integration with Experion PKS and othercontrol systems provides localmeasurement accuracy to thesystem level without addingtypical A/D and D/A converterinaccuracies.• Unique piezoresistive sensor automatically compensatesinput for temperature andstatic pressure.Added “smart”features include configuringlower and upper rangevalues, simulating accurateanalog output, and selectingpreprogrammed engineeringunits for display.• Smart transmitter capabilities with local or remoteinterfacing means significantmanpower efficiencyimprovements incommissioning, start-up, andongoing maintenancefunctions.34-ST-03-68Page 3SpecificationsOperating Conditions – All ModelsParameter ReferenceCondition (at zero static)Rated Condition Operative LimitsTransportation and Storage°C °F °C °F °C °F°C°FAmbient Temperature 25 ±1 77 ±2 -40 to 85 -40 to 158-40 to 85-40 to 185 -55 to 125-67 to 257Meter Body Temperature 25 ±1 77 ±2 -40 to 110*-40 to 230*-40 to 125 -40 to 257 -55 to 125-67 to 257Process Interface TemperatureSTF924, STF932 only25 ±177 ±2-40 to 110**-40 to 230**-40 to 175†-40 to 350†-55 to 125-67 to 257Humidity %RH 10 to 550 to 100 0 to 100 0 to 100Overpressure (Flange Rating) ANSI Class 150 psi bar0 0265 18 210 14ANSI Class 300 psibar 0 0 690 48 640 44 Vacuum Region - Minimum PressuremmHg absoluteinH 2O absolute atmospheric atmospheric 25 132 (short term ††) 1 (short term ††)Supply Voltage, Current,and Load ResistanceVoltage Range: 10.8 to 42.4 Vdc at terminals Current Range: 3.0 to 21.8 mALoad Resistance: 0 to 1440 ohms (as shown in Figure 2)* For model STF932 with CTFE fill fluid, the rating is –15 to 110°C (5 to 230°F); for models STF92F and STF93F with CTFE fill fluid, the rating is –15 to 70°C (5 to 158°F).** For model STF932 with CTFE fill fluid, the rating is –15 to 110°C (5 to 230°F). † For CTFE fill fluid, the maximum temperature rating is 150°C (300°F).34-ST-03-68Page 4O/1000 mbar)Performance Under Rated Conditions* - Model STF924 (0 to 400 inH34-ST-03-685Page* Performance specifications are based on reference conditions of 25°C (77°F), zero (0) static pressure, 10 to 55% RH, and316L Stainless Steel barrier diaphragm.34-ST-03-68Page 6O/25 mbar)Performance Under Rated Conditions* - Model STF92F (0 to 400 inH316L Stainless Steel barrier diaphragm.34-ST-03-687Page316L Stainless Steel barrier diaphragm.34-ST-03-68Page 8Performance Under Rated Conditions - General for all ModelsParameter DescriptionOutput (two-wire) Analog 4 to 20 mA or DE digital communications mode. Options available for F OUNDATION Fieldbus and HART protocol. Supply Voltage Effect 0.005% span per volt.Damping Time Constant Adjustable from 0 to 32 seconds digital damping.CE Conformity (Europe) 89/336/EEC, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive. Lightning Protection Option (Code “LP”)LeakageCurrent:***********************,93°CImpulse Rating: 10/20 µ sec. 5,000 Amps (50 strikes) 10,000 Amps (20 strikes)(rise/decay) 10/1000 µ sec. 250 Amps (1000 strikes) 500 Amps (400 strikes)Physical and Approval BodiesParameter DescriptionBarrier Diaphragms Material (Wetted)316L SS, Hastelloy C-276 Gasket Ring Material (Wetted) 316 SS, Hastelloy C-276* Extension Tube Material (Wetted)316 SSProcess Head and Adapter Flange Material 316 SS, Carbon Steel (zinc-plated), Hastelloy C-276* Sanitary Flange Mount All parts are 316 SS. Process Head Gaskets Teflon is standard.Meter Body Bolting Carbon Steel or 316 SS (NACE) bolts. Mounting Flange STF924, STF932STF92F, STF93FFlush or Extended Diaphragm : Zinc Chromate plated Carbon Steel, 304 SS, or 316 SS.Sanitary Design: 316 SS316 SS (NOTE: Mounting Flange is process wetted.)Fill FluidSilicone oil or CTFE (Chlorotrifluoroethylene)Electronic Housing Epoxy-Polyester hybrid paint. Low Copper-Aluminum. Meets NEMA 4X (watertight) and NEMA 7 (explosion proof). Stainless steel optional. Process ConnectionsAll ModelsSTF924, STF932STF92F, STF93FProcess Head: 1/4-inch NPT; 1/2-inch NPT with adapter, standard option.Flange: 3 or 4-inch Class 150 or 300 ANSI; DN80-PN40 or DN100-PN40 DIN flange. Extended Diaphragm: 2, 4, or 6 inches (50, 101, 152 mm) long.Sanitary Flange Mount: 4-inch sanitary tank spud with Ladish 4-inch Tri-Clamp. See Specification 34-ST-03-26. 3-inch, Class 150 ANSI flange.Table continued on next page ⇒34-ST-03-68Page 9Physical and Approval Bodies, continuedParameter DescriptionWiring Accepts up to 16 AWG (1.5 mm diameter).Mounting See Figure 3 for typical flange mounting arrangement. Dimensions See Figures 4, 5, and 6Net WeightSTF924, STF932STF92F, STF93FFlush Model: 26.5 pounds (12 Kg)15.4 pounds (7 Kg) Approval Bodies - Hazardous AreasApproved as explosion proof and intrinsically safe for use in Class I, Division 1, Groups A, B, C, D locations, and nonincendive for Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, Dlocations. Approved EEx ia IIC T4, T5, T6 and EEx d IIC T5, T6 per ATEX standards. See attached Model Selection Guide for options.Pressure Equipment Directive (97/23/EC)The ST 3000 pressure transmitters listed in this Specification have no pressurized internal volume or have a pressurized internal volume rated less than 1,000 bar(14,500 psig) and/or have a maximum volume of less than 0.1 liter. Therefore, these transmitters are either; not subject to the essential requirements of the directive 97/23/EC (PED, Annex 1) and shall not have the CE mark, or the manufacturer has the free choice of a module when the CE mark is required for pressures > 200 bar (2,900 psig).• Flush design only.NOTE: Pressure transmitters that are part of safety equipment for the protection of piping (systems) or vessel(s) from exceeding allowable pressure limits, (equipment with safety functions in accordance with Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC article 1, 2.1.3), require separate examination.Figure 3—Typical mounting arrangement for flange mounted liquid level transmitter34-ST-03-68Page 10Figure 4—Approximate mounting dimensions for STF924 and STF932 flush diaphragm typeFigure 5—Approximate mounting dimensions for STF924 and STF932 extended diaphragm typeFigure 6—Approximate mounting dimensions for STF92F and STF93F pseudo flange type50 1971/4" NPT55.72.19283.211.15181.67.15or53.32.10154.96.10orOptional external ground 23.5 .925266.6 10.5OptionalmetersRotationallock1/2"NPTFigure 7—Typical mounting dimensions for Flange-Mounted Liquid Level Transmitter with sanitary flange for 4-inch diameter tank spud—For Reference OnlyOptions Ordering InformationMounting BracketThe angle mounting bracket is available in either zinc-plated carbon steel or stainless steel and is suitable for horizontal or vertical mounting on a two inch (50 millimeter) pipe, as well as wall mounting. An optional flat mounting bracket is also available in carbon steel for two inch (50 millimeter) pipe mounting.Indicating Meter(ME and SM Options)Two integral meter options are available. An analog meter (option ME) is available with a 0 to 100% linear scale. The Smart Meter (option SM) provides an LCD display for both analog and digital output and can be configured to display pressure in pre-selected engineering units.Lightning Protection (Option LP)A terminal block is available with circuitry that protects the transmitter from transient surges induced by nearby lightning strikes. HART Protocol Compatibility (Option HC)An optional electronics module is available for the ST 3000 that provides HART Protocol compatibility. Transmitters with the HART Option are compatible with the AMS System. (Contact your AMS Supplier if an upgrade is required.) Indicator Configuration(Option CI)Provides custom configurationof Smart Meters.Tagging (Option TG)Up to 30 characters can be addedon the stainless steel nameplatemounted on the transmitter’s elec-tronics housing at no extra cost.Note that a separate nameplate onthe meter body contains the serialnumber and body-related data. Astainless steel wired on tag withadditional data of up to 4 lines of 28characters is also available. Thenumber of characters for taggingincludes spaces.Transmitter Configuration(Option TC)The factory can configure thetransmitter linear/square rootextraction, damping time, LRV,URV and mode (analog/digital) andenter an ID tag of up to eight char-acters and scratchpad informationas specified.Custom Calibration and ID inMemory (Option CC)The factory can calibrate any rangewithin the scope of the transmitter’srange and enter an ID tag of up toeight characters in the transmitter’smemory.F OUNDATION Fieldbus(Option FF)Equips transmitter with FF protocolfor use in 31.25 kbit/s FF networks.See document 34-ST-03-72 foradditional information on ST 3000Fieldbus transmitters.Contact your nearest Honeywell salesoffice, orIn the U.S.:HoneywellIndustrial Automation & Control16404 North Black Canyon Hwy.Phoenix, AZ 850531-800-288-7491In Canada:The Honeywell Centre155 Gordon Baker Rd.North York, Ontario M2H 3N71-800-461-0013In Latin America:Honeywell Inc.480 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway,Suite 200Sunrise, FL 33325(954) 845-2600In Europe and Africa:Honeywell S. A.Avenue du Bourget 11140 Brussels, BelgiumIn Eastern Europe:Honeywell Praha,s.r.o. Budejovicka 1140 21 Prague 4,Czech RepublicIn the Middle East:Honeywell Middle East Ltd.Khalifa Street,Sheikh Faisal BuildingAbu Dhabi, U. A. E.In Asia:Honeywell Asia Pacific Inc.Honeywell Building,17 Changi Business Park Central 1Singapore 486073Republic of SingaporeIn the Pacific:Honeywell Pty Ltd.5 Thomas Holt DriveNorth Ryde NSW Australia 2113(61 2) 9353 7000In Japan:Honeywell K.K.14-6 Shibaura 1-chromeMinato-ku, Tokyo, Japan 105-0023Specifications are subject to change without notice.(Note that specifications may differ slightly for transmitters manufactured before October 30, 1995.)Or, visit Honeywell on the World Wide Web at: Model Selection Guide (34-ST-16-30)Use Stainless Steel heads.** Vent/Drains are Teflon coated for lubricity.Model Selection Guide, cont.Availability*** For part numbers and pricing information on Tank Spuds refer to page ST-91 (Supplementary Accessories & Kits).Model Selection Guide, cont.AvailabilityModel Selection Guide, cont.AvailabilitySTF9Ex n IIC T6 (T4 with SM option)Intrinsically Saft, Zone Enclosure IP 66/67Non-Sparking, Zone 2(Honeywell). Enclosure IP 66/67*See ATEX installation requirements in the ST 3000 User's Manual97/23/EC Pressure Equipment Directive (PED)The ST 3000 pressure transmitters listed in this Model Selection Guide are in conformity with the essential requirements of the PED. A formal statement from TÜV IndustryService Group of TÜV America, Inc., a division of TÜV Süddeutschland, a Notified Body regarding the Pressure Equipment Directive, is available upon requestModel Selection Guide, cont.Note:See ST-83 for Published Specials with pricing.See ST-89 and User's Manual for part numbers.See ST-OE-9 for OMS Order Entry Information including TC, manuals, certificates, drawings and SPINS.See ST-OD-1 for tagging, ID, Transmitter Configuration (TC) andcalibration including factory default values.To request a quotation for a non-published "special", fax RFQ to Marketing Applications.Model Selection Guide, cont.This page is intentionally left Blank.ST 3000 is a registered trademark of Honeywell International Inc.HART* is a trademark of the Hart Communication Foundation.FOUNDATION™ is a trademark of the Fieldbus Foundation.Industrial Measurement and ControlHoneywell International Inc.16404 North Black Canyon HighwayPhoenix, Arizona 85053 Honeywell International Inc.。

传感器库存资料- 霍尼韦尔压力传感器型号霍尼韦尔压力传感器1.pdf

传感器库存资料- 霍尼韦尔压力传感器型号霍尼韦尔压力传感器1.pdf

霍尼韦尔压力传感器型号霍尼韦尔压力传感器 142PC01D,142PC02D,142PC03D,142PC05D,142PC15D,142PC30D,142PC15A,142PC30A,142PC30G,141PC01D,141PC02D,141PC03D,141PC05D,141PC15D,141PC30D,143PC01D,143PC02D,143PC03D,143PC05D,143PC15D,143PC30D,141PC01G,141PC02G,141PC05G,142PC01G,142PC02G,142PC03G,142PC05G,142PC15G,163PC01D36,163PC01D48,163PC01D75,164PC01D76,163PC01D37,163PC01D76,161PC01D36,162PC01D36,164PC01D36,189PC15GM,189PC100GM,189PC150GM,ASCX01DN,ASCX05DN,ASCX15AN,ASCX15DN,ASCX30AN,ASCX30DN,ASCX100AN,ASCX100DN,ASCX150DN,ASCX150AN,ASDX015A24R,ASDX030A24R,ASDX100A24R,ASDX001G24R,ASDX005G24R,ASDX015G24R,ASDX020G24R,ASDX100G44R,ASDX001D44R,ASDX005D44R,ASDX015D44R,ASDX030D44R,ASDX100D44R,40PC001G2A, 40PC015G2A, 40PC100G2A, 40PC150G2A, 40PC250G2A, 40PC500G2A, 4040 PC001G2A, 4040PC015G2A, 4040PC100G2 A, 4040PC150G2A, 4040PC250G2A, 4040PC500G2A. 微压传感器 CPCL04DC,CPCL10DC,CPCL04DTC,CPCL10DTC,CPXL04DTC,CPXL10DTC,CPXL01DC,CPXL10DC,XPCL04DC,XPCL10DC,XPCL04DTC,XPCL10DTC,XPX50D,XPXL04DC,XPXL10DC,XPXL04DTC,XPXL10DTC,XSXL04D,XSXL10D,XSCL04DC,XSCL10DC,SDXL005D4,SDXL010D,SLP004D,SLP010D,DCXL01DN,DCXL05DN,DCXL10DN,DCXL20DN,DCXL30DN,DC001NDC4,DC002NDC4,DC005NDC4,DC010NDC4,DC020NDC4,DC030NDC4,DC001NDR4,DC002NDR4,DC005NDR4,DC010NDR4,DC020NDR4,DC030NDR4,DC001NDR5,DC002NDR5,DC005NDR5,DC010NDR5,DC020NDR5,DC030NDR5,DC2R5BDC4,DC005BDC4,DC075BDC4,DUXL01D,DUXL05D,DUXL10D,DUXL20D,DUXL30D。



virtually position insensitive. The span and zero settings are made via 20-turn potentiometers for easy, precise adjustments. The pressure
55 (2.18)
35 (1.37)
15 psid
1.0 bar
DP41-E, DP25B-E, DP24-E
0 to 100 inH2O 0 to 24.9 kPa
15 psid
1.0 bar
DP41-E, DP25B-E, DP24-E
0 to 1 psid
0 to 0.07 bar
1⁄2" conduit knockouts on the front of the box. There are no moving parts and the transmitters are
Dimensions: mm (in)
115 (4.54)
PG11, PG13, OR 12.7 (0.5) CONDUIT HOLE
Excitation: 11 to 32 Vdc reverse polarity protected
Current Output: 4 to 20 mA, output limited to approximately 3.85 mA at low end and 27 mA at high end
15 psid
1.0 bar
DP41-E, DP25B-E, DP24-E
0 to 15 psid

Omega 产品说明书:ES-2247 差分压力流传感器、K-80 级别警报单传感器控制器(DC)、

Omega 产品说明书:ES-2247 差分压力流传感器、K-80 级别警报单传感器控制器(DC)、

KK-80LEVEL ALERT SINGLESENSOR CONTROLLER (DC)LVCN-8$210ߜCalls ImmediateAttention to Alarm ConditionsߜHigh Intensity StrobeLight Reduces Operator ErrorߜConvenient Reminderto Refill TankߜMounts Directly onSensor or AdjustableTrack System ߜTime Delay Relay ߜControls, Pumps,Valves, AlarmsߜSwivels On Base forEasy Conduit AlignmentOMEGA’s DC level alert calls immediate attention to alarmconditions. For operator alert to low inventory levels or high alarmconditions, the level alert offers an excellent solution to theseproblems. An amber lens distributes the high intensity strobe light in a pattern which calls immediateattention to alarms. The visual alert combined with a controller makes it both a cost effective and easy to install device. The controller can be mounted on a sensor or the OMEGA ®track system.SPECIFICATIONSVoltage Input:14 to 36 Vdc Max Current Consumption:0.25 ampsLighting Element:High intensity lamp Brightness:Greater than 50,000 CP Relay Output:Isolated and sealed single pole double throw (SPDT)relay, Form C Switching Mode:Selectable, NO or NC statesRelay Switching Voltage:14 to 36 VdcMax. Switched Current:6 amps Time Delay:Adjustable from 0.15 to 60 seconds Temperature Range:-40 to 70°C (-40 to 158°F)Sensor Volt Supply:Nominal 13.5 Vdc @ 100 mA Sensor Trigger Pt.:Dry <12 mA or wet >12 mAMounting Connection:3⁄4" NPTConduit Connection:1⁄2" NPTEnclosure Material:Polypropylene (PP), flame retardantEnclosure Rating:NEMA 4X (IP65)Dimensions:7.1 Dia. x 13.97 cm H (2.8 x 5.5") x 3⁄4" NPT Flash Alarm:Flash Type:Xenon tubeFlash Frequency:1 per second Strobe Life:10M cycles Material:Polycarbonate Color:AmberLVCN-8, $210,shown smaller than actual size.CANADA www.omega.ca Laval(Quebec) 1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM www. Manchester, England0800-488-488GERMANY www.omega.deDeckenpfronn, Germany************FRANCE www.omega.frGuyancourt, France088-466-342BENELUX www.omega.nl Amstelveen, NL 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford, CT.CZECH REPUBLIC www.omegaeng.cz Karviná, Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and MeasurementInstruments, Glass Bulb Thermometers, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References,Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, RTD Probes, Elements and Assemblies, Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters, Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes andAssemblies,Thermocouples Thermowells and Head and Well Assemblies, Transmitters, WirePressure, Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators,Strain Gages, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation, Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation, Environmental Instrumentation, pH Electrodes and Instruments, Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and SwitchingDevices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators, Doppler Flowmeters, LevelMeasurement, Magnetic Flowmeters, Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes, Pumps, Rotameters, Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Valves, Variable Area Flowmeters, Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems, Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data LoggersPlug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485 and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。

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