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( )1. People ____ able to own robots in the future. A. are B. is C. will be D. were

( )2. Everything ___ free in 50yeras. A. is B. are C. was D. will be

( )3. Books ___ only on the computers in 200 hundred years.A. will be B. are C. were D. is

( )4. There’s going to ___ a book show next week. A. have B. be C. has D. had

( )5. People will live ___ 300 hundred years old. A. / B. being C. wee D. to be

( )6. Will people use money ___ 100 years? A. on B. in C. for D. with

( )7. There will be ___ work for humans in the future. A. many B. few C. less D. fewer

( )8. I hope we’ll have ___ pollution in a few years. A. little B. few C. many D. great ( )9. Don’t used your feet ___ on the street, because it’s too crowded.

A. plays

B. played

C. playing

D. to play

( )10. She tells us that Peter is ___ college now. A. of B. off C. with D. in

( )11. She ___ at middle school 5 years ago. A. were B. was C. will be D. is

( )12. There will be ___ cars and more buses in the future. A. fewer B. less C. little D. bit

( )13. In 10 years Sally ____ a doctor. A. is B. was C. were D. will be

( )14. She ___ now an engineer in 1our company. A. is B. are C. was D. will be

( )15. She came to China and ___ in love with the country.A. falls B. fell C. felt D. feels

( )16. ___ a doctor, she tries her best to save others’ lives. A. For B. At C. With D. As

( )17. The old man doesn’t like ____ in the big city.A. l ive alone B. to live alone C. living lonely D. to live lonely

( )18. Our apartment is too small ___ pets.A. keep B. kept C. to keep D. keeping

( )19. She enjoys____ many different pets. A. to keep B. keep C. keeps D. keeping ( )20. ___ pets can be fun in everyday life.A. Keeps B. Kept C. Keeping D. Keep

( )21. She ___ a suit during weekdays. A. wears B. puts on C. has D. dresses

( )22. You needn’t ____ so casually at weekends. A. put B. dress C. wear D. have

( )23. One day, I’ll be able to ___ a visit to France. A. pay B. have C. put D. take ( )24. Humans ____ to the moon for vacation in 100 hundred years. A. fly B. will fly C. flew D. flies

( )25. She drinks green tea ___ healthy. A. keeps B. keep C. to keep D. kept

( )26. ____ should be a difficult thing. A. Predict B. Predicting C. Predicted D. Predicts

( )27. Some predictions might never ____. A. come true B. come to C. come from D. come back

( )28. She saw her mother ____ in the kitchen when she came in. A. cooks B. cooking C. cooked D. to cook

( )29. ___ in the reading room is talking loudly. It’s quiet. A. No one B. Some one C. Every one D. Any one

( )30. They think computers won’t be ___ by people. A. used B. using C. uses D. use ( )31. Kids ___ use the computers to draw in the future. A. can B. could C. will be able to D. were able to

( )32. Those robots are just ____ humans. A. as B. at C. with D. like

( )33. ___ her help, I could do it well.A. For B. At C. In D. With

( )34. ____ a small robot can do many jobs. A. Such B. So C. This D. That

( )35. She has ___ good a pen pal.A. so B. such C. that D. this

( )36. There won’t be pollution in ___ of years.A. one hundred B. two hundred C. hundreds D. hundred

( )37. Humans might live to be 2 ____ years old. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundreds of D. hundred of

( )38. She always tries her best ____ others.A. help B. to help C. helps D. helping

( )39. She wants to do the same thing ___ her best friends. A. like B. in C. on D. as ( )40. It’s hard for a child ____ in the early morning. A. wake up B. woke up C. to wake up D. waking up

( )41. There are a few people ____ in the park. A. singing B. to sing C. sing D. sang ( )42. These robots look ___ like humans.A. few B. little C. more D. bit

( )43. People may get ___ with such a job. A. bored B. boring C. exciting D. interesting

( )44. She’ll get ___ in such a fun magazine.A. interested B. inter esting C. excited D.
