

























1.风云变幻莫测和平之路漫漫——如何看待当前和今后的中东局势 [J], 宋庆才
2.坚持自主创新发展之路直面国际市场风云变幻——采访广州市浩洋电子股份有限公司董事长蒋伟楷应对\"337调查\"始末 [J], 熊英
3.1921年2月:风云变幻 [J], 刘岳
4.匠意于心静看风云变幻 [J], 黄垭飞;张正艳;杨柳
5.苏宁易购引入深圳国资,四天风云变幻后 [J], 于昊






















© Development Dimensions International, Inc.,MMVIII. 宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡市。所有 权利均受到美国、国际和通行版权规范的保护。未经DDI书面许可,不得全部或部分 翻印或转载。
目 录
4 调研参与者 5 领导力现状
5 业务重点 5 领导者评估 6 领导者培养 6 领导力发展计划评估 7 领导力发展方法 8 领导力发展计划实施 9 高潜质领导者 9 高潜质领导者遴选 9 高潜质人才发展计划评估 10 高潜质人才发展计划实施 11 继任规划 12 跨国领导者 12 跨国领导者遴选 12 对跨国领导者的支持 13 总结与建议
最新全球领导力展望和本篇报告除探讨了领导力现状之外,还 针对几项问题提供了解决思路。在培养未来领导者方面,哪些 办法行之有效?哪些办法不起作用?企业如何管理储备干部培 养工作,如何进行继任规划?经理人在出任全球性领导职务之 前,是否得到了充分指导?
此调研可谓恰逢其时:随着企业在全球扩张,工作节奏逐渐加 快,领导力变得日益复杂,领导者的责任要求也日渐明晰。培 养一流的领导者对于企业的成功而言空前重要。在此次研究 中,全球各地的高层管理人士都将培养或善用人才列为工作的 重中之重。



Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告无锡铭升微能科技有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:无锡铭升微能科技有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分无锡铭升微能科技有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。


1.2 企业画像类别内容行业空资质空产品服务:技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11 土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。



ACS 5012.2KW-75KW目 录概述 (2)安全注意事项 (3)1. 本手册的使用指南 (3)2. 交货检查 (5)3. 有关SAMI GS的一般信息 (6)安装 (9)4. 机械安装 (9)4.1 冷却要求 (9)4.2 安装 (12)5. 电气联接 (15)5.1 主电源电缆 (15)5.2 电机电缆 (15)5.3 绝缘检查 (17)5.4 端子检查 (17)6. 控制部分联接 (20)6.1 控制部分电缆 (21)6.2 控制接口卡 SNAT 7640的接线和参数默认值(出厂设置)。

(23)调试 (25)7.控制盘的操作 (25)7.1 控制盘的显示 (25)7.2 控制盘的操作 (25)7.3 参数设置方法 (27)7.4 调整显示屏的对比度 (28)7.5 应用宏简介 (28)8. 开机调试 (29)8.1 安全事项 (29)8.2 调试步骤 (30)8.3 安装检查 (31)8.4 起动数据参数的设定 (31)8.5 不带电机进行键盘控制测试 (32)8.6 带电机进行键盘控制测试 (32)8.7 带电机进行外部控制测试 (33)8.8 用户选择的应用宏测试 (33)8.9传动参数及其出厂设定(工厂宏) (34)编程 (40)9. ACS500 编程说明 (40)9.1 应用宏概述 (40)9.2 菜单结构 (40)9.3 启动数据 (42)9.4 运行数据 (43)9.5 键盘控制和外部控制 (44)9.5.1 键盘给定R1和键盘给定R2: (46)9.5.2 外部控制 (46)9.5.3 参数锁定 (47)9.6 传动参数 (47)9.6.1 主菜单10 - 控制连接 (47) 分组 11 - 数字/模拟输入选择 (47) 分组 12 - 模拟输入 (53) 分组 13 - 给定值换算 (53) 分组 14 - 输出信号 (54) 分组 15 - 模拟输出 (56) 分组 16 - 输出信号换算 (57) 分组 17 - 外部通信 (58)9.6.2 主菜单20 - 传动 (61) 分组 21 - 加速/减速器 (61) 分组 22 - 频率/电流限制 (63) 分组 23 - 危险频率 (64) 分组 24 - 恒定频率 (66) 分组 25 - PI调节器 (67) 分组 26 - 起动/停止参数 (70) 分组 27 - 电机控制 (73) 分组 28 - PFC控制 (76)9.6.3 主菜单 30 - 保护 (83) 分组 31 - 监视 (83) 分组 32 - 故障功能 (85) 分组 33 - 自动复位 (89) 分组 34 - 信息 (90)服务及维修 (91)10 故障跟踪及服务 (91)10.1 故障指示 (91)10.2 故障复位 (91)10.3 故障历史记录 (91)10.4 故障跟踪 (93)10.5 服务 (99)11. 技术数据 (104)12 选择项 (106)13 词汇表 (107)概述2. 交货检查检查设备交付时有无损坏及是否齐全(参 考下面的型号说明)。

2006 Ford Five Hundred 产品说明书.pdf_1718720584.068005

2006 Ford Five Hundred 产品说明书.pdf_1718720584.068005

FIVE HUNDRED2006 QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE*F6G1J-19G217-AA*6G1J-19G217-AAFORD FIVE HUNDRED OCTOBER 2005SECOND PRINTINGQUICK REFERENCE GUIDEFord Motor Company Customer Relationship Center P.O. Box 6248Dearborn, MI 481211-800-392-3673 (FORD)(TDD for the hearing impaired: 1-800-232-5952)This Quick Reference Guide is not intended to replace your vehicle Owner’s Guide which contains more detailed information concerning the features of your vehicle, as well as important safety warnings designed to help reduce the risk of injury to you and your passengers. Please read your entire Owner’s Guide carefully as you begin learning about your new vehicle and refer to the appropriate sections when questions arise.All information contained in this Quick Reference Guide was accurate at the time of duplication. We reserve the right to change features, operation and/or functionality of any vehicle specification at any time. Your Ford dealer is the best source for the most current information.For detailed operating and safety information, please consult yourOwner’s Guide.LOCATION OF SPARE TIRE AND TOOLSYour vehicle is equipped with a temporary spare tire, which is smaller than a regular tire, and designed for emergency use only. The jack, spare tire, jack handle, and lug nut wrench are under the cargo cover in the trunk of the vehicle.FUSESIf your electrical components aren't working properly, a fuse may have blown. For more information, please consult your Owner's Guide.FUEL PUMPSHUT-OFF SWITCHThis device stops the electric fuel pump from sending fuel to the engine when your vehicle has had a substantial jolt. After an accident, if the engine cranks but does not start, this switch may have been activated. The fuel pump shut-off switch is located in the front passenger footwell area in the right upper corner.UNLEADED FUELRECOMMENDATIONSFor optimum performance,use “Regular” unleaded fuel with a pump (R+M)/2 octane rating of at least 87. We do not recommend the use of gasolines labeled as“Regular” with octane ratings of 86 or lower that are sold in high altitude areas.TIRE PRESSURESafe operation of your Five Hundred requires that your tires be properly inflated. The Ford recommended inflation pressure is found on the Tire Label or the Certification Label located near the front door latch on the driver's side. At least once a month and before long trips, inspect each tire and check the air pressure with a tire gauge.Don't forget the spare. Air pressure should be checked when the tires are cold.Inflate all tires to the inflation pressure recommended by Ford Motor Company.HOOD RELEASETo open the hood, pull the hood release handle under the bottom of the instrument panel near the steeringcolumn. Go to the front of the vehicle and release theauxiliary latch located under the front center of the e the prop rod to support the raised hood.ROADSIDE ASSISTANCEIn addition to your New Vehicle Limited Warranty,Ford provides new vehicle owners with a complimentary roadside assistance program.This service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for three years or 36,000 miles (60,000 km). It covers changing a flat tire,jump starts, limited fueldelivery, lock-out assistance,and towing of your vehicle.United States (800) 241 - 3673Canada(800) 665 - 2006REAR WINDOW BUFFETINGWhen one or both of your rear windows are fully open,you may experience a wind throb or buffeting noise. This is common among all vehicles and can be eliminated simply by lowering a front window two to three inches.UNDERSTANDING THE CVT (IF EQUIPPED)Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT)The CVT is a fully automatic transmission that electronically monitors vehicle system inputs/outputs and driver demands to select the desired drive ratio. Unlike traditional automatic transmissions, the CVT continually adjusts the optimum overall drive ratio between engine and drive wheels for all operating conditions.As traditional automatic transmissions shift up or down in gears, the shifting in gear ratios is noticeable by increasing and decreasing engine RPM, which causes a slight energy loss as the gears change. These gear changes can be felt by the driver.With the CVT, there is no energy transfer loss from shifting because there is no gear shifting up or down. Acceleration up to vehicle operating speed is smooth and continuous,uninterrupted by gear shifting. The same holds true for coasting down to idle: smooth and continuous.Unlike traditional automatic transmissions, the CVT offers more responsive performance and increased fuel economy.The use of fluids other than the recommended fluid couldseriously damage internal transmission components. For more information, please consult your Owner’s Guide.ESSENTIAL INFORMA TION2006 FORD FIVE HUNDRED ADDITIONAL INFORMA TION2006 FORD FIVE HUNDREDCLIMA TE CONTROL AUDIO SYSTEMSPOWER MIRRORSTo adjust your mirrors, rotate the control clockwise to adjust the right mirror and counterclockwise to adjust the left mirror. Move the control in the direction you wish to tilt the mirror. Then rotate the control to the center position to lock the mirrors in place.REMOTE ENTRY SYSTEMYour vehicle is equipped with a remote entry system, which allows you to lock or unlock the vehicle's doors and open the trunk without a key.It also allows you to activate thepanic alarm with the key in the 1(LOCK) or 2 (ACC) position.The remote entry system can also control the memory seat,power mirrors, and adjustable pedals feature (if equipped).For more information, please consult your Owner's Guide.MEMORY FEATURE(IF EQUIPPED)This feature will allow you to set two positions for the driver’s seat,power mirrors, and adjustable pedals (if equipped). Set the position by pressing the SETbutton (indicator will illuminate) then press the 1 or 2 button to set the position to either Driver 1 or Driver 2. This memory setting can then be recalled when you press the 1 or 2button, enter Customer Code 1 or 2on the keypad, or when you press unlock on the remote entry system (one of your remote transmitters is associated with Driver 1 and the other transmitter is associated with Driver 2).KEYLESS ENTRY KEY PADThe keyless entry key pad can be used to lock or unlock the doors without using a key. It can also control the memory seat, power mirrors,and adjustable pedals features (if equipped).For more information, please consult your Owner’s Guide.AUTOLOCKYour vehicle is equipped with an autolock feature. The autolock feature willautomatically lock all doors when your vehicle is in motion and meets a set of conditions,as described in your Owner’s Guide. Your vehicle comes with this feature enabled. You can enable or disable this feature by following the activation or deactivation procedure outlined in your Owner's Guide.ADJUSTABLE PEDALS(IF EQUIPPED)The accelerator and brake pedal should only beadjusted when the vehicle is stopped and the gearshift is in the P (Park) position. Press the top of the control to adjust the pedals away from you or press the bottom of the control to adjust the pedals toward you.UNIVERSAL GARAGE DOOR OPENER(IF EQUIPPED)The Universal Garage Door Opener on the driver's visor provides a convenient way to replace up to three handheld transmitters with a single device. This feature will operate most garage doors,entry gate operators, security systems, and home or office lighting. For programming,please consult your Owner's Guide.REVERSE SENSING SYSTEM (IF EQUIPPED)The Reverse Sensing System (RSS) sounds a tone to warn the driver of obstacles near the rear bumper when R (Reverse) is selected and the vehicle is moving at speeds less than 3 mph (5 km/h). The system is not effective at speeds above 3mph (5 km/h) and may not detect certain angular or moving objects.DRIVER AND PASSENGER SIDE TEMPERATURESet desired cabin for Recommended settings 72°F (22°C) to 75°F (24°C).DUAL CONTROL (IF EQUIPPED)Press DUAL to separate passenger side temperature control. AUTO to separate passenger side temperature control.AUTOMATIC OPERATIONPress AUTO button for The system willautomatically adjust airflow temperature, fan speed,airflow direction, A/C, and recirculated air based on the selected temperature toheat or cool the vehicle to the desired temperature as quickly as possible.MAX A/C OPERATION AUTOMATIC OPERATION :Press AUTO button for Do not override A/C or recirculated air. Set temperature to 60°F (16°C).OVERRIDE OPERATION :Selectair distribution.A/C and to provide colder airflow.Set temperature setting to 60°F (16°C).speed ,then adjust to MANUAL OVERRIDE OPERA TIONAdjust any of the following preferences:fan speed, airflow direction, recirculated air overrides will not turn off the AUTO indicator light. Airflow direction overrides will turn off the AUTO indicator light.ONE BUTTON AIRFLOW DIRECTION CONTROL (IF EQUIPPED)Press repeatedly to DEFOGGING/DEMISTINGPress to distribute windshield defroster vents and demister vents. To reduce humidity buildup in the vehicle,do not drive with theclimate control turned off. Also, do not drive with recirculated air selected unless A/C is operating.HEATED SEATS (IF EQUIPPED)Press to cycle through heat (2 lights), low heat (1 light), and off (no lights).375159872212101041DUAL ZONE AUTOMATIC CLIMATE CONTROL WITH HEATED SEATS (IF EQUIPPED)PREMIUM / AUDIOPHILE IN-DASH 6-CD / MP3 SOUND SYSTEM (IF EQUIPPED)LOAD to begin the and hold to autoload up to 6CDs.DISC SELECTOR to select a menu mode to select various settings.MP3 TRACK / FOLDER MODE SEEK will scroll SEEK will scroll selected folder.FOLDER FUNCTIONFOLDER to folder on MP3 discs.161713111311432ON /OFF / VOLUME CONTROLto turn the system . Turn to increase or decrease volume. If the volume is set above a certain level and the ignition is turned off, the volume will come back on at a “nominal” level when the ignition switch is turned back on.TUNER / DISC SELECTORor SEEK toradio frequency band or to select a desired disc. Also use in menu mode to select various settings.BASS / TREBLEPress or SEEK control.BALANCE / FADEPress MENU untilto adjust the audio between using the or SEEK controlsthe front and rear speakers.CDPress to enter CD mode.the system, the CD will begin playing where it last ended.SHUFFLEPress to play tracks inCD FAST FORWARDCD REWINDPress REW to manually CD EJECTPress to eject a CD.all CDs.AM / FMPress to select AM or FM SCAN FUNCTIONPress SCAN for a brief or CD tracks. Press again to stop.SEEK FUNCTIONPress or SEEK tostrong station or track.SETTING MEMORY PRESETSband, tune to a station, then press and hold a presetbutton until the sound returns.SETTING THE CLOCKPress SEEK MENU again to disengage 10111310711131271141518613111013111013111011135SPLIT-FOLDING REAR SEATOne or both rear seat backs can be folded down to provide additional cargo space.To lower the seat backs, pull the strap located on theoutboard side of the seat back to release it, and then fold the seat back down.Note: When raising the seat back(s), make sure to firmly lock into place and tug forward to assure that it is fully latched.SEA TING1452346711141516171812108913103789656278120FRONT PASSENGER FOLD FLAT SEAT BACK(IF EQUIPPED)The front passenger seat back can be folded down to a horizontal position to allow room for a long load. Ensure that the seat is in therearmost position and the head restraint is fully down,prior to pulling the strap located on the back of the seat back.FORD FIVE HUNDREDYour new Five Hundred speaks volumes without saying a word. You have chosen well. Your new Ford Five Hundred is the car that was built around you. Surrounding you with sleek, trim good looks and unexpected luxury. Putting you in command with impeccable road manners. And giving you the peace of mind knowing you're driving one of the smartest cars the road has ever known. This Quick Reference Guide was designed to help you get to know your new Five Hundred. For the most detailedinformation, consult your Owner's Guide.So, let's get to know your new Five Hundred. The road is waiting.18745623910111213HEADLAMP CONTROLTurning the headlamp controlclockwise to the first positionturns on the parking lamps,instrument panel lamps,license plate lamps, and thetail lamps. Continuing to turnthe headlamp control to thesecond position turns on theheadlamps. To use theautolamp light-sensitive,automatic on-off control forthe headlamps, turn theheadlamp controlcounterclockwise. To turnautolamps off, turn thecontrol clockwise to the OFFposition. To activate the highbeams, simply pull the turnsignal lever towards you tothe second detent. Pull thelever towards you again todeactivate high beams. Usethe same lever to activate the“Flash to Pass” feature. Pullthe lever towards you to thefirst detent to activate andrelease it to deactivate.1PANEL DIMMERUse this control to adjust thebrightness of the instrumentpanel and all applicableswitches in the vehicle duringheadlamp and parking lampoperation. Move the controlto the full upright position,past the detent, to turn onthe interior lamps.2FOGLAMP CONTROL(IF EQUIPPED)With the ignition on, thefoglamps can be turned onwhen the headlamp controlis in the parking lamp,headlamp or autolampposition, and the high beamsare not on. Simply pull theheadlamp control toward youto turn on the foglamps. Thefoglamp indicator light willilluminate. The foglamps willnot operate when the highbeams are activated.3WINDSHIELD WIPER /WASHERThe multifunction levercontrols the windshield wipermodes, speeds, and thewindshield washer. Forintermittent operation, movethe control up one position.You can then adjust therotary control to the desiredinterval speed. For normal orlow wiper speed, move thecontrol up two positions fromOFF.For high speedoperation, move the controlup three positions from OFF.For windshield washercontrol, pull the end of thelever toward you. With aquick pull and hold, thewipers will swipe three timeswith washer fluid. With a longpull and hold, the wipers andwasher fluid will activate forup to ten seconds.4TRACTION CONTROL™(IF EQUIPPED)This system helps youmaintain the stability andsteerability of your vehicle onslippery road surfaces suchas snow, ice or gravel. Thesystem works closely withmany elements alreadypresent in the Anti-lockBraking System. The systemdefaults to ON, however,should you become stuck, tryswitching the TractionControl™ off.5SPEED CONTROLFor your speed control towork, you must press andrelease the ON button.Pressing and releasing theOFF button disengages thesystem and turns it off.Speed control does not workat speeds below 30 mph(48 km/h). To set a speed,accelerate to the desiredspeed, press the SET+button,then take your foot off theaccelerator pedal. You canincrease speed using speedcontrol by pressing andreleasing the SET+ buttonuntil you reach the desiredspeed, increasing speed by1mph (1.6 km/h) with eachtap. You can decrease speedin the same way using theSET- button. Pressing theRSM (resume) button willautomatically return thevehicle to the previously setspeed. The RSM control willnot work if the vehicle speedis below 30 mph (48 km/h)or if the OFF button waspressed. To disengage thespeed control, press the OFFor CNCL button or press thebrake pedal.6MESSAGE CENTER(IF EQUIPPED)With the ignition in the ONposition, the message centerdisplays important vehicleinformation by constantlymonitoring vehicle systems.You may select displayfeatures on the messagecenter for a display of status.The system will also notifyyou of potential vehicleproblems with a display ofsystem warnings. For moreinformation, please consultyour Owner's Guide.7STEERING WHEELAUDIO CONTROLS(IF EQUIPPED)These controls allow you toadjust the radio and CDfeatures from the steeringwheel. Press MEDIA to selectAM, FM1, FM2 or CD. PressSEEK+/- to access thenext/previous strong stationor track on a CD. PressVOL+/- to adjust volume andMUTE to mute the volume.8TILT STEERINGCOLUMNTo adjust the steering wheel,push the adjustment leverdown to unlock the steeringcolumn. While the lever isdown, tilt the steering columnto your desired position.Then, while holding thesteering column in place,pull the lever up to its originalposition to lock the steeringcolumn. Do not adjustwhile driving.9CHECK ENGINE LAMPThe check engine indicatorlamp illuminates when theignition is first turned to theON position to check thebulb. If the light turns solid orblinks, the On BoardDiagnostics System hasdetected a malfunction. Drivein a moderate fashion (avoidheavy acceleration ordeceleration) and have yourvehicle serviced immediately.10ABS WARNING LAMPIn an emergency, applycontinuous force to the brakepedal. Do not pump thebrakes. Any pulsation ormechanical noise you mayfeel or hear is normal. If thelamp doesn’t illuminate orstays on, have your vehicleserviced. Normal brakingis still functional unlessthe brake warning lamp isalso illuminated.11THROTTLE CONTROL /TRANSMISSION LAMPThe throttle control /transmission lamp illuminateswhen a powertrain fault hasbeen detected. Contact yourdealer as soon as possible.ENGINE COOLANT LAMPThe engine coolant lampilluminates when the enginecoolant is low.Stop thevehicle as soon as possibleand let the engine cool.1312INSTRUMENT P ANEL2006 QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE。

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针对特定行业环境,驱动力原因也是特定旳;但是多数驱动力 都会出目前各个商业环境之中。组织一般经过事件和趋势模式, 或者是一系列产生驱动力旳趋势等拟定驱动力原因。
各行业中较为常见旳驱动力类型有:长久行业增长率变化;社 会焦点、态度和生活方式旳变化;网络及其应用旳市场变化; 客户需求和偏好旳主要变化;技术和生产流程旳革新等。
组织只有对行业驱动力原因做出完善旳分析,才干制定正确旳 战略决策。但要注意,驱动力和竞争压力对行业全部竞争者都 起作用,而且对不同竞争者旳作用方式不尽相同。根据组织市 场定位以及对驱动力原因种类拟定旳不同,组织响:“驱动力”指旳是一种趋势,它会对行业构造 和竞争者行为旳变化产生影响。驱动力分析能够帮助组织了解 和找出行业存在旳变化。将来制定应对变化旳决策,分析师必 须清楚了解和拟定这些驱动力,并对其进行分析,掌握这些驱 动力对行业竞争环境旳影响力。
行业环境之所以发生变化是因为有些力量驱使行业参加者变化了 他们旳行动。有些驱动力是源于组织所在旳行业和竞争环境,并 能够对行业参加者产生某些不拟定性;而这些不拟定性可算作是 竞争环境中旳一种既有元素,组织科在战略规划方面对其充分利 用。
• 驱动力分析不可以单独使用,也不能回答 决策者的战略问题。组织无法阻挡驱动力 发生的变化,只能在制定战略和策略规划 是顺应这种变化。
• 驱动力分析需要很多人的全面参与才可完 成,而且最好能够利用外部资源确定驱动 力因素,以防出现内部或组织偏见。
确定行业驱 动力因素
评估因素对 行业产生的
一旦拟定进行驱动力分析,分析师旳下一项工作就是拟定其所 采用旳(战略或策略)行动是否能够调整组织战略,将重心转 移到行业驱动力上。假如能够,分析师旳目旳就是制定下列行 动纲领: ✓ 加强能够主动影响行业或组织旳驱动力优势 ✓ 针对有悲观影响旳驱动力做出应对方案 ✓ 关注对组织影响尚不明确,但对组织具有潜在主动影响旳驱动 力原因


















作者通过一个名叫Willow Creek的教堂的案例,说明了成功的组织是那些能够满足员工的需求和价值观的组织。








2021 Chevrolet Tahoe 产品说明书

2021 Chevrolet Tahoe 产品说明书

*8L1J_19G217_AA*quick reference guideEXPEDITION08QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE EssENTIal INfOrmaTIONFUel tank CaPaCitY Your vehicle’s fuel tank can accommodate 28 gallons (106L) of gasoline. (expedition eL accommodates 33.5 gallons (126.8L) of gasoline.) Your vehicle is designed to use “regular” unleaded gasoline with a pump (r+M)/2 octane rating of 87 for optimum performance. The use of gasoline with lower octane ratings may degrade performance.tire PreSSUre Your tire pressure is properly set at the dealership according to the recommended specifications found on the Safety compliance certification Label located on the driver’s door latch pillar or the edge of the driver’s door. Please check your tire pressure during routine maintenance and seasonal changes and when the Tire Pressure Monitoring System warning indicator is illuminated. Warning: improperly inflated tires can affect vehicle handling and tire performance. See “Additional features” on the reverse side for more information on the TPMS.FUSeS if electrical components in the vehicle are not working, a fuse may have blown. for more information about changing a fuse, please consult your Owner’s guide.FUel PUMP ShUt-oFF SWitCh After a collision, if the engine cranks but does not start, the fuel pump shut-off switch may have to be reset. The switch is located in the left rear quarter trim panel, near the liftgate, behind an access panel. for complete details on resetting the switch, please consult your Owner’s guide.Changing the tireS if you get a flat tire while driving, do not apply the brake heavily. instead, gradually decrease your speed. Hold the steering wheel firmly and slowly move to a safe place on the side of the road. Prior to jacking, hoisting or towing your vehicle, be sure to turn Off the running boards (if equipped) and the optional rear load leveling suspension. never place your hand between the extended running board and the vehicle. A moving running board may cause injury. Your vehicle may be equipped with a conventional spare tire that is different in one or more of the following: type, brand, size, speed rating and tread design. Your vehicle may be equipped with a spare wheel that may not match the road wheels and is not equipped with a Tire Pressure Monitor System (TPMS) sensor. Location of the Spare tire and tooLS item LocationSpare Tireunder the vehicle, just forward of the rear bumperJack Tools and under the access panel, located in the floor compartment behind theJacking instructionsthird row seatroadSide eMergenCieS To fully assist you if you should have a vehicle concern, ford Motorcompany offers a complimentary roadside assistance program. This program is separate from the new Vehicle Limited Warranty. The service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for the new Vehicle Limited Warranty period (u.S.) or Basic Warranty period (canada). roadside assistance will cover: q changing a flat tire q Jump-startsq Limited fuel delivery q Lockout assistance q Towing of your vehicle q Winch OutroadSide aSSiStance centerScountry Phone number united States 1-800-241-3673canada1-800-665-2006for complete details on any roadside assistance concern, please consult the roadside emergencies chapter, or the customer Assistance chapter in your Owner’s guide.ford Motor company customer relationship centerP.O. Box 6248dearborn, Mi 481211-800-392-3673 (fOrd)(Tdd for the hearing impaired: 1-800-232-5952)8L1J 19g217 AAMay 2007first Printingquick reference guideexpedition Litho in u.S.A.This quick reference guide is not intended to replace your vehicle Owner’s guide which contains more detailed information concerning the features of your vehicle, as well as important safety warnings designed to help reduce the risk of injury to you and your occupants. Please read your entire Owner’s guide carefully as you begin learning about your new vehicle and refer to the appropriate chapters when questions arise.All information contained in this quick reference guide was accurate at the time of duplication. We reserve the right to change features, operation and/or functionality of any vehicle specification at any time. Your ford dealer is the best source for the most current information. for detailed operating and safety information, please consult your Owner’s guide.1 Cd eJeCt Press and a memory preset 1-6 to eject a cd from a specific slot. Press and hold to auto eject all cds present in the system.2 load Press LOAd and a memory preset to load aspecific slot. Press and hold to autoload up to six cds. 3 aM/FM Press to select AM/fM1/fM2 frequency band.4 Seek Press to access the previous or next strong station, cd track, previous/next channel (if equipped with satellite radio), previous/additional display text or category.5 text/SCan Press and hold to hear a brief sampling of radio stations or cd tracks. Press again to stop. in cd/MP3 mode, press and release to display track title, artist name and disc title.6 Folder in folder mode, press to access previous or next folder on MP3 discs, if available.Satellite radio FeatUreS and ControlS (if equipped)7 aUx Press repeatedly to cycle through feS/dVd (if equipped), SAT1, SAT2, SAT3 (satellite radio mode if equipped), or Line in (auxiliary audio mode if equipped). Press AM/fM to return to radio mode. Satellite radio is available only with a valid SiriuS radio subscription. check with your authorized dealer for availability.8 tUne/diSC SeleCtor in radio mode, press to goup/down the frequency band. in menu mode, use to select various settings. in cd/MP3 mode, press to select a desired disc.9 MenU Press this button when satellite radio mode is active to access. Press Ok to enter into the satellite radio menu. Press / to cycle through the following options: category, Save Song, delete Song, delete All Songs and enable Alerts/disable Alerts. for more information, please consult your Owner’s guide. 10 u /ii ok (PlaY/PaUSe) Thiscontrol is operational in cd and dVd mode (if equipped). When a cd or dVd is playing in the feS system, press this control to play or pause the current cd/dVd. The cd/dVd status will display in the radio display.ok: use in various menu selections.SETTING THE CLOCK Press Menu until SeLecT HOur or SeLecT MinS is displayed. Press / / tSeeku to adjust the hours/minutes.To open the power liftgate, push the button on the instrument panel presson your five-button key fob, or press the liftgate control button located on the inside of the liftgate handle. To close, press and release the control located figure APos. 1Lever 1Pos. 2Pos. 3Pos. 4Pull StrapPos. 5Pos. 6navigation SYSteM (if equipped) Please refer to the navigation Supplement for more information on the navigation system.figure Bfigure cThis vehicle handles differently from an ordinary passenger car in driving conditions which may occur on streets and highways and off-road. driVe WiTH cAre And WeAr A SAfeTY BeLT AT ALL TiMeS. ford urges you to read theOwner’s guide and driving Your SuV or Truck Supplement for further information on safe driving precautions and instructions.use extreme caution with any device that maytake your attention off the road. Your primary concern is safe operation of your vehicle.Only use non-essentialdevices when it issafe to do so.9quick reference guide1 headlaMP rotate clockwise to the first position to turn on the parking lamps. rotate to the second position to also turn on the headlamps. rotate counterclockwise to activate the autolamp, which provides lightsensitive automatic on-off control of the exterior lights and keeps them on for a short period of time after the ignition is turned Off. When the control is in any position except high beams or off, pull the control toward you to activate the foglamps.2 tUrn Signal and WiPer/WaSher Control Pushdown to activate the left turn signal, or up to activate the right turn signal. On equipped vehicles, the lower portion of the corresponding side view mirror will blink to provide an additional warning to other drivers that your vehicle is about to turn.for front wiperoperation, rotate the end of the control away from you to increase the speed and toward you to decrease the speed.The speed dependent feature also allows the wipers to adjust automatically as the vehicle’s speed changes. Push in the end of the stalk briefly for a single wipe (no wash). Push in and hold to activate the washer and wipers.The ring on the right operates the rear window wiper. rotate the control to 2 (normal speed), 1 (intermittent operation), or back to off.3 abS Warning laMP This lamp illuminates briefly when the ignition is turned to the On position. in an emergency, apply continuous force on the brake to prevent wheel lockup when braking on slippery surfaces - do not pump your brakes. Any pulsation or noise you may feel or hear is not abnormal.4 ServiCe engine Soon laMP This lamp illuminates briefly to ensure the system is functional. if the lamp comes on after the engine is started, refer to your Owner’s guide. To help preventactivation, always secure your fuel cap by turning it clockwise 1/4 of a turn until at least a few clicks are heard.Please note that if the fuel cap is not properly secured,will be displayed on the optional message center. upon restarting the vehicle, it may take a few driving cycles (mileage accumulation) for the lamp to clear. if your vehicle is not equipped with a message center, the Service engine Soon lamp will illuminate. 5 MeSSage Center (if equipped) Please see “Additional features” for more details. 6 air FloW adJUSt You can direct or shut off the air flow from the instrument panel registers. To open the registers for airflow, press the indentation in the vent. Adjust as desired. close the vents flat to shut off the air flow.7 aUdio SYSteM (if equipped) Please see reverse side for more details.8 hazard FlaSher Control Press to activate hazard flashers in anemergency to warn traffic of vehicle breakdown,approaching danger, etc. Press again to turn the flashers off. The hazard flashers can be operated when the ignition is off.9 rear WindoW deFroSter Press to activate rear window defrost. The indicator light on the control will illuminate. When in operation, the rear window defroster also defrosts the side view mirrors. The rear window defroster will automatically turn off after 15 minutes of operation. Press the control again to re-engage if needed.10 aUxiliarY inPUt JaCk Your vehicle is equipped with an Auxiliary input Jack located below the climate control. This allows you to plug and play auxiliary audio devices. Press Aux repeatedly on your audio system to access. When Line in appears in the display, plug in your auxiliary audio device.In order to help you fully appreciate the countless features of your new Expedition, we invite you to explore this easy-to-use Quick Reference Guide. For more information, please consult your Owner’s Guide.1245671112131415INsTrUmENT PaNEl 1234EXPEDITIONfOrD3810normal on-road driving on dry pavement. 4A (4X4 AUTO) provides electronic control four-wheel drive with power delivered to all four wheels, as required, for increased traction. The message center will display “4x4 AuTO” when this position isselected. This mode is appropriate for all on-road driving conditions, such as dry road surfaces, wet pavement, snow or gravel.4H (4X4) provides electronically locked four-wheel drive power to all fourwheels. The message center will display “4x4” when this position is selected. This position is not recommended for use on dry pavement. This position is only intended for severe winter or off-road conditions, such asposition is selected. To shift from 2H to 4A or 4H, move the control to the 4A or 4H position at any forward speed up to 55 mph (88 km/h) or at a stop. The message center may display “4x4 SHifT in PrOgreSS” during the system shift. The message center will then display “4x4AuTO” if 4A is selected or “4x4” if 4H is selected.To shift from 4A to 4H, move the control from 4A to 4H at a stop or while driving at any speed. The message center will display “4x4”. To shift to/from 4L, bring the vehicle to a stop. Place the gearshift in n (neutral), then move the control to the desired position. The message center will display “4x4 SHifT in PrOgreSS” duringmay be heard as the system shifts or engages.12 gearShiFt/ overdriveControl Overdrive is the normal drive position for the best fuel economy. Only deactivate (O/d Off) overdrive when: driving with a heavy load, towing a trailer up or down steep hills, or when additional engine braking isdesired. To deactivate, press the switchlocated on the end of the gearshift lever. note: Thetransmission shift strategy will slightly delay transmission upshifts in cold weather until the engine oil andtransmission fluid are in the normal operating temperature range. 13 Steering Wheel ControlS (ifequipped) for audio control operation, press MediA to selectpress TeMP + or – to adjust temperature. Press the control with the fan icon + or – to adjust fan speed.14 SPeed Control To operate, the speed control must be On. To set a speed, press SeT +. To set a higher speed, press SeT + again. To set a lower speed, press SeT –. Pressing reS will return to a previously set speed. To turn the speed control off, press the Off button, or depress the brake pedal to disengage. 15 PoWeradJUStable Foot PedalS (if equipped) Press and hold the rocker control toadjust the accelerator and brake pedal toward you or away from you. Adjust the pedals only when the vehicle is stopped and the gearshift lever is in the P (Park) position.12131115surfaces. if your vehicle should become stuck, try switching the system off by pressing and momentarily holding the AdvanceTrac with rSc button on the instrument panel. remember to switch theAdvanceTrac with rSc system on once the vehicle is no longer stuck.2 keYleSS entrY SYSteM (if equipped) With this control you can lock or unlock all doors and liftgate without using a key. first, enter your five-digit program code and then press the corresponding quick key:To unlock all doors and liftgate, press 3-4.To lock all doors and liftgate, press 7-8 and 9-0 simultaneously.3 heated and CooledSeatS (if equipped) The driver and passenger heated and cooled seat buttons arelocated on the climate control. Press the heated seat button once for full heat, twice for low heat. Press again to turn off this feature.Press the cooled seat button once for full cool, twice for lowproblems with a display of system warnings followed by a long indicator chime. You may select display features on the message center by pressing the infO or SeTuP buttons. The reSeT button may be used to reset select functions in the infO and SeTuP menus.for complete details on the message center displayfeatures, please consult your Owner’s guide.5 tire PreSSUreMonitoring SYSteM (tPMS) This system monitors tire pressure on all road tires and provides the driver with a yellow warning light when air needs to be added. Message center equipped vehicles provide additional warning messages. The TPMS warning light will reset itself (turn off) after the tires are inflated to the proper pressure and the vehicle is driven above 20 mph (32 km/h) for two minutes. note: Outside temperature affects tire pressure. Please consult your Owner’s guide.6 PoWerFold MirrorS (if equipped) rotate the 4-way adjustment switch located on the driver’s door, to the center4-way adjustment switch to the center position. Press the switch down to fold the mirrors in, and wait for approximately 8 seconds. You should hear a click indicating the mirrors have been reset.if you do not hear a click, press the switch to fold the mirrors back out, and repeat the reset procedure.7 reverSe CaMera SYSteM (if equipped) The reverse camera system provides a video image of the area behind the vehicle. The reverse camera system will automatically provide an image in the rear view mirror, when the vehicle is placed in r (reverse) gear. This image will continue to be displayed on the mirror for a few seconds, once the vehicle has been shifted out of r (reverse) gear.note: The reverse camera system is a reverse aid supplement device that still requires the driver to use it in conjunction with the rear view and side view mirrors for maximum coverage. for complete details on the reverse camera system, please consult your Owner’s guide.271。

飞机管理系统1394b 总线测试技术研究

飞机管理系统1394b 总线测试技术研究

总717期第十九期2020年7月河南科技Henan Science and Technology飞机管理系统1394b总线测试技术研究唐怀奎(国营芜湖机械厂,安徽芜湖241000)摘要:IEEE-1394总线是为商用电子系统应用而研发的,其诸多的动态特性并不适合安全关键的飞机管理系统的高确定性和高可靠性。



关键词:飞机管理系统;1394b总线;AS5643;测试技术中图分类号:V249.1;TP315文献标识码:A文章编号:1003-5168(2020)19-0095-03 Research on1394b Bus Test Technology of Aircraft Management SystemTANG Huaikui(Wuhu State owned Machinery Factory,Wuhu Anhui241000)Abstract:IEEE-1394bus is developed for the application of commercial electronic system,and its many dynamic characteristics are not suitable for the high certainty and reliability of the safety critical aircraft management system. According to this,the SAE working group led by Lockheed Martin Company of the United States carried out some im⁃provements and restrictions on the IEEE-1394b specification,forming the AS5643protocol bus that meets the re⁃quirements of aerospace and aviation high security fields,with the characteristics of high real-time,high certainty and high reliability.In this paper,the basic topology and as5643protocol of the aircraft management system bus were introduced,and the1394b bus simulation test system was built to simulate,and the research on the1394B bus test technology of the aircraft management system was completed.Keywords:aircraft management system;1394b bus;as5643;test technology research随着IEEE-1394总线技术的快速发展,其被大量应用于航天和航空领域[1]。



热效率40.48%!揭秘广汽第三代1.5TGDI 发动机作者:吕彩霞来源:《汽车与运动》2021年第12期10月9日,台风“狮子山”登陆带来的余威尚在,在霏霏细雨中,广汽钜浪动力技术品鉴会在广州举行。















一、发动机问题1.1 空气滤清器堵塞汽车发动机需要大量新鲜空气来支持燃烧过程,如果空气滤清器堵塞,就会限制空气的流入,导致燃烧不完全,从而减少了发动机的输出功率,造成驱动力不足的情况。

1.2 燃油系统故障燃油系统故障可能导致发动机供给不足或混合不良,除了影响油耗外,更可能导致动力不足的问题。

1.3 火花塞问题火花塞是点燃混合气的关键零部件,如果火花塞出现故障或老化,就会导致点火不良,影响了燃烧效率,进而导致发动机输出动力不足。

二、传动系统问题2.1 变速箱故障变速箱是传动系统的核心部件,如果变速箱出现故障,如离合器磨损、齿轮损坏等,就会导致动力无法有效传递,从而造成驱动力不足的问题。

2.2 驱动轴问题如果汽车的驱动轴出现问题,比如轴承损坏、传动轴变形等,都会导致动力传递出现问题,从而影响车辆的驱动力。

三、电子控制系统问题3.1 发动机控制单元故障发动机控制单元是控制发动机工作的核心部件,一旦发动机控制单元出现故障,就会影响燃烧效率和点火时机,从而导致驱动力不足。

3.2 传感器故障汽车上的各种传感器,如节气门传感器、氧传感器等,一旦出现故障,就会影响燃烧控制和混合气质量,从而导致驱动力不足的问题。

四、其他问题4.1 车辆负载过重车辆负载过重会加大发动机的负荷,从而影响发动机的输出功率,导致驱动力不足。

4.2 轮胎问题轮胎气压不足或者磨损严重都会影响汽车的抓地力,从而降低车辆的驱动力。



打造智能生活新场景 小马立行:马力世界

打造智能生活新场景 小马立行:马力世界






先进技术是驱动产业进步的源动力——访AAM亚洲区总裁Donald Joseph先生

先进技术是驱动产业进步的源动力——访AAM亚洲区总裁Donald Joseph先生

Donald Joseph先生

1.传递属于美桥的力量——访美国车桥制造有限公司亚洲区总裁董剑锋(Donald Joseph)先生 [J], ;
2.美国车桥,传递力量——访美国车桥亚洲区执行总经理Donald Joseph先生[J], 龚淑娟;
总监John Hiraoka先生——访EPICOR亚洲区副总裁陈彩伦先生——访EPICOR香港、南中国及台湾高级区域总监邓永泉先生 [J], 楚念良
4.贴近客户为客户提供更好的服务——访福伊特造纸织物与辊子系统总裁贝特拉姆·施道登麦先生和福伊特造纸亚洲区总裁刘明明女士 [J], 梁川
5.贴近客户为客户提供更好的服务——访福伊特造纸织物与辊子系统总裁贝特拉姆·施道登麦先生和福伊特造纸亚洲区总裁刘明明女士 [J], 梁川

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