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(20 13 —20 14 学年第1 学期)

课号:011A05L01 课程名称:英语电影文化改卷教师:段冰

学号(Number):126110278 姓名(Name):解虹得分:

Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump, one of the most authoritative movies of America, was adapted from the novel of the same name written by Winston Groom. The movie was produced by Paramount Pictures, Inc, debuted in the United States in 1994 and won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1994.

Forrest Gump, the main character of the movie, is unfortunately

to be born with a lower IQ and back problem. However, his great mother does not abandon him and constantly encourages him to be tough and brave. God doesn’t abandon Forrest either, because he has a great talent in running. Under Mrs. Gump’s great efforts, Forrest ultimately goes to school, where Forrest meets his best and only friend Jenny. Jenny always tells Forrest to run when being bullied, and Forrest even runs into a college accidently. In college, he becomes a football player and gets the chance to meet President Kennedy. After graduates, Forrest joins the army and serves in the Vietnam War, where he meets two new friends, Dan and Bubba. Again, Forrest is a war hero and gains the medal as well as interviewed by President Johnson. On the other side, Jenny is already degenerate, once they meet in a peace rally but say goodbye hastily. Later,

he becomes a ping-pong player and represents America to attend a ping-pong competition with china. He discloses Watergate Scandal, he starts shrimping business with Dan and finally become a millionaire. During this time, his mother passes away, which leads Forrest to great sorrow. So he comes back to his hometown and works as a gardener. Jenny comes to see Forrest again but leaves quickly again. Since that, Forrest begins to run. His running across the United States once again becomes

a celebrity. Finally, Jenny takes their son back to Forrest and marries

to him at last. Not long after, Jenny dead, Forrest takes their son to the school bus once Forrest himself has taken, and the whole story ends.

From the Literary aspects to appreciate this movie, I have several opinions as follows.

First of all, the story itself is so informative. It covers the history of America from 1940s to 1980s, including the popularity of Elvis Presley, the little Rock Incident, the Vietnam War,the triumph of the Apollo project, Sino-US ping-pong diplomacy and Watergate Scandal which I mentioned before. Also, Forrest experiences several American presidents like President Kennedy, President Johnson, President Nixon and President Carter. When watching this film, you can feel if you leave one minute, you will miss a great important history. Beside, the movie shows us a mother’s great love for her son, innocent childhood between a logy boy and a kind-hearted girl, loyalty and promise between three man…… all these plots of the movie make us burst into tears. As for the character of this movie, first of all, I’d like to talk about the great mother---Mrs. Gump. I clearly remember she tells Forrest that he is no different to others. She tells Forrest that “stupid as stupid does” in order to strengthen Forrest’s confidence as well as encourage him to live a normal life as others. When she is going to die, through saying “Death is just a part of our life, something we are all destined to do”to make Forrest understand her death and lessen his sorrow. The most importantly, she leaves a meaningful sentence of counsel: life was like a box of chocolate, you never know what you are going to eat. Through all her behavior, we can learn that is not only a great mother who loves her son deeply, but also a tough, independent, and strong woman. Jenny, Forrest’s best friend, is a kind girl indeed. She doesn’t look down upon or bully Forrest like others; on the contrary, she becomes Forrest’s only friend when he is young; she teaches Forrest to run whenever is needed; she companies Forrest through his whole childhood. However, I really feel pity for her becoming degenerate later. She takes drugs; she lives a wild life and finally dies of Aids. In the film, if Forrest is a very pure image, then Jenny is a symbol of degenerate. Her terrible and tragedy life is a reflection of the American young people of that age.
