
下面是店铺为大家搜索整理的2017年公共英语五级写作指导,希望能给大家带来帮助!第一部分:困境一.评分标准:语言第一位;结构第二位;内容第三位;二.滔滔不绝意识流:1)自由分段不可取;(compact)2)语言杂乱不可取;(concise)3)一段文章不可取;(concrete)三.无话可说真难受:立论法:广告效应,(P114)电脑时代,技术改变生活,大学学费上涨,学习和成功的关系,(P154: 朋友和家庭,电视上瘾, 劣质产品, 城乡差距), 环境保护的'重要性驳论法:是否应该购买外国货,是否应该禁放烟花爆竹四.思维跳跃断层多:启:first, at present, first of all, above all, at the first place, on the one hand, for one thing, to begin with, 为第一观点。
承:second, on the other hand, in addition, additionally, moreover, what is more, furthermore, third, last but not least,为第二观点转: But, however, nevertheless, on the contrary, unlike, otherwise, conversely, unfortunately, whereas, unfortunately, surprisingly, ironically合:Accordingly, therefore, as a result, consequently, in conclusion, to sum up, in general, on the whole, by and large, in brief, briefly speaking因果:due to/ owing to/thanks to/as a result of + 名词___ in order to + 动词Along with/Coupled with + 名词As/since/because+句子Coupled with A is B that contributes to (is responsible for) C 引用:As the saying goes, as somebody put it,句型首尾:Given all the above factors, it is safe to reach the conclusion thatTaking into account all the above factors, it is reasonable to reach the conclusion五、低级错误常出现:三一致:主谓一致;时态一致;人称一致;两不能:不能串句,不能断句第二部分:写作流程和模版Issue1)起始段写法方法(1),先复述原题, 表明立场The speaker asserts that _________. Although the speaker’s position is not wholly insupportable, far more compelling arguments can be made for _______.1.复述原题,指出其复杂性,说明自己的立场The issue that _______ is a complex one, since it involves a conflict between _____ and _______. In my view, the final judgment should depend on a case-by-case analysis of two key factors.2.复述两种立场,表明立场Since the 1960s, there has been some heated discussion on the ________. Some people maintain that __________, while other people argue that _______. By comparison, I tend to favor latter point of view.2)中间段写法方法(1)有让步的同意To begin with, compared with the past, great changes have taken place in the ________. As a result, ________. With the time goes by, it is natural that ________. What’s more, (原因2)the pattern of ______as a whole also undergoes certain dramatic transformation. So _________.(原因3)Finally, the country has, for the past decades, witnessed an upsurge of ______. So nowadays, a variety of modern technical devices are available. By and by, the young people find it more convenient to contact their parents through telephone or E-mails instead of staying with their parents. Those who advocate _________ might point out that ______. Even so, the situation is not absolute, nor is it the most critical element. As a matter of fact, ______.方法(2)有让步的不同意Admittedly, those who preach about the so-called advantages of _____ do contain some element of truth. For instance, __________. Nevertheless, these arguers tend to neglect three other essential factors, the most important of which, I propose, is that ________. Additionally, numerous studies have shown that _________. Finally, suppose ______ who ______. Surely enough, ____________.方法(3)拒绝选择立场Since the 1960s, the world has witnessed some dramatic changes in the _______. Under such conditions, it is not uncommon that ______________. For example, ________. In some other instances, however, the above-mentioned situation is not always adequate. For instance, suppose _________ who _______. Surely enough, _________. Another exception to this approach is the case of _______. Admittedly, these are exceptional cases , yet they do exist.3)结论段方法(1) 重申立场In conclusion, __________.方法(2) 重申立场,提一些建议措施Given the considerations above, it is safe to conclude that ______has exerted impacts on the sustainable development of _____, but what measures should be taken to arrest and reverse this situation? ______are expected to launch comprehensive projects that attach due importance to ______. For another thing, people in urban areas, ______ in particular, are expected to enhance their awareness that _______. Many options still exist, and human beings can still have a bright future under a harmonious family atmosphere. As an old saying goes, “______.”ISSUE写作“五不能”1)观点不能缺乏角度2)观点绝对不能化3)专业术语不能过多4)例证陈腐不能陈腐5)不能过度依赖个人经历Argumentation1)起始段方法(1)Since the 1960s, there has been some heated discussion on the ______. Some people maintain that _________. What they preach about does contain some elements of truth, however, through decades of observation and practice, it turns out that their statement has many restrictions.方法(2)The author of this argument claims that _________. To support this claim the author cites certain evidence involving his own experience and observation with the issue. However, closescrutiny of this evidence reveals that it lends little credit for the author’s assertion.方法(3)The statement endorsed in this remark is that _______. However, this argument involves the sort of gross oversimplification and emotional appeal typical of eloquence and rhetoric. For this reason, it is rather convincing.2)拓展段: 首先承认前者观点的合理之处, 然后找到至少两点坏处方法(1)Admittedly, those who preach about the so-called advantages of _____ do contain some element of truth. For instance, __________. Nevertheless, these arguers tend to neglect three other essential factors. First, ______. Second, _______. Third and last, _______.To sum up, the notion held by the author is not justified.方法(2)The major problem with this argument is that __________. Another problem that undermines the argument above is that _______. Granted that ________, it doesn’t follow that __________.方法(3)Admittedly, the idea held by those who __________ does contain an element of truth. For example, according to the survey,_________. But these arguers tend to ignore two other essential aspects. First, the arguers fail to take into account the possibility that __________. In this sense, ______is not always synonymous to ________. Second, the arguers’ assertion doesn’t provide sufficient data to narrow down the exact extent of the financial loss. Therefore, any further conclusion addressing the problem of space research must be based on thorough investigation. As a matter of fact, ___________.In this respect,money return is not the sole hallmark of the space research. Given reasons above, the argument above, under a careful examination, turns out to be groundless in its hasty conclusion.3)结论段写法方法(1) 总结漏洞In conclusion, the arguers’ evidence lends little credible support to her claim. To persuade people that space research is a waste of money, the arguers would need to provide clear evidence, sufficient data and thorough cost-benefit analysis of alternatives方法(2)提出建议措施Given the considerations above, it is safe to conclude that ______has exerted impacts on the sustainable development of _____, but what measures should be taken to arrest and reverse this situation? For one thing, ______are expected to launch comprehensive projects that attach due importance to ______. For another thing, people in urban areas, ______ in particular, are expected to enhance their awareness that _______. Many options still exist, and human beings can still have a bright future under a harmonious family atmosphere. As an old saying goes, “______.”。

做人do a person/man/human being/people 分手divide hand More than a half people perceived that improvement had been made in the past years. Whether college students can do business?
there & it 混淆
It’s no need to consider… It is no doubt that…
并列与从属含混 (一山二虎句)
Many interesting things happened in my hometown left an enduring impression in my life. Anytime you have a headache, he will bring the proper medicine with a bowl of water.
正:Can college students do business?
quite/quiet later/latter arise/rise/raise lose/loss/lost/*lossed/ losed may be/maybe passed/past beside/besides/except though/through

公共英语五级有哪些写作技巧呢一、写作要求1. 内容切题中心明确文章中的每一个句子必须起着为主题服务的作用。
2. 组织严密条理清楚文章的各个部分必须按逻辑顺序、时间顺序或空间顺序串连起来;过渡词语或过渡段落要用得贴切自然,使文章读起来连贯有序,流畅自然。
3. 句子精练句型多样句子既要写得准确,句型也要有变化。
4. 用词得体丰富生动要使学的词汇用得贴切、得当,就必须掌握确切的词义,了解同义词之间的细微区别,区分词义的褒与贬,熟知词的搭配,明确词语使用的语域等。
二、应试步骤1. 审题与立意根据题目所提供的条件和要求来确定文章的内容、体裁和写法。
2. 认真拟提纲通过以上审题及立意,草拟出一个提纲,确立文章的框架结构、层次及逻辑。
3. 写好引言与结尾构思完成后用适当的语言形式把提纲列出的要点展开,写成一篇连贯通顺、结构完整、思路清晰、有逻辑性的文章。

PETS-5考试写作PETS-5考试写作精选范文篇一:Write all article titled as “Knowledge Economy”.You should write it according to the following outline.Outline:(1) A new knowledge economy age is coming near.(2) What is “knowledge economy”.(3) The knowledge economy age presents both opportunities and challenges to us.You should write no less than 250 words.Write your article on ANSWER SHEET 2.One possible version:Knowledge economy was still something unheard of just a decade a90.But today it has become a household word and is on everybody’s lips.Knowledge economy is not only a concept now,but will be a reality in near future.At the turn of the century,a new knowledge economy age is approaching us.In the l980s,when people talked about the Third Wave and the post-in-dustrial society,knowledge economy remained a concept yet to be crystal-lized.However,in the l990s,with knowledge playing an increasingly vital role in every sphere imaginable of our economic life,a knowledge—based economy is gradually taking shape.Simply stated,knowledge economy is a kind of economic system based on the production,storage,distribution and consumption of knowledge and information products,Knowledge economy is knowledge—intensive,energy—saving as well as environment-friendly.In the knowledge economy era,economic development relies heavily on scienceand technology.For example,the information industry in the US has already ac— counted for l0%of its gross domestic product and is expected to enjoy a further increase in the years to come.This imminent knowledge economy age presents both vast opportunities and immense challenges to every nation.Worldwide competition in knowledge and information,science and technology,inventions and patents,natural and human resources will become even more fierce.As the saying goes,“Knowledge is power”,and so the gap between countries,in the final analysis,is the gap of knowledge.To meet these challenges posed by knowledge economy,our country should raise the overall quality of her labor force and cultivate more and more specialized personnel.。

具体表述如下:TOPIC: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? AAA. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.(2)给出一个论点,主要是对两个事物进行比较的陈述,要求考生支持或反对并给出理由。
具体表述如下:TOPIC: A is superior to B. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Use specific reasons to support your point of view.注:在模板中用A、B表示相比较的两个事物,这种形式与对立观点式有着很大的相似之处,考生可以进行适当的借鉴。
(1)的两种模板如下:1. disagree这个问题的确是个热门话题,支持的人的理由是____________,但是它的错误在于____________。
第一段:There is no denying the fact that ____________(if one should ____________ /if ____________ is right) is a hot topic which is much talked about [not only by ____________, but also by ____________ /by people across the world/ in a modern society].或:There is no denying the fact that ____________(if one should ____________ /if ____________ is right) is a popular topic which has caused heated debate over a long period of time (because it affects everybody in his or her daily lives).或:There is no denying the fact that ____________(if one should ____________ /if ____________ is right) is a basic (moral/philosophical) problem that can not be circumvented by anybody,( because the opinion on this problem will determine one‘s attitude toward the world and the life).或:(如果是针对某一事件的题目,不是什么popular topic)If ____________(it is announcedthat a new movie theater may be built ____________), I will not be surprised to see ____________ (whether the plan should be supported or opposed) become a popular topic which is much talked about not only by ____________, but also by____________. Before rendering my opinion, I think it is important to take a glance at the arguments on both sides.第二段:People who support AAA usually give (some, even all of) the following reasons. 第一点原因。
PETS5--Writing PETS5 写作

position is not wholly insupportable, far more compelling arguments
can be made for _______.
In recent years, there has been some heated debates on the ________. Some people maintain that __________, while other people argue that _______. By comparison, I tend to favor the latter point of view.
In the meantime, we should not neglect the disadvantages of 主题. First of all, unhealthy information;Secondly,
getting addicted to it.
To sum up the above arguments, I think a proper attitude towards 主题 is that…
chart … Financial Sources of College Students 1. 描述中美大学生经济资助状况 2. 分析这种状况的成因 3. 预测中国大学生经济资助的可能变化
2) 对比分析/选择型 On Studying Abroad
1、提出要讨论的主题,人们对此看法不一;2、分别论述人们对此的看 法及原因;3、表明自己的观点并给出理由。

我认为最重要的一点是第一段:第一句同1.第二句:Somewhat surprisingly, people with different experience, life style and share similar attitudes toward this . They usually ].第二段:第一点第二点第三点第三段:In a word, (the three points mentioned above) are the main of . But as far as I am concerned, I consider the is .或:In a word, (the three points mentioned above) arethe main opinions on hold by people. But in my point of view, has more advantages than disadvantages under most circumstances.通用句型:(并不固定在某个模板中,在每个模板中都可以用到) This may explain why /As a consequenceIt goes without saying thatIn fact, we can observe easily that in modern society,As a proverb says, "Everything has two sides".As a proverb says, "Where there is a will there is a way".As is known to all, "No pains, no gains."Let's bring our discussion here to a more present and practical context. In today's world,I can say that if you have no experiences like these, your life is an inadequate one.be of great benefit/damage to sb./sth.The reason of is not so much asPeople differ greatly in their attitudes towards this problem. Some people hold the opinion that Others, , maintain that .It is for sb. to do sth.have举例证:It can be given by a (well known/concrete) example that . / In order to see this point clearly, let us to see an example:/To illustrate this, there is an example that is very persuasive:.第一点原因:The main/first reason is that .First, we can observe easily that in modernsociety, ……In the first placeTo begin with, (a good roommate should )第二点原因:Besides, the further reason why I advocate AAA is that .reason for propensity for A is thatdesirable quality for a good roommate is that第三点原因:Moreover,The third reason, , goes this way:写完三条原因还可以再写:Maybe there are some other reasons( to show). Butit is generally believed that the reasons mentioned above are monly aeptable.最后意犹未尽或者字数不够可以加这么一句:Nevertheless I must admit that people can do wellwithout AAA, but no one can ignore the additional convenience and satisfaction offered by AAA. Suchexperience will definitely be helpful in one's later life.一个使用了模板的例子:对立观点:In this modern society, people always confront the dilemma of choosing whether AAA or BBB. This problem is a much debated one in that it affects everybody in his or her daily life. People may prefer one to the other although some may have no opinions about either at all. Before rendering my opinion, I think it is necessary to take a glance at the arguments on both sides.It is quite rational for average people to choose BBB because of the obvious reason that 原因.The most extreme manifestation of this idea is the fact that 例子.Even so, however, many advantages of BBB over AAA will be obscured by its considerable drawbacks such as 例子.Therefore we have no plete evidence to suggest that BBB is always better than AAA. Moreover, a close scrutiny of the potential benefits of choosing AAA would reveal how flimsy it is to stick to the propensity to BBB over AAA.There are numerous reasons for my preference for AAA, and I shall here explore only a few of the most important ones. One chief reason is that 原因一.And I can think of no better illustration of the idea than the fact that 例子一. The above is only part of the important aspects, and another one with equal significance with respect to choosing between the two lies in the development of the proposition that 原因二. This well explains the undeniable fact that 例子二. Besides, a further reason why I advocate AAA is that 原因三.This may explain why 例子三.Last but not least, there is also a more practical reason why I would choose AAA, that is 原因四.All in all, taking into aount all these merits that AAA boasts of, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that the advantages of AAA outweigh any benefit we can get from BBB and choosing AAA is a rather wise decision.确实是一个值得探讨的话题。

英语考试作文公共英语考试五级写作范文6写法(2)先利后弊,倒向一边Recently there has been some heated discussion on the positive and negative effects the automobile has brought to a society. Some economists believe that the automobile companies contribute to the world economy by paying more taxes and securing more employments, while other people argue that vehicles of various kinds are the primary source of air pollution and traffic jam, therefore it is not proper to exaggerate the benefit of automobile production. By comparison, the latter point of view tends to be rather convincing.Admittedly, The idea held by those economists does contain an element of truth. For example, a nice car always offers more convenience while a man are on a business trip or go for an excursion on holiday. Nevertheless, they tend to neglect certain negative effects that may arise. First of all,automobiles give off a large amount of poisonous gas and pollute our environment. Second, as more cars are produced, they will probably rush to the same street at the same time. As a result, traffic jams often occur every day, especially during the rush hours. Third and last, although more cars have been produced, the drivers lack adequate training. Consequently, unskilled drivers are often primarily responsible for more car accidents, which in some cases, cost people precious lives. Some economists may also point out that automobile production is the primary source of national wealth. Even so, the situation is not absolute, nor is it the most critical element. As a matter of fact, monetary gain is not the sole hallmark of a happy life, and people are not expected to sacrifice their health for material luxury.Given the analysis above, it is justified to conclude that a proper use of automobiles has to be emphasized. For one thing, governmental departments are obliged to take concrete measures to boost automobile production while keeping track of the emission of pollutants. For another thing, citizens should be aware of the corresponding side effects while enjoying the leisure of their car ride. Only in this waycan they benefit greatly from the rapid growth of automobile manufacture.。

How to make the followings more formal?
important, much larger, larger( not a little, not a lot), a bit larger, a lot of, a few, teenager, workers, boss, ( cars, buses, trucks), (TVs, ovens, airconditioners), free time, do, give, get, like, buy, think, build,
I hope you will not interrupt us while we are talking. (formal)
Don’t butt in while we are talking. (informal)
They decided to investigate that matter. (formal)
suppose, assume, maintain, in my view, hold the view that , for my part as far as I am concerned, from my perspective…)
(1)正式英语中常用些“大词”、“长 词”,而非正式英语中则常用些短语动 词:
The big sum of money for such an operation is obviously beyond what his family can afford.
语( predicate)两大部分。

全国英语等级考试pets5写作范文一With the increasing popularity of the Internet, someone says," The more friends you get on line, the fewer friends you will have around you." Write an essay (about 250 words) expressing your views on the statement.不问实际情况硬写的结果:It is generally believe that nowadays, Internet is become common stools in people’s lives. First, it give pe ople a way to understand the outside world. But, everything has two sides, computers are sometimes bad. The more frequent we use computers, the less likely we get to know other people. What a terrible scene if we have a computer, but not friends!Why this happened? At the first place, when we use computers, we read from them, learn from them and print them. Therefore we may think: “ Because computers do us a lot, why bother other people.” Last but not the least, when people play on the internet and talk on the internet, they feel lonely because they have no friends in the real life. In addition, internet delivers mails fastly without any hesitation, so people prefer using then again and again. And they are not willing to visit their friends. What is more, when we use computers for a long time, we are tired and want to go to bed to sleep. I am a hardworking student who is specialized with computer application. Once upon a time, I spend ten hours on computers. As last, I tired, and suddenly I lost my mind and dropped down from downstairs. But for helpfrom my roommates, I would not live in physics and spirit. You see, computers almost kill me. I owe greatly to my friends and wish that I could live as long as them.What should we do in this situation? We must control computer. For one thing, we must know that it is not good to spend too much time on computers. Of course, most computers do us good, but some others do us harm, such as helping to cheat on line. As we know, we must use computers to serve our needs rather than falling to a slave to them. Only in this way can we have a better life.(317 words)全国英语等级考试pets5写作范文二Many technological innovations have been “double-edged swords” with positive and negative effects on society at large. The automobile is one of such innovations. What do you think is the overall impact of automobiles on society? Write an expository essay (about 300 words) expressing your views on it.写法(1):利弊对比,但是拒绝选择立场The issue that the automobile production is a double-edged sword is rather complex, since it involves a conflict between industrial expansion and the strategy of sustainable development. However, the final judgment should depend on a case-by-case analysis of several key factors.Since the 1960s, the world has witnessed some dramatic changes in the automobile technology. As a result, a growing number of transport vehicles have been manufactured, thus providing citizens with growing convenience and efficiency. Additionally, some economists believe that automobile production contributes to the national economy by paying more tax and providing more job vacancies. For example, In the United States or Japan, automobile industry remains the backbone oftheir marketing economy, the primary source of national wealth and the major provider of jobs. However, in some other instances, the above-mentioned situation is not always adequate. For instance, suppose a car that is poorly designed and gives off such poisonous gas as monoxide, methane or acetylene. Surely enough, the more cars a company manufactured, the more likely automobile production should be responsible for the environmental degradation of urban regions and the worsening health of the citizens. Another exception to this approach is the case of traffic congestion. Admittedly, when vehicles of various kinds rush to the same avenue, traffic jams invariably occur, which always gives rise to delays or accidents. These are exceptional cases, yet the do exist.Given the analysis above, it is justified to conclude that a proper use of automobiles has to be emphasized. For one thing, governmental departments are obliged to take concrete measures to boost automobile production while keeping track of the emission of pollutants. For another thing, citizens should be aware of the corresponding side effects while enjoying the leisure of their car ride. Only in this way can they benefit greatly from the rapid growth of automobile manufacture. (305 words)。

1.写作注意事项(1) 充分运用和体现自己的感官印象。
(2) 确立描写的重点,要精挑那些能够体现所描写对象突出品质和主要特征的细节和实例,抓住最富有感染力的情节来写。
(3) 描写的角度和次序要选择好。
(4) 描写与叙述二者紧密联系。
(5) 使用形象生动的语言,尽量不用特别复杂的.词汇和句子。
2.描写分类(1) 写人。
(2) 写地方。
(3) 写物。
(4) 写景。
写作时需注意:(1) 中心思想和写作目的要明确,一切情节都围绕中心展开。
(2) 要有一定的情景或背景。
(3) 要有充分且生动的事例和细节。
(4) 要合理安排好写作次序。
(5) 发展的角度必须一致。
(6) 文章要短小精悍。
(7) 需结合描写。

1.五段论(一边倒)式写法的结构 五段论(一边倒)
第一段: 第一段:提出观点 第二段:理由段1 第二段:理由段 第三段: 理由段2 第三段: 理由段 第四段: 第四段:让步段 第五段: 结尾段, 第五段: 结尾段,得出结论
♦ 开头段一定要语言精练,并且直接切入主题。
开头段不对主题进行深入的探讨,具体的论证 或叙述应该在理由段进行。一般在开头段写四, 五句即可。
You have read an article in a magazine with the following statement:“ The rapid rise in world population has resulted in the increased consumption of the world’s resources. Population growth is undoubtedly a grim threat to the world’s nonrenewable resources. Countries all over the world have no choice but to compete with one another for the world’s diminishing resources.” Write an essay for the same magazine. You should use your own ideas, knowledge or experience to generate support for your argument and include an example. You should write no less than 250 words.
一篇较差的作文表现为: 一篇较差的作文表现为:

结构要点感谢信是就某事向收信人表示感谢的信件,分为三个部分:1. 指出对方帮助自己的事情,表示感谢;2. 展开叙述这件事;3. 再次感谢,并可表示希望回报对方。
Suppose you were taken good care of by Aunt Liu when you visited Nanjing where she lived. Write a letter in about 100 words to extend your appreciation. Do not sign your own name, using “Li Ming”instead.Dear Aunt Liu,It is a great pleasure to extend my sincere gratitude to you for your considerate and warm treatment when I was in Nanjing during the May Day holiday.Before I went to Nanjing, I had booked a room in a hotel. But when I called on you, as was asked by my mother, you insisted that I stay in your house during the holiday. What’s more, you asked your daughter to accompany me when I visited the interesting places in Nanjing, which really added to the convenience and joy of the trip. Above all, every day when I finished my sightseeing, you had prepared a big meal for me.What a good time I had in Nanjing! My heart-felt thanks are beyond words. I wish I would have the chance to pay you back for all your kindness.With warmest regards.Yours faithfully,Li Ming。

PETS作模板PETS5W作作文模板一A or B将原题复述When faced with the decision of A of B, quite a few would deem that, but others, in contrast, believe A/B as the premier choice and that is also my point. Among countless factors which influence -A/-B, there are three conspicuous aspects as follows.The main reason for my support for is thatThe second reason can be seen by every person that.In addition,.In a word, 重复观点句并缩写理由.Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that.PETS5W作作文模板二单一命题式The answer of this statement depends on your own experience and life style. In my point view, buying computers is as important as, if not more important than, buying books. So it is sagacious to.Among countless factors which influence the choice, these are three conspicuous aspects as follows.The main reason for my support for is that.Another reason can be seen by every person is that. Furthermore,.In short, 复述前文中的理由.PETS5W作作文模板三agree or disagreeSome people argue as if it is a general truth that.But to be frank, I cannot agree with them. There are numerous reasons why I hold no confidence on them, and I would explore only a few primary ones here.The main problem with this argument is that it is ignorant o the basic fact that 解释本段中心.Another reason why I disagree with the above statement is that I believe that.What is more, some students are interested in.In conclusion,.PETS5W作作文模板四A or BWhen faced with the decision of A or B, quite a few would claim that, but others, in contrast, deem A/B as the premier choice and that is also my point. There are numerous reasons why, and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here.The main reason why I agree with the above statement, however, isthat. Take as example,.There is another factor that deserves some words here. Such asSimilarly, these reasons are also usable when we consider that.(examples:.From the above, you might get idea that I agree.(repeat the above threereasons.So, it is sagacious to support the statement that it is better to.PETS5W作作文模板五Agree or disagreeNowadayssomemayhold the opinion that , but others have a negative attitude. As far as I am concerned, I agree/disagree that. MYarguments for this point are listed as follows.One of the primary causes is that. Examples.But there is a more subtle point we must consider. Examples.What is more. ExamplesGenerally speaking, . Recognizing the fact that should drive us to conclude that.PETS5W作作文模板六A or BWhen it comes to, Nevertheless, in my part, I preferA rather thanB as myinclination. My arguments for this point are listed as follows.I agree with the statement that without reservation since.A more essential factor why I advocate the argument of isthat.Furthermore, what is worth noticing fact is that. This demonstrates the undeniable fact that.Of course, choosing B also has advantages to some extent, 此处论述B 的1-2 优点.But if all these factors are contemplated, the advantages of A carry more weight than those of B. From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that..PETS5W作作文模板七改写并复述题目.The advantages of B carry more weight than those of A. There are numerous reasons why, and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here.One of the primary causes is that.What is also worth noticing fact is that. Furthermore,.Although I agree that there may be couple of disadvantages to . I feel that the advantages are more obvious.Given the factors I have just outlined, I feel that the advantages are more obvious.重复优点.Taking all these factors into account, we may reach the conclusion that.PETS5W作作文模板八改写并复述题目.Whenfaced with decision of A or B, quite a few would claim that , but others, in contrast, deemA/B as the premier choice and that is also my point. Amongcountless factors which influence, there are three conspicuous aspects as follows.The main reason for my propensity for is thatAnother reason can be seen by every person is that.The argument I support in the first paragraph is also in a position of advantage because.In a word,. Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that.PETS55W作作文模板九agree or disagreeNowadays, some may hold the opinion that. But others have a negative attitude. As far as I am concerned, I agree that. My arguments for this point are listed as follows.I agree with the statement that without reservation since.Another reason why I agree with the above statement is that I believe that.In a word,. Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that.PETS55W作作文模板十A or BSome people hold the opinion that A is superior to B in many ways.Others, however, contradict A. Personally, I would prefer ① because I think A has more advantages. There are numerous reasons why ②,and I would in here explain a few of the most important ones.The main reason is that ③.It can be given a concrete example ④. Anotherreason why I advocate the attitude of A is that ⑤.Take the case of a thing that⑥.One very strong argument for A is that ⑦.This demonstrates the undeniable fact that ⑧.Of course, choosing B also has advantages to someextent, ⑨.But if all these factors are contemplated, the advantages of A carry more weight than those of B.From what has been discussed above, wemayfinally draw the conclusion that ⑩.①表明自己的观点:赞同A②此处填入赞同A的句子③赞同A的原因之一④ 举例说明原因之一⑤赞同A的原因之二⑥举例说明原因之二⑦举例说明原因之三⑧表明A的优势⑨列出B的1-2个优势⑩总结观点PETS55W作作文模板^一A or BNo doubt, I choose A, because there are too many benefits that outnumber its disadvantages not to choose it. But B, on the other hand, has advantages no more than its disadvantages.The most important benefit of A is that ①.Another benefit of A, which B almost cannot achieve, isthat ③.Although B also has its seemingly profound advantages, it can be only achieved conditionally because ④.After understanding the reasoning above, it is quite safe now to say that to choose A is a wise action.①A能带来的第一个好处②B带来的坏处比如:浪费很多东西,如时间,金钱等③A 能带来的第二个好处④B的局限性PETS55W作作文模板十二单一观点式:给出一个论点,此论点不包括两种事物的比较,要求考生支持或反对并给出理由。

Topic 1 : 是不是越早出国越好With the rapid development of society, we have entered an era of info rmation explosion. In order to acquire more knowledge, more and mo re people decide to further their study abroad. Studying abroad brings about many advantages. It widens students' knowledge and horizons, and meanwhile cultivates their independence and personalities.随着社会的快速发展,人类已经进入了信息爆炸的时代。
Firstly, students can learn advanced knowledge and experience abroa d. Since the reform. and the policy of opening to the outside world, C hina has strengthened cooperation with many countries. As a result, t he scientific and technological level has been improved very rapidly. However, compared with the developed countries in the world, we sti ll have a very long way to go. Studying abroad provides opportunitie s to students, who can learn advanced knowledge and management e xperience, so as to enhance the scientific level in our country.首先,学生可以在国外学到先进的知识和经验。

第三段 In conclusion, (it must be explained that these three reasons sometimes intertwine to form an organic whole and thus become more persuasive than any one of them.) Only these three reasons are enough to make a person draw the conclusion that ____________ , not to mention there are more.3. 选A还是选B的确是一个热门话题,我们来研究一下,二者各有优势,不过我来选的'话,A的优点还是比B多。
第一段前两句同2,第三句While both the two [methods/choices] may have their advantages and disadvantages,they can be applied under different circumstances. Later on,I will explain my opinion about it.第二段:[A has the obvious advantage that / One very strong argument for A is that] ____________. But there lies intrinsic harmful characteristic in this method. Some [people/experts] [maintain/warn] that____________ Furthermore,____________. Therefore we have no complete evidence to suggest that A is always better than B.第三段:On the other hand,choosing B also has advantages to some extent,For example,____________. However, once again, it is important to see that under certain circumstances B will____________(disadvantage)或:Yet there are some people who cast serious doubts on B 或:Although B does have its seemingly profound [advantages/ reason],in the meantime[there lie intrinsic [harmful characteristics/drawbacks] in it such as________________________ / it can be achieved only conditionally because____________].第四段:(针对我个人的情况又可以说出一套理由)But if all these factors are contemplated, [as far as I am concerned / according to my knowledge], the advantages of A carry more weight than those of B because A fits [me/us students] better in two ways:In the first place, ____________, In the second place/secondly,____________Therefore from what we have discussed,we may safely come to the conclusion that choosing A is a rather wise decision.或:(我个人的情况说不出什么新的理由,只好说我觉得A优点就是比B多)It seems very difficult for us to prefer one to another because all of them have their advantages and disadvantages to the extent that it is hard to distinguish. Yet that does not mean that they are all the same to me. Which one I prefer depends on my own experience,life style and [emotional concerns / educational background/____________]. [As far as I am concerned / According to my personality and fondness/ To be frank],I would like to choose A, because there are too many benefits that outnumber its disadvantages not to choose it. B, on the other hand, has advantages no more than its disadvantages.。

XX年公共英语pets5写作辅导the best preparation for tomorrow idoing your best today.以下是为大家搜索xx年pets5写作辅导,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们!It has been more than 30 years since man first landedon the moon. Some people think that space research is a waste of money. Write an essay of no less than 250 words.When it es to the issue of space research, people varyin their views. Some journalists or free lancers maintain that it is a waste of money. However, through decades of practice and observation, it proves that this ment has many limitations.Admittedly, the idea that space research is a waste of money does contain an element of truth. But the people who criticize the rising cost of space exploration tend to ignore two other essential aspects. To begin with, a nation can make the best use of its technology in space plans to serve the need of other countries. Therefore, the countryin its space research can profit greatly from data exchange or rocket launching. In this sense, the financial return from the space plans will possibly far exceed the amount of the investment. What is more, through its space exploration, a nation can have more information about new material orthe movement of heavenly bodies. All these results cannotbe measured by money, but they are very important for the human beings.Given the reasons above, it is safe to conclude that a nation has to enhance its awareness that space research is important for the human beings. On the other hand, central authorities is obliged to take broad actions to encourage space study. Still, Federal Government is expected to set aside sufficient fund each year rather than reducing it. Only in this way can space research develop quickly and benefit human beings in the future.(266 words)Since the 1960s, there has been some heated discussion on the feasibility of space research. Some people, free lancers or columnists in particular, always emphasize that it involves the bulk of investment that never expects financial reward. However, through years of practice and observation, this statement turns out to have a number of restrictions.Admittedly, the idea held by the people who lament over the annual budget in a package of space projects does contain an element of truth. But these arguers tend to ignore two other essential aspects. First, they fail to take into consideration the possibility that a country can utilize its cutting-edge technology in the moon landing projects, thus profiting significantly from satellite development, data transmission or rocket lift-off. In thissense, space investment is not always synonymous to a waste of money. Second, the arguers’ assertion doesn’t provide sufficient data to narrow down the exact extent of the financial loss. Therefore, any further conclusion addressing the problem of space research must be based on thorough investigation. As a matter of fact, space research and exploration provides the primary incentive for the development of space shuttles, space stations and sky labs, let alone other benefits from the discovery of rare material to the observation of new heavenly orbs. In this respect, money return is not the sole hallmark of the space research. Given reasons above, the argument above, under scrutiny, tend to be groundless in its hasty conclusion.In conclusio n, the arguers’ evidence lends little credible support to her claim. To persuade people that space research is a waste of money, the arguers would need to provide clear evidence, sufficient data and thorough cost-benefit analysis of alternatives.(280 words)。

公共英语五级考试写作A survey conducted in Tianjin found that 98% of high school students and 92% of elementary school students have to spend most oftheir weekends doing homework.Write an essay of about 120 words. You may include the following points:1. Discuss the negative effects of too much homework on children.2. Discuss the disadvantages of the present exam-oriented education system.3. Call for efforts to ease students' burden and help them leada colorful and enjoyable life.在天津进行的一项调查发现,98%的中学生和小学生的92%都耗费了大量的周末做作业。
「参考范文」Too much homework has become a common complaint in high schools and elementary schools. Students have to spend most of their time doing homework, even on weekends. As a result, they have no time for their hobbies, or for their parents or friends. All they do is what they have to do, not what they like to do.The underlying cause for this phenomenon lies in the present exam-oriented education system. National College Entrance Examinationhas become the sole focus of teachers, parents, and students themselves. High score becomes the ultimate goal, to the neglect of practical abilities, personality development, and all that.It is urgent that we deepen our educational reform. We must allow for students' overall development, not just evaluate their test scores.太多的功课已成为高中和小学一个常见的抱怨。
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例如: What’s the objective of the information? Is it to make people more confused and astray? I partly agree with the author’s contention that the enormous and otiose information sometimes render people lose their way and fail to consider question penetratingly and originally.
一定要问问题的话,那就改成陈述句式,例如:Whether this issue is right or wrong? 可以改成:It has been a controversial issue that.....
2、避免集中使用”Be”动词,包括is, are, has been, have been, etc.
例如:What is the purpose of education? Some people may say that the purpose of education should be to create a totally academic environment that separates from the outside world, for, they think, this situation allows students to focus on their academic research work without being disturbed by practical concerns. In fact, this suggestion is harmful to the scientific research work.
”Be”仅仅表示一种状态,例如:”i am here”, “you are there”. 对于母语者来说,”Be”动词其实就是写在纸上,而没有任何感情色彩。
Some people argue that the purpose of education lies in its strength in creating a totally academic environment separated from the outside world. They think this situation allows students to focus on academic research by excluding outside disturbance from practical concerns. However, this suggestion in fact does harm to the scientific research work.
我们可以看到,使用了lie in, exclude, do harm to以后,句子更有色彩了。
例如:The author argues that to understand one’s own culture, one must know about at least one another culture which is distinctly different from one’s own culture. While as I am concerned, I can’t agree with the author’s assertion.
很容易的我们就可以改正:The author argues that the knowledge of another distinctly different culture helps us to truly understand our own. However, I disagree with this assertion.
用了”this assertion”,也避免了在近距离使用两个”author”。
看了很多作者的文章,长句造成的后果通常有:单复数混淆,it、that 指代不清,从句两头时态不符,连接介词错误,等等。
例如:Things happened in the past, known as history, is great treasure for us huan beings, through and only through studying the past can we gain valuable experience which serves as a means of guiding our development of the society.
History consists of the things happened in the past and it is a great treasure to human beings. Through and only through studying the past thoroughly can we gain valuable experience from history. The historical experience serves as a means of guidance for the new development in the society.。