


schedule ['ʃedjuːl; 'sked-] n. 时间表;计划表;一览表vt. 安排,计划;编制目录;将……列入 计划表 loose [luːs] n. 放纵;放任;发射adj. 宽松的;散漫的;不牢固的;不精确的vt. 释放;开船;放 枪adv. 松散地vi. 变松;开火
• 瑜伽还能带来和精心设计的锻炼计划一样的效果,使人增强体质、焕发活
benefit ['benɪfɪt] n. 利益,好处;救济金vt. 有益于,对…有益vi. 受益,得益 well-designed ['weldi'zaind] adj. 精心设计的;设计巧妙的 stamina ['stæmɪnə] n. 毅力;精力;活力;持久力 sedentary lifestyles 常坐不动的生活状态, 缺少运动的生活方式
perform [pə'fɔːm] vt. 执行;完成;演奏vi. 执行,机器运转;表演 attempted [ə'temptid] v. 企图(attempt的过去式)adj. 企图的;未遂的
• Yoga is also a very accessible form of exercise; all that is needed is a flat floor surface large enough to stretch out on, a mat or towel, and enough overhead space to full raise the arms. • 瑜伽的运动形式也很简单;只需一块可以伸展肢体的平地、一块 草垫或毛巾和头上足以抬起手臂的空间就可以展开练习了。

研究生英语综合教程上 unit5原文翻译剖析

研究生英语综合教程上 unit5原文翻译剖析

Unit FiveThe term yoga comes from a Sanskrit word which means yoke or union. Traditionally, yoga is a method joiningthe individual self with the Divine, Universal Spirit, orCosmicConsciousness. Physical and mental exercises are designed to help achieve this goal, also calledself-transcendence or enlightenment. On the physical level yogapostures, called asanas, are designed to tone, strengthen,and align me body. These postures are performed to make the spine supple and healthy and to promote blood flow to all the organs, glands, and tissues, keeping all thebodily systems healthy. On the mental level, yoga uses breathing techniques (pranayama) and meditation (dydna)to quiet, clarify, and discipline the mind. However, experts are quick to point out that yoga is not a religion, but away of living with health and peace of mind as its aim”““瑜伽”这个词源于梵语,意思是结合”或联合“s.万物之灵或无穷的意传统上瑜伽是一种把个人和神,识联合在一起的方法。



Introduction Origin of yoga Yoga is 5,000 years old. Artifacts detailing _______________________________________ yoga postures have been found in India ______________________________________________________ from over 3,000 B.C.
Reading Focus
Yoga in America
Reading Focus
1 2
3 4 5 6
Background Information Global Understanding Detailed Information Critical Thinking Language Points Vocabulary in Action
Reading Focus – Global Understanding
Origin of Yoga and it’s popularity in US (Para. 1)
Two schools of hatha yoga
(Para. 2)
How to practice
(Paras. 3-5)
Background information
1. Watch a video clip of yoga and discuss with your partner what is said about yoga in the video. 2. Work together with your partner and tell each other what you know about yoga.

《研究生英语综合教程上》B1 Unit 5

《研究生英语综合教程上》B1 Unit 5

Reference NotesUnit 5 Living a Healthier LifeReading FocusYoga in AmericaTopic-related InformationYoga means "union" in Sanscrit, the language ofindia where yoga originated. Yogacombines physical exercises, mental medi- tation, and breathing techniques to strengthen the muscles and relieve stress. It's the union between the mind, body and spirit. Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years as a life philosophy to connect the individual self with what practitioners call the Divine, Universal Spirit, or Cosmic Consciousness. Yogais best known as a type of exercise system that stretches and strengthens the body through various poses called asanas. But yoga goes far beyond just a mere exercise routine. One of the most compelling reasons to begin practicing is the holistic outlook it takes—working mind, body, and spirit. Body-mind yoga is a very diverse practice, no matter which school you choose. Young and old people can gain many benefits from regular yoga practices, and asanas can be adjusted to fit physical limitations and other complications.Nowadays, yoga exercises have become more and more popular all over the world. Yoga is not just a physical exercise, but a mental discipline, which offers great benefits when practiced regularly. Apart from physical fitness, you can also get complete relaxation of mind by making yoga exercises an integral part of your life.There are many different schools of yoga, all of which have their own unique practices and philosophies. The prominent types are: Bhakti yoga, Hatha yoga, Jnana yoga, Karma yoga and Kundalini yoga. Almost all types of yoga have their unique qualities. The most common form is Hatha yoga, which includes postures (asanas) and various breathing techniques (pranayama).About the textThis passage is taken from Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine and Gale Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health, 2002, which is designed for students of nursing and the allied health professions, caregivers, and the educated lay readers. It is a five-volume set including over 850 signed articles on various aspects of nursing. It covers nursing and allied healthcare educa- tion and training, current health issues (viewpoints, professional implications), tests and procedures (descriptions, precautions, aftercare), and quipment/tools (descriptions, operation, healthcare team roles), as well as diseases (causes, diagnosis, treatment) and human biology/body systems (functions,role in human health). The book focuses primarily on the interests of nurses and allied health professionals. The essays were contributed by physicians, nurses, and other health professionals.This passage is an expository essay on yoga. It gives a brief introduction to the origin of yoga, its quick spread in the US, as well as the benefits of doing yoga. The author also talks about the different schools of yoga and their focuses. At the same time, he gives the beginners of yoga some tips for practice.Since the passage is an exposition, long sentences and passive voice are used a lot. However, the author makes a point of writing in clear language so readers will fully understand him.参考译文“瑜伽”这个词源于梵语,意思是“结合”或“联合”。

研究生英语综合教程Unit five瑜伽原文及翻译

研究生英语综合教程Unit five瑜伽原文及翻译

Unit Five“瑜伽”这个词源于梵语,意思是“结合”或“联合”,传统上瑜伽是一种把个人和神,万物之灵或无穷的意识联合在一起的方法。




1 Yoga originated in ancient India and is one of the longest surviving philosophical systems inthe world. Some scholars have estimated that yoga is as old as 5,000 years; artifacts detailing yoga postures have been found in India from over 3,000 B.C. Yogis claim that it is a highly developed science of healthy living that has been tested and perfected for all these years. Yoga was first brought to America in the late 1800s when Swami Vivekananda. an Indian teacher and yogi, presented a lecture on .meditation in Chicago. Yoga slowly began gaining followers, and flourished during the 1960s when there was a surge of interest in Eastern philosophy. There has since been a vast exchange of yoga knowledge in America, with many students going to India to study and many Indian experts coming here to teach, resulting in the establishment of a wide variety of schools.瑜伽在美国道格拉斯·多普勒1瑜伽起源于古印度,是世界上最古老的哲学体系之一。



Yoga in America
6Hale Waihona Puke 文章结构•文章结构为:
1、Origin of Yoga and it’s popularity in US,瑜伽起源及在美国传播—Paras.1 2、Two schools of hatha yoga,两大哈他(传统)瑜伽学派—Paras.2
3、How to practice,如何练习瑜伽—Paras.3-5 4、Benefits of practicing yoga,练习瑜伽的好处—Paras.6-9 5、Philosophy behind yoga,瑜伽背后的哲学—Paras.10-11
Yoga in America
Douglas Dupler,道格拉斯·多普勒
**学院: 20161224******
Yoga in America
Living A Healthier Life

本单元主题为:Living A Healthier Life,通过两篇文章:《Yoga in America——瑜伽在美国》,《Stress and health——压力与健康》来阐述 生活、健康、运动、锻炼、减压之间的联系,使生活变得更为健康。 Yoga in America——瑜伽在美国,为本次课程讲解内容。
6、Some resistance to yoga in the US,一些反对的声音—Paras.12
Yoga in America
Reading before
• The term yoga comes from a Sanskrit word(梵文) which means yoke or union. Traditionally yoga is a method joining the individual self with the Divine(神圣的), Universal Spirit or Cosmic Consciousness. Physical and mental exercises are designed to help achieve this goal, also called self-transcendence or enlightenment. • “瑜伽”这个词源于梵语,意思是“结合”或“联合”,传统上瑜伽是一种把个人和 神,万物之灵或无穷的意识联合在一起的方法。 为了帮助达到这个也被称为“自我超越”或“启蒙”的目的,设计了身体上和精神上 的锻炼方法。



claim: to state that something is true, even though it has
not been proved e.g. The company claims that their product 'makes you thin without dieting'. The report claimed that hundreds of civilians had crossed the border to escape the fighting. claim responsibility/credit (for sth): say officially that you are responsible for something that has happened e.g. The group claimed responsibility for a series of bombings.
Reading Focus – Language Point
perfect: (v.) to make something as good as you are able to e.g. Mock trials help students perfect their legal skills.
wood you will need.
Reading Focus – Language Point
Yogis claim that it is a highly developed science of healthy living that has been tested and perfected for all these years. (Para. 1)

研究生英语综合教程上 unit5原文翻译剖析

研究生英语综合教程上 unit5原文翻译剖析

Unit FiveThe term yoga comes from a Sanskrit word which means yoke or union. Traditionally, yoga is a method joiningthe individual self with the Divine, Universal Spirit, orCosmicConsciousness. Physical and mental exercises are designed to help achieve this goal, also calledself-transcendence or enlightenment. On the physical level yogapostures, called asanas, are designed to tone, strengthen,and align me body. These postures are performed to make the spine supple and healthy and to promote blood flow to all the organs, glands, and tissues, keeping all thebodily systems healthy. On the mental level, yoga uses breathing techniques (pranayama) and meditation (dydna)to quiet, clarify, and discipline the mind. However, experts are quick to point out that yoga is not a religion, but away of living with health and peace of mind as its aim”““瑜伽”这个词源于梵语,意思是结合”或联合“s.万物之灵或无穷的意传统上瑜伽是一种把个人和神,识联合在一起的方法。


Starting out
What can you do to keep yourself in a better psychosocial health.
* Consider life a constant process of discovery and learning. * Accept yourself as the best that you are able to be right now. * Remember ther that the most difficult times in life occur during
transitions and can be opportunities for growth even though they are painful.
Starting out—Task 2
* Remember that there are other perspectives than your own. * Recognize the sources of your own anxiety and act to
your goals.
Starting out
Weight Control Camp
Listen to the following passage about healthy drinks and fill the blanks.
The Ministry of Education and the John Tung Foundation recently sponsored a two-week camp for _u_n_d_e_r_w_e_i_g_h_t_____and __o_v_e_r_w_e_i_g_h_t_____ children from grades three through six. Nutritionists taught the students about __su_g_a_r__an_d__g_r_ea_s_e____ content in a variety of foods, and generally helped them to see that regardless of our ages, we all make choices on what we put into our mouths, and when we put it there. One of the lessons the children reportedly learned at the _s_p_e_c_ia_l_c_a_m_p____relates to sugar content in drinks.

研究生英语综合教程上 unit5原文翻译

研究生英语综合教程上 unit5原文翻译

Unit FiveThe term yoga comes from a Sanskrit word which mean s yoke or union. Traditionally, yoga is a method joining the individual self with the Divine, Universal Spirit, or CosmicConsciousness. Physical and mental exercises ar e designed to help achieve this goal, also called self-tran scendence or enlightenment. On the physical level yoga postures, called asanas, are designed to tone, strengthen, and align me body. These postures are performed to ma ke the spine supple and healthy and to promote blood fl ow to all the organs, glands, and tissues, keeping all the bodily systems healthy. On the mental level, yoga uses b reathing techniques (pranayama) and meditation (dydna )to quiet, clarify, and discipline the mind. However, exp erts are quick to point out that yoga is not a religion, but away of living with health and peace of mind as its aim s. “瑜伽”这个词源于梵语,意思是“结合”或“联合”传统上瑜伽是一种把个人和神,万物之灵或无穷的意识联合在一起的方法。



nominal ['nɒmɪn(ə)l] adj. 名义上的;有名无 实的;[会计] 票面上的 fee 小费,注, 是Vt reimburse [,riːɪm'bɜːs] vt. 偿还;赔偿
the two opposing
Yoga can also provide the same benefits as any well-designed exercise program, increasing general health and stamina reducing stress, and improving those conditions brought about by sedentary lifestyles.
therapist n. 临床医学家;治疗学家 plentiful ['plentɪfʊl; -f(ə)l] adj. 丰富 的;许多的;丰饶的;众多的
Many YMCAs, colleges, and community healthorganizations offer beginning yoga classes as well, often for nominal fees. If yoga is part of a physical therapy program, it can be reimbursed by insurance.
1. 顺译法
2. 逆译法
3. 拆分法
句子是具有主语部分和谓语部分并具 有完整意义的可独立的一组词

主语+谓语 主语+谓语+宾语 主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语 主语+系动词+表语/主语+谓语+主语补语 主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补语

研究生英语综合教程上 unit5课件

研究生英语综合教程上 unit5课件

Reading Focus – Global Understanding
Origin of Yoga and it’s popularity in US (Para. 1)
Two schools of hatha yoga
(Para. 2)
How to practice
(Paras. 3-5)
Background information
1. Watch a video clip of yoga and discuss with your partner what is said about yoga in the video. 2. Work together with your partner and tell each other what you know about yoga.
Starting out
Weight Control Camp Listen to the following passage about healthy drinks and fill the blanks. The Ministry of Education and the John Tung Foundation recently sponsored a two-week camp for underweight overweight ________________and ________________ children from grades three through six. Nutritionists taught the students about __________________ content in a variety of foods, sugar and grease and generally helped them to see that regardless of our ages, we all make choices on what we put into our mouths, and when we put it there. One of the lessons the children reportedly learned at the special camp ______________relates to sugar content in drinks.

熊海虹主编《高等学校研究生英语综合教程 上》1-10单元原文+翻译(个人整理方便学习)

熊海虹主编《高等学校研究生英语综合教程 上》1-10单元原文+翻译(个人整理方便学习)

Unit One TRAITS OF THE KEY PLAYERSDavid G. Jensen核心员工的特征大卫·G.詹森1 What exactly is a key player? A "Key Player" is a phrase that I've heard ab out from employers during just about every search I've conducted. I asked a client - a hiring manager involved in a recent search - to define it for me. "Ev ery company has a handful of staff in a given area of expertise that you can count on to get the job done. On my team of seven process engineer and biol ogists, I've got two or three whom I just couldn't live without," he said. "Key players are essential to my organization. And when we hire your company to r ecruit for us, we expect that you'll be going into other companies and finding just that: the staff that another manager will not want to see leave. We recrui t only key players."1核心员工究竟是什么样子的?几乎每次进行调查时,我都会从雇主们那里听到“核心员工”这个名词。

《高等学校研究生英语综合教程_上》原文 翻译(个人整理方便学习]

《高等学校研究生英语综合教程_上》原文 翻译(个人整理方便学习]

上册Unit OneTRAITS OF THE KEY PLAYERS David G. Jensen核心员工的特征大卫·G.詹森1 What exactly is a key player? A "Key Player" is a phrase that I've heard about from employers during just about every search I've conducted. I asked a client - a hiring manager involved in a recent search - to define it for me. "Every company has a handful of staff in a given area of expertise that you can count on to get the job done. On my team of seven process engineer and biologists, I've got two or three whom I just couldn't live without," he said. "Key players are essential to my organization. And when we hire your company to recruit for us, we expect that you'll be going into other companies and finding just that: the staff that another manager will not want to see leave. We recruit only key players."1核心员工究竟是什么样子的?几乎每次进行调查时,我都会从雇主们那里听到“核心员工”这个名词。

(完整word版)研究生英语综合教程Unit five瑜伽原文及翻译(word文档良心出品)

(完整word版)研究生英语综合教程Unit five瑜伽原文及翻译(word文档良心出品)

Unit Five“瑜伽”这个词源于梵语,意思是“结合”或“联合”,传统上瑜伽是一种把个人和神,万物之灵或无穷的意识联合在一起的方法。




1 Yoga originated in ancient India and is one of the longest surviving philosophical systems inthe world. Some scholars have estimated that yoga is as old as 5,000 years; artifacts detailing yoga postures have been found in India from over 3,000 B.C. Yogis claim that it is a highly developed science of healthy living that has been tested and perfected for all these years. Yoga was first brought to America in the late 1800s when Swami Vivekananda. an Indian teacher and yogi, presented a lecture on .meditation in Chicago. Yoga slowly began gaining followers, and flourished during the 1960s when there was a surge of interest in Eastern philosophy. There has since been a vast exchange of yoga knowledge in America, with many students going to India to study and many Indian experts coming here to teach, resulting in the establishment of a wide variety of schools.瑜伽在美国道格拉斯·多普勒1瑜伽起源于古印度,是世界上最古老的哲学体系之一。

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• • •
artifacts:['a:rtifækts](史前古器物,手工艺品) postures:['pɒstʃə](姿势、体态) Yogis:['jəʊgɪ](瑜伽师)
Yoga in America
Origin of Yoga and it’s popularity in US,—Paras.1
meditation:[medɪ'teɪʃ(ə)n],n(冥想、打坐) flourish:['flʌrɪʃ],vt.(繁荣,兴旺) surge:[sɜː dʒ]n. 汹涌;大浪,波涛 Eastern philosophy:
• • Yoga originated in ancient India and is one of the longest surviving philosophical systems in the world. Some scholars have estimated that yoga is as old as 5,000 years; artifacts(手工艺品) detailing yoga postures(姿势、体态) have been found in India from over 3,000 B.C. Yogis(瑜伽师)claim that it is a highly developed science of healthy living that has been tested and perfected for all these years. • • • 瑜伽起源于古印度,是世界上最古老的哲学体系之一。 一些学者估计,瑜伽至少有5,000 年的历史;印度曾出土过3,000年前的表现瑜伽姿势 的手工艺品。 瑜伽师们认为,经过几千年的考验和完善,瑜伽已经发展成为一门养生的成熟科学。

从网站中,可以搜索到有关到瑜伽课程相关知识。 Yoga in America
• Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India. There is a broad variety of Yoga schools, practices, and goals in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism Among the most well-known types of yoga are Hatha yoga and Rāja yoga. 瑜伽(yoga),源于古印度文化,是古印度六大哲学派别中 的一系,探寻“梵我一如”的道理与方法。而现代人所称的 瑜伽则是主要是一系列的修身养心方法,包括调身的体位法、 调息的呼吸法、调心的冥想法等,以达至身心的合一。 瑜伽(Yoga)是一个通过提升意识,帮助人类充分发挥潜能 的体系。瑜伽姿势运用古老而易于掌握的技巧,改善人们生 理、心理、情感和精神方面的能力,是一种达到身体、心灵 与精神和谐统一的运动方式。古印度人更相信人可以与天合 一,他们以不同的瑜伽修炼方法融入日常生活而奉行不渝: 道德、忘我的动作、稳定的头脑、宗教性的责任、无欲无求、 冥想和宇宙的自然和创造。
• Yoga was first brought to America in the late 1800s when Swami Vivekananda, an Indian teacher and yogi, presented a lecture on meditation(冥想)in Chicago. Yoga slowly began gaining followers, and flourished(繁荣,兴旺) during the 1960s when there was a surge(汹涌,浪潮) of interest in Eastern philosophy. There has since been a vast exchange of yoga knowledge in America, with many students going to India to study and many Indian experts coming here to teach, resulting in the establishment of a wide variety of schools. • • •
Yoga in America
作者背景介绍:Douglas Dupler,道格拉斯·多普勒
• Douglas Dupler is a writer for Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine and Gale Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health,2002,from which the text is extracted. 任教于纳罗帕大学(Naropa University) MA, BS, Ohio State University, 文学硕士,理学学士,俄亥俄州 立大学 • 教授环境研究以及写作和修辞。 他的兴趣包括环境运动的历史, 可持续性教育、环境与科学传播。 与程度工程和文化研究和经济学 研究生工作。他是编辑保护环境 的编辑(汤姆森盖尔,2006), 并发表文章和书籍章节的一系列 主题。
Living A Healthier Life
Yoga in America
Douglas Dupler,道格拉斯·多普勒
**学院: 20161224******
Yoga in America
Living A Healthier Life

本单元主题为:Living A Healthier Life,通过两篇文章:《Yoga in America——瑜伽在美国》,《Stress and health——压力与健康》来阐述 生活、健康、运动、锻炼、减压之间的联系,使生活变得更为健康。 Yoga in America——瑜伽在美国,为本次课程讲解内容。

Yoga in America

1、Origin of Yoga and it’s popularity in US,瑜伽起源及在美国传播—Paras.1 2、Two schools of hatha yoga,两大哈他(传统)瑜伽学派—Paras.2
3、How to practice,如何练习瑜伽—Paras.3-5 4、Benefits of practicing yoga,练习瑜伽的好处—Paras.6-9 5、Philosophy behind yoga,瑜伽背后的哲学—Paras.10-11

• •
Yoga in America
Origin of Yoga and it’s popularity in US,—Paras.1
段内结构: • • • 瑜伽的起源与历史 瑜伽在美国的传播发展 瑜伽在美国的影响
Yoga in America
Origin of Yoga and it’s popularity in US,—Paras.1
• •
Yoga in America
作者背景介绍:纳罗帕大学(Naropa University)

纳罗帕大学坐落在科罗拉多州的博尔德,,校名来自印第安佛教,成立于1974年,是一所私立文 科大学。哲学思想在该校是根深蒂固的,有着深厚的文化底蕴。提倡学生自主学习,辨识真理。

学校开设专科、本科和硕士相关的专业课程。具主要的专业分别为:视觉艺术、沉思心理学、早 期儿童教育、宗教研究、沉思教育、学科之间研究、环境学、音乐、神学、当代表演、宗教学和 平研究、创意写作等。

Yoga in America
• • • 文章属性为:说明类文章, 写作受众为:普通大众或者瑜伽爱好者, 主要内容为:瑜伽在美国的历史发展、种类类别、锻炼方式、有益效果、科 学支撑等方面内容
Origin of Yoga and it’s popularity in US,瑜伽起源及在美国传播—Paras.1 2、 Two schools of hatha yoga,两大哈他(传统)瑜伽学派—Paras.2 How to practice,如何练习瑜伽—Paras.3-5 Benefits of practicing yoga,练习瑜伽的好处—Paras.6-9 Philosophy behind yoga,瑜伽背后的哲学—Paras.10-11 Some resistance to yoga in the US,一些反对的声音—Paras.12
6、Some resistance to yoga in the US,一些反对的声音—Paras.12
Yoga in America
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• The term yoga comes from a Sanskrit word(梵文) which means yoke or union. Traditionally yoga is a method joining the individual self with the Divine(神圣的), Universal Spirit or Cosmic Consciousness. Physical and mental exercises are designed to help achieve this goal, also called self-transcendence or enlightenment. • “瑜伽”这个词源于梵语,意思是“结合”或“联合”,传统上瑜伽是一种把个人和 神,万物之灵或无穷的意识联合在一起的方法。 为了帮助达到这个也被称为“自我超越”或“启蒙”的目的,设计了身体上和精神上 的锻炼方法。